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以“My math teacher”为题写一篇英语作文70个单词

2023-07-08 21:11:40

My Math teacher

My Math teacher is a woman,She is about 28 years old.She is friendly to us,and she is very fun.

She is of midium height,and wears glasses.She has long curly hair and two small eyes.

Sometimes,She always plays with our and talks something about weselies.

I like she verymuch, Though I think Math is the most difficult one of all subjects,But I still like she.What"s more,I must study hard with Math.


Kid Friendelies是什么意思?

2023-07-08 18:45:105

2023-07-08 18:45:277


I me my mine you you your yours she her her hers he him his his it it its its we us our ours they them their theirs 请采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
2023-07-08 18:45:442


2023-07-08 18:45:501


2023-07-08 18:45:586


2023-07-08 18:46:147


2023-07-08 18:46:314


I hope in the United States and love family can join some community activities or with native American colour of sports
2023-07-08 18:46:404


同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案如下: herself yourselves him yourself ourselves himself myself ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 不明白请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^,8,1 herself( 同7) 2 yourselves( 固定用法 ENJOY ONESELF ) 3 him( 介词后的代词要用宾格 4 yourself( HELP ONESELF 固定用法,JIM 是单数) 5 ourselves 我们自己 6 him ( 动词后的代词用宾格) 7 myself ( BY ONESELF 独自) ,2,herself yourself him yourself us hiself myself,2,herself yourselies,2,1、Sherry often makes breakfast by ---herself--(she) 2、I hope you can enjoy -youself----(you)in this trip,ladies and gentlemen。 3、Lang Lang plays the piano very well。We are all proud of -him---...,1,herself yourself him yourself ourselves himself myself,1,一、用括号中代词的适当形式填空(急急急, 1、Sherry often makes breakfast by -----(she) 2、I hope you can enjoy -----(you)in this trip,ladies and gentlemen. 3、Lang Lang plays the piano very well.We are all proud of ----(he) 4、Jim,please help ----(you)to some cake. 5、We can"t only think of ----(we).We should think of others. 6、My father never buys ----(he)anything. 7、I want to work out the problem by ----(me)
2023-07-08 18:46:471


