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surveillance viewer是什么软件

2023-07-09 18:15:49





surveillance[英][su025c:u02c8veu026alu0259ns][美][su025c:ru02c8veu026alu0259ns]n.盯梢,监督; [法]管制,监视; 例句:1.A surveillance camera recorded the girl being hit repeatedly for more than ten minutes. 监控录像记录下了女孩在十几分钟内遭到持续殴打的全过程。
2023-07-09 16:21:381

监视 英文 surveillance

surveillance是一个英语单词,名词,意思是“监督:监视”。surveillance的读法为【su025c:‘veu026alu0259ns】,短语搭配有:surveillance radar—监视雷达等。关于surveillance的双语例句1、Any surveillance and control system must itself be secured。任何监视和控制系统本身必须被牢牢把握住。2、No public surveillance,no real candid ranking algorithm。离开公众的监督,就不会有诚实的分级算法。3、The benefits of easier surveillance are manifold。监视更为方便的好处多种多样。4、Internet surveillance and control will be no different。互联网监视与控制不会有什么两样。5、It remains under police surveillance。但是依然在警察的监视下。
2023-07-09 16:21:451


n监视,监察例句1. He was arrested after being kept under constant surveillance.他在被连续监视之后给逮捕了。2. The police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance.警方正对嫌疑人实施不间断监视。3. Police swooped on the home after a two-week surveillance operation.警方经过两周的监视行动后突击搜查了该住宅。4. That misses the way the surveillance economy works.这就未能领会监控经济的运作方式。5. It"s also what makes contemporary surveillance systems so scary.这也是现代监控系统如此令人惊惧的原因。
2023-07-09 16:22:081


2023-07-09 16:22:291

监视的英语翻译 监视用英语怎么说

2023-07-09 16:23:093


监视器 英文 应该怎么说呢?监视的英文叫做surveillance camera则是指相机的意思,合起来就叫做监视器或是监控摄像头罗。监视系统的英文则叫做surveillance system。 下面整理了「监视器」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. surveillance camera 监视器 「监视器」的英文说法是surveillance,camera。surveillance system则叫做监视系统。 例: More banks are now installing surveillance cameras. 现在越来越多的银行都装了监视器。 例: An electronic surveillance camera was installed to watch his activities. 安装了一个电子监视器以监看他的活动。 监控摄像头 英文, 监控系统 英文, 监视器 英文, 监视器 英文例句, 监视器 英文说法, 监视器的英文, 监视系统 英文, 英文 监视器
2023-07-09 16:23:161

En: Surveillance, Inspection,Supervision, Investigation在作“调查”解时的区别?

1)surveillancen.监视, 监督2)inspectionn.检查, 视察、检验3)supervisionn.监督, 管理4)investigationn.调查, 研究
2023-07-09 16:23:231


2023-07-09 16:23:311


英语中很多词意思相近,但并不是所有的词和词之间都是有区别的呀。个人觉得这两个词是可以换着用的。 要真的什么区别,那应该是surveillance指的是专门机构或者警察之类的比较的强制性的监督。这是我查到的它们不同的英文解释,你看看,希望能有帮助。^@^surveillance: close observation of a person or group (usually by the police) inspection: a formal or official examination
2023-07-09 16:23:401


一般使用CCTV (Closed Circuit TV 闭路电视)或者Surveillance System 监控系统
2023-07-09 16:23:504

修改surveillance station保存地址

操作步骤:打开这个(官网)下载:在套件中心里点“手动安装”,然后上传刚才下载的SurveillanceStation-bromolow-7.0-3775.spk,安装好后,在“动作”里“停用”telnet或ssh登陆,用户名root或admin,密码你知道的cp /volume1/@appstore/SurveillanceStation/lib/ /volume1/xxxxxx 注:xxxxxx是nas的共享文件夹打开共享文件夹,下载,用winhex之类的东西打开,搜索hex值83С0045B ,找到后修改04的值(16进制+2,例如我要改为32路授权,应该为32+2=34,16进制值就是22),修改后保存。把改好的libsynoss_1.so拷回共享文件夹/volume1/xxxxxx回到telnet或ssh的窗口,修改libsynoss_1.so权限, 用chmod 777 /volume1/@appstore/SurveillanceStation/lib/libsynoss_1.socp /volume1/xxxxxx/ /volume1/@appstore/SurveillanceStation/lib/libsynoss_1.so恢复libsynoss_1.so权限,chmod 644 /volume1/@appstore/SurveillanceStation/lib/libsynoss_1.so到套件中心启用SurveillanceStation,查看授权是否修改正确。
2023-07-09 16:24:321

monitor 与 surveillance的区别?

