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2023-07-08 14:24:22
TAG: 英语

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Landscape: [ "l03ndskeip ] n. 风景,山水,风景画v. 美化…的景观,进行造园工程词形变化: 名词:landscaper 动词过去式:landscaped 过去分词:landscaped 现在分词:landscaping 第三人称单数:landscapes 例句与用法: 1. That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。 2. This landscape is disfigured by a power station. 风景被发电厂破坏了。 3. The cottages harmonize well with the landscape. 这些村舍与周围风景十分协调。 4. I prefer landscape to still life. 我喜欢风景画,不喜欢静物画。 5. Those cottages blend perfectly with the landscape. 那些农舍与周围的风景完全融为一体了. 6. The landscape was grey and stark. 景色灰暗荒凉。 7. The landscape unfolded before us. 那景色展现在我们面前. 8. That new factory is a blot on the landscape. 那新建的工厂破坏了此地的景色. 英英解释: 名词landscape:1. an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view2. painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery3. a genre of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery同义词:landscape painting4. an extensive mental viewpoint动词landscape:1. embellish with plants2. do landscape gardening
2023-07-08 12:45:111


beautiful views
2023-07-08 12:45:293

Landscapes that were violated by the slowly moving glaciers would carry the scars of this advance

被缓慢浮动的冰层所侵害的风景将留下这种(发展趋势?)的伤痕楼主请给出上下文,方便对这里的advance定义。句子主体:Landscapes would carry the scars.主语:Landscapes谓语:carry宾语:scars定语从句(修饰Landscapes)that were violated by the slowly moving glaciers从句主语 glaciers 从句定语(修饰glaciers):slowly moving 从句谓语:violated
2023-07-08 12:46:022

scenery landscape view 等表示景色的词语的区别

scenery: 风景,自然景色:The grassland scenery of Tibet is unrivalled.西藏的草原风景是无与伦比的. landscape: 1)风景,景致,景色(可数)The landscape of the Great Wall is like a dragon.长城的全景像一条龙. 2)风景照,风景画(可数)He paints landscapes but his wife paints portraits.他画风景画,而他的妻子则画肖像画. 3)风景绘画(不可数) view侧重一个人从某一角度看到的景象在做与风景有关的解释时的意思是 1)视野,视线My view of the harbour was blocked by the new building.新大楼挡住了我的视线,使我看不见港口. 2)风景,景色(可数)I"ll sit here and look at the view.我要坐在这里观看景色. 这些名词均含“景色、风景”之意 scenery :指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景. landscape :多指在内陆的自然风光. view :普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色.
2023-07-08 12:46:201

fitness landscapes是什么意思啊?

2023-07-08 12:46:354


2023-07-08 12:46:511

山水园林景观 英语怎么说

The sight of gardens and landscapes.
2023-07-08 12:46:595

much beautiful senery和many beautiful landscapes的说法都是对的吗?

2023-07-08 12:47:205


1. landscape 可以指风景画, glow 这里是比喻用法,指的是美丽的画熠熠生辉,很有光彩 in reality 在现实中 decay 腐朽衰败这句话是说留在画上的风景很美丽,但是在现实中这些人文风景可能已经衰败了2. 这是个省略句,完整的是:our relationship is one relationship between equals. equal 可以作为形容词使用,表示同等的人或事物我们的关系是平等的关系。
2023-07-08 12:47:364


1. landscape 2. scenery 3. scene 4. view 近义词或词组prospect | outlook | scenic | picture | Outlook Express outlook | lookout 例句与用法1. 那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。 That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 2. 景色灰暗荒凉。 The landscape was grey and stark. 3. 游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。 The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes. 4. 这美丽的景色难以形容。 The beautiful scenery baffles description. 5. 我们在穿越这个地区的旅途中,看到了不少美丽的景色。 We passed through some beautiful scenery on our journey through this district. 6. 这条峡谷里的景色非常美丽。 The scene is very beautiful in this glen. 7. 落日使景色更美。 The setting sun glorified the scene. 8. 我们被美丽的景色迷住了。 The beauty of the scene filled us with enchantment.
2023-07-08 12:47:451


unit37The answer to this question requires detailed analyse of local conditions and needs,application of scientific knowledge and engineering judgement based on past experience,and consideration of federal,state,and local regulations. 要解答这个问题首先需要详细的分析当地的实际情况和需求,其次需要应用科学知识和基于经验的工程决断,最后考虑联邦,州和当地法规。In advanced treatment,additional combinations of unit operations and processes are used to remove residual suspended solids and other constituents that are not reduced significantly by conventional secondary treatment. 在高级处理中,额外的单元操作和单元过程结合在一起被用来除剩余的悬浮固体和在二级处理中不能被有效去除的其他成分。Land treatment processes,commonly termed “natural systems”,combine physical,chemical,and biological treatment mechanisms and produce water with quality similar to or better than that from advanced wastewater treatment. 通常被称作天然系统土地处理过程结合了物理,化学,生物处理机构,出水水质与高级废水处理工艺相似或更好。As developing nation industrialize,pollutant concentrations and the numbers of exposed individual increase;as new chemicals are added to our environment we discover more complex and troubling impact;as we more carefully monitor ecosystems,we become more alarmed at the threats our activities have on the very fabric of life on earth. 当发展中国家正在工业化时,污染物聚集(程度)以及暴露在这些化学品影响之下的人数都在逐渐增加;当新的化学物质被应用到我们日常环境中时,我们发展越来越多的复杂和麻烦的影响;当我们越来越细心仔细监视着生态系统时,我们也变得对我们自己日常活动给地球上基本生活结构带来的威胁越来越警觉。The breadth and complexity of the environmental problems we face and the scientific,economic and social impediments to their solution emphasize how important it is that environmental scientists and engineers gain an appreciation for the process and functioning of all environmental compartments—air,soil,water and energy—and intentionally account for the long-term consequences and sustainability of the action they propose,whether they be prevented or remedial. 我们所面临的环境问题的广度和复杂程度以及对解决这个问题的科学的,经济的,社会的障碍,都集中到这样一个重要性:环境科学家与工程师们获得一个所有环境因素诸如空气,石油,水,能量的流程和功能的判断,有意阐明所提议的行为的长期结果和可持续发展性,是否它们(环境问题)可以预防和补救。Nevertheless,the general direction and boundaries of that trajectory can be established through a combination of knowledge of the damaged ecosystem"s pre-existing structure,composition and functioning,studies on comparable intact ecosystems,and analysis of other ecological,cultural and analysis of other ecological,cultural and historical reference information. 然而,通过对受损生态系统原先结构,组成和功能的认识,对完好生态系统的比较研究,区域环境状况信息和对其他生态的,耕作的和历史的参考信息的分析等综合起来可以建立生态系统历史轨迹的大概方向和轮廓。In this regard,the north American focus on restoring pristine landscapes makes little or no sense in places like Europe where cultural landscapes are the norm,or in large parts of Africa,Asia and Latin America,where ecological restoration is untenable unless it manifestly bolsters the ecological base from human survival. 在这一点上,北美同欧洲一样,恢复原始的景观没有太大意义,因为这些地方文化景观已经很普遍;而在非洲,亚洲和拉丁美洲的大部分地区生态基础必须明显的能够支持人类生存,否侧要对它们进行生态恢复是难以维系的。一什么是生态恢复:Ecological restoration is an intentional activity that initiates or accelerate the recovery of an ecosystem with respect to its health,integrity and sustainability.二科学论文的结构:引言,Introduction;材料与方法,materials and methods;结果:results;讨论,discussion 三环科环工研究前沿包括哪些:Research frontiers: category Subcategories Sustainable environment 1 safe,adequeate and sustainable water supplycreuse and conservation 2 Ecosystem stress Complex system 1 ecosystem stability and diversity 2 Microbial ecology Analytical and molecular tools 1 chemical tools 2 Molecular biological tools Process technologies 1 Reactive separation systems 2 Targeted chemical destruction
2023-07-08 12:48:091


