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2023-07-09 08:40:31
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我觉得是keep competitive


Keep competitive



竞争力的英语:competitiveness;读音:英 [ku0259m"petu0259tu026avnu0259s];美 [ku0259m"petu0259tu026avnu0259s]释义:n. [经] 竞争;竞争性短语:core competitiveness核心竞争力例句:1.The aim was to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.目的是要提高企业的核心竞争能力。2.Some students attach importance to practical skills so as to improve their competitiveness in subsequential employment.一些学生重视自己的实践技能以至于提高他们以后在工作中的竞争能力。
2023-07-09 01:44:351


2023-07-09 01:44:542


2023-07-09 01:45:011

竞争力 英文

竞争力的英文表达为"competitiveness"或"competitive strength"。竞争力指的是个人、组织或国家在竞争环境中超越他人的能力。这是当今变化多端的世界中决定成功和增长的关键因素。在个人层面上,竞争力指的是个体在所选择领域中脱颖而出并与同行相比具备的能力。它包括各种属性,如技能、知识、经验和个人品质。要提高个人的竞争力,持续改进技能、紧跟行业趋势并发展增长思维至关重要。此外,保持良好的职业道德、适应性强以及有效的沟通能力都有助于个人竞争力的提升。谈到组织竞争力时,我们指的是公司或机构相对于竞争对手在市场上取得并保持优势地位的能力。这涉及产品质量、创新、客户服务、成本效益和品牌声誉等因素。为了保持竞争力,组织必须营造创新文化,投资于研发,吸引顶尖人才,并适应市场变化。有效的领导、战略规划和资源管理也是组织竞争力的关键要素。在国家层面上,竞争力衡量了一个国家在全球市场上创造财富、创造就业机会和吸引投资的能力。这包括经济稳定性、基础设施、劳动力教育和技能、技术进步以及支持性政府政策等因素。一个具有竞争力的国家营造鼓励创业的环境,促进研发,并提供有利的商业条件。提升国家竞争力需要在教育、基础设施发展、医疗保健方面进行投资,并通过吸引外国直接投资的政策促进良好的商业环境。总之,竞争力是当今竞争激烈的世界中至关重要的概念。它指的是个人、组织和国家超越同行并取得成功的能力。通过不断改进技能、拥抱创新和利用独特优势,个人、组织和国家可以提升竞争力,并在全球市场中蓬勃发展。
2023-07-09 01:45:221


2023-07-09 01:45:422


2023-07-09 01:45:514


competitive power
2023-07-09 01:45:582


百度 ASK123职涯发展学习中心 选择就业竞争力
2023-07-09 01:46:066

competitiveness competition 区别

competitiveness n.竞争力 而competition 是n. 竞争, 竞赛 ..懂?
2023-07-09 01:46:202


就是competitiveness,用the power of competitive会被笑话的,太中国式英语了,你上google search competitiveness就有的。。表达力就是expressiveness
2023-07-09 01:46:412


核心竞争力英文是core competitiveness。资料扩展:核心竞争力是指能够为企业带来比较竞争优势的资源,以及资源的配置与整合方式。随着企业资源的变化以及配置与整合效率的提高,企业的核心竞争力也会随之发生变化。凭借着核心竞争力产生的动力,一个企业就有可能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,使产品和服务的价值在一定时期内得到提升。在美国学者普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad)和美国学者哈默(G.Hamel)看来,核心竞争力首先应该有助于公司进入不同的市场,它应成为公司扩大经营的能力基础。其次,核心竞争力对创造公司最终产品和服务的顾客价值贡献巨大,它的贡献在于实现顾客最为关注的、核心的、根本的利益,而不仅仅是一些普通的、短期的好处。最后,公司的核心竞争力应该是难以被竞争对手所复制和模仿的。核心竞争力是一个企业(人才,国家或者参与竞争的个体)能够长期获得竞争优势的能力。是企业所特有的、能够经得起时间考验的、具有延展性,并且是竞争对手难以模仿的技术或能力。核心竞争力,又称“核心(竞争)能力”、“核心竞争优势”,指的是组织具备的应对变革与激烈的外部竞争,并且取胜于竞争对手的能力的集合。核心竞争力是企业竞争力中那些最基本的能使整个企业保持长期稳定的竞争优势、获得稳定超额利润的竞争力,是将技能资产和运作机制有机融合的企业自身组织能力,是企业推行内部管理性战略和外部交易性战略的结果。现代企业的核心竞争力是一个以知识、创新为基本内核的企业某种关键资源或关键能力的组合,是能够使企业、行业和国家在一定时期内保持现实或潜在竞争优势的动态平衡系统。
2023-07-09 01:46:481


核心竞争力英语:core competitiveness .企业的核心竞争力就是企业的决策力,它包括把握全局、审时度势的判断力,大胆突破、敢于竞争的创新力,博采众长、开拓进取的文化力,保证质量、诚实守信的亲和力。核心竞争力是群体或团队中根深蒂固的、互相弥补的一系列技能和知识的组合,借助该能力,能够按世界一流水平实施—到多项核心梳程。扩展资料:一、内容构成1、具备创新的技术企业是否具备创新技术往往对其发展有着决定性作用。技术创新,它要求实现的是产品的功能性、独特性以及超越行业平均水平的尖端性。这种优势的技术,会为企业带来超过普通企业的客户关注度以及市场广泛度。2、具备创新能力的人才即便是在信息时代,各种智能化设备的出现大大降低了对人力资源的要求,但是具备创新能力的人才依旧是这个时代不可多得的财富。因为创新技术,最终也必须是有创造才能的人才来完成开发设计。所以,在一个企业中,创新人才始终是一个企业能否引领行业潮流最重要的因素,它是企业构建核心竞争力的必要条件。3、优秀的企业文化企业文化,同样属于抽象意识的范畴,与一些生产要素相比,企业文化的价值往往是很难被评判的,尽管如此,在现代化的企业制度中,企业文化的地位却是被普遍认可和尊重的。
2023-07-09 01:47:201

英语作文How to improve competitiveness?

How to improve competitiveness?With the increasingly fierce competition, more and more undergraduate need to improve their competitiveness to adapt the competition. How to improve our competitiveness? I think there are three aspects as following:Firstly, strengthen our professional learning. Because when we graduate from the college, excellent professional ability can help us to find a good job.Secondly, exercise our communication ability. When we go to the society, personal communication is very important to us, sometimes it affects our work and life largely.Thirdly, take more social practice, which can help us to adapt the socity qucikly when we graduate.If we can prepare those three aspects enough, we will have more self-confidence to welcome the competition.
2023-07-09 01:47:421


用 are ...这么多 and 了...但是最后的pursuit 也要变复数,变成pursuits。
2023-07-09 01:47:561


brand competitive power
2023-07-09 01:48:057


国家竞争力 [网络] How Countries Compete; competitiveness of nations; national competitiveness;Nation competitiveness; [例句]他们提出了影响力更大的一揽子经济刺激方案,着眼于未来的需求和国家竞争力。They are proposing a higher-impact stimulus package that addresses future needs and national competitiveness.
2023-07-09 01:48:181


The world we exist is full if competitiveness. There is competition between our parents and their colleagues. There is also competition between their university schoolmates. If we choose to abandoned while facing the competitiveness, we will never be successful. Why they do that? The main reason is no self-confidence. In fact, everyone is eequal. You have capability to do what others can do, while your classmates with the same kinds of approach might do better than you, but you can do better in the other subjects. So, everyone has their own merit. You should try to dig your own merit, believe that you can use other ways to do better than others. Competition is not terrible, do not fear it. Remember, The first step in successful is self-confidence, believe in yourself. You will succeed one day.
2023-07-09 01:48:391


