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2023-07-08 21:20:45


1.Wishing you peace, joy and happiness and everything all the best through Lantern ! 在元宵节来临之际,祝你平安,快乐,幸福。万事圆!

2.Enjoy the Lantern Festival.祝君元宵节团圆甜蜜,赏花观灯猜谜拿奖。

3.Sincerely wish you and your family good health and happy Lantern Festival!真挚的祝愿您及您的家人身体健康,快乐元宵!

4.I wish you a happy life and a smooth career!愿你吃了乐开颜,生活圆满,事业顺利!

5.Eat a happy Lantern Festival, anger will disappear.吃一颗快乐的元宵,怒气全消。

6.Wish you family reunion, everyone envies, good luck and peace. Happy Lantern Festival!愿君合家团圆人人羡,吉祥如意保平安。元宵快乐!

7.yuan xiao lantern festival edge, 35 yuan xiao nan xiao stomach. tonight refrain from greedy glutton, i wish you a happy degrees good night!元宵节边,35元肖南肖胃。从贪婪馋嘴今夜副歌,我祝你幸福度晚安! 

8.Beautiful night lights fish dragon acrobatics Coloured glaze prosperous plendid miharu Wish you have a Lantern Festival joyfully!灯火良宵,鱼龙百戏琉璃盛世,锦绣三春。祝你过一个欢欢喜喜的元宵节!

9.I wish you good luck and good luck every year. Happy Lantern Festival!祝你福运年年高,生活岁岁好。元宵节快乐!

10.Lantern Festival, enjoy the Lantern Festival, eat dumplings, happy through a happy life!元宵佳节,赏花灯,吃汤圆,快乐走过幸福生活!

11.Let Tangyuan stick sweet love and warm heart.让汤圆,粘住甜蜜爱情甜,粘住温馨心头暖。

12.I wish you good luck, good health and good mood!祝愿您吉祥如意,身体健康,心情舒爽!

13.On the 15th day of January, I appreciate the lantern and have a wonderful dream.元月十五赏花灯,看了花灯美梦成。

14.Lantern Festival, give you the most beautiful wishes, wish you happiness.元宵节,给你最美的祝愿,愿你快乐顺心。

15.I wish you: spring to autumn to win everything, mountains and rivers, there will be a return to Gan. Happy Lantern Festival!祝愿你:春去秋往万事胜意,山高水长终有回甘。元宵快乐!

16.I wish you the Lantern Festival is better than the Lantern Festival, sweet and honey, full of round, happy!祝你元宵节胜似元宵,甜甜蜜蜜,圆圆满满,幸福美满!

17.Happy to eat the Lantern Festival, happy tonight. Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!欢欢喜喜吃元宵,幸福美满过今宵。真心愿你元宵节快乐!

18.and a beautiful moon, and a Chinese Lantern Festival, a period of happiness and time once again sincere congratulations, I wish you: Troupe round! Sweet sweet honey! the smooth! 又一轮美丽月亮,又一个元宵佳节,又一段幸福时光,又一次真诚祝福,祝你:团团圆圆!甜甜蜜蜜!顺顺利利!

19.lantern round, monthly child round, round and round xu a wish. an old friend from afar to sms biography, bless you: sweet sweet honey happily perfectly healthy forever!圆圆的灯笼,圆圆的孩子,圆圆的许一个愿望。一位老朋友从远方传来短信传记,祝福你: 甜甜蜜蜜,永远健康快乐!

20.thinking of you and wish you a happy lantern festival.元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!


21.The whole country celebrates the Lantern Festival, the whole family is happy and happy! Happy Lantern Festival!举国同庆元宵节,阖家欢乐积美满!元宵节快乐!

22.Fate is not far away, the source of wealth is rolling, love is continuous, reunion will never be scattered.缘分只近不远,财源滚滚而来,情缘绵绵不断,团圆永远不散。

23.Send you Tangyuan Wuren sink, wish you a colorful life.送你汤圆五仁陷,愿你生活缤纷又多彩。

24.Wish you the best in life, eat dumplings and wish you a dream.愿你生活最胜意,吃汤圆,祝梦圆。

25.The Lantern Festival bless you, gave you to be a Lantern Festival! Gugu, sweet, and for your feelings Niannian!元宵佳节祝福你,做个元宵送给你!滑滑的,甜甜的,对你的感情粘粘的!

26.Happy Lantern Festival! My dear, I am sorry we can not together for Lantern Festival, but I will at the dinner table for you Tim a bowl and chopsticks, as you like at my side元宵节快乐!亲爱的,对不起,我们不能一起过元宵节,但我会在餐桌上给你添碗筷,只要你喜欢,在我的身边。 this moment, I have the deepest yearning to cloud Qiaoqu full blessing embellishment you sweet dreams, you would like to have a happy Feast这一刻,有我最深的思念, 让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的元宵节。 this day of the season such as lights, we were the same evening, tonight I want you to become the most happy people infants 在这灯如昼的时节,我们一起相约黄昏后,今晚我要让你成为最幸福的人儿。

29.Happy Lantern Festival, happy and healthy!祝元宵节快乐,幸福安康!

30.Fang Yu could be a beacon multicolored lights, moving drag you happy heart Lake ripples; knock一声acoustic festival Wanzhong, let me love in your heart Jidong! Dynamism happy! 放游一盏盏五彩荷灯,曳动你心湖快乐的涟漪;敲一声声佳节的晚钟,让我的爱在你的心里悸动!元宵快乐!

31.I wish you good luck and good luck, and happy forever!祝愿你好运幸运常相伴,幸福快乐到永远!

32.Wish, wish, wish your ideal will go with the people!心愿,情愿,祝你理想天随人愿!

33.Happy Lantern Festival, eat sweet and beautiful, sleep comfortably!元宵节玩得开开心心,吃得甜甜美美,睡得舒舒服服!

34.Round dumplings are sweet and sweet. I wish you a happy smile.圆圆的汤圆甜又甜,愿你微笑甜甜,幸福绵绵。

35.I wish Yuanxiao a happy and happy life!祝元宵心情圆圆美美,人生圆圆满满!

36.Lantern Festival lantern hanging, every family like.元宵节日灯笼悬,家家户户好喜欢。

37.I wish you good fortune and good fortune.祝您人缘、福缘、左右逢源。

38.Wish you a happy Lantern Festival, with many happy events!祝你元宵佳节开开心心,喜事连连!

39.May your dream come true and everything come true!愿你梦想如愿,万事都圆圆满满!

40.May your family be reunited and everything go smoothly and smoothly!愿你合家团团圆圆,一切顺顺利利!


1. 元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!
ings and best wishes for Lantern Festival!

4. 快乐的元宵之际,谨致我的想念与祝福。
Thinking of you and wish you a Happy Lantern Festival.

5. 元宵节转眼又到,快乐也到!我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的圣诞祝福,愿你在接下来的日子里事业兴旺,幸福美满!
It seems that Lantern Festival is here once again, and it is time again to bring in happiness. We wish the merriest of Lantern Festival to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the days ahead!

6. 愿你元宵节幸福无尽。
May Lantern Festival be filled with happiness for you.



1.Meeting and reuniting for the time being, I don"t know that I"m a guest in my dream. I miss my dream infinitely.相会团圆暂无缘,梦里不知身是客,思念惦记梦无限。

2.round round moon face, fresh sweet sweet spirit of the sweet rice balls, packed full of sheng give you a bowl, and put on my the united states and the united states of the united states and the united states wishes for the lantern festival!圆圆的月亮的脸,甜甜的汤圆新鲜甜甜蜜精神,装得满满的盛给你一碗,装上我的美国和美国和美国的美国祝愿元宵节!

3.The Lantern Festival has come, send you a sweet big lantern festival.元宵佳节已来到,送你一个甜蜜大元宵。

4.I wish you the Lantern Festival family reunion, friends gather to Valentine"s romance, dancing, vibrant, and sooner or later a smiling face and happy expression of the colorful festivals staged!祝你元宵节家人团圆,朋友欢聚,情人浪漫,手舞足蹈,动感十足,早晚笑脸,欣慰的表情上演节日的异彩纷呈!

5.The moon is round and the dumplings are sweet. I wish you happiness every year.月儿圆,汤圆甜,祝福你幸福一年胜一年。

6.Reunion every year, peace and security every day! Happy Lantern Festival.团团圆圆每一年,平平安安每一天!元宵节快乐。

7.The Lantern Festival wishing you a song in your heart!元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌!

8.May Lantern Festival be filled with happiness for you 愿你元宵节幸福无尽。

9.May everyone envy the reunion of your family and be lucky and safe. Happy Lantern Festival!愿君合家团圆人人羡,吉祥如意保平安。元宵快乐!

10.The first month of the 15th month, the full moon, sincere wishes to send to the side.正月十五月儿圆,真挚祝愿送身边。

11.The Lantern Festival is here. I wish you all the best and a happy holiday.元宵到了,祝愿你万事如意,节日愉快。

12.The Lantern Festival bless you, gave you to be a Lantern Festival! Gugu, sweet, and for your feelings Niannian!元宵佳节祝福你,做个元宵送给你!滑滑的,甜甜的,对你的感情粘粘的!

13.I wish you a happy holiday, strong body and good mood.祝愿你节日愉快,身体强壮,心情舒爽。

14.I wish you and your family are healthy, happy and happy, happy Lantern Festival!祝你全家老少皆安康,欢欢喜喜团团圆圆过元宵,元宵节快乐!

