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my lovewill get your home歌词

2023-07-09 09:42:10

Christine Glass - My Love Will Get You Home

If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.

If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.

If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,

get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.

Boy, my love will get you home.

If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.

If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.

If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,

get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.

Boy, my love will get you home.

If you ever feel ashamed, my love will get you home.

When there"s only you to blame, my love will get you home.

If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,

get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.

Boy, my love will get you home.

If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,

get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.

Boy, my love will get you home,

Boy, my love will get you home.



love [lu028cv]home [hu0259u028am] 不同
2023-07-09 04:07:542


2023-07-09 04:08:033


你好!这四个单词中都含有字母o,其中home, open和close中的字母o 都发字母本音,而love发短音,所以love与其它三个单词发音不同。4
2023-07-09 04:08:101


I love my family 是要这个吗?
2023-07-09 04:08:218

夏小舟love home是什么意思

2023-07-09 04:08:441


Love And Home 爱与家; [例句]Life is hard for the fragile Blanche who is overburdened with the loss of love andhome and a promiscuous past.布兰奇生来脆弱,在失去了爱、失去了家庭并背负着不检点过去的情况下,生活对她来说更加艰难。
2023-07-09 04:08:511


love in this family
2023-07-09 04:08:596

爱家 用英文怎么说

爱家 用英文怎么说 love home 英语翻译爱家 爱生活 xx家居英文怎么说 love home love life love house and home亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx! 爱家英文字母简写 爱家[网路]Aika; Egger; iHome; love home; love family;[例句]这就是我的家,我爱家里的每一个成员。This is my family. I like all members of it. 宝贝爱家英语怎么说 Baby loves home (动词片语) Baby-loving home (名词片语供 其他我觉得可以的翻译: Baby"s home Babies" home 爱家,好想好想你们,我的最爱们.的英语怎么翻译 Love family, I want to miss you, my love.
2023-07-09 04:09:121


full house不知道有没有看过浪漫满屋?
2023-07-09 04:09:2715


my home is very harmonious, i love it!
2023-07-09 04:09:529

急求爱之家 英文翻译 有人翻译成 love of home 这翻译出来感觉很怪 有更好的译法吗?

family of love
2023-07-09 04:10:393

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man这句话对吗?

2023-07-09 04:10:473

i love my home还是i love my family对呢?

我想意思是不一样的!i love my home,是我爱我家(家乡,热土的意思)应该是不对的哦……i love my family,是我爱我的家庭的意思,或者你要说你喜欢你的(房子),你可以说 i love my house
2023-07-09 04:10:541

