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in+名词(in great excitement)的词性相当于形容词吗?

2023-07-09 11:20:41

确实是副词!great excitement ——( adj + n ) ,但既然前面加了 in ,就是副词 。但并没有 in+n. =adv这样的公式 ,这样的题首先要凭语感来判断。


with excitement和in excitement有啥区别

2023-07-09 08:36:173


《现在分词和过去分词的用法》由英语我整理,更多请访问:。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 现在分词和过去分词主要差别在于:现在分词表示“主动和进行”,过去分词表示“被动和完成”(不及物动词的过去分词不表示被动,只表示完成)。分词可以有自己的状语、宾语或逻辑主语等。 表示伴随 1. 分词作状语分词在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果(补充说明)、让步、伴随等。分词做状语时,它的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。作状语的分词相当于一个状语从句。 补充说明 补充说明 【例】 Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. Using what you know of word stems and word formations, you can make a guess at the meaning of a new word. The students went out of the classroom, laughing and talking. Accompanied by his friend, he went to the railway station. Given better attention, the plants could grow better. He looked tired and depressed, visibly disturbed by the news of his mother"s illness. 分词在句子中作状语,使用何种分词,要取决于分词与句子主语的关系:主谓关系用现在分词,动宾或被动关系用过去分词。 【例】 Not shavings enough hands, we turned to them for help.(we don"t have enough hands) Taught by mistakes and setbacks, we have become wiser and handled our affairs better. (we are taught/teach us) Inspired by Leifeng, the people in China worked very hard to achieve their modernization. ____the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge. (CET-4 1996,6) A) Having believed B) Believing C) Believed D) Being believed 本句意思为:相信地球是平的,许多人担心哥伦布会从边上掉下去。许多人与相信之间是主谓关系,及分词与主语之间为主谓关系。 No matter how frequently ____, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences. (CET-4 1995, 6) A) performing B) performed C) to be performed D) being performed 本句中贝多芬的作品被反复表演,可见分词与句子的主语之间是被动关系,应该用过去分词,故答案为B. ____as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention. (CET-4 1996,1)A) Being published B) Published C) Publishing D) To be published 2)“while ( when, once, until, if , though等连词)+分词”结构现在分词或过去分词作状语时,有时可以在分词前加while,when, once, although, until, if等连词。 【例如】When leaving the airport, she waved again and again to us. While waiting for the train, I had a long talk with my sister about her work. 2. 分词作定语分词作定语时,单个的分词通常放在被修饰的名词之前,分词短语一般置于所修饰的中心词后面。现在分词修饰的是发出该动作的名词(与名词有主谓关系),过去分词修饰承受该动作的名词(与名词是动宾关系)。 【例如】This is really an exhausting day to all of us! We can see the part of the moon lighted by sunlight. After a night spent in excitement and sleeplessness, I forced myself to take a long walk along the beach the next day. More and more developing countries established strategic partnership with developed countries. The young sitting between my sister and my brother is my cousin Jack. 3. 分词作宾语补足语现在分词在see, watch, hear, observe, notice, feel, find, glimpse, glance等感官动词和look at, listen to等短语动词以及have, keep, get, catch, leave, set, start, send等使役动词后面与名词或代词构成复合宾语,作宾语补语的成分。 【例如】On the top of the hill, we could see smoke rising from the chimneys in the village. The boy sat beside the railway line and watched the trains roaring by. We should not leave him wondering what he should do. I am sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time. I caught him doing something else in class. 4. 过去分词可以在allow, ask, consider, desire, expect, feel, find, get, have, hear, imagine, keep, like, make, observe, order, permit, prefer, remember, request, require, see, urge动词等后面作宾语补足语。 【例如】You should keep her informed of what is going on here. I expected you well prepared for the examination. 在动词see, hear, feel, watch, notice,perceive,observe, listen to, look at后既可用现在分词做补语,也可用不定式做补语。用现在分词表示动作正在进行,用不定式表示的动作的全过程已经完成。 【例】I saw Mr. White get off a bus. I saw Mr. White looking into a shop window. ——Do you hear someone knocking at the door? ——Yes, I did. I heard him knock three times. 5. 分词作表语分词作表语通常看作形容词来用。现在分词表示主语的性质,而且主语多为物;过去分词表示主语的心理感受或状态,主语多为人。 【例】The film “Harry Potter” is really exciting, and I am excited about it. His response to the question was quite disappointing. I really felt ______ at his response. 《现在分词和过去分词的用法》由英语我整理,更多请访问:
2023-07-09 08:36:241


2023-07-09 08:36:311


  An older friend once gave me a piece of advice, "Enjoy the last few weeks of college," she said, "since college is the best time of your life."  一个年长一些的朋友曾经给过我一个建议:“好好享受大学的最后几周。”她说,“因为大学是你人生中最好的时光。” This was not the first time I"d heard such a statement, but with graduation fast coming close, her words especially struck me. It seemed a bit disappointing to reach one"s life peak at only 22years of age, but in her opinion, college had been one of the best times in my life so far. I made friends, took classes, and learned a great deal about myself. But I was also excited for the time after college---moving to a new city, starting a new job, and becoming a "real" person. I hoped that my great dreams were practical.   这已经不是我第一次听到这样的说法了,但是随着毕业即将到来,她的话打动了我。仅仅在22岁就达到一个人生命的巅峰,这看上去有点让人失望;但是在她看来,大学在我到目前为止的生命中是最好的时光。我结识朋友、上课、更多的了解了我自己。但我也为着大学以后的生活而感到兴奋:搬到一个新的城市、开始一个新的工作、成为一个“真正”的人。我希望我那些远大的梦想可以实现。 Then, last week I read a column in Real Simple Magazine called 100 Years of Attitude, in which women 100 years or older shared their life experiences and views. I noticed that none of them considered college as the "best" time of their life. Not all of them went to college, but still in most cases their teens and twenties were not the best times of their life. They said some of their favorite times were raising their children, traveling after retirement, and even enjoying their present time and age.   随后,上周我在《真的很简单啊》杂志里读到一个叫《100年的态度》的专栏,在这个专栏里有一些100岁、甚至更老的女人们分享了她们的生活经验和看法。我留意到她们中没有一个人认为大学是她们生活中“最好”的时光。的确她们不是每个人都上过大学,但是在她们大多数看来,十岁二十岁的那段日子仍然不是生命中最好的时光。她们说,一些她们最喜欢的时光是在她们养育孩子、退休后去旅行、甚至好好享受她们如今年老的生活和岁月。 Enjoying one"s present time and age was a clear theme of the interviews. A piece of advice given by the women was. about the importance of making the best of all situations. I think it more accurate than that my friend; I can say with certainty that if I am lucky enough to make it to 100, I refuse to spend the last 80 years of my life plummeting (跌落) downhill, or even leveling off.   享受一个人当下的时光是这些采访中一个清晰的主题。这些女人们给的一个建议就是充分利用、享受各种各样的境遇。我认为这比我的朋友的建议来的更加准确一些;我可以肯定的说,如果我有幸能活到100岁,我不愿意让我后80年的生命都活在下坡路、或者平路上。 I am sure that our eagerness and devotion will make us college students live a meaningful life. We will not just look backwards or miss our college days. We will look forward in excitement about continued journey uphill.   我相信我们的热切渴望和奉献精神可以让我们大学学生过上有意义的生活。我们不会沉溺在回首怀念我们的大学生活之中,我们会抱着对未来上坡的旅程的热忱向前进。露珠的图不太清楚啊……手打w
2023-07-09 08:36:471