始建于乾隆十五年(1750),后被英法联军烧毁,光绪十二年(1886)重建。长廊东起邀月门,西至石丈亭,共二百七十三间,全长七百二十八米,枋梁上还绘有人物、山水、花鸟等各种彩画八千多幅,是中国古典园林中最长的游廊。长廊中间建有留佳、寄澜、秋水、清遥四座八角重檐的亭子,依山临水,以排云殿为中心,向东西两边对称地展开,将分布在万寿山前的建筑连成一气。 The Long Corridor was originally built in the 15th year of Emperor Qianlong"s reign (1750) and then rebuilt in the 12th year of Emperor Guangxu"s reign (1886) because the Anglo-French Allied Forces burned it down in 1860. It starts from Inviting the Moon Gate in the east and ends at Shizhang Pavilion in the west, covering a distance of 728 meters with its 273 sections. Of all the corridors in Chinese classical gardens, the Long Corridor is the longest. On the beams are more than 8,000 colorful paintings depicting stories from Chinese classical novels, folk tales, landscapes as well as flora and fauna. Four pavilions, “Mesmerizing Scenery”, “Harmonizing with the Lake”, “Autumn Water” and “Clear and Carefree”, with octahedral structures and double eaves, were built intermittently along the corridor. Taking the Hall that Dispels the Clouds as the center, the Long Corridor stretches symmetrically to the east and the west along the foot of the hill and the water bank, linking all the structures scattered along the Longevity Hill side into a whole.
2023-07-08 12:48:271

make a brief introduction to the Traditional Chinese painting(guohua) in English

Chinese art, and in particular, Chinese painting is highly regarded around the world. Chinese painting can be traced to as far back as six thousand years ago in the Neolithic Age when the Chinese have started using brushes in their paintings. Chinese art dates back even earlier than that.According to subject matter, Chinese paintings can be classified as landscapes, figure paintings and flower-and-bird paintings. In traditional Chinese painting, Chinese landscape painting embodies a major category, depicting nature, especially mountains and bodies of water. Landscapes have traditionally been the favorite of the Chinese because they show the poetry inherent in nature. Consequently, many famous paintings are landscapes.When it comes to technique, there are two major categories of Chinese painting: meticulous (or the ‘gongbi" school), characterized by fine brush work and close attention to detail and freehand (or the ‘xieyi" school) characterized by freehand brush work and exaggerated forms. The Xieyi school of painting technique, which emphasizes the sentiments, is the basic school of thought in traditional Chinese painting. 楼下 你怎么炒我的
2023-07-08 12:48:342


Title: Introduction to ChinaChina, with its rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking landscapes, is a fascinating country that captivates the imagination of people around the world. From the ancient wonders of the Great Wall to the modern skyline of Shanghai, China offers a unique blend of tradition and progress. Let"s delve into some key aspects that make China such a remarkable nation.First and foremost, China boasts a civilization that spans over 5,000 years. It is home to iconic landmarks such as the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Army, and the Temple of Heaven. These historical treasures not only showcase China"s architectural brilliance but also provide a glimpse into its glorious past.Chinese culture is renowned for its diversity and richness. From the exquisite art of calligraphy and traditional painting to the graceful movements of Chinese opera and the vibrant celebrations of Chinese New Year, the cultural tapestry of China is woven with depth and vibrancy. Additionally, the Chinese philosophy of Confucianism has greatly influenced the social fabric, emphasizing respect for elders, filial piety, and harmony in relationships.China"s natural beauty is equally breathtaking. From the serene landscapes of the Li River in Guilin to the majestic peaks of Huangshan, China offers a diverse range of natural wonders. The Yangtze River, the third-longest river in the world, flows through the heart of China, and the picturesque countryside is dotted with terraced rice fields, ancient villages, and serene gardens.China"s economic growth and technological advancements have propelled it to become a global powerhouse. The rapid development of cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen showcases China"s modern infrastructure, futuristic architecture, and technological innovations. The country"s achievements in space exploration, high-speed rail networks, and e-commerce demonstrate its ambition and determination for progress.In conclusion, China is a country that embodies a rich heritage, vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and impressive advancements. Exploring China"s ancient history, experiencing its diverse traditions, and marveling at its natural and modern wonders are sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone fortunate enough to visit this remarkable nation.
2023-07-08 12:48:444


