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2023-07-08 10:15:38
TAG: 单词 关于

allergic adj.过敏的,反感的 [例]I"m allergic to rainy weather which makes outdoor activities impossible. 我讨厌下雨,下雨天无法做户外运动。 breeze n.微风 [拓]a gentle breeze微风,和风 a refreshing cool breeze使人感到凉爽的微风. [例]A breeze ruffled the lake一阵微风使湖水波光粼粼。 chilly adj.寒冷的 [例]The day drew to a chilly close.天渐渐暗一来,颇有些凉意。 climate n.气候;风土 [拓]desert climate荒漠气候 g drippy climate多雨的气候 oceanic climate海洋气候 Mediterranean climate地中海气候. mild climate温和的气候 continental climate大陆性气候 temperate climate温带气候 hostile climate 恶劣的气候 . [例]He is used to the soft climate of the south.他习惯于南方温暖的。 cloud n.云. [例]The cloud gradually cleared away,and we"ve got a bright day. 云渐渐地散去,天又晴了。 continental adj.大陆的,大陆性的 damp adj.潮湿的 n.湿气 [例]It"s cold and damp.I think it"s going to rain. 空气又冷又潮,我看是要下雨了。 dew n.露水 [例]The grass was wet with dew.草被露水打湿了。 downpour n.倾盆大雨 [例]The wind changed round suddenly last night and brought with it a heavy lown pour. 昨晚风向突然变了,随之而来的是一场倾盆大雨。 drizzle n.细雨 v.下毛毛雨 [例]Gloomy drizzle comes down like smoke.细雨如烟。 drought n.干旱 [例]The lake ran dry during the drought.干旱时期湖水干涸。 fog n.雾,烟雾,尘雾 [拓]a foggy morning雾蒙蒙的早晨 [例]The foggy air was full of chill menace.浓雾弥漫,寒意侵人。 以上是由深圳环球雅思为您整理的关于气候的雅思常用单词例句的全部内容。



climate音标为:英[u02c8klau026amu0259t]、美[u02c8klau026amu0259t]。climate,英语单词,名词,意思是“气候;风气;思潮;风土”。短语搭配:Urban climate [气候]城市气候;都市气候;都会气候;城市候。Climate classification 气候分类;候区划;气候分区。forest climate [气候][林]森林气候;林地气候;林木气候;林业气候。双语例句:1、How do you like the climate here?你觉得这里的气候如何?2、What should we do about climate change?面对气候变化,我们应当做什么?3、What kinds of climate do you like best? Why?你最喜欢什么样的气候呢?为什么?
2023-07-08 02:28:221


climatex09[英]u02c8klau026amu0259t [美]u02c8klau026amu026at n.x09气候;氛围;状况;局势 [例句]Even those relationships can be jeopardized by fluctuations in the political climate. 但这种关系同样会因为政局气候的变迁而受到威胁.
2023-07-08 02:29:111


2023-07-08 02:29:196


2023-07-08 02:29:481


相信很多司机都不知道climate是什么意思,就连修车或者4s店的销售人员都不知道。毕竟没有研究,车上很多按钮都不会用。这个按钮是智能空调气候控制系统,还是很好用的。 climate是智能空调控制系统虽然很多人不知道climate是什么意思,但根据说明书,可以猜测是智能空调气候控制的意思,大致意思是结合GPS信息、时间、行驶方向、日照方向等信息来控制空调各个小区的温度和风量。根据书上的解释,climate是a 智能空调,可以对车内空气进行降温、加热、通风、净化,也可以分区管理,根据车内情况进行调整,就像现在很多车辆前后排有温差一样,但是climate可以很多人会想,这climate不是和AUTO一样的功能吗?只要打开车内空调,climate就能起到调节作用,而AUTO实际上主要控制风量和风速,但climate是分区智能综合调节。climate一般出现在高档车中,四驱可调,每个区域都可以设置自己的温度。这个功能就像在车外有一个日照传感器和车外温度传感器,可以根据温度自动调节功率。 climate就像一个空调智能的管家。只需打开climate并设定你想要的温度,它就会根据外界的温差和你设定的温度自动制冷或制热,让你拥有更舒适的驾驶体验。
2023-07-08 02:30:251


