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2023-07-08 10:35:22
TAG: 歌词




曲:Wollbeck Anders Wilhelm

大方 show 我姿态






Play music Let"s dancing

your hands up now screaming


right on right on


right on right on 你令我不同 Ah

dream on dream on ah

dream on dream on


go on go on I want you hold on




大可以风格大改 再大放我异彩


Play music Let"s dancing

your hands up now screaming


right on right on


right on right on

你令我不同 Ah

dream on dream on ah

dream on dream on


go on go o I want you hold on




你信我 你爱我 你成就我


right on 我大力做你的大爱

right on 你大热是我的大爱

right on right on


right on right on


ah dream on dream on

ah dream on dream on


go on go on

I want you hold on


Right On什么意思

not regret, in fact many also
2023-07-08 03:23:233


yes you are right
2023-07-08 03:23:407

right on 什么意思

好极了。对极了。祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-07-08 03:24:014

right in和right on和right under的区别?

right in 是正好的意思right on 是好极了,说的对的意思right under 是正下方的意思
2023-07-08 03:24:091

在对的时间,对的地点,遇见对的人,做对的事情 <谁能帮我用英语翻译一下急~>

meet the right person in the right time at the right place and do the right thing.
2023-07-08 03:24:176


right 对的
2023-07-08 03:24:439

right,not wrong是哪英文个单词的解释

2023-07-08 03:25:014


right 右边的 ;右边
2023-07-08 03:25:1110


2023-07-08 03:25:462

高手解释下两个英语短语 right on time和on time指的是一个意思吗?两者有区别吗

right on time :刚好准时 例: The bus came right on time. 汽车正好准时到达(表分秒不错,强调与某个时刻一致) on time准时,强调时间刚好,如果你在8点50或9点去上班我们可以理解为准时on time 例:I"m afraid I can"t finish it on time. 我可能没办法按时完成了(指在某个时间点为止) right on time 与ontime区别不大,right on time 强调更准时一些.
2023-07-08 03:25:531


all right 好的turn right 右转
2023-07-08 03:26:014


"right" 的中文翻译为“正确的”,是一个常用的英语单词,有多种用法和固定搭配。1. 形容词- Correct(正确的):表示事物符合事实、真理或规则,如正确答案、正确的方法等。- Accurate(准确的):表示事物精确无误,如准确的测量、准确的估计等。- Proper(适当的):表示事物符合一定的标准或要求,如适当的礼仪、适当的服装等。2. 名词- Right(权利):表示合法的、应得的权力,如人权、劳动权利等。- Rightness(正确性):表示事物的正确性或合理性,如判断的正确性、论点的正确性等。3. 副词- Exactly(确切地):表示事物完全符合某种标准或要求,如完全正确、完全符合等。- Directly(直接地):表示事物直接相关或直接影响,如直接回答、直接处理等。4. 动词- Right(纠正):表示改正错误或不当行为,如纠正错误、纠正行为等。固定搭配:- All right(好的):表示同意或确认,如“好的,我明白了”。- Right now(现在):表示此时此刻,如“我需要你的帮助,现在”。- Right away(立刻):表示马上、立即,如“请立刻处理这个问题”。- Right on(非常好):表示赞同或支持,如“你说的非常好,Right on!”。- Right and wrong(是非对错):表示是非、对错,如“我们需要分清是非对错”。总之,“right” 是一个非常常用的英语单词,具有多种用法和固定搭配。在不同的语境中,它可以表示正确的、适当的、合法的权利,也可以表示纠正错误、马上、赞同等意思。
2023-07-08 03:26:091

想知道一些关于right 的英语词组

1 adv.立刻,马上;向右,右边;恰当地;一直2 adj.右方的;正确的;合适的;好的,正常的3 n.正确,正当;右边;权利;右手4 vt.纠正;扶直,使正;整理;补偿5 vi.(船舶等)复正,恢复平稳1 right away 马上 turn right 向右转 2 all rifht 好的 3 the right side.右边 4 put right 纠正 5 right itself 恢复平稳
2023-07-08 03:26:573

