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2023-07-09 08:46:57
not at all 一点也不/别客气
用法:主语+be动词/助动词+not+宾语成分+at all
例句:I don"t want to do homework at all.(我一点也不想做作业)

Not at all 是口语中一个十分常用的表达


A:thank you very much. 多谢你了。

B:Not at all. 不客气。


A:It"s very kind of you. 你真客气。

B:Not at all. 哪里哪里。


A:I"m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了。

B:Oh, not at all, do come in. 噢,没关系,请进来。


A:Are you busy? 你忙吗?

B:Not at all. 一点不忙。


“not at all”的用法是什么?

对,是的,not """"""" at all,表示一点也不,丝毫也不。 My mother doesn;t like watching tv at all. l don"t like apples at all. 还有一种是not at all 中间没省略的, 意思是不用谢,相当于you are welcome.
2023-07-09 02:03:311

not at all什么意思?

一点也不;别客气  Not at all 是口语中一个十分常用的表达,其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远  一、用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。如:  A:thank you very much. 多谢你了。  B:Not at all. 不客气。  A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。  B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你。  A:thank you very much. 非常感谢你。  B:Not at all. It was the least I could do. 不用谢,这是我应该做的。  二、用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。如:  A:You are very kind. 你真好。  B:Not at all. 没什么。  A:It"s very kind of you. 你真客气。  B:Not at all. 哪里哪里。  三、用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。如:  A:I"m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了。  B:Oh, not at all, do come in. 噢,没关系,请进来。  A:I"m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。  B:Oh, not at all. I"ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟。  A:Are you busy? 你忙吗?   四、用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”。如:  B:Not at all. 一点不忙。  A:Is it difficult to study English? 英语难学吗?  B:Not at all. 一点不难。  A:I"ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 我要因公出差,请帮我照看一下我的猫,你介意吗?  B:Not at all. I"ll be happy to. 一点不介意,我很乐意。
2023-07-09 02:03:381

not at all 是什么意思

2023-07-09 02:03:463

not at all是什么意思?

一点也不;别客气  Not at all 是口语中一个十分常用的表达,其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远  一、用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。如:  A:thank you very much. 多谢你了。  B:Not at all. 不客气。  A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。  B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你。  A:thank you very much. 非常感谢你。  B:Not at all. It was the least I could do. 不用谢,这是我应该做的。  二、用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。如:  A:You are very kind. 你真好。  B:Not at all. 没什么。  A:It"s very kind of you. 你真客气。  B:Not at all. 哪里哪里。  三、用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。如:  A:I"m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了。  B:Oh, not at all, do come in. 噢,没关系,请进来。  A:I"m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。  B:Oh, not at all. I"ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟。  A:Are you busy? 你忙吗?   四、用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”。如:  B:Not at all. 一点不忙。  A:Is it difficult to study English? 英语难学吗?  B:Not at all. 一点不难。  A:I"ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 我要因公出差,请帮我照看一下我的猫,你介意吗?  B:Not at all. I"ll be happy to. 一点不介意,我很乐意。
2023-07-09 02:03:531

Not at all是什么意思?

not at all 一点也不;别客气Not at all 是口语中一个十分常用的表达,由于其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远,所以许多同学常常用错。本文拟就其在初中英语中的主要用法归纳如下,以帮助同学们正确使用它。一、用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。如:A:thank you very much. 多谢你了。B:Not at all. 不客气。A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你。A:thank you very much. 非常感谢你。B:Not at all. It was the least I could do. 不用谢,这是我应该做的。二、用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。如:A:You are very kind. 你真好。B:Not at all. 没什么。A:It"s very kind of you. 你真客气。B:Not at all. 哪里哪里。三、用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。如:A:I"m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了。B:Oh, not at all, do come in. 噢,没关系,请进来。A:I"m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。B:Oh, not at all. I"ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟。四、用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”。如:A:Are you busy? 你忙吗?B:Not at all. 一点不忙。A:Is it difficult to study English? 英语难学吗?B:Not at all. 一点不难。A:I"ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 我要因公出差,请帮我照看一下我的猫,你介意吗?B:Not at all. I"ll be happy to. 一点不介意,我很乐意。
2023-07-09 02:04:0314

not at all常用来回答什么?

