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Pray For Me 歌词

2023-07-09 08:36:14
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歌曲名:Pray For Me
歌手:Laura Marling
专辑:Once I Was An Eagle

Pray For Me - Laura Marling
Where does my lover lie
I don"t love, I just lie
So pray, pray for me
And where you run
I run in tow
And where you"re from
I long to know
How does a child know
Where mother"s weakness goes
And where, and where the trouble grows
Well you will speak
And it shall be so
And what you say
Will be all I know
There was a time of weeks
I thought dogs barked at me
And I, and I had lost my mind
And the devil had put
His mark on me
And calls his branches
Shake your trees
That"s not me from a-trying
That"s the devil and his lying
Trying to make me lose my mind
So pray, oh pray for me
So you got my letter late
From when I permanently etched my name
Right, right into your soul
I cannot love
I want to be alone
I will not love
I want to be alone
That"s not me from a-trying
That"s the devil and his lying
Trying to make me when I"m trying to be good
So pray, pray for me
But where he runs
I run in tow
And where you"re from
I long to know
And you will speak
And it shall be so
I cannot love
I want to be alone
Pray, pray for me



not me什么意思

not me的意思:不是我。not me翻译成中文是不是我的意思。一般而言,英语中的省略是可以省去与前文完全相似的内容。例如;I asked my friends to bring presents for horses, not me.这句话看译久起来怪怪的,实际上没错。所以,这里的省略I asked my friends to bring presents for horses, (I did)not (ask my friends to bring presents for) me.理应该也可以。但是我是觉得,这里是不是如果省略for就会有歧义以散秤痕至于必须加上for。比如省略for,则后半句就有可能是下面这两种意思:1.bring presents for me 2.bring me。值得注意的是notme一般在口语中用法较为常见,所以在书面表达是不建议使用,应该写完整的。
2023-07-09 01:20:121


  日常生活中,我们经常会说不是我这句话,那你知道不是我的英文怎么翻译吗?下面是我为你整理的是我的英文翻译,希望大家喜欢!   不是我的英文翻译   not me   那不是我It Wasn"t Me   这不是我It Wasn"t Me   not的用法   adv.不; [用以表示否定、否认、拒绝、禁止等]不是; 几乎不; 未必,没有[用于否定后面的词或短语]   1. Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned.   成功无法保证,并非唾手可得。成功必须靠自己去争取。   2. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.   不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。   3. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.   最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。   4. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill   成功不是终点,失败也并非末日,最重要的是继续前进的勇气。   5. Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.--Zig Ziglar   决定你人生高度的,不是你的才能,而是你的态度。   6. If you"re not satisfied with the life you"re living, don"t just complain. Do something about it.   对于现况的不满,不能只是抱怨,要有作出改变。   7. It"s not about making the amazing saves. It"s the little things and small things that made great gatekeepers great.   伟大的门将不是靠神奇的扑救成就,而是靠注重小事和细节成功。(Tim Howard美国国家队门将)   8. Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.   友情是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。即使不联系,感情依然在。   9. He did not like to be caught out on details.   10. I distinctly remember wishing I had not got involved.   我清楚地记得希望自己没有被牵扯进去。   not me造句   1. "Not me," Robarts said quickly.   “不是我,”罗巴茨立即说道。   2. " No,"said Carrie, shaking her head; " not me. "   “ 不, "嘉莉摇摇头说, " 那不是我.   3. " Not me, " answered the drummer."sure I"ll come. "   “ 我没有关她, " 推销员说, " 我一定来.   4. What if he suddenly shouted something like , " Whose afraid of death , not me!   万一他忽然说出句: “ 再过二十年又是一条好汉”呢?   5. If she had not me to play with, she would probably marry and secure her future.   如果没有我同她一起玩, 她大概会结婚,使她的前途确定下来.   6. You wanted to try this new route, not me, so on your head be it.   是你要试一试这条新路线的, 与我无关, 所以该由你负责.   7. She can easily reach the high notes, not me.   她能很容易唱出高音, 我不行.   8. Momma always made the distinction: My father hurt her, not me.   母亲总是区别开来 —— 我父亲伤害的是她, 而不是我.   9. You get paid to talk about that, not me.   你想要讨论这个问题, 而不是我.   10. Mrs. Lee: Oh, no, it"s not me. My son Bill is sick.   李太太: 哦, 不, 不是我. 是我儿子比儿病了.
2023-07-09 01:20:381

《not me》泰剧一共几集?

