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第二次考雅思,为何成绩单repeating ielts显示的NO?

2023-07-09 11:01:43





重复英语翻译为:repeat。 repeat: v.重复;重说;重写;重做;重新推出;重复发生;再次发生; n.重播的电视(或广播)节目;重演的事物;重复的事件;重复段;反复部分; 第三人称单数: repeats复数: repeats现在分词: repeating过去式: repeated过去分词: repeated 扩展资料   I repeated the question, but she didn"t answer.   我把问题重复了一遍,但是她仍没有回答。   The reason why the injection needs repeating every year is that the virus changes.   每年需要重新注射的原因是这病毒经常变化。   I"m sorry ─ could you repeat that?   对不起——你可以再说一遍吗?   They are hoping to repeat last year"s victory.   他们希望重复去年的胜利。
2023-07-09 07:45:471

重复着 英文怎么表达

2023-07-09 07:46:014


repeat 英[ru026au02c8pi:t] 美[ru026au02c8pit] vt. 重复; 复述,背诵; vi. 重做; 重复投票; n. 重复; (节目) 重演; 重复的事物; 音标是:[ru026au02c8pi:t] 按照拼音读出就可以了。建议下个软件查单词就可以发音了。
2023-07-09 07:46:101


2023-07-09 07:46:171


问题一:重复的用英语怎么说 重复的 [词典] repeated; repeating; [医] reduplicated; reduplicate; iterant; [例句]他原本也可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。 He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages. 问题二:重复使用的英文怎么说 你好! 重复使用 Repeated use 问题三:重复 用英语怎么说?? repeat 哦如果你是说形容词重复那应该是duplicate 问题四:重复地的英语翻译 重复地用英语怎么说 The sun is shining today 问题五:联想外置1394卡好用否,采集视频有什么弊端. 联想的产品不好说,你要是点子高会碰到比较好的产品,点子低就骸好说了。楼主的问题在于联想外置1394卡里有没有真正的视频压缩功能,有的1394卡的功能只限于把1394接口的设备与电脑连接,其它的事还是要电脑去做那就没什么意思了! 问题六:中文“重复”用英语怎么说? make up with mend restart 问题七:我不明白他反复不停的说用英语怎么翻译 I don"t understand he kept saying over and over again. 问题八:多次 用英语怎么说??? many times; time and again; repeatedly; 问题九:一直、继续用英语怎么说? 继续 n. continuance v. go on, continue, carry on, keep on, hold on, endure,搐proceed 问题十:反复和波折 用英语怎么说 需要看具体背景的才知道应该用准确的词表示 again repeat this problem may happen again in the future. 这个问题可能不及还会出现. fluctuate The profit will keep fluctuated for some time 利润会持续波动一段时间。
2023-07-09 07:46:241


两个词有很大区别。repeat: 重复(说明/讲述) to say or tell people something more than once重复(发生/做某件事) to happen, or to do something, more than oncerevise:改变(主意)、修改(作文) to look at or consider again an idea, piece of writing, etc. in order to correct or improve it(为了考试)复习 to study again something you have already learned, in preparation for an exam如果有哪里解释的不清楚,欢迎继续追问。
2023-07-09 07:46:321

repeating out loud,为什么repeat是ing形式?

2023-07-09 07:46:533


RE是回复、答复、转发的意思。1、RE:Retransmit, Repeating,即“转发”之意。如果你经常使用英语邮箱,当你转发时,新邮件标题栏原标题前就会自动生成这个前缀。2、在回复某人邮件时,也会有相同的前缀,这时的RE的意思是Response。
2023-07-09 07:47:021