herself yourselies
2023-07-08 18:47:075


2023-07-08 18:47:201


1. 英语作文 My Math teacher My Math teacher is a woman,She is about 28 years old.She is friendly to us,and she is very fun. She is of midium height,and wears glasses.She has long curly hair and o *** all eyes. Sometimes,She always plays with our and talks something about weselies. I like she verymuch, Though I think Math is the most difficult one of all subjects,But I still like she.What"s more,I must study hard with Math.。 2. 求用英文写的有关数学的作文,中学生能看懂的 Different temperament and different areas of scholars in the treatment of life often have different feelings and emotions. Romantic poets feel that life by clouds, breeze, swaying written in the violet; historical novelist that will be with the emperor, is the romantic life on the stage of Health, Dan, , end of the ugly; profound philosophers is that life is By the philosophy of some of the concepts, the fate-determining, through logical deduction and the formation of the framework. However, when we look around us today of life, from the Clippers to the air shuttle from the fiber-optic munications to the video phone, change the leading force in the life science, after all. The scientific basis for mathematics. As a result, the life of this great book is written in mathematical Mathematics is the oldest on Earth science, human culture as early as the Enlightenment period, have been the seeds of mathematics. It is said that from the mathematics of life. True, there are mathematics of life everywhere. Ancient back: If there are no fathers of the mathematics, how can we know today hunting the number of items available? Today: the universe of large, the micro-particle, the speed of the rocket, the chemical substance, change of the Earth, the mystery of biological, and the daily-use plex, it also can not be separated from all the math. It can be said that mathematics is a golden key to open the treasure house of science, which is the golden key to * you look for in life: Assuming you are in the hands of some of the money deposited in the bank would like, if you want to get more benefits, it would have to apply the math, you hand the money (the principal) were multiplied by the project"s savings rate, And the tax deduction of 20%, the rest of you is the interest earned. Comparison, the kind of high interest for you, you can make a choice. In the theater, you find hosts and not on the side of the central stage, which used much of the "Golden Section." Will be seen as a stage for a long "L" of the segment, and is divided into o parts, so that part of the over all, do not mean that this part of the outer part of the over. That is, X: L = (LX): X, such a split is "Golden Section", also known as the "golden rules", "than the Chinese and foreign." The proportion of the above-mentioned solutions can be obtained X / L = 0.618, its best-known example is the Parthenon temple. In addition, China"s mathematician Luogeng use of the "golden section" to create an optimization. Further promote China"s modernization drive. In fact, such examples abound: In accordance with the piece can be brought, "Han Bing-point" mathematical problem; According to the rabbit birth, can be traced back to the Fibonacci sequence; according to the length of the reed, can lead to "Nine Chapters on the Mathematical" Pythagorean Theorem on the issue; of the pyramid according to a high degree of the problem can still be applied to Euclidean geometry 。 。 In short, there is life everywhere in mathematics, mathematics to make our life more colorful. But as for the ability to find life in mathematics, you rely on ourselves!。 3. (用英语说数学)的英语作文 Mathematics is a very interesting subject, we can gain a lot of fun, as a student, learning math is very important for us. Of course, to learn he is not an easy thing, which we need to have the spirit of perseverance and effort, the mathematics as part of their lives, slowly, you will find that the original math is so interesting! 4. 用英语写一篇关于对数学感兴趣的作文 英语:I like English most because i think English is widely used in the world .No matter where you go,you can make speak English.It is also the formal language of the government of some countries such as the U.S ,England .English is also used in the business .We can enjoy some music or films if we can understand English.So I like English very much.翻译:我最喜欢英语,因为我认为英语在世界上广泛使用.无论你去哪里,你都可以说英语,这也是一些国家正规的语言,比如美国,英国.英语也被用于商业.如果我们懂英语就可以欣赏一些音乐或者电影.所以我最喜欢英语.数学:Of all the subjects I study i like maths best.I think it is reasonable.You know maths helps you to exercise your brains,and make you *** arter and more intelligent.Maths can be applied in all fields of selene,and naturally it is .said that maths is the mother of all subjects.Maths has been developing rapidly.In the development of science and technology,there continuously appear problems which may be solved only with the help of maths.This in turn makes maths itself develop faster.Many examples can be cited to show the synchronous development of maths and technology and science.From this point of view,we are sure to say that maths will develop still faster,for ,science and technology will con tinue to advance without stop.However,maths is not easy to master.It requires a high degree of intelligence.You can see some children who often fail to pass their maths examination,but others deal with it very easily.This difference obviously es from tim levels of intelligence.But what is most important in mastering maths is one"s hard work.Though one is less clever,he can master it through diligence.Countless facts have proved this point.Maths is a challenge and that is why I like it.翻译:在所有课程中,我最喜欢数学.我觉得这是有道理的.数学帮助你开动脑筋,使你更机敏,更聪明.数学可以被用于科学的诸多领域,据说数学是所有学科之母.数学一直发展很快.在科技发展中,不断出现一些问题,这些问题很可能只有借助数学的帮助才能解决.这也反过来使数学本身发展更快.可以引证许多实例来证明数学的发展和科技的发展是同步的.从这一点看,我们有把握地说数学将发展得更快,因为科学和技术将会继续不停地前进.然而,学好数学是不容易的.数学要求高智力.你可以看到一些孩子常常数学考试不及格,而另外一些人处理数学问题却很容易.这一差别显然是由于智力水平造成的.但是,在掌握数学方面重要的是努力学习.尽管一个人不很聪明,但他能够通过勤奋学好数学.无数的事实证明了这一点.数学是富有挑战性的,这就是我喜欢它的原因.。 5. 我的好朋友数学不好,用英语写一篇80词帮他学好数学的作文 Math is very important to our daily to learn math ? Here I talk about some of my experience, for your reference, hoping to help you. First of all,you must be interest in math,and get confidence in learning math . Second,keep the desire to learn, and you will never be satisfied with what you have known. Third,practice makes perfect. Whenever and wherever you are, you should remember: what you are learning is only the surface. 6. 期中考试语文数学英语三门写作文 考试后反思虽然我的学习成绩不怎么样,但是我知道父母、老师对我还有着很大的期望.这次考试我却又考砸了,而且考得特别糟 ,老师把试卷发了下来,我仔细地浏览了一遍,考砸的主要原因是:粗心、马虎.既然犯了错误就要改正.所以,通过这次考试,我也想了很多,以后一定要端正我的学习态度、养成良好的学习习惯. 首先我要改掉做题不细心读题目的坏习惯.有时候我往往就看题目的前半段,就开始解答题目了,结果是答非所问.这也许和其他一些学习技巧有关系.总之,以后一定会在做题的过程中认真审题,细心读题,把题目看准、看清楚.做完题目后要多检查几遍,绝对不允许自己再犯相似的错误.其次,我最主要的是要加强语文、数学、英语三门主科的学习.平日大家都聚在一起做同样的题目,我都觉得会做.可是一旦题目稍作变动,我就不会做了.我终于明白:其实,平时我没有真真正正地去理解它,也许有时是碰巧做对的.我不能允许自己再继续这样下去,所以,我一定要加倍努力,赶上其他同学.吸取教训,为考试做好准备,打好基础,我相信有志者事竟成,在下次考试中能取得满意的成绩.学习的技巧在于不断的练习,生活中,我要多多加强自己的练习和复习,考试之前制定周详的复习计划,不再手忙脚乱,没有方向.平日生活学习中要学会独立思考.我希望老师不要对我失去信心,虽然我这次考得不理想,但是我相信自己.我要通过自己的奋发努力,一定不使老师失望.。
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有人研究过张国荣的八字吗 有呀,香港人写的算命书有呀,八字的有,紫微盘的有,七政四余的有;都没见哪个在他生时敢批他坠楼的,但他死后都能算出这是注定的。 张国荣的生辰八字有什么特别 带来不良影响。 是否算命结果和张国荣一样就真的会有张国荣一样的命运? 别担心,命由己立,福自己求。这世上没有完全一样的两个命,就像没有完全相同的两片树叶一样。八字是先天的,但是后天造作不同,命运轨迹就会相应调整。推荐给楼主两本书《了凡四训》、《寿命是自己一点一滴努力来的》。真能践行,自然能掌握命运,又供必找人算命。愿楼主有一个精彩的人生! 算命的为什么不让张国荣99年看望病人 不是99年吧,应该是92年陈百强生病的时候,张国荣因为猴年犯太岁,去看望病人会给病人带来厄运,当时的人都有点迷信,所以就没敢去 八字命理看哪些人一生容易大起大落 文M易奇文化编辑部 “冥冥中早已注定你富或贫”,这是张国荣歌曲《沉默是金》里面的歌词。冥冥之中,多指命数二字。常言道:“三十年河东,三十年河西”,人的一生,起起落落当属常事,但有些人的命运却往往跌宕起伏,大起大落。那么,在冥冥之中,有哪些人的一生容易大起大落呢?今天,我们就针对这个话题,从命理学的角度来探讨一番。点击进入2013年12生肖运势大全,免费查看您的蛇年运程 1、有命无运的人 谈到“命运”二字,当然离不开生辰八字这个老生常谈的宿命话题了。无论是在坊间,还是在神话故事里,宿命二字已经融入了太多人生大起大落的故事中。在命理的表现形式当中,一个人从出生落地的那一刻开始,就已经形成命运。而有些人,之所以能出生在富贵家庭、皇宫贵族,往往就是因为出生的时间是一个好的八字命。如《红楼梦》中的林黛玉、贾宝玉等,都是一出生就享受富贵,但之后的人生却大起大落、反复无常,这主要原因就是运的作用。正所谓“运来之时铁成金,运去之时金变铁”,说的就是这个道理。在现实生活中,那些富豪变乞丐,乞丐变中产阶级,都是命与运相互作用的结果。 2、用神被克的人 用神,是命理学里十分重要的推算吉凶岁运的控制表。在八字命理学当中,用神,就是专门帮助命运起好作用的星神,同时还起到阻止其它不良星神的破坏与阻挠作用。而在每个人的八字命格中,适逢不同的命格,不同的流年大运,都会带来不同的影响。而在这些影响中,如果用神星一但被克制,而且命格当中没有有利的星神来搭救的话,就容易造成人生的重大变故,彷如一夜天堂,一夜地狱;黄粱一梦,荣华富贵转眼为空。 俗话说:“万般皆是命,半点不由人”,一个人的人生轨迹往往出生便已注定。对于命理中已注定一生易大起大落的人来说,不应选择随波追流的生活方式,通过命理、风水等有效的方法,引导其往有利的方向发展,才是解决之道。点击查看2013年十二生肖运程及开运旺运妙招 公告:易奇文化文章全部为原创,涉及个人版权,未经本公司许可请勿用于商业转载!如有需要请与本公司联系。未经同意随便修改、侵权,必当追究法律责任,谢谢合作!哪类人先天桃花不旺>>>助旺财运,补足命理先天财运缺失,招财聚财尽收天下财>>>十二生肖2013年运势全面解析及开运指导鼠:2013年生肖运程牛:2013年生肖运程虎:2013年生肖运程兔:2013年生肖运程龙:2013年生肖运程蛇:2013年生肖运程马:2013年生肖运程羊:2013年生肖运程猴:2013年生肖运程鸡:2013年生肖运程狗:2013年生肖运程猪:2013年生肖运程2013年蛇宝宝起名字大全蛇年男孩取名字大全蛇年女孩起名字大全 张国荣被曝曾算命46岁去世是真的吗? 据香港媒体报导,乐坛一代巨星张国荣(Leslie)逝世十三周年,他的大姐姐张绿萍罕有接受电台访问,透露在张国荣二十多岁时曾被算出去到46岁就会“到此为止”,没想到最终竟会应验。 (4月1日)为巨星张国荣(Leslie)逝世的日子,他的大姐姐张绿萍多年来从未参与任何纪念活动,但在(4月3日)播出的电台录音访问中,她罕有地忆述与弟弟的往事。张绿萍提到张国荣于20多岁时,契妈曾拿着其时辰八字去算命,但算至46岁便停下来并写道:“到此为止,容后再谈。”张国荣当时曾担心自己命不过此,张绿萍则安慰指他的生命如此丰盛,46岁可能是人生的下半场,却没想到弟弟最后真的在46岁时离开人世,一切就像是冥冥中有主宰。 张国荣曾在事业如日方中之时宣布退出乐坛,张绿萍透露因弟弟当时心情低落,选择移民到加拿大温哥华,之后回流回香港。她透露张国荣离世前几年,曾邀请她到澳洲生活,但张绿萍因未能放下工作而没有成行,否则可能改写弟弟的命运,令她非常后悔。她还透露张国荣患有抑郁症期间曾出现幻听,听到有一把声音叫他去死。 张绿萍还忆述刚出道的张国荣曾在演唱《American Pie》时向观众掷帽,但一班观众没有受落,竟将帽子掷回台上,当时在场的她大表心痛。她透露张国荣曾因此抱怨,她立刻安慰弟弟说:“你要忍耐,你现在才刚出道,到你红了的时候,你用过的毛巾他们都会抢!”提及张国荣生前大方承认与同性密友唐鹤德(唐唐)的关系,张绿萍对此觉得骄傲,还指唐唐现在住在她的家附近,关系仍像家人一样互相照应,并心痛传出有关唐唐的不实流言。 张国荣命运如此短暂,为什么受这么多人爱戴 我是因为《霸王别姬》爱上哥哥的,我认为大多数人最开始时因为哥哥精湛的演技和耐看的外型喜欢上他,到后来却是被他的为人处事所征服。哥哥他是一个很勇敢无所畏惧的人,也是一个及其敬业体贴他人的人,我觉得爱上哥哥是我的幸福之一。(这些去看对哥哥的采访报道以及对唐先生的示爱都可以得出) 现在网络上还是有很多人在骂哥哥,其实不止哥哥。但我觉得,你可以不爱但请别伤害。我觉得这是对世间任何生物一样的。(这个世界的确是弱肉强食,可是就算是为了存活,能不能不要给它们带来多余的痛苦。) 即使你想表达自己的观点。也请不要辱骂,客观一点。 我回答过一个类似的,直接复制的。 求张国荣这首歌名,不知道是第一句还是哪一句, 歌词是冥冥中还是命运中. 是哥哥的《沉默是金》~~ 曲:张国荣   词:许冠杰   歌手 :张国荣 许冠杰 歌词 夜风凛凛独回望旧事前尘 是以往的我充满怒愤 诬告与指责积压着满肚气不愤 对谣言反应甚为着紧 受了教训得了书经的指引 现已看得透不再自困 但觉有分数 不再像以往那般笨 抹泪痕轻快笑着行 【冥冥中都早注定你富或贫】 是错永不对真永是真 任你怎说安守我本份 始终相信沉默是金   是非有公理慎言莫冒犯别人 遇上冷风雨休太认真 自信满心里休理会讽刺与质问 笑骂由人洒脱地做人 少年人洒脱地做人 继续行洒脱地做人 以前北京有个算命大师,说张国荣,不长命,为什么那么准确,如果国荣哥哥,去国外,能逃离,厄运吗?就是 30分 过去的事情没有如果。 为什么迈克尔的命运和张国荣差不多 5、拥有多面性,舞台千变万化,演唱风格多变,张国荣的舞台、歌唱与他的电影人物角色形象一样,杜绝千篇一律,记得张国荣的某一张唱片专辑里面的十首歌,都运用了不同的歌唱风格,每一首歌的风格都各自不同。 6、有一颗真挚善良的心,表现出一种本真,张国荣迈克尔.杰克逊更坦然。 7、生前遭受媒体的非议与歪曲。 8、永远保留童真的心,像长不大的男孩,迈克尔.杰克逊更是如此。 9、带有悲剧性,张国荣更甚。 10、生前做不少善事,迈克尔.杰克逊的善心天下无敌,世界最顶级的慈善家。 11、很低调,没明星架子,生活中给人跟普通、很平凡。 12、极度讨厌娱乐杂志等报刊,而且从不会看,迈克尔.杰克逊说,应该把这些报刊堆成小山,一把火烧掉。张国荣说,这些八卦杂志很多是无中生有的,我从不会看的,你给我看,我也会扔在一边。 13、对事物很敏感。 14、内心孤寂悲伤,迈克尔.杰克逊说,在舞台上就好像在家一样,感觉很温馨,很快快,一走下舞台,就会感到悲伤。而张国荣呢,敢于坦率,同时内心是很在意别人对他的看法,不过他觉得没错的事,就算在意别人的眼光和说三道四,也勇于表白和表演,应该说他敢为敢言的个性远大于自已的在意,那些无论是否在意别人看法都不敢坦诚的人,面对张国荣都会觉得羞愧。张国荣遇到不开心的事,不会在别人面前表露出来,他不想别人因为他而不开心,他总是把欢乐和开心的事带给别人,把不开心的事埋藏心底,久而久之,就成了内伤。这也与张国荣执着的性格不无关系!他就是一个执着而又坦率的人,一般执着者不敢坦然,因为怕心受伤,但张国荣相反,伤了也要坦真! 15、不善理财。 16、极难被模仿,没有人可以复制他们! 中国很多音乐人都期待中国能出现迈克尔.杰克逊这样的巨星,有这般的愿望是件好事,然而,当年中国出了像张国荣这样的巨星、艺术家,我们自已人又是否真的爱惜呢?他对艺术,对音乐,对电影表演等等的探索勇气和追求,突破,以及他在作品中的出色表现,我们是否真的认真借鉴和学习呢?张国荣给我们怎么样成为真正的巨星、真正的艺术家提供了一个很好的榜样,那就是个性、勇气,创新与突破,但很遗憾和伤感的是,中国流行音乐界又有多少人会探讨这个问题呢?我们是否真的做到包容,放低偏见,多点尊重呢?如果戴着有色眼镜去看待张国荣,我们又怎么样可能创造出像迈克尔.杰克逊那样的巨星呢?又怎样可能用我们的音乐、电影等文化产品去影响全世界呢?怎样去发扬、传播我们自已的文化?怎样吸收别人的优秀文化,好的音乐等等。自已的艺术家都得不到容纳,请问你们这个期待中国的迈克尔.杰克逊,那不是自相矛盾和虚伪十足吗?我曾转载过一篇《音乐,张国荣,中国音乐现状》此文,这篇文章的作者在前几年就到外国攻读研究生了,他是一位乐评专业人士。文章除了简单分析介绍了张国荣的后期音乐外,还揭露了中国音乐的低俗、腐朽,音乐在走向死亡。中国流行音乐的现状令人担忧,现在都是些没思想,没灵魂的音乐,完全没有生命,只起到消遣娱乐大众的作用。音乐脱离了原有的本质,当今的流行音乐可以说俗到极点,那些把流行音乐改编成的DJ舞曲,既俗气又腐坏、堕落,那些在迪吧中拼命摇晃着脑袋的年轻人,吸食着他(或她)们心爱的K粉、丸药,正如这些腐不可言的DJ舞曲一样,一同走往堕坏、阴暗、死亡,灵魂荡然无存。这些人,这些音乐,难道是我们所需要的吗?美国著名的非主流评论员JOHN ELIES曾对这种没灵魂并且毫无艺术性的简单音符有着最深刻和精僻的描述:“这些在商业旋风中压出来的罐头速食音乐简直就是丢弃在阴沟中的卷筒纸,它最高雅的用途也仅仅是擦拭人们两腿间流出......>>
2023-07-08 18:47:341


