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2023-07-09 08:03:43
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
The long-term earthquake prediction And short-term earthquake prediction, the long-term earthquake prediction can be achieved, mainly based on the fault of seismologists and geological structure of the study (Figure 4). The long-term earthquake prediction than the prediction of climate (long-term weather forecast) better, because the earthquake occurred in a certain place with a big geological structure, an 8 earthquake will not happen in the Ordos platform such as the stability of the geological unit . The human fault, and other geological studies have been hundreds of years of history and knowledge to provide the long-term earthquake prediction on the basis of the information. As for the prediction of climate, the wet weather next year, where the flood occurred, it is difficult to judge.这个是关于地震的长期预告的 我还有图 可不能发图 http://press.idoican.c*.cn/detail/articles/20080527040135/ http://natural-hazard.b******.com/2008/05/blog-post_28.html 这俩个网站的不错 虽然是中文的 找个在线翻译过来就行了



disasters英 [du026a"zɑ:stu0259z] 美 [du026a"zɑ:stu0259z]n.灾难( disaster的名词复数 ); 彻底的失败; 不幸; 祸患 Ecological disasters, such as the destruction of rainforest 雨林破坏等生态灾难
2023-07-08 23:48:502


2023-07-08 23:49:281

disaster 可数吗

2023-07-08 23:49:373

四个词语翻译成英文 想要专业一点的翻译

disaster-inducing factors,hazard-affected bodyhazard inducing environmentdisastrous situation
2023-07-08 23:49:442


flood洪水To cover or submerge with or as if with a flood; inundate:淹没;泛滥:以洪水或象以洪水似地覆盖或淹没;泛滥:earthquake地震A sudden movement of the earth"s crust caused by the release of stress accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity.thunderstorm雷暴 snowstorm暴风雪tornado/hurricane龙卷风 The town was hit by a tornado.tsunami海啸A very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.drought干旱areas of Africa affected by drought 遭受旱灾的非洲地区pestilence瘟疫We must get rid of these pestilential flies. 我们得把这些可恶的苍蝇消灭掉warfare战争guerrilla warfare游击战; chemical warfare化学战.constant spousal warfare in the household.家庭内无休止的夫妻争吵
2023-07-08 23:50:051


Natural Disasters-自然灾害 In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, sei *** ic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land. Now more and more people bee aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-pla time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have bee abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us. The earth is our only home-pla. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.   突然、是不可预测的。自然灾害通常是剧烈的,其破坏力极大。持续时间有长有短。灾难包括了很多因素,它们会引起受伤和死亡,巨大的财产损失以及相当程度的混乱。一次灾难事件持续时间越长,受害者受到的威胁就越大,事件的影响也就越大。另一个影响灾难程度的主要特征,是人们是否获得了足够的预警。 Suddenly, is unpredictable. Natural disasters is usually fierce, with great destructive power. The duration of a long short. Disaster, including a lot of factors that would cause injuries and deaths, huge property losses and a considerable degree of confusion. A disaster and the longer the duration of the incident, the victims are the greater the threat, the greater the impact of the incident. Another impact of the disaster extent of the main features is that people are getting the adequate warning.   naturaldisasters inthepasthundredyears,therehaveheenfrequentnaturaldisasters,suchasfloods,droughts,mud-rockflows,sei *** icseawaves,earthquakes,windstormsandthestretchingofnewdeserts.thedisastershavekilledmillionsuponmillionsofpeople,destroyedcountlesshomes,andwipedoutnumerouspiecesoffertileland. nowmoreandmorepeoplebeeawarethatthosedisastershavemuchtodowithwhaehavedootheearth.wehavecutdowntoomanytreesintheforests,wehavebadlypollutedtheenvironment,wehaveshockedourownhome-platimeandagainwithtremendouslypowerfulexplosionsofnuclearbombs.asaresult,climateshavebeeabnormal,rainwaterrushesdownhillsidesangrily,andtheundergroundenergygoesuptorevengeitselfonus. theearthisouronlyhome-pla.itisurgentforustostopdamagingit,andtodoourbesttoprotectitandmakeitalovelyplacesuitabletolivein,forwehavenowheretogoandsurviveexcepherewearenow.   a flood Do you know floods ? They are the No.1 natural killer . When a flood occurred , hourses were washed away , roads and villages were destoryed , crops were damaged and people were killed . It also caused huge economic damage . After a flood , many people donated money , food , clothes and so on through the Red Cross to send to the flooded areas . Floods are very the stuctive and horrible . So we need plant more trees to provent floods .
2023-07-08 23:50:121


In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land. Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us. The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.
2023-07-08 23:50:211


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找了几篇关于灾难的英语作文,仅供参考。A Flood Disaster A flood disaster took place in some areas in China. It had been raining all those days and never stopped, which led to the flood. The PLA men arrived immediately to rescue the villagers of the flooded areas. And they did their best to fight against the flood. They supplied the villagers with fresh vegetables and food. Some medical teams were organized to help them so that they could have healthy diet. Poisonous food and dead animals were not allowed to be eaten and the water must be cleared over and over again before being drunk. The doctors told them to pay special attention to their health. Some leaders of our country also inspected the areas. Supplies and money from all parts of our country were sent to those areas to support them. After a long time, everything went on very well. And that was a sign of victory. 洪灾 中国一些地区由于连日降雨,导致了洪灾。多亏解放军及时赶-到营救灾民。他们在抗洪中竭尽全力,给村民们供应了新鲜蔬菜和食品。一些临时组建的医疗队确保村民们能吃上卫生安全的食物。为了确保安全,有毒的食品和死亡的动物是禁止食用的,水在饮用之前也必须经过数次净化。医生们告诉灾民如何特别注意健康问题。国家领导人也视察灾区。全国各地的赈灾物资都被运往灾区救济灾民。一段时间后,灾区的一切都进展顺利,这预示着抗洪救灾取得了胜利。Attitude to natural disaster In recent years human being suffer from natural disasters frequently including floods, drought, earthquakes, typhoon and so on.As far as I am concerned, natural disasters are always sad to human being. Every time I heard about somewhere and some people are suffering from natural disaster I am sorry about the victims and mourn for every soul that passed away. However, on the one hand, natural disasters make people be fully aware of the mistakes of themselves and begin to rethink what we have done. Besides, we are woken up by natural disasters and gradually become a protector instead of a destroyer. On the other hand, it reminds us to treasure persons we love and even every person and creature. What if we meet with natural disasters? To protect ourselves, there are some tips as followed. Firstly, know some knowledge about major disasters. Secondly, make preparations for all kinds of disasters, for example, prepare enough food, water and necessary medicines. Thirdly, learn basic first aid knowledge for emergencies. Fourthly, foster a stronger, optimistic and brave heart so that you can conquer what is hard to receive. Only by these means can we survive in and get through those terrible disasters.So what about us?In conclusion, what we have done and what roles we play now are not important. The important thing is what we will have done and what roles we will play. So don"t sit around and please take steps to protect our environment then the natural disasters will be fewer and fewer. I believe we can live in harmony with nature. The same to you all.
2023-07-08 23:50:361

