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以“i want to be a superman ”为题写一篇英语作文

2023-07-09 18:00:07

I want to be a superman If I were a superman, I would help those who were in trouble. I would use my power to clear all the problems for them and make them feel happy. If I were a superman, I would help cure all the patients and get the diseases away from them. I would make everyone on the earth live healthlly and happily. If I were a superman, I would make the environment better. Making the air clearer and water cleaner. I would make the earth a better place for all the human beings and animals to live. If I were a superman, I would like to transit all the bad people into kind people. I would eliminate all the hatred and resentment in the world.


be superised that+从句,这是that引导的什么从句

单词写错啦,是 surprised,引导宾语从句
2023-07-09 15:36:351


2023-07-09 15:36:421

I want to be super

2023-07-09 15:36:515


2023-07-09 15:37:055


  有没有哪个英文能够形容出学霸的特性?我们来看看是哪个表达。下面是我给大家整理了学霸的英文翻译,供大家参阅!   学霸的英文翻译   Super scholar   (means a student who focuses on his learning, rarely takes part in social activities and always gets very high scores .)   (学霸有多重涵义,原指把持学术话语的人,现专指专注于学习,很少参加社会活动,分数很高的学生。有时也特指在期末测试或者重大考试中,考前进行突击学习的人群。);   Super的英语例句   1. For super-soft skin, lather on a light body lotion before you bathe.   皮肤极柔嫩者,可在沐浴前涂上温和的护肤露。   2. "I think I could find you something."—"That would be super."   “我想我可以给你找到点儿什么东西。”——“那太棒了。”   3. He is currently starring in pantomime in Weston-super-Mare.   他目前正在滨海韦斯顿主演圣诞童话剧。   4. Their bodies were well-developed and super fit.   他们的身体发育得很好,非常健壮。   5. That"s a super idea.   那真是个绝妙的主意。   6. We had a super time in Italy.   我们在意大利过得十分惬意。   7. You"ll like her; she"s super.   你一定喜欢她, 她好极了.   8. He has a super car.   他有一辆超级轿车.   9. She got a super new dress.   她有一套很漂亮的新衣服.   10. You look super in your new clothes!   你穿着这套新衣服漂亮极了!   11. The best reason for a trip to London is the super opportunity for shopping.   绝佳的购物机会是前往伦敦的最好理由。   12. I"m going to Greece in the summer so I"ve got to be super slim.   夏天我要去希腊,因此我要变得格外苗条才好。   13. His super-clean image gave a veneer of respectability to the new professional set-up.   他超级整洁的形象使其新设的专业骗局看起来很正规很体面。   14. The problem is the same for all three super - states.   三大超级国家的问题都是一样的.   15. That sounds super!   那听起来棒极了。   scholar的双语例句   1. The second story in the book is titled "The Scholar"   书中的第二个 故事 题为《学者》。   2. Kingdon"s broad experience, as writer and scholar, suffuses this important book.   金登身为作家和学者的丰富阅历在这部重要的著作中体现得淋漓尽致。   3. Official handouts describe the Emperor as "particularly noted as a scholar".   官方印发的材料将皇帝描述为“尤以学识渊博而著称”。   4. He came to Oxford as a Rhodes scholar and studied law.   他作为罗兹奖学金的获得者来到牛津学习法律。   5. He was a highly regarded scholar.   他是一位声誉很高的学者。   6. He was the most distinguished scholar in his field.   他是这一领域成就最为卓著的学者。   7. He is a scholar, if ever there was one.   他确实是一位学者.   8. The old scholar"s writing is always full of tags.   那位老学者的 文章 里总是有很多 名言 警句.   9. She had visited the old scholar who avoided publicity.   她 拜访 过那位不想引人注意的老学者.   10. He was a singer, but first and foremost a scholar.   他是个歌手, 但他主要是一位学者.   11. He claimed to be a scholar but was not such.   他自称是个学者,但实际上并非如此.   12. There was no doubt that he was a fine scholar.   毫无疑问,他是位杰出的学者.   13. The visitor is the late President, now a scholar.   这位来访者是前总统, 现为学者.   14. To be a scholar is to be the top of society.   万般皆下品,惟有读书高.   15. Being gentle and cultivated is just a scholar"s attitude.   温文尔雅正是学者的态度.
2023-07-09 15:37:451