如何用英文表达「赞同」?赞同他人的 8 个英文例句

当你赞同对方说的话时,你会说”You are right.”,但是你就没别的话可以说了吗?又或者你对他的话大致上赞成但持保留态度,又该怎么表达呢? Let"s talk 的英文老师整理出了 8 组句子,在不同的情境之下表达对他人的认同,相信你学会之后也可以适当的回应,在任何状况下都能处变不惊罗。 1. Yes, that"s right. 这是一个普遍、常见的回应。 例如若有人问你”Are you the sister/brother of someone?”,你可以回答”Yes, that"s right.” 2. You"re quite right. 这用在当对方说的话大致上正确,但又并非完全正确时。 例如,Mark最近在闹离婚,他的朋友John问他”Hey, you"re divorced, right?”Mark便可以回应”You"re quite right, my divorce is in process.” 3. Yes, that"s correct. 这是较为中性的回应。 ex.”Are you an English student?” “Yes, that"s correct.” 4. That"s spot on. 英国俚语,主要用于赞誉、认同,意思相近于”well done”, “perfect”或是”right on”。 ex. The food in England might not always be so good, but the brew in the pubs are spot on every time. 5. You"re dead right (there). 表达绝对支持对方是正确的,通常用于讨论、会议等。 ex. You are dead right about his idea. It just will not work. ex. He is dead right. Our products are not petitive. 6. You"ve hit the nail on the head. 表示完全正确且一针见血。 ex. Mike hit the nail on the head when he said most people can use a puter without knowing how it works. 7. You could say so. 表达约七分赞同、三分不完全认同。 例如,若你跟朋友去看完电影之后,你朋友说”The movie was awesome.”而你回答”You could say so, because everyone else didn"t like the movie.” 8. I"m afraid so. 表示很遗憾,答案是肯定的。 ex. Alice:Do you have to go? John:I"m afraid so. 图片来源:Vic-Padilla That"s spot on, You"re dead right, You"ve hit the nail on the head, 对的 英文, 正确的 英文, 肯定 英文, 认同 英文, 赞同 英文, 赞同英文
2023-07-08 03:27:041

英语口语中 带有right的容易混淆的口语常见的有哪几个? 比如that is all right

you are right
2023-07-08 03:27:143


2023-07-08 03:27:365


  privilege表特权的意思,那么你知道privilege的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理privilege的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   privilege的同义词辨析:   right, privilege   这两个名词均含"权利"之意。   right : 普通用词,指某人或某物拥有符合法律、道义或道德的权利。   privilege : 指特许或恩施的权利,也指一般人或物所没有的有利条件。   词组习语:   bang ( 或北美   1. (非正式)(罪犯)犯罪证据确凿,无可抵赖   我们有确凿证据你收赃。   we"ve got you bang to rights handling stolen property.   be in the right   1. (观点、行为或决定)正当,正确,有理   do right by   1. 公平对待   in one"s own right   1. 凭自身的权利(或资格、努力)而非凭借与他人的关系   他早已凭自身的努力成为一位诗人。   he was already established as a poet in his own right.   (not) in one"s right mind   1. 神智(不)健全的,(不)理智的   not right in the head   1. (非正式)(人)神智不太健全的,不太理智的   (as) of right (或 by right)   1. 属正当(或合法)要求,依正当(或合法)权利   国家有义务提供属正当权利的医疗保健和教育。   the state will be obliged to provide health care and education as of right.   the right stuff   1. (完成特定工作、任务的)必要品质   他具备进入这家企业的必备素质。   he had the right stuff to enter this business.   put (或 set) someone right   1. 使恢复健康   2. 使理解真实情况   put (或 set) something to rights   1. 使恢复正常   (as) right as rain   1. (非正式)(人)(尤指病后或小事故后)完全健康   right (或 straight) away ( 或 非正式   1. 立即,马上   right enough   1. (非正式)当然,不可否认地   你的成绩当然很糟糕。   your record"s bad right enough.   right on   1. (非正式)好哇,行啊(表示坚决支持、同意或鼓励)。   privilege的例句:   1. Pironi was the son of privilege and wealth, and it showed.   皮罗尼出身于有钱有势的豪门,这看得出来。   2. She was cocooned in a private world of privilege.   她生活在一个与世隔绝的特权世界里。   3. It must be a privilege to know such a man.   认识这样的人肯定很荣幸。   4. He arrogated the privilege to himself alone.   他为自己僭取特权。   5. a bastion of male privilege   大男子主义的堡垒   6. He made the allegation under the protection of parliamentary privilege.   他是在议员特权的保护下说出那种指责的话的。   7. Education should be a universal right and not a privilege.   教育应当是全民的权利而非某部分人特别享有的。   8. Of course, no country has the privilege of fishing in our coastal water.   当然, 在我国的领海内没有一个国家有捕鱼的特权.   9. The queen may have privilege but she has no real political clout.   女王有特权,但无真正的政治影响力.   10. The club is the last stonghold of male privilege.   该俱乐部是最后一个保持男人特权的大本营.   11. Do not overdo your privilege of reproving me.   不要过分使用责备我的特权.   12. He never abuses his privilege.   他从不滥用特权.   13. It is a great privilege to know you.   认识你是一件难得的事.   14. The left have seen the work as an apologia for privilege and property.   左派将此作品看成是为特权和所有权作的辩护。   15. Privilege determined by birth is an offence to any modern sense of justice.   与生俱来的特权是对现代公正意识的亵渎。
2023-07-08 03:27:501