《not me》泰剧一共14集。《not me》是由阿努查·本尼雅瓦塔纳执导,巴特潘·忽栓、钟朋·阿卢迪吉朋主演的泰国悬疑爱情剧。该剧于2021年12月12日在泰国GMM 25台播出。基本信息:中文名:他不是我。外文名:u0e40u0e02u0e32...u0e44u0e21u0e48u0e43u0e0au0e48u0e1cu0e21/Not Me。别名:他...不是我、不是我。类型:爱情、悬疑、剧情、同性、犯罪。制片地区:泰国。拍摄地点:泰国。首播时间:2021年12月12日。导演:阿努查·本尼雅瓦塔纳。编剧:Noolek Sureechay Kaewses。制片人:X Nuttapong Mongkolsawas。主演:巴特潘·忽栓、钟朋·阿卢迪吉朋。集数:14集。每集长度:40分钟。
2023-07-09 01:20:521


仅仅说not me ,no me我感觉是中文式英语,英语和中文在组句上应该是用些区别,我觉得说that is not me 可能比较合适。
2023-07-09 01:21:121

《not me》泰剧一共几集?

《not me》泰剧一共14 集。《not me》又名《他不是我》,于2021年12月12日在泰国GMM 25台播出,共14 集,每集40 分钟,是由阿努查·本尼雅瓦塔纳执导,巴特潘·忽栓、钟朋·阿卢迪吉朋主演的泰国悬疑爱情。剧情简介Black和White是有着强大联系的双胞胎。然而,在父母离婚后,White的爸爸带他出国,他们的家庭实际上已经一分为二。直到15年过去后,已经长大的White才回到泰国。有一天,似乎不知从哪里冒出来的,White感到一种死亡般的痛苦。他在医院康复,但他们无法确定病因。之后他接到了儿时好友Tod的电话,Tod告诉他,Black在一次恶性袭击后处于昏迷状态,他得知Black加入了一个摩托车团伙。White无法忍受对他兄弟在沉默中遭受的伤害,怀疑是Black的好友之一--Sean、Gram或Yok背叛了他。于是White将自己伪装成Black来铲除叛徒。但是White并不像他想象的那样了解他的兄弟。
2023-07-09 01:21:411

not me 用法

The one he hates is you not me 1.not me这是宾格;但是也可以根据实际表达用主格或物主代词。例如:He not I said that.This is his bike,not mine.2.The city I like is Beijing , not Shanghai .这样写完全正确,可以用事物。3.可以加逗号,表示有所停顿;也可以不加,表示说话者一口气把这句话说完了。你真是有心人!学习很认真哦!祝你进步!祝你开心如意!
2023-07-09 01:22:121


noteme泰剧一共14集。not me从2021年12月12日开始,每周日晚20:30北京时间21:30更新一集。本剧预计有14集。本剧原著not me在微博老阿姨字幕组 有翻译,置顶微博就是。noteme泰剧介绍泰剧他不是我NOT ME,由著名电影导演Anucha Boonyawatana摄制,合作长达五年的热门泰国CP组合offgun主演的悬疑惊悚片。该剧不管是运镜,还是演技都足够炸裂但它最吸睛的,还是敢于直言泰国政治现状,直击敏感话题,挣脱了大众对泰腐剧一贯校园小清新的认知。导演将一部傻白甜的校园小说,改编成了一部传达与泰国法律制度中的不公正现象作斗争的话题和理念,以及其它泰国所存在的社会问题的电视剧,去展现泰国年轻人的斗争精神。如此在公众面前直言泰国政治敏感问题,绝对可以称之为泰腐电视剧中的先河,剧中有恰到好处的政治讨论,并未让人感到乏味,反而会跟着一起深思。
2023-07-09 01:22:261


2023-07-09 01:22:451

not me什么意思

2023-07-09 01:22:533

英语句子:"let,s plant them.No,not me"这句话中"No,not me"怎

2023-07-09 01:23:216


2023-07-09 01:23:371


What!Me angry!Surely it"s him with the red nose you mean,not me! 什么?我生气了?其实是他气得面红耳赤了,不是我!
2023-07-09 01:23:431

