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邦乔维You give love a bad name 的歌词

2023-07-08 13:20:54

歌手:bon jovi 专辑:Slippery When Wet

歌手:bon jovi 专辑:光滑的何时变湿



from 《Slippery When Wet》




Shot through the heart


And you"re to blame


You give love a bad name


An angel"s smile is what you sell


You promise me heaven, then put me through hell

你答应我天堂, 然后替我接通地狱

Chains of love got a hold on me


When passion"s a prison, you can"t break free

当强烈的感情一所监狱, 你自由地不能打破(wo.)

You"re a loaded gun(oh yeah)

你是一把上膛的枪 ( 表示惊讶是的?)


There"s nowhere to run


No one can save me


The damage is done


Shot through the heart


And you"re to blame


You give love a bad name


I play my part and you play your game


You give love a bad name


You give love a bad name


You paint your smile on your lips


Blood red nails on your fingertips


A school boy"s dream, you act so shy

一个学校男孩的梦, 你这么行动很胆怯

Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye



You"re a loaded gun



There"s nowhere to run


No one can save me


The damage is done


Shot through the heart


and you"re to blame


You give love a bad name


I play my part and you play your game


You give love a bad name


You give love.




Shot through the heart


and you"re to blame


You give love a bad name


I play my part and you play your game


You give love a bad name


You give love.




by lune



Shot through the heart

And you"re to blame

You give love a bad name

An angel"s smile is what you sell

You promise me heaven, then put me through hell

Chains of love got a hold on me

When passion"s a prison, you can"t break free


You"re a loaded gun(oh yeah)


There"s nowhere to run

No one can save me

The damage is done

Shot through the heart

And you"re to blame

You give love a bad name

I play my part and you play your game

You give love a bad name

You give love a bad name

You paint your smile on your lips

Blood red nails on your fingertips

A school boy"s dream, you act so shy

Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye


You"re a loaded gun


There"s nowhere to run

No one can save me

The damage is done

Shot through the heart

and you"re to blame

You give love a bad name

I play my part and you play your game

You give love a bad name

You give love...


Shot through the heart

and you"re to blame

You give love a bad name

I play my part and you play your game

You give love a bad name

Shot through the heart

and you"re to blame

You give love a bad name

I play my part and you play your game

You give love a bad name

You give love...


by lune



2023-07-08 10:17:161

装文件的时候显示“c:usersadministratorappdatalocal emp”已损坏且无法读取。请运行chkdsk工具”

2023-07-08 10:17:321


blood of thousands of needle, hidden in the blood, tumbling,
2023-07-08 10:18:044


2023-07-08 10:18:301


2023-07-08 10:18:396


写在开头,引用很喜欢的一句话: 要么学!要么不学!学和不学之间没有中间值 不学就放弃,学就要去认真的学! --致选择 为了回溯编译过程(或对程序进行逆向工程),我们使用各种工具来撤销汇编和编译过程,这些工具就叫反汇编器和反编译器。反汇编器撤销汇编过程,因此我们可以得到汇编语言形式的输出结果。反编译器则以汇编语言甚至是机器语言为输入,其输出结果为高级语言。 数组的表示方式是:在基本类型前加上前中括号“[”,例如int数组和float数组分别表示为:[I、[F;对象的表示则以L作为开头,格式是 LpackageName/objectName; (注意必须有个分号跟在最后),例如String对象在smali中为: Ljava/lang/String; ,其中 java/lang 对应 java.lang 包,String就是定义在该包中的一个对象。或许有人问,既然类是用 LpackageName/objectName; 来表示,那类里面的内部类又如何在smali中引用呢? 答案是:在 LpackageName/objectName/subObjectName 的 subObjectName 前加 $ 符号。 方法的定义一般为: Func-Name (Para-Type1Para-Type2Para-Type3...)Return-Type 注意参数与参数之间没有任何分隔符,同样举几个例子就容易明白 无序列表的使用,在符号"-"后加空格使用。如下: 解决:点击进去jd-gui,删除试一试。再不行换最新版本 解析结束后进行编译报错 解决方法: Failed parse during installPackageLI: Targeting R+ (version 30 and above) requires the resources.arsc of installed APKs to be stored uncompress 解决方法: 降低gradle里版本,若出现 signatures do not match the previously installed version; , 使用adb install命令在手机上安装app时,遇到这个报错。原因是新装的app和手机上现有的旧版app冲突了。 解决方法:删除手机上原来的app,再重新安装即可。 可是转念一想如果反编译的apk都是Version 30 R+以上,难道我解压后挨个改一遍gradle?太彻淡了,一定有解决方法,所以有了下面探究出现这个问题的解决方法:既然报错是资源文件高版本不支持,而且没有4位对齐,那么不编译资源文件就好了 APK签名工具之jarsigner和apksigner: 利用apktool反编译apk,并且重新签名打包: 验证apktool能否使用 apktool -r d apk名字.apk,不反编译资源文件,为什么这么做,先挖个坑 错误提示没有4位对齐和不支持30版本以上的资源文件。所有尝试不编译资源文件 解决4位对齐的方法: 查看当前目录,生成了新文件:abc.keystor 使用JarSigner对apk进行签名,命令如下 jarsigner -verbose -keystore abc.keystore -signedjar testx.apk src.apk abc.keystore 直接反编译的apk产生上述错误 但是只编译资源文件的apk安装时 发现没有使用V2进行签名,这时候进行V2签名, (apksigner,默认同时使用V1和V2签名 ) 所以先对只编译资源文件的apk进行V2尝试看能否成功 重复1(进行apktool -r d apk名字.apk)-->2 -->3 -->4( 不使用jarsigner而使用apksigner ) 将生成的abc.keystore和打包回的apk( apktoolapp-debugdist 里的app-debug.apk)放入 C:Users aowei.lianAppDataLocalAndroidSdkuild-tools30.0.3 下,因为Android studio的SDK下有apksigner.bat. 对jarsigner只是apk进行了V1签名;在Android7.0引入了V2签名,因此,当进入sdk25.0.0及后续版本,会发现一个apksigner.bat执行脚本。 我们可以通过apksigner进行V2签名,当然,apksigner默认是同时支持V1与V2的,于是: 学习了公钥和密钥的使用和区别,使用私钥的加密算法称为对称加密算法,这种算法实现是接收方和发送方公用一道密钥,优点是效率高,缺点是安全性差,如果被第三人得知密钥则信息泄露,由此衍生了公钥加密算法,也就是非对称加密算法,这个算法是接收方给发送方公钥,发送方用公钥加密后发给接收方,接受方再用私钥解密。这样即使所有人知道公钥也不会造成信息泄露。缺点是效率非常低。 此外了解了RSA签名的大致过程,发送方拥有公钥和私钥,对信息进行摘要然后把摘要通过密钥进行签名,然后把签名和信息一起发出去,那么如何验证该信息就是发送方发出的呢,这时候就使用到了公钥验证,通过公钥对信息进行解签,然后使用一样的摘要算法得到摘要,如果得到的摘要和解签后的内容一致则说明是发送方发出。 总结就是公钥加密,私钥解密。公钥验证,私钥签名 RSA 密码体制是一种公钥密码体制,公钥公开,私钥保密,它的加密解密算法是公开的。由公钥加密的内容可以并且只能由私钥进行解密,而由私钥加密的内容可以并且只能由公钥进行解密。也就是说,RSA 的这一对公钥、私钥都可以用来加密和解密,并且一方加密的内容可以由并且只能由对方进行解密。 因为公钥是公开的,任何公钥持有者都可以将想要发送给私钥持有者的信息进行加密后发送,而这个信息只有私钥持有者才能解密。 它和加密有什么区别呢?因为公钥是公开的,所以任何持有公钥的人都能解密私钥加密过的密文,所以这个过程并不能保证消息的安全性,但是它却能保证消息来源的准确性和不可否认性,也就是说,如果使用公钥能正常解密某一个密文,那么就能证明这段密文一定是由私钥持有者发布的,而不是其他第三方发布的,并且私钥持有者不能否认他曾经发布过该消息。故此将该过程称为「签名」。 Android 签名机制 v1、v2、v3 进入JDK/bin, 输入命令 参数: 进入Android SDK/build-tools/SDK版本, 输入命令 参数: 例如: 最后安装加 -t : 附上参考链接: 配置NDK的时候如果按钮是灰色的,手动配置 直接在javac后面指定编码是UTF-8就是了。 需要注意的是要加上* -classpath .其中classpath后面的一个黑点是不能省略的。 编译好后如何导入so库 成功运行后发现lib目录下已经apk编进去so了 本节所有到的工具和Demo IDA 链接: 密码:ftie Demo 链接: 密码:u1an 找到so并打开它 因为我的机型是支持arm的所以我这里打开的是armeabi文件夹下的so 如果机型是x86模式的那么这里要打开x86模式下的 编译过程: 按住键盘组合键 shift + f12 打开字符串窗口 这个窗口将会列举出so中所包含的所有字符串 因为上节课我们只编写了一个字符串 所以这里只有一个hello 52pojie! 如果打开的是x86的so这里还会有一些.so 但是字符串只有这一个 鼠标点在hello 52pojie!字符串上,打开 Hex dump窗口,修改hello 52pojie!对应内存地址的内容 关于字符对应的16进制可以在百度百科搜索ascii码表 找到字符所对应的16进制 因为我要把hello 52pojie!修改成hello world! 是不是只要找到每个字符所对应的hex修改就好了 这里我看到 hello 52pojie!对应的hex是:68 65 6C 6C 6F 20 35 32 70 6F 6A 69 65 21 我在ascii码表上找到world所对应的十六进制是:77 6F 72 6C 64 所以hello world! 对应的十六进制是:68 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 注意编辑的时候光标暂停的位置只有先输入字母才能更改成功,修改好后 右键Apply changes应用 退出后保存 此时已经so修改完毕 大功告成,hello 52pojie! --> hello world!
2023-07-08 10:19:031


