barriers / 阅读 / 详情

both of them 是翻译成“他们中的两个”还是“他们两个”

2023-07-09 14:46:23

both of them意思是


他们中的两个应翻译为 two of them




他们中的两个是two of them



他们中的两个应该翻译为two of them










bothof是什么意思 bothof的中文翻译、读音、例句?

2023-07-09 14:04:541

both of是什么意思

2023-07-09 14:05:1010

both of的用法是什么?

1both 指“两者都”,是对两者的肯定,修饰复数名词,如Both his father and mother are here. 他们的父母都在这儿Both of them are good teachers. 他们两个都是好老师.They both skate well. 他们两个都很会滑冰.The children were both too young. 这两个孩子都很年轻.My parents have both been invited. 我的父母都被邀请了.2 both of 后接名词或者代词,谓语动词用复数both (of) +(限定词the/these/one"s) +名词 备注,介词of 可省略,这个结构可以在句中作主语,宾语,表语等成分。作主语,谓语用复数。both of +复数宾格代词,备注,介词of 不可省略例如Both of them can come tomorrow. 他们两个明天都能过来。Mary sends her love to both of us.玛丽把她的爱给我们两个
2023-07-09 14:05:491


both的用法有两种,它可以和名词、代词连用,也可以和动词连用,在句中作主语、宾语及同位语,也可作定语。 of后面跟代词,名词。 both of常用于只有两人时,两者都。 扩展资料   例句:   Both of my friends are outgoing.   我的两个朋友都很外向。   I think she looks like both of them.   我觉得她长得像他们两个。   Come along in, both of you, at once.   快进来,你们两个,快。
2023-07-09 14:05:561

both and 和 both of 的区别是什么

both and 后面跟一个句子;both of 后面跟名词。
2023-07-09 14:06:055

both of 的用法

Both of us are students 我们两个都是学生 both of 常用于只有两人时,两者都
2023-07-09 14:06:481

both 后面是加名单还是名复?both of

both用法 1)adj.两者 一般单独修饰名词(复数)做前置定语(但名词前不能有其他限定词修饰),不做表语/补足语. 如:There are many flowers on both sides of the street. 2.both of 加代词或名词复数 Both of us went to the party last night. Both of the leaders are right. both后可直接跟名词,如果名词前有限定词修饰的话,就必须用 Both of both 可以单独使用,直接跟名词,或者动词 we both like the film. we like both the pop music and classical music. both of 后接名词或者代词,但是名词前必须有限定词the 等 谓语动词用复数 both of us like the film Both of the students go to school on foot.
2023-07-09 14:06:561


Both of you的意思是你们两个
2023-07-09 14:07:054

both of them后面能跟单三吗

2023-07-09 14:07:131

all 和all of的区别,both和both of的区别

你把all 和 all of 都假想成一个动词. 那就很容易理解 all是不及物动词.而 all of 是及物动词. 同理 both 和both of.
2023-07-09 14:07:213


2023-07-09 14:07:401

both和both of怎么用?

both 可以单独用,both of后面要加名词,意思是什么和什么一起怎么怎么样
2023-07-09 14:07:503

both of 在否定句中的意思

答案是:bothof+ 表示部分否定,意思是:并不是两个都,比如:Bothofthemarestudents他们两个并不都是学生全部否定应该用neither比如上局可以改为:Neitherofthemisastudent.
2023-07-09 14:08:061

both of 的用法

both of 加代词或名词复数Both of us went to the party last night.Both of the leaders are right.
2023-07-09 14:08:163


2023-07-09 14:08:251

both和both of有区别吗?

sb both do sth 例:we both like study 我俩都爱学习both A and B do sth 例如:both he and I like study 他和我都爱学习both of A and B do sth 例如:he and I are classmates ,both of us like study 他和我是同学,我俩都爱学习.both 特指两个人,both…and...做主语所以用I he ,both of 做伴随,所以用us him me
2023-07-09 14:08:332

2023-07-09 14:08:401

为什么用both of 不用 both?

2023-07-09 14:08:483

than中 both of的用法原则

2023-07-09 14:08:571


2023-07-09 14:09:141

both of和both and区别 有没有单复数的区别?还有什么区别?

both of后面可以跟三个或三个以上的东西,both...and...只能跟两个
2023-07-09 14:09:223

both of 的反义词是?

neither of 两都都不none of 都不.(用在三人以上,两个用neither of)both是指两者都,反义词是neither…nor,意思是既不也不,none是指三者或三者以上都,反义词是all
2023-07-09 14:09:561


可以的,比如both of us作主语,后面+谓语.......
2023-07-09 14:10:021

both of 后跟单数还是复数P?

both of +复数宾格代词,备注,介词of 不可省略
2023-07-09 14:10:115

Both和Both off区别?

