barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-08 13:22:52

I purchased (xx) on (date) at (company), and they still haven"t shipped out my orders yet. I have contacted the seller many times, but without any response back, I am hoping you (Paypal) can contacted the seller and asked them to shipped out my order ASAP. Thank you!




I bought xxx on 12 Oct(假设12号买的,你按照这个格式改), but the seller send me nothing till now. Once contacted the seller a thousand times, but I"ve got no response. I hope that after contact the seller through Paypal, he would send me my goods immediately . Thanks a million.


On **, 2013, I bought a (an) ***, but the seller has not sent it (them) out yet till now. I have tried several times to contact the seller but got no any reply. So , I hope that would PAYPAL help me to urge the seller to made its delivery soon.


I * * * days buy * * *, so far the seller still never sent, repeatedly contact the seller, were not returned, hope that through PayPal contact the seller as soon as possible. Thank you.


联系用英语怎么说 联系用英语如何说

2023-07-08 10:30:531


long time no see
2023-07-08 10:31:225


首先,as换成because,因为because表示原因的时候语气最强烈,原因最显而易见 其次,we have not contact with each other改成we haven"t been contacting with each other,因为就算你要用完成时也应该是contacted而不是原型,这里我用的现在完成进行时是表示一个动作或者状态持续到现在 最后,fell是跌倒的意思,显然你是词形记错了,根据你主句的时态,这里改成fell, 再就是时态有问题bee改成bees 楼主,加油吧,学英语是个漫长的过程,10,你好。有错。以下句子你可以参考使用: I feel really concerned about my friend. She and I haven"t contacted each other for a long time. I do think of her , and i don"t know how she is. Perhaps I should have contacte...,2,I am really disappointed now,as I had a best friend but we have not contacted with each other. Because I think(feel--felt;fall--fell)she has bee a so nobbish.girl.(没有必要用定语从句),1,1 had改为 have 理由 你现在还认为她是你的朋友,应当用一般现在时。 2 contact 改为contacted 理由 现在完成时应当用 have done的形式,即动词必须用过去分词。 其余的没看出什么,供参考。,1,I am really disappointed because I had a friend before but now we don"t contact with each other. I feel she has bee a girl who is so snobbish.我觉得你这句话读起来很奇怪,时态不是搞的特别清楚,最好可以加点时间副词。不知道这样你觉得怎么样、,0,有好几处语法错误 as 最好改成 since 或because but now we have not contact with each other 建议改成 but now we don"t have any contact with each other 或者but we haven"t contact with each other for a long time. fell 改成feel 整句建议 I think she has bee a snobbish girl,0,没语法错误,0,有语法错哦, 原句:I am really disappointed as I had a friend but now we have not contact with each other. I fell she bee a girl who is so snobbish. have not contact 应改成have no contact fell 是fa...,0,自己写了一个英语句子,请高手帮忙看有什么语法错误没. I am really disappointed as I had a friend but now we have not contact with each other.I fell she bee a girl who is so snobbish.
2023-07-08 10:32:161


2023-07-08 10:32:322


1.A 2.D3.D4. D5. A6. A7. B8. B
2023-07-08 10:32:511

英语client contacted the Docker dameon怎么翻译?

client contacted the Docker dameon客户端联系了 Docker 守护进程
2023-07-08 10:32:593


I had been contacting German colleague,I only contacted American colleague Mike,I wish our cooperation would be a pleasure
2023-07-08 10:33:134

我们已经很久没有联系了 it is been a quite while we had not contact对吗?

有一点错误。改一改的话,这句可以:It has been quite a while since we have contacted.
2023-07-08 10:33:225

达人帮帮忙翻译一下3个专有词:contacted rental area(Pyung)、net area(Pyung)、net office space(m2)

contacted rental area(Pyung): Pyung出租区(联系), net area(Pyung): 净面积(Pyung)、net office space(m2): 网络办公空间(m2)
2023-07-08 10:33:363

我已经联系了快递公司,他们一会儿就会来取 英语怎么说

i already contacted the fast delivery company, they are coming to pick up soon.
2023-07-08 10:33:475


be connected withbe contacted withkeep in touch with link with
2023-07-08 10:34:058


