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2023-07-08 14:27:45



摘 要 Abstract


In light of the advancement of diesel engine technology and the constant improvement on electronic control technology, the trend of intelligentialized and modularized the electronic control system of diesel engine is getting more and more prominent. The method of module detection by general instruments is no longer good enough to satisfy the detection demands. This ‘Interface module checking device for electronic control system of diesel engine" system design provides a fast and convenient module checking method specifically for the three regulation modules of ECS system, namely, thermocouple, thermal resistance and electric current modules.


Basing on the individual circuit characteristics of these three regulation modules of the ECS system, this design utilizes different voltages and resistance combinations to connect with the internal circuits of the modules forming closed loops; thus, separately generating three analog signals of resistance, current and voltage. These signals are processed by the modules; the system then collects the resulting data and compares them with the standard values of the corresponding signals to determine if they are within the permissible range of error. Finally the system will show the operator whether or not fault exists in the module through a display device, and indicate the specific faulted channel.


This design utilizes the commonly used components like 89C51, 74L373, etc., therefore it is easy and low-cost to implement, very economical. The objective of this design is pertinently for the fault detection of these three modules; but it has its generality, by minor adjustment, it can be adapted to perform detection tasks on other similar modules. After software debugging, the feasibility of this design has been verified.





With the continuous progress of diesel technology and electronic control technology continues to improve, Diesel Engine Electronic Control System intelligent, and the trend of more and more modular. Universal Detection equipment using the module can not be a good way to meet the testing requirements. The design of the system, "Diesel Engine Electronic Control System Interface Module testing device" for the ECS system thermocouple, heat resistance, the current three conditioning modules, providing a convenient method of testing the module.

ECS system designed in accordance with Thermocouple, heat resistance, the current three modules to make their own circuit characteristics, using different voltage, resistance combination of internal circuits connecting module with a closed-loop, which were generated resistance, current, voltage three simulated Signal. Signal processing module, the results of data collection systems, and to signal the corresponding standards and values, determine whether the error range. Finally through the display devices to the system operator modules whether there is fault and fault that specific channel.

This design uses 89 C51, 74LS373, and other common parts, therefore, easy to design systems, low cost, the economy is good. Is designed to detect specific purpose of the three modules, highly targeted, but the design has a generic way, a little change to adapt to the detection module similar work. After debugging software, verify the feasibility of the system.

Key words: Diesel Engine Electronic Control System; conditioning module; resistance




With the continuous progress of diesel technology and electronic control technology continues to improve, Diesel Engine Electronic Control System intelligent, and the trend of more and more modular. Universal Detection equipment using the module can not be a good way to meet the testing requirements. The design of the system, "Diesel Engine Electronic Control System Interface Module testing device" for the ECS system thermocouple, heat resistance, the current three conditioning modules, providing a convenient method of testing the module.

According to the design of ECS system thermocouple, heat resistance, the current three modules to make their own circuit characteristics, using different voltage, resistance combination of internal circuits connecting module with a closed-loop, which were generated resistance, current, voltage three simulated Signal. Signal processing module, the results of data collection systems, and to signal the corresponding standards and values, determine whether the error range. Finally through the display devices to the system operator modules whether there is fault and fault that specific channel.

This design uses 89 C51, 74LS373, and other common parts, therefore, easy to design systems, low cost, the economy is good. Is designed to detect specific purpose of the three modules, highly targeted, but the design has a generic way, a little change to adapt to the detection module similar work. After debugging software, verify the feasibility of the system



With the continuous progress of diesel and electronic control technology, the trend, which is the intelligentilizaion and modularization of the Diesel Engine Electronic Control System,has become more and more obvious. It can not be a good way to meet the testing requirements with the Universal Detection equipment module. The design of the system, named "Diesel Engine Electronic Control System Interface Module testing device" , offers a convenient method to test the module in the light of the three conditioning modules, current thermocouple, heat resistance, out of the ECS system.

According to the design of ECS system thermocouple, heat resistance, the current three modules to make their own circuit characteristics, using different voltage, resistance combination of internal circuits connecting module with a closed-loop, which were generated resistance, current, voltage three simulated Signal. Signal processing module, the results of data collection systems, and to signal the corresponding standards and values, determine whether the error range. Finally through the display devices to the system operator modules whether there is fault and fault that specific channel.

This design uses 89 C51, 74LS373, and other common parts, therefore, easy to design systems, low cost, the economy is good. Is designed to detect specific purpose of the three modules, highly targeted, but the design has a generic way, a little change to adapt to the detection module similar work. After debugging software, verify the feasibility of the system.



With the continuous progress of diesel technology and electronic control technology continues to improve, Diesel Engine Electronic Control System intelligent, and the trend of more and more modular. Universal Detection equipment using the module can not be a good way to meet the testing requirements. The design of the system, "Diesel Engine Electronic Control System Interface Module testing device" for the ECS system thermocouple, heat resistance, the current three conditioning modules, providing a convenient method of testing the module.

According to the design of ECS system thermocouple, heat resistance, the current three modules to make their own circuit characteristics, using different voltage, resistance combination of internal circuits connecting module with a closed-loop, which were generated resistance, current, voltage three simulated Signal. Signal processing module, the results of data collection systems, and to signal the corresponding standards and values, determine whether the error range. Finally through the display devices to the system operator modules whether there is fault and fault that specific channel.

This design uses 89 C51, 74LS373, and other common parts, therefore, easy to design systems, low cost, the economy is good. Is designed to detect specific purpose of the three modules, highly targeted, but the design has a generic way, a little change to adapt to the detection module similar work. After debugging software, verify the feasibility of the system.


With the continuous progress of diesel technology and electronic control technology continues to improve, Diesel Engine Electronic Control System intelligent, and the trend of more and more modular. Universal Detection equipment using the module can not be a good way to meet the testing requirements. The design of the system, "Diesel Engine Electronic Control System Interface Module testing device" for the ECS system thermocouple, heat resistance, the current three conditioning modules, providing a convenient method of testing the module.

According to the design of ECS system thermocouple, heat resistance, the current three modules to make their own circuit characteristics, using different voltage, resistance combination of internal circuits connecting module with a closed-loop, which were generated resistance, current, voltage three simulated Signal. Signal processing module, the results of data collection systems, and to signal the corresponding standards and values, determine whether the error range. Finally through the display devices to the system operator modules whether there is fault and fault that specific channel.

This design uses 89 C51, 74LS373, and other common parts, therefore, easy to design systems, low cost, the economy is good. Is designed to detect specific purpose of the three modules, highly targeted, but the design has a generic way, a little change to adapt to the detection module similar work. After debugging software, verify the feasibility of the system.



2023-07-08 13:08:453


2023-07-08 13:08:591


4、程序设计语言   VF:也写作VFP,Visual FoxPro的缩写,Visual在英语中意为“可视的”,Fox意为“狐狸”,原指美国狐狸数据库软件公司,该公司已被微软公司收购。Pro为Progress的略写,意为“更进一层”。Visual FoxPro是由Microsoft在FoxPro的基础上推出的功能强大、可视化、面向对象的数据库编程语言,同时它也是一种强大的数据库管理系统。   VC:Visual C++,微软公司高级可视化计算机程序开发语言。C语言被人们称为近十年来对计算机程序设计的贡献之一。它有高级语言简单易用的特性,又可以完成汇编语言才能做的许多工作。因此,C语言特别适合用来编写各种复杂软件。如果说BASIC语言是初学者和业余爱好者的编程语言的话,那么C语言就是专业人员的编程语言了。   VB:Visual Basic的缩写,微软公司高级可视化计算机程序开发语言。BASIC是Beginner"s All-purpose Sybolic Instruction Code(初学者通用符号指令代码)的缩写,从BASIC开始相继推出了Quick BASIC、Ture BASIC等,目前最新的是Microsoft公司推出的Visual Basic。这是一种功能极强的面向对象的可视化程序设计语言。   Delphi:读音/′delfai/,特尔斐,古希腊城市名,被古希腊人当成世界的中心,因有阿波罗神殿而出名。在电脑英语中指美国宝兰(Borland)公司的一种可视化、面向对象、事件驱动的电脑编程语言。   Java:读音/′due13ca:vue135/,《新英汉字典》译注为“爪哇岛(属印度尼西亚)、爪哇咖啡”。电脑英语指由美国太阳(Sun)公司推出的新型面向对象程序设计语言。Java集面向对象、平台无关性、稳固性、安全性、多线程等诸多特性于一体,增加了异常处理、网络编程等方面的功能,特别适合于Internet应用的开发,是实现“一个世界,一个网络”构想的关键。用Java编写的各类软件能真正做到“Write Once,Run anywhere(一次写成,到处运行)”,也就是说,相同的软件可在不同计算机上运行,无论是PC机、苹果机、UNIX计算机、还是顶置盒、PDA(个人数据助理)乃至智能元器件无一例外。   SQL:Structure Query Language,结构化查询语言。SQL是关系数据库管理系统中的一种简明扼要、面向集合的语言,它对一个或多个数据表进行查询,产生一个结果数据表。 5、常见的计算机英语及其缩写   PC:Personal Computer,个人计算机、个人电脑,又称微型计算机或微机。   NC: Network Computer,网络计算机。   MPC: Multimedia Personal Computer,多媒体个人电脑。   MMX: 是MultiMedia eXtensions(多媒体扩展)的缩写,是第六代CPU芯片的重要特点。MMX技术是在CPU中加入了特地为视频信号(Video Signal),音频信号(Audio Signal)以及图像处理(Graphical Manipulation)而设计的57条指令,因此,MMX CPU极大地提高了电脑的多媒体(如立体声、视频、三维动画等)处理功能。   Intel Pentium 166MHz MMXTM: Intel Pentium是英特尔(Intel)公司生产的“奔腾”CPU。ue5f8意为“Registered”(注册商标)。166MHz指CPU时钟频率,MHz即Mega Hertz的缩写。MMXTM中的TM是“Trade Mark”的简写,意为“注册商标”。   OOP: Object Oriented Programming,面向对象的程序设计。所谓“对象”就是一个或一组数据以及处理这些数据的方法和过程的集合。面向对象的程序设计完全不同于传统的面向过程程序设计,它大大地降低了软件开发的难度,使编程就像搭积木一样简单,是当今电脑编程的一股势不可挡的潮流。   28VGA: 28是指彩色显示器上的黄光网点间距(点距),点距越小的显示器,图像就越细腻、越好,这是因为彩色屏幕上的每个像点都是由一组红、绿、蓝光汇聚而成的,由于在技术上三束光还不能100%地汇聚在一点上,因此会产生一种黄光网点的间隔,这种间隔越小,屏幕上显示的图像越清晰。VGA是Video Graphics Array(视频图形阵列)的缩写。   FAT:Allocation Table,文件分配表,它的作用是记录硬盘中有关文件如何被分散存储在不同扇区的信息。   EPA:Environmental Protection Agency的简称,美国环境保护署。EPA于1992年宣布了“能源之星”(Energy Star)计划,并得到了国际社会的积极响应。只要启动电脑,过不了几秒钟就能见到屏幕上出现“能源之星”的标志。能源之星的目标是当电脑系统的各个部件不活动时自动进入低功耗状态,当部件的能动性恢复(即当键盘、鼠标等被使用)时,电脑系统自动回到完全清醒的状态。对于符合能源之星规范的产品,EPA将发给能源之星标志“EPA POLLUTION PREVENTER”,意为“美国环境保护署认可的防污染的节能产品”。   IC卡:Intelligent Card,智能卡。   ATX:一种新的电脑机箱、主板、电源的结构规范。   IDE:集成电路设备或智能磁盘设备。   DLL:Dynamic Link Library,动态链接库。   KB:Kilo Byte,KB表示千字节。K=Kilo,构词成分,表示“千;千米;公斤;公里”。B=Byte,意为“字节”,是电脑中最小存贮单位(一个字节可以存贮一个英文字母,每两个字节可以存放一个汉字)。   MB:Mega Byte,MB表示兆字节。M=Mega,构词成分,表示“兆;百万”。   GB:Giga Byte,GB表示千兆字节。G=Giga,构词成分,表示千兆;十亿”。   CAI:Computer-Asisted Instruction或Computer-Aided Instruction,计算机辅助教学。它将是二十一世纪最重要、欢迎的教学手段。   CAD:Computer-Aided Design,计算机辅助设计。   ISO:International Standard Organization,国际标准化组织。ISO于1987年推出有关质量管理和质量保证的ISO 9000系列国际标准,于1994年又发布了经过修订的标准。其中,构成ISO 9000系列标准的主要标准分别是:1.ISO 9000-1:1994《质量管理和质量保证标准—第一部分:选择和使用指南》。2.ISO 9001:1994《质量体系—设计、开发、生产、安装和服务的质量保证模式》。3.ISO 9002:1994《质量体系—最终检验和试验的质量保证模式》。   3DS或3D Studio: Three Dimension Studio,三维摄影室。是美国Autodesk公司推出的一套多功能三维动画软件,集实体造型、静态着色和动画创作于一体,极大地普及了三维造型技术。它能够与AutoCAD进行图形信息交换,利用扫描仪输入图形,通过VGA与电视转换接口将动画输出至电视或录像带。   VR:Virtual Reality,虚拟现实,又称投入3D,由空军模拟飞行装置演变而来,基本上是利用左、右视觉空间交替变换显示图像的原理产生立体效果,实际上已超出图像处理的范畴,是综合光、声、图像的计算机生成环境,人们能够像在实际生活中那样对虚拟环境中的对象进行交互式操作,虚拟现实应用前景极为广阔。   OCR:Optical Character Recognition(光学字符识别)的缩写,是指将文字材料通过扫描仪输入作为计算机图像文件,通过软件识别为中文或英文内码,然后进行文字处理。由于手写体的随意性太大,目前OCR主要限于印刷文字的识别。目前代表中文OCR识别准确率水平的是清华文通公司出品的TH-OCR NT for Windows。
2023-07-08 13:09:061

design wizard什么意思

2023-07-08 13:09:142


《The God Delusion》(Richard Dawkins)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: mgj7书名:The God Delusion作者:Richard Dawkins出版年份:2007-1页数:464内容简介:"The God Delusion" caused a sensation when it was published in 2006. Within weeks it became the most hotly debated topic, with Dawkins himself branded as either saint or sinner for presenting his hard-hitting, impassioned rebuttal of religion of all types. His argument could hardly be more topical. While Europe is becoming increasingly secularized, the rise of religious fundamentalism, whether in the Middle East or Middle America, is dramatically and dangerously dividing opinion around the world. In America, and elsewhere, a vigorous dispute between "intelligent design" and Darwinism is seriously undermining and restricting the teaching of science. In many countries religious dogma from medieval times still serves to abuse basic human rights such as women"s and gay rights. And all from a belief in a God whose existence lacks evidence of any kind. Dawkins attacks God in all his forms. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry and abuses children. "The God Delusion" is a brilliantly argued, fascinating polemic that will be required reading for anyone interested in this most emotional and important subject.作者简介:理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins),英国皇家科学院院士。牛津大学教授,著名科普作家、生物学家,英国皇家学会会士。
2023-07-08 13:09:211


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Development and design of intelligent-type electricity charger of