一、详细释义: , n. , 气候 [U,C] , 例句: ,siberian villages present a cheerful image in defiance of the harsh climate.,西伯利亚农村尽管气候严寒,却呈现令人欢悦的景象。, 例句: ,He could not stand the terrible English climate.,他忍受不了糟糕的英国气候。, 风土;气候区 [C] , 例句: ,The general climate in the source area was cool and dry and characterized by the plateau cold climate.,河源区的气候总体凉干,属于高原的高寒气候。, 例句: ,She is not used to living in a cold climate.,她不习惯寒带生活。, 倾向;思潮;风气;气氛 [C] , 例句: ,After the revolution, the climate of the country remained tense.,革命以后,那个国家的气氛依然紧张。, 例句: ,Given the religious climate in Spain during the 17th century, painting nude women was not a mon occupation for artists.,17世纪的西班牙笼罩在宗教气氛中,画女性人体并不是艺术家通常的工作。, 二、词义辨析: , climate,weather ,这两个名词都有“天气、气候”之意。climate指某一地区常年的气候情况,包括气温、降雨量。还可用作比喻。weather指某地区具体的短时间内的天气,包括晴雨寒暖等情况。, 三、参考例句: ,Britain has a temperate climate.,英国气候温和。,The climate affected his health.,气候影响了他的健康。,The climate here is rigorous.,这里的天气很严酷。,The climate is very pleasant.,气候非常宜人。,The climate moulded his character.,气候影响了他的性格。,The economic climate remains uncertain.,经济气候依然是不确定。,Climate change is a fact.,气候变化已成为事实。,The climate there is tropical.,那里是热带气候。,Perhaps he is a climate sceptic.,或许他是一名气候变化怀疑论者。,The climate is mild in England.,英国气候温和。
2023-07-08 02:30:311


2023-07-08 02:30:414


2023-07-08 02:31:521


2023-07-08 02:31:581


2023-07-08 02:32:062

climate 和 weather的区别

weather和climateweather 意为“天气”,为不可数名词,不能在前面加不定冠词,如我们只能说in such fine weather ,而不能说in such a fine weather.如:The weather has changed.天气变了.【注意】weather前虽不可加不定冠词,但在表示“各种各样的天气”,或“不论哪种天气”时,weather用复数.如:She goes out in all 指某特定地区在一定时间的气象情况.climate 指一般比较长的时间,如一季的天气状况.A drier climate would be good for her health.气候干燥的地区会对他的健康有益.
2023-07-08 02:32:261


2023-07-08 02:32:3410


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2023-07-08 02:33:281


一、读音:英 ['klau026amu0259t]     美 ['klau026amu0259t]二、意思是:n. 气候;风气三、词汇搭配:climate canary 气候金丝雀;climate porn 气候煽情四、例句:Britain has a temperate climate.英国气候温和。扩展资料词汇辨析:climate, weather这两个词的区别在于:1.weather指某地某天的具体天气情况,如阴晴、降水、气温、风力、风向等; climate指某一地区总的气候情况,如干旱、湿润、温度、凉爽等。例如:The weather looks promising.天气看起来有晴朗的希望。The climate of China is mild.中国的气候温和。2.climate(气候)变化不大; 而weather(天气)变化较大。
2023-07-08 02:33:486

weather 与 climate 的区别在何处?

weather指的是具体的天气状况,例如晴天,阴雨,暴雪等。climate 指的是一地的总体气候情况或者特点。例如:中国南方的climate (气候)是潮湿多雨的。
2023-07-08 02:34:494


