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Take It Easy的歌词

2023-07-08 12:21:38

曲名:Take It Easy


Well, I"m running down the road tryin to loosen my load

I"ve got seven women on my mind

Four that wanna own me, two that wanna stone me

One says shes a friend of mine

Take it easy, take it easy

Don"t let the sound of your own wheels

Drive you crazy

Lighten up while you still can

Don"t even try to understand

Just find a place to make your stand

And take it easy

Well, I"m a standing on a corner

In winslow, arizona and such a fine sight to see

It"s a girl, my lord, in a flatbed ford slowin down to take a look at me

Come on, baby, don"t say maybe

I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me

We may lose and we may win though

We will never be here again

So open up, I"m climbing in

So take it easy

Well I"m running down the road trying to loosen

My load, got a world of trouble on my mind

Looking for a lover who won"t blow my Cover

she"s so hard to find

Take it easy, take it easy

Don"t let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy

Come on baby, don



2023-07-08 07:48:591

take easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:49:092

take easy中文意思可以解释为什么?

别着急 慢慢来
2023-07-08 07:49:175


2023-07-08 07:49:311

take everything easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:49:399

wear,take,easy 三个单词中,哪个不同类

easy 不同,是形容词
2023-07-08 07:49:553

take easy省略it对不对

2023-07-08 07:50:021

take easy

2023-07-08 07:50:144

take love easy什么意思

2023-07-08 07:50:233

take it easy的中文翻译

take it easy的中文意思是:不要着急;轻松一点;不要激动。take it easy的咧句有:"People are generally being given bad advice to slow down. Take it easy, stop worrying, and retire to Florida," he says.“人们常常听到一些错误的建议,建议你慢下来,但你可以放轻松,别担忧,然后到佛罗里达退休。”他说。
2023-07-08 07:50:321

Take it easy 中文意思是? 一次搞懂叫人「放松、轻松」的英文说法!

Take it easy 的中文意思是指放松、休息的意思,叫你别太拼命,英文相似字是relax。如果有人对你说take it easy这句英文,就是叫你要放轻松点的意思。 下面列举出几个take it easy的英文例句,赶快学起来,下次就会罗! 1. take it easy 放松、休息 take it easy 是叫人放松、轻松点的意思,通常会频繁用在平辈之间,而不是对长辈或是晚辈。 例: A: Well, I"m done. I"m heading home. 我做完了,我要回家了。 B:Any plans? 有任何计画吗? A:Dinner with the family and some NBA. 跟家人吃晚餐看NBA B:Sounds nice! Take it easy~ 听起来不错,放松点吧~ A:You, too! 你也是 例:Tom decided to take it easy this weekend and put off working on the house. 汤姆决定这周好好放松休息,不在家忙工作了~ take it easy, take it easy 中文, take it easy 中文意思, take it easy 意思, take it easy 用法, take it easy 翻译, take it easy 英文例句, take it easy 英文片语, 放松 英文, 轻松 英文
2023-07-08 07:51:071

take it easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:51:152

take it easy什么意思

2023-07-08 07:51:233

take it easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:51:325

take it easy 是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:51:557

take everything easy

2023-07-08 07:52:2212

take it easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:52:485

take it easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:53:313

take you easy是什么意思?