监视Surveillance 监控Monitor
2023-07-09 16:24:401

希捷1t硬盘surveillance hdd好吗

Seagate有专门为监控 (Surveilliance) 存储需求所设计的硬盘,为了满足全天24小时数字硬盘录像机对系统数据和数字图像信息的存储要求,故监控系列的希捷硬盘对系统数据的可靠支持是极其稳定的,尤其经过不断地改进完善,现有的NEARLINE系列的监控硬盘已经基本可以适应各种客户的现场应用且绝对稳定,可靠。监控系统专用硬盘同时还专门为视频和数据定制的不同读写模式,不但确保了视频的流畅可靠和数据的高度完整性,还能有效提升录象的时间或者质量。建议你可以大胆选择容量适合的希捷监控硬盘,性价比也很好,你可以登录希捷官方网站获取更多相关产品的信息或联系有关销售人员做进一步确认,感谢您对我们产品的关注。此致,WeiXing Sha
2023-07-09 16:24:492

surveillance footage是什么意思

surveillance footage监控录像Their arrests were captured on police surveillance footage obtained by theGuardian and submitted today to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.卫报从警方监控录像中获取此次抓捕的全过程,并将录像转交警员申诉独立委员会(IPCC)。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-09 16:24:561

SurveillanceStation7 的许可证KEY又被封了,有解决办法吗

系统升级到DSM 5.2-5565 Update 2,SurveillanceStation7.0-3762。许可证被封的的时间不是SurveillanceStation升级的时间,好像是群晖下发命令统一封锁
2023-07-09 16:25:041

关于超市监控的英语作文 急!

Supermarket SupervisoryI"m Liming. Two days ago, I went to the supermarket for supervisory【监控的意思,可换成简单的词】.The quality of the supermarket is very high, it is also very objective. The staff who work there are fast in putting the supplies on the shelf, while other workers do a good job being a cashier.But the problem of the supermarket is that the staff don"t trust the customers. They think that the customers have stole some stuff from the supermarket. They also encroach on customers" rights by calling the guards even if they didn"t do anything wrong.I think the staff should give more trust to their customers and it will be a better place. If they do not change this, I believe there will be more and more problems, and more and more complains.
2023-07-09 16:25:212


问题一:实时监控的英文怎么说 实时监控的英文 real-time monitoring 问题二:调取监控用英文怎么说? 50分 Parents of the monitoring, and did not find the missing child 百度翻译 问题三:内有监控用英语怎么说 monitor inside 问题四:请问“我发现有人在监视我的朋友圈,被我发现了”用英语怎么说 我发现有人在监视我的朋友圈,被我发现了 I found I was being watched circle of friends, be I found 问题五:不要来监视我 用英语怎么说 写在下面 Don"t monitor me! 问题六:正在监控中 英语怎么说? being monitored The room is being monitored. 这个房间正在监控中 或者 This room is under surveillance. 问题七:“信息监控中心” 英文怎么翻译? Information to the monitoring center我是用翻译器翻译的! 望采纳谢谢! 祝你开心!
2023-07-09 16:25:281


