barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-09 14:26:58


A railway is a route between two places along which trains travel on steel rails. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use railroad)

The road ran beside a railway.

...a disused railway line.


A railway is a company or organization that operates railway routes. (BRIT; in AM, use railroad)

...the state-owned French railway.

...the privatisation of the railways.


A railway is the system and network of tracks that trains travel on. (mainly AM)



railway英 [u02c8reu026alweu026a] 美 [u02c8relu02ccwe]n.铁路; 铁道; 铁路系统; 铁道部门;vi.乘火车旅行; 在…铺设铁路;[网络]铁路; 火车; 地铁;[例句]The road ran beside a railway.公路建在铁路旁边。[其他]复数:railways
2023-07-09 13:22:034


railway的读音是:英["re_lwe_]。railway的读音是:英["re_lwe_]。railway的词语用法是n.(名词)railway是英式英语,美式拼法为railroad。railway的意思是n.【C】铁路。一、详尽释义点此查看railway的详细内容n.(名词)铁路,铁道铁路公司,铁道部门铁路系统轻轨铁路轨道有轨车道铁路线v.(动词)坐火车旅行在...铺设铁路二、英英释义Noun:line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freighta line of track providing a runway for wheels;"he walked along the railroad track"三、词典解释1.铁路;铁道Arailway is a route between two places along which trains travel on steel rails.e.g. The road ran beside arailway.公路建在铁路旁边。e.g. ...a disusedrailway line.废弃的铁路线in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用railroad2.铁路公司;铁路部门Arailway is a company or organization that operates railway routes.railway在线翻译e.g. ...the state-owned Frenchrailway.法国国有铁路公司e.g. ...the privatisation of the railways.铁路私有化in AM, use 美国英语用 railroad3.铁路系统;铁路网Arailway is the system and network of tracks that trains travel on.railway四、例句The railway lines run parallel to the road.铁路线和那条道路平行。It takes a lot of labour to build a railway.修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。The goods were consigned to you by railway.货物已由铁路托运到你处。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~build〔construct, direct, extend〕 a railway修筑〔铺设,指挥,延长〕铁路conduct〔manage〕 a railway经营铁路electrify a railway使铁路电气化nationalize the railways将铁路收归国有open a railway to traffic使铁路通车work on the railway在铁路上工作形容词+~broad〔narrow, normal〕 gauge railway宽〔窄,常〕轨铁路modernized railway现代化铁路new railway新铁路private railway私人铁路scenic railway观景小铁路,游乐轻便铁路automatic〔electric〕 railway全自动〔电气〕化铁路elevated railway高架铁路underground railway地下铁道名词+~cash railway货款传送线rack railway齿轨铁路single line railway单线铁路~+名词railway line〔tunnel, track铁〕铁路线〔隧道,轨道〕railway network map铁路网示意图railway station火车站介词+~by railway乘火车on the railway在铁路上~+介词a railway across...横穿?的铁路a railway between the two cities两城市间的铁路六、经典引文The sleeping cars..were..from a railway in the States which had gone bankrupt.出自:P. Theroux七、词语用法n.(名词)railway是英式英语,美式拼法为railroad。railway的相关临近词raiment、railroad、railways、railwayac、railwayed、railwayfi、Railway AG、railwayman、railway TV、railway act、railway map、railway car点此查看更多关于railway的详细信息
2023-07-09 13:23:501


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railway是一个英语名词,它的意思是铁路,铁道,铁路公司,铁道部门,铁路系统。复数:railways 扩展资料   railway常见的搭配   railway可以与以下词性连用:   1、动词,如:work on the railway 在铁路上工作;manage a railway 经营铁路   2、形容词,如:modernized railway 现代化铁路;new railway 新铁路   3、名词,如:railway network map 铁路网示意图;railway station 火车站   4、介词,如:by railway 乘火车;on the railway 在铁路上;a railway across... 横穿…的.铁路   railway例句分享   The road ran beside a railway.   公路建在铁路旁边。   The railway departments have done an even more remarkable job in this respect, and the experience gained in Xuzhou is quite typical.   铁道部门在这方面做得就更突出了。徐州的经验比较典型。
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railway 铁路、鉄道rail 轨
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2023-07-09 13:25:192