15.and a beautiful moon, and a Chinese Lantern Festival, a period of happiness and time once again sincere congratulations, I wish you: Troupe round! Sweet sweet honey! the smooth! 又一轮美丽月亮,又一个元宵佳节,又一段幸福时光,又一次真诚祝福,祝你:团团圆圆!甜甜蜜蜜!顺顺利利!

16.I wish you: round and round, sweet honey, and the United States, Shun Li!祝你:团团圆圆,甜甜蜜蜜,和和美美,顺顺利利!

17.Tangyuan is sweet and salty, and life is delicious.汤圆有甜有咸,生活有滋有味。

18.happy lantern festival! my dear, i am sorry we can not together for lantern festival, but i will at the dinner table for you tim a bowl and chopsticks, as you like at my side.元宵节快乐!亲爱的,很抱歉我们不能一起吃元宵节,但是我会在餐桌上为你添一碗筷子,如你所愿。

19.I wish you good luck and good luck every year. Happy Lantern Festival!祝你福运年年高,生活岁岁好。元宵节快乐!

20.lantern festival lantern festival do not forget to eat, eat a good luck are always there, always happy to eat two to eat three the family reunion , eating four seasons safe to eat 5. . . damn small pig, this thing can be bad digestion yo!正月十五闹元宵不要忘了吃,吃了好运气总是在那里,永远幸福吃两吃三个合家团圆,吃四个赛季放心食用5。 。该死的小猪猪,这东西可不好消化哟!


21.Wish you family reunion, everyone envies, good luck and peace. Happy Lantern Festival!愿君合家团圆人人羡,吉祥如意保平安。元宵快乐!

22.Eat dumplings, round and round, healthy and healthy.吃汤圆,团团圆圆健健康康。 are not stuffing my face for a big Lantern Festival; you lights as I was for a big paper lanterns; your situation I would like to IP Festival! Happily anterns! 你是馅我是面不如作个大元宵;你是灯我是纸不如作个大灯笼;你情我愿庆佳节!欢欢喜喜闹花灯! is a magnificent rain is transparent, the wind is persistent, the month is a deep feeling, and thinking is a romantic, love is permanent, the stars are brilliant, you are unforgettable. sincerely wish you - happy lantern festival!云可能是大片的的,雨是透明的,风是执着的,我对你是一个深刻的感觉,思维是一个浪漫的,爱是永恒的,星星是辉煌的,你是难忘的。真诚地祝你 - 元宵节快乐!

25.It seems that Lantern Festival is here once again, and it is time again to bring in happiness We wish the merriest of Lantern Festival to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the days ahead!元宵节转眼又到,快乐也到!我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的"圣诞祝福,愿你在接下来的日子里事业兴旺,幸福美满! the first month to the Lunar New Year, lanterns闹universe, glutinous rice balls delicious fragrant, I wish you good emerge Festival, and you never at the best of luck and success in the future never happy! 正月里来是新春,十五花灯闹乾坤,汤圆味美香喷喷,祝你佳节福满身,好运和你不离分,万事如意永开心!

27.Wish you the best in life, eat dumplings and wish you a dream.愿你生活最胜意,吃汤圆,祝梦圆。

28.Sweet Lantern Festival tastes, happy life around. Happy Lantern Festival!香甜元宵尝一口,幸福生活身边绕。祝元宵节快乐!

29.The fifteenth day of the moon is round the moon represents my heart! Let the moon take my blessing to you: happy Lantern Festival!正月十五月儿圆,月儿代表我的心!让明月捎去我对你的祝福:元宵节快乐!

30.Let Tangyuan, stick to health stick, stick to God of wealth to send money.让汤圆,粘住健康身体棒,粘住财神来送钱。

31.May your happiness be like a living treasure, and your happy life be more wonderful!愿你快乐似活宝,幸福生活更美妙!

32.Life is like a hundred flowers, happy for a long time!生活如百花灿烂,快乐久久!

33.Lantern Festival lights, smiling glances of your eyes It is augmented in my heart on the screen;the moon in the sky, that is, you and I love to witness, notwithstanding the lack of Yin Qing Yuan, but also everlasting元宵节,灯是微笑的目光。这是增强在我的心脏在屏幕上;天上的月亮,也就是我和你爱的见证,尽管缺乏阴晴圆,而且永恒。

34.Fate is not far away, the source of wealth is rolling, love is continuous, reunion will never be scattered.缘分只近不远,财源滚滚而来,情缘绵绵不断,团圆永远不散。

35.Happy life is sweeter than sweet Lantern Festival. Happy Lantern Festival to you!元宵甜,幸福生活比蜜甜。元宵节祝你幸福美满!

36.Round and round, sweet and honey, and beautiful, smooth!团团圆圆,甜甜蜜蜜,和和美美,顺顺利利!

37.The whole country celebrates the Lantern Festival, the whole family is happy and happy! Happy Lantern Festival!举国同庆元宵节,阖家欢乐积美满!元宵节快乐!

38.lantern festival is approaching, the state council issued five prohibitions: the prohibition busy pretending to ignore me; against rich forget me; the prohibition of hard not help me; prohibiting the dinner will not ask me; ban leisure did not want me; require sound implementation!元宵节将至,国务院下发五条禁令:禁止假装忙不理我;对富人忘了我;硬禁止不帮我;禁止吃饭不叫我;禁令休闲不想我;要求狠抓落实!

39.Spring Lantern Festival will give you Han? Sent messages folder blessing Is willing to hold your peace, pro-health, surmise happiness, bring happiness, a warm hug, with sweet, a chain fortune, pulled auspicious, auspicious Year of the Rat元宵佳节给你啥?发送邮件文件夹的祝福。愿意持有你的平安,促健康,揣快乐,带来幸福,一个温暖的拥抱,甜蜜,链发财,拉鼠年吉祥,祥和的新年。

40.I wish the Lantern Festival a happy family and good luck.祝元宵节合家欢乐,吉祥如意。

元宵节祝福 元宵节祝福短信








十五的月儿圆又圆,给你全家拜个年!家好运好人也好,幸福美满更团圆! 元宵节祝福














the lantern festival
2023-07-08 19:04:252

lantern festival是什么意思

lantern festival元宵节。What do you often do on Lantern festival?
2023-07-08 19:04:333


元宵节的来历英文版   元宵节是我国的传统佳节之一,下面我为大家精心搜集了关于英文版的元宵节来历,欢迎大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到大家!   元宵节   lantern festival 元宵节   it comes on the 15th of the first lunar month and it marks the end of the spring festival. on this day, people often eat sweet dumplings(元宵)for good luck. they will visit the display of lanterns(灯展)or go for temple fair(庙会)   元宵节的来历 lantern festival   lantern festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. this is the first full moon of the new year, symbolizing unity and perfection. lantern festival is an important part of spring festival , and marks the official end of the long holiday.   元宵节是农历正月的第十五天,这是新年的第一次满月,象征着和睦和团圆。元宵节是春节的一个重要组成部分,也象征着春节长假的正式结束。   there are many legends concerning the origins of lantern festival.   关于元宵节的来历有很多传说。   according to one legend, once in ancient times, a celestial swan came into the mortal world where it was shot down by a hunter. the jade emperor, the highest god in heaven, vowed to avenge the swan. he started making plans to send a troop of celestial soldiers and generals to earth on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, with orders to incinerate all humans and animals. but the other celestial beings disagreed with this course of action, and risked their lives to warn the people of earth. as a result, before and after the fifteenth day of the first month, every family hung red lanterns outside their doors and set off firecrackers and fireworks, giving the impression that their homes were already burning. by successfully tricking the jade emperor in this way, humanity was saved from extermination.   有一个传说是这样的,在古代,有一位神界天鹅闯入人间被猎手误杀。天界最高的神玉皇大帝因此发誓为这只天鹅报仇。他开始制定计划,派出一支天兵天将于农历正月十五来到人间,命令他们火烧所有的人和动物。但是其他神仙并不赞同这一计划,他们冒着生命危险提醒人间的人们。结果,在正月十五这一天前后,每一个家庭在门外面挂起灯笼,并燃放烟花爆竹,给天兵天将造成各家各户起火的假象。通过这种方式,人们成功骗过了玉皇大帝,人类也因此逃过灭绝的危险。   according to another legend, during the time of emperor han wudi of the han dynasty , a palace woman named yuanxiao was prevented from carrying out her filial duty of visiting her parents on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. distraught, she said she would kill herself by jumping into a well. in order to help yuanxiao fulfill her duty as a filial daughter, the scholar dongfang shuo came up with a scheme. he told emperor han wudi that the jade emperor, the highest god in heaven, had ordered the fire god to burn down the capital city of chang"an on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month. anxious to find a way to save his city, the emperor asked dongfang shuo what he should do. dongfang shuo replied that the fire god loved red lanterns more than anything. he advised that the streets be hung with red lanterns, and the emperor, empress, concubines, and court officials come out of the palace to see them. in this way, the fire god would be distracted and disaster averted. the emperor followed dongfang shuo"s advice, and while everyone was out viewing the lanterns, yuanxiao was able to sneak out of the palace and be reunited with her parents.   另外一个传说发生在汉武帝时期。一位名叫元宵的宫女因身处深宫,没法在正月十五与父母团聚尽孝。为此,她欲跳井自尽。为了帮助元宵姑娘为父母尽孝,智者东方朔想出了一个计划。他告诉汉武帝,天界最高的神——玉皇大帝下令在正月十六火烧长安都。为了拯救长安城,汉武帝问东方朔该怎么办。东方朔回答说火神最爱大红灯笼。他建议在街道上悬挂大红灯笼,皇帝、皇后、六宫嫔妃和朝廷大臣都要外出观赏灯笼。这样,火神的"注意力就会被分散,灾难也就可以避免了。皇帝采纳了东方朔的建议,当所有人都外出赏灯时,元宵得以有机会溜出皇宫,和家人团圆。   although the above stories are quite fantastical, it is sure that the origins of lantern festival are related to ancient humanity"s use of fire to celebrate festivals and avert disaster. since lantern festival involves making offerings to the deities and is celebrated at night, it is natural that fire would play an important role. over time, lantern festival gradually evolved into its present form. when buddhism was introduced to china during the eastern han dynasty , the emperor decreed that on the night of the full moon of the first lunar month, lanterns should be lit to honor buddha, adding yet another level of significance to lantern festival. and according to daoism, lantern festival is associated with the primordial deities of heaven and fire, who were born on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.   虽然上述的传说很神奇,但可以确定的是元宵节的起源必定跟古代人们使用火来庆祝节日、躲避灾难有关。元宵节活动包括逃避邪神,且是在晚上庆祝,所以很自然地,火就扮演了很重要的角色。随着时间的流逝,元宵节逐渐演变为今天的形式。东汉时期,佛教传入中国,皇帝下令,在正月第一个满月的晚上,必须点亮灯笼敬佛,这也使元宵节更增添了一份意义。而在道教里,元宵节是与掌管天界和火的元神紧密相连的,因为他们就诞生在正月十五。   eating yuanxiao (sweet dumplings made with glutinous rice flour) is one of the special traditions of lantern festival. lantern festival is also called yuanxiao festival. another name for yuanxiao is tangyuan, which literally means "boiled spheres."   吃元宵(有糯米粉制成的甜馅儿食物)是元宵节一个特别传统,而元宵节也因这种食物得名。元宵的另一种叫法是汤圆,字面意思就是“煮熟的圆球状食品”。   拓展:元宵节作文   The Lantern Festival is a festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunisolar year in the lunar calendar marking the last day of the lunar New Year celebration. During the Lantern Festival, children go out at night to temples carrying paper lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns .It officially ends the Chinese New Year celebrations.   It is not to be confused with the Mid-Autumn Festival; which is sometimes also known as the "Lantern Festival" in locations such as Singapore and Malaysia.   In ancient times, the lanterns were fairly simple, and only the emperor and noblemen had large ornate ones .   [citation needed] In modern times, lanterns have been embellished with many complex designs. For example, lanterns are now often made in the shape of animals. The lanterns can symbolize the people letting go of their past selves and getting new ones, which they will let go of the next year. The lanterns are almost always red to symbolyze good   fortune.   In Hong Kong, it is commercialized as the Chinese equivalent of Valentine"s Day. ;
2023-07-08 19:04:391


