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t-pain的Cant Believe It Ft. Lil Wayne歌词

2023-07-09 08:30:13

t-pain的Cant Believe It Ft. Lil Wayne歌词

she make me feel so good..

better than i would by myself or..

if i was with somebody else

you don"t understand

she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah

uh, i can put you in a log, cabin.. somewhere in aspen

gurl, ain"t nuttin to the pain, ain"t trickin

if you got it, what you askin.. forrr?

put you in a mansion, somewhere in wis-canson

like i said, ain"t nuttin to the pain,

we can change the last name, what"s hap"nin?

"cause you look so gooood,

tell me why you wanna work here

i put you on the front page of the king magazine

but you ogn" get yo"self hurt here

huh,"ey! baby, i bought you in the back just to have a conversation

really thank you need some ventilation

let"s talk about yoooooooooooou, and meeeeeeeeeee

oh, i can"t believe it!

ooh, ooh, she all on me, on me

man, man, i thank she want me, want me

naw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!

oh, i can"t believe it!

ooh, ooh, she all on me, on me

man, man, i thank she want me, want me

naw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!

man you don"t understand, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah

yeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ah

she hit the main stage, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah (yeah)

yeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah (yeah), yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ah

i can put you in the condo, all the way up in toronto

baby, put you in a fur coat, ridin the murcielago

i put you in the beach house, right on the edge of costa rica

put one of them lil" flowers in your hair, have you lookin like a fly mamacita - fuego

"cause you look so gooood, you make me wanna spend it all on ya

get up out this club, slide wit ya boy and we can do what you wanna - yeaaah

baby, i bought you in the back,"cause you need a lil" persuasion

plus you need a lil" ventilation

let"s talk about yoooooooooooou, and meeeeeeeeeee

oh, i can"t believe it!

ooh, ooh, she all on me, on me

man, man, i thank she want me, want me

naw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!

oh, i can"t believe it!

ooh, ooh, she all on me, on me

man, man, i thank she want me, want me

naw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!

man you don"t understand, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah

yeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ah

she hit the main stage, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah (yeah)

she make the people say..

ah, she make the people say..

t-wayne, yah!

now i can put"cho ass out,

ohhh keep runnin yo" mouth, hehe

and if yo brothers keep trippin,

i"ma show "em what these teardrops "bout

hehe, shawty i was just playin,

ohhh but i can take you to the caymen, islands

have you screamin,

and hollerin when we makin - love on the beach

the people see what we doin

aww, they pointin and ooh"in

ohh, but we gon" keep on doin, it

like it"s just me and you and no one else around



2023-07-09 00:57:081


2023-07-09 00:57:161


2023-07-09 00:57:231


2023-07-09 00:57:301

为什么我的电脑进不去gooood 谷德设计网

能上百度就能上goooood,如果上不去,在本地选择自动获取IP地址,否则就指定IP地址和dns 如:
2023-07-09 00:57:361


Pinterest,智筑网,3D66网、3D侠网,CGtecture(偏素材类)案例资讯类:333cn,ArchDaily,Architizer,gooood作品集类:中国设计之窗、 issuu
2023-07-09 00:57:442


2023-07-09 00:57:535

gooood news中文是什么意思

2023-07-09 01:03:072


问题一:有什么比较好的平面设计网站 国内比较好的:站酷、花瓣、视觉中国等等 国外:dribbble(dribbble/)、behance(behance/) 还要查看更多,请打开:设计师网站导航(hao.uisdc/) 问题二:有哪些好的平面设计素材网站? 你可以到 设计之家 看看,这里面有很多免费的培训教程和素材 问题三:谁能推荐些好的建筑网站?建筑设计类 我学的是建筑学专业,已经工作6、7年,每天都会看些建筑设计的网站。分享一下我现在和曾经关注的几个网站的心得(前几个几乎每天都去逛逛,后面几个很少去了): ikuku|在库言库 ikuku 优点:1. 观点中立严禁,内容来源清晰。2. 华人建筑整合得非常好,有点像华人建筑的大百科,除了建筑项目还有建筑评论、摄影等内容。3. 对每个案例的整理很有深度,除了图片和文字说明,还配有表格介绍功能、参与团队、面积、材料、时间。4. 分类索引有条理,资料查找便捷,分类除了功能,还能按材料、建筑师、地理位置等。 缺点:不足是外国建筑信息较少。 Archdaily archdaily 优点:世界各地的建筑都有收录,每天更新快。 缺点:没有中文,英文好的可以多看看,网速有点慢。 谷德设计 gooood 优点:1.有很多国外项目介绍,内容都是建筑师提供。2.除了建筑信息,还有工业产品。3.有中英文对照。 缺点:中国项目占的比例有点少。 筑龙网 zhulong 优点:涉及内容非常广泛,除了建筑设计以外还有很多与建筑相关的板块,如培训等。 缺点:它的优点也是缺点,上去经常不知道该看什么。 ABBS abbs 论坛形式,涵盖范围和很广,除了建筑,还有历史、旅游、软件等内容。学生时代还经常上,工作了就不在上了,想找到有价值的内容比较费劲。 建筑畅言网 archcy 以行业观点为主,不是专注于建筑设计,对于项目的展示比较笼统。好像有段时间没上过了。 问题四:如何设计一个好的网页 网页设计是设计的一种,虽然和平面设计、景观设计、建筑设计不同,但还是有很多共通的地方,因为不管什么设计都是一种视觉语言,而视觉语言都必须遵循一定的准则,也就是我们所说的设计原则。 整个页面的设计应该是和谐统一的 页面整体和谐了,给浏览者是一个畅快舒服的感觉,要做到这个视觉效果,必须注意页面里文字、图片、线条、背景的统一融合,把这些组成网页的因素都有机联系起来,做到这个比设计好一张图片困难,他需要有整体大局的眼光,不去拘泥于局部或细小的地方。其实网页设计就应该先整体再局部,不过设计师最经常犯的错误 就是钻进局部的巷子里忘记出来。 网页设计应该合理运用好网页的色彩 色彩在设计行业非常重要,如果一个设计师的色彩感很强,那么他到达优秀的距离就很近了。设计师需要根据色彩对人们心理的影响,合理运用好文字的色彩、图片的色彩、线条的色彩和背景的色彩。如果是企业网页设计,则可以根据企业的VI进行色彩的运用。 网页设计不是为了设计而设计,是为了更好地突出内容 每一个网页设计师都应该记住,我们做设计,不是为了让用户感觉到你的设计好看,而是为了更好地展现我们设计的目的,我们应该给用户展现的东西是什么?所以,一个好的网站设计,页面的设计效果都应该是被弱化的;一个好的网站设计,应该是在最短的时间内让用户知道你的网站是做什么的,有什么功能。 网页设计需要考虑实际的浏览效果 最怕刚从其他设计行业转行过来的设计师,一味地使用背景、图片、不支持的字体,不会充分利用好网页本身的线条、边框、背景功能。导致网页设计出来了,效果很好看,但实际制作成网站后,因为背景或图片使用过多,页面打开太慢,浏览效果大打折扣,这样的设计也是非常失败的。 问题五:有哪些好的学习设计的网站? 昵图网 红动中国 设计师联盟 思缘论坛 中国平面设计圈 如果是学习PS软件的话,还绩PS联盟等等,百度一下,会有更多惊喜的 问题六:平面设计好网站都有哪些? 红动中国设计论坛 5D互动论坛 AI俱乐部 BBS BillWang论坛 BT之家 CGren CG家园 ChinaDV Photoshop样式 天空畅想 TOM美术同盟 中国e资源下载中心 中国Photoshop联盟 中国唯一数码视频 中国设计之窗 中文数码论坛 叮当模板网,精品模板,网页模板,网站模板,商业模板,LOGO模板,网页教程,韩国模板,矢量素材 国学论坛 寻寻设计网 插画中国论坛 数码中国 数码艺术杂志 数码视觉 火星时代动画网 网人帝国 美河学习在线 蓝色理想 蔻特设计联盟 视觉中国 视觉同盟 视频教程 - 网易学院u30fb教程 闪吧 Flash8 魅惑之都 问题七:有哪些好的建筑设计网站 我觉得,建筑师论坛,还可以,里面是比较有针对性的,都是建筑师上,有一些,建筑设计、建筑图书一些资料也很多,很丰富。 园林景观设计也有。 我们设计院的人,基本都上这个网站,一些方案,都可以在建筑师论坛上找一些素材。 希望对你有帮助。 问题八:有哪些好的日本设计的网站 5分 日本工业设计促进会 日本设计中心 日本标志设计协会 问题九:有什么好的设计师网站,好的资料可以分享? 去上 学 吧 网 站。我找公务员的资料的时候发现这个网站有很多各种考试的资料,而且还很多。希望能找到你想要的。 问题十:有哪些好一点的关于室内设计的网站 室.觉 ――搜下这二个字,好火啊。很全面,图片也高清。推荐。
2023-07-09 01:03:141