2023-07-08 13:09:492


  爱尔兰留学计算机硕士专业怎么样?留学有什么优势吗?各位想要留学爱尔兰的小伙伴们清楚吗?接下来,给大家详细介绍一下爱尔兰留学的相关事宜吧。    爱尔兰留学计算机硕士专业优势   爱尔兰计算机专业世界一流,计算机产业发达其次、就业机会多(爱尔兰人口只有450万,但软件出口量占世界第二),IBM、DELL、微软、苹果等国际软件巨头都在爱尔兰设立的分支机构。需要大量计算机相关专业人才。第三、留学费用低,爱尔兰硕士是一年制的,花费在17-18万,有些大学开设高额奖学金,获得奖学金后的花费在10万以内。最后、毕业后一年延签用来找工作。    爱尔兰计算机硕士专业院校项目介绍   1、圣三一大学   MSc in Computer Science此项目将教授学生关于计算机行业的核心知识,有四个分支专业允许学生自行选择其一:   Data Science;   Intelligent Systems;   Future Networks;   Augmented and Virtual Reality。   申请要求:二等一荣誉学位;计算机或相关专业背景;985/211,均分80%以上,双非学生也可以考虑,但需要专业课成绩优异;要求学生有C++、Java等相关编程经验;雅思6.5以上,或托福88。   MSc Interactive Digital Media该项目提供了关于媒体与数字媒体的基础技术,课程包括音频技术、传感器、图像处理等。   2、都柏林大学   MSc Computer Science这是一个灵活的、创新的课程,总共有超过100个模块可供学生选择,学生可结合自己的个人需求和职业目标自行定制自己的学习方法和内容。   申请要求:二等一荣誉学位;计算机相关专业背景,或在相关行业有3年以上工作经验;雅思6.5(6.0)。   此项目针对非计算机专业学生开设,意在指导学生从其他专业到计算机行业的转换,为以后从事IT相关职业打下基础。   申请要求:二等一荣誉学位;非计算机专业背景,但需要学生有优秀的数学知识;雅思6.5(6.0)。   认知科学是一门跨学科领域,它在很多学科的交叉点不断发展变化,包括语言学、计算机科学、心理学、神经科学等,此项目将丰富学生在这个学科中的学术能力。   申请要求:二等一荣誉学位;计算机科学、心理学、哲学、语言学、神经科学等相关专业背景;雅思6.5(6.0)。   以上专业均分要求一致:985/211学生,均分78%以上;双非一本,均分80%以上;二本均分85%以上;三本不收。   3、高威大学   MSc in Computer Science (Data Analytics)此项目是为在计算机相关专业的毕业生所提供,密切结合信息技术学院顶尖的研究教学经验和洞察力,旨在为学生提供高水平的训练。此外,该项目除了此一年全日制硕士外,还提供1年或2年的兼职项目。   申请要求:计算机相关专业背景;985/211学生,均分75-80%;双非一本学生,均分78%以上;雅思6.5(写作6.5其余6.0)。   MSc Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence该项目涵盖了业界最知名的教授和专家,旨在指导学生在计算机、人工智能行业进行深度学习。   申请要求:计算机相关专业背景;985/211学生,均分75-80%;双非一本学生,均分78%以上;雅思6.5(写作6.5其余6.0)。   MSc Software Design and Development这是一个两年制的硕士项目,是为在没有或很少有计算机专业经验、但想从事IT行业的学生所提供,旨在为学生教授核心的软件开发工具和技术。   申请要求:二等一荣誉学位;不限本科背景,GPA3.0以上;雅思6.5。   4、科克大学   MSc Computer Science该项目旨在为学生提供能进入软件行业所需的知识技能,核心课程包括计算机科学、数据库技术、信息存储和检索、系统开发等。   申请要求:二等一荣誉学位;计算机相关专业背景;有相关工作经验的学生将被优先考虑。   MSc Computer Science - Applied Computing Technology该课程开放给来自任何学科的本科毕业生,项目将教授学生关于计算机网络系统的基本原则,同时也会配备一系列的核心技能,包括网页设计、web服务器配置、管理与操纵多媒体内容等。   申请要求:不限制本科背景。   MSc Data Science and Analytics该课程旨在为学生提供在数据库管理、编程、解释数据方面的先进知识,通过研究项目的发展,探讨应用学科的元素。   申请要求:二等一荣誉学位;计算机、工程、金融、物理、生物科学等相关专业背景;如果不符合以上要求,拥有5年的相关工作经验也可以尝试申请;如无相关学位,有5-10年相关工作经验也可以尝试申请。    爱尔兰留学优势   1、爱尔兰是欧盟国家中除英国外以唯一一个以英语作为第一语言的国家。因此,日常用语及授课全部使用英语,为中国留学生省去了从头学习二外的烦恼。   2、奖学金具诱惑力。与其它英联邦国家相比,爱尔兰在留学生的奖学金方面十分宽容,只要学生真正优秀并且有学习的意向,获得奖学金不是一件困难的事。   3、生活成本比起留学主流国家要低廉很多。   4、对于在校生,爱尔兰政府允许学生打工20小时/周,假期可以每周打工40小时。目前,爱尔兰的各大学校以及教育部都在酝酿更好的政策以吸引优秀学生赴爱尔兰学习,中国学生留学爱尔兰前景比较看好。这样实际每年留学费用下降到7万以下,这样大大降低了自费留学的门槛。   5、爱尔兰还出台了一系列优惠政策,以吸引优秀的中国大学生和高级人才。凡取得爱尔兰大学学位(学士、硕士、博士)的中国留学生,均可再延续2年学生签证,在此期间允许在爱尔兰境内找工作,工作满4年后将获取爱尔兰长期居留权。
2023-07-08 13:10:011


This intelligent greenhouse monitoring system is based on the principle of automatic control, aiming at comprehensive control of multiple-access, diverse sensors.The system sends and receives the data of soil"s humidity,air"s temperature, air"s humidity,concentration of carbon dioxide and light intensity using wireless transmission technology. The collected data are processed,compared and then sent back to users. This system can increase the illumination, up-regulate the concentration of carbon dioxide and control irrigation as plants need. The plants, in turn, can grow up under a stable environment. This intelligent green house monitoring system uses distributed control structure, respectively collected data, central operation management, relatively independent design. It comprehensively utilizes the technology of computer network communication and automatic control, implements automatic control of all devices according to given conditions and the changes of the greenhouse environment parameters, and achieves intelligent control and network monitoring of greenhouse.The ideal of this work is to intelligentize the agricultural production,
2023-07-08 13:10:123


3 Hybrid Bus design trends Continuous development and progress of science and technology today, hybrid bus body design is continually improving, but on the whole are embodies the following four characteristics. 3.1 emotional Excellent designers must strive to find through the psychological feelings of various creative practices can be for people living and working more pleasant and deeply moved by the works. Only the use of the performance of emotional psychological ideas, products will be much consumers. To this end, in the bus body design embodies the idea of people-oriented is essential. People think, from the function, the appearance of the use of streamlined style, local and lively, to comfort, appearance and the principle of harmonization. Passenger seat design in full compliance with the requirements of ergonomics, its shape, texture, color and car unity and concord; car decoration design professional, artistic style to highlight, whether it is the seat, dashboard, or wall, floor , side-windows, such as unified planning must be carried out. 3.2 Intelligent High-tech style of the use of hybrid buses in a variety of equipment used to achieve intelligent and automated services. Major equipment are: electronic speed control system, reversing radar range-finder, electronic maps, road signs display instrument, the driver message, and air-conditioning systems, surveillance systems, navigation systems, security monitoring system, anti-theft devices, such as reversing radar. Air conditioning in the car using the domestic first anion ozone air purification systems, effective adsorption of harmful substances, there is no air quality for the car"s need to worry about. 3.3 Personalization Personalized hybrid bus body shape and learn from the European passenger car designed to absorb the latest trends in design concepts, masculine and smooth, full curve shape popular powerful car has good visual effect. Body shape of the curve also follow certain laws in order to obtain good optical effects. Followed the law in the smooth curves of the body surface, that is, the body surface of a section on every point should be only the only the radius of curvature. And the hybrid bus design is characterized by interior, color design and vehicle comfort such as a high degree of coordination and unity, and through exquisite processing technology to achieve. 3.4 environmental protection Bus development of the overall trend is to the benefit of saving energy, protecting the environment and improve the bus active and passive safety of the three aspects of development, which on its own hybrid buses, it is to increase their power, fuel economy, the system Dynamic performance, ride comfort, handling and stability and comfort, while making the car body structure with better facilities and more practical. 4 hybrid bus design process Hybrid bus design is different from the engineering and technical design, nor is it pure artistic creation. It is a planned, step-by-step, there are goals, the direction of creative activities. It is the technology and art combined, the combination of Sense and Sensibility. Hybrid bus design, including preparation, the idea of perfection and implementation of four stages. 4.1 Design of the preparatory phase The design of the preparatory phase of the main task is to accept the design tasks, understand the design intent, clearly designed to determine the design direction. Airbus products designed to be functional with the best combination of image, so in the design of the preparatory phase must be carried out extensive investigations and studies. 4.2 The design phase Design can make a comprehensive, deep, and ideas to the full to start from a different perspective, the level and orientation program put forward various ideas. Design stage is the best period of innovation, designers should develop ideas and put forward a variety of draft program. Design from the various staff, such as history and culture from this line, the design of traditional or modern style patterns; from a technical feasibility considerations, the design process of succession has improved or new type; from the artistic sense of style point of view, design or tough mellow and solemn or lively, strong or light style. When the idea of opening up to a certain extent, that is, to propose a number of programs, it is necessary to carry out appropriate convergence.
2023-07-08 13:10:301


Smart as a modern new invention, is the future direction of development, it can in accordance with predetermined patterns in an environment where automatic operation, without the need of human management, and can be used for scientific exploration and so on purpose. The smart car is an embodiment wherein the.Intelligent car, also known as the wheeled robot, is one in automotive electronics as the background, covering control, pattern recognition, sensor technology, electronics, electrical, computer, mechanical and other science and technology creative design, generally the main path identification, speed acquisition, angle control and speed control module. Generally speaking, intelligent vehicle system for car on white ground, through the control of the car steering angle and vehicle speed, the car will automatically along a given black ribbon guide wire running.This topic mainly developed an automatic tracking, automatic obstacle avoidance for intelligent car control system. The design mainly to simple intelligent robot as the development platform, common, inexpensive AT89C51MCU as the control platform, through the refinement of the design requirements, combined with the sensor technique and motor control technology realize the various functions. Through the hardware module combined with software design, to achieve automatic car based on the black line tracing navigation, obstacle after obstacle avoidance detection function, to realize intelligent control, to achieve the design goal.智能车Smart car AT89C51 单片机sensor 传感器chip
2023-07-08 13:10:391


赫瑞-瓦特大学有五个校区Heriot-Watt University,三个校区几乎绵延整个苏格兰,第四个校区在迪拜,第五个校区在马来西亚。 赫瑞瓦特大学软件工程专业课程目标介绍 1.选修课 Advanced Interaction Design 高级交互设计 Big Data Management 大数据管理 Biologically Inspired Computation 生物启发计算 Computer Games Programming 计算机游戏程序设计 Computer Network Security 计算机网络安全 Distributed and Parallel Technologies 分布式并行技术 Industrial Programming 工业编程 Intelligent Robotics 智能机器人 Mobile Communications and programming 移动通信和编程 2.必修课 Advanced Software Engineering 高级软件工程 Information Systems Methodologies 信息系统方法论 Research Methods and Project Planning 研究方法和项目规划 Rigorous Methods for Software Engineering 软件工程的严谨方法 Project In the third semester (May-August) students undertake a specialist MSc project which is written up as a 15000 word dissertation. This project enables further development and consolidation of skills introduced in the taught courses, applying them to a challenging practical problem in this subject area. 在第三个学期(5-8月)学生需进行一个专业硕士课程项目,完成大约15000字论文。该项目能够进一步发展和合并在教授课中学习到的技能,将其应用到该主题领域中富有挑战性的实际问题。 阿 赫瑞瓦特大学软件工程专业课程信息介绍 1.选修课 Advanced Interaction Design 高级交互设计 Big Data Management 大数据管理 Biologically Inspired Computation 生物启发计算 Computer Games Programming 计算机游戏程序设计 Computer Network Security 计算机网络安全 Distributed and Parallel Technologies 分布式并行技术 Industrial Programming 工业编程 Intelligent Robotics 智能机器人 Mobile Communications and programming 移动通信和编程 2.必修课 Advanced Software Engineering 高级软件工程 Information Systems Methodologies 信息系统方法论 Research Methods and Project Planning 研究方法和项目规划 Rigorous Methods for Software Engineering 软件工程的严谨方法 Project In the third semester (May-August) students undertake a specialist MSc project which is written up as a 15000 word dissertation. This project enables further development and consolidation of skills introduced in the taught courses, applying them to a challenging practical problem in this subject area. 在第三个学期(5-8月)学生需进行一个专业硕士课程项目,完成大约15000字论文。该项目能够进一步发展和合并在教授课中学习到的技能,将其应用到该主题领域中富有挑战性的实际问题。 阿 赫瑞瓦特大学软件工程专业入学要求介绍 1.学术要求: 均分要求:拥有正规大学认可的本科学位(四年制),且平均成绩至少占80%。 背景专业要求: 要求具有在计算机科学的一等荣誉学位。申请人至少拥有甲等荣誉学位或者是同等但具有补偿资质或经验也可以接受入读研究生文凭课程。转到研究生课程需要在后续的测验或者是课程任务中达到该水平。 对于我们大多数的硕士水平课程我们要求一个在相关领域的荣誉第一学位。通常要求申请人全年平均分在75分。然而入学要求在一些课程生可能会更高。 对于具有在计算机科学相关领域的三年文凭(大专生)的申请人,您需要学习一个IT专业的毕业生文凭,然后,如果成功之后,您可以在硕士生相关课程进行进一步的学习。 工作经验要求: 无工作经验要求 作品集要求: 无作品集要求 其他特殊要求: 无相关要求。 2.语言要求: 雅思:总分6.5,单项:听力6.0,会话6.0,阅读6.0,写作6.0 上述大学专业文章为一起留学网原创文章,一起留学网为广大学生提供了很多关于专业的文章,欢迎大家使用一起留学网的站内搜索功能; 一起留学网为广大学子提供免费澳洲留学,英国留学,新西兰留学申请服务,欢迎大家咨询一起留学网的申请老师;一起留学网为给你不一样的服务体验。
2023-07-08 13:10:501