Lantern FestivalFestival of Lanterns
2023-07-08 19:05:042


Lantern Festival
2023-07-08 19:05:139

「元宵节」英文怎么说?「元宵灯节 」相关英文例句跟单字!

元宵节 英文 应该怎么说呢?「元宵节」的英文叫做 Lantern Festival。在元宵节的时候,会有很多活动,比方说放天灯、舞龙舞狮、吃元宵….等等。这些元宵节(The Lantern Festival )的相关英文单字跟例句,都很常用,要赶快学起来喔。 下面整理了「元宵节」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. 元宵节相关英文单字 「元宵节」的英文叫做The Lantern Festival,下面整理「元宵节」相关英文单字。 例: The Lantern Festival 元宵节 lantern 灯笼 fireworks 烟火 firecrackers 爆竹 lion dance 舞狮 dragon dance 舞龙 灯谜 riddles written on lanterns 元宵灯会 The exhibit of lanterns during the Lantern Festival temple 寺庙 lamps and lanterns 灯具 snuff 灯花 lantern scaldfish 灯笼 2. 元宵节相关英文例句 下面整理跟「元宵节」相关的英文例句。 例: The rice glue ball is the special food for the Lantern Festival. 元宵是元宵节的特色食品 例:The most important activity during the Lantern Festival is watching lanterns. 元宵节期间最重要的活动是看灯笼。 The Lantern Festival, The Lantern Festival 中文, The Lantern Festival 元宵节, 元宵节, 元宵节 英文, 元宵节 英文例句, 元宵节 英文单字, 元宵节 英文字汇, 元宵节 英文怎么说
2023-07-08 19:05:271


2023-07-08 19:06:074

2022年元宵节英语 Lantern Festival

  随着社会的发展,中西方交流变得很频繁,文化方面更是如此,有时有必要向外国朋友介绍中国的传统节日,增加双方的了解。这就需要我们学习英语,然后准确的将各种节日给他们描述出来,例如,如何表达元宵节可能不是每个人都知道的。    2022年元宵节英语   我们都知道元宵节又被称为上元佳节,常见的用法就是“The Lantern Festival”,这个单词在国外流程比较广,也被人们所熟知,译为灯节,意思是上元节的晚上。在传统的说法中,也有叫做正月十五日、正月半或月望,隋以后称元夕或元夜。唐初受了道教的影响,又称上元,唐末才偶称元宵。常见的活动有吃元宵、赏花灯或者舞龙舞狮等等,是一个很热闹的团圆节日。    英文来历简介   The Festival of Lanterns takes place at the end of the Chinese New Year Celebration, on the fifteenth day of the first moon. Lanterns have been part of Chinese life for centuries so its not surprising to see a festival of lanterns.People usually hang lanterns in the gardens, outside the houses, and on the boats.The special food for the Lantern Festival is Yuen Sin or Tong Yuen. These are round dumplings made with sticky rice flour. They can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables, meat and dried shrimp. The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity.The Lantern Festival is an occasion for families to get together and for everyone--young, old, rich and poor to have fun.    有哪些节日祝福语   ①春节即将去,元宵来收尾。虽无春节隆,仍有年滋味。街上灯笼美,桌上汤圆会。亲朋好友聚,开心举杯醉。祝你元宵乐,幸福不会退!   ②团圆一句话,带着温暖,开心一句话,带着祝福,元宵一个节,带着吉祥,花灯一片光,带着喜庆,十五一轮月,送来圆满,元宵佳节送祝福,祝你快快乐乐,平平安安。   ③月圆清辉满天下,元宵祝福吉祥话。广寒宫里太寂寞,仙子临喜到我家。亲朋好友话桑麻,红梅淡月燃烟花。团团圆圆是一家,元宵节后必然发。   ④回荡着新春的热闹,吟唱着欢乐的歌调,迎接着春风的微笑,祝福的消息已来到,祝福你元宵快乐最独到,生活美好,事业走高,前途分外美妙。   以上就是关于2022年元宵的相关介绍,元宵节的英语就是这样,怎么样是不是学到新知识了,希望本文能给你带来帮助。
2023-07-08 19:06:381

元宵 英文怎么写

rice glue ballLantern Festival 元宵节
2023-07-08 19:06:475


元宵节英语介绍是The Lantern Festival (元宵节) is the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration。This day is for the last moment for setting off fireworks。the last excuse for eating a big feast and the last chance for family getting together before the “年” celebrations are over。元宵介绍正月十五吃元宵,“元宵”作为食品,在我国也由来已久。宋代,民间即流行一种元宵节吃 的新奇食品。这种食品,最早叫“ 浮元子”后称“元宵” ,生意人还美其名曰“元宝” 。元宵即"汤圆"以白糖、玫瑰、芝麻、豆沙、黄桂、核桃仁、果仁、枣泥等为馅,用糯米粉包成圆形,可荤可素,风味各异。可汤煮、油炸、蒸食,有团圆美满之意。陕西的汤圆不是包的,而是在糯米粉中"滚"成的,或煮司或油炸,热热火火,团团圆圆。
2023-07-08 19:07:252


Happy Lantern Festival
2023-07-08 19:07:503

英语作文 关于元宵节看灯笼 六十词左右 最好用到lantern ;festival等单词

元宵节-Lantern Festival Lantern Festival is a China"s traditional festival.It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year. I,antern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China.Several days before Lantern Festival,people begin to make lanterns.Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals,vegetables,fruits and many,other things.While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns.On the eve of Lantern Festival,all the lanterns are hung up. On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns.Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko.Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy.Our life is rich and varied.
2023-07-08 19:08:031

