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初一英语作文how to be a healthy child my neighbourhood city life signs around us

2023-07-08 12:09:25

how to be a healthy child

I think the ways to be a healthy child, you need to do a lot of things. Let me talk about some of them. First, you should have healthy hobbies. For example, wash your hands before you eat. Second, you need to do some excercises every day. The last one which is the most important thing, you should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet.

my neighbourhood

I have a nice neighbourhood who has a cute face with a pair of black eyes. Her name is Lily. She is a really lovely guy. She has a happiness family with four people which are her parent, her grandma and herself. She studies in the same school as me. So she usually goes to the school with me every day, I enjoy going to the school with such a nice girl. We have a real friendship!

City life

I live in a big city. The city is very busy and beautiful. It has a large population. Because of the large population, I think what we need to do which is to keep environment clean. If we don"t do that, we will not be able to live here anymore! I love my city life, so do it from now on! Beautify our city, we will have a pretty city in the future!

signs around us

Here are many signs around us. Such as traffic signs, road signs, warning signs, and so on. I think we have to know what they are and how do they help us. Because they makes our life becomes more advantageous and safe. If you are a driver, you must to know the traffic signs and road signs. They are able to help you a lot.




citylife是美国的一个皮具品牌品牌,旗下产品主要以包包和服饰为主。其品牌的包包外观精致,时尚而又充满个性。那么,citylife是什么品牌呢?是奢侈品牌吗?citylife是什么品牌 1989年,Citylife-NewYork(纽约)在美国正式成立酒店投资管理机构。2004年10月份起,在U.S.A CITYLIFE (NEWYORK) GROUP LIMITED的推动下, CITYLIFE品牌联手了同样源于美国的柯达、宝洁、美宝莲纽约等一批美国品牌先后携手在中国市场进行了大规模的市场合作,“彩喋、CITYLIFE;CITYLIFE、彩喋;缤纷、自由、自信”CITYLIFE品牌的灵魂、CITYLIFE品牌的寓意迅速被更多的城市女性所理解和憧憬,并且连续两季成为上海时尚媒体《上海服饰》的主打品牌之一。同时,CITYLIFE品牌在北美市场成熟的俱乐部客服模式也开始逐步引入中国市场,并且发展颇具规模的钻石级会员。品牌发展理念 以ChangingCityBetterLife为导向的CITYLIFE将国际时尚元素融入产品设计、店面形象、品牌推广中,成为时尚与国际性的代表,精致时尚的设计,推崇个性化,追求品位,以明快协调的色调体现“国际化”特质,CITYLIFE的产品丰富而多元化,从手袋到各种配饰,或优雅,或随性,或甜美,或性感,让每个女人在CITYLIFE的世界里都能够散发自身的独特性格与个性品味。 “精致、时尚、高品质”是Citylife-NewYork(纽约)品牌的明确定位。“让城市的青春一族,能够像彩蝶般展示缤纷的自我,享受更自信、更自由的生活方式”则是Citylife-NewYork(纽约)品牌让客户享受精彩人生的持续追求。品牌发展历史 1989年,Citylife-NewYork(纽约)在美国正式成立酒店投资管理机构。 1994年,Citylife-NewYork(纽约)在美国创立时尚杂志投资管理机构。 2000年,Citylife-NewYork(纽约)在北美市场开始推行会员制的俱乐部服务体系,并正式进入了时尚产品领域。 2003年,经Citylife品牌所有方U.S.ACITYLIFE(NEWYORK)GROUPLIMITED授权,Citylife品牌旗下的时尚手袋业务正式进入中国市场,并依靠3大核心竞争力“纽约的时尚设计、韩国的新款面料、轻松的选购价格。”开始了大规模的业务拓展。 2004年10月份起,在U.S.ACITYLIFE(NEWYORK)GROUPLIMITED的推动下,CITYLIFE品牌又再次联手了同样源于美国的柯达、宝洁、美宝莲纽约等一批美国品牌先后携手在中国市场进行了大规模的市场合作。 2003年,CITYLIFE正式进入中国,同年8月在上海设立公司并在上海港汇广场开设第一家专门店,国际时尚设计,精良做工,物超所值的售价使得城中时尚女性趋之若鹜,争相购买。 2008年,CITYLIFE已在中国设立近500家专门店,其中上海市就有近70家。目前已成为中国皮具行业中,自营专卖店最多的品牌。
2023-07-08 07:22:261