reflections. on. natural. disasters. 为主题的作文

那美丽的鲜花,因为有了绿叶的依偎,才显得清纯和鲜润;那蓝蓝的天空,因为有了白云的打扫,才显得静穆和安详;那宽广的大地,因为有了万物的拥吻,才显得和平和馨香.而一个人,一个家庭,一个社会,甚至一个国家,不也是因为互相依存,互相映衬,互相促进,一起共同发展,才呈现出那五彩斑斓的和谐吗?和谐犹如一幅画,好似一首歌曲.和谐产生美丽,和谐生发了力量. 和谐不是强行的,而是顺其自然的.不和谐的生活不会产生共鸣,无法演奏生活美好的乐章!和谐不是停滞,也不是凝固的,而是一种积极的前进的状态.在一个地方,今天和谐了,明天又会被新的矛盾所打破;我们又要做新的努力去争取达到新的更高的和谐. 和谐之美在于宽容.因为拥有宽容才有和谐.因为拥有宽容才有和谐.宽容是人类情感中的种子,她能在人类的心灵这片净土上扎根发芽,再爱的保护下茁壮的成长.宽容之心是多么伟大的,她能够熄灭怒火,她能感化邪恶播散善良,她能够无私奉献,从不计较.她让我们享受阳光一般的温暖.雨珠一般的滋润——宽容之和谐,竟妙不可言. 诚信是一颗珍贵的钻石,是和谐之美的结晶.诚信好过一支玫瑰,在花园之中,她是最美的,美得妍艳欲滴;美得热人心潮;美得高尚;美得完美无瑕.有了诚信之后,和谐的美足以体现了! 和谐之美绝不容忍名利所缚,只有淡泊名利才可以称为和谐之美.老鹰是为了搏击长空而在天空自由翱翔,而不是为了炫耀自己的羽翼因此无限的天空赐予了它自由快乐的空间;风帆只为乘风破浪而在海中搏击风雨,而不是夸耀自己的樯桅.因此浩瀚的大海给予了它豪壮宽阔的乐园.其实,你也一样,只要你用一颗平凡的心去看待,也会找到属于自己的星群! 有一种美,给生命带来温暖,和谐之美——无时无刻与我们现在,只是没有人留意到,而我却在无意中有所发现.我相信大家都听过这句话:“亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐.友谊是一种和谐的平等.” 生命之歌 我想唱首歌,这是一首生命之歌. 2003年7月7日,4时30分.我从信箱里匆匆取出《新民晚报》,如同往日一样,虽然临近考试,可看报仍是我多年的习惯.视线划过一版、二版、……十五版.猛然,眼前一亮:伊朗连体姐妹欲做分头手术!伴着一声惊叫,这对姐妹花的照片映入我的眼帘,除了一部分头骨连在一起外,她俩和普通人并无任何区别,只是两双略带忧郁的明亮大眼睛充满了对未来的憧憬.得知了她们已有29岁了,我又是一惊:她们哪来这么大的勇气?这手术可是九死一生啊!我真的替她们担心.面对死亡的威胁,姐妹俩都愿意把生的希望留给对方,这又是多么美丽的心灵! 7月8日.取到报纸,我打破常规,直接翻到了十五版.据我推断,这则新闻应有连续报道.果然不出所料,整个版面几乎都刊登了这则消息.然而,醒目的大字标题让我新一凉:手术遇到麻烦!我感到似乎周围的空气凝固了,只听见自己的心跳声.原来她们的头骨比预计的要厚,所以手术耗时要多一些,医生在切割时只能一毫米一毫米地进行.我简直比她们还要害怕,我能做的是,只有为她们祈祷,再祈祷. 7月9日.一到时间我就急地奔下了楼,快速取出报纸,我迫不及待地翻到了十五版.“啊,怎么会这样!”我失声大喊,几乎不相信自己的眼睛.可是报纸上却清清楚楚,写着这对姐妹花死亡的消息.顿时,鼻子一酸,我的脸颊上挂满晶莹的泪珠,姐妹俩的照片被放大后刊登在报纸上,然而她们那微笑却已成为一种永恒……连头姐妹在近三十年中克服种种困难,顽强生活的情景,飞速在我眼前闪过.如今,为了更灿烂的明天,她们付出了何等巨大的代价! 我真的想为这对姐妹花唱首歌,一支含着泪水唱出的美丽哀婉的歌,在为她们活出如此绚丽的生命乐章而骄傲的同时,祝福她们在去天国的路上走好.也许,这也是全世界知道这对姐妹的人心底里最想唱的歌,这是一首以死为代价的追求生命的歌…… 祖国之歌 生活里充满了美吗?是的,它就在你双眸闪动的春光里,就在你手中擎起的秋叶里……歌是对美的感悟,是一种宣泄. 咏叹调———东方之珠清晨,蓝色的云霞里矗起一道细小的抛物线,这线红得透亮,闪着金光,冲破云霞,这就是初升的旭日.耀眼的光辉顿时洒向东方明珠,使剔透的球体再次复苏,重现它们的本色,犹如水晶般散发异彩、夺人视线,将阳光反射向四周……东方明珠的确具有别具一格的“磁性”与独特的魅力.她让人心动,让人为之感叹!渐渐地,红与白完美融为一体的巨型建筑物便占据了我的双眼.在她与我之间,浦江上仿佛铺出了一条碎光闪烁的路,让人忍不住飞奔而去,以平静激烈跳动的心脏. 我想唱:啊,这颗耀眼的明珠是中国的一个亮点,它将永远矗立于世界东方,咏叹美好的生活. 小夜曲———卢浦大桥飞虹横跨浦江,明月在水上泼洒出点点闪烁的银光,浦江之上又画出了一道神奇的风景线.抬头仰望,在灯光的映衬下,How magnificent(雄伟极了)!如童话般的“彩虹”展现在世人眼前,流光溢彩.曲线比直线更富有变幻的魅力,引导着视线作无穷的追逐.卢浦如同一座优美的雕塑:圆拱形的彩色大理石碑身,飞架碑身的三道银色钢结构弧线,隽永的金色魏碑体碑文,静静地诉说着这个国度里发生的又一个奇迹. 我想唱:啊,卢浦是中国独特的一条曲线,她体现的,即“美是生活”. 进行曲———三峡工程溯流而上,漫步在长江上游.走近大坝,见到的是两侧动与静的对比.坝身上游水波不兴,一平如镜;下游一侧导流底孔喷出的汹涌波涛,如无数条奔腾舞动的巨龙,在空中溅起数米高银白色的飞珠碎玉,撞击着,直泻而下.问苍茫大地,哪一处江河曾经积淀了如此厚重的文化?哪一方水域曾经荟萃了如此众多的灵秀?承载着这沉甸甸文化与灵气的江水,汇聚到三峡大坝时,怎能不迸发出强大的能量?由此,我们触摸到了祖先的分量,历史的分量,江山的分量. 我想唱:啊,三峡之水蕴藏着怎样的美丽,它将行进到底,因为那是我们永远的精神家园. 祖国诉说不尽的美,勾勒出涌动在我心中的一首歌,让我情不自禁的想将它唱出.我要用歌声赞美它们:明珠的夺目,三峡的雄伟,卢浦的独特,这是人们用双手创造的美,这是祖国改革开放飞速发展的写照!总有一天,中国必将成为全世界瞩目的焦点,屹立于世界民族之林. 祖国,我为你歌唱.(卢湾区A类卷) 青春之歌 十六岁的花季,多么美好啊!我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的! 青春是美丽的风景线,有的人匆匆溜过,一无所获,到老了总是后悔莫及!有的人却欣赏到了那只属于他的精彩,令人神往,到老了总是回味无穷!这是两种截然不同的人,是否也给我们带来一丝感慨? 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的!因为青春充满活力!我们总是孜孜不倦地遨游在知识的海洋中,不会累,因为我们是富有生命力的小草,坚韧不拔!瞧,志愿者服务队中,总有我们的身影,为孤老服务,当小交通员……我们忙得不亦乐乎,虽然有珍珠般的汗淌了下来,但那是珍珠啊,多么珍贵!我们要把我们的活力注入整个社会中! 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的!因为青春充满智慧!遇到了难题,我们总会迎刃而解,所谓“自古英雄出少年”,我们当然要好好表现一番!在各项竞技场中,我们“初生牛犊不怕虎”!勇摘桂冠,那全是靠我们的智慧和奋斗!在科技发明方面,我们也当仁不让,我们细心地联系生活,结合实际,大胆地创造出了一个又一个令成人叹为观止的发明!谁说我们是小孩,我们人小志气大!我们要把智慧播散到社会的各个角落中去! 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的!因为青春并不会太长!昙花一现是短暂的,可谁能说它不美呢?正是因为它的短暂,带给人无限留恋!可是昙花一现可有无数次,每个人的青春只有一次,何不牢牢把握它呢? 让我们一起高声歌唱:青春是美丽的! 友谊之歌 一次无意中,我从书桌中翻出了一本积满灰尘的相册,在第二排,我找到了你,我的同桌,顿时一首歌回荡在耳边,那首《同桌的你》. “你是否还会想起,问我借半块橡皮?”记得你是个健忘的人,考试经常不带橡皮,老是问我借,害得一次考试后老师找我谈话,说我和你用橡皮打小抄,可怜的我被老师罚站一节课.幸好你不是那种忘恩负义之人,下课后会递上一块口香糖,使我在苦中找到甜蜜. “你是否还会想起,猜不出问题的你?”记得你的成绩如此优秀,但你是个不折不扣的地理盲.语文课上生龙活虎的你,在地理课上简直成了一只小鸡,蜷缩了起来,连举手的勇气也没有,可老师偏偏喜欢请你发言.哎,也真是难为了同学们的耳朵了———你说英国和美国是邻国,中国和日本海间隔者印度洋,甚至你说全世界只有两大洲,亚洲和非洲……正因为有了你的“胡言乱语”,平时我最喜欢的课,除了体育课,就是地理课了. 哦,对了.说到体育课,你可真厉害.外表看上去,那么漂亮的女孩子,竟是个体育狂热爱好者,100米短跑8秒1搞定,立定跳远超过了所有的男同学,因此有这么多男同学愿意和你踢球.你和我,便成了球场上的两个箭头,弄得对方守门员时时手忙脚乱.记得吗?上次我们踢了(2)班一个6比0,你还大为不爽呢! “谁把你的长发盘起……”你有着一头乌黑、漂亮的长发,但你却不去整理,也许这与你的性格有关吧,但你不至于让我这样一个堂堂男子汉为你梳头时,幸好还很早没有人看到,不然,又要到办公室报到了. 毕业典礼那天,你哭了.因为你要远行去日本念书.我们最后一次坐在一起了,毕竟5年了.我也忍不住流下了眼泪.当时气氛真的好奇怪,我强忍着内心的不舍,终于道出了一句缓和气氛的话:“这下你终于知道中国和日本之间是什么海了吧?”你笑了,笑得多么灿烂啊!
2023-07-08 23:50:431