2023-07-09 14:10:3715

both and和both of 得用法 和区别

2023-07-09 14:11:002

“all of”,“both of”和“neither of”的用法有什么区别?

2023-07-09 14:11:092

both of 后跟单数还是复数

复数。both后可直接跟名词,如果名词前有限定词修饰的话,就必须用both of。Bothof加代词或名词复数。Both可以单独使用,直接跟名词,或者动词。 Both的使用方法 both有三种词性:形容词、副词、连接词,都表示两个都、即……又……、而且的意思,所以在使用both时句子中被形容的名词应该使用复数形式,如Both his eyes were seriously burned.他的双眼都被严重烧伤了。 Both的例句 Both of us thought so. 我们俩都这样想的。 My brother and my sister both ran to help me. 我弟弟和我妹妹都跑来帮助我。 Both of them like popular songs. 他们两人都喜欢流行歌曲。 Both her children go to the same school. 她的两个孩子在同一个学校读书。
2023-07-09 14:11:161

both of和either of区别

either of 与 both of 的相同点是都是表示两者 其区别在于 either of一般用于其中任何一个也 用在否定句中 或者用在表示两者之中的其中一个时 both of 却用在两者之中的双方都 表示肯定的语气
2023-07-09 14:11:241

both of的用法 问题: both of的用法有哪些

(1)both (of) +(限定词the/these/one"s) +名词 备注,介词of 可省略,这个结构可以在句中作主语,宾语,表语等成分。作主语,谓语用复数。Both the students were excellent.=Both of the students were excellent. 这两个学生都很优秀。Both his eyes are hurt.=Both of his eyes are hurt.他的两眼都受伤了。Both of the instruments are not precise.这两台仪器并不都是精密的。We were both of the same nationality.我们俩是同一国籍的人。I don"t like both of them. 他们俩我不是都喜欢Both of the teams played hard at the first half.上半场双方都打得非常艰苦。Both the farmers and fishermen were hard hit by the bad weather.坏天气使农民和渔民都遭受了重大损失。(2)both of +复数宾格代词,备注,介词of 不可省略Both of them swim well. 他们俩都很会游泳。Both of us knew it.我们两个都知道这件事。Both of them are nuts about chamber music.他们两人都喜欢室内音乐。Both of us are very brown after the holiday.度假後我们两人的皮肤都变黑了。(特别备注:名词有不定代词“all,both”修饰时,定冠词放在名词前,不定代词后,其结构为all/both +the/these/one"s+名词,不定代词后可加介词"of",也可以不加介词"of" 但是如果后面为复数宾格代词,必须加介词"of")特别注意:下面两句的意思不同Both the foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾各种了一棵树。(总共两棵)The two foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾种了一棵树。(只有一棵)Both of us won a prize. 我们两人各获一个奖品。We both won a prize.我们俩共获一个奖品。
2023-07-09 14:11:491

什么时候用both,什么时候用both of?

什么时候用both,什么时候用both of?根据句子意思与结构如We are both students.Both of us are students .
2023-07-09 14:12:492

both和both of有什么区别?

"both" 和 "both of" 都是指两个人或物同时具有某个特征或状态的意思,但用法有所不同。"Both" 通常用于紧随其后的主语和谓语之间,表示这两个人或物共同具有某种特征或状态。例如:Both cats are black.(这两只猫都是黑色的。)Both students received A"s on their tests.(这两个学生的测试都得了 A。)"Both of" 通常用于紧随其后的是一个名词或代词,表示这两个人或物都与该名词或代词有关。例如:Both of my sisters live in New York City.(我的两个姐姐都住在纽约市。)Both of the cars in the driveway belong to my neighbor.(车道上的这两辆车都属于我的邻居。)总的来说,"both"和"both of"都表示两个人或物共同具有某种特征或状态,但"both"通常用于主语和谓语之间,而"both of"则紧跟在名词或代词后面。
2023-07-09 14:13:022

all ,all of,both,both of的区别

1)首先,all是指三个或三个以上,而both是指两个; both of两者都 Both of them are students.他们俩都是学生. all of三个或在三个以上都 All of us are going to see the game.我们都要去看比赛. 2)all与all of,both与both of all的用法比较灵活,可以直接跟复数名词,这时候它自己是限定词,如all pigs,还可以跟被限定的复数名词,比如all the pigs;all of后面则必须是受限定的复数名词,不可以“裸奔”,如all of my books both 与both of 也是同样. 3)另外,all后面不可跟代词,而all of则可以,比如,可以说all of them,但却没有all them的说法,有both of us 的说法,而没有both us的用法; 好了,希望对你有所帮助……
2023-07-09 14:13:281

“both and”和“both of”的用法和区别是什么?