  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的.综合性和创造性。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的运动员英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。   运动员英语作文 篇1   Yi played power forward for the Guangdong Southern Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) in 2002 and subsequently won the Rookie of the Year Award.   In his five-year career with the Tigers, he won three CBA titles, as well as playing with the Chinese national basketball team in the 2004 Summer Olympics and the 2006 FIBA World Championships. In the 2007 NBA Draft, he was selected by the Milwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Association as the 6th overall pick. Yi refused to sign with the Bucks for several months before agreeing to a contract with them on August 29, 2007.   Although there are so many great players in Chinese national basketball team, I like Yi better.   运动员英语作文 篇2   The Chinese sport shooter I like best is Wang Yifu who was in terms of Olympic medals one of the most successful sport shooters of all times. He specializes in the 50 m Pistol and 10 m Air Pistol events.   Wang won his first Olympic medal in the Los Angeles games at the age of 23. After this, the Air Pistol event was added to the program, and this is where he has achieved his greatest accomplishments. He won the 1992 gold medal only days after a new medal in the 50 m event. His three attempts to repeat the victory have provided impressive results and very tight duels:   In the 2004 competition, Wang scored 590 once more, but lost the Olympic record to Mikhail Nestruev (Russia) who achieved 591. However, Wang Yifu chased quickly and eventually won by a margin of 0.2 points to get his second Olympic gold.   I like Wang Yifu, and I also like his great sprite.   运动员英语作文 篇3   Our school yesterday held the 23rd sports fitness section, we wore a neat clothes to stand, cheer for the athletes.   First appeared in our class are He Bingzhen, he took part in the project is 60 meters running, Shouting slogans, we have some carried signs come on for him, He Bingzhen seemed to hear our chants, run faster and faster, and achieved good results of the fourth.   Wu Xing all take part in the 200 m and 400 m running, the starting gun rang, he was desperate to ran forward, the final two projects and got the second place, LouXuan hangzhou attend softball, he actually threw a 40.8 meters, broke the record of the third grade, it was really great!   I: tell me something about our class "female general Wu Rui yao!" She was attending a 60 meters, although she accidentally fell on the ground when I was in the final sprint, knee worn out a piece of leather, but she didn"t flow a drop of tears, eventually to fifth grade the precious 2 points for our class, she is also only scores of female students in our class, her brave spirit is worth our learning.   This is our games? They have devoted their win honor for our class, their efforts were not in vain, the score of our class is more higher than a year, a year. Thank you - athletes.   运动员英语作文 篇4   Everyone in China is looking forward to the 2008 Olympic Games. Athletes from all over the world will come to Beijing for this competition.   An Olympic athlete must be strong not only in body, but also in mind. They have to train for years to achieve the necessary strength and control over their sports to compete in the Olympics. This requires great discipline and self-sacrifice. Similarly, the Olympic athletes have to train their minds in order to compete under extreme mental pressure. In other words, and Olympic athlete must be in top condition both mentally and physically.   Speaking good English also requires great discipline and self-sacrifice. If you want to speak good English, you must be mentally and physically strong just like an Olympic athlete.   运动员英语作文 篇5   Jane and kang kang are my good friends . we all like doing sports very much . Jane "s favorite sport is basketball . her favorite player is Le Bro James, but she is going to be a scientist in the future . it is her dream.   kang kang"s favorite sport is swimming . his favorite player is sun Yang , and he"s going to be a swimming player in the future. it is his dream .   My favorite sport is tennis. My favorite player is Li Na ,but l"m going to be a teacher in the future. it is my dream. we are good friends.   运动员英语作文 篇6   I like to watch all kinds of sport matches, I adore athletes, they are so inspiring, they work so hard to become the strongest, the most honorable thing is that their success is by their effort, not by advertise. But lately, the news about athletes taking the medicine to win the game, this is so shameful, the honesty is believed to be a athlete"s merit, when he loses it, he loses people"s respect.   What is the pride of a athlete? The answer is their work hard for the champion, the sprit of never giving up, but when a athlete plays a trick to win the champion, there is no doubt that people will despite him. The spirit of sport game is respect your opponent, all the guys are fighting in a fair competition, when one of them takes the medicine, that means he breaks the game rule, he has no right to compete. Taking the medicine makes a athlete lose his honesty, he deserves to be abandoned, the basic thing is no longer find in him. We all like to watch the athletes compete in a pure situation, what makes them stronger is their will, not the medicine.   The athlete who takes the medicine or plays other tricks will be kicked out by the referee. As the audience, we all want to watch the fair game, we appreciate the athlete"s spirit of never giving up.   运动员英语作文 篇7   Sun Yang who was born on 1st December 1991 in HangzhouZhejiang Province.   He is a Chinese Olympic and world-record-holding distance swimmer.He swam for China at the 2008 Olympics.At the 2010 Asian Gameshe won the men"s 1500m freestyle in an Asian Record; this swim and his two other medals at the Games were cited in his being named the Rookie of the Year at the 2010 CCTV Sports Awards.   At the 2011 World ChampionshipsSun broke the world record in the 1500 metre freestyleset by Grant Hackett in 2001 and the longest-held world record in swimming at the time it was brokenand the only men"s swimming record to not have been beaten during the tech suit era.He won the 400 m and 1500 m freestyle at the 2012 Summer Olym the first Chinese man ever to win an Olympic gold medal in swimming.   At the 2012 Olympicshe was one of two male swimmers to win two individual titlesthe other is Michael Phelps.   运动员英语作文 篇8   How to see the athletes pay phenomenon 如何看待运动员高薪现象   Salaries should reflect people"s dedication and job responsibilities. However, sports figures, who don"t benefit the community in general, earn millions of dollars each. In my opinion this is wrong. Things should be done to change this situation.   If we take the example of a sport star such as Tyson, it is hard for us to say in what way he benefits the society. In fact, his disobeying game rules sets a bad example for young people, and his abandoned behavior encourages people to experiment with sex and violence. Besides, his job does not require special skills or years of training and education. Although he can entertain and excite audience, I do not think he is justified to receive so much money and his job can be considered essential.   On the other hand, most people in ‘ordinary" professions like nurses, doctors and teachers earn only a small fraction of the income of these “stars”. However, if we give a careful look at these professions, we will find that they not only require special skills and years of education but also help the people and the whole society. For instance, teachers disseminate knowledge to the society; doctors and nurses give patients good medical care and prolong their life. They are much more useful, and actually more essential to society than sports personalities. Without these ‘ordinary" professions, our society would stop progressing. Their salaries should relate to skill, education or the value of the inpidual to society.   Things should be done to make salaries fairer. Huge amounts of money shall be given to more deserving people. It seems that the only solution is to impose heavy taxes upon people who earn excessively high salaries. (281 words)   运动员英语作文 篇9   Everybody knows that Brazil won the World Cup in 2002 in Japan. But do you know who helped Brazil football team win it? It was Ronaldo.   In the 17th World Cup match in 2002, Brazil beat seven football teams and won the World Cup. Ronaldo scored 8 goals in 7 matches, so he won the best shot. He also had a goal in the match between Brazil and China. I think many Chinese remember it. Though he didn"t win the MVP, he really played very well in the matches.   Now Ronaldo plays football in Real Madrid Football Club in Spain. In the last season, Real Madrid didn"t win the Champion and Ronaldo didn"t win the best shot. But this season many good players joined this club. In the first eleven matches, Real Madrid won seven of them. Ronaldo also scored seven goals. I believe Ronaldo will get the best shot and he can help Real Madrid win the Champion this season.   Ronaldo is a very good football player. I like him very much.   运动员英语作文 篇10   Karen is on the swim team. She is on the swim team at school. She is a good swimmer. All the swimmers on the swim team are good swimmers. She swims every day. She goes to the pool after her last class. Her last class is her English class. After English class she walks over to the pool. She changes into her swim suit. She dives into the water. She swims for two hours. Her coach watches her swim.   He gives her advice. He tells her how to swim better. Her coach is her swim instructor. He is a good instructor. She will win a race one day.   运动员英语作文 篇11   This picture captures a scene from the Olympics in Athens. People all over the world watch in excitement as Liu Xiang moves towards the finish line in the 110 meter hurdle race. His spirit and determination inspire all, and show how valuable giving your all can be.   Life is a continuous process of fighting and one cannot achieve success without effort. Sparing no effort shows that one fears no difficulties. Striving for a definite goal with such perseverance and determination is a valuable quality. One should not stop trying until one has obtained one‘s dream. Everybody should have this spirit of persistence because one cannot attain anything without exerting oneself. One of the waiters at Tsinghua University, for example, received a full score on his TOEFL examination. He earned this score through diligence and self-discipline. Regardless of the task you are undertaking, whether it be preparing for a university examination, or working towards a career,you should always give all your effort. Only when you work hard can you achieve success.   Although one might think that one can complete a job without sparing any effort, this is never true. Perhaps being a top student in primary or middle school did not take much effort or energy. Or perhaps you did not work as hard as your classmates and were still admitted into a university. Every person‘s life includes many troubles therefore it is important to both work as hard as possible and be prepared for life‘s difficulties.
2023-07-09 08:36:561

“直起直落,慷慨激昂,荡气回肠” “柔和清丽,精致细腻” 求这两句话的英语翻译 我看看哪个大神翻得

第一句:Straight down, speak in excitement emotion, very touching我也是查的
2023-07-09 08:37:032


2023-07-09 08:37:115


1.The people is in danger of death, for the house the are in is on fire. 2.He can"t afford to such a good house. 3.The idea is heard to be strange, but some makes sense. 4.John looks like a good man,even so, I don"t believe him either. 5.If he began to talk about his past, you would never be able to get away from him . 6.The unimployment has a tendency of going up in winter. 7.My father agreed to go to Australia with me finally for my frequent require. 8.He bought a new shop insted of the old one in order to make more money. 9.We should learn a lesson form the failure, which is very important. 10.He believes that his dream of being a securities broker will come true one day. 11.Many students end up with little knowledge which they have learned in their works. 12.My mother became unhappy as soon as I mentioned his name. 13.As long as you take more exercise, you will be healthy again. 14.I have always been getting around to read some books about the space, but it seems that I have little time to do it. 15.The writer wrote nolves with pen no longer afrter he bought a computer. 16.The school set up some new regulations which everyone should obey. 17.The children shouted happily at the sight of the sea. 18.I failed to catch on your talking ,would you please say it again? 19.He accepted the task with being conscious of the hardness of it. 20.To this day I also feel unintelligible when I thought of the things happened on that day.
2023-07-09 08:37:556


