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tool的《stinkfist》 歌词

2023-07-08 14:16:51
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Tool - Stinkfist
Something has to change.
Un-deniable dilemma.
Boredoms not a burden
Anyone should bear.
Constant over stimulation numbs me
But I wouldnt want you
Any other way.
Just, not enough.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
Finger deep within the borderline.
Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
Relax, turn around and take my hand.
I can help you change
Tired moments into pleasure.
Say the word and well be
Well upon our way.
Blend and balance
Pain and comfort
Deep within you
Till you will not want me any other way.
But, its not enough.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
Knuckle deep inside the borderline.
This may hurt a little but its something youll get used to.
Relax. slip away.
Something kinda sad about
The way that things have come to be.
Desensitized to everything.
What became of subtlety?
How can it mean anything to me
If I really dont feel anything at all?
Ill keep digging till,
I feel something.
Elbow deep inside the borderline.
Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
Shoulder deep within the borderline.
Relax. turn around and take my hand.




2023-07-08 12:43:354


【 成语 意思】:难以捉摸的事物,尤指微妙、难以理解或不易觉察、不易 探索 的事物 【成语注音】:ㄣㄢˊ ㄐㄧㄝ ˇ ㄓㄧ ㄇㄧˊ 【通用拼音】:nan jiě zhī mi 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:中性成语 【成语用法】:难解之谜,作主语、宾语;指难以捉摸的事物。 【成语 结构 】:偏正式成语 【 英语翻译 】:subtlety 【近义词】:不解之谜 【成语例句】:世界七大奇观真是难解之谜
2023-07-08 12:43:421

阴险 用英语怎么说

阴险blackness cattiness subtleties
2023-07-08 12:43:508

Subtlety may deceive you; integrity never will 它的中文是什麼?

2023-07-08 12:44:064


  充满能量的意思就是精力充沛,活力四射,我们每天都应该充满能量,积极面对生活。你知道充满能量的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的充满能量的英文,希望大家喜欢!   充满能量的英文   1.vigorous   2.full of energy   3.energetic   vigorous的例句   1. His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.   他的散文文笔有力、内容庞杂,有时几近晦涩。   2. He collapsed following a vigorous exercise session at his home.   在家剧烈运动了一阵后他突然昏倒了。   3. More vigorous action is needed to force the federal army to disengage.   需要更强有力的行动来迫使联邦军队撤军。   4. The vigorous pursuit of policies is no guarantee of success.   坚决贯彻方针政策并不能保证成功。   5. We urge vigorous action to be taken immediately.   我们强烈要求立即采取有力措施。   6. The economy needs vigorous resuscitation.   经济需要大力复苏。   7. African dance is vigorous, but full of subtlety.   非洲舞蹈强劲奔放,但又处处透着细腻。   8. She was a very vigorous sort of person.   她是那种精力非常充沛的人。   9. Sir Robert was a strong and vigorous politician.   罗伯特爵士是位坚定而又活跃的政治家。   10. a vigorous campaign against tax fraud   坚决打击骗税的运动   energetic的常见用法   用作形容词   用作定语   ~+ n.   I never saw such an energetic man.   我从没见过精力这么充沛的人。   He is an energetic supporter of the peace movement.   他是一名和平运动的热心支持者。   He took energetic steps to fulfil his plan.   他采取了有力的措施来完成他的计划。   用作表语   S+be+~   He is constitutionally energetic.   他体质强健,精力充沛。   The more he worked, the more energetic he became.   他越干越起劲。   S+be+~+to- v   I don"t feel energetic enough to rush about , so I"ll sit down.
2023-07-08 12:44:311


2023-07-08 12:44:5110


2023-07-08 12:45:471


难 nán(1)(形)做起来费事的:~办。(2)(动)使人感到困难:这下把我~住了。(3)(副)不容易;不大可能:~免|~保。(4)(形)不好:~听|~看。(5)古又同“傩”nuó。   难   nán,nàn   1.nán   ㄋㄢˊ   不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。   不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(d僶 )。~道。~能可贵。   不好:~听。~看。   郑码:XSNI,U:96BE,GBK:C4D1   笔画数:10,部首:隹,笔顺编号:5432411121   adversitybadblamedifficultdisasterhardhardly possible   易   2.nàn   ㄋㄢˋ   灾祸,困苦:~民。灾~。遇~。逃~。殉~。患~。遭~。避~。排扰解~。   仇怨:排~解纷。   诘责,质问:发~。非~。责~。   郑码:XSNI,U:96BE,GBK:C4D1   笔画数:10,部首:隹,笔顺编号:5432411121   adversitybadblamedifficultdisasterhardhardly possible   易   3.nuó   ㄋㄨㄛˊ   古同“傩”。   郑码:XSNI,U:96BE,GBK:C4D1   笔画数:10,部首:隹,笔顺编号:5432411121   adversitybadblamedifficultdisasterhardhardly possible   易   <难> (nàn) 编辑本段词义形容词   (形声。从隹(zhuī)?声。从隹,与鸟有关。①本义:支翅鸟。②假借为困难)   困难;艰难;不容易 [difficult;hard;troublesome]   非为织作迟,君家妇难为。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》   蜀道之难,难于上青天。——李白《蜀道难》   又如:难句(难得的佳句);难老(难于衰老);难行(难于施行;不容易走);难治(不容易治理);难航(不易舟行);难期(难及,难于企及);难义(不易索解的辞旨);难极(不易穷尽);难疑(相互讨论不易索解,心存迷惑的要义);难乎为继(指前人做得太好,不易照样继续下去)   不可;不好 [hardly possible;bad]   桓谭作论,明弱水之难航。——汉·王褒《灵坛碑文》 动词   1.为难,畏难;感到困难 [feel difficult]   今寇众我寡,难与持久。(难与,“难与之”的省略。之,指代曹军。)——《资治通鉴》   难测也。——《左传·庄公十年》   铁衣冷难着。——唐·岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》   天下事有难易乎。——清·彭端淑《为学一首示子侄》   余幼女书,家贫难致。——清·袁枚《黄生借书说》   使感到困难 [put sb.into a difficult position]   今不行礼于卫,而藩其君舍以难之。——《左传》   通“戁”。   恐惧 [dread;fear]   故君子恭而不难。——《荀子·君道》。注:“难读为戁,惧也。”   敬 [respect]   不戢不难,受福不那。——《诗·小雅·桑扈》   2.诘问;责难 [blame;reproach]   追难孔子,何伤于人?——王充《论衡·问孔》   交相问难。——清·刘开《问说》   又如:刁难(故意使人为难);难言(非难的言论);难极(诘难);驳难(反驳责难);责难(指摘非难);非难(指摘和责问)   抵挡;拒斥 [keep out;ward off;refuse]   难壬人。——宋·王安石《答司马谏议书》   难德允元,而难任人。——《书·舜典》   如:阻难(阻挠留难)   论说;争辩 [argue]   死生之说,存亡之难。——《史记·五帝本纪》   又如:难说(讨论解说);难诘(讨论责问);难驳(攻讨反击)   另见nán 名词   1.通“摊”。驱除疫鬼之祭 [sacrificial rites for get rid of bogy]   命有司大难。——《礼记·月令》   2.灾难;祸害,人为而产生的祸害 [disaster;calamity;catastrophe]   三军既惑且疑,则诸侯之难至矣。——《孙子·谋攻》   非刘豫州莫可以当曹操者,然豫州新败之后,安能抗此难乎?——《资治通鉴》   危难之间。——诸葛亮《出师表》   以免于难。——《国语·晋语》   芟夷大难。——《资治通鉴》   故及于难。——清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》   又如:排难解纷;苦难(痛苦和灾难);逃难(逃灾);落难(遭遇灾难,陷入困境);蒙难(遭受到人为的灾祸);罹难(遇灾遇险而死);避难(躲避灾难或迫害)   兵难,指反抗或叛乱 [rerolt]   一夫作难而七庙隳。——贾谊《过秦论》   又如:发难(发动反抗或叛乱);首难(首先发难)   怨仇;仇敌 [enmity;foe]   将西南以与秦为难。——《战国策》 后缀   现常作后缀加在词或词组后构成新的名词,构成某种存在较大困难的事 [difficult]。如:卖棉难;乘车难;买菜难   另见nàn 编辑本段组词难熬   nán"áo   [difficult to endure] 难以忍耐(疼痛或艰苦的生活等)   饥饿难熬 难保   nánbǎo   [cannot say for sure] 难于确保   难保他不说 难缠   nánchán   [hard to get along with] 指人难以对付,不易打交道 难产   nánchǎn   1.[dystocia] [医]∶分娩时胎儿不易产出。难产的原因主要是产妇的骨盆狭小、胎儿过大、位置不正或产妇的子宫收缩力不正常   2.[(of a literary work,plan,etc.)be difficult of fulfilment;be slow in coming] 比喻一项作品难以产生或一项计划难以完成 难吃   nánchī   [unsavory]∶没有味道的,没有香味的   抛掉难吃的食物   [evil;unpalatable;taste bad]∶味道怪   这个奇怪的水果有一种难吃的味道 难处   nánchǔ   [hard to get along with] 不好相处   难处   nánchu   [difficulty] 困难的地方   这事自有他的难处 难卒合   nán cùhé   [it"s difficult to gather together hastily] 难在仓猝之间集合起来。卒,通“猝”   五万兵难卒合,已选三万人…——《资治通鉴》 难当   nándāng   [difficult to bear] 不易忍受;难以承当   羞愧难当 难倒   nándǎo   [daunt]∶使屈服   什么事也没难倒过我   [baffle]∶遭受挫折   这个问题可把他难倒了 难道   nándào   [really] 莫非,表示加强反问的语气   难道现在证据还不够吗? 难得   nándé   [hard to come by]∶很难做到(含珍重意)   难得他这么忙还惦记着我们   [rare]∶少有;不经常;不易得到   这是难得的大雪 难点   nándiǎn   [difficulty]∶在讲话或著作中引入或提出困难或怀疑的段落   [difficult point]∶问题不容易解决的地方   突破难点 难懂   nándǒng   [difficult to comprehend] 难以弄明白   难懂的语言 难度   nándù   [degree of difficulty] 完成某项工作或达到某个标准的困难程度   这个工作难度太大。 难分难解   nánfēn-nánjiě   1.[tangle;be well-nigh insepatable]使混合得分不开   经济学和文学已变得如此难分难解了   2.[be inextricably involved]∶形容争斗的双方实力相当,胜负未决,难分高下   3.[be sentimentally attached to each other]∶也形容情意绵绵,情感深厚,难以分离 难搞   nángǎo   [messy] 很难实施或很难解决   难搞的工作 难怪   nánguài   1.[no wonder] 表示不觉得奇怪   难怪她这么熟练,原来是一位老手了   2.[understandable] 表示可以谅解,不必责怪   这也难怪,他刚来对情况还不大熟识 难关   nánguān   [barrier;crisis;difficulty] 比喻不容易克服的困难或不易度过的时期   攻克难关 难割难舍   nángē-nánshě   [loath to part] 形容彼此关系密切,不忍分离 难过   nánguò   [have a hard time]∶指生活困难,日子不容易过   [feel bad]∶指身体不舒服   [feel grieved]∶心情不痛快;伤心   心里难过 难解   nánjiě   [incomprehensible] 不易分开;不易搞清楚   难解的秘密   难解之谜   nánjiězhīmí   [subtlety] 难以捉摸的事物,尤指微妙、难以理解或不易觉察、不易探索的事物 难堪   nánkān   [intolerable;embarrassed] 不容易忍受   只有霜中败叶,零落难堪。——明·李渔《闲情偶寄·种植部》   ;发窘;为难   突然感到难堪的窒息 难看   nánkàn   [ugly;unsightly]∶看着不顺眼;不好看   模样难看   [shameful;disgraceful]∶不光彩;不体面 难免   nánmiǎn   [hard to avoid;ineluctable;be pretty sure to] 不容易避免,免不了   他年纪还小,难免幼稚一点 难耐   nánnài   [difficult to endure] 难以忍耐;不能忍受 难能可贵   nánnéng-kěguì   [commendable;estimable;difficult of attainment,hence worthy of esteem] 居然做到了难做之事,十分可贵   过去草都不长的盐碱地,今天能收这么多粮食,的确难能可贵 难忍   nánrěn   [larch]难于忍受   他感到身上一阵阵疼痛难忍 难色   nánsè   [appear to be reluctant of,embarrassed] 感到为难的表情   面带难色 难上加难   nánshàngnán,nánshàng-jiānán   [Alps on Alps;extremely difficult] 形容极端的难度 难事   nánshì   [difficult task] 难办的事或不愉快的事   辨认某些人的手迹,是一件难事 难受   nánshòu   1.[feel unwell]∶身体感觉不佳   痒得难受   2.[feel unhappy]∶心中不舒服   他知道事情做错了,心里很难受 难说   nánshuō   [uncertain]∶难以确定   [it"s hard to say;you never can tell]∶不容易说;不好说   难说话儿   nánshuōhuàr   [difficult to talk with or deal with] 指脾气倔,不容易商量、通融 难题   nántí   [difficult problem] 不容易解答的题,也指难以处理的事情   出难题 难听   nántīng   1.[unpleasant to hear]∶听着不悦耳,不好听   难听的音乐   2.[offensive;coarse]∶言语粗俗,不堪入耳   难听的话   3.[scandalous]∶指事情不光彩、不体面   这件事说起来很难听 难忘   nánwàng   1.[unforgettable]∶无法忘记   难忘的时刻   2.[ever lasting]∶永远留在脑海里   一个具有政治胆识的难忘行动   3.[memorable]∶值得记忆的   难忘的岁月 难为   nánwei   1.[embarrass]∶使人为难   她不会喝酒,你就别难为她了   2.[press]∶施加压力   她会唱歌却不唱,就得难为她唱   3.[be very kind of you]∶用于感谢别人代自己做事的客套话   难为你给我提一桶水来   4.难为情   nánwéiqíng   [ashamed;embarrassed] 害羞,脸面不好看;情面上过不去   众目睽睽之下,她倒有点难为情   5.难为听   nán wéi tīng   [be unpleasant to hear] 难听,听不下去   岂无山歌与村笛,呕哑嘲哳难为听。——唐·白居易《琵琶行(并序)》 难闻   nánwén   [smell unpleasant] 气味不好,令人难受   一股难闻的气味。 难言   nányán   1.[wordless]∶未被言词表达或非言词所能表达   令人窒息的恼怒和难言的耻辱。   2.[unverbalized]∶非语言所能表达。   病人可能有难言之苦 难言之隐   nányánzhīyǐn   [be hard to state what ails one in the mird;painful topic;sth.hard to speak out] 隐藏在内心深处难以说出口的事。 难以   nányǐ   [difficult to;cannot well] 根据场合或情况很难作为自然的结果或后果。   我难以拒绝   难以满足 难于   nányú   [difficult] 相当不容易。   难于成功 难住   nánzhù   [perplexed]∶不能确定并往往因之而感到困惑。   被许多事难住了   [stick]∶使困惑,使为难,使窘困。   他们提的第一个问题就把他难住了。 难字   nánzì   [an unfamiliar word] 生僻的、一般人不认识的字。 难胞   [又作:难侨]   nànbāo   [overseas refugee;fellow citizens in distress] 称本国的难民(多指在国外遭受迫害的侨胞) 难民   nànmín   [refugee] 指遭到自然灾害或人为灾祸而生活无着落、流离失所的人 难属   nànshǔ   [family of the killed] 遇难人的亲属 难兄难弟   nànxiōng-nàndì   [fellow sufferers] 共患难或处于同样困难境地的人 难友   nànyǒu   [fellow sufferer] 共同遭受灾祸的人;一起蒙难的人 编辑本段姓氏   中国四小姓之一。   分布于河南省,是南北朝时期鲜卑族的姓发展而来,原本是一种鸟类的名字,由于当时人崇尚鸟类,把姓起成了“难”,后北迁,大部分迁徙到了朝鲜半岛,中国已极少存在。
2023-07-08 12:45:541