2023-07-08 23:50:534


  对于一些人来说,朋友不在多而在精,这样在彼此对话的时候摩擦就会少的多。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   :Crime and Punishment   Dialogue1   Angelina: How are you doing?   Julian: I"m ok. I wish I could say the same for my friend.   A: What happened to him?   J: He was arrested by the police for drinking and driving.   A: Was it his first offence?   J: Unfortunately not. He was charged with a DUI   when he was in university.   A: What happened to him then?   J: Not much; it was a minor offence back then.   He got away with a fine of $ 500.   A: Did they take his license away?   J: No, they were really easy on him.   The problem is that that was a long time ago.   They"re much tougher on crime now.   A: What do you think will happen to him?   J: Well, he"ll definitely lose his license, pay a fine,   and maybe even spend some time in jail.   A: That doesn"t sound too promising.   Does he have a defence lawyer?   J: Not yet. If we can"t find a lawyer for him,   then the state will appoint him with one.   A: My sister is a lawyer. I can ask her if she can help him.   J: That"d be great. I know he"d appreciate your help.   Dialogue2   J: Anything interesting in the news tonight?   A: Do you remember that story about the woman   whose children died of starvation?   J: Yes, that must have been on the news a few months ago.   A: Yes, well, she was found guilty of murder.   J: Do you think they will impose the death sentence on her?   A: I don"t think so.   Wasn"t the death penalty abolished in that state decades ago?   J: It was abolished at one point,   but I thought they brought back death by lethal injection.   A: I"m not sure. How do you feel about the death penalty?   J: I don"t think anyone should be able to kill another human being   unless it"s in self-defence.   A: You know; paying for someone to sit in prison for the rest of   his or her lives is quite expensive.   J: They should have the prisoners do something produc- tive   in their time in jail to pay for their living costs.   A: I guess in an ideal world, it would all work out like that.   J: SO do you think they should just lock the mother up   and throwaway the key?   A:I think they should lock her up and try to help her figure out   Why she did such a horrible thing to her children.   J:Did she plead guilty or innocent?   A:Innocent, I think. But there was plenty of evidence that   suggested otherwise. I don"t think anyone had a doubt   in their minds that she murdered her children.   J:That"s such a shame. What kind of mother could do that   To her children?   :Disasters   Dialogue1   Julianna: Have you ever been in an earthquake?   Miles: Yes, I experienced one when I was in Tokyo once.   The tremors only lasted a few seconds though and then it was over.   J: Do you know where it measured on the Richter scale?   M: I don"t remember, but it wasn"t very serious.   Have you ever been in an earthquake?   J: No, but I was in quite a few tornados when I was younger.   M: Where are you from?   J: I"m from the plains of the Midwest.   It"s a prime location for tornadoes.   M: Did your house ever get damaged from the winds?   J: Most of the time we were lucky,   but once a tree from our front yard was ripped out by its roots   and ended up in our living room.   M: Wow, that must have really been scary.   J: Actually, some of my fondest memories of my childhood   were of spending time with my funily in the basement   waiting for the tornados to pass.   M: Have you ever experienced a flood?   J: No, but my father"s car was destroyed in a flood once. It actually happened the day after he bought the car.   M: That sure didn"t last long!   Dialogue2   M: Do you remember when Hurricane Katrina passed through   the New Orleans?   J: Yes, that was just a few years ago.   M: What was your first impression of it when you saw all the   survivors wading through the waters trying to get to the stadium?   ] : In all honesty, I thought that I was watching a news story   about people tram a third world countly.   M: I know. It was absolutely shocking that the people   were taken care of so poorly in America.   J : In fact, I thought there was less chaos in Asia when   the Tsunami hit.   M: You might be right.   The evacuation and medical teams were able to assist   the survivors almost immediately in Asia,   whereas in New Orleans,   some people went without food or water for days.   J: It was such a disgrace.   M: Unfortunately, there were quite a few victims in both situations.   J : Mother nature has amazing strength to destroy whatever   is in her path.   M: Before the Tsunami,   1"d never seen a twenty-meter wall of water sweep up the beach.   J : Before Hurricane Katrina,   1"d never seen so many Americans wading in water up to   their waists and sitting on rooftops for days while they   waited for help.   M: When it es to natural disasters, no amount of money can save your life.   J: That may be true, but contributions can help people   start to re-build their lives.   M: If it weren"t for international contributions.   Many survivors would simply starve to death.   :Mobile Phones and Messages   DIALOGUE1   Lillian: R u ok?   Robert: Y. I"m on the way. Running late. L: Me 2. Don"t worry.   R: When r u gonna arrive? L: Maybe 10 mins? u?   R: Prob 15 mins. Stuck in traffic. L: Where r u?   R: We just passed the stadium.   L: Traffic is always horrible over there. R: Where r u ?   L: Going south on the 3rd ring road. R: Howz traffic there?   L : Pretty slow.   R: K, C u l8r.   L: l8r.   DIALOUGUE2   R: Is that your phone?   L: Yes, it"s my new business phone. Do you like it?   R: It"s very impressive. Can you use the Internet on your phone?   L: Yes, it"s got wireless Internet access.   R: That"s really convenient. Does it have Bluetooth?   L : Yes, but I don"t really use it that often. Have you ever used it?   R: No, but I think it"d be really great for people like you who are always on the go.   L: Yes,I guess I should try to use it.   R: Does it have a camera?   L: Of course it does.   Doesn"t every new phone include a camera these days?   R: I guess so. Would you mind if I checked my email quickly?   I"m supposed to be getting an important email this evening   from a client.   L: Sure. Here you go.   R: Have you checked your voicemail recently?   L: No, why?   R: I think this icon means that you have a voicemail message.   L: Oh, yeah. Probably. I don"t really know how to use this phone yet.   R: Do you want to listen to your messages first?   L: No, that"s ok. Check your email first; I"ll check my inbox later.   R: I"m surprised you don"t use more of the features on your phone.   L: I"m surprised you know so much about it. Where"s your phone?   R: It quit working last week and I haven"t had a chance to buy   a new one yet.   L: How have you been living without a cell phone for a week?   Hasn"t it been driving you crazy being without a phone?   R: It"s not that bad. It kind of feels like I"m on vacation,   not having to answer my phone all the time!   L: Let"s go shopping.   You can"t depend on public phones in this day and age!
2023-07-08 23:51:001

