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there is one week left

2023-07-08 14:58:11

left 剩余,离考试只剩一周了


一周用英语单词怎么写 有关一周用英语单词怎么写

1、一周的英文:one week 2、参考例句: Saturday is the seventh day in a week.? 星期六是一周的第七天。 The weeks washing. 一周洗的衣服 They attend school five days a week. 他们一周上学5天。 Hold a week-long broadcast exhibition of TV plays 举办为期一周的电视剧展播 He quitted Paris after a week. 他一周后离开了巴黎。 A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周 I was twenty-one on my last birthday 我已经过二十一周岁了。 The pleasures of sunbathing began to pall after a week on the beach 我们在沙滩待了一周之后,对日光浴已兴致大减 Reviewer was dismissive,and the play closed within a week. 由於评论界持否定态度,该剧上演不到一周便停止了 He visits his grandpapa every two weeks. 他每隔一周就去探望他祖父一次。
2023-07-08 14:23:041


2023-07-08 14:23:101

one week one week中间有一条横线的区别。two weeks呢?

one week 是名词词组,作时间状语; in one week,,在一周后one-week是定语,后面需要有被修饰的名词,如one-week holiday 一周的假期,同样, two-week holiday是两周的假期
2023-07-08 14:23:171

one week与one-week的区别

一般加连字符的都是adj.,后面接名词,表示一周时间的……,而one week 是个名词词组
2023-07-08 14:23:252

a week 和one week以及the week的区别.

a week 和 one week 是没有区别的至于the week ,要看语境,一般是特指某个week 这就要看the 的用法了。the day ,the month ,the week ,the man,the boy
2023-07-08 14:23:322

every week a week 和one week的区别

every week=a week=each week=per week每周one week 一周亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!
2023-07-08 14:23:391

a one-week 是个时间状语吧

1,加了连折符,one-week就成了个形容词。例如a one-week tour,一个持续一周的旅程。
2023-07-08 14:23:471

one week for one week有什么区别

2023-07-08 14:24:013


2023-07-08 14:24:081

in one week

in one week可表示“在一周内”也可以表示“一周后".要看语境. 你给的这句话里的in one week意思为“在一周内”,(我认为不可能在一周内完成所有事). 但如 He will leave Beijing in one week.这里的意思即为“一周后" (他一周后离开北京).
2023-07-08 14:24:151

一周之内 英语翻译

可以用的我还想说 in one week
2023-07-08 14:24:356


2023-07-08 14:25:025

another one week可以吗?

2023-07-08 14:25:166

one weekhaveseven days

C 合成形容词的构成是数词-名词单数,其中间要用“-”连接。名词复数的所有格形式若以s结尾的只在单词的后面加“ "”即可。
2023-07-08 14:25:291


in a week
2023-07-08 14:25:4012


pass a week
2023-07-08 14:26:094

相差一周 英语

one week apart.期间,during ..
2023-07-08 14:26:231


in a week
2023-07-08 14:26:4213


over a week
2023-07-08 14:27:213

求助英语翻译“One week to the day later”,希望有详细的理解过程,谢谢!

2023-07-08 14:27:283

one-week holiday和one week’s holiday两种表达方式都对吗

2023-07-08 14:27:492

请问这句话的by one week是什么意思?

2023-07-08 14:27:574


过去式句子。One week has passed since意思是从那以后一个星期过去了,是过去式的语句,可以加过去式句子,例如One week has passed since the new term began。
2023-07-08 14:28:041

英语中in one week和next week都表将来时 但有什么区别

in one week是说在一周之内,比如说今天周三,就是在下周三之前. next week 是说下周一周时间,如果今天是周三,那就是在下个周日之前. 感觉是这样,不知道明白没有.
2023-07-08 14:28:111

one week leftits enough什么意思

one week leftits enough一周leftits足够one week leftits enough一周leftits足够
2023-07-08 14:28:181

the week before可以换成one week before或last week吗?