2023-07-08 12:46:021


妙 miào①好;美妙:~品|~境|~不可言|这个办法真~。②神奇;巧妙;奥妙:~计|~策|~用|~算|~诀|~手回春|莫名其~。
2023-07-08 12:46:102


2023-07-08 12:46:181


All the creatures on earth survive in the balance of subtlety.
2023-07-08 12:46:284


2023-07-08 12:47:053

rogue subtlety是什么意思

2023-07-08 12:47:402


导语:真的勇敢,不是背上行囊走出家门,而是在柔软的心里,放下一切戒备,真诚信任。以下我为大家介绍经典英语散文文章,欢迎大家阅读参考! 经典英语散文1 Snacks are I suppose defined as things that we eat between regular meals. In fact, if you are eating something and it is not breakfast, lunch or dinner-time then it is a snack. So, if you are having an apple sometime in the afternoon then that apple is a snack. However, on the whole when we talk about snacks we are not really talki ng about fruit and healthy things. The category of snacks is usually filled with things that are not so good for us. What are these traditional snacks? Chips, or as they are called in Britain, crisps, are a favourite snack and as with most popular snacks they are not a healthy option (选择). Laden with grease (油脂) because of their origin in the fat fryer (油炸用的食品) they are the dieters curse (咒骂). Another great favourite is chocolate and again it is a food option that is well capable of converting a sleek (光滑的) physique (体形) into something a little more wobbly (不稳定的)! Regarding the healthiness of snacks a big problem of so many of the regular popular options out there is generally their low quality. What you might buy in the stores on the high streets has been mass produced with all sorts of rubbish added to boost the flavour at minimum (最小的) cost. If you were to actually get many of these snack types made at home then they would probably be a lot better for you. For instance, chocolate comes from South America. The original examples of chocolate are very different to what we are now used to. Our chocolate has so much sugar and fat added to it that it would be quite unpalatable (不好吃的) to someone used to the traditional version. However, because we have all been brought up on food and snacks with no subtlety (狡猾,微妙) of flavour then we cannot appreciate the more traditional examples of snacks. So because of this way our snacks are made we have developed a love-hate relationship with them. Our taste buds (味蕾) demand the satisfaction only snacks can give but the diet industry condemns (指责) them as the road to obesity (肥胖). So there is a conflict between the advertising of snacks and promotion of the lifestyle associated with them of having a good time and the attack on them as dangerous to our health from the just as aggressive diet industry. My advice, is to ignore the propaganda of both sides and enjoy snacks for what they are, which means bearing in mind that too much is too bad. 经典英语散文2 时光的齿轮咯吱作响,四季的脚步渐渐的,近了,又远了。虽不说四季分明,可也是有规律可寻的。 夏季的风轻柔又活泼地奔跑在这片土地,那么肆意自在,那样的纯真无暇 温柔的风亲吻着河岸的垂柳,划过发丝,划过一颗颗干净的心。然而,清风拂柳绿梳妆,终是有柳叶经不起这样的洗礼,飘零,凋落,最后与泥土归于一处。叶的枯萎终究是辜负了一场情深,奈何情深缘浅,花叶永不相见。就像曲终人不见,不是消失,只是我早已隐退于千峰之后,从此,两不相见。 古朴的柳树没有了昔日地流光溢彩,剩下的气息,是历经岁月的沉淀,千峰百转的摩梭。 碧绿的如同绸缎的一汪湖水,干干净净的,不吵也不闹,可谁也无法忽视它的存在。河畔柳枝的末端垂到水里,飘飘洒洒,在水面划过一道轻柔的痕迹,荡起涟漪微微。 青石板的小路,经历了雨水的冲洗黑的发亮,古朴的气息传递着历史的故事,纷纷扰扰,红尘一梦,飘摇兮若流风之回雪。淡青色的长衫,俊拔的身姿,深邃的眼眸,透着万水千山,映着家国天下。心怀苍生,看天地浩大。 青石板的一旁,在水一方,一草屋,覆着茅草,简陋的屋子,里面的"陈设更是简单。一张木板床,一个烛台,还有墙角的一些木板。虽是简单,可是很干净,看得出主人的用心。 这里住着一位老人,不是风烛残年,不是健壮有力,有时候透露着一股子虚弱。一个既聋又哑的老人。满是皱纹的脸上看不出对生活的一丝抱怨,对现状的一丝哀愁 夏季的雨水正浓,晚上的雨更是在不经意间逃出来,肆意挥洒人间。清晨的露水晶莹剔透,挂在草尖上。一种蓬勃的生机扑面而来 老人慢悠悠的推开了那已经是摇摇欲坠的门,走到河边,先踏出一只脚,踩进小船里,待踩稳后,靠着石岸下了船。拿起木浆,轻轻的摇。小船,柳叶,湖水,在风中摇曳成一副和谐的画。 Time of gear creak, four feet gradually, near and far. Although the four seasons are not clear, they are also regular. The wind of summer is running in this land gently and vividly, so it is free and pure. The gentle wind kissed the river willow, across the hair, across a clean heart. However, breeze is always a willow Liulv dressing, can not afford this baptism, wandering, litter, and soil to a final. In the end, the blight of the leaves has failed to live up to a deep feeling. As the final song people don"t see, not just disappear, I had to retire from two, Qian Feng, do not meet. The ancient willow without former Ambilight, the rest of the atmosphere, after years of precipitation, the Mosuo hundred thousand peaks. Green, like a silk lake of silk, clean, clean, no noise, but no one can ignore its existence. At the end of the hanging river willow in the water, durian, in the water across a gentle ripples slightly traces. Qingshiban Road, after rain washed black, quaint atmosphere transfer a historical story, confused, a red dream shake, if the return Liufeng snow. The pale blue gown, Jun pull posture, deep eyes, a nation reflects the trials of a long journey. With the common people, to see the vast world. Qingshiban stood on one side of the water, a grass, covered with thatch, simple house, the inside of the display is more simple. A plank bed, a candlestick, and some boards in the corner. Although it is simple, but very clean, see the intention of the master. There lived an old man, not frail, is not strong, sometimes revealed a lot of weakness. A deaf and dumb old man. The wrinkled face could not see a glimmer of complaint about life, a melancholy about the situation The summer rain is strong, the night rain is escaped inadvertently, to sway the world. The early morning crystal is clear and hangs on the tip of the grass. A flourish of vigor and vitality The old man slowly pushed away the crumbling door and walked to the river. He stepped out of a foot and stepped into the boat. After stepping steadily, he got off the boat on the stone bank. Pick up the pulp and shake it gently. The boat, the willow leaves, the lake water, swaying in the wind into a harmonious picture.
2023-07-08 12:47:471


