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急需大学工科课程名的英语译法 谢了

2023-07-08 12:33:08

模拟电路:simulated circuit

数字电路:digital circuit


电力电子技术:electronic technology

电力拖动 :powered draging method

微机原理: Microcomputer Theories

运动控制: movement control

计算机控制:Microcomputer control

电器及可编程控制器: electronic & programmable controler

检测技术与传感器: testing tech. and transducer

工厂供电: factory power supply

现代企业管理: modern enterprise management


模拟电路:simulated circuit

数字电路:digital circuit


电力电子技术:electronic technology

电力拖动 :powered draging method

微机原理: Microcomputer Theories

运动控制: movement control

计算机控制:Microcomputer control

电器及可编程控制器: electronic & programmable controler

检测技术与传感器: testing tech. and transducer

工厂供电: factory power supply

现代企业管理: modern enterprise management


模拟电路: artificial circuit / analog circuit

数字电路:digital circuit

电机学: television / electromechanics

电力电子技术: power electronic texhnology

电力拖动: electric drive

微机原理: microcomputer theories

运动控制: motion control

计算机控制: computer control

电器及可编程控制器: electric apparatus and progammable controller

检测技术与传感器: testing technology and transducer/generator

工厂供电: factory feeding

factory power/energy supply

现代企业管理: modern enterprise/corporate management


simulation circuitry

digital circuitry


Electric power electronics technique

The electric power drags along to move

Tiny machine principle

The sport control

The computer control

The electric appliances and programmable controller

Examine a technique with spread a feeling machine

Factory power supply

Modern business enterprise management



2023-07-08 08:26:052


2023-07-08 08:26:131


electronic circuit
2023-07-08 08:26:214


2023-07-08 08:26:291

circuit;whitewash ; environmental ;这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法...

circuit美/srkt/中文谐音:色盖特n.电路,回路;巡回;一圈;环道vi.环行;vt.绕回……环行whitewash 美 /u02c8wau026atwɑu02d0u0283/ 中文谐音:外瓦市 n.粉饰;白色涂料;石灰水; Vt.掩饰;把……刷白environmental 美 /u026anu02ccvau026aru0259nu02c8mentl/ 中文谐音:因外瑞们头欧 adj.环境的;周围的;有关环境的
2023-07-08 08:26:431


2023-07-08 08:26:5115


2023-07-08 08:27:141

circuit tour有什么区别

circuit:更强调设计好的,有顺序的路线a postman"s circuit邮递员的送信路线。 closed [open] circuit【电学】通[断]路。 return circuit【电学】回路。 integrated circuit集成电路。 be in circuit with 和…接成电路。 go the circuit of 绕…环行。 make a circuit 绕远路,迂回。 make the circuit of 绕…一圈。 ride the circuit (巡回法官)作巡回审判tour:漫游,游览,周游;旅行a tour of the country=a provincial tour 外地巡回演出。 go on a tour 漫游,巡徊,周游。 make a tour of the world 周游世界。 on tour 漫游中,周游中,巡回中。
2023-07-08 08:27:351


2023-07-08 08:27:431


你好,Droid,EveryCircuit,ALLDATASHEET - 电子工程...但其非常好的移动性,便携性让您随时随地都 能用实用,挺好的。建议everycircuit。
2023-07-08 08:27:522

circle, circuit, circular, circulate 的区别?

circuit:n. 巡回, 线路, 环形, 电路, 回路circulation n. 流通, 循环, 发行量, 消息传播 (音乐播放器的循环播放 呵呵) circlen. n 圆圈, 圈子,(这个可以有抽象概念 比如文化圈 娱乐圈 entertainment circle)circumferencen. n圆周, 周围, 周长(强调圆的边)如上 题目中acquaintance是抽象概念 所以用circle 选c
2023-07-08 08:28:001


depth深度------n.bcircuit环绕-------speakers演讲人on/off开/关------character性格---------ai--------dolbypro logic逻辑---------dolby3stereo立体声------presence出席--------center mode中央模式-----------display显示器-------dual sound 双重音
2023-07-08 08:28:235


2023-07-08 08:28:401

[Circuit] 开关防抖原理的理解

在阅读Pi的 GPIO使用说明 时,注意到其中有“将一个 0.1uF 的电容连接到开关上”的方法来消除开关抖动。 通过搜索,以下是我的理解: 1)电容的原理是:隔直通交; 2)连接的方法是和开关并联,利用电容工作原理来滤波。换句话说就是,滤除高频杂波,将其导通到地线; 3)延伸:电容串联在电路中会将高频信号传递到下级电路;当电容和下级电路并联时,电容会将高频电路导通到地线,而不会将其传递到下级电路中。 以下为截图: 图1: 滤波电路 图2:滤波电路使用 RPi.GPIO 模块的输入(Input)功能: 图文详解电容的9大功能: 电容消抖电路的原理:
2023-07-08 08:28:591