我爱我的家 英语怎么说

2023-07-09 04:11:001

求:清水翔太的 Home和 Forever Love 的 歌词和中文解释

清水翔太 - HOME作词:清水翔太作曲:清水翔太翻译:akichi今更帰れないよ あの场所は (事到如今已无法回去 那个地方) どんな素敌な思い出も (再美好的回忆) 心にしまっておくべきなのさ (也只藏於心里) 今でも思い出すよ それでいいんだ (现今仍会忆起 这就已足够) 心配ないよ まだ歌えるよ (不要担心 我还能歌唱) いつか帰るよ 仆だけの home(总有一天会回去 只属於我的HOME) <verse1-a>急な通り雨 (骤降的阵雨) 募る苛立ち心に扫き溜め (越来越焦躁的心灵里的垃圾堆) あれからいくつの季节を越え (从那以来已走过了几个季节) でもまだ闻こえてくる故郷の声 (却仍能听到故乡的声音) 格好つけて飞び出した (粉饰太平后匆忙离去) 别れ惜しむ人达裏切った结果になった (最终背叛了那些我不忍别离的人) こんなボロボロの梦 1人じゃどうしようもなかった (那样破碎的梦想 独自一人无法实现) そんな时に出会った人々 (这时遇见的人们) きっと人はそんなに强くない だから (一定是因为人并没那麼坚强) 嫉妬やエゴに饮まれてしまいそうになるよ (我才会像是要被嫉妒和自我所吞没那般) でもそんな仆を优しく抱きしめた 悲しくて泣いた (但他们却温柔的抱住这样的我 悲伤的哭泣) 自分の弱さがそのとき理解った (那时才明白到自己的软弱) でも梦叶った 少しそんな気になった (却稍微有点 实现了梦想的感觉) <verse1-b>そして仆はhomeができた (於是我建立了HOME) まるでマイホームみたいなでかい支えが (完全就像自己的家那般 明快地给予我) 明快に见えた 世界変わった (巨大的支持 世界改变了) 息をするのが楽になった (连呼吸也变得轻快) 1秒1秒成长してくみんな (1秒1秒在成长的大家) だから出会えてよかった こうなれてよかった (所以能与大家相遇真好 能像现在这般真好) だから仆は何もかもを话した (所以我能畅所欲言) 心安らげる场所 谁にでも1つはある筈だよ (能让心灵安顿的地方 无论是谁也该有一个) 仆は同じ日々生きた仲间达や (每天与我共同生活的朋友们) 隣にいてくれた恋人や (在我身旁的恋人) それを失ってでも かなえたい梦 (即使失去了这些 无法实现的梦想) それも失って、でも また思い出させてくれた (即使连这也失去了 却仍能让我想起) 新しい仆のhomeがここにある でもまだ思い出す (崭新的我的HOME就在这里 但是仍会想起) <REPEAT><verse2>なかなか寝付けず(无法安然入睡)同じ梦缲り返し见てる仆(不断做著同一个梦的我)あの顷自分を受け入れてくれた场所 全てそれが最初(那时容纳我的地方 是一切的开端)払う代偿の大小に関わらず(与所付出的代价大小无关)爱情にはもっと敏感でいたいな(希望能变得对爱情更敏感)痛いやって思わせたくないから(是因为不想让你感到痛苦)リタイヤなんてさせたくないから(是因为不想让你退出)そうやって见つけた生きてく术(因这样做而发现的生存方式)偏见にまみれた常识崩れ(充斥著偏见的常识崩解)突付けば壊れそうな程脆くて、(彷佛放在眼前便会坏掉般的脆弱)でも何故か笑颜が绝えなくて(但不知为何仍旧脸带笑容)そんな风に思えたのきっと(因而想起这样的风 这一定是)初めてで でも惨め けど绮丽で(第一次 却如此凄美)何もない空が辉いて 瞬いて(万里无云的天空在闪耀著 闪烁著)その瞬间仆らはまた泣いて(在这一瞬间我们仍在哭泣)<REPEAT><bridge>これまでを振り返れば(当我回首过去)浮かぶ笑颜や涙(浮现的笑容和泪水)こんなに震えるほど映し出す(是如此震撼地映在脑海中)それが仆自身の未来へ繋がると(我深信我自己的未来与那一切)信じている 仆だけの home 信じているから(联系著 因为我深信著 只属於我的HOME)Love Forever作词:Miliyah·Shota Shimizu作曲:Miliyah·Shota Shimizu歌:加藤ミリヤ×清水翔太翻译:琉璃印月(QQ:88294331)君(きみ)に出会(であ)えてよかった 【真好啊 能够与你邂逅】切(せつ)ないけれどよかった 【真好啊 尽管也有辛酸】ひとりの夜(よる)もそばにいてくれた 【孤单的夜里 你依然伴我左右】世界(せかい)にたったひとりの 