天蝎于2014年9月22日在哥伦比亚广播公司首播。天蝎第二季于2015年9月21日首播。第三季于2016年10月3日首播,第四季于2017年9月25日首映。中国可以使用搜狐视频观看。天蝎(Scorpion)是一部美国动作电视剧,由贾斯汀·林(Justin Lin)执导,爱丽丝·加贝尔(Elies Gabel)、凯瑟琳·麦克菲(Kathryn McPhee)、艾迪·凯·托马斯(Eddie Kaye Thomas)、贾丁·黄(Jadyn Wong)、阿里·斯蒂汉姆(Ari Stidham)和罗伯特·帕特里克(Robert Patrick。《天蝎座》主要讲述了由美国国土安全部邀请的高度智能计算机专家沃尔特·奥布莱恩(Walter O"Brien)领导的天蝎座团队与具有同样天赋的国际计算机黑客团队共同构建全球防御网络,抵御各种形式的网络攻击,应对紧急和危险事故的故事。该剧以真实故事为基础,是一部快节奏、惊险刺激的推理剧。该剧由亚历克斯·库尔兹曼(Alex Kurtzman)和鲍勃·奥奇(Bob Orci)组成的黄金编剧二人组,以及尼克·桑托拉(Nick Santora)和导演贾斯汀·林(Justin Lin)共同开发。神秘的计算机专家沃尔特·奥布莱恩(爱丽丝·加贝尔饰)和一群同样有才华的国际计算机黑客共同努力,建立一个全球防御网络,以应对复杂的现代高科技威胁。主角以代号蝎子的超级黑客沃尔特·奥布莱恩为原型。
2023-07-08 18:47:411


噢 我帮你找找
2023-07-08 18:48:122


2023-07-08 18:48:206


2023-07-08 18:48:364

怎么改变桌面图标的底色 具体的方法写在里面了,我就不多说了,呵呵! 祝你成功!
2023-07-08 18:48:505


2023-07-08 18:49:076

英语 翻译句子 准确啊

happens, save ourselies
2023-07-08 18:49:287


2023-07-08 18:49:466

每个人称代词 物主代词 指示代词各举一例......................急用!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!哪个高手来看看

主格 宾格 形容性物主代词 名词性物主代词 反身代词I me my mine myselfyou you your yours yourselfshe her her hers herselfhe him his his himself it it its its itselfwe us our ours ourseliesthey them their theirs themselies
2023-07-08 18:50:012


2023-07-08 18:50:082


收信人:Gutensand Gessenwenger 女士地址:Furggel-街 50号, 8930 Schwarbmuechen Liebe Frau Gessenwenger,Auf meiner Besuchsrundreise gedenke ich Ihres Geburtstags und wuesche Ihenen alles Gute. Herzlich gruesst Sie und das Gj. 42.Iher Unnelies Hestig亲爱的 G女士,在我环游的过程中想起您的生日,祝你一切安好。 对您和 Sj. 42的衷心问候。您的 Unnelies Hestig
2023-07-08 18:50:151


elies heaves float acrosigf
2023-07-08 18:50:343


5、拥有多面性,舞台千变万化,演唱风格多变,张国荣的舞台、歌唱与他的电影人物角色形象一样,杜绝千篇一律,记得张国荣的某一张唱片专辑里面的十首歌,都运用了不同的歌唱风格,每一首歌的风格都各自不同。6、有一颗真挚善良的心,表现出一种本真,张国荣迈克尔.杰克逊更坦然。7、生前遭受媒体的非议与歪曲。8、永远保留童真的心,像长不大的男孩,迈克尔.杰克逊更是如此。9、带有悲剧性,张国荣更甚。10、生前做不少善事,迈克尔.杰克逊的善心天下无敌,世界最顶级的慈善家。11、很低调,没明星架子,生活中给人跟普通、很平凡。12、极度讨厌娱乐杂志等报刊,而且从不会看,迈克尔.杰克逊说,应该把这些报刊堆成小山,一把火烧掉。张国荣说,这些八卦杂志很多是无中生有的,我从不会看的,你给我看,我也会扔在一边。13、对事物很敏感。14、内心孤寂悲伤,迈克尔.杰克逊说,在舞台上就好像在家一样,感觉很温馨,很快快,一走下舞台,就会感到悲伤。而张国荣呢,敢于坦率,同时内心是很在意别人对他的看法,不过他觉得没错的事,就算在意别人的眼光和说三道四,也勇于表白和表演,应该说他敢为敢言的个性远大于自已的在意,那些无论是否在意别人看法都不敢坦诚的人,面对张国荣都会觉得羞愧。张国荣遇到不开心的事,不会在别人面前表露出来,他不想别人因为他而不开心,他总是把欢乐和开心的事带给别人,把不开心的事埋藏心底,久而久之,就成了内伤。这也与张国荣执着的性格不无关系!他就是一个执着而又坦率的人,一般执着者不敢坦然,因为怕心受伤,但张国荣相反,伤了也要坦真!15、不善理财。16、极难被模仿,没有人可以复制他们!中国很多音乐人都期待中国能出现迈克尔.杰克逊这样的巨星,有这般的愿望是件好事,然而,当年中国出了像张国荣这样的巨星、艺术家,我们自已人又是否真的爱惜呢?他对艺术,对音乐,对电影表演等等的探索勇气和追求,突破,以及他在作品中的出色表现,我们是否真的认真借鉴和学习呢?张国荣给我们怎么样成为真正的巨星、真正的艺术家提供了一个很好的榜样,那就是个性、勇气,创新与突破,但很遗憾和伤感的是,中国流行音乐界又有多少人会探讨这个问题呢?我们是否真的做到包容,放低偏见,多点尊重呢?如果戴着有色眼镜去看待张国荣,我们又怎么样可能创造出像迈克尔.杰克逊那样的巨星呢?又怎样可能用我们的音乐、电影等文化产品去影响全世界呢?怎样去发扬、传播我们自已的文化?怎样吸收别人的优秀文化,好的音乐等等。自已的艺术家都得不到容纳,请问你们这个期待中国的迈克尔.杰克逊,那不是自相矛盾和虚伪十足吗?我曾转载过一篇《音乐,张国荣,中国音乐现状》此文,这篇文章的作者在前几年就到外国攻读研究生了,他是一位乐评专业人士。文章除了简单分析介绍了张国荣的后期音乐外,还揭露了中国音乐的低俗、腐朽,音乐在走向死亡。中国流行音乐的现状令人担忧,现在都是些没思想,没灵魂的音乐,完全没有生命,只起到消遣娱乐大众的作用。音乐脱离了原有的本质,当今的流行音乐可以说俗到极点,那些把流行音乐改编成的DJ舞曲,既俗气又腐坏、堕落,那些在迪吧中拼命摇晃着脑袋的年轻人,吸食着他(或她)们心爱的K粉、丸药,正如这些腐不可言的DJ舞曲一样,一同走往堕坏、阴暗、死亡,灵魂荡然无存。这些人,这些音乐,难道是我们所需要的吗?美国著名的非主流评论员JOHN ELIES曾对这种没灵魂并且毫无艺术性的简单音符有着最深刻和精僻的描述:“这些在商业旋风中压出来的罐头速食音乐简直就是丢弃在阴沟中的卷筒纸,它最高雅的用途也仅仅是擦拭人们两腿间流出的污秽物。”依我看,这种比喻是极其恰当的。 期待是没有用的,我们要反思,我们要行动,就算至今中国没有如此天赋的明星,但只要海纳百川的胸襟。认真地借鉴,不断创新,大胆创新,中国的音乐、电影等一定能提高水平,我们就有机会创造出真正的巨星,真正的王者,就算没迈克尔.杰克逊那样的王者,但起码对我们音乐、电影等文化产业的发展有极重要的作用,起码对得起音乐等艺术,对得起自已是音乐人士这个身份。勇敢的音乐斗士们,请站出来吧,奋勇改变中国音乐的现状吧,不改变这状况,而又想诞生自已的王者,就好像刚刚学会直立行走的原始人社会环境里,向世人扬言我们将会飞出太阳系,到别的星球居住,这是异想天开的事情。若是期待的话,而没有实际行动,不要说一百年也不可能有中国的迈克尔.杰克逊,就算地球的生命终结了,中国也不可能诞生迈克尔.杰克逊!
2023-07-08 18:50:581

