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how to get the poor off our conscience翻译

2023-07-08 21:44:53

how to get the poor off our conscience翻译是:如何让穷人摆脱我们的良心。











conscience 英[u02c8ku0252nu0283u0259ns] 美[u02c8kɑ:nu0283u0259ns] n. 良心; 道德心;
2023-07-08 19:59:185


conscience英[u02c8ku0252nu0283u0259ns]美[u02c8kɑ:nu0283u0259ns]n.良心; 道德心网络意识; 凭良心; 道德良心复数:consciences双语例句1Now the murderer has two deaths on his conscience.现在,这个杀人犯背着两条人命,受到了良心的谴责。
2023-07-08 19:59:321


conscience[英][u02c8ku0252nu0283u0259ns][美][u02c8kɑ:nu0283u0259ns]n.良心; 道德心; 复数:consciences
2023-07-08 19:59:403

「良心、意识」英文是conscience 或 consciousness?中文意思差别?

「良心、意识」的英文 ,是conscience 还是 consciousness?这两个英文单字算是易混淆字,但是只要你常常听这两个英文单字,就会知道它们发音大不相同啦!本篇文章教学 conscience 跟 consciousness 的中文意思差异! 下面教学 conscience 跟 consciousness 的中文意思差异! 1. conscience 良心、良知 conscience 的中文意思是指「良心、良知」的意思,发音为 /u02c8kɑu02d0n.u0283u0259ns/。 例: He who has no shame has no conscience. 没羞耻心的人无良心。 例: Let your conscience be your guide. 让您的良心成为您的向导。 2.consciousness 意识、知觉 consciousness 是指「意识」的意思,consciousness 为名词,形容词是 conscious。conscious 的中文意思是指「有意识的、意识到的」。conscious 后面的介系词常常接 of 唷,of 后面则接意识到的那件事。 另外,conscious 跟 conscience 的发音是不一样的,虽然非常像,但是只要你听久了,就能很清楚地分辨说的人到底是说 conscious 还是 conscience。 conscience 的发音是 /u02c8kɑu02d0n.u0283u0259ns/,conscious 的发音则是 /u02c8kɑu02d0n.u0283u0259s/,最大的差别是,conscience 多了一个 n 的音。 例: He did not regain consciousness for several days. 他好几天都没有恢复意识。 如果你要说某人恢复意识,可以用 regain 这个英文单字喔,regain consciousness 是指恢复意识的意思。 例: He lost consciousness after the car accident. 车祸后他失去了知觉(意识)。 上面就是conscience 跟 consciousness 的中文意思差别啦!最容易搞混的可能是conscious 跟 conscience 的发音啦,后者多了一个n的音,要仔细听喔! conscience, conscience 中文, conscience 意思, consciousness, consciousness 中文, consciousness 意思, 意识 英文, 良心 英文
2023-07-08 19:59:461


conscience意思是:良心,良知;内疚,愧疚;凭良心。良心释义:就是被现实社会普遍认可并被自己所认同的行为规范和价值标准。良心是道德情感的基本形式,是个人自律的突出体现。良心是一定的社会关系和道德关系的反映,是人们的各种道德情感、情绪在自我意识中的统一,是人们在履行对他人和社会的义务过程中形成的道德责任感和自我评价能力。良心是历史的、具体的、社会的范畴,是一定社会生活和社会关系的反映,是人们在实践过程中逐渐形成的,不是与生俱来的,因而也没有所谓抽象的良心。例句:1、He won"t let it trouble his conscience.他不会让这件事搞得自己良心不安。2、He lay awake, scourged by his conscience.他备受良心的折磨,不能入睡。3、Emilia is the voice of conscience in the play.埃米莉亚在这出戏中是良知的代言人。4、He refused for reasons of conscience to eat meat.他为了良心好过而拒绝了吃肉。5、Her conscience pricked her as she lied to her sister.她对姐姐撒谎时良心上感到很不安。
2023-07-08 19:59:531


2023-07-08 20:00:211


2023-07-08 20:00:583


问题一:良心用英语怎么解释 良心可以有以下几种说法: conscience one"s better feelings Gewissen goodness of mind 问题二:做人要对得起良心,用英语怎么说? 做人要对得起良心. To live up to the conscience. 问题三:良心英文怎么说? conscience 问题四:人讲的就是良心英文 人讲的是良心。 People should value conscience conscience 英 [?k?nu0283?ns] 美 [?k:n??ns] n. 良心;道德心 问题五:对的起自己的良心英文怎么说 live up to one"s own conscience 注释:live up to不辜负,对得起 问题六:良心的谴责 用英语怎么翻译 the condemn of conscience
2023-07-08 20:01:041

良心中最一般的,最基础和最普遍的内容是( )良心.