2023-07-08 02:35:204

一个英语单词 climate 气候是可数的还是不可数的,具体的例句给我找几句, unhealthy diet of fast foods; an unhealthy climate 不利于健康的快餐;不利于健康的气候 来源: 2.He likes to live where the climate is warm. 他喜欢住在气候暖和的地方. 来源: 3.influenced by the soil rather than by the climate 受土壤影响而不受气候影响的 来源: 4.Is the climate tropical or subtropical in your hometown? 你的家乡属热带气候还是亚热带气候? 来源: 5.I have not used to this maritime climate yet. 我到现在还不习惯这里的海洋性气候. 来源: 6.Soil that had been indurated by extremes of climate. 因气候的极端变化而变硬的土壤 来源: 7.Some plants will not seed in a cold climate. 有些植物在寒冷的气候条件下不能结果实. 来源: 8.The climate here is just right for plantingr ice. 这里的气候恰好宜于种植水稻. 来源: 9.The climate here is just right for planting rice. 这里的气候恰好宜于种植水稻. 来源: 10.The climate in the July is very ardent here. 这里七月中的气候是非常热的. 来源:
2023-07-08 02:35:351


2023-07-08 02:35:441

climate 还是weather?(英语语法

要用weather因为你已经提到了极端天气,而weather就是天气的意思。我们来看下这2个词的区别:weather意为“天气”,指某特定地区在一定时间的气象情况。为不可数名词,不能在前面加不定冠词,如我们只能说in such fine weather , 而不能说in such a fine weather。如:The weather has changed. 天气变了。而climate意为“气候” 指一个地方一般比较长的时间的天气状况,如一季的天气状况。所以极端高温,暴雨,冰冻,洪水,这些都是短时间内发生的天气现象,所以用weather
2023-07-08 02:35:511


climate_百度翻译climate 英[u02c8klau026amu0259t]美[u02c8klau026amu026at]n. 气候; 氛围; 状况; 局势;[例句]The economic climate remains uncertain.经济形势依然不确定。[其他] 复数:climates双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义
2023-07-08 02:35:591


2023-07-08 02:36:062


climate 这单词是不可数名词,但前面用an不表示“一个”,而表示“一种”.又如:a rain一阵雨;而不是“一个雨”
2023-07-08 02:36:131


2023-07-08 02:36:311

changeable climate 的作文

Evidence is gathering that human activities are changing the climate. This "climate change" could have a huge impact on our lives. The following tutorial will tell you the facts about climate change, and what effects a change in climate will have on our lives. Global temperatures have risen by 0.6 degrees Celsius in the last 130 years. This rise in global temperatures leads to huge impacts on a wide range of climate related factors. Levels of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide gases are rising, mainly as a result of human activities. Carbon dioxide is being dumped in the atmosphere at an alarming rate. Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have been pumping out huge quantities of carbon dioxide, raising carbon dioxide concentrations by 30%. The burning of fossil fuels is partly responsible for this huge increase. This graph shows carbon dioxide emissions increasing over the last 130 years. You can see that the rate of increase is huge. Methane levels in the atmosphere have increased by 145% since the Industrial Revolution. This increase is a result of gas produced by livestock and paddy fields.There are some uncertainties as to what effects a change in climate might have on the earth. To predict what might happen, we first need to start by understanding how the increase in gases such as carbon dioxide and methane affect our climate. The diagrams below show the effects of these gases on our atmosphere. Below are some predictions of what might happen to the earth if subjected to a change in climate. The changes may be: a rise in global sea levelsa change in vegetation zonesan increase in disease levelsa change in ecosystems In 1998, 46 million people live in areas at risk of flooding (BBC News, 1997). This amount could increase rapidly if sea levels rose. Scientists estimate that a sea rise of only 50 centimetres would increase the number of people at risk to 92 million. A sea level rise of 1 metre would put 118 million people at risk. Scientists believe that there will be a sea level rise of 50 centimetres over the next 40 to 100 years. Ecosystems could be affected by a change in temperature. It has been predicted that an increase in temperature would affect species composition. Scientists also believe that up to two thirds of the world"s forests would undergo major changes. Scientists believe that deserts would become hotter, and desertification would extend and become harder to reverse. Detailed studies are undertaken in the UK to see how climate change is affecting humans, agriculture, vegetation, the ozone layer, hydrology, invertebrates, marine life, forests, birds, and the freshwater environment. You can click on the button below to see how these indicators are changing as the climate is changing. All these changes could occur if we carry on polluting the atmosphere with gases. There are many things we as individuals can do to help slow down any increase in global temperatures. If we cut down on the amount of carbon dioxide we use, the rate of climate change will slow down. One way we can cut down on the amount of carbon dioxide we use is by making less car journeys. How often do you get a lift to school when you could easily have walked? Could you share a lift with a friend so only one car would need to be used? These small differences count. We could also use less carbon dioxide by using better insulation in our homes. This would lessen the need to burn fossil fuels such as coal and oil that give off carbon dioxide. We could also switch to using renewable sources of energy such as wind or solar power.
2023-07-08 02:36:382