专家推荐雅思阅读:Lantern Festival元宵节

雅思口语素材:Lantern Festival元宵节   雅思口语话题中曾出现过festival相关的话题,本文将以中英对照的形式介绍中国的传统节日元宵节(Lantern Festival),供大家作为话题拓展阅读。   The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar. As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance. This day"s important activity is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China. One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha"s body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China.   每年农历的正月十五日,春节刚过,迎来的就是中国的传统节日--元宵节。元宵主要的活动就是看灯。东汉明帝时期,明帝提倡佛教,听说佛教有正月十五日僧人观佛舍利,点灯敬佛的做法,就命令这一天夜晚在皇宫和寺庙里点灯敬佛,令士族庶民都挂灯。以后这种佛教礼仪节日逐渐形成民间盛大的节日。该节经历了由宫廷到民间,由中原到全国的发展过程。   Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors. Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets, extremely excited. "Guessing lantern riddles"is an essential part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity emerged during people"s enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.   直到今天,元宵点灯的习俗仍然在中国的各地流传的,各式各样美丽的花灯在这一天都会点亮,孩子们提着自制的灯笼走街串巷,非常高兴。猜灯谜也是元宵节的一项重要活动,花灯的主人会将谜面写在灯笼上,挂在门口,如果有人可以猜中,就能得到小小的礼物。这项活动最早起源于宋朝,因为谜语能启迪智慧又饶有兴趣,所以流传过程中深受社会各阶层的欢迎。   People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also called the "Yuanxiao Festival."Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan. It is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling. Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed. It tastes sweet and delicious. Whatu2019s more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan”, meaning reunion . So people eat them to denote union , harmony and happiness for the family.   民间过元宵节吃元宵的习俗。元宵由糯米制成,或实心,或带馅。馅有豆沙、白糖、山楂、各类果料等,食用时煮、煎、蒸、炸皆可。起初,人们把这种食物叫“浮圆子”,后来又叫“汤团”或“汤圆”,这些名称“团圆”字音相近,取团圆之意,象征全家人团团圆圆,和睦幸福,人们也以此怀念离别的亲人,寄托了对未来生活的美好愿望。   In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged. On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene. Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival. Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party. On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky.   随着时间的推移,元宵节的活动越来越多,白天有耍龙灯、耍狮子、踩高跷、划旱船扭秧歌、打太平鼓等传统民俗表演。到了夜晚,除了五颜六色的美花灯之外,还有艳丽多姿的烟火。大多数家庭会在春节时留下一些烟花等到元宵节这天燃放,而一些地方政府也会举办烟花大会,当新年的第一个月圆之夜在盛大的烟火表演中来临时,人们都陶醉在这令人难忘了烟花与皎洁的明月中。 元宵节词汇   元宵节:festival of lanterns,lantern festival dumplings   元宵: the rice glue ball   灯谜:riddles written on lanterns   灯具:lamps and lanterns   灯花 snuff   灯笼裤 bloomers galligaskins knickers pantalettes plus fours   灯笼 lantern scaldfish   灯塔 beacon lighthouse pharos   灯语 lamp signal   灯油 kerosene lamp oil   灯心蜻蜓 damselfly   元宵节的由来   Lantern Festival   The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China.   According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate. At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball) and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere.   各地元宵节习俗   河北省 永平府元宵节,有病的妇女群聚窑下,称“陶灸”。儿女交错度桥,称“度百厄”。也有人以纸裁剪为九条纸绳,信手打结以卜休咎,称“结羊肠”。又以十二个面盏贮油放入锅中蒸熟,以面盏积水之多寡来预卜该月的晴雨。静海县上元节以大馒头为节食。庆云县元宵节男子请五祖教拳棒,女子请紫姑卜休咎。   山东省 淄川县元宵节临水人家多放河灯。宁阳县元宵送灯至祖坟。博兴农村的元宵节有照灯的习俗。男孩子提着灯,绕枣树六圈,口念“嘟佬嘟佬,开花结枣”六遍,就能使枣树丰收。莒县男女老少于正月十六到野外踏青,称之“走老貌”,据说每年走一次可永保青春年少。   河南省 襄城县元宵吃馄饨汤,称之“团圆茶”,娘家接已嫁的女儿回家过节,郲县元宵庆灯时,老幼有病者,皆以火灸石龟。本地有河桥的,相率过桥。若无桥,则以木板搭数丈高之“天桥”,称为“走百病”。   陕西省 凤翔县于元宵节宴请女儿、女婿,称之“吃十五”。并送灯、送油,称之“添油”。〔江苏省〕武进县上元日绑缚芦苇成丈许之火炬,插于田间,称“照田财”,用来预卜早潦。火色白者为水,红者为旱。宜兴上元日,儿童戴鬼面具,屈脚振肩而跳,称之“跳鬼”。   浙江省 杭州民间传正月十五为上元天官赐福之辰,多斋素诵经,匍匐至吴山礼拜。海宁县元宵节以精致的菊花灯为最出名。上虞县少于元宵节晚上到戡恃月台上较量武艺。建德县人家有新娶媳妇的,于元宵节设酒祭床。   江西省 新建县民于元宵扫墓插竹为灯。万安县城各乡均于元宵节祀上元神舟。   湖北省 云梦县(今之江汉)老农夫于元宵夜持火炬偏照田圃,叫“照绝地蚕”。儿童则以田鼓迎神,以卜岁事。武昌的“弄龙”要一连三天。全村的男女老少都跟随龙灯到邻村赴宴,称为“龙换酒”。   湖南省 常德上元各家以椒为汤,加入韭菜儆果诸物款待客人,称为“时汤”。新田县游完龙灯后,将龙灯付之一炬,称为“送灾”。   四川省 四川元宵有“四偷”的习俗:“一偷汤圆二偷青,三偷檐灯四偷红。”除了偷青是为了强身外,其余皆为求子的习俗。开县有“对骂”的习俗。元宵节时人们搬板凳到户外去,将平日之怨气,尽皆骂出,被骂之人不得回骂。   福建省 泉州花灯别具特色,有香灯、纸折莲花灯、丝料宫灯、八结灯等等。邵武县元宵夜境内庙宇绕境迎香,称为“净街”。福建南部有元宵节两村儿童互掷石为戏的习俗。据说若不掷石,那个村子必定发生瘟疫。   广东省 新安县民有于去年生男者,皆于元宵夜庆灯。南雄闹花灯时,父母取龙灯上之龙须线给小儿系带,据说可保儿童无疾病。又取龙灯内残存的蜡烛照床下,据说可以产贵子。文昌县民元宵夜偷青时,偷中的以挨骂为吉祥之兆,偷不中者则以不挨骂为吉兆。   云南省 云龙县于元宵节前迎三崇神,沿街立棚祭祀。弥勒州元宵后一日燃香于桥,投石水中,再取水洗眼,据说可以去疾病。
2023-07-08 19:09:121


2023-07-08 19:09:191


2023-07-08 19:09:414

元宵节英语作文The Lantern Festival

在学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的`文体。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的元宵节英语作文The Lantern Festival,欢迎阅读与收藏。 the lantern festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in february or march in the gregorian calendar. as early as the western han dynasty (206 bc-ad 25), it had become a festival with great significance. this day"s important activity is watching lanterns. throughout the han dynasty (206 bc-ad 220), buddhism flourished in china. one emperor heard that buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of buddha"s body, and light lanterns to worship buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to buddha on this day. later, the buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the central plains to the whole of china.
2023-07-08 19:09:501

Spring Festival finish at lantern Festival的翻译

2023-07-08 19:09:585

when is the lantern festival.的答句

The 15th day of the 1st lunar month精sdsd锐sdsd老师祝你学习进步~
2023-07-08 19:10:132


2023-07-08 19:10:213

at the lantern festival是几月几号

元宵节啊 正月十五
2023-07-08 19:10:372

元宵节 端午节 重阳节 万圣节 英文分别是?

元宵节Lantern端午节Dragon Boat Festival重阳节Chung Yeung Festival万圣节Chung Yeung Festival
2023-07-08 19:10:443


元宵节的习俗英语:The custom of the Lantern Festival。一、The的解释。The是一个定冠词,它具有确定的意思,用以特指人或事物,表示名词所指的人或事物是同类中的特定的一个,以别于同类中其他的人或事物。二、custom的解释。某地或某时代的风俗,习惯;传统;(统称)习俗,社会传统;常规;惯例;习惯做法;(尤指对商店或生意经常性的)光顾,惠顾。三、of的解释。of是英语中一个常用的介词,助动词,由什么制成等意思,在英语中有大量词组使用of,如out of由于;离开。四、Lantern的解释。Lantern是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为灯笼;提灯;灯笼式天窗。五、Festival的解释。节日;节庆;节(常在一地举办的活动);欢庆时刻;(尤指周年等的)庆祝纪念;狂欢;喜庆。含Lantern Festival双语例句:1、In the Lantern Festival,people would usually go to the night fair where thousands of lanterns light the night up.(在元宵节,人们通常会去逛夜市,也是上许许多多的灯笼将夜晚点亮。)2、Tomorrow is theLantern Festival!(明天是元宵节!)3、Please tell me something about theLantern Festival.(请告诉我一些关于元宵节的事情。)4、On the eve ofLantern Festival,all the lanterns are hung up.(在元宵节前夜,所有的灯笼都被挂起来。)
2023-07-08 19:10:511


The Lantern Festival is cele/pated everywhere on January 15th of the lunar calendar, right after the Spring Festival.raditionally, the Lantern Festival is a part of the Spring Festival.This day is always the first full moon in the lunar New Year.Across China, people cele/pate by hanging up lanterns and festoons, attending dancing and singing performances, making “Yuan Xiao” or sweet rice dumplings and lighting fireworks.The Lantern Riddle is a special word-game played by the Chinese people.The Chinese people not only craft many types of beautiful lanterns for the others to appreciate, but also create many interesting riddles.The traditional riddles are written on the lanterns.Today, many people glue a slip of paper with the riddle at the bottom of the lanterns for the viewers to solve.Those who solve the riddles correctly will receive a prize from the riddle"s creator.中英互译:每年农历的一月十五日是中国人的元宵节,它正好在春节之后。传统意义上元宵节也是春节活动的一部分。这天是农历新年里第一个月圆的日子。中国各地张灯结彩,家家户户歌舞游乐,人们做元宵、放烟火。  猜灯谜是中国特有的文字游戏。人们不仅制作出各种漂亮的灯笼供大家观赏,还设计出许多有趣的谜语。传统的灯谜是直接写在灯笼上的。现在,人们在灯笼的下面贴上写了谜语的纸条,供观灯的人猜。那些猜中的人还会得到出谜者赠送的小奖品。
2023-07-08 19:11:272