2023-07-09 15:37:543


super 英 [u02c8su:pu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8supu025a] adj. 超级的,极度的,过分的,超等的,极好的; 面积的,平方的; n. 特级品,特大号商品; adv. 非常,过分地; 全部释义>>[例句]That"s a super idea.那真是个绝妙的主意。更多例句>>复数:supers
2023-07-09 15:38:022


super可用作形容词,可作表语和定语,有顶好的,超级的等含义。也可用作副词和名词。有特别,格外,管理人等含义。 super的释义 adj.顶好的; 超级的; 顶呱呱的; adv.特别; 格外; n.(英国的) 警官; (美国的) 警长; (大楼的) 管理人; 复数:supers super的用法 1.用作形容词,可作表语和定语。 Now that"s absolutely super! 这简直好极了。 I bought some pomegranates in the super market. 我在超市上买了一些石榴。 2.用作副词 I"m going to Greece in the summer so I"ve got to be super slim. 夏天我要去希腊,因此我要变得格外苗条才好。 3.用作名词 The super comes by every now and them to check on things. 主管人偶尔过来转转,察看一下情况。
2023-07-09 15:38:201

super 什么意思

2023-07-09 15:38:296


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2023-07-09 15:40:051


2023-07-09 15:40:121

三星手机玩游戏的时候出现 had be.....super.....什么的是怎么了

很多,几乎全是,除了网游 建议玩游戏的时候把网络关了
2023-07-09 15:40:201


《Super》是由韩国男子演唱组合SEVENTEEN演唱的一首歌,其歌词为:目视大地腾空至顶峰,试炼仿佛是我所愿般。I Always Win,坚定的心态重要无比,若非我松开双手,未来不会逃走。DARUMDARIMDA,腾云驾雾到各处(hey)。DARUMDARIMDA,为提升我们的自豪感(hey)。DARUMDARIMDA,步入另一个世界 Go。跟上这Rhythm,Say Say Say Say,英雄本色,Like This。不受时空限制的姿态,即便耗尽力气而倒下,也不知放弃依然张扬,仿佛化身为孙悟空。仿佛化身为孙悟空,我们每日不知停歇,Make it Make it,坚持到底。仿佛化身为孙悟空,I Luv My Team I Luv My Crew。一路狂奔到现在,I Luv My Team I Luv My Crew。还能再继续向前,I Luv My Team I Luv My Crew。直到攀登到此处,I Luv My Team 我们多亏各位。仿佛化身为孙悟空,大声宣告我们正登场。如今仍在更替着时代,脚步不停全速向前冲,即便步伐凌乱,慢一拍也要踩住。WOO WOO Pull Up My,筋斗云。WOO WOO,全身心修行中。DARUMDARIMDA 直耸入云金箍棒(hey),DARUMDARIMDA 我们的每一天 Come & Go(hey)。DARUMDARIMDA,为了一切向前吧,Go!跟上这首歌,Say Say Say Say,英雄本色,Like This。不受时空限制的姿态,即便耗尽力气而倒下,也不知放弃依然张扬,仿佛化身为孙悟空,仿佛化身为孙悟空。我们每日不知停歇,Make it Make it,坚持到底,仿佛化身为孙悟空。I Luv My Team I Luv My Crew,一路狂奔到现在。SEVENTEEN简介SEVENTEEN,是Pledis Entertainment于2015年5月26日推出的男子组合,由崔胜哲、尹净汉、洪知秀、文俊辉、权顺荣、全圆佑、李知勋、李硕珉、金珉奎、徐明浩、夫胜宽、崔韩率、李灿13名成员组成,其中有9位韩国成员,1位美籍混血成员、1位美籍韩裔成员和2位中国成员,分为嘻哈队、表演队、主唱队3个小分队。2015年5月29日,发布首张迷你专辑《17 CARAT》;9月10日,发布第二张迷你专辑《BOYS BE》。2016年1月14日,SEVENTEEN获得第25届首尔歌谣大赏新人奖;1月21日,SEVENTEEN获得第30届金唱片大赏新人奖。2018年1月,获得第32届韩国金唱片奖专辑部门本奖。2022年10月,入围全美音乐奖“最受欢迎韩流艺人奖”。
2023-07-09 15:40:261

my dream is be a super super star这句话有错误吗?