【真好啊 能够邂逅】君(きみ)に出会(であ)えてよかった 【这个世上独一无二的你】思(おも)い出(で)は 夜(よる)の空(そら) 【我对你的思念 将化作点点繁星】星(ほし)になり 辉(かがや)くよ 【在无边的夜空熠熠闪烁】ずっと孤独(こどく)だった 壊(こわ)れた心(こころ)のドア 【长久孤独而破碎的心扉】夜(よる)に怯(きょう)えた 部屋(へや)でうずくまってた 【畏惧黑夜的我 蜷缩在黑暗的房间】シーツに颜(かお)をあて叫(さけ)んだ 【蒙着被褥 嘶声呼喊】言叶(ことば)にならなかった 【已无法汇成一个字眼】迷(まよ)わず何(なに)もかも舍(す)ててきた 【你毫不犹豫地抛弃所有】こんな私(わたし)を爱(あい)してくれた 【爱上了这样的我】いつも君(きみ)はそばにいてくれた 【你始终陪伴在我左右】君(きみ)さえ いれば それでよかった 【只要有你 就已足够】君(きみ)に出会(であ)えてよかった 【真好啊 能够与你邂逅】切(せつ)ないけれどよかった 【真好啊 尽管也有辛酸】ひとりの夜(よる)もそばにいてくれた 【孤单的夜里 你依然伴我左右】世界(せかい)にたったひとりの 【真好啊 能够邂逅】君(きみ)に出会(であ)えてよかった 【这个世上独一无二的你】思(おも)い出(で)は 夜(よる)の空(そら) 【我对你的思念 将化作点点繁星】星(ほし)になり 辉(かがや)くよ 【在无边的夜空熠熠闪烁】深夜(しんや)0时(れいじ)过(す)ぎの 街(まち)にひとりきり 【独自走在 零点过后的街头】泣(な)きたいのに强(つよ)がってる 【想要哭泣却强忍泪水】さっきの喧哗(けんか)を 思(おも)い出(た)して 【回想起刚才的争吵】自分(じぶん)に苛立(いらた)っている 【令自己心烦意乱】自分(じぶん)だけの时间(じかん)が必要(ひつよう)だった 【我们需要只属于自己的时间】少(すこ)しお互(たが)い知(し)り过(す)ぎたかな 【也许我们已太过熟悉】昔(むかし)のように向(む)き合(あ)えないなら 【若无法重回当初的融洽 倒不如】距离(きょり)を 置(も)こう そう决(ぎ)めたのに 【保持一段距离 明明我们已这样决定】君(きみ)に出会(であ)えてよかった 【真好啊 能够与你邂逅】切(せつ)ないけれどよかった 【真好啊 尽管也有辛酸】ひとりの夜(よる)もそばにいてくれた 【孤单的夜里 你依然伴我左右】世界(せかい)にたったひとりの 【真好啊 能够邂逅】君(きみ)に出会(であ)えてよかった 【这个世上独一无二的你】思(おも)い出(で)は 夜(よる)の空(そら) 【我对你的思念 将化作点点繁星】星(ほし)になり 辉(かがや)くよ 【在无边的夜空熠熠闪烁】永远(えいえん)を君(きみ)に 【我会给你永远】もう逃(に)げないって ここに誓(ちか)うよ 【与此承诺 我不再逃避】运命(うんめい)の时(とき)に 【在这宿命的时刻】心(こころ)が生(い)きてると叫(さけ)ぶよ 【心灵发出犹存的呐喊】君(きみ)がいなければ何(なん)の価値(かち)もない 【失去你 一切将毫无价值】ここに生(い)きる意味(いみ)もない 【我也没有了存在于此的意义】世界中(せがいなか)でひとり君(きみ)だけを信(しん)じてる 【在这世上 我只相信唯一的你】君(きみ)に出会(であ)えてよかった 【真好啊 能够与你邂逅】切(せつ)ないけれどよかった 【真好啊 尽管也有辛酸】ひとりの夜(よる)もそばにいてくれた 【孤单的夜里 你依然伴我左右】世界(せかい)にたったひとりの 【真好啊 能够邂逅】君(きみ)に出会(であ)えてよかった 【这个世上独一无二的你】思(おも)い出(で)は 夜(よる)の空(そら) 【我对你的思念 将化作点点繁星】星(ほし)になり 辉(かがや)くよ 【在无边的夜空熠熠闪烁】あの日君(ひきみ)がくれた梦(ゆめ)の欠片(かへん) 【那一天你留给我的 梦的碎片】この手握(てにぎ)りしめて离(はな)さない 【我会紧握在手中永不放开】きっとこんなに本気(ほんき)になれた爱(あい) 【如此认真而执著的爱】二度(にど)とない 【此生绝不会再有一次】君(きみ)と出会(であ)えて世界(せかい)は変(か)わった 【自从与你邂逅 我的世界已全然不同】心动(こころうん)かす君探(きみさか)していた 【追寻着让我心动的你】あの日(ひ)の二人(ふたり)に戻(もど)れなくても 【哪怕再也无法回到当初的你我】离(はな)せないよ 【我也不会离你而去】
2023-07-09 04:11:071