元宵节简介 每年农历的正月十五,春节刚过,迎来的就是中国的传统节日——元宵节。 元宵节,亦称为小正月、元夕或灯节,时间是每年的农历正月十五,这是春节之后的第一个重要节日。钱塘瞿佑《双头牡丹灯记》:“每岁元夕,于明州张灯五夜。倾城士女,皆得纵观”。 正月是农历的元月,古人称夜为“宵”,所以称正月十五为“元宵节”。正月十五日是一年中第一个月圆之夜,也是一元复始,大地回春的夜晚,人们对此加以庆祝,也是庆贺新春的延续。元宵节又称为“上元节”。 按中国民间的传统,在这天上皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点起彩灯万盏,以示庆贺。出门赏月、燃灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵,合家团聚、同庆佳节,其乐融融。
2023-07-08 19:12:112


The Lantern Festival is happy!
2023-07-08 19:12:224

是in the lantern festival还是on the lanter

on the lantern festival .
2023-07-08 19:12:513


英语资源网权威发布元宵节英语作文Happy Lantern Festival,更多元宵节英语作文Happy Lantern Festival相关信息请访问英语资源网。 The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival. 正月15是中国的元宵节。 According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out. 根据中国的传统,新年伊始,当空中出现一轮明亮的圆月时,成千的彩灯就会被悬挂出来。 During the Lantern Festival, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball). 在元宵节期间,人们会试着猜灯谜,吃汤圆。 In the Sui Dynasty in the sixth century, Emperor Yangdi invited envoys from other countries to China to see the colorful lighted lanterns and enjoy the gala performances. 在六世纪的隋朝,当时的隋炀帝邀请他国的外交使节来中国欣赏彩灯,观看节目。 By the beginning of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh century, the lantern displays would last three days. The emperor also lifted the curfew, allowing the people to enjoy the festive lanterns day and night. 在七世纪的唐初,彩灯的展示会一直延续3天。当时的帝王还颁布了宵禁令,允许人们昼夜地庆祝节日。 In the Song Dynasty, the festival was celebrated for five days and the activities began to spread to many of the big cities in China. 到了宋代,人们会用5天的时间来庆祝元宵节,该节日也开始蔓延到许多中国的大城市。 Today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event on the 15th day of the first lunar month throughout China. 今天,正月15挂花灯在整个华夏大地仍就是一项很隆重盛大的活动。 The fillings inside the dumplings or Yuansiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, Walnuts, sesame, osmanthus flowers, rose petals, or jujube paste etc. A single ingredient or any combination can be used as the filling . The salty variety is filled with minced meat, vegetables etc. 汤圆的馅有甜,也有咸。甜馅可以由糖,胡桃,芝麻,桂花,玫瑰花瓣,或者枣泥做成。一个成分或者任意几种成分的组合都可以用来做汤圆的馅。咸馅则可以由碎肉末,蔬菜等做成。
2023-07-08 19:12:571


Happy Lantern Festival
2023-07-08 19:13:075


  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的四年级元宵节英语作文(附翻译),欢迎大家分享。 四年级元宵节英语作文(附翻译)1   Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, the fifteenth day of the first is the Lantern Festival every year. "The fifteenth day of the yuanxiao, thriving holidays." With the coming of the annual Lantern Festival, every family with smiling face greet the arrival of the Lantern Festival.   Evening, upstairs, I hear the downstairs has bouts drums, I quickly downstairs, a large group of people around, I packed into the crowd, see a few "lion" is wonderfully performance. Suddenly, has been "lion" came to me, want to eat me, I"m so frightened, hurriedly stepped back a few steps. At this time, it swished up to me, a triumphant look on his face, as if to say: "you"re such a coward! You scared me, ha ha ha......" I looked unconvinced, muster up courage took a few steps forward, while it is not looking, secretly took a look of it, MAO thought: hum, call you, now know that my bad! I finally sent the "scare" revenge. At this time, someone put firecrackers, send them to the next place. I have been standing there, watching them slowly away, until can"t see them, I was reluctant to leave.   This year"s Lantern Festival, I not only watch the lion dance, also put the fireworks, guess lantern riddles, is really a memorable yuanxiao.   元宵节是中国的传统节日,每年的正月十五就是元宵节。“正月十五闹元宵,红红火火过大年。”一年一度的元宵节来临了,家家户户都在用笑脸迎接元宵节的到来。   晚上,我在楼上,听到楼下有一阵阵锣鼓声,我赶紧冲下楼一看,一大群人围在一起,我挤进人群,看见几只“狮子”正精彩地表演着。突然,一直“狮子”朝我扑过来,好想要把我吃了,我很害怕,连忙向后退了几步。这时,它向我摇头摆尾,一副得意洋洋的样子,仿佛在说:“你这个胆小鬼!怕了我吧,哈哈哈……”我看了很不服气,就壮着胆子向前走了几步,趁它不注意,偷偷揪了一下它的毛,心里想:哼,叫你得意,现在知道我的厉害了吧!我终于报了这“一吓”之仇。这时,有人放了鞭炮,送他们到下一个地方表演。我一直站在那,看他们慢慢离去,直到看不见他们的身影,我才恋恋不舍地离开。   今年的元宵节,我不仅看了舞狮,还猜了灯谜、放了烟花,真是个令人难忘的元宵。 四年级元宵节英语作文(附翻译)2   There are a lot of our traditional culture, Paper-cut, flaring, yuanxiao, etc. My favorite is the Lantern Festival.   A little of course not eat yuanxiao Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao also called dumplings, its name and a story! Long ago, people called the dumplings yuanxiao. Yuan shikai know feel very unlucky. "Yuanxiao" is not "yuan away"? So he ordered the change the lantern making dumplings. Yuanxiao is known as "tangyuan. There are many yuanxiao fillings. Have red bean. Sesame seeds. And green bean...   Dumplings cook good, I can"t wait to pick up a in your mouth, mom shout; "Be careful, don"t burn yourself." Bite on the filling flow out slowly, sticky. Sweet taste is great!   The Lantern Festival without watching lanterns. Finish eat yuanxiao, dad and I arrived tianyi square. There were so many lanterns here! There is "running" tiger. "Eat grass rabbit. There are "swimming" in the fish. Is a multifarious! All became light of the ocean. The world of light! Dad bought me a rabbit lanterns. As long as one click button. Deer will be singing a happy song. I hurriedly picked up my rabbit lamp join make lanterns.   我国传统文化有很多;有剪纸,生宵,元宵等。我最喜欢的就是元宵节。   过元宵节当然少不了吃元宵。元宵又叫汤圆,它的名子还有个故事呢!很久以前人们把汤圆叫元宵。袁世凯知道了觉得很不吉利。"元宵"不就是"袁消"吗?于是他下令把元宵改做汤圆。从此元宵又名汤圆。元宵的馅有很多。有红豆的。芝麻的`。还有绿豆的……   汤圆煮好了,我迫不及待的夹起一个放在嘴里,妈妈大叫;"小心点,别烫着。"咬上一口馅慢慢地流了出来,粘粘的。甜甜的味道好极了!   元宵节可少不了观花灯。吃完元宵,我和老爸来到天一广场。这里的花灯可真多啊!有"奔跑"的老虎。"吃草"的兔子。还有在"游动"的鱼儿。真是五花八门!都成了灯的海洋。光的世界!爸爸给我买了一个兔子花灯。只要一按按纽。兔儿便会唱起欢乐的歌。我连忙拿起我的兔子灯加入闹花灯的行列。
2023-07-08 19:13:321

the lantern festival the spring festival和圣诞节哪一个不同?