2023-07-08 14:28:352

one week vacation

be going to 是现在进行时表将来,表示有计划的,一定会去做的事. will do表示事情有可能发生,但不一定发生. 由句意看,是他制定计划去度假,所以是计划好的,用is arriving
2023-07-08 14:28:521

not for one day or one week,but forever什么意思

2023-07-08 14:29:003

it will rains within one week ,可否换成in one week,为什么

2023-07-08 14:29:083


最正规的问法和答法:1. Ask you what name? 2. Do you come from? 3. You prepared to where? 4. Do you go to New York? Tourism 5. Few people you go along? one 6. In New York have no friends or relatives? No 7. How long are you prepared to go to New York? One week 8. Do you have any baggage? 9. Please show your passport please 10. Which you to the United States? 11. This year you age? 12. Boarding Portugal Los Angeles, New York
2023-07-08 14:29:1711

hewillhavetocome back in oneweek是什么意思

he will have to come back in one week他将不得不在一周内回来.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-07-08 14:29:492


Dear Mr. Smith, I am decided to be on business in US at the end of the month. I shall be in Washington on 20th October, or before or after, stay aboutone week. And I should like to call on you to meeting if you have any free timeon October 22 or 23. Please let me know if the two days is convenient for you. Ifnot, what day and time you would suggest. Thank you a lot for your support firstly and very much expect themeeting with you in Washington at the short days later. Your faithfully, Li Lei 计算机科学家们并不满足于初浅层次的人机互动关系。在他们研究的一个名为人工智能的主要科目中,他们正致力于“教会”计算机像人一样的思考。经过长期的探索和尝试,研究者们相信他们通过计算机的协助,正在揭开更多关于大脑工作机理的秘密。
2023-07-08 14:29:582