这两个单词查一下字典就知道区别惹,是两个完全不一样的东西啊。。。我好奇的是14题的答案,会不会是答案错了,应该就是A吧,题干后面都有说是train 火车了, 自然是railway station 火车站呀
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2023-07-09 13:25:504


  火车人类的交通工具。 1804年,由英国的矿山技师德里维斯克利用瓦特的蒸汽机造出了世界上第一台蒸汽机车,时速为5至6公里。那么你知道吗?一起来学习一下吧!    火车站的英文说法1 :railway station    火车站的英文说法2 :railway station    火车站的英文说法3 :train station   火车站的英文例句:   1. Red, white and blue bunting hung in the city"s renovated train station.   红、白、蓝彩旗装点着该市修复一新的火车站。   2. He had a taxi waiting to take him to the train.   他让一辆计程车等著带他到火车站去。   3. Busines *** en stream into one of Tokyo"s main train stations.   商人不断涌进东京的一个主要火车站。   4. His daughter Carly drove him to the train station.   他女儿卡莉开车将他送到火车站。   5. Punctually at 7.45, the express to Kuala Lumpur left Singapore station.   7点45分,开往吉隆坡的特快列车准时驶离新加坡火车站。   6. Ingrid went with him to the railway station to see him off.   英格丽德和他一起去火车站送他。   7. My hospital room was like Grand Central Station with everybody ing and going.   我的病房就像纽约的中央火车站,整天人来人往。   8. We"re handily placed for the train station.   我们被安置在去火车站近便的地方。   9. The railway station pours thousands of people in all directions.   成千上万的人从火车站走向四面八方.   10. The train is departing from the railway station at 6 o"clock.   列车将在六点钟离开火车站.   11. The stranger asked me to direct him to the station.   这位陌生人要我指示他去火车站的方向.   12. I wanted to go to the station, but I was misdirected.   我要到火车站去, 但别人给我指错了方向.   13. The railway station is some distance from the village.   火车站离这个村庄相当远.   14. He lives somewhere in the neighborhood of the station.   他住在火车站附近的某个地方.   15. Can you tell me the nearest way to the station?   你能告诉我去火车站最近的路 吗 ?
2023-07-09 13:26:391


火车轨道的英语是Railway Track拓展:"Railway Track"是指火车运行的轨道,通常由两条平行的钢轨和连接钢轨的木质或混凝土枕木组成。轨道上还会安装一系列附属设施,如信号灯、道岔、电缆等。火车轨道的设计和施工需要考虑多种因素,如列车速度、载重、路线等,以确保列车行驶的安全和舒适。火车运行的轨道火车轨道的建设和维护是保障铁路运输安全和运行效率的重要方面。为了确保火车轨道的质量和安全,需要进行定期检查和维护,如清理轨道、更换老化的枕木和钢轨、排查隐患等。此外,钢轨的温度也需要进行监测和控制,以避免因温度过高而导致钢轨变形或扭曲。火车轨道的建设和维护
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2023-07-09 13:27:484


问题一:火车站的英文怎么写? Railway station 或Train station 问题二:火车站英语怎么写 station; gare; Train Station; 问题三:火车站的英文 train station 问题四:火车站的英语单词是什么 railway station ; railway terminal ; train station ; depot 1. 他在火车站与我们重新会合。 He rejoined us at the railway station. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 2. 警察把我们安全地护送到火车站。 The policeman conducted us safely to the railway station. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 3. 部队接到命令在火车站附近集结。 The troops were ordered to concentrate near the railway station. 4. 警方在火车站抓获了一名毒品贩子。 The police netted a drugpusher in the station. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 5. 但是当你到达希尔塞克火车站时,就会把这一不快忘记,这里曾经是东方快车的终点站。 But you will forget that with the thrill of arriving at Sirceki Station, once theterminal for the Orient Express. article.yeeyan 6. 在一个火车站上,一位火车司机用煤块掷向我们,我们中的一位被打中了眼睛。 At one station, a train driver threw a piece of coal at one of us, hitting him in theeye. 望采纳!!!!!!! 问题五:火车站.【用英语怎么说】 train station 简单实用 不谢! 问题六:上火车的英文怎么写 get on the train 问题七:车站的英文是什么 station
2023-07-09 13:28:141