2023-07-08 10:19:104


直接用存在list里就可以了吧。a=[]...a.appen(data)二位数组在python其实也是list,比如s = ["python", "java", ["asp", "php"], "scheme"],s[2]是一个list,你也可以把这个看成是二维数组吧。
2023-07-08 10:19:201

python if not lines.find(keyword)==-1: n=n+1 执行一次就退出了,文本记录都没有执行

懒得多解释了。自己去看吧:【整理】Python中变量的作用域(variable scope)(此处不给贴地址,请自己用google搜标题,即可找到帖子地址)
2023-07-08 10:19:413

a little love歌词_

[ti:a little love][ar:ann winsborn][al:a little love]la la love on my mind- ann winsbornla la la la la lau2026la la la la la"re the la love of my way ticket and of life to livepockets full of sunshinelots of love to givelonging for your kisseslonging for your arms to be holding mei took the friday night flightparis here i comecouldn"t live without youyou"re the only onegot the note you wrote me know it all by heartoh nothing"s gonna keep us apartthere is only... la la love on my mindgonna leave my la la love on the linebaby just surrenderyou"ll be la lucky tonightlooking out for ooh la la la l"amourand i"m gonna la la love you toujoursthere"s no doubt about ityou"re the la love of my lifedon"t care about my suitcasegonna grab a cablet your arms unfold megive you all i haveboy you got me dreamingyou"re a kiss awayin your arms i"m going to staythere is only... la la love on my mindgonna leave my la la love on the line,baby just surrender,you"ll be la lucky tonightlooking out for ooh la la la l"amourand i"m gonna la la love you toujoursthere"s no doubt about ityou"re the la love of my lifela la love on my mindgonna leave my la la love on the linebaby just surrenderyou"ll be la lucky tonightlooking out for ooh la la la l"amourand i"m gonna la la love you toujoursthere"s no doubt about ityou"re the la love of my lifethere"s no doubt about ityou"re the la love of my lifeone way ticket and of life to livepockets full of sunshinelots of love to givelonging for your kisseslonging for your arms to be holding mei took the friday night flightparis here i comecouldn"t live without youyou"re the only onegot the note you wrote me know it all by heartoh nothing"s gonna keep us apartthere is only... la la love on my mindgonna leave my la la love on the linebaby just surrenderyou"ll be la lucky tonightlooking out for ooh la la la l"amourand i"m gonna la la love you toujoursthere"s no doubt about ityou"re the la love of my lifedon"t care about my suitcasegonna grab a cablet your arms unfold megive you all i haveboy you got me dreamingyou"re a kiss awayin your arms i"m going to staythere is only... la la love on my mindgonna leave my la la love on the line,baby just surrender,you"ll be la lucky tonightlooking out for ooh la la la l"amourand i"m gonna la la love you toujoursthere"s no doubt about ityou"re the la love of my lifela la love on my mindgonna leave my la la love on the linebaby just surrenderyou"ll be la lucky tonightlooking out for ooh la la la l"amourand i"m gonna la la love you toujoursthere"s no doubt about ityou"re the la love of my lifethere"s no doubt about ityou"re the la love of my life
2023-07-08 10:20:116

such a的用法

2023-07-08 10:20:515


2023-07-08 10:21:071

歌曲i need a doctor&love the way you lie的歌词?