国外流行语,u =you gooood =good
2023-07-09 01:03:222


作为建筑/室内设计师,时常需要到各种网站去学习一些优秀作品,获取灵感等等,优质的网站就像书一样取之不尽,也是汲取设计知识,辅助设计师成长的快速通道。本期17度推荐10个让设计师们爱不释手的高质量网站,不仅实用还有更多有趣的内容等待你来挖掘。01. Archdailyarchdaily.cn目前最被熟知的建筑网站,汇集全球最权威的建筑行业资源,除了极其丰富的建筑作品优秀案例分享,还包括设计工具、奖项赛事,甚至是建筑摄影师等多方面的资源,内容十分多元。02. Dezeendezeen.com目前最具影响力的在线建筑设计博客网站,涵盖设计的方方面面,更新速度非常快,内容更新每天至少更新两至三篇,拥有十分丰富的案例资源库。除了高质量的文章和图片,网站上还拥有很多的视频资源。03. World Architecture Newsworldarchitecturenews.com专注建筑行业的国际平台World Architecture News(WAN)已存在了十二个年头,每年颁发大约二十个类别的奖项,并已发展成世界最负盛名的竞赛奖项之一。其中,WAN世界建筑新闻奖可以说是建筑界最具规模与声望的奖项之一,网站上有众多顶级建筑师的作品,建筑设计、室内设计的优秀作品令人眼界大开。04.Bustlerbustler.net偏新闻资讯类,例如一些重大建筑设计赛事的最新消息和获奖名单,想参赛的朋友可以多关注。案例介绍比较完整,内有很多图版设计参考,比较难得的是一些设计师的设计过程,像图纸等资料也会有展示。05.Yatzeryatzer.comYatzer是一个全球性艺术类介绍网站,涵盖了大量的独家以及独特的当代艺术资源,涉及领域包括设计,建筑,旅游,艺术,时尚,展览等,选题品味极佳,分享的案例是令人惊叹的级别,Yatzer每年也会对一些优秀的设计进行专题评选。06.Architectural Digestarchitecturaldigest.com美国高质量的建筑月刊,创刊于1920年,是融合建筑美学、室内设计以及生活方式的权威刊物。拥有十分丰富的案例资源库,网罗了世界各地优秀的建筑设计,图片质量非常之高。07.Architizerarchitizer.com全球最大建筑设计交流体系的网上平台,帮助设计师推广他们的项目,Architizer A+ Award便是这个平台创立的全球最大建筑奖项。网站将大量项目的进行具体分类成商业、工业、文化产业、景观植物、住所、交通等类型,可以通过搜索任意关键词找到大量的相关建筑项目和它们具体的图纸和设计方案。08.Goooodgooood.cn一个基于建筑,景观,设计,艺术的高品质创意平台,多为设计师上传的案例,国内案例较多,介绍也很详细。上面也有很多事务所的招聘信息和竞赛公告,有这方面需求的朋友可以多关注。国际知名的建筑/设计类杂志,其中所涉及到的内容案例,在全球都具有一定的影响力。在2006年,该杂志在北京创立了《domus国际中文版》,其中整合了很多亚洲资源,在一定程度上搭建了一个可以让中西方建筑文化进行交流的广阔平台。10.Archcollegearchcollege.com非常实用的建筑素材网站,分享国内外优秀建筑设计作品,包括住宅、办公楼、酒店、商业综合体、公共空间、景观等等,内容相当丰富,也有建筑相关的各类公开课,是设计师和设计爱好者充电的好地方。也可以在手机上下载app,使用起来十分方便。
2023-07-09 01:03:411

纽约设计节作品 - Filter凉亭装置 / CLB Architects

感谢 CLB Architects 对gooood的分享 Filter装置专为凉亭设计展(Design Pavilion)和纽约设计节(NYCxDesign Festival)打造,在时代广场喧嚣的氛围中构筑宜人的空间。这座凉亭装置既是一个纪念物,也是一种短暂的体验,它在纽约市中心的城市肌理中建立起新的节点——将城市体验重新定义为自然的,而非人造的。Filter装置源于怀俄明州,它使人想起那里的崎岖景观,吸引游客走进由耐候钢和木材构成的流动褶皱之中。在凉亭中心,一棵树木象征着生态循环,与曼哈顿的都市气息形成鲜明对比。 这座凉亭由CLB Architects设计,教堂般的形式促使人们对这里有了新的认知,它赋予每位使用者 探索 自己与自然界关系的机会。装置理念最初源于一个简单示意——一张折叠好的纸经过精细裁剪,能够独自立起来。CLB事务所的合伙人Eric Logan将该模型转化为全尺寸模型,用一系列标准半英寸热轧钢板(或称“chaps”)组合成直径24英尺、高20英尺的椭圆结构。 Filter像外来物体一样屹立在时代广场西46街和47街之间。动感的耐候钢片吸引人们前来,驻足在环绕外装置边缘的缓坡上观看内部空间。在这里,城市的喧嚣、熙攘的人群和刺眼的灯光都被过滤掉了,游客进入城市的“停歇”时刻,沉浸在静谧之中。正如Logan所说,该结构是“改变并造就环境的作品”。装置内部设置了由回收杉木边材制成的长椅,它们环绕着一棵20英尺高的树木,茂密的树冠遮住了一部分天空,邀请使用者抬头仰望、陷入沉思。 由回收杉木边材制成的长椅环绕着一棵20英尺高的树木 Leonid Furmansky 每个元素的设计都注重可持续性、便携性和使用寿命,时间上也超出了纽约设计节的安装期限。总部位于怀俄明州谢里登的EMIT负责钢材预制,他们也是该展览的赞助商。钢材经过风化处理,形成了一种保护性的锈色,让人联想到落基山脉的西部。轻微烧焦和有纹理的木材元素是由位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的可持续木材技术专家Spearhead用回收的胶合木梁制成的。这些系统化的、结构自支撑的部件首先被送到科罗拉多州的格里利进行测试组装,然后被拆卸并运到纽约市,由纽约的承包商Dowbuilt进行安装。总部位于犹他州的Helius公司负责监督照明设计,采用B-K照明公司的灯具,并与纽约的承包商Apollo Electric公司进行协调。最后植入由马里兰州亚当斯敦Raemelton农场捐赠的悬铃木,设计由此完成。 拆卸现场 Kevin Scott 项目图纸 剖面图 CLB Architects Architect: CLB Architects Exhibit Patron, Steel Supplier and Fabricator: EMIT Wood Supplier and Wood Fabricator: Spearhead Builder: Dowbuilt Structural Engineer: KL&A, Inc. Lighting Designer: HELIUS Light Fixture Provider: B-K Lighting Tree Provider: Raemelton Farm Lighting Contractor: Apollo Electric gooood景观设计 小号 gooood室内设计 小号
2023-07-09 01:03:491


2023-07-09 01:03:575


<工业设计那点事> 纯干货分享~还不错<Behance> 设计资讯分享
2023-07-09 01:04:143

gooood book -《极北直驱》植村直己

思想是这个时代的摇滚,欢迎您推荐有趣的书。这次为大家推荐地球最伟大的探险家之一植村直己的《极北直驱》。探险和旅行完全是两码事儿!用生命作为筹码的探险真是酷到没边界!看人类过去原初部落的真实景象,以及让人血脉贲张的探险! 探险和旅行完全是两码事儿!用生命作为筹码的探险真是酷到没边界!作者植村直己于1984年最后葬身冬季的麦金利峰,让人为这位伟大的探险家唏嘘不已。而他笔下的爱斯基摩部落在当今早已被现代文明所同化。但是,没关系植村直已简介,我们可以在他上个世纪70年代所著的书中看到人类过去原初部落的真实景象植村直已简介,以及让人血脉喷张的探险! 原来爱斯基摩人不受现代婚姻观念束缚;原来雪白霸气的爱斯基摩犬一周只吃三顿饭却依然有好体力,一旦体力变差或者有任何越界的行为就会被果断杀掉而成为食物;原来狩猎技术极为高超的爱斯基摩人集体嗜酒如命,同时不能吃热的东西,他们的饮食文化十分特别,比如将小鸟放在海豹的肚子里冻起来,让海豹肚子里的油沁透小鸟,然后生吃小鸟--“没有东西比浸透海豹皮下脂肪的小鸟更臭,更好吃。我回日本后,最想吃的不是鲸鱼皮,也不是海豹肝,而是这个“奇维亚(海豹腹塞小鸟)”。直到现在,每个月还梦到一次”,作者如是表达;当然,还有作者秉持非凡的决心,独自一人驾驶雪橇挑战北极之旅。 为植村直己致敬,为探险致敬,为挑战致敬。 点击到亚马逊购买 《极北直驱》 点击到亚马逊购买 世界旅行与探险经典译丛 (《极北直驱》属于这个系列) 点击到亚马逊购买 Kindle电子书阅读器 未来也会为大家推荐有趣的电子书 ----- 选段展示 第一次行驶雪橇 米兹雪橇上那摇晃不定的油灯是我唯一的依靠。但是我的雪橇在峡湾的乱冰群的阻碍下,速度显著下降。海冰被风吹成波状的冰山,如果老老实实地找路走就罢了,可是我的狗不管有没有障碍物,都拼命追赶米兹的狗,不停撞上乱冰群。狗绳缠在冰上。雪橇停下。狗越用力拉扯,绳子越深陷冰里。我只好先让雪橇后退,好拔起狗绳。前进的时速顶多五公里,米兹的油灯不知何时已从我的视野里消失。 我独自被留在肖拉帕卢克和卡纳克之间的伊兹达索峡湾。 这时,我突然想起一九七一年国际圣母峰登山队发生的痛苦回忆。这支登山队在美国的诺曼·迪伦法斯队长的领军下,有来自十三个国家的三十三名队员。日本队员有伊藤礼造和我,我们和英美两国队员一起攀登南壁路线,奥地利、法国、德国、印度、瑞士和挪威的队员则攀登西壁路线。 当时是四月中。我们从高度六千四百米的第二营地再向前进建设第三营地时,印度队员巴夫古纳和奥地利队员渥夫甘两人身上绑着登山绳,一起去勘探路线。但是天候突然恶化,两人放弃勘探路线,要回第二营地。渥夫甘精神比巴夫古纳好一些,下来时已手脚刺痛,明显是冻伤的前兆。但不知为什么,回程中他们两人之间并没有绑上绳子,彼此之间距离一径拉大。 渥夫甘独自回到第二营地时,巴夫古纳还在蓝冰陡坡上恶战苦斗。狂风暴雪中,他挤出仅有的声音呼叫渥夫甘。求助声音传到数公里外的第二营地。我们救援不及,赶到现场时,他已经冻死。 巴夫古纳是一九六五年的印度圣母峰登山队队员。那时,我是明治大学哥尊巴康峰的远征队员,两队一起入山,我登上哥尊巴康峰后还到圣母峰拜访他。同是圣母峰国际登山队亚洲队员的关系,他是我最亲近的朋友。队员在冰上行动要绑上登山绳保持联系是铁律。我无法了解为什么渥夫甘和巴夫古纳没有绑上登山绳就开始行动。尤其在恶劣的天气下更该注意,非确定绳子绑住彼此、合作行动不可。 米兹把没有极地驾驶雪橇经验的我丢下不管,无法不让我想起巴夫古纳的死。但是回头一想,今天早上我不是还决定不和米兹同行吗?不是自以为可以应付所有的状况吗?有了米兹同行,我不需要查看地图、星星的位置和冰的状态,只要跟着他的油灯走就没错。我太依赖米兹了。我又没有给他任何报酬。米兹还数度停下来等我,我应该只有感谢,根本没有埋怨他的理由。 我为让心情平静下来,停下雪橇,点燃石油炉烧水泡茶,绑好松脱的狗绳和雪橇绳。我拿出地图,调查现在的位置。我必须从峡湾周围的地形棱线判断,但我完全看不到棱线。从被星星遮断的地平线来推测地形棱线,相当艰难。小憩之后,脸上吃了好几记回马鞭,总算来到峡湾前,眼前出现油灯的光芒。我以为是米兹在等我,松了一口气,但过去一看,是卡纳克那边来捕海豹的爱斯基摩人。我好失望。但另一方面,又为自己没走错路而高兴地产生自信。将来这个经验在南极一定派得上用场。越过两个峡湾,卡纳克就在眼前。在乱冰之上看到卡纳克的灯光,我就放心了。 点击到亚马逊购买 《极北直驱》 点击到亚马逊购买 世界旅行与探险经典译丛(《极北直驱》属于这个系列) 点击到亚马逊购买 Kindle电子书阅读器未来也会为大家推荐有趣的电子书 Add to Favorites You need to login to post comment HAZE by C&C Design gooood archive: Most Commented of <2015 Jul. Aug. Sep.> Edge at 30 Hudson Yards about to Open in March 2020
2023-07-09 01:04:211