2023-07-08 20:01:123


consciousness 英["kɒnʃəsnəs] 美[ˈkɑnʃəsnɪs] n. 意识,观念;知觉;觉悟;感觉 名词复数:consciousnesses [例句]And what is consciousness anyway?conscience 英["kɒnʃəns] 美[ˈkɑnʃəns] n. 良心;道德心 名词复数:consciences [例句]I suggest you start a support group for bankers with a conscience.
2023-07-08 20:01:312


2023-07-08 20:02:041


conscience n. 道德心,良心conscientious ["kɑnu0283u026a"u025bnu0283u0259s] adj. 尽责的;本着良心的
2023-07-08 20:02:131


conscience是北京现代的IX25,这是一种合资的SUV,被称为“ Conscience”。油耗低至5.3升,配置小于100,000,与国内产品相符。作为二线合资品牌,现代汽车没有在大众丰田汽车公司中拥有稳固的市场声誉和听众。因此,它只能在成本效益之路上生存下来,被称为良心的标签。现代IX25的价格范围是10.58-136,800。
2023-07-08 20:02:211


2023-07-08 20:02:281

have a clear conscience是什么意思

have a clear conscience问心无愧
2023-07-08 20:02:351

conscience 和consciousness 有什么区别

conscience 是良心;consciousness 是醒不醒的状态前者是站在道德层面的良心,后者是指人的精神意识状态。
2023-07-08 20:02:421


科学 匡威科学 哈哈哈 con science 用好的品质回报大众 良心
2023-07-08 20:02:522

这三个很长的英语conscience| consicous |precious 单词 怎么读?

2023-07-08 20:03:013


2023-07-08 20:03:191


clear conscience
2023-07-08 20:03:274

亏心事的英语翻译 亏心事用英语怎么说

亏心事have a guilty consciencea self-accusing guilt conscience -striken things conscience:良心
2023-07-08 20:03:371

lack conscience

lack of :缺乏至于你后面一个词打错了吧应该是conscience 良心;道义心;善恶观念I got nothing to hide. My conscience is clear. 我没有什么隐瞒的。我问心无愧。
2023-07-08 20:03:442

have a clear conscience是什么意思

have a clear conscience问心无愧[网络短语]Have a clear conscience 问心无愧,问,有问心无愧to have a clear conscience 问心无愧,俯仰无愧have a clear/guilty conscience 愧
2023-07-08 20:03:531

have a clear conscience是什么意思

2023-07-08 20:04:015


2023-07-08 20:04:151

良心的英语翻译 良心用英语怎么说

2023-07-08 20:05:123


conscience 。发音为 /u02c8kɑu02d0n.u0283u0259ns/。例: He who has no shame has no conscience. 没羞耻心的人无良心。例: Let your conscience be your guide. 让您的良心成为您的向导。【扩展易混词】consciousness 意识、知觉consciousness 是指「意识」的意思,consciousness 为名词,形容词是 conscious。conscious 的中文意思是指「有意识的、意识到的」。conscious 后面的介系词常常接 of 唷,of 后面则接意识到的那件事。另外,conscious 跟 conscience 的发音是不一样的,虽然非常像,但是只要你听久了,就能很清楚地分辨说的人到底是说 conscious 还是 conscience。
2023-07-08 20:05:211


conscience n. 道德心,良心 conscientious ["kɑnu0283u026a"u025bnu0283u0259s] adj. 尽责的;本着良心的
2023-07-08 20:05:411

英文的 良心 conscience 和 科学 science 这两个词有什么关系吗? 是哪个词先出现的?

2023-07-08 20:05:501

[A] consciousness[B] conscience[C] caution[D] response

2023-07-08 20:05:571

Lesson45 A clear conscience 问心无愧

clear conscience n. 良心,道德心 a clear conscience:问心无愧 a bad / guilty conscience:问心有愧 conscious:adj. 意识到的,清醒的,神志清醒的,有意识的 consciously adv.有意识地,自觉地 conscience n.良心,道德心 wallet n. 皮夹,钱夹 wallet, purse, handbag shoulder bag:拎包,挎包 cross body:斜挎包 tote:手提袋 clutch:无背带手包,小坤包 duffle bag:行李袋 backpack:双肩包 savings n. 存款 save:存 - withdraw:取 savings account:储蓄账户 ATM:automatic teller machine 自动取款机 villager n. 村民,someone who lives in a village villa:(乡间)别墅 per cent n. 百分之 …,percent,也可以无区别 5 percent / fourteen percent … a / one hundred percent:completely, thoroughly percentage:百分比 percentage of forest cover=forest coverage rate 森林覆盖率 percentage of greenery coverage =greenery coverage rate绿地覆盖率 … learnt that …:获悉,得知(与know不同) Granny Tessa was pleased to learn that we had arrived safely. a large sum of money:一大笔钱 had been lost - 过去完成时的被动语态 had been done taking - 现在分词 … had lost his wallet while he was taking his savings … sb. be sure that … must have done:表示对过去的推测 must have been done:被动 it had been wrapped up … had been done … - 过去完成时的被动语态 wrap up:包装起来 it contained half the money that / which he had lost 定语从句 together with …:(伴随)连同,和 He sent me the book, together with a pretty card. note:n. 笔记 - 音符 - 便签 - 纸币 take notes 做笔记 with a note which said … British paper says Kate chooses McQueen designer. ... the story said that … in time: honest:adj. honesty:n. send sb. sth. 被动语态是 sb. be sent sth. send sth. to sb. 被动语态是 sth. be sent to sb. 被动语态 had been lost … must have been found … was not returned … had been wrapped … 1. Someone has prepared a meal for you. A meal has been prepared for you. 2. Someone will translate the book into English. The book will be translated into English. 3. Someone must send a telegram to him. A telegram must be sent to him. 4. Someone had put out the fire before the fire brigade arrived. The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived. 5. Someone gave the cat some milk to drink. The cat was given some milk to drink. Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking.
2023-07-08 20:06:421

