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2023-07-08 21:22:24
TAG: 英文 美国

The land of Tennessee stretches from the scenic Great Smoky Mountains of the east 440 miles to the banks of the Mississippi River in the west. Within Tennessee"s 42,145 square miles of scenic beauty and diversity lives the greatest variety of birds of any state in the union.

But it is not just the amazing variety of birds that fill the air with song. Music is one of Tennessee"s major traditions and attractions. Memphis holds the title "Birthplace of the blues". Nashville hosts more than a hundred recording studios, and is famous as the country music capital of the world. From Elvis Presley to the Grand Ole Opry, from blues to bluegrass to country, music is an integral part of the soul and sound of Tennessee.

Yes, music is alive in Tennessee and is evident in the official state symbols that have been approved through legislative resolution or have been signed into law. With no less than eleven official state songs, Tennessee makes sure that it leads the rest of the states when the band begins to play.



Tennessee[英][u02cctenu0259"si:][美][u02cctenu0259"si:]n.田纳西州; Tennessee[人名] 田纳西; 例句:双语英语1.In 1923 bettie page was born in nashville tennessee. 贝蒂佩姬1923年出生在田纳西州的纳什维尔。2.I did three big portraits of tennessee. 我画了三幅田纳西的肖像。3.Could lives have been saved in tennessee? 我们在田纳西这种大洪水中能生存下来么?4.Republicans held on to the senate seat in tennessee. 共和党人则保住了田纳西州的参议院席位。
2023-07-08 19:02:591


中文翻译 句子
2023-07-08 19:03:074


tennessee [英]u02cctenu0259"si: [美]u02cctenu0259"si: n. 田纳西州 [例句]In 1923 bettie page was born in nashville tennessee.贝蒂佩姬1923年出生在田纳西州的纳什维尔。更多示例用法请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-08 19:03:402


《Tennessee》创作:Hans Zimmer所属专辑:《Pearl Harbor (Music from the Motion Picture)/珍珠港电影原声》唱片公司:Warner Bros.发行时间:2001年05月22日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐此曲为纯音乐,没有歌词。
2023-07-08 19:03:493

GALA的《Tennessee》 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee歌手:GALATennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennessee
2023-07-08 19:04:341


田纳西州小档案∶   田纳西州美国南部的一个州。1796年其被接纳为第十六个州。西班牙人于1540年首先到达这一地区,1769年坦尼尔·勃思探索了这一地区,1783年其成为美国的一部分。只存在了很短时间的弗兰克林州(1784-1788年)成为美国俄亥俄河南部地区(1790年)和后来的田纳西州的基础。纳什韦尔为其首府,孟斐斯为最大城市。人口4,896,641 人口∶5,368,200 面积∶42,244 平方英里,面积排名第三十四州 首都∶那士维尔 Nashville   州税∶州税 6%,城市及县可以多收税但不得超过州税的一半,城市和县也可以收 3 到 5% 旅馆税。田纳西州小地理∶   田纳西州长约 432 英里,东起北卡罗来纳州州界的阿巴拉契亚山脉〈Appalachian Mountain〉, 西止密苏里州和阿肯色州东边的密西西比河 〈Mississippi River〉。田纳西州有三个不同的地理环境∶东部、中部和西部。东田纳西是一系列的山峰和谷地,从六千尺高的大烟山脉〈Great Smoky Mountains〉,穿过田纳西河谷到阿巴拉契亚山脉和康勃兰高地 〈Cumberland Plateau〉。   田纳西中部是由东部向西走到达田纳西河第二次流经的区域。这个地区包括中央盆地〈Central Basin〉、高地圈〈Highland Rim〉及那士维尔盆地〈Nashville Basin〉。中央盆地〈Central Basin〉是有名的蓝草地区,田纳西州有名的走马〈Tennessee Walking Horse〉的家。   田纳西州的三条河分别为田纳西河〈Tennessee River、Cumberland River和密西西比河。田纳西河在田州东部是向南流,在西部则是向北流。密西西比河则在田州西部形成州界。   田州有超过 30 个大湖,在田州西北角的 Reelfoot Lake 是 1811 年大地震后地层下陷和淹水所形成的。田纳西谷局 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 在 1930 年代将泥泞不能航行的水道发展成以田纳西河为中心的可通行的防洪设施。   田纳西州的农田占地一千两百四十万英亩,替田州每年带来 20 亿美元的收入。烟草以每单位农地的收入最高,棉花和大豆次之。Knoxville、Nashville 和 Springfield 等地是大烟草集散地,全国三分之一的棉花在孟菲斯棉花交易中心 Memphis Cotton Exchange 转手。 田纳西州观光旅游点∶ American Museum of Science and Energy Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park County Music Hall of Fame and Museum Cumberland Gap National Historical Park Cumberland Science Museum Dixie Stampede Dollywood Frank H. McClung Museum Governor William Blount Mansion Grand Ole Opry 大烟山国家公园 Great Smoky Mountains National Park The Hermitage Hunter Museum of America Art Jack Daniels Distillery Knoxville Museum of Art Museum of Appalachia The National Civil Rights Museum Opryland USA Rattle & Snap Rock City Gardens Rocky Mount Ruby Falls-Lookout Mountain Caverns Shiloh National Military Park Tennessee Aquarium Tuckaleechee Caverns Upper Room Chapel and Museum Wilsons North American Wildlife Museum
2023-07-08 19:04:481