On the first page of our storythe future seemed so brightthen this thing turned out soevilI don"t know why I"m still surprisedeven angels have their wicked schemesand you take that to new extremesbut you"ll always be my heroeven though you"ve lost your mindJust gonna stand there and watch me burnbut that"s all right becauseI like the way it hurtsjust gonna stand there and hear me crybut that"s all right becauseI love the way you lieI love the way you lieOhhh, I love the way you lieNow there"s gravel in our voicesglass is shattered from the fightin this tug of war, you"ll always wineven when I"m right‘cause you feed me fables from your handwith violent words and empty threatsand it"s sick that all these battlesare what keeps me satisfiedJust gonna stand there and watch me burnbut that"s all right becauseI like the way it hurtsjust gonna stand there and hear me crybut that"s all right becauseI love the way you lieI love the way you lieOhhh, I love the way you lieSo maybe I"m a masochistI try to run but I don"t wanna ever leavetil the walls are goin" upin smoke with all our memoriesThis morning, you wake, a sunray hits your facesmeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destructionhush baby, speak softly, tell me I"ll be sorrythat you pushed me into the coffee table last nightso I can push you off metry and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch merun out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost puppybaby, without you, I"m nothing, I"m so lost, hug methen tell me how ugly I am, but that you"ll always love methen after that, shove me, in the aftermath of thedestructive path that we"reon, two psychopaths but weknow that no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backsthat we"ll have each other"s backs, "cause we"re that luckytogether, we move mountains,let"s not make mountains out of molehills,you hit me twice, yeah, but who"s countin"?I may have hit you three times, I"m startin" to losecountbut together, we"ll live forever, we found the youth fountainour love is crazy, we"re nuts, but I refused counsellin"this house is too huge, if youmove out I"ll burn all two thousandsquare feet of it to the ground, ain"t shit you can do about itwith you I"m in my fuckin" mind, without you, I"m out itJust gonna stand there and watch me burnbut that"s all right becauseI like the way it hurtsjust gonna stand there and hear me crybut that"s all right becauseI love the way you lieI love the way you lieOhhh, I love the way you lieI love the way you lie
2023-07-08 10:21:152


控件:按钮一个 列表框一个functionsearchfiles(pathasstring,filetypeasstring)dimfiles()asstring"文件路径dimfolder()asstring"文件夹路径dima,b,caslongdimspathasstringspath=dir(path&filetype)"查找第一个文件dowhilelen(spath)"循环到没有文件为止a=a+1redimpreservefiles(1toa)files(a)=path&spath"将文件目录和文件名组合,并存放到数组中list1.additemfiles(a)"加入list控件中spath=dir"查找下一个文件doevents"让出控制权loopspath=dir(path&"",vbdirectory)"查找第一个文件夹dowhilelen(spath)"循环到没有文件夹为止ifleft(spath,1)<>"."then"为了防止重复查找ifgetattr(path&""&spath)andvbdirectorythen"如果是文件夹则。。。。。。b=b+1redimpreservefolder(1tob)folder(b)=path&spath&"""将目录和文件夹名称组合形成新的目录,并存放到数组中endifendif spath=dir"查找下一个文件夹 doevents"让出控制权loopforc=1tob"使用递归方法,遍历所有目录searchfilesfolder(c),filetypenextendfunctionprivatesubcommand1_click()"调用searchfiles"e:","*.*"endsub
2023-07-08 10:21:231

python BeautifulSoup获取a标签问题

2023-07-08 10:21:333


2023-07-08 10:21:521

英语翻译I would like to be a volunteer in my spare time.My reaso?

"I would like to be a volunteer in my spare time. My reason?" 的翻译可以是 "我想在业余时间做志愿者。我的原因是什么?"重点词汇解释:- "volunteer":志愿者,指自愿参与并为社区、组织或项目提供服务的人。- "spare time":业余时间,指在工作或学习之外的空闲时间段。- "reason":原因,指做出决定或选择的动机、理由。重点:- "I would like to be a volunteer":表示主语希望成为一名志愿者,表达了他/她的意愿和愿望。- "in my spare time":说明志愿者活动将发生在主语的业余时间,强调了限定条件和时间范围。- "My reason?":这句话以问号结尾,表示询问关于志愿者意愿的原因或动机。总结起来,这个句子表达了主语想要利用业余时间成为一名志愿者的愿望,并询问了背后的原因或动机。希望这个回答对你有所帮助!如果还有其他问题,请随时提问。
2023-07-08 10:22:052


2023-07-08 10:22:151

he is a door and he is a window, he is a silling he is a...

<<Accidnetly Kelly Street>> 蓝色大门插曲.
2023-07-08 10:22:222

a world alone 的歌词,速求啊

A World Alone - LordeThat slow burn way while it gets dark, bruising the sun.I feel grown up with you in your car, I know it"s dumb.ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohWe both got a million bite habits sticking,not sleeping with one.We"re biting our nails, you"re biting my lip,I"m biting my tongue.ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohPeople will talk, yeah, people will talk(ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)People will talk, yeah, people will talkRaise a glass, cuz their mouths don"t save it.They all wanna get rough, get away with it.Let "em talk cuz we"re dancing in this world alone,world alone, we"re all alone.All my fake friends are over their noise, complained about workThey"re studying business, I study before,and you haven"t stopped smoking all night.Maybe the answer that raised us, or maybe people are jerks.People will talk, yeah, people will talk (But not you)People will talk, yeah, people will talkRaise a glass, cuz their mouths don"t save it.They all wanna get rough, get away with it.Let "em talk cuz we"re dancing in this world alone,world alone, we"re all alone.I will talk so let us, people it"s a scheme.They make us arrests just like we"re whole again, maybeYou"re my best friend, so we"re dancing in a world alone,a world alone, we"re all alone.I know in our heart everlastingWe"re a trainwreck waiting to happenOne day the blood will flow so badlyOne day we"re all against the world(the people that talk, yeah, people that talk)Yeah, so?ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohPeople will talk, yeah, people will talk(ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)People will talk, yeah, people will talkooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohRaise a glass, cuz their mouths don"t save it.They all wanna get rough, get away with it.Let "em talk cuz we"re dancing in this world alone,world alone, we"re all alone.I will t
2023-07-08 10:22:292