英语谚语:A clear conscience is a sure card 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: A clear conscience is a sure card 中文意思: 光明磊落,胜券在握。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Every man is the master of his own fortune 每个人都是他自己的命运的主宰。 Every man is the son of his own works 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 Every man thinks his own geese swans 每个人都以为自己的东西了不起。 Every medal has its reverse 事物都有它的反面。 Every mother"s child is handsome 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。 Everyone is dissatisfied with his own fortune 人对自己的命运总不感满足。 Every one"s faults are not written in their foreheads 知人知面不知心。 Every pleasure has a pain 乐中必有苦。 Every potter praises his own pot 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。 Every sale *** an boasts of his own wares 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。 英语谚语: A clear conscience is a sure card 中文意思: 光明磊落,胜券在握。
2023-07-08 20:07:081

Guilty Conscience 歌词

歌曲名:Guilty Conscience 歌手:Wiz Khalifa专辑:Taylor AllderdiceWiz Khalifa - Guilty ConscienceUh, I"m higher than a plane and I don"t wanna landEvery time I speak I see a hundred grandRollin" so much weed it"s like the motherlandI ain"t talkin" English, I"m talkin" rubber bandsJacksons, Franklins, either one of themYou ain"t talkin" paper, dawg, so you don"t understandTaxin" all these n*ggas call me Uncle SamRappin" got me on the beach relaxin"Smokin" OG, by the LB now the Ocean"s filled with ashesAnd n*ggas keep on hatin", I just roll one get my cash andHear "em talk bout what they gon" do,but I know that ain"t gon" happenWhen you think of a gang of real n*ggas spendin" moneyThen you thinkin" bout usWhen you think of who came in here bought anything they wantedThen you thinkin" bout usWhen you think of some n*ggas who gon" get it how they liveThen you thinkin" bout usWhen you think of who really out here doin" it bigThen you thinkin" bout usI roll "em faster than a train and I don"t wanna stopN*ggas say "need a verse", they 50 grand a popSmokin" on the best, graded at the topFinish up another tour and buy another watchFly a new plane, board another yachtDo another show, I"m out here gettin" paid,but you will never knowMy cheese so long, my weed so strong, think I"ma overdoseUhhh, man I"m back in it, MCM bag loud pack in itTry turn down but I can"t get itI"ma roll one, pass it around til everybody in the room can"t finishSo much money bank can"t fit it, had my own style "til you ran wit" itOG kush I"m the man wit" itWhen you think of a gang of real n*ggas spendin" moneyThen you thinkin" bout usWhen you think of who came in here bought anything they wantedThen you thinkin" bout usWhen you think of some n*ggas who gon" get it how they liveThen you thinkin" bout usWhen you think of who really out here doin" it bigThen you thinkin" bout us
2023-07-08 20:07:151