呵呵。是好莱坞头号配乐大师Hans Zimmer(汉斯季默)
2023-07-08 19:04:592


2023-07-08 19:05:323


2023-07-08 19:05:392


2023-07-08 19:05:462

求《珍珠港》的ost ——《tennessee》的乐谱!!

sorry,I don"t no.
2023-07-08 19:05:564

nashiville,tennessee与mount juliet,tennessee是同一个地方吗

2023-07-08 19:06:171


  想要去美国留学或者直接移民美国,如果你是一个喜爱艺术的人,那么哪个州最适合你呢?跟着来了解一下美国艺术气氛最浓的州是哪个州吧,欢迎阅读。    田纳西州留学及移民优势    前言: 田纳西州(State of Tennessee)位于美国东南部,东起北卡罗来纳州州界的阿巴拉契亚山脉(Appalachian Mountain),南临佐治亚州、亚拉巴马州、密西西比州, 西止密苏里州和阿肯色州东边的密西西比河(Mississippi River),北临肯塔基州和弗吉尼亚州,地势东高西低。长约432英里,州面积109,150平方公里。首府纳什维尔(Nashville),州内还有美国乡村音乐的中心孟菲斯。    一、田纳西州纵览   u2022 Total population of 6.4 million   u2022 Famous Tennesseans include singers Whitney Houston and Dolly Parton, director Quentin Tarantino, and actor Samuel L. Jackson   u2022 Reelfoot Lake in the state"s northwest is known as the ‘Turtle Capital of the World"   u2022 Elvis Presley"s house (Graceland) in Memphis is the second most visited house in the US   u2022 The strongest earthquake in American history happened in Tennessee in the early 19th century   u2022 The world"s best selling whiskey Jack Daniel"s is made in Lynchburg in Moore County, Tennessee – which is a dry county, meaning that you can"t actually buy any Jack Daniel"s there!   u2022 Nashville"s Grand Ole Opry is the world"s longest running radio program, having been broadcasted continuously since 1925   u2022 Driving a car while sleeping is prohibited by law in Tennessee, as is fishing off another person"s hook   u2022总人口640万,著名的田纳西人包括歌手惠特尼·休斯顿和多莉·帕顿,导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺和演员塞缪尔·杰克逊   u2022位于美国西北部的Reelfoot湖被誉为“世界的海龟之都”,猫王埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的房子在孟菲斯是美国第二受欢迎的房子   u2022美国历史上最强烈的地震发生在19世纪早期的田纳西州   u2022世界上最畅销的威士忌杰克丹尼尔的威士忌是在田纳西州摩尔县的林奇堡制造的,这是一个干燥的郡意思是你不能在那里买到任何杰克丹尼的东西!   u2022纳什维尔的大奥普里是世界上运行时间最长的广播节目,自1925年以来一直在运营   u2022在田纳西州,开车时睡觉是法律禁止的,就像钓到别人的鱼钩一样    二、气候条件   Tennessee is perhaps best known for its music. After all, this is a state that contains two of the most musically significant cities of the 20th century: Nashville and Memphis.The former is the beating heart of the country music scene, lending its name to a subgenre in the mid-20th century, and the latter is the birthplace of rock ‘n" roll, where such luminaries as Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash first made a name for themselves at Sun Studios.And with recent years producing artists such as Justin Timberlake, Ke$ha, Usher and The Kings of Leon, it seems that the state hasn"t yet lost its magic in this regard.   