1.not at all 一点也不I"m not at all satisfied.我一点也不满意。2.not at all 单独时:不用谢,不客气,没关系~Not at all.别客气 all 其实也是一点也不的意思~跟1是一个意思~不过就是把形容词换了个位子~He is not worried at all~他一点都不担心~
2023-07-09 02:04:352

not…at all的用法 all与not at all的区别为 一、意思不同 1、 all:一点也不。 2、not at all:没什么,别客气。 二、用法不同 1、 all:Not at all是口语中一个十分常用的表达,其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远。用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”。 2、not at all:not at all,常在英语口头语中出现,用于回答感谢,意为别客气。书面表达中有没什么,哪儿的话,并不,不谢的意思。用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。 扩展资料 三、侧重点不同 1、 all,not后面是省略号,不是固定搭配可以填形容词和副词,用于否定句。 2、not at all:not at all可以用在否定句中,也可单独使用,特别是在答语中。
2023-07-09 02:04:501

not at all 怎么连读

not at all 怎么连读nota tall 谐音 闹 太淘
2023-07-09 02:05:122

not…at all什么意思啊举几个例子啊

Not at all是口语中一个十分常见的表达,由于其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远,所以许多同学常常用错。本文拟就其在初中英语中的主要用法归纳如下,以帮助同学们正确使用它。 一、用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。二、用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话。意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。三、用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。四、用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不:完全不”。
2023-07-09 02:05:371

not at all 能用在肯定句中吗?为什么?它的用法有哪些?

其本身就是否定啊,一点儿也不.有它的句子就是否定句了. not at all 一点也不;别客气 Not at all 是口语中一个十分常用的表达,由于其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远,所以许多同学常常用错.本文拟就其在初中英语中的主要用法归纳如下,以帮助同学们正确使用它. 一、用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”.如: A:thank you very much.多谢你了. B:Not at all.不客气. A:Thanks for helping me.谢谢你帮助我. B:Not at all.I enjoyed it.别客气,很高兴能帮你. A:thank you very much.非常感谢你. B:Not at all.It was the least I could do.不用谢,这是我应该做的. 二、用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”.如: A:You are very kind.你真好. B:Not at all.没什么. A:It"s very kind of you.你真客气. B:Not at all.哪里哪里. 三、用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”.如: A:I"m sorry I"m late.对不起,我迟到了. B:Oh,not at all,do e in.噢,没关系,请进来. A:I"m sorry to keep you waiting.对不起,让你久等了. B:Oh,not at all.I"ve been here only a few minutes.哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟. 四、用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”.如: A:Are you busy?你忙吗? B:Not at all.一点不忙. A:Is it difficult to study English?英语难学吗? B:Not at all.一点不难. A:I"ll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?我要因公出差,请帮我照看一下我的猫,你介意吗? B:Not at all.I"ll be happy to.一点不介意,我很乐意.
2023-07-09 02:05:441

not at all和 all有什么区别

not at all 是固定搭配,翻译为”一点都不,根本不“例如,别人问你,do you like this book? 你答 not at at.就是:你喜欢这本书么? 一点都不喜欢 all, 省略号部分应该填形容词或者副词的原级,翻译为一点都不.例如别人问你,how do you like this book? 你答it"s not interseting at all.翻译为:你觉得这本书怎么样? 一点都没意思.
2023-07-09 02:05:521 all的意思是什么?

not…at all “ 一点也不…… ”,常用在否定句中,加强语气. eg:We don"t speak English at all after class.在课下我们根本不讲英语. 要与not at all 相区别
2023-07-09 02:05:591

not at all什么意思?