2023-07-08 08:29:081

loop 和 circuit 有何区别?

loop 是回路circuit 是电路如果你是搞电的自然明白啦
2023-07-08 08:29:161


2023-07-08 08:29:251

circle, circuit, circular, circulate 的区别?

d circuit 是电线,电路circulation 是流通,循环 circle 是圆圈,围绕circumference 则是周围
2023-07-08 08:29:321


2023-07-08 08:29:391

circle cycle circuit的区别

circle 1 circle circles A circle is a shape consisting of a curved line completely surrounding an area. Every part of the line is the same distance from the centre of the area. The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center. I wrote down the number 46 and drew a circle around it. N-COUNT = ring 2 circle circles A circle of something is a round flat piece or area of it. Cut out 4 circles of pastry. ...a circle of yellow light. N-COUNT: usu N of n = ring 3 circle circles A circle of objects or people is a group of them arranged in the shape of a circle. The monument consists of a circle of gigantic stones. We stood in a circle holding hands. N-COUNT: oft N of n = ring 4 circle circles circling circled If something circles an object or place, or circles around it, it forms a circle around it. This is the ring road that circles the city. ...the long curving driveway that circled around the vast clipped lawn. VB = encircle 5 circle circles circling circled If an aircraft or a bird circles or circles something, it moves round in a circle in the air. The plane circled, awaiting permission to land. There were two helicopters circling around. a hawk circling prey. VB 6 circle circles circling circled To circle around someone or something, or to circle them, means to move around them. Emily kept circling around her mother. The silent wolves would track and circle them. VB = go round 7 circle circles circling circled If you circle something on a piece of paper, you draw a circle around it. Circle the correct answers on the coupon below. VB = ring 8 circle circles You can refer to a group of people as a circle when they meet each other regularly because they are friends or because they belong to the same profession or share the same interests. He has a small circle of friends. Alton has made himself fiercely unpopular in certain circles. N-COUNT: with supp 9 circle In a theatre or cinema, the circle is an area of seats on the upper floor. N-SING: the N 10 circle If you say that you have come full circle or have turned full circle, you mean that after a long series of events or changes the same situation that you started with still exists. We"ve come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style. PHR: V inflects 11 circle If you say that someone is going round in circles or around in circles, you mean that they are not achieving anything because they keep coming back to the same point or problem. PHR: V inflects * progress cycle 1 cycle cycles cycling cycled If you cycle, you ride a bicycle. He cycled to Ingwold. Britain could save s4.6 billion a year in road transport costs if more people cycled. Over 1000 riders cycled 100 miles around the Vale of York. VB ?cycling The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling. N-UNCOUNT 2 cycle cycles A cycle is a bicycle. eight-mile cycle ride. N-COUNT 3 cycle cycles A cycle is a motorcycle. (AM) N-COUNT 4 cycle cycles A cycle is a series of events or processes that is repeated again and again, always in the same order. ...the life cycle of the plant... The figures marked the final low point of the present economic cycle. They must break out of the cycle of violence. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 5 cycle cycles A cycle is a single complete series of movements in an electrical, electronic, or mechanical process. ...10 cycles per second. N-COUNT: usu pl 6 cycle cycles A cycle is a series of songs or poems that are intended to be performed or read one after the other. ...Wagner"s Ring cycle. N-COUNT: usu with supp circuit 1 circuit circuits An electrical circuit is a complete route which an electric current can flow around. Any attempts to cut through the cabling will break the electrical circuit. N-COUNT See also closed circuit, short-circuit. 2 circuit circuits A circuit is a series of places that are visited regularly by a person or group, especially as a part of their job. He joined the professional circuit. It"s a common problem, the one I"m asked about most when I"m on the lecture circuit. N-COUNT: usu supp N 3 circuit circuits A racing circuit is a track on which cars, motorbikes, or cycles race. (mainly BRIT) N-COUNT 4 circuit circuits A circuit of a place or area is a journey all the way round it. (FORMAL) She made a slow circuit of the room. N-COUNT: usu N of n
2023-07-08 08:29:483


2023-07-08 08:29:571


这个应用是依靠google搭建的,谷歌被墙了,这个应用也会失效。您可以下载一个谷歌然后重新注册,因为它是依靠着谷歌运行的,在谷歌网址内可安全下载。下载App:Circuit Laundry,注册并充值;洗衣3.1磅(45分钟左右);烘干1.7磅(50分钟,+20p 烘干时长5分钟);App内“status”可以查看剩余时间。使用步骤如下:Step 1,在App store下载“Circuit Laundry”(或者扫瞄图4下载),选择语言类型(English),后点击GET STARTED!Step 2,输入邮箱和密码,点击“register”进行注册(点击“remember me”避免推出后重复登陆),后填写基本信息。Step 3,进行充值,PayPal或银行卡都可以,(一次最低充值额度为5磅),或者购买洗衣卡。Step 4,点击“USE MACHINES”使用洗衣机,蓝牙连接,显示哪些机器是可使用的available。Step 5,Available是可用的机器,选择想用的机器使用即可。“Status”可查看洗衣或烘干进程,剩余多久。
2023-07-08 08:30:041