  这里说的星期名单词主要指的是Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday七个。   1. 表示在星期几,我们通常是在星期名词前使用介词on。如:   That train only runs on Sunday. 那趟火车只在星期天开。   I will give you an answer on Friday at the latest. 我最迟星期五给你回答。   但在非正式文体(尤其是美国英语)中常可省去。如:   Iu2019ll see you Saturday. 星期六再见。   不过,若其前用了this, last, next, every等词,则不能再用介词on。如:   The concert takes place next Friday. 音乐会下星期五举行。   The Smiths go to church every Sunday. 史密斯全家每星期日都去教堂做礼拜。   注意,虽然当星期名词与this, next, last搭配时,其前不用介词on,但若语义需要,其前可用by, for, until, till, since等介词。如:   I have several engagements for next Monday. 我下周星期一有几个约会。   The job ought to be finished by next Monday. 这项工作应于下星期一以前完成。   Could you hold off your decision until next Saturday? 你可以推迟到下周星期六再做决定吗?   2. 当星期名词与月份名词连用时,星期名词通常应置于月份名词之前。如:   Weu2019ll be there on Sunday, June 19th. 我们将于6月19日,星期日,到达那里。   Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as “Red Friday”. 1925年7月31日这个星期五从此就被称为“红色星期五”。   3. 关于星期名词的复数形式   (1) 星期名词有时可以有复数形式,表泛指性或经常性(其前可用介词on,也可省略介词而将其用作副词)。如:   On Sundays I like to sleep late. 星期天我爱睡懒觉。   The Blue Cafe closes on Mondays. 蓝色咖啡馆每星期一歇业休息。   Weu2019re nearly always at church on Sundays. 我们星期日几乎都在教堂做礼拜。   星期名词的复数形式在肯定句中与“every+星期名词”相似,但在否定句中区别较大。比较:   I donu2019t go there on Mondays. 我星期一不去那儿。   I donu2019t go there every Monday. 我并非每周星期一都去那儿。   (2) 有时星期名词的复数形式还可受数词以及many, few等的修饰。如:   I have spent many happy Sundays there. 我在那儿度过了许多愉快的星期天。   4. 在通常情况下,星期名词不与冠词连用,但有时为了表示“特指”可以带定冠词。如:   We had a card from her on the Friday after she got back. 在她回去后的那个星期五我们收到了她的明信片。   “When can I have my birthday party?” “On the Saturday nearest to it.” “我的生日庆祝会在哪天举行?”“就在离你生日最近的那个星期六吧。”   若要表示“某一个”的意思,可在星期名词前使用不定冠词。如:   Christmas Day falls on a Monday. 今年的圣诞节是星期一。   You wonu2019t catch me working on a Sunday! 你绝对见不到我在星期日工作!   5. 星期名词有时可使用所有格形式,表示星期几所举行的比赛、活动等,或所发生的情况、事件等。如:   He is our opponents in Saturdayu2019s game. 他就是我们星期六的比赛对手。   He was placed fifth in last Saturdayu2019s race. 在上周六的径赛中,他名列第五。   She is confident of victory in Saturdayu2019s final. 她对在星期六的比赛中取得胜利充满信心。   Put me down for three tickets for Saturdayu2019s performance. 给我登记购买三张星期六的演出票。   Whou2019s going to organize the sandwiches for Mondayu2019s meeting? 谁来准备星期一会议上的三明治?   Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursdayu2019s bank robbery. 警方拘留了两名与上星期四的银行劫案有关的人。   Wall Street made Fridayu2019s running on the international stock exchange. 在国际股票交易中 华尔街星期五率先确定了走势行情。   Letu2019s hope the sunny weather keeps up for Saturdayu2019s tennis match. 但愿星期六网球比赛时还是这样的好天气。   6. 星期名词有时可直接用于另一名词前作定语,主要用法如下:   (1) 用于morning, afternoon, evening, night之前,表示星期几的早上、下午、晚上或夜晚等。如:   Letu2019s meet on Sunday evening. 咱们星期日晚上见吧。   They stayed till Monday morning. 他们住到星期一上午。   Iu2019m having a party next Saturday night. 星期六我举行晚会。   (2) 用于修饰week,表示“下个星期几后的一个星期”,通常译为“下下个星期几”。如:   Iu2019ll see you Thursday week. 我们下下周星期四见面吧。   Weu2019re off to Spain Sunday week. 我们下下个星期天去西班牙。   (3) 表示星期几进行的经常性或例行的工作或事务等。如:   the Sunday joint 礼拜天吃的大块烤肉(   I need a Saturday job. 我需要一份周末工作。   The Saturday rave craze seems to be on the way out. 星期六狂欢聚会热似乎就要过时了。   I hate all the hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping. 我讨厌星期六买东西那么挤来挤去的。   Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a ritual. 星期天与姻亲们共进午餐已经成为例行公事。   You shouldnu2019t believe all the muck and scandal you read in the Sunday papers. 千万别尽信在星期日报纸上看到的秽迹丑闻。   She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers. 她在希腊为一家星期日报完成一项工作。   注意此用法与星期名词的所有格作定语的区别:用星期名词的所有格作定语,通常表示特定的某次活动或事件,而直接用星期名词作定语,则通常表示经常性或例行的活动或事务。比较:   Sunday meeting 周日例会(指每周日都举行的会议)   Sundayu2019s meeting 周日召开的会议(指某次特定的会议)   7. 一周的第一天是星期日还是星期一,在英语中似乎并没有严格的约定,请看以下有关词书的解释和说明:   (1)《剑桥国际英语词典》对week的解释是:   a period of seven days either from the beginning of Sunday to the end of Saturday or from the beginning of Monday to the end of Sunday(从星期日至星期六或从星期一至星期日的七天时间)   既然week既可以是从“星期日至星期六的七天”,也可以是“从星期一至星期日的七天”,那就说明一周的第一天可以是星期日,也可以是星期一。   (2)《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》在week词条下却有这样一句:   Sunday is the first day of the week. 星期日是一个星期的第一天。   然而有趣的是,该词典在同一页又将weekend(周末)解释为Saturday and Sunday。   既然Saturday and Sunday是“周末”,那Sunday又怎么可以是一个星期的第一天呢?   (3) 最新出版的《朗文当代高级英语辞典》认为:   在英国一周的第一天是星期一,而在美国一周的第一天是星期日。   根据此观点,在英国一周的第一天是星期一,而在美国一周的第一天是星期日。那《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》这本典型的英语词典(而非美语词典)为什么又说“Sunday is the first day of the week.”呢?   结论:在英语中,到底一周的第一天是星期日还是星期一,并没有严格约定。   8. 当星期名词与last, next连用时,若没有特定的"上下文,可能有歧义。比如:   (1) last Friday:若是星期五以前说,它指“上周星期五”;若是星期五以后说,它指“本周星期五”。last Friday的实际意思是“上个星期五”(即刚刚过去的那个星期五)。   (2) next Friday:若是星期五以前说,它指“本周星期五”;若是星期五以后说,它指“下周星期五”。next Friday的实际意思是“下个星期五”(也就是即将要到来的那个星期五)。   9. 几个容易误解的表达   (1) a week today:其意为“下周的今天”,从时间长度上看,与a week from today同义。如:   The exams start a week today. 考试将在下周的今天举行。   He left today, which is a Tuesday, so he should be back a week today. 他是今天走的,而今天是星期二,所以他应该在下周的今天(即下周星期二)回来。   注:a week today 也可说成 today week。如:   Weu2019re leaving today week. 我们于下周的今天动身。   Weu2019re going on holiday today week. 我们下周的今天要去度假。   (2) a week yesterday:其意为“一个星期前的昨天”(即八天前)。如:   She started work a week yesterday. 她在一个星期前的昨天(即八天前)就开始工作了。   It was a week yesterday (that) we heard the news. 我们是在一个星期前的昨天(即八天前)听到这个消息的。   (3) a week ago today:其意为“上周的今天”“一个星期前的今天”(与汉语意思几乎对等),从时间长度上看,相当于seven days ago(七天前)。如:   They got married a week ago today. 他们是上周的今天结婚的。   注:类似的表达还有a year ago today(一年前的今天)、a month ago today(一个月前的今天)等。   (4)“a week (on) +星期名词”:其意为“下个星期几后的一个星期”,如a week (on) Tuesday的意思是“下个星期二后的一个星期”,也就是“下下个星期二”,英语词典对此的释义是seven days from next Tuesday或one week after next Tuesday。如:   Our holiday starts a week on Saturday. 我们的假期从下下个星期六开始。   Can I just check—are we going to meet a week this Sunday or a week next Sunday? 我可以核对一下吗——我们是从这个周日算起下一个周日见面,还是从下个周日算起下下个周日见面?   注:“a week (on) +星期名词”也可说成“星期名词+ week”。如:   Iu2019ll be home Thursday week. 我下下个星期四回家。   She has to go back to see the doctor Friday week. 下下周星期五她得去复诊。
2023-07-08 14:30:061