副词后接主格,为什么是not me 而不是not I

您好,很高兴能为您解答!not me是因为前面有了动词而动词后加宾格
2023-07-09 01:23:511


显而易见要加上宾格 me
2023-07-09 01:24:003


2023-07-09 01:24:061


2023-07-09 01:24:132


2023-07-09 01:24:202

Me neither 和Me,either的区别 (主要是答语)

两个都可以用,都没有问题。只是语言习惯而已。 ME EITHER & ME NEITHER 都是正确的, ME NEITHER 是由NEITHER DO I 演变而来的,因为语言习惯,人们通常把NEITHER DO I 简说成 ME NEITHER。 NEITHER 和 EITHER 的主要区别在于和什么搭配。但是正规用语中还是用neither do I 或者me neither较合适。因为me either = Not me, either或者I don"t, either。这是口语化的省略,较容易被挑刺。
2023-07-09 01:24:481


双面煎鸡蛋Double fried egg
2023-07-09 01:25:027

me too和me neither和me either的区别

都是我也是的意思但是meneither用在否定的情况下比如说IDONTLIKETHAT. MENEITHER
2023-07-09 01:25:334


你好同学,Me是不能开头的,要用第一人称“I”,not 是用在否定句中。例如:I am not a boy. (我不是男孩)希望能帮到你。
2023-07-09 01:26:001


2023-07-09 01:26:144

英语:Why me为什么是用me而不是用I?

2023-07-09 01:26:234

一首轻柔英文歌高潮me not me,...insertion大概是这样

I Found A Boy - AdeleI thought I told you he"d be home soonCouldn"t help myself you"re too good to be trueI fall short each timeEvery time he ain"t hereYou and your charm creep closer closer and nearLike a fool for fire I fall with my pride and allLike a bomb before explosionTicking by your callYou"re the wiser one disguised from greedI"m just a child who longs on her kneesBut I found a boy who I love moreThan I ever did you beforeSo stand beside the river I criedAnd let yourself downLook how you want me now that I don"t need youSo you thought that I"d crumble to my kneesAt the first sight of youCrawling back to meTo whisper "will you leave your man"Cause you swear that this time you can stand by meI won"t stand by you"Cause I found a boy who I love moreThan I ever did you beforeSo stand beside the river I criedAnd let yourself downLook how you want me now that I don"t need youI ain"t yours for no takingYou must be mistakenI could never look into your eyesAnd settle for wrongAnd ignore the rightWhen I found a boy who loves me moreThan you ever did me beforeSo stand beside the river you cryAnd let yourself downLook how you want me now that I don"t need you
2023-07-09 01:26:301

If not now,when? If not me,who? 怎么翻译

If not now,when?如果不是现在,那是什麼时候?If not me,who?如果不是我,那又是谁?
2023-07-09 01:27:149

英语小故事 很有启示的那种。。

The Kid and the Wolf A KID, returning without protection from the pasture, was pursued by a Wolf. Seeing he could not escape, he turned round, and said: "I know, friend Wolf, that I must be your prey, but before I die I would ask of you one favor you will play me a tune to which I may dance." The Wolf complied, and while he was piping and the Kid was dancing, some hounds hearing the sound ran up and began chasing the Wolf. Turning to the Kid, he said, "It is just what I deserve; for I, who am only a butcher, should not have turned piper to please you."寓意是:In time of dire need, clever thinking is key or Outwit your enemy to save your skin.摘自Aesop"s Fables 《伊索寓言》如果楼主需要更多的,可以去这个网址,上面有超过600个小寓言故事。
2023-07-09 01:27:333

And this is me改为否定句?

and this is not me
2023-07-09 01:27:403


2023-07-09 01:27:493

If Not Me Who,If Not Now When? 是什么意思呢?

舍我其谁,更待何时。人世知音总难觅,有话你说与谁言?独自行到山深处,拥花悄悄仔细谈。说话此人很希望他的伙伴能和他一起现在就决定做什么事情,态度很坚决,用了两个反问句向他的伙伴.表达了 一股决绝之意、自信和满腔热血豪情.
2023-07-09 01:27:581