2023-07-08 02:36:464


那是气候调节按键,其中包含 座椅加热和空调出风方向等等
2023-07-08 02:36:563

climatic change和climate change的区别

2023-07-08 02:37:031


两个音节。climate[ˈklaɪ/mət]“/”前面一个音节,后面一个音节。释义:n. 气候;氛围;状况;局势
2023-07-08 02:37:231


2023-07-08 02:37:301


气候的字面意思是“气候、大气、条件、形势”。如果汽车有气候按钮,一般是在空音调控制面板,也就是智能空音调气候控制系统的按钮。气候按钮感觉有点像汽车的auto 空开关。汽车空会根据GPS、时间、行驶方向、日照方向等信息,全面智能地调节空各个小区的温度和风量。即会根据外界温度和设定温度自动调节,创造更舒适的驾驶体验。 有些人可能会发现点击气候按钮空没有反应。事实上,气候按钮会在车辆启动前自动启动。例如,在远程启动发动机后,将自动启动空气候控制系统: 1.当车外很冷时 除雾器在适当的温度下启动,如果车辆装备了车门后视镜加热器和座椅加热器,除雾器也会自动启动。 2.当车外很热的时候。 激活自动空内部环路模式。 汽车常用英文钥匙的意思是: “SEL ”就是菜单选择确认按钮,一般在多功能方向盘上。 “OK ”还有“SEL ”钥匙的功能完全一样,只是有些车“SEL ”有些汽车使用“OK ”。 “a/C ”;按钮是压缩机开关,全称是空调,也就是空调制冷开关,因为汽车空不能用压缩机制热。 “VOL+/-”;是调节音量增减的按钮,vol是单词“音量”缩写,翻译过来就是音量,可以调节汽车音响的音量。 “静音”是静音键,可以一键静音。 “MODE ”这是开关模式按钮。 “设置”多功能方向盘上有巡航控制功能按钮。 @2019
2023-07-08 02:37:371

climate怎么读 climate的意思

1、climate的读音:英[u02c8klau026amu0259t],美[u02c8klau026amu0259t] 2、n.气候; 气候区; 倾向; 思潮; 风气; 环境气氛; 3、[例句]It is difficult to find work in the present economic climate.在目前这种经济大气候下很难找到工作。 4、复数:climates
2023-07-08 02:38:301


climate [英]u02c8klau026amu0259t [美]u02c8klau026amu026at n. 气候;氛围;状况;局势 [例句]An example is climate change.气候变化就是一个例子。
2023-07-08 02:38:371


climate [英]u02c8klau026amu0259t [美]u02c8klau026amu026at n. 气候;氛围;状况;局势 [例句]Even those relationships can be jeopardized by fluctuations in the political climate.但这种关系同样会因为政局气候的变迁而受到威胁n.(名词)气候,气候条件风气;思潮趋势,倾向风土气氛,环境气氛具有某种气候的区域;气候区水土态度形势,情况民意状况社会趋势查看更多v.(动词)使...适应新环境这两个词的区别在于:1.weather指某地某天的具体天气情况,如阴晴、降水、气温、风力、风向等; climate指某一地区总的气候情况,如干旱、湿润、温度、凉爽等。例如:The weather looks promising.天气看起来有晴朗的希望。The climate of China is mild.中国的气候温和。2.climate(气候)变化不大; 而weather(天气)变化较大。用作名词 (n.)Britain has a temperate climate.英国气候温和。The small city has the climate that is changeable in the extreme.这座小城有变化多端的气候。
2023-07-08 02:38:441