Last summer holiday, I went to Beijing with my friends. We went there by train. Beijing is a really nice place. I enjoyed the scenery there, especially the sea. We were there about one week, and we enjoyed ourselves a lot. We also bought a lot of snacks there. they were quit different with the food in my hometown. We liked them very much.What a wonderful holiday uff01
2023-07-08 14:30:132


问题一:一个星期的每一天用英语怎么说 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday 星期日 Sunday 问题二:一个星期有几天?一个星期有7天。英文怎么说 How many days are there in a week? There are seven days (in a week). 问题三:大约一个星期,用英文怎么写? about a/one week 问题四:“上一个星期”用英语怎么说? last week 问题五:一周七天用英语怎么说 星期:Monday周一 Tuesday周二 Wednesday周三 Thursday周四 Friday周五 Saturday周六 Sunday周日 问题六:一个星期有七天的英文怎么说? there are senve days in the week 问题七:一个星期后用英语怎么说 after a week a week later 问题八:再多一个星期。英语表达 看情况: 1、如果第一次提及,则是one more week,比如I need one more week to finish the work. 2、如果同一句中第二次及以上提及,用“one week more”比较地道,例如, It cost me three weeks to knit this sweater for my grandpa,as for better style,I need one week more.我花了3周给外公织了件毛衣,若说要好点的样式的话,得花多一周的时间。 个人理解,供参考。英语学习,培养语感是很重要的。 问题九:(一个月大约有四个星期)怎么说英语 无法解答
2023-07-08 14:30:441