2023-07-08 07:53:393

流行美语第342课:take it easy

李华前段时间通过了驾驶执照的考试, 现在可以自己开车了。迈可也坐在她的车里,从他们二人的对话中,李华学到了两个常用语: take it easy和to chew out.   L: 考完试了,现在有了驾照真好。我觉得我能够去任何地方,做 任何想做的事了。   M: I know what you mean. American kids feel the same way when they turn 16 and get their licenses. Too bad you don"t have a car.   L: 那有什么关系,我可以跟你借啊,对不对?哎呀 Hey! What do you think you are doing? Do you want to be killed? Michael,你看那个 骑自行车的孩子,我差点儿撞了他!   M: Hey, hey, take it easy Li Hua! You really scared that kid. He looked really scared.   L: Michael, 你刚才说什么?什么easy?   M: I said take it easy! That means you need to calm down, not get too excited.   L: Take it easy? Take it easy是冷静下来,别太气了的意思? Take是T- A-K-E. It是I-T. Easy是E-A-S-Y,对吧?   M: Yes, you"ve got it. That boy was almost in a very bad accident, and he was startled. You don"t need to make him feel worse.   L: 你说的不错,看样子他都快哭了。   M: Hey, Li Hua, you"re going to be driving on your own soon. I hope you learn to take it easy and not get angry at everyone.   L: 你说的对。要是我冷静开车的话,也许我的车会开的更好。   M: I"m sure you will. You just finished a difficult test. You should take it easy. Let"s go get some lunch, my treat.   L: 你要请客啊?行,我是应该放松放松了。 我要好好享受今天剩 下的时间。   M: Man, Li Hua, you really chewed that kid out.   L: 你指的是刚才骑车的那个小孩?你说我对他怎么了?   M: You chewed him out! I mean you yelled and got angry at him. Chewed, C-H-E-W-E-D; Out, O-U-T.   L: 噢,你是说我发脾气大骂了那个孩子,是吧?   M: That"s right. If someone gets angry and yells at you, and starts criticizing your behavior, they are chewing you out.   L: 原来如此,我也不知道为什么我大骂那个小孩,大概是当时我也 害怕的缘故。   M: Are you upset about something else? You seem to have a bad temper today.   L: 我是有点气,因为昨天刘教授对我生气。因为我该教中文的课, 我去晚了五分钟。刘教授就对我大发脾气。   M: That"s too bad. I don"t like being chewed out like that either. Especially when I know I was wrong.   L: Hey, 那可不是我的错,我自行车的链子又脱落了。 为什么发生 这类事情你总是怪我?   M: Hey, take it easy, Li Hua! Don"t chew me out! I was talking about myself, not you.   L: 我的天,是我不对,不知道我今天是怎么回事。我想跟每个人 发脾气。   M: You must be stressed. First, Professor Liu chewed you out, then you almost ran over the kid on the bike.   L: 你说的对,我真不该对任何人都发脾气。我应该开开心心的。   M: At least you should be happier than I am. Yesterday, my roommate chewed me out. He said I always make a mess in the living room, and he is tired of cleaning up after me.   L: 也许你是把房子弄得很乱,可是你室友也不该对你发脾气啊。   M: He was right, though. I really need to get rid of my bad habits.   今天李华学到了两个常用语,一个是Take it easy,意思是冷静下来,或者放轻松些。另一个是to chew out,意思是发脾气骂人。
2023-07-08 07:53:451

请问有没有“take a easy"这个词组?

只有take it easy没有什么take a easy/take an ease的歇一下是take a break / have a rest
2023-07-08 07:53:533

take it easy经典语录

Take It Easy是20世纪七十年代美国著名乡村摇滚乐队Eagles(老鹰乐队)的第一支单曲,由Jackson Browne和乐队吉他手Glenn Frey创作,为乐队早期代表作之一,也被看做是乐队的成名曲。歌曲歌词Well, I"ve been running down the road我已行到路的尽头tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负I"ve got seven women on my mind:我的心里有七位女人four that wanna" hold me,四位想把我留在她们身边two that wanna" stone me,两位恨得要扔我石头and one says she"s a friend of mine.还有一位说她是我的朋友Take it easy....放轻松Take it easy....放轻松Don"t let the sound of your own wheels不要让你心里回响的声音之轮drive you crazy.使你疯狂make you crazy.使你疯狂Lighten up while you still can在你还可以的时候轻松应对一切吧don"t even try to understand.甚至不要去穷究追问Just find a place to make your stand, and只需找到你的立足之地,然后Take it easy....放轻松Well, I was standin" on a corner我站在一个角落里in Winslow, Arizona,在Arizona的Winslowsuch a fine sight to see....在看一幅美景It"s a girl, my Lord是一个女孩,我的上帝啊in a flatbed Ford,在一辆敞篷福特里slowin" down to take a look at me.缓速经过为了看我一眼Come on, baby...过来呀,亲爱的Don"t say maybe...不要说也许I gotta" know if your sweet loveis gonna" save me.我知道你甜蜜的爱情可以拯救我We may lose and we may win,我们或聚或离but we"ll never be here again.但是永不能再邂逅此地So, open up by climbin" in, so所以敞开心灵接受我Take it easy....放轻松Well, I"ve been running down the road,我已行到路的尽头tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负Got a world of trouble on my mind.烦乱的世界缠绕在我的心头I"m lookin" for a lover,我在寻找一个爱人who won"t blow my cover.她不会揭去我的遮掩She"s so hard to find.她是如此难以寻找Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo....Oh, we"ve got it easy我们轻松应对We ought to take it easy.我们必须放轻松
2023-07-08 07:54:011