景观设计图式的常规手法一:艺术形象与自然景观的区别在于,艺术形象是自然形象的理想化表现。景观造园活动就是将自然界的景观加以理想化的创造,这一深层次的创造活动也加深了人与自然之间的情感沟通。 1:定点点,即点景,风景园林的焦点,在景观造园活动中起锦上添花,画龙点睛之效。植物栽植中,单植,或丛植的零散点缀,点的合理运用,也是设计师们的创造力的进一步延伸,具体手法有:自由式,陈列式,旋转式,放射式,特异式等,点的不同排列组合也可产生不同的艺术效果,点同时也是一种无约束的修饰美,也是景观设计的主要构成部分。 2:放线这里的放线,专指园林施工中的植物栽植技法,即将不同的彩叶类灌木按一定的设计形式栽植成不同的艺术线条。线有曲线与直线之分,在规则式园林中直线是常用的运用手法,而曲线则在后现代派风格的园林设计中得到大量使用。神以线而传,形以线而立,色以线而明,园林中的线不仅有修饰美,同时也有一种流畅之美。 3:立面景观造园中的面,通常是指大面积的草坪地被及各种形式的高篱,绿墙等具有立体感的植物栽植方式。面的技法也是造园中最为常用的一种手法之一,面的使用是自由的,活泼的,无约束的,如各种形式的多边形,不规则形,将其进行不同方式的组合或层叠或相接,其表现力是异常丰富的。二:节奏与韵律感在景观修饰中的完美体现也是造园活动中必不可少的一个重要环节,几乎所有艺术形式都离不开节奏与韵律的充分使用,而景观修饰中的节奏与韵律的使用是有别于其他艺术活动的。如色彩的强弱,造形的长短,林间的疏密,植株的高低,线条的刚与柔,曲与直,面的方圆,尺寸的大小,交接上的错落与否等组合形式的运用。节奏也是一种节拍,是一种波浪式的律动,当形,线,色,块整齐的而条理的同时又重复的出现,或富有变化的排列组合时,就可以获得节奏感,广义上的韵律也是一种和谐。三:形式的美是与内容无法分割的,形式美是艺术存在的前提,我们所说的创造与创新也总是先从形式上有所突破。美也总是存在于形式之中的,没有形式上的创造,也没有美的创意。但形式的美并不是轻而易举就可实现的,它来自于我们对生活的总结与探索,也来自于我们有创造性的想象,还来自景观大师们的较高艺术修养。所以说形式上的美是景观大师毕生追求的一种艺术境界。正如:“疏可跑马,密不透风,大而不空,小而不阻,方中见圆,圆中见方,柔中有刚,刚中带柔。”也就是说,景观设计上的形式美不但是一种自然美,同时也是一种经过人工再创造的艺术之美。四:抽象主义手法在景观设计中的运用可归结为简明扼要的抽象法,也就是将大自然本身的形象进行必要的整合,将一些不必要的表象化东西全部放弃,然后用理性的归纳法,超越具体的界限,达到抽象的境界,或者将其组合成多层面的修饰形象。另外,以单一的点,线,面块等几何雏形为原料,按美的自身原则经过空间上的更替,平移,旋转,放射,扩大,混合,切割,错位,弯曲,以及不同性质的物质的重组,以达到有特别创意的修饰形态。
2023-07-08 12:49:142