2023-07-09 04:11:161

a home without love is _a home _a garden without flowers.A no ;less than B no ; more than

答案恐怕不全,依我看,第一个空填No 不对,no是副词,不能修饰名词。要填not ,第二空填more than
2023-07-09 04:11:243

谁能给我far away form home 和 a little love 的中文歌词?

a little love世上只有 Greatness as you(smallest as meYou show mewhat is deep as seaA little love"little kissA litlle hug"little giftall of little somethingthese are our memoriesYou make me crymake me smilemake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me crymake me smilemake me feelthe joy of loveoh kissing youThank you for all the loveyou always give to meoh I love youGreatness as yousmallest as meYou show mewhat is deep as seaA little love"little kissA litlle hug"little giftall of little somethingthese are our memoriesYou make me crymake me smilemake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me crymake me smilemake me feelthe joy of loveoh kissing youThank you for all the loveyou always give to meoh I love youYes I do"Album:A Little LoveI always doLRC Powered By P.williamMake me crymake me smilemake me feel that love is trueyou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me crymake me smilemake me feelthe joy of loveoh kissing youThank you for all the loveyou always give to meoh I love youTo be with you"oh I love you望着你讲 也许更易浓于水的三个字从我降世 一开始到永远 不休止你亦是我支柱动力和意义You make me cry" make me smile"Make me feel the love is true谢谢你的关顾 与及无偿的爱护年月漫漫 多艰苦你也永远优先担心我喜恶唯恐我并未得到 最贴身保护Oh I love you!但是我知 你都有梦仍将一生给我用全个世界 几多种爱与爱 在互动也未及这种爱能完全献奉You make me cry" make me smile"Make me feel the love is true谢谢你的关顾 与及无偿的爱护年月漫漫 多艰苦你也永远优先担心我喜恶唯恐我并未得到 最贴身保护Oh I love you!Yes I do"I always doYou make me cry" make me smile"Make me feel the love is true谢谢你的看顾 与历年来的爱护年月漫漫 多艰苦我再重也不肯抛低我不顾从不会立下私心 怕会给辜负Oh I love you!Yes I love you"I always do
2023-07-09 04:11:323

有一首好听的英文歌曲,男生唱的,第一句就是“i love Sunday”很慢,很抒情的,歌词里面还有“go home”

that"s what i love about sunday 歌手:craig morgan 专辑:my kind of livin" Raymond"s in his Sunday bestHe"s usually up to his chestIn oil and greaseThere"s the Martins walking inWith that mean little freckled-face kidWho broke a window last weekSweet Miss Betty likes to sing off keyIn the pew behind meThat"s what I love about SundaySing along as the choir swaysEvery verse of "Amazing Grace"And then we shake the preacher"s handGo home into your blue jeansHave some chicken and some baked beansPick a backyard football teamNot do much of anythingThat"s what I love about SundayI stroll to the end of the drivePick up the Sunday TimesGrab a coffee cupIt looks like Sally and RobFinally tied the knotWell it"s about timeIt"s thirty-five cents off of ground roundBaby, cut that coupon outThat"s what I love about SundayCat napping on the porch swingYou curled up next to meThe smell of jasmine wakes us upTake a walk down a back roadTackle box and a cane poleCarve our names in that white oakI steal a kiss as the sun fadesThat"s what I love about SundayNew believers getting baptizedMama"s hands raised up highHaving a Hallelujah good timeA smile on everybody"s faceThat"s what I love about SundayOh yeahThat"s what I love about SundayOh yeah
2023-07-09 04:11:393