学习电子信息工程技术的学姐学哥们,你们能解答一下以下问题吗 1 课余时间是否紧张。 2 是否好找工作。

我以前是在深圳信息职业技术学院1、课余时间是否紧张,这要看你的课程的理解程度和学习能力,如果你学起来比较轻松的话,时间还是比较多的。2、电子信息工程技术专业的就业面很广,不过刚工作一般是流水线的一线工人,工资一般,一般一年后能做个技术员,那样工资就高了。 毕业后主要从事电子产品的维修,调试,装配,检测,如果水平高的话可以进行电子产品的设计。3、至于哪个学校比较好,个人觉得学校再怎么好,还是会有学习好的和差的,关键要看个人的学习态度。4、主修课程说明:1、高等数学(一)Advanced Mathematics预修课程:高中数学课程主要内容:本课程分上下册,上册的主要内容包括函数与极限、函数的微分学(导数与微分)、积分学(不定积分、定积分)以及微积分数的一些应用,空间解析几何和向量代数的基本知识;下册的主要内容是多元微分法及其应用、重积分、曲线积分、曲面积分、无穷级数、微分方程。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握微积分的基本知识,培养学生辩证思维能力,为学习后继课程或有关专业课打下必要的知识基础。2、大学物理 General Physical预修课程:高等数学(微积分与矢量代数)主要内容:普通物理是高等院校的基础理工科课程之一,学习的目的是使学生学会结合本专业建立必要的物理模型。本课程以讲授经典物理学的基本知识为主,包括力学、机械振动和机械波、电磁学、光学等内容,适当地介绍近代物理学内容。3、工程制图与AutoCAD Machine Cartography And AutoCAD预修课程:几何学、几何光学主要内容:本课程是一门研究绘制和阅读工程图样和图解空间几何问题的基础技术课,主要内容是以正投影法和《机械制图》国家标准规定为基础,研究机械图样的绘制与阅读。重点介绍:(1)正投影法的基本理论;(2)正确使用制图仪器,具有查阅国家标准的能力;(3)绘制和阅读工程图样,如零件图和装配图,(4) 介绍电类专业AutoCAD基本概念和作图的基本方法,能比较熟练地运用AutoCAD作电路图,为工科学生完成专业课程提供必要的基础技术。4、线性代数 Linear Algebra预修课程:高等数学主要内容:线性代数主要内容为N阶行列式、矩阵及其运算,向量组的线性相关性与矩阵的秩、线性方程组、相似矩阵及二次型、线性空间与线性变换共六章。并介绍复变函数的一些主要内容,包括复数与复变函数、解析函数、复变函数的积分、级数、留数、共形映射等知识。了解积分变换的主要内容,包括傅里叶变换、拉普拉斯变换。通过本课程的学习,为专业课程及以后的教学和科研工作提供必要的基础。5、C语言程序设计 The C programming language Course预修课程:计算机应用基础主要内容:主要介绍C语言的基本概念,各种数据类型的使用技巧,C语言模块化程序设计的方法,文件的基本操作和使用规则。该书的程序以IBM PC机上Turbo C 2.0版本为背景,利用现代风格定义和声明函数,使程序具有更好的易读性,并使系统对函数和参数的类型进行检查。本书用N——S结构化流程图描述算法所有程序都按照结构化程序设计方法编写,有助于学生养成良好的程序设计习惯。6、电路分析基础 Fundamental of Electric Circuit预修课程:普通物理、高等数学主要内容:主要介绍线性、非时变电路的基本理论和基本分析方法和初步实验技能。以期达到初步掌握电路的基本概念,基本规律和基本分析方法,为电类专业奠定较为扎实的专业基础知识。全书共分三大部分:电阻电路分析、动态电路分析、正弦稳态分析。7、模拟电子技术 Analogous Electronics预修课程:高等数学、电路分析基础主要内容:模拟电子技术基础是介绍用电子线路传输和处理模拟电学量的基本原理和方法。本课程包括半导体器件;基本放大电路和多级放大电路,放大电路中的反馈;正弦波振荡电路;直接耦合放大电路和集成运算放大器;直流稳压电源;模拟电子电路的读图。8、数字电子技术 Digital Electronics预修课程:普通物理、电路分析主要内容:数字电路通过对各种集成电路器件及其内部电路的分析,阐述了数字电子技术的基本概念、基本原理和基本分析方法。本课程内容包括: (1) 数字逻辑基础; (2) 逻辑门电路; (3) 组合逻辑电路; (4) 时序逻辑电路; (5) 半导体存储器; (6) 脉冲信号的产生与整形; (7) A/D和D/A转换器。9、信号与系统 Signal and System预修课程:高等数学(傅里叶级数、复数)、电子技术主要内容:是一门信息处理类课程的专业基础课,主要内容有信号及其分类、线性时不变系统的时域、频域、S域(Z域)的分析方法,涉及各种常见的模拟、抽样、脉冲、数字信号及其分析、处理方法。通过本门课程的学习,可以了解信号传输、处理的原理,对频谱等基本理论概念有所掌握,方便对后续课程的学习。10、高频电子技术 High Frequency Electronic Technology 预修课程:电子技术主要内容:高频电子线路介绍无限电高频电路的基本原理和分析方法。为应用电子专业的专业基础课程,本课程将重点介绍:(1)无线电信号传输原理;(2)选频网络;(3)高频小信号放大器;(4)噪声和干扰;(5)非线性电路、时变参量电路和变频器;(6)高频功率放大器;(7)振幅调制与解调;(8)角度调制与解调;(9)反馈控制电路。掌握高频电路的基本原理和分析方法为学习后续专业课程和从事无线电电子技术工作打下基础。11、单片机原理及应用 Principle and Application of Single-Chip Microcomputer预修课程:电子技术主要内容:本课程主要介绍MCS-51单片机的结构和原理,MCS-51单片机的指令系统,MCS-51单片机的应用程序设计,MCS-51单片机内部定时器/计数器及其应用,MCS-51单片机的系统扩展,MCS-51系统的串行接口,MCS-51单片机的中断系统,单片机应用系统的组成,单片机应用系统的开发,8098准十六位单片机。12、电子测量与仪器 Electronic Instruments and Measurements预修课程:电子技术主要内容:本课程教学内容包括以下三个部门:一、测量误差理论和测量数据处理方法。二、电子测量的基本原理和方法及常用电子测量仪器的原理和使用,主要包括:示波器测试和测量、频率测量、阻抗测量、电压测量、频域测量和信号源。三、介绍现代电子测量如智能仪器、自动测试系统等。教 材:《电子测量技术》 林占江编 电子工业出版社13、微机原理及应用 Principle and Application of Microcomputer预修课程:数字电路主要内容:系统地介绍16位微型计算机的组成原理;8086微处理器结构、指令系统;汇编语言程序设计、存储器与存储系统中断技术、输入输出与接口芯片。对32位微机(386/486/586)也作一定介绍。教 材:《微型计算机系统原理与应用》第四版周明德主编 清华大学出版社14、工程检测技术 Engineering Detecting Technology 预修课程:高等数学、电子技术主要内容:本课程主要介绍传感器结构、组成,传感器静态、动态特性及误差理论,电阻应变片式传感器,热敏传感器,压电、光电、光纤、霍尔式传感器,湿敏、气敏传感器,信号的传输与加工以及传感技术在家电中应用。教 材:《传感技术》 李春茂主编 科学技术文献出版社15、通信原理 Principle of Communication预修课程:模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、信号与系统主要内容:本课程主要介绍数字通信、数据通信、程控交换、现代通信网、移动通信、光纤通信、数字微波及卫星通信。16、电子线路CAD CAD for Electronics Circuitry预修课程:电子技术、计算机应用基础主要内容:关于Protel 99 软件的介绍。Protel 99 简介;Protel 99 软件的基本界面介绍;原理图设计系统介绍,包括各种原理图编辑器的基本功能、原理图的绘制、网络表和各种报表的生成、原理图的检测、元件库的编辑等;印制电路板设计系统,包括PCB编辑器的基本功能、单面板的制作、双面板的制作、PCB元件库的编辑等。17、计算机网络技术 Computer network Technology主要内容:网络技术迅速发展,以太网络在微机网络市场中占很大比重,重点叙述了以太网络的结构,性能,网卡技术,组网配置以及安装使用,还阐述了该网络的发展策略,体系结构,工作原理以及有关的协议,又提供了很有实用价值的网卡产品选择,建网环境配置,系统安装和使用方法。18、文献检索与论文写作 Engineering Literature Search and essay write预修课程:电类专业外语主要内容:介绍科技文献检索的基本知识,常用中外电子电气文献及检索,重点介绍英国的“科学文摘”,美国的“工程索引”等检索方法,电子电气工具书的查阅方法等。介绍科技文献、毕业论文的基本写作方法和比较规范的科技论文格式。19、专业英语 Special English预修课程:大学英语(四级)主要内容:本书前十一章主要介绍计算机科学与技术的专业知识和一般专业课的基本概念。后九章主要介绍近几年的计算机研究,发展与应用的新技术与新概念。学完本书掌握大量科技英语词汇,对直接阅读原版英语文献资料与书籍则大为改善。20、集成电子器件原理及应用 Fundamentals and applications of Analogous and Digital ICs预修课程:模拟电子技术、数字电子技术主要内容:主要介绍多种74LS系列和CMOS系列的模拟和数字集成电路器件的功能以及各种应用实例。本课程主要内容有:(1)集成电子器件概述;(2)线性和非线性放大器;(3)数据转换器、电子开关和多路转换器;(4)稳压电源调节器等电路调理器件与接口器件(滤波器、定时器、选频器等)(5)计数器、编码器、译码器、数据选择器、锁存器、触发器、移位寄存器、Flash存储器等。为从事工程设计和科研工作打下必要基础。21、VB程序设计 Visual Basic programming language Course预修课程:C语言程序设计、数据结构等主要内容:Visual Basic程序设计语言概念、开发工具的基础知识、图形用户界面应用系统的开发技术等有关知识与应用技巧。22、网页设计与制作 Design and Execution of Web Pages预修课程:C语言程序设计、数据结构、VB程序设计等主要内容:计算机网络理论、相关的实际操作和应用技巧、Dreamweaver MX制作网页和管理站点、 Flash MX制作网页动画、 Fireworks MX处理网页图像的基础知识、掌握网页设计与制作的应用及开发技术等。23、EDA(ISP)原理及应用 Practical Teaching for Elctronics Design Automation预修课程:电子技术、计算机应用基础主要内容:关于电子工作台EWB4.0版的介绍和特点。电子工作台EWB的基本介面,主窗口,工具栏,以及元器件的库。电子工作台EWB的基本操作方法,电路的创建,模拟仪表的使用,数字仪表的使用,子电路的生成与使用,等等。关于电子工作台EWB的基本分析方法,电路仿真的基本原理。电子工作台EWB的高级分析功能。关于电子工作台EWB的元器件库。信号源库,基本元件库,二极管库,三极管库和电子工作台EWB4.0版的使用方法。电子工作台EWB的操作界面。电子工作台EWB4.0的操作命令,基本使用方法,电子工作台EWB4.0的元器件库。数字电路的实训一,到数字电路的实训十七,及其他晶体管和运放参考电路的实训。24、智能控制技术 Intelligent Control Technology预修课程:电子技术、电子测量、C语言程序设计等主要内容:智能控制技术概述、模糊控制的理论基础、模糊控制系统、人工神经元网络模型、神经网络控制论、集成智能控制系统等方面的基本理论和基本技能,并介绍一些智能控制技术的典型运用实例。25、Labview 程序设计 Programming Design of Labview预修课程:电子测量、C语言程序设计主要内容:Labview概述、Labview模板简介、Signal Processing子模板、Data Acquisition子模板 、Instrument I/O子模板、Labview与C语言的接口方法。 26、Java程序设计 Java programming language Course预修课程:计算机应用基础、C语言程序设计、数据结构原理等主要内容:掌握面向对象的软件设计技术、Java程序设计语言、结构、编程等常用工具、Applet图形用户界面、Java网络程序设计技术.27、市场营销学 Markets Manager and Sell预修课程:经济学基础知识主要内容:市场营销理论、市场营销环境、市场营销研究及战略、市场营销公关与企业形象、绿色市场营销策略与策划等知识,市场营销实例分析。最后提醒一个,读大学不要专门为了读书。。提升自己的能力才是最重要。包括与人沟通和自己的思考应变能力。希望这个答案可以帮你解决困惑。。:)
2023-07-08 13:10:591


郭旭,男,1971年2月生。教授,博士生导师。国家杰出青年基金获得者。大连理工大学工程力学系主任。中国力学学会青年工作委员会副主任。国际计算力学学会会员。在有关结构拓扑优化奇异最优解的研究中取得了为同行所公认的创新性成果。相关工作曾先后获得2005年辽宁省自然科学一等奖、2006年国家自然科学二等奖(均为第二获奖人)。提出了一种基于高阶柯西玻恩准则的碳纳米管本构模型,被同行多次较大篇幅实质性引用并给与较好的评价。提出了鲁棒优化设计的可置信性优化列式并发展了高效的数值求解算法。系列成果发表于IJNME、CMAME等著名国际期刊。在JMPS、IJSS、IJNME、CMAME等学术期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇。曾先后获得2005年辽宁省青年科技奖一等奖、中国力学学会第十一届青年科技奖(2009)、2009年度国家杰出青年基金、2010 CADLM Intelligent Optimal Design Prize等多项国内外学术以及人才奖励。目前担任力学学会青年工作委员会副主任委员,参与组织了与青年学者有关的学术活动。作为大会主席之一以及召集人组织了2010年全国多尺度力学研讨会以及2009年力学大会多尺度力学分会场等。作为大会秘书参与组织了力学学会主办的2009年结构优化理论与应用国际研讨会。
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人教版的高中英语必修五单词 mp3

2023-07-08 13:11:293


一 想考机械电子工程专业的研究生,专业课程都考什么内容啊 这是一组国防复科技大学制的考试科目,供你参考。 机械电子工程研究方向:01 机器状态监控与故障诊断 02 精密工程与计算机控制 03 机电系统控制及自动化 考试科目及代码: ①英语(101) ②政治(理)(202) ③数学(一)(301) ④A.自动控制原理(416) B.机械设计(含机械原理)(603) ⑤C.电子技术基础(509) D.机械制造工程学(527) 注:A、B选一;C、D、E选一备注:考生可以选考控制理论与控制工程或测试计量技术及仪器或力学或应用数学或信息与通信工程或计算机应用技术专业的考试科目 二 谁知道研究生三年里,机械类专业(主要是机械电子工程)需要学些什么课程(详细点) 第一年上学期主要学公共课:英语,政治(很多科),文献检索等 第一年下学期主要学:英语,专业课(主要),好多科啊 还有概率论,数理统计,计算方法,好多课. 第二年基本没课了,一般加一个选修日语,轻松的很。 三 机械电子工程考研科目有哪些 思想政治理论、数学一、理论力学、控制工程基础、机械制造工程基础等。 1、思想政治理论 考研政治,全名为思想政治理论考试。是为高等院校和科研院所招收硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的全国招生考试科目,属于硕士研究生入学考试的公共课科目。 考研政治考试的考查范围主要包括:马克思主义基本原理、 *** 思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论、中国近现代史纲要、思想道德修养与法律基础、形势与政策以及当代世界经济与政治。 2、数学一 考研数学一大纲是指介绍考研的要求,时间,分值等,还有所考科目以及考试重点内容的形式。适用工学等类别。 3、理论力学 理论力学(Ⅰ),由哈尔滨工业大学理论力学教研室编写,高等教育出版社出版。该书主要讲解理论力学的基本概念、基本理论、基本方法,着重讨论平面问题,对空间问题及一些提高性内容,则抓住实质、特点作精练的论述。 4、控制工程基础 包括控制系统的动态数学模型、时域瞬态响应分析、频率特性、稳定性分析、误差分析和计算、综合与校正、根轨迹法、非线性问题、计算机控制系统、以及MATLAB和LabVIEW软件工具在控制系统分析和综合中的应用。 突出机械运动作为主要控制对象,着重基本概念的建立和解决机电控制问题的基本方法的阐明,并融入了有关的机电一体化新技术和新分析方法。 5、机械制造工程基础 本书的内容遵循前文所列举专业的教学计划和培训大纲编纂而成。本书分为8个主要章节。由于现在工程技术的全面飞速发展和职业技术学校教学计划的相应修改,本书对质量管理和维护保养等章节进行了大幅度的扩充。 四 机械电子工程有些什么课程 主干课程: 工程力学、机械原理及机械零件、电工与电子技术、微型计算机原理及应用、热加工工艺基础、热加工工艺设备及设计、检测技术及控制工程、CAD/CAM基础。 教学注重学生的工程实践能力和创新能力的培养,依托光、机、电、计算机、信息控制等方面的综合优势,提供计算机测控系统、自动化仪表及装置、机电工程智能检测、光电转换与通信技术等系列选修课程,供学生自主选读。 使学生能综合运用所学知识设计、开发各行业所需的测控系统及测试仪器。 (4)机械电子研究生课程扩展阅读 培养要求: 该专业主要学习力学、机械学、微电子技术、电力电子技术、信号处理技术、计算机应用技术、信息处理技术和现代设计方法的基本知识,受到现代工程师的基本训练,具有机电产品的设计、开发、制造、运行、试验与生产组织管理的基本能力。 相近专业: 机械设计制造及其自动化、机械工程及自动化、自动化、机械设计制造、材料成型及控制工程、材料物理、化工制造、工业设计、过程装备与控制工程、车辆工程等。 五 机械研究生学什么 机械电子工程专业硕士研究生培养方案 Electromechanical engineering (专业代码:080202 授工学学位) 一、培养目标 1、在本学科上掌握较坚实的基础理论和较系统的专门知识,掌握一门外国语,能熟练地进行专业阅读和初步写作。 2、培养严谨求实的科学态度和作风,具有创新求实精神和良好的科研道德,具备独立从事本学科的科学研究能力。 3、能熟练运用计算机和信息化技术,解决本学科领域的问题并有新的见解。 4、可胜任本专业或相邻专业的教学、科研和工程技术工作以及相关的科技管理工作。 二、主要研究方向 1、机电控制及自动化 本方向主要运用机械、电子及控制理论等知识研究和开发机电液一体化成套设备和单元技术。 2、 机器人技术 本方向主要从事机器人结构设计、机器人控制以及智能元器件的开发与研制。 3、 机械系统动态测试与故障诊断 本方向主要进行机械系统动态性能的测试和故障诊断技术的研究。 4、 现代传感器与测控技术 本方向主要面向工业测量进行新型传感器的开发、应用、系统集成方法的研究及先进测控设备的研制。 三、学习年限与学分 全日制攻读硕士学位的学习年限为2.5年,鼓励优秀学生提前答辩。 总学分要求≥43学分,其中修课学分数要求≥28学分,研究环节要求≥15学分。 具体学分分配如下图: 总学分 ≥43学分 修课学分 ≥28 公共基础课≥12学分 专业基础课≥8学分 专业选修课≥8学分 缺本科专业基础的,补修本科主干课2~3门,不计学分 研究环节 ≥15 文献阅读1学分 实践环节1学分 开题报告1学分 学术报告1学分 发表论文1学分 学位论文10学分 四、课程设置 机械电子工程专业研究生课程设置 课程类别 课程编号 课程名称 学时 学分 季节 开课单位 备注 公共基础课 第一外国语 120 4 秋春 外语学院 必修≥12 学分 科学社会主义理论与实践 36 1 秋 人文学院 自然辩证法 54 2 秋 人文学院 应用数学基础 60 3 秋 理学院 计算机应用基础 40 2 秋 计算机系 公共选修课 第二外国语 60 春 外语学院 数理方程 40 2 春 理学院 随机过程 40 2 春 理学院 专业基础课 机电控制理论及应用 40 2 秋 机械学院 必修 ≥8 学分 现代控制工程 40 2 秋 机械学院 先进制造技术 40 2 秋 机械学院 检测与控制技术 40 2 秋 机械学院 专业选修课 机器人学 40 2 春 机械学院 必修 ≥8 学分 现代传感技术及信息处理 40 2 春 机械学院 机器视觉 40 2 春 机械学院 优化设计 40 2 春 机械学院 现代液压控制技术 40 2 春 机械学院 智能控制技术 40 2 春 机械学院 计算机图学 40 2 春 机械学院 面向对象的程序设计 40 2 春 机械学院 数控及柔性制造技术 40 2 春 机械学院 机械故障诊断 40 2 春 机械学院 伺服系统 40 2 春 机械学院 实验设计与数据处理 40 2 春 机械学院 国际互联网检索 20 1 春 机械学院 研究环节 文献阅读 1 开题报告 1 实践环节 1 学术报告 1 发表论文 1 学位论文 10 补修课程 根据学生的教育背景和导师的研究方向选定, 安排在第一学期完成 Course Arrangement of Electromechanical Engineering Course Type Course Name Hrs Credits General Courses The First Foreign Language 120 4 The Second Foreign Language 60 2 Theory and Practice of Scientific Sociali *** 36 1 Natural Dialectics 54 2 Applied Mathematics 60 3 Application of Computer 40 2 Mathematical Statistics 40 2 Fundamental Courses Electromechanical control theory and application 40 2 Modern control engineering 40 2 Advanced manufacturing technology 40 2 Detection and control technique 40 2 Courses robotics 40 2 Modern sensor and signal *** ysis 40 2 Vision robotics 40 2 Optimal design 40 2 Modern hydraulic control technology 40 2 Intelligent control technique 40 2 Computer graphics 40 2 Object-oriented program design 40 2 NC and flexible manufacturing technique 40 2 Mechanical failure diagnosis 40 2 Servo system 40 2 Experiment design and data process 40 2 Inter based searches 20 1 五、科学研究与学位论文 执行学校有关规定。 其它方向的大同小异 六 机械设计制造及其自动化 研究生课程有哪些 学位课程:政治 英语 矩阵论 数值分析 机械动力学 必修课程:机制系统的建模与分析 特种加工技术 弹塑性力学 计算机辅助几何设计 现代成型技术 现代表面工程 选修:计算机控制技术 传感器电子学 机电伺服系统 只能测试技术 机电能量转换 智能设计技术与方法 机构分析与综合 有限元分析 机器人学 计算机图形学 流体力学 dsp与图像处理技术等等 根据不同学校老师的研究课题,可能会有更多的课程开设。 根据各个学校的要求,选修的学分也不同, 一般是,学位课程必修,必修选择三门,选修选择5门 七 机械电子工程专业考研科目 同济大学机械电子工程专业2014年考研招生简章招生目录 专业代码:080202 研究方向 01 机电液控制理论与技术 02 流体传动与控制 03 智能化工程机械 04 机电液大系统智能设计与控制 05 现代物流装备智能控制 06 机器人与工业自动化 考试科目 ①101 思想政治理论 ②201 英语一 202 俄语 203 日语 242 德语 (任选) ③301 数学一 ④812 机械设计 813 机械原理 822 电路分析 825 自动控制原理 831 理论与材料力学 (任选) 复试科目、复试参考书 复试科目:液压传动 复试参考书:《流体力学与液压传动》 ,陆敏恂,同济大学出版社 八 考机械电子工程的研究生 大多数的学校都考什么专业课啊 这个得具体看你报考什么学校而言了 因为研究生的专业课考试时由你所报考的学校命题 我也是学机械电子 就我所了解的报考机械电子工程专业主要要考察的专业课主要有:机械设计、机械原理、机械制造基础、机械加工工艺学、工程力学、机械控制基础、机电一体化等等。所以你要是准备考的话建议你先把所报考的学习定下来 然后上你所想要报考的学校的研究生网上去查他们要考的专业课以及复试时所要考查的一些课程 你可以把他们的教材买来提前学习 做到有的放矢!祝你好运 ! 九 机械电子工程考研需要什么课程 思想政治理论、数学一、理论力学、控制工程基础、机械制造工程基础等。 报名参加硕士研究生全国统一入学考试的人员,须符合下列条件: (一)中华人民共和国公民。 (二)拥护中国 *** 的领导,品德良好,遵纪守法。 (三)身体健康状况符合国家和招生单位规定的体检要求。 (四)考生学业水平必须符合下列条件之一: 1、国家承认学历的应届本科毕业生(含普通高校、成人高校、普通高校举办的成人高等学历教育应届本科毕业生)及自学考试和网络教育届时可毕业本科生,录取当年9月1日前须取得国家承认的本科毕业证书)。 2、具有国家承认的大学本科毕业学历的人员,要求报名时通过学信网学历检验,没通过的可向有关教育部门申请学历认证。 3、获得国家承认的高职高专毕业学历后满2年(从毕业后到录取当年9月1日,下同)或2年以上,达到与大学本科毕业生同等学历,且符合招生单位根据本单位的培养目标对考生提出的具体业务要求的人员。 4、国家承认学历的本科结业生,按本科毕业生同等学历身份报考。 5、已获硕士、博士学位的人员。 (9)机械电子研究生课程扩展阅读 专业能力 1、具有制图、机电信号采集转换与检测、机电系统微机与PLC控制、文献检索等基本技能。 2、具有较强的数控机床操作、调试、维修、维护等实际操作技能。 3、具备运用现代技术手段测试机电参数、合理运用机电设备的能力。 4、具有机电产品的开发运用能力。 5、具有机械、电子、数码等产品结构研发设计的能力。 6、具有机械、电子相关生产企业及研发机构的管理能力。 它的出现代表着新技术、新思想、新研究方式和新研究目标的产生。各国的研究者们一直致力于明确机械电子工程的定义和概念,估算机电产业对国家和社会所带来的价值,并对机械电子学科的未来发展做出研究。在我国,很多高校也在致力于如何更好地推动机电教育事业的发展。 十 考机械电子工程的研究生 大多数的学校都考什么专业… 最佳答案:满意答案这个得具体看你报考什么学校而言了 因为研究生的专业课考试时由你所报考的学校命题 我也是学机械电子 就我所了解的报考机械电子工程专业主要要考察的专业课主要有:机械设计、机械原理、机械制造基础、机械加工工艺学、工程力学、机械控制基础、机电一体化等等。所以你要是准备考的话建议你先把所报考的学习定下来 然后上你所想要报考的学校的研究生网上去查他们要考的专业课以及复试时所要考查的一些课程 你可以把他们的教材买来提前学习 做到有的放矢!祝你好运
2023-07-08 13:11:371