找维多利亚的秘密里面的一首歌 歌词是:“ a diamond”是女声

你去听一听是不是这首,是的话请采纳哦亲!歌词“ a diamond”出自歌曲《Diamonds 》,是2012年维多利亚的秘密时尚内衣秀里面,Rihanna(蕾哈娜)唱的插入曲。《Diamonds 》歌手:Rihanna作曲 : SIA FURLER/TOR HERMANSEN/MIKKEL ERIKSEN/BENJAMIN LEVIN所属专辑:Diamonds发行时间:2012-09-30发行公司: Digital Distribution Turkey歌词:Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Find light in the beautiful sea寻遍了这苍茫洋流里的微光I chose to be happy我选择让自己快乐一些You and I, you and I你和我 你和我啊We"re like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华You"re a shooting star I see我看见你化身夜空的陨星A vision of ecstasy蓦地浸入了迷幻的视觉When you hold me, I"m alive只有在你的怀抱里 我感到自己真实地存在着We"re like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华I knew that we"d become right away, oh right away我知道我们马上就会 马上就会。。。At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays惊鸿一瞥 仿佛让我感到日光的能量在心中散射开来I saw the life inside your eyes生命在你的眼眸里流转So shine bright, tonight, you and I来吧 今晚 我和你会迸发出梦幻的耀斑We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华Eye to eye, so alive目目相对 此刻永恒We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华Palms rise to the universe棕榈树忽而拔地而起直指寰宇As we, moonshine and molly至于我们 在茉莉旁享受这馥郁的月光吧Feel the warmth we"ll never die感受此刻的温存 亲爱的我们永世不分离We"re like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华You"re a shooting star I see我看见你化身夜空的陨星A vision of ecstasy蓦地浸入了迷幻的视觉When you hold me, I"m alive只有在你的怀抱里 我感到自己真实地存在着We"re like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays惊鸿一瞥 仿佛让我感到日光的能量在心中散射开来I saw the light inside your eyes生命在你的眼眸里流转So shine bright, tonight, you and I来吧 今晚 我和你会迸发出梦幻的耀斑We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华Eye to eye, so alive目目相对 此刻永恒We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华So shine bright, tonight, you and I来吧 今晚 我和你会迸发出梦幻的耀斑We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华Eye to eye, so alive目目相对 此刻永恒We"re beautiful like diamonds in the sky这是我们一起遥望长空的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华Shine bright like a diamond如此璀璨的钻漾年华
2023-07-08 10:22:381

django |为什么总是提示 A server error occurred. Please contact the administrator.

2023-07-08 10:23:021


2023-07-08 10:23:251


加一个listFunction SearchFiles(Path As String, FileType As String)Dim Files() As String "文件路径Dim Folder() As String "文件夹路径Dim a, b, c As LongDim sPath As StringsPath = Dir(Path & FileType) "查找第一个文件Do While Len(sPath) "循环到没有文件为止 a = a + 1 ReDim Preserve Files(1 To a) Files(a) = Path & sPath "将文件目录和文件名组合,并存放到数组中 List1.AddItem Files(a) "加入list控件中 sPath = Dir "查找下一个文件 DoEvents "让出控制权LoopsPath = Dir(Path & "", vbDirectory) "查找第一个文件夹Do While Len(sPath) "循环到没有文件夹为止 If Left(sPath, 1) <> "." Then "为了防止重复查找 If GetAttr(Path & "" & sPath) And vbDirectory Then "如果是文件夹则。。。。。。 b = b + 1 ReDim Preserve Folder(1 To b) Folder(b) = Path & sPath & "" "将目录和文件夹名称组合形成新的目录,并存放到数组中 End If End If sPath = Dir "查找下一个文件夹 DoEvents "让出控制权LoopFor c = 1 To b "使用递归方法,遍历所有目录 SearchFiles Folder(c), FileTypeNextEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click() "调用SearchFiles "c:", "*.txt"End Sub
2023-07-08 10:23:521

限定步数通关成就不好拿 PS4版《生化危机RE2》42个奖杯挑战一览

卡普空年度招牌作《生化危机RE2》将会在本月25日上市,应该会有许多人都会入坑吧。最近来自国外论坛大佬们的爆料,目前《生化危机RE2》的PS4成就奖杯已经出炉,想要知道获得这些成就奖杯需要什么条件吗?一起来看看吧! 根据国外网友的分享,目前《生化危机RE2》一共有42个 游戏 奖杯挑战,分别有1个白金、4 个金杯、9个银杯、以及28个铜杯。我大致看了一下,其实有些额外挑战的难度似乎相当高。 奖杯名称为了与 游戏 一致没有进行 翻译,以原奖杯名称为准,但需要注意的是在部分奖杯挑战中可能会有剧透成分,所以一定要谨慎观看。 游戏 任务 Don"t Need No Stinkin" Gun – 用小刀击败一名敌人(铜杯) That"ll Hold "Em – 使用木板修补一扇窗户(铜杯) A Vault-like Mind – 打开一个手提保险箱(铜杯) First Break-In – 打开一个转盘保险箱(铜杯) Bon Appetit – 射击一枚你喂给敌人的手榴弹(铜杯) Zombie Roundup – 使用随身武器一次击败3名敌人(铜杯) Like Skeet Shooting – 射中一只在空中跳起的僵尸犬或舔食者(铜杯) Keep Their Heads Ringin" – 瘫痪一名舔食者的听觉(铜杯) Hats Off! – 将暴君头上的帽子打掉(铜杯) The Basics of Survival – 将两个道具组合在一起(铜杯) Eat This! – 利用随身武器进行反击(铜杯) 收集性奖杯 Hip to Add Squares – 扩增你的道具栏位(铜杯) A Waist of Space – 将道具栏位扩增到最大(铜杯) Customizer – 定制化一把武器(铜杯) Treasure Hunter – 使用照相提示,找出2个隐藏物品(铜杯) Lore Explorer – 阅读所有的档案(铜杯) Vermin Extermination – 摧毁一个「Mr. Raccoon」公仔(铜杯) Complete Vermin Extermination – 摧毁所有「Mr. Raccoon」公仔(银杯) Master of Unlocking – 打开 游戏 中所有上锁的宝箱(银杯) 主线故事 Never-Ending Rain – 逃离警察局(铜杯) Hack Complete – 完成艾达的路线(铜杯) A Hero Emerges – 完成 里昂 的故事(银杯) A Heroine Emerges – 完成克蕾儿的故事(银杯) Raccoon City Native – 获得所有奖杯(白金杯) 额外挑战 Frugalist – 在不使用恢复道具下完成 游戏 通关(银杯) Minimalist – 在不打开储藏箱情况下完成 游戏 通关(银杯) A Small Carbon Footprint – 在14000步以内完成一次 游戏 通关(银杯) Hardcore Rookie – 在「Hardcore」难度下完成 里昂 的故事线(金杯) Hardcore College Student – 在「Hardcore」难度下完成克蕾儿的故事线(金杯) 隐藏奖杯(会有剧透) Welcome to the city of the Dead - 抵达警察局(铜杯) Path to the Goddess - 解开女神雕像谜题(铜杯) Hide and Seek - 完成雪莉的路线(铜杯) A Great Need for a Shower - 从下水道逃离(铜杯) One Slick Super-spy - 在艾达路线时只使用「EMF Visualizer」完成 游戏 (铜杯) Young Escape - 在雪莉路线时在60秒内逃离卧室(铜杯) With Time to Spare - 在毁灭剩余时间4分钟以上击败第四阶段G病毒(铜杯) In the Blink of an Eye - 在毁灭剩余时间5分钟以上击败超级暴君(铜杯) Grim Reaper - 完成「第4名生还者」额外模式(铜杯) Gotcha! - 只使用一次起重机的情况击败第二阶段G病毒(银杯) Broken Umbrella - 见到真正的结局(银杯) Leon "S." Kennedy - 在「普通」或「Hardcore」难度下以 S 级完成 里昂 的故事(金杯) Sizzling Scarlet hero - 在「普通」或「Hardcore」难度下以 S 级完成克蕾儿的故事(金杯)(金杯) 《生化危机RE2》将带玩家重回1998年的浣熊市,主人公同样为里昂与克蕾儿,再次感受生化危机的颤栗与恐怖。 《生化危机RE2》预计2019年1月25日上市,届时将登上 PS4、Xbox One、PC 平台。
2023-07-08 10:25:051