一点也不;别客气  Not at all 是口语中一个十分常用的表达,其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远  一、用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。如:  A:thank you very much. 多谢你了。  B:Not at all. 不客气。  A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。  B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你。  A:thank you very much. 非常感谢你。  B:Not at all. It was the least I could do. 不用谢,这是我应该做的。  二、用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。如:  A:You are very kind. 你真好。  B:Not at all. 没什么。  A:It"s very kind of you. 你真客气。  B:Not at all. 哪里哪里。  三、用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。如:  A:I"m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了。  B:Oh, not at all, do come in. 噢,没关系,请进来。  A:I"m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。  B:Oh, not at all. I"ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟。  A:Are you busy? 你忙吗?   四、用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”。如:  B:Not at all. 一点不忙。  A:Is it difficult to study English? 英语难学吗?  B:Not at all. 一点不难。  A:I"ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 我要因公出差,请帮我照看一下我的猫,你介意吗?  B:Not at all. I"ll be happy to. 一点不介意,我很乐意。
2023-07-09 02:06:061 all(...)填什么

没有上下文的话,可以填很多种:1.I don"t like the CD at all.我一点也不喜欢这CD.2.She doesn"t like going to school at all.她一点也不喜欢去上学请采纳,谢谢支持!
2023-07-09 02:06:163

用not at all造句?

2023-07-09 02:06:251

Not at all和certainly not的区别 如题

Not at all 是口语中一个十分常用的表达,由于其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远,所以许多同学常常用错.本文拟就其在初中英语中的主要用法归纳如下,以帮助同学们正确使用它. 一、用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”.如: A:thank you very much. 多谢你了. B:Not at all. 不客气. A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我. B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你. A:thank you very much. 非常感谢你. B:Not at all. It was the least I could do. 不用谢,这是我应该做的. 二、用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”.如: A:You are very kind. 你真好. B:Not at all. 没什么. A:It"s very kind of you. 你真客气. B:Not at all. 哪里哪里. 三、用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”.如: A:I"m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了. B:Oh, not at all, do come in. 噢,没关系,请进来. A:I"m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了. B:Oh, not at all. I"ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟. 四、用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”.如: A:Are you busy? 你忙吗? B:Not at all. 一点不忙. A:Is it difficult to study English? 英语难学吗? B:Not at all. 一点不难. A:I"ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 我要因公出差,请帮我照看一下我的猫,你介意吗? B:Not at all. I"ll be happy to. 一点不介意,我很乐意. certainly not的意思就很简单:才不,当然不:Do you think everyone in China will use cash by the year of 2020? ------Certainly not!
2023-07-09 02:06:331

not at all和 all有什么区别?

not at all 是固定搭配,翻译为”一点都不,根本不“例如,别人问你,do you like this book? 你答 not at at.就是:你喜欢这本书么? 一点都不喜欢 all, 省略号部分应该填形容词或者副词的原级,翻译为一点都不....
2023-07-09 02:06:401 all与 not at all 的区别

not at all 是固定搭配,翻译为”一点都不,根本不“例如,别人问你,do you like this book? 你答not at at。就是:你喜欢这本书么? 一点都不喜欢。 all, 省略号部分应该填形容词或者副词的原级,翻译为一点都不。。。例如别人问你,how do you likethis book? 你答it"s notinterseting at all.翻译为:你觉得这本书怎么样? 一点都没意思。
2023-07-09 02:06:493

no at all 与not at all 的区别?谢谢……

2023-07-09 02:07:464

notu2026at all

1.not at all 一点也不 I"m not at all satisfied. 我一点也不满意. 2.not at all 单独时:不用谢,不客气,没关系~ Not at all. 别客气 all 其实也是一点也不的意思~跟1是一个意思~不过就是把形容词换了个位子~ He is not worried at all~ 他一点都不担心~
2023-07-09 02:08:251

NOT AT ALL的汉语意思是什么?