This design is transfers the C8051F020 high speed monolithic integrated circuit and USB UART bridge joint chip CP2102 to unify, uses C8051F020 the monolithic integrated circuit internal temperature sensor, designs a set simply, practical, and may enhance the data transmission the speed high performance intelligent temperature gathering system, realizes it in smart instrument, domains and so on industry automatic control widely to apply. This design involves the question has the C8051F020 monolithic integrated circuit system development principle and the method, UART transfers the USB hardware circuit"s design with to realize, peripheral circuit"s design with to realize as well as system software"s design with realizes and so on. Its primary coverage may divide into the following two parts according to system"s composition: system hardware design: Through to the C8051F020 monolithic integrated circuit"s study and the research, analyzes its unique feature. And completes in this foundation take the C8051F020 monolithic integrated circuit as the core, UART transfers USB is the external module system hardware electric circuit"s design. system software design: Completes the system initialization, signal gathering, a/D transformation as well as the asynchronous serial communication procedure design in monolithic integrated circuit system development kit Keil C.
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基础介绍 - SAP Fiori 1.80

SAP Fiori是一个设计系统,为SAP软件跨平台的设备提供一致用户体验。它是SAP产品体验和设计策略的核心。 通过SAP Fiori,我们提供可用的、健壮的、可扩展的、企业级质量的设计解决方案,采用多种参考技术实现。 SAP Fiori设计系统: -加速和扩展企业软件的设计和开发。 -遵循基于业务角色的模块化设计方法,而不是传统的单块事务。 -通过关注用户任务和工作流,重新定义企业用户体验。 SAP Fiori设计系统基于两个层次: 下面的基本价值、原则和实践诠释了SAP Fiori设计: 1. 价值 兼容性:利用整个SAP设计社区的专业知识,提供适用于SAP全系列产品的UI技术和场景的解决方案。 整体性:提供解决方案,将不同的独立产品和技术集成到一个一致且易于使用的环境中。 智能化:将机器学习和人工智能作为用户体验不可分割的一部分,专注于让用户获得控制权,而不是剥夺他们的控制权。 另见: 设计智能系统 2. 原则 基于角色:在合适的时间提供正确的信息。 适应性:确保用户可以在任何地方工作,在他们选择的设备上。 简洁:帮助用户聚焦在重要的信息上。 一致性:在企业系统中提供相同的使用方法。 愉悦:丰富用户的工作体验。 3. 实践 将用户体验作为产品生命周期的重要部分。 另见: 设计引导开发过程 SAP Fiori设计系统支持多种技术平台,web、本地移动和用户交互。我们将每个平台的变体称为SAP Fiori设计语言。 虽然基本的设计方法是标准化的、跨所有平台的,但设计语言满足各自技术平台的具体要求。每种设计语言都详细说明了外观和感觉、可用的控件和平面图/页面,以及导航和搜索等常见功能。 SAP Fiori设计语言已经在关键的参考技术中实现,包括用于基于浏览器的应用程序的SAPUI5和用于本地苹果iOS和Android的SAP云平台软件开发工具包(SDK)。 这是为应用程序设计者提供的全面设计指南和模板的补充。使用这种并行方法,可以简化、加速和跨多个平台统一企业业务场景的交互设计。 SAP Fiori设计系统的开发主要是为了支持SAP业务应用程序的内部开发。 同时,我们也向我们的客户和合作伙伴提供了它,以分享我们作为企业软件领导者40多年来的经验。 我们提供下列资源: SAP Fiori 已经从一个小的首创,发展成为一个为所有SAP工业级产品的设计系统。SAP Fiori的最新和第三个发展重点关注兼容、集成和智能,以确保SAP Fiori 可以用于将所有产品集成到一个智能企业套件中。继续阅读,了解更多关于关键里程碑的信息。 SAP Fiori 创立于2013年,旨在将移动优先的设计方法应用到最常用的用例中,来重新设想商业软件。基于基于角色、简洁、响应式、一致和愉快的设计原则,奠定了设计基础。 在SAP Fiori 的第一个版本中,我们开始将大型的、单块的业务事务分解为有重点的、基于任务的应用程序。从适合智能手机的核心功能集开始,设计过程旨在向更大的设备(如平板电脑或台式电脑)转移时提供更全面的功能。新的Fiori网页设计语言,所有方面都必须经过精心设计,以适应任何设备,无论它是用鼠标、键盘操作,还是通过触摸操作。SAP Fiori的第一个版本是在我们用于基于浏览器的应用程序,它是在参考技术SAPUI5(版本1.26 1.38)中实现和发展的,它也是开源的,名为OpenUI5。 随着SAP Fiori初始版本的成功,我们需要引入新的功能,使SAP Fiori准备好成为可以解决所有SAP软件应用场景的设计系统。随着SAP Fiori 2.0的发展,设计不仅能够处理简单的用例,而且能够为最复杂的业务场景提供直观的解决方案。作为SAP旗舰产品SAP S/4HANA,SAP Fiori 2.0引入了新的平面图,可以以直观和响应的方式容纳大量信息和复杂的功能。 此外,SAP Fiori 2.0提供了一个新的集成、强大的用户环境,它基于SAP Fiori 首页( launchpad),引入了通知和改进的导航等生产力特性。在第二次迭代中,SAP Fiori引入了一种新的生产力工具,随着时间的推移,它逐渐演变为SAP仪表盘对话式数字助理。 SAP Fiori 2.0获得了著名的红点奖,在2016年10月推出2.0。在那之后不久,一个额外的奖项表彰了利用SAP的集成事务和分析特性,内存技术可能性的创新方法。同样,SAPUI5中实现了SAP Fiori 2.0作为主要的参考技术(版本1.42 1.70)。除此之外,SAP Fiori 2.0还被应用于对SAP Web GUI、WebDynpro和CRM WebClient等经典UI技术的重新设计,以提供跨平台的一致体验。其他产品领域开始采用SAP Fiori 2.0,比如新的伯利兹主题,以便更好地与SAP S/4HANA集成。SAP Fiori for iOS,SAP Fiori 为本地移动平台设计的第一个版本与苹果公司合作发布。两年后,SAP Fiori for Android宣布与谷歌合作。 SAP Fiori的第三个版本于2018年发布。持续的成功及其在规模和集成最新趋势和需求方面的能力已经被证明,确立了SAP Fiori 作为智能企业的设计系统。所有产品领域都致力于采用SAP Fiori 3作为集成所有SAP产品体验的设计系统。这一决定在新建立的用户体验一致性产品标准中得以实施。 作为一个新的Quartz主题,SAP Fiori 3引入了许多新特性,促进了所有SAP产品的集成,从而提供一个连贯一致的用户体验。最重要的一些方面是:
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恭喜,这篇论文已被EI核心库收录。Accession number: 20121414925212 Title: Design of intelligent protection and control device for medium and small-scale asynchronous motor Authors: Li, Dao-Lin1 ; Wu, Zhi-Qiang2 ; Chen, Xiang-Yang1 ; Li, Jun-Gang3 ; Wei, Yong3 Author affiliation: 1 Three Gorges Vocational College of Electric Power, YiChang 443000, Hubei, China2 Shandong Electric Power Staff Skills Training Center, JiNan 271000, Shandong, China3 Xuji Group Corporation Technical Center, XuChang 461000, Henan, China Source title: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 138 LNEE Monograph title: Electrical, Information Engineering and Mechatronics 2011 - Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical, Information Engineering and Mechatronics, EIEM 2011 Publication year: 2012 Pages: 393-401 ISSN: 18761100 E-ISSN: 18761119 ISBN-13: 9781447124665 Document type: Conference article (CA) Database: Compendex
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EI 04388368233, 大会最优应用论文奖.16. 李祖枢,张华,温永玲,王桂平.基于动觉智能图式的仿人智能控制.第五届全球智能控制与自动化大会论文集,中国杭州, vol.3,p.2423-2427, 2004.6. EI 04388368246.17. 雷李,李祖枢,王牛. 基于仿人智能控制的足球机器人底层运动研究,哈尔滨工业大学学报,vol.36,no.7, p 978-980,2004. EI 0436834531118. 王牛,李祖枢,潘娅, Research on soccer-robot"s shooting goal based on forecast,华中科技大学学报,vol.32,p143-145,2004.EI 0520910916219. 张小川,李祖枢,刘海涛,李勇,机器人足球决策子系统的分析与设计,华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2004.10(32) p146-149 EI 0520910916320. 李祖枢,但远宏,温永玲,张华. 小车三级摆摆起倒立的仿人智能控制, 华中科技大学学报,第32卷增刊,p 38-41 2004. EI 05209109129.21. 陈 众,颜 伟,李祖枢,王官洁,徐国禹,基于仿人智能控制的NPID控制器,控制与决策, 第18卷 6期, 2003. EI 0414810299922. 张小川,李祖枢等,基于行为的足球机器人动作规划,哈尔滨工业大学学报,vol.35,no.9, p. 1071-1073, 2003. EI 0406800916923. Li, Zushu,Wang, GuiPing, Schema Theory and Human Simulated Intelligent Control(), IEEEInternational Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Systems and SignalProcessing, RISSP 2003, changsha, china, 2003.10.8 ISTP收录24. Xie, Jian,Li, Zushu.Dynamic Model and Motion Control Analysis of Three-linkGymnastic Robot on Horizontal Bar, IEEE InternationalConference on Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing, RISSP 2003,changsha, china, 2003.10.8 ISTP收录25. 李祖枢。力矩受限单摆的摆起倒立控制---仿人智能控制在非线形系统中的应用,<控制理论与应用>,第16卷第2期,1999.4. 被他引12次(06年3月前)。26. 一种新型的仿人智能控制器(SHIC),自动化学报,1990年 第6期、中国科学技术文库(自动化技术、计算机科学技术)卷,1998年,被他引50次(06年3月前)27. Li, Zushu; Chen, Qingchun; Li, Xuemei; Inooka, Hikaru, Human SimulatingIntelligent Controller and Its Application to Swinging-Up of Cart-Pendulum,Proceedings of97" RO-MAN, 6ts IEEE international workshop on Robert and human communication,Sendai, Japan, p. 218-223, 1997. EI 98034097420,ISTP收录28. 涂亚庆,李祖枢,一种新型的仿人智能控制器的设计方法,自动化学报,1994年 第5期,616-621,被他引33次(06年3月前)。29. 李祖枢,高桥隆行,柳基镐,猪冈光,トルクに制限がある场合の振り子の制御(インテリジェントコントロ—ラを用いた振り上げ制御),日本《机械学会论文集》,C篇,(12),p.167-172, 1992.30. Li, Zushu; Tu,Yaqing; Zhou,Qijian; Gao,Fuqiang; Inooka, Hikarn; Obinata, Gora.Design and Application of Controllers Based on Methods for Emulating HumanIntelligence. Proc. Of IMEKO TC7 Int"1 Symp. On AIMaC"91,Artificial IntelligentBased Measurement and Control, Kyoto, JAPAN, 327-332,1991.31. 李祖枢,智能控制理论研究,信息与控制,1991年 第5期,被他引52次(06年3月前)32. Zhou Qijian, Li Zushu, Li Yonghua. A comparative Study on the Solution ofMulti-Variable Systems Using the Intelligent Control Approach. AMST"87 IntSymp, Plymouth, UK, 1987,45-5133. Li, Zushu; Wang, Tingkai; Chen, Nongji A New Method for Predictor Control ofLinear Systems, Advances in Modelling & Simulation Vol.12,No.4 ,1988 p15-22 EI 8902022942834. Chen, Nong-Ji; Li, Zu-Shu Novel intelligent controller based on characteristicidentification on-line ,Advances in Modelling & Simulation ,vol.14,no.1.1988,p 53-63 EI 8909030736535. Li Zushu, Zhou Qijian, Xu Ming, Characteristic Identification, CharacteristicMemory And Intelligent Controller,Identification"88IFAC Symposium ,Beijing, p.1686-1690, 1988.36. 周其鉴,李祖枢,陈民铀,智能控制及其展望,信息与控制,1987年16(2)38-45,被他引73次(06年3月前)37. 李祖枢,周其鉴,任伟,动态系统“类等效”模型测辨及多可调参数的Pade模型降阶,自动化学报,1985(1)38. 李祖枢,一种新的具有可调参数的模型降价新方法,自动化学报,1982年5(1)39. 周其鉴,李祖枢,数学模型的简化及其在工程系统中的应用,重庆大学学报(自然科学版)1980 (4)被他引58次(06年3月前).
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1. Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S., Chen, C. (2008) Scientometrics of big science: A case study of research in Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Scientometrics, 86(1), 1-14.2. Chen, C., Ibekwe-SanJuan, F., & Hou, J. (2010). The Structure and Dynamics of Co-Citation Clusters: A Multiple-Perspective Co-Citation Analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(7), 1386-1409.3. Chen, C., Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S. (2010). Making sense of the evolution of a scientific domain: A visual analytic study of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey research. Scientometrics, 83(3), 669-688. 10.1007/s11192-009-0123-x4. Chen, C. (2010) Information visualization. Wiley Interdisciplinary Review: Computational Statistics. 10.1002/wics.89?5. Chen, C., Chen, Y., Horowitz, M., Hou, H., Liu, Z., & Pellegrino, D. (2009). Towards an explanatory and computational theory of scientific discovery. Journal of Informetrics, 3(3), 191-209.6. Chen, C., Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S. 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什么是intelligent design

