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2023-07-09 10:14:52
TAG: 英语 形容

mature: [ mu0259"tjuu0259 ]

a. 成熟的,到期的,充分发育的,考虑周到的

v. 使...成熟,(使)长成,到期


副词:maturely 形容词比较级:maturer 最高级:maturest 名词:matureness 动词过去式:matured 过去分词:matured 现在分词:maturing 第三人称单数:matures


1. She matured her novel by constant revision.


2. His character has greatly matured in the years.


3. Her character matured during these years.


4. A fully grown, mature organism.


5. As they mature, many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society.

随着逐渐成熟,许多年轻的激进分子对 生活和社会渐持较为宽容的态度。

6. Oh, grow up! ie Behave in a more mature way.

噢, 别那麽不懂事了(表现得成熟些吧)!










mature 英 [mu0259"tu0283u028au0259] 美 [mu0259"tu0283u028ar] adj. 成熟的;充分考虑的;到期的;成年人的vi. 成熟;到期vt. 使…成熟;使…长成;慎重作出[ 过去式 matured 过去分词 matured 现在分词 maturing 比较级 maturer 最高级 maturest ]词组短语:mature market成熟的市场mature stage成熟期;产品生命成熟期mature market economy成熟的市场经济英文解释及例句:1.V-I When a child or young animal matures, it becomes an adult. (小孩、幼崽) 发育成熟例:You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically.当你的孩子身体发育成熟时,你将知道会发生什么。2.V-I When something matures, it reaches a state of complete development. (某物) 长成例:When the trees matured they were cut.当这些树长成时,它们就会被砍掉。3.V-I If someone matures, they become more fully developed in their personality and emotional behaviour. 成熟例:They have matured way beyond their age.他们已经成熟得远远超过了他们的年龄。4.ADJ If you describe someone as mature, you think that they are fully developed and balanced in their personality and emotional behaviour. 成熟的表赞许例:They are emotionally mature and should behave responsibly.他们在情感上是成熟的,应该负责任地行事。5.V-T/V-I If something such as wine or cheese matures or is matured, it is left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop. 使酿熟; 酿成例:Unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass.和葡萄酒不同,白兰地只能在木质容器里酿成,玻璃容器不行。6.ADJ Mature cheese or wine has been left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop. 酿熟的例:Grate some mature cheddar cheese.磨碎一些酿熟的切达干酪。7.V-I When an investment such as an insurance policy or bond matures, it reaches the stage when the company pays you back the money you have saved, and the interest your money has earned. (保险单、债券等) 到期例:These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years" time.当你的储蓄计划在10年后到期时,这些红利将会被支付。8.ADJ If you say that someone is mature or of mature years, you are saying politely that they are middle-aged or old. 成年的 (中年和老年的礼貌说法)礼貌例:...a man of mature years who had been in the job for longer than most of the members could remember.…一个成年男子,从事这项工作的时间已经长得大部分成员都记不清了。
2023-07-09 05:39:301


Mature [m05"tju05] a. 成熟的,到期的,充分发育的,考虑周到的v. 使...成熟,(使)长成,到期词形变化:形容词比较级:maturer 最高级:maturest 名词:matureness 副词:maturely 动词过去式:matured 过去分词:matured 现在分词:maturing 第三人称单数:matures 例句与用法:Oh, grow up! ie Behave in a more mature way.噢, 别那麽不懂事了(表现得成熟些吧)!As they mature, many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society.随着逐渐成熟,许多年轻的激进分子对 生活和社会渐持较为宽容的态度。A fully grown, mature organism.成体完全发育成熟的有机体His character has greatly matured in the years.这些年他的性格已大大成熟。She matured her novel by constant revision.她不断修改自己的小说以使其趋于完善。英英解释:动词 mature:develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation 同义词:maturate, growdevelop and work out fully in one"s mind become due for repayment cause to ripen or develop fully 同义词:ripengrow old or older 同义词:senesce, age, get on, maturatecause to ripen and discharge pus 同义词:suppurate形容词 mature:characteristic of maturity fully considered and perfected 同义词:maturedhaving reached full natural growth or development fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used 同义词:ripe(of birds) having developed feathers or plumage; often used in combination 同义词:fledged
2023-07-09 05:39:381