2023-07-09 02:08:333

not at all用法

not at all 是一点也不的意思at all 是所有,全部的意思
2023-07-09 02:08:532

not at all相当于什么

一点也不;别客气  Not at all 是口语中一个十分常用的表达,其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远  一、用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。如:  A:thank you very much. 多谢你了。  B:Not at all. 不客气。  A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。  B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你。  A:thank you very much. 非常感谢你。  B:Not at all. It was the least I could do. 不用谢,这是我应该做的。  二、用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。如:  A:You are very kind. 你真好。  B:Not at all. 没什么。  A:It"s very kind of you. 你真客气。  B:Not at all. 哪里哪里。  三、用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。如:  A:I"m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了。  B:Oh, not at all, do come in. 噢,没关系,请进来。  A:I"m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。  B:Oh, not at all. I"ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟。  A:Are you busy? 你忙吗?   四、用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”。如:  B:Not at all. 一点不忙。  A:Is it difficult to study English? 英语难学吗?  B:Not at all. 一点不难。  A:I"ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 我要因公出差,请帮我照看一下我的猫,你介意吗?  B:Not at all. I"ll be happy to. 一点不介意,我很乐意。
2023-07-09 02:09:161

never mind与not at all有什么区别

not … at all一般可以对某个形容词表示反对,意思是:绝对不是... not at all单独做一个句子时,就是“不用谢,不客气,没关系”回答别人的感谢 never mind 没关系 不介意 多用来回答别人的意见的征求 比如问 你介意我打开窗户么? 回答就可以用这个
2023-07-09 02:09:341 all的意思是什么?

2023-07-09 02:09:448

not at all的用法

对,是的,not """"""" at all,表示一点也不,丝毫也不。 My mother doesn;t like watching tv at all. l don"t like apples at all. 还有一种是not at all 中间没省略的, 意思是不用谢,相当于you are welcome.
2023-07-09 02:10:001

NOT AT ALL是什么意思?

2023-07-09 02:10:061

not at all上句提出的问题英语

Not at all[一点也不;别客气] 楼主要的问句在第四项里哈~Not at all 是口语中一个十分常用的表达,其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远一、用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。如:A:thank you very much. 多谢你了。B:Not at all. 不客气。A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你。A:thank you very much. 非常感谢你。B:Not at all. It was the least I could do. 不用谢,这是我应该做的。二、用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。如:A:You are very kind. 你真好。B:Not at all. 没什么。A:It"s very kind of you. 你真客气。B:Not at all. 哪里哪里。三、用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。如:A:I"m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了。B:Oh, not at all, do come in. 噢,没关系,请进来。A:I"m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。B:Oh, not at all. I"ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟。四、用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”。如:A:Are you busy? 你忙吗?B:Not at all. 一点不忙。A:Is it difficult to study English? 英语难学吗?B:Not at all. 一点不难。A:I"ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 我要因公出差,请帮我照看一下我的猫,你介意吗?B:Not at all. I"ll be happy to. 一点不介意,我很乐意。
2023-07-09 02:10:141

not at all 该怎么翻译呢?求助……

2023-07-09 02:10:325

Not at all的用法 1. 用来回答感谢,意为:不用谢;不客气.如: A:Thank you very

Not at all的用法 1. 用来回答感谢,意为:不用谢;不客气。如: A:Thank you very much. 多谢你了。 B:Not at all. 不客气。 A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。 B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你。 2. 用来回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为:没什么;哪里哪里。如: A:You are very kind. 你真好。 B:Not at all. 没什么。 A:It‘s very kind of you. 你真客气。 B:Not at all. 哪里哪里。 3. 用来回答道歉,意为:没关系。如: A:I‘m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了。 B:Oh,not at all, do come in. 噢,没关系,请进来。 A:I"m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。 B:Oh,not at all. I‘ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟。 4. 用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为:一点也不;完全不。如: A:Are you busy? 你忙吗? B:Not at all. 一点不忙。 A:Is it difficult to study English? 英语难学吗? B:Not at all.一点不难
2023-07-09 02:10:482

not at all造句

He isn"t hungry at all根本不饿
2023-07-09 02:11:034

not at all和at all区别在哪

这两个意思首先不一样 all 是 一点也不 的意思例句:I don"t like the coat at all.我一点也不喜欢这件大衣Not at all是连的,有不用谢的意思,可以回答Thank you.
2023-07-09 02:11:301

not…at all是什么意思?怎样造句?举例说明.