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什么是intelligent design

intelligent design智能设计双语例句1Research on the Intelligent Design Technology of Injection Mould Cooling System Based on Model Simplification基于模型简化的注塑模冷却系统智能化设计技术研究2The software architect must, through intelligent design, define and satisfy the project"s requirements.软件设计师必须通过智能设计,定义并满足项目需求。
2023-07-08 13:14:561

Intelligent Design 歌词

歌曲名:Intelligent Design歌手:SWING专辑:到尽 EPSwing - Intelligent Design无尽的天空 真的於黑暗爆开的吗奇妙的基因 真的可演化到精英吗分析这宇宙所有 单单进化论不够声色中千丝的万化 出於他大脑之下Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….造了穿梭机 真的可窥探满天星吗造了测谎机 都不可参透无限大话丑恶是民族自觉进化 可恶是良善逐秒退化猜一猜这首歌由谁去写 出於他乐韵之下Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….火柴文字石器和电脑 等同人类源自这个衪可怜狂傲人类狂傲到 竟然期望明日代替衪海洋林木雷电和暴雨 天大地厚同在这个家昆虫人类同样奇异吗 一同存在没法存在吗不能做创作家 都能和睦爱它Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….
2023-07-08 13:15:071

Intelligent Design 歌词

歌曲名:Intelligent Design歌手:Robin Williams专辑:Weapons Of Self DestructionSwing - Intelligent Design无尽的天空 真的於黑暗爆开的吗奇妙的基因 真的可演化到精英吗分析这宇宙所有 单单进化论不够声色中千丝的万化 出於他大脑之下Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….造了穿梭机 真的可窥探满天星吗造了测谎机 都不可参透无限大话丑恶是民族自觉进化 可恶是良善逐秒退化猜一猜这首歌由谁去写 出於他乐韵之下Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….火柴文字石器和电脑 等同人类源自这个衪可怜狂傲人类狂傲到 竟然期望明日代替衪海洋林木雷电和暴雨 天大地厚同在这个家昆虫人类同样奇异吗 一同存在没法存在吗不能做创作家 都能和睦爱它Ah He Ya He Ya Di Da Di Da….
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About Panda 10点!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Panda has a very distinctive black-and-white coat. Adults measure around 1.5 m long and around 75 cm tall at the shoulder. Males can weigh up to 115 kg (253 pounds). Females are generally *** aller than males and can occasionally weigh up to 100 kg (220 pounds). Giant Pandas live in mountainous regions such as Sichuan Gu Shaanxi and Tibet. While the Chinese dragon has been historically a national emblem for China since the latter half of the 20th century the Panda has also bee an informal national emblem for China. Its image appears on a large number of modern Chinese memorative silver gold and platinum coins. The Panda has an unusual paw with a "thumb& quot; and five fingers; the "thumb& quot; is actually a modified sesamoid bone which helps the panda to hold the bamboo while eating. Stephen Jay Gould wrote an essay about this then used the title The Panda"s Thumb for a book of essays concerned with evolution and intelligent design. The Giant Panda has a short tail approximately 15 cm long. Giant Pandas can usually live to be 20-30 years old while living in captivity. Behaviour Until recently scientists thought giant pandas spent most of their lives alone with males and females meeting only during the breeding season. Recent studies paint a different picture in which *** all groups of pandas share a large territory and sometimes meet outside the breeding season.[citation needed] Like most subtropical mammals but unlike most bears the giant panda does not hibernate
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英语必修二单词表Unit 1cultural 文化的 relic 遗物;遗迹;纪念物 rare 稀罕的;稀有的;贵重的 valuable 贵重的;有价值的 survive 幸免;幸存;生还 vase 花瓶;瓶 dynasty 朝代;王朝dragon 龙amber n.琥珀;琥珀色 in search of 寻找 amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶 amazing 令人吃惊的 select 挑选;选择 honey 蜜;蜂蜜 design n.设计;图案;构思 vt.设计;计划;构思 fancy adj.奇异的;异样的 vt.想象;设想;爱好style 风格;风度;类型 decorate 装饰;装修 jewel 珠宝;宝石 artist 艺术家 belong vi.属于;为...的一员 belong to 属于 in return 作为报答;回报 troop 群;组;军队 reception 接待;招待会;接收 at war 处于交战状态 remove 移动;搬开 less than 少于 wooden 木制的 doubt n.怀疑;疑惑 vt.怀疑;不信 mystery 神秘;神秘的事物 former 以前的;从前的 worth prep.值得的;相称于…的价值 n.价值;作用 adj.[古]值钱的rebuild 重建 local 本地的;当地的 apart 分离地;分别地 take apart 拆开 painting 绘画;画 castle 城堡 trial 审判;审讯;试验eyewitness 目击者;证人 evidence 根据;证据 explode 爆炸 entrance 入口 sailor 水手;海员;船员 sink vi.下沉;沉下 maid 少女;女仆 Berlin 柏林(德国首都) think highly of 看重;器重 informal 非正式的 debate n.&vi.争论;辩论 Unit 2ancient adj.古代的;古老的 compete vi.比赛;竞争 competitor n.竞争者 take part in 参加;参与 medal n 奖章;勋章;纪念章 stand for 代表;象征;表示 mascot n.吉祥物 Greece 希腊 Greek 希腊(人)的;希腊语的 n;希腊人;希腊语magical adj 巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的 volunteer n.志愿者;志愿兵 adj.志愿的;义务的 vt.&vi.自愿 homeland 祖国;本国 regular adj.规则的;定期的;常规的 basis n.基础;根据 athlete n.运动员;运动选手 admit vt.&vi.容许;承认;接纳 slave 奴隶 nowadays adv.现今;现在 gymnastics 体操;体能练习 athletics 体育运动;竞技 stadium (露天大型)体育场 gymnasium ( gym ) 体育馆;健身房 as well 也;又;还 host 做东;主办;招待 n.主人 responsibility n.责任;职责 olive 橄榄树;橄榄叶;橄榄枝;橄榄色 wreath 花圈;花冠;圈状物 replace vt.取代;替换;代替 motto 座右铭;格言;警句 swift 快的;迅速的 similarity 相像性;相似点 Athens 雅典(希腊首都) charge vt.&vi.收费;控诉 n.费用;主管 in charge 主管;看守 physical adj 物理的;身体的fine vt.罚款 poster 海报;招贴 advertise vt.&vi.做广告;登广告 princess 公主 glory 光荣;荣誉 bargain vi.讨价还价;讲条件 n.便宜货 prince 王子 hopeless 没有希望的;绝望的 foolish adj.愚蠢的;傻的 goddess 女神 pain 疼痛;痛苦 one after another 陆续地;一个接一个地 deserve vi.&vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得 striker n.敲击者;(足球的)前锋 Unit 3 abacus n.算盘 calculator n.计算器 PC( = personal comPuter )个人电脑;个人计算laptop 手提电脑 PDA ( personal digital assistant )掌上电脑;个人数码助理analytical adj.分析的 calculate计算 universal adj.普遍的;通用的;宇宙的 simplify vt.简化 sum 总数;算术题;金额 operator (电脑)操作员;接线员 logical 逻辑的;合情理的 logically 逻辑上;合逻辑地;有条理地 technology 工艺;科技;技术 technological adj.科技的 revolution 革命 artificial 人造的;假的 intelligence 智力;智慧;智能 intelligent adj.智能的;智慧的 solve 解决;解答 mathematical 数学的 from … on 从...时起 reality 真实;事实;现实 designer 设计师 personal 私人的;个人的;亲自的 personally 就个人而言;亲自 tube 管;管子;电子管 transistor 晶体管chip 碎片;芯片 as a result 结果 total adj 总的;整个的 n.总数;合计totally 完全地;整个地 so … that … 如此...以致于 网络;网状物 web 网 application 应用;用途;申请 finance 金融;财经 mobile 可移动的;机动的 rocket 火箭 explore 探索;探侧;探究 Mars 火星 Anyhow (也作 anyway )无论如何;即使如此goal 目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分 happiness 幸福;快乐 human race 人类 supporting adj.支持的;支撑的 download 下载 programmer 程序员;程序师 virus 病毒 android 机器人 signal 发信号 n.信号 teammate 同伴;伙伴type n.类型 vt.&vi.打字 in a way 在某种程度上 coach 教练 arise 出现;发生 with the help of 在...的帮助下 electronic adj 电子的 appearance 外观;外貌;出现 character 性格;特点 mop n.拖把 vt.用拖把拖;擦deal with 处理;安排;对付watch over 看守;监视 naughty 顽皮的;淘气的 niece 侄女 spoil vt.损坏;宠坏 Unit 4 wildlife 野生动植物 protection 保护 habitat 栖息地 threaten vt.&vi.恐吓;威胁 decrease vi.&vt.减少;(使)变小;或变少endanger vt.危害;使受到危险die out 灭绝 loss n.损失;遗失;丧失 reserve 保护区 hunt vt.&vi.打猎;猎取;搜寻 zone 地域;地带;地区 in peace 和平地;和睦地;安详地in danger (of) 在危险中;垂危species 种类;物种 carpet 地毯 respond vi.回答;响应;做出反应 distant 远的;远处的 fur 毛皮;毛;软毛 antelope 羚羊 relief n.(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物 in relief 如释重负;松了口气 laughter 笑;笑声 burst into laughter 忽然笑起来 mercy 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 certain 确定的;某一;一定 importance 重要(性) rub vt.擦;摩擦 protect…from 保护…不受…(危害) mosquito 蚊子 millipede 千足虫 insect 昆虫 contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍 powerful 强大的;有力的 affect vt.影响;感动;侵袭 attention 注重;关注;注重力 pay attention to 注意 appreciate 鉴赏;感激;意识到 succeed vi.成功 vt.接替;继任rhino 犀牛secure 安全的 income 收入 employ 雇佣;利用(时间、精力等)harm n.&vt.损害;危害 bite 叮;咬;刺痛 extinction 灭绝;消亡 dinosaur 恐龙 come into being 形成;产生county n.县;郡inspect 检查;视察 unexpected 没料到的;意外的 incident 事件;事变 dust 灰尘;尘土 according to 按照;根据…所说disappearance n.消失 fierce 凶猛的;猛烈的 so that 以致于;结果ending n.结局;结尾faithfully 忠诚地;忠实地 Unit 5 classical 古典的roll vt.&vi.滚动;(使)摇晃 n.摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈 orchestra 管弦乐队 rap 说唱乐 folk 民间的 jazz 爵士乐 choral 合唱队的 musician 音乐家 dream of 梦见;梦想;设想 pretend 假装;假扮 to be honest 说实在地;实话说 attach 系上;附加;连接 attach to 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接form 组成;形成;构成 fame 名声;名望 passer-by 过路人;行人 earn 赚;挣得;获得 extra 额外的;外加的 perform 表演;履行;执行 pub 酒馆;酒吧 cash 现金 in cash 用现金;有现钱 studio 工作室;演播室 millionaire 百万富翁;富豪 play jokes on 戏弄 actor 男演员;行动者 rely vi.依赖;依靠 rely on 依赖;依靠 broadcast n.&vi.&vt.广播;播放 humorous 幽默的;诙谐的 familiar 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 be/get familiar with 熟悉;与…熟悉起来 or so 大约 break up 打碎;分裂;解体attractive 吸引人的;有吸引力的addition 加;增加;加法in addition 另外;也sort out 分类 excitement 兴奋;刺激ballad n.歌谣;情歌;民谣overnight adv.在晚上;在夜里;(口)很快;一夜之间dip 浸;蘸 lily 百合花confident 自信的;确信的 brief 简短的;简要的 n.摘要;大纲briefly 简要地;短暂地 devotion 投入;热爱afterwards adv.然后;后来invitation n.邀请;招待beard 胡须 sensitive adj.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的painful adj.痛苦的;疼痛的 above all 最重要;首先
2023-07-08 13:16:321

EI和SCI检索查询,求帮忙!! Design and Implementation of UAV Intelligent Aerial Photography System

2023-07-08 13:16:441


意思是:abbr. 网络下载管理器(Internet Download Manager);智能舞曲(Intelligent Dance Music);一体化工艺装置(Integrated Device Manufacturing);设计生产一体化(Integrated Design and Manufacture);整合元件制造商(Integrated Device Manufacturer)。短语:IDM UltraEdit 文本编辑器 ; 文本编辑软件IDM UEStudio 程序开发环境编辑器 ; 程序设计环境 ; 文本编辑器 ; 代码编辑器中文版IDM UltraFinder 硬盘文件搜索工具 ; 本地文件搜索工具IDM UltraSentry 磁盘和注册表清理工具
2023-07-08 13:17:201

求英语作文:intelligent instructional system

An instructional system may be defined as an arrangement of resources and procedures used to promote leering.Instructional systems have a variety of particular forms and occur in many of our instructions.Instructional system design is the systematic process of planning instructional systems,and instructional development is the process of implementing the plans.Together,these two functions are components of what is referred to as instructional technology.The term instructional system design was defined with a general description of the design process.Stages of design are often presented as a flow diagram of model to be followed in the design of instructional materials.The instructional system approach is a process of planning and developing instruction that makes use of research and learning theory and employs empirical testing as a means for the improvement of instruction.All design modes focus attention on the three ‘anchor points" of instruction:performance objectives,materials,and evaluation instruments.The purpose of lesson planning,as we see it,is to ensure that the necessary instructional events are provided to the learner.Key steps in the planning process include 1) classifying the lesson objectives by learning type,2) listing the needed instructional events,3) choosing a medium of instruction capable of providing those events,and 4) incorporating appropriate conditions of learning into the prescriptions indicating how each event will be accomplished by the lesson.Some events may be executed by the learner,some by the
2023-07-08 13:17:491

还有一篇Design of Operational P2P-Oriented Intelligent Node Overlay Network 多谢帮忙了

Accession number: 20100212629070 Title: Design of operational P2P-oriented intelligent node overlay network Authors: Zhang, Pengzhou1 ; Zhang, Chi1 ; Yang, Xiaogang1 ; Gong, Junpeng1 Accession number: 10954949 Title: Design of operational P2P-oriented intelligent node overlay network Authors: Pengzhou Zhang1 ; Chi Zhang1 ; Xiaogang Yang1 ; Junpeng Gong1
2023-07-08 13:17:571