如何评价《绝命毒师》中的人物 Todd

  Todd=上进小白领+无脑青年+对人命毫不在意的冷血渣滓。上进:Todd就像一个刚刚入职的新员工,学历不高,但看过一些成功学教材,虽然还不太清楚自己的追求,但决心成就一番事业。他玩命表现,又自认为遇到了一位成功导师(Mr. White)。他勤快乖巧,不推让脏活累活。加上机遇好,入职初期升职飞快,使他更加对成功导师心服口服。如果Todd有QQ,他一定转载过《马云说给年轻人的十句话》,昵称可能就是:Todd要努力,而签名一定是:涐呮漴拜濄两嗰侽亽,①嗰媞怀特佬师,①嗰媞烋克惄惄。无脑:Todd本质只是一个典型的没经验没实力没文化的小混混,不管在学术上、把妹技巧上还是狠辣程度上都是个不及格的Loser,所以有些人初期会有觉得Todd很可爱的错觉。制毒竟然引发实验室着火。长着一张马特达蒙的脸,千万富翁的高富帅身份,结果追求Lydia追成了生意伙伴,连好朋友尼玛都做不了。杀害小男孩Drew Sharp之后被董事会叫去谈话时竟然说自己监狱里有人这样的话,有点眼力见儿的都知道给Mike说这话跟给国企老总说“我舅是乡粮站站长”一样么!还有最后被Jesse勒死,完全就是笨死的好吗!遇上狠角色早拔枪解决老白师徒俩了,黑帮的脸都让你丢光了!冷血: Todd在镜头前杀过两个人,两次都令善良的Jesse心碎。但扣动扳机对Todd来说,都谈不上做一次决定,而更像是一次在特定情况下的条件反射,不用经过大脑。尤其是杀害男孩Drew Sharp,如果经过大脑,就应该先问一下旁边董事长这人杀不杀,不能在老大面前擅自做决定动手。杀害Jesse前任女友Andrea的时,他笑眯眯地敲门,问好,还说了句:“Just let you know, this isn"t personal。”反映了他小学思想品德课学得很踏实,也说明这人的冷血。从小身边都是像他的杰克叔叔这样的人,也难怪他会是这种特点。甚至在杰克团伙被全歼后他的第一反应是呼唤成功导师的名字!从角色设计角度来说,Todd是绝命毒师的主要人物里设计的特例。这个人的戏剧性很强,很抢戏,但极不真实。所以从编剧角度来说,我觉得这个角色设计得不如Tuco和Lydia,更不用说跟Gus和Mike相比了。就像你想画一个性感的女子,反常比例的三围当然最简单,但最见功夫的还是普通三围下将她画得依旧美艳动人。Breaking Bad几乎每个角色都是奇葩,但Walt, Gus, Marie这样的奇葩,是人性在矛盾中展现的扭曲,显然比Todd这朵天生奇葩牛逼到不知哪去了。
2023-07-08 18:50:501

未转变者3.0版本技能讲解 未转变者技能详细介绍

  自从未转变者更新到3.0版本后,有许多不懂英文的玩家根本不知道官方更新了哪些内容,下面是玩家“小智1231231235”和“skyqwertYttt”联合翻译的未转变者3.0版本技能讲解。   如题,虽然每个技能翻译的都不可能百分百正确,但大部分都是对的。   第一个技能栏:   Overk 增加轻击和重击的伤害   shapshoot 减少射击武器的后坐力增加准确度   第三个加快换弹速度   cardio 加快耐力增加速度   exercise 更加持久的耐力   diving 加快游泳速度   parkonr... 移动的更快 跳得更高   第二个物品栏:   sneakybeaky 蹲着走时丧尸听不到你的脚步声   vitally 减缓饥饿和口渴值   immunity 减少感染度   Toughess 异常状态持续时间减少   strength 免疫骨折   Warmblooded 避免冻伤   第三个技能栏:   Healing 治疗别人更加有效   era... 可以制作出更多的东西了 (发现点到满和点2格可以制造出的东西没增加什么) 二级可以造鱼竿和 弓了   outdoo... 砍树和凿石变得更快了   cooking 可以在篝火前烤肉   fishing 鱼上钩的几率变高了   agric.. 什么收获农作物更有效(没看懂,可能是收获1颗农作物但可以掉2个农作物的意思)   mech... 修理东西时减少需要修理的物品需求
2023-07-08 18:50:501

歌词有this is love maby one day

有两个你看看,一个是Blue的One Love,一个是Trey Songz 的One Love歌词给你看看 One Love <br>歌手:Blue <br>It"s kinda funny <br>How life can change <br>Can flip 180 in a matter of days <br>Sometimes love works in <br>Mysterious ways <br>One day U wake up <br>Gone without a trace <br>I refuse to give up <br>I refuse to give in <br>You"re my everythin" <br>I don"t wanna give up <br>I don"t wanna give in <br>So everybody sing <br><br>One love for the mother"s pride <br>One love for the times we cried <br>One love gotta stay alive...I will survive <br>One love for the city streets <br>One love for the hip hop beats <br>One love oh I do believe <br>One love is all we need <br><br>Late at night I"m still wide awake <br>Feelin" this is one more than I can take <br>I thought my heart could <br>Never break <br>Now I know that"s one big mistake <br>I refuse to give up <br>I refuse to give in <br>You"re my everythin" <br>I don"t wanna give up <br>I don"t wanna give in <br>Everybody sing <br>One love for the mother"s pride <br>One love for the times we cried <br>One love gotta stay alive...I will survive <br>One love for the city streets <br>One love for the hip hop beats <br>One love oh I do believe <br>One love is all we need <br><br>Baby just love me love me love me <br>Baby just hold me hold me hold me <br>Ooooh love me love me love me <br>Oh love <br>Baby just love me love me love me <br>Baby just hold me hold me hold me <br>Ooooh love me love me love me <br><br>One love for the mother"s pride <br>One love for the times we cried <br>One love gotta stay alive...I will survive <br>One love for the city streets <br>One love for the hip hop beats <br>One love oh I do believe <br>One love is all we need <br>One love for the mother"s pride <br>One love for the times we cried <br>One love gotta stay alive...I will survive <br>One love for the city streets <br>One love for the hip hop beats <br>One love oh I do believe <br>One love is all we need Trey Songz - One LoveYou know I have to be honestIt"s like for the first time in my life,My pride is not a problemI"m not afraidI"m not afraid to tell you girl,That I love youBelieve thatAnd if I cant have you,I don"t know what ima doListen to meSo many people never find the oneThat"s why I really wanna tell you somethin"I really think this is it for meI really think you"re the one I needCause baby I done had ‘em allI don"t want nobody but youYeh, Oh darlin"Baby let me break it downSee, we livin" in a lonely worldAint you tired of the runnin" ‘round?Don"t you wanna be my only girl?Baby can I be the one to callWhen you"re tired of the liesAnd the truth is all you wanna hearOnly if you swearBaby, here I am (here I am)I"m your man (I"m your man)I came with everything you neededYou and me undefeated,Till the end of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveAll you gotta do is,Take my hand (take my hand)We will stand (we will stand)This was made to last forever,So lets say it together for the rest of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveOhh, Listen babyI"ll give you all I"m worthFrom my head down to my shoesAnd girl if we gone work,Then I need the same from youI know that so many other dudes cheatBut so many dudes aint meGive my paycut winning dimeAnd I"ll pick you girl every timeI just wanna break it downSee, we livin" in a lonely worldAint you tired of the runnin" ‘round?Don"t you wanna be my only girl?Baby can I be the one to callWhen you"re tired of the liesAnd the truth is all you wanna hearIf you swearBaby, here I am (here I am)I"m your man (I"m your man)I came with everything you neededYou and me undefeated,Till the end of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveAll you gotta do is,Take my hand (take my hand)We will stand (we will stand)This was made to last forever,So lets say it together for the rest of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveOhh, Love is hard to findBut love is one of a kindAnd I got mindSo if you got yours,Then you know what your livin" forThis goes out to all my lovers tonightAnd if you listenin" to my groove,And your baby"s next to youTell ‘em‘You are all I need and I"ll never let go"You are all I need and I"ll never let go(Never let go of you)And here I am (here I am)I"m your man (I"m your man)I came with everything you neededYou and me undefeated,Till the end of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveAll you gotta do is,Take my hand (take my hand)We will stand (we will stand)This was made to last forever,So lets say it together for the rest of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveOhh ohh ohh ohh, oh yeah(You are all I need and I"ll never let go)Ohh, LoveLove, loveTell ‘emYou are all I need and I"ll never let go (Let go)
2023-07-08 18:50:501