英语作文How to Prevent the Destruction Caused by Earthquakes?

2023-07-08 23:51:096

英语作文 在自然灾害面前我们应该怎么做 100—120

Natural disasters,often caused huge losses.Natural disasters,there have been unscrupulous human deforestation,which led to the natural problems,such as soil erosion,desertification,dust storms,causing extensive damage.Human beings should protect the forest environment,thereby preventing many natural disasters,along with industrial development,in a large number of harmful gas emissions,resulting in decreased air quality,global warming,the atmosphere of vulnerability,and even lead to acid rain.Human beings should protect the natural,can reduce losses.差不多了,. 翻译:【对自然灾害的发生,往往会带来巨大的损失.自然灾害,不断有肆无忌惮的人类砍伐森林,从而导致了自然的问题,如水土流失,荒漠化,沙尘暴,造成大量破坏.人类应该保护森林环境,从而防止许多自然灾害,随着工业的发展,在有害气体的大量排放,导致空气质量下降,全球变暖,大气中的漏洞,甚至会导致酸雨.人类应该保护自然,就可减少损失.】
2023-07-08 23:51:251


Human survival and development of the Earth"s environment has led to the environment worse, the earth"s animal and plant extinction(消失), which are necessary for human survival? Human more want to overcome nature, the more subject to nature"s counterattack. In the face of nature"s counterattack, humanity will become more helpless. Therefore, we believe that nature can not be conquered. That"s all, thank you.We firmly believe that as long as human technology can be advanced enough, we can do much for the nature disasters. We say that the defeat is not forced to rely on the strength of contrary to the laws of nature. Ever since human beings come into being, we had never stopped the action to put our feet on each inch of land we can find. We fight against nature, at first, for survival. In the face of the different kinds of disasters, we can find the appropriate measures to overcome it. That"s all, thank you.Wen chuan earthquake killed more than 60000, because human technology isn"t advanced enough. We think we can reduce the loss as long as human technology advanced enough. Do you agree? Thank you.Can it indicate that man can conquer the nature? In the several millions of years from human birth, but we still suffer a lot when the disaster comes, why? Is there a disaster which people know before it happens and prevent it? Thank you.It is true that we suffer a lot in the several millions of years from human birth. But while human developing, we can do more and more for the natural disasters. Do you agree? Thank you.There are some effects, but only a little. We can do something because of it is not big enough. If someday it takes a disaster which like bring the dinosaur dying out, what can we do? And how can we do after we all killed.You are said we can do little in face of the natural disasters .I want to ask a question” when you suffer a downpour, what would you do? Stand here?We are discussing the nature disasters, not a downpour.The downpour is a nature disaster, isn"t it? A light rain can become a downpour, can"t a downpour become flood.You are kidding, In Sichuan and its surrounding areas it"s suffered a serious disaster killed more than 40,000. People realize that even if the development of human technology is so advanced to the extent they can"t be able to overcome nature.The disaster like Wen chuan earthquake is not typical .After all,it is rarely so terribleWell ,you are must kidding .The earth is plagued with all kinds of natural disaster.Man has recorded many such tragedies. In 526,an earthquake hit the country now known as Turkey and left 250000 dead .A similar earthquake in China in 1556 killed 830000 pelple .There are too much to say as to it .Ok,ok…… But clearly you can see that the people killed in the disaster is smaller and smaller while the property lost in them is more and more limited .We can safely conclude that we can cope with the disaster in a more efficient way .Year,I think now you are talking !Natural disasetr are often powerful that they cause unbelievable destruction .In the fact of the raging elements ,we human always seem helpless.Maybe,but I think it is assertive to say so .To prevent floods ,we have built many dams ,and many potential floods have been prevented.In a word ,human being have achived remakable success in overcoming natural disasters.I have to lay stress on it again that some natural dusasters are not powerful enough and pelple can overcome them with the development of high technology.Facing with disasetrs that cannot predicted in time ,a single person can merely do nothing .And that is what horrrifies everybody !
2023-07-08 23:51:452


Natural Disasters-自然灾害In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now. 自然Disasters-自然灾害在过去的年里,有的频繁的自然灾害,如洪水、干旱、泥石流、地震海浪、地震、各地,狂风拉伸新沙漠。在灾害数千万人死亡,摧毁了无数的房屋,摧毁了许多块肥沃的土地。现在越来越多的人意识到这些灾害有多与我们所做的一切都在地上。我们砍伐太多的树木在森林里,我们已经严重污染环境,我们有我们自己的home-planet震惊了一次又一次的爆炸和巨大的核弹。作为一个结果,气候已经变得异常,雨水山坡上冲下来,气愤地和地下能量上升至复仇本身在我们身上。
2023-07-08 23:51:541


In my opinion, people can definitely take more measures to protect themselves from natural disasters. Firstly, they can improve their awa_
2023-07-08 23:52:025