2023-07-08 07:54:321

take esay还是take it esay,

2023-07-08 07:54:422

take it easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:54:535

take it easy什么意思

take it easy生词本英 [teik it u02c8i:zi] 美 [tek u026at u02c8izi]不紧张; 松懈; 不生气; 不激动等网 络别紧张;别着急;轻松;放轻松双语例句1. "Just take it easy," David said. "You"ll feel better presently."“放松点,”戴维说,“你很快就会觉得更舒服些。”2. Take it easy. Don"t be so sensitive. 放松点,别这么敏感。3. Take it easy when you are on the stage.上台的时间不要紧张.4. Take it easy ! Don"t go at It"so hard!悠着点劲,别太猛了.5. Take it easy. We"ve got him. He"s not going to kill anyone else.别担心,我们已经抓住他了,他不会再杀人。
2023-07-08 07:55:223


  歌曲名称:爱不自已  专辑名称:自言自宇  歌手姓名:马天宇  歌曲作词:陈宏宇  歌曲作曲:LEEEUNSEOK  制作发行:盛夏星空  发行日期:2010年12月03日  专辑语言:国语  歌曲歌词  TAKEITTAKEITEASY,  TAKEITTAKEITEASY  TAKEITTAKEITEASY,  TAKINGOFFMYHEARTBEAT  爱不爱的漩涡离心力在拉扯  越纠结越发痛  烧红了的寂寞零度下被急冻  那种伤比较不重  默默爱着坚持或是放手  应该选择哪一个感性理性在对冲  被自虐狠狠钻出窟窿  黑洞欲望却在窜动  IWANNATAKEITTAKEITEASY,  TAKEITTAKEITEASY  越在乎越致命但是不爱更可惜  TAKEITTAKEITEASY,  TAKINGOFFMYHEARTBEAT  让我实让我虚步步进逼爱不自已  走在你的背后在犹豫间折磨  忽然有你回眸  我却感觉得到被融化的骄傲  问我能不能负荷  有没有错边笑着边忧愁  这肯定是某一撮恋爱病毒在发作  肾上腺激素热烈暴走  理智快被感情吞没  IWANNATAKEITTAKEITEASY,  TAKEITTAKEITEASY  越在乎越致命但是不爱更可惜  TAKEITTAKEITEASY,  TAKINGOFFMYHEARTBEAT  让我实让我虚步步进逼爱不自已  一旦情不自禁谁能爱由自己  越在乎越致命但是不爱更可惜  呼吸忘记换气心却跳得起劲  让我实让我虚步步进逼爱不自已  野风扇着火把防卫的枷锁  一寸一寸烧透  爱你或爱我乱了序在缠斗  只是想互相拥有  IWANNATAKEITTAKEITEASY,  TAKEITTAKEITEASY  越在乎越致命但是不爱更可惜  TAKEITTAKEITEASY,  TAKINGOFFMYHEARTBEAT  让我实让我虚步步进逼爱不自已  一旦情不自禁谁能爱由自己  越在乎越致命但是不爱更可惜  呼吸忘记换气心却跳得起劲  让我实让我虚步步进逼爱不自已  (TAKEITTAKEITEASY)
2023-07-08 07:55:281