你好!both of both and 之间的区别 both of us:我们两个都 both he and I:我和他都 后者更突出了具体所指的哪两者,前者是概括的 eg: Both of us knew it. 我们两个都知道这件事 Both of them like dancing. 他们两人都喜欢跳舞。 Both of them speak German. 他们俩都讲德语。 He asked both of you. 他问你们两人。 Both audible and visible. 视听的听觉的和视觉的 both of 的反义词组 :neither ..nor. eg: neither attractive nor tempting. 既不吸引人也不诱惑人的。 both and 的反义词组 :neither ..nor 都是强调:2者都不... 希望我的回答对您有帮助,谢谢!
2023-07-09 14:13:363

both和both of的用法区别是什么?

(1)both (of) +(限定词the/these/one"s) +名词 备注,介词of 可省略,这个结构可以在句中作主语,宾语,表语等成分。作主语,谓语用复数。Both the students were excellent.=Both of the students were excellent. 这两个学生都很优秀。Both his eyes are hurt.=Both of his eyes are hurt.他的两眼都受伤了。Both of the instruments are not precise.这两台仪器并不都是精密的。We were both of the same nationality.我们俩是同一国籍的人。I don"t like both of them. 他们俩我不是都喜欢Both of the teams played hard at the first half.上半场双方都打得非常艰苦。Both the farmers and fishermen were hard hit by the bad weather.坏天气使农民和渔民都遭受了重大损失。(2)both of +复数宾格代词,备注,介词of 不可省略Both of them swim well. 他们俩都很会游泳。Both of us knew it.我们两个都知道这件事。Both of them are nuts about chamber music.他们两人都喜欢室内音乐。Both of us are very brown after the holiday.度假後我们两人的皮肤都变黑了。(3)both可用于名词或代词之后,比如"You both are respectable.”(特别备注:名词有不定代词“all,both”修饰时,定冠词放在名词前,不定代词后,其结构为all/both +the/these/one"s+名词,不定代词后可加介词"of",也可以不加介词"of" 但是如果后面为复数宾格代词,必须加介词"of")特别注意:下面两句的意思不同Both the foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾各种了一棵树。(总共两棵)The two foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾种了一棵树。(只有一棵)Both of us won a prize. 我们两人各获一个奖品。We both won a prize.我们俩共获一个奖品。
2023-07-09 14:13:431

both和both of的区别

both和both of的区别:1、both 意思是“两个都”,可作主语,宾语或同位语等,常与and 连用,连接两个并列成分,作主语时谓语动词用复数。2、both of 后跟名词/代词复数 ,可作主语,宾语;作主语时谓语动词用复数。如1). We both like English .(both 作we的同位语) = Both of us like English . 我们俩都喜欢英语。2). She can speak both English and Japanese . 她会说英语和日语。3). Her parents are both teachers . = Both of her parents are teachers . 她的父母亲都是老师。
2023-07-09 14:13:515


应该是both of 表示两者都……望采纳。
2023-07-09 14:14:062

both of和all of的区别?

(1)both (of) +(限定词the/these/one"s) +名词 备注,介词of 可省略,这个结构可以在句中作主语,宾语,表语等成分。作主语,谓语用复数。Both the students were excellent.=Both of the students were excellent. 这两个学生都很优秀。Both his eyes are hurt.=Both of his eyes are hurt.他的两眼都受伤了。Both of the instruments are not precise.这两台仪器并不都是精密的。We were both of the same nationality.我们俩是同一国籍的人。I don"t like both of them. 他们俩我不是都喜欢Both of the teams played hard at the first half.上半场双方都打得非常艰苦。Both the farmers and fishermen were hard hit by the bad weather.坏天气使农民和渔民都遭受了重大损失。(2)both of +复数宾格代词,备注,介词of 不可省略Both of them swim well. 他们俩都很会游泳。Both of us knew it.我们两个都知道这件事。Both of them are nuts about chamber music.他们两人都喜欢室内音乐。Both of us are very brown after the holiday.度假後我们两人的皮肤都变黑了。(3)both可用于名词或代词之后,比如"You both are respectable.”(特别备注:名词有不定代词“all,both”修饰时,定冠词放在名词前,不定代词后,其结构为all/both +the/these/one"s+名词,不定代词后可加介词"of",也可以不加介词"of" 但是如果后面为复数宾格代词,必须加介词"of")特别注意:下面两句的意思不同Both the foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾各种了一棵树。(总共两棵)The two foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾种了一棵树。(只有一棵)Both of us won a prize. 我们两人各获一个奖品。We both won a prize.我们俩共获一个奖品。
2023-07-09 14:14:311