I have a friend to help me,这个介词为什么是to?

2023-07-08 10:25:156


#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-import os#已知文件名的情况下,可以用这个函数def getFileInfo(filepath): info = {} if os.path.isfile(filepath): info["TimeCreated"] = os.path.getctime(filepath) info["TimeModified"] = os.path.getatime(filepath) info["Size"] = os.path.getsize(filepath) return info# 如果只知道文件根目录,但是不知道具体的文件路径,# 可以先用os.listdir获得文件和文件夹列表#-------------------分界线----------------------# 这是回答你的第二个问题。如何找到一个字符串中指定两个字符中间的字符串# 这里用的是正则表达式import respecial = "*.?+$^[](){}|/" #正则表达式中会出现的特殊字符# 输入参数为原始字符,leftmark表示左边的分隔符号,rightmark表示右边的分隔符号#函数返回在leftmark和rightmark中间的内容,可能匹配满足不止一次,没有找到就返回空def matchpattern(str1,leftmark,rightmark): lf,rt = leftmark,rightmark #如果需要匹配的字符在正则表达式中时特殊字符,需要给予转义 if leftmark in special: lf = "\%s"%leftmark if rightmark in special: rt = "\%s"%rightmark pattern = re.compile(r""+lf + ".{0,}"+ rt) matched = re.findall(pattern,str1) result = [] if matched: #如果匹配成功了,就去头去尾,直接取中间的部分 for m in matched: s = m.replace(leftmark, "") s = s.replace(rightmark, "") result.append(s) return result else: return Noneif __name__ == "__main__": print matchpattern("#abcsdfs%sdfsdf*","%","*")
2023-07-08 10:25:311


2023-07-08 10:25:501

彩虹小马have a battle歌词

u3010A Friend for Lifeu3011 (Equestria Girls Outro Song) A friend for life That"s what you are to me A friend for life That"s what you are to me I couldn"t see what was Right there in front of me Turned my back Got my mind off track u3002
2023-07-08 10:26:052

Once Upon A Time 歌词

歌曲名:Once Upon A Time歌手:Air专辑:Pocket SymphonyAir - Once Upon a TimeNo time before it"s too soonNo time after it"s too lateTime"s getting old, time"s over nowDon"t try to be on timeDon"t try to run after timeTime"s getting on, time"s over nowI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeTime"s getting on, time"s over nowI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeTime"s getting on, time"s over now...I"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeTime"s getting on, time"s over nowI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeTime"s getting on, time"s over now...Time"s getting on, time"s over now...-END-
2023-07-08 10:26:131

Once Upon A Time (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Once Upon A Time (Lp Version)歌手:Bobby Short专辑:Bobby, Noel & ColeAir - Once Upon a TimeNo time before it"s too soonNo time after it"s too lateTime"s getting old, time"s over nowDon"t try to be on timeDon"t try to run after timeTime"s getting on, time"s over nowI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeTime"s getting on, time"s over nowI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeTime"s getting on, time"s over now...I"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeTime"s getting on, time"s over nowI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeI"m a little boy, you"re a little girlOnce upon a timeTime"s getting on, time"s over now...Time"s getting on, time"s over now...-END-
2023-07-08 10:26:191

Make A Smile (Boite A Musique) 歌词

歌名:Make A Smile (Boite A Musique)歌手:Iris Koshlev《越看越可爱》电视原声Music~~Petit jourSur les herbes blanchesSouffle courtEt le cu0153ur sur qui pencheSur la peauD"un garon je traceDes anneauxDe feu et de glaceIl y a Jean CocteauSur la table basseJean GionoSur l"tagre juste en faceMusic~~Toute la noirceur du mondeParat si lointaine et vaineToute la noirceur du mondeSe noie dans la SeineDans ma tte, il y a une bote musiqueUne danseuse en plastiqueUn cadeau de fte foraineUn peu pathtiqueVue sur courSoleil dans les branchesreboursMes derniers retranche-Ments, c"est beauTout ce qui se passeDans l"egoQuand l"amour effaceLes moments, les motsEt les guerres lassesTant de motsJe n"en vois plus une traceMusic~~Toute la noirceur du mondeNe peut plus me faire de peineToute la noirceur du mondeN"est jamais la mienneDans ma tte, il y a une bote musiqueUne danseuse en plastiqueUn cadeau de fte foraineUn peu pathtiquePetit jourSur les herbes blanchesSouffle courtEt le cu0153ur sur qui pencheSur la peauD"un garon je traceDes anneauxDe feu et de glaceIl y a Jean CocteauSur la table basseJean GionoSur l"tagre juste en faceMusic~~
2023-07-08 10:26:261