  人生反复无常,所以要时刻做好准备迎接未知的世界。下面是我给大家整理的反复的英语短语,供大家参阅!   反复的英语短语篇1   So this is an experiment of using an online distance product to enrich what was from a content standpoint that our students recapped.   因此,这个实验,用网上远程产品充实了,同学们反复阐述的,内容观点。   I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: and no man could learn that song.   我听到竖琴师用他们的竖琴反复演奏着:,u2026,没人能学会那首歌。   So one of the things I would like to suggest is that you develop some good style here, and in particular, don"t change types arbitrarily.   所以我的建议是,你们要养成一些好的编程风格,尤其是,不要反复无常的改变变量的类型。   So magic in a pagan system, Kaufman claims, is a way of getting around the gods, circumventing the capricious will of the gods and demons.   考夫曼宣称,异教系统中的法术,可以用来应付众神,能使反复无常的神谕和恶魔的诅咒失灵。   There is that physical comedy, and I"ll suggest to you that in that sentence, the pushing and pulling, you"re seeing part of Nabokov"s verbal play.   有着强烈的肢体喜剧色彩,我认为在这句话中,反复出现的推和拉,想你展示了纳博科夫的文字游戏。   Is that right? In this game, when we analyzed the game repeatedly, it seemed like our analysis converged towards the equilibrium.   没错吧,当我们反复分析这个博弈,我们的分析最后会趋近均衡   It"s something that we have to do over and over again, that is, making up the world.   这是我们必须反复不断做的事儿,也就是说,创造这个世界。   Nothing follows from this really--I think-- rather interesting observation that there"s a kind of pervasiveness of triadicity.   只是关注了-,这有趣的,三个字的组合的反复大量出现。   In other words what happens to people"s health as they lose weight and then regain it repeatedly over a period time?   换言之,在一段时期内反复增重减重,对人们的健康有什么影响   I could sort of sit there and try to track the lines, but I have to repeat it.   我差不多能试着去跟随旋律线,但必须反复听   反复的英语短语篇2   So this sort of structural repetition creates a crescendo that leads then to the finaland most devastating plague which is the slaughter of the Egyptian firstborn sons.   所以这种结构上的反复,创造了一种渐渐加强的效果,最终到了最后一个,也是最具毁灭性的瘟疫,对埃及人长子的屠杀。   You can think of it as this reaction to the problem of lateness that accounts for one of the invocation"s most distinctive features, and that"s the repetition of the word "first."   你们可以把弥尔顿在这首诗中对“晚“的回应,当做这首诗最明显的特征之一,这表现在他反复使用“初/先“一词上“   If I know I"m going to need something over and over again, I squirrel it away somewhere and then get it back when I need it.   如果我知道我将要反复,使用一个东西时,我会把它贮藏起来以后用。   leitwort Such a word is called a leitwort, A recurring word that becomes thematic.   这样的词叫做关键词,一个反复出现的词语便能表明主题。   And presumably if we do this again and again, we"d get back some similarly correct answers.   可以推测,如果我们反复地做这个,我们会得到类似的正确的答案。   We find slavery repeatedly instituted by God or by men acting under his immediate care and direction, as in the instance of Moses and Joshua.   我们反复发现上帝一直在推行奴隶制,或是借人之手,操作施行,就像摩西和乔舒亚的故事一样   What you do is you show a baby something over and over again.   向婴儿反复呈现某物   Okay? So repetitious, rhythm, beats, strong pulsation to it.   不停的反复,节奏,鼓点,强烈的脉动   This is a recurring rhetoric, this notion that there is a cancer in the body politic.   这是一种经常反复出现的修辞,这个国家的政治体系是有潜在的危险的。   反复的英语短语篇3   And we"ll really get to see a picture of that, and I"ll be repeating that again and again today, because this is something I really want everyone to get firmly into their heads.   而且我们将会,真正地看到一个图片,我今天也会反复的强调这一点,因为这是我想让你们每个人,严格的记在脑子里的东西。   Weird things, bad things can happen and so one of the lessons too that will be repeated throughout the course is to actually rigorously error check and make sure that you"re always thinking about your user being a bad guy.   各种古怪的事情就会蜂拥而至,所以在这个课程中我反复强调,要一丝不苟地检查错误,你就当你的用户是个调皮捣蛋的家伙。   A thousand times in a thousand ways anybody who studies the American Civil War period is inevitably asked, "So what caused this war?"   每个研究美国内战史的人,总会不可避免地被人们反复问道,"究竟是什么导致了这场战争"   For example, the stock market crash of 1929 is repeatedly re-expected even though it only happened once; it"s just prominent in our thinking.   929年股市崩盘,就被反复提及,尽管这只发生过一次,但是人们对它影响深刻   Mine is to demonstrate over and over how little mathematics you need to get the job done.   我的方法就是,反复演算,用最少的数学来解决问题   We will go over and over and over again different case studies where some really interesting aspects of mental life prove to be unconscious.   我们会反复地讨论一些不同的个案研究,这些个案研究都证明了,心理活动的某些方面确实是无意识的。   And one of the things i said from day one is that our entire work has to be based on the best science we can master for the American people.   从一开始工作我就反复强调,我们所有的工作都建立在,为了美国人民所掌握的,最先进的科学知识之上。   So this was a highly charged political environment. Far more volatile than for example the kind of partisan quarrels we see today in our republic I hope.   所以那是十分紧张的政治环境,比我们当今所见的,共和政党争论,更加反复无常,希望如此。   We have datas analyzed, reanalyzed and meta-analyzed.   数据被一而再,再而三地反复分析。   It repays innumerable readings and re-readings, so I urge you to read it seventy-five times, let"s say, before you come to class on Monday.   这需要反复的阅读和再阅读,所以我建议你们在周一来上课前,要读七十五遍。
2023-07-09 07:47:101


  重复指同样的东西再次出现,按原来的样子再次做。那么你知道是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于重复的英语知识吧。    重复英语单词   repeat   reiteration   echo    重复的英语例句   要不要我重复一遍?   Am I expected to repeat it?   重复努力,重复劳动,重复工作。   We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.   呼吸练习应该再多重复几次。   The breathing exercises should be repeated several times more.   流程型销售人员喜欢重复性、可规模化的方法。   Process-oriented sales folks love repeatable, scalable methods.   倘使你不发一言,就不会被要求重复再讲一遍了。   If you do not say anything, you will not be called on to repeat it.   我们必须避免无谓的重复劳动。   We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.   因此在无重复接地的地方一定要加装重复接地。   So iterative earthing is necessary in the place where it is not installed.   请先对重复的索引重新命名,没有重复后再升级。   Rename the indexes to remove duplicates before you upgrade.   重复节必须系结到重复的域或组。   A repeating section must be bound to a field or group that repeats.   这是真正的祈祷,不是机械的重复。   It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition.   这个小孩重复着他妈妈的话。   The child echoed his mother"s words.   找到并且销毁,重复一下,销毁这些部件。   Find and destroy, repeat destroy, these units.   “你这个傻瓜,”她不断地重复著。   "You fool," she kept repeating.   作为预防性措施,请重复用药。   As a precautionary measure repeat the medication.   另外,我重复了我的问题。   I repeated my question for good measure.   夫人,请重复一遍好吗?   Would you repeat that please, ma"am?   他接下来就开始不著边际、说话来回重复了。   Then he started rambling and repeating himself.   假设一个输入速度很快的使用者输入一个重复的城市名,但是马上意识到了错误并纠正了错误。   Suppose a nimble-fingered user enters a duplicate city name but immediately realizes his mistake and fixes it.   他重复了几遍直到记住为止。   He repeated it several times over ie again and again until he could remember it.   习惯一种由于不断的重复而形成的反复出现,经常是无意识的行为方式   A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.   重复repeat和restate的区别   Hello Jun. Thank you for your question about the difference between repeat and restate.   你好,Jun。感谢你提问repeat和restate这两个词的区别。   In a sense, repeat and restate are similar in that they can both mean that someone says something again.   从某种意义上说,repeat和restate是非常相似的,因为它们的含义都是某人再一次说了些什么。   However, if someone repeats something, they say exactly the same words,   但是,当某人repeat某事的时候,他们说的是完全相同的话,   whereas if someone restates something, they express the same idea but by using different words.   而当某人restate某事的时候,他们表示的是同样的意思,但是说得却是不同的话。   They do this in order to make their meaning clearer or to make their point more strongly.   他们这样做的目的是要让自己的意思更加清楚,或者更强烈地表达他们的观点。   This is the kind of thing that a university lecturer might do to explain a plicated theory   可能在大学讲师解释一个复杂的理论时、   or that a politician might do when clarifying a new policy.   或是一名政治家在阐明新政策时,会出现这样的情况。   In the following example the second sentence is a restatement of the first sentence.   在下面的例子中,第二句话是对第一句话的重述restatement。   The government will reduce ine tax next year. We will take less of the money that you earn.    *** 会在明年降低所得税。我们会从你所挣得钱中收取更少的一部分。   Whilst in the following version, the second sentence is a repetition of the first one.   在下面这个说法中,第二句是对第一句的重复repetition。   The government will reduce ine tax next year. We will reduce ine tax next year.    *** 会在明年降低所得税。我们明年会降低所得税。   There is, of course, another difference between repeat and restate.   当然,repeat和restate还有另外一个区别。   You can repeat an action, you can do something for a second or a third time, but it is impossible to restate an action.   你可以repeat一个动作,可以做两次、三次,但是却不可能restate一个动作。   So, if you are still not sure about the difference I suggest you read or listen to this explanation again,   因此,当你仍然不确定它们之间的区别时,我建议你将上述解释再听或读一遍,   as it is often said that repetition is an important part of learning.   就像人们常说的那样,重复是学习的重要组成部分。 1.创意用英语怎么说 2.烦恼用英语怎么说 3.重视用英语怎么说 4.交换用英语怎么说 5.个性用英语怎么说 6.成长用英语怎么说 7.一斤用英语怎么说
2023-07-09 07:47:171