1、 分词作状语  分词在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果、让步、伴随等。   分词(短语)作状语时,其逻辑主语应与句中主语相一致。.当现在分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前时, 则用现在分词的完成式,当所表示动作与谓语动作同时发生, 则用现在分词的一般式。完成或被动关系用过去分词。   (1)现在分词The students went out of the classroom, laughing and talking.   (2)过去分词Accompanied by his friend, he went to the railway station. Given better attention, the plants could grow better.   2、"while ( when, once, until, if , though等从属连词)+分词"结构   现在分词或过去分词作状语时,有时可以在分词前加while,when, once, although, until, if等从属连词。   When leaving the airport, she waved again and again to us. While waiting for the train, I had a long talk with my sister about her work……   Once recovered, he threw himself into his work and made every effort to do it well.   Although working very hard, he failed to pass the final exam. If translated word by word, the passage will be difficult to understand.   3、分词作定语  分词作定语时,单个的分词通常放在被修饰的名词之前,分词短语一般置于所修饰的中心词后面。现在分词修饰的是发出该动作的名词(即与名词有主谓关系),过去分词修饰承受该动作的名词(即与名词是动宾关系)。   We will go on with our experiment as soon as we get the added fund.   This is really an exhausting day to all of us!   We can see the part of the moon lighted by sunlight.   After a night spent in excitement and sleeplessness, I forced myself to take a long walk along the beach the next day.   More and more developing countries established strategic partnership with developed countries   4、分词作宾语补足语  现在分词在see, watch, hear, observe, notice, feel, find, glimpse, glance等感官动词和look at, listen to等短语动词以及have, keep, get, catch, leave, set, start, send等使役动词后面与名词或代词构成复合宾语,作宾语补语的成分。   5、分词作表语分词作表语通常看作形容词来用。现在分词表示主语的性质,而且主语多为物;过去分词表示主语的感受或状态,主语多为人。 编辑本段二.现在分词的用法:  1) 做表语:   He was very amusing.   That book was rather boring.   很多动词的现在分词都可以作表语:   exciting, interesting, encouraging, disappointing, confusing, touching, puzzling.   2) 作定语:   上面所出现的现在分词都可以用作定语, 修饰一个名词:   That must have been a terrifying experience.   I found him a charming person.   现在分词短语还可以放在名词的后面修饰名词, 相当于一个定语从句:   There are a few boys swimming in the river.   There is a car waiting outside.   3) 作状语:   现在分词短语可以表示一个同时发生的次要的或伴随的动作:   Following Tom, we started to climb the mountain.   Opening the drawer, he took out a box.   Taking a key out of his pocket, he opened the door.   现在分词短语还可以表示原因, 相当于一个原因状语从句:   Not knowing her address, we couldn"t get in touch with her.   Being unemployed, he hasn"t got much money.   现在分词短语还可以表示时间, 相当于一个时间状语从句:   Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.   Returning home, he began to do his homework.   Jim hurt his arm while playing tennis.   Be careful when crossing the road.   Having found a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.   Having finished her work, she went home.   4)作宾补:   现在分词在一些动词之后可以做宾语的补语:   例如, see, hear, catch, find, keep , have 等.   I see him passing my house every day.   I caught him stealing things in that shop.   I smelt something burning.   She kept him working all day. 编辑本段三.过去分词的用法:  1) 作表语:   We were so bored that we couldn"t help yawning.   She felt confused, and even frightened.   They were very pleased with the girl.   I"m satisfied with your answer.   He is not interested in research.   2) 作定语:   She has a pleased look on her face.   The teacher gave us a satisfied smile.   cooked food a written report   fried eggs boiled water   frozen food armed forces   required courses fallen leaves   finished products a forced smile   the risen sun new arrived visitors   What"s the language spoken in that country?   They"re problem left over by history.   The play put on by the teachers was a big success.   Is there anybody injured?   Do you know the number of books ordered?   3)作状语:   Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent.   Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.   They came in, followed by some children.   Depressed, he went to see his elder sister.   When treated with kindness, he was very amiable.   4)作宾补:   过去分词也同样可以作宾语的补语, 接在某些动词后面   I will have the clothes washed tomorrow.   When they get back home, they found the room robbed.
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一、现在分词 现在分词由动词加ing构成。 非谓语动词中的现在分词主要起形容词和副词的作用,在句中作定语、表语、补语或状语。 一、现在分词的两个基本特点。 1. 在时间上表示动作正在进行。例如: a developing country. 一个发展中的国家, boiling water 沸水, rising sun 冉冉升起的太阳。(试比较: a developed country 一个发达国家, boiled water 白开水, risen sun 升起的太阳) 2. 在语态上表示主动。例如: the ruling class 统治阶级, the exploiting class 剥削阶级。(试比较: the ruled class 被统治阶级, the exploited class 被剥削阶级) 二、掌握现在分词的基本功能。 1. 现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。也可以说明被修饰词的性质和特征,此时可换成相应的定语从句。例如: ① There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light. ② He saw a flying bird and raised his bow. ③ I was satisfied with the exciting speech. 2. 现在分词作状语时,可作时间、条件、结果、原因和伴随状语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。此时分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,因此要注意人称、时态和语态的一致性。例如: ① The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, adding that he had enjoyed his stay here. ② European football is played in more than 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world. ③Seeing from the top of the hill, we can find that the city looks more beautiful. 3. 现在分词作补足语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。例如: ① Soon they could see the steam rising from the wet clothes. ② The missing boys were last seen playing near the river. 4. 现在分词的独立主格结构作状语。例如: ① With his lips still trembling, he couldn"t say a word. ②“ Mama! ” he cried suddenly, tears rolling down his cheeks. “妈妈!”他突然哭着喊,泪水从他的脸上流下来。(这里需要用现在分词的独立主格结构 tears rolling down his cheeks 作状语。) ③ Weather permitting, we"ll go to the Great wall. 如果天气允许的话,我们就去长城。
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1 非谓语动词主要包括不定式&动名词&分词(现在分词和过去分词),.即动词的非谓语形式除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句子的任何成分  它有三种形式:不定式,分词(现在分词、过去分词),动名词  1.非谓语动词与谓语动词的相同点有:   (1)如果是及物动词都可与宾语连用,例如:   They built a garden.   They suggested building a garden.   (2)都可以被状语修饰:   The suit fits him very well.   The suit used to fit him very well.   (3)都有主动与被动, “体”式(一般式;进行式;完成式)的变化。例如:   He was punished by his parents.(谓语动词被动语态)   He avoided being punished by his parents.(动名词的被动式)   We have written the composition.(谓语动词的完成时)   Having written the composition, we handed it in.(现在分词的完成式)   (4)都可以有逻辑主语   They started the work at once.(谓语动词的逻辑主语)   The boss ordered them to start the work.(动词不定式的逻辑主语)   We are League members.(谓语动词的主语)   We being League member, the work was well done.   (现在分词的逻辑主语)   2、非谓语动词与谓语动词的不同点有:   (1)非谓语动词可以有名词作用(如动词不定式和动名词),在句中做主语、宾语、表语。   (2)非谓语动词可以有形容词作用(如动词不定式和分词),在句中做定语、表语或宾语补足语。   (3)非谓语动词可以有副词作用(如动词不定式和分词),在句中作状语。   (4)谓语动词在句中作谓语,受主语的人称和数的限制;非谓语动词在句中不能单独作谓语,它不受主语的人称和数的限制。  (5)英语中不能单独做句子的谓语。2 独立主格结构有两部分组成,前一部份是名词或者代词,后一部分是非谓语动词或其他的一些词。前后两部分具有逻辑主谓关系。独立主格结构在句中做状语,多用于书面语。  独立主格结构本身不是句子,在句子中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、伴随等。  独立主格结构的功能  独立主格结构主要用于描绘性文字中,其作用相当于一个状语从句,常用来表示时间、原因、条件、行为方式或伴随情况等。常见的独立主格结构有如下几种:   1. 名词/主格代词+现在分词。名词/主格代词与现在分词之间主谓关系。 2. 名词/主格代词+过去分词。名词/主格代词与过去分词之间的动宾关系。 3. 名词/主格代词+不定式。名词/主格代词与不定式之间是主谓关系,且强调的是一次具体性的动作。 4. 名词/主格代词+形容词。 5. 名词/主格代词+副词。 6. 名词/主格代词+介词短语。 7. There being +名词(代词) 8. It being +名词(代词)独立主格结构的特点:  1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。  2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定 式,介词等是主谓关系。  3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。3 动名词的复合结构作主语   当动名词有自己的逻辑主语时,常可以在前面加上一个名词或代词的所有格,构成动名词的复合结构(——这时,名词或代词的所有格做动名词的逻辑主语)。动名词的复合结构也可以在句中作主语。例如:   Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us. 4 分词作定语时,单个的分词通常放在被修饰的名词之前,分词短语一般置于所修饰的中心词后面。现在分词修饰的是发出该动作的名词(即与名词有主谓关系),过去分词修饰承受该动作的名词(即与名词是动宾关系)。  We will go on with our experiment as soon as we get the added fund.  This is really an exhausting day to all of us!  We can see the part of the moon lighted by sunlight.  After a night spent in excitement and sleeplessness, I forced myself to take a long walk along the beach the next day.  More and more developing countries established strategic partnership with developed countries
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【 #英语资源# 导语】以下是 无 整理的《兴奋难耐:excited的用法解析》,一起来看看吧! I find I"m so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope. ——The Shawshank Redemption 我发现自己是如此的激动,以至于不能静静地坐下来思考。我想只有那些重获自由即将踏上新征程的人们才能感受到这种即将揭开未来神秘面纱的激动心情。我希望跨越千山万水握住朋友的手,我希望太平洋的海水如同梦中的一样蓝:我希望…… ——《肖申克的救赎》 一、关于excited,你应该知道的用法有 adj. 兴奋的,活跃的,激动的 feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm The boys broke into shrill, excited cheering. 男孩子们突然迸发出刺耳的兴奋的欢呼声。二、接下来,做个填词游戏吧 I"m really _______ at the prospect of working abroad. 我对有希望到国外工作着实很激动。
2023-07-09 08:39:261

怦然心动 英文怎么说?