如今,自然灾害对经济发展的影响似乎越来越大了。Natural disasters 自然灾害The rising cost of catastrophes 不断上涨的灾难成本How to limit the damage that natural disasters do COMMERCE has long been at the mercy of the elements. The British East India Company was almost strangled at birth when it lost several of its ships in a storm. But the toll is rising. The world has been so preoccupied with the man-made catastrophes of subprime mortgages and sovereign debt that it may not have noticed how much economic mayhem nature has wreaked. With earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand, floods in Thailand and Australia and tornadoes in America, last year was the costliest on record for natural disasters. 自古以来,商业的发展就受制于多种因素。英国东印度公司刚刚成立时,一场风暴使其损失了数艘轮船,差点将其扼杀在襁褓之中。灾难还在继续。世界各国绞尽脑汁想解决如次贷危机和主权债务这样的人为灾难时,却忽略了自然灾害引起的经济混乱。日本和新西兰地震摇撼,泰国和澳大利亚洪水泛滥,美国龙卷风肆虐,去年是自然灾害有记录以来人们付出代价最大的一年。This trend is not, as is often thought, a result of climate change. There is little evidence that big hurricanes come ashore any more often than, say, a century ago. But disasters now extract a far higher price, for the simple reason that the world"s population and output are becoming concentrated in vulnerable cities near earthquake faults, on river deltas or along tropical coasts (see article). Those risks will rise as the wealth of Shanghai and Kolkata comes to rival that of London and New York. Meanwhile, interconnected supply chains guarantee that when one region is knocked out by an earthquake or flood, the reverberations are global. 自然灾害频发的这种趋势并不是人们通常认为的气候变化的结果,并没有确凿的证据证明飓风比,比如说,一个世纪前更频繁地登陆。但是现在的自然灾害造成的损失却远远大过以前,原因很简单,因为世界人口和生产生活都越来越集中在不堪一击的城市,这些城市或处于地震带,或位于江河三角洲,或居于热带海边。随着上海和加尔各答的财富渐渐可以与伦敦和纽约相匹敌,这种损失的可能性就更大了。同时,相互联系的供应链发达,某一地区发生地震或洪灾,产生的影响将是全球性的。This may sound grim, but the truth is more encouraging. When poor people leave the countryside for shantytowns on hillsides or river banks they are exposed to mudslides and floods, but also have access to better-paying, more productive work. Richer societies may lose more property to disaster but they are also better able to protect their people. Indeed, although the economic toll from disasters has risen, the death toll has not, despite the world"s growing population. 这听起来可能有点可怕,现实却可以鼓舞人心。随着穷人走出农村,住进位于山腰或河堤的贫民区,他们一方面更易于受泥石流和洪灾的影响,另一方面也有了收入更高更多产的工作。比较富裕的国家可能因自然灾害失去更多财富,但同时也能更好地保护自己人民。实际上,尽管自然灾害造成更多经济损失,但考虑到不断增长的世界人口,死亡人数并没有增多。Preparing for the worst 做好最坏的打算The right role for government, then, is not to resist urbanisation but to minimise the consequences when disaster strikes. This means, first, getting priorities right. At present, too large a slice of disaster budgets goes on rescue and repair after a tragedy, and not enough on beefing up defences beforehand. Cyclone shelters are useless if they fall into disrepair. A World Bank study recommends using schools and other bits of normal public infrastructure in disaster-protection plans, so that the kit and buildings are properly maintained. 那么,政府的正确角色就不是阻止社会城镇化,而是要在自然灾害来临时尽量减少损失。这就要求政府,第一,正确确定优先顺序。现阶段,政府在救援和灾后重建方面的投入太大,而在事先防护方面做的却不够。如果为躲避飓风的庇护所长年失修,那也就毫无用处。世界银行的一项研究建议在自然灾害保护计划中使用学校及其他正常公共基础设施,这样那些成套的设施和建筑就可以适当地保留下来。Second, government should be fiercer when private individuals and firms, left to pursue their own self-interest, put all of society at risk. For example, in their quest for growth, developers and local governments have eradicated sand dunes, mangrove swamps, reefs and flood plains that formed natural buffers between people and nature. Preserving or restoring more of this natural capital would make cities more resilient, much as increased financial capital does for the banking system. In the Netherlands dykes have been pushed out and flood plains restored to give rivers more room to flood. 第二,如果出现个人或企业为追寻自身利益而临阵脱逃,将全社会置于危险之中的情况,政府应该给予更加严厉的处罚。例如,为了追求增长效益,开发商和地方政府让出了充当人类和自然之间缓冲器的沙丘、红树湿地、暗礁区、泛洪区。保存好尽可能多的自然财富会使城市在面临自然灾害时更有弹性,就像较多的财政资金可以增加银行系统的弹性一样。在荷兰,人们填补了沟渠,保存了泛洪区,这样泛滥的河水就有更大的空间奔腾翻滚。Third, governments must eliminate the perverse incentives their own policies produce. Politicians are often under pressure to limit the premiums insurance companies can charge. The result is to underprice the risk of living in dangerous areas—which is one reason that so many expensive homes await the next hurricane on Florida"s coast. When governments rebuild homes repeatedly struck by floods and wildfires, they are subsidising people to live in hazardous places. 第三,政府必须抛弃其政策中有悖常理的刺激措施。政客们常迫于压力限制企业可以索赔的保险费用,结果低估了危险地区的生存风险——这也是为什么那么多高档家庭都期待下一个飓风登临弗罗里达海岸的原因之一。政府重建那些被洪水和野火一再摧毁的房屋,他们是在资助人们生活在危险地带。、For their part companies need to operate on the assumption that a disaster will strike at some point. This means preparing contingency plans, reinforcing supply chains and even, costly though this might be, having reserve suppliers lined up: there is no point in having a perfectly efficient supply chain if it can be snapped whenever nature takes a turn for the worst. Disasters are inevitable; their consequences need not be. 对于企业来说,需要时刻有危机意识,好像自然灾害随时可能来临。这意味着企业要准备意外事件计划,加固供应链,甚至,尽管这可能花费很多,要有足够的保存供应商:如果一条供应链在发生自然灾害时一碰即碎,那么也就没有必要准备这样的完全有效的供应链。自然灾害是不可避免的,但却可以避免出现灾难性后果。
2023-07-08 23:52:151


2023-07-08 23:52:266


1,in danger of2,left3,disasters4,which5,take6,In addition7,in harmony
2023-07-08 23:52:444


1: The spokeman was made off guard by the questions posed by reporters.2: You should bide another opportunities for counterattacks.3: it is not easy to have a good balance between career and family.
2023-07-08 23:53:055

以Natrual disaster为题写一篇作文。

I believe that each everyone of you have paid attention to the earthquake, and also the Taifeng in Japan, therefore it is obvious that we all know the great power of natural disasters. If things happened in Japan is a little bit far from our habitat, then I would like to call for your memory about the big earthquake in Sichuan three years ago. Thousands of people lost their properties, their families, or even their own life. There are just so many examples of the terrible disasters that I can list, but I will just stop here. With the name natural disaster, it is easy to tell it occurs naturally. Hard to prodict, hard to provent, hard to find out ways to get rid of them. So, what can we do about these disasters. Of course there got to have some ways of dealing with them. To invent better ditectors, to teach people how to safe their life while disasters come, to build stronger buildings. These are just simple ideas come to my mind right away.Then the next question come up to me. Have we done all these? Have we get ourselves fully propared for the next natural disasters yet? The answer to both of the questions are no! And this is my key point of this speech. I think it is time for us to learn the ways of protecting our life while disasters happen.
2023-07-08 23:53:202