2023-07-08 07:22:352


“CITYLIFE(城市生活)”品牌,是由“上海欣宝百货公司”,2003年从品牌所有商“美国城市生活-纽约集团公司U.S.A CITYLIFE New York Group Limited”
2023-07-08 07:22:431


2023-07-08 07:22:502


City life这个品牌的包包一般都属于中等偏上的档次,虽然他并不属于一线品牌的行列,但是它整体的包包的风格是比较属于商务风格,而且用料非常的考究,所以很多从事专业性工作比较强的人非常喜欢这类型的包包。
2023-07-08 07:22:581


2023-07-08 07:23:061


City Life城市生活Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of living in the country, while others prefer living in the city.In my opinion, I prefer the city life, though it has advantages and disadvantages.根据个人经历,个性与情感关注的不同,我们发现有人持在乡村生活的想法,而另一些人则更喜欢住在城市。在我看来,我更喜欢城市生活,虽然它有优点也有缺点。First of all, city life is very colorful.City is the center of the surrounding area.So, it is also the most booming place having the best things.There are many great things and wonderful activities in the city, while there isn"t in the country.For example, there are KFC, wonderful shopping mall, delicious food from various places, dancing club, different kinds of activities and so on.We can also learn the culture from all the countries.Despite city life is so wonderful, it still has many disadvantages.Nowadays, with the improvement of people"s living standard, people have more cars and more people come to city, and then the city becomes more and more crowd.As a result, traffic jam emerges, which makes great inconvenience for people to go out.What"s worse, the air pollution becomes serious day by day, which is bad for people"s health.首先,城市生活是多姿多彩的。城市周边地区的中心。因此,它也是最繁荣的地方拥有最好的东西。城市有很多好东西和精彩的活动,而在乡村里则是没有的。例如,城市里有肯德基,美妙的购物商场,来自不同地方的美味食物,舞蹈俱乐部,各种各样的活动等。我们也可以了解到各个乡村的文化。尽管城市的生活是如此美妙,它仍有许多缺点。如今,随着人们生活水平的提高,私家车越来越多,也有越来越多的人涌向城市,城市就变得越来越拥挤了。结果出现了交通拥堵,给人们外出带来了极大的不便。更糟糕的是,空气污染日益严重,这对人们的健康是有害的。To sum up, every coin has two sides.Living in the city also has good side and bad aspect.Whether like living in city or not depends on individual thinking.As myself, I like living in city though I know the disadvantage of living in city.总之,每个硬币都有两面。生活在城市中有好的一面也有不好的一面。是否住在城市主要是看个人想法。像我这样,虽然知道生活在城市的缺点,但我还是喜欢生活在城市。
2023-07-08 07:23:141


  英语作文一直是我们考试成绩中难啃的肉,我们要努力利用自身已掌握的英语基础来拿下这块肉。下面是作文栏目为您带来的有关于英语的两篇作文。   篇一:城市生活英语作文   篇二:城市生活英语作文   What I expect for city life is not just about drink bars, shopping mall, entertainment center etc, although they are indeed better than the facility in the rural areas. What I expect for city life is a clearer environment, not only in the surroundings but also in people"s spirit. I hope the people around me are all good mannered with politeness and courtesy, there is no quarrel, no battle, people treat each other with respect. I hope there would be no traffic jam as in Beijing our country capital today where traffic jam happened everyday, which make the citizens feel depressed and great pressure.
2023-07-08 07:23:231