Outside of these two metropolises, which along with third city Knoxville are home to over the half of Tennessee"s population, the state"s geography falls into three distinct categories, represented by the three stars on the state flag.These are the Blue Ridge Mountains to the east, the fertile plateau around the Nashville Basin in the middle of the state, and the hot swampy lowlands around Memphis in the state"s west.This varied landscape means that there"s a lot to see beyond the state"s major urban centres, and, indeed, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the country"s most visited national park.Tennessee is tied with Missouri as the state which borders the most others. If you want to explore the southern United States, then, Tennessee could serve as a great base of operations.   田纳西最出名的可能是它的 音乐 。毕竟,这是一个包含20世纪最具音乐性的城市的两个城市:纳什维尔和孟菲斯。前者是 乡村音乐的核心 ,在20世纪中期将其命名为一种亚种,后者是摇滚乐的发源地,像猫王和约翰尼·卡什这样的杰出人物在太阳工作室首次成名。近年来,像贾斯汀·汀布莱克、Ke $ ha、Usher和Kings of Leon等艺术家,似乎国家还没有失去它在这方面的魔力。在这两个大都市之外,还有第三个城市诺克斯维尔是田纳西州人口的一半,该州的地理位置分为三个不同的类别,由州旗上的三颗星星代表。这些是东部的蓝岭山脉,位于该州中部的纳什维尔盆地周围的肥沃高原,以及该州西部孟菲斯附近的炎热沼泽低地。这种不同的景观意味着,除了国家的主要城市中心,还有很多地方可以看到,而且,大烟山国家公园是这个国家最受欢迎的国家公园。田纳西州与密苏里州接壤与其他州接壤。如果你想探索美国南部,那么田纳西可以作为一个很好的行动基地。    三、田纳西州的顶尖大学   Tennessee"s top ranking university is the private research institution, Vanderbilt University. Ranking at 131 in the 2011/12 QS World University Rankings, Nashville-based Vanderbilt currently hosts 12,000 students, just over half of which are undergraduates.The university has one of the largest endowments in the US, with the 2011 figure standing at US$3.4 billion. It has produced a number of notable alumni, including Al Gore (former US vice president), Nobel Prize winner Mohammad Yunus (and six other Nobel Prize winners), and Ann Moore, chair/CEO of Time Inc.The university"s Institute for Space and Defence Electronics is the world"s largest, and its School of Medicine is considered to be among the country"s best. Vanderbilt also has an institute dedicated to studying coffee.The state"s flagship public university, the University of Tennessee, also makes the QS World University Rankings, coming in at 391 in the 2011 edition.Based in Knoxville, towards the east of the state, the institution serves 28,000 students. Among its research specialities are American history, personalized solutions for learning disorders and green energy. The university is home to federal Department of Energy"s largest science and energy lab.   田纳西大学排名第一的大学是私人研究大学 范德比尔特大学 。在2011年至2012年QS世界大学排名中,位于纳什维尔的范德比尔特大学排名131位,目前有1.2万名学生,其中一半以上是本科生。该大学拥有美国最大的捐赠基金之一,2011年的捐款总额为34亿美元。它还培养了许多著名校友,其中包括美国前副总统阿尔u2022戈尔、诺贝尔奖得主穆罕默德u2022尤努斯(以及其他六位诺贝尔奖得主)和时代公司首席执行官安u2022摩尔。这所大学的太空和国防电子学院是世界上最大的,它的医学院被认为是全国最好的。范德比尔特也有一个专门研究咖啡的研究所。在2011年的版本中,国家的顶尖公立大学,田纳西大学也成为QS世界大学排名的第391位。在诺克斯维尔,在州的东部,该大学为28,000名学生提供服务。在其研究领域中有美国历史、个性化的学习障碍解决方案和绿色能源。这所大学是联邦能源最大的科学和能源实验室的所在地。
2023-07-08 19:06:241