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2023-07-08 18:50:512

应该是英文老歌,英文歌词记不住了,就是love is one什么什么,love is two什么

Is it getting better Or do you feel the same Will it make it easier on you Now you got someone to blame You say One love One life When its one need In the night Its one love We get to share it It leaves you baby If you dont care for it Did I disappoint you Or leave a bad taste in your mouth You act like you never had love And you want me to go without Well its too late Tonight To drag tha past out Into the light Were one But were not the same We get to carry each other We one Have you come here for forgiveness Have you come tor raise the dead Have you come here to play jesus To the lepers in your head Oh Did I ask too much More than a lot You gave me nothing now its all I got Were one But were not the same We hurt each other Then we do it again You say love is a temple Love a higher law Love is a temple Love the higher law You ask me to enter But then you make me crawl And I cant be holding on To what you got When all you got is hurt One love One blood One life You got to do what you should One life With each other Sisters Brothers One life But were not the same We get to carry each other We one One love One life One love Soon just one
2023-07-08 18:50:571


这个问题我会,虽然本人英语口语不是很好,但是对英语四六级词汇还是很熟悉的~给大家总结了一个表格可以先粗略看一下:一、含义解释:important(/u026amu02c8pu0254rtu0259nt/)是一个形容词,意为“重要的”、“有价值的”。importance(/u026amu02c8pu0254rtu0259ns/)是一个名词,意为“重要性”、“价值”。二、语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:important 是一个形容词,通常用于修饰名词或代词,作定语或表语。importance 是一个名词,通常用于表示事物的重要性或价值。三、具体用法举例:important:It"s important to have a balanced diet.(有一个均衡的饮食很重要。)Family is important to me.(家庭对我很重要。)This is an important issue that needs to be addressed.(这是一个需要解决的重要问题。)importance:The importance of education cannot be overstated.(教育的重要性不容忽视。)He emphasized the importance of teamwork.(他强调了团队合作的重要性。)We need to understand the importance of protecting the environment.(我们需要了解保护环境的重要性。)虽然 important 和 importance 的含义有所不同,但是它们之间也存在一定的联系。在实际应用中,我们可能需要同时使用它们两个来表达更准确、更完整的意思。例如:The importance of sleep is often overlooked, but it"s actually very important to our overall health.(睡眠的重要性经常被忽视,但实际上它对我们的整体健康非常重要。)It"s important to recognize the importance of taking breaks throughout the workday.(意识到在工作日间休息的重要性非常重要。)在以上例句中,important 和 importance 相互补充,共同表达了一个更完整的意思。因此,在实际应用中,我们需要根据具体情境和需要,恰当地选用它们两个。希望这个补充能够帮助您更好地理解 important 和 importance 的关系。
2023-07-08 18:50:581

must have done的问题?

"Must have done"通常被称为虚拟完成时,表示过去某个时间发生的事情。在这种情况下,"must"表示说话者对事情发生的推测或假设,而"have done"则表示发生在过去的动作或事件。当使用"must have done"时,它通常暗示过去的时间,但并没有具体指明。因此,它可以用于现在完成时的某些情况下,例如:对于发生在过去、但没有具体时间表明的动作或事件,例如:"She must have finished her homework by now."(她现在肯定已经完成作业了。)对于对某个过去事件的推测或假设,例如:"He must have missed the train."(他肯定错过了那趟火车。)对于过去的某个可能性或猜测,例如:"They must have gone to the beach last weekend."(他们上个周末可能去了海滩。)需要注意的是,"must have done"并不总是等同于现在完成时,它只是现在完成时的一种用法,强调的是对过去事件的推测或假设。
2023-07-08 18:51:001