:they are all miniature不知道对你有帮助不?
2023-07-08 12:49:223


【 #英语资源# 导语】最美丽的风景不一定就是眼前的景色,而是美丽的心灵,美丽的人们交织起的一副生活场景。以下是 为大家精心整理的《美丽的风景英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。 1.美丽的风景英语作文范文 篇一   My hometown is Shaoxing, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, where the river network is dense and there are many lakes, and there is a pond in front of our house.   In the morning, the sun has just risen, bringing a new day. The big river pond seems not to wake up yet. The river is very calm, like a calm mirror. Sister Tree combed her hair with it. Occasionally, a few small ripples rippled on the river, sparkling in the sunshine.   Before long, the Great River Pond gradually became lively. At first, only fish and shrimp were playing, sometimes making small ripples. The aunt and grandmother of the opposite neighbor"s house carried the washing basin and chatted, talking and laughing all the way to the pond to wash clothes. Our children are touching snails and floating around the pond, and laughing and laughing all over the pond. Ah! The pond is the best memory of our childhood.   The evening is the busiest time in the pond. Adults chat under the tree, children play games under the tree, and frogs appear on the stage, crouching on the stone platform and singing loudly. The shadow of the sunset is reflected on the pond. It is golden and beautiful. Even snails are enjoying the beautiful scenery by the river!   The most beautiful thing is the pond in the rain. It is raining noisily. It is getting bigger and bigger. It looks like a silk scarf covering the pond. It looks hazy and beautiful! The raindrop jumped down from the air like a naughty doll, jumped into the pond, and circled in the pond, which was really beautiful! The pond in the rain is like a beautiful ink painting. 2.美丽的风景英语作文范文 篇二   There is a beautiful scenery near my home, that is, a large garden with many colors. There are numerous flowers and luxuriant branches, which are very beautiful.   As soon as you enter the gate of the garden, you will first see colorful flowers, some red as fire, some white as snow, and some yellow as shiny as gold. On both sides of the flowers, there are a row of neat trees, which are luxuriant and leafy, each like a guard on the grassland, standing very straight, like the pens and rulers we often use.   Spring is slowly coming to us. The willow tree has grown small new buds, and the pine and cypress have grown several green leaves. The bamboo shoots also burst out of the ground, and the grass sticks out its head. When a spring rain comes, the grass raises its head and greedily sucks the spring dew. The flowers slowly open, and small butterflies and bees fly around.   Summer is coming, and the willow leaves are all grown up, swaying with the wind. The pine tree appears taller and taller. The morning glory on the flower racks on both sides blew small trumpets and climbed up and down happily.   Autumn is coming, and the golden leaves on the willow trees fall one after another, like a group of golden butterflies dancing, while the pine trees are still flourishing. The chrysanthemums in the flower bed are very bright and beautiful!   How beautiful the garden is! 3.美丽的风景英语作文范文 篇三   I have seen many beautiful scenery, including the towering Huangshan Mountain, the magnificent sea, the noisy and bustling streets, and the vast prairie... These are not the most beautiful in my eyes. You know what? We also have many of the most beautiful scenic spots in Tongling.   On the Huangshan Mountain, those grotesque stones are the most beautiful scenery, and the Broken Bridge on the West Lake is also the most beautiful scenery... On the street, the most beautiful scenery is not those colorful flowers, nor those shiny signs placed outside some shops, but those diligent sanitation workers. Where there is some garbage, they will be there, which is the clean street we see now; Whether it is hot or cold, whether in the morning or evening, we will always hear the sound of their brooms. In summer, sweat has soaked their clothes; In winter, chilblains may have grown on their ears and hands... but they are still working hard. Isn"t this the most beautiful scenery?   On the road, the most beautiful scenery is not the vehicles coming and going, not the towering trees beside the road, but the police uncle who is directing the traffic. In the news, the traffic accidents were handled by the police uncle, who made our city"s happiness index higher and higher; Traffic police uncles don"t care about their families for the sake of everyone, and even have to give up the time to get together with their relatives for the sake of the smooth passage of urban roads! And in the community, those security uncles patrol for our safety in the quiet night with flashlights. There are many other landscapes like this. I think this is the most beautiful scenery in Tongling. Do you think it is very beautiful? 4.美丽的风景英语作文范文 篇四   Beauty lingers around the world. Pay attention to life with a good eye for discovery, and you will wonder where there is no scenery in the world.   There is no scenery anywhere in the world. Look, the beautiful nature, the willow catkins swaying, the grass growing and the warblers flying, the warmth of spring is a scenery; The green is thick, the water is sparkling, and the enthusiasm of summer is a scenery; In the golden world, the breeze is cool, and the maturity of autumn is a landscape; Thousands of miles of snow, silver-covered, winter is a landscape. The harmonious and wonderful nature is an indispensable landscape in the world.   There is no scenery anywhere in the world. Reading the profound cultural history, the majestic and magnificent scenery of "straight desert smoke, long river setting yen" is a landscape; "When will the bright moon come, ask the sky for wine" is a sad and melancholy scenery; "There will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, and the lofty confidence of hanging the cloud sail to help the sea" is a scenery; "How much sorrow can you have? It"s like a river flowing eastward." The sad feeling like water is a scenery. The profound culture is an indispensable landscape in the world.   There is no scenery anywhere in the world. Look, the crystallization of human wisdom, the magnificent Great Wall stretching for thousands of miles is a landscape; The pyramids of miraculous and strange civilizations are a landscape; The vast broadband world is a landscape, and Venus" broken arm is a landscape; The grand blueprint for flying to the outer world is a landscape; Lianfang Building, integrated with western architecture, is a landscape. At all times and in all countries, the crystallization of human wisdom is an indispensable landscape in the world.   There is no scenery anywhere in the world. Listen, the echo of life: A young man took out a hundred yuan bill and handed it to a beggar less than 1 meter. Half a minute later, the beggar limped to the donation box 30 meters away, stuffed the hundred yuan bill into the box, and took out several coins from his pocket and put them into the box. The sound of the coin is the beggar"s kind and sincere voice, the echo of life, and the inner voice, which is an indispensable landscape in the world.   Open your eyes and look back at the world with a beautiful vision and warm feelings. You will sigh that the world is full of scenery. 5.美丽的风景英语作文范文 篇五   There was a light rain in the sky unconsciously. The thin rain was as light as a feather and as thin as a silver needle, like an embroidery needle dropped by a fairy.   The rain hit the window, and a lot of flowers burst out on the window. The thin fog accompanied by the slanting rain was so quiet and peaceful. Nearby, the rain hit the grass, splashing several drops of water and then falling into the grass. The tender grass is still so green and tenacious in the wind and rain. Suddenly, it began to rain heavily. Look! The beautiful wild flowers also stand proudly in the wind. They are so simple and simple, but I can still smell their fragrance. They are more and more vigorous and more enchanting in the storm.   In the distance, the green water of the lake splashed layers of ripples, and the people who rowed on the lake looked at the gem like water. Looking at this scene, I feel like a fairyland on earth, which makes people always want to go in and have a look at the beautiful scenery. Green mountains, green water and green trees are all green. That kind of green is difficult to tune out on the painter"s palette. It is so bright and dazzling that I always want to sing a song to express my happiness. The wind blew the "hair" of the willow tree, and the willow tree danced like a beautiful girl in the wind.   Listen! The dripping rain; Look! The drizzle in the sky that day; Smell! The unique fragrance of wild flowers.
2023-07-08 12:49:291


黄山英文简介如下:Huangshan Mountain is located in Huangshan City, southern Anhui Province. It has 72 peaks. The main peak of Lianhua Peak is 1864 meters above sea level. It is also called the three main peaks of Huangshan Mountain, one of the 36 peaks, together with Guangming Peak and Tiandu Peak.Huangshan Mountain is the symbol of Anhui tourism and the only mountain scenery of the top ten scenic spots in China.Huangshan, formerly known as Yishan Mountain, is named for its black and blue peak rock and its distant view of Cangdai. Later, it was said that Emperor Xuanyuan had made alchemy here, so he was renamed Huangshan.Huangshan"s representative landscapes are "four unique waterfalls", four unique: Qisong, weird rocks, Yunhai, hot springs; three waterfalls: herringbone waterfall, Baizhang spring, Jiulong waterfall. Huangshan welcoming pine is a symbol of the warm friendship of Anhui people, carrying the Oriental etiquette culture embracing the world.黄山中文简介:黄山位于安徽省南部黄山市境内,有72峰,主峰莲花峰海拔1864米,与光明顶、天都峰并称三大黄山主峰,为36大峰之一。黄山是安徽旅游的标志,是中国十大风景名胜唯一的山岳风光。黄山原名“黟山”,因峰岩青黑,遥望苍黛而名。后因传说轩辕黄帝曾在此炼丹,故改名为“黄山”。黄山代表景观有“四绝三瀑”,四绝:奇松、怪石、云海、温泉;三瀑:人字瀑、百丈泉、九龙瀑。黄山迎客松是安徽人民热情友好的象征,承载着拥抱世界的东方礼仪文化。
2023-07-08 12:49:351

此句请帮忙找出主谓宾结构。是什么类型的句子? 谢谢!