both of是在形容有两个的句子里用吗?

both of 表示两者都Both of them are from America.他们两个都来自美国。
2023-07-09 14:14:382

both of是固定搭配吗?

是both of +名词或代词复数做主语谓语动词用复数如Both of us are students.
2023-07-09 14:15:021

both of后面可以接名词吗?

both of... 后面可以接名词,而且要注意的是要接可数名词的复数形式,如:both of the students。both of ...后面除了名词外,还可以接人称代词宾格复数形式,如:both of us。
2023-07-09 14:15:211

both of后面是什么

1both 指“两者都”,是对两者的肯定,修饰复数名词,如Both his father and mother are here. 他们的父母都在这儿Both of them are good teachers. 他们两个都是好老师.They both skate well. 他们两个都很会滑冰.The children were both too young. 这两个孩子都很年轻.My parents have both been invited. 我的父母都被邀请了.2 both of 后接名词或者代词,谓语动词用复数both (of) +(限定词the/these/one"s) +名词 备注,介词of 可省略,这个结构可以在句中作主语,宾语,表语等成分。作主语,谓语用复数。both of +复数宾格代词,备注,介词of 不可省略例如Both of them can come tomorrow. 他们两个明天都能过来。Mary sends her love to both of us.玛丽把她的爱给我们两个
2023-07-09 14:15:281

both of us 和we both的区别

"both of us 和 we both ,先说词性的区别:both of us ,这个both 是不定代名词,而介词of 后面必须接宾格 us.we both, 这里的both,则是一个副词,类似all 的用法。再来说用法上面的区别:两个词组都可以当做主语,也就是都可以放在句子的最前面,但是呐,如果要当做宾语,只有both of us可以用了。例如:Both of us will join the party. = We both will join the party.(当主语的情形)He is talking to both of us. 这里,只能用both of us来当做宾语。"
2023-07-09 14:15:363

both和both of的区别

both 可以单独使用,直接跟名词,或者动词We both like the film. We like both the pop music and classical music. both of 后接名词或者代词,但是名词前必须有限定词the等谓语动词用复数 Both of us like the film.Both of the students go to school on foot.
2023-07-09 14:15:541

both of后面跟什么

(1)both (of) +(限定词the/these/one"s) +名词 备注,介词of 可省略,这个结构可以在句中作主语,宾语,表语等成分。作主语,谓语用复数。Both the students were excellent.=Both of the students were excellent. 这两个学生都很优秀。Both his eyes are hurt.=Both of his eyes are hurt.他的两眼都受伤了。Both of the instruments are not precise.这两台仪器并不都是精密的。We were both of the same nationality.我们俩是同一国籍的人。I don"t like both of them. 他们俩我不是都喜欢Both of the teams played hard at the first half.上半场双方都打得非常艰苦。Both the farmers and fishermen were hard hit by the bad weather.坏天气使农民和渔民都遭受了重大损失。(2)both of +复数宾格代词,备注,介词of 不可省略Both of them swim well. 他们俩都很会游泳。Both of us knew it.我们两个都知道这件事。Both of them are nuts about chamber music.他们两人都喜欢室内音乐。Both of us are very brown after the holiday.度假後我们两人的皮肤都变黑了。(特别备注:名词有不定代词“all,both”修饰时,定冠词放在名词前,不定代词后,其结构为all/both +the/these/one"s+名词,不定代词后可加介词"of",也可以不加介词"of" 但是如果后面为复数宾格代词,必须加介词"of")特别注意:下面两句的意思不同Both the foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾各种了一棵树。(总共两棵)The two foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾种了一棵树。(只有一棵)Both of us won a prize. 我们两人各获一个奖品。We both won a prize.我们俩共获一个奖品。
2023-07-09 14:16:021

both of和both的区别?