以下是我的翻译,比较口语化,希望你满意:Dear older brother,how are you doing recently? it is a long time that we did not get touch eachother. merry chrismas! and hope you everyday be happy!i belive that you would be a successful person!just do it !yours
2023-07-08 10:34:325


contact可以直接加人。当contact做动词时,contact是可以直接加某人的。contact的基本意思是“接触”“联系”,用于物时指相互紧密接触,用于人时指通过写信、电话、见面等方式直接联系,但身体未必接触。contact可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。You can directly contact us by e-mail你可以直接通过电子邮件和我们联系。词义辨析:contact, touch这两个词都可表示“接触”“联系”。其区别在于:touch指具体的、感觉器官的接触,并暗示这类接触所带来的优美或亲密的感觉;而contact指抽象的接触,仅指“联系”而身体未必接触。例如:I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decisions.在作出最后决定以前,我必须先同我的律师联系一下。Until recently, this remote tribe had contacted little with the outside world.这个边远的部落直到最近和外界几乎没什么联系。
2023-07-08 10:35:231


被动语态 be +过去分词 contacted 为该单词的过去分词
2023-07-08 10:35:381


2023-07-08 10:35:471

Hi there, You’ve contacted an e-mail that is no longer monitored. Your request has not been r

2023-07-08 10:35:531

我们已经联系了客户 正在等待客户核实的结果 帮忙翻译成英文 谢谢

We have contacted with customer. We are waiting for results of the verification.
2023-07-08 10:36:121

You recently contacted our customer support about “ 1 ”How happy were you with our service?

2023-07-08 10:36:191


11 首先排除BD,因为be reported后要叫TO,然后这是发生在过去的事,所一选C12 不知道13 先排除AB,因为escape后加doing。然后因为后面有AS,所以选D14 不知道15 不知道16 我认为这题选C 可能你答案错了17 不知道18 B项应该为GROWING,因为GROW是主动的19 不懂你读什么啊?我高二都不知道,陌生词汇好多!给点分吧!
2023-07-08 10:36:276

I have contacted the “A” has helped.是否可以翻译为:我已经联络"A"处理.??

2023-07-08 10:36:411


“很长时间没联系了”用标准的英语怎么说------ We haven"t contacted each other for a long time.
2023-07-08 10:36:495

翻译I understand that I will be immediately contacted

2023-07-08 10:37:154


8.English is different from grammer.9.Many people were unaware of the fire when it"s set.10.Do you mind if I use your dictionary?11.They open the window to admit the air and light in.12.They got in touch with us at the moment they arrived France.13.People who are lack of sense of humor are difficult to understand the joke.
2023-07-08 10:37:494


I have already contacted with that customer.
2023-07-08 10:38:094

"我已和他取得联系" 怎么译呢

I have contacted him.
2023-07-08 10:38:163


contact与宾语间要用介词with来连接的,即contact with sb.It"s a long time since we contacted with each other,are you still fine?"我可以抱你baby"的回答中last如果是想表达“上一次”的意思,应该译成last time,不过最好不译,有点多此一举。
2023-07-08 10:38:245

It has a long time since i had contacted you last time,这句话什么意思

2023-07-08 10:38:383


we haven"t contact to each other for three months .
2023-07-08 10:38:464

折腾 mac 重装记

上周末,出于好奇(其实是脑子一热),想尝试一下重装 macOS 系统,结果一路遇到很多坑。 当然,首要前提是做好备份, time machine 备份妥妥的。 备份前不久,我升级了 macOS Mojave,另外我目前用的设备是MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)。 以下是我遇到的几个坑: 由于我没有多余的硬盘或者 U 盘,唯一的移动硬盘拿来做 time machine 的备份盘了。所以,我选择的是联网重新安装。 首选关机,然后按一下开机按钮,随即按住组合键Command-R,然后一个进度条结束后,会出现以下实用工具,我选择了 重新安装 macOS 。 结果提示:The recovery server could not be contacted Google 了一番,最后找到的解决方式是:格式化硬盘再重装。即退出此页面,然后从 磁盘工具 中进入先抹掉磁盘,再 重新安装 macOS 。 重装 macOS High Sierra 大概花了两个多小时的时间,得到一个全新的 macOS High Sierra 系统的 mac pro 感觉电脑干净了很多,连系统都流畅了很多。 试完了一会儿全新的 macOS High Sierra,最后,我还是决定从 time machine 恢复,于是直接从移动硬盘恢复。结果安装到一半,花了大概4-5个小时的时间,最后得到下图提示。 意思大概是,从备份中恢复的过程中出错,如果想继续安装,可以重装后,使用 迁移工具 从备份硬盘中把所有的数据迁移过去。 由于在这个过程中,之前装好 macOS High Sierra 的磁盘需要重新格式化,所以只好重新安装一次,又要花2个多小时。 好不容易,又花了好几个小时的时间升级到 macOS Mojave,才能继续迁移数据。最后,迁移数据的过程也花了大概8个小桑id 额时间,一共100G 左右。 虽然折腾一番,花了大量的时间,但让我对 macOS 系统的安装和升级有了切身的认识,嗯,也只能这样安慰自己了。
2023-07-08 10:38:551