主语: Mercator谓语:were宾语:it suggested to him that his scheme would one day be used to plot landscapes so far from terrestrial in aspect as to reflect back,in their magnificent alienness,the very idea of an old and exhausted earth
2023-07-08 12:50:062


tourist sites/places of interest
2023-07-08 12:50:263


是:The view of life希望你采纳
2023-07-08 12:50:356


  1、That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.   那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。   2、Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.   很强的技巧加强了景色的美感,在传统和现代化了的建筑风格之间的对比。   3、spring is a lot of rain,summer is hot,autumn is the best season in a year,it is cool and busy ,winter is cold and sonetimes snowy.   春天是多雨的",夏天是炎热的,秋天是一年中最好的季节,它很凉爽而且忙碌,冬天是寒冷的,有时会下雪。   4、The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.   游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。   5、This extraordinary natural preserve shelters a primeval forest, the continent"s largest population of brown bears, sizeable packs of wolves, and a host of other creatures which have all but disappeared elsewhere.   专门捕捉大自然美丽景色的导演高史林百格将会透过节目带大家融入这处仙境,享受大自然的真善美。
2023-07-08 12:50:501


2023-07-08 12:50:584


The landscape
2023-07-08 12:51:156


attraction没有景点的意思。attraction这个单词并没有景点的意思。但tourist attraction是景点的意思。attraction是英文单词,主要用作名词,作名词时中文含义是:吸引力;(尤指两性间的)吸引;向往的地方;有吸引力的事;有吸引力的特征(或品质、人)。其复数形式是 attractions。双语例句1、The attraction of Zimbabwe is all about its gorgeous landscapes.津巴布韦的迷人之处全在于它美丽的风景。2、But its attraction may be weakening.但这种吸引力也许正在被削弱。3、One attraction is that it eases the over-reliance on monetary policy.一个很大的好处是,财政刺激能够较少过分依赖货币政策。4、Attraction to or affinity for animals.酷爱动物被动物所吸引或喜好动物。5、Classic attraction is what we would all think of straightaway.古典吸引力是我们自然而然想到的直接方式。
2023-07-08 12:51:571


这三个单词中,"sad"和"afraid"是形容情感或心理状态的词,而"picture"则是指一种视觉对象。因此,您可以选择"picture"来与"sad"和"afraid"进行区分。例如:I saw a sad picture of a lonely dog.He was afraid of the dark, but he loved looking at pictures of beautiful landscapes.这样,您可以通过使用"picture"来描述与情感或心理状态相关的视觉元素,以便与"sad"和"afraid"区分开来。
2023-07-08 12:52:222


Classical Gardens of Suzhou
2023-07-08 12:52:323


Keeps the garden Clumsy political garden
2023-07-08 12:52:442


英文单词风景的意思,此外也是吉他演奏家押尾光太郎的音乐作品名称。 名词: landscaper过去式: landscaped过去分词: landscaped现在分词: landscaping第三人称单数: landscapes 基本介绍 外文名 :landscape 英音 :"lændskeip 美音 :"lænd,skep] 词性 :多种 读音,详细释义,名词,及物动词,不及物动词,词义辨析,网路释义, 读音 英音:["lændskeip]美音:["lænd,skep] 详细释义 n.(名词) 风景,景色,景致,景象;山水 风景画,山水画,乡村风景画 风景摄影,风景照 【地】景观,地形 眼界 前景展望 乡村风景画的风格 横向列印格式 v.(动词) 在上造园,进行造园工程 从事景观美化工作,做自然环境美化工作 美化(环境),使自然美化,使景色宜人 做庭园设计师 对…做景观美化 adj.(形容词) 横向列印的 adv.(副词) 横向列印地 名词 1.(陆上的)风景,景色[C] From the hill he looked down on the peaceful landscape. 他站在山上眺望下面的宁静景色。 Thelandscapeunfolded before us. 那景色展现在我们面前。 Those cottages blend perfectly with thelandscape. 那些农舍与周围的风景完全融为一体了。 The moon shed a silver luster over thelandscape. 月亮的银光流泻于山水间。 2.风景画,山水画[C];风景绘画(或摄影)[U] She preferred a good landscapeto a portrait. 较之人像画她更喜欢美丽的风景画。 I preferlandscapeto still life. 我喜欢风景画,不喜欢静物画。 3.前景展望 There had been quite significant changes to the CCS landscape in the preceding 12 mouths. 在去年时候,CCS的前景蓝图就已发生了相当显著的变化。 及物动词 在(一片土地)上造园 We"re having the hotel grounds landscaped. 我们在旅馆的庭院里建造园林。 不及物动词 从事景观美化(或园艺)工作 词义辨析 scene view sight scenery landscape 这些名词均含“景色、风景”之意。 scene:scene指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。 view:view普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。 sight:sight侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。 scenery:scenery指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。 landscape:landscape多指在内陆的自然风光。 网路释义 landscape: 美化……的景观 landscape横向横式
2023-07-08 12:53:251


1、landscape,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“风景;风景画;景色;山水画;乡村风景画;地形;(文件的)横向打印格式”。作及物动词时意为“对?做景观美化,给?做园林美化;从事庭园设计。作不及物动词时意为“美化(环境等),使景色宜人;从事景观美化工作,做庭园设计师”。2、scene view sight scenery landscape这些名词均含“景色、风景”之意。3、scene:scene指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。4、view:view普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。5、sight:sight侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。6、scenery:scenery指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。7、landscape:landscape多指在内陆的自然风光。
2023-07-08 12:53:331


n. (陆上,尤指乡村的)风景,景色;形势,情形;(陆上或乡村)风景画;横向打印格式v. 对……做景观美化,美化……的环境;从事景观美化工作adj. 横向列印的网络 景观;风景;风景画专业 风景园林 [土木建筑工程];格局 [经济学];风景画 [艺术学]
2023-07-08 12:53:401


sight, scene, scenery, view, landscape,scenic区别是:sight 侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。比如 welcome sight 受欢迎的景点;scene 指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。比如 night scene 夜景;scenery 指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。比如 scenery spot 景点;view 普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。比如 overall view 全景;landscape 多指在内陆的自然风光比如 landscape painting 风景画;scenic 风景影片或照片,实景电影比如 scenic route 观光路线
2023-07-08 12:54:311