2023-07-08 20:07:242

求guilty conscience歌词

Meet Eddie twenty-three years oldFed up with life and the way things are goinghe decides to rob a liquor store( I can"t take this no more I can"t take it no more homes )But on his way in he has a sudden change of heartAnd suddenly his conscience comes into playAlright stop! (Huh )Now before you walk in the door of this liquor storeand try to get money out the drawerYou better think of the consequence (But who are you )I"m your motherfuckin conscienceThat"s nonsense!Go in and gaffle the money and run to one of your aunt"s cribsAnd borrow a damn dress and one of her blonde wigsTell her you need a place to stayYou"ll be safe for days if you shave your legs with an aged razor bladeYeah but if it all goes through like it"s supposed toThe whole neighborhood knows you and they"ll expose youThink about it before you walk in the door firstLook at the store clerk she"s older than George BurnsFuck that! Do that shit! Shoot that bitch!Can you afford to blow this shit Are you that richWhy you give a fuck if she dies Are you that bitchDo you really think she gives a fuck if you have kidsMan don"t do it it"s not worth it to risk it! (You"re right!)Not over this shit (Stop!) Drop the biscuit (I will!)Don"t even listen to Slim yo he"s bad for you(You know what Dre I don"t like your attitude )( It"s alright c"mon just come in here for a minute )( Look baby )( Yo it"s gonna be alright right )Meet Stan twenty-one years old ( Give me a kiss! )After meeting a young girl at a rave partythings start getting hot and heavy in an upstairs bedroomOnce again his conscience comes into play ( Shit! )Now listen to me while you"re kissin her cheekand smearin her lipstick I slipped this in her drinkNow all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitch"s earlobe(Yo! This girl"s only fifteen years oldYou shouldn"t take advantage of her that"s not fair)Yo look at her bush does it got hair (Uh huh!)Fuck this bitch right here on the spot bareTil she passes out and she forgot how she got there(Man ain"t you ever seen that one movie _Kids_ )No but I seen the porno with SunDoobiest!(Shit you wanna get hauled off to jail )Man fuck that hit that shit raw dawg and bailMeet Grady a twenty-nine year old construction workerAfter coming home from a hard day"s workhe walks in the door of his trailer park hometo find his wife in bed with another man( WHAT THE FUCK ! ! )Alright calm down relax start breathinFuck that shit you just caught this bitch cheatinWhile you at work she"s with some dude tryin to get off !FUCK slittin her throat CUT THIS BITCH"S HEAD OFF!!!Wait! What if there"s an explanation for this shit(What She tripped Fell Landed on his dick !)Alright Shady maybe he"s right GradyBut think about the baby before you get all crazyOkay! Thought about it still wanna stab herGrab her by the throat get your daughter and kidnap herThat"s what I did be smart don"t be a retardYou gonna take advice from somebody who slapped DEE BARNES !What"chu say (What"s wrong Didn"t think I"d remember )I"ma kill you motherfucker!Uhhh-aahh! Temper temper!Mr Dre Mr N W AMr AK comin" straight outta Compton y"all better make wayHow in the fuck you gonna tell this man not to be violentCause he don"t need to go the same route that I wentBeen there done that aw fuck itWhat am I sayin Shoot em both Grady where"s your gun at
2023-07-08 20:07:323

he that has no shame has on conscience是什么意思

2023-07-08 20:07:381


2023-07-08 20:07:451


2023-07-08 20:07:521

how to get the poor off our conscience读后感

How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience is an essay, with clear logic and a tone of irony, written by John Kenneth Galbraith who is known for his development of Keynesian and post-Keynesian economics as well as for his writing and his active involvement in American politics. This article begins with pointing directly out that the theme or problem “How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience” has existed with a long history. AS for how to get the poor off our conscience, the author, in the second part of this article, brings up five historical solutions: according to the bible, the poor should be patient enough to their poverty of the current life so as to enjoy their future fortune in the next life; according to the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentharn, the greatest good for the greatest number, society does its best for the largest possible number of people, by which people can get the poor off their conscience; based on Malthusianism, poverty is caused by the undue and irresponsible sexual intercourse of the poor, so the poverty is the fault of the poor and nothing related with the rich; the theory of “survival of the fittest” of Social Darwinism provides the rich an excuse that the poor and the affluence are the results of the operation of the law of nature and God; Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover believe that assistance to the poor is inconsistent with the economic design and also damages the economy, by which the rich can also get the poor out of their conscience. After the Roosevelt revolution a lot of substantial measures have been taken, however the author thinks that is, actually, a way to avoid thinking about the poor. In recent years, the search for a way of getting the poor off the rich"s conscience is not at an end. There are five current designs for people to choose: the government incompetence should be the reason for the poor; helping the poor only hurts the poor; public-assistance measures have an adverse effect on the motivation of the rich and the diligent; the freedom of the affluence is reduced while that of the impoverished is not extraordinarily enhanced by taking money to help the poor from the taxes of the rich; psychological denial to the poor can also be a method to get out of the poor from the rich"s conscience. In the end of this part, the author concludes that the modern designs except the psychological denial are all the variations of the historical solutions. So are some solutions or designs now welcomed in Washington, such as those proposed by George Gilder and Charles Murray. In the last part of the article, the author points out that compassion, along with the associated public effort is in the interest of the conservatives to preserve and enlarge the social and political tranquility.
2023-07-08 20:08:001

英语谚语:A guilty conscience needs no accuser 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: A guilty conscience needs no accuser 中文意思: 贼胆心虚。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Bitter pills may have wholesome effects 良药苦口利于病。 Blessed is he who expects nothing for he shall never be disappointed 人无所求最享福,因他不为失望苦。 Blind men can judge no colours 不宜问道于盲。 Blood is thicker than water 血浓于水。 Blood will have blood 血债要用血来还。 Books like friends should be few and well chosen 书籍如朋友,应该少而精。 Borrowed garments never fit well 借来的衣服不合身。 Brave actions never want a trumpet 勇敢的行为不须要吹号。 Bread is the staff of life 民以食为天。 Brevity is the soul of wit 言以简洁为贵。 英语谚语: A guilty conscience needs no accuser 中文意思: 贼胆心虚。
2023-07-08 20:08:061