怦然心动(1.heartache 或者是2.palpitatingwithexcitementeagertodosth.)
2023-07-09 08:39:377

1.he told me the news in an___ voice. A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. excitement

c 人用excited surprising 事物用surprsing
2023-07-09 08:39:565


如何快速提升英语写作能力的方法   英语写作其实比想象中的重要得多,工作和生活中随处都需要用到这项基本英语技能,因此,拥有良好的英语写作能力,写出优秀、准确的英语作文非常重要。本文是我精心编辑的如何快速提升英语写作能力的方法,希望能帮助到你!   如何快速提升英语写作能力的方法 篇1   一、通过积累词汇量,提高英语写作能力。   如果要写一个句子,10个单词有8个单词拼写错误或拼写不出,有2个单词用法不当,又怎么能清楚地表达自己的思想呢?因此,在平时的学习中要自觉的多去记忆单词,记住单词的拼读、用法、意思等。记忆单词是一个长期的反复的过程,要长期地坚持下去,才能不断积累大量的词汇,为英语写作打下坚实的基础。   二、通过扩大阅读量,提高英语写作能力。   多阅读是增加接触英语语言材料、接受信息、活跃思维、增长智力的一种途径,同时也是培养英语思维能力、提高理解力、增强语感、巩固和扩大词汇量的一种好方法,有利于促进英语写作能力的提高。通过阅读分析文章结构、中心思想、段落中心句、写作方法等,掌握各类文章的结构及写作方法。通过大量的泛读来吸取信息量,扩大词汇量和知识面。   三、通过提高听说能力,提高英语写作能力。   英语听说读写四种能力是相互影响、相互促进的,提高听说能力必定会促进写作能力的提高。要提高听说能力关键在于创设一个良好的英语环境。多开展专门的听说训练,同时开展丰富多彩的课外英语活动,去领略、去体会、去运用英语,久而久之自然能使用正确的、地道的英语口语进行交谈与写作。   同时,还要要坚持听说读训练和写训练相结合。根据语言习得理论,学习者在学习时常先通过听和读吸取语言知识,从而了解别人的思想,再通过说和写来表达自己的思想,让别人了解自己,大量的听说训练能促进读写能力的提高。因此,写与听说读紧密结合,进行多元化的能力训练,可使学生的各项能力互相影响、互相渗透、互相促进。   如何快速提升英语写作能力的.方法 篇2   1.多阅读   学习外国作家的表达手法,对于非英语国家的学习者来说,“多看课外书”指的就是:多阅读英语文章或英文名著,多积累一些常用的单词、短语、句子。遇到精彩的短语、句子最好拿个本子摘抄下来,熟读记忆,就像我们小时候背名言警句那样,将它们内化成自己的东西,写作的时候就会自然而然地用出来(所谓“精彩”,指的是一些生动、形象、与众不同、让人眼前一亮的表达)。   摘抄一段它的原文:   Before long the invitations began pouring out, and the Hobbiton post-office was blocked, and the Bywater post-office was snowed under and voluntary assistant postmen were called for. There was a constant stream of them going up the Hill, taking hundreds of polite variations of Thank you, I shall certainly come.   这里说的是Bilbo准备办生日宴,广发请帖,从4个角度说明“邀请的客人之多”。请帖多得两处邮局都不堪重负(注意用了""block""和""snow under""两个词,避免重复),还请了临时邮递员。最后一句,答应前来的客人源源不断地涌上山,送自己的回函(注意用了""a constant stream of..."")。   为什么以英文为母语的人写出来的文章让人觉得更有味道、更有意思?就是因为他们懂得运用多种表达、修辞,不生硬、不死板。我们因为词汇量和表达方式贫乏,遣词造句经常重复。多积累一些这样的“精彩”表达,大胆应用到自己的文章中去,准备惊呆读者吧!   2.积累词汇   ①积累新鲜词汇,不能光记住它的中文解释,更要掌握它的用法,如:它的适用语境、常用搭配、习惯用法等。   ②写作常用的是“书面语”,在正式文章中尽量避免用到“口头语”。   例如:口语中常说的“某人被炒鱿鱼了”,很自然地就说""someone is fired"",在书面语中,不要用""fire"",尽量用""dismiss"",如""He was dismissed from his job.""(他被老板辞退了。)   ③积累常用词汇时,建议将近义词(组)或反义词(组)分类记忆,这样词汇量就成倍增加了。   比如,在作文中,""good""用一次,下一次就用""excellent""或""not bad"",否则通篇的""good""不是会让读者昏昏欲睡么?   ④注意积累一些连接词或学习使用从句。连词有""then, gradually, finally, because, as a result""等等,适当使用连词可以使过渡更自然,文章结构更紧凑;将几句话合并起来,有的短句用从句表示,这样可以使文章更精炼。   例如:《魔戒》(The Lord of The Rings)中的一段:   When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his 111st birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton.   这里用了""when"", ""that""和""with""连接了好几个短句。难以置信,如果这里连用三四个短句表达,J.R.R.托尔金还能称得上“文豪”吗?   3.学会英文的思维方式:写日记   要做到这点,必须在有一定词汇、语法、句型的基础上,强迫自己,在日常生活中,经常用英语描述一些常见事物,并且严禁自己做“变相的翻译练习”。写作就是写作,想到了什么写出来,不要把脑子里的中文翻译成英文,那是“翻译”,不是“写作”。   建议:不妨我们也学老外一样,每天来个Dear Diary。写日记时如果有不懂的表达,及时请教别人或查字典,久而久之,写作肯定会进步。   如何快速提升英语写作能力的方法 篇3   1、增大阅读量   古语道:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”写作是语言输出的过程,没有足够的语言输入(input)是难以维系的。平时应多读英文报纸杂志,如China Daily,21 st Century,Timcs,Reader"s Digest,《英语沙龙》,《英语世界》等。阅读可以起到一石数鸟的功效:首先,可以提高阅读能力;第二,扩大词汇量,提高运用语言的能力,避免词语贫乏的窘境;第三,熟悉当今社会热门话题,吸取有用观点,开拓思路,活跃文思;第四,培养语感及英语思维习惯;还有,它也为口语面试提供大量的素材。   2、精读相关范文   市面上有不少写作指导书籍,其中大多附有范文:切记不可生搬硬套,而应该精读。范文为什么要精渎呢?因为这些范文一般是作者精心挑选的,具有较大参考价值一对这些范文不能仅停留在理解上,而应该抱着取“他山之石”的目的,把有用的表达方式、观点、框架等为己所用。   3、掌握常用框架结构   要掌握布局谋篇的技巧。就好像依照图纸建大楼一样来进行写作,也可称之为填空过程。这样一来,要组织好你的观点,理顺想表达的意思,阐明理由,就变得容易多了。整篇文章会给人以一种组织有序、条理清晰、思路有逻辑的感觉。   4、熟记常用套句与过渡连接词   在有限的时间里,如果对大量常用套句以及过渡词能运用自如,就可以节省时间来构思、组织、检查、润色文章,而不会出现开头第一句就卡壳的难堪情形。熟练运用过渡词有利于文章的“启、承、转、合”。   5、打好坚实的语法基础   没有坚实的语法基础,就如同建空中楼阁,纵使有再好的观点、再严密的论证,都是徒劳的。在注意表达文章内容时,我们往往忽视了语言的正确性,掌握各种基本句型是写好作文的一大关键要素。   6、掌握基础写作理论   掌握写作基本要领,可以少走弯路。当然,掌握理论并不意味着一定能写好文章。对英语写作理论有所了解,明白中英文写作之间的差异和中英思维方式的异同,对于考生来说是非常有益的。   7、勤写勤练   写作是运用语言的重要实践活动,正如不在水中练,就永远学不会游泳一样。掌握一定的写作理论固然重要,但只有勤动笔写,掌握基本套路,才能真正学会写作。写完后,尽可能请教有经验的写作老师,并在老师批改的基础上再次修改,从中认识到自身的弱项。应记住,在这方面。“Practice makes perfect”或者说“业精于勤而荒于嬉”。 ;
2023-07-09 08:40:121


get dizzy with success
2023-07-09 08:40:274


极度的兴奋 [网络] deliria; [例句]他的嗓音里含带着几分极度的兴奋。There was a kind of feverish excitement in his voice.
2023-07-09 08:40:342