not…at all “ 一点也不…… ”,常用在否定句中,加强语气. eg:We don"t speak English at all after class. 在课下我们根本不讲英语.
2023-07-09 02:11:381

not at all 和never mind的区别

意思不一样,前者是一点也不 ,或者是别介意。Not at all 是口语中一个十分常用的表达,其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远一、用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。如:A:thank you very much. 多谢你了。B:Not at all. 不客气。A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你。A:thank you very much. 非常感谢你。B:Not at all. It was the least I could do. 不用谢,这是我应该做的。二、用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。如:A:You are very kind. 你真好。B:Not at all. 没什么。A:It"s very kind of you. 你真客气。B:Not at all. 哪里哪里。三、用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。如:A:I"m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了。B:Oh, not at all, do come in. 噢,没关系,请进来。A:I"m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。B:Oh, not at all. I"ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟。四、用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”。如:A:Are you busy? 你忙吗?B:Not at all. 一点不忙。A:Is it difficult to study English? 英语难学吗?B:Not at all. 一点不难。A:I"ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 我要因公出差,请帮我照看一下我的猫,你介意吗?B:Not at all. I"ll be happy to. 一点不介意,我很乐意。never mind没关系,不用担心; (用于安慰)没关系,不用担心; 更不用说;
2023-07-09 02:11:451

not at all怎么造句不用复杂的,就一句话

I don"t like watching movies at all.
2023-07-09 02:12:082

never mind与not at all有什么区别

not … at all一般可以对某个形容词表示反对,意思是:绝对不是... not at all单独做一个句子时,就是“不用谢,不客气,没关系”回答别人的感谢 never mind 没关系 不介意 多用来回答别人的意见的征求 比如问 你介意我打开窗户么? 回答就可以用这个
2023-07-09 02:12:151

not ai all的上句是什么

not ai all的上句是:thank you very much.用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。如:A:thank you very much.多谢你了。B:Not at all.不客气。A:Thanks for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。B:Not at all. I enjoyed it.别客气,很高兴能帮你。not at all 读音:英[nt t l];美[nɑt t l],语法:用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours. 一个比喻要完全贴切是不容易的。The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day. 这懒小子一整天一点事都没干。
2023-07-09 02:12:221

not … at all 和 not …anymore 的区别 all 根本不的意思not...anymore 。。。不再(例: 不再使用,不再有效等)
2023-07-09 02:12:481

not at all的同义词

any more
2023-07-09 02:13:024

not at all与not any more的区别

not at all adv.一点也不not any more adv.不再, 不比...多
2023-07-09 02:13:118

not at all 用法和 never mind 的区别

not at all 一点也不 ,口语中也有别再那样做了,国外口语中经常对孩子说never mind 是不介意的意思 使用在对话中,比如甲对乙说,你介意我在这抽烟吗?乙就可以会回答说,never mind
2023-07-09 02:13:284

not……at all 和 not at all 用法!

看样子就看出来了,区别很明显啊! not……at all 中间省略号要填形容词或副词,表示“一点也不...(怎么样)”,如:not busy at all,一点都不忙. not at all 是交际用语中的一个句子,可根据语气变化来回应对方的感谢,道歉等等
2023-07-09 02:13:351

接受道歉可以说“not at all"吗

OK 可以
2023-07-09 02:13:4311

not at all的用法及例句

2023-07-09 02:14:051

not a bit 与not at all 的意思是否一样?