联盟新英雄凯隐有句台词是啥用鲜血装饰墙壁 那句话咋说的啊

2023-07-09 01:04:282


2023-07-09 01:04:373


2023-07-09 01:05:002


2023-07-09 01:07:516


我活在影子里光 都是别人的
2023-07-09 01:08:084


楽曲 サンプリング楽曲 夜空 BUDDHA BRAND「人间発电所」(1995年) ディア ロンリーガール マーヴィンu30fbゲイ「Sexual Healing」(1982年)佐东由梨「ロンリーu30fbガール」(1983年)ECD「ECDのロンリーガール feat. K DUB SHINE」(1997年) ジョウネツ UA「情热」(1995年) My Life DeBarge 「Stay With Me 」(1983) for so long m-flo「been so long」(1999年) for so long PART II  So gooood RIP SLYME「One」(2001年) ミシェル ~爱のテーマRemix~ 「ルパン三世 爱のテーマ」(1997年) このままずっと朝まで Tanto Metro & Devonte「Everyone Falls In Love」(1998年) FUTURECHECKA feat. SIMON, COMA-CHI & TARO SOUL アースu30fbウィンドu30fbアンドu30fbファイアー「Brazilian Rhyme」(1977年)ZEEBRA& KEN-BO「PARTEECHECKA」(1998年) 19 Memories 安室奈美恵「SWEET 19 BLUES」(1996年) 恋シテル Shanice「I Love Your Smile」(1991年) 爱が消えた日 T.O.K.「I Believe」(2001年)Blessid Union of Souls「I Believe」(1995年) X.O.X.O. ロビンソン BABY!BABY!BABY! THE BLUE HEARTS「リンダリンダ」 CMdwango「レペゼン着ラップ」(2004年)MIRAI Tokyo(InterFM/2004年)KUNOICHI STYLE(NORTH WAVE/月曜日/2004年10月4日~2006年10月30日)ミリヤLOCKS!(TOKYO FM/月曜日/2009年6月15日~2010年3月29日) 曲名 タイアップ 夜空 テレビ东京系「流派-R」オープニングテーマ Never let go テレビ东京系「流派-R」オープニングテーマ Beautiful ロッテ「ピュアホワイトガム」CMソング テレビ东京系「流派-R」オープニングテーマ  ディア ロンリーガール ネット配信映画「ロンリーガール」主题歌 フジテレビ系「HEY!HEY!HEY!MUSIC CHAMP」エンディングテーマ  Dreaming under the moon テレビ东京系アニメ「冒険王ビィト」エンディングテーマ Don"t stop! テレビ东京系「流派-R」オープニングテーマ ソツギョウ テレビ东京系「流派-R」オープニングテーマ Caught up カメリアダイヤモンドCMソング Last Summer テレビ东京系「流派-R」オープニングテーマ dwango「いろメロミックスDX」CMソング  ミシェル 日本テレビ系アニメ「ルパン三世 セブンデイズu30fbラプソディ」主题歌 I WILL 松竹配给映画「オトシモノ」主题歌 テレビ东京系「流派-R」オープニングテーマ  Eyes on you 东宝配给映画「バブルへGO!! タイムマシンはドラム式」主题歌 dwango「いろメロミックスDX」CMソング  このままずっと朝まで テレビ东京系「流派-R」オープニングテーマ テレビ东京系「流派-R」エンディングテーマ  dwango「いろメロミックスDX」CMソング  忘れないから dwango「いろメロミックスDX」CMソング My Girl feat. COLOR フジテレビ系ドラマ「花嫁とパパ」エンディングテーマ Love is... 毎日放送u30fbTBS系アニメ「地球へ…」エンディングテーマ テレビ东京系「流派-R」エンディングテーマ  FUTURECHECKAfeat. SIMON, COMA-CHI & TARO SOUL テレビ东京系「流派-R」オープニングテーマ 19 Memories テレビ东京系「流派-R」オープニングテーマ dwango「いろメロミックスDX」CMソング  20 -CRY- ケータイ音楽ドラマ「20 -CRY-」主题歌 People auLISMOドラマ「婚前特急 -ジンセイは17から-」主题歌 Destiny アスミックu30fbエース=角川配给映画「ニュームーン/トワイライトu30fbサーガ」イメージソング BYE BYE TBS系「COUNT DOWN TV」オープニングテーマ勇者たち 书籍 2010/9/28 初のファッションブック MILIYAH 300 STYLES 2011/9/22 初めての小说 生まれたままの私を 2011/9/16 自创时尚品牌专刊 KAWI JAMELE (e-MOOK)
2023-07-09 01:08:421


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2023-07-09 01:09:212


Linux系统和其他操作系统一样,都是模块化的设计,也就是说功能互相依靠,有些功能需要一些其他功能来支撑,这样可以提高代码的可重用性:大部分依赖包都是一些库文件,有动态库也有静态库,一个程序的依赖包如果没有安装,只安装了这个程序本身是不能使用。对于这个程序A来说,它需要依赖一些程序,这些程序本身有些功能可以完成A的部分操作,因为这些依赖程序已经写好了功能,不需要A程序再单独写一遍相应的功能,于是就可以借用这些依赖程序。大体就是这样,正如linux c编程中的数学库等,libm.so库文件中就定义了一些数学运算等。大体就是这样~~Gooood luck and 国庆快乐~~~
2023-07-09 01:09:301