railway station,铁路站,火车站
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rail 就是铁轨的意思 way 就是路的意思railway加在一起,就是铁路的意思希望这样你可以记住它
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高速动车;高铁 G-Series High-Speed Train 请参照GB/T 30240.2-2017 《公共服务领域英文译写规范 第2部分:交通》 表B.2
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train station
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2023-07-09 13:30:432

train railway subway metro这些词有什么区别

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2023-07-09 13:30:574

铁路是安全的用英语on railway

  铁路是安全的  It is safeon railway.  Railways are safe.  双语例句  铁路信号是保证行车安全的重要行车设备。  Railway signal is vital equipment for the train safety.
2023-07-09 13:31:212


问题一:高铁英文简称 高铁,高速铁路简称 High-speed Rail (HSR) 又称High Speed Train(s) 问题二:高铁和动车用英语各怎么说? (中国)高铁 CRH (China Railway High-speed) 动车 bullet train P.S. 事实上,场者差不多,但是后者会更为地道 问题三:高铁用英语怎么说? 高铁 highspeed rail 问题四:动车与高铁的英文缩写与全称是什么啊,要专业的哦 这俩词在英语中均没有对应的词汇 硬要译的话,高铁可译成High Speed Railway。但实际上没人这么译。例如日本人喜欢称呼为Super Express(超特急) 动车组是源自中国大陆的地区性名词,没法找出一个合适的英文词来形容。世界各地都有型号和数量众多的动车组,但它们在这些地区一般不使用“动车组”这个名称。在大陆,“动车组”定义一直以来都是不完善的。说不“完善”,是因为已经找到的所谓“定义”都有明显的错误或疏漏,是个混乱的概念。 勉强要译的话,按照其动力的不同,可译为EMU或者DMU,其中的MU代表的“Multiple Units”(单元列车),E代表Electric(电),D则代表Diesel(柴油)。完整的称谓就是“电气单元列车”或“内燃单元列车” 所以,在台湾以及使用繁体中文的地区,分别把EMU和DMU译为“电联车”和“柴联车”,也就是日文里的“电车”和“动车” 但两个不载客的纯动力车(NZJ1、NZJ2、NDJ3、DJJ2)夹若干客车,或者一个动力车和一个带驾驶室的客车夹若干客车,在中国大陆,也被称作“动车组”。这种车在国外,应该被称作推挽式列车(Push & Pull mode),因为它们并非狭义上的“动车组” ,狭义上的“动车组”应该是高度单元化的列车,而不是这种可以任意加减编组的车组 问题五:热门单词:"高铁"用英语怎么说 High speed rail 例句 全部high-speed rail 但是频发的列车故障使高铁失去了竞争优势。 But frequent train malfunctions are causing it to lose its petitive edge. 问题六:高铁和动车用英语怎么说 这俩词在英语中均没有对应的词汇 硬要译的话,高铁可译成High Speed Railway。但实际上没人这么译 动车浮词则是中国大陆独有英语里没对应词,勉强可译为EMU或者DMU,其中的MU代表的“Mutiple Unit”(单元列车) 问题七:高铁和动车用英语怎么说 高铁:high-speed rail 动车:motor car 问题八:CRH的英语全称,高铁是什么(包括什么)?好像有很多 CRH(China Railways High-speed),即中国高速铁路,是中国铁道部对中国高速铁路系统建立的品牌名称。通常用来指2007年4月鸡8日起在中国铁路第六次铁路大提速后开行的动车组列车。 问题九:在英语里高铁和火车有什么区别,详细一点
2023-07-09 13:31:281