回答:Both the lantern festival and the spring festival are traditional Chinese festivals. They are completely different from Christmas.I mean there is no comparison between them.
2023-07-08 19:13:403


元宵节的英文the lantern festival。介绍:1、元宵节是中国的传统节日之一,又称上元节、小正月、元夕或灯节,时间为每年农历正月十五。The Lantern Festival is one of China"s traditional festivals, also known as the Shangyuan Festival, the small first month, the new year"s Eve or the Lantern Festival. The time is the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar every year.2、正月是农历的元月,古人称“夜”为“宵”,正月十五是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为“元宵节”。The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar. The ancients called "night" as "Xiao". The fifteenth day of the first month is the night of the first full moon of the year, so it is called "Lantern Festival".3、元宵节的形成有一个较长的过程,根源于民间开灯祈福古俗。The formation of the Lantern Festival has a long process, which is rooted in the ancient custom of turning on lights and praying.4、元宵节主要有赏花灯、吃汤圆、猜灯谜、放烟花等一系列传统民俗活动。The lantern festival mainly includes a series of traditional folk activities, such as appreciating lanterns, eating dumplings, guessing lantern riddles, setting off fireworks and so on.5、不少地方元宵节还增加了游龙灯、舞狮子、踩高跷、划旱船、扭秧歌、打太平鼓等传统民俗表演。Many local lantern festivals have also added traditional folk performances such as dragon lanterns, lion dance, stilt walking, dry boat rowing, yangko dance and Taiping drum.
2023-07-08 19:14:132


问题一:元宵节英语怎么说 sweet rice ball 元宵 Lantern Festival 元宵节 问题二:元宵和元宵节用英语怎么说? Lantern Festival 元宵节 glutinous rice ball 元饥 Happy Lantern Festival! 元宵节快乐 问题三:吃元宵英语怎么说 ha户e/eat dumplings lantern festival,元宵节 dumplings,元宵,也叫汤圆 问题四:元宵节用英文怎么表达 元宵节 [名] the Lantern Festival; January 15 on the lunar calendar; festival of lanterns; lantern festival dumplings; Lantern Festival; [例句]该旅游团将在香港过元宵节。 The party will be in Hong Kong for the Lantern festival. 问题五:元宵节快乐 用英文怎么说 元宵节的英语是:The Lantern Festival 元宵节的法语是:Happy Festival des lanternes 元宵节的德语是:Happy Laternenfest 元宵节快乐的英语吧表达是:Happy The Lantern Festival ! 或者Happy Lantern Festival ! 、 Happy lantern"s day 这几种都可以。 问题六:元宵节用英语怎么说啊 农历正月十五元宵节,又称为上元节和春灯节(the Lantern Festival),Festival of Lanterns 也可以 正月是农历的元月,古人称其为“宵”,而十五日又是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为元宵节。又称为小正月、元夕或灯节,是春节之后的第一个重要节日。中国幅员辽阔,历史悠久,所以关于元宵节的习俗在全国各地也不尽相同,其中吃元宵、赏花灯、舞龙、舞狮子等是元宵节几项重要民间习俗。 元宵燃灯的习俗起源于道教的“三元说”;正月十五日为上元节,七月十五日为中元节,十月十五日为下元节。主管上、中、下三元的分别为天、地、人三官,天官喜乐,故上元 元宵节美食――元宵 节要燃灯。   又说元宵节起源于“火把节”,汉代民众在乡间田野持火把驱赶虫兽,希望减轻虫害,祈祷获得好收成。直到今天,中国西南一些地区的人们还在正月十五用芦柴或树枝做成火把,成群结队高举火把在田头或晒谷场跳舞。隋、唐、宋以来,更是盛极一时。参加歌舞者足达数万,从昏达旦,至晦而罢。当随着社会和时代的变迁,元宵节的风俗习惯早已有了较大的变化,但至今仍是中国民间传统节日。 问题七:汤圆用英语怎么说 汤圆 名 glue pudding;?Tang-yuan;?sweet dumplings 问题八:汤圆用英语怎么说 glue pudding /sweet soup balls Tang-yuan:dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed 龚ith either sweet 问题九:汤圆 用英语怎么说 【饮食词汇】 glue pudding 汤圆 sweet soup balls汤圆 【春节词汇 】 汤圆 Tang-yuan; dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet 问题十:汤圆 和元宵的英文怎么说? 汤圆的英文 glue pudding / sweet soup balls / Tang-yuan/ dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet 作为节日的“元宵” festival of lanterns/Lantern Festival(灯节) The 15th day of the 1st lnar month(正月十五) 作为食品的“元宵” yuanxiao/glue pudding/sweet dumpling/rice glue ball
2023-07-08 19:14:591

元宵节英语作文:Lantern Festival_750字

Lantern Festival is a China"s traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year I,antern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up. On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy. Our life is rich and varied.
2023-07-08 19:15:061

The Lantern Festival is a popular festival in China.阅读理解

The Lantern Festival is a popular festival in China.It is in February or March,fourteen days after the Spring Festival.People usually go to watch lanterns in the streets or in the parks.There are many lanterns.Children often hold little lanterns in their hands.They"re very excited.Sometimes,we can watch firework at night.They are so beautiful.At the festival people eat small dumpling halls.In China,people also call them Yuanxiao.It means family reunion (团圆) and happiness. ( B ) 1.The Lantern Festival is a holiday.A.English B.Chinese C.American ( A ) 2.When"s Lantern Festival?.A.Fourteen days after the Spring Festival.B.Fourteen days before the Spring Festival.C.In January or February. ( A ) 3.People usually go to in the streets or in the parks at the lanterns B.Buy things C.give presents ( C ) 4.Sometimes,what can we watch at night?_ .A.Dragon Boat races B.Moon cakes C.Firework ( C ) 5.Yuanxiao means family .A.reunion B.happiness C.A and B.
2023-07-08 19:15:261

Lantern Festival 中文译做什么

If you are from Hong Kong you are right. But for Taiwanese Lantern Festival is 元宵节 because Taiwanese do not 提灯笼 in 中秋节. In order to make it clear people usually call 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival or Mooncake Festival 参考: my knowledge yes you are correct. 参考: me 你的问题就像「马是白马吗?」一样。 中秋节在中国来说,祇是众多的lantern festivals之一吧! Lantern 是泛指灯笼,通常的灯节是陈列各式灯笼的节日罢! yes of couse
2023-07-08 19:15:331


问题一:元宵节英语怎么说 sweet rice ball 元宵 Lantern Festival 元宵节 问题二:元宵和元宵节用英语怎么说? Lantern Festival 元宵节 glutinous rice ball 元饥 Happy Lantern Festival! 元宵节快乐 问题三:元宵节用英文怎么表达 元宵节 [名] the Lantern Festival; January 15 on the lunar calendar; festival of lanterns; lantern festival dumplings; Lantern Festival; [例句]该旅游团将在香港过元宵节。 The party will be in Hong Kong for the Lantern festival. 问题四:元宵节用英语怎么说啊 农历正月十五元宵节,又称为上元节和春灯节(the Lantern Festival),Festival of Lanterns 也可以 正月是农历的元月,古人称其为“宵”,而十五日又是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为元宵节。又称为小正月、元夕或灯节,是春节之后的第一个重要节日。中国幅员辽阔,历史悠久,所以关于元宵节的习俗在全国各地也不尽相同,其中吃元宵、赏花灯、舞龙、舞狮子等是元宵节几项重要民间习俗。 元宵燃灯的习俗起源于道教的“三元说”;正月十五日为上元节,七月十五日为中元节,十月十五日为下元节。主管上、中、下三元的分别为天、地、人三官,天官喜乐,故上元 元宵节美食――元宵 节要燃灯。   又说元宵节起源于“火把节”,汉代民众在乡间田野持火把驱赶虫兽,希望减轻虫害,祈祷获得好收成。直到今天,中国西南一些地区的人们还在正月十五用芦柴或树枝做成火把,成群结队高举火把在田头或晒谷场跳舞。隋、唐、宋以来,更是盛极一时。参加歌舞者足达数万,从昏达旦,至晦而罢。当随着社会和时代的变迁,元宵节的风俗习惯早已有了较大的变化,但至今仍是中国民间传统节日。 问题五:元宵节快乐 用英文怎么说 元宵节的英语是:The Lantern Festival 元宵节的法语是:Happy Festival des lanternes 元宵节的德语是:Happy Laternenfest 元宵节快乐的英语吧表达是:Happy The Lantern Festival ! 或者Happy Lantern Festival ! 、 Happy lantern"s day 这几种都可以。 问题六:元宵节快乐用英语怎么说 元宵节快乐 Happy Lantern Festival 元宵节快乐 Happy Lantern Festival 问题七:元宵节的英语怎么写 元宵节 the Lantern Festival 或the festiva憨 of lanterns 其他节日: 除夕 New Year"s Eve 春节 the Spring Festival 国际劳动妇女节 International Working Women"s Day 清明节 ChingMing Festival 或 Tomb-sweeping Festival 国际劳动节 International Labour Day 端午节the Dragon Boat Festival 国际儿童节 International Children"s Day 建军节 the Army"s Day 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival 教师节 Teachers" Day 重阳节 Double ninth festival 国庆节 National Day 问题八:元宵节用英语怎么翻译? 元宵节 The Lantern Festival 问题九:元宵节在农历的一月十五英语怎么说 元宵节在农历的一月十五 Lantern Festival in January of the lunar calendar fifteen 元宵节在农历的一月十五 Lantern Festival in January of the lunar calendar fifteen
2023-07-08 19:15:401

The Lantern Festival(元宵节)_1000字

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar。 As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had bee a festival with great significance。 This day"s important activity is watching lanterns。 Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhi *** flourished in China。 One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha"s body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day。 Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among mon people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China。 Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country。 Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors。 Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets, extremely excited。 "Guessing lantern riddles" is an essential part of the Festival。 Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns。 If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer。 If they are right, they will get a little gift。 The activity emerged during people"s enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279)。 As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has bee popular among all social strata。 People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also called the "Yuanxiao Festival。" Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan。 It is *** all dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling。 Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed。 It tastes sweet and delicious。 What"s more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan", meaning reunion。 So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family。 In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged。 On the night, besides magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene。 Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival。 Some local governments will even anize a fireworks party。 On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people bee really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky。
2023-07-08 19:15:581