2023-07-08 12:47:572


表示本人很喜欢这部电影……看了数次……如果我来概括,我会用这样三个词:有关情节:light-hearted——在原著小说的推荐语中有这样一句话:”this is a wonderful, light-hearted novel, the‘he said, she said" romance with substance and subtlety. “有关人物:iridescent——还记得Chet和Bryce晚上散步看到被砍下的梧桐树那句台词吗?大爱啊。“彩虹般绚丽”,在我心中Bryce和Juli都是这样的人。有关主题: thought-provoking 这个应该不用解释了吧~纯手打,个人意见~望采纳。^_^
2023-07-08 12:48:051


  model有模范;模特儿;模型等意思,那么你知道model的用法吗?下面我为大家带来有关model的用法和 短语 例句,供大家参考学习!    model的用法:   model的用法1:model的基本意思是“模型”,指以某人或某物为样本复制一个比原型小若干倍的复制品。也可指某物的大小、式样,即“设计,型号”。model也可指某种供他人学习的 方法 ,即“模式”,或指为他人树立良好的形象,以供他人参考的“模范”,多强调值得人模仿的某种行为或品质。   model的用法2:model还可指“模特儿”,指用自身形象来宣传某种商品的人。   model的用法3:model用作名词的意思为“模型”“模范”“模特”,转化为动词时意思是“做模型”,指将某物按照一定的比例做成模型; 也可指向别人学习某种方法或某种行为,即“仿效”。model还可指凭自身的形象向他人展示某种商品,即“当模特儿”。   model的用法4:model可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。   model的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   model after〔on, upon〕 (v.+prep.)   model in〔out of,with〕 (v.+prep.)   model的用法例句:   1. He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility.   他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。   2. The functionalist model of industrial society was subjected to conceptual criticism.   工业社会的实用主义模型在概念上遭到了批判。   3. This basic utilitarian model gives a relatively unsophisticated account of human behaviour.   这个实用的基础模型较为简略地解释了人类的行为。   4. He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads.   他是个模范的专业人士,是年轻人的榜样。   5. We believe that this is a general model of managerial activity.   我们认为这可以作为管理活动的普遍范例。   6. The German constitution is an excellent model of decentralised government.   德国宪法是实行地方政府分权制的优秀典范。   7. He thought the speech a model of its kind, limpid and unaffected.   他认为这一演讲堪称典范,简洁流畅,清新自然。   8. That model won"t go into production before late 1990.   那种型号在20世纪90年代末以前不会批量生产。   9. To keep the cost down, opt for a basic model.   要想花钱少些,就选择基本的型号。   10. He was the very model of the dashing RAF pilot.   他正是风度翩翩的英国皇家空军飞行员的典范。   11. Many of the resulting wines lack the subtlety of the original model.   许多如此酿制的葡萄酒都不像最初的葡萄酒那样耐人品味。   12. He was described by his seniors as a model officer.   上司们形容他是个模范官员。   13. He proposed a model of stress reaction in the body.   他提出了一个人体内应激反应的模型。   14. The Rousseau model commended itself to a lot of early socialists.   卢梭提出的模式被很多早期的社会主义者接受。   15. He became a model of clean living and Bible Belt virtues.   他成了洁身自好、恪守“圣经地带”德行的典范。
2023-07-08 12:48:471


sorry. Didn"t see it yet.
2023-07-08 12:48:542


Details show the crucial
2023-07-08 12:49:132

城府的英语翻译 城府用英语怎么说

城府[chéng fǔ]subtlety; [书]shrewdness城府[chéng fǔ]subtlety; [书]shrewdness
2023-07-08 12:49:351

subtlety is better than force 这句话的中文意思和简单英文释义

机智胜过武力it means using one"s head is better than using one"s hands
2023-07-08 12:49:432


刻薄的英文:unkind参考例句:(of remarks)sharply critical;biting or caustic(指言语)尖刻的,刺人的,刻薄的The charms of their subtlety passed by her unappreciated话里的微妙刻薄意味,她一概不能领会。She"s got a sharp tongue.她说话很刻薄。He can be quite tart.他有时很刻薄。She can be very hurtful sometimes.她有时是很刻薄的.He"s got a mean streak in him.他生性有点刻薄。He"s mean and extremely unpopular.他为人刻薄,人缘儿很坏。
2023-07-08 12:49:511


  充满能量的意思就是精力充沛,活力四射,我们每天都应该充满能量,积极面对生活。你知道吗?下面是我为你整理的充满能量的英文,希望大家喜欢!   充满能量的英文   1.vigorous   2.full of energy   3.energetic   vigorous的例句   1. His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.   他的散文文笔有力、内容庞杂,有时几近晦涩。   2. He collapsed following a vigorous exercise session at his home.   在家剧烈运动了一阵后他突然昏倒了。   3. More vigorous action is needed to force the federal army to disengage.   需要更强有力的行动来迫使联邦军队撤军。   4. The vigorous pursuit of policies is no guarantee of success.   坚决贯彻方针政策并不能保证成功。   5. We urge vigorous action to be taken immediately.   我们强烈要求立即采取有力措施。   6. The economy needs vigorous resuscitation.   经济需要大力复苏。   7. African dance is vigorous, but full of subtlety.   非洲舞蹈强劲奔放,但又处处透著细腻。   8. She was a very vigorous sort of person.   她是那种精力非常充沛的人。   9. Sir Robert was a strong and vigorous politician.   罗伯特爵士是位坚定而又活跃的政治家。   10. a vigorous campaign against tax fraud   坚决打击骗税的运动   energetic的常见用法   用作形容词   用作定语   ~+ n.   I never saw such an energetic man.   我从没见过精力这么充沛的人。   He is an energetic supporter of the peace movement.   他是一名和平运动的热心支持者。   He took energetic steps to fulfil his plan.   他采取了有力的措施来完成他的计划。   用作表语   S+be+~   He is constitutionally energetic.   他体质强健,精力充沛。   The more he worked, the more energetic he became.   他越干越起劲。   S+be+~+to- v   I don"t feel energetic enough to rush about , so I"ll sit down.   我感到没有力气东奔西跑,我想坐下来。
2023-07-08 12:50:121