by listening to a tape and repeating out loud.什么意思

  by listening to a tape and repeating out loud.  通过听磁带和重复大声。  by listening 通过听  例句:  1.The party bubbled about them, and she sat listening, supremely content to beby his side.  周围人声鼎沸,而她坐在那儿,安静地听他倾诉衷肠。  2.I can only urge you to seek truth by listening to the voice within.  我只能敦促你们通过倾听内在的声音来寻求真理。  3.Listen. One of my favorite ways to get ideas is by listening to other people talk.  倾听别人的谈话是我最喜欢的获取想法的途径之一。  4.By listening to many English CDs, i made a great progress on english .  通过聼大量英语磁带,我的英语成绩取得了较大的进步。  5.Guess what I just learnt by listening to a phone conversation?  猜猜我刚才听别人打电话知道了什么?
2023-07-09 07:47:364

MATLAB中的 repeating sequence模块 是什么意思

2023-07-09 07:47:514

life is repeated。

repeated是形容词,也是动词(repeat的过去分词),repeating是形容词。如果非要有区别的话,那么就把repeated坐过去分词来解释,则第一句应改为life was repeated,第二句不变。
2023-07-09 07:48:241


2023-07-09 07:48:332


decimal fraction纯小数 infinite decimal无限循环小数 recurring decimal有限循环小数,也叫periodic/repeating decimal例如: The recurring decimal 3.999... is also described as 3.9 recurring.循环小数‘3.999..."亦作‘3.9循环".
2023-07-09 07:48:411


2023-07-09 07:48:481


2023-07-09 07:48:551

什么是数据库里的 REPEATING GROUP(重复组) 举例说明

举个例子,学生成绩数据表张三 95,李四 94,王五 91这就是一个重复组,这组数据中均包含姓名和成绩,并且只包含姓名和成绩。
2023-07-09 07:49:171


2023-07-09 07:49:241


高分子化学英文是:High Molecular Compound。1、高分子化合物(High Molecular Compound):所谓高分子化合物,系指那些由众多原子或原子团主要以共价键结合而成的相对分子量在一万以上的化合物。2、单体(Monomer):合成聚合物所用的低分子的原料。如聚氯乙烯的单体为氯乙烯。3、重复单元(Repeating Unit):在聚合物的大分子链上重复出现的、组成相同的最小基本单元。如聚氯乙烯的重复单元为。4、单体单元(Monomer Unit):结构单元与原料相比,除了电子结构变化外,其原子种类和各种原子的个数完全相同,这种结构单元又称为单体单元。5、结构单元(Structural Unit):单体在大分子链中形成的单元。聚氯乙烯的结构单元为。6、聚合度(DP、Xn)(Degreeof Polymerization):衡量聚合物分子大小的指标。以重复单元数为基准,即聚合物大分子链上所含重复单元数目的平均值,以表示;以结构单元数为基准,即聚合物大分子链上所含结构单元数目的平均值,以表示。7、聚合物分子量(Molecular Weightof Polymer):重复单元的分子量与重复单元数的乘积;或结构单元数与结构单元分子量的乘积。8、数均分子量(Number—average Molecular Weight):聚合物中用不同分子量的分子数目平均的统计平均分子量。9、重均分子量(Weight—averageMolecularWeight):聚合物中用不同分子量的分子重量平均的统计平均分子量。10、粘均分子量(Viscosity—average Molecular Weight):用粘度法测得的聚合物的分子量。11、分子量分布(Molecular Weight Distribution MWD):由于高聚物一般由不同分子量的同系物组成的混合物,因此它的分子量具有一定的分布,分子量分布一般有分布指数和分子量分布曲线两种表示方法。12、多分散性(Polydispersity):聚合物通常由一系列相对分子量不同的大分子同系物组成的混合物,用以表达聚合物的相对分子量大小并不相等的专业术语叫多分散性。13、分布指数(Distribution Index):重均分子量与数均分子量的比值。即。用来表征分子量分布的宽度或多分散性。14、连锁聚合(Chain Polymerization):活性中心引发单体,迅速连锁增长的聚合。烯类单体的加聚反应大部分属于连锁聚合。连锁聚合需活性中心,根据活性中心的不同可分为自由基聚合、阳离子聚合和阴离子聚合。15、逐步聚合(Step Polymerization):无活性中心,单体官能团之间相互反应而逐步增长。绝大多数缩聚反应都属于逐步聚合。16、加聚反应(Addition Polymerization):即加成聚合反应,烯类单体经加成而聚合起来的反应。加聚反应无副产物。17、缩聚反应(Condensation Polymerization):即缩合聚合反应,单体经多次缩合而聚合成大分子的反应。该反应常伴随着小分子的生成。18、塑料(Plastics):具有塑性行为的材料,所谓塑性是指受外力作用时,发生形变,外力取消后,仍能保持受力时的状态。塑料的弹性模量介于橡胶和纤维之间,受力能发生一定形变。软塑料接近橡胶,硬塑料接近纤维。19、橡胶(Rubber):具有可逆形变的高弹性聚合物材料。在室温下富有弹性,在很小的外力作用下能产生较大形变,除去外力后能恢复原状。20、橡胶属于完全无定型聚合物,它的玻璃化转变温度(Tg)低,分子量往往很大,大于几十万。
2023-07-09 07:49:311