The circuit diagram
2023-07-08 08:30:154

circuitscape 怎么读

circuit 英[u02c8su025c:ku026at] 美[u02c8su025c:rku026at] n. 巡回; 电路,线路; 唤醒,环形道; 〔电〕电流; vt. 巡回,周游; scape 英[skeip] 美[skep] n. 花茎,柄节; 羽轴; 柱身; 花梗;
2023-07-08 08:30:341


short-circuit 的意思是 :短路
2023-07-08 08:30:553


短路的英语名称是指shortcircuit。开路的英语名称是opencircuit。这里是指电路方面的开路,短路和负载英语名称。负载的英语名称是circuitload。开路就是负载断开或者断开电路时出现一个端口,外观没有闭合,电路中没有电流通过。短路时是电流未经过用电器直接回到电源的负极,这时电流是巨大的,容易发出高热造成危险。开路,短路,负债英语名称是指电路方面。负载是指电路负载,开路和短路的是不一样。这些词都是形容线路板缺陷的用语,在处理投诉和回复8D报告时会用到,英语表述如下:刮伤:skratch短路:circuit short开路:circuit open读作“靠门磁” 的英文单词是comments.comments [u02c8ku0254ments]n.批评,意见,评论;评论( comment的名词复数 );v.发表意见有的短路duan lu[Electrics] a short circuit
2023-07-08 08:31:011


电路设计:circuit design*******************************祝你天天开心!如有不明白,请及时追问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!
2023-07-08 08:31:172


2023-07-08 08:31:266

自举电路(Bootstrap circuit)

自举电路也叫升压电路,是利用升压二极管,自举升压电容等电子元件,使电容放电电压和电源电压叠加,从而使电压升高,有的电路升高的电压能达到数倍电源电压。 原理:举个简单的例子:有一个12V的电路,电路中有一个场效应管需要15V的驱动电压,这个电压怎么弄出来?就是自举。通常用一个电容和一个二极管,电容存储电荷,二极管防止电流倒灌,频率较高的时候,自举电路的电压就是电路输入的电压加上电容上的电压,起到升压的作用。 自举电路只是在实践中定的名称,在理论上没有这个概念。自举电路主要是在甲乙类单电源互补对称电路中使用较为普遍。甲乙类单电源互补对称电路在理论上可以使输出电压Vo达到Vcc的一半,但在实际的测试中,输出电压远达不到Vcc的一半。其中重要的原因就需要一个高于Vcc的电压。所以采用自举电路来升压。 常用自举电路:开关直流升压电路(即所谓的boost或set-up电路)原理the boost converter,或者set-up converter,是一种开关直流升压电路,它可以是输出电压比输入电压高。基本电路图见图1 假定那个开关(三极管或者mos管)已经断开了很长时间,所有的元件都处于理想状态,电容电压等于输入电压。下面要充电和放电两个部分来说明这个电路。 在充电过程中,开关闭合(三极管导通),等效电路如图二,开关(三极管)处用导线代替。这时,输入电压流过电感。二极管防止电容对地放电。由于输入是直流电,所以电感上的电流以一定的比率线性增加,这个比率跟电感大小有关。随着电感电流增加,电感里储存了一些能量。 当开关断开(三极管截止)时,由于电感的电流保持特性,流经电感的电流不会马上变为0,而是缓慢的由充电完毕时的值变为0.而原来的电路以断开,于是电感只能通过新电路放电,即电感开始给电容充电,电容两端电压升高,此时电压已经高于输入电压了,升压完毕。 说起来升压过程就是一个电感的能量传递过程。充电时,电感吸收能量,放电时电感放出能量。如果电感量足够大,那么在输出端就可以在放电过程中保持一个持续的电流。如果这个通断的过程不断重复,就可以在电容两端得到高于输入电压的电压。
2023-07-08 08:31:401


串联电路:Series circuit并联电路:Parallel circuit短路:short Circuit断路:Broken Circuit
2023-07-08 08:31:491

在数字电路中,如何区分组合逻辑电路(Combinational Circuit)和时序逻辑电路(Sequential Circuit)?