2023-07-08 12:50:572


难 nán(1)(形)做起来费事的:~办。(2)(动)使人感到困难:这下把我~住了。(3)(副)不容易;不大可能:~免|~保。(4)(形)不好:~听|~看。(5)古又同“傩”nuó。   难   nán,nàn   1.nán   ㄋㄢˊ   不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。   不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(d僶 )。~道。~能可贵。   不好:~听。~看。   郑码:XSNI,U:96BE,GBK:C4D1   笔画数:10,部首:隹,笔顺编号:5432411121   adversitybadblamedifficultdisasterhardhardly possible   易   2.nàn   ㄋㄢˋ   灾祸,困苦:~民。灾~。遇~。逃~。殉~。患~。遭~。避~。排扰解~。   仇怨:排~解纷。   诘责,质问:发~。非~。责~。   郑码:XSNI,U:96BE,GBK:C4D1   笔画数:10,部首:隹,笔顺编号:5432411121   adversitybadblamedifficultdisasterhardhardly possible   易   3.nuó   ㄋㄨㄛˊ   古同“傩”。   郑码:XSNI,U:96BE,GBK:C4D1   笔画数:10,部首:隹,笔顺编号:5432411121   adversitybadblamedifficultdisasterhardhardly possible   易   <难> (nàn) 编辑本段词义形容词   (形声。从隹(zhuī)?声。从隹,与鸟有关。①本义:支翅鸟。②假借为困难)   困难;艰难;不容易 [difficult;hard;troublesome]   非为织作迟,君家妇难为。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》   蜀道之难,难于上青天。——李白《蜀道难》   又如:难句(难得的佳句);难老(难于衰老);难行(难于施行;不容易走);难治(不容易治理);难航(不易舟行);难期(难及,难于企及);难义(不易索解的辞旨);难极(不易穷尽);难疑(相互讨论不易索解,心存迷惑的要义);难乎为继(指前人做得太好,不易照样继续下去)   不可;不好 [hardly possible;bad]   桓谭作论,明弱水之难航。——汉·王褒《灵坛碑文》 动词   1.为难,畏难;感到困难 [feel difficult]   今寇众我寡,难与持久。(难与,“难与之”的省略。之,指代曹军。)——《资治通鉴》   难测也。——《左传·庄公十年》   铁衣冷难着。——唐·岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》   天下事有难易乎。——清·彭端淑《为学一首示子侄》   余幼女书,家贫难致。——清·袁枚《黄生借书说》   使感到困难 [put sb.into a difficult position]   今不行礼于卫,而藩其君舍以难之。——《左传》   通“戁”。   恐惧 [dread;fear]   故君子恭而不难。——《荀子·君道》。注:“难读为戁,惧也。”   敬 [respect]   不戢不难,受福不那。——《诗·小雅·桑扈》   2.诘问;责难 [blame;reproach]   追难孔子,何伤于人?——王充《论衡·问孔》   交相问难。——清·刘开《问说》   又如:刁难(故意使人为难);难言(非难的言论);难极(诘难);驳难(反驳责难);责难(指摘非难);非难(指摘和责问)   抵挡;拒斥 [keep out;ward off;refuse]   难壬人。——宋·王安石《答司马谏议书》   难德允元,而难任人。——《书·舜典》   如:阻难(阻挠留难)   论说;争辩 [argue]   死生之说,存亡之难。——《史记·五帝本纪》   又如:难说(讨论解说);难诘(讨论责问);难驳(攻讨反击)   另见nán 名词   1.通“摊”。驱除疫鬼之祭 [sacrificial rites for get rid of bogy]   命有司大难。——《礼记·月令》   2.灾难;祸害,人为而产生的祸害 [disaster;calamity;catastrophe]   三军既惑且疑,则诸侯之难至矣。——《孙子·谋攻》   非刘豫州莫可以当曹操者,然豫州新败之后,安能抗此难乎?——《资治通鉴》   危难之间。——诸葛亮《出师表》   以免于难。——《国语·晋语》   芟夷大难。——《资治通鉴》   故及于难。——清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》   又如:排难解纷;苦难(痛苦和灾难);逃难(逃灾);落难(遭遇灾难,陷入困境);蒙难(遭受到人为的灾祸);罹难(遇灾遇险而死);避难(躲避灾难或迫害)   兵难,指反抗或叛乱 [rerolt]   一夫作难而七庙隳。——贾谊《过秦论》   又如:发难(发动反抗或叛乱);首难(首先发难)   怨仇;仇敌 [enmity;foe]   将西南以与秦为难。——《战国策》 后缀   现常作后缀加在词或词组后构成新的名词,构成某种存在较大困难的事 [difficult]。如:卖棉难;乘车难;买菜难   另见nàn 编辑本段组词难熬   nán"áo   [difficult to endure] 难以忍耐(疼痛或艰苦的生活等)   饥饿难熬 难保   nánbǎo   [cannot say for sure] 难于确保   难保他不说 难缠   nánchán   [hard to get along with] 指人难以对付,不易打交道 难产   nánchǎn   1.[dystocia] [医]∶分娩时胎儿不易产出。难产的原因主要是产妇的骨盆狭小、胎儿过大、位置不正或产妇的子宫收缩力不正常   2.[(of a literary work,plan,etc.)be difficult of fulfilment;be slow in coming] 比喻一项作品难以产生或一项计划难以完成 难吃   nánchī   [unsavory]∶没有味道的,没有香味的   抛掉难吃的食物   [evil;unpalatable;taste bad]∶味道怪   这个奇怪的水果有一种难吃的味道 难处   nánchǔ   [hard to get along with] 不好相处   难处   nánchu   [difficulty] 困难的地方   这事自有他的难处 难卒合   nán cùhé   [it"s difficult to gather together hastily] 难在仓猝之间集合起来。卒,通“猝”   五万兵难卒合,已选三万人…——《资治通鉴》 难当   nándāng   [difficult to bear] 不易忍受;难以承当   羞愧难当 难倒   nándǎo   [daunt]∶使屈服   什么事也没难倒过我   [baffle]∶遭受挫折   这个问题可把他难倒了 难道   nándào   [really] 莫非,表示加强反问的语气   难道现在证据还不够吗? 难得   nándé   [hard to come by]∶很难做到(含珍重意)   难得他这么忙还惦记着我们   [rare]∶少有;不经常;不易得到   这是难得的大雪 难点   nándiǎn   [difficulty]∶在讲话或著作中引入或提出困难或怀疑的段落   [difficult point]∶问题不容易解决的地方   突破难点 难懂   nándǒng   [difficult to comprehend] 难以弄明白   难懂的语言 难度   nándù   [degree of difficulty] 完成某项工作或达到某个标准的困难程度   这个工作难度太大。 难分难解   nánfēn-nánjiě   1.[tangle;be well-nigh insepatable]使混合得分不开   经济学和文学已变得如此难分难解了   2.[be inextricably involved]∶形容争斗的双方实力相当,胜负未决,难分高下   3.[be sentimentally attached to each other]∶也形容情意绵绵,情感深厚,难以分离 难搞   nángǎo   [messy] 很难实施或很难解决   难搞的工作 难怪   nánguài   1.[no wonder] 表示不觉得奇怪   难怪她这么熟练,原来是一位老手了   2.[understandable] 表示可以谅解,不必责怪   这也难怪,他刚来对情况还不大熟识 难关   nánguān   [barrier;crisis;difficulty] 比喻不容易克服的困难或不易度过的时期   攻克难关 难割难舍   nángē-nánshě   [loath to part] 形容彼此关系密切,不忍分离 难过   nánguò   [have a hard time]∶指生活困难,日子不容易过   [feel bad]∶指身体不舒服   [feel grieved]∶心情不痛快;伤心   心里难过 难解   nánjiě   [incomprehensible] 不易分开;不易搞清楚   难解的秘密   难解之谜   nánjiězhīmí   [subtlety] 难以捉摸的事物,尤指微妙、难以理解或不易觉察、不易探索的事物 难堪   nánkān   [intolerable;embarrassed] 不容易忍受   只有霜中败叶,零落难堪。——明·李渔《闲情偶寄·种植部》   ;发窘;为难   突然感到难堪的窒息 难看   nánkàn   [ugly;unsightly]∶看着不顺眼;不好看   模样难看   [shameful;disgraceful]∶不光彩;不体面 难免   nánmiǎn   [hard to avoid;ineluctable;be pretty sure to] 不容易避免,免不了   他年纪还小,难免幼稚一点 难耐   nánnài   [difficult to endure] 难以忍耐;不能忍受 难能可贵   nánnéng-kěguì   [commendable;estimable;difficult of attainment,hence worthy of esteem] 居然做到了难做之事,十分可贵   过去草都不长的盐碱地,今天能收这么多粮食,的确难能可贵 难忍   nánrěn   [larch]难于忍受   他感到身上一阵阵疼痛难忍 难色   nánsè   [appear to be reluctant of,embarrassed] 感到为难的表情   面带难色 难上加难   nánshàngnán,nánshàng-jiānán   [Alps on Alps;extremely difficult] 形容极端的难度 难事   nánshì   [difficult task] 难办的事或不愉快的事   辨认某些人的手迹,是一件难事 难受   nánshòu   1.[feel unwell]∶身体感觉不佳   痒得难受   2.[feel unhappy]∶心中不舒服   他知道事情做错了,心里很难受 难说   nánshuō   [uncertain]∶难以确定   [it"s hard to say;you never can tell]∶不容易说;不好说   难说话儿   nánshuōhuàr   [difficult to talk with or deal with] 指脾气倔,不容易商量、通融 难题   nántí   [difficult problem] 不容易解答的题,也指难以处理的事情   出难题 难听   nántīng   1.[unpleasant to hear]∶听着不悦耳,不好听   难听的音乐   2.[offensive;coarse]∶言语粗俗,不堪入耳   难听的话   3.[scandalous]∶指事情不光彩、不体面   这件事说起来很难听 难忘   nánwàng   1.[unforgettable]∶无法忘记   难忘的时刻   2.[ever lasting]∶永远留在脑海里   一个具有政治胆识的难忘行动   3.[memorable]∶值得记忆的   难忘的岁月 难为   nánwei   1.[embarrass]∶使人为难   她不会喝酒,你就别难为她了   2.[press]∶施加压力   她会唱歌却不唱,就得难为她唱   3.[be very kind of you]∶用于感谢别人代自己做事的客套话   难为你给我提一桶水来   4.难为情   nánwéiqíng   [ashamed;embarrassed] 害羞,脸面不好看;情面上过不去   众目睽睽之下,她倒有点难为情   5.难为听   nán wéi tīng   [be unpleasant to hear] 难听,听不下去   岂无山歌与村笛,呕哑嘲哳难为听。——唐·白居易《琵琶行(并序)》 难闻   nánwén   [smell unpleasant] 气味不好,令人难受   一股难闻的气味。 难言   nányán   1.[wordless]∶未被言词表达或非言词所能表达   令人窒息的恼怒和难言的耻辱。   2.[unverbalized]∶非语言所能表达。   病人可能有难言之苦 难言之隐   nányánzhīyǐn   [be hard to state what ails one in the mird;painful topic;sth.hard to speak out] 隐藏在内心深处难以说出口的事。 难以   nányǐ   [difficult to;cannot well] 根据场合或情况很难作为自然的结果或后果。   我难以拒绝   难以满足 难于   nányú   [difficult] 相当不容易。   难于成功 难住   nánzhù   [perplexed]∶不能确定并往往因之而感到困惑。   被许多事难住了   [stick]∶使困惑,使为难,使窘困。   他们提的第一个问题就把他难住了。 难字   nánzì   [an unfamiliar word] 生僻的、一般人不认识的字。 难胞   [又作:难侨]   nànbāo   [overseas refugee;fellow citizens in distress] 称本国的难民(多指在国外遭受迫害的侨胞) 难民   nànmín   [refugee] 指遭到自然灾害或人为灾祸而生活无着落、流离失所的人 难属   nànshǔ   [family of the killed] 遇难人的亲属 难兄难弟   nànxiōng-nàndì   [fellow sufferers] 共患难或处于同样困难境地的人 难友   nànyǒu   [fellow sufferer] 共同遭受灾祸的人;一起蒙难的人 编辑本段姓氏   中国四小姓之一。   分布于河南省,是南北朝时期鲜卑族的姓发展而来,原本是一种鸟类的名字,由于当时人崇尚鸟类,把姓起成了“难”,后北迁,大部分迁徙到了朝鲜半岛,中国已极少存在。
2023-07-08 12:51:051


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: “古琴”怎么翻译? 解析: Guqin The guqin is the modern name for a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family (中华弦乐/中华弦乐器). It has been played since ancient times, and has traditionally been favored by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement. It is sometimes referred to by the Chinese as 「国乐之父/国乐之父」, meaning "the father of Chinese music". 以上资料引自 *** -------------- 这段介绍里面已经写得很清楚了:古琴是zither家族的一员。Chinese Zither 是“中华弦乐器”
2023-07-08 12:51:261

Richie Allen & The Pacific Surfers的《Tidal Wave》 歌词

歌曲名:Tidal Wave歌手:Richie Allen & The Pacific Surfers专辑:Ultra-Surf Presents: Catch A WaveThe Killers - Tidal WaveHe"s always trouble with his non-complacentShotgun eyes, shotgun eyesHis subtlety, his mysteryNot like the other guysShe"s always taken by his reputationHe"s so bad, he"s so badOn Saturday night they"re running for the shadowYou say your heart ain"t ever been brokenYou think you know where you"re goin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meYou say this life is giving you nothin"You got another thing comin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meYou get a warning sign to keep his distanceFrom her old man, from her old manNow the story of forbidden love is gonna make a standSo in the middle of the early mornin"They slip away, slip awayAnd we know they"ll do their bestSomewhere in the golden West, oh yeahWe"ll watch and driveAnd they"re so aliveYou say your heart ain"t ever been brokenYou think you know where you"re goin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meYou say this life is giving you nothin"You got another thing comin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meTidal waveThese tidal waves are caught off trackCome tomorrow "cause I can"t go backAll together, can"t you see?Tidal wave gonna cover meThese tidal waves are caught off trackCome tomorrow "cause I can"t go backCome together, can"t you see?Tidal wave gonna cover meCover meI can"t go backCan"t you see?End~~~
2023-07-08 12:51:341