英语作文city life

Today there are many people who want to live in the city, they like to busy busy place, usually in work tired to relax. But some people are like to live in the suburbs, they like to live quietly, every morning breath of fresh breath belongs to nature. In my opinion, I also prefer living in the suburbs, environment of the city no suburb of good, in the evening, the city is more bright lights, everywhere are the neon lights, look up, the light of the stars have become fragile, in the suburbs, the night of summer move to a bench, looked up and counting the brightness of the stars, listen to the cricket this nature of the music played musicians, it is again good however.
2023-07-08 07:23:333


2023-07-08 07:23:401

Redlight King的《City Life》 歌词

歌曲名:City Life歌手:Redlight King专辑:Something for the PainRedlight King - City LifeQQ : 349777127(This one goes out to the north end)There is an old man with dirt on his handsThere is a room swept with one night standsA live full of regret in a rock n roll bandA whole lot a debt and a pocket full of sandThere is a sick mother, cant find a lost sonand there is a father, didn"t know he had oneRun down caddy in the neighbors backyardWhere the kid got shot and it all fell apartJust another day in the city lifeJust another day where we live or dieWe"re all praying through the smoked filled skiesJust another day in the city lifeThe city lifeThere is a law man and he"s losin" his touchtrapped a loose cannon says he wont lose mucha prospect picked and he"s earning his patchdealt a dirty deed and he"s payin" for it cashPressure so thick you forget how to breathgotta get drunk just to blow off some steamSo many lights but we"re kept in the darkyea they could take it all but we still got heartJust another day in the city lifeJust another day where we live or dieWe"re all praying through the smoked filled skiesJust another day in the city lifeThere is no need to be nervous,we were born to fightSons and daughters we cantake it out sideFollow the lead, lead to me to waterdo what it takes, to take it from meThere ain"t nothing leftyou can leave me my rightscarry the lord in the city life!Just another day in the city lifeJust another day where we live or dieWe"re all praying through the smoked filled skiesJust another day in the city lifeJust another day in the city lifeJust another day where we live or dieWe"re all praying through the smoked filled skiesJust another day in the city lifeThe city lifeRedlight King - City LifeQQ : 349777127
2023-07-08 07:23:581


2023-07-08 07:24:071

city life or rural life为题目的英语作文

City life and rural life both have their advantages and disadvantages. City life is vibrant and offers a lot of opportunities for career advancement and entertainment. However, it can also be stressful and polluted. On the other hand, rural life is peaceful and allows one to connect with nature, but it may lack some convenience in terms of infrastructure and job opportunities.In my opinion, each person"s preference for city or rural life depends on their individual values and goals. For those seeking a fast-paced career or access to cultural amenities, city life might be more appealing. Meanwhile, people who prioritize a quieter lifestyle and proximity to natural resources may prefer living in the countryside.Ultimately, it"s up to the individual to decide which lifestyle suits them best. Both city and rural life offer unique experiences, and it"s important to consider what makes you happiest and most fulfilled when making such an important decision.重点词汇:- Advantages: 优势- Disadvantages: 缺点- Vibrant: 充满活力的- Career advancement: 职业发展- Entertainment: 娱乐- Stressful: 有压力的- Polluted: 污染的- Peaceful: 安静的- Connect with nature: 接触大自然- Infrastructure: 基础设施- Job opportunities: 工作机会- Preference: 偏好- Fast-paced: 快节奏的
2023-07-08 07:24:172

city life 的作文40字6年级作文英语

city life and country life,which do you like best? Some people may think city life is better.Life in city is more convenient than life in country.There have lots of cars,buses and taxis,people needn"t to walk a lot.And people in city can live in the high building.People live in city can get much money,they can eat many delicious foods and use many high-tech machines.But on the other hand ,perhaps some people will think coutry life is better.Because the environment in city is becoming worse and worse,some people liker to live country than in city.In country,they can enjoy the sunshine ,the sky and the stars at night.The air is fresh,the people there is pure.Everyone can enjoy nature there. Life in city or in country has its advantages,different people may have different choises.Then what"s your choise?
2023-07-08 07:24:471