《Zombie》完整歌词 Another head hangs lowly; Child is slowly taken; And the violence caused such silence;Who are we mistaken? But you see, it"s not me; It"s not my family; In your head, in your head; They"re fightin"! With their tanks, and their bombs; And their bombs, and their guns; In your head, in your head; They"re cryin"! In your head! In your head! Zombie! Zombie! Zombie-ie-ie! What"s in your head, in your head? Zombie! Zombie! Zombie-ie-ie-ie-oh! Another mother"s breaking; Heart is taken over. When the violence causes silence; We must be mistaken. It"s the same old theme; Since 1916! In your head, in your head; They"re still fightin"! With their tanks, and their bombs; And their bombs, and their guns; In your head, in your head! They"re dyin"! In your head! In your head! Zombie! Zombie! Zombie-ie-ie! What"s in your head, in your head? Zombie! Zombie! Zombie-ie-ie-ie-oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, hey-oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
2023-07-09 01:28:064

never your gone的歌词

2023-07-09 01:28:133

not me翻译中文

2023-07-09 01:28:331

not me男主第几集发现身份的

第五集中字 一仔知道了black的真实身份。《not me》泰剧一共14集。《not me》是由阿努查·本尼雅瓦塔纳执导,巴特潘·忽栓、钟朋·阿卢迪吉朋主演的泰国悬疑爱情剧。该剧于2021年12月12日在泰国GMM 25台播出。
2023-07-09 01:28:411

not me 的意思及用法

2023-07-09 01:28:501

no not me 读音相同吗?

不同 no [nu0259u] not [nu0254t,me [mi:,
2023-07-09 01:28:561


2023-07-09 01:29:052

There is no me 正确吗?如错误 请帮我改正

2023-07-09 01:29:133

why not me 意思

这句话词义上没有任何问题 关键是怎么能讲通 因此 这句话应该是在一个特定 的语境当中应该这样理解 你只知道我爱“你”有多深 那么为什么不是(我爱)“我”呢(那么你为什么不能学会自己要学会爱自己呢)
2023-07-09 01:29:226

i’m still breathing歌词

TONI BRAXTON - I"M STILL BREATHING Did you think my life would end that dayThat you walked out when you broke my heartDid you think I couldn"t make it throughOoh, without youDid you think you"d stop my world with goodbye, oh noDid you think I"d crumble insideNot Me, I"m still breathingAnd this heart of mine is still beatingI, I"m not feeling any painNo baby, not me, I"m still breathingThis old heart of mine is still beatingThe tears I cried have driedyou are gone and I survivedI"m still breathingThere were times when it took all my strengthTo just get through, yeah, through another dayThere were so many nights I thought that I was gonna dieWithout youBut the tears I cried somehow made me strong, so strongDid you think I couldn"t go onNot Me, I"m still breathingAnd this heart of mine is still beatingI, I"m not feeling any painNo baby, not me, I"m still breathingThis old heart of mine is still beatingThe tears I cried have driedyou are gone and I survivedI"m still breathingYou tried to cut me downBut look who"s still aroundWithout youDid you think you"d stop my world with good bye, no babyDid you think I"d crumble, just crumble insideNot Me, I"m still breathingAnd this heart of mine is still beatingI, I"m not feeling any painNo baby, not me, I"m still breathingThis old heart of mine is still beatingThe tears I cried have driedyou are gone and I survivedI"m still breathingThe tears I cried have driedYou are gone and I survivedI"m still breathingThe tears I cried have driedYou are gone and I survived
2023-07-09 01:30:082


Enrique Iglesias的吧?escaping nights without you从你身边逃离的夜晚with shadows on the wall墙上光影斑驳my mind is running wild我的心疯狂地trying hard not to fall努力尝试着不感到低落you told me that you love me你曾对我说你爱我but say i"m just a friend但现在却把我当作朋友my heart is broken up into pieces我的心已经破碎cos i know因为我知道i"ll never free my soul我无法使我的灵魂解脱it"s trapped between true love and being alone它被真爱和孤独所困when my eyes are closed当我闭上双眼the greatest story told我用最荒谬的故事欺骗自己i woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor我醒来时,梦境摔碎在地why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么i wanna love you我想要深爱你if you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你so why not me那么为什么没有选择我the day after tomorrow后天i"ll still be around我仍然会在你身边to catch you when you fall去接住跌落的你and if all let you down如果一切都让你失望you say that we"re forever你说我们可以走到永远our love will never end我们的爱永不终结i"ve tried to come up我已经尝试着走近but it"s drowning me to know但我所了解的几乎使我窒息you"ll never feel my soul你不会让我的灵魂自由it"s trapped between true love and being alone它被真爱和孤独所困when my eyes are closed当我闭上双眼the greatest story told我用最荒谬的故事欺骗自己i woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor我醒来时,梦境摔碎在地tell me baby告诉我,亲爱的why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么i wanna love you我想要深爱你if you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你so why not me那么为什么没有选择我you won"t ever know你永远不会了解how far we can go我们到底可以走多远you won"t ever know你永远不会了解how far we can go (go)我们到底可以走多远why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么tell me baby告诉我,亲爱的why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么i wanna love you我想要深爱你if you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你so why not me那么为什么没有选择我
2023-07-09 01:30:163