英语谚语:A good conscience is a soft pillow 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: A good conscience is a soft pillow 中文意思: 白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Be slow to promise and quick to perform 不轻诺,诺必果。 Be swift to hear slow to speak 多听少说。 Better a bachelor"s life than a slovenly wife 过光棍生活,胜过有一个邋遢老婆。 Better a glorious death than a shameful life 忍辱贪生不如死得光荣。 Better a little fire to warm us than a great one to burn us 适量的火好取暖,熊熊烈火能焚身。 Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow 前程虽远大,现实尤可贵。 Better an empty purse than an empty head 宁可钱袋瘪,不要脑袋空。 Better an open enemy than a false friend 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 Better are *** all fish than an empty dish 有胜于无。 Better ask twice than lose you way once 宁愿问路两次胜过迷路一次。 英语谚语: A good conscience is a soft pillow 中文意思: 白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。
2023-07-08 20:08:131


脚踏实地= to stand on solid ground I want you to stand on solid ground conscience to other people 我希望你脚踏实地地做人.做野要对得起良心. Be practical do whatever with your conscience. 关怀是不需要条件的 看到别人需要帮忙时 不要吝啬伸出援手 亦不需要求回报 他们的笑容就是你应得的最大回报了. Careness is unconditional just do your best to help and don"t expect any repay because of that the biggest reward is the *** ile with appreciation. 参考: SELF Do things and behaved well and have a clear conscience. 我希望你脚踏实地地做人.做野要对得起良心. Caring is unconditional. If anyone is in need of your help don"t hesitate. His *** ile is your greatest repayment. 关怀是不需要条件的 看到别人需要帮忙时 不要吝啬伸出援手 亦不需要求回报 他们的笑容就是你应得的最大回报了. 脚踏实地 = Down- toEarth 我希望你脚踏实地地做人.做野要对得起良心. I hope that you will bee a down-to-earth person and uphold (维护;维持) your personal morals (个人道德). . 2007-12-10 10:34:46 补充: This one is better:I hope that you will bee a down-to-earth person and uphold (维护;维持) your personal morals standard (个人道德). 关怀是不需要条件 - Love and care are unconditional. (没有附带条件的) 2007-12-10 10:34:55 补充: This one is better:I hope that you will bee a down-to-earth person and uphold (维护;维持) your personal moral standard (个人道德). 关怀是不需要条件 - Love and care are unconditional. (没有附带条件的) 2007-12-10 12:47:30 补充: 关怀是不需要条件的 看到别人需要帮忙时 不要吝啬伸出援手 亦不需要求回报 他们的笑容就是你应得的最大回报了. Your care and support for others should be unconditional. When you know someone is in need please don"t hesitate offer your helping hand and don"t expect to be repaid. The *** iles on their face will be your biggest reward. 参考: I live and study in the US.
2023-07-08 20:08:311


1、 I have a clear conscience on what they are doing2、his task is tough for me too3、Changed the subject at thispoint peter4、The workers grumble about low wages5、I"m sorry, I did not mean to hurt you.
2023-07-08 20:08:413

英语谚语:A guilty conscience is a self-accuser 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: A guilty conscience is a self-accuser 中文意思: 做贼心虚,良心自诛。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Adversity makes a man wise not rich 患难使人聪明,但不能致富。 Adversity makes strange bedfellows 身处逆境不择友。 Adversity successfully overe is the highest glory 成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。 A fair death honours the whole life 死得光明,终身荣耀。 A fair face may hide a foul heart 人不可貌相。 A faithful friend is hard to find 益友难得。 A fall into the pit a gain in your wit 吃一堑,长一智。 A father is a treasure a brother is a fort but a friend is both 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。 A fault confessed is half redressed 承认错误,等于改正一半。 Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended 事情要安步就班地做,就会很快地做完。 英语谚语: A guilty conscience is a self-accuser 中文意思: 做贼心虚,良心自诛。
2023-07-08 20:08:471


Harry is strongly guided by his own conscience, and has a keen feeling of what is right and what is wrong. Having very limited access to truly caring adults, Harry is forced to make his own decisions from an early age on. He does make mistakes, but in the end, he does what his conscience tells him to do. One of Harry"s pivotal scenes came in the fourth story when he protects his dead schoolmate Cedric Diggory"s body from Voldemort, because it shows he is brave and unselfish.
2023-07-08 20:08:562