2023-07-08 07:24:561


Today there are many people who want to live in the city, they like to busy busy place, usually in work tired to relax. But some people are like to live in the suburbs, they like to live quietly, every morning breath of fresh breath belongs to nature. In my opinion, I also prefer living in the suburbs, environment of the city no suburb of good, in the evening, the city is more bright lights, everywhere are the neon lights, look up, the light of the stars have bee fragile, in the suburbs, the night of summer move to a bench, looked up and counting the brightness of the stars, listen to the cricket this nature of the music played musicians, it is again good however. 今天有许多人愿意生活在城市,他们喜欢忙碌的地方,通常在工作累了休息。但有些人喜欢住在郊区,他们喜欢安静的生活,每天早晨的清新气息是属于大自然的气息。在我看来,我更喜欢住在郊区,城市的郊区环境不好,在晚上,这座城市更明亮的灯光,到处都是霓虹灯,看了看,星星的光变得脆弱,在郊区,夏天的夜晚走在长凳上,看着上数星星的亮度,听蟋蟀这种性质的音乐演奏的音乐家,那是再好不过了。   most people want to live in the city. however, there are always pros and cons. of course, life in the city there are helpful for us to find a good job, and convenient transportation there. in addition, the city has a park, hotels and other places of leisure.however, life in the city there are many drawbacks. first of all, the city life consumption level is high. secondly, the city population and congestion is nearly out of control . finally, the city air pollution is serious, so t living conditions is poor.
2023-07-08 07:25:051

英语作文Which life do you prefer ? Country life or city life? Wh?

Which Life Do You Prefer: Country Life or City Life?Both country life and city life have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I prefer city life because it offers more opportunities and convenience.City life provides access to a variety of resources and services, ranging from high-quality education and healthcare to recreational activities and entertainment. The presence of large companies and industries also means that there are more job opportunities available, with higher salaries and greater career advancement prospects.In addition, city life is culturally diverse, providing exposure to different people, languages, and ideas. This encourages growth and development of a more open-minded perspective on the world, which can be an invaluable asset.Of course, city life also has its drawbacks compared to country life. The fast pace of urban life can be overwhelming and stressful, with crowded streets and high levels of pollution. Additionally, living in the city can be expensive, with higher living costs and less space available.On the other hand, country life provides a slower pace of life, with peaceful surroundings and greater access to natural beauty. There is less stress and more opportunity for relaxation, with fresh air and a more relaxed lifestyle.In conclusion, while both country life and city life have their own advantages and disadvantages, I prefer city life because it offers more opportunities, convenience, and exposure to diversity. However, I believe that each individual should choose their own lifestyle based on their own personal preferences and needs.
2023-07-08 07:25:122

英语口语 City Life

2023-07-08 07:25:212

城市生活(city life)秘籍

"同时按键盘CTRL+ATL+C然后输入Concordia ---解决社会阶层冲突Richgirl ----加100000元(没用过)Unlock all Districts --解开所有区块(我觉得不行)Midas -----加100000000元Number6 ----解开所有的建筑有的人输入指令后,按Enter 光标会跳到最前面,而输入窗口没关,没关系,按键盘CTRL+ATL+C关闭,再按键盘CTRL+ATL+C继续输入即可。输入完后按键盘CTRL+ATL+C关闭"我用过是可以的。
2023-07-08 07:25:283

city life作文,至少写10到12句话

Today there are many people who want to live in the city,they like to busy busy place,usually in work tired to relax.But some people are like to live in the suburbs,they like to live quietly,every morning breath of fresh breath belongs to nature.In my opinion,I also prefer living in the suburbs,environment of the city no suburb of good,in the evening,the city is more bright lights,everywhere are the neon lights,look up,the light of the stars have become fragile,in the suburbs,the night of summer move to a bench,looked up and counting the brightness of the stars,listen to the cricket this nature of the music played musicians,it is again good however.
2023-07-08 07:25:351