意思上一样,但用法上不一样的 not a bit 前置,副词短语 not at all后置 如: I am not a bit tired. I am not tired at all.
2023-07-09 02:14:201


亮度的英文:luminance亮度的解释:[brightness; brilliance]∶光源的 颜色 属性,表现为光源所发的光由极暗(亮度最小)到极亮(亮度最大) 之间 的变化 (2) [luminance]∶在给定方向上一表面每单位投射面积的发光强度 详细解释 物理学 名词 。发光体或反光体使人 眼睛 感到的 明亮 程度 。亮度的大小和所 看到 的物体的大小、发光或反光的强度及距离有关。词语分解:亮的解释 亮 à 明,有光:天亮了, 敞亮 。明亮。豁亮。亮光。亮度。 光线:屋子里一点亮儿也没有。 明摆出来,显露,显示:亮相。 明朗 , 清楚 :心里亮了。 声音响:洪亮。响亮。 使声音响:亮开嗓子唱。明黑 笔画 度的解释 度 ù 计算 长短的器具或单位:尺度。刻度。度量衡。 事物所达到的 境界 :程度。高度。风度。 分角的单位,一圆 周角 分为度:角度。 依照计算的 一定 标准 划分的单位:温度。湿度。经度。纬度。浓度。 电能的单位,
2023-07-09 02:04:281


2023-07-09 02:04:291


green用英语读法:英[ɡriu02d0n] 美[ ɡriu02d0n] 。Green是一个英文单词,美音是[gri:n],英音是[gri:n],可指绿色的;绿的;青葱的;也指姓氏格林, 可做名词、形容词、动词。形容词:1. 绿的;青葱的。The hills are very green in spring。春天山上一片葱绿。2. (果实等)未熟的;嫩的。Green tomatoes are sour。未熟的番茄是酸的。3. (脸色等)发青的。She turned green when she came off the roller coaster。当她从云霄飞车上下来时,脸色发青。4. 无经验的;容易上当的。He is a green hand。他是个新手。5. 妒忌的[F][(+with)]。I am green with envy。我羡慕极了。6. (记忆)清晰的,栩栩如生的。7. (常大写)属于(旨在保护环境的)绿色组织的[B]。9. 关心生态的;关心环保的。I own only two of those new green cleaning products。我只有两种新的环保清洁剂。
2023-07-09 02:04:311

乖乖狗除了good dog ,还有什么翻译,英文!

nice puppy
2023-07-09 02:04:257


巧克力的英语知识Candy bars, milk shakes, cookies, flavored coffee—even cereal and medicine! Chocolate is a key ingredient in many foods. In fact, it ranks as the favorite flavor of most Americans. And yet, few of us know the unique origins of this popular treat.The story of chocolate spans more than 2,000 years and now circles the globe. The tale began in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America where cacao (kah KOW) first grew. Chocolate is made from the seeds of the cacao tree.But the journey from seed to sweet is a long one, spanning many centuries and requiring many processes. So select which tale you"d like to hear first:Growing ChocolateFascinated by chocolate"s origins? Explore the rainforest habitat of the cacao tree, discover the different ways it can be grown, and learn about this amazing plant"s many unusual characteristics.The History of ChocolateCurious about who discovered chocolate? Meet the people who first used cacao, then view their tools and explore their traditions. You"ll learn how chocolate is made the Maya, Aztec, Spanish, and contemporary way.Eating ChocolateCraving more of your favorite indulgence? Immerse yourself in the lure and lore of chocolate and investigate its use as a health remedy, an alleged aphrodisiac, and a seasoning in recipes from around the world.Making ChocolateInterested in how chocolate is produced today? Investigate key inventions in the manufacturing and molding process of chocolate candy. Learn the differences between bittersweet and baking, milk and white, and dark and “dutched” chocolate. And examine the issues involved in trading chocolate on today"s global markets.The Chocolate ChallengeSo you think you"re an expert on chocolate? Test your knowledge and see how chocolate"s popularity spread worldwide.Books, Films, and ResourcesWant to learn even more about chocolate? Check out the latest listings of adult and children"s books, films, and other resources that address conservation, cultural, and commodity issues surrounding chocolate.Just for KidsLooking for chocolate fun for the whole family? Download kid-friendly recipes, fun facts, crossword puzzles, word finds, and other educational activities. Kids can even “make” chocolate online in our Manufacturing Chocolate from Seed to Sweet interactive.
2023-07-09 02:04:231