King Without A Crown 歌词

歌曲名:King Without A Crown歌手:马蒂斯亚胡专辑:Shake Off The Dust... AriseYou"re all that I have,And you"re all that I need.Each and every day I pray to get to know you please.Want to be close to you,Yes I"m so hungry.You"re like water for my soul,When it gets thirsty.Without you, there"s no me,You"re the air that I breath.Sometimes the world is dark,And I just can"t see.With these demons surround all around,To bring me down too negative.But I believe yes I believe,I"ll say that I believe.I"ll stand on my own two feet,Won"t be brought down on one knee.I"ll fight with all of my might,To get these demons to flee.Hashem"s rays, fire blaze,Burn bright and I believe.Hashem"s rays, fire blaze,Burn bright and I believe.Out of darkness comes light,Twilight unto the heights.Crown Heights burning up,All through the twilight.Say thank you to my God,Now I finally got it right.And I"ll fight with all of my heart,And all of my soul,And all of my might.What"s this feeling,My love will rip a hole in the ceiling.I give myself to you.From the essence of my beingAnd I sing to my God,Songs of love and healing.I want Mashiach now,So it"s time we start revealing.What"s this feeling,My love will rip a hole in the ceiling.I give myself to you,From the essence of my being.And I sing to my God,Songs of love and healing.I want Mashiach now.Strip away the layers,And reveal your soul.You got to give yourself up,And then you become whole.You"re a slave to yourself,And you don"t even know.You wanted to live the fast life,But your brain moves slow.If you"re trying to stay high,You"re bound to stay low.You want God,But you can"t deflate your ego.You"re already there,Then there"s nowhere to go.Your cup"s already full,Then it"s bound to overflow.If you"re drowning in the water,And you can"t stay afloat.Ask Hashem for mercy,And he"ll throw you a rope.You"re looking for help from God,Say he couldn"t be found.Searching up to the sky,Looking beneath the ground.Like a king without his crown,You keep falling down.You really want to live,But can"t get rid of your frown.You tried to reach unto the heights,And wound down bound on the ground.Giving up your fright,Then you heard a sound.Out of Light comes day,Out of day comes light.Nullify to the one,Like sunlight in a ray.Make room for his love,Then a fire gone blaze.Making room for his love,And a fire gone blaze.What"s this feeling,My love will rip a hole in the ceiling.I give myself to you,Now from the essence of my being.And I sing to my God,Songs of love and healing.I want Mashiach now,Time it starts revealing.What"s this feeling,My love will rip a skylight in the ceiling.I give myself to you,From the essence of my being.And I sing to my God,Songs of love and healing.Said I lift up mine eyeswhere mine help come from,and I seen it circling on downfrom the mountain.Thunder, ya feel it in your chest.Ya keep my mind at easeand my soul at rest and not vexed.I look to the sky,where mine help come from . . .seen it circling on down from the mountain.Thunder, ya feel it in your chestSo thunder, ya feel it in ya, i feel it in yathunder, ya feel it in ya, i feel it in yathunder, ya feel it in ya, i feel it in ya
2023-07-08 10:26:341

歌词中含有(you have a holiday,such a holiday)的英文歌

Bee Gees u2013 HolidayOh you"re a holiday, such a holidayOh you"re a holiday, such a holidayIt"s something I thinks worthwhileIf the puppet makes you smileIf not then you"re throwing stonesThrowing stones, throwing stonesOoh it"s a funny game Don"t believe that it"s all the sameCan"t think what I"ve just said Put the soft pillow on my headMillions of eyes can see Yet why am I so blindWhen the someone else is meIt"s unkind, it"s unkindYet millions of eyes can see Yet why am I so blindWhen the someone else is me It"s unkind, it"s unkind Ooh you"re a holiday, every day , such a holidayNow it"s my turn to say, and I say you"re a holidayIt"s something I thinks worthwhileIf the puppet makes you smileIf not then you"re throwing stonesThrowing stones, throwing stones
2023-07-08 10:26:412

求Rihanna-A Million Miles Away的歌词~

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 感谢能提供英文歌词的亲们。。 解析: A Million Miles Away Rihanna lyrics Artist: Rihanna Album: A Girl Like MeYear: 2006 Title: A Million Miles Away Print Correct Here we lay face to face once again Silence cuts like a knife as we pretend. And I"m wondering who will be the first to say what we both know We"re just holding on to "could have been"s and we should be letting go. [Chorus:] It feels like you"re a million miles away as you"re lying here with me tonight. I can"t even find the words to say I can find a way to make it right. And we both know that the story"s ending, We play the part but we"re just pretending and I can"t hide the tears "cause even though you"re here, It feels like you"re a million miles away. Was it me, or was it you that broke away? For what we were is like a season love is change And every time I think about it, it tears me up inside. Like the rivers of emotion but I got no more tears to cry. [Chorus:] [Music Plays:] [Bridge] We can try to talk it over but we walked that road before, While our song is playing its last note, We both know for sure that it"s time to close that door. [Chorus:]
2023-07-08 10:26:491

A Feast For Me 歌词

歌曲名:A Feast For Me歌手:Elisa专辑:Pipes & FlowersElisa / A Feast For MeMPI- Bobby.chiang - Trip in Italy(2007.10)Well there"s a party for meThe last thing I wanted from youI close the door behind meAnd there you areYou seem relaxed and quietBut under your shirt you sweatAnd these balloons aroundMake me feel so sadWell there"s a feast for meBut it"s a night so paleFeels like an empty roomWhere we could kill with wordsYou wish you could make believeThat I"m what you want me to beBut these balloons aroundMake me feel so sadI"m in your sweet sweet sweet embraceAnd you"re a thousand miles awayYour arms a sweet sweet sweet embraceAnd you"re a thousand miles awayWell there"s a party for meAnd you know that I didn"t ask for itI just stay in your gameI"m just playing your gameSo won"t you tell me what to doI can pretend that you tell the truthWon"t you tell me what to doI can pretend you tell the truthI"m in your sweet sweet sweet embraceAnd you"re a thousand miles awayYour arms a sweet sweet sweet embraceAnd you"re a thousand miles awayWhy why why whyShould I take the blameWhere"s my big mistakeShould I feel happyFor what I haven"t doneShould I take the blameShould I feel the painShould I feel regretFor what I haven"t doneWhy why why whyWas this a feast for meOr just a bad surpriseShould I have expected thisI just don"t wanna knowAnd you"ve made up the rulesSo that you"ll win this gameBut you can"t tell me what to doCause I don"t believe in youWhat"s left a sweet sweet sweet embraceAnd you"re a thousand miles awayYour arms a sweet sweet sweet embraceAnd you"re a thousand miles awayWhy whyI never ask youwhy whyMPI- Bobby.chiang - Trip in Italy(2007.10)
2023-07-08 10:27:071