mature的读音是:英[m?"t???(r)]。mature的读音是:英[m?"t???(r)]。mature的例句是用作形容词(adj.)This is the most mature of his plays.这是他最成熟的一部剧作。mature的词语用法是v.(动词)mature的意思是“成熟”,指有机体在生理、心理、智力等方面的逐步发展过程,强调使其生长发育成熟或使其能正常起作用。引申可指经过慎重考虑作出计划或决定。一、详尽释义点此查看mature的详细内容adj.(形容词)成熟的,成年人的,成年的,发育完全的,稳重的,慎重的,贤明的(已)到期的酿熟的,酿成的,熟的,圆熟的,发酵成熟的应支付的【地】壮年的仔细考虑过的,周到的不再年轻的v.(动词)成熟,变成熟,使成熟,(使)长成,发展成熟,(使)成长起来慎重作出,慎重拟定,周密考虑,慎密设计,(充分)制定,酝酿使完善熟,到期,使熟,发酵成熟完成,形成,酿成,制成有判断力(使)充分发展到期(应付款)二、词典解释1.长大(成人);发育成熟When a child or young animalmatures, it becomes an adult.e.g. You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically...在孩子身体发育成熟时,你就知道会发生什么事了。e.g. The eggs hatched and the chicks matured.小鸡破壳而出。2.成熟;完善When somethingmatures, it reaches a state of complete development.e.g. When the trees matured they were cut in certain areas...在有些地方,树木长成后就会被砍掉。e.g. Their songwriting has matured.他们的歌曲创作水平已经成熟。3.(在性格、感情等方面)趋于成熟If someonematures, they become more fully developed in their personality and emotional behaviour.e.g. Hopefully after three years at university I will have matured...希望3年大学生活之后我能变成熟。e.g. I thought you had matured enough not to be giggly and silly about serious art.我觉得你已经长大成人,不应该再冲着严肃的艺术作品傻笑。4.(性格、感情等方面)成熟的;明白事理的If you describe someone asmature, you think that they are fully developed and balanced in their personality and emotional behaviour.e.g. They are emotionallymature and should behave responsibly...他们在情感上已经成熟,应该负责任地行事。e.g. You and I aremature, freethinking adults.你我都是明白事理、思想自由的成年人。5.(画家、作家、音乐家等的技艺、能力等)成熟的,炉火纯青的If you describe the work of an artist, writer, or musician asmature, you mean that it is thoughtful and skilful and shows that their abilities have fully developed.mature的意思e.g. It is his mostmature comedy yet.这是他迄今最成熟的喜剧作品。6.(使)(葡萄酒、干酪等)发酵成熟;酿成If something such as wine or cheesematures oris matured, it is left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop.e.g. Unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass.和葡萄酒不同的是,白兰地只能在木制容器而非玻璃容器里酿制。e.g. ...the cellars where the cheeses are matured.酿制奶酪的地窖7.(干酪、葡萄酒等)发酵成熟的,酿熟的Mature cheese or wine has been left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop.e.g. Grate somemature cheddar cheese.将一些已经酿熟的切达干酪磨碎。e.g. ...the best place to enjoy fine,mature wines.品尝葡萄佳酿的最佳之处8.(存单、养老金计划等)到期When an investment such as a savings policy or pension planmatures, it reaches the stage when you stop paying money and the company pays you back the money you have saved, and the interest your money has earned.mature什么意思e.g. These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years" time.这些红利会在10年后存款到期时支付。e.g. endowment policy that matured on September 1.9月1日到期的人寿定期保险单9.成熟的;不再年轻的;老成的(婉词)If you say that someone ismature or ofmature years, you are saying politely that they are middle-aged or old.e.g. ...a man ofmature years who had been in the job for longer than most of the members could remember.一个已过中年的男子,大多数成员都不记得他干这行有多久了三、网络解释1. mature什么意思1. 成熟的:它可以让你给你的应用程序添加索引和搜索能力. Lucene是一个成熟的(mature)免费的open-source 项目,使用Java实现,它是广泛流行的Apache Jakarta项目大家庭中的其中2. 麦卓:正在火热进行中的圣迭戈动漫展(SDCC09)上,著名格斗系列<>(King of The Fighter)最新作<>放出了3对3游戏视频,不过遗憾的是演示玩家并没有选择家用机上新增加的角色,伊丽莎白(Elizabeth)和麦卓(Mature).四、例句This is the most mature of his plays.这是他最成熟的一部剧作。She swept her hair back, so she looks more mature than before.她把头发往后梳,所以显得比以前成熟。Your fixed account is mature and can be withdrawn any time.您的定期存款已经到期了,随时可以提取。Young as she is, she cares for others and has a mature mind.她虽然年轻,但却很为他人着想,考虑周到。I will let you have an answer after mature consideration.我考虑成熟后,再给你回答。Girls mature earlier than boys.女孩比男孩成熟得早些。He was not able to mature his plans.他未能将他的计划酝酿成熟。The wine is left to mature in oak barrels.葡萄酒在橡木桶中陈酿。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.She is a mature girl.她是个成熟的女孩。This is a dress shop for mature women.这是一家成年妇女服装店。It"s a mature plan.这是个深思熟虑的计划。用作表语S+be+~The apples are not yet mature.这些苹果还未成熟。These persimmons do not seem mature enough .这些柿子好像没有熟透。The new ambassador is more mature than his predecessor.新大使比他的前任更成熟一些。He is mature politically.他政治上很成熟。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseA human being is mature at 18 years old.人到18岁才算成年。A monkey is mature at a few years old.猴子几岁大就发育成熟了。She is very mature for her age.就她的年龄来说,她很成熟。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)Boys mature more slowly than girls, both physically and psychologically.在生理和心理上,男孩比女孩成熟得晚些。His character matured during these years.他的性格在这些年月里发展成熟了。In warm climates human beings mature more rapidly than in cold climates.在气候温暖的地带,人的成熟比在寒冷地带快些。These cows mature fast.这些母牛成熟得快。We"ll help the orphan mature.我们会帮助这个孤儿成长起来。A new generation is fast maturing.新的一代人正在迅速成长。Pines take a decade to mature while the polar matures rapidly.松树要10年才能长成,而白杨却长得快。The bill matures today.这张支票今天到期。My insurance policy matures when I reach sixty-five.我满65岁时,我的保险单就到期了。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.Experiences matured him.各种经历使他成熟起来。These years matured his character.这几年使他的性格成熟了。They have matured the plan.他们细心地制定出这项计划。六、经典引文On a full and mature view and comparison of the historical matter.出自:BurkeThe interval..allowed no time for mature and careful reflection.出自:LyttonIn some cases the stigma has matured before the anthers are ripe.出自:J. LubbockOur children mature physically more rapidly than we did.出自:A. TofflerThe ancient practice of maturing wines in oak casks.出自:Country Living七、词语用法v.(动词)mature的意思是“成熟”,指有机体在生理、心理、智力等方面的逐步发展过程,强调使其生长发育成熟或使其能正常起作用。引申可指经过慎重考虑作出计划或决定。mature主要用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。mature的相关临近词maturity、mattress、Maturex、maturer、maturely、mature egg、mature oil、mature pod、maturement、mature age、mature bond、mature milk点此查看更多关于mature的详细信息
2023-07-09 05:39:451