2023-07-09 15:41:076


我想变成超人我很想变成超人,如果我成为超人,我将拥有无穷无尽的魔力,首先我要发动魔法让世界上所有的国家都没有国界,让各个国家的人们都可以自由的交流、来往,然后我再用魔法,让人们听懂各种各样的语言,也能说出各种各样的语言,让世界各地的人们都能够成为非常要好的朋友,我还要在世界各地出好多好多的房子,让所有没有地方住的贫穷人们有房子住。如果我成为超人,我将穿越时空去阻止世界大战的发生,我会对各国的首领说:”为了 世界的和平和我们居住的生活环境,为了处在生死边缘、垂死挣扎的人们,请您收回您的军队。如果我能成为超人,我要启动法力消除世界上所有不礼貌的语言,免的让两个非常要好的朋友因此而成为敌人。我要让这个世界上永远没有烦恼和孤独,让大家永远快乐,让世界上没有疾病和病菌,我还要到世界各国进行宣传,让大家少用- -吨水,少用- -度电,让人们知道节约有多么大的好处。如果我能成为超人,我要让那些心术不正的人们改邪归正,让世界温暖的阳光洒遍各个角落。我还要让那些濒临灭绝的动物起死回生,让动物和人类永远成为互不相斗的朋友。我如若成为了超人,我将用我无尽的魔法净化世界上所有的汽车,让它们用太阳能发电机,排气孔排出的气体是氧气,从此天空将会变成海蓝海蓝的颜色,再也没有毒气污染环境,人们将永远生活在舒适、干净的地球上。以上是中文版,如果需要英文版,可以在线翻译一下。希望我的回答能对你有所帮助。
2023-07-09 15:41:211

super supreme 这俩有什么联系吗? 都是“最”,那么各自有什么用法 、

super 是超级的意思,不一定是极限;supreme 是至高无上的意思,一般是指已经达到极限,达到最高最大程度;
2023-07-09 15:41:302

super 在Java继承中的作用??

2023-07-09 15:41:415

Superman always be Superman 语法上有没有问题

2023-07-09 15:41:571


2023-07-09 15:42:054

求《dream high》中一首歌,有一句歌词是I know you will be super star 不胜感激

可以看dream high百度百科,你只要知道这首歌是第几集,几分几秒就行了。上面显示的很清楚的,比如第一集   02分19秒 与曹秀美的合唱 花神共鸣曲   45分35秒 dream high   49分52秒 舞蹈配乐 Miss A—Breathe   52分54秒 参赛曲目 天鹅的梦
2023-07-09 15:42:383

still super beautiful语法正确吗?

2023-07-09 15:42:476

英语super idol怎么翻译?

super idol,超级偶像。
2023-07-09 15:43:0912


苏优 婆儿 拽su per dry
2023-07-09 15:44:213

run can fast supercat连词成句

supercat can run fast.超级赛车跑得很快。
2023-07-09 15:44:352


应该是SUPER PEPTIDE 两个单词:超级 多肽类
2023-07-09 15:45:053

有谁知道dream high的片尾曲那首歌叫什么?有句什么be a super star,知道的希望帮忙告诉我,,谢谢~~

I Know You ”ll Be a Superstar
2023-07-09 15:45:123

I wanna be your super man。是什么意思?

2023-07-09 15:45:326

be proved to be这种句型的句子存在吗?存在请举一句例句

应该是be proved to do(be)吧那个do可以换 换成了beHe is proved to be confident~
2023-07-09 15:45:504

超级恋人(耽美,super lover)是be?

2023-07-09 15:46:191

python super()用法遇到TypeError: must be type, not classobj

应该给Base1和2加上参数object。另外,super().__init__()这样不输入参数的方式应该只有python3中才可用。现在python的教程一般都是用python3的,建议你安装个python3喔。下面是我给你改好的code:class Base1(object): def __init__(self): print "我是Base1"class Base2(object): def __init__(self): print "我是Base2"class Base(Base1,Base2): def __init__(self): super(Base,self).__init__()test = Base()
2023-07-09 15:46:351

be superised that+从句,这是that引导的什么从句

有人将它看成一个宾语从句,将系表结构be surprised看作谓语.
2023-07-09 15:46:543


2023-07-09 15:47:012

be superman是什么意思?