  【导语】 趁活着就得多折腾折腾,因为我们都会死很久。爱折腾的人都老得慢,因为对生活还有所期待,下面关于英文人生感悟文章 ,一起来阅读下文吧!   【篇一】英文人生感悟文章   No job is not hard, no human being is not complicated. You reject the present unpleasantness, and the time will not pass slowly. So don"t throw tantrums. Nobody owes you anything. Learn to keep a low profile, and try to be lucky. When people have enough connotation and material backing, life will become very strong!   You sometimes have good intentions, but people don"t accept it. Don"t worry about it. Why do you have any reason to accept your kindness? Put away your cheap sympathy and your desire to snoop on others. Ask for your help and give it to him.   Some things can be seen, but not broken; Some people can see through, but don"t puncture; Some words, can not say silence, hiding in the heart better; Some hurt, can not lift without mentioning, silent forget wiser; Give it a chance; Leave a space for others and give yourself a dignity. To be convenient is to be generous. To be tolerant of others is to forgive yourself.   Some things may be seen through, but don"t look through. Some people can see through, but don"t show; Give it a chance; Leave a space for others and give yourself a dignity. To be convenient is to be generous. To forgive others is to forgive us. To live is to practice, to build a calm and optimistic heart, and it will be light, comfortable and elegant. What belongs to you, no one can take away; What you can take away is not yours.   Some things, don"t pay attention, it is like a gust of wind, scraping, no; A few things, don"t make it clear, it is like a thorn, find out, thorn heartache; A few things, don"t worry, it is like a mass of hemp, rational appearance, have a clue. The people, you are more ambitious, you are inclusive, you are generous. It is not enough to be beautiful; Not to be dry, but easy enough; Be strong when you are not sad; Not to be sad, just enough sunshine; He who is not jealous, is good enough; It is not enough to be happy; No more than happy.   There are certain things that are clear in their own right, and they are not necessary to be difficult, for they cannot be answered. Some people recognize that they are good, not worth to mourn, because the look is not to be forced. Those who love you will not stay away. He who does not love you will be disappointed. Experience, will report your approach; Time will teach you how to see people. There was once a pledge, perhaps only perfunctory; In fact, the opposite intimacy, but only a short time.   Feel life together   Everyone has needs; Everyone has dreams for everyone. Everyone has the value of everyone. Some things cannot be forced; Some edges cannot be strongly tied; Some people can"t stay strong; Some roads cannot be strong; Some of them can"t be strong; Some ideas can"t be strong.   Understand that happiness comes from a state of mind. Beauty comes from understanding love. Rich in knowledge; Maturity comes from honing. Wealth comes from accumulation. To live happily and happily in the way I like, believing that good people have good news; It is good to have good fruit; There must be gains in hard work.   No one is perfect, and there is no need to cover up. To be a man, to be able to look up, to be able to bow. It is not only a posture, but also an attitude and a quality.   We always take "go with the flow" to life on the road of thorns bumpy, but rarely admit, real let nature take its course, is after doing everything they can to try not to demand, and get rather than the hands of a stand.   The more you do it, the easier it will be to go out. So in many cases, you should be grateful to those who have no regard for you. There is no greater sorrow than death.   Sometimes the best way to get people to care about you is to not care about them.   If you love, life is lovely; If you hate, you can hate life. If you are grateful, you can be grateful. If you grow, everything can grow. Growing up, not more and more cool, but more and more gentle. Sometimes, since there is nowhere to hide, it is better to be silly. There is no escape, but joy. So, there are three ways to be happy: to give up, to put down, to forget, to smile to warm, to be unafraid!   【篇二】英文人生感悟文章   A long career tells us how important it is to score points and to have a standard answer to any question. But meet the reality but be snapped face, highly educated barbarian, college student murder and so on all sorts of university student problems more and more. What went wrong? Knowledge is better than nothing   It is no problem to answer a standardized test paper, but it is a matter of conscience judgment, judgment, good and bad judgment. If something goes wrong, it is a big problem. No cultural knowledge can be tolerated, no conscience can be tolerated.   Many employers are looking for the candidate"s personality, and a degree is just a reference. Character and ability, like the left hand and right hand, have the ability, no character, the person will be incomplete. Character determines attitude, attitude determines behavior, behavior determines the final outcome. Human beings are so profound that no one is willing to trust and reuse a poor employee. Good personality has become the professional promotion of modern career and the solid foundation of successful life.   What is it that determines a person"s character? It is the conscience, the conscience of man.   It is not the total amount of knowledge that determines a person"s state, but the other. Confucius himself had already said, "I know. Ignorance also." Do I have knowledge? No, no.   Zi xia, the Confucius student, said, "although the path, there must be the audience," but "zhiyuan is not the same as the superior man." Even when carrots such knowledge was introduced into China, you can blow brag, but if you always put the cognitive focus on this information, your life will not have what achievement. You use trivial knowledge to turn life into pieces, so the gentleman does not.   There are so many useless things in life. Boring knowledge can make life boring. Trivial knowledge can make personality trivial, even obscene.   Socrates once said, "the point I know more than others is that I know that I am ignorant." They say that these are not modest, but they say a truth.   In the face of the infinite world, our brief life knowledge can be ignored. Therefore, we should allow our own ignorance, and should also tolerate the ignorance of others.   Reprint a story that many people tell bad. One father found that the 15-year-old daughter was not at home, leaving a letter that said, "dear mom and dad, today I ran off with randy. Randy was a very individual man, and he was tattooed on his body. He was 42 and not old, was he? I"m going to live in the forest with him, and, of course, it"s not just me and him, randy and a couple of other women, but I don"t mind. We"re going to grow marijuana, and we can sell it to our friends. I also want us to have a lot of children there. In the process, we also hope that medical technology can make great progress so that randy"s AIDS can be cured."   The father, reading this, had broken down. He found, however, that there was a saying at the bottom, "see the back."   On the back, it says, "dad, that page is not true. The truth is that I"m in the next door, and the midterm exam is in the drawer, and you open it and sign it. The reason I write this letter is to tell you that there are worse things in the world than your exam papers. You call me now and tell me I can go home safely."   This letter states that a person can make mistakes on an examination paper, or even make mistakes, and make mistakes all his life. We are all ignorant when we are old.   If we make a mistake on our conscience, we are all gone.   Therefore, it is more important to judge the value than the fact. As a matter of fact, we don"t know everything, but we should try our best to have conscience and value judgment.   One of the problems in Chinese society today is that some young people lack judgment. One problem with education in China is the lack of literacy. For example, in order to boy cott Japanese goods, many young people walked into the streets to smash their compatriots" cars, beat the Japanese shops, and even hurt their compatriots" bodies. They had a passion for patriotism, but they were in fact "hindering". Why would a man with a good patriotic passion do things that hinder the country and damage the image of the Chinese people? What are they missing? Conscience. We often say that we are going to be beaten when we are behind, and I will tell you that barbarians will fight.   Knowledge is power, but I want to tell you that conscience is the direction.
2023-07-08 20:09:031