City Life 英语短文 40-50字

2023-07-08 07:25:552


2023-07-08 07:26:021

City Life and Suburban Life英语作文

  作文,就是将生活中的见闻、感受描绘出来,将对生活的想像与思考表达出来,让读者产生共鸣,从而让读者感受生活、思考生活。下面是我收集整理的City Life and Suburban Life英语作文,希望大家喜欢。   City Life and Suburban Life英语作文 篇1   Where do yo like to live?That is an interesting question.Usually people like to live in big city.But recently,more and more people chose to live outside the city, to live in suburb.   It is true that living in big city is convenient and entertaining.Your work place is not far away,and after work,it is easy for you to call your friends to go to a bar or cinema.There are supermarkets, shopping malls.You can easily buy any stuff you need.Want to have a dinner?no problem,there are plenty kinds of restaurants for you to choose.In contract,living in suburb is quite different.It serves fresh air and beautiful scenery and, for someone that is the most important thing,quiet.Though live in suburb have some inconvenient aspects,some people seem to perefer to sacrifice some convenience to live in quiet places.And as cars and internet are becoming more and more common.Living in suburb is not so boring like before.   For me,I like to live in big city when i am young,because the colorful life and convenience for working.And when I was old,I may choose to live in suburb to enjoy the quiet life and fresh air.Do yo think so?   City Life and Suburban Life英语作文 篇2   Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one"s curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.   City Life and Suburban Life英语作文 篇3   Theres a great difference between city life and country life in population. Big cities are so crowded,while in the countryside, there are much fewer people.   城市生活和乡村生活在人口上有很大的区别。大城市是如此拥挤,人口则少很多。   People in big cities are nice,friendly and helpful. They are polite to strangers. When you get lost, they are willing to show you the right directions. When youre hurt in an accident,theyre also eager to send you to hospital at once. However, citizens dontknow each other so well, because most of them are busy with earning their bread. While in the countryside, things are much more different. Almost everyone is so familiar with each other. They always say hello to each other onthe way. Even though you are strangers, they also talk to you like old friends.And they are also happy to invite you to dinner in their homes.   大城市的人们都很友好,乐于助人。他们对陌生人都是有礼貌的。当你迷路时,他们愿意给你指明正确的方向。当你在事故中受伤,他们也迫切的马上送你去医院。然而,人们并不彼此了解,因为他们中的大多数人都忙于谋生。而在乡村,情况则有很大的不同。几乎每个人都是彼此熟悉的。在路上他们总是彼此打招呼。即使你是陌生人,他们也像老朋友一样和你聊天。他们也很高兴邀请你到他们家里吃饭。   