2023-07-09 01:48:461

雅思大作文里面的混合型怎么写 ? 题目要求要写某个现象的影响 还有讨论它是积极还是消极

写作步骤:1 审题。题目意思是:竞争力在绝大多数社会都是人们的一个积极的品质。竞争力如何影响个人?这是一个积极的还是消极的品质?这道题目的第一问一定是围绕竞争力对个人的影响,不要讲到对公司、对社会的影响。第二问的问的是对competitiveness的评价,并非一定要围绕个人。2 论证思路。找例子,写提纲。全文可以分四段或者五段,正文的第一段讲竞争力对个人的影响,可以从教育和工作等方面去讲,然后下面的1-2段可以讲竞争力的好处和坏处……3总结。 至于具体操作及范文的话,如有需要再Hi我吧!
2023-07-09 01:49:031

辩论 合作与竞争 (用英语)

可以用cooperation and competition 做题目 Competition not forget cooperation, "is to help students on the proper treatment of the life of competition and cooperation, in the competition Institute, in cooperation cooperation in competition, because competition in modern society has established cooperation, competition and cooperation is everyone"s face common task. only the correct understanding and handling the relationship between competition and cooperation can establish the correct sense of competition and cooperation concept. project from the level of the contents of the following two components. The first level "thanks opponent," and the main competition is to help students understand the significance of a positive and train the students to the Italian competition Know and learn in cooperation competition. (1) reflects the daily life of the school competition in the four photos, including knowledge contests, football matches, tug-of-war competitions and examinations, and then guide the students to observe, cited competition in the life phenomenon, as people cut the level of content. (2) Aggregate outlined: competition and cooperation companions accompanied, competition is the life of a universal phenomenon, the natural world and human society there is a fierce competition, and competition in a variety of forms. (3) cited a case in a big city in the north, Wang Zhao, the two businessmen competition case, naturally raised explore the question: If the market competition is fierce and cruel, then why should help Wangjingli opponent for opponents ? On this basis, the teaching body pointed out: We need cooperation, but also competition. If there is no competition, the lack of cooperation will be the vigor and vitality will become a backwater. (4) outlined the positive role of competition: A. Competition can stimulate individual initiative and enthusiasm and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning, to the potential of filling At play, so that people keep making progress, and progressive; B. Second, in comparison with competitors, to discover its own deficiencies, and each other, so that their own progress and develop faster. Each other, work together, is that we cooperation competing objectives. (5) set up a small column "celebrity saying, quote Lenin"s words further explanation of competition, there are other positive role to help them establish a sense of competition. (6) set up a small column "Links" animal sector borrowing things: an animal if there is no opponent, it will become stagnant; Similarly, a person has no rival, he will GAN: mediocrity, you lazy , which eventually led to Yonglu inaction. (7) in the form of a comic reflection of the students: "encountered in their own lives in what kind of competitors? Look at what is the""competitors through preliminary activities so that students know: how to deal with life and the relationship between the rivals, and thus the natural transition to the next level of learning. The second level "competition is the best win-win results." The main level is to help students correctly understand the competitive and cooperative relationship of dialectical unity of the competition did not forget to cooperation, and cooperation for a win-win competition. (1) cited a Vacuum Flask plant used false advertising and unfair means competition example, to allow students to think the issues discussed: A. Say: are you in favour of the plant means of competition? Understanding of what is the purpose of the plant"s competitiveness? B. Proposed a discussion: How should we deal with the right competition in the social life? First, the problem of a certain insulation against the practices of the plant, the problem is to guide the students on how to conduct a competition in the discussion. (2) Summary: First, the competitiveness of cooperation not only caused collaboration both sides will suffer, especially the kind of home regardless of the moral unfair competition, the ultimate result can only be a harm to others, education students to oppose unfair competition, : the sense of competition. Second, competition and cooperation is the unity of opposites, in the cooperation in the competition, the competition in cooperation, education students compete not forget cooperation. This is because, competition and cooperation are unified. Cooperation can not competition, is not competitive revitalize cooperation, and cooperation in order to better competition, better cooperation, the stronger the force, the greater the likelihood of success; competition can not cooperation, cooperation for the competition is weak competition alone, is "life-and-death" or a lose-lose. (3) cited an example of friendly competition department stores, the company is not taken the initiative to squeeze opponents but opponents extend the hand of friendship, and the result is to win the support of many competitors. In this case set to start thinking: A. The department store is how to handle relations with competitors? B. In the next life, intends to how to deal with the relationship between competition and cooperation? Guide students sentiment outstanding competitors always competitive as a pleasure. C. On the competitors can not mutually exclusive, resulting in a lose-lose, and to promote each other, and to raise the "win-win" concept, pointing out that a "win-win competition is the best result, good cooperation to create a win-win situation. If we in the legal and moral to the extent permitted , the basis of equality, fairness and integrity to carry out the principle of competition: In the process of mutual encouragement and help from each other, everyone will gain, can be improved, this is the essence of cooperation in the competition. final advocacy students it is necessary to establish and be pioneers, not far behind the competitive spirit, but also foster collaboration, cooperation and mutual assistance awareness. this is the level of conclusion, is "competition not forget cooperation," the end result of this project. (4) created a problem situation to enable students to "talk about: cooperation is important, or competitive focus. This event is to the interest of students, competition understanding of the importance of awareness. In fact, cooperation and competition are important The key is to guide students in real life how to correctly handle the relationship between competition and cooperation 竞争不忘合作",主要是帮助学生正确对待生活中的竞争与合作,学会在竞争中合作,在合作中竞争。因为,现代社会既有竞争又有合作,竞争与合作是每个人都面临的共同课题。只有正确认识和处理竞争与合作的关系,才能树立起正确的竞争意识与合作观念。本项目由以下两个层次的内容组成。 第一层次“感谢对手",主要是帮助学生了解竞争具有积极的意义,培养学生的竞争意 识,学会在合作中竞争。 (1)呈现了反映学校日常生活竞争现象的四幅照片,包括知识竞赛、足球比赛、拔河比赛和考试,然后引导学生观察、列举生活中的竞争现象,以此切人本层次内容。 (2)总结概述指出:竞争与合作相伴相随,竞争也是生活中的一种普遍现象,自然界和人类社会都存在着激烈的竞争,竞争的形式多种多样。 (3)列举了一个发生在北方某大城市里王、赵两商家竞争的事例,自然而然地提出了探究的问题:既然市场竞争是激烈而残酷的,那么王经理为什么还要帮助对手、感谢对手呢?在此基础上,教材正文指出:我们需要合作,也需要竞争。如果没有竞争,合作就会缺乏生机与活力,就会变成一潭死水。 (4)概述了竞争的积极作用: A.竞争能激发个人的主动性和积极性,提高学习效率和工作效率,促使人的潜力得到充 分发挥,使人们不断进取,奋发向上; B.二是在与竞争对手的比较中,能发现自身的不足,取长补短,使自己进步、发展得更快。取长补短、携手共进,是我们在合作中竞争的目标。 (5)设置了小栏目“名人名言,引用列宁的话进一步说明竞争还有其他的积极作用,从而帮助学生树立竞争意识。 (6)设置了小栏目“相关链接”,借用动物界的事物说明:一种动物如果没有对手,就会变得死气沉沉;同样,一个人没有对手,那他就会甘:平庸,养成惰性,最终导致庸碌无为。 (7)通过漫画的形式提出了学生反思的问题:“自己在生活中遇到过什么样的竞争对手?又是怎样看待竞争对手的""通过活动使学生初步懂得:生活中应如何处理与对手的关系,从而也自然地过渡到下一层次的学习。 第二层次“竞争最理想的结果是双赢”。本层次主要是帮助学生正确认识竞争与合作的辩证统一关系,使之竞争不忘合作,合作竞争求双赢。 (1) 列举了某保温瓶厂利用虚假广告宣传等不正当手段进行竞争的实例,提出让学生思考讨论的问题: A.说一说:你赞成该厂的竞争手段吗?是怎样认识该厂的竞争目的的? B.议一议:我们应怎样正确对待社会生活中的竞争?问题一是针对某保温 厂的做法提出的,问题二是引导学生就如何进行竞争展开讨论。 (2)总结:一是没有合作的竞争只能造成协作双方的两败俱伤,特别是那种置道德不顾的不正当竞争,其最终结果只能是害人害己,教育学生要反对不正当竞争,:竞争意识。 二是竞争与合作是对立统一的关系,在合作中有竞争,在竞争中有合作,教育学生竞争不忘合作。因为,竞争与合作是统一的。合作不能没有竞争,没有竞争合作是一潭死水,合作是为了更好地竞争,合作越好,力量越强,成功的可能性就越大;竞争不能没有合作,没有合作作竞争是孤单的无力的竞争,是“你死我活”或两败俱伤。 (3) 举了一家百货公司友好竞争的事例,该公司不是挤压对手而是主动向对手伸出友谊之手,结果是赢得了许多竞争者的支持。以这个案例为切入点设置了思考的问题: A. 该百货公司是怎样处理与竞争对手关系的? B. 在今后生活中,打算怎样处理竞争与合作的关系?引导学生感悟优秀的竞争者总是把竞争看成是乐事。 C. 阐述了竞争对手不能相互排斥,造成两败俱伤,而要相互促进、共同提高的“双赢”理念,指出了“双赢是竞争最理想的结果,良好的合作创造双赢。我们只要在法律和道德允许的范围内,按照平等、公平、诚信的原则去进行竞争,:在这过程中双方相互激励、相互帮助、取长补短,大家都会有所收获,都能得到提高,这才是竞争中合作的真谛。最后倡导学生既要树立敢为人先、不甘落后的竞争精神,又要树立协作、互助的合作意识。这既是本层次的结束语,也是“竞争不忘合作"这一项目的落脚点。 (4)创设了一个问题情境,让学生“说一说:是合作重要,还是竞争重点。 这个活动主要是为了加深学生对合作、竞争重要性的理解认识。其实合作与竞争都重要 ,关键是引导学生在现实生活中如何正确处理竞争与合作的关系
2023-07-09 01:49:201