怎么玩牌运气好 1、要有结题思维,在纷乱复杂中找到方向。 2、不要把玩牌看的太重,只是仅仅是娱乐。 3、放宽心态,如果运气不好的时候,可以四处走走 4、在红绳周家官网一对一专门订一根招偏财运的红绳,经常佩戴(如果订不到可以订一根其它的水蕴类的先戴戴,养养运)。 5、向运气好的人学习技术和气势。 6、玩牌之前要先想到输了你怎么办,给自己做一个止损,然后再想自己赢了怎么办! 7、最好还是不要玩了,多抽时间学习、工作、陪伴家人。 首先,觉得自己运气差时,一定要收手不要在打了,真的会一直输下去的,有时要相信自己的感觉。我自己有时感觉自己运气不好时,我只会看不会下场。 其次,七分手气,三分牌技。牌技好很重要!有时候没有运气,有牌技也能压身。 运气不好,可以到红绳周家一对一的定制一根招偏财运的吉祥物手炼。 然后,打牌要打出自己的节奏和气势。 最后,玩牌是娱乐,千万不要沉迷。 怎样才能打牌运气好 说起运气似乎很玄,其实你可以把它当成一种心理暗示。有助于你打牌的时候不慌不急。更容易取得胜利。比如:你可以带你认为幸运的东西,颜色也挑自己喜欢的,还可以把枕头竖起(这是岳母的招数,我试着还不错哟)遇到困难的牌局,可以借尿遁,这都是让自己冷静的法子。呵呵希望你喜欢。 做了爱打牌运气好吗? 打麻将是一门技术, 从理论的高度讲,它包括运筹学,逻辑学,概率论,组合排列学等,还包括后黑学等人文科学。 要打好麻将,需要做到以下: 1、首先学习麻将各类规则,掌握基本技巧,手、眼结合,做到眼观六路,耳听八方。 2、形成自己的擅长技术和预判能力,比如根据起牌,预判胡牌的牌型、根据其余三家的出牌情况,算计出他手上的牌型等 3、参加比赛,和不同打法的选手过招,提高自己的水平。 4、有好的比赛策略,因时制宜,随机应变,包括知己知彼的战术、或攻或守的方法、流局策略等。 在打牌过程中,时刻提醒自己要做到: 看住下家,盯着对家,防著上家。 眼观六路,耳听八方,机动灵活。 忌患得患失、忌刻意贪大 根据他吃牌碰牌的情况,估计他欲胡的牌型 根据他报停后的出牌情况,估计出他欲胡的牌 呵呵,在 打麻将时,也会 输,分析输的原因有许多,但基本有3种, 一是有一段时间运气特别差,打麻将的规律好像是新手初打时,手气很旺;有了一定基础后,就开始手背,总是输,等越过这个瓶颈期、提高到一个层次后,就旺背平衡了。 二 是心理问题,打起牌来,患得患失,既想胡大牌还想控制住其余三家,也就是打牌的策略不对。 三是对手出千。 除去对手出千的因素,遇见手背这种情况,可以 1、休息几天,看看书、打打球,分散一下精神,调整一下思维。 2、如果在麻将桌上还是背牌,说明运气已经转向别人,这时需要扰乱 气场,一定要乱打(俗话说胡吃乱碰),但前提是自己 不能轻易点炮,争取黄庄,努力将气场打乱,你才有可能让运气再回到你这里。同时,即使是胡吃乱碰,却不可自乱了阵脚。 麻将打的 是一种境界,是一种平稳的心态,手背时呵呵一笑,手顺时也不张扬。即不以物喜、不以己悲、不看重一时的得失。这也是成为麻将高手的必经之路。 每月哪天打牌运气好 改变运程的18种方法: 1、默默无闻地努力工作。运气好的人专注于行动,他们把时间花费在重要的事情上,而非自夸和炫耀。他们总是专注于更好的工作表现。 2、与积极乐观的人相处。 3、每一天向自己的头脑中注入积极的想法。有时我们可能会随机地想到一些消极的想法,然后它们给我们的行动产生了负面的影响。有意识地去选择正确的语言和行动要求我们有意识去选择正确的思想。比如,每天清晨醒来时对自己说,“每一天,不论从哪一个方面来看,我都变得越来越好。” 4、不要想太多,立刻行动。对面前的选择举棋不定,这是许多人经常会碰到的情况。事实上,最糟糕的决定是不做决定。成功来自于好的判断;好的判断来自于经验;经验来自于糟糕的判断。所以,即便你现在作出了一个糟糕的判断,它最终会将你引向好的判断力,只要你吸取了教训。 5、有一个明确和清晰的目标。运气好的人有一个极其明确的目标。并且不论发生什么,他们都会始终如一地紧盯他们的既定目标。 6、接纳不完美。他们不会说,“现在不是最佳时机”。但他们会说,“此时此刻是最好的时机。”他们知道对的时候永远不会自动向他们走来,他们会立刻去创造最好的时机。 7、不去在乎别人的批评。运气好的人不会受到反对者、怀疑者或憎恨者的言语的分心。他们不允许消极的想法影响他们的头脑。他们积极地去尝试和进步。 8、多听从自己内心的指引。运气好的人常常受到他们的情绪的激励。思考是很重要的,但我们常常要依靠我们的内心来为自己指明方向。当我们面对难题时,我们的思考与我们的感受常会产生冲突,运气好的人趋向于听从他们的内心而非他们的头脑的指引。 9、专注于结果,而非计划。计划会发生改变。突发事件可能会让最好的计划泡汤。但结果不会。快乐的婚姻,聪明的孩子,有意义的工作和事业有成——这些通常是我们不变的目标。 10、采取大量行动。运气好的人勇于尝试,即便他们可能会失败。他们不会按兵不动,而是经常去尝试直到一切变得清晰明了。 11、不论何时都乐意与他人交流。运气好的人会热情欢迎任何愿意倾听他们的想法的人,并与他们畅谈自己的想法。往往一个想法会指向另一个新想法。 12、每一天都专注于当天。放下过去并专注于当下时刻,运气好的人把他们的精力放在此时此刻他们能够改变的事情上。他们不担忧昨天或明天。 13、战胜困难的坚定信念。运气好的人也会遇到挫折,但他们会继续前进,因为他们坚信只要坚持到底他们就能从失败中走出来并取得自己想要的结果。 14、相信自己。他们不自负。运气好的人相信我们每一个都拥有强大的内心力量,这种韧性力量能够让我们取得伟大的成就。 15、充满好奇心。他们会向任何认识的人询问一些关于简单的事情的问题。他们渴望理解事物的运作原理。他们是刨根问底的探索者。他们欢迎新的想法,理念或观点。 16、心怀感激。运气好的人把生活看作一份礼物,他们做事时总是怀着一颗感激之心。 17、承认自己并不聪明绝顶。运气好的人通过不停的尝试去学习新的东西并变得更加聪明。他们承认自己的缺点和错误,并能马上吸取教训和继续前进。他们知道生活中的幸福与成功来自于持续的学习。 18、服务别人、帮助别人。运气好的人不论在工作上还是个人生活中都非常慷慨地去帮助别人和服务别人。他们知道全力去帮助别人获得他们想要的东西,自己的需求也将会得到满足。 梦见花打牌运气好不好 你好: 俗话说:梦是心头想。思虑过多或担心过度、或休息不好等都会导致做梦。 希腊哲人柏拉图曾说:“好人做梦,坏人做恶。你做梦说明你是个好人。 噩梦醒来是早晨,醒了一切都是新的,不必再为梦境困扰才是聪明的。 梦在很多时候是没有意义的。 了解《周公解梦》的朋友可能会发现,梦见同一个东西,书里记载的含义可能有几种,或者有吉有凶。这并非说这书有什么不对,只是梦的含义本来就有很多。那么,我们要关心的是: 我们应该相信《周公解梦》的解释吗? 答案显然是否定。我们对它要理性客观对待,尽信书不如无书。 近现代心理学的研究(比如佛洛伊德、荣格等人的研究)已经帮我们剥离了关于梦的神秘外衣,梦大部分(之所以说大部分,是因为的确有少数梦涉及到一些难以解释的超自然现象,比如一些很灵验的托梦、预见性的梦等)都是心理学现象,是人潜意识的种种反应。 现代科学知识认为:睡觉的不同姿势会做不同的类似梦,比如腿的姿势不对会不会奔跑,手压住了心脏部位会做噩梦,甚至梦魇等。 建议以后睡觉改个好的姿势就会摆脱很多梦的纠缠。 最后祝你睡眠安稳,坏梦遇好事,好梦总成真,开心快乐迎接每一天。 属牛今天打牌运气好吗 打牌,打牌有3要素。1是运气,2是手法,3是道具。如果你是经常打牌的这3要素必须要适当的了解,别被人骗了都还不知道。打牌真的不能迷信。 觉得回答可以的话就采纳。 属兔的今年打牌运气好不 你好亲, 斗数世家愿为您带来希望,但是不会给人不该有的希望。无事不占,这点切记。 真的需要的人自会追问我,我没有心情去给娱乐心理的人解答。 还有,把问题一次性找权威的人去问,省的越问越糊涂。 个人水平有限,但是用紫微斗数看大方向还是不会错的,除非你提供的资讯有误。 若要靠谱的答案,最好是根据八字 斗数等精密成熟的术数进行预测 你提供的资讯不够 请核对补全,才有人能帮你解答: 性别 出生地 出生年月日时 并注明公历农历 及是否有夏令时。 gooood luckkk!
2023-07-09 01:09:371


2023-07-09 01:09:471


有你真好有你我会感到开心,有你我会感到快乐,有你我会感到我进步。老师,有你真好。  我的小学老师是廖老师,我总感觉她是那么亲切,那么和蔼可亲。您对我们非常好,每天的深夜,总能看到您的办公室的灯还亮着,偶尔还能听见几声咳嗽声因此您戴上了眼镜,患上了支气管炎。  在我的小学时光里,我总能听见两种声音交织在我耳边“这是你写的作文吗?真棒”,“小心,不要骄傲,注意,要谦虚,要总结,提高”。  在下课的时候,您就是一本笑话书。您有一次给我们讲了一个笑话,您说笑话不能只是笑一笑,这一笑要笑得有价值,那次您给我们讲了一个笑话您说:“来福第一次到香港,有一次他去坐公车,香港的公车不是都有二层的吗?一上车司机就对他说请坐上面,于是来福就走到上面,可是过了一会,来福又走了下来,司机看到就又对他说请坐上面好吗,下面已经满了。于是来福又走到上面,可是过了一分钟,司机又看到来福走了下来,这次司机就对他说我不是叫你坐上面的吗?来福就对司机说你不要骗我了,上面根本就没有司机。”您让我们在笑中享受快乐,在笑中与您分享时光,让我们在笑中学到知识。这个笑话让我明白了,我们不能做井底之蛙,要多与别人交流,要多出去广阔视野。在上课时您也经常给我们讲知识笑话,对这堂课有用的笑话,经常说:“好,这笑一下好,这笑一下就记住了”谢谢您廖老师,又让我多掌握了知识。老师,有你的日子真好。  在上课是您就是一本语文书。abc我所学的知识,都是您一点一滴的贯彻到我的脑海里。我非常感谢您。记得那节语文课,你正在发高烧,但您坚持上课,记得您那句话,让我深深的打心眼里佩服您,您说:“你们是朝阳:你们是祖国的花朵:你们是祖国的希望:你们是祖国的栋梁。而我只是夕阳,夕阳怎能比的上朝霞呢?所以,就算我得上了绝症也不能耽误你们,何况是小小的高烧呢。”这句话多么有深意,多么感动人,多么伟大啊。老师,有你的日子真好。  在平常,您就是一本思想品德书,教我们如何做人。您经常说:“我们要讲品德,这样才能在竞争激烈的社会上脱颖而出。你跟人做生意,别人就会说‘恩,这个人品德很高,值得教朋友"。总之,品德很重要,你品德好,就迈出了人生的第一步”您的话我现在已经深深的记住了,我现在知道了品德多么重要,谢谢您,伟大的老师,谢谢您教会了我怎样做人。老师,有你的日子真好。  廖老师,您就像一只红烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了我们。让我对您致以最崇高的敬意,让我在次说声:“老师,有你的日子真好,您真伟大。”我们永远记住一个光辉的名字从那一刻开始; 友情的纽带,或许会因为情绪激动而紧绷,但绝不可折断. 我们断了么? 我们经常因为小事吵架 那时候,我和你说话你总装作没有听到除非是学习上的事情,不然不会和我说话像是陌生人一样。 从那一刻开始,我们的友情松懈了。 友谊是什么?我似乎已经越来越不明白,我迷茫了,可有在努力寻求,寻求那曾经最美的的碎片!  多少年来有多少人问过同一个问题!  碗碎了,那还能粘好吗?曾经的答案是不可以的,但随着科技的提高没有什么是做不到的,可那不是现在。还有一部分人说:“碗碎了自然不要,还管它能不能粘好!”  可能就是因为太普通了吧,以至于让人忘记,也许就是这样,我随着那晶莹的碎片一同“飞流直下三千尺”,进入了无底黑洞,可我却用最后一束光芒照耀了我曾经最信任~最爱人的脸庞,虽然他们没有感受到!!!!!!  心碎了还能粘好吗?我伤了爱我的人,在犯下错误的那一刻,就注定我是——千古罪人。晚了,一切都晚了,当我们彼此许下那最深的“诺言”时,友谊这个词已经从我的世界消失了,无影无踪!!!!!!  由当初的海誓山盟,到现在的彼此凶视;由当初的知心好友到现在的形同陌路。匆匆的相识;短短的相聚;茫然的争打,已经让人分不清友谊的意义。 就像培根说:把痛苦告诉给你的知心朋友,痛苦就会减半,友谊的作用就是这么神奇:这是真的么?我却不敢去做......  正当我沉醉的时候,朋友要了我一口:“不管你在想什么,那也不是现在的事!”一句话惊醒梦中人,我只好把沉沉的思绪藏在心底!一路有你烂漫的童年,有父母无微不至的呵护,有动画奇思妙想的精彩,有小伙伴嬉笑打闹的稚真,有洋娃娃安静可人的陪伴……更有书本包罗万象引人深思带来的成长。阅读,一路有你。“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。”“黑云翻墨未遮山,白雨跳珠乱入船。”“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。”“日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。”……数不胜数的优美诗句,一展中国的大好河山,使每一个中国人都为之骄傲。阅读,让我在惊叹中欣赏祖国。“桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。”悲伤之时,有朋友倾听;失意之时,有朋友鼓励;遇挫之时,有朋友依靠。朋友,是点亮人孤独内心的火炬,总在需要之时,给予最为重要的一臂之力。有了星期五的陪伴,鲁滨逊才能在孤岛上更为乐观坚强地生活下去;有了路路通的跟随,福格先生才能超乎想象地八十天环游地球;有了华生的舍命支持;福尔摩斯才能一次又一次与邪恶斗争到底……阅读,让我在书海中明白友谊。“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。”那个最初见证你的微笑你的哭泣,聆听你第一句话语,看着你从爬变走最后小跑起来的人,是母亲。那个为你的成功而欢笑,为你的成长而落泪,为你的快乐而快乐的人,是母亲。那个在你困惑时痛苦时,甚至落败、问题缠身时也一直陪在你身旁的人,是母亲。母亲,为冰心挡去心中的雨点;母亲,三迁成就了最后的大思想家孟子;母亲, 一朵金色花化在泰戈尔心中永恒灿烂……阅读,让我在感动中懂得亲情。“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。”志向,往往能最终成就一个人。没有志向的人,只是一具行尸走肉,无所事事地游荡在世界。而有了远大的志向,往往能带领我们去往一个成功的彼岸。“为中华崛起而读书”少年周恩来的思考,让他成为中国历史上必不可少的重要领导人;“老骥伏枥,志在千里。”暮年曹操,雄心不改当年……阅读,让我在思考中拥有抱负。“此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻。”笔,往往是最有力的武器,它总是潜入人的心中,给予其最强劲的冲击。讽刺的语调揭露整个真实的黑暗的社会,犀利的笔触发起震天撼地的呐喊,让有良知的人们得到觉醒。左拉《陪衬人》的完美讥讽,更让人了解到上流社会的虚荣;鲁迅“横眉冷对千夫指”,弃医从文,以其深入人心的语言引起了整个社会的深思;维克多u2022雨果致巴特雷上尉的信中对“圆明园中两个强盗”的呵斥,也让人深深感受到那英法联军的可耻;蒲松龄、列夫u2022托尔斯泰等等作家也亦复如是……阅读,让我在辩证中认清社会。 “至今思项羽,不肯过江东。”祖国,那是一个人内心永不可磨灭的印记。她不知曾多少次地成为一个个爱国者生命、奋斗的意义。我记得李大钊在艰难国运中建造祖国所体味到的人生美趣;我记得雅典联军在面对波斯大军时为了名族而战的马拉松长跑;我记得中国狙击手将碉堡门用水泥封死,进去就不再打算返回的视死如归……阅读,让我在震撼中热爱祖国。保尔钢铁般不屈的意志,海伦阳光般乐观的心灵,思嘉叛逆但却对一切负责任的作风……都无时不刻地感染着我。成长的路上,有阅读为伴,有书本相随,真好。我学会了独立,在路上曾经那个(曾经)自信而又自负的你,不知从何时起,也开始承认自己不如别人了。还记得童年的你吧?童年的你,虽是十分幼稚,却也是最天真无邪的。童年的你,整天依偎在奶奶的怀里,并不停的嚷嚷“我要考北大,我要考清华…..(”)而在现在的你看来,那却是最无知,最幼稚的….. (成长的变化总是在悄无声息地进行着,有时它会让身处其中的人忘却了它原来的面貌:童真。)现在的你,英语成绩很差,于是听了父母的话,上了英语补习班。就这样,没有了属于自己的假期,终日徘徊在家与学校之间,(好句)一次又一次地重复着……你也很清楚,每天,当大家坐在明亮而又宽敞的教室里听老师讲课,你却发呆了,虽然人在座位上,可你的魂魄早已遨游世界,遨游在五洲之上了……此时,你就会想到父母对自己的期望,又把心思转移到课题上,可不一会儿,你又走神了……一次又一次的折磨,你说,那真的是痛苦极了。 (写出了成长中的烦恼)也不知从什么时候起,你发现,你不再是从前的你了,于是你慌了,开始竭尽全力地想找回以往的自己,可到最后,一切,都只是徒劳罢了……还记得从前的你吧,活泼好动,是爷爷奶奶的“开心果”。也许,时间真的可以改变一个人,现在的你,变了……变得不喜欢和同学交往了,变得孤言寡语了,变得淡定了,但也更加成熟稳重了。是啊,现实生活是残酷的,太多的压力都施加在一个15岁的少年身上,于是,你不得不变得成熟了。还记得你说过,那压力似一条包袱,沉重沉重的,压在肩上,让你喘不过气来……而多少的似水年华,也都在这一刻,悄然逝去…… (诗化的语言透射出内心的矛盾,其实你应该告诉读者是什么压力。)你发现,有时,时间就像一瓶洗涤剂,它的流逝,冲淡了一切,也冲淡了友情,而且冲得一干二净……昔日的伙伴,知己,包括一切,似乎都成了过眼烟云。每当和好朋友碰面时,很想向对方吐出一句“你好,好久不见了”,然后再聊聊往事,可望着对方那冷漠的表情,不禁地,又把这些话通通(全)都咽了下去。你说,有时候,那真的很伤人心。也许,这,就像一个人所问的那样吧,“感情的实质是什么?”是啊,有时,你也会问问自己,“感情的实质究竟是什么?”可至今,你都仍未找到合适的答案。你说,就把它埋在心底吧,就像是一个谜,总有一天,你会知道谜底的…… (岁月的足迹覆盖了昨日的旧容,也带来了年少时的迷惑。)有太多的心事了,终日,你的脸上也未出现过一丝发自内心的笑容……直至一天晚上,你站在学校的走廊,一副奇趣自然的景观映入你的眼帘,那是两颗闪闪发光的星星,位于月亮的左上方,恰好组成了一个笑脸。(^_^)终于,你,木然地笑了。 (今年的这个自然景观我也看过,作者在文尾的引用则意味深长。)
2023-07-09 01:10:101