(农历一月一日) Spring Festival;Chinese New Year"s Day由来:Primitive beliefs and sacrificial culture are important factors in the formation of New Year"s Day.原始信仰和祭祀文化是春节形成的重要因素。习俗:such as Lunar New Year"s dinner, keeping the age, New Year"s money, temple fairs, flower lanterns and other customs.如团年饭、守岁、压岁钱、庙会、赏花灯等习俗。2、元宵节(农历一月十五日) Lantern Festival(龙灯节直译)由来:The custom of burning lamps on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is related to the spread of Buddhism to the east.正月十五燃灯的习俗与佛教东传有关。习俗:Lantern Festival mainly includes a series of traditional folk activities,such as watching lanterns, eating dumplings, guessing lantern riddles and setting off fireworks.元宵节主要有赏花灯、吃汤圆、猜灯谜、放烟花等一系列传统民俗活动。3、清明节(公历4月5日前后,农历二月后半月至三月上半月间) Tomb-Sweeping Day由来:The Qingming Festival originated from the Spring Festival and the Spring and Autumn Festival in ancient times.清明节源于上古时代的春祭,春秋二祭,古已有之。习俗:Tomb-sweeping, ancestor-sacrificing and outing are common basic etiquette and custom themes.扫墓祭祖、踏青郊游是共同基本礼俗主题。4、端午节(农历五月初五) Dragon Boat Festival(龙舟节直译)由来:Dragon Boat Festival, with a long history, evolved from the dragon totem worship held in Baiyue in ancient times.端午节,历史悠久,由上古时代百越举行龙图腾祭祀演变而来。习俗:The Dragon Boat picking and rice dumplings are the two main themes of the Dragon Boat Festival.扒龙舟与食粽子是端午节的两大礼俗主题。5、中秋节(农历八月十五) Mid-Autumn (Moon)Festival由来:The Mid-Autumn Festival originated from the worship of celestial phenomena,and evolved from the worship of the moon on the autumn evening in ancient times.中秋节源自天象崇拜,由上古时代秋夕祭月演变而来。习俗:offering sacrifices to the moon, enjoying the moon, eating moon cakes,playing with lanterns, appreciating osmanthus flowers and drinking osmanthus wine.中秋节自古便有祭月、赏月、吃月饼、玩花灯、赏桂花、饮桂花酒等民俗6、重阳节(农历九月九日) Double-ninth Day(重九节直译)由来:The origin of Chongyang Festival can be traced back to ancient times. In ancient times,there were activities of harvest sacrifice and Mars sacrifice in autumn and autumn.重阳节的源头,可追溯到上古时代。古时季秋有丰收祭天、祭祀大火星活动。习俗:There are customs such as climbing high to pray for blessings, visiting chrysanthemums in autumn, wearing dogwood,offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity.有登高祈福、秋游赏菊、佩插茱萸、祭神祭祖及饮宴求寿等习俗。
2023-07-08 19:16:051


Lantern festival
2023-07-08 19:16:312

元宵节英语作文 The origin of the Lantern Festival

There are many different beliefs about the origin of the Lantern Festival. But one thing for sure is that it had something to do with celebrating and cultivating positive relationship beeen people, families, nature and the higher beings they believed were responsible for bringing/returning the light each year.,One legend tells us that it was a time to worship Taiyi, the God of Heaven in ancient times. The belief was that the God of Heaven controlled the destiny of the human world. He had sixteen dragons at his beck and call and he decided when to inflict drought, storms, famine or pestilence upon human beings. Beginning with Qinshihuang, the first emperor to unite the country, all the emperors ordered splendid ceremonies each year. The emperor would ask Taiyi to bring favorable weather and good health to him and his people. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty directed special attention to this event. In 104 BC, he proclaimed it as one of the most important celebrations and the ceremony would last throughout the night. They clean it all up in the morning.,Another legend associates the Lantern Festival with Taoi *** . Tianguan is the Taoist god responsible for good fortune. His birthday falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is said that Tianguan likes all types of entertainment, so followers prepare various kinds of activities during which they pray for good fortune.,Yet another mon legend dealing with the origins of the Lantern Festival speaks of a beautiful bird that flew down to earth from heaven, which was hunted and killed by some villagers. This angered the Jade Emperor in Heaven because the bird was his favorite one. Therefore, he planned a storm of fire to destroy the village on the 15th lunar day. The Jade Emperor"s daughter heard of this plan, and warned the villagers of her father"s plan to destroy their village. The village was in turmoil because nobody knew how should they escape their imminent destruction.,However, a wise man from another village suggested that every family should hang red lanterns around their houses, set up bonfires on the streets, and explode firecrackers on the 14th, 15th, and 16th lunar days. This would give the village the appearance of being on fire to the Jade Emperor. On the 15th lunar day, troops sent down from heaven whose mission was to destroy the village saw that the village was already ablaze, and returned to heaven to report to the Jade Emperor. Satisfied, the Jade Emperor decided not to burn down the village. From that day on, people celebrate the anniversary on the 15th lunar day every year by carrying red lanterns on the streets and exploding firecrackers and fireworks.,There are many stories on how this festival was created. One other story is about a maid. In the Han Dynasty, Mr. Eastern was a favorite advisor of the emperor. One winter day, he went to the garden and heard a little girl crying and getting ready to jump into a well to mit suicide. Mr. Eastern stopped her and asked why. She said she was a maid in the emperor"s palace and her name was Yuan-Xiao.,She never had the chance to meet her family after she started worked at the palace. She missed them so much every 12th lunar month. If she couldn"t have the chance to show her filial piety in this life, she would rather die. Mr. Eastern promised her to find a way so she could reunion with her family. Mr. Eastern left the palace and set up a fortune-telling stall on the street and disguised himself as a fortueller. Because of his reputation, many people asked for their fortunes.,But every one got the same prediction - a severe fire accident on the 15th lunar day. The rumor spread quickly. Everyone was worried about the future and asked Mr. Eastern for help. Mr. Eastern said, "On the 13th lunar day, the God of Fire will send a fairy lady in red to burn down the city. If you see a lady in red wearing green pants riding a black horse on that day, you should ask for her mercy." On that day, Yuan-Xiao pretended to be the red fairy lady. When people asked for her help, she said, "I"m the messenger of the God of Fire and came to check on the city and I"m going to set up fire on 15th. This is an order from Jade Emperor. He will watch from the heavens.,I will give you a copy of the imperial decree from the God of Fire. You should go to ask your emperor to find a way out." After she left, people went to the palace to show the emperor the decree which reads "The capital city is in trouble. Fire burns on the palace, and fire from Heaven burns all night long on the 15th." The emperor of Han Dynasty was very shocked. He called and asked Mr. Eastern for advice. After pondering for a while, Mr. Eastern said, "I heard that the God of Fire likes to eat Tang-Yuan (Sweet dumpling). Does Yuan-Xiao often cook Tang-Yuan for you? On the 15th lunar day, let Yuan-Xiao make Tang-Yuan.,Your Majesty will take charge of the worshipping ceremony and you will give an order to every house to prepare Tang-Yuan to worship the God of Fire at the same time. Also, deliver another order to ask every house in the city to hang red lantern and explode fire crackers. Lastly, everyone in the palace and people outside the city should carry their lanterns on the street to watch the lantern decoration and fireworks. If everything goes this way, the Jade Emperor would be deceived.,Then everyone can avoid the fire accident." The emperor happily followed the plan. Lanterns were everywhere in the capital city on the night of the 15th lunar day. People were walking on the street. Fire crackers kept making lots of noise. It looked like the entire city was on fire. Yuan-Xiao"s parents went into the palace to watch the lantern decorations, and Yuan-Xiao made a big lantern and wrote her name on the lantern. They happily reunited together after her parents called her name. Everybody was safe during the night. The emperor of Han Dynasty had a new order that people should do the same thing every year. Since Yuan-Xiao cooked the best Tan-Yuan, people called the day Yuan-Xiao Festival.,Young people were chaperoned in the streets in hopes of finding love. Matchmakers acted busily in hopes of pairing couples. The brightest lanterns were symbolic of good luck and hope. As time has passed, the festival no longer has such implications.,Those who do not carry lanterns often enjoy watching informal lantern parades. In addition to eating tangyuan (simplified Chinese: 汤圆; traditional Chinese: 汤圆; pinyin: tāngyuán), another popular activity at this festival is guessing lantern riddles (which became part of the festival during the Tang Dynasty), which often contain messages of good fortune, family reunion, abundant harvest, prosperity and love.
2023-07-08 19:16:371


春节 Spring Festval 除夕New Year"s Eve 正月lunar January 初一the beginning of New Year 元宵节Lantern Festival 端午节Duan Wu Festival or Dragon Boat Festival(龙舟节) 清明节Ching Ming Festival 中秋节Mid-Autumn (Chinese Festival 重阳节Chung Yeung Festival or Double-ninth Day 农历节日 农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival) 农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival) 农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival) 农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day) 农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival) 农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival) 农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival
2023-07-08 19:16:461