RVV 2*1.5,可根据供电情况调整。
2023-07-09 16:26:088

seagate 硬盘surveillancehdd可不可以安装台式机

2023-07-09 16:27:452


subsist; exist; live; survival; vita
2023-07-09 16:27:532


您已进入监控拍摄区域的英语是You have entered the surveillance shooting area。电子监控区域是由摄像、传输、控制、显示、记录、区域登记6大部分组成。摄像机通过同轴视频电缆将视频图像传输到控制主机,控制主机再将视频信号分配到各监视器及录像设备,同时可将需要传输的语音信号同步录入到录像机内。通过控制主机,操作人员可发出指令,对云台的上、下、左、右的动作进行控制及对镜头进行调焦变倍的操作,并可通过控制主机实现在多路摄像机及云台之间的切换。双语例句1、她知道监控摄像头拍摄了当时的画面。当她播放录像时,她发现偷东西的是一只狗。She knew their surveillance cameras were rolling,so when she watched the film, she saw they had a shoplifting dog。2、该模型将监控摄像头拍摄到的视频序列中车辆的位置恢复到现实世界坐标系中,从而可以进行准确的车速检测。This model enables us to estimate the real world position of the vehicles directly from a video sequence taken by a surveillance camera。3、视频监控方法通过分析拍摄的交通图像序列,对交通目标进行检测、识别和跟踪,并对其行为进行分析和判断。By analyzing the traffic image sequence,video surveillance method carries out the detection,recognition and tracking of traffic targets,so as to identify and judge their behaviors。
2023-07-09 16:28:001

surveillance station 修改保存地址

surveillance station修改保存地址通常我们在套件中心安装都会自动下载最新版(现在是3778),而3778版按照论坛里的方法是搜不到关键字的,应该是厂家修改了。退而求其次,我们降级到3775就行了,具体步骤很曲折,我也是请教了前辈才搞定的,在此表示对各位前辈表示感谢。为了方便更多的新手,把我的修改步骤发出来供参考,有错漏之处还望指出。如果安装了3778或以上,先在套件中心卸载
2023-07-09 16:28:221