what is your favourite city in china?Qidao is my favorite city in all over China.Next i will give a few of reasons about this.First Qidao has clear water ,fresh air and cleaning environment. these are good for people"s health.If I have a chance to travel,I will choose Qingdao as my destination. 威尔Second Qidao is a modern city in my mind,there people have many chances for jobs, if i graduate from school,i will choose Qingdao as my work place.Third,I like the sea and swimming in the sea. Qingdao is an interesting place for travelling for ;‘
2023-07-09 01:10:214

你对 2022 年北京冬奥会有什么期待?

2023-07-09 01:10:386


本来应该就是可用的。但是在强光条件下它会自动关闭。光线暗一点就可以了。f5 f6调解键盘灯不需要按着fn键来调节。直接按就可以了。
2023-07-09 01:16:454


2023-07-09 01:17:585


2023-07-09 01:18:311


2023-07-09 01:18:393


凯隐:你会证明值得吗?(will you prove worthy?)拉亚斯特:可能不会...(probably not...)凯隐:弱者的阴影(the weak fearthe shadows)拉亚斯特:恐惧控制着他们(fear controls them)凯隐:这是为了劫(that was for zed)凯隐:只是第一个死了,还会有更多的(merely the first to die,there will be more)拉亚斯特:哦~这感觉很好(ooohhh,that felt gooood)
2023-07-09 01:18:482


2023-07-09 01:19:045


Elliot: He"s a man from outer space and we"re taking him to his spaceship. Greg: Well, can"t he just beam up? Elliot: This is REALITY, Greg. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.T.: E.T. phone home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: How do you explain school to a higher intelligence? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: Maybe it was an iguana. Elliot: It was NO iguana. Michael: You know how they say there are alligators in the sewers? Gertie: Alligators in the sewers. Mary: All we"re trying to say is, maybe you just probably imagined it. Elliot: I couldn"t have imagined it! Michael: Maybe it was a pervert or a deformed kid or something. Gertie: A deformed kid. Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun? Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis-breath! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun. Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis breath! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mary: If you ever see it again, whatever it is, don"t catch it, just call me and we"ll call somebody and have them take it away. Gertie: Like the dogcatcher? Elliot: But they"ll give it a lobotomy or do experiments on it or something. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: Maybe he"s some animal that wasn"t supposed to live. Could be a monkey or an orangutan. Elliot: A bald monkey? Gertie: Is he a pig? He sure eats like one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: You could be happy here, I could take care of you. I wouldn"t let anybody hurt you. We could grow up together, E.T. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keys: Elliot, that machine, what does it do? Elliot: The communicator? Is it still working? Keys: It"s doing *something*. What? Elliot: I really shouldn"t tell. He came to me, he came to me. Keys: Elliot, he came to me too. I"ve been wishing for this since I was 10 years old, I don"t want him to die. What can we do that we"re not already doing? Elliot: He needs to go home, he"s calling his people, and I don"t know where they are, and he needs to go home. Keys: Elliot, I don"t think he was left here intentionally, but his being here is a miracle, Elliot. It"s a miracle and you did the best that anybody could do. I"m glad he met you first. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: [Michael imitating Elliot] I found him, he belongs to me! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: You must be dead, because I don"t know how to feel. I can"t feel anything anymore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve: Did your goblin come back? Michael: Shut up. Greg: Well, did he? Elliot: Yeah, he came back. But he"s not a goblin. He"s a spaceman. Tyler: Ooh! An Extra-Terrestrial! Where"s he from? Uranus? Get it? Your anus? Greg: He doesn"t get it Ty. Tyler: Get it? Your anus? Greg: He doesn"t get it. Elliot: You"re so immature! Greg: And you"re such a sinus supremus. Elliot: Zero charisma! Greg: Sinus supremus! Elliot: Zero charisma! Greg: Sinus supremus! Elliot: Shut up Greg! Pretty Young Girl: Hi Elliott. Greg: Sinus supremus! Elliot: Zero charisma! Greg: You wimp! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyler: Douche bag. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mary: A pizza? Who said you guys could order a pizza? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyler: We made it! Oh shit! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: [as Yoda] "You have absolute power! Eerrp!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: What do I do? Michael: I don"t know. You have absolute power, remember? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: Oh, God! E.T.: Elliot. Elliot: What? E.T.: Elliot! Elliot! Gertie: I taught him how to talk. He can talk now. Elliot: Wait. Can you say "E.T."? E.T.? E.T.: E.T. Elliot: Aha! E.T.: E.T.! E.T.! E.T.! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: We"re all going to die and they"re never going to give me my license! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: Where"s the playground? Elliot: It"s near the preschool! Michael: Where"s that? Elliot: I don"t know streets! Mom always drives me! Michael: Son of a bitch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliott: I"m keeping him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mary hits E.T. with the refrigerator door] Gertie: Here he is. Mary: [absently] Who? Gertie: The man from the moon. But I think you"ve killed him already. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [after E.T. learns how to talk] Mary: Gertie, I"ve gotta go pick up Elliot from school. Gertie: Mama, he can talk! Mary: [thinking she meant Elliot] Of course he can talk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: I"ll believe in you all my life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [last lines] E.T.: Come... Elliot: Stay... E.T.: Ouch. Elliot: Ouch. E.T.: I"ll... be... right... here. Elliot: ...bye. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.T.: Be good. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.T.: [touching heart, about to leave Elliott forever] Ouuuuch! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [first lines] Steve: [reading dice] Five. Michael: Oh, great. Steve: So you got an arrow right in your chest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.T.: [steps on a bathroom scale, it reads 35 lbs] Elliot: 35 pounds? You"re fat! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: [upon encountering ET, running excitedly into the house] Mom, mom! There"s something out at me! Elliot: [starts chattering noisily to the other boys] What? Elliot: Quiet! [they obey, he speaks in a hushed tone] Elliot: *Nobody* go out there! Greg: [the boys all spring up excitedly] Ha! Ha! Ha! [they grab knives] Mary: Stop you guys, stay right here! Greg: You stay here, Mom, we"ll check it out! Mary: And put those knives back! [Elliot grabs her hands and pulls her outside as well] Mary: Okay, Elliott! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [the boys are telling Elliot to order the pizza] Tyler: Everything but the little fishies! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.T.: [saying good-bye to Gertie] Beeeeeee. Gooood. Gertie: [tearfully] Yes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [repeated line] Greg: Something is definitely happening... Tyler: Shut up, Greg. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mary: Michael, please do the dishes Michael: I set and cleared Elliot: *I* set and cleared Michael: [quickly] I did breakfast Gertie: I did breakfast Mary: [Mary slams a pot down on the sideboard] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: But, look, you can"t tell. Not even mom. Gertie: Why not? Elliot: Because grownups can"t see him. Only little kids can see him. Gertie: Give me a break!满意请采纳
2023-07-09 01:19:301