请问simulink的repeating sequence产生等腰三角波的时候,为什么有时是不标准的波形呢?这与什么设置有关

采样时间要设置正确 一般情况下越小越标准
2023-07-09 07:50:073


2023-07-09 07:50:281


repetitive 贬义的,重复让人厌烦repeated 中性的repeating 跟上面就不一样了repeating 连发的,说的是枪The gun is repeating
2023-07-09 07:50:471


问题一:重复的用英语怎么说 重复的 [词典] repeated; repeating; [医] reduplicated; reduplicate; iterant; [例句]他原本也可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。 He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages. 问题二:表示两个号码重复了,在英文里怎么说 重复 [chóng fù] [词典] repeat; repetition; duplicate; reiteration; echo; [例句]他把那个词重复了几遍。 He repeated the word several times. 问题三:A与B重复英语怎么说 A is the same with/as B?A is identical with B?A is similar to B 问题四:重复地的英语翻译 重复地用英语怎么说 The sun is shining today 问题五:中文“重复”用英语怎么说? make up with mend restart 问题六:"与A项重复"这个英文怎么说 英语这样说: duplicate with A 问题七:英语问题(重复一遍的英语怎么拼写?) I beg your pardon
2023-07-09 07:51:031


问题一:重复的用英语怎么说 重复的 [词典] repeated; repeating; [医] reduplicated; reduplicate; iterant; [例句]他原本也可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。 He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages. 问题二:中文“重复”用英语怎么说? make up with mend restart 问题三:重复使用的英文怎么说 你好! 重复使用 Repeated use 问题四:重复地的英语翻译 重复地用英语怎么说 The sun is shining today 问题五:重复一遍的英语翻译 重复一遍用英语怎么说 repeat it again 问题六:“与。。。重复”英文怎么翻译? 为你提供最佳译文: The础document you sent us this time overlaps with what was sent last time.
2023-07-09 07:51:421


问题一:重复的用英语怎么说 重复的 [词典] repeated; repeating; [医] reduplicated; reduplicate; iterant; [例句]他原本也可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。 He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages. 问题二:表示两个号码重复了,在英文里怎么说 重复 [chóng fù] [词典] repeat; repetition; duplicate; reiteration; echo; [例句]他把那个词重复了几遍。 He repeated the word several times. 问题三:中文“重复”用英语怎么说? make up with mend restart 问题四:A与B重复英语怎么说 A is the same with/as B?A is identical with B?A is similar to B 问题五:重复地的英语翻译 重复地用英语怎么说 The sun is shining today 问题六:"与A项重复"这个英文怎么说 英语这样说: duplicate with A 问题七:英语问题(重复一遍的英语怎么拼写?) I beg your pardon
2023-07-09 07:51:491


问题一:重复的用英语怎么说 重复的 [词典] repeated; repeating; [医] reduplicated; reduplicate; iterant; [例句]他原本也可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。 He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages. 问题二:表示两个号码重复了,在英文里怎么说 重复 [chóng fù] [词典] repeat; repetition; duplicate; reiteration; echo; [例句]他把那个词重复了几遍。 He repeated the word several times. 问题三:A与B重复英语怎么说 A is the same with/as B?A is identical with B?A is similar to B 问题四:中文“重复”用英语怎么说? make up with mend restart 问题五:重复地的英语翻译 重复地用英语怎么说 The sun is shining today 问题六:英语问题(重复一遍的英语怎么拼写?) I beg your pardon 问题七:重复的英语怎么写(缩写) 你好! rpt.(repeat) - 重复 【英文缩写】rpt. 【英文全称】repeat 【中文解释】重复 重复的英文缩写是rpt.。
2023-07-09 07:51:561


repeat加ing的变法如下:repeating。He repeated her statement word for word。他一字不差地重复她的话。I have no fears of your repeating it 。我才不怕你会翻嘴学舌呢。He repeated the same story over and over。他颠来倒去地重复着同一个故事。This visit he now repeated every year 。现在,他每年都要到那儿去访问一次。So the years pass and repeat each other 。岁月如流,年复一年。
2023-07-09 07:52:031

repeating, repeating 歌词

歌曲名:repeating, repeating歌手:The Juliana Theory专辑:loveI"m burning the candle at both endsWhile holding it under waterI"m looking with tunnel vision andI"m bleeding to make this all worthwhileI know it seems to never endThis way I"ve made it inRepeating, RepeatingI"m burnt out, burnt outOn everythingRepeating over againBurn out, burnt out on everythingWill this end?I want to be off this board I can"tI tell you that everything is all rightI"m looking for time to find myselfWith all of this madness in my lifeI know it seems to never endThis way I"ve made it inRepeating, RepeatingI"m burnt out, burnt outOn everythingRepeating over againBurn out, burnt out on everythingWill this end?I"m burning the candle at both endsI tell you that everything is all rightI"m burning the candle at both endsI"m bleeding to make this all worthwhileI"m burning the candle, I"m burning the candle at both endsI"m burning the candle, I"m burning the candle at both endsWill it end?Will this end?Will this end?Will this end?Repeating, RepeatingI"m burnt out, burnt outOn everythingRepeating over againBurn out, burnt out on everythingThis will end
2023-07-09 07:52:101