肿瘤的免疫监视及免疫逃逸一、机体的免疫监视功能免疫监视概念早在1909年由Ehrlich最先提出,认为机体中经常会出现的肿瘤细胞可被免疫系统(immune system)所识别,作为异物而加以清除。50年后,Thomas通过对机体细胞免疫进化机制的研究.提出了肿瘤细胞抗原表达低下或机体细胞免疫功能受损是发生肿瘤的重要因素。随后,Burnet丰富了这一观点,创立了免疫监视理论(immune surveillance theory),认为机体的免疫系统(immune system)可以发挥监视作用,识别并消灭任何表达新抗原的“异己”成分或突变细胞,以保持机体内环境的稳定。当机体免疫监视功能低下,无法有效清除“异己”成分或突变细胞时,就可能发生肿瘤。许多研究结果支持了这一理论。如器官移植中,药物抑制机体排斥反应而造成免疫功能低下,可使肿瘤的发生率增高。CD4T细胞缺陷的AIDS患者易患肉瘤和淋巴瘤。另外,被肿瘤抗原致敏的T细胞具有特异性杀伤靶细胞功能、某些肿瘤在体内可自行消退,以及原发性肿瘤切除后,转移瘤的消失,都间接支持了机体免疫监视功能的存在。但这一理论还存在着局限性,还难以解释某些肿瘤发生、发展与机体免疫系统(immune system)的相互关系,仍有许多问题有待于进一步研究和解决。二、肿瘤的免疫逃逸机制虽然机体的免疫系统(immune system)能对肿瘤细胞产生免疫应答,并消除肿瘤,但是仍有一定比例的原发性肿瘤在宿主体内生长,并易于转移和复发。也就是说,某些肿瘤能逃避机体免疫系统(immune system)的攻击,这就是所谓的肿瘤免疫(tumor immunity)逃逸。免疫增强 在实验中发现,给荷瘤动物输入抗肿瘤免疫(tumor immunity)血清可促进肿瘤细的生长,称之为免疫增强。因而此处增强一词是指削弱机体的抗肿瘤能力,从而有利于肿瘤细胞逃避效应细胞的识别和攻击。现认为,免疫增强是由于血清中存在封闭因b1。chnghctor),后者遮盖了肿瘤细胞表面的抗原决定簇。封闭因子的种类可以有三种:①封闭性抗体,封闭肿瘤细胞表面抗原决定簇;②抗原抗体复合物,既能封闭肿瘤抗原,又能与效应细胞受体或FC受体结合;③可溶性肿瘤抗原,竞争性结合效应细胞表面的抗原受体,封阻抗体介导的反应。三者中以抗体和可溶性肿瘤抗原的免疫复合物居多,应用体外细胞介导的淋巴细胞毒试验(CML),证明这种复合物可抑制CTI。对肿瘤细胞的杀伤作用。肿瘤的免疫增强不仅与封闭因子有关,也可能涉及某些淋巴细胞。在过继性免疫治疗中发现,某些致敏淋巴细胞过继性注入带瘤宿主,对肿瘤细胞出现刺激而非抑制其生长。这些淋巴细胞有可能属于抑制性细胞。相关热词:肿瘤 免疫监视 免疫逃逸 机体 肿瘤细胞 肿瘤抗原 免疫 免疫系统..........相关文章1.外周血用流式如何区分粒和单核(单核,外周血,临床医生,肿瘤病人)2.【专题讨论】免疫学相关测序技术答疑专贴(测序,免疫学,免疫,病人)3.【讨论】说说Human Protein Atlas 数据库(数据库,重头,抗体,肿瘤)4.哥们玩了一件超级溴大了想起来就恶心(恶心,肿瘤,病毒)5.请问如果想知道肿瘤组织内这种巨噬细胞浸润情况,肿瘤组织内巨噬细胞用何种方法标记(巨噬细胞,肿瘤组织,结肠癌,粘膜)6.血液肿瘤患者IKAROS转录因子在血清中用ELISA方法是否能检测到(血清,转录因子,肿瘤,血液)7.CPG-ODN作为肿瘤疫苗(vaccine)佐剂的临床前研究(疫苗,肿瘤,临床,佐剂)8.悬赏帮助(肿瘤,基因芯片数据,芯片数据)9.检测肿瘤免疫(tumor immunity)增强的常用指标有哪些(肿瘤免疫,肿瘤,穿孔素,血中)10.MHC分子限制性问题(病人,细胞株,共培养,抗原)11.肿瘤坏死因子 白介素(白介素,肿瘤坏死因子,血肿,试剂盒)12.如何刺激以对CD8+T细胞细胞因子进行检测(细胞因子,肿瘤细胞,特异性抗原,分泌)13.“肿瘤抗原 MUC-1 负载树突状细胞”解读(树突状细胞,肿瘤抗原,疫苗)14.时间分辨荧光分析背景值太高 (荧光分析,时间分辨荧光免疫,肿瘤标志物,抗体)15.人体在正常情况下什么细胞表达VEGF(人体,肿瘤细胞,内皮细胞)16.CTC检测(乳腺癌,原理,循环肿瘤细胞,前列腺癌)17.请问细胞凋亡(Apoptosis)相关热点(细胞凋亡,免疫,肿瘤)18.脾脏为何会发黑(脾脏,小鼠,肿瘤,免疫)19.肿瘤标志物CA15-3的单位“U”最初是怎么定义的(肿瘤标志物,抗原,酶单位)20.动物实验,Western blotting和免疫组化,选择哪个检测蛋白表达(蛋白表达,动物实验,免疫组化,蛋白)
2023-07-09 16:28:321

CMS(China Marine Surveillance)是什么意思啊??

中国海洋监测= 中国海监
2023-07-09 16:28:401

有小伙伴在用华硕旗下的NAS爱速特嘛 ,为啥接摄像头装了Surveillance Center之后,我的硬盘就无法休眠了?

2023-07-09 16:28:482

职业健康监护(occupational health surveillance)

2023-07-09 16:28:551


一般情况下,只需机载电子设备(GPS接收机、数据链收发机及其天线、驾驶舱冲突信息显示器CDTI),不需要任何地面辅助设备即可完成相关功能,装备了ADS-B 的飞机可通过数据链广播其自身的精确位置和其它数据(如速度、高度及飞机是否转弯、爬升或下降等)。Automatic——自动,全天候运行,无需职守。Dependent——相关,它只需要于依赖精确地全球卫星导航定位数据。Surveillance——监视,监视(获得)飞机位置、高度、速度、航向、识别号和其它信息。Broadcast——广播,无需应答,飞机之间或与地面站互相广播各自的数据信息。
2023-07-09 16:29:162