什么 啊
2023-07-09 01:49:273

超越竞争 不仅仅是一个比赛英语作文

ite for whatu2019s next and the joy of the game o
2023-07-09 01:49:352


2023-07-09 01:49:544

提高品牌影响力和竞争力 翻译成英语

Improve the influence and competitive strength of the brand.
2023-07-09 01:50:024


资产和进程 世界竞争力也分析了如何结合国家的资产和过程中的管理竞争力。一些国家可以在丰富的资产-土地,人口,自然资源,等等-但不一定是竞争力,例如,巴西,印度和俄罗斯。在另一方面,有国家如新加坡,日本和瑞士,这是穷人在传统的资产,但他们是非常具有竞争力。他们掌握了什么经济学家称为“转型过程” 。 日本的表现,说明了这种情况。自1950年以来,全国已收到的只有4个诺贝尔奖,在精确的科学和经济学相比, 164批给美国和44至英国。事实上,在没有根本的技术突破,其中 已改变我们的商业的生命已发现在日本。晶体管,机器人,录像机,电脑,传真,光盘,彩色电视-所有已发明的公司在美国和欧洲。日本人,不过,已经非常成功,在市场营销这些产品的:他们有优异的能力,在改造一个想法成为一个产品或服务更便宜,更迅速和更有效地比竞争对手。在其他的话,日本的竞争力,是过程的基础。 1996年世界竞争力年鉴仔细区分的竞争力源自一个国家的资产,并且是透过进程。这个关键的区别是很重要的,因为未来似乎属于这些国家掌握了转化过程(事实上,一些经济学家指“拼写自然资源”来形容的命运,资产丰富的国家成为自满) 。公司通常使用了类似的策略,让他们专注于价值 补充说,是所产生的这种进程,作为质量,速度,履行订单,大批量定制的,和客户满意度,等等。
2023-07-09 01:50:2412


非常容易。With these two new A-class model by adding, BYD will be completed from the A00-B-class models the overall layout, to ensure that the F0, F3R, F3, F6 and the imminent accession to the F4, F5, can meet the needs of different customers demand for family cars. BYD plans to launch car in 2009 another two new M6, S6, in which M6 is BYD"s first MPV model, priced at 15 million. The S6 is BYD"s first SUV model cars.5. In addition to the competitiveness of their products outside the important, marketing ability BYD is also the key to success. BYD F3 products in the delivery process, there are two major bright spot in marketing, and has given full play: one is precise positioning, a moderate price, BYD Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. General Manager of summer ice had told reporters The success of that explanation, F3: First, products, and second, pricing, and the third, sub-market strategy for success. The third point which is often the reason people in the example of automotive marketing achievements BYD invoked. 2006 full-year sales over 60,000, in January 2007, BYD sold on more than 10,000. After more numerical results show that BYD marketing is not only "pricing" function as simple as that. BYD Direct marketing as a major marketing tool, in 3 years ago to now was a great success. And scheduling as part of its marketing strategy: Sub-market has played an important role. BYD F3 model using a national tour in various parts of the listing, but mainly to second-tier cities such as Xi"an, Jinan. In the local market and concentrate its resources and strength of an accurate attack, one by one defeated opponents to form a relatively advantageous position in the market approach, is the role of precision in the regional marketing strategy for a typical success story。 BYD F3 Another advantage lies in competitive prices. A wealth of configuration, enough space, the atmosphere of the appearance of a standard A-class car market in 2006 to 8-10 million in the benchmark price into the market, for the desire to own a family cars of the attractiveness of a potential consumer groups or significant. As the market changes and the joint venture level product line with the downward movement, to take decisive BYD explore the strategies, the introduction of 1.5L displacement, the main models into the price of 60,000 -7 million Platinum Edition models, not only to avoid a joint product of pressure, compared to the same level of own brand products, BYD F3 still be regarded as "the king of cost-effective." Another model from BYD F6 slogan of the advertisement can be seen BYD marketing models - Camry in quality, price Excelle, a simple one sentence summary of Newton"s great scientists have said an words: I was standing on the success of the shoulders of giants. Draw on and that imitation is the development Supporting BYD to today"s core elements, but after the development of BYD need more independent innovation. According to data, BYD will be this year will be the launch of its first DM models - F3. Policy, cost, service network is the development of DM models BYD three points. New energy vehicles for the country specific incentives, not down, BYD"s own hybrid vehicle technologies and domestic service is still not ripe, the market segments of potential customers on the new car has the energy saving and environment protection The concept is not too interested in estimates, a series of challenges are waiting BYD. BYD to continue to develop to address the key question is how to maintain the vitality of models, and to develop a series of competitive new products at the same time, a set of so-called culture of their own development model, such as parts and components , R & D personnel, marketing systems, etc. This is the core competitiveness.
2023-07-09 01:50:525

市场竞争越来越激烈 英语

With the pace of economic growth is picking up speed,market competition has become increasingly fierce.In a highly competitive market environment,competitiveness or competitive advantage is a key factor in deciding the success or failure.Therefore,how to foster competitive advantage,build the core competitiveness in order to operate in the current complex and changing environment,competition is becoming more diverse market,stand firm to win a place,it becomes all the companies are very concerned about the topic.To do this,I synthesis of the predecessors of some of the advanced thinking,try the concept of core competence from the start,through the core competitiveness of the composition and characteristics of understanding, Analysis of the current core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises on a number of issues and make recommendations of measures
2023-07-09 01:51:101