right on track 是什么意思

2023-07-08 03:28:112

美瞳盒子上L R什么意思

l是 左边 r是右边的意思
2023-07-08 03:28:215


[Middle English, from Old English riht. N., sense 3, from the fact that conservatives sit on the right side of the legislative chamber in various assemblies.]从外国字典上找到的
2023-07-08 03:28:593


追光者词:唐恬曲:马敬编曲:黎偌天如果说你是海上的烟火我是浪花的泡沫某一刻你的光照 亮了我如果说你是遥远的星河耀眼得让人想哭我是追逐着你的眼眸总在孤单时候眺望夜空我可以跟在你身后像影子追着光梦游我可以等在这路口不管你会不会经过每当我为你抬起头连眼泪都觉得自由有的爱像阳光倾落边拥有边失去着如果说你是夏夜的萤火孩子们为你唱歌那么我是想要画你的手你看我多么渺小一个我因为你有梦可做也许你不会为我停留那就让我站在你的背后我可以跟在你身后像影子追着光梦游我可以等在这路口不管你会不会经过每当我为你抬起头连眼泪都觉得自由有的爱像大雨滂沱却依然相信彩虹我可以跟在你身后像影子追着光梦游我可以等在这路口不管你会不会经过每当我为你抬起头连眼泪都觉得自由有的爱像大雨滂沱却依然相信彩虹The spotlight,Word: Tang TianSong: Ma JingArranger: li luo tian.If you"re a firework at sea.I am foam of spray.At some point your light shines on me.If you are a distant star river.It makes people want to cry.I"m chasing your eyes.Always looking out into the night sky alone.I can follow you.Like a shadow chasing the light.I can wait at this junction.Whether you pass or not.Every time I raise my head for you.Even tears feel free.Some fall in love like the sun.The side has the edge to lose.If you"re a firefly on a summer night.The children sing for you.So I want to draw your hand.You see how small I am.Because you have a dream to do.Maybe you won"t stay for me.Then let me stand behind you.I can follow you.Like a shadow chasing the light.I can wait at this junction.Whether you pass or not.Every time I raise my head for you.Even tears feel free.Some love like the slash of rain.But still believe in the rainbow.I can follow you.Like a shadow chasing the light.I can wait at this junction.Whether you pass or not.Every time I raise my head for you.Even tears feel free.Some love like the slash of rain.But still believe in the rainbow.
2023-07-08 03:29:094


That"s all right 不客气 , 很好等意思
2023-07-08 03:30:086

right here中的right起到什么意思?

1. 解答:这里right是加强语气的副词,意思“恰好,正,就”。right here 整体看是一个副词短语,含义是“就在这儿”。例如: It hurts right here. 就这儿非常疼。2. 知识:英语句子对句中某一类单词的强调常常有不同的形式与结构,常见的有以下几种:① 对形容词或名词进行强调,常常利用very。此时very强调形容词时词性为副词,强调名词时词性为形容词。例如: the very best quality 最好的质量, the very book I want 我最想要的书。② 对副词或介词短语的强调一般用right,原题中就是对副词here的强调。例如:right now 立即,马上,right in the middle 正中间。 ③ 对谓语动词的强调往往出现在一般现在时或一般过去时中,此时一般借助时态的助动词do,does或did。注意: 这两种简单时态使用了助动词,那么被强调的这个动词必须恢复原型。例如:He does look tired. 他确实看来很累。3. 例句:① You"re the very man I want to see. 你就是我想见的人。② Go right on to the end of the street. 径直走到这条街道的尽头。③ She did write to say thank you. 她的确写信向你道谢了。
2023-07-08 03:30:401