2023-07-09 15:47:081


  很多人都喜欢收到惊喜,特别是女孩子。那么你知道超级惊喜的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的超级惊喜的英文,希望大家喜欢!   超级惊喜的英文   Super surprise   super常见用法   adj.超级的,极度的,过分的,超等的,极好的; 面积的,平方的;   n.特级品,特大号商品;   adv.非常,过分地;   v.用上浆纱布装(书脊); 担任跑龙套角色;   1. For super-soft skin, lather on a light body lotion before you bathe.   皮肤极柔嫩者,可在沐浴前涂上温和的护肤露。   2. "I think I could find you something."—"That would be super."   “我想我可以给你找到点儿什么东西。”——“那太棒了。”   3. He is currently starring in pantomime in Weston-super-Mare.   他目前正在滨海韦斯顿主演圣诞童话剧。   4. Their bodies were well-developed and super fit.   他们的身体发育得很好,非常健壮。   5. That"s a super idea.   那真是个绝妙的主意。   6. We had a super time in Italy.   我们在意大利过得十分惬意。   7. You"ll like her; she"s super.   你一定喜欢她, 她好极了.   8. He has a super car.   他有一辆超级轿车.   9. She got a super new dress.   她有一套很漂亮的新衣服.   10. You look super in your new clothes!   你穿着这套新衣服漂亮极了!   surprise常见用法   vt.使惊奇; 突袭; 意外发现;   n.惊喜,惊奇; 意外的事;   1. Sue screamed, not loudly, more in surprise than terror.   休尖叫起来,声音不大,吃惊多于恐惧。   2. The Foreign Office in London has expressed surprise at these allegations.   位于伦敦的英国外交部对这些说法表示惊讶.   3. She looked as if the photographer had caught her by surprise.   看上去,她好像被摄影师搞了个猝不及防。   4. Bob tried the door. To his surprise it opened.   鲍勃试着推了推门。令他吃惊的是,门竟然开了。   5. The surprise twists in the storyline are the film"s greatest strength.   该影片最精彩之处就是剧情的曲折离奇。   6. Surprise a new neighbour with one of your favourite home-made dishes.   做一道拿手的家常小菜,给你的新邻居一个惊喜。   7. When you venture outside, you are in for a surprise.   你外出探险时,定会遇上意想不到之事。   8. The surprise gift is a thankyou for our help.   这份意外的礼物是为了感谢我们给予的帮助。   9. Major"s reply came as a complete surprise to the House of Commons.   梅杰的回答让众议院大吃一惊。   10. It didn"t come as a great surprise to me, I might say.
2023-07-09 15:47:151

Hannah Montana super girl 歌词

The other sidethe other side of meBy dayI play the part in every wayAll simple sweet calm and collectedPretend my friendsIm a chamelionYou make a girl feel disconectedFeel like a star a super hero>Sometimes its hard to seperateThats too much on my plateIf you could seethe other side of meI"m just like anybody elsecan"t you tellI hold the key (the key)To both realitiesThe girl that I want you want to knowIf only I could showThe other sidethe other sideI want you to seeThe other sidethe other sidethe other side of meInside I tryto make the peices fit rightA jigsaw puzzle everywhereCause i flipOn this tripToo many times forgetWhos on stage, whos in the mirrorBack in the spotlightThe crowd is callingThe paparazies everywhereTheyll make a girl insaneIf you could seethe other side of meI"m just like anybody elsecan"t you tellI hold the keyTo both realitiesThe girl that I want you want to knowIf only I could showThe other sidethe other sideI want you to seeThe other sidethe other sidethe other side of meDown inside im not that differentLike everyone I have a dream!Don"t want to hideJust want to fit in soThat is harder than it seemsIf you could seethe other side of meI"m just like anybody elsecan"t you tellI hold the keyTo both realitiesThe girl that I want you want to knowIf you could seethe other side of meI"m just like anybody elsecan"t you tellI hold the key (the key)To both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf only I could showThe other sidethe other sideI want you to seeThe other sidethe other sidethe other side of meThe other sidethe other sideI want you to seeThe other sidethe other side of me!
2023-07-09 15:47:282