corporate landscape公司风景
2023-07-08 12:54:481

landscape display是什么意思

在手机上是 横向显示
2023-07-08 12:55:021


“自然风景”的英语及例句如下:一、单词及短语(1)landscapes.(2)natural landscape.(3)land of natural beauty.(4)natural scenery.二、短语、例句及释义(1)Aonb area of outstanding natural beauty.“受到国家保护的杰出自然风景区”(2)Area of outstanding natural beauty.“优美自然风景区”(3)Going to some natural places with serveral friends is a pleased thing.“和几个朋友一起去一些自然风景区旅行是一件很惬意的事”(4)Research on the scenic reserve tourism path planning based on the landscape ecology.“基于景观生态学的自然风景区道路规划方法研究”(5)Discussion about the tourism resources planning of natural landscape district according to the perspective of landscape ecology.“从景观生态学的角度看自然风景区旅游资源规划”
2023-07-08 12:55:091


2023-07-08 12:55:482

Landscapes (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Landscapes (Radio Edit)歌手:Lars Haavard Haugen专辑:Landscapes (Radio Edit)Florence And The Machine - LandscapeQQ : 349777127She can"t see the landscape anymoreIt"s all painted in her griefAll of her history etched out at her feetNow all of the landscape, it"s just an empty placeEchoes and warning, mountains of tendernessCause she"s just like the weather, can"t hold her togetherBorn from dark water, daughter of the rain and snowCause it"s burning through the bloodlineit"s coming down the family treeRolling in the landscape, darling, in between you and meShe wants the silence but fears the solitudeShe wants to be alone and together with youSo she ran to the lighthouse, hoped that it would help her seeShe"s sober at the lighthouse and then washed out to seaCause she"s just like the weather, can"t hold her togetherBorn from dark water, daughter of the rain and snowCause it"s burning through the bloodlineit"s coming down the family treeRolling in the landscape, darling, in between you and meI wanna give you back the open skyGive you back the open seaOpen up the ages, darling, for you to seeYou put the gun into your mouth to dieYou put the lid and spit outCause it"s running in the familyOh the rich andCause she"s just like the weather, can"t hold her togetherBorn from dark water, daughter of the rain and snowCause it"s burning through the bloodlineit"s coming down the family treeRolling in the landscape, darling, in between you and meFlorence And The Machine - LandscapeQQ : 349777127
2023-07-08 12:55:551

这两个英文意思相同吗? scenery landscape

scenery n. 1.风景,景色 例句: The grassland scenery of Tibet is unrivalled. 西藏的草原风景是无与伦比的. 2.舞台布景 例句: The scenery for the play must have cost too much. 那出戏的舞台布景一定很费钱. landscape n. 1.风景,景色 例句: He stood on the hill surveying the landscape. 他站在山上眺望景色. 2.风景画,风景照 例句: He paints landscapes but his wife paints portraits. 他画风景画,而他的妻子则画肖像画.
2023-07-08 12:56:181


成功驯服AI远景远景篇Distant view —— 远景Vast landscapes —— 广阔的景色Panoramic vistas —— 全景视野Far-off horizons —— 遥远的地平线Expansive scenery —— 壮丽的风景Distant mountains —— 远山Endless skies —— 无尽的天空Faraway landscapes —— 遥远的风景Distant shores —— 远方的海岸Sweeping views —— 广阔的视野Distant cityscapes —— 远处的城市景观Expanses of nature —— 自然的广袤Far-flung vistas —— 遥远的景色Remote landscapes —— 偏远的风景Boundless beauty —— 无边的美丽Distant fields —— 远方的田野Vistas of the horizon —— 地平线上的景色Expansive seascapes —— 广阔的海景Far-stretching views —— 一望无际的视野Remote wilderness —— 偏远的荒野Distant hills —— 远处的山丘Endless landscapes —— 无尽的风景Vast open spaces —— 广袤的开阔地带Far-reaching scenery —— 遥远的风景Expansive views —— 广阔的景色Distant valleys —— 遥远的山谷Boundless skies —— 无边的天空Far-off meadows —— 远方的草地Sweeping horizons —— 广阔的地平线Distant landscapes —— 远方的风景Expanses of water —— 水域的广阔Far-flung panoramas —— 遥远的全景Remote coastlines —— 偏远的海岸线Boundless nature —— 无边的自然Distant forests —— 远方的森林Vistas of the countryside —— 农村的景致Expansive views —— 广阔的视野Far-reaching fields —— 遥远的田野Remote mountains —— 偏远的山脉
2023-07-08 12:56:251


AI绘画神秘山脉类关键词分享Enigmatic mountain range —— 神秘山脉Mystical peaks —— 神秘峰峦Secretive mountain range —— 隐秘山脉Uncharted mountains —— 未知山岳Veiled peaks —— 隐匿之峰Esoteric mountain range —— 隐秘山系Enshrouded summits —— 被笼罩的山峰Mysterious mountain range —— 神秘山系Hidden valleys —— 隐秘山谷Ancient mountain range —— 古老山脉Remote peaks —— 偏远峰峦Sacred mountains —— 神圣山岳Enigmatic landscapes —— 神秘景观Unexplored mountain range —— 未开发山脉Mystifying summits —— 莫测之峰Unknown mountain range —— 未知山系Veiled beauty —— 隐匿之美Forgotten peaks —— 被遗忘的山峰Enigmatic trails —— 神秘小径Hidden wonders —— 隐秘奇观Uncharted territory —— 未知领域Esoteric landscapes —— 隐秘景观Enshrouded valleys —— 被笼罩的山谷Mysterious exploration —— 神秘探索Hidden secrets —— 隐秘的秘密Remote wilderness —— 偏远荒野Sacred peaks —— 神圣峰峦Enigmatic vistas —— 神秘景色Unexplored territory —— 未开发领域Mystifying trails —— 莫测小径Unknown wonders —— 未知奇观Veiled mysteries —— 隐匿之谜Forgotten landscapes —— 被遗忘的景观Enigmatic expeditions —— 神秘探险Hidden treasures —— 隐秘宝藏Esoteric discovery —— 隐秘发现Enshrouded wilderness —— 被笼罩的荒野Mysterious allure —— 神秘诱惑Hidden pathways —— 隐秘通道Uncharted beauty —— 未知之美Sacred trails —— 神圣小径Enigmatic charm —— 神秘魅力Remote exploration —— 偏远探险Unknown landscapes —— 未知景观Veiled enchantment —— 隐匿的魅力Forgotten trails —— 被遗忘的小径Enigmatic wilderness —— 神秘荒野Hidden legends —— 隐秘传说Esoteric beauty —— 隐秘之美Enshrouded discovery —— 被笼罩的发现
2023-07-08 12:57:241