No Way (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:No Way (Album Version)歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:PulseToni Braxton - No Waywill you please let down you wall, soi can finally come on in and see inot like all the other girls thatyou have been messin with see, iwanna give you everythingwill you please except my hearti wont let anythingtare this love apartno wayno hownot menot nowim gonna prove my love is truebreaking your heart is something i wont dowill you please let down your walls causethey are way too high to climbboy i know your feet must hurt babycause you"ve been running through my mindyou should let me love youbaby i will never let you downas long as you want mei"ll be aroundi love you with all of my heartand as long as im breathingnothing"s gonna tear us apartim loving youand i need younothing"s gonna change my mindoooh no wayno way baby oooohwooohno wayno hownot menot nowi"ll prove it (im gonna prove my love is true)breaking your heart is something i wont dono way(no way)say no waysay no way
2023-07-09 01:30:231

求Chrisitna Milian 的gonna tell everybody歌词

歌词内容:如需转载歌词请务必保留以下信息!※※本歌词转自〖放肆音乐通〗 [Intro]I don"t wanna say I still loved youIt hurts me everyday thinkin" aboutWho you were kissin not meOh nana nana nana (not me)Oh nana nana nanaI"mma speak the truthI ain"t gon lieI let you go with all the tears I criedThought we was goin" dieOh nana nana nanaOh nana nana nanaAnd I"m gonna tell everybodyCuz you cheatedAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodyIn the streetsAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodyI don"t need youAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodySo ya leavinAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodyI don"t need itAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodyDon"t believe itAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodyYa deceive itAnd I"m Gonna tell everybody nowDamn[Verse 1]Sittin" up in my roomI"m lightin candlesHandlin" my handle thinkin whyI could I let this situation get the best of meWhen I gave the best of meIt"s just crazy how one minute we connectI was baby ya lady sweet sadieHoldin" hands was your favorite{Now I} Now I ain"t got no sad song to singYou stepped wrong to me, cuz I was here the minute butSince we separated I know you will never findAnother chick like me that"s why I stay up on ya mindI know it"s hard for you to hear, but I ain"t got the timeI moved on, I moved onI don"t want you nowI don"t wanna say I still loved youIt hurts me everyday thinkin" aboutWho you were kissin not meOh nana nana nana (not me)Oh nana nana nanaI"mma speak the truthI ain"t gon lieI let you go with all the tears I criedThought we was gon" dieOh nana nana nanaOh nana nana nanaAnd I"m gonna tell everybodyCuz you cheatedAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodyIn the streetsAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodyI don"t need youAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodySo ya leavinAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodyI don"t need itAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodyDon"t believe itAnd I"m Gonna tell everybodyYa deceive itAnd I"m Gonna tell everybody now[Verse 2]I aint"t trippin" I"m just sayinLook at what"cha missin out on nowYep it"s all out now, I"m goin" all out nowAnd I ain"t gon cry aboutGrab my keys to that Bentley GTCall all my girlfriends and rideYou ain"t go nothin" on me{Christina"s goin out to party}You ain"t got nothin" on meYou ain"t go nothin on meReally this thang ain"t nothinYou ain"t got nothin" on me{Run and go tell everybody}You ain"t got nothin" on meYou ain"t got nothin" on meReally this thang ain"t nothinI don"t wanna say I still loved youIt hurts me everyday thinkin" aboutWho you were kissin not meOh nana nana nana (not me)Oh nana nana nanaI"mma speak the truthI ain"t gon lieI let you go with all the tears I criedThought we was goin" dieOh nana nana nanaOh nana nana nana[repeat with Christina ad-libs][music fades]Sorry~ 中文歌词没找到高手来解决吧,翻译下。。。
2023-07-09 01:30:301