Maybe most people like the big cities, because of the good living conditions. But I prefer to live in the countryside, for its much quieter and more peaceful. In the morning, I can lie in the bed, listening to the birds singing. It seems like a free concert, whichcan bring me a happy mood. Moreover, I can meet different kinds of people outside. When I greet to them and smile to them, they also do the same to me.Its just a simple life, but the feeling is so great.   也许大多数人喜欢大城市,由于生活条件好。但我更喜欢住在乡村,因为它更安静、更和平。早上,我可以躺在床上,听着鸟儿歌唱。就像是免费音乐会一样,能给我带来好心情。另外,我可以预见不同的人。当我向他们问候微笑时,他们也同样那样对我。这只是简单的生活,但感觉是那么的美好。   City Life and Suburban Life英语作文 篇4   Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one‘s curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.   【参考译文】   城市生活和乡村和农场生活大不相同。大城市的人更注意尊重个人隐私。有时候这种感觉似乎是一种冷漠,但是它是城市生活的一个约俗,以遏制一个人对陌生人的个人事务的好奇。村民和农民有可能所有的邻居对表现出极大的.兴趣。城市给聪明的年轻人提供了更多机会,来自村庄和农场的求职者有往大都市发展的稳定趋势。   City Life and Suburban Life英语作文 篇5   Nowadays, more and more people in the city want to live in the country. And many people in the country want to live in the city. It is an interesting fancy thing for our society.   Let us think the reason of this phenomenon.   In the city, almost people think that the pace of the city become more and more quickly. The city is developing, and it also brings some new problems. People have much tension for the society. They have to work hard for living in the city and making themselves alive. Every day, they work hard. And also their hearts are very tired. The country is a good place for them to relax their body and their heart. In the country they will do the thing which they like doing, such as drawing the rural sight. Nowadays, in the city, there are more and more crimes. They do not give people security. Every day, people live in the fear. And the quality of living will fall. Now many people feel that many people are cold to each other. It also makes our heart to tire. So people in the city want to have a rural life.   But the persons in the country think that there are many opportunity in the city. And there are good education, good service, good medical treatment in the city. They can nor appear in the country. So the persons in the country want to have a urban life not only for themselves but also for their children and grandchildren. They think if they stay in the city, their future will be full of shinning.   I think I have my urban life until I will be old. In the city, there are much challenge for me. I want to accept them.   现在,越来越多的人想在城市生活。和许多人在该国希望生活在城市。对我们的社会来说,这是一件有趣的事。   让我们思考这种现象的原因。   在城市,几乎人们认为城市的步伐变得越来越快。城市在发展,也带来了一些新的问题。人们对社会有很大的压力。他们必须努力工作,为生活在城市,使自己活着。每一天,他们努力工作。他们的心也很累。该国是一个很好的`地方,让他们放松自己的身体和他们的心。在这个国家,他们会做他们喜欢做的事情,比如说乡村景观。如今,在城市里,有越来越多的犯罪。他们不给人安全。每一天,人们生活在恐惧中。和生活质量将下降。现在很多人觉得很多人都很冷漠。它也使我们的心轮胎。因此,城市的人们希望有一个农村生活。   但在这个国家的人认为,有很多机会在城市。而且有良好的教育,良好的服务,良好的医疗服务,在城市。他们也不能出现在该国。因此,在这个国家的人希望有一个城市生活不仅为自己,而且为他们的孩子和孙子。他们认为如果他们留在城市,他们的未来将充满闪光。   我想我有我的城市生活,直到我老了。在城市里,我有很多的挑战。我想接受他们。
2023-07-08 07:26:081