2023-07-09 07:52:302


2023-07-09 07:52:406


2023-07-09 07:53:011


问题一:多次 用英语怎么说??? many times; time and again; repeatedly; 问题二:多次反复的英文怎么写 多次反复的 repetitious 多次反复地 repetitiously 问题三:多次的英语怎么说 many times 问题四:一到两次用英语怎么说? 一到两次 One to two times 一到两次 One to two times 问题五:“两次”用英语怎么说 用twice,切记是不用two times的 问题六:重复多次 的英文怎么打 重复多次 英文:Repeat many times The after is simplified and the yield rate is 80 % The catalyst can be reused. 产物后处理简单,收率80%,催化剂可重复多次使用. These very sharp and keen glances seemed to increase her confidence at every repetition. 这些敏锐的窥探重复多次之后,似乎更增加了她的信任感. As your strength improves, you can plete more than one set of repetitions with each exercise. 随着你力量的加强, 你就可以将这组健身动作重复多次了. 问题七:一天多次用英语怎么写 many. times. a. day 问题八:重复的用英语怎么说 重复的 [词典] repeated; repeating; [医] reduplicated; reduplicate; iterant; [例句]他原本也可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。 He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages. 问题九:英文 次数多的 怎么说 USING PUTER IS usually BAD 伐OR EYESIGHT. usually 是经常性的.
2023-07-09 07:53:081


  重复指同样的东西再次出现,按原来的样子再次做。那么你知道重复的 英语单词 是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于重复的英语知识吧。    重复英语单词   repeat   reiteration   echo    重复的英语例句   要不要我重复一遍?   Am I expected to repeat it?   重复努力,重复劳动,重复工作。   We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.   呼吸练习应该再多重复几次。   The breathing exercises should be repeated several times more.   流程型销售人员喜欢重复性、可规模化的 方法 。   Process-oriented sales folks love repeatable, scalable methods.   倘使你不发一言,就不会被要求重复再讲一遍了。   If you do not say anything, you will not be called on to repeat it.   我们必须避免无谓的重复劳动。   We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.   因此在无重复接地的地方一定要加装重复接地。   So iterative earthing is necessary in the place where it is not installed.   请先对重复的索引重命名,没有重复后再升级。   Rename the indexes to remove duplicates before you upgrade.   重复节必须绑定到重复的域或组。   A repeating section must be bound to a field or group that repeats.   这是真正的祈祷,不是机械的重复。   It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition.   这个小孩重复着他妈妈的话。   The child echoed his mother"s words.   找到并且销毁,重复一下,销毁这些部件。   Find and destroy, repeat destroy, these units.   “你这个傻瓜,”她不断地重复着。   "You fool," she kept repeating.   作为预防性 措施 ,请重复用药。   As a precautionary measure repeat the medication.   另外,我重复了我的问题。   I repeated my question for good measure.   夫人,请重复一遍好吗?   Would you repeat that please, ma"am?   他接下来就开始不着边际、说话来回重复了。   Then he started rambling and repeating himself.   假设一个输入速度很快的用户输入一个(重复的)城市名,但是马上意识到了错误并纠正了错误。   Suppose a nimble-fingered user enters a ( duplicate) city name but immediately realizes his mistake and fixes it.   他重复了几遍直到记住为止。   He repeated it several times over (ie again and again) until he could remember it.   习惯一种由于不断的重复而形成的反复出现,经常是无意识的行为方式   A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.   重复repeat和restate的区别   Hello Jun. Thank you for your question about the difference between repeat and restate.   你好,Jun。感谢你提问repeat和restate这两个词的区别。   In a sense, repeat and restate are similar in that they can both mean that someone says something again.   从某种意义上说,repeat和restate是非常相似的,因为它们的含义都是某人再一次说了些什么。   However, if someone repeats something, they say exactly the same words,   但是,当某人repeat某事的时候,他们说的是完全相同的话,   whereas if someone restates something, they express the same idea but by using different words.   而当某人restate某事的时候,他们表示的是同样的意思,但是说得却是不同的话。   They do this in order to make their meaning clearer or to make their point more strongly.   他们这样做的目的是要让自己的意思更加清楚,或者更强烈地表达他们的观点。   This is the kind of thing that a university lecturer might do to explain a complicated theory   可能在大学讲师解释一个复杂的理论时、   or that a politician might do when clarifying a new policy.   或是一名政治家在阐明新政策时,会出现这样的情况。   In the following example the second sentence is a restatement of the first sentence.   在下面的例子中,第二句话是对第一句话的重述(restatement)。   The government will reduce income tax next year. We will take less of the money that you earn.   政府会在明年降低所得税。我们会从你所挣得钱中收取更少的一部分。   Whilst in the following version, the second sentence is a repetition of the first one.   在下面这个说法中,第二句是对第一句的重复(repetition)。   The government will reduce income tax next year. We will reduce income tax next year.   政府会在明年降低所得税。我们明年会降低所得税。   There is, of course, another difference between repeat and restate.   当然,repeat和restate还有另外一个区别。   You can repeat an action, you can do something for a second or a third time, but it is impossible to restate an action.   你可以repeat一个动作,可以做两次、三次,但是却不可能restate一个动作。   So, if you are still not sure about the difference I suggest you read or listen to this explanation again,   因此,当你仍然不确定它们之间的区别时,我建议你将上述解释再听或读一遍,   as it is often said that repetition is an important part of learning.   就像人们常说的那样,重复是学习的重要组成部分。 猜你喜欢: 1. 创意用英语怎么说 2. 烦恼用英语怎么说 3. 重视用英语怎么说 4. 交换用英语怎么说 5. 个性用英语怎么说 6. 成长用英语怎么说 7. 一斤用英语怎么说
2023-07-09 07:54:311