both和both of主要有两点区别:1、在人称代词前面(如us,you,them),只能用both of。如:Both of them can come tomorrow. 他们两个明天都能过来。Mary sends her love to both of us.玛丽把她的爱给我们两个。2、both可以放在宾格代词后面,如:I"ve invited them both. 我已经邀请了他们两个。Mary sends us both her lover.玛丽把她的爱给了我们两个。I"ve made you both something to eat. 我给你们两个做了些吃的。【扩展资料】(两者都可以使用的情况)若名词前有限定词(如the,my,these),both和both of都可以使用,如:Both/Both of my parents like riding.我的父母亲两个都喜欢骑马。She"s eaten both/both of the chops.她吃完了两盘羊肉
2023-07-09 14:16:201

both of后加单数名词还是复数名词?

2023-07-09 14:16:432

both of后面加什么

(1)both (of) +(限定词the/these/one"s) +名词 备注,介词of 可省略,这个结构可以在句中作主语,宾语,表语等成分。作主语,谓语用复数。Both the students were excellent.=Both of the students were excellent. 这两个学生都很优秀。Both his eyes are hurt.=Both of his eyes are hurt.他的两眼都受伤了。Both of the instruments are not precise.这两台仪器并不都是精密的。We were both of the same nationality.我们俩是同一国籍的人。I don"t like both of them. 他们俩我不是都喜欢Both of the teams played hard at the first half.上半场双方都打得非常艰苦。Both the farmers and fishermen were hard hit by the bad weather.坏天气使农民和渔民都遭受了重大损失。(2)both of +复数宾格代词,备注,介词of 不可省略Both of them swim well. 他们俩都很会游泳。Both of us knew it.我们两个都知道这件事。Both of them are nuts about chamber music.他们两人都喜欢室内音乐。Both of us are very brown after the holiday.度假後我们两人的皮肤都变黑了。(3)both可用于名词或代词之后,比如"You both are respectable.”(特别备注:名词有不定代词“all,both”修饰时,定冠词放在名词前,不定代词后,其结构为all/both +the/these/one"s+名词,不定代词后可加介词"of",也可以不加介词"of" 但是如果后面为复数宾格代词,必须加介词"of")特别注意:下面两句的意思不同Both the foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾各种了一棵树。(总共两棵)The two foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾种了一棵树。(只有一棵)Both of us won a prize. 我们两人各获一个奖品。We both won a prize.我们俩共获一个奖品。
2023-07-09 14:16:501

both of ……和both ……and……的意思和区别

both of 和both and 的区别both of us/them:我们两个都both he and I:我和他都后者更突出了具体所指的哪两者,前者是概括
2023-07-09 14:16:572

both of+复数宾格代词,介词of怎么写?

(1)both (of) +(限定词the/these/one"s) +名词 备注,介词of 可省略,这个结构可以在句中作主语,宾语,表语等成分。作主语,谓语用复数。Both the students were excellent.=Both of the students were excellent. 这两个学生都很优秀。Both his eyes are hurt.=Both of his eyes are hurt.他的两眼都受伤了。Both of the instruments are not precise.这两台仪器并不都是精密的。We were both of the same nationality.我们俩是同一国籍的人。I don"t like both of them. 他们俩我不是都喜欢Both of the teams played hard at the first half.上半场双方都打得非常艰苦。Both the farmers and fishermen were hard hit by the bad weather.坏天气使农民和渔民都遭受了重大损失。(2)both of +复数宾格代词,备注,介词of 不可省略Both of them swim well. 他们俩都很会游泳。Both of us knew it.我们两个都知道这件事。Both of them are nuts about chamber music.他们两人都喜欢室内音乐。Both of us are very brown after the holiday.度假後我们两人的皮肤都变黑了。(特别备注:名词有不定代词“all,both”修饰时,定冠词放在名词前,不定代词后,其结构为all/both +the/these/one"s+名词,不定代词后可加介词"of",也可以不加介词"of" 但是如果后面为复数宾格代词,必须加介词"of")特别注意:下面两句的意思不同Both the foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾各种了一棵树。(总共两棵)The two foreign guests planted a tree.两位外宾种了一棵树。(只有一棵)Both of us won a prize. 我们两人各获一个奖品。We both won a prize.我们俩共获一个奖品。
2023-07-09 14:17:191