2023-07-08 12:52:268


Snacks are I suppose defined as things that we eat between regular meals. In fact, if you are eating something and it is not breakfast, lunch or dinner-time then it is a snack. So, if you are having an apple sometime in the afternoon then that apple is a snack. However, on the whole when we talk about snacks we are not really talki ng about fruit and healthy things. The category of snacks is usually filled with things that are not so good for us. Snacks are I suppose defined as things that we eat between regular meals. In fact, if you are eating something and it is not breakfast, lunch or dinner-time then it is a snack. So, if you are having an apple sometime in the afternoon then that apple is a snack. However, on the whole when we talk about snacks we are not really talki ng about fruit and healthy things. The category of snacks is usually filled with things that are not so good for us. What are these traditional snacks? Chips, or as they are called in Britain, crisps, are a favourite snack and as with most popular snacks they are not a healthy option (选择). Laden with ase (油脂) ause of their origin in the fat fryer (油炸用的食品) they are the dieters curse (咒骂). Another at favourite is chocolate and again it is a food option that is well capable of converting a sleek (光滑的) physique (体形) into something a little more wobbly (不稳定的)! Regarding the healthiness of snacks a big problem of so many of the regular popular options out there is generally their low quality. What you might buy in the stores on the high streets has been mass produced with all sorts of rubbish added to boost the flavour at minimum (最小的.) cost. If you were to actually get many of these snack types made at home then they would probably be a lot better for you. For instance, chocolate comes from South America. The original examples of chocolate are very different to what we are now used to. Our chocolate has so much sugar and fat added to it that it would be quite unpalatable (不好吃的) to someone used to the traditional version. However, ause we have all been brought up on food and snacks with no subtlety (狡猾,微妙) of flavour then we cannot appreciate the more traditional examples of snacks. So ause of this way our snacks are made we have developed a love-hate relationship with them. Our taste buds (味蕾) demand the satisfaction only snacks can give but the diet industry condemns (指责) them as the road to obesity (肥胖). So there is a conflict between the advertising of snacks and promotion of the lifestyle associated with them of having a good time and the attack on them as dangerous to our health from the just as agssive diet industry. My advice, is to ignore the propaganda of both sides and enjoy snacks for what they are, which means bearing in mind that too much is too bad.
2023-07-08 12:52:401

A Change Of Seasons 歌词

歌曲:A Change of Seasons歌手:Dream Theater所属专辑:Heaven and Hell歌词:I remember a timeMy frail, virgin mindWatched the crimson sunriseImagined what it might findLife was filled with wonderI felt the warm wind blowI must explore the boundariesTranscend the depth of winter"s snowInnocence caressing meI never felt so young beforeThere was so much life in meStill I longed to search for moreBut those days are gone nowChanged like a leaf on a treeBlown away foreverInto the cool autumn breezeThe snow has now fallenAnd my sun"s not so brightI struggle to hold onWith the last of my mightIn my den of inequityViciousness and subtletyStruggle to ease the painStruggle to find the saneIgnorance surrounding meI"ve never been so filled with fearAll my life"s been drained from meThe end is drawing nearCarpe diem, seize the dayI"ll always rememberThe chill of NovemberThe news of the fallThe sounds in the hallThe clock on the wall ticking away"Seize the day", I heard him sayLife will not always be this wayLook around, hear the soundsCherish your life while you"re still aroundGather ye rosebuds while ye mayOld time is still a-flyingAnd this same flower that smiles todayTomorrow will be dyingWe can learn from the pastBut those days are goneWe can hope for the futureBut there may not be oneThe words stuck in my mindAlive from what I"ve learnedI have to seize the dayTo home I returnedPreparing for her flightI held with all my mightFearing my deepest frightShe walked into the nightShe turned for one last lookShe looked me in the eyeI said, "I love you, goodbye"{It"s the most awful thing you"ll ever hearIf you"re lying to meOh, you dearly love herJust have to leave all our livesSeize the daySomething happenedGather ye rosebuds while ye mayShe was killed}So far or so it seemsAll is lost with nothing fulfilledOff the pages and a TV screenAnother world where nothing"s trueTripping through the life fantasticLose a step and never get upLeft alone with a cold blank stareI feel like giving upI was blinded by a paradiseUtopia high in the skyA dream that only drowned meDeep in sorrow, wondering whyOh come, let us adore himAbuse and then ignore himNo matter what, don"t let him beLet"s feed upon his miseryThen string him up for all the world to seeI"m sick of all you hypocritesHolding me at bayAnd I don"t need your sympathyTo get me through the daySeasons change and so can IHold on boy, no time to cryUntie these strings, I"m climbing downI won"t let them push me awayOh come, let us adore himAbuse and then ignore himNo matter what, don"t let him beLet"s feed upon his miseryNow it"s time for them to deal with meI"m much wiser nowA lifetime of memoriesRun through my headThey taught me howFor better or worse, alive or deadI realize there"s no turning backLife goes on the offbeaten trackI sit down with my sonSet to see the crimson sunset(Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)Many years have come and goneI"ve lived my life, but now must move on(Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)He is my only oneNow that my time has comeNow that my life is doneWe look into the sunSeize the day and don"t you cryNow it"s time to say goodbyeEven though I"ll be goneI will live on, live on
2023-07-08 12:54:182

it would be appreciated that 什么情况下用

it would be appreciated that 什么情况下用it would be appreciated that 意思是:(我们)会感激/欣赏这种(行为,表现)。。。很明显,这是在期待对方帮忙做某事,事前委婉地提出的请求。
2023-07-08 12:54:261


专辑: Aenima标题: Stinkfist就必须予以改变取消否认困境无聊不是负担任何人都应该承担不断的刺激numbs箱但我不希望您任何其他方式原因这是不够的。 我需要更多。 似乎没有任何满足。 我说,我不想它。 我只需要它。 呼吸,感觉,知道我还活着。 深指的边缘。 告诉我你爱我,我们属于同。放松,转身把我的手。 我可以帮你改变疲惫的时刻到高兴。 说这个词,我们将以及我们的方式。 配方和平衡疼痛和舒适深处你除非你不希望我任何其他方式但是, 这是不够的。 我需要更多。 似乎没有任何满足。 我说,我不想它。 我只需要它。 呼吸,感觉,知道我还活着。 节内心深处的界线。 这可能会伤害小,但它是你习惯。 放松。溜掉。东西还挺伤心事情的方式来的。 钝感的一切。 什么是的微妙? 这怎么对我没什么如果我真的没有感觉到什么呢?我会不断挖掘到我觉得东西。 弯头内心深处的界线。 告诉我你爱我,我们属于同。 肩深的边缘。 放松。转身把我的手。
2023-07-08 12:55:011


2023-07-08 12:55:163


appreciate的用法搭配:appreciate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。1、如果appreciate要表示程度,可用deeply,highly,much等副词修饰。例如: Hehighly appreciated their help。他非常感谢他们的帮助。但是需要注意:much修饰appreciate时,只能置于其前,而不能置于其后但very much却可以。2、appreciate用作及物动词In time you"llappreciatethe beauty and subtlety of this language。总有一天你会体会到这门语言的优美和微妙之处。语法学的分类:形态和句法两个部分,形态的研究范围包括词类和各类词的构成、词形变化。通常说的词法包括复合词构词法。句法的研究范围是短语、句子的结构规律和类型。语法体系也有两种含义:一个指语法系统,即客观存在的语法事实、语法规律的系统性,也就是说语法是各种规则交织成的整体,是自成系统的。另一个指语法学体系,即语法学说的系统性。一个民族的语法系统只有一个,一个民族的语法学体系可以不止一个。
2023-07-08 12:55:241


2023-07-08 12:55:575


appreciate的用法搭配:appreciate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。1、如果appreciate要表示程度,可用deeply,highly,much等副词修饰。例如: Hehighly appreciated their help。他非常感谢他们的帮助。但是需要注意:much修饰appreciate时,只能置于其前,而不能置于其后但very much却可以。2、appreciate用作及物动词In time you"llappreciatethe beauty and subtlety of this language。总有一天你会体会到这门语言的优美和微妙之处。语法学的分类:形态和句法两个部分,形态的研究范围包括词类和各类词的构成、词形变化。通常说的词法包括复合词构词法。句法的研究范围是短语、句子的结构规律和类型。语法体系也有两种含义:一个指语法系统,即客观存在的语法事实、语法规律的系统性,也就是说语法是各种规则交织成的整体,是自成系统的。另一个指语法学体系,即语法学说的系统性。一个民族的语法系统只有一个,一个民族的语法学体系可以不止一个。
2023-07-08 12:56:191