Mark Ballas 的Light On 中英文歌词。

希望能给你帮助 Mark Ballas - Light On I know things are getting better Even when you feel like they"re not So hey girl, take a look around you Look at everything that you"ve got And I know you"ve been in a scary place But can I help you turn the page Treat you how you deserve to be Wanna be a part of your fantasy Well only if you promise me we"ll keep The light on, light on, light on The light on, light on, light on We"ll be alright, alright, alright, ah Just as long As you"re leaving your light on A whoa whoa whoa We keep a movin" on A whoa whoa whoa With your light on A whoa whoa whoa It"ll be right on Don"t go thinking that you gotta Give up on the one that you love "Cause I know it"s hard to be alone And everything is never enough And I know you never felt this way You"ve been all over the place Am I the one you need to see "Cause I"ll be there on the rainy days And when the sky"s turnin" gray we"ll keep The light on, light on, light on The light on, light on, light on We"ll be alright, alright, alright, ah Just as long As you"re leaving your light on A whoa whoa whoa We keep a movin" on A whoa whoa whoa With your light on A whoa whoa whoa It"ll be right on So don"t be thinking That I"m not understanding Everything you see And you feel that you gotta be "Cause I know this time You"ll be just fine If you... you just try Leavin" the light on, light on, light on The light on, light on, light on It"ll be alright, alright, alright, ah Just as long As you"re leaving your light on A whoa whoa whoa Keep ya movin" on A whoa whoa whoa With your light on A whoa whoa whoa It"ll be right on Leavin" the light on, light on, light on The light on, light on, light on It"ll be alright, alright, alright, ah Just as long As you"re leaving your light on A whoa whoa whoa Keep ya movin" on A whoa whoa whoa With your light on A whoa whoa whoa It"ll be right on We"ll leave the light on.... 马克·巴拉斯-光 我知道事情会越来越好 甚至当你觉得他们不 黑涩会美眉,去看看你的周围 一切看你有 我知道你已经在一个可怕的地方 但我可以帮你翻开新的一页 你如何对待你应该是 想成为你的幻想 只要你答应我,我们会继续 灯,灯,灯 灯,灯,灯 我们会好的,好吧,好吧,啊 一样长 当你离开你的光 一个哇 我们保持前进 一个哇 你的光 一个哇 它会是正确的 不去想你 放弃一个你爱 因为我知道这很难独自 一切都是不够的 我知道你从来没有这样的感觉 你一直在的地方 我是一个你需要知道 因为我会在雨天 当天空是灰色的我们会一直走 灯,灯,灯 灯,灯,灯 我们会好的,好吧,好吧,啊 一样长 当你离开你的光 一个哇 我们保持前进 一个哇 你的光 一个哇 它会是正确的 所以不要思考 我不理解 你看到的一切 你觉得你必须 因为我知道这一次 你会好的 如果你…你只是尝试 把灯,灯,灯 灯,灯,灯 这将是好的,好吧,好吧,啊 一样长 当你离开你的光 一个哇 让你前进 一个哇 你的光 一个哇 它会是正确的 把灯,灯,灯 灯,灯,灯 这将是好的,好吧,好吧,啊 一样长 当你离开你的光 一个哇 让你前进 一个哇 你的光 一个哇 它会是正确的 我们把灯放在…
2023-07-08 03:30:461

问:on the right 为什么用on?

2023-07-08 03:31:024


2023-07-08 03:31:1313

一首英文歌,开头第一句,oh baby baby come on 中间有一句好像是baby wai

你说的应该是...Baby One More Time
2023-07-08 03:31:382

Gaga 的一首歌,里面有许多baby,all right,求歌名歌词!!!