珍珠港的一段插曲男女主人公一起在飞机上看日落 在电影1小时左右

然后呢 你有什么不明白的吗?
2023-07-08 19:06:312


2023-07-08 19:06:547

我译经典老歌——The Tennessee Waltz(田纳西华尔兹)

歌词译文:真念一思 歌手: Patti Page 作词:Stewart, 作曲:King 田纳西华尔兹/Tennessee Waltz由美国作曲家金作于1948年,美国歌星帕蒂-佩姬在1950年唱了此曲,这是她一生中最成功的歌曲,(此曲被选定为田纳西州州歌)。这首歌的旋律舒缓平和、优美动听,似在讲述女主人公的爱情悲剧,也似在指点人生。不难发现,这首歌表现出女主人公在忧伤之后对感情的得失进行了思考并能坦然接受这一结局的心境,这也正是这首歌想要表达的意图:往日的情怀,往日的悲喜,都已成为过去。在人生之路上.一个人总要承受无数的坎坷和磨难,过分沉湎于伤感之中,就会失去自我及生活中的乐趣...... 这首歌有很多的版本,大多都有着多多少少的各种的作,只有Patti Page演绎得自然、流畅,表达出了那种面对过去内心的伤痛之后,对从前的相爱仍然抱有怀念的,那种痛定思痛的坦然,温柔……令人听之动容......(来自音乐网评) 歌曲及歌手简介: 帕蒂·佩奇原名Clara Ann Fowler。1927年11月8日出生于俄克拉何马州的Muskogee。她是在Tulsa地方的无线电台开始她的职业歌唱生涯的。在周末也偶尔参加一些爵士音乐会。她Patti Page的艺名是在Page Milk赞助的一个节目中起的。即使后来她离开了这档节目,这个艺名却保留了下来。这期间她跟随一支由Jimmy Joy领导的乐队,在全国巡回演出,1947年在芝加哥结束。同年又在Benny Goodman一个附属的小演唱组内唱歌,并赢得了和Mercury唱片公司的一份合同。她的第一支热门曲《Confess-坦白》就是这一年的成绩,而且是第一位流行歌星,制作了自己和自己合唱的录音。在继续取得几首成功的歌曲后,于1950年,她的一支《With My Eyes Wide Open I"m Dreaming-睁眼梦》达到了唱片销售百万张的成绩,这全靠她新型的,自我重唱效果(也被称为帕蒂·佩奇四重唱)。还是在1950年,《All My Love-所有的爱》成了她的第一支榜首曲,在榜首停留了5周。同年,她一生中最成功的歌曲《田纳亚园舞曲》则在榜首停留了好几个月(此曲被选定为田纳西州州歌),被列美国为最佳销售单曲之一。在后来的日子里,这支歌曲不下于6次步入排行榜前40位。在1952年到53年间,佩奇还出了两支大热门曲《我参加了你的婚礼》和《橱窗里的小狗》,都在榜首停留了2个多月。 帕蒂·佩奇还曾有过自己的电视节目,即1955年的‘帕蒂·佩奇秀"。与同时代的其他艺人相比,她对摇滚乐兴起的态度颇有弹性。1956和1957年时,照样以《Allegheny Moon》和《Old Cape Cod》两曲取得第二和第三的地位。在60年代她的歌曲也一直都有上榜。她1965年演唱的电影《Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte》主题曲进入了前10位。她虽然自1968年开始就不进录音棚了,可是一直到上世纪90年代她还仍有一些公开演出。 更多精彩内容,尽在专题: 我译经典老歌 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教!
2023-07-08 19:07:161


2023-07-08 19:07:268

请问有人知道,动画片Tennessee Tuxedo中文名字叫什么吗?

2023-07-08 19:07:422

需要电影珍珠港的插曲tennessee钢琴谱,不是THERE YOU WILL BE 哦

2023-07-08 19:07:501


2023-07-08 19:07:5815


2023-07-08 19:08:282


2023-07-08 19:08:372


百度百科里有,很详细,她还有自己的网站,都可以查到...我比较喜欢她的fearless、you belong with me ...最值得推荐的MV应该是love story,里面她很美
2023-07-08 19:08:454


2023-07-08 19:09:062


田纳西州的各主要城市的邮编英文州名(缩写):Tennessee (TN) 区号:423 – 615 – 731 – 865 – 901 – 931 主要城市: 1、那什维尔(Nemphis) Zip:37201 Nashville Tennessee Davidson 37222 Nashville Tennessee Davidson 37224 Nashville Tennessee Davidson 37227 Nashville Tennessee Davidson 37230 Nashville Tennessee Davidson 37232 Nashville Tennessee Davidson 37234 Nashville Tennessee Davidson 372502、孟菲斯(Memphis) Zip:37501、38101、38103~38120、38122、38124~38137、38140~38143、38145~38148、38150~38152、38157、38159、38161、38163、38165~38168、38173~38175、38177、38181、38182、38184、38186~38188、38190、38193~38195、381973、诺克斯维尔(Knoxville) Zip:37901、37902、37909、37912、37914、37924、37927~37933、37938~37940、37950、37955、37990、37995~379984、橡岭(Oak Ridge) Zip:37830、37831 Knowledge:
2023-07-08 19:09:293

tennessee williams的名言翻译

1. Don"t look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you know you will be dead不要指望有一天你能解脱,因为你知道等那一天到来的时候你会死去。生於忧患,死於安乐。 2. A dog starving at his master"s gate predicts the ruin of the state看主人家门口的饿狗就知道家境的衰败。树死先从叶子黄。 3. I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by custom.我宁愿好奇心来打开我的思想也不要让传统习俗关闭它。我宁可因为好奇而使自己虚怀若谷,而不愿因为习俗而使自己墨守成规。 宁愿创新,不愿陈腐。 4. Gather you rosebuds while you may, old time is still a-flying, and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.可以采花的时候,别错过,时光老人在飞驰,今天还在微笑的花朵,明天就会枯死。未雨绸缪。 5.However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him.不管一个笨蛋有多笨, 总有更笨的人欣赏佩服他。天生我材必有用。/ 比上不足,比下有余。 6. Belief, then, is the great guide of human life信仰是人生的伟大向导。/ 信念是人生的重要处事指南。 7. Other people"s harvests are always the best harvests,but one"s own children are always the best children别人的收获总是最好的,自己的孩子总是最乖的。 8. There is no feasts on earth that does not end in parting天下无不散之宴席。 9. Everyone has some tricks they can do, but each has his own way of doing them.每个人都有他们可做的一些技巧,并且每个人都有自己的做法。八仙过海,各显神通。 10. Those who can lose shall gain, those who wish gain shall lose输得起,才能赢;只想赢,就会输。有意栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。/ 阴差阳错。
2023-07-08 19:09:441