Spectral->Mapping Methods->Continuum Removal工具
2023-07-08 18:51:003

介绍贾斯丁比伯的love yourself这首歌曲

介绍贾斯丁比伯的love yourself这首歌曲 《Love Yourself》是加拿大男歌手贾斯汀·比伯演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词由贾斯汀·比伯、艾德·希兰、本尼·布兰克共同创作,编曲由艾德·希兰负责,本尼·布兰克担任音乐制作,乔西·戈德温负责歌声与音乐的混制工作。该歌曲被收录在贾斯汀·比伯的第四张录音室专辑《Purpose》[1] ,并作为推广专辑的第三支单曲,于2015年11月9日通过小岛唱片公司释出。 该歌曲是贾斯汀·比伯在美国公告牌百强单曲榜的第三支冠军单曲,于2016年2月13日拿下该榜单第一名并夺得两周冠军[2-5] 。而在其它国家,该歌曲则位居澳洲、英国、加拿大、纽西兰等地区的音乐版冠军[6] 。2016年1月,该歌曲以美国超过两百万的销量被认证评为二倍白金单曲。2016年5月,该歌曲获得全美音乐奖“最受欢迎流行摇滚歌曲”奖项[7] 。 贾斯丁比伯的 born to be somebody 这首歌的中文 There"s a dream in my soul 我一直有一个梦想 A fire that deep inside me 灵魂深处火焰在燃烧 There"s a me no one knows 那有一个无人知晓的自己 Waiting to be set free 在等待着被释放 I gonna see that day 我将会看见那么一天 Born To Be Somebody(1张) I can feel it 我能感受到 I can taste it 我能体味到 Change is ing my way 我将会变化 I was born to be somebody 我天生就与众不同 Aint nothing that ever gonna s me 没有什么可以阻拦我 I light up the sky like lightning 我如闪电一样点亮夜空 I gonna rise above 我将会扶摇直上 Show em what im made of 让他们知道我如何成为上位者 I was born to be somebody 我注定是个王者 I was born to be 天生就是 And this world will belong to me 所以这就是我的世界 This life can kick you around (woah) 生活可以使你颠沛流离 This world can make you feel *** all (woah) 世界可以让你觉得自己渺小 They will not keep me down (woah) 但是他们不会一直让你处在谷底 I was born to stand tall 我天生就该身居高位 I"m gonna on the way 我将用所有方式 I can feel it 我能感受到 I believe it 我相信它 Im here 我在此处 Im here to stay 我在此处静立 I was born to be somebody 我是天生的大人物 Aint nothin that ever gonna s me 没什么可以阻挠我 I light up the sky like lightening 我犹如闪电一般点亮夜空 I gonna rise above 我会扶摇直上 Show em what im made of 让他们知道我的所作所为 I was born to be somebody 我注定与众不同 I was born to be 我注定是 And this world will belong to me 所以我会拥有属于我自己的世界 Feel it 感受到它 Believe it 相信它 Dream it 梦想它 Be it 成为它 I was born to be somebody我注定与众不同 Aint nothing that ever gonna s me 没什么可以阻挠我 Ill light up the sky like lightning 我犹如闪电一般点亮夜空 I gonna rise above 我将会扶摇直上 Show em what I made of 让他们知道我的所作所为 I was born to be somebody我是天生的上位者 I was born to be 注定是 And this world will belong to me 我会永远属于我的世界 Whoa oh Whoa oh And this world will belong to me我会拥有属于我的世界 Ye-ah ye-ah Oh And this world will belong to me 我会拥有属于我的世界 贾斯丁比伯baby这首歌的的歌词 Justin Bieber Ft. Ludacris - Baby。 Ohh wooaah (3x) You know you love me,I know you care You shout whenever, And I"ll be there You want my love, You want my heart And we will never ever ever be apart Are we an item? Girl quit playing Were just friends, Or are we saying So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes My first love broke my heart for the first time And I was like Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine mine Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine, oh oh For you, I would have done whatever Another chance and we, We get together And wanna play it cool, About loosin" you I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring And i"m in piece , baby fix me And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream Im going down, down, dooown And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine When i was 13 i had my first love Here was nobody to pare my baby And nobody came beeen us or could ever e above She had me goin crazy Oh i was starstruck. She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks She made my kupig heart pound Asking for a beat when i see her in the street And in the school on the playground But i really wanna see her on the weekends She knows she got me dazy Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking But i just keep on sayin Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine x2 Now Im all gone 贾斯丁比伯love yourself歌词音译 我刚刚给你翻译的,艾玛……累死咯……有的你需要读的快些哦, 给个满意吧……呜呜…… Ohh wooaah Ohh wooaah Ohh wooaah 哦唔哇啊啊啊啊 哦唔哇啊啊啊啊 哦唔哇啊啊啊啊 You know you love me,I know you care 友 呢哦 友 拉五蜜,爱 呢哦 友 开而 You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 友 杀特 温艾薇尔,安的 爱偶 比 得而 You want my love, You want my heart 友 忘特 买 啦唔,友 忘特 买 哈而特 And we will never ever ever be apart 安的 为 为偶 馁威尔 馁威尔 馁威尔 比 啊怕特 Are we an item? Girl quit playing 啊 为 安 爱特木?哥偶 亏特而 破累应 We"re just friends, What are you saying 为啊 炸死特 飞软紫,瓦特 啊 友 塞应 So theres another one, Look right in my eyes 搜 的诶死 啊那的,路可 如啊特 因 买 爱死 My first love broke my heart for the first time, 买 飞软紫 啦唔 播肉可 买 哈特 否 得 fe死特 太姆 And I was like 安的 爱 我紫 赖克 Baby, baby, baby oh, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby no, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby oh 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 I thought you"d always be mine,mine 爱 骚特 友的 奥尾紫 比 买嗯 买嗯 Baby, baby, baby oh, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby no, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby oh 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 I thought you"d always be mine,mine 爱 骚特 友的 奥尾紫 比 买嗯 买嗯 For you, I would have done whatever 否 有 爱 唔的 还唔 当 我特艾薇尔 And I just can"t believe we ain"t together 俺的 爱 炸死特 抗特 比利唔 我一 土该的 And I wanna play it cool, About loosin" you 俺的 爱 哇那 泼累 一特 哭偶 啊报特 路紫应 友 I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 爱为偶 白友 爱馁色应 爱为偶 白友 爱馁 瑞应 And I"m in piece , baby fix me 安的 爱慕 因 屁死 贝贝 飞渴死 蜜 And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 安的 有为偶 谁可 蜜 踢偶 友 尾克 蜜 夫绕姆 第四 海的 坠姆 I"m going down, down, dooown 爱姆 狗应 荡 荡 荡 And I just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 安的 爱 炸死特 比利唔 买 福瑞死特 啦唔 嗡特 比 啊日唔软的 Baby, baby, baby oh, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby no, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby oh 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 I thought you"d always be mine 爱 骚特 友的 奥尾紫 比 买嗯 买嗯 Baby, baby, baby oh, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby no 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby oh 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 I thought you"d always be mine 爱 骚特 友的 奥尾紫 比 买嗯 买嗯 When I was 13 I had my first love 问 爱 我紫 色而听 爱 海的 买 福尔斯特 啦唔 There was nobody to pare my baby 得而 我自 呢偶把得 吐 康姆牌儿 买 贝贝 And nobody came beeen us or could ever e above 安的 呢偶爸的 卡姆 逼退嗯 阿斯 奥 哭的 爱乌尔 卡姆 啊抱唔 She had me goin crazy 溼一 海的 蜜 狗嗯 课瑞紫 Oh I was starstruck 哦 爱 我自 死答死追可 She woke me up daily don"t need no starbucks 溼以 我可 蜜 啊破 得里 懂特 腻的 呢偶 死 *** 而渴死 She made my heart pound 溼以 妹的 买 海特 胖的 Asking for a beat when I see her in the street 阿斯可硬 否 啊 位元 问 爱 司仪 喝 因 得 死追特 And in the school on the playground 安的 因 得 死固偶 昂 得 破累应哥日唔昂的 But I really wanna see her on the weekends 爸特 爱 瑞而累 瓦纳 四一 喝 昂 得 我一看紫 She knows she got me dazy 溼以 呢偶紫 得 高特 蜜 逮紫一 Cause she was so amazing, 靠自 溼以 我自 搜 啊没紫应 and now my heart is breaking 安的 闹 买 哈特 椅子 波瑞克应 But i just keep on sayin 巴特 爱 炸死特 昂 塞应 Baby, baby, baby oh, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby no, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby oh 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 I thought you"d always be mine 爱 骚特 友的 奥尾紫 比 买嗯 Baby, baby, baby oh, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby no, 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 baby, baby, baby oh 贝贝 贝贝 贝贝 哦 I thought you"d always be mine 爱 骚特 友的 奥尾紫 比 买嗯 Now I"m all gone 闹 爱慕 奥 高嗯 贾斯丁比伯LOVE ME歌曲连结 :media.onsugar./files/media/music/6523961.mp3 贾斯丁比伯一首歌 是不是Bigger, Baby, Born To Be Somebody.? 评论歌曲love yourself的英语作文(贾斯丁比伯的) For all the times that you rain on my parade 一直以来你就是淋溼我天堂的雨水 And all the s you get in using my name 你习惯打着我的名号混进每个夜店 You think you broke my heart oh girl for goodness sake 你以为你伤透我的心,但女孩你看在上帝的份上省省吧 You think I"m crying oh my oh well no I ain"t 你以为我会为你伤心哭泣,好吧,我根本就没有 And I didn"t wanna write a song cause 甚至我都不愿为这段感情写歌因为 I didn"t want anyone thinking I still care 我不想让别人觉得我还在乎你 I don"t but you still hit my phone up 你不停打我电话而我早就不联络你了 And baby I be moving on and I think you should be something 宝贝我早就放下了,我想你也应该释怀 I don"t wanna hold back maybe you should know that 我不愿自己沉沦过往,或许你应该明白 My mama don"t like you and she likes everyone 我妈妈谁都喜欢,唯独不喜欢你 And I never like to admit that I was wrong 我从不愿意承认我做错过什么 And I"ve been so caught up in my job didn"t see what"s going on 一直以来我都醉心于工作,不明白我们怎么会变这样 And now I know I"m better sleeping on my own 如今我知道我更喜欢安枕独眠 Cause if you like the way you look that much 如果你也更喜欢原来的自己 Oh baby you should go and love yourself 宝贝,放手吧,你应该去好好爱自己 And if you think that I"m still holding on to something 如果你以为我依然怀念著什么 You should go and love yourself 放手吧,好好去爱你自己 But when you told me that you hated my friends 当你对我说你讨厌我的朋友们时 The only problem was with you and not them 其实唯一的问题就出在你身上而不是他们 And every time you told me my opinion was wrong 每一次你反驳我的看法是错误的时候 And tried to make me fet where I came from 都会让我迷失了自己 <repeat> For all the times that you made me feel *** all 一直以来你都让我感觉自己是如此渺小 I fell in love now I fear nothing at all 我深陷爱河却无所畏惧 I never felt so low when I was vnlnerable 脆弱不堪时也从未如此失落过 Was I a fool to let you break down my walls 是我太笨了么让你打开了我的心墙 Cause if you like the way you look that much 如果你也更喜欢原来的自己 Oh baby you should go and love yourself 宝贝,放手吧,你应该去好好爱自己 And if you think that I"m still holding on to something 如果你以为我依然怀念著什么 You should go and love yourself 放手吧,好好去爱你自己 介绍一下贾斯丁比伯··· 贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber,1994年3月1日出生),加拿大少年歌手, Justin 早期因为在YouTube翻唱其他艺人的歌曲而出名,目前已与小岛唱片(Island Records)签约,爱他,无可替代、丹 居住在美国佐治亚州亚特兰大,并已于2009年11月17日发行他的第一张专辑——my world的第一部分。截止发行后第五周,该唱片已在美国售出超过522,000张,并在加拿大被认证为铂金唱片。 专辑的第二部分已2010年3月23日发行。同时,由于销售成绩不错,Justin已在2010年4月12日发行《my world》的升级版——《my world(2.0)》。 2010年youtube全球视讯点选率排行第一,超越lady gaga. 贾斯丁比伯love yourself空间连结 不用绿钻, 用企鹅FM很简单噢。 贾斯丁比伯one love 歌词 Justin Bieber - One Love Splendidyang I won"t let the night stand in my way I know what I want, I know what I can I"m only here to find you, you All I need is you by my side All I wanna do is lay down next you Cause I all I need is one love one love one heart Cause I all I need is one love one love one heart Baby give it to me Cause I don"t want-want nobody when I got-got your body Baby no no nobody, has got what I need Cause I don"t want-want nobody when I got-got your body Baby no no nobody, has got what I need tonight See i"ve made mistakes time after time, time, time But no not today, won"t leave till I find what i"m looking for I"m only here to find you, you All I need is you by my side All I wanna do is dance under the moon Cause I all I need is one love one love one heart Cause I all I need is one love one love one heart Baby give it to me Cause I don"t want-want nobody when I got-got your body Baby no no nobody, has got what I need Cause I don"t want-want nobody when I got-got your body Baby no no nobody, has got what I need tonight Your love is like a rollercoaster The way that you take my breath away It feels like i"m slowly falling deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper Cause I all I need is one love one love one heart Cause I all I need is one love one love one heart Baby give it to me Cause I don"t want-want nobody when I got-got your body Baby no no nobody, has got what I need Cause I don"t want-want nobody when I got-got your body Baby no no nobody, can give it to me Cause I don"t want-want nobody when I got-got your body Baby no no nobody, has got what I need Cause I don"t want-want nobody when I got-got your body Baby no no nobody, has got what I need tonight
2023-07-08 18:51:041

must have done与must have been doing区别

动词后+ED和动词后+ING举个例子,I am interested in the book. The book is interesting.一个以人做主语,一个以物做主语。加ed是修饰人的,而加ing则是令人怎样的形容词。加ed成名词我没听说过。加ing是成动名词吧。说的不好你可以看下面的:ing形式做定语,意义上接近一个定语从句,表示一个正在进行的动作或表示一个主动的动作 如: China is a developing country=China is a country which is developing) ed式的则通常表示已发生的或已结束的动作,ing则表示正在发生的 如:boiled water开过了的水,白开水。 boiling water沸水 fallen leaves已落在地上的叶子 falling leaves正在下落的叶子 当然也有意义上的区别,在一些特定的词语上,如interesting和interested,exciting和excited这类词,ed就表示个人的感情而ing则表示物体的性质 如:interesting game好玩的游戏,ing表示游戏的性质——好玩 excited boy 兴奋的男孩,ed表示男孩的感情 除了这些特定的词,好多动词都可以加 ed,ing的,这并不局限,你可以参照英语人教版高一unit20 Humour(讲ing)和高二unit2(讲ed)
2023-07-08 18:51:072