Theme For A Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Theme For A Dream歌手:Cliff Richard & The Shadows专辑:40 Golden GreatsYou are my theme for a dreamYes you are, a rare and lovely theme (You"re a theme for a dream)The dreams I dream day and nightThat your arms are holding me so tight (You"re a theme for a dream)every time I kiss you (kiss you)Music fills with starlight (starlight)Every time I touch you ( when I touch you)Each and every time a chime rings out I love youOnly you for ever more"Cause you"re my theme for a dreamYes you are a rare and lovely theme (You"re my theme for a dream)So, angel please say that you love me tooAnd make my dreams come true dream (you"re my theme for a dream)When I dream I kiss you (kiss you)Music fills with starlight (starlight)Every time I touch you ( when I touch you)Each and every time a chime rings out I love youOnly you for ever more"Cause you"re my theme for a dreamYes you are a rare and lovely theme (You"re my theme for a dream)So, angel please say that you love me tooAnd make my dreams come true dreamAnd make my dreams come truePlease make my dreams come true.
2023-07-08 10:27:331

Trouble Is A Friend中文版是什么?

Lenka - Trouble Is A FriendTrouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh. 无论你躲到哪,麻烦都会找上你,哦哦No Matter if you"re fast no matter if you"re slow, oh oh.无论你是快还是慢,哦哦The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh.在拂晓痛哭,就像暴雨来袭,哦哦Your fine for a while but then start to lose control.你暂时安好,但也即将失控He"s there in the dark,他就在黑暗中He"s there in my heart,他就在我心里He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待He"s gotta play a part.他准备发威Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友.Trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh.麻烦是朋友,可也是魔鬼,哦哦And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh.不管我怎么对待他,他似乎都在成长,哦哦He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh.他看我所看,知我所知.哦哦So don"t forget as you ease on down the road.因此即便将来安宁也别忘了他He"s there in the dark,他就在黑暗中he"s there in my heart,他就在我心里He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待He"s gotta play a part.他准备发威Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine.oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住你的手臂了也别惊慌I roll down the window, I"m a sucker for his charm .我摇下车窗,我臣服于他Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel. 哦,我痛恨他给我的感受And how I try to make him leave; I try. 我该如何赶他离开,我尽力Oh Oh I try! 哦哦,我尽力But he"s there in the dark, 他就在黑暗中He"s there in my heart, 他就在我心里He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待He"s gotta play a part.他准备发威Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住你的手臂了也别惊慌I roll down the window, I"m a sucker for his charm .我摇下车窗,我臣服于他Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶Trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦Oh 哦
2023-07-08 10:28:001

i dont give a fuck 的歌词谁有!要所有版本的!

don"t give a fuck They done push me to the limit the more I live I might blow up any minute, did it again Now I"m in the back of the paddy wagon While this cops bragging about the nigga he"s jackin I see no justice All I see is niggas dying fast The sound of a gun blast Then watch the hurst past Just another day in the life "G" Gotta step lightly cuz cops tried to snippe me The catch, they don"t wanna stop at the brother man But then they"ll have an accident and pick up another man I went to the bank to cash my cheque I get more respect from the mutha-fuckin" dope man The Grammy"s and the American music shows pimp us like hoes They got dough but they hate us though You better keep your mind on the real shit And fuck trying to get with these crooked ass hypocrites They way they see it, we was meant to be keep down Just can"t understand why we getting respect now Mama told me they"re be days like this But I"m pissed cause it stays like this And now they trying to send me off to Kuwait Gimme a break How much shit can a nigga take I ain"t goin" nowhere no how What you wanna throw down Better bring your guns pal Cuz this is the day we make "em pay Fuck bailin" hate I bail and spray with my A-K And even if they shoot me down There"ll be another nigga bigger from the mutha-fuckin" underground So step but you better step quick Cause the clocks goin" tick and I"m sick of the bullshit You"re watching the makings of a physco-path The truth didn"t last Before the wrath and aftermath Who"s that behind the trigger? Who"d do yah figure!? A mutha-fuckin night nigga Ready to buck and rip shit up I had enough and I don"t give a fuck Walked in the store what"s everybody staring at They act like they never seen a mutha fucker wearing black Following a nigga and shit Ain"t this a bitch All I wanted was some chips I wanna take my business else where But where? Cause who in the hell cares About a black man with a black need They wanna jack me like some kind of crack fiend I wonder if knows that my income is more than His pension, salary and then some Your daughter is my number one fan And your trife ass wife wants a life with a black man So who"s the mac in fact who"s the black jack Sit back and get fat off the fat cat while he thinks that he"s getting over I bust a move as smooth as casanova And count another quick meal I"m getting paid for my traid but its still real And if you look between the lines you"ll find a rhyme AS strong as a fuckin" nine Mail stacked up niggas wanna act up Let"s put the gats up and throw your backs up But the cops getting dropped by the gun shot Usta come but he"s done, now we run the block To my brothers stay strong keep yah heads up They know we fed up But we they just don"t give a fuck They just don"t give a fuck
2023-07-08 10:28:071


取一个复数的实部。比如 Re[1+2 i]=1Re[a+b i]=aRe是实数real的英文头两个字母。
2023-07-08 10:28:141

rehat 安装oracle 11 出现的问题

2023-07-08 10:28:415

Redeemed (A Billy Graham Music Homecoming Volume 1 Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Redeemed (A Billy Graham Music Homecoming Volume 1 Version)歌手:Terry Blackwood&Cynthia Clawson&Steve Amerson&Sue Dodge&Guy Penrod专辑:A Billy Graham Music Homecoming - Volume 1Every tree has got her root and every girl forbidden fruitAnd the path I chose to go, a different girl so long ago,Well I had my reasons..And she"s in my head so loud and screaming“should you be proud of what you came from”?“you"ve been crippled and you"ve walked and you"ve been shut up and you"ve talked so let"s talk some more”..Where is the hand for me to reach?Where is the moral I"ll never teach myself?In all the black, in all the grief, I am redeemed…And it"s ripping at my heart cause I"ve been dodging all these dartsAnd on a slow trainAnd I wear it till it tatters and it shatters on the floorIn instant replayWell we"re all rotten and we"re pure and we"re just looking for a cure that feels like spring snowAnd what we have is what we are and where we"ve been got us this far so let me go…Where is the hand for me to reach?Where is the moral I"ll never teach myself?In all the black, in all the grief, I am redeemed…Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yahOh ho oh ho oh ho …2xWhere is the hand for me to reach?Where is the moral I"ll never teach myself?In all the black, in all the grief, through all the painAnd unbelief- these are the words that they all scream..
2023-07-08 10:28:541