super: [ "sju:p05 ] a. 超级的,极好的 词形变化: 动词过去式:supered 过去分词:supered 现在分词:supering 第三人称单数:supers 例句与用法: 1. I"ll be a super secretary for you. 我将成为你极好的秘书。 2. I bought some pomegranates in the super market. 我在超市上买了一些石榴。 3. Now that"s absolutely super! 这简直好极了。 4. We eventually wound up (staying) in a super little hotel by the sea. 我们最终在一个很棒的海滨旅馆落脚(住下来). 5. I"ve discovered a super restaurant near here! 我在附近找到一家一流的餐馆! 英英解释: 名词super: 1. a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector 同义词:superintendent 形容词super: 1. of the highest quality 同义词:ace, A-one, crack, fantastic, first-rate, tiptop, topnotch, tops 2. including more than a specified category 3. extremely large 副词super:
2023-07-09 15:47:361


super:[ "sju:pu0259 ] a.超级的,极好的 词形变化: 动词过去式:supered 过去分词:supered 现在分词:supering 第三人称单数:supers 例句与用法: 1.I"ll be a super secretary for you. 我将成为你极好的秘书. 2.I bought some pomegranates in the super market. 我在超市上买了一些石榴. 3.Now that"s absolutely super! 这简直好极了. 4.We eventually wound up (staying) in a super little hotel by the sea. 我们最终在一个很棒的海滨旅馆落脚(住下来). 5.I"ve discovered a super restaurant near here! 我在附近找到一家一流的餐馆! 名词super: 1.a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector 同义词:superintendent 形容词super: 1.of the highest quality 同义词:ace,A-one,crack,fantastic,first-rate,tiptop,topnotch,tops 2.including more than a specified category 3.extremely large 副词super: an extreme degree 同义词: extremly 或 extreme
2023-07-09 15:47:431


2023-07-09 15:48:105

Will Be Super Star 歌词

歌名:Will be Super Star歌手:Buddy作词:昊宇 作曲:李伟菘让音乐最独特让这节奏最火热你快快准备疯狂那就是我最热情如火将掀起舞台飓风宇宙被我们主宰我想法有很多旧规矩管不住我年轻是一种诱惑奋力打拼我的气魄聚光灯闪亮我舞台超炫的过火音乐里制造神话焦点锁定我这星球太多不壮烈不沦落没突破将战火烧到每一个角落万丈耀眼光芒刺痛你跟眶这歌声 will be super star让音乐最独特让这节奏最火热你快快准备疯狂那就是我最热情如火将掀起舞台飓风宇宙被我们主宰冒险毫无止境(没勇气就学我制造奇迹)这世界没有规则(一时兴 一时静)我跌倒寂寞过(嘿嘿)输赢清楚胜败分明也不信 just be super star让音乐最独特让这节奏最火热你快快准备疯狂那就是我最热情如火将掀起舞台飓风宇宙被我们主宰这星球太多不壮烈不沦落没突破将战火烧到每一个角落万丈耀眼光芒刺痛你跟眶这歌声 will be super star让音乐最独特让这节奏最火热你快快准备疯狂那就是我最热情如火将掀起舞台飓风宇宙被我们主宰让音乐最独特让这节奏最火热你快快准备疯狂那就是我最热情如火将掀起舞台飓风宇宙被我们主宰
2023-07-09 15:48:381