老乡,根据实际情况有不同的翻译 1.countryman 2.villager 3.fellow men ============== 1.All the countrymen were in a state of great excitement. 全体老乡都非常兴奋。 2.The villagers, full of hate in their eyes, stared the traitor down. 眼里充满仇恨的老乡们,盯得那个叛徒垂了眼睛。 3.He had not taught for the good of his fellow men. 他那时的教学并不是为老乡们造福。 4.They often visit the villager home after work. 他们下工后常到老乡家串门。 5.The villagers stalled off the enemy patrols for ten minutes so that the guerrillas could safely get away. 老乡们用计把敌人的巡逻队拖住了十分钟,使游击队员们得以安全脱身。 6. While Peng was resting, he called in the Mohammedan peasants. 彭休息的时候,请回民老乡进来。
2023-07-09 08:40:411

in excitement什么意思及同义词

2023-07-09 08:41:051


"Shaking" 是动词 "shake" 的现在分词形式,表示正在摇晃或颤抖。它可以加上不同的介词来表达不同的含义。以下是一些常见的搭配:"shaking with fear" 意为 "因恐惧而颤抖""shaking from cold" 意为 "因寒冷而颤抖""shaking in excitement" 意为 "因兴奋而颤抖""shaking at the thought of something" 意为 "一想到某事就颤抖"具体要根据上下文来确定应该使用哪个介词。
2023-07-09 08:41:191

英语造句: jump up and down in excitement

When they heard the good news, they jumped up and down in excitement.当他们听到那个好消息时, 他们激动得跳跃起来.
2023-07-09 08:41:261

翻译英语 狗兴奋地跳起来。

The dog excited to jump
2023-07-09 08:41:374

激昂的英语翻译 激昂用英语怎么说

2023-07-09 08:41:472

当我重新发现自己的时候 英语作文150字

Once, I was one of the most familiar stranger and himself, though on the surface we have always been the default as one, but I never thought in my heart, and this kind of energy, like solar energy, enough to let me find new themselves, enough todefeat all cowardice, enough to know myself. And now, I found myself seems thatfollow shadow instead of me.I remember, that speech, standing in front of the whole school, in front ofthousands of pairs of eyes on the high podium above, I will be a good speech made to be reduced to fragments, don"t even say like others speak speak in excitement emotion. In the end, I just deal with it. But I still have to and the other candidatestogether, stand at the ballot box, wait for others to vote. Clearly know oneself have no hope, but still want to see their own defeat, derived from the fear and cowardicein a moment the sky, this is really a cruel. I stood at the ballot box, watching the crowds flocked to the other direction, the ballot box full of others in a little bit, butI"m, pathetic, I still smile to stand at the ballot box, until the crowd dispersed, notears, no show heart lost. It is at that moment, I always smile at the time, I found my heart as much as you want, where not only fear, and the strong force, can be painattacks in a complete mess, still strong smile. Perhaps, that time I was notcompletely lost, my speech was a failure, but I realized that a new self.Maybe some people will think that change is a loss of self expression, but who have not changed? Every change, can let us recognize the infinite power hidden, can see a better myself. If I like to present myself, what"s the matter?I rediscovered myself, and you know me, maybe not the same. You know me, is in your eyes I can judge, is quiet, also may be a bit naive, even with a little aloof, but I know you can from dribs and drabs, I see a time of transformation.I found myself, that have a lot of dreams, sometimes do not know how to achievetheir own; that even when to retreat, also want to smile to yourself; that again and again choose to believe yourself.In the past, whether it is good or bad, I can only silence a collection, the future, I will still be a continuous transformation of the people, no matter what, I will always bethat you have knowledge of me, and I have found I.
2023-07-09 08:42:091


How much do you know about Top Combine(至上励合 TC),the popular boy band? After two months of training and rehearsal (彩排,预演)in South Korea , the five boys are back with their latest (最近的,最新的)album Grandness Equal to Heaven(《齐天大盛》). They showed up in Beijing last month to promote (宣传,促进)their new record . Hundreds of teenagers screamed(尖叫) in excitement when they saw their idols.“I was blown away(被……征服) by this album. I knew TC would improve after going to South Korea , but I couldn"t have imagined(想象) it would be so nice ,” said a fan after she listened to the album..Each of the boys has put something of themselves into the new album , from Zhang Yuan"s soft voice to Ma Xueyang" talents composing(作曲) and writing lyrics . Their hit song Grandness Equal to Heaven in a creative mix of catchy(动人的) rhythms and traditional musical instruments ,including flute(笛子) and pipe . A teenage fan says that Top Combine"s new album helps him get through all his tests .Although they tried to be China"s No.1 Motivational(励志的) boy band , Top Combine"s debut in October ,2008 was not a big success . The band"s first EP Arrival (《降临》)was not immediately popular . People accused(指责) the band of being unoriginal . They said TC was just like a South Korean boy band ,because their fashion sense and music style were similar (相似的)to those bands .But they didn"t give up . Now with their new album ,their hard work looks like it"s paying off.
2023-07-09 08:42:161


  祖国是什么?有人说,祖国是地图上那只高唱的雄鸡;有人说,祖国是各地上空飘扬的五星红旗;还有人说祖国是回响于四方的义勇军进行曲。我整理了歌颂祖国的英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!   歌颂祖国的英文诗歌篇一   It is A beautiful face,   I was lying on the bed to see the angel"s face.   Bandaging the wounds of love warm exorcise fear.   That moment,   I feel I have a strong motherland.   It is a kind of faces   that I see before Ben away from the classroom the most calm face.   To his students,   his achievements in the eternal.   That moment, I feel I have a strong motherland.   Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?   Shakespear   Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?   Thou art more lovely and more temperate.   Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,   And summer"s lease hath all too short a date.   Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,   And often is his gold complexion dimm"d;   And every fair from fair sometime declines,   By chance or nature"s changing course untrimm"d;   But thy eternal summer shall not fade   Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow"st;   Nor shall Death brag thou wander"st in his shade,   When in eternal lines to time thou grow"st:   So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,   So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.   你的长夏永远不会凋谢   我怎能够把你来比拟作夏天?   你不独比他可爱也比他温婉;   狂风把五月宠爱的嫩蕊作践,   夏天出赁的期限又未免太短;   天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈,   他那炳耀的金颜又常遭掩蔽;   给机缘或无偿的天道所摧残,   没有芳颜不终于凋残或销毁。   但你的长夏将永远不会凋落,   也不会损失你这皎洁的红芳;   或死神夸口你在他影里漂泊,   当你在不朽的诗里与时同长。   只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛,   这诗将长在,并且赐给你生命。   歌颂祖国的英文诗歌篇二   Climb over five thousand years,   Side banner will give you the bright,   My dear motherland.   Hence,   I am not going to crawl,   Hence,   I will not be subjected to slavery,   Hence,   my monument in the new China, the   Straight into a stand of trees.   Trees,   I am just an ordinary tree.   Spray can not be turned into the new China will be singing the songs around the clock;   Clouds can not become a new China dress China and the United States movement.   I am just a normal tree,   Incoming sand standing place   With my brothers and sisters together   For my motherland green barriers erected.   I am just a normal tree,   Standing on the shore of the choppy,   With my brothers and sisters together   For my country to increase the strength of Haiphong.   I am just a normal tree,   Standing on ice and snow of the north sky,   With my brothers and sisters together   For my sculpture image of the motherland.   I am just a normal tree,   Hot side of the south,   With my brothers and sisters together   For my country to open up a cool road.   I am just a normal tree,   Even if I fall,   Also let the speeding train,   With young Chinese,   To break through the fog of financial crisis,   Direct access to the full glory of a new era.   歌颂祖国的英文诗歌篇三   A Farmeru2019s Homeland   Translated by Ting Lan   A farmeru2019s homeland is gathered in his palm of land   He never walks out of sight line of crops, for his lifelong harvests   Of blossom in spring and fruit in autumn   A farmeru2019s sweat permeates soil, unnoticed, so u2013   It never stops pouring, that his plot of land   Is neither thirsty nor barren   A farmeru2019s power is small, so u2013   He ploughs, hoes, and shoulders his rice   That his homeland is full of vigor, all the time   The loud sounds of chant   Echo in the sky, so rivers and mountains   Are immersed in excitement   Where they canu2019t hold back their great joys   A farmeru2019s intention, never stays overnight   So he works until dawn to uproot weeds   That prevent his aspire   A farmeru2019s homeland is narrow, so u2013   He defends its territory: a village, and a few ridges   That he persists across generations, and   Keeps fostering his daughters and sons   How vast a farmeru2019s homeland is!   The Map of Rooster, hung high on the wall, daily patrolling   Records footprints of a farmeru2019s homeland   一个农民的祖国,收拢在巴掌大的地里   走不出庄稼的视线,为春华秋实倾尽一生   一个农民的汗落地即无   不停挥洒,以至于一块地   不干渴不荒芜   一个农民的力太小   耕锄肩担,以至于祖国地   时时刻刻布满了生机   一声声嘹亮的号子   回荡天际,以至于山川河流   沉浸喜悦不能自拔   一个农民的心思   不隔夜,以至于披星戴月   拔除影响希望的杂草   一个农民的祖国多狭隘   守土有责,一个村庄几条田埂   世代不移香火延续   一个农民的祖国多辽阔   墙上高挂的雄鸡图,天天巡视   惦记一生
2023-07-09 08:42:231

in+名词(in great excitement)的词性相当于形容词吗?