Midjourney抽象画抽象画篇Dynamic Energy — 动态能量Colorful Chaos — 多彩混乱Flowing Abstractions — 流动的抽象Ethereal Landscapes — 幻境风景Expressive Emotions — 表达情感Organic Forms — 有机形态Bold Brushstrokes — 大胆笔触Harmonious Contrasts — 和谐对比Abstracted Nature — 抽象化的自然Surreal Visions — 超现实的幻景Geometric Abstractions — 几何抽象Fluid Movements — 流动的动态Vibrant Explorations — 生动的探索Textural Layers — 纹理层次Intuitive Expressions — 直觉表达Atmospheric Abstractions — 氛围抽象Playful Compositions — 玩味的构图Transcendent Forms — 超越的形态Energetic Rhythms — 充满活力的节奏Abstracted Realities — 抽象化的现实Bold Color Palettes — 大胆的色彩调色板Impressionistic Impressions — 印象主义的印象Dreamlike Abstractions — 如梦似幻的抽象Intense Expressions — 强烈的表达Cosmic Explorations — 宇宙探索Textured Surfaces — 纹理表面Abstracted Figures — 抽象化的形象Fluid Abstractions — 流动的抽象Serene Harmonies — 宁静的和谐Bold Gestures — 大胆姿态Ethereal Abstractions — 幻境抽象Expressive Markings — 富有表现力的标记Colorful Vortex — 色彩漩涡Dynamic Interplay — 动态互动Abstracted Landscapes — 抽象化的风景Vibrant Abstractions — 生动的抽象Intricate Patterns — 复杂的图案Translucent Layers — 半透明的层次Bold Textures — 大胆纹理Mysterious Illuminations — 神秘的照明Playful Abstractions — 爱玩的抽象Fluid Brushwork — 流动的笔触Enigmatic Compositions — 神秘的构图Abstracted Realms — 抽象化的领域Energetic Abstractions — 充满活力的抽象Harmonious Movements — 和谐的动态Ethereal Transparencies — 幻境的透明度Bold Abstractions — 大胆的抽象Expressive Color Blends — 富有表现力的色彩融合Abstracted Forms — 抽象化的形态Dynamic Layers — 动态的层次Vibrant Contrasts — 生动的对比Intriguing Abstractions — 引人入胜的抽象Transcendent Expressions — 超越的表达Bold Movements — 大胆的动态Serene Abstractions — 宁静的抽象Organic Flow — 有机流动Expressive Abstractions — 表达性的抽象Harmonious Abstractions — 和谐的抽象
2023-07-08 12:58:091

physical landscapes什么意思

表面上的 指变化不仅仅是表面上的
2023-07-08 12:58:471


AI绘画关键词莫奈篇Claude Monet —— 莫奈Impressionism —— 印象派En Plein Air —— 户外写生Light and Color —— 光线和色彩Water Lilies —— 睡莲Haystacks —— 干草堆Rouen Cathedral —— 鲁昂大教堂Japanese Bridge —— 日本桥Giverny —— 吉维尼花园Impression, Sunrise —— 印象,日出Brushwork —— 笔触Atmospheric Effects —— 大气效果Reflections —— 反射River Scenes —— 河边景色Seascapes —— 海景Plein Air Painting —— 户外写生绘画Texture —— 质感Landscape Painting —— 风景画Color Harmonies —— 色彩和谐Light and Shadow —— 光与影Impressionist Gardens —— 印象派花园Impasto Technique —— 厚涂技法French Countryside —— 法国乡村Natural Light —— 自然光Serene Atmosphere —— 宁静氛围Floral Paintings —— 花卉画Monet"s Garden —— 莫奈的花园Breaking Tradition —— 打破传统Capture of Fleeting Moments —— 捕捉瞬间Impressionist Landscapes —— 印象派风景画Expressive Skies —— 富有表现力的天空Water Reflections —— 水的倒影Vibrant Colors —— 生动的色彩Light Effects on Water —— 水上的光影效果Changing Seasons —— 不同的季节Outdoor Studies —— 户外研究Plein Air Techniques —— 户外技巧Impressionist Cityscapes —— 印象派城市景观Subtle Transitions —— 细微的过渡Impressionist Portraits —— 印象派肖像画Capturing Atmosphere —— 捕捉氛围Soft Focus —— 柔化焦点Light on Water —— 水上的光线Impressionist Still Life —— 印象派静物画Brushstrokes of Movement —— 运动的笔触Plein Air Sketches —— 户外速写Natural Landscapes —— 自然风景Impressionist Seascapes —— 印象派海景画Play of Light and Shadow —— 光影的变幻Atmospheric Landscapes —— 充满气氛的风景画Impressionist Interiors —— 印象派室内画Capturing the Essence —— 捕捉本质Impressionist Flowers —— 印象派花卉画Outdoor Color Studies —— 户外色彩研究Sunlit Scenes —— 阳光照射的场景Impressionist Urban Scenes —— 印象派城市场景Effortless Brushwork —— 轻松的笔触Reflections on Water —— 水上的倒影Impressionist Figurative Paintings —— 印象派人物画Subtle Light Effects —— 细微的光影效果
2023-07-08 12:58:541

求英语 解答

11.D 第二句It has many different kinds of landscapes and many different kinds of people.文章接下来讲的都是变化的天气12.A Here arc some of the first states and some of the big cities. New York and the capital, Washington D. C., are in the East.13.C In the South, there is the beautiful city of New Orleans, the capital of jazz14.B The Central Plains of the United States are fertile with big fields of wheat and corn15.A paradise意思是天堂 只有A意思相近
2023-07-08 13:01:561