Please translate the following text: Thank you! In our country the bank dominated financial system of banking competitiveness, a direct impact on China"s economy, financial reform and development, but also related to the deepening of China"s reform process. While the listed bank is an important part of China"s banking industry"s most dynamic, its competitiveness has far-reaching impact on the banking industry in China and even the whole financial system, thus the objective evaluation of listed banks rationally and scientifically, is of great significance to the banks and the financial system in china. This reference to the scholars results, reference and use method, the existing index analysis make a reasonable and scientific change with more bank competitiveness analysis, analysis and selection of reasonable and scientific analysis method -- structural equation model. This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter introduces the research background, significance and necessary literature review; the second chapter of the theory; the third chapter constructs the listed banks competitiveness evaluation system and the structure equation model; the fourth chapter carries on the analysis to the competitiveness of Listed Commercial Bank; the fifth chapter summing up, elaborated and further research.
2023-07-09 01:51:172


2023-07-09 01:51:441


2023-07-09 01:52:323


competitiveness 是竞争能力,名词competition 是竞争,也是名词competiveness:没有这个单词~
2023-07-09 01:52:401

《U. S. Competitiveness》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology》(Galama, Titus/ Hosek, James)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 5bum书名:U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology作者:Galama, Titus/ Hosek, James出版年份:2008-6页数:128内容简介:Is the United States in danger of losing its competitive edge in science and technology? This volume reviews the arguments surrounding this issue and contrasts them with relevant data, including trends in research and development investment; information on the size, composition, and pay of the U.S. science and engineering workforce; and domestic and international education statistics. The authors conclude with recommendations for policymakers.
2023-07-09 01:52:471


职场竞争力Career competitiveness
2023-07-09 01:53:002


核心竞争力”——可以这么表达:  The core competitive power  Core competence  Core competitiveness  The core competitiveness  The core competence
2023-07-09 01:53:071


to improve the core competence of _____ enhance its core competence/competitiveness both is ok
2023-07-09 01:53:161

提高品牌影响力和竞争力 翻译成英语

to promote the brand force and market competitiveness.
2023-07-09 01:53:341


核心竞争力与竞争力有什么不同? 企业竞争力和核心竞争力(或称为核心竞争力)是两个既有联系,又有区别的概念。在英文中,竞争力是competitiveness,而核心竞争力是corecompetence。竞争力的特点是:决定和影响企业竞争力的大多数因素在各企业之间具有可比较性和很大程度的可计量性,企业竞争力研究的努力方向之一就是力图将企业竞争力因素尽可能地进行量化,从而进行企业间的比较。而且,竞争力因素具有一定程度的可交易性(或可竞争性),即企业竞争力的许多因素是可以通过市场过程获得的,或者可以通过模仿其他企业而形成。我们可以将企业的竞争力分为四个因素: 第一类因素,企业在竞争过程中所发生的或者可以形成的各种“关系”,广义的“关系”包括有关各方面的“环境”:企业竞争力研究所涉及的关系可以包括:企业所在产业的状况、本企业与相关企业的关系、企业活动与国家的关系、企业活动所处的国际经济关系、经济、社会及政治环境。 第二类因素,企业所拥有的或者可以获得的各种“资源”:包括外部资源和内部资源,从而使企业具有某些优势。包括人力资源、原材料资源、土地资源、技术资源、资金资源、组织资源、社会关系资源、区位优势、所在地的基础设施等。 第三类因素,能够保证企业生存和发展以及实施战略的“能力”:对企业能力的研究更强调企业自身的素质,即企业对环境的适应性、对资源开发控制的能动性以及创新性等。 第四类因素,不受物质资源约束而本身却能够物化为企业的“资源”和“能力”的“知识”或者“学识”,包括独特创意、观念、战略、体制、机制、经营管理、商业模式、团队默契等。从其性质来看,知识本身也是一种能力。 而核心竞争力则通常是指企业所具有的不可交易(不可竞争)和不可模仿的独特的优势因素。核心竞争力往往是难以直接比较和难以进行直接计量的。每个企业都或多或少具有一定的竞争力(否则就不可能在市场竞争中生存),但未必具有自己的核心竞争力。 核心竞争力可以成为企业竞争力中最具有长远的和决定性影响的内在因素,通常存在于竞争力的“知识”层面的最里层。企业的核心竞争力和企业竞争力在企业发展中可能会有共同的表现:即能够持续地比其他竞争对手更好、更有效率地向市场提供产品或服务,并获得经济收益。但竞争力因素更加广泛,而核心竞争力因素则是非常集中的。 核心竞争力的实质是企业的核心理念。从长远看,企业成败兴衰取决于自身竞争力的强弱,而企业竞争力中最具决定性的因素是企业的核心竞争力或核心竞争力。优秀企业核心竞争力或核心竞争力的精髓是其核心理念。这种核心理念体现在企业经营管理和发展的整个过程中,渗透到企业机体的各个部分和环节,对企业的长期生存和发展具有深刻的影响。
2023-07-09 01:53:441


竞争力的公司必须至少达到可接受的性能水平 措施阿里提到above.A公司然而,可能选择放弃高 强调在一个或以上,其余的这些地区更多的表现,以上诉 特定客户群,并站出来,从我们的competitors.Although 确定了4个类别或措施,其中重要的表现是在提供 顾客创造价值,两项措施总结价值观念和接收比例 对在公共新闻传播媒体质量和生产力水平的大部分注意力都 经常宣传,是重要的,因为他们的表现告诉了大量 个别公司提供value.Quality介绍了有关大量 分子的价值比率,和生产率有助于说明denominator.When 归结为国家一级,这些措施还介绍了大量 一个国家竞争力的生产体系。 当然,如果一个国家要保持竞争力在世界贸易中必须提供高 高质量的产品和服务,必须实现其resources.Most高生产率 在国家一级提述劳动生产率是指productivity.A国家的劳动 生产力是其总产出的商品和服务的一年中,以总分为 工作时间由国家全部劳动人口的增长在该year.Productivity每 年表示的速度,生产效率提高。 显然,管理者面对的挑战,提高质量的同时,他们还将努力 提高productivity.Labor生产力只反映了生产力的图片的一部分, 特别是自动化正变得越来越普遍,并提供更多机会 为labor.Total替代资本要素生产率是一个产出率 所有用于实现output.Managers资源的措施,必须明智地管理 利用材料,资金,能源,以及所有resources.Peter德鲁克曾表示, “制造资源的生产,是管理的具体任务。”Again.productivity是 不仅仅是实现每WOl"keu1e5bhour.It最大输出更广泛的手段bahmcing所有 生产要素,使grcatest输出是一个给定的总投入所取得的 资源。 高品质的成就是密切相关的productivity.It绝非 资源用于生产,使有缺陷的项目,必须remade.Making 在一宗wiIl买也是浪费资源-产品质量低劣,事实上它可以浪费 整个company.It重要的是,管理人员和直接吸引合格 生产优质的产品与生产力(货物和服务)积极的员工 这将使竞争力的价格和合理的利润。
2023-07-09 01:53:543


翻译如下,仅供参考:Improve use of foreign investment in Liaoning Province comprehensive competitiveness countermeasures Abstract : With the world"s economic integration process has accelerated, transnational capital flows faster, highlighting the role. FDI to the economic development of capital formation, technological progress and scientific management, the change of mechanisms, resource development, industrial optimization and improve the comprehensive competitiveness is playing an increasingly important role. How active, reasonable and effective use of foreign capital, Liaoning Province to promote the sustained, rapid and healthy development and the improvement of competitiveness. Keywords : Liaoning Province, the use of foreign investment, competitiveness
2023-07-09 01:54:012