⑴ 求最难写的四字成语 搔首踟躇 搔首:用手挠头。踟蹰:来回走动。形容心情焦急、惶惑或犹豫 濡沫回涸辙 泉水干后答,鱼儿相互吐沫湿润以求生。用以形容人在困难的处境中以微小的力量竭力互相帮 耳鬓厮磨 拍两人的听觉和鬓发相接触,形容亲密相处(多指小儿女) 鳏寡孤独 泛指没有劳动力而又没有亲属供养的人 魑魅魍魉 魑,同螭,也同彲。魅,同鬽。而“魍魉”,则有多种说法,比如“蝄蜽”、“罔两”、“方良”和“蛧蜽”,还有一种说法是把“罔两”中的“两”换成三框中加一个“良”字,紫光拼音和微软2003中都没有那个字,而那个字却赫然不能算是繁体异体,顶多是咱们平时不用它罢了。 自己找了几个不知道能不能让你满意 ⑵ 较难的四字成语 目前所在的位置:四字成语 校人烹鱼 东坡画扇 带经而锄 暮夜无知 枭将东徙 不知不识 踊贵屦贱 月怀一鸡 温人之周 风起云飞 圣人之勇 原宪桑枢 叠岭层峦 爬山越岭 寄豭之猪 铁杵磨针 猪狗不如 急獐拘猪 冷水烫猪 肥猪拱门 葄枕图史 罪上加罪 嘴硬心软 嘴上功夫 走漏风声 走回头路 自找麻烦 自我欣赏 自负盈亏 自产自销 捉鬼放鬼 缀辞之士 装死卖活 装穷叫苦 重此抑彼 纸笔喉舌 直来直去 执法犯法 折臂三公 遮风挡雨 照单全收 占山为王 御驾亲征 舆人之诵 有影无踪 有去无回 有口难开 有功之臣 有翅难飞 犹豫不定 引决自裁 意外之财 以正视听 以势压人 以大欺小 以长攻短 一字不识 一心为公 一线希望 一无牵挂 一望无涯 一声不响 一年一回 一家之主 摇摆不定 妖里妖气 洋相百出 验明正身 压寨夫人 旬月之间 熏腐之余 雪中高士 削发为僧 悬壶于市 玄衣督邮 玄香太守 虚惊一场 秀外惠中 羞羞答答 形势之途 心里有底 笑骂从汝 小心眼儿 小打小闹 先苦后甜 下临无地 细嚼慢咽 细高挑儿 嘻嘻哈哈 稀稀拉拉 无疾而终 *** 下流 无本生意 窝窝囊囊 稳稳当当 尾巴难藏 为时过早 万事如意 玩弄词藻 弯弯曲曲 拖拖拉拉 拖拖沓沓 土头土脑 土里土气 统一口径 童男童女 铁腕人物 挑字眼儿 挑挑剔剔 挑挑拣拣 天子门生 胎死腹中 踏步不前 缩成一团 宿将旧卒 素面朝天 死要面子 死心眼儿 死路一条 死记硬背 死到临头 死不要脸 死不回头 私情密语 说说而已 霜露之疾 耍笔杆子 熟人熟事 书香铜臭 受夹板罪 受夹板气 首战告捷 收买人心 是非之地 事出意外 时时刻刻 石投大海 生死永别 生男育女 生来死去 神州华胄 神志不清 神憎鬼厌 社稷生民 上吐下泻 上当受骗 上蹿下跳 杀生与夺 三角恋爱 三寸金莲 润笔之资 柔中有刚 任人宰割 任人摆布 人五人六 人海战术 全局在胸 取之不尽 取舍两难 清清楚楚 清清白白 清仓查库 轻重九府 亲上加亲 巧上加巧 前途无量 前脚后脚 千古奇冤 乞儿暴富 奇冤极枉 齐天大圣 欺人眼目 七十二变 拼命三郎 皮开肉破 劈里啪啦 劈空扳害 披缁削发 袍泽之谊 判冤决狱 藕断丝联 藕断丝长 耦俱无猜 耦居无猜 偶烛施明 偶语弃市 偶影独游 呕心吐胆 鸥鸟忘机 鸥鸟不下 编辑于 2019-02-18 TA的回答是否帮助到你了? 能够帮助到你是知 ⑶ 较难的四字成语有哪些 差强人意,踵事增华,铸山煮海,抱薪救火,敝帚自珍 等 差强人意: 拼音:(chā qiáng rén yì) 释义:差强人意,原指能振奋人的意志,表示大体上还能使人满意。差:程度副词,勉强,尚,略,稍微,大致,比较;强:振奋。 例句:2那几幅画都不怎么样,只有这一幅梅花还差强人意。 出处:《后汉书·吴汉传》:“帝时遣人观大司马何为,还言方修战攻之具,乃叹曰:‘吴公差强人意,隐若一敌国矣。"” 踵事增华: 拼音:zhǒng shì zēng huá 释义:踵:追随,继续。继续前人的事业,并使更加完善美好。后以"踵事增华"指继续以前的事业并更加发展。 以至头门墙上及各墙壁,另行雕刻花草人物,正是~,穷奢极侈。清·黄小配《廿载繁华梦》第二十七回 【出处】南朝·梁·萧统《文选序》:“盖踵其事而增华,变其本而加厉。物既有之,文亦宜然。 铸山煮海: 【拼音】(zhù shān zhǔ hǎi) 【释义】开采山中铜矿以铸造钱币,烧煮海水而获得食盐。比喻善于开发自然资源。 【出处】出自 西汉·司马迁《史记·吴王濞列传》:“吴有豫章郡铜山,濞则招致天下亡命者盗铸钱,煮海水为盐。” 抱薪救火 【拼音】bào xīn jiù huǒ 【释义】意为:抱着柴草去救火。比喻用错误的方法去消除灾祸,结果使灾祸反而扩大。它告诫我们解决问题或消除灾祸,只有看清事物本质,用正确的方法去处理,否则只会使问题更加严重,灾祸继续扩大。 【出处】《史记-魏世家》中苏代与魏安釐王的一段对话“且夫以地事秦,譬犹抱薪救火,薪不尽,火不灭。” 古汉语原文 西汉·司马迁《史记·魏世家》:“且夫以地事秦,譬犹抱薪救火,薪不尽,火不灭。”《战国策·魏策》:“以地事秦,譬如抱薪而救火也,薪不尽而火不止。”《文子 精诚》:“ 夫水浊者鱼[口捡去手],政苛者民乱,上多欲即下多诈,上烦扰即下不定,上多求即下交争,不治其本而救之于末,无以异于凿渠而止水,抱薪而救火。 现代汉语释义 战国时代,魏国老是受到秦国的侵略。魏国的安釐王即位后,秦国加紧了进攻,魏国连连战败。安釐王元年,秦国进攻魏国,魏国失去了两个城镇;第二年,魏国又失去了三个城镇,不仅如此,秦国的军队当时还直逼魏国的都城,形势十分危急。韩国派兵来救,但也被秦军打败。魏国没有办法,只得割让了土地,才算了结了战争;可是到了第三年,秦国又发动进攻,强占了魏国的两个城镇,并杀死了数万人。第四年,秦国更把魏、韩、赵三国军队,一起打得大败,杀死兵士十五万人;魏国的大将芒卯也因此失踪。 魏国军队的接连败北,使安釐王坐卧不安。此时,魏国军队的另一位大将段干子也十分恐惧,为了苟安,便向安釐王建议,把南阳割给秦国,请求罢兵议和,安釐王本来对秦军的进攻十分害怕,以为割让土地就可以求得太平,便照着段干子的话做了。 当时有个叫苏代的,是一贯主张“合纵抗秦”的苏秦的弟弟,他也极力主张各诸侯国联合起来抵抗秦国。苏代得知魏国割地求和的事后,就对安釐王说:“侵略者都是贪得无厌的,你想用领土、权利,去换取和平,是办不到的,只要你国土还在,就无法满足侵略的欲望。这好比抱着柴草去救火,柴草一把一把地投入火中,火怎么能扑灭呢?柴草一天不烧完,火是一天不会熄灭的。”尽管苏代讲得头头是道,但是胆小的安釐王只顾眼前的太平,一味地委屈求和,根本不听苏代的话,还是依大臣们的意见把魏国大片土地割让给秦国。到公元前225年,果然秦军又向魏国大举进攻,包围了国都大梁,掘开黄河大堤让洪水淹没了大梁城,魏国终于被秦国灭掉了。 敝帚自珍 【拼音】bì zhǒu zì zhēn 【释义】敝:破的,坏的。珍:爱惜。古代文人称自己的妻子为“执帚”,这里的帚代表妻子。比喻东西虽然不好,但却是自己珍爱的。 【出处】汉·刘珍《东观汉纪·光武帝纪》:“帝闻之,下诏让吴汉副将刘禹曰:‘城降,婴儿老母,口以万数,一旦放兵纵火,闻之可谓酸鼻。家有敝帚,享之千金。禹宗室子孙,故尝更职,何忍行此!” 【例句】宋·陆游《初夏幽居》诗之二:“寒龟不食犹能寿,敝帚何施亦自珍。” 又其《秋思》:“遗簪见取终安用,弊帚虽微亦自珍。 梁启超《本馆第一百册祝辞》:“菲葑不弃,敝帚自珍。” 吴伯箫《北极星·记一辆纺车》:“衣服旧了,破了,也‘敝帚自珍",不舍得丢弃。” 但写出以后,却不很爱惜羽毛,有所谓“~”的意思。 ◎鲁迅《华盖集·并非闲话〈三〉》 1.太太常劝先生删诗行,譬如说,四行中可以删去三行罢;但是他不肯割爱,于是乎只好敝帚自珍了。 2.画家指着墙上一幅小画说:“这是我三十年前的处女作,笔法幼稚,实在没有什么艺术价值,但对于我却敝帚自珍,留着作个纪念。” 3.老李的自行车已经很破旧了,可他仍然敝帚自珍,经常还骑着它去上班。 4.这件衣服是妈妈亲手做的,虽然旧了,可她仍然敝帚自珍,还穿着呢。 【辨析】“敝帚自珍”和“敝帚千金”同出一源,都表示珍惜自己的东西。但“敝帚自珍”由“敝帚千金”发展而来,语义较重,而且不用于劝诫和批评方面。 【误用】例1:这是一位已故著名作家的作品,由于各种原因一直没有发表,这次出版对编辑来说也有点敝帚自珍的意味。(2009年高考辽宁卷)辨正:句中“作品”是“已故著名作家”的,“编辑”看重、珍惜并欲出版它,是“珍”,但没有把这作品看成是破敝的。 例2:凤凰网曾有某娱乐新闻的标题为“汤唯敝帚自珍 计划拍片欲低调复出”。辨正:正文说汤唯平日很少买衣服,她觉得衣服穿久了就会产生感情,所以基本都是物尽其用,不舍得扔掉,若用“敝帚自珍”来评价她的这种好习惯的话,也就等于说“汤唯的衣服好破,自己却很珍惜”,要夸奖人家节俭本是好意,但错就在“敝”字上。 ⑷ 表示“难以猜测”的四字成语 深不可测shēnbùkěcè [释义] ①深得无法测量。形容很深。②比喻道理、含义异常深奥。③比喻人心机极深;难以猜测。 [语出] 《淮南子·主术训》:“天道玄默;无容无则;大不可极;深不可测。” [正音] 测;不能读作“chè”。 [辨形] 测;不能写作“策”。 [近义] 高深莫测 [反义] 一目了然 [用法] 比喻对事物的情况捉摸不定。一般作谓语、定语、状语。 [结构] 偏正式。 [辨析] ~与“高深莫测”有别:~侧重于形容空间距隔;“高深莫测”侧重于形容学问、神态。 [例句] 陈教授专业知识渊博;~;令学生叹服。 高深莫测 【拼音】: gāo shēn mò cè 【解释】: 高深的程度无法揣测。形容使人难以理解。 【出处】: 《汉书·严延年传》:“吏民莫能测其意深浅,战栗不敢犯禁。” 【举例造句】: 他说话常故弄玄虚,使人感到高深莫测。 【拼音代码】: g *** c 【近义词】:深不可测、不可捉摸 【反义词】:一目了然 【灯谜】: 山海难量;千岩万壑路不定 【用法】: 作谓语、定语;形容使人难以理解 居心莫测 【拼音】: jū xīn mò cè 【解释】: 居心:存心;莫:不;测:推测。指存心险恶,不可推测。 【出处】: 清·洪楝园《县嶴猿·归神》:“都是这一个狗才设计骗将出来,以为自己富贵之地,是以吾阁部为奇货,居心叵测,天理不容。” 【举例造句】: 几个色目人乘机进谗,说是中国人居心莫测,该好好的防备着。 郑振铎《桂公堂》 变幻莫测 【拼音】: biàn huàn mò cè 【解释】: 变幻:变化不可测度。变化很多,不能预料。 【出处】: 唐·韩愈《殿中少监马君墓志》:“当是时,见王于北亭,犹高山深林巨谷龙虎,变化不测,杰魁人也。” 【举例造句】: 吾“红水阵”内夺壬癸之精,藏天乙之妙,变幻莫测。 明·许仲琳《封神演义》第四十四回 深奥莫测 【拼音】: shēn ào mò cè 【解释】: 高深不易了解。 【举例造句】: 小王最近几天都一副深奥莫测的样子,不知葫芦里卖的是什么药。 居心叵测 【拼音】: jū xīn pǒ cè 【解释】: 居心:存心;叵:不可;测:推测。指存心险恶,不可推测。 【出处】: 清·洪楝园《县嶴猿·归神》:“都是这一个狗才设计骗将出来,以为自己富贵之地,是以吾阁部为奇货,居心叵测,天理不容。” 【举例造句】: 他是个居心叵测的家伙,要多加提防。 ⑸ 世界上最难猜的四字词语 很少人知道的四字词语 只要能被人想到的都不算难猜的吧.你就别钻牛角尖了.除非你有强迫症. ⑹ 难猜的四字成语 难解之谜是汉语词汇,解释为难以捉摸的事物,尤指微妙、难以理解或不易觉察回、不易探索的答事物。 【名称】难解之谜 【拼音】nán jiě zhī mí 【解释】难以捉摸的事物,尤指微妙、难以理解或不易觉察、不易探索的事物。 【出处】空缺。 【事例】世界七大奇观真是~。 【近义词】不解之谜 【用法】作主语、宾语;指难以捉摸的事物 【英文】subtlety ⑺ 最难写的20个四字词语都有哪些 鳏寡孤独、耳鬓厮磨、魑魅魍魉、搔首踟躇、濡沫涸辙、哀鸿遍野、嗷嗷待哺、不稂不莠、 不落窠臼、繁文缛节、管窥蠡测、祸起萧墙、廖若晨星、满目疮痍、蓬荜生辉、邯郸学步、 集腋成裘、狗尾续貂、胶柱鼓瑟、海市蜃楼 ⑻ 最难的话四字成语是什么 搔首踟躇 :搔首:用手挠头。踟躇:来回走动。形容心情焦急、惶惑或犹豫 濡沫涸辙:泉水干后,鱼儿相互吐沫湿润以求生。用以形容人在困难的处境中以微小的力量竭力互相帮 耳鬓厮磨 :拍两人的听觉和鬓发相接触,形容亲密相处(多指小儿女) 鳏寡孤独 :泛指没有劳动力而又没有亲属供养的人 魑魅魍魉:魑,同螭,也同彲。魅,同鬽。而“魍魉”, ⑼ 十个最难的四字成语(连解释)快快快!!! 1.哀鸿遍野:比抄喻 *** 呼号、流离失所的灾民到处都是.哀鸿,哀鸣的大雁,比喻悲哀呼号的灾民. 2. 安步当车:古代称人能安贫守贱.现多用以表示不乘车而从容不迫地步行.安,安闲. 3. 安土重迁:安于本乡本土,不愿轻易迁移.重,看得很重. 4. 嗷嗷(áo)待哺(bǔ):形容受饥饿的悲惨遭情景.嗷嗷,哀号声;哺,喂食. 5. 筚(bì)路蓝缕:驾着柴车,穿着破旧的衣服去开辟山林.筚路,柴车.蓝缕,破衣服.形容创作的艰苦. 6. 抱残守缺:形容保守不知改进. 7. 白驹过隙:比喻时间过得很快,就骏马在细小的缝隙前飞快地越过一样.白驹,骏马. 8. 杯弓蛇影:比喻疑神疑鬼,妄自惊慌. 9. 杯水车薪:用一杯水去救一车着了火的柴.比喻无济于事. 10. 别无长(cháng)物:没有多余的东西.形容穷困或俭朴.
2023-07-08 12:56:361