[风景] 翻译成英文有几种说法: view, scenery, scene, landscape, scape, sights[双语例句] scene 的用法: The beauty of the scene made him catch his breath.x09 风景之美令他愕然止息.landscape 的用法: The West Lake is one of the famous landscapes of China. 西湖是中国著名的风景之一.scenery 的用法: The west lake is famous for its beautiful scenery. 西湖以风景优美著称.view 的用法: Amazon offers people an unusual and breathtaking view of the world. 亚马逊提供人们非凡及令人惊诧不已的天地风景.scape 的用法: The walls were painted with flowers and beautiful scape. 那几面墙壁上绘有花朵和美丽的风景.sights的用法: We paused in admiration of the beautiful sights. 我们停步欣赏美丽的风景.
2023-07-08 13:02:061


MidjourneyIP风格化超高分辨率高分辨率篇Vibrant Colors —— 生动色彩Geometric Shapes —— 几何形状Nature Landscapes —— 自然景观City Skylines —— 城市天际线Macro Details —— 微观细节Underwater World —— 水下世界Celestial Bodies —— 天体Futuristic Sci-Fi —— 未来科幻Dreamy Surrealism —— 梦幻超现实主义Floral Arrangements —— 花卉布置Wildlife Portraits —— 野生动物肖像Architectural Marvels —— 建筑奇迹Fantasy Creatures —— 幻想生物Pop Culture Icons —— 流行文化偶像Vintage Retro —— 复古怀旧Whimsical Characters —— 异想天开的角色Surreal Landscapes —— 超现实景观Conceptual Art —— 概念艺术Ethereal Beauty —— 飘逸美丽Futuristic Technology —— 未来科技Cosmic Exploration —— 宇宙探索Dynamic Motion —— 动态运动Abstract Expressionism —— 抽象表现主义Serene Seascapes —— 宁静海景Urban Street Art —— 城市街头艺术Magical Realism —— 魔幻现实主义Ancient Mythology —— 古代神话Still Life —— 静物Minimalist Design —— 极简设计Timeless Portraits —— 永恒肖像Dreamlike Atmosphere —— 梦幻氛围Sublime Nature —— 崇高自然Futuristic Fashion —— 未来时尚Playful Patterns —— 活泼图案Whimsical Landscapes —— 异想天开的景观Conceptual Photography —— 概念摄影Street Style —— 街头风格Mystical Creatures —— 神秘生物Bold Typography —— 大胆字体Tranquil Forests —— 宁静森林Retro Gaming —— 复古游戏Abstract Realism —— 抽象现实主义Futuristic Architecture —— 未来建筑Dynamic Energy —— 动感能量Organic Forms —— 有机形态Surreal Dreams —— 超现实梦境Ethereal Landscapes —— 飘逸景观Pop Art Influences —— 流行艺术影响Industrial Aesthetics —— 工业美学Enchanting Fairytale —— 迷人童话Bold Color Palettes —— 大胆色彩调色板Abstract Realities —— 抽象现实Futuristic Vehicles —— 未来交通工具Dynamic Fluidity —— 动态流动性Whimsical Illustrations —— 异想天开的插图Conceptual Landscapes —— 概念景观Street Photography —— 街头摄影Mystical Environments —— 神秘环境Avant-garde Fashion —— 先锋时尚
2023-07-08 13:02:311


The topography of Australia
2023-07-08 13:03:171


关键绘画词汇DK画风Dark and Mysterious — 黑暗神秘Gothic Architecture — 哥特式建筑Macabre Imagery — 恐怖图像Intricate Details — 精细细节Shadowy Figures — 阴影人物Candles and Lanterns — 蜡烛和灯笼Haunting Atmosphere — 令人不安的氛围Skulls and Bones — 骷髅和骨头Symbolism and Allegory — 象征和寓言Eerie Landscapes — 怪异风景Dark Fantasy — 黑暗奇幻Supernatural Creatures — 超自然生物Dystopian Worlds — 反乌托邦世界Tenebrism — 明暗对比Surreal Elements — 超现实元素Distorted Perspectives — 扭曲的视角Monsters and Monsters — 怪物和怪物Cryptic Symbols — 神秘符号Atmospheric Lighting — 大气照明Dark Fairy Tales — 黑暗童话Expressive Brushstrokes — 富有表现力的笔触Nightmarish Visions — 恶梦般的幻象Warped Realities — 扭曲的现实Demons and Witches — 恶魔和女巫Haunted Houses — 鬼屋Sinister Portraits — 不祥的肖像Cursed Objects — 被诅咒的物品Ghostly Apparitions — 鬼魅出现Dark Symbolism — 黑暗象征主义Desolate Landscapes — 荒凉风景Bleak Atmosphere — 荒凉氛围Disturbing Still Life — 令人不安的静物Psychological Horror — 心理恐怖Creepy Dolls — 恐怖娃娃Tangled Vines — 纠缠的藤蔓Haunting Eyes — 令人不安的眼神Dark Forests — 黑暗森林Sinister Masks — 不祥的面具Eerie Silence — 怪异的寂静Twisted Creatures — 扭曲的生物Foreboding Skies — 预示性的天空Distorted Reflections — 扭曲的倒影Melancholic Themes — 忧郁主题Chiaroscuro — 明暗对比法Haunted Castles — 鬼屋Nightmarish Landscapes — 恶梦般的风景Cursed Artifacts — 被诅咒的神器Shadowy Woods — 阴影森林Mysterious Figures — 神秘人物Dark Abstractions — 黑暗抽象Disturbing Dreams — 令人不安的梦境Symbolic Animals — 象征性动物Deep Shadows — 深邃的阴影Gloomy Portraits — 阴郁的肖像Sinister Landmarks — 不祥的地标Obscure Narratives — 模糊的叙事Haunting Melodies — 令人不安的旋律Uncanny Valley — 奇异谷效应Foreboding Stillness — 令人不安的寂静Dark Emotions — 黑暗情感
2023-07-08 13:03:271

energy landscapes 在热化学里是啥意思

2023-07-08 13:05:081


风景scenery; landscape:以风景优美著称 famous for its scenic beauty中国十大风景 the ten famous landscapes of China停下来欣赏风景 stop to admire scenery西湖风景如画。 The West Lake is as beautiful as a painting.
2023-07-08 13:05:231