贸易竞争力指数,即TC(Trade Competitiveness)指数,是对国际竞争力分析时比较常用的测度指标之一,它表示一国进出口贸易的差额占进出口贸易总额的比重,即TC指数=(出口额-进口额)/(出口额+进口额)。该指标作为一个与贸易总额的相对值,剔除了经济膨胀、通货膨胀等宏观因素方面波动的影响,即无论进出口的绝对量是多少,该指标均在-1—1之间。其值越接近于0表示竞争力越接近于平均水平;该指数为-1时表示该产业只进口不出口,越接近于-1表示竞争力越薄弱;该指数为1时表示该产业只出口不进口,越接近于1则表示竞争力越大。
2023-07-09 01:54:102

关于市场营销的 英语翻译

营销方式和内容的发展是提高企业市场竞争力的最根本、最有效的途径。企业面临的市场经济环境决定了企业必须创新和发展才能生存发展。本文描述了市场营销的概念及发展简史,重点探讨了新时代中国营销发展环境的变化,以及我国现代营销理念、营销方式、营销内容的发展趋势和变化。Marketing and content development is to improve the market competitiveness of enterprises the most fundamental and most effective way. Enterprises are facing a market economic environment determines the innovation and development of enterprises must be survival and development. This paper describes the concept of marketing and development of history, focuses on the development of a new era of Chinese marketing environment, as well as our country modern marketing concepts, marketing, marketing, content development trends and changes.
2023-07-09 01:54:216

急求:有几个commercial english不明白,请高手帮忙!拜谢!

competitiveness – 竞争力inflict damage on – 使危害到shift to – 搬移到valid – 有效inflawed – 没有错误/瑕疵exert(put) pressure on – 给..压力induce – 得到的结论in the years to come – 在未来的几年内 vicious circle - imported input – 进口的用品boost – 使大幅度增加loans at lower interest rates – 低利息的贷款devalue – 降低价值balance of payments surplus – 钱出公司的平衡run atrade deficit with – 遭到经营亏损in step with – 与..同步provide a cushiion for – 提供铺垫 (工作)implement – 实施interest rate cut – 降低利率saddle with -?a bull in the china shop – 在中国市场的一头牛(占领老大的地位)endgame – 结束volatility - ? in the long term – 长期in the short term – 短期capital intensive industries – 需要资金大量投入的产业(比如电脑软件研发业)(labour intensive-以人工为主的产业)comparative disadvantage – 相比的不利因素comparative advantage – 相比的有利因素heavy chamicals – heavy chemicals 重化学opt - ?sqeeze – squeeze 是挤的意思..商业好像没有吧 augment – argument 是争论Thailand – 泰国Philipines – 菲律宾
2023-07-09 01:54:482


拳头的解释 (1) [fist]∶屈指卷握的手 用两个拳头打人 (2) [strong competitiveness]∶ 比喻 产品名牌、优质、具有 竞争 力量 详细解释 五指向内弯曲握拢的手。 元 李致远 《还牢末》 楔子:“谁想拳头上没眼,把他打死了。” 《 水浒传 》 第 二四 回:“倘有些风吹草动, 武二 眼里认的是嫂嫂,拳头却不认的是嫂嫂。” 丁玲 《阿毛 姑娘 》 第二章七:“ 恐怕 光靠 性情 不会撒赖,未必就能如是忍耐那接连落在身上的拳头。” 词语分解 拳的解释 拳 á 屈指卷(僴 )握起来的手:拳头(“头”读轻声)。 徒手的武术:拳术。打拳。太极拳。拳谱。拳脚。 肢体弯曲:拳曲。拳起腿来。 量词, 用于 拳头打人的动作:打他几拳。 笔画数:; 部首 :手; 笔顺 头的解释 头 (头) ó 人身体的最上部分或 动物 身体的最前的部分:头骨。 头脑 。头脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子, 体面 )。头角(僶 )(喻 青年 的气概或 才华 )。 指头发或所 留头 发的样式:留头。 剃头 。
2023-07-09 01:54:561


本人英语专业,乐于翻译,在此为你服务:Abstract:This thesis begins with an analysis of some relevant basic theories on the brand competitiveness and then thoroughly discusses the positive roles played by the brand competitiveness in the promotion of enterprise development, brand influence and so forth, through a study on the evaluative index system and constructive methods of brand competitiveness and on the basis of sufficient data regarding Gree Electric Appliances. The purpose of the paper is to provide some reference to boost the brand competitiveness for enterprises and contribute to a sustaining and stable development in economic field.Key words: Brand Competitiveness; Gree Electric Appliances; Marketing models苦心孤诣,满意请加分,给个好评,谢谢喽!
2023-07-09 01:55:031


Title: National Retail Development in the context of the International Professional Training ModeThe first chapter of the National Retail Development and status of the international status quo analysis, simple national retail status of international development and retail in an important position in our national economy, and further study issues related to our national retail orientation and importance;Chapter II of the retail industry in China and international retail formats, as well as international retail trends and analysis of relevant explanation, so that a more comprehensive understanding of our retail and Industry structure, in particular to understand the development trend of international retail help determine the direction of development of national retail trade.Chapter III of the professional team of retail professionals to foster the internationalization of China"s positive impact on retail factors, express professional talent in shaping the retail core competitiveness of national importance.Comparative Analysis of Chapter IV of our retail business and the advantages and disadvantages of foreign retail giants to establish vocational education and training of personnel is the core competitiveness of enterprises in the first element.Chapter V Chapter of the China retail industry to undertake pre-training status of personnel, the retail giant"s personnel training mode analysis, made by master status quo to provide scientific basis for this argument.Chapter VI of proposed professional personnel in retail mode of professional training and supporting policies and security measures.Competition in the 21st century, competition for qualified personnel, who mastered the talent grasps the initiative winning, international retail giants have been able to quickly expand to a global scale precisely because they have a lot of complex international perspective Talent Team, in particular the establishment of its own system of personnel training system, so that their talent that into a virtuous circle, and then continue to serve the enterprise, continuously consolidate and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, this is the core of corporate competitive power source.Keywords: National Retail International Professional Training
2023-07-09 01:55:112