确实是副词,,be后副词加也可以加的,比如说i"m home home不就是地点副词吗。只是比较少 。 in +表示情绪的词就是那个词的副词形式,但是从书面上来说 要高级很多。
2023-07-09 08:42:391


My Chinese Dream When preparing for the English speech contest, I simply want to search some articles as the contents of my speech. I read a lot of articles, some from the university professor, some from the famous host, some from the college students, and even from junior high school students. But after reading it, I gave up the idea, I even felt shameful. The topic I want to talk about today is a solemn and serious theme full of glory and pride, which is a common aspiration of all our Chinese. Every Chinese has his own dream of China, and of course, there is a dream lingering in my heart only belongs to my own. So whatu2019s my Chinese dream is? Finally I will announce. We had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. We had a basic concept to our country at that time. We know that our country is full of sunshine but developing slowly, and we are the future of our country, and our dreams are to be the hope of our motherland. Life became not the same, though we donu2019t want to admit, itu2019s the truth that our mind and our attitude to our country is changing. Our society became full of deception, indifference, intrigue, pressure, corruption, sinister, and we became irritable and not calm, detest the world and its ways. Our country seems to have become in a disastrous state too. A lot of young students who were nurtured by our motherland became impatient, let alone what their dreams are, what the Chinese dream is? Are we sick, or our dear motherland is in disease? I don"t want to talk about politics about the construction of our country, and also do not want to speak in excitement emotion speech published on the Diaoyu Island event in my Chinese dream. We must learn to organize our own thoughts, correct our own concept, and change our direction to the right side in our future life. Our Chinese dream actually lies in our own hands, in the hands of our young generation, especially of the intellectuals. Perhaps the strength of a person is small, but when his or her fate is connected with the motherland, he or she will be hero or heroine. Perhaps a dream is tiny, but when it becomes the dream of a country, it becomes inestimable. Perhaps I cannot change our country by my own, but if thousands on thousands of young people struggle for the dream together, our motherland is enough to make the world tremble, and moving. I dream to construct our beauty China with millions of young people who have the same dream. We do it without exaggeration but only with persistence. And this is my Chinese dream!
2023-07-09 08:42:481

___at my classmate"s faces ,I read the same excitement in their eyes .

2023-07-09 08:43:493


原文:It is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature, equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought, but they did not go out of their way to court such excitement.其中“equipped ……at the thought”在句子中做什么成分?which在句子中表示什么答:译:确实,在探险中他们经常遇到惊心动魄的困难和危险,而他们装备之简陋足以使现代登山者一想起来就胆战心惊。但是,他们并非故意寻求这种刺激。equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought, 他们的装备如此简陋,足以使现代登山者一想起来就胆战心惊。at the thought,一想到(他们的装备),英文中省略了 of the manner. equipped in a manner which-定从,为过去分词短语作状语,表示伴随情况。which引导定语从句,修饰manner, 并在从句中作主语。
2023-07-09 08:43:594

It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name in print一句中,in print作何解?

in print理解为印在上面/里面 我的名字印在上面上面/里面
2023-07-09 08:44:086


How is your going?
2023-07-09 08:44:255


Dragon Boat Festival is my favourite festival.It is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.During the holiday of Dragon Boat Festival,I got together with my family to have a big meal.We ofen ate the zongzi.It tasted very nice.And we saw the Dragon Boat Races.I felt excited because the race was bustling with noise and excitement.At Dragon Boat Festival,we also drank realgar wine.Some people thought drank realgar wine can protect themselves from illness.Dragon Boat Festival was interesting and I like it very much. 加分!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2023-07-09 08:44:411


《绝对无敌》—倪子冈(篮球火插曲) 原来电视里没有放出来的部分都是RAP~ 歌词: 绝对无敌的传说 能永远不会被打破 必须要战斗 我会 if I"m ever gonna get back, get back, get back 绝对无敌的传说 能永远记住在心中 必须要战斗 我会 if I"m ever gonna get back, get back, get back Yo picture this U got a kid in a room his hands sweatin and shakin while he"s lacin his shoes the excitement"s buildin up for what"s comin up soon To get there and do what he was born to do 他拥有篮球梦 他成为地域修罗 他知道全盘战局只能够靠自己掌控 只感到一点疲倦 只感到一些危险 但是胜负分明之前绝对不会退却 Cuz now he"s out on the floor And he"s catchin the pass slashin to the glass, movin so fast, right to the hole, they don"t know how to stop him and he keeps on droppin 2"s and 3"s by the second and the crowd is rockin so they knock him 躺在冰冷地上 只要一个深呼吸就能再冲刺全场 那慢动作的世界 欢呼声蜂拥如浪 就在一分钟过后强者加冕成王 绝对无敌的传说 能永远不会被打破 必须要战斗 我会 if I"m ever gonna get back, get back, get back 绝对无敌的传说 能永远记住在心中 必须要战斗 我会 if I"m ever gonna get back, get back, get back Imagine 有个女孩出现 她在人群之中永远都是第一惹眼 她总是在身边 不知心里想谁 所有男人梦想哪天能给她全世界 But the truth is that there"s someone on the other team Someone who stole her heart Someone who holds her dreams They kiss for the 1st time just the other evening Her brother"s 23 but her lover"s number 16 战况激烈 好戏正要上演 女孩不知道自己应该站在哪一边 眼神交汇 只是瞬息万变 大家都屏住呼吸忍住不眨眼 16 on the break 23 on the chase Brother goes in the air with brother up in his face They come crashing to the dirt Tears about to burst When the game is over who she gonna run to first, yo 绝对无敌的传说 能永远不会被打破 必须要战斗 我会 if I"m ever gonna get back, get back, get back 绝对无敌的传说 能永远记住在心中 必须要战斗 我会 if I"m ever gonna get back, get back, get back 有时感觉阻碍太多 我还是会夺魄折磨 骄傲战斗 Nothin"s gonna stop me Ey yo this game of life is one big struggle We gotta hustle just to make it everyday and to find ourselves a way to fight the fears we facin and grab those dreams we chasin cuz there ain"t no competition when we rise to the occasion, c"mon 绝对无敌的传说 能永远不会被打破 必须要战斗 我会 if I"m ever gonna get back, get back, get back 绝对无敌的传说 能永远记住在心中 必须要战斗 我会 if I"m ever gonna get back, get back, get back采纳哦
2023-07-09 08:44:491

___at my classmate"s faces ,I read the same excitement in their eyes .

Alook 和I是主谓关系,所以用现在分词形式
2023-07-09 08:45:394

Puppy FoodA puppy (young dog) is a precious addition to any family. The excitement of bringing ...

小题1:B小题2:E小题3:F小题4:D小题5:A 小题1:B 根据第二段提到Some dry food produced specially for puppies is the best for the development of their teeth.一些干燥点的食物特别有利于小狗牙齿的发展,故选B项正确的饮食是必须的。小题2:E 根据第二段提到Some dry food produced specially for puppies is the best for the development of their teeth.一些干燥点的食物特别有利于小狗牙齿的发展,所以选E项这样的食物比狗罐头便宜.小题3:F 根据第三估段提到Contrary to the belief of many first-time puppy owners, it is not always the best idea to purchase food that is too high in calcium (钙), protein, and vitamin levels.吃过多的钙,维他命,会伤害狗的消化器官,故选F项。小题4:D根据第四段提到It is not a good idea to feed the food you eat to your puppy frequently, as your puppy may become selective about food.经常的喂狗也是不好的,狗会对食物挑剔,故选D项由于不平衡的饮食会导致肚胀。小题5:A 根据最后一段提到After ten to twelve weeks of age, feed your puppy twice per day. Allow your puppy to eat as much as he would like in fifteen minutes当狗大一些时,一天喂两次,让他吃十五分钟,然后拿走盘子,故选A项。
2023-07-09 08:46:191

looked at in this way, the present

being是它的现在进行时态,一般不单独用,而是用于现在进行时的被动语态.(being+动词过去分词) the bike is being repaired.单车正在被修理中. it is being finished by him这正在被他完成中.
2023-07-09 08:46:342