有首英文歌其中有句歌词是( )me,( )me,sometimes。歌名是什么

<<not me, not i>> 演唱者: delta goodrem 不知道是不是你要找的
2023-07-09 01:30:372

perfect girl歌词。

歌名:Perfect Girl演唱:SARAH MCLACHLAN发行时间:2004-02-06所属专辑:《Afterglow》歌词:Am I faithfulAm I strongAm I good enough to belongin your reverie, your perfect girlyour vision of romance is crueland all along I played the foolall your expectations bury medon"t worryyou will find the answer if you let it gogive yourself some time to faulterbut don"t follow thisdon"t let go your love no matter whatand everything will come around in timeAll my insecuritiestry to own my destinybut I can make or break it if I chooseYou take my words and twist them roundtill I"m the one who brings you downmake me feel like I"m the one to blamefor all thisyou will find the answer if you let it gogive yourself some time to faulterbut don"t follow thisdon"t let go your love no matter whatand everything will come around in timeif you need everybody with you on your sideknow that I am here for youbut I hope in timeyou find yourself, alright aloneyou find yourself with open armsyou find yourselfyou find yourself, in timeLaying in my heartful sighskeep me open and aliveI have to take myself away from you‘cause I can"t competeI can"t denythere"s nothing that I hadn"t triedhow did I go so wrong in loving youdon"t worryyou will find the answer if you let it gogive yourself some time to faulterbut don"t follow thisdon"t let go your love no matter whatand everything will come around in time
2023-07-09 01:30:452

me neither的用法是什么呢? Me neither怎么回答

me neither.陈述部分所描述的是否定的,也是可以另外一个人如He doesn"t like maths,me neither.
2023-07-09 01:30:521

Loves not me中英文歌词

I complicated our lives By falling in love with him I complicated our lives Now I"m losing my only friend I don"t know why, I had to try Living my life on the other side Now I"m so confused I don"t know what to do He loves me, He loves me not She loves me, She loves me not He loves me, He loves me not She loves me... I started blurring the lines Because I didn"t care I started crossing the line Cause you were never there No where to turn, No one to help, It"s almost like I don"t even know myself Now I have to choose I don"t know what to do He loves me, He loves me not She loves me, She loves me not He loves me, He loves me not She loves me, she loves me He loves me, He loves me not She loves me, She loves me not He loves me, He loves me not She loves me... No where to turn, No one to help, It"s almost like I don"t even know myself Now I have to choose I don"t know what to do He loves me, He loves me not She loves me, She loves me not He loves me, He loves me not She loves me, She loves me not He loves me, He loves me not She loves me, She loves me not He loves me, He loves me not She loves me, She loves me not Loves me not... 因为爱上了他,打乱了我的生活 我弄乱了我的生活。 现在我失去了我唯一的朋友,我不知道为什么。 现在我不得不换种方式生活。 现在,我真的很混乱,我不知道该做什么。 他爱我,他不爱我。 她爱我,她不爱我。 他爱我,他不爱我。 她爱我... 我开始模糊这条界线,因为我不在意 我开始跨越这条线,因为你再也不再这里 没有地方转弯,没有人帮我 好像我从来就不了解自己 现在我不得不进行选择 我不知道去做什么 他爱我,他不爱我。 她爱我,她不爱我。 他爱我,他不爱我。 她爱我,她不爱我。 他爱我,他不爱我。 她爱我,她不爱我。 他爱我,他不爱我。 她爱我... 没有地方转弯,没有人帮我 好像我从来就不了解自己 现在我不得不进行选择 我不知道去做什么 他爱我,他不爱我。 她爱我,她不爱我。 他爱我,他不爱我。 她爱我,她不爱我。 他爱我,他不爱我。 她爱我,她不爱我。 他爱我,他不爱我。 她爱我,她不爱我。
2023-07-09 01:31:041