Qinghai-Tibet Railway
2023-07-09 13:31:3611


2023-07-09 13:32:119

使用RailWay部署Halo CMS博客系统

u2003u2003Halo是一款CMS博客系统,可以说是轻量版的Wordpress,基于xxxx,巴拉巴拉,算了你们自己看官方文档吧。 u2003u2003官方支持多种情况部署,linux、docker、腾讯云平台三种方式: u2003u2003本来想着使用Vercel看能不能部署的,但是Vercel自动改名后同时也不再支持docker部署了,因此转战转变试试RailWay。 u2003u2003通过官方文档知道,RailWay支持多种部署方式,如Nodejs、Go、Docker、Java等等,详情可见 ,那么既然支持Docker,Halo也支持docker部署,那自然RailWay肯定是支持部署Halo的,在网上查了很多,也没有找到有人使用RailWay部署Halo的,因此总结一下写了这篇文章。为什么要使用RailWay部署呢?我试过以下几种方式,但都是有所弊端; u2003u2003部署完成之后,在settings中设置一个自定义的域名,配置一下CNAME,就可以访问啦!比如我的访问地址是: u2003u2003至此,在RailWay上部署halo博客系统就完成啦,又想法的朋友可以自己去试试啦!再结合上上面说的小程序项目,希望大家能够做一个自己的博客系统+博客小程序!
2023-07-09 13:32:261


railway 英[u02c8reu026alweu026a] 美[u02c8relu02ccwe] n. 铁路;铁道;铁路系统;铁道部门 vi. 乘火车旅行;在…铺设铁路 名词复数:railways [例句]A new railway is being built.一条新铁路正在修建。
2023-07-09 13:32:471


railway 英[u02c8reu026alweu026a] 美[u02c8relu02ccwe] n. 铁路;铁道;铁路系统;铁道部门 vi. 乘火车旅行;在…铺设铁路 名词复数:railways [例句]A new railway is being built. 一条新铁路正在修建.
2023-07-09 13:32:551

railway怎么读 railway英文解释

1、railway,铁路,读音:美/u02c8reu026alweu026a/;英/u02c8reu026alweu026a/。 2释义:n.(英)铁路;轨道;铁道部门。vi.乘火车旅行。 3、例句:I agreed to meet her at the central railway station.我和她约定在中心火车站见面。
2023-07-09 13:33:021


railways是什么意思:铁路;铁道;铁路公司;铁道部门;铁路系统1、The industry is coeval with the construction of the first railways. 这一产业和初期铁路的建造相伴而生。2、The Victorians regarded the railways as bringing progress and civilization. 维多利亚时代的人认为铁路带来了进步和文明。3、The railway is still under construction. 这条铁路仍在建设之中。4、The new railway line will run overground. 新铁路线将铺在地面上。5、The railway line was electrified in the 1950s. 这条铁路线在20世纪50年代就实现了电气化。6、Her father worked on the railways. 她父亲在铁路部门工作。7、The boy was electrocuted when he wandered onto a railway track. 男孩闲逛踩到铁轨上时触电死亡。8、The railway had obviously been built long after the house 显然,这条铁路是房子建成后很久才造的。
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2023-07-09 13:35:321