A Change Of Season [Live Version] 歌词

歌曲名:A Change Of Season [Live Version]歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Live Scenes From New YorkA Change of SeasonsDream TheaterA Change of SeasonsMusic: Dream Theater<I. The Crimson Sunrise>Instrumental<II. Innocence>I remember a timeMy frail, virgin mindWatched the crimson sunriseImagined what it might findLife was filled with wonderI felt the warm wind blowI must explore the boundariesTranscend the depth of winter"s snowInnocence caressing meI never felt so young beforeThere was so much life in meStill I longed to search for moreBut those days are gone nowChanged like a leaf on a treeBlown away foreverInto the cool autumn breezeThe snow has now fallenAnd my sun"s not so brightI struggle to hold onWith the last of my mightIn my den of inequityViciousness and subtletyStruggle to ease the painStruggle to find the sameIgnorance surrounding meI"ve never been so filled with fearAll my life"s been drained from meThe end is drawing near...<III. Carpe Diem>"Carpe diemSeize the day"I"ll always rememberThe chill of NovemberThe news of the fallThe sounds in the hallThe clock on the wallTicking away"Seize the Day"I heard him sayLife will not always be this wayLook aroundHear the soundsCherish your lifeWhile you"re still around("Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)(Old Time is still a-flying;)(And this same flower that smiles today)(Tomorrow will be dying")We can learnFrom the pastBut those daysAre goneWe can hopeFor the futureBut there might not be oneThe words stuck in my mindAlive from what I"ve learnedI have to seize the dayTo home I returnedPreparing for her flightI held with all my mightFearing my deepest frightShe walked into the nightShe turned for one last lookShe looked me in the eyeI said, "I Love You...Good-bye"("It"s the most awful thing you"ll ever hear")("If you"re lying to me...")("Oh, you dearly love her")("...just have to leave...)(All our lives")("Seize the day!")("Something happened")("Gather ye rosebuds while ye may")("She was killed")<IV. The Darkest of Winters>Instrumental<V. Another World>So far or so it seemsAll is lostWith nothing fulfilledOff the pages and theT.V. screenAnother worldWhere nothing"s trueTripping throughThe life fantasticLose a stepAnd never get upLeft aloneWith a cold blank stareI feel like giving upI was blinded by a paradiseUtopia high in the skyA dream that only drowned meDeep in sorrow, wondering whyOh come let us adore himAbuse and then ignore himNo matter whatDon"t let him beLet"s feed upon his miseryThen string him up for all the world to seeI"m sick of allYour hypocritesHolding me at bayAnd I don"t needYour sympathyTo get me through the daySeasons change and so can IHold on BoyNo time to cryUntie these stringsI"m climbing downI won"t let them push me awayOh come let us adore himAbuse and then ignore himNo matter whatDon"t let him beLet"s feed uponHis miseryNow it"s time for themTo deal with me<VI. The Inevitable Summer>Instrumental<VII. The Crimson Sunset>I"m much wiser nowA lifetime of memoriesRun though my headThey taught me howFor better or worseAlive or deadI realizeThere"s no turning backLife goes onThe offbeaten trackI sit down with my sonSet to see the Crimson Sunset(Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)Many years have come and goneI"ve lived my life, but now must move on(Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)He"s my only oneNow that my time has comeNow that my life is doneWe look into the sun"Seize the dayAnd don"t you cryNow it"s timeTo say good-byeEven thoughI"ll be goneI will live onLive on"
2023-07-08 12:56:441


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 不可思议: fantastic fantastically implausibleimplausibly inconceivable inconceivably inscrutable unbelievable unbelievably unimaginable unimaginably 这一事故发生得这么快, 简直不可思议. It seems inconceivable that the accident could have happened so quickly. 一件事情,即是又非是,是不可思议的。 It is inconceivable that a thing can both be and not be. 他们竟也获准参与这个项目,真是不可思议。 It is inprehensible that they were admitted to the program. It"s all past belief. 简直不可思议。 You are incredible. 真不可思议! Oh, that"s incredible! 哦,简直不可思议! But that"s strange. 可是这简直不可思议。 prices are exorbitantly high in the capital. 首都的物价高得不可思议。 Astonishing; wonderful 不可思议的;惊奇的;奇妙的 to an unimaginable extent. 到了一种不可思议的程度。 The subtlety of color is absolutely unbelievable. 这色彩的精美,简直不可思议。 A circle without a center is inconceivable. 一个没有圆心的圆是不可思议的。 What a wonder! 何等的奇妙呀!多么不可思议!
2023-07-08 12:57:021