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2023-07-08 02:40:161


weather和climateweather 意为“天气”,为不可数名词,不能在前面加不定冠词,如我们只能说in such fine weather , 而不能说in such a fine weather。如:The weather has changed. 天气变了。【注意】weather前虽不可加不定冠词,但在表示“各种各样的天气”,或“不论哪种天气”时,weather用复数。如:She goes out in all 指某特定地区在一定时间的气象情况。climate 指一般比较长的时间,如一季的天气状况。A drier climate would be good for her health.气候干燥的地区会对他的健康有益。
2023-07-08 02:40:231


2023-07-08 02:40:301


2023-07-08 02:40:461


气候英语:climate读音:英[u02c8klau026amu0259t] 美[u02c8klau026amu0259t]词典释义:1.climate n.气候;气候区;倾向;思潮;风气;环境气氛 n.天气,气象;气象预报;恶劣天气,刮风(天气),暴雨(天气);潮湿的冷空气;<海>上风面,向风侧3.season n.季;季节;(热带地区的)旱 / 雨季;(一年中开展某项活动的)季节,旺季;演出期,上演期;流行期4.situation n.情况;状况;形势;局中中释义:气候[qì hòu](1) [season]∶指一年的二十四节气与七十二侯。亦泛指时令气候今年晚,浓霜始此回。--宋. 陆游《园中书触目》(2) [climate](3) 给定地区的天气状况和天气发展所示的变动着的大气状态一宫之内而气候不齐。--唐. 杜牧《阿房宫赋》(4) 一个团体或一个时期流行的倾向或环境条件(5) [successful development]∶比喻结果或成就例句:1.这在经济气候已经改变的条件下是不可能的。This will not be possible in the changed economic climate. 2.气候变化很大程度上仍是一个争论的话题。Climate change is still very much a subject for debate. 3.这些毛料西服不是为炎热气候下穿着的。These woollen suits are not designed for wear in hot climates. 4.在目前的经济气候下,很少有企业兴旺发达。Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate. 5.在目前这种经济大气候下很难找到工作。It is difficult to find work in the present economic climate. 6.温暖的气候对多种热带植物生长有利。The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants. 7.你会很快习惯这儿的气候的。You"ll soon get used to the climate here.
2023-07-08 02:40:531


2023-07-08 02:41:142


climate表示“气候”时,是不可数名词,表示“气氛”时,是可数名词。 例句: The economic climate remains uncertain. 经济气候依然是不确定。 The area is famous for its very mild winter climate. 这个地区以其非常温暖的冬季气候而闻名。 扩展资料   You"ll soon get used to the climate here.   你会很快习惯这儿的"气候的。   They enjoyed an especially benign climate.   他们那里的气候十分宜人。   Her health was adversely affected by the climate.   那种气候损害了她的健康。   As the climate warms (up) the ice caps will melt.   随着气候变暖,冰盖将融化。
2023-07-08 02:41:211


2023-07-08 02:41:291

climate怎么读音 climate英语怎么读

1、英 [klau026amu0259t] 美 [klau026amu0259t] 2、climate,英语单词,名词,意思是“气候;风气;思潮;风土”。 3、How do you like the climate here?你觉得这里的气候如何? 4、What should we do about climate change?面对气候变化,我们应当做什么?
2023-07-08 02:41:351


Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives 气候和天气影响着我们生活的方方面面。The climate is very dry in the desert area. 沙漠地区气候很干燥
2023-07-08 02:41:422

climate 和 weather的区别

climate 气候weather 天气
2023-07-08 02:42:032


既是可数也是不可数,具体要看实际表达的意思。climate当气候讲时,可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。climate指某一地区常年的气候情况,包括气温、降雨量。还可用作比喻。 Climate的例句 Britain has a temperate climate. 英国气候温和。 The climate affected his health. 气候影响了他的健康。 The climate here is rigorous. 这里的天气很严酷。 The climate is very pleasant. 气候非常宜人。 The climate moulded his character. 气候影响了他的性格。 The economic climate remains uncertain. 经济气候依然是不确定。 Climate change is a fact. 气候变化已成为事实。 The climate there is tropical. 那里是热带气候。 Perhaps he is a climate sceptic. 或许他是一名气候变化怀疑论者。
2023-07-08 02:42:111