重复伤害 英文怎么说

Repeated injury 重复伤害
2023-07-09 07:54:382


2023-07-09 07:54:477


楼主询问的是repeat吧,作为动词有重复;复述;反复说;重复做;重复发生;留有余味的意思;作为名词是再次发生;重播;重复部分。例如,The last two figures repeat.最后两个数码相同。复数repeats ,第三人称单数repeats ,过去式repeated ,过去分词repeated ,现在分词repeating。
2023-07-09 07:55:101

MATLAB repeating sequence 是什么意思

你好 这句话的意思是产生规律重复的任意信号
2023-07-09 07:55:313


2023-07-09 07:55:391

I must keep repeating it 宾语是谁

repeating it
2023-07-09 07:55:462


  人生反复无常,所以要时刻做好准备迎接未知的世界。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   篇1   So this is an experiment of using an online distance product to enrich what was from a content standpoint that our students recapped.   因此,这个实验,用网上远端产品充实了,同学们反复阐述的,内容观点。   I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: and no man could learn that song.   我听到竖琴师用他们的竖琴反复演奏著:,…,没人能学会那首歌。   So one of the things I would like to suggest is that you develop some good style here, and in particular, don"t change types arbitrarily.   所以我的建议是,你们要养成一些好的程式设计风格,尤其是,不要反复无常的改变变数的型别。   So magic in a pagan system, Kaufman claims, is a way of getting around the gods, circumventing the capricious will of the gods and demons.   考夫曼宣称,异教系统中的法术,可以用来应付众神,能使反复无常的神谕和恶魔的诅咒失灵。   There is that physical edy, and I"ll suggest to you that in that sentence, the pushing and pulling, you"re seeing part of Nabokov"s verbal play.   有着强烈的肢体喜剧色彩,我认为在这句话中,反复出现的推和拉,想你展示了纳博科夫的文字游戏。   Is that right? In this game, when we *** yzed the game repeatedly, it seemed like our *** ysis converged towards the equilibrium.   没错吧,当我们反复分析这个博弈,我们的分析最后会趋近均衡   It"s something that we have to do over and over again, that is, making up the world.   这是我们必须反复不断做的事儿,也就是说,创造这个世界。   Nothing follows from this really--I think-- rather interesting observation that there"s a kind of pervasiveness of triadicity.   只是关注了-,这有趣的,三个字的组合的反复大量出现。   In other words what happens to people"s health as they lose weight and then regain it repeatedly over a period time?   换言之,在一段时期内反复增重减重,对人们的健康有什么影响   I could sort of sit there and try to track the lines, but I have to repeat it.   我差不多能试着去跟随旋律线,但必须反复听   篇2   So this sort of structural repetition creates a crescendo that leads then to the finaland most devastating plague which is the slaughter of the Egyptian firstborn sons.   所以这种结构上的反复,创造了一种渐渐加强的效果,最终到了最后一个,也是最具毁灭性的瘟疫,对埃及人长子的屠杀。   You can think of it as this reaction to the problem of lateness that accounts for one of the invocation"s most distinctive features, and that"s the repetition of the word "first."   你们可以把弥尔顿在这首诗中对“晚“的回应,当做这首诗最明显的特征之一,这表现在他反复使用“初/先“一词上“   If I know I"m going to need something over and over again, I squirrel it away somewhere and then get it back when I need it.   如果我知道我将要反复,使用一个东西时,我会把它贮藏起来以后用。   leitwort Such a word is called a leitwort, A recurring word that bees thematic.   这样的词叫做关键词,一个反复出现的词语便能表明主题。   And presumably if we do this again and again, we"d get back some similarly correct answers.   可以推测,如果我们反复地做这个,我们会得到类似的正确的答案。   We find slavery repeatedly instituted by God or by men acting under his immediate care and direction, as in the instance of Moses and Joshua.   我们反复发现上帝一直在推行奴隶制,或是借人之手,操作施行,就像摩西和乔舒亚的故事一样   What you do is you show a baby something over and over again.   向婴儿反复呈现某物   Okay? So repetitious, rhythm, beats, strong pulsation to it.   不停的反复,节奏,鼓点,强烈的脉动   This is a recurring rhetoric, this notion that there is a cancer in the body politic.   这是一种经常反复出现的修辞,这个国家的政治体系是有潜在的危险的。   篇3   And we"ll really get to see a picture of that, and I"ll be repeating that again and again today, because this is something I really want everyone to get firmly into their heads.   而且我们将会,真正地看到一个图片,我今天也会反复的强调这一点,因为这是我想让你们每个人,严格的记在脑子里的东西。   Weird things, bad things can happen and so one of the lessons too that will be repeated throughout the course is to actually rigorously error check and make sure that you"re always thinking about your user being a bad guy.   各种古怪的事情就会蜂拥而至,所以在这个课程中我反复强调,要一丝不苟地检查错误,你就当你的使用者是个调皮捣蛋的家伙。   A thousand times in a thousand ways anybody who studies the American Civil War period is inevitably asked, "So what caused this war?"   每个研究美国内战史的人,总会不可避免地被人们反复问道,"究竟是什么导致了这场战争"   For example, the stock market crash of 1929 is repeatedly re-expected even though it only happened once; it"s just prominent in our thinking.   929年股市崩盘,就被反复提及,尽管这只发生过一次,但是人们对它影响深刻   Mine is to demonstrate over and over how little mathematics you need to get the job done.   我的方法就是,反复演算,用最少的数学来解决问题   We will go over and over and over again different case studies where some really interesting aspects of mental life prove to be unconscious.   我们会反复地讨论一些不同的个案研究,这些个案研究都证明了,心理活动的某些方面确实是无意识的。   And one of the things i said from day one is that our entire work has to be based on the best science we can master for the American people.   从一开始工作我就反复强调,我们所有的工作都建立在,为了美国人民所掌握的,最先进的科学知识之上。   So this was a highly charged political environment. Far more volatile than for example the kind of partisan quarrels we see today in our republic I hope.   所以那是十分紧张的政治环境,比我们当今所见的,共和政党争论,更加反复无常,希望如此。   We have datas *** yzed, re *** yzed and meta- *** yzed.   资料被一而再,再而三地反复分析。   It repays innumerable readings and re-readings, so I urge you to read it seventy-five times, let"s say, before you e to class on Monday.   这需要反复的阅读和再阅读,所以我建议你们在周一来上课前,要读七十五遍。
2023-07-09 07:55:531