ripe或者 mature 或者adultness
2023-07-09 05:39:544


您单词可能拼写有误mature 英[mu0259u02c8tu0283u028au0259(r)] 美[mu0259u02c8tu0283u028ar]adj. (人、树木、鸟或动物) 成熟的; 仔细考虑过的; 到期(应该支付)的; 成年人的;vi. 成熟,长成; (票据等) 到期;vt. 使…成熟; 使…长成; 慎重拟定(计划等);[例句]You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically在孩子身体发育成熟时,你就知道会发生什么事了。比较级:maturer 最高级:maturest 三单:matures 现在分词:maturing 过去式:matured 过去分词:matured
2023-07-09 05:40:281


adj.1. 充分发育的,(智力或体力)成熟的,已具备全部潜力的2.(指葡萄酒或干酪)成熟的3.(指想法﹑意图等)深思熟虑的4.【商】(指保险单等)到期该付款的v.1.[I,T](使某人[某事物])成熟2.不及物动词:【商】(指保险单等)到期同义词:ripen;suppurate;fledged;grow,maturate;get on,age,maturate,senesce。
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2023-07-09 05:41:412


呃...这位童鞋....汝确定有这个词麽?还是偶的水平太低了...是mature吧?如果是..一般就这样咯1. 成熟的, 成年人的2. 深思的; 慎重的3. (儿童或年轻人)明白事理的;像成人似的4. (人树木、鸟或动物)成熟的;发育完全的要再不是....那偶就没辙了..
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2023-07-09 05:41:564


adj. 1. 充分发育的,(智力或体力)成熟的,已具备全部潜力的 2.(指葡萄酒或干酪)成熟的 3.(指想法﹑意图等)深思熟虑的 4.【商】(指保险单等)到期该付款的 v. 1.[I,T](使某人[某事物])成熟 2.不及物动词:【商】(指保险单等)到期 词形变化:形容词比较级:maturer,maturest;副词:maturely;名词:matureness,maturity,maturation;时态:matured,maturing,matures。 同义词:d;ripen;suppurate;fledged;grow,maturate;get on,age,maturate,senesce。 反义词:immature;immature;immature,unfledged。 单词分析:这些形容词均有“成年的,成熟的”之意。 adult:一般指生理上的童年期已结束,达到法定年龄。 grown-up:多用于口语,含义与adult基本相同,但更侧重脱离儿童阶段,已成大人,与childish意思相反。 mature:用于生物时,指完全长好了。用于人时,指达到了生命的黄金时期,但所暗示的青少年和成年之间的界限不明显。 英语句子 Mature;Matured 到期的,成熟的 Pay at maturity 到期付款 mature neutrophil 成熟嗜中性白细胞 A mature cheese 成形的奶酪 mature monocyte 成熟单核细胞 英语解释 having reached full natural growth or development characteristic of maturity develop and work out fully in one"s mind fully considered and perfected cause to ripen or develop fully become due for repayment cause to ripen and discharge pus (of birds) having developed feathers or plumage; often used in combination develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation grow old or older 相似短语 in mature 到期的 mature larva 熟蚕 mature shoot n.成梢,成苗,壮苗 early mature 早熟 completely mature 完全成熟
2023-07-09 05:42:031


mature 英[məˈtʃʊə(r)] 美[məˈtʃʊr] adj. (人、树木、鸟或动物) 成熟的; 仔细考虑过的; 到期(应该支付)的; 成年人的; vi. 成熟,长成; (票据等) 到期; vt. 使…成熟; 使…长成; 慎重拟定(计划等); [例句]You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically.在孩子身体发育成熟时,你就知道会发生什么事了。[其他] 比较级:maturer 最高级:maturest 第三人称单数:matures现在分词:maturing 过去式:matured 过去分词:matured
2023-07-09 05:42:122


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2023-07-09 05:42:535


2个词都是形容词,第一个是发达的意思,指的是比较泛的。 第二个是成熟的意思,一般指人什么的,然后第二个有时候可以当动词。
2023-07-09 05:43:092