谁能给一个美国作家Tennessee Williams 的简介,就是欲望号街车的作家

  威廉斯就是美国最有名的剧作家田纳西·威廉斯(Tennessee Williams)。威廉斯是著名的同性恋者,纵欲无度,但是在认识法兰克·梅格之后,却共同生活了十四年之久,直到1962年法兰克死于癌症。生离死别后的田纳西说"自己的一部分生命也随法兰克消逝了"。而介绍法兰克认识田纳西的美国作家图鲁门·卡波提(他本人也是同性恋者)说,田纳西就是他自己笔下的布朗许,即「欲望号街车」的女主角。  「欲望号街车」是田纳西最好的作品,他自己表示,除了卡山外,他不接受任何人改编这个剧本。而卡山则一定要求好莱坞让当时藉藉无名的马龙·白兰度(Marlon Brando)来扮演男主角。这样,卡山给了白兰度20美元,让他搭火车去见田纳西;但是白兰度先把20美金化光了,改坐便车去,花了三天才见到田纳西。也许就是白兰度身上那种满不在乎的气质吸引了田纳西,也许是马龙潜在的同性恋倾向让田纳西很倾倒,反正,威廉斯对白兰度满意至极。而事实上,白兰度身上日后彰显出来的同性恋倾向确实成了「欲望号街车」成功的隐性要素。在戏中,男主角史丹利不但不同情女主角布朗许,反而相当粗暴地和旁观者一起嘲笑这个患有点神经质的女子。而布朗许在戏中的台词――不管你们是谁,我总是依赖陌生人的好心――被卡波提认为是"满腔悲哀,满腔情欲",说出了田纳西自己的爱恨心酸。  Tennessee Williams  IMDB编号:0931783  曾经作为: / 编剧 / 演员  编剧:  1. Akale AS …… play Glass Menagerie (2004)  2.斯通夫人的罗马春天 The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone AS …… novella (2003)  3.欲望号街车 A Streetcar Named Desire AS …… play (1995)  4. The Glass Menagerie AS …… play (1987)  5. Hablame como la lluvia AS …… play (1976)  6.玫瑰梦 The Rose Tattoo AS …… (screenplay) (1970)  7.富贵浮云 Boom AS …… also play The Milk Train Doesn"t Stop Here Anymore (1968)  8.蓬门碧玉红颜泪 This Property Is Condemned AS …… (play) (1966)  9.巫山风雨夜 The Night of the Iguana AS …… (play) (1964)  10. Period of Adjustment AS …… play (1962)  11.罗马之春 The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone AS …… novel (1961)  12.漂泊者 The Fugitive Kind AS …… (play Orpheus Descending) (1959)  13.夏日痴魂 Suddenly, Last Summer AS …… play Suddenly, Last Summer (1959)  14.朱门巧妇 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof AS …… play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)  15.娃娃新娘 Baby Doll AS …… screenplay (1956)  16.战国妖姬 Senso AS …… (dialogue contibutor) & (1955)  17.欲望号街车 A Streetcar Named Desire AS …… (play A Streetcar Named Desire) (1951)  演员:  1.玫瑰梦 The Rose Tattoo AS …… Man at Mardi Gras Club (uncredited) (1970)
2023-07-08 19:10:041