【 #英语资源# 导语】好胜不是别的,就是我们所发生对于一物的*,其起因乃由于我们想象着其他与我同类的人,也具有同样的*。以下竞争的英语名言由 无 !1、越是竞争激烈,越是需要调整心态,并且调整与他人的关系。The more fierce competition, the need to adjust, and adjust the relationship with other people. 2、追求生命的竞争,占据了所有的生物,且维持着他们的活动。 Pursuit of life competition, occupied all creatures, and maintain their activity. 3、要成为领袖,无论从事什么行业,都要比竞争对手做好一点。 To be a leader, no matter what industry, than competitors do. 4、在今天的商场上已经没有秘密了,秘密不是你的核心竞争力。 There was no secret that in today"s business world, it is not your core competitiveness. 5、如果没有另一匹马紧紧追赶并要超过它,就永远不会疾驰飞奔。 If no other horse hot pursuit, and than it will never be a tear. 6、竞争一直是甚至从人类起源起就是对大部分激烈活动的刺激物。 Competition has been even from human origins is the most intense activity of irritants. 7、垄断者提供的只是平淡的生活、低劣的质量以及不文明的服务。 Monopoly is insipid life, poor quality and uncivilized service. 8、模仿是对竞争者的赞美,因此,百度就是对我们的赞美。 Imitation is the best praise for the competitors and as a result, baidu is the best compliment for us. 9、竞争一直是,甚至从人类起源起就是对大部分激烈活动的刺激物。 Competition has always been, and even from human origins is the most intense activity of irritants. 10、万同等三人相争有危险;与强者相争是狂妄;与弱者相争是丢脸。 The same three people strive for danger; With the strong is mad; With the weak is shameful. 11、竞争优势的秘密是创新,这在现在比历的任何时候都更是如此。 Innovation is the secret of the competitive advantage that now than at any time in history. 12、惟一持久的竞争优势,也许就是比你的竞争对手学习得更快的能力。 The only lasting competitive advantage, perhaps is the ability of learning faster than your competition. 13、真正的问题不在于你比过去做得更好,而在于你比竞争者做得更好。 The real problem is not you do better than the past, but what you do better than competitors. 14、要避开竞争也不可能,市场肯定有竞争,避免竞争,这不是找死么? To avoid competition is impossible, there must be market competition, to avoid competition, this is not a *? 15、保护消费者的最有效方法是国内的自由竞争和遍及全世界的自由贸易。 The protection of consumers is the most effective method of domestic free competition and free trade all over the world. 16、万物的生存均取决于自然力的竞争,而感情本身就是有生命的自然力。 The survival of all things all depends on the competition, the forces of nature and emotion itself is a natural force of life. 17、任何高层次的竞争,几乎都是脑力的竞争,我们可称之为商业心灵竞赛。 Any high level of competition, are almost all mental competition, we can call it business mind competition. 18、永远要把对手想得非常强大,哪怕非常弱小,你也要把他想得非常强大。 Always think very powerful opponent, even if is very weak, you also want him to be very strong. 19、缺乏进取精神的民族意味着堕落。唯有开拓和竞争,才能立于不败之地。 Lack of enterprising spirit of the national mean depravity. The development and the competition is the only thing, can be in an impregnable position. 20、竞争能让我们更加努力拼搏进步,不管结果如何,快乐的竞争才是最重要的。 Competition can make us more efforts progress, regardless of the outcome, happy competition is the most important thing. 21、夫唯不争,故天下莫能与之争。古之所谓曲则全者,岂虚言哉!诚全而归之。 Only true, so the world can and struggle. The so-called song is full of ancient not far off the mark zai! If all but return. 22、人生与弈棋、赛球并无二致。只要入局,就应该是一场志在必得的壮烈斗争。 Is life and it is good playing chess, creatively. As long as the incoming, it should be a bag of heroic struggle. 23、发令枪一响,你是没时间看你的对手是怎么跑的。只有明天是我们的竞争对手。 Pistol rang, is you don"t have time to see how your opponent is running. Only tomorrow will be our competitor. 24、良好的竞争心理,正当的竞争精神,这就是使事业成功与督促个人向上的动力。 Good psychological competition, as the spirit of competition, this is to make the business success and to urge individual upward momentum. 25、有竞争才能让消费者比出好坏,就像跑步,一个人跑、几个人跑,感觉不一样。 There is competition to let consumers better than the good or bad, just like running, a man running, a few people, don"t feel the same. 26、竞争的本质不是比强壮、不是比敏捷,也不是比谁更聪明,而是比谁少一些愚蠢。 The essence of competition is not strong, not agile, also is not smarter than who, rather than who less stupid. 27、在这个一切都基于竞争的世界上,是没有童话般的幻想和多愁善感存在的余地的。 In this world, everything is based on the competition there is no fairy tale fantasy, and there is room for sentiment. 28、竞争的本能是一种野性的激励,一个人的优点通过它从另一个人的缺点上显示出来。 Competitive instinct is a kind of wild incentives, through which the advantages of a person from another person"s faults on the display. 29、每个人都有自己的优势和弱项,要在竞争中取胜,要学会在自己的优势领域里竞争。 Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, to win in competition, to learn in the field of its own advantages in the competition. 30、对卑鄙的人来说,他是嫉妒的奴隶;对有学问、有气质的人而言,嫉妒却化为竞争心。 To mean person, he is jealous of slaves; In learning, have temperament, jealousy.however jealousy turns out competition. 31、对心胸卑鄙的人来说,他是嫉妒的奴隶;对有学问、有气质的人而言,嫉妒却化为竞争心。 For such dirty mind, he is jealous of slaves; In learning, have temperament, jealousy.however jealousy turns out competition. 32、企业如果在市场上被淘汰出局,并不是被你的竞争对手淘汰的,一定是被你的用户所抛弃。 Companies that were knocked out in the market, not eliminated by your competitors, it must be abandoned by your users. 33、事实上,竞争似乎是不协调的因素,但它实际上是使社会一切组成部分联合起来的可靠纽带。 In fact, competition seems to be not harmonious factors, but it is actually make reliable bond society all parts together. 34、收它们干什么?有竞争才能让消费者比出好坏,就像跑步,一个人跑、几个人跑,感觉不一样。 Collect them? There is competition to let consumers better than the good or bad, just like running, a man running, a few people, don"t feel the same. 35、敢于面对竞争,才能充分展现实力,战胜自我,向着自己的缺陷,奋勇前进,展现胜利的希望。 Dare to face the competition, to fully demonstrate the strength and the conquest of the self, to their own defects, forge ahead, to show the hope of victory. 36、事无大小,人无高低,均在竞争中生存。当没有对立面时,人们甚至会造出一个对立面来与之竞争。 Everything, no high and low, all survive in the competition. When there is no opposition, people may even create a opposite to compete. 37、一个事业若对社会有益,就应当任其自由、广其竞争,竞争愈自由,愈普遍,那事业就愈有利于社会。 If a business beneficial to the society, we should let its freedom, its competition, free competition, the more common, the career is more beneficial to the society. 38、生活是一个宏伟的竞技场,大家尽可以在那里进行争取胜利的较量,但必须老老实实地遵守比赛规则。 Life is a magnificent arena, everyone can do there to win, but it must faithfully abide by the rules of the game. 39、我们感谢竞争,是竞争造就了我们渊博的学识、谦虚的人品和坚毅的性格。竞争,使生活演绎的五彩缤纷。 We thank the competition, is the competition makes us profound knowledge, modest character and strong character. Deduce the competition, make life colourful. 40、竞争是痛苦的。知难而上,奋发图强,都是竞争的作用。淘汰不是错,人往往会在淘汰中和压力下创造奇迹。 Competition is painful. Knowing the difficulties, work hard, is the role of competition. Selection is not wrong, people tend to be in the selection and pressure to create miracle.
2023-07-09 01:55:171


2023-07-09 01:55:253


首句为何不改成,As the biggest exporter of textile in the world,China possesses the advantage of costs,price,industrial supporting facilities and so on.第二句无主语了,或者说中文原文就有点问题.后半句时态也未保持一致Confronted with the appreciation of RMB, which made great negative impact to our export of textile industry,including profit shrinkage,less competitiveness and market share.------可以自行改为,Due to the appreciation of RMB,it has made great negative impact to our export of textile industry,including profit shrinkage,less competitiveness and market share.中间算了.末句,通过这些对策不应用by this way ,而是in this way .时态也有问题,还有冠词方面的小问题-----可以改为Thus,not only will we own the traditional advantage of export in textile ,but also we can obtain superior methods suited for a new era in diffenent circumstance.
2023-07-09 01:55:321