问题一:长大用英语怎么说 长大 grow up [网络短语] 长大 Grow up,Growing up,be brought up 长大个 grow taller 晶粒长大 grain growth,crystal grain growth,grain grow 希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油 问题二:长大用英语怎么说 长大用英语 grow up grow older 问题三:你已经长大了用英语怎么说 You have grown up是机器翻译的,不对!!!! 应该是You are *** 我的哦 问题四:我长大了用英语怎么说 I have grown up . 问题五:长大用英语怎么说? grow up 也可以说when *** . be older 问题六:“我长大了”用英语怎么说 I am a *** 我是成人了 I am no longer a child.我不再是个孩子了 I am not a child any longer.我不再是个孩子了 I am a grown man 我是大人 I have grown up 我已经长大了 都行 看你的上下文用哪个合适吧 问题七:长大翻译为英语是什么 Grown upeg.I have grown up.我已经长大了。 1. grow up2. growing3. growth4. vegetate Examples:1. 既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。 Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents.2. 你是在哪儿长大的? Where did you grow up?3. 汤姆和我一起在这里长大, 情同手足。 Tom and I grew up here together, just like two brothers.4. 据说那男孩长大后成了一位知名的科学家。 It is said that the boy grew up to be a noted scientist.5. 她一心想长大后当一名影星。 She is bent on being a film star when she grows up.6. 他在乡村长大,但后来觉得很喜欢繁华的都市生活。 He grew up in the country, but then found he preferred the bright lights.7. 这上衣他现在穿还太大,等他长大些再穿就合适了。 The coat is too big for him now, but he will grow into it.8. 我是在一个大家庭里长大的. I grew up as part of a large household.To bee an *** .长大变成成人She has grown! 她长大了!Plants develop from seeds.植物从种子长大。He changed as he matured.长大后他改变了I grow up in a slum.我在一个贫民窟长大。Where did you grow up?你是在哪儿长大的?She was raised in Guangzhou.她是在广州长大的。She had watched me grow from childhood.她是看我长大的。She was born and bred in Yorkshire.她自幼在约克郡长大的。It must be rather annoying to be grown up.长大了必定是很烦恼的。 问题八:长大英文怎么读 grow up 英 [r?u ?p] 美 [ro ?p] 长大;向上生长; 成熟;出现 双语例句: She grew up in Tokyo. 她在东京长大。 问题九:又长大了一岁用英文怎么说? 你好,可以说成 you are one year older now
2023-07-09 05:43:171


2023-07-09 05:43:243


  成熟:泛指生物体发育到完备的阶段,或事物或行为发展到完善的程度。那么你知道成熟用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    成熟英语释义:   mature;   maturity ;   adultness    成熟英语例句:   时机将很快成熟。   Time will soon ripen.   她比他成熟得早。   She matured earlier than him.   这个经历使她极大地成熟了。   This experience matured her greatly.   这些苹果正在快速成熟。   These apples are maturing fast.   但是这整个成熟的过程和那些斑点又有什么关系呢?   But what does all this ripening have to do with spots?   而您如何量化它们当前的成熟程度?   And how do you quantify their current degree of maturity?   不过要注意,我并不是建议你盲目地为那些已经有成熟标准的内容创建新代码。   Note however I am not suggesting that you blindly build new code forwhich mature standards already exist.   这可能是因为我是一个富文本编辑器用户 ,而且还因为它是目前最成熟的。   That may be because I am a wordsmith, but also because it is the mostmature.   成熟的爱说:“我需要你,因为我爱你。”   Mature love says: “I need you because I love you.   采用和成熟模型。   Adoption and maturity models.   它的成熟的和可接受的变更是什么?   What is its maturity and receptivity to change?   但是时机可能未必成熟。   But the time may not be ripe.   我只知道我的初始意识是身体和思想的成熟--这个意识为我接受,没有一丝惊讶与臆测。   I know only that my first consciousness was of maturity in body and mind --a consciousness accepted without surprise or conjecture.   作为成年人,你应该表现得成熟一些,要为其他健身会员着想。   As an adult, you should show some maturity and be considerate of othergym members.   他想引进具有领导素质的成熟人才。   He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities.   而今随着发展中市场的业务日渐成熟、政府环境改善以及更成熟的投资者进入市场,这一比率已经降至1.2倍。   Today it has fallen to1.2 as developing businesses mature, governments improve, and more sophisticated investors enter markets.   她承认他的成熟,他对此心怀感激。   He appreciated her acknowledgement of his maturity.   把西红柿放在有阳光的窗台上可以让它们成熟。   You can ripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill.   战后德国作为独立主权国家的最终成熟   Postwar Germany"s final coming-of-age as an independent sovereign state
2023-07-09 05:43:451


2023-07-09 05:43:596


问题一:牛排3分熟,5分熟,7分熟,全熟,英语怎么说? 一分熟牛排(rare):牛排内部为血红色且内部各处保持一定温度,同时有生熟部分。 三分熟牛排(medium rare):大部分肉接受热量渗透传至中心,但还未产生大变化,切开后 上下两侧熟肉棕色,向中心处转为粉色再然后中心为鲜肉色,伴随刀切有血渗出。(新鲜牛肉和较厚牛排这种层次才会明显,对冷冻牛肉和薄肉排很难达到这种效果) 五分熟牛排(med定um):牛排内部为区域粉红可见且夹杂着熟肉的浅灰和综褐色,整个牛排温度口感均衡。 七分熟牛排(medium well):牛排内部主要为浅灰综褐色,夹杂着少量粉红色,质感偏厚重,有咀嚼感。 全熟牛排(well done):牛排通体为熟肉褐色,牛肉整体已经烹熟,口感厚重。 问题二:把什么弄熟英语怎么说? Cook something thoroughly. Boil something, 问题三:英语中煎牛排的半熟,七分熟,八分熟,全熟怎么说 分别是rare(一分熟),medium rare(三分熟),medium(五分熟),medium well(七分熟),well done(全熟) 问题四:牛排"几分熟"英文怎么讲? 你的牛排要几分熟? 通常点牛排,或是在高级一点的餐厅点牛肉汉堡,服务生都会这样问你How do you like it cooked? 回答的方式也有几种:全熟是 well done,七分熟是medium well,五分熟是medium,四分熟是medium rare,三分熟是 rare。 那么,这些不同程度的牛排会是什么味道呢?没有吃过的人可能会觉得有点难想象。其实,摸摸自己头上的各部位就能知道你要的牛排煮出来会是什么样子了。well-done 就和头顶的感觉差不多, 硬梆梆的;medium well 就是额头,稍微有点弹性;medium 是鼻头,软软的; rare 就是下巴最柔软的部份。另外记得看烹饪节目的时候,有个老外教做牛排,五分熟的牛排摸起来的感觉就和摸手上虎口部位靠近骨头的肉的感觉差不多。大家再吃牛排的时候可以试一下。 问题五:牛排的 全熟 半生熟 7分熟 英文怎么说 全熟是 well done 七分熟是medium well 五分熟是medium 问题六:成熟一点,用英文怎么讲 成熟一点. 英语: 1) Be more matured (in sth). 2) Be grow up.
2023-07-09 05:44:121