1、be back home.  back 和 home都是副词,但是意思不重复,back 表示“回到原处”,home 表示“在家里”或“往家里去”。2、知道 i am home 这个表达完全正确, home 这里是作副词的情况  动词 be 表示“处于某种状态”,由于它的限制,下面的说法并不相同。  be back 只是说“处于回到原处的状态”,并不包含回到家里。  be home 意思是“处于在家的状态”,也许是从外面回来,也许从来没有出去过。  二者放在一起说 i am back home 就知道是“我已经返回来到了家”,意思互为补充,并不冲突。  i am home 根据不同的语境,可能会包括两层意思,如:“where are you?” “i am home.” “你在哪里?”“我在家。”“do you come back?” “yes, i am home.” “你回去了吗?”“是的,我到家了”。3 come back home / go back home / be back home三者,大致有什么不同 ?  上面说过,be 表示说话时“所处的状态”这里不再重复。come 表示“向说话人的位置移动”,go 表示“离开说话人向目的地移动”,你的理解是对的。基于所用动词不同,表达的意思也就不同。  come back home 指“返回到(说话人所在的那个)家”   go back home 指“(离开说话人)返回到家”   be back home 指“(处于)回到家(的状态)”  come back home 我觉得是不是,对别人说的时候,这时候人还没有离开家 (人就在家里)4、如果我要表达【 我明天要回家。其实 i will go home tomorrow.最简单,】能说 go back home tomorrow 不?   意思略有区别。  go home 指“向自己家的方向走去”  go back home 指“往回返到了自己家里”5、回家的感觉永远都是那么地好。the feeling at home is always that well. (令人满意的)the feeling homebound is always that pleased. (惬意的)
2023-07-09 04:11:494

Love Is.. (Home Demo) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is.. (Home Demo)歌手:Mansun专辑:Kleptomania (Disc 3)Ye ladies and gentlemen Love is爱是要看着眼睛说话,是用心来传达,我希望我们的爱情也像这样爱情像漫画一样幼稚 像糖果一样甜蜜我希望我们的爱情永远You are beautiful to me, You are so beautiful to me在真:在心里跳动的分明就是爱情You are beautiful to me, You are so beautiful to me在真:就像从天而降的天使短短的头发,圆溜溜的大眼睛,就好像娃娃一样漂亮的你就是我的爱爱是我在云端 心情就像阳光一样温暖你也有这样的感觉吧爱情像漫画里的主人公一样 变得很帅吧.你也只是我的公主Love Is -FTIslandYou are beautiful to me, You are so beautiful to me在真:想永远牵着你美丽的手You are beautiful to me, You are so beautiful to me在真:像骑着白马的王子一样守护你和你在一起的瞬间就像在做梦的孩子一样尽情开怀爱情像妈妈的怀抱一样,像温暖舒服的睡眠一样温馨知道吗?你就是相遇的理由爱情是像孩子一样纯真,像天使一样纯粹,对我来说是这样慢慢靠近的爱是要看着眼睛说话,是用心来传达,我希望我们的爱情也像这样爱情像漫画一样幼稚,像糖果一样甜蜜我们的爱情永远, 我希望我们的爱情永远
2023-07-09 04:12:081