Black Butta 歌词

歌曲名:Black Butta歌手:张靓颖专辑:2007北京演唱会Black ButtaBeverley Knight----- For Jane Zhang -----Oh Yes, uh!Head down to my toes, everything is in placeMy cup overflows, mama"s settin" the paceTimes the only thing I needTo help you feel like it shouldJust a little peace of meSaid I aint nothing but gooood!-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switchI gets hot like a late night phone call-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switchI gets hot like a late night phone call-Nothin goes to waste, I still got it in spadesOnce you get a taste, you"ll be digging for daysI know exactly what to doI got this down to a TThis woman right in front of youIs all that I"ve ever been!-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switchI gets hot like a late night phone call-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switchI gets hot like a late night phone call-Got me excited, my fuses have blownYou got me delighted now, don"t leave me aloneYou got me ignited, I"m ready to blow!(Sweet black butta)So much energy, I got plenty in storeEveryone is scared of me, I have done this before!-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switch, uhI gets hot like a late night phone call-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switch, uhI gets hot like a late night phone call-I"m sweet (yeh) Black butta baby (spread it all over you)I"m sweet uh (yeh) Black butta baby (I"m nothing, I"m nothing)I"m sweet uh (yeh) Black butta baby (spread it all over you)I"m sweet sugar uh (yeh) Black butta baby (I"m nothing, I"m nothing)I"m sweet yes! (yeh) Black butta baby (spread it all over you)Oh I"m sweet (yeh), Black butta, butta baby, (I"m nothing, I"m nothin)...----- For Jane Zhang (kk.edit) -----
2023-07-09 01:19:371


英雄联盟最近公布了第137位英雄,名为凯隐。很多玩家想知道LOL凯隐台词有哪些,这里深空高玩为大家带来英雄联盟新英雄凯隐台词大全,大家一起来看看吧。LOL凯隐台词凯隐:你会证明值得吗?(will you prove worthy?)拉亚斯特:可能不会...(probably not...)凯隐:弱者的阴影(the weak fearthe shadows)拉亚斯特:恐惧控制着他们(fear controls them)凯隐:这是为了劫(that was for zed)凯隐:只是第一个死了,还会有更多的(merely the first to die,there will be more)拉亚斯特:哦~这感觉很好(ooohhh,that felt gooood)拉亚斯特:你永远不会忘记你的第一次杀戮,不,这是不正确的,我已经忘了(you never forget your first kill,nope thats not right,ive already forgotten it)凯隐:我的潜力已经实现了,劫。(my potential has been realized)拉亚斯特:收割开始了。(the reaping has begun)凯隐:这是第四个(thats four by my count)拉亚斯特:往后站,凯隐不知道这件事有多么致命(stand back!kayn doesnt know how deadly this thing gets)凯隐:你要怜悯,不是从我身上(you wanten mercy?not from me)拉亚斯特:哪里值得?(where are the worthy?)拉亚斯特:死亡和战争,这会很好吃的。(death and war,this will be delicious)拉亚斯特:我们找到了aatrox,这是谋杀一方的谋杀案(we find aatrox,and its a papty of murder,a murder paptr凯隐:我们在一起是不可阻挡的,劫(together we are unstoppable,zed)
2023-07-09 01:19:441


2023-07-09 01:19:511


Elliot: He"s a man from outer space and we"re taking him to his spaceship. Greg: Well, can"t he just beam up? Elliot: This is REALITY, Greg. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------E.T.: E.T. phone home. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elliot: How do you explain school to a higher intelligence? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael: Maybe it was an iguana. Elliot: It was NO iguana. Michael: You know how they say there are alligators in the sewers? Gertie: Alligators in the sewers. Mary: All we"re trying to say is, maybe you just probably imagined it. Elliot: I couldn"t have imagined it! Michael: Maybe it was a pervert or a deformed kid or something. Gertie: A deformed kid. Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun? Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis-breath! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun. Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis breath! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary: If you ever see it again, whatever it is, don"t catch it, just call me and we"ll call somebody and have them take it away. Gertie: Like the dogcatcher? Elliot: But they"ll give it a lobotomy or do experiments on it or something. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael: Maybe he"s some animal that wasn"t supposed to live. Could be a monkey or an orangutan. Elliot: A bald monkey? Gertie: Is he a pig? He sure eats like one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elliot: You could be happy here, I could take care of you. I wouldn"t let anybody hurt you. We could grow up together, E.T. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keys: Elliot, that machine, what does it do? Elliot: The communicator? Is it still working? Keys: It"s doing *something*. What? Elliot: I really shouldn"t tell. He came to me, he came to me. Keys: Elliot, he came to me too. I"ve been wishing for this since I was 10 years old, I don"t want him to die. What can we do that we"re not already doing? Elliot: He needs to go home, he"s calling his people, and I don"t know where they are, and he needs to go home. Keys: Elliot, I don"t think he was left here intentionally, but his being here is a miracle, Elliot. It"s a miracle and you did the best that anybody could do. I"m glad he met you first. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael: [Michael imitating Elliot] I found him, he belongs to me! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elliot: You must be dead, because I don"t know how to feel. I can"t feel anything anymore. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steve: Did your goblin come back? Michael: Shut up. Greg: Well, did he? Elliot: Yeah, he came back. But he"s not a goblin. He"s a spaceman. Tyler: Ooh! An Extra-Terrestrial! Where"s he from? Uranus? Get it? Your anus? Greg: He doesn"t get it Ty. Tyler: Get it? Your anus? Greg: He doesn"t get it. Elliot: You"re so immature! Greg: And you"re such a sinus supremus. Elliot: Zero charisma! Greg: Sinus supremus! Elliot: Zero charisma! Greg: Sinus supremus! Elliot: Shut up Greg! Pretty Young Girl: Hi Elliott. Greg: Sinus supremus! Elliot: Zero charisma! Greg: You wimp! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tyler: Douche bag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary: A pizza? Who said you guys could order a pizza? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tyler: We made it! Oh shit! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael: [as Yoda] "You have absolute power! Eerrp!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elliot: What do I do? Michael: I don"t know. You have absolute power, remember? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elliot: Oh, God! E.T.: Elliot. Elliot: What? E.T.: Elliot! Elliot! Gertie: I taught him how to talk. He can talk now. Elliot: Wait. Can you say "E.T."? E.T.? E.T.: E.T. Elliot: Aha! E.T.: E.T.! E.T.! E.T.! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael: We"re all going to die and they"re never going to give me my license! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael: Where"s the playground? Elliot: It"s near the preschool! Michael: Where"s that? Elliot: I don"t know streets! Mom always drives me! Michael: Son of a bitch. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elliott: I"m keeping him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Mary hits E.T. with the refrigerator door] Gertie: Here he is. Mary: [absently] Who? Gertie: The man from the moon. But I think you"ve killed him already. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[after E.T. learns how to talk] Mary: Gertie, I"ve gotta go pick up Elliot from school. Gertie: Mama, he can talk! Mary: [thinking she meant Elliot] Of course he can talk. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elliot: I"ll believe in you all my life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[last lines] E.T.: Come... Elliot: Stay... E.T.: Ouch. Elliot: Ouch. E.T.: I"ll... be... right... here. Elliot: ...bye. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------E.T.: Be good. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------E.T.: [touching heart, about to leave Elliott forever] Ouuuuch! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[first lines] Steve: [reading dice] Five. Michael: Oh, great. Steve: So you got an arrow right in your chest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------E.T.: [steps on a bathroom scale, it reads 35 lbs] Elliot: 35 pounds? You"re fat! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elliot: [upon encountering ET, running excitedly into the house] Mom, mom! There"s something out at me! Elliot: [starts chattering noisily to the other boys] What? Elliot: Quiet! [they obey, he speaks in a hushed tone] Elliot: *Nobody* go out there! Greg: [the boys all spring up excitedly] Ha! Ha! Ha! [they grab knives] Mary: Stop you guys, stay right here! Greg: You stay here, Mom, we"ll check it out! Mary: And put those knives back! [Elliot grabs her hands and pulls her outside as well] Mary: Okay, Elliott! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[the boys are telling Elliot to order the pizza] Tyler: Everything but the little fishies! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------E.T.: [saying good-bye to Gertie] Beeeeeee. Gooood. Gertie: [tearfully] Yes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[repeated line] Greg: Something is definitely happening... Tyler: Shut up, Greg. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary: Michael, please do the dishes Michael: I set and cleared Elliot: *I* set and cleared Michael: [quickly] I did breakfast Gertie: I did breakfast Mary: [Mary slams a pot down on the sideboard] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elliot: But, look, you can"t tell. Not even mom. Gertie: Why not? Elliot: Because grownups can"t see him. Only little kids can see him. Gertie: Give me a break!
2023-07-09 01:19:591