马克吐温的this was my mother多长篇幅

This Was My Mother Mark Twain这就是我的母亲 马克·吐温My mother, Jane Lampton Clemens, died in her 88th year, a mighty age for one who at 40 was so delicate of body as to be accounted a confirmed invalid destined to pass soon away. But the invalid who, forgetful of self, takes a strenuous and indestructible interest in everything and everybody, as she did, and to whom a dull moment is an unknown thing, is a formidable adversary for disease.我的母亲,珍妮·兰普顿·克莱门斯,88岁时去世,能活到这个年龄,对于一个40岁时身体虚弱,被断定将不久于人世的病人来说,无疑是一个奇迹。但这个病人,正如她表现的那样,总是浑然不觉,却对其他任何人和任何事都抱有强烈的、无法阻挡的兴趣。对她而言,无聊的时刻是闻所未闻的事情,而这是对抗疾病的可怕对手。She had a heart so large that everybody"s griefs and joys found welcome in it. One of her neighbors never got over the way she received the news of a local accident. When he had told how a man had been thrown from his horse and killed because a calf had run in his way, my mother asked with genuine interest, “What became of the calf?” She was not indifferent to the man"s death, she was interested in the calf, too.她的心胸开阔,无论谁的悲苦与欢乐都能包容。她的一个邻居一辈子都忘不了,当她听说了当地一起交通事故后的反应。这位邻居告诉她,有一个男人骑着马与一头小牛迎面相撞,然后坠马身亡了。我母亲真切而又饶有兴趣地问道,“那小牛怎么样了?”她不是不关心那男人的死,只是她对小牛也同样在乎。She could find something to excuse and as a rule to love in the toughest of human beings or animals-even if she had to invent it. Once we beguiled her into saying a soft word for the devil himself. We started abusing him, one conspirator after another adding his bitter word, until she walked right into the trap. She admitted that the indictment was sound, but had he been treated fairly?对于最粗暴的人或动物,她都能找到一点借口予以原谅,而且照例维护他们,即使她不得已要编造一些东西。有一次我们骗她替魔鬼说好话。几个预谋者一个接一个咒骂魔鬼,越骂越激烈,直到她生生地进了我们的圈套。她承认这些对魔鬼的控诉是有理的,但是它受到公平对待了吗?She never used large words, yet when her pity or indignation was stirred she was the most eloquent person I have ever heard. We had a little slave boy whom we had hired from someone there in Hannibal. He had been taken from his family in Maryland, brought halfway across the continent, and sold. All day long he was singing, whistling, yelling, laughing. The noise was maddening, and one day I lost my temper, went raging to my mother and said Sandy had been singing for an hour straight, and I couldn"t stand it. Wouldn"t she please shut him up? The tears came into her eyes and she said:“Poor thing, when he sings it shows me that he is not remembering, and that comforts me; but when he is still I am afraid he is thinking. He will never see his mother again; if he can sing, I must be thankful for it. If you were older you would understand, and that friendless child"s noise would make you glad.”她从不夸夸其谈,但是一旦被激起悲悯之心或者愤恨之情,她就会变成我见过的最能言善辩的人。我们有一个小童奴,是在汉尼拔时从当地人那里雇来的。他的家在马里兰州,被带着穿越美国时,半道上给卖了。他整天唱歌,吹口哨,大喊大笑。这些声音真令我抓狂。直到有一天,我火了,愤怒地跑向母亲,抱怨说桑迪已经整整唱了一个小时了,我简直忍无可忍,他能不能闭上他的嘴?此时,她的泪水夺眶而出,说道,“可怜的小家伙,他唱歌说明他正在遗忘,这多么令我欣慰啊。但是如果他一直得唱啊唱[雨林木风4] ,那他可能是在思考了。他是再也见不到他的母亲了。如果他还能唱歌,我觉得那是万幸的事情。你老了就会明白,那孤苦伶仃的孩子的喧闹声会令你高兴起来。”All dumb animals had a friend in her. Hunted and disreputable cats recoginized her at a glance as their refuge and champion. We once had 19 cats at one time. They were a vast burden, but they were out of luck, and that was enough. She generally had a cat in her lap when she sat down, but she denied indignantly that she liked cats better than children though there was one advantage to a cat, she"d say. You could always put it down when you were tired of holding it.所有不会说话的动物都能成为她的朋友。那些被人追赶的和狼狈不堪的野猫一眼就能认出她是它们的庇护人和守卫者。我们家曾经有一度同时认养了19只猫咪,这可是个沉重的负担。但是只要想到猫咪们的不幸,就够了。她坐着的时候总把只猫放在膝盖上,尽管她强烈地否认自己爱猫胜过爱孩子,但她不得不承认,猫有一个好处,当你抱它们抱累的时候,可以随时把它们放下来。I was as much of a nuisance as any small boy and a neighbor asked her once, “Do you ever believe anything that boy says?”我小的时候像其他小男孩一样讨人嫌。一个邻居问过我母亲,“你有没有信过那兔崽子说的话?”“He is the wellspring of truth,” my mother replied, “but you can"t bring up the whole well with only one bucket. I know his average, so he never deceives me. I discount him 90 percent for embroidery and what is left is perfect and priceless truth, without a flaw.”“他可是真理的源泉,”我母亲回答道,“但是你不能照单全收。我知道他那点底子,所以他从来都欺骗不了我。扣除他话里添枝加叶的那百分之九十的话,剩下来的就是实打实的宝贵真话。”She had a horror of snakes and bats, which I hid in pockets and sewing baskets; otherwise she was entirely fearless. One day I saw a vicious devil of a Corsican, a common terror in the town, chasing his grown daughter with a heavy rope in his hand, threatening to wear it out on her. Cautious male citizens let him pass but my mother spread her door wide to the refugee, and then, instead of closing and locking it after her, stood in it, barring the way. The man swore, cursed, threatened her with his rope; but she only stood, straight and fine, and lashed him, shamed him, derided and defied him until he asked her pardon, gave her his rope and said with a blasphemous oath that she was the bravest woman he ever saw. He and she were always good friends after that. He found in her a long-felt want-somebody who was not afraid of him.她害怕那些我藏在口袋和针线筐里的蛇和蝙蝠。除此之外,她什么都不怕。有一天,她看到一个恶魔般的科西嘉人手握一根粗绳子,在追着她已成年的女儿跑,说是要打她直到打断绳子。这人可是城中一霸。所有谨慎胆小的男人们都放任其所为,只有我的母亲敞开着大门,让那姑娘避难。接着,她并没有锁上门,而是站在门口挡着。那个男人咒骂着,用手里的绳子威胁她。她只是站着,一动不动,满不在乎,痛斥他,羞辱他,挖苦他,嘲弄他,直到他求饶,递上绳子,然后发毒誓说她是他见过的最勇敢的女人。从那以后,他俩成了好朋友,因为他在她身上发现了一个他盼望已久的愿望---有人害怕他。One day in St. Louis she walked out into the street and surprised a burly cartman who was beating his horse over the head with the butt of a heavy whip. She took the whip away from him and made such a persuasive appeal that he was tripped into saying he was to blame, and into volunteering a promise that he would never abuse a horse again.有一天,在圣路易斯,她出家门走到街上,突然遇到一个魁梧的马夫正用鞭子把狠命地打马的头部。她冲了过去,一把夺过鞭子,然后循循善诱般的劝导车夫,把他说得自惭形秽,并主动承诺再也不会虐待马匹。She was never too old to get up early to see the circus procession enter town. She adored parades, lectures, conventions, camp meetings, church revivals-in fact every kind of dissipation that could not be proved to have anything irreligious about it, and she never missed a funeral. She excused this preference by saying that, if she did not go to other people"s funerals, they would not come to hers.无论多大年纪了,每到马戏团巡演进城,她都会起个大早。她喜欢看游行啦、听讲座啦、参加集会、野营集会,福音布道会等等,总之,是各种各样的、不违反宗教信条的娱乐活动。她不会错过任何一个葬礼,并且给自己的偏好找了一个借口——如果不去参加别人的葬礼,别人也不会来参加她的。She was 82 and living in Keokuk when, unaccountably, she insisted upon attending a convention of old settlers of the Mississippi Valley. All the way there, and it was some distance, she was young again with excitement and eagerness. At the hotel she asked immediately for Dr. Barrett, of St. Louis. He had left for home that morning and would not be back, she was told. She turned away, the fire all gone from her, and asked to go home. Once there she sat silent and thinking for many days, then told us that when she was 18 she had loved a young medical student with all her heart. There was a misunderstanding and he left the country, she had immediately married, to show him that she did not care. She had never seen him since and then she had read in a newspaper that he was going to attend the old settlers" convention. “Only three hours before we reached that hotel he had been there,” she mourned.82岁时,她居住在克库克镇(爱荷华州), 但令人难以琢磨地是,她坚持要参加密西西比河谷的老乡会。路途有些遥远,但一路上,她重新焕发出兴致盎然、热情洋溢的青春活力。到了酒店,她立即要求见圣·路易的巴雷特医生。但被告知,巴雷特医生已经于当天早上动身回家了,将不会再回来了,她转过脸去,热情尽褪,接着要求回家。回到家中,她一度沉默地安坐一旁,很多天里似乎在思考什么,后来她还是告诉我们了原委。18岁时,她曾全身心地爱着一个年轻的医科学生。他们之间存在一些误会,那个医科学生离开了,为了表现出无所谓,她随即出嫁了。自此,她再也没有见过那个医科学生,但随后从报纸得知他要去参加老乡会的消息。她哀怨地说道:“仅在我们到宾馆的3个小时前,他还在这里呢。”She had kept that pathetic burden in her heart 64 years without any of us suspecting it. Before the year was out, her memory began to fail. She would write letters to school-mates who had been dead 40 years, and wonder why they never answered. Four years later she died.她把这段伤心往事在心里藏了64年,没有人发现一点蛛丝马迹。直到那年年末,她的记忆开始减退。她开始经常给已经去世了40年的同学写信,然后一直困惑为什么从没收到回信。四年之后,她也去世了。But to the last she was capable with her tongue. I had always been told that I was a sickly child who lived mainly on medicines during the first seven years of my life. The year she died I asked her about this and said:但直到最后的日子,她还能够说话。她总是说我是一个病秧子,在我生命的头七个年头里靠药罐子活着。她去世的那年,我问及这件事情:“I suppose that during all that time you were uneasy about me?”“我觉得,我那段时间一直是您的心病?”“Yes, the whole time.”“是的,无时不刻”“Afraid I wouldn"t live?”“怕我活不下去了?”After a recollective pause-ostensibly to think out the facts-经过短暂的思考——很明显在揣摩着些情况“No-afraid you would.”“不,担心你会活下来”Jane Lampton Clemens" character, striking and lovable, appears in my books as Tom Sawyer"s Aunt Polly. I fitted her out with a dialect and tried to think up other improvements for her, but did not find any.珍妮·兰普顿·克莱门斯个性突出且受人爱戴,人物特点在我的书《汤姆·索亚历险记》中以波莉姨妈的形象出现。我曾为这个角色设计了方言,并且尽力设计出更多的亮点,但最后仅此而已。
2023-07-09 08:46:531

restrict confine的区别

restrict与 confine的区别1、confine侧重施加不可逾越的限制,有时暗示束缚限制、限定 :confine sb./sth. tosth.表监禁、紧闭时:confine sb./sth. in sth.Doctorsare trying to confine the disease within the city.医生正试图将此病控制在城内。2、restrict指把某人或物体限制在一定的范围内,也可用于(以法规)限制: restrict …to在表示约束自己的时候,常用表达:restrictsb. to sth./doing sth.Attemptsto restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem oftraffic congestion.在城市中心限制停车的尝试使阻塞的问题更加严重。【其他表示“限制”词汇】1、limit指事先确定空间、时间或数量的极限。一旦超越限度,就会造成不良后果。The economic affairs minister announcedlimits on petrol sales.经济部长宣布了对石油销售的限制。2、restrain(犹指用武力)抑制、制止、管辖也可以表示约束自己,控制自己,常用表达:restrain oneself from sth./doing sth.They couldn"t restrain theirexcitement. 他们无法抑制自己的激动。
2023-07-09 08:47:013