硬件工程师英文简历范文   下面是两篇硬件工程师英文简历范文,供大家参考。   硬件工程师英文简历范文1   EDUCATION   Jobs University   09/2014 - 06/2017   Master of electrical and computer engineering   GPA: 3.8/4.0, XX scholarship   Tutor: XX (Research Area: Internet of Things)   Jobs University   09/2010 - 06/2014   Bachelor of electrical and computer engineering   GPA: 3.7/4.0, XX scholarship, CET-6: 557/710   SKILLS   Operating Systems   Linux, Windows   Programming   C, C++   Electronic Design Automation   Protel99se, OrCAD   Single-Chip Microcomputer   STM32, C51   Communicating Protocol   ZIGBEE, LTE-A, TCP/IP   Embedded Software System   Keil, ADS, IAR   HARDWARE EXPERIENCE   Based on Intelligent Lighting System   01/2014 - 06/2014   Course Design   Completed project deliverables for Change/Configuration Management and Development Environment   Demonstrated development and audit programming role using ClearCase, ClearQuest, ATT, and Code Warrior   Based on Linux FTP of TCP   02/2013 - 06/2014   Interest Project   Presented papers on computer topics specifically focusing on online scheduling problems   Assisted with writing a program to simulate the random effect on a pre-published algorithm   Smart Car Tracting Match   01/2012 - 06/2013   Chief Programmer   Presented papers on computer science topics specifically focusing on online scheduling problems   Assisted with writing a program to simulate the random effect on a pre-published algorithm   SOCIAL EXPERIENCE   Achieved excellent successes in the basketball game after joining in the basketball team   Race volunteers of Shanghai International Marathon   HOBBIES   Good at using numerical analysis to solve the problem   硬件工程师英文简历范文2   Name: nationality: China   At present location: guangzhou national: han   Seat of registered permanent residence: guangzhou figure: 162 cm 55 kg   Marital status: single age: 28 years old   Education background   Graduate school: university of lanzhou   The highest degree: college graduation date: 2005-07-01   A major: computer and its application field 2: mechanical construction   Objective and work experience   Talent type: ordinary applying for a job   Applied position: the computer kind: network engineer, hardware engineer: hardware engineer, industrial design/product designers, draftsmen   Term: the title: no title   Job types: full-time date available: at any time   Monthly salary requirements: 1500-2000 hope work areas: guangzhou huadu foshan   Work experience: the company name: foshan newsletter extension technology Co., LTD. Since years: 2006-12 ~ 2009-04   The company properties: private enterprise by sector: the computer industry   In the position of: network engineer   Job description: computer software and hardware and maintenance for the company network, the daily maintenance work.   Leaving reason: family   Company name: guangzhou jun cane technology development Co., LTD. Since years: the 2005-04 ~ 2006-11   The company properties: private enterprise by sector: the computer industry   In the position of: computer technician   Job description: mainly to the sun yat-sen university computer equipment, multimedia teaching products (multimedia show "multimedia central control system" camera) and monitoring system for routine maintenance work.   Leaving reason: an education   Company name: China 25 innings guangzhou branch start-stop years: the 2004-04 ~ 2005-   The company properties: joint-stock enterprise by sector:   Served: ZhiAnYuan   Job description: the construction site of the materials; Engineering quality; Construction safety daily management.   Leaving reason: an education ;
2023-07-08 13:18:061


"Rich coal, lack of fat, less gas" energy structure determines the demand and supply of coal in the foundation position in China"s energy for a long time are hard to change. At present, in China coal energy production and consumption once were in a percentage of more than 70%. China"s coal production mainly comes from underground mining, because coal resources special production environment, the underground work risk factors is higher, often happen gas explosion accidents, floods, make the country suffered great economic losses in the underground staff at the same time life security threats. In the production process to realize intelligent monitoring and management, can effectively improve the production safety accidents occurred in underground can timely and accurate acknowledge underground work personnel"s location information is the important guarantee of successful rescue.This topic is the purpose of presenting the design of a mine safety monitoring system, realize the environmental monitoring and personnel downhole positioning function. Based on the comprehensive monitoring system at home and abroad, mine coal mine first discusses the current situation of the development of the safety monitoring system, comparison of the remote monitoring and control system used for communications technology, this system design choice a more superior communication mode, then briefly introduces ZigBee wireless sensor technology, analyzes the comprehensive monitoring system for coal mine, this paper puts forward a kind of ZigBee technology based on the comprehensive monitoring system solutions mine, the paper describes the overall structure of the system and the system structure, the design of based on ZigBee wireless network nodes and AD7705 chips based on the data acquisition system.绝对不是机器,
2023-07-08 13:18:261


(narrative): Prometheus was a yong Titan, no great admirer of Zeus. Although he knew the great lord of the sky hated explicit questions, he did not hestitae to beard him when there was something he wanted to know."O Thunderer, I do not understand your design. You have caused the race of man to appear on earth, but you keep him in ignorance and darkness." said Prometheus."Perhaps you had better leave the race of man to me,"said Zeus."What you call ignorance is innocence, what you call darkness is the shadow of my decree. Man is happy now. And he is so framed that he will remain happy unless someone persuades him that he is unhappy. Let us not speak of this again."But Prometheus said,"Look at him. Look below. He crouches in caves. He is at the mercy of beast and weather. He eats his meat raw. If you mean something by this, enlighten me with your wisdom. Tell me why you refuse to give man the gift of fire."Zeus answered."Do you now know, Prometheus, that every gift brings by a penalty? That is the way the Fates weave destiny- by which gods must also abide. Man does not have fire, true, nor the crafts which fire teaches. On the other hand, he does not know disease, warfare, old age, or that inward pest called worry. He is happy, I say, happy without dire. And so he shall remain.""Happy as beasts are happy."said Prometheus."Of what use to make a separate race called man and endow him with little fur, some wit, and curious charm of unpredictability? If he must live like this, why separate him from the beasts at all?""He has another quality,"said Zeus,"the capacity for worship. An aptitude for admiring our power, being puzzled by our riddles and amazed by our caprice. That is why he was made.""Would not fire, and thre graces he can put on with fire, make him more interesting?""More interesting, perhaps, but infinitely more dangerous. For there is this in man too: a vaunting pride that needs little sustenance to make it swell to giant size. Improve his lot, and he will forget that which makes him pleasing- his sense of worship, his humility. He will grow bit and poisoned with pride and fancy himself a god, and before we know it, we shall see him storming Olympus. Enough, Prometheus! I have been patient with you, but do not try me too far. Go now and trouble me no more with your speculations."Narrator: Prometheus was not satisfied. All that night he lay awake making plans. Then he left his couch at dawn and standing tiptoe on Olympus, stretched his arm to the eastern horizon where the first faint flames of the sun were flickering. In his hand he held a reed filled with a dry fiber; he thrust it into the sunrise until a spark smoldered. Then he put the reed in his tunic and came down from the mountain.At first men were frightened by the gift. It was so hot, so quick; it bit sharply when you touched it, and for pure spite, made the shadow dance. They thanked Prometheus and asked him to take it away. But he took the haunch of a newly killed deer and held it over the fire. And when the meat began to sear and sputter, filling the cave with its rich smells, the people felt themselves melting with hunger and flung themselves onthe meat and devoured it greedily, burning their tongues."This that I have brought you is called "fire","Prometheus said."It is an ill-natured spirit, a little brother of the sun, but if you handle it carefully, it can change your whole life. It is very greedy; you must feed it twigs, but only until it becomes a proper size. Then you must stop, or it will eat everything in sight- and you too. If it escapes, use this magic: water. It fears the water spirit, and if you touch it with water, it will fly away until you need it again."Narrator: Then one day Zeus looked down from the mountain and was amazed. Everything had changed. Man had come out off his cave. Zeus saw woodsmen"s huts, farm houses, villages, walled towns, even a castle or two. He saw men cooking their food, carrying torches to light their way at night. He saw forges blazing, men beating out ploughs, keels, swords, spears. They were making ships and making white wings of sails and daring to use the fury of the winds for their journeys. They were wearing helmets, riding out in chariots to do battle, like the god themselve. Zeus was full of rage. He seized his largest thunderbolt. "So they want fire," he said to himself."I"ll give them fire-more than they can use. I"ll turn their miserable little ball of earth into a cinder." But then another thought came to him and he lowered his arm. "No, I shall have vengeneace-and entertainment too. Let them destroy themselves with their new skills. This will make a long twisted game, interesting to watch. I"ll attend to them later. My first business is with Prometheus."Narrator: He called his giant guards and had them seize Prometheus, drag him off to the Caucasus, and there bind him to a mountain peak with great chains specially forged by Hephaestus-chains which even a Titan in agony could not break. And when the friend of man was bound to the mountain, Zeus set two vultures to hover about him forever, tearing at his belly and eating his liver. Many centuries he lay there-until another hero was born brave enough to defy the gods. He climbed to the peak in the Caucasus and struck the shackles from Prometheus and killed the vultures. His name was Heracles这个行吧
2023-07-08 13:18:342

three-phase induction motor是什么意思

2023-07-08 13:18:423


Tom is the best agent as in the past, good! From the first set to take fifth sets of mission impossible series, is still a good reputation at the box office. Tom Cruise film although some traces of time, acting skill is still powerful aura of charm posture. This set of elements, is still the hero, friends, beauty agent team, bad boss, terrorist organization. The plot is compact, interlocking, action design too much!Ethan begins hanging outside the aircraft take-off, rely on his remote control to open the door machine, into the aircraft intercept missiles of terrorist organizations neurotoxin, condition continuously, let a person nervous to shortness of breath! In addition, Ethan was arrested by women help bail out, opera in the Turandot music background serial assassinations, dive deep and change CI card task, riding a heavy machine chases, design kidnapped British Prime Minister, and terrorist organizations, battle of wits, the entire movie and circumstances of the action design are very exciting. Special recognition of the Rebecca Ferguson played into the terrorist organization of the British female agents, a few games, the action of smart, very good-looking! Beautiful, intelligent and courageous woman, very attractive.However, I feel not good enough to see the villain, high iq. All focus on female spy who sneaked into the organization, other people are muscular men be more brave than wise.汤姆是最好的代理,在过去,好!从第一套取第五套不可能的任务系列,在票房上仍然是个很好的名声。汤姆克鲁斯电影虽然有些岁月的痕迹,演技依然强大的光环魅力的姿势。这套元素,依然是英雄、朋友、美女特工队、坏老板、恐怖组织。情节紧凑,互锁,动作设计过多!伊森开始挂在外面的飞机起飞,依靠他的遥控开门机,为恐怖组织的神经毒素,飞机拦截导弹,状况不断,让人紧张,呼吸急促!此外,伊森被捕的妇女帮助摆脱困境,在图兰朵歌剧音乐背景的连环暗杀,潜深和变化的词卡任务,骑重机追逐,设计绑架了英国首相,与恐怖组织斗智斗勇,动作的设计和整部电影情节很精彩。丽贝卡弗格森的特殊识别成为英国女特工的恐怖组织,一些游戏,聪明的行动,很好看!美丽、聪明、勇敢的女人,很有吸引力,但是,我觉得自己不够好,看小人,高智商。所有关注的女间谍们潜入组织,其他人都是肌肉男有勇无谋。
2023-07-08 13:19:351