mature的读音:英[mu0259u02c8tu0283u028au0259(r); mu0259u02c8tju028au0259(r)];美[mu0259u02c8tu0283u028ar,mu0259u02c8tu028ar]mature,作形容词时意思是“成熟的;充分考虑的;到期的;成年人的”,作及物动词时意思是“使…成熟;使…长成;慎重作出”,作不及物动词时意思是“成熟;到期”。mature of his plays.这是他最成熟的一部剧作。mature的词语用法是v.(动词)mature的意思是“成熟”,指有机体在生理、心理、智力等方面的逐步发展过程,强调使其生长发育成熟或使其能正常起作用。引申可指经过慎重考虑作出计划或决定。一、详尽释义点此查看mature的详细内容adj.(形容词)成熟的,成年人的,成年的,发育完全的,稳重的,慎重的,贤明的(已)到期的酿熟的,酿成的,熟的,圆熟的,发酵成熟的应支付的【地】壮年的仔细考虑过的,周到的不再年轻的v.(动词)成熟,变成熟,使成熟。二、词典解释1.长大(成人);发育成熟When a child or young animalmatures, it becomes an adult.e.g. You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically...在孩子身体发育成熟时,你就知道会发生什么事了。e.g. The eggs hatched and the chicks matured.小鸡破壳而出。2.成熟;完善When somethingmatures, it reaches a state of complete development.e.g. When the trees matured they were cut in certain areas...在有些地方,树木长成后就会被砍掉。
2023-07-09 05:44:191


2023-07-09 05:44:512


chang old
2023-07-09 05:44:592


2023-07-09 05:45:141


Matured Man
2023-07-09 05:45:222


The fruit is ripe.果子也成熟了
2023-07-09 05:45:372


2023-07-09 05:45:565

寂寞中沉淀自己, 孤独中反思自己 英译

这种句子的翻译会有非常多的答案,仁者见仁,智者见智了。我的理解为(参考翻译):Keep calm to make myself matured, Keep alone to have a introspection.虽然说Calm的中文直译并不是“寂寞”之意,但想想原文“寂寞中沉淀自己”,其中所说的寂寞并非字面上的寂寞,而是要保持冷静,平静的一个心态,从而才能从容地处理世事,使自己变得更为成熟,也就是文中所说的“沉淀自己”,至于后一段就比前段要好理解了,让自己一个单独地呆会,从而反思自己的所作所为,进而总结自己,才有经验。所以我的参考译文为:Keep calm to make myself matured, Keep alone to have a introspection.
2023-07-09 05:46:091


1. Dunhill Aperitif 成份:Orient, Latakia, Virginia, Black Cavendish 剪切: 1,5 mm 2. Dunhill Aromatic成份:Virginia, Black Cavendish剪切:短而细3. Dunhill Chocolate成份:Virginia, Burley剪切:1,5 mm4. Dunhill Dunbar / Durbar 成份:Orient, Virginia, Latakia剪切:2 mm ,中长5. Dunhill Early Morning Pipe 成份:Orientals, Virginia, Latakia6. Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture 成份:Virginia, Perique7. Dunhill Light Flake成份:Virginias剪切:flake8. Dunhill London Mixture成份:Virginia, Orientals9. Dunhill Mild Blend成份:VA, red Cavendish10. Dunhill My Mixture 965成份:Latakia, Oriental, Cavendish 11. Dunhill My Mixture #10成份:Virginia, Black Cavendish, Latakia, Orient备注:只有 Dunhill London Store 有售12. Dunhill De Luxe Navy Rolls成份:Virginia, Perique剪切:Curleys13. Dunhill Nightcap成份:Latakia, Virginia from Amerika,土耳其烟草, Perique14. Dunhill The Royal Yacht Mixture成份:Virginias (matured) 15. Dunhill Mix "Shell"成份:Brazilian and Milawi tobacco"s and orange and mahagony Virginia"s blended with a matured mild brown ready rubbed blend.16. Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium成份:Virginia und Orient with 20% Latakia17. Dunhill Standard Mixture Mild成份:Virginia"s from East Carolina and Georgia Latakia, Orient 自己对照一下吧 20左右吧
2023-07-09 05:46:181