1、我们承受的灾难,将成为我们来日的桂冠。 The disaster we have suffered will be the laurel of our future. 2、死亡是一场灾难。却更是活着的人的灾难。 Death is a disaster. But it is the disaster of the living. 3、灾难来自意识不到的地方,最使受害者难受。 Disasters e from unconscious places, which most afflict the victims. 4、在幸运上不与人同享的,在灾难中不会是忠实的友人。 Fortunately not shared with others, in disaster will not be loyal friends. 5、人生最大的灾难,不在于过去的创伤,而在于把未来放弃。 The greatest disaster in life is not the trauma of the past, but the abandonment of the future. 6、灾难是无法比较的对每个受苦的人他的灾难都是最大的。 Disasters are inparable for every suffering person whose disasters are the greatest. 7、灾难能证明友人的真实。 Disasters can prove the truth of friends. 8、失败对我们是有好处的,我们得祝福灾难,我们是灾难之子。 Failure is good for us. We have to bless disaster. We are the children of disaster. 9、灾难催促成长。成长,该包括心灵上的抗灾能力。 Disaster hastens growth. Growth includes mental resilience. 10、碰到灾难第一个想到的是你的客户,第二想到你的员工,其他才是想对手。 The first thing you think about when you encounter a disaster is your customers, the second thing you think about is your employees, and the other thing is your petitors. 11、不管有没有灾难,其实我们所有的人,都不过是劫后余生。 Whether there is disaster or not, in fact, all of us are just the rest of our lives. 12、一颗无畏的心往往能帮助一个人避免灾难。 A fearless heart can often help a person avoid disaster. 13、没有哪一次巨大的灾难不是以历史进步为补偿。 No great disaster is pensated for by historical progress. 14、在她的面前,有黑暗,也有火光;有灾难,也有希望。 In front of her, there is darkness and fire; there is disaster and hope. 15、善用你的眼睛吧,犹如明天你将遭到失明的灾难。 Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be blinded. 16、人间的多数灾难,表面出自恶,实际出自爱。 Most disasters in the world e from evil on the surface and love on the surface. 17、在幸运时不与人同享的,在灾难中不会是忠实的友人。 He who does not share fortune with others will not be a faithful friend in disaster. 18、头脑创造出所有的灾难,当头脑消失,灾难也就不见了。然后你会突然间觉得充满能量。 The mind creates all disasters, and when the mind disappears, the disaster disappears. Then you suddenly feel energetic. 19、爱国英雄给民族带来光荣,专制暴君给民族带来灾难。 Patriotic heroes bring glory to the nation and autocratic tyrants bring disaster to the nation. 20、世界的悲伤与灾难都太多,我们活在平静遥远的角落,无力怜悯。 There are too many sorrows and disasters in the world. We live in a quiet and distant corner, unable to pity. 21、雄心是生活的动力,也是一切灾难的渊源。 Ambition is the driving force of life and the source of all disasters. 22、乐观主义者从每一个灾难中看到机遇,而悲观主义都从每一个机遇中看到灾难。 Optimists see opportunities in every disaster, while pessimists see disasters in every opportunity. 23、灾难来之前,尽量避免灾难的出现,灾难来之后,努力把灾难转变成机遇。 Before disasters e, try to avoid them. After disasters e, try to turn them into opportunities. 24、危险不一定制造灾难,但人的疏忽往往是灾难的源泉。 Dangers do not necessarily create disasters, but human negligence is often the source of disasters. 25、若不是大灾难与大苦痛,人类难以醒悟达成共识。 If it were not for catastrophe and suffering, it would be difficult for mankind to e to a consensus. 26、生活在这个世界上,你必须学会把灾难当做荣幸。 To live in this world, you must learn to regard disaster as a privilege. 27、比起婚姻中的巨大灾难,日常的琐碎烦恼更加难以躲避。 Compared with the great disasters in marriage, daily trivial troubles are more difficult to avoid. 28、每一个研究人类灾难史的人可以确信:世间大部分不幸都来自无知。 Everyone who studies the history of human disasters can be sure that most of the misfortunes in the world e from ignorance. 29、如果我带来的只有灾难,你会不会依然有勇气陪我走完。 If all I bring is disaster, will you still have the courage to acpany me through? 30、灾难并不可怕,可怕的是心中没有了希望。 Disasters are not terrible. What is terrible is that there is no hope in our hearts. 31、乐观者在一个灾难中看到一个希望,悲观者在一个希望中看到一个灾难。 An optimist sees a hope in a disaster, and a pessimist sees a disaster in a hope. 32、在灾难面前,如果连英雄都逃跑了,那还有谁能站出来? In the face of disaster, if even heroes run away, who else can stand up? 33、希望是最大的灾难,因为他延续了人的苦难。 Hope is the greatest calamity, because he continues human suffering. 34、并不是每一种灾难都是祸,早临的逆境往往是福。 Not every kind of disaster is a disaster, and early adversity is often a blessing. 35、无论如何,我们都将背着各自的灾难与幸福。往前走,不回头。 In any case, we will carry our own disasters and happiness. Go ahead without turning back. 36、拥抱那份属于你的黑暗,因为灾难即将来临。 Embrace the darkness that belongs to you, because disaster is ing. 37、一切灾难,都是自我灾难。有自我便有一切不能自拔。 All disasters are self-disasters. Everything can"t extricate itself if you have self. 38、所有的灾难,不过是因为眷恋。 All the disasters, but because of nostalgia.
2023-07-08 23:53:391


【 #英语资源# 导语】我们读过的英语作文中,是否提到过关于避免自然灾害的措施呢?下面是由 考 网给大家整理了避免自然灾害措施的英语作文,供大家参阅! 【篇一】如何避免自然灾害英语作文   In the past few days, there have been frequent natural disasters, namely earthquakes,mud-rock flow, tsunami, floods and so on, which killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes. Consequently, large numbers of people have suffered psychic upheaval and deemed the doomsday of earth is coming near.   As a university student, I hope people should be aware that those disasters are not the hints of doomsday, but just retribution of our doings on earth. So as to calm psychic upheaval, we should take actions to stop damaging our home-planet, for instance, do not cut down too many trees in the forests, try to protect environment right start from daily things and make the earth a lovely place suitable to live in.   What"s more, in case of emergencies and disasters, we should keep our head, and rely on ourselves to escape from the disasters. 【篇二】如何避免自然灾害英语作文   Natural Disasters-自然灾害   In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.   Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.   The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now. 【篇三】如何避免自然灾害英语作文   In the past few days, there have been frequent natural disasters, namely earthquakes,mud-rock flow, tsunami, floods and so on, which killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes. Consequently, large numbers of people have suffered psychic upheaval and deemed the doomsday of earth is coming near.   在过去的几天里,自然灾害频繁:地震,泥石流,海啸,洪水等,造成了成千上万人死亡,摧毁了无数的房屋。大量的人遭受恐慌,认为地球末日就要来临了。   As a university student, I hope people should be aware that those disasters are not the hints of doomsday, but just retribution of our doings on earth. So as to calm psychic upheaval, we should take actions to stop damaging our home-planet, for instance, do not cut down too many trees in the forests, try to protect environment right start from daily things and make the earth a lovely place suitable to live in.   作为一个大学生,我希望人们应该意识到这些灾难都不是世界末日的暗示,只是对我们对地球所做的惩罚。静下心来,我们应该采取措施来阻止对我们地球家园的破坏,不在森林中砍伐太多的树木,从日常事物开始努力保护环境,把地球变成了一个美丽的适合居住的地方。   What"s more, in case of emergencies and disasters, we should keep our head, and rely on ourselves to escape from the disasters.   更重要的是,在突发事件和灾害的情况下,我们应该保持头脑清醒,并依靠自己来躲避灾难。
2023-07-08 23:53:461

英语作文 on disaster

flood disaster took place in some areas in china. it had been raining all those days and never stopped, which led to the flood.  the pla men arrived immediately to rescue the villagers of the flooded areas. and they did their best to fight against the flood. they supplied the villagers with fresh vegetables and food. some medical teams were organized to help them so that they could have healthy diet. poisonous food and dead animals were not allowed to be eaten and the water must be cleared over and over again before being drunk. the doctors told them to pay special attention to their health. some leaders of our country also inspected the areas.  supplies and money from all parts of our country were sent to those areas to support them. after a long time, everything went on very well. and that was a sign of victory.
2023-07-08 23:53:562

以natural disaster 为题目的英语作文

就这些了~~~ In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.
2023-07-08 23:54:051

What harm does meteorological disasters ?