2023-07-08 13:19:479

求文档: AT89C2051-24PU中文资料

AT89C2051 89C2051是由ATMEL公司推出的一种小型单片机。95年出现在中国市场。其主要特点为采用Flash存贮器技术,降低了制造成本,其软件、硬件与MCS-51完全兼容,可以很快被中国广大用户接受,其程序的电可擦写特性,使得开发与试验比较容易。 89C2051共有20条引脚,详见图1.从图中可见,2051继承了8031最重要引脚:P1口共8脚,准双向端口。 P3.0~P3.6共7脚,准双向端口,并且保留了全部的P3的第二功能,如P3.0、P3..1的串行通讯功能,P3.2、P3..3的中断输入功能,P3.4、P3.5的定时器输入功能。 在引脚的驱动能力上面,89C2051具有很强的下拉能力,P1,P3口的下拉能力均可达到20mA.相比之下,89C51/87C51的端口下拉能力每脚最大为15mA。但是限定9脚电流之和小于71mA.这样,引脚的平均电流只9mA。89C2051驱动能力的增强,使得它可以直接驱动LED数码管。 为了增加对模拟量的输入功能,2051在内部构造了一个模拟信号比较器,其输入端连到P1.0和P1.1口,比较结果存入P3.6对应寄存器,(P3.6在2051外部无引脚),原理见图2。 对于一些不大复杂的控制电路我们就可以增加少量元件来实现,例如,对温度的控制,过压的控制等。图3为测量示意图。其中,R用于测量门限的调节,IN端接输入模拟信号。 2 电源 89C2051有很宽的工作电源电压,可为2.7~6V,当工作在3V时,电流相当于6V工作时的1/4。89C2051工作于12Hz时,动态电流为5.5mA,空闲态为1mA,掉电态仅为20nA。这样小的功耗很适合于电池供电的小型控制系统。 3 存储器 89C2051片内含有2k字节的Flash程序存储器,128字节的片内RAM,与80C31内部完全类似。由于2051内部设计全静态工作,所以允许工作的时钟为0~20MHz,也就是说,允许在低速工作时,不破坏RAM内容。相比之下,一般8031对最低工作时钟限制为3.5MHz,因为其内部的RAM是动态刷新的。89C2051不允许构造外部总线来扩充程序/数据存储器,所以它也不需要ALEPSEN、RD、WR一类的引脚。 4内部I/O控制 89C2051在内部I/O控制上继承了MCS51的特性: 5路2级优待中断,串等口,2路定时器/计数器,内部组成参见图4。AT89C2051   at89c2051是美国ATMEL公司生产的低电压、高性能CMOS 8位单片机,片内含2k bytes的可反复擦写的只读程序存储器(PEROM)和128bytes的随机数据存储器(RAM),器件采用ATMEL公司的高密度、非易失性存储技术生产,兼容标准MCS-51指令系统,片内置通用8位中央处理器和Flash存储单元,功能强大at89c2051单片机可为您提供许多高性价比的应用场合。   程序保密   89C2051设计有2个程序保密位,保密位1被编程之后,程序存储器不能再被编程除非做一次擦除,保密位2被编程之后,程序不能被读出。   软硬件的开发   89C2051可以采用下面2种方法开发应用系统。   (1) 由于89C2051内部程序存贮器为Flash,所以修改它内部的程序十分方便快捷,只要配备一个可以编程89C2051的编程器即可。调试人员可以采用程序编辑-编译-固化-插到电路板中试验这样反复循环的方法,对于熟练的MCS-51程序员来说,这种调试方法并不十分困难。当做这种调试不能够了解片内RAM的内容和程序的走向等有关信息。   (2) 将普通8031/80C31仿真器的仿真插头中P1.0~P1.7和P3.0~P3.6引出来仿真2051,这种方法可以运用单步、断点的调试方法,但是仿真不够真实,比如,2051的内部模拟比较器功能,P1口、P3口的增强下拉能力等等。   主要性能:   .和MCS-51产品兼容;   .2KB可重编程FLASH存储器(1000次);   .2.7-6V电压范围;   .全静态工作:0Hz-24KHz   .2级程序存储器保密锁定   .128*8位内部RAM   .15条可编程I/O线   .两个16位定时器/计数器   .6个中断源   .可编程串行通道   .高精度电压比较器(P1.0,P1.1,P3.6) .直接驱动LED的输出端口红外线热释电传感器  主要是由一种高热电系数的材料,如锆钛酸铅系陶瓷、钽酸锂、硫酸三甘钛等制成尺寸为2*1mm的探测元件。在每个探测器内装入一个或两个探测元件,并将两个探测元件以反极性串联,以抑制由于自身温度升高而产生的干扰。由探测元件将探测并接收到的红外辐射转变成微弱的电压信号,经装在探头内的场效应管放大后向外输出。为了提高探测器的探测灵敏度以增大探测距离,一般在探测器的前方装设一个菲涅尔透镜,该透镜用透明塑料制成,将透镜的上、下两部分各分成若干等份,制成一种具有特殊光学系统的透镜,它和放大电路相配合,可将信号放大70分贝以上,这样就可以测出10~20米范围内人的行动。   菲涅尔透镜利用透镜的特殊光学原理,在探测器前方产生一个交替变化的“盲区”和“高灵敏区”,以提高它的探测接收灵敏度。当有人从透镜前走过时,人体发出的红外线就不断地交替从“盲区”进入“高灵敏区”,这样就使接收到的红外信号以忽强忽弱的脉冲形式输入,从而强其能量幅度。   人体辐射的红外线中心波长为9~10--um,而探测元件的波长灵敏度在0.2~20--um范围内几乎稳定不变。在传感器顶端开设了一个装有滤光镜片的窗口,这个滤光片可通过光的波长范围为7~10--um,正好适合于人体红外辐射的探测,而对其它波长的红外线由滤光片予以吸收,这样便形成了一种专门用作探测人体辐射的红外线传感器。   被动式热释电红外探头的工作原理及特性: 人体都有恒定的体温,一般在37度,所以会发出特定波长10UM左右的红外线,被动式红外探头就是靠探测人体发射的10UM左右的红外线而进行工作的。人体发射的10UM左右的红外线通过菲泥尔滤光片增强后聚集到红外感应源上。红外感应源通常采用热释电元件,这种元件在接收到人体红外辐射温度发生变化时就会失去电荷平衡,向外释放电荷,后续电路经检测处理后就能产生报警信号。   1)这种探头是以探测人体辐射为目标的。所以热释电元件对波长为10UM左右的红外辐射必须非常敏感。   2)为了仅仅对人体的红外辐射敏感,在它的辐射照面通常覆盖有特殊的菲泥尔滤光片,使环境的干扰受到明显的控制作用。   3)被动红外探头,其传感器包含两个互相串联或并联的热释电元。而且制成的两个电极化方向正好相反,环境背景辐射对两个热释元件几乎具有相同的作用,使其产生释电效应相互抵消,于是探测器无信号输出。   4)一旦人侵入探测区域内,人体红外辐射通过部分镜面聚焦,并被热释电元接收,但是两片热释电元接收到的热量不同,热释电也不同,不能抵消,经信号处理而报警。   5)菲泥尔滤光片根据性能要求不同,具有不同的焦距(感应距离),从而产生不同的监控视场,视场越多,控制越严密。   被动式热释电红外探头的优缺点:   优点:   本身不发任何类型的辐射,器件功耗很小,隐蔽性好。价格低廉。   缺点:   ◆容易受各种热源、光源干扰   ◆被动红外穿透力差,人体的红外辐射容易被遮挡,不易被探头接收。   ◆易受射频辐射的干扰。   ◆环境温度和人体温度接近时,探测和灵敏度明显下降,有时造成短时失灵。   抗干扰性能:   1。防小动物干扰   探测器安装在推荐地使用高度,对探测范围内地面上地小动物,一般不产生报警。   2。抗电磁干扰   探测器的抗电磁波干扰性能符合GB10408中4.6.1要求,一般手机电磁干扰不会引起误报。   3。抗灯光干扰   探测器在正常灵敏度的范围内,受3米外H4卤素灯透过玻璃照射,不产生报警。   红外线热释电传感器的安装要求:   红外线热释电人体传感器只能安装在室内,其误报率与安装的位置和方式有极大的关系.。正确的安装应满足下列条件:   1。红外线热释电传感器应离地面2.0-2.2米。   2。红外线热释电传感器远离空调, 冰箱,火炉等空气温度变化敏感的地方。   3。红外线热释电传感器探测范围内不得隔屏、家具、大型盆景或其他隔离物。   4。红外线热释电传感器不要直对窗口,否则窗外的热气流扰动和人员走动会引起误报,有条件的最好把窗帘拉上。红外线热释电传感器也不要安装在有强气流活动的地方。 红外线热释电传感器对人体的敏感程度还和人的运动方向关系很大。红外线热释电传感器对于径向移动反应最不敏感, 而对于横切方向 (即与半径垂直的方向)移动则最为敏感. 在现场选择合适的安装位置是避免红外探头误报、求得最佳检测灵敏度极为重要的一环。片机攻击技术   目前,攻击单片机主要有四种技术,分别是:   (1)软件攻击   该技术通常使用处理器通信接口并利用协议、加密算法或这些算法中的安全漏洞来进行攻击。软件攻击取得成功的一个典型事例是对早期ATMEL AT89C 系列单片机的攻击。攻击者利用了该系列单片机擦除操作时序设计上的漏洞,使用自编程序在擦除加密锁定位后,停止下一步擦除片内程序存储器数据的操作,从而使加过密的单片机变成没加密的单片机,然后利用编程器读出片内程序。   (2) 电子探测攻击   该技术通常以高时间分辨率来监控处理器在正常操作时所有电源和接口连接的模拟特性,并通过监控它的电磁辐射特性来实施攻击。因为单片机是一个活动的电子器件,当它执行不同的指令时,对应的电源功率消耗也相应变化。这样通过使用特殊的电子测量仪器和数学统计方法分析和检测这些变化,即可获取单片机中的特定关键信息。   (3)过错产生技术   该技术使用异常工作条件来使处理器出错,然后提供额外的访问来进行攻击。使用最广泛的过错产生攻击手段包括电压冲击和时钟冲击。低电压和高电压攻击可用来禁止保护电路工作或强制处理器执行错误操作。时钟瞬态跳变也许会复位保护电路而不会破坏受保护信息。电源和时钟瞬态跳变可以在某些处理器中影响单条指令的解码和执行。   (4)探针技术   该技术是直接暴露芯片内部连线,然后观察、操控、干扰单片机以达到攻击目的。为了方便起见,人们将以上四种攻击技术分成两类,一类是侵入型攻击(物理攻击),这类攻击需要破坏封装,然后借助半导体测试设备、显微镜和微定位器,在专门的实验室花上几小时甚至几周时间才能完成。所有的微探针技术都属于侵入型攻击。另外三种方法属于非侵入型攻击,被攻击的单片机不会被物理损坏。在某些场合非侵入型攻击是特别危险的,但是因为非侵入型攻击所需设备通常可以自制和升级,因此非常廉价。   大部分非侵入型攻击需要攻击者具备良好的处理器知识和软件知识。与之相反,侵入型的探针攻击则不需要太多的初始知识,而且通常可用一整套相似的技术对付宽范围的产品。毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 盗窃、入室抢劫等刑事案件的多发使得人们越来越渴望有一个安全生活的空间。传统的防盗门窗越来越不能满足人们日常防范的要求,因此人们迫切需要一种智能型的家庭安全防范报警系统。对市场上出现的各种报警装置进行了研究之后,发现利用单片机实现报警具有体积小、价格低、集成度高等突出优点,利用单片机来开发防盗系统能使系统易于操作,且花费较小,因而具有广泛的应用性。该设计以单片机AT89C2051为核心,作为控制器件。采用喇叭发声作为报警装置。并辅之一些外围器件,用C语言控制单片机来完成报警系统的设计。整个报警系统由电源、单片机控制部分、命令控制部分以及报警装置等四部分组成。并且采取了一些硬件及软件的抗干扰措施,提高了系统的可靠性。 关键词 报警控制 单片机 C语言 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Title Design Of Alarm System Based on MCU Abstract People more and more hope a safely living space for the increasing crime of embezzling and looting. Because conventional security doors and windows can"t meet people"s routing guard more and more,people urgently need a kind of intelligent alarm system in their houses. After researching many different kinds of alarm systems in the market, discovering that design alarm systems by MCU have strong points such as smart、low price、high integrated level and so on.Using MCU to develop alarm system can made the system operated easily and cost lower,so it can be widely used.The design use AT89C2051 as the core department and the control component .Adopting a horn as a alarm unit.And adding some other components, using C language to control the MCU to complete the system alarm.The whole alarm system is made up by the power source、MCU controller、command control part and alarm unit.Moreover by taking some hardware and software antijamming measures can raise the systems" dependabilities. Keywords alarm control MCU C language 资料来源: 本课题研究简介 防盗系统是属于报警系统的,也是智能住宅技术的一部分。本课题就是基于以上智能住宅、各种报警技术的快速发展,设计一种专门用于住宅防盗的系统。在小区中设置一个监控中心,这个中心里面配置许多报警装置,比如蜂鸣器或发光二极管等。每个报警装置设置一个编号,对应一个住户。当一个盗贼进入某个住户时,他会触动隐藏在门上的开关,然后监控中心里面对应这个住户的报警装置就会发出报警,监控人员就会判断出是哪个住户里面现在有盗贼,然后监控人员就可以去捉拿盗贼或者打电话通知110,而盗贼却不知道会继续行窃,等警察来的时候只能束手就擒。电源 为了方便起见,本系统采用市电交流220V供电,驱动警号发声、输出供电、给蓄电池充电。220V/5UHz的市电进入本机后,首先进入一个E型交流变压器,该变压器输出交流14V,交流14V进入主电路板的电桥,电桥由4个二极管4007构成,经过电桥整形和电容滤波去交流成分后送入12V集成三端稳压器7812,生成+12V直流电,驱动报警装置或满足其他供电需求,一边送给5V集成三端稳压器7805。 集成三端稳压器7812是一种能提供稳定的12V电压的装置。它可以将输入的电压转化成直流的+12V输出。系统硬件电路 在本电路中,电源采用7805稳压电源给系统提供的稳定的5V工作电压,属于单片机工作电压(2.7V-6V)范围之内,GND(10)脚接地。 为了更明白的表示系统的工作状态,使用LED发光二极管来做为指示灯。如果K1按下,则绿灯亮,否则灯不亮。同理使用另一个发光二极管来指示门的状态,门关好的话,即K2接通的时候,黄灯不亮。门开的时候黄灯亮,表示系统进入了报警程序。指示灯的接线方式如图所示,由于电源电压比较高,所以接入了限流电阻R=200Ω。K1断开18脚高电平,系统不工作,K1按下,18脚低电平系统工作。K2和们开关连为一体,门关即K2按下,17脚为低电平,不启动报警程序。门开后,即K2断开,17脚为高电平,启动报警程序。 最后的报警装置采用喇叭声音报警。由于喇叭的功率较大,所以应选用一个放大装置。系统软件实现 在整个报警系统中,单片机AT89C2051是核心,用它来完成对整个报警系统的控制。用它实现各种控制,就要对单片机进行编程。 在计算机程序设计中,通常可以使用机器语言、汇编语言、高级语言。机器语言就是二进制代码,由于它的难记忆性现在几乎没有人用。现在一般都用汇编语言和高级语言,在这个课题中使用高级C语言对单片机进行编程。AT89C2051的C语言也就是8051单片单片机C语言,即C51语言[5]。
2023-07-08 13:20:341


Seven," a dark,grisly,horrifying and intelligent thriller,may be too disturbing for many people,I imagine,although if you can bear to watch,it you will see filmmaking of a high order.It tells the story of two detectives - one ready to retire,the other at the start of his career - and their attempts to capture a perverted serial killer who is using the Seven Deadly Sins as his scenario.As the movie opens,we meet Somerset (Morgan Freeman),a meticulous veteran cop who lives a lonely bachelor"s life in what looks like a furnished room.Then he meets Mills (Brad Pitt),an impulsive young cop who actually asked to be transferred into Somerset"s district.The two men investigate a particularly gruesome murder,in which a fat man was tied hand and feet and forced to eat himself to death.His crime was the crime of Gluttony.Soon Somerset and Mills are investigating equally inventive murders involving Greed,Sloth,Lust and the other deadly sins.In each case,the murder method is appropriate,and disgusting (one victim is forced to cut off a pound of his own flesh; another is tied to a bed for a year; a third,too proud of her beauty,is disfigured and then offered the choice of a call for help or sleeping pills).Somerset concludes that the killer,"John Doe," is using his crimes to preach a sermon.The look of "Seven" is crucial to its effect.This is a very dark film,the gloom often penetrated only by the flashlights of the detectives.Even when all the lights are turned on in the apartments of the victims,they cast only wan,hopeless pools of light.Although the time of the story is the present,the set design suggests the 1940s; Gary Wissner,the art director,goes for dark blacks and browns,deep shadows,lights of deep yellow,and a lot of dark wood furniture.It rains almost all the time.In this jungle of gloom,Somerset and Mills tread with growing alarm.Somerset intuits that the killer is using books as the inspiration for his crimes,and studies Dante,Milton and Chaucer for hints.Mills settles for the Cliff Notes versions.A break in the case comes with Somerset"s sudden hunch that the killer might have a library card.But the corpses pile up,in cold fleshy detail,as disturbingly graphic as I"ve seen in a commercial film.The only glimmers of life and hope come from Tracy (Gwyneth Paltrow),Mills" wife.A movie like this is all style.The material by itself could have been handled in many ways,but the director,David Fincher ("Alien 3"),goes for evocative atmosphere,and the writer,Andrew Kevin Walker,writes dialogue that for Morgan Freeman,in particular,is wise,informed and poetic.("Anyone who spends a significant amount of time with me," he says,"finds me disagreeable.") Eventually,it becomes clear that the killer"s sermon is being preached directly to the two policemen,and that in order to understand it,they may have to risk their lives and souls."Seven" is unique in one detail of its construction; it brings the killer onscreen with half an hour to go,and gives him a speaking role.Instead of being simply the quarry in a chase,he is revealed as a twisted but articulate antagonist,who has devised a horrible plan for concluding his sermon.(The actor playing the killer is not identified by name in the ads or opening credits,and so I will leave his identity as another of his surprises.) "Seven" is well-made in its details,and uncompromising in the way it presents the disturbing details of the crimes.It is certainly not for the young or the sensitive.Good as it is,it misses greatness by not quite finding the right way to end.All of the pieces are in place,all of the characters are in position,and then - I think the way the story ends is too easy.Satisfying,perhaps.But not worthy of what has gone before.
2023-07-08 13:20:411

求文档: 剪板机液压系统设计中英文翻译

1) Swaying Hydraulic Cutter液压剪板机2) hydraulic CNC shear计算机数控液压剪板机3) hydraulic液压1.Constructional and Technical Features of Hydraulic Nine-roller Hot Plate Leveler in Shaogang;韶钢全液压九辊热矫直机的结构和技术特点2.Improving of the Hydraulic System for Ladle Turntable;钢包回转台液压系统改造3.The leak of the machine tool hydraulic system and solutions of it;机床液压系统的泄漏与解决办法4) hydraulic pressure液压1.GK400N mixer hydraulic pressure and lubrication system analysis;GK400N密炼机液压和润滑系统分析2.Y3180H gear-hobbing machine hydraulic pressure principle of work and fault analysis;Y3180H型滚齿机液压工作原理和故障分析3.Design of round wood non-center peeling machine based on thickness detecting and hydraulic pressure;基于测厚控制与液压的无卡轴旋切机设计5) hydraulic system液压1.Study on the Arm Structure and Hydraulic System of Intelligent Bridge_detection Vehicle;智能桥梁检测车臂架结构及液压系统的研究2.The design means of the hydraulic system and the circuitry were introduced .文章给出了旋转升降舞台总体设计思路,详细介绍了液压系统、电气控制系统设计方案,以及该液压系统的一例典型故障的诊断与维修过程。3.This paper analyzes the working processes of hydraulic and mechanical driving systems in caterpillar combines and focuses on the configuration method of the hydraulic driving system, the selection of the hydraulic components, the specification of the hydraulic system, the calculation and testing of the performance of the hydraulic system in some combines.液压行走系统因其结构简单、操纵方便、转向灵活等特点已广泛在联合收割机中采用。6) hydraulic transmission液压1.Method In ordinary traction beds designed by mechanical- electrical- microprocessor controlling method,this paper put a new method useing hydraulic transmission.方法应用液压传动技术、采用计算机专家系统控制的方法。1) Shearing machine剪板机1.Design of hydraulic system of high-speed shearing machine;快速剪板机液压系统设计2.In this paper, we use the PLC, which is wildly used in prognssive process control in industry,to controI the shearing machine.以工业用剪板机为对象,采用了工业顺序控制过程中广泛使用的可编程控制器(PLC)对之进行控制,先后给出电气传动部分设计方案和采用PLC控制的状态转移图及步进梯形图。2) Plate Shearing Machine剪板机1.Function Models Exploitation of the Control System for Plate Shearing Machine;剪板机多轴控制系统的功能模块开发3) Cutting plate Machine剪板机1.Application of PLC to the control system of cutting plate machine;PLC在剪板机控制系统中的应用4) shear剪板机1.Factors considered in designing rotary plate shear carrier;摆式剪板机刀架设计中应考虑的因素2.Shear Gap and back angle can vary in process of rotary shear running after adopted simple manufacturing technology for blade fixing surface.摆式剪板机剪切力计算大多是依据刀架作直线运动剪板机剪切力算式进行的。5) guillotion shears,plate shears, plate shearing machine,veneer guillutine剪板机(机)6) Hardware自动剪板机1) shear 剪板机1.Factors considered in designing rotary plate shear carrier;摆式剪板机刀架设计中应考虑的因素2.Shear Gap and back angle can vary in process of rotary shear running after adopted simple manufacturing technology for blade fixing surface.摆式剪板机剪切力计算大多是依据刀架作直线运动剪板机剪切力算式进行的。2) Plate Shearing Machine 剪板机1.Function Models Exploitation of the Control System for Plate Shearing Machine;剪板机多轴控制系统的功能模块开发3) Cutting plate Machine 剪板机1.Application of PLC to the control system of cutting plate machine;PLC在剪板机控制系统中的应用4) Shearing machine 剪板机1.Design of hydraulic system of high-speed shearing machine;快速剪板机液压系统设计2.In this paper, we use the PLC, which is wildly used in prognssive process control in industry,to controI the shearing machine.以工业用剪板机为对象,采用了工业顺序控制过程中广泛使用的可编程控制器(PLC)对之进行控制,先后给出电气传动部分设计方案和采用PLC控制的状态转移图及步进梯形图。5) Clipboard 裁剪板1.Using two examples, this paper describes the characteristic of Clipboard of Windows and the programming method of Clipboard under Windows.文章通过两个函数实例讲述Windows系统的裁剪板特性和基本的编程方6) guillotion shears,plate shears, plate shearing machine,veneer guillutine
2023-07-08 13:21:191