2023-07-08 10:29:185

Right And A Wrong Way (Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Right And A Wrong Way (Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Keith Sweat专辑:The Best Of Keith Sweat: Make You SweatMario - Right And A Wrong WayI know this is your first timeIt"s my first time tooYou know, but lookWe gone do this thing together aightListenYou may be young but your ready(ready to learn)You"re not a little girl, you"re a woman(take my hand)Let me tell youDon"t you know that I"m yours for the takinSo you can do what you pleaseDon"t take my love for granted "cause you"re all I(I"ll ever need)Girl just hold me hold me in your armsNever let me goThere"s a right and wrong way to love somebody(a right way to love somebody)To love you right (to love somebody)There"s a good and a bad way to love somebody(there"s a good oh)You do me goodDon"t you play no silly games with me baby(no no no no it"s just not my thing)No no no all I need is your lovin here(hold me tight baby with the joy you can bring)Take me I"m yours (take me) I"m willing (oh baby)Hold me hold me in your arms hey baby(I don"t wanna let you go)You you"re all I need in this worldYou you you"ve gotta knowYou better know, you better knowMy baby, my babyThere"s a right and wrong way to love somebody(you know, you know)To love you right (you mean the world to me girl yea)There"s a good and a bad way to love somebody(and you know I"m a treat you good)Yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yeayea yea yea yea yea yea baby ooh yeaThis is for my, this is for myMy baby, my babyThis is for my, this is for myThis is for my babyThis is for my, this is for myMy babygirlThis is for my, this is for myMy babyI need your lovin all night all night all night all night long babyBut fa real, listenWe should be like 2 little birds in a treeTweda lila lila dwidla diMe and you babyWoh oh ohOoh you"re a big girl now oohooh babyWoh oh ohYou may be young but you"re readyI can see it in your eyes baby baby
2023-07-08 10:29:321

leighton meester的 your love s a drug歌词~

I like itI want itThe way you make my body moveI think Im addictedIm high off everything you doIm going to call you babyDonu2019t you worry about a thingcause youu2019re all I needIll become a slave to my habitFeigning for your loveGotta happen nowYouu2019re all I needYour loves drugCanu2019t get enoughyour loves a drugAnd I canu2019t sleepCanu2019t get enoughyour loves a drugyour loves a drugyour loves a drugI hate it that feelingrushing through my veins againwhenever you leavingI feel withdrawal kicking inIm going to tell you how I feelHow I couldnt breathe When youre not with meIll become a slave to my habitFeigning for your loveGotta happen nowYoure all I needYour loves drugCant get enoughyour loves a drugAnd I cant sleepCant get enoughyour loves a drug,your loves a drug,your loves a drugCos I miss you when youre goneSo right what feels so wrongThat I need to have you all the timeYoure all I needYour loves drugCant get enoughyour loves a drugAnd I cant sleepCanu2032t get enough your loves a drug,your loves a drugYouu2019re all I needYour loves drugCanu2019t get enoughyour loves a drugAnd I canu2019t sleepCanu2019t get enoughyour loves a drug,your loves a drug,your loves a drug
2023-07-08 10:29:403

适合于大学生的i have a dream的英语演讲稿

......I say to you, my friends, so even though we must face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed - we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.I have a dream that one day, even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers; I have a dream today.I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places shall be made plain, and the crooked places shall be made straight and the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with.With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to go to jail together, knowing that we will be free one day.This will be the day when all of God"s children will be able to sing with new meaning-"my country "tis of thee; sweet land of liberty; of thee I sing; land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim"s pride; from every mountain side, let freedom ring"-and if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.So let freedom ring -- from the prodigious hill tops of New Hampshire, let freedom ring; from the mighty mountains of New York.Let freedom ring -- from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.But not only that.Let freedom ring from the Stone Mountain of Georgia.Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi, from every mountainside, let freedom ring.When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God"s children - black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Catholics and Protestants - will be able to join hands and to sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last, free at last; thank God Almighty, we are free at last."
2023-07-08 10:30:081

一篇英语短文、开头是According to a recent study out of the

1 根据最近的一项研究的宾夕法尼亚大学的沃顿商学院 2 职场&商务英语 男人想升职?请把头来剃:秃头男人更具职场优势
2023-07-08 10:30:153

求You’re So True—joseph arthur歌词

2023-07-08 10:30:222


shot through the heart痛彻心扉and you"re to blame而这拜你所赐you give love a bad name你玷污了爱情an angel"s smile is what you sell你用天使般的微笑欺骗了我you promise me heaven, then put me through hell你所谓的天堂就是带我走进地狱chains of love got a hold on me爱情的铁链捆住了我when passion"s a prison, you can"t break free (wo..)陷入爱情时你无法自拔you"re a loaded gun(oh yeah)(wo..)你就是把射穿我心脏的枪there"s nowhere to run无处可逃no one can save me我无药可救the damage is done我的心已被伤透shot through the heart痛彻心扉and you"re to blame而这拜你所赐you give love a bad name你玷污了爱情i play my part and you play your game我们扮演者各自的角色you give love a bad name你玷污了爱情you give love a bad name你玷污了爱情you paint your smile on your lips你性感的嘴唇带着微笑blood red nails on your fingertips鲜血一般的指尖a school boy"s dream ,you act so shy你伪装成一个单纯的孩子your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye (wo..)用你深情的初吻代替吻别 you"re a loaded gun (wo..)你就是把射穿我心脏的枪there"s nowhere to run无处可逃no one can save me我无药可救the damage is done我的心已被伤透shot through the heart痛彻心扉and you"re to blame而这拜你所赐You give love a bad name你玷污了爱情I play my part and you play your game我们扮演者各自的角色You give love a bad name你玷污了爱情you give love...你让爱情…shot through the heart痛彻心扉and you"re to blame而这受你所赐you give love a bad name你玷污了爱情i play my part and you play your game我们扮演者各自的角色you give love a bad name你玷污了爱情you give love...你让爱情…自己翻译的
2023-07-08 10:30:303

m.a.d mafia is all dead这个游戏是没了吗

2023-07-08 10:30:382