Expire(到期)Fixed deposit(定期存款)Demand deposit (活期存款)Expire dump (到期转存)
2023-07-09 07:56:032


重要通知和确认成本回收是全球DeliveryCentre GBS成功的基本因素,没有及时的计费和整合成本将立即impactour性能造成负面影响。因此我们需要实现这一过程,以确保及时“laborclaiming”,它将使项目领导人更关注challengessuch提高客户满意度和交付业务增长。这个过程是直接。你需要readcarefully并签署承认协议遵循时间recordingprocess和责任如果未能遵守。这一过程1。SUBK从业者应该索赔及时andcorrectly根据公司的要求。2。蓝色的页面管理器将发出提醒通知theSUBK医生谁错过第一次要求。如果重复,IBM有权降级SUBK从业者"sbanding在一个乐队在7分或以上级别的医生如果在另一个重复,IBM有权立即terminatedpractitioner的阿宝。3。从业者应该尽可能早地告诉蓝页经理体内如果他/她有困难及时索赔或他/她不能够接触声称系统。4。供应商将等行为的消极表现SUBK ofclaiming人员已经失踪。确认
2023-07-09 07:57:202


2023-07-09 07:57:272


在连贯的话语中,不可能所有的词都同样重要,必须有些词较为关键,有些词则相对次要一些。一般来说,关键词需要重读,这就是句子的重音,而其他词则不必重读。或者可以说成:实词重读,虚词不重读。一、一般需要重读的词(实词/关键词)实义动词、名词、形容词、副词、数词、疑问词和感叹词等。一般需要重读的词(虚词/非关键词):助动词、情态动词、冠词、介词、连词、物主代词、关系代词和关系副词等。另外,人称代词、连词、介词和助动词等一般不重读,但在特定情景中,也需要重读。如人称代词做并列主语或宾语时需重读,句首的介词也需要重读,做主语或宾语的指示代词也需要重读。在听力考试中,句子重音可以帮助考生找到关键词,并把握住主要意思,正确理解所听的内容。一般情况下,在不需要特别强调或对比某些内容时,句子的重音通常落在最后一个出现的实词上。例如:The course was more difficult than she had expected, but she got a lot out of it.译文:这个课程比她想象中的难多了,但她还是从中学会了很多东西。这个句子中,只要听到重读的词或词组就不难正确理解句意。1、courage,more difficult,expected;2、got , lot , out.二、句子的逻辑重音句子的重音总是要表现说话人的思想和他所表达意思的重点,有时为了强调,句子中几乎任何词都可以有句子重音,包括一些通常没有句子重音的词,这种依说话者意图重读的音就是逻辑重音。例如:Did you tell my wife?强调“wife”,你要告诉我妻子吗?强调“my”,你要告诉我的妻子吗?强调“you”,你要告诉我的妻子吗?三、断句当句子较长时,人们会觉得很难一口气把话说完。这时,可以按语义和语法的关系把句子分为若干段,每一段就是一个意群。换句话说,意群就是可以构成一个相对独立意思的一段,是组成句子的部件。意群和意群之间可以有一定的停顿,这种停顿和人们的思维活动是一致的。但一个意群中的各个单词之间则不可停顿,整个意群读下来就像一个长单词一样。记住:英语不是一个词一个词地说的。例1:Repeating after tapes is very inportant for beginners.意群:Repeating after tapes | is very inportant | for beginners.跟读录音带对于初学者来说,是非常重要的。例2:Liu Xiang, who"s a brilliant runner,represented China at Olympic Games.意群:Liu Xiang, | who"s a brilliant runner, | represented China | at Olympic Games.优秀的跑步运动员刘翔代表中国参加了奥运会。例3:But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense.意群:But | the most important argument | for a broad education | is that | in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, | we improve our moral sense.但普及教育最重要的原因在于通过学习前任所凝结的智慧结晶,使我们的是非道德观得以改善。四 、语调语调是帮助我们表达各种思想感情的重要途径,英语语调的基本类型有降调、升调和平调。降调表示说话人的态度肯定、意思完整、语法结构独立;升调表示说话人的态度不肯定、意思不完整、语法结构不独立;平调一般用于直接引语后面,表述所说的话,音高没有高低的变化。美国英语比英国英语更平民化,它的语调也更趋于自然,较少故意的抑扬顿挫;英国英语语调则起伏较大。不同的语调可以表示说话人不同的态度和不同的隐含意思。英语中同一句话采用不同的语调会产生截然不同的语意概念。例如:“yes”,若用降调,表示说话人对所回答的问题十分确定;若用升调,表示对问题有疑问。语调具有强烈的感情色彩,它使语言更富有表现力。降调1、用于陈述句:例如:I have already seen that movie.↘译文:这部电影我已经看过了。2、用于特殊疑问句:例如:What has happened to him?↘译文:他出什么事儿了?注意:特殊疑问句有时候用升调表示请别人重复刚才他说过的话。例如:A: I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored in mechanical engineering.↘译文:我毕业于兰州大学工程力学专业。B:What was your major?↗译文:你说你的专业是什么?3、用于祈使句:例如:Go back to your seat! Now!↘译文:回到你的座位上去!马上!4、用于感叹句:例如:What a small world!↘译文:这世界竟是如此之小!5、用在选择疑问句中“or”之后的部分:例如:Do you want to drive↗or walk?↘译文:你想开车还是想步行?升调1、用于一般疑问句:例如:Do you mind if I sit here?↗译文:你介意我坐在这里吗?注意:一般疑问句有时候也用降调,表示一种不耐烦或者命令的语气。例如:Are you satisfied?↘译文:这下你该满意了吧。2、用于罗列事物时:例如:For each incomplete sentence, there are four choices maked A↗,B↗,C↗,and D↘.译文:对于每一个不完整的句子,都会给出四个答案,分别为A、B、C和D.3、用于陈述句,表示译文、怀疑、未定、猜测或期待等。例如:You really want to do it?↗译文:你真要做这件事吗?4、用于置于句首的状语短语和状语从句:例如:After dinner↗,I read a magazine and made telephone calls.译文:晚饭后,我看了一本杂志,还打了几个电话。5、用于并列句的第一个分词,表示句子还未说完:例如:My fever is gone↗,but I still habe a cough.译文:我的烧退了,但还在咳嗽。6、用于委婉祈使句:例如:Excuse me, sir↗.Can you help me↗?译文:先生,打扰一下,您能帮我一下吗?7、用于称呼语:例如:Mrs. Smith↗,this is Tom Jones↘.译文:史密斯夫人,这是汤姆·琼斯。平调用于直接引语后,表示所说的话的具体内容。例如:"We are going to Florida," She said brightly.译文:她兴高采烈地说:“我们要到佛罗里达去。”当然,以上发音规律的前提还是你对每个音节的发音要够标准。现代英语的传播到18世纪后期,英国已通过其殖民地和地缘政治统治地位传播了英语。商业、科学技术、外交、艺术和正规教育都使英语成为第一种真正的全球语言。英语还促进了世界范围的国际交流。英格兰继续形成新的殖民地,后来这些殖民地发展了自己的言语和写作规范。北美部分地区,非洲部分地区,大洋洲和许多其他地区都采用英语。当他们获得政治独立时,一些拥有多种土著语言的新独立国家选择继续使用英语作为官方语言,以避免将任何一种土著语言都推崇为另一种土著语言所固有的政治和其他困难。在20世纪,美国日益增长的经济和文化影响及其在第二次世界大战后作为超级大国的地位,以及英国广播公司等在全球范围内进行的英语广播公司,导致该语言在地球上的传播速度更快。在21世纪,英语的口语和写作比任何一种语言都广泛。随着现代英语的发展,标准用法的明确规范已经发布,并通过诸如公共教育和国家资助的出版物之类的官方媒体进行传播。1755年,塞缪尔·约翰逊(Samuel Johnson)出版了《英语词典》,其中介绍了单词的标准拼写和用法规范。1828年,诺亚·韦伯斯特(Noah Webster)出版了《美国英语词典》,试图建立独立于英国标准的口语和写作美国英语规范。在英国,非标准或低等方言的特征越来越受到歧视,导致声望品种迅速在中产阶级中传播。在现代英语中,语法情况的丧失几乎是完整的,而SVO的字序大部分是固定的。一些更改,例如使用do-support已变得普遍。在-ing中使用渐进形式似乎正在传播到新的建筑,并且已经建造的形式变得越来越普遍。不规则形式的正则化也缓慢地继续,并且变形形式的分析替代方法变得越来越普遍。受美式英语在媒体中的强大影响以及与美国作为世界大国相关的声望,英式英语也在美式英语的影响下也在发生变化。不规则形式的正则化也缓慢地继续,并且变形形式的分析替代方法变得越来越普遍。受美式英语在媒体中的强大影响以及与美国作为世界大国相关的声望,英式英语也在美式英语的影响下也在发生变化。以上内容参考:百度百科——重音、百度百科——单词重音、百度百科——英语百度百科——英语发音规则百度百科——英语发音规则
2023-07-09 07:57:451