作文 my city life40个单词

City life is tonal rhythm, finding a balance between fast and slow; life is the sum of the city life, city communitydripping quivering humanity luster. There is a period of time and a lot of people, feel their views of the city life,found that everyone has their own love or don"t love a cityreason, unable to judge right and wrong, factors whichhave great psychological tendency of. For me, the city is empty, people, is the core of.
2023-07-08 07:26:171

写一篇英语作文主题是city life or country life

Some people prefer city life due to its convenience and modern fashion, and think the country life is lacking of too much these urban elements. However, some people still long for the natural way of country life. In fact, every thing in the world always has both the good points and the bad points. Life in city and country is the same. Modern city provides much more convenient elements with development going on, such as education, health care, employment, main progress in science and technology, etc. While country life is regarded as the approach to nature and peaceful time. We all know modern advance has aroused great tension between social development and nature. We need develop, but we also need the home. Therefore, we must find a balance between development and nature. Meanwhile, we should bring harmony in city and country life so that we can enjoy both the developing as well as the natural gifts.
2023-07-08 07:26:241

求一篇英语作文city life vs country life ,急啊,先谢谢了

As far as we know, city life and country life both have their advantages and disadvantages.Let"s begin with city life.City life has three advantages. First, living in city is more convenient than that in country. Since we have so many shopping mores, super markets and a variety of stations which you can go wherever you want, city life seems more convenient that country life. Second, you may have access to further education if you live in city because it seems that nice colleges are often built in city . Third, living in city sort of means a better future.Besides, city life also has its disadvantages, such as traffic jam, different kinds of pollution and so on.Then let"s come to the country life. Country life has its own advantages, too. For example, you can enjoy the fresh air, the beautiful scene and less pressure if you live in a country. However, if you live there, you need to face its unenlightened living facilities.字数有点小多 你酌情删减吧 我写的注重城市你适当修改就好PS:抄袭的人请自重
2023-07-08 07:26:432


作为AI语言模型,我没有真实的生活经历,无法亲身感受到城市生活的变化。但是,由于城市生活和乡村生活有很大的差别,我可以从普遍感受上谈一些可能的体验:1. 生活节奏加快:城市的生活节奏往往快于乡村生活,人们的工作、学习和生活都需要更快的交流速度和决策效率。2. 生活压力增加:与乡村区别较大的消费水平、房屋租金、人际交往、就业状况等因素,都可能增加生活压力。3. 生活变化多样:城市多元的文化、娱乐、饮食等生活方式,可以让人们拥有更多选择和新的体验,丰富生活。总体而言,城市生活与乡村生活存在着各自的优缺点,需要根据个人兴趣和需求来选择适合自己的生活方式。
2023-07-08 07:26:502


2023-07-08 07:26:571


2023-07-08 07:27:072


2023-07-08 07:28:021


2023-07-08 07:28:091

city life40字作文六六级上级

My SchoolMy school is very beautiful. I like my school very much. There is a big playground in my school. We have P.E. class on the playground and we often play sports on it , too. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The computer rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. There are many books in the library. I often read books here. There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too. The teachers in my school are very kind.
2023-07-08 07:28:161

city life in the future

2023-07-08 07:28:255


人们在大城市生活时往往会面临的感受:1. 压力:大城市通常有更快的生活节奏和更繁忙的工作环境,这可能会让人们感到更紧张和有压力。2. 孤独:人口密集的城市环境中,人们可能很难建立新的联系和交友圈子,这可能导致孤独感。3. 隔阂:在大城市中,人们可能会感觉与周围人的距离更远,与自然环境的隔阂也更大,这可能会让人们感到失落或与世界脱节。4. 竞争:在大城市中,人们往往需要竞争获得更好的工作、房屋和生活条件,这可能会增加人们的竞争心态和不安全感。5. 资源短缺:在人口密集的城市中,各种资源可能更加紧张,包括住房、交通和公共服务等,这可能会让人们感到更加不安和困难。当然,城市生活也有其优势,例如更多的文化和娱乐选择、更好的工作机会和人际交往等。每个人的经历和感受都不同,这取决于他们的背景、生活方式和情况。
2023-07-08 07:28:391

城市和乡村生活的区别 the difference between city life and country life

用the differences between city life and country life.
2023-07-08 07:28:473


2023-07-08 07:28:541


2023-07-08 07:29:023

What do you like about the city life and why

What do you like about the city life and why?意思是:你喜欢城市里的什么生活, 为什么?回答:I like colorful life in the city, such as going shopping in the supermarket, going to cinema and having a nice dinner in a restaurant. Because all of these are convenient in freedom.
2023-07-08 07:29:092


2023-07-08 07:29:161


2023-07-08 07:30:5115


2023-07-08 07:31:163


“CITYLIFE(城市生活)”品牌,是由“上海欣宝百货公司”,2003年从品牌所有商“美国城市生活-纽约集团公司U.S.A CITYLIFE New York Group Limited”
2023-07-08 07:31:241