2023-07-09 16:29:339


SGS不是英语缩写,是法语,其全称Societe Generale de Surveillance S.A. 好像Societe是公司,商行,机构的意思吧,Generale 意思是通用的,一般的,总的,Surveillance意思是检查,检测,测试,监督,公证之类。所以合称为瑞士通用公证行。在中国称为“通标”
2023-07-09 16:30:024


一个群晖能免费带**2个摄像头。使用群晖的Surveillance System功能,可免费接入两个摄像头。如果您需要接入更多摄像头,需要购买额外的授权。请注意,以上信息是根据群晖官方公布的标准信息,但由于可能存在软硬件版本的差异,实际结果可能会有所不同。您还可以通过查阅官方文档或咨询官方客服获取最新信息。
2023-07-09 16:30:092

video surveillance system是什么意思

video surveillance system视频监控系统;影象监视系统;影像监视系统。例句1.The target detection is the basis for the intelligent video surveillance system.目标检测是智能视频监控系统的基础。2.The proposed video surveillance system is low cost and simple to realize,and possesses some practical value in engineering.系统实现简单,成本低廉,具有一定的工程应用价值。3.In addition, the moving object detecting which this paper presents is applied tothe embedded video surveillance system.另外,本将运动物体检测应用到嵌入式视频监控中。
2023-07-09 16:30:162


海关监管区(Customs Surveillance Zone) 所谓的海关监管区是由海关全权负责管理的区域,在这个区域里, 对海关来说,法律和行政法规赋予了海关很多执法权力; 对管理相对人来说,进出海关监管区的运输工具、货物、 物品以及相关的人员,都应当办理有关的海关手续。新《海关法》 对海关监管区域的具体范围做了规定, “海关监管区,是指设立海关的港口、车站、机场、国界孔道、 国际邮 件互换局(交换站)和其他有海关监管业务的场所, 以及虽未设立海关,但是经国务院批准的进出境地点”。
2023-07-09 16:30:251

desktop hdd 和 surveillance hdd什么区别

Sv35Series监控级 Pipeline HD 高清级 这两的区别就在于硬盘的种类了,这是希捷最近弄出来的概念。 监控级顾名思义用于监控,和普通的区别是磁头读写机构上针对监控系统的读写特点做结构优化设计,以延长磁头寿命。监控盘的理论平均无故障运行时
2023-07-09 16:30:321


monitor的中文翻译是"监控"或"显示器"。一、monitor的词性以及用法。monitor可以作为名词和动词使用。作为名词,monitor指的是监视器、显示器,用于显示计算机、电视、监控摄像头等设备的图像或信息。作为动词,monitor表示监控、监视、观察,用于指监测和记录特定情况或行为,以确保其常运行或达到所需目标。二、同义词以及反义词。同义词:supervise、observe、watch、surveillance。反义词:ignore、neglect。三、monitor的相关短句。1、The security guard monitors the surveillance cameras to ensure the safety of the building.(保安通过监控摄像头来确保建筑物的安全。)2、The teacher monitors the students during the exam to prevent cheating.(老师在考试期间监督学生,防止作弊。)monitor的句子:1、The security team installed a state-of-the-art surveillance system to monitor the entire premises, ensuring that any unauthorized activity can be detected and addressed promptly.安保小组安装了最先进的监控系统来监控整个场所,确保任何未经授权的活动都能被及时发现和处理。2、As a project manager, it is crucial for me to monitor the progress of each team member, ensuring that tasks are completed on time and identifying any potential bottlenecks or issues that may arise.作为一名项目经理,对我来说,监控每个团队成员的进度至关重要,确保任务按时完成,并确定可能出现的任何潜在瓶颈或问题。3、The government established a dedicated department to monitor and regulate environmental pollution, conducting regular inspections and implementing measures to mitigate the impact of industrial activities on the ecosystem.政府成立了一个专门的部门来监测和监管环境污染,定期进行检查,并采取措施减轻工业活动对生态系统的影响。
2023-07-09 16:30:391