一首歌 高潮是 why you why tell me why not love me ...什么的 男生唱的

应该是why not me,你这个问题好久了,也不知道有没有缘能看到我的回答
2023-07-09 01:31:387

歌词中有why not follow me

why not me 歌词中文对照escaping nights without you从你身边逃离的夜晚with shadows on the wall墙上光影斑驳my mind is running wild我的心疯狂地trying hard not to fall努力尝试着不感到低落You told me that you love me你曾对我说你爱我But say i"m just a friend但现在却把我当作朋友My heart is broken up into pieces我的心已经破碎Cos i know因为我知道I"ll never free my soul我无法使我的灵魂解脱It"s trapped between true love and being alone被真爱和孤独所困When my eyes are closed当我闭上双眼The greatest story told我用最荒谬的故事欺骗自己I woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor我醒来时,梦境摔碎在地Why oh why为什么Tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我Why oh why为什么We were meant to be我们本应在一起Baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切Why oh why oh why为什么为什么I wanna love you我想要深爱你If you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你So why not me那么为什么没有选择我The day after tomorrow后天I"ll still be around我仍然会在你身边To catch you when you fall去接住跌落的你And if all let you Youdown如果一切都让你失望You say that we"re forever你说我们可以走到永远Our love will never end我们的爱永不终结I"ve tried to come up我已经尝试着走近But it"s drowning me to know但我所了解的几乎使我窒息You"ll never feel my soul你不会让我的灵魂自由It"s trapped between true love and being alone被真爱和孤独所困When my eyes are closed当我闭上双眼The greatest story told我用最荒谬的故事欺骗自己I woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor我醒来时,梦境摔碎在地Tell me baby告诉我,亲爱的Why oh why为什么Tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我Why oh why为什么We were meant to be我们本应在一起Baby i know i could be all you needWhy oh why oh why 为什么为什么I wanna love you我想要深爱你If you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你So why not me那么为什么没有选择我You won"t ever know你永远不会了解How far we can go我们到底可以走多远You won"t ever know你永远不会了解How far we can go (go)我们到底可以走多远Why oh why为什么Tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我Why oh why为什么We were meant to be我们本应在一起Baby i know i could be all you needWhy oh why为什么 oh whyWhy oh why为什么Tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我Why oh why为什么We were meant to be我们本应在一起Baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的
2023-07-09 01:31:521

We Are Life 歌词

歌曲名:We Are Life歌手:Emarosa专辑:EmarosaEmarosa - We Are LifeI ache, it"s opening my soul (my soul).I ache, it"s opening...Speak what we feel,and not what we ought to say.Well, I"m forever youngand you"re forever you.So much to saybut nothing to hide.Ohh, please open it all.Soft voice, that whispers lies.Who do I lay beside?Soft voice, soft voice,that whispers lies.Well, I don"t want to see it anymore.Too bad he"s not me and these feelings you just can"t ignore.But I won"t be played a fool.Did you count how many timesthe words left my mouth?So many times I was pressed on top.You never pushed me off.As much as it hurts to admit,you just...No matter how hard you"ll tryThese words won"t save mePlease stop (..?)Soft hands that would ruin lives,and eyes that would burn.Fall to your knees.You pretend not to see our problems,because they form inside you.
2023-07-09 01:32:001

求Enrique Iglesias的《 why no me》 歌词及其翻译。。

escaping nights without you从你身边逃离的夜晚with shadows on the wall墙上光影斑驳my mind is running wild我的心疯狂地trying hard not to fall努力尝试着不感到低落you told me that you love me你曾对我说你爱我but say i"m just a friend但现在却把我当作朋友my heart is broken up into pieces我的心已经破碎cos i know因为我知道i"ll never free my soul我无法使我的灵魂解脱it"s trapped between true love and being alone它被真爱和孤独所困when my eyes are closed当我闭上双眼the greatest story told我用最荒谬的故事欺骗自己i woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor我醒来时,梦境摔碎在地why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么i wanna love you我想要深爱你if you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你so why not me那么为什么没有选择我the day after tomorrow后天i"ll still be around我仍然会在你身边to catch you when you fall去接住跌落的你and if all let you down如果一切都让你失望you say that we"re forever你说我们可以走到永远our love will never end我们的爱永不终结i"ve tried to come up我已经尝试着走近but it"s drowning me to know但我所了解的几乎使我窒息you"ll never feel my soul你不会让我的灵魂自由it"s trapped between true love and being alone它被真爱和孤独所困when my eyes are closed当我闭上双眼the greatest story told我用最荒谬的故事欺骗自己i woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor我醒来时,梦境摔碎在地tell me baby告诉我,亲爱的why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么i wanna love you我想要深爱你if you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你so why not me那么为什么没有选择我you won"t ever know你永远不会了解how far we can go我们到底可以走多远you won"t ever know你永远不会了解how far we can go (go)我们到底可以走多远why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么tell me baby告诉我,亲爱的why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么i wanna love you我想要深爱你if you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你so why not me那么为什么没有选择我
2023-07-09 01:32:161