Cant Believe It 歌词

歌曲名:Cant Believe It歌手:T-Pain专辑:Thr33 RingzT-Pain Ft. Akon & Kardinal Offishall - Can"t Believe It (Konvict Remix)Kardinal Offishall:Man!!!Mi nuh know a wah do dem likkle dutty gal feel like yuh know T-Pain?!Kardinal Offishall, T-Pain, Konvict R-R-REMIX!!!!And all di man dem seh RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!Akon:Why you watchin me just do you (Come on dog?)Just do you (Just do you man) Just do youHehehehe!!!! Akon!!!!I know you see it, I ain"t no longer LonelyTell ya boyfriend to chill and relax when he see you rubbin all up on meeee-eehSo why he"s so heated? Damn, it just dawned on meCause if he was a G, baby just like me, we can head to ping-pong it (yeaaah)That makes me wond-a, when he gon" get you outta that Hond-aAnd put you in a car that you ain"t never heard of like Pagani ZondaAnd you could meet my MOTH-a, in the east, they call her Af-rica (Mama Africa)Betcha never seen a jungle from a leer jet, waitin "til you see how they greet ya (yeah)When you get to Senegaaaaaaal!!!! Senegaaaaaaal!!!!Senegaaaaaaal!!!! Senegaaaaaaal!!!!Oh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Oh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Kardinal Offishall:Hey gal let"s get it poppin, From Kingston to SlawsonRudebwoy check di bulletin, big copper big Jamaica to FultonMagnolia to Jersey, di gal a kiss it like a HersheyMi buddy bitter like Certs, seeMi nah bow so di gal dem a curse miCHO! From Kingston to Haiti, all a di badman rate mi (YEAH!!!!)Dem likkle pussyholes hate but dem niggas nah straightDat dem wifey waan date mi (Gunshot!)I got more gold than Usain (Bolt)Romp wid di Konvict crew oonu must be insaneDon"t touch Autotune if you ain"t T-PainCocksman Kardinal will never abstain, NO!!!!Oh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Oh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Man you don"t understand, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aahYeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ahShe hit the main stage, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah (yeah)Yeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah (yeah), yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ahT-Pain:I can put you in the condo, all the way up in TorontoBaby, put you in a fur coat, ridin the MurciélagoI put you in the beach house, right on the edge of Costa RicaPut one of them lil" flowers in your hair, have you lookin like a fly mamacita - fuego"Cause you look so GOOOOD, you make me wanna spend it all on yaGet up out this club, slide wit ya boy and we can do what you wanna - yeaaahBaby, I bought you in the back, "cause you need a lil" persuasionPlus you need a lil" ventilationLet"s talk about yoooooooooooou, and meeeeeeeeeeeOh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Oh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!T-Pain Ft. Akon & Kardinal Offishall - Can"t Believe It (Konvict Remix)
2023-07-09 01:20:132

cant belive it 歌词

I Lay My Love On You - Westlife
2023-07-09 01:20:202

one day,a train was approaching the…全文

One day, a train was approaching the small town of Cheekyville. On the train was a strange guy with a big suitcase. He was called William Warbler - the man, not the suitcase - and he looked very common indeed. What made him most unusual, though, was the fact that whenever he needed to communicate he did it by singing opera. It didn"t matter to William whether it was simply a matter of answering a brief greeting, like "good day". He would clear his voice and respond,"Gooood dayyy to youuuuuuuu..... tooOOOO!"It wouldn"t be unfair to say that almost everyone considered William Warbler a massive pain in the neck. No one could get a normal, spoken, word out of him. And, as no one knew how he made his living - and he lived quite simply, always wearing his same old second-hand suit - they often treated him with disdain.They made fun of his singing, calling him "Don No One", "Poor-Rotti", and "Lazy Miserables". William had been in Cheekyville for some years, when, one day, a rumour spread round town like wildfire: William had secured a role in a very important opera in the nation"s capital, and there were posters everywhere advertising the event. Everyone in the capital went to see it, and it was a great success. At the end of its run - to everyone in Cheekyville"s surprise - when William was being interviewed by reporters, he answered their questions by speaking rather than singing. And he did it with great courtesy, and with a clears and pleasant voice.From that day, William gave up singing at all hours. Now he did it only during his stage appearances and world tours. Some people suspected why he had changed, but others still had no idea, and continued believing him to be somewhat mad. They wouldn"t have thought so if they had seen what William kept in his big suitcase. It was a large stone, with a hand-carved message on it.The message said: "Practice, my boy. Practice every second, for you never know when your chance will come."Little did people realise that he only got the role in the opera because the director had heard William singing while out buying a newspaper.
2023-07-09 01:20:271

Get Lower (Feat. Bizzey) [Radio Edit] 歌词

歌曲名:Get Lower (Feat. Bizzey) [Radio Edit]歌手:Sandro Silva专辑:Get LowerGucci Mane (Feat. Selassie) - Get Low (Like A Lambo)Ey, D-J SpeedyYou a fool for this one, SelassieIce(Ice)We still rock steadyGucci Mane where you at?I"m not yo baby daddy, I"m your suga daddyToo much money on meI could buy you all drinks, everything is on meYou can smoke and eat free, Im in the V.I.PBaby come and see meG-U-double C- I, M-A-N-EIm so IcyYou done heard about meBut enough about meLets talk about weCome lie on my sheetsImma lay da UDLike a LamborghiniGirl you represents meAnd you must look cuteCuz you represent meI"m the president BillYou my HilaryBut you try to diss meImma call him whiskeyNeed a black lady independent Oprah WinfreyAsk Oprah Winfrey, has she heard about me?Spread the word about meIf you leave your plan A, i can be your plan B(Gucci)Like a lamboLike a lamboGet low to the earth like a lamboBaby stick yo hands up like a lamboGo slow, go fast like a lambo(She looks)Like a LamboLike a lamboBaby body banging harder than a lamboBaby put her hands up like a lamboShe remind me of a murcielagoLike a Lamborghini, shawty very priceyShe could be yo wifey, could say that shawty might beBut I think she like me, least I think she like G"sAll the G"s on her bag, how she couldnt like me? (Gucci)how she wouldnt like me, Yo man wanna bite meBut he should, now you runnin like a LamborghiniShawty fine as a scene jet beauty this week,she"s a top notch jet, but she"s a stone cold freakRiding Down to South Beach, Bout 4 or 5 drinksJumped in a lotto doors up you dont sayGucci mane Selassi girl we extra iceywanna owe it to Atlanta, pussy nigga dont sayImma pay like I weighEvery day my paydayEvery day our paydaywe in the LamborghiniImma pay like I weighEvery day my paydayEvery day our paydaywe in the LamborghiniLike a lamboLike a lamboGet low to the earth like a lamboBaby stick yo hands up like a lamboGo slow, go fast like a lambo(She looks)Like a LamboLike a lamboBaby body banging harder than a lamboBaby put her hands up like a lamboShe remind me of a murcielagoEy and she know she gooood(ey ey)when she Up in da hood (ey go girl)because she got that gooood( ey go girl)thats what they say in the hoodEy you can ask mister gucci, excuse mister iceyBaby girl young had sex wanted be yo wifeydress real priceyyo head gettin nice Bplus she said she got a girl who will like meLike a lamboLike a lamboGet low to the earth like a lamboBaby stick yo hands up like a lamboGo slow, go fast like a lambo(She looks)Like a LamboLike a lamboBaby body banging harder than a lamboBaby put her hands up like a lamboShe remind me of a murcielago
2023-07-09 01:20:531

High Note (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:High Note (Lp Version)歌手:Bugs Bunny专辑:Bugs Bunny On BroadwayMarques Houston - High Notesyea yeayeaaaayea yeayeaaaaaawwwawwwwohh ohhhigh notes..ill have you singing high notesahhh..marques houstonmatress bulistenmattress..sheets..bedpillows..feet..headstomach..toes..yeaaall the things that i neeeeed..aahhyou and me and a camerabetter yetgive me a pianacuz tonight imma have you singing in sopranoyea imma have you hittin thoeshigh notesohh ohhhhigh notesohh ohhh ohhigh notesohh ohh oh ohhhh oh ohhimma have u singing like you got mariah careyin your throathave you singing like you got some whitney houstonin your throathittin high notesohh oh ohh ohhhhhohhpushin..grabin..pullhold ittill itsfullhear you sayit feels so goooodthe little things that i neeeeedyou and meand some candelsbetter yetgive me a pianocuz tonight imma have you singin in sopranoyea imma have u hittinhigh notesohh ohhhhigh notesohh ohhh ohhigh notesohh ohh oh ohhhh oh ohhimma have u singing like you got mariah careyin your throathave you singing like you got some whitney houstonin your throathittin high notesohh oh ohh ohhhhhohhWe gonna make sweet musicMusic...Cuz Baby when we do itdo it...And I so excited you willYou willwe gonna make do itdo it...How we gonna make sweet musicCuz Baby when we do itdo it....And so excited too badtoo badWe gonna make do itdo it....ohh ohhhhigh notesohh ohhh ohhigh notesohh ohh ohhigh notesimma have u singing like you got mariah careyin your throathave you singing like you got some whitney houstonin your throathittin high notesohh oh ohh ohhhhhohh4ever R&B OR制作
2023-07-09 01:20:591

Black Butta 歌词

歌曲名:Black Butta歌手:Beverley Knight专辑:Music City SoulBlack ButtaBeverley Knight----- For Jane Zhang -----Oh Yes, uh!Head down to my toes, everything is in placeMy cup overflows, mama"s settin" the paceTimes the only thing I needTo help you feel like it shouldJust a little peace of meSaid I aint nothing but gooood!-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switchI gets hot like a late night phone call-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switchI gets hot like a late night phone call-Nothin goes to waste, I still got it in spadesOnce you get a taste, you"ll be digging for daysI know exactly what to doI got this down to a TThis woman right in front of youIs all that I"ve ever been!-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switchI gets hot like a late night phone call-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switchI gets hot like a late night phone call-Got me excited, my fuses have blownYou got me delighted now, don"t leave me aloneYou got me ignited, I"m ready to blow!(Sweet black butta)So much energy, I got plenty in storeEveryone is scared of me, I have done this before!-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switch, uhI gets hot like a late night phone call-I"m sweet black buttaI gets chilled like a water fallTurned on like a light switch, uhI gets hot like a late night phone call-I"m sweet (yeh) Black butta baby (spread it all over you)I"m sweet uh (yeh) Black butta baby (I"m nothing, I"m nothing)I"m sweet uh (yeh) Black butta baby (spread it all over you)I"m sweet sugar uh (yeh) Black butta baby (I"m nothing, I"m nothing)I"m sweet yes! (yeh) Black butta baby (spread it all over you)Oh I"m sweet (yeh), Black butta, butta baby, (I"m nothing, I"m nothin)...----- For Jane Zhang (kk.edit) -----
2023-07-09 01:21:141

有首歌的开头是一个貌似AKON的人说的一句话:She make me feel so good。后面也听起来很想AKON的歌.