  安静的纯音乐有哪些   1、《Miss Bane》——— Euge Groove   好听的萨克斯可不只有《回家》,例如这首愉悦欢快的《Miss Bane》。听到它,你的眼前或许会浮现这样的画面:静谧迷人的午夜时分,你和爱人走进卧室,拉上窗帘,开灯,在柔和的光线中,倒两杯红酒,彼此对视、靠近、拥抱,一起扭动身体。   《Miss Bane》的舒心入耳,已被众多网友列入“我开店要播放系列”,非常适合作为休闲娱乐时的背景音乐。   2、《Cry for the moon》——— 出羽良彰   日本动画《来自风平浪静的明天》的原声配乐。轻缓空灵的钢琴声如同狂风暴雨后突然降临的风平浪静。在宁静的夜晚,躺在温暖的被窝中,它会帮助你忘却一天的疲惫和劳累。如果你听的够仔细,会发现不到3分钟的旋律,却包含浓浓的思念。   3、《Tennessee》——— Hans Zimmer   《Tennessee》是同名的空难、爱恋电影《珍珠港》中的配乐。双耳平静地听着,心却早已波澜壮阔。原来,音乐会帮助我们打开世上的另一扇大门,门的背后是希望,是和平,是团聚。尽情在音乐中徜徉,感受爱的力量。   4、《Sounds of Silence》——— Francis Goya   《Sounds of Silence》的旋律飘缓低迷,充满了一种幻觉般的意境。眼前似乎看到一个懵懂无知的女孩,独自一人行走在铺着鹅卵石的狭窄、清冷的小巷里,喧嚣的人群在她身后渐渐远去,前面是没有尽头的黑夜…   此曲亦是美国电影《毕业生》的主题曲,由比利时小提琴大师Francis Goya演奏。   5、《Faidherbe square》——— ProleteR   这是一首被称为专用的背景音乐。节奏上口,起伏分明,早上赖床时听上一遍可以把倦意一扫而光。心情低落时,放上一曲又很可能把你逗乐。这首美国民谣风格的曲子荣获了第6届葛莱美最佳乐器编曲奖,及最佳乐器旋律奖。   网友为它添加了直白却形象的歌词:“老司机,你带带我,俺要上你车”。小心被它催眠哦。   6、《Smooth Criminal》——— David Garrett   振奋人心的小提琴独奏,由著名小提琴大师大卫·葛瑞特演奏,他被称为“全世界速度最快的小提琴手”。对,这首曲子正是迈克尔杰克逊《Smooth Criminal》的纯音乐版本。相比于人声,纯音乐的音乐元素和感染力更加明显,绝对是打鸡血必备的单曲。   7、《Title Theme》——— Various Artists   看到封面你应该已经猜到了它是愤怒的小鸟的游戏音乐吧?说实话,第一次戴上耳机听时,立马就被它萌萌的旋律打动逗笑了,眼前出现了100只angry bird蹦蹦哒哒向我袭来的画面。   8、《Sentimental》——— Kenny·G   美国著名音乐家Kenny G的一首小众作品,依旧充满了悠扬、浪漫又哀伤的色彩。   自从Kenny G走红以来,他那独具个人特色的高音萨克斯风吹奏俨然成为当代国际都会之间浪漫的代名词,无论是独处的角落,还是相拥的两人世界,不管是哀伤、寂寞,还是甜蜜、喜悦,你总会在他的高音萨克斯风中找到自己的情感归属。   9、《Careless Whisper》——— Sam Levine   《Careless Whisper》继续带给你慵懒放松,漫不经心而又浪漫的`感觉。在清早听会很有感觉,提神醒脑,对生活满满的激情,对身边人满满的柔情。   总觉得萨克斯是最性感的乐器,每听一首纯音乐,想学这种乐器的欲望又强烈了一层。你有过同感吗?   10、《“千と千寻の神隠し”~いつも何度でも》——— 久石让   这首曲子肯定有人听过了吧,正是宫崎骏指导的动画电影《千与千寻》中的配乐。电影本身成为日本历代电影票房排行榜的第一位,但音乐部分的心血,来自日本另一位著名音乐人久石让。   清纯干净的旋律,就像是一个小女孩,在清晨的阳光下,清新的山林里,叮叮的小溪旁,快乐悠然地随风起舞。曲子的背后,我猜是一个美好的故事。   【拓展】励志纯音乐   1. 印象   2. 友谊天长地久   3. 笛子独奏 少年壮志不言愁军营歌曲   4. 笛子二胡醉渔唱晚独奏 folk 中国古琴十大金曲   5. 贝多芬 - 小步舞曲 - 大提琴   6. 纯音乐、大提琴 - 浪漫曲   7. 梓花儿   8. 邓丽君 - 榕树下 - 笛子独奏   9. 梦里水乡 笛子   10. 马友友大提琴独奏 沉思曲   11. 超好听笛子优美旋律   12. 泉水响叮咚   13. 长相依 笛子独奏   14. 春江花月夜 笛子独奏 中国名曲   15. 一万个理由   16. 大提琴 - dark of the moon   17. 大提琴 - 蒲公英的约定   18. 大提琴 - 鸿雁   19. 父亲的草原母亲的河 大提琴与竹笛 于萍   20. 大提琴 - 相思无用
2023-07-08 19:10:111


2023-07-08 19:10:324


[tenu0259"si:] n.田纳西州(美国东南部州) 希望能对你有所帮助~!
2023-07-08 19:10:391


2023-07-08 19:10:461


[tene"si:,-nu0259-] 田纳西州
2023-07-08 19:10:542

Marcel的《Tennessee》 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee歌手:Marcel专辑:You, Me And The WindshieldTennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennessee
2023-07-08 19:11:001

Shawn Colvin的《Tennessee》 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee歌手:Shawn Colvin专辑:Fat CityTennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennessee
2023-07-08 19:11:071

Tennessee (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee (Album Version)歌手:Pearl Harbor Soundtrack专辑:Pearl Harbor - Original Motion Picture SoundtrackTennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennessee
2023-07-08 19:11:141