1、思想影响命运机遇改变命运行动决定命运。 Thought to influence change destiny opportunity action destiny fate. 2、改变自己不是为了取悦他人,而是为了自己。 Not change yourself to please others, but for yourself. 3、这个伟大的世界永远旋转,不断地改变陈规。 This great world forever, constantly change stereotypes. 4、成功需要改变,用新的方法改变过去的结果。 Success requires change, with the result of the new way to change the past. 5、一个人幸运的前提,其实是他有能力改变自己。 One lucky Pmise, is actually he has the power to change yourself. 6、人身体天天在变是躯体,永远不会改变那是性格。 Body is changing every day is a body, will never change that is personality. 7、如果试图改变一些东西,首先应该接受许多东西。 If you try to change something, first of all should accept many things. 8、文明可以改变爱情的方式,却永远不能扼杀爱情。 Civilization can change the way of love, but can never kill love. 9、网络比较虚拟,只有知识能改变自己真正的命运。 Network is virtual, only knowledge can change their destiny. 10、人的智力是按照人如何学会改变自然界而发展的。 Person"s intelligence is according to how people learn to change the nature and development. 11、不是这个社会改变了我,而是从来我都是这样子。 Is not this society changed me, but I never is like this. 12、当你改变了自己的信念,你也就改变了自己的行为。 When you change your own beliefs, you also changed their behavior. 13、一个人会为了另一个人去改变、去迁就,这就是爱。 One person to another person to change, to compromise, this is love. 14、环境改变的程度越高,则人格改变的程度也越高了。 The higher the degree of change, the personality and the higher the degree of change. 15、对于某种无法改变的习性,我感到一种宿命的无奈。 For some can"t change the habit, I feel a kind of fate. 16、谁以为命运女神不会改变主意,谁就会被世人所耻笑。 Whoever thought destiny goddess wouldn"t change his mind, will be laughed at by the world. 17、真理不会因人的误解而改变,也不会随着人情做修正。 Truth will not change by people"s misunderstanding, also won"t do correction as human feelings. 18、与所爱的人长期相处的秘诀是:放弃改变对象的念头。 Get along with loved ones for a long time is the secret of: give up the idea of changing object. 19、环境正是由人来改变的,而教育者本人一定是受教育的。 Environment is to change by someone, but the educator himself must be influenced by education. 20、怜悯也许能拯救一个人的灵魂,但却不能轻易改变生活。 Compassion may be able to save a person"s soul, but will not easily change your life. 21、只有通过一种方式才能征服死亡:抢在死亡之前改变世界。 Only in a way to conquer death: before death to change the world. 22、改变好习惯比改掉坏习惯容易的多,这是人生的一大悲衰。 Change easier than breaking bad habits, good habits, this is the life of a great failure. 23、同在一个环境中生活,强者与弱者的分界就在于谁能改变它。 In an environment of life, the strong and the weak boundary is that who can change it. 24、那些疯狂到以为自己能够改变世界的人,才能真正改变世界。 Who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, can really change the world. 25、我只不过是把视力集中在一点,以改变我以往对事物的看法! I just turn the vision is focused on the point to change my opinion of things past! 26、用你的笑容去改变这个世界,别让这个世界改变了你的笑容。 Use your smile to change the world, don"t let the world change your smile. 27、能随着时代和世事而改变他的本性,命运就永远掌握在他手中。 Can be changed over time and the world and his nature, the destiny is always in his hands. 28、人们总说时间会改变一切,但是实际上你需要自己努力去改变。 People always say that time can change everything, but in fact you need their own efforts to change. 29、未来走到我们中间,为了能在它发生之前很久就先行改变我们。 Future go among us, in order to for a long time will change our first before it happens. 30、只有彻底的行动,才是改变自己,改变自己周围社会的唯一途径。 Only change ourselves, radical action, is the only way to change their surrounding society. 31、改变不了环境但可以改变自己;改变不了事实,但可以改变态度。 Don"t change the environment but can change yourself; Don"t change the fact, but can change the attitude. 32、谁说的?我只是把视力集中在一点,以改变以往我对事物的看法! Who said that? I just put the vision is focused on the point to change my opinion of things past! 33、财富和声誉的庞儿们在我们眼前纷纷落马,却不能改变我们的雄心。 Wealth and reputation of PangEr in front of us cut, but can"t change our ambition. 34、随着一种观念的流行,言语创新的程度丝毫不亚于习惯改变的程度。 Words with the popularity of an idea, the degree of innovation is no less habits change. 35、时间带走一切,长年累月会把你的名字、外貌、性格、命运都改变。 Time take away everything, long will put your name, appearance, character, fate change. 36、奢侈品对于我来说是生活必备品,我认为它对我生活的改变很重要。 Luxury is a life style for me, I think it is very important to the change of my life. 37、获得心理平和的方法是改变人的想法,你应努力培养舒畅自然的心态。 Access to psychological peace method is to change people"s ideas, you should try to develop natural state of mind. 38、无论如何努力,若不能达成使人改变的目标,就说不上是在培养人才。 No matter how hard, if not to achieve the target of make people change, it"s not in training talents. 39、每个人都是独一无二的,你不需要别人改变自己,做真实的自己好了。 Everyone is unique, you don"t need others to change myself, to be true to yourself. 40、如同磁铁吸引四周的铁粉,热情也能吸引周围的人,改变周围的情况。 Around like a magnet attracts iron powder, also can attract the people around you, change the situation around. 41、承认贫困并不是可耻的。相反,不为改变贫困而努力才是确实可耻的。 Admit that poverty is not shameful. On the contrary, to try to change the poverty is not really shameful. 42、坦然面对生活中那些不可改变的事情,努力付出那些你可以改变的事情。 Calm in the face of life things do not change, efforts to pay those things you can change. 43、宇宙间只有一个永不改变的法则,那就是一切都在改变,一切都是无常。 The law of the universe is only one it will never change, that"s all changing, everything is impermanent. 44、只要内心不乱,外界就很难改变你什么。不要艳羡他人,不要输掉自己。 As long as the heart not disorderly, the outside world is hard to change what you are. Don"t envy others, don"t lose yourself. 45、你可以相信一座山移动了位置,却不必去相信一个人改变了自己的个性。 Can you believe that a mountain to move the position, but don"t have to believe that a person changed his personality. 46、被我们称为势利鬼的人,无论以什么面目出现,都改变不了势利的本性。 We called snob people, no matter in what form, all can"t change the nature of snobbery. 47、发生任何问题,先从自己身上找问题。因为改变自己容易,改变别人难。 There is any problem, first from yourself to find the problem. Because change yourself easy, but hard to change others. 48、环境的改变和人的活动的一致,只能被看作是并合理地理解为**的实践。 Environmental change and human activities, and can only be seen as a reasonably understood as the practice of the revolution. 49、没有什么比时间更具有说服力了,因为时间无需通知我们就可以改变一切。 There were no more persuasive than time because time without notice, we can change everything. 50、谁会知道生活会怎样的变幻,但你要坚信你能改自己的生活改变这个世界。 Who knows what life will be change, but you have to believe that you can change your life change the world. 51、为了不让生活留下遗憾和后悔,我们应该尽可能抓住一切改变生活的机会。 In order not to let the life regret and regret, we should seize every chance to change life as much as possible. 52、爱情最让人无法掌握的地方,就是不知道时间什么时候会带来什么样的改变。 Where the love is the most let a person cannot master, I don"t know what time to what time will bring change. 53、智者是自己命运的创造者。谁想改变命运,就得勤奋工作,否则将一事无成。 A wise man is the creator of his own fate. Who want to change your fate, you have to work hard, otherwise will accomplish nothing. 54、当人们学会自嘲,能够嘲笑自己的愚蠢和所做的错事时,他就在开始改变了。 When people learn to laugh at myself and able to laugh at your own stupidity and do wrong, he began to change. 55、不要相信你永远没有朋友,人都是在改变的,要相信自己,你会慢慢变的幸福! Don"t believe you don"t have friends forever, people are in change, believe in yourself, you will gradually become happy! 56、善恶并不是一成不变的东西,而是不断改变所处的场所和立场。平衡本身就是善。 Good and evil is not the same thing, but the changing of place and position. Balance is good in itself. 57、有时候,我们等的不是什么人、什么事,我们等的是时间,等时间,让自己改变。 Sometimes, we is not what people, what matter, we such as time, such as time, let oneself change. 58、为了迎合风向而改变自己见解的人,我们认为是糟糕的、卑鄙的、毫无信念的人。 In order to cater to the direction of the wind and change their ideas, we think that is bad, despicable, someone who has no belief. 59、在**上,如同在宗教上一样,要想用火与剑迫使人们改变信仰,是同样荒谬的。 In politics, as in religion, in order to force people to change beliefs, with fire and sword is also ridiculous. 60、你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义的决定,但某天你的某个决定就能改变你一生。 You do every day in many seem pointless, but one day one of your decision can change your life. 61、年轻的时候我们都想着要去改变这个世界,到头来,我们却一直在被这个世界改变。 Young when we are thinking of going to change the world, in the end, we have been is the change in the world. 62、你接受比抱怨还要好,对于不可改变的事实,你除了接受以外,没有更好的办法了。 You accept good than complain, for the immutable fact, in addition to accept, you have no better way. 63、用勇气改变可以改变的事情,用胸怀改变不能改变的事情,用智慧分辨两者的不同。 With the courage to change can change things, with mind change does not change things, use wisdom to distinguish the difference. 64、不去为真理,为捍卫党的得益而斗争,见错不纠,不促其改变,还算什么共产党员。 Don"t go to the truth, the struggle to defend the party"s benefit, see a wrong not remedy, it is not changed, what is the communist party member. 65、上帝创造这个世界只用了七天时间,那么,一个人的改变绝对不会需要更长的时间。 God created this world in seven days, so, a person"s change will never take longer. 66、对国家要爱哟!中国要发达起来,中国穷了几千年了,现在是改变这种状况的时候了。 For countries to love! China to developed country, China is poor for thousands of years, and now it"s time to change this situation. 67、每个人都想改变世界,改变别人,但是没有人想过自己也不曾做到他自己期望的那样。 Everyone wants to change the world, to change others, but no one thought I didn"t do his own expectations. 68、青年只要朝着大目标前进,时代巨轮就会转动!青年只要嘶声伸张正义,历史就会改变! Youth as long as working towards a big goal, era ship will turn! Youth just screams justice, history will change! 69、我们的社会里,必须有改变物质生活的原动力,这样才能把未来的命脉握在自己的手里。 In our society, there must be a change agent of material life, so you can put the lifeblood of a future in their own hands. 70、太阳能比风更快的脱下你的大衣;仁厚、友善的方式比任何**更容易改变别人的心意。 Solar energy faster than the wind take off your coat; Very kind and friendly way easier than any violence to change someone"s mind. 71、长期形成的习俗不是轻易可以破除的;谁试图改变自己的生活方式,结果往往徒劳无益。 Long-term formation of the customs can not easily break; Who tried to change his way of life, the result is often useless. 72、你要改变是因为你自己愿意改,不要为任何人,怕只怕那人会令你失望,你又得打回原形。 You want to change because you want to change, not for anyone, is afraid that people will disappoint you, you have to play back to prototype. 73、你每天遇到千万人,没有一个真正触动你的心。然后你遇到一个人,你的人生就永远改变。 You meet every day ten million people, is not a real touches your heart. And then you meet one person, your life is changed forever. 74、有勇气来改变可以改变的事情,有胸怀来接受不可改变的事情,有智慧来分辨两者的不同。 Have the courage to change can change things, have a mind to accept the things that cannot be changed, have the wisdom to distinguish the difference. 75、为别人改变自己最划不来,到头来你会发现委屈太大,而且,人家对你的牺牲不一定欣赏。 For others to change yourself is the most foolish but, in the end you will find that the injustice is too big, and the sacrifice for you may not apPciate. 76、我们的生活有太多无奈,我们无法改变,也无力去改变,更糟的是,我们失去了改变的想法。 Our life has too many helpless, we can"t change, is weak to change, to make matters worse, we lost the change idea. 77、做你自己,不要为了任何人改变自己,如果他不能接受最坏的你,那么他也不值得最好的你。 Be yourself, don"t change yourself for anyone, if he can"t accept the worst you, so he is not worthy of your best. 78、一个人的本性如何,是无可更改的事实,染缸再大,也改变不了一个人的本质,怪什么社会? How a person"s nature, the fact that there is no change, vats again big, also can not change the nature of a man, what blame society? 79、世上只有时间不会因为任何人任何事而改变,但时间却可以改变很多事,甚至可以改变一切。 There is only time will not change because of anyone anything, but time can change a lot of things, and even can change everything. 80、即使认为什么都没变,其实它正一点一点地改变。静止的时间也在移动。即使是往结束的方向。 Even if you don"t think anything, it is changing bit by bit. The stillness of the time also in the mobile. Even to the direction of the end. 81、为别人改变自己最划不来,到头来你会发觉委屈太大,而且,别人对你的牺牲不一定表示欣赏。 For others to change yourself is the most foolish but, in the end you will find too much injustice, and others to sacrifice doesn"t apPciate you. 82、笑着面对,不去埋怨,悠然,随性,随缘,注定让一生改变的,只在百年后,那一朵花开的时间。 Smiling face, not to complain, carefree, along with the gender, fate, doomed to let life change, only in one hundred, after the flower bloom time.
2023-07-08 18:51:081