这首??????t-pain的Cant Believe It Ft. Lil Wayne歌词she make me feel so good..better than i would by myself or..if i was with somebody elseyou don"t understandshe make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-aahuh, i can put you in a log, cabin.. somewhere in aspengurl, ain"t nuttin to the pain, ain"t trickinif you got it, what you askin.. forrr?put you in a mansion, somewhere in wis-cansonlike i said, ain"t nuttin to the pain,we can change the last name, what"s hap"nin?"cause you look so gooood,tell me why you wanna work herei put you on the front page of the king magazinebut you ogn" get yo"self hurt herehuh,"ey! baby, i bought you in the back just to have a conversationreally thank you need some ventilationlet"s talk about yoooooooooooou, and meeeeeeeeeeeoh, i can"t believe it!ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meman, man, i thank she want me, want menaw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!oh, i can"t believe it!ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meman, man, i thank she want me, want menaw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!man you don"t understand, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aahyeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ahshe hit the main stage, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah (yeah)yeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah (yeah), yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ahi can put you in the condo, all the way up in torontobaby, put you in a fur coat, ridin the murcielagoi put you in the beach house, right on the edge of costa ricaput one of them lil" flowers in your hair, have you lookin like a fly mamacita - fuego"cause you look so gooood, you make me wanna spend it all on yaget up out this club, slide wit ya boy and we can do what you wanna - yeaaahbaby, i bought you in the back,"cause you need a lil" persuasionplus you need a lil" ventilationlet"s talk about yoooooooooooou, and meeeeeeeeeeeoh, i can"t believe it!ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meman, man, i thank she want me, want menaw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!oh, i can"t believe it!ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meman, man, i thank she want me, want menaw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!man you don"t understand, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aahyeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ahshe hit the main stage, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah (yeah)she make the people say..ah, she make the people say..t-wayne, yah!now i can put"cho ass out,ohhh keep runnin yo" mouth, heheand if yo brothers keep trippin,i"ma show "em what these teardrops "bouthehe, shawty i was just playin,ohhh but i can take you to the caymen, islandshave you screamin,and hollerin when we makin - love on the beachthe people see what we doinaww, they pointin and ooh"inohh, but we gon" keep on doin, itlike it"s just me and you and no one else around
2023-07-09 01:21:211

Can T Believe 歌词

歌曲名:Can T Believe歌手:Foolish Things专辑:Let S Not Forget The StoryT-Pain - Can"t Believe It (Feat. Lil Wayne)She make me feel so GOOD..Better than I would by myself or..if I was with somebody elseYou don"t understandShe make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-aahUh, I can put you in a log, cabin.. somewhere in AspenGurl, ain"t nuttin to the Pain, ain"t trickinif you got it, what you askin.. forrr?Put you in a mansion, somewhere in Wis-cansonLike I said, ain"t nuttin to the Pain,we can change the last name, what"s hap"nin?"Cause you look so GOOOOD,tell me why you wanna work hereI put you on the front page of the King magazinebut you ogn" get yo"self hurt hereHuh, "ey! Baby, I bought you in the back just to have a conversationReally thank you need some ventilationLet"s talk about yoooooooooooou, and meeeeeeeeeeeOh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Oh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Man you don"t understand, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aahYeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ahShe hit the main stage, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah (yeah)Yeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah (yeah), yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ahI can put you in the condo, all the way up in TOrontoBaby, put you in a fur coat, ridin the MurcielagoI put you in the beach house, right on the edge of Costa RicaPut one of them lil" flowers in your hair, have you lookin like a fly mamacita - fuego"Cause you look so GOOOOD, you make me wanna spend it all on yaGet up out this club, slide wit ya boy and we can do what you wanna - yeaaahBaby, I bought you in the back, "cause you need a lil" persuasionPlus you need a lil" ventilationLet"s talk about yoooooooooooou, and meeeeeeeeeeeOh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Oh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Man you don"t understand, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aahYeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ahShe hit the main stage, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah (yeah)She make the people say..Ah, she make the people say..T-Wayne, yah!Now I can put"cho ass out,ohhh keep runnin yo" mouth, heheAnd if yo brothers keep trippin,I"ma show "em what these teardrops "boutHehe, shawty I was just playin,ohhh but I can take you to the Caymen, IslandsHave you screamin,and hollerin when we makin - love on the beachThe people see what we doinAww, they pointin and ooh"inOhh, but we gon" keep on doin, itlike it"s just me and you and no one else aroundIt went down on the balconyand I ain"t talkin no penthouse suiteShawty like a model out the Penthouse sheetsThat"s why I got her on my penthouse sheetsand oh I can"t believe it..Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Oh, I can"t believe it!Ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meMan, man, I thank she want me, want meNaw, I, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!Man you don"t understand, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aahYeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah, yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ahShe hit the main stage, she make the people say yeeeeeeea-aah (yeah)Yeeeeeeeeeeaa-aah (yeah), yeeeeeeeeeeaa-ah
2023-07-09 01:21:281

Get Lower (Feat. Bizzey) [Angger Dimas Jungle Swag Remix] 歌词

歌曲名:Get Lower (Feat. Bizzey) [Angger Dimas Jungle Swag Remix]歌手:Sandro Silva专辑:Get LowerGucci Mane (Feat. Selassie) - Get Low (Like A Lambo)Ey, D-J SpeedyYou a fool for this one, SelassieIce(Ice)We still rock steadyGucci Mane where you at?I"m not yo baby daddy, I"m your suga daddyToo much money on meI could buy you all drinks, everything is on meYou can smoke and eat free, Im in the V.I.PBaby come and see meG-U-double C- I, M-A-N-EIm so IcyYou done heard about meBut enough about meLets talk about weCome lie on my sheetsImma lay da UDLike a LamborghiniGirl you represents meAnd you must look cuteCuz you represent meI"m the president BillYou my HilaryBut you try to diss meImma call him whiskeyNeed a black lady independent Oprah WinfreyAsk Oprah Winfrey, has she heard about me?Spread the word about meIf you leave your plan A, i can be your plan B(Gucci)Like a lamboLike a lamboGet low to the earth like a lamboBaby stick yo hands up like a lamboGo slow, go fast like a lambo(She looks)Like a LamboLike a lamboBaby body banging harder than a lamboBaby put her hands up like a lamboShe remind me of a murcielagoLike a Lamborghini, shawty very priceyShe could be yo wifey, could say that shawty might beBut I think she like me, least I think she like G"sAll the G"s on her bag, how she couldnt like me? (Gucci)how she wouldnt like me, Yo man wanna bite meBut he should, now you runnin like a LamborghiniShawty fine as a scene jet beauty this week,she"s a top notch jet, but she"s a stone cold freakRiding Down to South Beach, Bout 4 or 5 drinksJumped in a lotto doors up you dont sayGucci mane Selassi girl we extra iceywanna owe it to Atlanta, pussy nigga dont sayImma pay like I weighEvery day my paydayEvery day our paydaywe in the LamborghiniImma pay like I weighEvery day my paydayEvery day our paydaywe in the LamborghiniLike a lamboLike a lamboGet low to the earth like a lamboBaby stick yo hands up like a lamboGo slow, go fast like a lambo(She looks)Like a LamboLike a lamboBaby body banging harder than a lamboBaby put her hands up like a lamboShe remind me of a murcielagoEy and she know she gooood(ey ey)when she Up in da hood (ey go girl)because she got that gooood( ey go girl)thats what they say in the hoodEy you can ask mister gucci, excuse mister iceyBaby girl young had sex wanted be yo wifeydress real priceyyo head gettin nice Bplus she said she got a girl who will like meLike a lamboLike a lamboGet low to the earth like a lamboBaby stick yo hands up like a lamboGo slow, go fast like a lambo(She looks)Like a LamboLike a lamboBaby body banging harder than a lamboBaby put her hands up like a lamboShe remind me of a murcielago
2023-07-09 01:21:351

有首歌的开头是一个貌似AKON的人说的一句话:She make me feel so good。后面也听起来很想AKON的歌.

您好!这首歌是这首t-pain唱的---《Cant Believe It Ft. Lil Wayne》she make me feel so good..better than i would by myself or..if i was with somebody elseyou don"t understandshe make the people say yeah。。。, yeah。。。uh, i can put you in a log, cabin.. somewhere in aspengurl, ain"t nuttin to the pain, ain"t trickinif you got it, what you askin.. forrr?put you in a mansion, somewhere in wis-cansonlike i said, ain"t nuttin to the pain,we can change the last name, what"s hap"nin?"cause you look so gooood,tell me why you wanna work herei put you on the front page of the king magazinebut you ogn" get yo"self hurt herehuh,"ey! baby, i bought you in the back just to have a conversationreally thank you need some ventilationlet"s talk about you, and me。。。oh, i can"t believe it!ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meman, man, i thank she want me, want menaw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!oh, i can"t believe it!ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meman, man, i thank she want me, want menaw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!man you don"t understand, she make the people say yeah。。。, yeah。。。she hit the main stage, she make the people say yeah。。。, yeah。。。i can put you in the condo, all the way up in torontobaby, put you in a fur coat, ridin the murcielagoi put you in the beach house, right on the edge of costa ricaput one of them lil" flowers in your hair, have you lookin like a fly mamacita - fuego"cause you look so gooood, you make me wanna spend it all on yaget up out this club, slide wit ya boy and we can do what you wanna - yeaaahbaby, i bought you in the back,"cause you need a lil" persuasionplus you need a lil" ventilationlet"s talk about you, and meoh, i can"t believe it!ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meman, man, i thank she want me, want menaw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!oh, i can"t believe it!ooh, ooh, she all on me, on meman, man, i thank she want me, want menaw, i, can"t leave her lonely, naaaaaw!man you don"t understand, she make the people say yeah。。。, yeah。。。she hit the main stage, she make the people say yeah。。。, yeah。。。she make the people say..ah, she make the people say..t-wayne, yah!now i can put"cho ass out,ohhh keep runnin yo" mouth, heheand if yo brothers keep trippin,i"ma show "em what these teardrops "bouthehe, shawty i was just playin,ohhh but i can take you to the caymen, islandshave you screamin,and hollerin when we makin - love on the beachthe people see what we doinaww, they pointin and ooh"inohh, but we gon" keep on doin, itlike it"s just me and you and no one else around
2023-07-09 01:21:531