2023-07-08 07:31:321


Living in cities makes our lives more convenient but also had increased our burden. Comparing to villages, cities has the most advanced technologies and transportation, which made our everyday lives so much easier. With these advanced technologies and transportation, we can save a lot of times when we are doing things (laundries..etc..)and going (travel) to other places. However, things do have a negative influence. With technologies, they are not always working as you expected to be,(like the laptop I"m pissed me off) they can break easily and can be quite expensive. Standing at the street you can see a lot of buses and cars, but that is only in the populated area in the city. Even though these buses in the street, you may not get on the bus because it"s over crowded. If you added up the money you spent on buying technologies and transportation, you will get a large number. Compare the number you got and your income, you will see the big difference. Life in the city is not easy, these too much too care,worry,think,pressures and always have competition in everything. We have limited time to do thing everyday, and we can rest until we get it done. People spent too much time on works, they are always so busy, no time to rest and enjoy the things that they missed.--you can talk about education (the older you are the more money requires)--you can talk more about competition (start from school and the rest of your life)
2023-07-08 07:31:411

求一篇city life的英语作文

Do you want to live in the city or the country?I like to live in the country that the sun rises in the morning with the first golden light & the first sound from the cock.. All the animals & plants begin their life from this moment on and some of the animals begin their sleeping the new day. This is a very beautiful beginning in the world that you just can see all these in the country not in the city.And for people , the people in the country are kind although they are ungrace-ful .that is not important that you will feel what is the realest in the friendship of people. Are people kinder in the city or the country?The people live in the country is kinder than the people live in the city . this is so sure that I just feel all this from my grandparents . My grandpatents both are country people. Their family is poor that they even do not have more money after they finish all their meals.but my mother was so so interested in studying. My grandparents got five children & gave the choice to study to all of them .
2023-07-08 07:31:513


2023-07-08 07:31:571

帮忙写一篇关于city life的英语作文

Do you want to live in the city or the country?I like to live in the country that the sun rises in the morning with the first golden light & the first sound from the cock.. All the animals & plants begin their life from this moment on and some of the animals begin their sleeping the new day. This is a very beautiful beginning in the world that you just can see all these in the country not in the city.And for people , the people in the country are kind although they are ungrace-ful .that is not important that you will feel what is the realest in the friendship of people. Are people kinder in the city or the country?The people live in the country is kinder than the people live in the city . this is so sure that I just feel all this from my grandparents . My grandpatents both are country people. Their family is poor that they even do not have more money after they finish all their meals.but my mother was so so interested in studying. My grandparents got five children & gave the choice to study to all of them .
2023-07-08 07:32:061


2023-07-08 07:32:141

City life 英语作文,要写出好处,60词左右?

Better City,Better Life Have you ever thought over your life in the city?Is that comfortable or not?If possible,you could listen to me! As we known the 2010 world Expo will be held in shanghaiadvertise of the 2010 world expo"Better city,Better life"is known by a lot of people in shanghai.I hope to see you in the 2010 world Expo in shanghai The cities now are becoming more and more modernize,and the things in our lives are more and more advanced/先进的/now.But is that the real meaning of better life? I don"t think so.The better cities should include better environment,but not only modernize and advanced things. As we can know and see,the cities now are making more and more kinds of pollution and make the nature bear all of them. Now the nature is fighting back,such as the global warming,the acid/酸性的/ rain,well,I don"t want to list them any more. So if we want to have better lives,we have to protect the environment.That can surely make our cities better and more livable. Better environment causes better cities;better cities cause better life.Don"t you think so? Well,that"s all of my views.Perhaps all of you listened happily!Thanks
2023-07-08 07:32:241


City LifeNowadays,people more and more living in cities.Living in city are much better than that in country in many ways.As we know,it brings us a lot of conveniences.Wherever you want to go,you can take bus or taxi instead of walk.It can save us a lot of time but sometimes it also causes many traffic problems.As the city development,the quality of air and the environment goes bad day by day.At the same time,people"s health will be put at risk.There is also a rise in crime.Many ciry problems goes up by city you think city life is bad or not?
2023-07-08 07:32:442