2023-07-08 07:55:362

take it easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:55:564


提起顺其自然英语缩写,大家都知道,有人问顺其自然的英语怎么说,另外,还有人想问谁知道顺其自然用英语怎么说,你知道这是怎么回事?其实”顺其自然”最地道的英语翻译是什么?,下面就一起来看看顺其自然的英语怎么说,希望能够帮助到大家! 顺其自然英语缩写 1、顺其自然英语缩写:顺其自然的英语怎么说 顺其自然 letathingslide letnaturetakeitscourse顺其自然的英文缩写字母。 Inaccordancewithitsnaturaltendency顺其自然一切随缘的英文。 顺其自然,随遇而安 〖谚语〗Donu2019ttroubletroubleuntiltroubletroublesyou一切随缘英语缩写。 就顺其自然吧。 “Well,Iu2019llletnaturetakeitscourse.” 我毫无办法处理,顺其自然吧顺其自然的英文单词。 Ihavenowaytodealwithit,letathingslide 但是口语一般说,letitbe。 2、顺其自然英语缩写:谁知道顺其自然用英语怎么说 词典释义: .let nature一切顺其自然用英语怎么说。 takecourse;accordance withnatural tendency 网络例句:看淡一切的英文网名。 1.Go顺其自然怎么翻译成英文。 withflow. 顺其自然 2.Doing what comes寓意幸运的英文句子。 naturally.随缘英文单词。 顺其自然。 3.Well,let nature小众而有深意的英文单词。 takecourse. 就顺其自然吧。 4.Itfiretake “顺其自然”最地道的英语翻译是什么? what come顺其自然的英文字母。 naturally顺其自然就好。 5.Leave英文缩写。 nothingaccident. 别让事情顺其自然。 网络释义:let nature takecoursebygonesbygones 过去的事就让他过去吧u2026let顺其自然exo翻译。 nature takecourse 顺其自然u2026liketurtleits顺其自然英文句子。 back 对事情束手无策letbe Takeeasyjustu2026letbe.放,顺其自然u2026They一切顺其自然翻译成英文。 bceome wahtThings undone 没有完成的事情u2026They bceome waht顺其自然u2026Angels came 天使降临let things take their natural course 顺其自然let things take愿每都很幸运英文。 their natural course 祝你天天开心哦~ 3、顺其自然英语缩写:”顺其自然”最地道的英语翻译是什么? “顺其自然”最地道的英语翻译: Letnaturetakeitscourse. 4、顺其自然英语缩写:顺其自然用英语怎么说 letitgo 5、顺其自然英语缩写:顺其自然英文单词是怎么写的呢?求解答 英语有对应的习语:一切顺其自然英语翻译。 Whatwillbe,willbe.顺其自然。一切顺其自然吧英语怎么写。 以上就是与顺其自然的英语怎么说相关内容,是关于顺其自然的英语怎么说的分享。看完顺其自然英语缩写后,希望这对大家有所帮助!
2023-07-08 07:56:101

take it easy是什么意思

take it easy[英][teik it u02c8i:zi][美][tek u026at u02c8izi]不紧张; 松懈; 不生气; 不激动等; 例句:1.Will you take it easy? 你可不可以放轻松点?2.Jeez, mind telling your subconscious to take it easy? 天哪,让你的潜意识放松点行吗?
2023-07-08 07:56:183

take it easy和relax有何区别

Relax: 累了之后放松一下 Take it easy !是个词组,一般单独使用,用以回答sth. is difficult 等表示困难和郁闷之事: 比如: ---I"m afraid I can"t finishi my homework in time. ---Take it easy.You can do it.
2023-07-08 07:56:262

take eat easy是什么意思

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题!..take it easy放轻松别着急
2023-07-08 07:56:332

Take 后面可以放easy吗

不可以take不可直接接形容词,因为是及物动词。可以先接名词/代词再跟形容词。如:Take it easy.放轻松。(这里的easy是形容词)
2023-07-08 07:56:521