There is a saying: "subtlety reveals clues".生活细节向来与个人发展息息相关,许多事情都可以从生活细节中看出究竟(再好的伪装也会有破绽),找出所以然。
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名词是:beauty英['bju:ti]释义:n.美;美丽;美人;美好的东西[复数:beauties]短语:Beauty and the Beast美女与野兽;侠胆雄狮;新侠胆雄狮;美男与野兽扩展资料:词语辨析:beautiful,fair,handsome,lovely,pretty这些形容词均含“美丽的,漂亮的”之意。1、beautiful普通用词,含义广泛,语气最强,指优美和谐,是一种几乎接近完美的美。指人时通常形容女人或小孩,很少用于描写男子。2、fair正式用词,多用于文学中,形容女子和儿童,侧重外表的美。3、handsome多用于描写男性的英俊潇洒。有时也形容女人,指其五官端正,体态秀丽。4、lovely普通用词,描写人时,主要指女人和小孩的相貌,语气不如beautiful强。5、pretty普通用词,语气比beautiful弱,多用于描写妇女、儿童以及小巧玲珑,精美可爱之物。
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  为了能够写出美丽的英语字体,平时的练习是需要的。下面是我给大家整理的美丽的用英语怎么写,供大家参阅!   美丽的用英语怎么写   英 [u02c8lu028cvlinu0259s] 美 [u02c8lu028cvlu026anu026as]   loveliness   n. 可爱,漂亮; 美好;   loveliness的英语例句   1. You are a vision of loveliness.   你真是漂亮极了。   2. The loveliness of the scene was beyond compare.   景色之美无与伦比.   3. Beauty also -- her type of loveliness -- and yet she was lonely.   她还有她那种类型的 美貌,可她却感到寂寞.   4. But the loveliness of those eyes had made Michael look away.   但是,那双眼睛里的妩媚神态,迈克尔却受不了,不由自主地把脸移开了.   5. Love is the radical of lovely , loveliness , and loving.   Love是lovely, loveliness 及loving的词根.   6. She is a vision of loveliness with her golden hair.   她长着一头金发,真是可爱极了.   7. The sodden eye had kept something of the loveliness of their blue.   呆滞的眼睛依稀剩有一点悦目的蓝色.   8. He was in his fresh youth, with soft pulses for all charm and loveliness.   他正在青春少年, 他的内心对于一切迷人而又可爱的东西还在温存地搏动.   9. Lucy was a remarkable creation , as full of loveliness and subtlety as any work of art.   露西是个非凡的美女, 就象一件精巧的,让人爱不释手的工艺品.   10. I believed devoutly in her power to fascinate him, in her dazzling loveliness.   我由衷地相信她有使他神魂颠倒的力量, 相信她有令人眼花缭乱的姿色.   11. You came down the aisle, a smile, aof loveliness.   你带着微笑步下走道, 看起来是那么美.   12. Loveliness we"ve lost; these empty days without your smile.   从此不见你的笑容; 我们顿感寂寞虚空.   13. I was really amused by her loveliness and even uttered laugher heartedly.   尽管摔得不重,她还大声地委屈地哭起来.   14. Poetry turns all things to loveliness, it exalts the beauty.   诗使万象化成美丽; 它使最美丽的东西愈见其美.   15. Their loveliness and holiness in accordance with their exalted station.   他们的美丽和圣洁也与他们的崇高地位相称.   美好的英语例句   1. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.   最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。   2. I try to remember all the good times I"ve had here.   我试着回忆在这里度过的所有美好时光。   3. Married life was not as idyllic as he had imagined.   婚姻生活并不像他想象的那么浪漫美好。   4. It"s been a beautiful evening and you have made it all possible.   那是个美好的夜晚,你让一切成为可能。   5. Like the best stories, this one may yet have a happy end.   就像最精彩的故事那样,这个故事也许仍会有个美好的结局。   6. The idea of spending two weeks with him may seem heavenly.   和他一起度过两周的想法听起来似乎十分美好。   7. The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days.   这次胜利勾起了他对往昔那些夺冠岁月的美好回忆。   8. Despite the unsettled weather, we had a marvellous weekend.   尽管天气一会儿好一会儿差,我们仍然度过了一个美好的周末。   9. Work on the positive, creating beautiful, loving and fulfilling relationships.   致力于好的方面,努力营造美好的、友爱的、令人满意的关系。   10. My mother, who had a sheltered upbringing, has fantastic memories of childhood.   我妈妈在呵护下长大,对童年有着非常美好的回忆。   11. This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park"s stories.   这种残忍的现实和浪漫美好事物的并存始终贯穿于帕克的短篇小说中。   12. It was magic—one of the best days of my life.   真是太棒了——这是我生命中最美好的一天。   13. Life in the great outdoors isn"t supposed to be luxurious.   美好的户外活动不必很奢侈。   14. I have very fond memories of living in our village.   我对乡村生活有着十分美好的回忆。   15. Sarah and I had a great time while the kids were away.   孩子们不在的时候,我和萨拉度过了一段美好时光。   
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7 Steps To Make Her Heart Belongs To You For the Guys!!!! Gals pls pass to your guy frenz!! All of you guys out there might be wondering exactly what you need to do to win a girl"s heart? This may seem like a difficult task but it doesn"t have to be. If you are one of the many men who want to learn how to win a girl"s heart you should read our steps and tips for ways to win a girl over. Here are the Top 7 steps what every guy should do to win a girl"s heart! Steps 1. Always Be Confidence Women absolutely love guys who are fortable with themselves. To them a confident man demonstrates a level of high status where he doesn"t worry about the oute of any conversation. A confident guy enjoys time spent with women instead of focusing on everything that could go wrong. 2. Always be Flirting The best kind of flirtation with a woman is to tease her to bust her balls to let her know that she is not on a pedestal. Make fun of her. Be indifferent to her interest. 3. Send mixed signals. Yeah it"s a bit childish but necessary. One day call her and pliment her then don"t call or speak to her for o days. She"ll wonder why you haven"t called which means you"ll be on her mind. Never go so far as to pliment her one day and make fun of her the next. Subtlety is key. 4. Make her Laugh. Women love to laugh! So use a good sense of humor is one of the best tactics a man can have in attracting a girl. It will impress them and she may think that you are an interesting guy. 5. Always Have Fun If you"re not having fun when you go out then you"ve killed any chance of attracting women. Instead the more you can do to relax and enjoy yourself the more you"ll be able to project an aura of positive energy and confidence. When you learn to have fun you"ll have incredible success with women. 6. Be A Romantic Guy. If you want to steal her heart and make it yours then you should be a romantic guy. Instead of just looking at the surface of a woman you should looks within her to find the beautiful part and use your imagination for making poetic ments interesting stories and emotional interpretation in everything. 7. Respect yourself and keep your own interests When a guy meets a woman he likes he often wants to spend as much time as possible with her. This is natural but there is a big danger here as well. If you put your life aside for a woman you will bee less interesting to her. As soon as you start acting like she"s going to be around forever she"ll start feeling less and less ATTRACTION for you Tips Pay Attention to your appearance. Be a gentleman without hanging all over her. Never fet to always act yourself and never try to be someone you aren"t. Never Bee A Boring Person. Do not cheat on her. You may never win her heart back. Don"t tell her everything about yourself because women like a man with a bit of mystery to him and vice-versa Finally if you follow the top 7 steps on how to win a girl"s heart then I am sure her heart will belong to you before you know it. But remember the most importantly is that you need to demonstrate that you are a "prize" worth fighting for. You need to turn the woman"s mindset around and have her thinking that she needs to pursue you. You have to convince her that you are one that she definitely doesn"t want to let get away. 赢取芳心七步曲 献给男孩子们!!! 姑娘们,请转给你的男生朋友们看!! 你们那里的所有男孩子们可能都想知道到底需要怎么做才能赢得女孩的芳心?这看上去似乎很难,但未必是这样的。很多男人都想学会如何去获得女孩的芳心,如果你也是其一,那么你就应该看一看我们提供的步骤和小诀窍来找到把妹的方法。这里有每个男孩在泡妞时都应当去做的七个顶级步骤! 步骤 1. 始终保持自信 女人绝对喜欢那些轻松地对待自我的男孩子。对她们来说,一个自信的男人会表现出一种高姿态,因为他不会担心任何对话的结果。一个自信的男孩享受着与女人共度的时光,而不是把心思放在可能会做错的每样事情上。 2. 不断地调情 对女人的最佳调情方法就是逗弄她,开她的玩笑,以让她知道她不是被宠坏的公主。取笑她吧。对她表现出的兴趣表示冷漠。 3. 发出模棱两可的信号 是,这有点孩子气,但却必要。某天打电话给她,奉承她。然后两天内不给她打电话,也不和她说话。她就会想你为什么还没打电话给她——这就意味着你将呆在她脑子里了。不要过分到今天奉承她而明天又去取笑她。高深莫测才是关键。 4. 逗她笑 女人爱笑!因此,男人吸引女孩的法宝之一是拥有一份好的幽默感,这会给她们留下深刻印象,她可能会认为你是个有趣的家伙。 5. 始终保持娱乐精神 如果你出去玩的时候不能表现出娱乐精神,那么你就会毁掉一切吸引女人的机会。相反地,你越是能放松和享受自我,你就越能散发出一种包含着积极能量和自信的气息。当你学着作乐时,在女人身上你就会获得难以置信的成功。 6. 做个浪漫的人 如果你想把她的心偷走,让它属于你,那么就应该成为一个浪漫的人。不要只是停留在注视着女人的表面上,而应当看透她,去寻找那美丽的部分,动用你的想象来发表一下带有诗意的看法、说一些有趣的故事,以及对各种事情作感性诠释。 7. 尊重自我并保持你自己的兴趣 当一个男孩遇到他所钟爱的女人时,他往往想要尽可能地守在她左右。这很自然,但也同样存在危险。如果为了某个女人而把你的生活搁在一边,她对你的兴趣就会变得越来越淡。一旦你开始流露出她将会永远呆在你身边的念头,她就会开始觉得你越来越没有吸引力了。 小诀窍 注重一下你的外表。 具有绅士风度,但不要过分呵护她。 永远也不要忘记始终表现出真我,永远也不要试着做其他人。 永远也不要做一个乏味无趣的人。 不要欺骗她,否则你可能永远也无法赢回她的芳心了。 不要把有关自己的一切事情都告诉她,因为女人喜欢具有一点神秘感的男人,反之亦然。 最后,如果你采用了上述七个顶级步骤来获取女孩芳心,那么我保证她的芳心一定会不知不觉地属于你。但请记住最重要的一点,那就是:你需要显示出你是一个值得去努力赢取的“奖品”。你需要转变女人的心态,要让她觉得她需要去追求你。你必须要使她相信你是她绝对不能错过的那个人。
2023-07-08 12:58:211

macmillan and co造句 macmillan and coの例文

Macmillan and Co . Limited, 1920. It was translated by Joseph Jacobs ( London and New York City, Macmillan and co ., 1892. The book was first pubpshed under this title in 1933 by Macmillan and Co ., containing colour plates and pen illustrations by Stuart Tresipan. The tale first appeared in The Tale of Princess Fiorimonde and Other Stories along with six other tales, pubpshed by Macmillan and Co . in 1886. It was first pubpshed in book form in 1912 by Macmillan and Co . Ltd ., with illustrations by H . R . Millar and Gerald Spencer Pryse. London : Macmillan and Co ., 1937 ( " the photographs illustrating this edition are from the London Film Production 犷lephant Boy?. . . most of these photographs were taken in India by Mrs . F . H . Flaherty . ") The original text continues to be available as of 2008 from Macmillan and Co ., but a 1998 update by Martin Gardner is available from St . Martin"s Press which provides an introduction; three prepminary chapters explaining recreational calculus problems; and notes for modern readers. Sir Francis Palgrave, " The History of Normandy and of England, Volume I " ( London : Macmillan and Co ., 1878 ), 678; E . Littre, " Histoire de la Langue Francaise; Etudes sur les origins, l etymologie, la grammaire, les dialectes, la versification, et les lettres au Moyen Age. Nietzsche wrote of the " Or醕ulo ", " Europe has never produced anything finer or more ppcated in matters of moral subtlety, " and Schopenhauer, who translated it into German, considered the book " Absolutely unique . . . a book made for constant use . . . a panion for pfe " for " those who wish to prosper in the great world . " A translation of the " Or醕ulo manual " from the Spanish by Joseph Jacobs ( London : Macmillan and Co ., Limited ), first pubpshed in 1892, was a huge mercial success, with many reprintings over the years ( most recently by Shambala ). It"s difficult to find macmillan and co in a sentence. 用 macmillan and co 造句挺难的
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很高兴回答楼主的问题adj.令人 难以置信的It would be unbelievable that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends! 这样一个老实人竟会出卖朋友,真难以置信!相关例句:Michael Jordan is really unbelievable! michaeljordan真神哪!The story he manufactured was unbelievable. 他所编造的故事是难以令人相信的。It is unbelievable how stupid he is. 他真是笨得令人难以置信。It"s unbelievable how many children she has! 她竟有那么多孩子,叫人不敢相信!It"s unbelievable that I served it out. 我竟然把球发出界,真是难以置信。The subtlety of color is absolutely unbelievable. 这色彩的精美,简直不可思议。at peak hours the streets traffic is unbelievable. 道路交通的高峰时期令人难以置信。His ecstasy to the pop music is unbelievable. 他对流行音乐的入迷是令人难以置信的。It is unbelievable that he did it for himself. 他独力做了那件事,真是令人难以置信。Amazing! /Incredible! /Unbelievable! /Sensational! /Outstanding! 令人惊异!/难以置信!/难以置信!/好极了!/棒极了!
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