《Super(孙悟空)》是由韩国男子演唱组合SEVENTEEN演唱的一首歌,其中文版歌词为:目视大地腾空至顶峰,试炼仿佛是我所愿般。I Always Win,坚定的心态重要无比,若非我松开双手,未来不会逃走。DARUMDARIMDA,腾云驾雾到各处(hey)。DARUMDARIMDA,为提升我们的自豪感(hey)。DARUMDARIMDA,步入另一个世界 Go。跟上这Rhythm,Say Say Say Say,英雄本色,Like This。不受时空限制的姿态,即便耗尽力气而倒下,也不知放弃依然张扬,仿佛化身为孙悟空。仿佛化身为孙悟空,我们每日不知停歇,Make it Make it,坚持到底。仿佛化身为孙悟空,I Luv My Team I Luv My Crew。一路狂奔到现在,I Luv My Team I Luv My Crew。还能再继续向前,I Luv My Team I Luv My Crew。直到攀登到此处,I Luv My Team 我们多亏各位。仿佛化身为孙悟空,大声宣告我们正登场。如今仍在更替着时代,脚步不停全速向前冲,即便步伐凌乱,慢一拍也要踩住。WOO WOO Pull Up My,筋斗云。WOO WOO,全身心修行中。DARUMDARIMDA 直耸入云金箍棒(hey),DARUMDARIMDA 我们的每一天 Come & Go(hey)。DARUMDARIMDA,为了一切向前吧,Go!跟上这首歌,Say Say Say Say,英雄本色,Like This。不受时空限制的姿态,即便耗尽力气而倒下,也不知放弃依然张扬,仿佛化身为孙悟空,仿佛化身为孙悟空。我们每日不知停歇,Make it Make it,坚持到底,仿佛化身为孙悟空。I Luv My Team I Luv My Crew,一路狂奔到现在。SEVENTEEN简介SEVENTEEN,是Pledis Entertainment于2015年5月26日推出的男子组合,由崔胜哲、尹净汉、洪知秀、文俊辉、权顺荣、全圆佑、李知勋、李硕珉、金珉奎、徐明浩、夫胜宽、崔韩率、李灿13名成员组成,其中有9位韩国成员,1位美籍混血成员、1位美籍韩裔成员和2位中国成员,分为嘻哈队、表演队、主唱队3个小分队。2015年5月29日,发布首张迷你专辑《17 CARAT》;9月10日,发布第二张迷你专辑《BOYS BE》。2016年1月14日,SEVENTEEN获得第25届首尔歌谣大赏新人奖;1月21日,SEVENTEEN获得第30届金唱片大赏新人奖。2018年1月,获得第32届韩国金唱片奖专辑部门本奖。2022年10月,入围全美音乐奖“最受欢迎韩流艺人奖”。
2023-07-09 15:48:451

I will be superman.和I will be a superman.一样吗?对吗?

2023-07-09 15:49:071


To beasuperman protecting everyone成为保护所有人的超人
2023-07-09 15:49:152

I will be superman.和I will be a superman.

不一样.没加冠词的superman作为形容词讲 加了冠词a的,就做名词讲了.当然两句话句意一样
2023-07-09 15:49:211

I will be superman.和I will be a superman.一样吗?对吗?

2023-07-09 15:49:391

求super girl(汉娜。蒙塔纳)的歌词

hannah montana - super girlwhen i feel all aloneand nobody knowsstill gotta smile for a whilei can"t let it showdry my tears, have no fearsand when i"m backstage, feeling downand the lights come onno time to worry, gotta hurrytime to sing my songgonna shake it offstike a posesnap my fingers just like thatdon"t get what i wantand that"s a factsnap my fingers just like thatdon"t get what i wantjust "cause i want iti"m super cool, super hotlivin like a rock staryou think i"m superyou think i"m superon the cover of your magazinewherever i go, they make a scenei"m super superi"m super-duperso you wanna be just likeso you wanna be just likethink you wanna be just like meeverybody"s watching menever as easy as it seemsto be super superto be super super girlwhen i walk in the roomeverybody stopscameras flashingpeople fighting for the best shotthey like my hairthe clothes i weareverybody wants to knowwhat i"m doin nextsometimes i wish i couldstay and homejust be by myselfi wanna bewhat the world can"t seecan"t you see?snap my fingers just like thatdon"t get what i wantand that"s a factsnap my fingers just like thatdon"t get what i wantjust "cause i want iti"m super cool, super hotlivin" like a rock staryou think i"m superyou think i"m superon the cover of your magazinewherever i go, they make a scenei"m super, superi"m super-duperso you wanna be just likeso you wanna be just likethink you wanna be just like meeverybody"s watching menever as easy as it seemsto be super, superto be super, super girlwish you could seei"m like everybody elsestruggling to let goand always be myselfi"m super cool, super hotsuperi"m super, superi"m super, superon the cover of your magazinewherever i go, they make a scenei"m super superi"m super superso you wanna be just likeso you wanna be just likethink you wanna be just like meeverybody"s watching meit"s never as easy as it seemsto be super, superto be super, super girl
2023-07-09 15:49:462


2023-07-09 15:49:547

super albinar auto mc是什么意思

超albinar汽车MC双语例句1. For super-soft skin, lather on a light body lotion before you bathe. 皮肤极柔嫩者,可在沐浴前涂上温和的护肤露。2. "I think I could find you something."—"That would be super." “我想我可以给你找到点儿什么东西。”——“那太棒了。”3. He is currently starring in pantomime in Weston-super-Mare. 他目前正在滨海韦斯顿主演圣诞童话剧。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************
2023-07-09 15:50:091

Be Your Superman的意思

2023-07-09 15:50:383