欧美男快节奏歌曲歌词是be my home i love myself

I"m friends with the monsterThat"s under my bedGet along with the voices inside of my headYou"re trying to save meStop holding your breathAnd you think I"m crazyYeah, you think I"m crazy (crazy)I wanted the fame, but not the cover of NewsweekOh well, guess beggers can"t be chooseyWanted to receive attention for my musicWanted to be left alone, public excuse meBeen wanting my cake, I need it tooWanting it both waysFame may be a balloon cause my ego inflatedWhen I blew seep it was confusingCause all I wanted to do is be the Bruce Lee of loose leafAbused ink, used it as a tool when I blew steamHit the lottery (oh wee)With what I gave up to get was bittersweetIt was like winning a huge meetIronic "cause I think I"m getting so huge I need a shrinkI"m beginning to lose sleep: one sheep, two sheepGoing cucko and cuckier as Kool KeithBut I"m actually weirder than you thinkCause I"m...I"m friends with the monsterThat"s under my bedGet along with the voices inside of my headYou"re trying to save meStop holding your breathAnd you think I"m crazyYeah, you think I"m crazyWell, that"s not fairWell, that"s not fairNow I ain"t much of a poetBut I know somebody once told me to seize the momentAnd don"t squander itCause you never know when it all could be overTomorrow so I keep conjuringSometimes I wonder where these thoughts spawn from(Yeah, ponder it, do you wonder there"s no wonderyou"re losing your mind the way you"re brought up?)I think you"ve been wandering off down yonderand stumbled on VanVonderenJeff Cause I needed an intervention in this to intervenebetween me and this monsterAnd save me from myself and all this conflictCause the very things thatI love is killing me and I can"t conquer itMy OCD is clonking me in the headKeep knocking, nobody"s home, I"m sleepwalkingI"m just relaying what the voice of my head sayingDon"t shoot the messenger, I"m just friends with the...I"m friends with the monsterThat"s under my bedGet along with the voices inside of my headYou"re trying to save meStop holding your breathAnd you think I"m crazyYeah, you think I"m crazyWell, that"s not fairWell, that"s not fairCall me crazy, but I had this visionOne day that I"d walk amongst you regular civiliansBut until then drums get killed I"m coming straight atEmcees, blood get spilled and ITake it back to the days that I get on a Dre trackGive every kid who got played gatPumped the villian and sh*t that say backTo the kids who played "emI ain"t here to save the f*cking childrenBut if one kid out of a hundred millionWho are going through a struggle feels and relates that"s greatIt"s payback, Russell Wilson falling way backIn the draft, turn nothing into something, still can make thatStraw in the gold chump I will spendRumpelstiltskin in a hay stackMaybe I need a straightjacket, face factsI am nuts for real, but I"m okay with thatIt"s nothing, I"m still friends with a...I"m friends with the monsterThat"s under my bedGet along with the voices inside of my headYou"re trying to save meStop holding your breathAnd you think I"m crazyYeah, you think I"m crazyI"m friends with the monsterThat"s under my bedGet along with the voices inside of my headYou"re trying to save meStop holding your breathAnd you think I"m crazyYeah, you think I"m crazyWell, that"s not fairWell, that"s not fairThe Monster (feat. Rihanna) - Eminem
2023-07-09 04:12:151

谁知道《溏心风暴》中的英文歌《my love will get home》的中文歌词

If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.如果你流浪 走得太远 我的爱能把你带回家If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.如果你跟了一颗错的星星而行 我的爱能把你带回家If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家Boy, my love will get you home.男孩 我的爱能把你带回家If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.如果明亮的光线使你双眼再也看不见 我的爱能把你带回家If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.如果你的烦恼阻碍你迈大步走 我的爱能把你带回家If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家Boy, my love will get you home.男孩 我的爱能把你带回家If you ever feel ashame, my love will get you home.如果你觉得羞愧 我的爱会把你带回家If its only you to blame, my love will get you home.如果只有你应被责怪 我的爱会把你带回家If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家Boy, my love will get you home.男孩 我的爱能把你带回家 Re:If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家Boy, my love will get you home.男孩 我的爱能把你带回家
2023-07-09 04:12:551

Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

2023-07-09 04:13:021


是程亮和常在心在一起的时候经常放的歌吧 我也觉得很好听 是Mylovewillgetyouhome 歌手:ChristineGlass Ifyouwanderofftoofar Mylovewillgetyouhome Ifyoufollowthewrongstar Mylovewillgetyouhome Ifyoueverfindyourself Lostandallalone Getbackonyourfeetandthinkofme MylovewillgetyouhomeBoy Mylovewillgetyouhome Ifthebrightlightsblindsyoureyes Mylovewillgetyouhome Ifyourtroublesbreakyourstride Mylovewillgetyouhome Ifyoueverfindyourself Lostandallalone Getbackonyourfeetandthinkofme MylovewillgetyouhomeBoy Mylovewillgetyouhome Ifyoueverfeelashame Mylovewillgetyouhome Ifitsonlyyoutoblame Mylovewillgetyouhome Ifyoueverfindyourself Lostandallalone Getbackonyourfeetandthinkofme MylovewillgetyouhomeBoy Mylovewillgetyouhome Ifyoueverfindyourself Lostandallalone Getbackonyourfeetandthinkofme MylovewillgetyouhomeBoy MylovewillgetyouhomeBoy Mylovewillgetyouhome
2023-07-09 04:13:091

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man 对吗?