First, the importance of the marketing environment in the enterprise development1. To ensure that the product development towards high-tech development track with the rapid development of science and technology today, many of the high-tech is introduced into the internal production and development, but also in the use of these products by more and more accepted, due to the stimulation and the impact of marketing environment, companies in the industry in order to maintain a solid position in product quality big efforts, increase the technological input internal product quality, and conform to the modern information age development, the introduction of computers and other high-tech, so that internal innovation capability has been improved, which is also the best way of marketing companies to reduce risk. Therefore, enterprises should enhance their market competitiveness, we need to continuously improve products and service quality.2. Ensure that corporate marketing towards the development of modern marketing, because of the current market economy, the company"s marketing approach has undergone enormous changes, mainly the original kind of market as the main marketing mode, into consumer the main mode of consumption, pay more attention to consumer characteristics, habits and needs; in product marketing, the value of products sold in the past that value into the quality of products, pay more attention to the nature of the product - service to consumers as the product is With quality assurance, so give consumers more confidence enterprises, enterprises affected by the marketing environment, innovative products, create their own brand, in the promotion of the product, consumers pay more attention and interaction, so that enterprises continue in all areas improvement, use of modern marketing methods, such as through mobile marketing, QQ marketing and other modern marketing methods to ensure the modernization of corporate marketing towards marketing aspects of development, so that enterprises can follow the development of the times, not be eliminated.Second, effective methods of marketing in a changing business environment, able to develop1, in unison. Unison referring to the company to the same type of enterprise, in the case of certain funds for the protection of the premise, internal human and material resources adequate time, to keep pace with the same type of business, and prevent similar products out of the market . Each type of product market competitors are many, if companies limelight, in their own strength is not strong premise, but also, and more powerful companies compete with each other, the result is bound to be defeated, which causes death, while business if and other similar enterprises to keep pace, so that enterprises are likely to be retained and can continue to grow is possible.2, product development. Customer is part of the micro environmental factors, if customers are not satisfied with the purchase of goods or merchandise can not meet them in the use, which would make the marketing of products missing markets, hence the need for enterprises to increase R & D for new products investment, combined with customer needs, as much as possible to develop new products to meet their needs. Another point is that, in the development process should also publicize the good, because the development time to make up for too long, customers on product knowledge gaps.3, constant changes and adjustments. This approach is also known as reverse strategy. Generally refers to when the micro-environment changes, consumer demand for the company"s products declined, adopted by enterprises as a means to reverse the consumer demand for consumer products, so as to enhance the sales market of the product. Here enterprises according to different consumer groups and consumer attitudes, make a different response, for example, rational consumption and impulse spending. May apply to some of the goods do promotions, the commodity picture made posters, celebrities can also be used to advertise a variety of ways to promote consumption.4, the difference strategy. Enterprises should fully understand the level of consumption per capita consumption areas, the price is set to make the appropriate adjustments depending on the ability of consumers to buy, so the price is somewhat different, in order to adapt to consumer attitudes of different groups. Typically companies can take for packaging specifications, to ensure product quality, based on the lower cost of production.5, the transfer policy. If a product on the market is not very good, or great market competitiveness, leading to sluggish sales, companies should be based on the survey of the market research sector, with the production date, shift to other markets as soon as possible up. It should enterprises in the metastasis careful research, have planned transfer, do not blindly transfer.绝非本人操作
2023-07-09 01:55:501