What harm does meteorological disasters ?(1)暴雨:山洪暴发、河水泛滥、城市积水; (2)雨涝:内涝、渍水; (3)干旱:农业、林业、草原的旱灾,工业、城市、农村缺水; 气象灾害(4)干热风:干旱风、焚风; (5)高温、热浪:酷暑高温、人体疾病、灼伤、作物逼熟; (6)热带气旋:狂风、暴雨、洪水; (7)冷害:由于强降温和气温低造成作物、牲畜、果树受害; (8)冻害:霜冻,作物、牲畜冻害,水管、油管冻坏; (9)冻雨:电线、树枝、路面结冰; (10)结冰:河面、湖面、海面封冻,雨雪后路面结冰; (11)雪害:暴风雪、积雪; (12)雹害:毁坏庄稼、破坏房屋;(13)风害:倒树、倒房、翻车、翻船;(14)龙卷风:局部毁坏性灾害;(15)雷电:雷击伤亡;(16)连阴雨(淫雨):对作物生长发育不利、粮食霉变等. (17)浓雾:人体疾病、交通受阻;(18)低空风切变:(飞机)航空失事; (19)酸雨:作物等受害。(1) the storm: a flash floods, floods, city water;(2): flood, waterlogging waterlogging;(3): agriculture, forestry, grassland drought drought, industry, city, rural water; meteorological disaster(4): dry foehn wind, dry hot wind;(5) high temperature, heat wave: the summer heat, human diseases, burns, crop forced maturity;(6) of tropical cyclone, rainstorm, flood: the wind;(7) damage: because of the strong cooling and low temperature cause crop, livestock, fruit trees;(8): frost damage crops, livestock, freezing, water pipe, oil pipe freezing rain; (9): wire, branches, icy pavement;(10): the river, lake, sea ice and snow after freezing, ice on the road; (11): the snow storm, snow snow;(12) hail: the destruction of crops, destruction of houses;(13): down the tree, but the real wind, overturned, overturned;(14) the tornado: local destructive disaster;(15) the lightning: lightning casualties;(16) even in the rainy (Yin Yu): on crop growth adversely, grain mildew.(17) the fog: human disease, traffic;(18): the low-level wind shear (aircraft) air crash;(19) the acid rain: Crop damage.我们该如何面对气象灾害(翻译成英文)学:学习有关各种灾害知识和减灾知识;听:经常注意收听国家和地方政府发布的灾害信息,不听信谣传; 备:做好个人、家庭的各种行动准备和物质、技术准备; 察:注意观察周围的自然变异现象; 报:一旦发现某种异常的自然现象,不必惊恐,但要尽快向有关部门报告,请专业部门作出判断; 抗:灾害一旦发生,应发扬大无畏精神,组织大家和个人自卫; 避:灾前作好个人和家庭躲避和抗御灾害的行动安排,选好避灾的安全地方,一旦灾害发生,个人要组织大家进行避灾; 断:在救灾行动中,首先要切断可导致次生灾害的电、火、煤气等灾源; 救:要掌握一定的医疗救护知识,准备一些必备药品,以便在灾害期间医疗系统不能正常工作的情况下,及时自救和救治他人。Learning: learning about the various disasters and disaster mitigation knowledge knowledge;Listen: often listen to a disaster information released by the state and local government, do not listen to rumors;Preparation: personal, family all ready for action and material, technical preparation;Observation: observe the natural variation around;Quote: once found some unusual natural phenomenon, don"t panic, but should report to the relevant departments as soon as possible, please professional departments judgement;Anti: once the disaster occurs, we should carry forward the dauntless spirit, all organizations and individuals;Avoid: pre disaster for individuals and families to evade and resist disaster action arrangement, safe place to avoid disaster, once the disaster, people will organize everyone to avoid disaster;fault: in relief operations, first of all to cut off the electricity, fire, gas can cause secondary disasters such as source;Save: to master certain knowledge of first aid, to prepare some necessary medicines, so that in times of disaster medical system can not work normally, the timely rescue and treatment of others
2023-07-08 23:54:121


When自然灾害 such as natural disasters or earthquakes occur, it is crucial to take action to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Here are some steps that should be taken to prevent the spread of these disasters and to ensure the safety of those affected by them.Firstly, we should educate ourselves and others about the potential consequences of natural disasters and the steps that can be taken to reduce their impact. For example, we can learn about the likelihood of damage and the best practices for building in a disaster prone area. We can also join local disaster response teams to experience the challenges and techniques they use to respond to natural disasters.Secondly, we should take steps to prepare for natural disasters. This may involve reducing the amount of waste and垃圾 in an area, building high-rise structures in a prone area, and making sure that our homes and businesses are built to code and in sound condition.Thirdly, we should take steps to reduce the impact of natural disasters on those who are affected. This may involve providing support to local communities, volunteering with disaster response teams, and supporting organizations that help affected people.Finally, we should take steps to prevent the spread of natural disasters if they are caused by climate change. This may involve reducing our carbon footprint, supporting projects that reduce waste and pollution, and working to reduce the potential impact of climate change on our planet.In conclusion, when it comes to natural disasters, it is important to take action to protect ourselves and those we love. We should educate ourselves, prepare for natural disasters, and reduce the impact of these disasters on those who are affected by them. By taking these steps, we can prevent natural disasters and ensure that we and our loved ones are safe during these challenging times.
2023-07-08 23:54:192

帮忙写一篇以On Disasters为题的英语作文

On DisastersAn old saying goes: Life is full of roses and thorns. As we all know, oneu2019s life is full of unexpected events, some of which are wonderful and some of which are disastrous. Those heavy blows, such as, floods, snowstorms, and earthquakes, threaten to weigh one down.However, itu2019s even worse if one canu2019t drag himself out of the grief ; mental break-down is more serious than the disaster itself. Instead of indulging oneself in sadness, one should take positive attitude towards life and contribute to the reconstruction of his or her life and hometown.As for me, if I am lucky enough to survive in a disaster, I will try my best to help those who are suffering by donation blood or money. If I am a victim, I will endeavor to recover from the sadness as soon as possible and be certain to be strong and supportive to the recovery work
2023-07-08 23:55:001


Natural Disasters-自然灾害In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now. 自然Disasters-自然灾害在过去的年里,有的频繁的自然灾害,如洪水、干旱、泥石流、地震海浪、地震、各地,狂风拉伸新沙漠。在灾害数千万人死亡,摧毁了无数的房屋,摧毁了许多块肥沃的土地。现在越来越多的人意识到这些灾害有多与我们所做的一切都在地上。我们砍伐太多的树木在森林里,我们已经严重污染环境,我们有我们自己的home-planet震惊了一次又一次的爆炸和巨大的核弹。作为一个结果,气候已经变得异常,雨水山坡上冲下来,气愤地和地下能量上升至复仇本身在我们身上。
2023-07-08 23:55:101

一篇关于natural disasters(自然灾害)的演讲稿

Natural Disasters - 自然灾害 A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts which affects human activities. But do not always blame, it mainly is caused by human being. Because human have cut down too many trees in the forests, dump rubbish into the landfill and invented nuclear bomb. These have badly polluted the environment. It is very late when we people realize the climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land. Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth because the earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.
2023-07-08 23:55:191