线上还是线下啊?线下:最好的手枪m1899,双持m1899能让你一个人近身打出一个师火力最好的狙击步枪:闭锁滚轮步枪,配枪中空弹,一枪一个npc最好的连发步枪:兰卡斯特连发步枪!这个简直就是yyds!缩圈快,准度高,换弹快,弹容量也不错。线上最强的连发步枪也是这把,这游戏主要的武器还是连发步枪,手枪一般不用,狙击是一打多的时候用的,除非距离特别远,其他情况中远距离,中距离,近距离基本一般用的都是连发步枪。手枪一般不用,除非近战拿刀的过来砍你,你需要掏手枪快速腰射,或者拿短喷秒人。线上:最好的手枪:pvp短喷霰弹,pve毛瑟(有左轮情怀的话用海军左轮,没有就毛瑟)最好的狙击步枪:卡尔卡诺狙击步枪,pvepvp都是这个,滚轮闭锁在线上有些任务里一枪秒不了npc,反而给npc近身乱刀砍死,滚轮闭锁的缺点就是换弹慢,上栓慢,上一发打一发,中间间隔时间长,一发打完对面没死你就尴尬了。但滚轮闭锁可以秒大部分线上npc。pvp对枪的话,滚轮一枪没中,或者对面有护甲能力卡,你一枪他没死,他用卡尔卡诺可以在你换弹的时间内干你至少三枪!最好的连发步枪: 兰卡斯特yyds!不过也有死眼流的玩家用埃文斯连发步枪,用的人最多的还是兰卡。
2023-07-09 07:58:002

matlab-simulink-repeating sequence这是咋回事?如下图。谢谢

将simulation/Configuration Parameters中Max step size设小一些,比如设成1e-6就可以了
2023-07-09 07:58:501

matlab中怎么产生幅值为5e-5周期为1e-4的等腰三角波形?我用repeating sequence做了好几次全都失真了!

2023-07-09 07:59:001


I"m excited excited是形容词啊 怎么又扯到被动语态去了呢
2023-07-09 07:59:1710


我的天呐用英文 可写为:Oh my dear ;Oh my God;或My god
2023-07-09 07:59:445