The Edge of Glory There"s no reason you and me should be aloneTonight, yeah babeTonight, yeah babeThere"s no reason you shouldn"t take me home tonightI need a man who thinks it right when it"s so wrong,Tonight yeah babe,Tonight yeah babe,Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonightIt"s time to feel the rush,To push the dangerousI"m gonna run back to, to the edge with youWhere we can both fall in loveI"m on the edge of glory,And I"m hanging on a moment of truth,I"m on the edge of glory,And I"m hanging on a moment with you,I"m on the edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeI"m on the edge of gloryAnd I"m hanging on a moment with youI"m on the edge with youAnother shot, before we kiss the other side,Tonight, yeah babeTonight, yeah babeI"m on the edge of something final we call life tonightAlright, alrightPull out your shade "cause I"ll be dancing in the flamesTonight, yeah babeTonight, yeah babe... the burden of my name, tonight, tonightIt"s time to feel the rushTo push the dangerousI"m gonna run back to, to the edge with youWhere we can both fall in loveI"m on the edge of glory,And I"m hanging on a moment of truth,I"m on the edge of glory,And I"m hanging on a moment with you,I"m on the edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeI"m on the edge of gloryAnd I"m hanging on a moment with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge of glory,And I"m hanging on a moment of truth,I"m on the edge of glory,And I"m hanging on a moment with you,I"m on the edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeThe edgeI"m on the edge of gloryAnd I"m hanging on a moment with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge with you
2023-07-08 03:31:484

Count Basie的《Right On》 歌词

歌曲名:Right On歌手:Count Basie专辑:King Of SwingANTI-FLAG LYRICS--Right On"punk rock?!?!?!isn"t that the type of musicwhere kids cut each other withrazor blades and knives?""you guys were so awesome tonight.well actually, i"m so drunki can"t remember your set,but you"re my favorite band...ha-ha"抵制日货从我做起!!!小日本去死吧!!"right on", that"s the phrase,to the fucked up stupid things you say,we say: "right on! right on! right on! right on...!"抵制日货从我做起!!!小日本去死吧!!"you know, if you guys think america"s so bad,why don"t you move to russia?""what do you mean you don"t drink?drinking"s my entire"ve gotta start drinking!""right on", that"s the phrase,to the fucked up stupid things you say,we say: "right on! right on! right on! right on...!""anti-flag?that doesn"t mean anti the american flag,does it...?"right on!!!抵制日货从我做起!!!小日本去死吧!!"right on", that"s the phrase,to the fucked up stupid things you say,we say: "right on! right on! right on! right on...!"
2023-07-08 03:32:061

英语right on time怎么翻译?

right on time,这个英语短语的准确汉语翻译是:很准时。这是一个很简单的英文短语。
2023-07-08 03:32:132


近年来加速了在日本大型购物街开店的步伐。像樱野百货店、 トキハ别府店、都城大丸店等在都市型商店街开店为核心,店面逐渐增多。历史1980年4月 - right-on株式会社成立于东京都杉并高元寺并开始营业。1985年4月 - 开设第一家店铺在筑波的茨城县。同年,在茨城举行的国际科学博览会期间,组成了在郊区和地方开店的战略方针。1987年9月 - 总店转移到东京都立川市。1988年5月 - 日本筑波市建立总部。1993年8月 - 全店导入了POS系统。1994年11月 - 日本筑波市开店并奖总部转移到总店。1995年5月 - 在日本证券交易商协会以股份公司登录。1995年12月 - 总店铺数超过100家。2000年1月 - 东京证券交易所上市。2006年9月 - 在筑波车站前,设立西武百货店筑波店。并将总部和总店转移到筑波。
2023-07-08 03:32:201


这是几个没有任何语法关系的词语,意思分别如下:~your 是物主代词,指你的~I"m 是 I am 的 紧缩形式,意思是 “我是/在”~now 是副词,指现在/当前~right 是多义词:正确的,右边;灯~on 介词指在 … 上面、在 … 天,关于;副词指继续
2023-07-08 03:32:341


是这首吗?大爱唱:安又琪词:徐文雅曲:Wollbeck Anders Wilhelm大方 show 我姿态大胆辣出喝彩大家大跌眼镜我心大快大气地hold住舞台大肆跳出节拍大众大吃一惊眼界打开Play music Let"s dancingyour hands up now screaming你大热是我的大爱right on right on我大力做你的大爱right on right on 你令我不同 Ahdream on dream on ahdream on dream on天生的我才有大用go on go on I want you hold on大不了大举重来大显我的能耐你看大起大落大有人在大可以风格大改 再大放我异彩谁说大名鼎鼎才是大牌Play music Let"s dancingyour hands up now screaming你大热是我的大爱right on right on我大力做你的大爱right on right on你令我不同 Ahdream on dream on ahdream on dream on天生的我才有大用go on go o I want you hold on大风浪是我你来陪我大哭笑是我你懂我大智勇是我你信我 你爱我 你成就我你大热是我的大爱right on 我大力做你的大爱right on 你大热是我的大爱right on right on我大力做你的大爱right on right on你令我不同ah dream on dream onah dream on dream on天生的我才有大用go on go onI want you hold on
2023-07-08 03:32:481