2023-07-09 08:47:093

Look!The children were all playing with excitement in the Disneyland.同义句

look, all of the children were playing excitedly in the Disneyland.
2023-07-09 08:47:162

Any excitement you have at starting a new job is always ( ) with a certain amount of fear.

coming;11. The worsening of the country"s economy could mean (D. diminished ) public support for the ruling party.A. crippledB. subtractedC. flutteredD. diminished 满分:4 分12. Three people went killed in the bomb explosion, but police have not yet identified the (C. victims ) .A. representativesB. statisticsC. victimsD. circumstances 满分:4 分13. In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become (D. household ) words; almost everyone has heard of them.A. familyB. homeC. houseD. household
2023-07-09 08:47:274

to my excitement, the young girl laughs in the way_____ her mother did at that age.

2023-07-09 08:47:353

Since tasting the excitement of _____ big city life, she never wants to live in _____ country a...

D 选D,big city life 表泛指,其前不用冠词;country 表示“农村”时,其前习惯上要用定冠词。
2023-07-09 08:47:421

In Australia, surfing is a popular sport among young people _____ they can seek excitement and ...

D 试题分析:句意:在澳大利亚,冲浪是年轻人中很受欢迎的运动,其中他们能够追求刺激和冒险。这句话用了定语从句,先行词是surfing,定语从句中不缺少主宾表,缺少的是地点状语,用where引导定语从句。选D。
2023-07-09 08:47:491

The Fun and Excitement of 'Reality'中文翻译。不要电脑翻译的。

它是以朋友爬上平台,戴上头盔,然后突然开始疯狂地扭曲和冲压空气中所有的方向。但视频游戏爱好者使用它。他们遇到这样的场景在每一天的视频游戏。虚拟现实是最新的,最热门的电脑游戏,类型。玩家喜欢它是因为它的第一场比赛,让他们感觉他们实际上是在游戏,参与周围的人。通过虚拟现实技术的魔力,你可以成为一个拳击手或变成一个机器人通过简单地把头盔和加紧控制。关键的" "现实失真”是你觉得头盔。它涵盖你的眼睛和耳朵,阻挡你的正常视力和听力。打开开关,你周围的景点和声音的游戏世界。在拳击比赛,你听到欢呼的人群和蓬勃发展的声音,一个播音员呼叫指令。然后你发现自己站在拳击台上,面对一个大的,讨厌看对手。钟声响起的时候你在冲去。你甚至可以选择一二个球员选项,使你的脸打属于一个朋友!自从第一个电子游戏了超过15年前,游戏开发者一直在工作程序,可以增加真实感的游戏。他们最新的产品,称为互动游戏,包括最先进的游戏技术开发。虚拟现实游戏是最复杂的这些。重要的是理解的差异之间的互动和被动娱乐在谈到视频游戏。看电视是被动的,你坐在椅子上坐在电视机前,无论是显示在屏幕上。你没有做任何事情,除了保持你的眼睛打开。听收音机不可以被称为互动,因为你没有积极参与说了什么或你所听到的电波。但这是一个不太被动活动比看电视,因为你用你的想象力来填补在图像去与你听到的声音。电脑游戏是互动,因为你做了什么影响游戏如何证明:如果你找不到合适的秘密隧道,你不能逃避邪恶城堡,除非您避免陷阱的路上,你死了,游戏结束。在虚拟现实,你达到一个新水平的相互作用。图像和声音在你周围,多亏了头盔和一些非常昂贵的计算机技术,你从简单的看电视或玩游戏,体验它。你可以把从直升机上看地面速度远远低于你的脚。或把180左右°看坏家伙来支持你。问题补充:创作者的虚拟现实还远远没有完成。他们梦想着有一天来了一个游戏世界中,玩家将不能够告诉除了真实的东西。它会
2023-07-09 08:48:082

英语必修五文章《futuroscope-excitement and learning》全文翻译

您还真舍得呀,一百分耶。 在谷歌个性化首页上可以找到中英互译的啊
2023-07-09 08:48:185

一词多义的英语单词有哪些?例如book (书,预定)

2023-07-09 08:48:374

in 和with的区别,

其实在穿衣服上,IN和with基本差不多,我觉得没有什么本质的区别。但是最后一句i would like a cup of coffee ----some sugar and milk.用with,这肯定要用with,用来表示伴随某物。in是介词,介词后面必须接名词,代词或者动名词,即doing。 这是介词的一个特点,当介词in单独使用时,或者与其它动词构成固定搭配时,都不能脱离其作为介词的特点。in 常用意思:在..., 在...之内,从事于..., 按照..., 穿着...。                         He was born in 1992.  他生于1992年。                         I could finish the program in two weeks.我可以用两周时间完成这个项目。                         He spend less time in reading.他读书时间很少。                         The man in black jacket is our teacher.穿黑夹克的那个人是我们的老师。 一些与介词in的固定搭配表示时间表示地点表示状态with的用法:I.“同…一起;跟…一起;和…;与…一同”be connected with, be friends with, be familiar with, celebrate… with, come with, chat withII.“有;带有;戴着;具有;怀有”1. Anyone with the right knowledge can give first aid.2. I think the ones with nuts in them are nicer.3. She married a man with a lot of money.V.“以…态度/方式;…地”do sth. With an effort, do sth. with a light heart, an answer with pride, VI.表理由,原因由外界的某种情况而影响到体内或内心的某种心理变化,表示人们的感情和感觉1.V. + with: tremble with cold, shake with fear, burst with joy, cry with sorrow, beat with excitement, + a. + with: be content with, be satisfied with, be pleased with, be delighted with, be tired with, be mad with, be wild with, be moved with, etc.VII.“伴随;随着;与…同时;与…同方向”with time going byVIII.“就…来说;…的情况是;在…范围;为…所雇佣(受雇佣者至少是中层管理人员)work with the companyIX.“对于;关于”be busy with, sth. wrong with, problems with tobacco, get along/on with, fall/be in love with, have sth./nothing/anything to do with, etc.X.“照顾;管理;主管;保存;归于”leave sth. with sb.XI.表示“同意;一致;和谐;调和;相配”agree with, go withXII.表示人们如何对待某人/事,常用于某些形容词后be angry with, be pleased with, be patient with, be careful with, be strict with, be honest with, * be good to, be kind to, be nice to, be polite to, be rude to, etc.XIII.“对待;处理;论述;与…打交道”deal withXIV.用于 “with + O. + O.C.”XV.表达汉语中动词的意思Good luck with your trip
2023-07-09 08:48:531

be frightened at中文翻译

You need n"t be frightened at the dog . 你不必怕那条狗。 There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others 我性子倔强,决不肯让别人把我吓倒。 " that s all right , " was the reassuring answer . " you mustn t be frightened at us “别担心, ”亚瑟安慰道, “不要为我家的人紧张。 " that " s all right , " was the reassuring answer . " you mustn " t be frightened at us . we " re just homely people - hello , there " s a letter for me . “别担心, ”亚瑟安慰道, “不要为我家的人紧张。我们都是不讲究的人? ?嗨,我还有一封信呢! ” " although , " said villefort , " it will be a serious thing for valentine to lose her grandfather s fortune , i do not think that m . d epinay will be frightened at this pecuniary loss “瓦朗蒂娜失去了她祖父的遗产,虽然这事严重, ”维尔福说, “但我并不认为那桩婚事会因此而受挫。 People were frightened at the time , but on looking back they rather pked it ; it was a fine excitement in a quiet country pfe ; and there was even a party of the younger me who pretended to admire him , calpng him a true sea - dog , and a real old salt , and suchpke names , and saying there was the sort of man that made england terrible at sea 人们当时是受了惊吓,可回过头来看,他们相当喜欢这样。在安静的乡村生活中,这是很好的兴奋剂。这里甚至有一群年轻人声称崇拜他,称他是“货真价实的船员” “真正的老水手” ,以及诸如此类的称呼,还说正是因为有他这样的人,英格兰才称雄海上。
2023-07-09 08:49:151