The cold conscience of a generation
2023-07-08 20:09:112


2023-07-08 20:09:181

英语谚语:A clear conscience laughs at false accusations 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: A clear conscience laughs at false accusations 中文意思: 白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Do not despise your enemy 万勿轻敌。 Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail 不要有求必应。 Do no through fear of poverty surrender liberty 不要因为怕贫苦而放弃自由。 Do not praise a day before sunset 切勿褒贬过早。 Do not run too fast after gain 不要见利就拼命追。 Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself 不要向不如你幸运的人述说你的幸福。 Do not swap horses when crossing a stream 处在危难中,不宜大更动。 Do not to others what you do not wish them to do to you 己所不欲,勿施于人。 Do not wash dirty linen in public 家丑不可外扬。 Don"t cast out the foul water till you bring in the clean 清水未来,莫泼赃水。 英语谚语: A clear conscience laughs at false accusations 中文意思: 白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。
2023-07-08 20:09:251


1、无论你怎样地表示愤怒,都不要做出任何无法挽回的事来。 No matter how angry you are, don"t do anything irreparable. 2、应该热心地致力于照道德行事,而不要空谈道德。 We should devote ourselves enthusiastically to acting according to morality instead of talking about morality. 3、劳动却是产生一切力量、一切道德和一切幸福的威力无比的源泉。 Labor is the source of all strength, all morality and all happiness. 4、如果道德败坏了,趣味也必然会堕落。 If morality is corrupted, interest is bound to degenerate. 5、作为一个人,对父母要尊敬,对子女要慈爱,对穷亲戚要慷慨,对一切人要有礼貌。 As a person, we should respect our parents, be kind to our children, be generous to our poor relatives and be polite to everyone. 6、道德应当成为科学的指路明灯。 Morality should be the guiding light of science. 7、道德方面的伟大,就在于对朋友始终不渝的爱,对敌人不可磨灭的恨。 The greatness of morality lies in constant love for friends and indelible hatred for enemies. 8、道德是自由的保卫者。 Morality is the guardian of freedom. 9、人应当头脑清楚,道德纯洁,身体干净。 A person should have a clear mind, a pure morality and a clean body. 10、谁能从道德败坏的地方脱出来,还保持洁白,便是有了最伟大的功德。 Whoever can get rid of moral corruption and remain pure is the greatest virtue. 11、骄傲道德导致丰盈,然后导致贫困,最后导致声誉扫地。 Pride leads to abundance, then poverty, and ultimately to discredit. 12、道德不是良心的可卑的机谋,而是斗争和艰难, *** 和痛苦。 Morality is not a humble opportunity of conscience, but struggle and hardship, passion and pain. 13、美,是道德上的善的象征。 Beauty is the symbol of moral goodness. 14、道德衰亡,诚亡国灭种之根基。 Moral decay is the foundation of sincerity to subjugate the country and destroy the seed. 15、道德能帮助人类社会升到更高的水平,使人类社会摆脱劳动剥削制。 Morality can help human society to rise to a higher level, so that human society can get rid of the system of labor exploitation. 16、智慧和德行,有如一辆车的两个轮子。 Wisdom and virtue are like o wheels of a car. 17、人要正直,因为在其中有雄辩和德行的秘诀,有道德的影响力。 People should be upright, because there are the secrets of eloquence and virtue, and the influence of morality. 18、道德中最大的秘密就是爱。 The greatest secret of morality is love. 19、修养的本质如同人的性格,最终还是归结到道德情操这个问题上。 The essence of self-cultivation is like a person"s character, which ultimately es down to the issue of moral sentiment. 20、人类在道德文化方面最高级的阶段,就是当我们认识到应当用理智控制思想时。 The highest stage of human morality and culture is when we realize that we should use reason to control our thoughts. 21、没有情感,道德就会变成枯燥无味的空话,只能培养出伪君子。 Without emotion, morality will bee dull empty talk and only hypocrites can be cultivated. 22、道德活动既受 *** 长官支配,又受良心的制约。 Moral activities are governed not only by government officials, but also by conscience. 23、人类最不道德订户,是不诚实与懦弱。 The most immoral subscribers are dishonest and cowardly. 