  火车人类的交通工具。 1804年,由英国的矿山技师德里维斯克利用瓦特的蒸汽机造出了世界上第一台蒸汽机车,时速为5至6公里。那么你知道火车站的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    火车站的英文说法1 :railway station    火车站的英文说法2 :railway station    火车站的英文说法3 :train station   火车站的英文例句:   1. Red, white and blue bunting hung in the city"s renovated train station.   红、白、蓝彩旗装点着该市修复一新的火车站。   2. He had a taxi waiting to take him to the train.   他让一辆出租车等着带他到火车站去。   3. Businessmen stream into one of Tokyo"s main train stations.   商人不断涌进东京的一个主要火车站。   4. His daughter Carly drove him to the train station.   他女儿卡莉开车将他送到火车站。   5. Punctually at 7.45, the express to Kuala Lumpur left Singapore station.   7点45分,开往吉隆坡的特快列车准时驶离新加坡火车站。   6. Ingrid went with him to the railway station to see him off.   英格丽德和他一起去火车站送他。   7. My hospital room was like Grand Central Station with everybody coming and going.   我的病房就像纽约的中央火车站,整天人来人往。   8. We"re handily placed for the train station.   我们被安置在去火车站近便的地方。   9. The railway station pours thousands of people in all directions.   成千上万的人从火车站走向四面八方.   10. The train is departing from the railway station at 6 o"clock.   列车将在六点钟离开火车站.   11. The stranger asked me to direct him to the station.   这位陌生人要我指示他去火车站的方向.   12. I wanted to go to the station, but I was misdirected.   我要到火车站去, 但别人给我指错了方向.   13. The railway station is some distance from the village.   火车站离这个村庄相当远.   14. He lives somewhere in the neighborhood of the station.   他住在火车站附近的某个地方.   15. Can you tell me the nearest way to the station?   你能告诉我去火车站最近的路 吗 ?
2023-07-09 13:35:381


2023-07-09 13:35:512


问题一:火车站的英文怎么写? Railway station 或Train station 问题二:火车站英语怎么写 station; gare; Train Station; 问题三:火车站的英文 train station 问题四:火车站的英语单词是什么 railway station ; railway terminal ; train station ; depot 1. 他在火车站与我们重新会合。 He rejoined us at the railway station. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 2. 警察把我们安全地护送到火车站。 The policeman conducted us safely to the railway station. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 3. 部队接到命令在火车站附近集结。 The troops were ordered to concentrate near the railway station. 4. 警方在火车站抓获了一名毒品贩子。 The police netted a drugpusher in the station. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 5. 但是当你到达希尔塞克火车站时,就会把这一不快忘记,这里曾经是东方快车的终点站。 But you will forget that with the thrill of arriving at Sirceki Station, once theterminal for the Orient Express. article.yeeyan 6. 在一个火车站上,一位火车司机用煤块掷向我们,我们中的一位被打中了眼睛。 At one station, a train driver threw a piece of coal at one of us, hitting him in theeye. 望采纳!!!!!!! 问题五:火车站.【用英语怎么说】 train station 简单实用 不谢! 问题六:上火车的英文怎么写 get on the train 问题七:车站的英文是什么 station
2023-07-09 13:35:581


2023-07-09 13:36:071

train railway subway metro这些词有什么区别

2023-07-09 13:36:153

主语不是railway吗 它和build不是被动关系吗 为什么不选而选a?

2023-07-09 13:36:233

京沪铁路的英语是不是Railway between Beijing and Shanghai?

应该是Beijing-Shanghai Railway
2023-07-09 13:36:302


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 英语棒棒的朋友您能用400个以上英文单词介绍一下中国河北省的铁路吗? 解析: Railways - Major railways in Hebei include the Jingjin railway(京津铁路)line, Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Shenyang, Beijing-Shanghai and Beijing-Baotao lines. Beijing-Kowloon railway(京九铁路)connects the province closely with Hong Kong and Macau. The major section of the Shuozhou-Huanghua Railway is in operation. The Shuozhou-Huanghua Railway, linking Shenchi county in Shanxi with Huanghua port in Hebei, will be the second largest railway for coal transportation from west to east in China. Besides, construction of an electrified railway from Qinhuangdao to Shenyang of Liaoning is in progress and the new Qinhuangdao-Shenyang railway is scheduled for pletion in 2003.
2023-07-09 13:36:491


2023-07-09 13:37:125


2023-07-09 13:37:426


火车站railway station; railway terminal; train station; depot更多释义>>[网络短语]火车站 Railway Station;train station;Bahnhof国王十字火车站 King"s Cross station;London King"s Cross railway station;King"s Cross Railway Station金宝火车站 Kampar railway station
2023-07-09 13:37:581


2023-07-09 13:38:063