英文:The girl we loved those years" I bought a car, also bought a house. But now I can finally say, I bought the most expensive things, is a dream!" Anyone who has had the young and frivolous, the class every boy has a crush on a pretty girl, a pile of be rather baffling, ridiculous spoof, nonsense fart rush days, then, the youth quietly gone.Youth is a heavy rain. Even cold, also hope to pour it back again. Youth is a book, a book read the impressive, a let you lead a person to endless aftertastes book. Ke Jingteng ( Ke Zhendong, played) group of friends, to mutual love Shen Jiayi ( Michelle Chen, played), happen to coincide the from the sincere middle school" in middle ( Junior Division) helicopter to high school, to continue the unfinished love battle。One day Ke Jingteng due to excessive practical joke by the tutor punishment, get a good student in front of Shen Jiayi, by her generation surveillance. The first two people each other to resist, but Ke Jingteng gradually like forced him to study hard for Shen Jiayi, Shen Jiayi was also influenced by Ke Jingteng brings different values deeply impact. Ke Teng started to pursue, Shen Jiayi shilly-shally. After graduating from high school, the original is in with Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi, but Ke Jingteng held free fighting a big quarrel, regrettably failed to become lovers中文:那些年我们一起追过的女孩“我买过车,也买了房子。但从今以后我终于可以说,我买过最贵的东西,是梦想!”任谁都曾有过的年少轻狂,那个班上每个男生都暗恋的漂亮女孩,一堆莫名其妙、荒唐恶搞、胡闹打屁的匆匆日子,然后,青春就悄悄地逝去了。青春是一场大雨。即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。   青春更是一本书,一本读一遍就印象深刻,一本让你回味无穷的书。   柯景腾(柯震东,饰演)的一群好友,为了共同喜欢的沈佳宜(陈妍希,饰演),不约而同从「精诚中学」国中部(初中部)直升到高中,继续未完的恋爱战斗。  某天柯景腾因过度恶作剧被导师处罚,坐到好学生沈佳宜前面,由她代为监视。起先两人彼此抗拒,但柯景腾渐渐喜欢上逼他用功读书的沈佳宜,沈佳宜也受到柯景腾带来的迥异价值观深深地冲击。柯腾展开了追求,沈佳宜则犹豫不决。   高中毕业後,原本快要在一起的柯景腾与沈佳宜,却因为柯景腾举办的自由格斗赛大吵一架,遗憾未能成为恋人
2023-07-09 16:31:281


surveillance level监控水平双语对照例句:1.Establish surveillance mechanism for controlling inventory level and sales attainment. 建立有效的库存及定单达成状态的监控机制。
2023-07-09 16:31:492

monitoring 和surveillance的区别?

monitoring 监控surveillance监视监视 [ jiān shì ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ jiān shì ]从旁严密注视、观察:跟踪~。瞭望哨远远~着敌人。
2023-07-09 16:31:561


监视的英文是keep watch on。监视:keep watch on、keep a lookout over、keep sight of、keep in sight。短语搭配:监视器monitor、监视哨lookout、监视雷达surveillance radar、彩色监视器colour picture monitor、网络监视network monitoring。双语例句:1、警察一直在监视他的举动。The police have been keeping watch on him.2、他受到警方严密监视。He was under close observation by the police.3、我们仍处于监视之下。We are still under watch.4、雷达监视飞机起飞。Radar monitors the plane"s takeoff.5、她奇怪地感到她们正受到监视。She had a queer feeling that they were being watched.
2023-07-09 16:32:031

英语surveillance camera ahead怎么翻译?

surveillance camera ahead=前方有监控摄像头
2023-07-09 16:32:101


翻译成英文是Guarantor pending trial and residential surveillance下图是翻译截图
2023-07-09 16:32:251

SurveillanceStation7 的许可证KEY又被封了,有解决办法吗

系统升级到DSM 5.2-5565 Update 2,SurveillanceStation7.0-3762。许可证被封的的时间不是SurveillanceStation升级的时间,好像是群晖下发命令统一封锁
2023-07-09 16:32:381

surveillance hdd是什么意思

surveillance hdd监控硬盘.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-07-09 16:32:451