3. Period to determine subject matter Determine the period of subject matter (the outbreak of the first hot-animation) - since 1974, "Space Battleship" staged to date in 1982. Japanese animation industry during this period after a period of exploration to determine the dividing line between animation and cartoons. Cartoons are not the scope of our discussion, we have no comment. "Space Battleship" is the first history of Japanese animation "super-drama", by Matsumoto zero with disabilities and people responsible for the design of the script (Character Design). The film aired on television, resulting in "zero Matsumoto Tornado disabilities." Later, as well as "Space Battleship congealed Qi", "Forever Yamato" and "Space Battleship完结篇" and three films, the decade-long life. After the movie, Matsumoto zero otherwise disabilities "Galaxy Railway 999", "Millennium Queen" and other popular works. Matsumoto, who, following a zero after the death by Tomino from the original novel into a quarter of the "Mobile Suit" staged in 1979, as the plot structure of the complex and closely by the enthusiastic support of animation fans. Later, three of the film is also very popular movies. But since then, the heat began to dissipate animation, animation industry into the interval. " 4. Period of technical breakthroughs in painting Technical breakthrough painting period (the outbreak of the second heat Animation) - Since 1982 "Macross" (1) (MACROSS) staged until 1987. The period as a result of people seeking to become the wave of visual, animation art, therefore seek a breakthrough technology. Paintings of this period there is a breakthrough technology "Macross" innovative fast-moving effect of the viewpoint, resulting in excellent dynamic; "风之谷" (2) and "Castle in the Sky" Fine realistic background; "Mobile Suit Z" and "Mobile Suit ZZ" to emphasize the reflective, light and shade contrast and so on, all of the animation was a great deal. As the themes have been identified, together with technical breakthroughs in painting, making again and again is fine. Such as years of 1982-1984 "Macross"; in 1984, "风之谷"; years 1985,1986, "Mobile Suit Z GUNDAN" and "GUNDAM ZZ"; 1986 years "Castle in the Sky" and "Aryan" and many more Department of good films. The development of Japanese animation to the end of this period (1987), plot, content, and have been painting technology to achieve high standards. Then entered a mature animation. 5. Line of differentiation Line of differentiation (maturation) - since 1987 from now. Animation matured, they appeared a few佳片. Such as "she"; movie "Mobile Suit GUNDAM-counteroffensives Han branch -" and "Wang Jun universe"; and Japan, the first history of television to more than high school students as the main object of art animation series "meet the moment" and so on. The "meet the moment" had access to Japanese animation in 1988 list of outstanding works of the second (which is ranked first in "Saint Seiya"); There are also "天空战记", "mobile police" such as the Ministry of works ( "天空战记"animation has been ranked first in 1989). When the subsequent development of Japanese animation, it was suggested that young audiences have been ignored for four or five years, also considering the production of a low age of the line. So after half a year since 1987, the television animation high-age group decreased in favor of animated films. That the current Japanese television can not find a few good films, and the film is almost the case of the Department of the Ministry of exciting. 6. The future development of Future development - as a result of the division line, the animation film industry will focus on the movies. Such as have been made public, "she", "Five-Star Story," "the universe Prince," "War of Venus" and television"s "mobile police", "Mobile Suit OAV" and so on. There has not been made public this year (1990) staged the second half of the "eight dogs Chuan" and "the universe Wang Jun - full version-LD" and "the universe Prince - Heaven chapter." The future of animation will change the route it is very difficult to draw a conclusion, only to allow time to
2023-07-09 05:46:252


2023-07-09 05:46:322


Along with information technology in management more and more thoroughand widespread application, the management information system theimplementation to be gradually mature in the technology. Themanagement information system is the new discipline which unceasinglydevelops, any unit must survive must develop, wants the highefficiency organically to organize the internal activity, mustestablish the management information system which adapts with owncharacteristic. This article introduced 6.0 environment uses "the top-down overallplan in Visual under the Basic, from bottow to top applicationdevelopment" a strategy development management information systemprocess. The article introduced the student management informationsystem system analysis part, has discussed in the VB programming,enables the VB application procedure using the ADO object to beallowed to visit database system and so on SQL Sever, Access; Designedpartial mainly introduced the system function design and the databasedesign and the main code design; The system realization partiallyexplained several main modules algorithms. This system operationsimple, practical convenient, the contact surface is friendly.
2023-07-09 05:46:392


It"s always too late for us to be wise.
2023-07-09 05:46:495


2023-07-09 05:47:066


烤烟! 维珍尼亚(Virginia)是美国(美洲)早期的经济作物之一。引种自中美洲,最初种植于北美占士镇殖民区(Jamestown Colony),收获后,专门出口到英国。早期的北美殖民地得以存在和发展,Virginia 起到重要的历史作用。虽然以美国的一个州名命名,Virginia 早已在世界各地引种种植(中国是出口大国之一)。最优质的 Virginia,产自美国维珍尼亚州(Virginia),佐治亚州(Georgia),南、北卡罗来纳州(North and South Carolina)。一般用热风管处理法(Flue - Cured)加工熟成,保留了其色泽(亮黄,橘橙或红色),同时,其油滑性及微妙的甜和风味,也得以保存下来。 Virginia 是所有基烟中,最醇和(Mild),也是天然糖分(Sugar Content)含量最高的烟草。它像不少美酒佳酿一样,会随年月而老熟、陈年,改变(改善)风味(请参阅更多关于烟草的陈年)。因为燃烧质量好,容易点燃,所以几乎用于所有调配(Mixture),并经常作为主料使用:无论是英式调配(English Mixture),或者是调味烟(Aromatics),Virginia 烟叶都是重要的配方;由于其独特的微妙性和复杂性,纯粹的 Virginia,也自成一派,为许多有经验的烟斗客所青睐。适度使用,Virginia 可以带出一种淡雅的甜味。但作为一般的烟斗丝,则不宜过多使用,因其燃烧速度较快,一般人不易掌握。值得一提的是,Virginia 也是香烟的主料。 通过紧压成饼状,自然熟成的旧维珍尼亚(Matured Virginia),是 Virginia 的上品,具有清爽的口感及微妙无比的甜味、果香味,令人齿颊留香。香郁之余,又令人有愉悦之感,有点像稀墨西哥酱(Salsa)的味道。刚点燃时,滋味开始溢出,继续燃点,风味越来越浓郁,成曲线状发展。 Virginia 按色泽细分,主要有:柠檬黄(Lemon Virginia)、橙色(Orange Virginia)、橘红(Orange-Red Virginia)、红色(Red Virginia)、古铜色(Bronze Virginia)及黑色(Black Virginia)几种。
2023-07-09 05:47:201