补充楼上: 3.right on the edge of...在.边缘 你这句 intense 之后是不是该加个 argument 之类?原句什么? 4.出于条件反射而不是其它原因 5.我以为它可能让他记起.到(过)那儿 6.他一路沿着走廊 走到拐角 转向楼梯
2023-07-08 03:32:551


右边Right请靠右边走。Keep to the right of the road. 我站在她的右边。I stood at her right.
2023-07-08 03:33:031


在对的时间,对的地点,遇见对的人,做对的事情的英文:Attherighttime,rightplace,meettherightpeopletodotherightthing其他短语表达: 1、righthere 就是这里2、righton [俚]好极了(表示支持、鼓励);你说得对3、totheright 向右;在…右边4、righttime 恰好时机5、rightorwrong不管如何right读法 英 [rau026at] 美 [rau026at] 1、adj.正确的;直接的;右方的2、vi.复正;恢复平稳3、n.正确;右边;正义4、adv.正确地;恰当地;彻底地5、vt.纠正扩展资料词语用法:1、right用作名词意思是“正确,正当”,指事物好的一面,也可指“权利”,即某人做某事或不做某事的自由,也可指相对于左边而言的“右边,右面”,或相对于左手(拳)而言的“右手(拳)”。right还可指“法定的权利或要求”。 2、在表示“权利”时, right通常接动词不定式或“of+动名词”结构作定语,表示“做…的权利”。在表示“在…右边”时,多用介词on或to,间或也可用at。right作“法定权利或要求”解时常用复数。 3、right用作动词意思是“使回复到适当的位置”,指将某一脱离原来位置的物体恢复到其固有的形态上去,也可指找到某人或某物的缺点,使之“改正,纠正”。right主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。词义辨析:accurate,exact,true,right,precise这组词都有“准确的,正确的”的意思,其区别是:1、accurate 指通过谨慎的努力达到符合事实或实际,侧重不同程度的准确性,与事实无出入。2、exact 着重在质与量方面的准确,语气比accurate强。3、true 暗指绝对准确,尤指复制品与原件丝毫不差。 4、right 使用广泛,可与这些词中的correct换用,但常暗示道德、理解、行动等方面的正确。 5、precise 侧重极端准确,更强调细节的精确无误。
2023-07-08 03:33:101


"Right" 是一个多功能的英语单词,可以用作形容词、副词、动词和名词。它的基本含义是“正确的”、“恰当的”、“适合的”,常用于表示对某事的确认或同意。以下是一些常见的用法和固定搭配:1. 形容词用法:表示正确的、适当的、恰当的- That"s the right answer.(那是正确的答案。)- You"re wearing the right clothes for the occasion.(你穿的衣服很适合这个场合。)- It"s important to make the right decision.(做出正确的决定很重要。)2. 副词用法:表示正确地、恰当地、适当地- I think you did it right.(我认为你做得很对。)- She speaks French right fluently.(她讲法语非常流利。)- He always does things right the first time.(他总是一次就做对。)3. 动词用法:表示纠正、调整、改正- Can you right the wrongs that have been done?(你能纠正已经发生的错误吗?)- The ship righted itself after the storm.(风暴过后,船自行恢复了平衡。)- We need to right the economy before it"s too late.(我们需要在为时已晚之前挽救经济。)4. 名词用法:表示权利、正确、正义- Everyone has the right to freedom of speech.(每个人都有言论自由的权利。)- You have the right to remain silent.(你有保持沉默的权利。)- We must fight for what is right.(我们必须为正义而战。)除了以上用法外,"right" 还有一些固定搭配:- All right:表示同意、没问题,常用于口语中。- Right away:马上、立刻。- Right now:现在、立刻。- Right on:表示赞同、支持,常用于口语中。- Right off the bat:立刻、马上,常用于口语中。- Right of way:通行权,常用于交通领域。总之,"right" 是一个非常常用的单词,可以用于各种场合,具有多种含义和用法。熟练掌握它的用法,有助于提升英语表达能力。
2023-07-08 03:33:191