海监船 maritime surveillance ship 这个说法摘自我国外交部网站,全文如下:Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu"s Remarks on China"s Maritime Law Enforcement and Surveillance on the South China Sea 2011/05/28 Q: Official of the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry reportedly told the media that China"s maritime surveillance ship recently disrupted Vietnam"s oil and gas exploration activities on the South China Sea, infringing Vietnam"s sovereignty. How does China comment?A: China holds a consistent and clear-cut position on the South China Sea issue. China opposes Vietnam"s oil and gas exploration activities within the waters under the jurisdiction of China which undermine China"s rights and interests as well as jurisdiction over the South China Sea and violate the bilateral consensus on the South China Sea issue. Actions taken by China"s competent authorities are regular maritime law enforcement and surveillance activities in the waters under the jurisdiction of China.China has been committed to peace and stability of the South China Sea. We stand ready to make joint efforts with relevant parties to seek proper solutions to relevant disputes and conscientiously implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, with a view to safeguarding the stability of the South China Sea in real earnest.
2023-07-09 16:33:101

digital surveillance system 怎么查录像

2023-07-09 16:33:181

360摄像头支持群晖的surveillance station吗

2023-07-09 16:33:271

APC 20K的UPS报警UPS in bapass due to fault,Repiace batt,system failure detected by surveillance

是否断过电呢? 没断过电直接走旁路可能是逆变坏了
2023-07-09 16:33:432


1. Elegant residential living environment, communities total more than ten cameras and each camera is working 24 hours a day, residents of communities with high quality. 先给一点分在说,我累了!呵呵This room is the topest of this ......累
2023-07-09 16:33:533