谁有super junior 的 the one i love 音译版的歌词啊?

我有这么mv 而且还有中文字幕~~亲要吗~~?
2023-07-08 18:50:434

请帮我翻译一下:Change of Authorized Signatory(ies),

签署的指示的变动(s), 公司名称的变动,新支票簿(s)将是deliverd 对您在separater 盖子之下, 改变公司剁/Removal, 主任的变动(s)/Partner(s), 临时签署的安排从 改变签字样本
2023-07-08 18:50:422

vivo手机 开不了机 怎么办

2023-07-08 18:50:3911

英语you must have had many things怎么翻译?

must have done 是对过去事实的推断,属于虚拟语气,可以翻译为“你必定有过许多东西”。
2023-07-08 18:50:376


important,读音:英[u026amu02c8pu0254u02d0tnt],美[u026amu02c8pu0254u02d0rtnt]。释义:adj.重要的,重大的;有地位的;有权力的。变形:比较级more important,最高级most important。词源:源自中古法语的important;最初源自古典拉丁语的importare,意为介绍,引入。短语:unusually important异常重要的。vitally important至关重要的。important for对?很重要。important occasion重大场合。important的例句1、It"s important to spend your time productively.重要的是要有效地利用时间。2、It"s important to keep the punters happy.重要的是让顾客满意。3、Image is very important in the music world.在音乐界,个人形象很重要。4、I"m leading up to something quite important.我正要说到很重要的事情上。5、Let"s get on to more important matters.咱们谈些更重要的事吧。
2023-07-08 18:50:361

求《one love》岚 mp3格式歌曲链接

您好,【one love】-MP3歌曲链接(本人测试可用)。链接地址发你百度Hi和百度消息了。请刷新页面后,查看页面下方工具条里,或页面右上方“消息”→左上“站内消息”→“陌生人消息”(婀趫)快去看看吧 有问题请追问我。
2023-07-08 18:50:351


  搬运,是指承受负载并运送到另一个地方。可用以人工搬运或者机器搬运,有网路用语指转载国外网站的作品。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来搬运的英语说法,供大家学习。   搬运的英语说法1:   carry   搬运的英语说法2:   transport   搬运的英语说法3:   flitting   搬运的英语说法4:   convey   搬运相关英语表达:   搬运费 removal expenses;   搬运工 truck man   搬运货物合同 removal bond   搬运需求 Handling Requirements   搬运成本 handle cost   搬运架 truck;   搬运的英语例句:   1. Check that your insurance policy covers breakages and damage during removals.   检视一下你的保险单,看其是否对搬运过程中的破损和毁坏赔偿。   2. They were in the furniture removal business.   他们做家俱搬运生意。   3. It was a long haul home and we arrived exhausted.   搬运回家的这段路程特别长,到家时我们已筋疲力尽.   4. I tipped the porter 50 p.   我给了搬运工人50便士小费.   5. Munitions were canoed across the river.   军火用独木舟搬运过河.   6. By using a hoist the movers were able to sling the piano to the third floor.   搬运工人用吊车才把钢琴吊到3楼.   7. Deposition is the laying down of sediment that has been transported.   沉积是已搬运的物质再沉积下来.   8. Rhoda was briskly giving the porter orders about the luggage.   罗达在兴致勃勃地吩咐脚夫搬执行李.   9. We"ve spent all day humping furniture up and down stairs.   我们花了一整天的时间楼上楼下地搬运家俱.   10. The hotel porter will take your baggage to your room.   旅馆的搬运工人会把你的行李拿到房间去.   11. Most plants are provided with hoist wells for handling parts.   大多数工厂设有搬运零件的起吊孔.   12. They jibbed, sneaked off with their load in the night - quite a muting.   他们磨磨蹭蹭不肯往前走, 就在这天晚上,他们开了小差,扛着搬运的东西溜走了 —— 一次地道的抗命叛逃.   13. She gave her luggage to a porter and showed him her ticket.   她把行李交给一个搬运夫,并给他车票.   14. Eventually they deposit most of their sedi - ment in the oceans.   最后把它们搬运的大部分沉积物沉积在海洋里.   15. Weathering prepares the rock for transport by deposing and disintegrating it.   风化作用通过分解和崩解准备了要搬运的岩石.
2023-07-08 18:50:341


吃了差不多两个月了吧,自我感觉比较不错的,之前还有些疲累的感觉,这两个月倒是比较轻松了,没有发现什么副作用,吃法就是按照他的说明吃,饭后每天2粒 ▪⋅
2023-07-08 18:50:271


2023-07-08 18:50:263


bug是指任何计算机程序或硬件系统中的错误,故障或缺陷。错误会产生意外结果或导致系统意外运行。简而言之,它是程序或系统获得的任何行为或结果,但它不是为此而设计的。 bug是指任何计算机程序或硬件系统中的错误,故障或缺陷。错误会产生意外结果或导致系统意外运行。简而言之,它是程序或系统获得的任何行为或结果,但它不是为此而设计的。 现在在网络上面也经常的用在形容人上面,比如经常会听到说你就是个bug。对于这样的形容也是有两种含义的表达的,根据语气和当时的环境表达的意思分为两种。 第一种是形容这个人非常的牛,非常的厉害,在某一方面让人非常的佩服,比如说游戏里面的大神,很聪明的人、在某方面技能满分的人,这个时候就可以用bug这个词语来形容。 第二种表达的意思就和第一种是完全不同的,这个bug使用来形容这个人在某方面很差,形容这个人就是一个漏洞之类的意思,比如在游戏里面的猪队友、技能太差等等的意思。
2023-07-08 18:50:261


1.非常漂亮英文:Verybeautiful。 2.重点词汇:very英[?veri]?美[?v?ri]adj.很,非常。 3.恰好是,正是。 4.十足的。 5.特有的。 6.adv.很,非常。 7.充分,完全。 8.beautiful英[?bju:t?fl]?美[?bjut?f?l]adj.美丽的,美好的。 9.极好的。 10.例句:She?was?very?beautiful,?with?high?cheekbones.她颧骨高高的,非常漂亮。 11.I?thought?she?was?very?beautiful?and?I?took?her?hand.?我心里想,她长得实在美丽,我握住了她的手。 12.扩展资料:beautiful的意思是“美丽的”“悦目的”,含有使人产生美感和愉快印象之义。 13.侧重从客观上表明接近理想状态的美,语气很强。 14.修饰人时主要修饰妇女和儿童,修饰男人时含有“无大丈夫气概”的贬义。 15.beautiful在句中可以作定语,修饰人或物。 16.也可以作表语表示特征。 17.还可用作宾语补足语。 18.beautiful加定冠词the可用作名词,无论表示抽象概念还是具体东西,但都作单数看待。 19.beautiful的词汇搭配:unearthlybeautiful非人间的美,美得超凡脱俗。 20.unforgettablybeautiful难忘的美。 21.unspeakablybeautiful美得无法形容。 22.vitallybeautiful生动的美。 23.vivaciouslybeautiful活泼的美。
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