《珍珠港》以古典浪漫气质乐音为核心,从柔情似水的钢琴音调里缓缓的带出悲壮悠扬的古典弦乐,刹那间,如John Barry与Ennio Morricone一般的欧陆浪漫典雅气息盎然飘荡,默默地为这个烽火连天的有情天地献上最诚挚、最写意的祈祷,而季默多年的外向影音传动催化驾驭力,成功的向内凝聚成一波直击心灵的伤感,"Tennessee"、"Brothers"展现季默回归古典音乐的浪漫情怀,而在写意感性之余,也在一些乐段燃烧着战火炼狱里慨然悲壮的胸襟。 此番招兵买马的精英包括:爱尔兰皇家音乐学院毕业,拥有辛辛纳提大学硕士学位,拥有30年丰富作曲编曲历练,担任过「终极警探」、「金色豪门」电影音乐指挥与管弦编曲的Fiachra Trench; 有着希腊/爱尔兰/波多黎各家族背景,执着于欧美剧场界钟情于戏剧与舞蹈演出,84年与多明哥合唱「卡门」的纽约女高音Julia Migenes;精通中提琴、五弦琴、曼陀林、吉他等乐器, 跟过bluegrass、摇滚、蓝调、雷鬼、爵士、居尔特等各类型乐团演奏的德州小提琴跨界奇葩Craig Eastman;创立Hiroshima乐团,担任作曲与制作的长笛与Shakuhachi高手Dan Kuramoto;曾与Ella Fitzgerald、Frank Zappa、Quincy Jones共事,参予过「捍卫战警」、「龙卷风」等原声带管弦编曲工程的洛杉矶长号乐手Bruce Fowler;来自瑞士苏黎世,古典音乐出身,却选择跟B.B.King、Beck同台,甫在「人魔」绽现风采的大提琴家Martin Tillman; 「神鬼战士」担任原著音乐制作、创作与编曲等工程的Klaus Badelt跟「落跑鸡」、「小蚁雄兵」幕后音乐人才Steve Jablonsky、Geoff Zanelli与「急冻任务」里初展电影音乐长才的James S. Levine及「赤色风暴」音乐剪辑Bob Badami。 本专辑已加入mp3共享计划专辑曲目:1. There You""ll Be - Faith Hill Music2. Tennessee Music 3. Brothers Music 4. ...And Then I Kissed Him Music 5. I Will Come Back Music 6. Attack 7. December 7th 8. War 9. Heart Of A Volunteer
2023-07-08 19:11:221

Tennessee waltz(田纳西华尔兹) 歌词

《Tennessee Waltz》原唱:Patti Page作词:Stewart作曲:King面世时间:1950年歌词:I was dancing with my darling To the Tennessee waltz When an old friend I happened to see Introduced her to my loved one And while they were dancing My friend stole my sweetheart from me I remember the night and the Tennessee waltz Now I know just how much I have lost Yes I lost my little darling The night they were playing The beautiful Tennessee waltz I was dancing with my darling To the Tennessee waltz When an old friend I happened to see Introduced her to my loved one And while they were dancing My friend stole my sweetheart from me I remember the night and the Tennessee waltz Now I know just how much I have lost Yes I lost my little darling The night they were playing The beautiful Tennessee waltz
2023-07-08 19:11:292


2023-07-08 19:11:361


在百度MP3搜索里搜索关键词“珍珠港 Tennessee”两个一起搜 就能找到了..
2023-07-08 19:11:554

Tennessee Jed 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Jed歌手:Levon Helm专辑:Electric DirtTennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennessee
2023-07-08 19:12:011

Tennessee Line 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Line歌手:Daughtry专辑:Leave This TownDaughtry - Tennessee LineI open my lungsTo breathe in forgiveness and loveHaunting me nowReminders of how I used to beAnd on down the roadMy troubles are sure to followLooking out the window,The hell if I know where I will goSo I"ll just keep on drivingOn my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind ,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeWho would"ve known (who would"ve known)That pride is so hard to swallowAs I rest on the shoulder of a road growing colderWith the trouble I own,Should I just keep on driving?On my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeI know I must be doing something rightHead the other way, back to where I started outAsk myself if I can turn it all around tonightAnd stop living with doubt (yeahh)On my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind ,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever made(Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this time)I"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeI"m gonna turn it all around tonight(Turn it all around tonight)(Turn it all around tonight)I"m gonna turn it all around tonightAt the Tennessee line.
2023-07-08 19:12:081