2023-07-09 05:48:112

水蜜桃成熟了 英语短句

Peach mature
2023-07-09 05:48:422


长大用英语怎么说 长大 grow up [网络短语] 长大 Grow up,Growing up,be brought up长大个 grow taller 晶粒长大 grain growth,crystal grain growth,grain grow 希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油 长大用英语怎么说 长大用英语 grow up grow older 我长大了英语怎么说 I grow up. 长大翻译为英语是什么 Grown upeg.I have grown up.我已经长大了。 1. grow up2. growing3. growth4. vegetate Examples:1. 既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。 Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents.2. 你是在哪儿长大的? Where did you grow up?3. 汤姆和我一起在这里长大, 情同手足。 Tom and I grew up here together, just like two brothers.4. 据说那男孩长大后成了一位知名的科学家。 It is said that the boy grew up to be a noted scientist.5. 她一心想长大后当一名影星。 She is bent on being a film star when she grows up.6. 他在乡村长大,但后来觉得很喜欢繁华的都市生活。 He grew up in the country, but then found he preferred the bright lights.7. 这上衣他现在穿还太大,等他长大些再穿就合适了。 The coat is too big for him now, but he will grow into it.8. 我是在一个大家庭里长大的. I grew up as part of a large household.To bee an *** .长大变成成人She has grown! 她长大了!Plants develop from seeds.植物从种子长大。He changed as he matured.长大后他改变了I grow up in a slum.我在一个贫民窟长大。Where did you grow up?你是在哪儿长大的?She was raised in Guangzhou.她是在广州长大的。She had watched me grow from childhood.她是看我长大的。She was born and bred in Yorkshire.她自幼在约克郡长大的。It must be rather annoying to be grown up.长大了必定是很烦恼的。 你已经长大了用英语怎么说 You have grown up是机器翻译的,不对!!!! 应该是You are *** 我的哦 “我长大了”用英语怎么说 I am a *** 我是成人了 I am no longer a child.我不再是个孩子了 I am not a child any longer.我不再是个孩子了 I am a grown man 我是大人 I have grown up 我已经长大了 都行 看你的上下文用哪个合适吧 “正在长大”用英文怎么说啊? Being grown up
2023-07-09 05:48:491


成熟一点.英语:1) Be more matured (in sth).2) Be grow up.
2023-07-09 05:49:091


to reach marriageable age (a girl"s fifteenth birthday). Referring to ancient girl aged 15; a girl of 15-year-old should tie up her hair with a hairpin to show her being matured.(笄: a hairpin used by ancient people). 例句: 古代女子成年很早,及笄已算成年,但其实才15岁。 Ancient girls came of age much earlier than we do today. They became adults at the time they began to bind their hair, but actually they were only 15 years old at that time
2023-07-09 05:49:161


2023-07-09 05:49:221


问题一:大叔用英文怎么说? 大叔的英文是uncle,详细信息如下: uncle 英 [???kl] 美 [???k?l] n.叔叔;伯父;舅父;姑父,姨父 例句: A telegram from Uncle Fred arrived 弗雷德舅舅发的一封电报来了。 问题二:大叔,,,,英语怎么说 uncle 英["??k(?)l] 美["??kl] n. 叔叔;伯父;伯伯;舅父;姨丈;姑父 汉语的感觉应该用可以用英语的语调表现出来吧~~ 问题三:大叔的英文怎么说 Matured Man 问题四:大叔控用英文怎么说 大叔控用英文怎么说 回答: 1)首先让我们看看汉语对“大叔控”是如何解释的: 大叔控(百度-百科) “大叔控”一般指20岁左右的女孩钟情于35-40多岁的中年男子,不一定要结了婚的,但必须是事业有成的,通常这种男人都是很有品位,情调,生活品质很高的男人,身上有淡淡的香水味+烟草味,必要时候很温柔,工作时很专注。大叔控的女孩憨都会超级崇拜这样的大叔。 请参考:百度的 2)再来看一下“控”的词义:“控”,出自日语“コン(kon)”,取plex(情结)的前头音,指极度喜欢某东西的人,喜欢的东西 3)“大叔控”(与“恋父情结”有异曲同工之妙), 译成 father plex,或 uncle plex 较为达意。 诚望对你能有所帮助。 问题五:大叔 用英语怎么说 英文原文: uncle 英式音标: [???k(?)l] 美式音标: [???kl] 问题六:大叔用英语怎么说? uncle 问题七:超爱这种忒男人魅力的大叔,英文翻译怎么说 超爱这种忒男人魅力的大叔 I am fanatically/crazily/absolutely having a crush on this type of super charming uncle. 超: fanatically, crazily, absolutely 爱: 迷恋,have a crush on 有魅力的: charming
2023-07-09 05:50:131

英语作业,请高手帮忙解答下21. As she matured as an artist, she ( ) realiz?