1、越是竞争激烈,越是需要调整心态,并且调整与他人的关系。 The more fierce competition, the need to adjust, and adjust the relationship with other people. 2、追求生命的竞争,占据了所有的生物,且维持着他们的活动。 Pursuit of life competition, occupied all creatures, and maintain their activity. 3、要成为领袖,无论从事什么行业,都要比竞争对手做好一点。 To be a leader, no matter what industry, than competitors do. 4、在今天的商场上已经没有秘密了,秘密不是你的核心竞争力。 There was no secret that in today"s business world, it is not your core competitiveness. 5、如果没有另一匹马紧紧追赶并要超过它,就永远不会疾驰飞奔。 If no other horse hot pursuit, and than it will never be a tear. 6、竞争一直是甚至从人类起源起就是对大部分激烈活动的刺激物。 Competition has been even from human origins is the most intense activity of irritants. 7、垄断者提供的只是平淡的生活、低劣的质量以及不文明的服务。 Monopoly is insipid life, poor quality and uncivilized service. 8、模仿是对竞争者最好的赞美,因此,百度就是对我们最好的赞美。 Imitation is the best praise for the competitors and as a result, baidu is the best compliment for us. 9、竞争一直是,甚至从人类起源起就是对大部分激烈活动的刺激物。 Competition has always been, and even from human origins is the most intense activity of irritants. 10、万同等三人相争有危险;与强者相争是狂妄;与弱者相争是丢脸。 The same three people strive for danger; With the strong is mad; With the weak is shameful. 11、竞争优势的秘密是创新,这在现在比历史上的任何时候都更是如此。 Innovation is the secret of the competitive advantage that now than at any time in history. 12、惟一持久的竞争优势,也许就是比你的竞争对手学习得更快的能力。 The only lasting competitive advantage, perhaps is the ability of learning faster than your competition. 13、真正的问题不在于你比过去做得更好,而在于你比竞争者做得更好。 The real problem is not you do better than the past, but what you do better than competitors. 14、要避开竞争也不可能,市场肯定有竞争,避免竞争,这不是找死么? To avoid competition is impossible, there must be market competition, to avoid competition, this is not a fuck? 15、保护消费者的最有效方法是国内的自由竞争和遍及全世界的自由贸易。 The protection of consumers is the most effective method of domestic free competition and free trade all over the world. 16、万物的生存均取决于自然力的竞争,而感情本身就是有生命的自然力。 The survival of all things all depends on the competition, the forces of nature and emotion itself is a natural force of life. 17、任何高层次的竞争,几乎都是脑力的竞争,我们可称之为商业心灵竞赛。 Any high level of competition, are almost all mental competition, we can call it business mind competition. 18、永远要把对手想得非常强大,哪怕非常弱小,你也要把他想得非常强大。 Always think very powerful opponent, even if is very weak, you also want him to be very strong. 19、缺乏进取精神的民族意味着堕落。唯有开拓和竞争,才能立于不败之地。 Lack of enterprising spirit of the national mean depravity. The development and the competition is the only thing, can be in an imPgnable position. 20、竞争能让我们更加努力拼搏进步,不管结果如何,快乐的竞争才是最重要的。 Competition can make us more efforts progress, regardless of the outcome, happy competition is the most important thing. 21、夫唯不争,故天下莫能与之争。古之所谓曲则全者,岂虚言哉!诚全而归之。 Only true, so the world can and struggle. The so-called song is full of ancient not far off the mark zai! If all but return. 22、人生与弈棋、赛球并无二致。只要入局,就应该是一场志在必得的壮烈斗争。 Is life and it is good playing chess, creatively. As long as the incoming, it should be a bag of heroic struggle. 23、发令枪一响,你是没时间看你的对手是怎么跑的。只有明天是我们的竞争对手。 Pistol rang, is you don"t have time to see how your opponent is running. Only tomorrow will be our competitor. 24、良好的竞争心理,正当的竞争精神,这就是使事业成功与督促个人向上的动力。 Good psychological competition, as the spirit of competition, this is to make the business success and to urge inpidual upward momentum. 25、有竞争才能让消费者比出好坏,就像跑步,一个人跑、几个人跑,感觉不一样。 There is competition to let consumers better than the good or bad, just like running, a man running, a few people, don"t feel the same. 26、竞争的本质不是比强壮、不是比敏捷,也不是比谁更聪明,而是比谁少一些愚蠢。 The essence of competition is not strong, not agile, also is not smarter than who, rather than who less stupid. 27、在这个一切都基于竞争的世界上,是没有童话般的幻想和多愁善感存在的余地的。 In this world, everything is based on the competition there is no fairy tale fantasy, and there is room for sentiment. 28、竞争的本能是一种野性的激励,一个人的优点通过它从另一个人的缺点上显示出来。 Competitive instinct is a kind of wild incentives, through which the advantages of a person from another person"s faults on the display. 29、每个人都有自己的优势和弱项,要在竞争中取胜,要学会在自己的优势领域里竞争。 Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, to win in competition, to learn in the field of its own advantages in the competition. 30、对卑鄙的人来说,他是嫉妒的奴隶;对有学问、有气质的人而言,嫉妒却化为竞争心。 To mean person, he is jealous of slaves; In learning, have temperament, jealousy.however jealousy turns out competition. 31、对心胸卑鄙的人来说,他是嫉妒的奴隶;对有学问、有气质的人而言,嫉妒却化为竞争心。 For such dirty mind, he is jealous of slaves; In learning, have temperament, jealousy.however jealousy turns out competition. 32、企业如果在市场上被淘汰出局,并不是被你的竞争对手淘汰的,一定是被你的用户所抛弃。 Companies that were knocked out in the market, not eliminated by your competitors, it must be abandoned by your users. 33、事实上,竞争似乎是不协调的因素,但它实际上是使社会一切组成部分联合起来的可靠纽带。 In fact, competition seems to be not harmonious factors, but it is actually make reliable bond society all parts together. 34、收它们干什么?有竞争才能让消费者比出好坏,就像跑步,一个人跑、几个人跑,感觉不一样。 Collect them? There is competition to let consumers better than the good or bad, just like running, a man running, a few people, don"t feel the same. 35、敢于面对竞争,才能充分展现实力,战胜自我,向着自己的缺陷,奋勇前进,展现胜利的希望。 Dare to face the competition, to fully demonstrate the strength and the conquest of the self, to their own defects, forge ahead, to show the hope of victory. 36、事无大小,人无高低,均在竞争中生存。当没有对立面时,人们甚至会造出一个对立面来与之竞争。 Everything, no high and low, all survive in the competition. When there is no opposition, people may even create a opposite to compete. 37、一个事业若对社会有益,就应当任其自由、广其竞争,竞争愈自由,愈普遍,那事业就愈有利于社会。 If a business beneficial to the society, we should let its freedom, its competition, free competition, the more common, the career is more beneficial to the society. 38、生活是一个宏伟的竞技场,大家尽可以在那里进行争取胜利的较量,但必须老老实实地遵守比赛规则。 Life is a magnificent arena, everyone can do there to win, but it must faithfully abide by the rules of the game. 39、我们感谢竞争,是竞争造就了我们渊博的学识、谦虚的人品和坚毅的性格。竞争,使生活演绎的五彩缤纷。 We thank the competition, is the competition makes us profound knowledge, modest character and strong character. Deduce the competition, make life colourful. 40、竞争是痛苦的。知难而上,奋发图强,都是竞争的作用。淘汰不是错,人往往会在淘汰中和压力下创造奇迹。 Competition is painful. Knowing the difficulties, work hard, is the role of competition. Selection is not wrong, people tend to be in the selection and Pssure to create miracle. 41、竞争,你是一只无声而又充满**的乐曲!我想:只要努力学习就一定可以在竞争的赛场上奏出华丽的乐章。 Competition, you are a silent and passionate music! Study hard I think: as long as we can in the competition arena played magnificent movement. 42、只有启程,才会到达理想的目的地;只有播种,才会有收获;只有竞争,才能脱颖而出,更好地实现人生价值。 Only, can reach the ideal destination; Only sowing, harvesting; Can only stand out, competition, and to realize the value of life better. 43、好胜不是别的,就是我们所发生对于一物的欲望,其起因乃由于我们想象着其他与我同类的人,也具有同样的欲望。 Competitive than anything else, is what happens to us for a desire, its cause is similar with me because we imagine other people, also have the same desire. 44、成功的竞争者,总是在思考中迎接风险,而在行动中却想方设法使风险降到最低程度,或者是极其巧妙地避开风险。 Successful competitors, always meet the risk in the thinking, while in action to make the degree of risk to a minimum, or is very cleverly avoid risk. 45、竞争无处不在,竞争是人向上的不竭动力,竞争是选拔人才的最佳方式,竞争是完善自我,实现民族自强的根本途径。 Competition is everywhere, is an inexhaustible power to people up is the best way to choose talent competition, the competition is to perfect ourselves, realizing national strength of basic way. 46、残酷的竞争让人变得练达,能使人一眼看穿掩盖在种种迷障下的真实,对人性的了解,和对人生的解释也多了几分禅意。 Fierce competition to let a person become urbanity, can make the person see through mask under various fan barrier, real understanding of human nature, and to explain too much a few minutes buddhist meaning of life. 47、“商场上没有永远的朋友,也没有永远的敌人。”这句蕴涵哲理的名言揭示了竞争与合作的辩证关系,竞争不排斥合作。 "The market there are no eternal friends, nor permanent enemies." The philosophical motto reveals the dialectical relationship between competition and cooperation, competition cooperation would not be excluded. 48、团结就是力量,联合就有优势。愿人们更明智地处理竞争与合作的关系,在积极竞争的同时,发扬光大团结协作的精神。 Unity is strength, united have advantage. Let people more wisely handle the relationship between competition and cooperation, at the same time of active competition, carry forward the spirit of solidarity and collaboration. 49、由于竞争者在财富、名誉或其他好事方面取得成功而感到忧愁,同时又奋力自强以图与对方匹敌或超过对方,则谓之嫉妒。 Due to competitors in terms of wealth, reputation, or some other good success and feel sad, at the same time strive to self-improvement to match each other, or more than the other, of jealousy. 50、竞争无所不在,压力也无所不存。只要你有所作为。和对你有期望,你就会感觉压力,你就要去竞争,只有播种才会有收获。 Competition is everywhere, Pssure is not save. As long as you do something. And you have hope, you will feel the Pssure, you will go to the competition, only sowing can be profitable. 51、对于个人来说,竞争可以激发他的潜力;对于国家来说,竞争可以帮助她繁荣富强;对于世界来说,竞争可以令它璀灿夺目。 For inpiduals, competition can stimulate the potential of him; For countries, the competition can help her prosperity; For the world, the competition can make it brilliant. 52、做企业就像打高尔夫,遇强则强,遇弱则弱。如果对手水平太低,就会随意发挥,甚至打坏几杆也不介意。因此,要选择对手。 Doing business is like play golf, meet a strong, strong, weak, weak. If your opponent level is too low, will play at random, and even a few don"t mind. Therefore, to choose. 53、弦竞争如同一台榨汁机,当你启动开关,竞争的酸甜苦辣就会混合。滤出竞争中产生的恶意与烦恼,留下一杯清醇甘美的果汁。 String competition as a juicer, when you start switch, competition suantiankula will mix. Filter out competition of malicious and troubles, leaving a glass of fresh luscious fruit juice. 54、不要只喜欢看着别人去竞争,而自己却不敢去和别人竞争;不要只喜欢与比自己弱的对手竞争,而不愿与比自己强的对手竞争。 Don"t just like to watch others to compete, but their do not dare to compete with others; Don"t just like with weaker than their rivals, rather than compete with stronger than his opponent. 55、竞争的本质是输赢,竞争的精神是参与,竞争的条件是平等,竞争的旗帜是光明正大,竞争的本身是提高,竞争的过程是丰富。 Competition is the essence of winning or losing, the spirit of the competition is to participate, the conditions of the competition is equal, the banner of the competition is fair, is to improve the competition itself, the process of competition is rich. 56、竞争无处不在,有竞争自然就有压力。但是,正因为有了竞争,才有了我们每个人的成长,才有了社会的进步,才有了历史的前进。 Competition is everywhere, it is natural for competitive Pssure. , however, is because of the competition, it would not have been the growth of each of us, only with the progress of the society, the advance of history.
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