超美的AI成图分享灯笼灯笼篇Traditional decoration - 传统装饰品Illumination - 照明Festive atmosphere - 节日氛围Paper lantern - 纸灯笼Bamboo frame - 竹架Colored fabric - 彩色布料Candle - 蜡烛LED light - LED灯Hanging - 悬挂Handmade craftsmanship - 手工艺Symbol of good luck - 幸运的象征Symbol of celebration - 庆祝的象征Symbol of unity - 团结的象征Lantern festival - 元宵节Traditional patterns - 传统图案Animal designs - 动物图案Flower designs - 花卉图案Dragon designs - 龙纹图案Chinese characters - 汉字Cultural heritage - 文化遗产Outdoor decoration - 室外装饰Indoor decoration - 室内装饰Festive events - 节日活动Parades - 游行Floating lanterns - 水上灯笼Wish-making - 许愿Moonlit night - 月夜Traditional craftsmanship - 传统工艺Silk lantern - 丝绸灯笼Traditional festivals - 传统节日Spring festival - 春节Mid-Autumn festival - 中秋节Lantern riddles - 灯谜Cultural symbolism - 文化象征Hand-painted designs - 手绘图案Artistic expression - 艺术表达Decorative elements - 装饰元素Handicraft markets - 手工艺市场Community gatherings - 社区聚会Festive music - 节日音乐Symbol of hope - 希望的象征Symbol of prosperity - 繁荣的象征Symbol of happiness - 快乐的象征Symbol of reunion - 团圆的象征Lantern making workshops - 制作灯笼的工作坊Lantern competitions - 灯笼比赛Lantern procession - 灯笼游行Lantern dances - 灯笼舞Cultural performances - 文化表演Traditional customs - 传统习俗Lantern craftsmanship - 灯笼工艺Lantern symbolism - 灯笼象征意义Lantern carving - 灯笼雕刻Lantern painting - 灯笼绘画Lantern design - 灯笼设计Lantern lighting ceremony - 灯笼点亮仪式Lantern display - 灯笼展示Lantern tradition - 灯笼传统Lantern art - 灯笼艺术Lantern creativity - 灯笼创意
2023-07-08 19:17:571

The origin of the Lantern Festival(元宵节)_2700字

There are many different beliefs about the origin of the Lantern Festival. But one thing for sure is that it had something to do with celebrating and cultivating positive relationship beeen people families nature and the higher beings they believed were responsible for bringing/returning the light each year. One legend tells us that it was a time to worship Taiyi the God of Heaven in ancient times. The belief was that the God of Heaven controlled the destiny of the human world. He had sixteen dragons at his beck and call and he decided when to inflict drought storms famine or pestilence upon human beings. Beginning with Qinshihuang the first emperor to unite the country all the emperors ordered splendid ceremonies each year. The emperor would ask Taiyi to bring favorable weather and good health to him and his people. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty directed special attention to this event. In 104 BC he proclaimed it as one of the most important celebrations and the ceremony would last throughout the night. They clean it all up in the morning. Another legend associates the Lantern Festival with Taoi *** . Tianguan is the Taoist god responsible for good fortune. His birthday falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is said that Tianguan likes all types of entertainment so followers prepare various kinds of activities during which they pray for good fortune. Yet another mon legend dealing with the origins of the Lantern Festival speaks of a beautiful bird that flew down to earth from heaven which was hunted and killed by some villagers. This angered the Jade Emperor in Heaven because the bird was his favorite one. Therefore he planned a storm of fire to destroy the village on the 15th lunar day. The Jade Emperor"s daughter heard of this plan and warned the villagers of her father"s plan to destroy their village. The village was in turmoil because nobody knew how should they escape their imminent destruction. However a wise man from another village suggested that every family should hang red lanterns around their houses set up bonfires on the streets and explode firecrackers on the 14th 15th and 16th lunar days. This would give the village the appearance of being on fire to the Jade Emperor. On the 15th lunar day troops sent down from heaven whose mission was to destroy the village saw that the village was already ablaze and returned to heaven to report to the Jade Emperor. Satisfied the Jade Emperor decided not to burn down the village. From that day on people celebrate the anniversary on the 15th lunar day every year by carrying red lanterns on the streets and exploding firecrackers and fireworks. There are many stories on how this festival was created. One other story is about a maid. In the Han Dynasty Mr. Eastern was a favorite advisor of the emperor. One winter day he went to the garden and heard a little girl crying and getting ready to jump into a well to mit suicide. Mr. Eastern stopped her and asked why. She said she was a maid in the emperor"s palace and her name was Yuan-Xiao. She never had the chance to meet her family after she started worked at the palace. She missed them so much every 12th lunar month. If she couldn"t have the chance to show her filial piety in this life she would rather die. Mr. Eastern promised her to find a way so she could reunion with her family. Mr. Eastern left the palace and set up a fortune-telling stall on the street and disguised himself as a fortueller. Because of his reputation many people asked for their fortunes. But every one got the same prediction - a severe fire accident on the 15th lunar day. The rumor spread quickly. Everyone was worried about the future and asked Mr. Eastern for help. Mr. Eastern said "On the 13th lunar day the God of Fire will send a fairy lady in red to burn down the city. If you see a lady in red wearing green pants riding a black horse on that day you should ask for her mercy." On that day Yuan-Xiao pretended to be the red fairy lady. When people asked for her help she said "I"m the messenger of the God of Fire and came to check on the city and I"m going to set up fire on 15th. This is an order from Jade Emperor. He will watch from the heavens. I will give you a copy of the imperial decree from the God of Fire. You should go to ask your emperor to find a way out." After she left people went to the palace to show the emperor the decree which reads "The capital city is in trouble. Fire burns on the palace and fire from Heaven burns all night long on the 15th." The emperor of Han Dynasty was very shocked. He called and asked Mr. Eastern for advice. After pondering for a while Mr. Eastern said "I heard that the God of Fire likes to eat Tang-Yuan (Sweet dumpling). Does Yuan-Xiao often cook Tang-Yuan for you? On the 15th lunar day let Yuan-Xiao make Tang-Yuan. Your Majesty will take charge of the worshipping ceremony and you will give an order to every house to prepare Tang-Yuan to worship the God of Fire at the same time. Also deliver another order to ask every house in the city to hang red lantern and explode fire crackers. Lastly everyone in the palace and people outside the city should carry their lanterns on the street to watch the lantern decoration and fireworks. If everything goes this way the Jade Emperor would be deceived. Then everyone can avoid the fire accident." The emperor happily followed the plan. Lanterns were everywhere in the capital city on the night of the 15th lunar day. People were walking on the street. Fire crackers kept making lots of noise. It looked like the entire city was on fire. Yuan-Xiao"s parents went into the palace to watch the lantern decorations and Yuan-Xiao made a big lantern and wrote her name on the lantern. They happily reunited together after her parents called her name. Everybody was safe during the night. The emperor of Han Dynasty had a new order that people should do the same thing every year. Since Yuan-Xiao cooked the best Tan-Yuan people called the day Yuan-Xiao Festival. Young people were chaperoned in the streets in hopes of finding love. Matchmakers acted busily in hopes of pairing couples. The brightest lanterns were symbolic of good luck and hope. As time has passed the festival no longer has such implications. Those who do not carry lanterns often enjoy watching informal lantern parades. In addition to eating tangyuan (simplified Chinese: 汤圆; traditional Chinese: 汤圆; pinyin: tāngyuán) another popular activity at this festival is guessing lantern riddles (which became part of the festival during the Tang Dynasty) which often contain messages of good fortune family reunion abundant harvest prosperity and love.
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2023-07-08 19:23:101

根据句意及常识为下列各题选一个节日填空 A. Christmas B. the Lantern Festival?

1-5 H C B D A ,3, 根据句意及常识为下列各题选一个节日填空 A. Christmas B. the Lantern Festival C. the Mid-Autumn Festival D. Thanksgiving Day E. the Dragon Boat FestivalF. National Day G. Spring Festival H. Halloween I. April Fool"s Day J. Teachers" Day 1. At __________, we play a game called "trick or treat". 2. My favourite festival is __________ because I like to eat mooncakes. 3. People will play with different kinds of lanterns of different shapes and eat "Yuanxiao" at __________. 4. __________ is the fourth Thursday of November. It started in 1621 in the USA. 5. __________ is the most important festival in western countries. It falls on December 25th. 6. __________ is on October 1st in China. Now every year on this day we have seven days off. 7. On __________, some people play tricks on each other. 8. September 10th is __________. On that day teachers can get many best wishes from their students. 9. -What do you eat at __________? -We can eat rice dumplings.
2023-07-08 19:23:161

What did he do at the lantern festival?哪里错了?

2023-07-08 19:23:243

作文Chinese Lantern Festival party

The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China.   According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate. At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball) and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere
2023-07-08 19:23:421


coming 是现在分词, 与系动词was 一起构成过去进行时, 或者做表语。The Lantern Festival was coming at 15th of February.意思是:元宵节是在二月十五日这一天。
2023-07-08 19:23:501


1.New Year"s Day 元旦(1月1日) 2.Spring Festival;Chinese New Year"s Day 春节(农历一月一日) 3.Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历一月十五日) 4.International Working Women"s Day 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日) 5.Arbor Day;Tree Planting Day 植树节(3月12日) 6.Postal Day 邮政节(3月20日) 7.World Meteorology Day 世界气象节(3月23日) 8.Ching Ming Festival ;Tomb-sweeping Festival 清明节(4月5日) 9.International Labour Day 国际劳动节(5月1日) 10.Chinese Youth Day 中国青年节(5月4日) 11.Nurses" Festival 护士节(5月12日) 12.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(农历五月初五) 13.International Children"s Day 国际儿童节(6月1日) 14.The Party"s Brithday 中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日) 15.The Army"s Day 建军节(8月1日) 16.Mid-Autumn (Moon)Festival 中秋节(农历八月十五) 17.Teacher"s Day 教师节(9月10日) 18.Double-ninth Day 重阳节(农历九月九日) 19.National Day 国庆节(10月1日) 20.New Year"s Eve 除夕(农历十二月三十日)
2023-07-08 19:23:592