every week a week 和one week的区别

every week “每周”常跟一般现在时连用如 I play basketball every week “一周” a week "一周"for a week 或者for one week都可以,指一周的时间在指一周几次的时候,a week更常用,如twice a week
2023-07-08 14:30:511

a week 和one week以及the week的区别.

a week是一周的意思 one week 和 a week意思相同,在不同的语境中的使用方法不同 e.g I play games on a week 这时就不能用 one week the week 是指特指哪一周 e.g I go to school on the work days
2023-07-08 14:30:581

英语One week from today怎么翻译?

One week from today从今天起一周
2023-07-08 14:31:053

上木彩矢的《one week》 歌词

歌曲名:one week歌手:上木彩矢专辑:EVILALIVEMonday スタートするone week 疲れ取れずに向かうstation怒られ退屈すぎるこのTuesdayWednesday なんか眠たくて 脳内はSTOPした状况ですにぎわう街に流れ込むThursday止まらない止められない 365日间悩みとか実は溜め込んでは吐き出せないmy life轮になって手を取って 忘れよう今日からはsing a song!!风薫る春も旅立ちの花も そっとそっと上にAway踌躇って误摩化して 见逃さずこんな素敌なSpring day!!『そのまま、キミでいよう』『このまま、ボクでいよう』anytime, anywhere, そばにいるからIt"s alright!!Friday アイツからのメール ココロはdancing上がるテンションやっとweekend 眠らないよSaturday自由には飞べなくて 时に穷屈に感じてあの空へ手を伸ばし 大きく息を吸い込んで轮になって手を取って 叶えよう真実はEveryday!!负けちゃいそうなトキ、逃げたいトキも もっともっと前にMy way谁だって明日だって生きている こんな日はSmile again!!『そのまま、キミでいよう』『このまま、ボクでいよう』anytime, anywhere, そばにいるからIt"s alright!!「one week」作词∶AYA KAMIKI作曲∶Kazuaki Yamashita歌∶上木彩矢轮になって手を取って 始めようリフレッシュしたSunday!!风薫る春も旅立ちの花も そっとそっと上にAway踌躇って误摩化して 见逃さずこんな素敌なSpring day!!『そのまま、キミでいよう』『このまま、ボクでいよう』anytime, anywhere, そばにいるからIt"s alright!!【 おわり 】
2023-07-08 14:31:121


for one week (时间方面)持续一周in one week 在一周之后(通常用于一般将来时)
2023-07-08 14:31:201

in one week 是"在一周后"还是"在一周内"?

2023-07-08 14:31:285

faitj week d

What"s the matter with you?
2023-07-08 14:31:421


翻译如下:雨一直下了一个星期It has been raining for a week
2023-07-08 14:32:082

two weeks ago。那为什么是a week ago?为什么不是one week ago?

one week 和a week是一样的,只不过a week更常用,一般我们都是用 a week ago
2023-07-08 14:32:221


This is all my activities of one week.
2023-07-08 14:32:291

求翻译 半小时翻译完给悬赏 语句要通顺哦 谢谢拉

2023-07-08 14:32:453

He spent one week to draft the commercial contract.

2023-07-08 14:32:521

yesterday is history 的整句名言是什么?

是:Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God"s gift, that"s why we call it the present.Dear friends: To realize the value of ONE YEAR 想知道一整年的价值 ask the student who has failed a class 就去问被当过的学生 To realize the value of ONE MONTH 想知道一个月的价值 ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby 就去问曾经早产的母亲 To realize the value of ONE WEEK 想知道一个礼拜的价值 ask the editor of a weekly newspaper 就去问周报的编辑 To realize the value of ONE HOUR 想知道一个小时的价值 ask the lovers who are waiting to meet 就去问等待见面的情侣 To realize the value of ONE MINUTE 想知道一分钟的价值 ask a person who missed the train 就去问刚错过火车的人 To realize the value of ONE SECOND 想知道一秒钟的价值 ask a person who just avoided accident 就去问刚闪过一场车祸的人 To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND 想知道百分之一秒的价值 ask the person who won a silver medel in the Olympics 就去问奥运会银牌的得主 Treasure every moment that you have! 珍惜你所拥有的每一个瞬间 Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. 昨天已成为历史.明日却依然是谜. Today is a gift. 今天是珍贵的礼物. That"s why it is called present*!! 那就是它为什么被称作"当下"的原因. Show your friends how much you care... 让你的朋友知道你有多在乎他们.
2023-07-08 14:32:591

《one week of danger》的中文歌词?

  One Week of Danger 危险的一周  Artist: The Virgins  Episode: Chuck in Real Life  We"re best friends 我们是挚友  We hold hands 我们手紧握  We"re in love 我们沉浸在爱河中  You"re my man 你是我的爱人  Darling, no 亲爱的,不  That"s not me 那不是我  I"m a ghost 我是一烟幽灵  In the sheets 藏于床单下  Well is there something that you like about her? 好吧,难道她有什么让你喜欢的么?  Yes. I like the way that her body bends in half. 当然,我喜欢她的身体半弯的模样。  And is there something that you love abour her? 那难道她有什么让你痴狂的么?  No. There ain"t a woman in this world I wont" let go. 不,这世界上没有女人会让我挽留。  Come on baby, 来吧,甜心  We get along 我们交往吧  Please don"t just spoil it 请别仅仅溺爱它  Don"t steer us wrong 别引我们犯错  Let"s get together 让我们相拥  And get it on 好好发展恋情  Let"s get those clothes off 让我们除去衣衫  Before I"m gone 在我离开之前  You talk about me like you own me 你说你拥有我  Baby, that"s not fair 亲爱的,那不公平  I told you that I had somebody else 我曾告诉过你,我拥有另一个人  You did not care 你并不在意  And now you"re talking on the phone 现在你在电话里叫嚣  You"re telling all of your friends: 你告诉着你每一个朋友:  "We love each other!" (x8) 我们彼此相爱  Well is there something that you wanted from her? 好吧,难道有什么你想从她那里得到的么?  Yes. I want her legs, her body and her cash. 是的,我想得到她的双腿,她的身体,她的金钱  And is there something that you needed from her? 那难道她有你需要的么?  No. And if she"s playing hard to get, I"m out the door.不,而且若她尽力去得到我之所需,我会夺门而出  Oh no, baby 哦,不,亲爱的  Don"t say it"s true 别说那是真的  Please say you love me 请说你爱我  Like I love you 像我爱你那样  Come on baby, 来吧甜心  We get along 我们交往吧  One week of danger 危险的一周  Is not very long 不是很漫长  Let"s get together 让我们相拥  And get it on 好好发展恋情  Let"s get those clothes off 让我们除去衣衫  Before I"m gone在我离开之前  You talk about me like you own me 你说你拥有我  Baby, that"s not fair 亲爱的,那不公平  I told you that I had somebody else 我曾告诉过你,我拥有另一个人  You did not care 你并不在意  And now you"re trying to make me out而现在你正试着让我脱离自己的生活轨道  To be some kind of a square 来变得像个方块一样  And now you"re talking on the phone 现在你在电话里叫嚣  You"re telling all of your friends: 你告诉着你每一个朋友:  "We love each other!" (x8) 我们彼此相爱  
2023-07-08 14:33:171

求gossip girl 中的插曲one week of danger这首歌的中文歌词

考验你的听力 自己听吧
2023-07-08 14:33:253