2023-07-09 16:34:029

This is How Taiwan Combat Droplet Spreading

Cease the Spread of Hepatitis B and AIDSMosquito Control Programs in Taiwan Adopt Scientific ApproachesRealizing Primary Care through Treatment on TelemedicineAcusense Biomedical Proposes Solutions to Leakage Diseases like influenza and tuberculosis are tran *** itted through droplet viruses and have grave impacts upon Taiwan as we have cities with high population densities. Based on statistics from Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 18,533 people were killed by tuberculosis in 1947, 89 children died because of poliomyelitis in 1982, 78 children died from enterovirus 71 in 1998 and 81 lives taken away by SARS in 2003. Even up until recently, influenza killed 55 people from 2018 October to 2019 February. These terrible numbers tell us that we need to confront the diseases head-on, linking up our medicine knowledge and research techniques with the world. Taiwan Tuberculosis (TB) Control was Rewarded Recognition Complying with WHO Guidelines Our earliest tuberculosis (TB) control program started in 1914 during Japanese-occupied period. As deaths from TB started to increase in 1947, with foreign aids from the U.S. and WHO, Taiwan launched munity-based TB control programs to fight against TB. In 1951, BCG vaccination plan officially initialized. In 1954, X-ray examination services started to make tour around Taiwan munities. In 1957, the very first TB prevalence national survey was conducted. Also in 1957, free medication program launched and BCG vaccination for infants were introduced in 1965. After years of efforts, Taiwan has gradually transformed herself from an assistance receiver to a self-supporter. TB control program includes three principles, which are BCG vaccination and TuberculinSkin Test (TST), patience detection (with chest X-ray and sputum *** ear microscopy) and chemical medication (patience care and free treatment). Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (DOTS) made its pilot run in 1997, which entailed “delivering medicine to patient, taking medicine and swallowing before leaving” from the trained care staff and the reception should be at least 5 times a week. Such medication adherence has effectively reduced the risk of TB tran *** ission and difficulty of treatment. Complying with WHO guidelines published in 2006, the DOTS was prehensively implemented in 2007. In 2012, Taiwan CDC invited Edwin Antonio Paz, who was the project leader for tuberculosis control program in San Francisco Department of Public Health, to run field research around Taiwan and evaluate the effectiveness of DOTS teamwork. Dr. Paz noted that during his visit in 10 cities and 45 towns, DOTS implementation and disease control effectiveness have made remarkable progress, and both central and local governments should keep going in this right direction. According to CDC, in the 10-year DOTS implementation 2007-2017, cases of tuberculosis have been significantly reduced from 440 to 152, cure rate has been improved to 82.4% and rates of lost to follow-up and failed have both been limited below 3%. Success story of our DOTS has been published in leading journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, making Taiwan a model for other countries. Vaccine Research is Our Answer to Dealing with Pain and Grief Enterovirus has ravaged Taiwan in 1998, but Taiwan turned her grief of loss into drives for vaccine research. Enterovirus belongs to a group of *** all RNA viruses and CDC stated that 1998-2006, among 1560 confirmed cases, 40.2% were enterovirus71, and among 244 deaths, 45.5% were enterovirus71. Droplet tran *** itted viruses cause outbreaks every 3 to 5 year. According to Professor Jen-Ren Wang from National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Hospital, based on the fact of rebinant coxsackievirus and varied virus genotypes, cross protection is vital. Taiwan public acknowledges that health is a fundamental human right. Our national health insurance indeed faces challenges, but the government strives to work it out. When confronting the grief imposed by illnesses, the best way is to take actions to improve the health. In 2011, Taiwan National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) released the phase I clinic trial for EV 71 vaccine. Both safety and immunogenicity were evaluated; the cells and viruses used in clinic trial were also international accredited. The very first EV 71 vaccine was therefore successfully launched, freeing children from the threats posed by enterovirus. NHRI established “Asia-Pacific Neork for Enterovirus Surveillance (APNES)” in 2017 to tackle enterovirus threats to our children. They worked together with Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia on disease prevention and vaccine research, by which the epidemiologic data were collected and *** yzed. NHRI chairman Lin, Tzou-Yien noted that there are more than 100 human enterovirus (HEV) serotypes, in which poliovirus, EV 71, EV 68 and few coxsackievirus can easily cause severe plications. Based on international reviews, EV71 sweeps countries like Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia where they have more infants. The establishment of APNES can support governments monitoring the progress of the disease and virus evolution, making the newborn protection bee possible. Taiwan Launched Human Vaccine Self-manufacturing Plan to Tackle Influenza Global epidemiology of influenza has always been the principal focus. There were 3 influenza pandemics in the 20th century, which were H1N1 in 1918, H2N2 in 1957 and H3N2 in 1968. According to researches on epidemiology, influenza occurs in specific regions like munities, cities or within a country. Shared characteristic for regional influenza is acute infections which can be progressively increased within 2 or 3 weeks. To understand flu viruses subtyping and antigenic variation, CDC established in 1999 “Virology Contract Laboratory”, entrusting 8 medical centers to integrate and set up their virological surveillance mechani *** s. Under the threats posed by influenza all over the world, vaccine development bees the leading approach against it. While international vaccine manufacturers were overburdened, Taiwan government had no choice but to kick start the vaccine self-production plan. Prevention measures and experiences learned from SARS in 2004 have built up a foundation for us to cope with the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Adimmune Corporation, though quite new in the market, has been Taiwan"s first manufacturer who has successfully produced international certificated H1N1 vaccine. A disease outbreak can cause great panic and economic impacts. Vaccination cannot provide 100% protection. We need to, on the one hand build a talent pool, monitor all agents of disease and reinforce our medicine development and vaccine efficacy, on the other hand work with other countries, involve more international exchanges on prevention plans sharing, pathogen variation data exchange, etc. Only by doing so, we can block an outbreak from further spreading and provide instant prevention care. Disease Control Shall Not be Limited within Borders Due to frequent international contacts, national borders no longer stand as protective barriers against disease tran *** ission. Based on previous experiences, we need to implement vaccination and improve surveillance efficacy so that we shall strengthen our immune system and prevent illness spreading. All these years, both advanced countries and private sectors have continuously invested money and men into global eradication initiative and assisted in set up surveillance mechani *** s in epidemic areas. As the viruses keep changing, as well as variations on regulations, environments, economic conditions, faith and politics, it can cause problems to disease prevention. Taiwan expects to emphasize the importance that health is a fundamental human right. Let"s turn goals into actions. Join international seminars and utilize foreign experiences, strengths and resources. Together let"s make disease prevention more effective and provide a better future for our people. Photo byBrandon NickersonfromPexels 话题: DOTS计画, 亚太肠病毒侦测网络, 流行性感冒, 疫病防治, 疫苗研究, 结核病, 肠病毒EV71型
2023-07-09 16:34:171


2023-07-09 16:35:022