24、美德对于每个人,都是善;不道德对于每个人,都是恶。 Virtue is good for everyone; immorality is evil for everyone. 25、道德常常能填补智慧的缺陷,而智慧却望远填补不了道德的缺陷。 Morality can often fill the defects of wisdom, but wisdom can not fill the defects of morality. 26、道德的损害是良心的完全麻痹。 Moral damage is a plete paralysis of conscience. 27、有谦和、愉快、诚恳的态度,而同时又加上忍耐精神的人,是非常幸运的。 It is very fortunate to have a modest, pleasant and sincere attitude, coupled with a spirit of patience. 28、如果你的道德观念令你消沉,那它们就一定是错误的道德观念。 If your morals depress you, they must be wrong morals. 29、不守时间就是没有道德。 No punctuality is no morality. 30、遵照道德准则生活就是幸福的生活。 To live according to moral principles is to live happily. 31、人类最高的道德标准是什么?那就是爱国心。 What is the highest moral standard of human beings? That"s patrioti *** . 32、人类最大的幸福就在于每天能谈谈道德方面的事情。无灵魂的生活就失去了人的生活价值。 The greatest happiness of mankind lies in being able to talk about moral matters every day. A soulless life loses the value of human life. 33、对于道德的实践来说,最好的观众就是人们自己的良心。 For moral practice, the best audience is people"s own conscience. 34、人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清白的,身体上应该是洁净的。 People should be open-minded in wisdom, innocent in morality and clean in body. 35、德行啊,你是纯朴的灵魂的崇高科学。 Virtue, you are the lofty science of the simple soul. 36、劳动受人推崇。为社会服务是很受人赞赏的道德理想。 Labor is respected. Serving the society is a highly appreciated moral ideal. 37、道德的基础是人类精神的自律。 The foundation of morality is the self-discipline of human spirit. 38、因为道德是做人的根本。根本一坏,纵然使你有一些学问和本领,也无甚用处。 Because morality is the foundation of being a man. It"s totally bad. Even if you have some knowledge and skills, it"s useless. 39、以为智慧比美德更重要的人,会失去自己的智慧。 Those who think that wisdom is more important than virtue will lose their wisdom. 40、良心是一种根据道德准则来判断自己的本能,它不只是一种能力;它是一种本能。 Conscience is an instinct to judge oneself according to moral principles. It is not only an ability; it is an instinct. 41、我愿证明,凡是行为善良与高尚的人,定能因之而担当患难。 I would like to prove that anyone who acts kindly and nobly will be able to bear hardships. 42、如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。 Fet the past like *** oke, selfless hearts of the world wide. 43、社会和自然的区别就在于,社会是有一定道德目标的。 The difference beeen society and nature is that society has certain moral goals. 44、道德是永存的,而财富每天在更换主人。 Morality is eternal, and wealth is changing its owner every day. 45、好脾气是一个人在社交中所能穿着的最佳服饰。 Good temper is the best dress a person can wear in social life. 46、一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。 The saddest thing for a man is the death of his conscience. 47、劳动是人类存在的基础和手段,是一个人在体格、智慧和道德上臻于完善的源泉。 Labor is the basis and means of human existence and the source of a person"s physical, intellectual and moral perfection. 48、道德是永存的,而财富是每天都在更换主人的。 Morality is eternal, and wealth is changing its owner every day. 49、法律是显露的道德,道德是隐藏的法律。 Law is the exposed morality, while morality is the hidden law. 50、道德普遍地被认为是人类的最高目的,因此也是教育的最高目的。 Morality is generally regarded as the supreme goal of human beings and therefore the supreme goal of education. 51、道德常常填补智慧的缺陷,而智慧却永远填补不了道德的缺陷。 Morality often fills the defects of wisdom, but wisdom can never fill the defects of morality. 52、无私是稀有的道德,因为从它身上是无利可图的。 Selflessness is a rare morality, for it is unprofitable. 53、问心的道德胜于问理的道德,所以情感的生活胜于理智的生活。 The morality of inquiry is better than that of reason, so the life of emotion is better than that of reason. 54、道德是真理之花。 Morality is the flower of truth.
2023-07-08 20:09:321