Dreams And Disasters 歌词

歌曲名:Dreams And Disasters歌手:Owl City专辑:The Midsummer StationOwl City - Dreams And DisastersSplendidyangWe were alone on the road driving fasterSo far from home we were chasing disasterHard on the gas "till the car caught on fireWe had to laugh as the smoked billowed higherI wanna feel alive forever afterAnd you say, you say you wanna feel alive forever afterAnd I, and I, and I sayFollow the light through the dreams and disastersFollow the light to the edge and the afterWe won"t turn around, we will not slow downFollow the light through the dreams and disastersThink of the sun, and the sound of it risingStill on the run with our eyes on the horizonI wanna feel alive forever afterAnd you say, you say you wanna feel alive forever afterAnd I, and I, and I sayFollow the light through the dreams and disastersFollow the light to the edge and the afterWe won"t turn around, we will not slow downFollow the light through the dreams and disastersI just wanna feel aliveI just wanna feel aliveI just wanna feel aliveI just wanna feel aliveFollow the light through the dreams and disastersFollow the light to the edge and the afterWe won"t turn around, we will not slow downFollow the light through the dreams and disasters!
2023-07-08 23:55:261


可能受了小说 The Cruel Sea 的影响,我倾向把这词语译作: Natural Disasters are Cruel But there is Love in the Human Race. 天灾无情, Relentless natural disasters 人间有爱 the world is love 参考: myself__hope to help you =] 天灾无情,人间有爱 Natural disaster is ruthless whereas the world is filled with love. 天灾无情,人间有爱 Disasters are cruel but the world is full of love The natural disaster is merciless There is love in human world .!!! 参考: DR.eye The disaster is heartless the world has the love 天灾无情, 人间有爱 Disasters are iced-cold & merciless yet love is still around everywhere. 参考: Self The disaster is heartless the world has the love 参考: yahoo!聪明笔 大约可以这样说: Disasters are heartless but love is in our hearts. 希望帮到你!
2023-07-08 23:55:481


Disasters came one after another.
2023-07-08 23:56:043


In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of ne
2023-07-08 23:56:142

以Natrual disaster为题写一篇作文.

Natrual disaster I believe that each everyone of you have paid attention to the earthquake,and also the Taifeng in Japan,therefore it is obvious that we all know the great power of natural disasters.If things happened in Japan is a little bit far from our habitat,then I would like to call for your memory about the big earthquake in Sichuan three years ago.Thousands of people lost their properties,their families,or even their own life.There are just so many examples of the terrible disasters that I can list,but I will just stop here. With the name natural disaster,it is easy to tell it occurs naturally.Hard to prodict,hard to provent,hard to find out ways to get rid of them.So,what can we do about these disasters.Of course there got to have some ways of dealing with them.To invent better ditectors,to teach people how to safe their life while disasters come,to build stronger buildings.These are just simple ideas come to my mind right away. Then the next question come up to me.Have we done all these?Have we get ourselves fully propared for the next natural disasters yet?The answer to both of the questions are no!And this is my key point of this speech.I think it is time for us to learn the ways of protecting our life while disasters happen.
2023-07-08 23:56:471


Natural DisastersNatural disasters are catastrophic events that occur in nature, causing widespread damage and posing significant threats to human life and the environment. These disasters can take various forms, including earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, wildfires, and tsunamis.One of the most devastating natural disasters is an earthquake. It occurs when tectonic plates beneath the Earth"s surface shift and release a tremendous amount of energy. The shaking of the ground can destroy buildings, infrastructure, and even claim lives.Another destructive disaster is a hurricane, a powerful storm with high winds and heavy rainfall. Hurricanes can cause massive flooding, damage homes, uproot trees, and disrupt essential services.Floods are also common natural disasters, often caused by heavy rainfall or the overflow of rivers and lakes. They can submerge entire communities, destroy crops, and lead to the spread of waterborne diseases.Droughts, on the other hand, are prolonged periods of little to no rainfall, resulting in water scarcity. They can lead to crop failures, food shortages, and the displacement of people in search of water resources.Wildfires are another significant concern, especially in dry and forested areas. They can spread rapidly, destroying vast areas of vegetation, wildlife habitats, and even homes.Tsunamis, triggered by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, are giant ocean waves that can cause immense destruction when they reach coastal areas.Natural disasters have devastating impacts on communities, economies, and the environment. They often result in loss of life, displacement of people, infrastructure damage, and economic setbacks.To mitigate the impact of these disasters, governments, organizations, and individuals must focus on disaster preparedness, early warning systems, and effective emergency response plans. It is crucial to raise awareness, educate communities about safety measures, and promote sustainable practices to minimize the risk and impact of natural disasters.In conclusion, natural disasters are powerful forces of nature that can cause immense destruction and loss. However, with proper preparedness and collective efforts, we can work towards minimizing their impact and building resilient communities.
2023-07-08 23:56:562

英语作文 在自然灾害面前我们应该怎么做 100—120

Natural disasters, often caused huge losses. Natural disasters, there have been unscrupulous human deforestation, which led to the natural problems, such as soil erosion, desertification, dust storms, causing extensive damage.Human beings should protect the forest environment, thereby preventing many natural disasters, along with industrial development, in a large number of harmful gas emissions, resulting in decreased air quality, global warming, the atmosphere of vulnerability, and even lead to acid rain. Human beings should protect the natural, can reduce losses. 差不多了,望被采纳..翻译:【对自然灾害的发生,往往会带来巨大的损失。自然灾害,不断有肆无忌惮的人类砍伐森林,从而导致了自然的问题,如水土流失,荒漠化,沙尘暴,造成大量破坏。人类应该保护森林环境,从而防止许多自然灾害,随着工业的发展,在有害气体的大量排放,导致空气质量下降,全球变暖,大气中的漏洞,甚至会导致酸雨。人类应该保护自然,就可减少损失。】
2023-07-08 23:57:051

英语作文 在自然灾害面前我们应该怎么做 100—120

2023-07-08 23:57:141


Love and Other Disasters
2023-07-08 23:57:232

Natural Disaster 英语短文

2023-07-08 23:57:394

这些自然灾害对人们的生命和财产都有极大危害。 英语翻译

These natural disasters have great harm to people"s lives and property
2023-07-08 23:57:463


抱歉现在才看到,我写的是:Natural disaster-prone
2023-07-08 23:57:543


as 和like 后面都可以跟名词,as后可跟短语,As you know,i don"t like apple.
2023-07-08 23:58:133


the earthquakeEarthquake can cause great destruction. Many measures can be taken to reduce earthquake hazards. This essay focuses on earthquake prediction, prevention and preparation.People can predict earthquake by watching the abnormal behaviors of animals or detecting the changes of the earth or measuring the amount of radon element in the water. Architects design new building structures to withstand the power of earthquake.People can check and reinforce their homes regularly, have survival supplies at home, keep a fire extinguisher and some other proper tools handy and even develop an earthquake emergency plan.Even if prediction becomes possible, people still have to do their best to prevent disasters by improving building structures and by being personally prepared
2023-07-08 23:58:201

... ... ,theyu2015u2015( stop) todayu2019s disasters

They go to school by bike.His name is DanDanny has a friend.But danny`s bike is broken today.They want to go to the bicycle shop behind the street and Danny wants a new chain.The bicycle shop is far from here.They stop and buy some ice creams.They feel cool now
2023-07-08 23:58:281


Natural Disasters-自然灾害In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.
2023-07-08 23:58:371


2023-07-08 23:58:462

关于自然灾害的英语作文 高中

Natural Disasters Now there are so many natural disasters ,such as floods,droughts,earthquakes,windstorms and some new ones.Take the earthquake for example,on 12/5 2008 Sichuan Province had atrracted by Earthquake.So many people were killed.It was our pains forever. Now more and more people are aware that those natural disasters have much to do with what we have done to the nature,like cutting trees,polluting the environment we live.As a result,some things have been changed by what we had done.The natural disasters are here. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.
2023-07-08 23:58:551


Natural Disasters-自然灾害In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.
2023-07-08 23:59:041