选A on the right 在右边 on one"s right 在某人的右边 如 on Tom"s right on the right of ... 在某物的右边 如 on the right of the house. 总之,“左、右”前面加介词on,固定用法 而且,“左、右”前面必须有定冠词the 再问: 谢谢你,能不能再帮我解决几道英语题??
2023-07-08 03:34:021


all right . right now
2023-07-08 03:34:092

right,not wrong是哪英文个单词的解释

您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. right:adj.正确的;直接的;右方的;vi.复正;恢复平稳;n.正确;右边;正义;adv.正确地;恰当地;彻底地;vt.纠正 right now 就是现在,马上 all right 好;顺利;正确的 property right 产权 right away 立刻 right hand 右手;得力助手 in the right 正确;有理;站在正义的一边 of right 按照法律 on the right 在右边,在右侧 right here 就是这里 right on [俚]好极了(表示支持、鼓励);你说得对 have the right to 有权做… to the right 向右;在…右边 right time 恰好时机 right or wrong adv.不管如何 right side n.正面 right up 一直等到,直到 turn right v.向右转 that"s right 就是那样 reserve the right 保留权利 right after 就在…之后;刚好在…之后 all right令人满意的;可以;好;行 property right[法] 财产权;产权;[法] 财产所有权;[法] 产权论 right trapezoid直角梯形;度角梯型 new right新右派;新右翼;新右派思潮;新 Right Split右三分 Right Place正确的地点;适当的地点;恰当的地点;恰好地点 Right Quantity正确的数量;适当的数量;恰当的数量;合适的数量 right bridge正交桥;正桥 preferential right优先权 not wrong:没有错 Not Demonstrably Wrong不毫无根据地错误 Should Not Be Wrong千万不能写错 Would Not Be Wrong就不会有错 Not Both Wrong这样也不错 Not even wrong非关对错;连错误都不如 Not Be Wrong也不会有错 Not Only Wrong People不但不当人 Not To Wrong Topic不要看错题目 can not be wrong错不了 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.
2023-07-08 03:34:161


about right 合适地 厉害地,重重地all right好,圆满,确实All"s right.万事顺利; 一切都好.be in the right 站在正义与真理一边bear to the right 向右转,走右边一条路bring to rights 整理,整顿; 使就绪,使妥善 恢复精力,治好put to rights 整理,整顿; 使就绪,使妥善 恢复精力,治好set to rights 整理,整顿; 使就绪,使妥善 恢复精力,治好by right(s) 公正地; 正当地by right of 凭借...(权利); 由于...claim one"s right 要求行使自己的权力do sb.right 公平对待某人do rights 给某人以应得的惩处get right 恢复正常get sth.right 确实了解某事; 使恢复正常have a right 有资格...,有权...have the right 有资格...,有权 right of sb.依仗某人的头衔[权利等]in one"s own right 凭本身的头衔[资格、质量]It serves sb.right.某人罪有应得.Miss Right [口]理想中的未来妻子Mr.Right [口]理想中的未来丈夫put [set] sth.[sb.] right 使恢复正常[健康]; 改正,纠正put oneself right 说明自己的正确立场[真正用意]put oneself right with sb.同某人和好相处 在某人面前表白自己set oneself right with sb.同某人和好相处 在某人面前表白自己put rights 使某事物恢复正常[有秩序]; 使一切就绪set rights 使某事物恢复正常[有秩序]; 使一切就绪send the right about 一口谢绝,拒绝(某人)She"ll be right.[澳口]行; 可以; 对; 好stand on one"s rights 坚持自己的权利assert one"s rights 坚持自己的权利Too (bloody)right![口]好极了!当然!right along 继续地,不断地; 顺利地rights and wrongs 事实真相right and left 向[从]左右两边 到处,四面八方right away立刻right off 立刻right enough 果真,确实right itself (船)恢复平稳right now在此时; 刚刚right of way 通行权,优先通行权right on 对啊 老于世故right or wrong 不管对不对; 不管怎样right oneself 辨明; 表白; 纠正; 恢复正常Right oh![英俚](表示同意)(你做得或说得)对!行!好!right out 明白地,坦率地right straight [美]即刻Right you are!(=R-oh!) [口]好吧!行!是啦!
2023-07-08 03:34:231

请教一个词组 go right on doing ?