一个少了爱的家,就不再是家 就像一个少了灵魂的躯体 就不是一个完整的人了。。。
2023-07-09 04:13:162

a place full home is love of连词成句

Home is a place full of love.家,就是一个充满爱的地方。 :)
2023-07-09 04:13:252

有首歌,男声唱的,rap部分的两句:who takes you home home home, i love you so so so ,是什么歌曲?

Don"t Wanna Know - Maroon 5 feat. Kendrick LamarMaroon 5 - Don"t Wanna Know ft. Kendrick Lamar (w..._网易云音乐
2023-07-09 04:13:431

【新概念培训】Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.怎么翻译?

2023-07-09 04:13:521

i have arrived home safely,thanks your love and support什么意思

2023-07-09 04:14:023

我爱我家。我爱我的家人。这两句的英文是同一句吗?I love my family。

I love my familyI love my family是
2023-07-09 04:14:116

找一首英文歌 歌词里有your love will take me home 在溏心风暴里放过的

2023-07-09 04:14:286


2023-07-09 04:14:425


2023-07-09 04:14:594

跪求一首好听的英文歌,以My Love开头 实在想不起名字了,谢哈~~

my love will get you home??my love my fate?
2023-07-09 04:15:152


some 和 love 一样home 和 nose 一样
2023-07-09 04:15:422

love home 和love family有什么区别?分别怎样翻译?

love home爱家love family爱家人
2023-07-09 04:15:502


2023-07-09 04:15:561

lovdy home sweet love 什么意思?

Lovely home sweet love.意思是: 温馨的家,甜蜜的爱。
2023-07-09 04:16:041

lovdy home sweet love 什么意思?

2023-07-09 04:16:101


Love is in my home.对应的中文意思:爱在我家,
2023-07-09 04:16:171

What makes a home ?love ,sympathy and confidence .

2023-07-09 04:16:261

i love my home还是i love my family对呢?

2023-07-09 04:16:331

What makes a home ?love ,sympathy and confidence .求大神帮助

2023-07-09 04:16:412


Exile 的 Your eyes only 暧昧なぼくの轮郭试听地址下载地址右键另存 如果链接失效 请到sogou搜索Exile Your eyes only 暧昧なぼくの轮郭
2023-07-09 04:16:471

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.语法,句子结构?拒绝复制

原句应该是A home (without love) is no more than a body (without a soul in a man).括号内都是作定语,去掉定语后就是A home is no more than a body 。no more than ...意思相当于only.
2023-07-09 04:17:083

Good Lovelies的《Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Home歌手:Good Lovelies专辑:Let The Rain Fall「HOME」作词∶桑岛由一作曲∶菊田大介(Elements Garden)歌∶桥本みゆき迷子の子供みたいうつむいて泣いてたけど安心できる场所がようやく见つかったキミが残してくれた记忆に抱かれて眠るみんなに伝えて欲しいあの人を爱してる名前呼んでも 指で触れてもからかうように 口付けしても照れくさそうな 笑颜はもうなくて どこを见てもいない少しだけ先歩くキミの後ろ追いかけて次に捕まえた时もう离さない 二度と天使の子供が今わたしの罪を许したそろそろ终わりの时间キミの声が呼んでる悲しい夜は 星に祈って风邪をひいたら ちゃんと休んでロウソクがほら 消えぬように远くからも 见てるからねあなたのために全部ここに残していくから上手く笑えるような人になってね 好きよ少しだけ先歩くキミの後ろ追いかけて次に捕まえた时もう离さないあなたのために全部ここに残していくから上手く笑えるような人になってね 好きよ【 おわり 】
2023-07-09 04:17:162

lovdy home sweet love

2023-07-09 04:17:232

l love my home的中文怎样写

你好!l love my home我爱我的家
2023-07-09 04:17:313

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man这句话对吗?

2023-07-09 04:17:395