there is...加可数名词
2023-07-08 10:39:047

contact us 与contact with us

我的外国学生说contact 不和with 连用的,这个学生是哈佛本科毕业,斯坦福硕士研究生以及悉尼大学博士研究生毕业的哦。
2023-07-08 10:39:217


Have you even contact the DHL Company?What i am worry about is that,if delay too long the package may returned back,then i need to pay handling fee.So please contact the DHL Company as soon as possible.
2023-07-08 10:39:435

will be contacted by us by February 2012。翻译。

2023-07-08 10:40:106


I haven"t contacted with my ool friends.
2023-07-08 10:40:232

货还没有准备好 英语

I have contacted Mr. Wang. They said the goods are not ready until the end of month.
2023-07-08 10:41:158


问题一:导游用英文怎么说 tour conductor, guide, tour guide, tourist guide 这几个都可以 问题二:导游的英语怎么说? Tourist Guide 导游 问题三:英文“ 导游词 ”怎么说 导游词tour guide presentation tour mentary tour guide manual 问题四:“导游”的英文翻译该怎么说 a guide; a tour guide;珐 a tourist guide; a courier 问题五:导游执照 或导游证 用英语怎么翻译 the certification/license of a tour guide 问题六:听导游的讲解 用英文怎么说? listen to the explanation of the tour guide 问题七:导游用英语怎么说? guide 问题八:导游资格证书英语怎么说 the certification/license of a tour guide 问题九:导游 英文单词怎么拼 导游的英文: n. tour conductor; tour guide v. conduct a tour 参考例句: Work as a courier 当导游 Licensed tourist guide 持证导游 You will be contacted by the tour conductor. 问题十:请问“导游讲解”用英语怎么说? 楼上的好书面,汗。。。不用这么死命把中文翻译成英文吧 很简单,就跟游客说,now, let"s start our exciting tour! 然后看到什么就开始讲啊。。。
2023-07-08 10:41:311


He hasn"t contacted me since he became busy.
2023-07-08 10:41:397


do you consent to be contacted by cic你是否同意由中投公司联络
2023-07-08 10:41:542


You have three days without contact me
2023-07-08 10:42:026


Right,we have been out of touch for two weeks! Recently I have changed my job which is so relaxing that I almost needn"t do anything and for which I don"t have to work until deep into the night.But it didn"t make me very happy and I feel so upset !For the most of time I do some reading and play computer games and lately I often go to the party with some friends .What about you? Do you still stay up late at night? Remember drink plenty of water and have a good rest!Please send me your photos and let me see if you have dark eye circles ,hehe...
2023-07-08 10:42:184

我们很久没有联系了。 英语翻译

We have had no connection for a long time. Have you recieved the last letter that I sent to you ?
2023-07-08 10:42:3913

用英语翻释“很高兴再次联系上你,我以为你的E 已经不再使用了。我现在已经回到了家乡,可能不再去深圳了

I"m very glad to connect to you again,I thought you wouldn"t use your e-mail anymore.I have come back to my hometown now,maybe I won"t go to Shenzhen.
2023-07-08 10:43:205


2023-07-08 10:43:334

抱歉 你联系的好友不在线 请稍后再联系的英文?

抱歉,你联系的好友不在线,请稍后再联系。英文:Sorry, the friend you contacted is not online, please contact later.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。
2023-07-08 10:43:411


2023-07-08 10:43:514


He hasn" taken a shower for a long time
2023-07-08 10:43:594

Usen has no frequently contacted friends,Verify t

User has no frequently contacted friends, Verify the other user"s identity.用户没有经常联系的朋友,验证其他朋友的身份。
2023-07-08 10:44:071


2023-07-08 10:37:402


2023-07-08 10:37:421

我想找一首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词我只记得only you,me and you,maybe.....

楼主我知道!!我也在找!!是kate havnevik的think again!
2023-07-08 10:37:372