2023-07-08 03:34:331


2023-07-08 03:34:503


about right 合适地 厉害地, 重重地all right好, 圆满, 确实All"s right. 万事顺利; 一切都好。be in the right 站在正义与真理一边bear to the right 向右转, 走右边一条路bring to rights 整理, 整顿; 使就绪, 使妥善 恢复精力, 治好put to rights 整理, 整顿; 使就绪, 使妥善 恢复精力, 治好set to rights 整理, 整顿; 使就绪, 使妥善 恢复精力, 治好by right(s) 公正地; 正当地by right of 凭借...(权利); 由于...claim one"s right 要求行使自己的权力do sb. right 公平对待某人do sb. to rights 给某人以应得的惩处get right 恢复正常get sth. right 确实了解某事; 使恢复正常have a right 有资格..., 有权...have the right 有资格..., 有权 right of sb. 依仗某人的头衔[权利等]in one"s own right 凭本身的头衔[资格、质量]It serves sb. right. 某人罪有应得。Miss Right [口]理想中的未来妻子Mr. Right [口]理想中的未来丈夫put [set] sth. [sb.] right 使恢复正常[健康]; 改正, 纠正put oneself right 说明自己的正确立场[真正用意]put oneself right with sb. 同某人和好相处 在某人面前表白自己set oneself right with sb. 同某人和好相处 在某人面前表白自己put sth. to rights 使某事物恢复正常[有秩序]; 使一切就绪set sth. to rights 使某事物恢复正常[有秩序]; 使一切就绪send sb. to the right about 一口谢绝, 拒绝(某人)She"ll be right. [澳口]行; 可以; 对; 好stand on one"s rights 坚持自己的权利assert one"s rights 坚持自己的权利Too (bloody)right! [口]好极了!当然!right along 继续地, 不断地; 顺利地rights and wrongs 事实真相right and left 向[从]左右两边 到处, 四面八方right away立刻right off 立刻right enough 令人满意的 果真, 确实right itself (船)恢复平稳right now在此时; 刚刚right of way 通行权, 优先通行权right on 对啊 老于世故right or wrong 不管对不对; 不管怎样right oneself 辨明; 表白; 纠正; 恢复正常Right oh! [英俚](表示同意)(你做得或说得)对! 行! 好!right out 明白地, 坦率地right straight [美]即刻Right you are! (=R-oh!) [口]好吧! 行! 是啦!
2023-07-08 03:34:591

on right和on the right的区别

2023-07-08 03:35:191


不填)next Tuesday 不填 tomorrow ( 不填)tonight start(with ) (on )the right on the right( of)
2023-07-08 03:35:281

Right On Time 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌名:Right On Time歌手:BOYZ II MEN(Honey, come hereI wanna show you somethingYou know it. Listen)Been away thirty days, now I"m homeAnd I"m here to stayI"ve been thinking things have been goneBut you already know cause I told you on the telephoneI remember your fingers, do you remember my handWe"d hold as we could, cause that"s all we canWhen we"re apart, you got my heartBut when we"re together, you have all of me babyUhh, I got youUhh, you"re mineUhh, we"re at ritualYour love is right on timeStop, stay where you areComing to youAll those things we talked about babyI wanna do to youSo take off your clothesLeave the other door openBut keep on your shoesOne leg upon the tableOn your backLook at me and smileCause you know what I"m about to doBabyThis is so good I knowI know it feels rightI wish this thing could last foreverOh yesWhat you can standCause my eyes thought awayhttp://music.b***.com/song/8284124
2023-07-08 03:35:341


2023-07-08 03:35:443


Dashing thrugh
2023-07-08 03:35:545

Right On Time 歌词

歌名:Right On Time歌手:BOYZ II MEN(Honey, come hereI wanna show you somethingYou know it. Listen)Been away thirty days, now I"m homeAnd I"m here to stayI"ve been thinking things have been goneBut you already know cause I told you on the telephoneI remember your fingers, do you remember my handWe"d hold as we could, cause that"s all we canWhen we"re apart, you got my heartBut when we"re together, you have all of me babyUhh, I got youUhh, you"re mineUhh, we"re at ritualYour love is right on timeStop, stay where you areComing to youAll those things we talked about babyI wanna do to youSo take off your clothesLeave the other door openBut keep on your shoesOne leg upon the tableOn your backLook at me and smileCause you know what I"m about to doBabyThis is so good I knowI know it feels rightI wish this thing could last foreverOh yesWhat you can standCause my eyes thought away
2023-07-08 03:36:191