2023-07-08 08:31:581


circuit英 [u02c8su025c:ku026at] 美 [u02c8su025c:rku026at] n.巡回;电路,线路;唤醒,环形道;〔电〕电流vt.巡回,周游第三人称单数: circuits 复数: circuits 现在分词: circuiting 过去式: circuited 过去分词: circuited
2023-07-08 08:32:201

circle, circuit, circular, circulate 的区别?

d circuit 是电线,电路circulation 是流通,循环 circle 是圆圈,围绕circumference 则是周围
2023-07-08 08:32:271


Learner"s definition of CIRCUITRY: a system or group of electric circuits. e.g., computer circuitry.
2023-07-08 08:32:352


N.B. (Natural Bass) CIRCUIT 自然低音旋钮 (调试低音的)。
2023-07-08 08:32:581


Short Circuit〈名〉short circuit发生短路。A short circuit occurred. / There was a short circuit.〈动〉short-circuit; have short circuit电路短路了。The circuit shorted out.这段电阻短路了。This section of resistance is short-circuited.〈动〉〈方〉waylay; hold up靠短路营生make a living by highway robbery常用短语【短路器】[duǎnlùqì]〈名〉[电学]short-circuiter【短路装置】[duǎnlù zhuānɡzhì]〈名〉[电学]short-circuiting device短路保护装置short-circuit protection device
2023-07-08 08:33:171


2023-07-08 08:33:371


2023-07-08 08:33:581

电子电路中电压标识符 VCC 是哪几个单词的缩写?C=circuit是第几个C?另一个C代表什么意思?

1、VCC (voltage cicuit)代表的电源红色接线头,表示直流电源正极(+)。VCC 其实CC就是cicuit的缩写
2023-07-08 08:34:221

control circuit是什么意思

control circuit 控制电路网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 控制电路 控制回路 控制线路 节制电路短语control logic circuit 控制逻辑电路 ; 电路 ; 电路控制原理Flow control protection circuit 流量控保电路control-circuit 控制电路 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典control circuit【电工学】控制电路以上来源于:21世纪大英汉词典同近义词控制电路pilot channel
2023-07-08 08:34:301

什么是snubber circuit

缓冲电路(Snubber Circuit)又称为吸收电路。其作用是抑制电力电子器件的内因过电压、du/dt或者过电流和di/dt,减小器件的开关损耗。
2023-07-08 08:34:391

主电路是primary circuit还是main circuit

你好~故障码: P1393中文定义: 点火放大器,主电路1 - 电路故障英文定义: Ignition Amplifier, Primary Circuit 1 - Circuit Malfunction范畴: 动力总成系统(制造商自定义)背景知识: 点火线圈的作用是将汽车电池的12伏电压转化成火花塞点火需要的的几千甚至几万伏电压。点火线圈里面有两组线圈,初级线圈和次级线圈。初级线圈有较粗的漆包线,匝数较少;次级线圈用较细的漆包线,匝数相对较多。当初级线圈接通电源时,随着电流的增长四周产生一个很强的磁场,铁芯储存了磁场能;当开关装置使初级线圈电路断开时,初级线圈的磁场迅速衰减,次级线圈就会感应出很高的电压。新型汽车不再使用分电器,而是电子控制多个独立的点火线圈,分别为单个气缸提供点火
2023-07-08 08:34:481


PCBA是英文Printed Circuit Board Assembly 的简称,也就是说PCB空板经过SMT上件,或经过DIP插件的整个制程,简称PCBA。IC是说集成电路芯片,它是PCB板上的各个元器件。另外pcba说的是一个过程,然后ic说的是一个具体的物件。
2023-07-08 08:34:582


circuit trouble:线路故障.
2023-07-08 08:35:172


9月11日, ANSYS公司(纳斯达克:ANSS)宣布:已经签订最终协议,收购了美国LSTC公司(Livermore Software Technology Corporation)。英文版通告原文:
2023-07-08 08:35:231


circuit-breaking“断路”限制(指对股票在某一天会出现的涨幅或跌幅加以人为限制)例句:1.The streamer theory is used to analyze the dielectric strength during circuit breaking.应用流注理论对断路器开断过程中的介质强度进行了计算分析。2.It features the intelligence, communication - capable, small volume, high short circuit breaking capacity and perfect protection functions.该产品具有智能化 、 可通信 、 体积小 、 短路分断能力高和保护功能完善等特点。3.Australia"s rugby union side enjoyed a record-breaking win over France.澳大利亚的英式橄榄球联盟队创纪录地赢了法国队。
2023-07-08 08:35:321

电学知识:Circuit Breaker和circuit protector 的区别?

circuit protector是电路保护器,是大类别,Circuit Breaker断路器是小类别。断路器属于电路保护器的一种只要是对电路起保护作用的,都算是电路保护器:像漏电开关,接触器,时间继电器,隔离开关,双电源转换开关,刀开关,电动机保护器,缺相保护器等等
2023-07-08 08:35:411

circuit protect trip是什么意思

2023-07-08 08:35:502


2023-07-08 08:35:571


2023-07-08 08:36:082