21.应该是A(随着她逐渐变成艺术家他开始意识到) 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.B,0,英语作业,请高手帮忙解答下 21. As she matured as an artist, she ( ) realize that "all artists are a product of their culture." A. came to B. kept to C. took to D. went to 满分:2 分 22. NASA"s Mars program was set back when two spacecraft failed up reaching Mars, one ( )up in the planet"s atmosphere and the other after a software failure. A. burned; disappeared B. burned; disappearing C. burning; disappearing D. burning; disappeared 满分:2 分 23. He ( )the problem ( )in his mind for a whole week before he did anything about it. A. switched...on B. kicked...up C. turned...over D. took...on 满分:2 分 24. "Hi, John, could you show me how to ( ) graphics with text on the same screen?" A. fuse B. clone C. merge D. mingle 满分:2 分 25. My trip to the *** all village under the control of the enemy fire was full of delays and difficulties, but I eventually ( ) . A. got by B. turned it over C. hit the sack D. made it 满分:2 分 26. The ( ) of older persons is relatively low in developing countries, but it is growing much faster than in the West. A. addition B. majority C. percentage D. statistic 满分:2 分 27. When energy is converted from one form to another, some energy is always lost as heat.( ),no energy conversion is 100% efficient. A. In other terms B. In other words C. In another way D. In some way 满分:2 分 28. In social dancing, the participants dance for their own pleasure rather than for the ( ) of an audience. A. appreciation B. entertainment C. leisure D. temptation 满分:2 分
2023-07-09 05:50:201


with well-developed skill or with matured technique?
2023-07-09 05:50:283


1. It is a good idea to date someone in college because after graduation, people are busy to their own work already. And it is much easier to find true love in college since we will be able to meet lots of people, we have the time to spare with them and get to know them more. 2. It is not a good idea for having long distance relationship during college because at this stages of life, people are not yet matured enough and we can easily get attracted by other people since the feelings can be fade easily because both party doesn"t meet each other personally and they can only communicate through phone. 3. Yes. Girls can also initiate a date because at the generation now, everybody is equal. Girls can grab the chance to catch the heart and/or propose her feelings to her love one. There"s nothing wrong with it because girls have the right to fight for their love. 4. The difference between casual and formal date is that casual date has no restrictions when it comes to the location, the food, the clothes to be wear by both party and others. While formal date is the opposite of it, it is usually held in a high-end restaurant with formal dress and it is not spontaneous like the casual date.
2023-07-09 05:50:481


due payment 到期付款网络释义 到期付款到期什么意思_有道词典 ... 到期付款 payment at maturity ; Due payment 到期月份 expiry month ; haha expiry month ; Front Month 到期债券 maturedbonds ; maturedbond ...基于21个网页-相关网页
2023-07-09 05:50:571


1uff09 If you want to ensure to get on that flight, you"d better go there by taxi.2) On behalf of all the staff of this department, I would like to express our warmest welcome to you. 3uff09 Technology in this field has matured considerably over the last twenty years. 4 uff09Because dedicating himself to educationuff0che was deeply respected and loved by teachers and students. 5uff09We must redouble our efforts and take heart to fulfil our dreams.6uff09 The government was criticized for failing to deal with the crisis.
2023-07-09 05:51:061


  将来完成时的"构成   将来完成时的构成方法是“will have +过去分词”。如:   Hopefully after three years at university I will have matured. 希望3年大学生活之后我能变成熟。   Only five short years later, your money will have grown by $94,000. 仅短短 5 年时间后,你的钱就会增多 94,000 美元。   He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday. 他会为昨天公布的电话民意调查结果感到鼓舞。   将来完成时的用法   1. 表示“将来完成”   即表示到将来某个时间为止势必会完成或预计要完成的动作。如:   When we get there, she"ll have gone to work. 我们到那里时她会已上班去了。   I expect you will have changed your mind by tomorrow. 我预料到明天你就会改变主意了。   2. 表示“持续”   即表示某种状况将一直持续到说话人所提及的某一将来时间。如:   We will have been married a year on June 25th. 到6月25日我们俩结婚就满1年了。   By this time next week, I will have been working for this company for 24 years. 到下星期此刻,我就已经为该公司干了24年了。   3. 表示“推测   即表示根据某情况作出的推测。如:   That will have been Roland. He said he"d be back at 7. 准是罗兰。他说他7点钟回来。   There will have been a definite result before Friday. 星期五以前肯定会有结果。   将来完成时的分类   将来完成时:   1.构成:shall / will have + 过去分词   2.功能:表示将来某时之前已经完成的动作。   u2192They will have been here for 5 years next Friday.   u2192By the end of next term, the students will have finished the book.   过去将来完成时:   1.构成:would / should have + 过去分词   2.功能:表示从过去某个时间看将来某时之前已经完成的动作。   u2192He said that they would have arrived by seven o"clock.   将来完成进行时:   1.构成:shall / will have been + 现在分词   2.功能:表示某一动作将继续到将来某时,且该动作此时尚未发生。   u2192We shall have been staying here for four weeks when Tom arrives.   u2192It will have been raining for a week if it does not stop tomorrow.
2023-07-09 05:51:381


change是不及物动词,a great deal 表示大量、许多,做状语。例如changed a lot一样用法
2023-07-09 05:51:494


2023-07-09 05:52:087