take it easy是什么意思

详细解释:1. 用来提醒对方注意或小心,意为:注意;小心点! 如:Take it easy; the road is icy. 小心点,路上有冰。"Take it easy",said Jim to the other boys carrying the table down the stairs. 吉姆对抬桌子下楼的其 他男孩们说“小心点”。 2. 用来规劝对方要有耐心、不要操之过急,意为:别急;慢慢来。如:Take it easy; we"ve got plenty of time. 别急,我们有的是时间。Take it easy on John and don"t scold him too much. 对约翰不要操之过急,别过分责骂他。 3. 用来劝告对方保持平静,不要慌张,意为:别慌;别紧张。如:Take it easy when you are on the stage. 上台不要紧张。Just take it easy and tell us exactly what happened. 别慌,告诉我们到底发生了什么事! 4. 表示轻松舒服地过日子,不太劳累或太辛苦,意为:轻松轻松;休息休息;别太劳累;过悠闲舒服的生活。如:Your blood pressure is still not normal. You"ll have to take things easy for a while. 你的血压还不正常,一段时间内不能太劳累。I have an afternoon off today. I think I shall sit in the garden and take it easy. 我今天下午歇班,想到花园里坐坐,休息休息。Grandfather will retire from his job next year and take it easy. 祖父明年就要退休过悠闲的生活了。 5. 表示:松劲;懒散。如:We must not take it easy, though we have had good harvest several years running. 虽然连续几年丰收,可是我们决不能松劲。6. 用于告别,表示:再见;慢走;保重。如:注意:take it [things] easy 是习语,其中的easy 用作副词,注意不要用 easily 代替 easy
2023-07-08 07:57:002

译成英语: 在考试前你应该放松点。(take , easy)

You should take it easy before the exam.
2023-07-08 07:57:381

冷静,放松些! 用这句表达有错误吗?“come down, just take easy”

不是一般的错!Calm down.Take it easy.
2023-07-08 07:57:461

take it easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:57:564

take it easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:58:1511

take it easy是什么意思

take it easy_翻译take it easy 英[teik it u02c8i:zi] 美[tek u026at u02c8izi] [词典] 不紧张; 松懈; 不生气; 不激动等; [例句]Take it easy. Don"t be so sensitive.放松点,别这么敏感。
2023-07-08 07:58:412

take things easy是什么意思

2023-07-08 07:59:014

take it easy翻译中文

2023-07-08 07:59:1111

take it easy是什么句式

2023-07-08 07:59:393


2023-07-08 07:59:461

一个女孩跟我说这句英文take it easy什么意思?

take it easy. 别紧张,放松点。
2023-07-08 07:59:551


2023-07-08 08:00:034

take it easy的同义词

take your time
2023-07-08 08:00:136

take it easy; make it easy的意思和区别?

2023-07-08 08:00:283

求eagle乐队的take it easy的翻译歌词!!

take it easy Well, I"ve been running down the road我已行到路的尽头tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负I"ve got seven women on my mind:我的心里有七位女人four that wanna" hold me,四位想把我留在她们身边two that wanna" stone me,两位恨得要扔我石头and one says she"s a friend of mine.还有一位说她是我的朋友Take it easy....放轻松Take it easy....放轻松Don"t let the sound of your own wheels不要让你心里回响的声音之轮drive you crazy.使你疯狂make you crazy.使你疯狂Lighten up while you still can在你还可以的时候轻松应对一切吧don"t even try to understand.甚至不要去穷究追问Just find a place to make your stand, and只需找到你的立足之地,然后Take it easy....放轻松Well, I was standin" on a corner我站在一个角落里in Winslow, Arizona,在Arizona的Winslowsuch a fine sight to see....在看一幅美景It"s a girl, my Lord是一个女孩,我的上帝啊in a flatbed Ford,在一辆敞篷福特里slowin" down to take a look at me.缓速经过看了我一眼Come on, baby...过来呀,亲爱的Don"t say maybe...不要说也许I gotta" know if your sweet loveis gonna" save me.我知道你甜蜜的爱情可以拯救我We may lose and we may win,我们或聚或离but we"ll never be here again.但是永不能再邂逅此地So, open up by climbin" in, so所以敞开心灵接受我Take it easy....放轻松Well, I"ve been running down the road,我已行到路的尽头tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负Got a world of trouble on my mind.烦乱的世界缠绕在我的心头I"m lookin" for a lover,我在寻找一个爱人who won"t blow my cover.她不会揭去我的遮掩She"s so hard to find.她是如此难以寻找Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo....Oh, we"ve got it easy我们轻松应对We ought to take it easy.我们必须放轻松
2023-07-08 08:00:461


不着急的英文是什么?不着急的英文翻译是:take it easy。
2023-07-08 08:00:542