Memphis, Tennessee 歌词

歌曲名:Memphis, Tennessee歌手:Chuck Berry专辑:Hail! Hail! Rock "N" RollLong distance, informationGive me Memphis, TennesseeTrying to find the partyTrying to get in touch with meShe would not leave her numberBut I know who placed the callThe phone-boy took the messageAnd he wrote it on the wallHelp me, informationGet in touch with my MarieShe"s the only one who"d phone me hereFrom Memphis, TennesseeHer home is on the south sideJust beyond the ridgeJust a half a mile from the Mississippi bridgeHelp me, informationMore than that I cannot addOnly that I miss herAnd all the fun we hadWe were pulled apart, becauseHer mom would not agreeHelp me get in touch with herIn Memphis, TennesseeThe last time that I saw MarieShe was waving me goodbyeWith hurry-home drops on her cheekThat trickeled from her eyeMarie is only six years oldInformation, pleaseHelp me get in touch with herIn Memphis, Tennessee
2023-07-08 19:12:151

Tennessee Waltz 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Waltz歌手:New Duncan Imperials&Tiny Tim w专辑:Live In ChicagoTennessee WaltzPatti PageI was dancing with my darlingTo the Tennessee waltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduced her to my loved oneAnd while they were dancingMy friend stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee waltzNow I know just how much I have lostYes I lost my little darlingThe night they were playingThe beautiful Tennessee waltzI was dancing with my darlingTo the Tennessee waltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduced her to my loved oneAnd while they were dancingMy friend stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee waltzNow I know just how much I have lostYes I lost my little darlingThe night they were playingThe beautiful Tennessee waltz
2023-07-08 19:12:221

Tennessee Waltz 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Waltz歌手:Margaret Whiting专辑:MargaretPatsy Cline - Tennessee WaltzI was waltzin" with my darlin"To the Tennessee WaltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeI introducted to my loved oneAnd while they were waltzingMy friends stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee WaltzOnly you know how much I have lostYes, I lost my little darlin"The night they were playin"The beautiful Tennessee WaltzI remember the night and the Tennessee WaltzI know now just what I have lostYes, I lost my little darlin"The night they were playin"The beautiful Tennessee WaltzOh the beautiful Tennessee Waltz
2023-07-08 19:12:281

Tennessee Line 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Line歌手:Daughtry专辑:Leave This Town (Tour Edition)Daughtry - Tennessee LineI open my lungsTo breathe in forgiveness and loveHaunting me nowReminders of how I used to beAnd on down the roadMy troubles are sure to followLooking out the window,The hell if I know where I will goSo I"ll just keep on drivingOn my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind ,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeWho would"ve known (who would"ve known)That pride is so hard to swallowAs I rest on the shoulder of a road growing colderWith the trouble I own,Should I just keep on driving?On my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeI know I must be doing something rightHead the other way, back to where I started outAsk myself if I can turn it all around tonightAnd stop living with doubt (yeahh)On my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind ,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever made(Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this time)I"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeI"m gonna turn it all around tonight(Turn it all around tonight)(Turn it all around tonight)I"m gonna turn it all around tonightAt the Tennessee line.
2023-07-08 19:12:351

Tennessee Waltz 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Waltz歌手:Patti Page专辑:Legends Of JazzTennessee WaltzPatti PageI was dancing with my darlingTo the Tennessee waltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduced her to my loved oneAnd while they were dancingMy friend stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee waltzNow I know just how much I have lostYes I lost my little darlingThe night they were playingThe beautiful Tennessee waltzI was dancing with my darlingTo the Tennessee waltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduced her to my loved oneAnd while they were dancingMy friend stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee waltzNow I know just how much I have lostYes I lost my little darlingThe night they were playingThe beautiful Tennessee waltz
2023-07-08 19:12:421

tennessee waltz 歌词

歌曲名:tennessee waltz歌手:sarah harmer专辑:songs for clemI was waltzing with my darling to the Tennessee WaltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduced him to my loved oneAnd while they were dancingMy friend stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee WaltzNow I know just how much I have lostYes, I lost my little darling the night they were playingThat beautiful Tennessee WaltzThat beautiful Tennessee WaltzThat beautiful Tennessee WaltzThat beautiful Tennessee Waltz
2023-07-08 19:12:491


Aphrodite - S.E.N.S.Palace Memories - S.E.N.S
2023-07-08 19:13:091

Tennessee FT.Kanye West/Hans Zimmer谁知道这首歌的歌词啊?是首说唱

2023-07-08 19:13:162

翻译 Nashville,Tennssee is home of courtry music.

我想您是指 country 而非 courtry,以下为中文翻译:Nashville,Tennessee is home of country music 田纳西州的纳士维是乡村音乐的家乡. Nashville,Tennessee is home of country music 田纳西州的纳许维尔是乡村音乐之乡. Nashville,Tennessee is home of country music 田纳西州的纳许维尔市是乡村音乐故乡.注:纳许维尔以及纳士维皆是Nashville的中文翻译.
2023-07-08 19:13:311