(急急急!!)英文短文 机器人足球赛

RoboCup is an international joint project to promote AI, robotics, and related field. It is an attempt to foster AI and intelligent robotics research by providing a standard problem where wide range of technologies can be integrated and examined. RoboCup chose to use soccer game as a central topic of research, aiming at innovations to be applied for socially significant problems and industries. The ultimate goal of the RoboCup project is By 2050, develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can win against the human world champion team in soccer. In order for a robot team to actually perform a soccer game, various technologies must be incorporated including: design principles of autonomous agents, multi-agent collaboration, strategy acquisition, real-time reasoning, robotics, and sensor-fusion. RoboCup is a task for a team of multiple fast-moving robots under a dynamic environment. RoboCup also offers a software platform for research on the software aspects of RoboCup. One of the major application of RoboCup technologies is a search and rescue in large scale disaster. RoboCup initiated RoboCupRescue project to specifically promote research in socially significant issues.
2023-07-08 13:21:293


2023-07-08 13:21:371


1. Member of International Committee, International Conference on DYNAMICS, INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL (CDIC "04)2. Session Chair, IEEE Int. Conf. On System, Man and Cybernetics, Orlando, USA 1997.3. Reviewer of IEEE Trans. On Automatic Control, and Trans. On Industrial Electronics 1. Wang Xingsong, Hong Henry, Su Chunyi, Adaptive control of flexible beam with unknown dead-zone in the driving motor, Chinese J. of Mechanical Engineering (机械工程学报英文版), vol.17, no.3, 2004, pp327-331. (EI)2. Xing-Song Wang, Chun-Yi Su, Henry Hong, Robust adaptive control of a class of nonlinear systems with unknown dead-zone, Automatica, vol.40, no.3, 2004, pp.407-413. (SCI, EI)3. X._S. Wang, H. Hong, and C.-Y. Su, Model reference adaptive control of continuous-time systems with an unknown input dead-zone, IEE Proc. Control Theory Application, vol.150, no.3, 2003, pp.261-266. (SCI, EI)4. 王兴松、张正峰、王中华、周香, 定位平台非线性摩擦的神经网络补偿, 东南大学学报, vol.32,no.4 pp.605-609, 2002. (EI)5. 王中华、王兴松、徐卫良, X-Y定位平台的鲁棒自适应摩擦补偿, 东南大学学报, vol.32, no.1 pp.69-73, 2002. (EI)6. 王兴松、朱建, 用加速度波形优化方法减少柔性机械臂残余振动, 机械工程学报, vol.37,no.8, pp10-13, 2001. (EI)7. 王兴松、徐卫良, 用模型输入方法控制柔性臂振动, 中国机械工程, vol.12,no.12, pp1408-1411, 2001. (EI)8. 王中华、王兴松、王群、徐卫良, 高精度鲁棒运动控制器设计及实验研究, 控制与决策, vol.16, suppl.pp.657-660, 2001. (EI)9. Zhu Jian, Shao Hao, Wang Xing-song, Study on Restraining the Residual Vibration of Flexible Arm by Planning Acceleration, Chinese J. of Mechanical Engineering (机械工程学报英文版), vol.13, no.4, pp.245-250, 2000. (EI)10. W.L. Xu, S.K. Tso, X.S. Wang, Sensor-based Deflection Modeling and Compensation Control of Flexible Robotic Manipulator, Mechanics and Machine Theory, Vol.33,no.7, pp.909-924, 1998.(EI) 1. Wang Xingsong, SU C.Y., H. Hong, Adaptive sliding inverse control of a class of nonlinear systems preceded by unknown non-symmetrical dead-zone, IEEE Int. Symposium on intelligent Control, USA, pp16-21, Oct. 2003. (EI, ISTP)2. Wang Xingsong, Lili,SU C.Y., H. Hong, Recurrent neural networks control of dynamic system with unknown input hysteresis, IEEE Int. Conf.on Neural Networks and signal Processing, Nanjing, China, pp297-300, Dec. 2003.3. Xingsong Wang, H. Hong, Chun-yi Su, Adaptive robust control dynamic systems with unknown input hysteresis,IEEE, Proc. Of 4th Intl. Conf. on Control and Automation, June 10-12, Montreal. Canada, pp.138-142, 2003.4. Xing-song Wang, Chun-yi Su and Henry Hong, Robust Adaptive Control of A Class of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Dead-zone, Proc. Of the 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pp.1627-1632, Orlando, USA, Dec. 2001. (EI)5. Xing-song Wang and Henry Hong, Adaptive Control of Linear Systems with Unknown Dead-zone, Int. Conf. on Multidisiplne Design in Engineering, Paper no. TA-4-1(1-7), Montreal, Canada. Nov. 2001.6. W.L. Xu, S.K. Tso, X.S. Wang, J. Z. Zhang, Sensor-based deflection modeling and compensation control of flexible robotic manipulator, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, v 4, Orlando, USA, pp 3780-3785, 1997. (EI)7. X.S.Wang W.L.Xu S.K.Tso J.Z.Zhang, Path error compen-sation of a two-link flexible arm based on integrated laser transducer, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, v 4, 1997, Orlando, USA, pp.3786-3790, Oct. 1997. (EI)8. W.L.Xu, T.W.Yang, X.S.Wang, Sensitive Analysis of planar mechanism using neural network, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Orlando, USA, P2511~2516, Oct. 1997. (EI)9. X.S.Wang, W.L.Xu, S.K.Tso, Auto-tuning of fuzzy controller based on pattern recognition, 4"th Int. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore, p236-240, Dec. 1996.10. W.L.Xu, S.K.Tso, X.S.Wang, Conceptual design of an integrated laser-optical measuring system for flexible manipulator, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Beijing, China, P1247~1252, Oct.1996. (EI) 1. 浙江大学:陈秀宁、沈萌红 等 东南大学:钱瑞明、王兴松 重庆大学:李俊、任亨斌 等, “面向二十一世纪系列教材”《现代机械工程基础实验教程》中“信号采集与处理” 一章, 高等教育出版社, 2002.082. 徐祥和、贾方、张志胜、王兴松, 《电子精密机械设计》中“测量与控制系统”一章, 东南大学出版社, 2000.10Funded Projects:1. 王兴松,江苏省自然科学基金:基于压电单晶的高速非圆车削研究,BK2005065,05/07-07/062. 王兴松,国家自然基金:机械硬非线性磁滞化补偿及其在机床中的应用,50475076,05/01-07/12。3. 王兴松,国家自然基金:基于被动性理论的智能材料磁滞非线性补偿研究,50275027, 03/1-03/12。4. 王兴松、徐卫良,博士点基金:基于传感器的宏微机器人控制研究,98028625,99/01—02/12。5. 王兴松、徐卫良,国家自然基金:基于传感器的宏柔性/微刚性机器人动态误差控制研究,59885002,99/01—01/12。6. 王兴松、徐卫良,863:基于测量的柔性机器臂动力学控制研究,863-2-5-1-2,97/06—99/09。7. 徐卫良、王兴松,国家自然基金:高速高精度机器人动态误差集成激光测量,59585003,96/01—98/12。8. 1993/06-1997/09,控制系统负责人,参加完成江苏省85攻关项目:全自动电脑刺绣系统;9. 1995/06-1999/09,测量与控制系统负责人,参加南京分析仪器厂承担的机械部85攻关项目:血气电解质综合分析系统研制; 1. 王兴松、贾方,JF75G-125型闭式高速冲床动态优化设计,05/01—至今2. 王兴松、张正峰,FC系列复合水泥板生产线自动化改造, 01/03—03/12。3. 王兴松、陈小松,活塞环压力特性测量仪研制8502002058,02/10—04/01。4. 王兴松、陈奇,活塞环梯形角测量仪研制8502002061,02/11—03/12。5. 王兴松、张正峰、陈奇,天线罩静压特性实验,02/10—02/11。6. 王兴松,活塞环突起角测量仪研制,8502002078,03/04—04/12。7. 王兴松,活塞环高测量及数据传输系统研制,8502001059,03/07—04/128. 王兴松,活塞环锥面车床数控系统研制及误差补偿技术,8502001068,04/04—04/10。9. 王兴松,东大——仪征双环合作计划,150万,03/12——05/12。10. 王兴松,某型雷达天线罩静压及变形位移特性测量,04/09——04/12。 1. 王兴松,家用微型超声清洗振子,国家专利局实用新型专利,1999/03。2. 彭时林,王世群,王桂明,王兴松,自适应可翻转越障车,国家专利局实用新型专利,2003/12 1. 王兴松,“宝钢”优秀教师奖/东大教学特等奖,2004/09。2. 王兴松指导,“先锋号”自适应可翻转探测车,全国大学生第一届机械创新设计大赛一等奖,2004/09。3. 王兴松指导,智能机器鱼“尼莫”,全国大学生第一届机械创新设计大赛三等奖,2004/09。4. 钱瑞明、杨可贞、吴克坚、陈云飞、王兴松、王鸿翔,机械设计课程,国家精品课程2004/12;江苏省高校一类优秀课程2004/09;东南大学校优秀课程2004/065. 郁凯元,许飞云,王兴松、等,控制工程基础,东南大学校优秀课程,2004/066. 钱瑞明、喻开安、王兴松、陈云飞、王鸿翔,基于学生创新能力培养的机械设计系列课程教学改革,东南大学教学改革成果二等奖, 1999/12。 项目名称 等级 备注机械硬非线性磁滞化补偿及其在机床中的应用 国家基于被动性理论的智能材料磁滞补偿 国家基于测量的宏挠性/微刚性机器人运动误差补偿控制研究 国家桥梁悬索检测机器人关键技术研究 国家高精度伺服电机驱动数控压力机开发与产业化 部省压电单晶驱动器应用基础研究 部省基于压电单晶的高速非圆车削研究 部省东南大学 部省粉末冶金压机专用机器人研制 企业63吨伺服压力机研制 企业JF75G-125型冲床优化设计 企业东大仪征合作 企业活塞环锥面车床改造 企业东大——仪征合作 企业突起角测量仪 企业活塞环梯形角测量 企业活塞环压力特性检测 企业天线罩静压应力测量 企业FC系列板生产线自动华改造 企业基于测量的宏微机器人控制 企业 发表时间 题目 刊物名称 备注2006-12 Quasi-Hysteresis Friction Model Second Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics2006-12 Dynamic Model and Computer-Torque Control Second Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics2006-12 Kinematics of a Wheel-based Cable Climbing Robot Second Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics2006-12 Control of Hysteresis in Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator, Second Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics2006-11 Robust adaptive control of a class of nonlinear systems with non-symmetry non-equal slope unknown de International J. of Systems Science SCI2006-10 Nonlinear Dynamics of Regenerative Cutting Processes --- Comparison of Two Models Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals SCI2005-07 Nonlinear Dynamics of Regenerative Cutting Processes --- Comparison of Two Models IEEE Int. Conf. on Control & Automation EI2005-07 Adaptive control of flexible beam with friction in the hub IEEE Int. Conf. on Control & Automation EI2004-08 Adaptive control of flexible beam with unknown dead-zone in the driving motor Chinese J. of Mechanical Engineering EI2004-03 Robust adaptive control of a class of nonlinear systems with unknown deadzone Automatica SCI2003-12 Recurrent neural networks control of dynamic systems with unknown input hysteresis IEEE, Proc. Of Intl. Conf. on Neural Networks and Signal Processing, Dec.14-17, 2003, Nanjing, China2003-09 Adaptive sliding inverse control of a class of nonlinear systems preceded by unknown non-symmetrical IEEE Int. Symposium on intelligent Control, pp16-21 EI2003-06 Adaptive robust control dynamic systems with unknown input hysteresis IEEE, Proc. Of 4th Intl. Conf. on Control and Automation, June 10-12, 2003, Montreal. Canada, pp.1382003-06 非圆零件车削加工刀架驱动机构综述 机械制造与自动化2003-06 Adaptive Robust Control of a Dynamic Systems with Unknown Input Hysteresis IEEE 4th ICCA2003-05 智能化精密角度检测仪研制 电机电器技术2003-05 Model Reference Adaptive Control of Continuous Time Systems with Unknown Input Dead-zone IEE ----Control Theory and Application SCI2002-04 定位平台非线性摩擦的神经网络补偿 东南大学学报 EI2002-01 X-Y 定位平台的鲁棒自适应摩擦补偿 东南大学学报 EI2001-12 实时控制系统的快速成型及其在运动控制中的应用 自动化仪表2001-12 用模型输入方法控制柔性臂的振动 中国机械工程 EI2001-12 高精度鲁棒运动控制器设计及实验研究 控制与决策 EI2001-12 Robust Adaptive Control of Proc. 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control EI2001-10 基于PC及PLC的三轴数控系统的设计与实现 PLC & FA2001-08 用加速度优化方法减少柔性机械臂残余振动 机械工程学报 EI2001-06 新型摩擦模型的参数辩识及补偿实验研究 制造业自动化
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必修1MODEL 1 academic 学术的province 省enthusiatic 热心的amazing 令吃惊的information 信息wedsite 网站,网址brilliant (口语)极好的comprehension 理解,领悟instruction 指示说明method 方法bored 厌烦的embarrassed 尴尬的attitude 态度behaviour 行为previous 从前的decription 记述,描述amazed 吃惊的,惊讶的embarrassing 令人尴尬的technology 技术impress 使印象深刻correction 改正,纠正encouragement 鼓励,激励enjoyment 享受,乐趣fluency 流畅,流利misunderstanding 误解disappointed 失望的disappointing 令人失望的system 制度,体系,系统teenager 少年disappear 消失move 搬家assistant 助手cover 包含diploma 文凭,毕业证书MODULE 2amusing 有趣的,可笑的energetic 精力充沛的intelligent 聪明的nervous 紧张的,焦虑的orgaised 有组织的,有系统的patient 耐心的serious 严肃的shy 害羞的,羞怯的strict 严格的,严厉的impression 印象avoid 避开hate 讨厌,不喜欢incorrectly 不正确地completely 十分地,完全地appreciately 感激admit 承认scientific 科学的literature 文学loudly 大声地wave 挥手,招手joke 笑话summarry 总结,摘要,提要respect 尊敬,尊重grade 成绩,分数deadmaster 校长deadmistress 女校长period 一段时间revision 复习translation 翻译timetable 时间表toptic 话题,题目vacation 假期revise 温习功课discipline 纪律relationship 关系formal 正式的relaxed 轻松的,松懈的,宽松的similarly 同样地,类似地MODULE 3helicopter 直升机motorbike 摩托车tram 电车distance 距离abandoned 被遗弃的camel 骆驼cassette 录音带desert 沙漠diamond 钻石expert 专家midnight 半夜product 产品scenery 景色shoot 射杀soil 土壤journey 旅程train 训练circus 马戏团seaside 海滨stadium 运动场,体育场eagle 鹰 frighten 使惊吓,惊吓kindergarten 幼儿园apartment 公寓,单元住宅cartoon 卡通,漫画interviewer 主考官,面谈者event 事件exhausted 疲惫不堪的downtown 商业区,市中心的vacuum 真空,空白rail 铁轨ceremony 仪式track 轨道souvenir 纪念品MODULE 4survey调查neighborhood 四邻,街坊local 地方的,局部的suburb 城郊,郊区hometown 家乡attractive 有吸引力的,吸引人的fortunate 幸运的,吉祥的pretty 很,相当sound 听起来tourist 旅游者,观光客bother 打扰,烦忧,麻烦muisance 令人讨厌的人或事rent 租金district 地域,区域,行政区approach 接近harbour 海港gorgeous 美丽的,宜人的architecture 建筑starve 饿死park 停车traffic 交通committee 居委会organization 组织unemployed 失业的household 家属,家人occupational 职业professional专业的manual 用手的,手的employment 就业,工作,职业gallery 美术馆exchange 交换fascinating 迷人的,吸引人的afford 买得起,有能力支付survive 死里逃生,大难不死contact 联络,联系某人MODULE 5liquid 液体expand 膨胀contract 收缩substance 物质mixture 混合物oxygen 氧气electricity 电stage 阶段,时期conclusion 结论aim 目标reaction 反应electrical 与电有关的,用电的equipment 设备,装备react 化学反应potassium 钾sodium 钠calcium 钙magnesium 镁aluminium 铝zinc 锌partial 部分的,局部的copper 铜oxide 氧化物rust 生锈boil 煮,煮沸ordinary 普通的,通常的steam 蒸汽,水汽float 漂浮form 形成dissolve 溶解,分解,分离balance 天平crucible 坩埚tongs 夹子,小钳子flame 火焰facility 设备,工具lecture 演讲department 科,系astonished 吃惊的,惊愕的MODULE 6 contain 包含access 接近,通路crash (计算机)崩溃keyword 密码,口令log 记录,登录software 软件 breakdown 故障source 来源,出处accessible 可进入的,可使用的data 数据defence 保护,防卫create 创造,发明network 网络via 途径,经由percentage 百分数,百分率design 设计document 文件invention 发明permission 许可military 军事的,军队的concentrate 集中(注意力,思想等)definite 明确的fantastic 极好的,美妙的independent 独立的 essay 文章pass 超过 frequently 时常,经常disadvantage 弊端,缺点average 平均的statics 统计数字shorten 缩短sideways 横着地,斜着地是这个吗?这上是必修1的
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