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2023-07-08 02:11:04








honest英 [u02c8u0252nu026ast] 美 [u02c8ɑ:nu026ast] adj. 诚实的;老实的;坦诚的;辛勤挣得的
2023-07-08 01:48:381


2023-07-08 01:48:469


2023-07-08 01:49:261


2023-07-08 01:49:342


2023-07-08 01:49:449


itself men"s carefully hottest noisy well fishing across going herself education homeless activities enemies waiting
2023-07-08 01:50:103


2023-07-08 01:50:181


1.small( smaller ) ( the smallest )2.short( shorter ) ( the shortest )3.tall ( taller ) ( the tallest )4.young ( younger ) ( the youngest )5.light ( light ) ( the lightest )6.low ( lower ) ( the lowest )7.high ( higher ) ( the highest )8.thin ( thiner ) ( the thinest ) ( hoter ) ( the hotest )10.late ( later ) ( the latest )11.nice ( nicer ) ( the nicest )12.large ( larger ) ( the largest )13.heavy ( heavier ) ( the heaviest )14.busy ( busier ) ( the busiest )15.slowly ( slowlier ) ( the slowlier )16.pretty ( prettier ) ( the prettier )17.far ( farther ) ( furthest )18.many/much ( more ) ( most )根据句意填入单词的正确形式My brother is two years___older__(old)than me.Is your sister__younger__(young) than you?Yes,she is.Who is __thiner___(thin),you or Helen?Helen is.Whose pencil-box is__biger___(big),yours or hers?Hers is.Ben jumps __higher___ (high)than some of the boys in his class.Does Nancy sing ___better__ (well) than Helen? Yes,she does.My eyes are __biger___ (big) than hers.Which is __heavier___ (heavy), Tim or Tom?Do the girls get up __earlier___ (early) than the boys? No,they_don"t____Jim runs _slow____ (slow).But Ben runs _slower____ (slow) .
2023-07-08 01:50:285


Basketball is one of the hotest sports at present,and its inventer is a person whom is called James Naismith.Now it"s well-known for NBA in the sport of basketball.In china,Yao has ever been intoed NBA,Yi jianlian too.
2023-07-08 01:50:431


1. 英语作文5月有什么节日 May Day is one of tradition holidays for our country. I made the plan of the holiday:I will do my English homework in the morning of May 1st ,in the afternoon I will listen to music, on May 2nd I will write the homework。 Labor"s Day is on May 1st. Labor"s Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor"s Day is workers" holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart"s content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home。.。 2. 你喜欢你什么季节 My favourite season is spring.In spring the plants grow and grow. The flowers bloom and bloom.The weather is warm.We can go outside and have a picnic in the park.We will find that everything is beautiful. How nice spring is! I like it.。 3. 《五一干什么》英语作文(五年级,100字)带翻译 May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor"s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let"s go to park,” So my mother, my clas *** ate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It"s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful. In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on. May Day is my favorite day! 4. 70字的英语作文(五一干什么) On May Day, because we have three days" vacation. I will travel to Beijing with my parents. Beijing is the capital of China, it has many places of interest,such as, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven,and Summer Palace,etc. Also, it has many delicious food,for example,the Peking Duck,sugar gourd。。I like them very much, I hope I can enjoy my journey. 在5月的一天,因为我们有三天的假期。我将前往北京与我的父母。北京是中国的首都,它有许多地方的利益,例如,长城,紫禁城,天坛和颐和园,等,同时,举例来说,有许多美味的食品,北京烤鸭,糖葫芦。。我非常喜欢它们,我希望我可以享受我的旅程。 5. 写一篇英语小作文,内容可以是你最喜欢的月份,在这个月份里可以 我最喜欢的月份(my favourite month) Last week the teacher asked me which month is my favourite in the year。i think it"s july and auguest although they r the hotest months in the year. i dont need to wear too much. then i wil be not look like a bear as in winter. i also like them cos i can have my long long summer holidays during that time before. i can have the happy time with my sister. but now the holidays will never been given. just working working。only have 15 days leave each year. but many of my friends think that i should cry content with it. 15 is so many for them. i often spend my anuual leave on march, coz it"s a low season for travel. ar。back to the topic。the third reason i like them, i can tuck in ice-cream, especially the red bean ice mountain。haha。.so cooooooool。that"s all what i can bethink.
2023-07-08 01:50:521

The hottest planet is the first planets. The earth is one of the hotest planets.

2023-07-08 01:51:003


联想乐商店 安卓手机游戏免费下载
2023-07-08 01:51:212


Last week the teacher asked me which month is my favourite in the year...i think it"s july and auguest although they r the hotest months in the year. i dont need to wear too much. then i wil be not look like a bear as in winter. i also like them cos i can have my long long summer holidays during that time before. i can have the happy time with my sister. but now the holidays will never been given. just working working...only have 15 days leave each year. but many of my friends think that i should cry content with it. 15 is so many for them. i often spend my anuual leave on march, coz it"s a low season for travel. ar...back to the topic...the third reason i like them, i can tuck in ice-cream, especially the red bean ice ol...that"s all what i can bethink
2023-07-08 01:51:361


英国女生物化学家,生于开罗,1964年获诺贝尔化学奖。 基本介绍 中文名 :多萝西·克劳福特·霍奇金 外文名 :DorothyCrowfootHodgkinOM 国籍 :英国 职业 :生物化学家 简介,人生历程,2.1独特的父母,2.2吵闹的童年,2.3惊人的事件,卓越成就,多彩人生, 简介 多罗西·克劳福特·霍奇金(DorothyCrowfootHodgkinOM,1910年5月12日-1994年7月29日)结婚前名为多罗西·玛丽·克劳福特(DorothyMaryCrowfoot)英国的化学家。由于通过X射线分析出分子构造而于1964年获奖诺贝尔化学奖。1965年获得英国功绩勋章。 人生历程 2.1独特的父母 英格兰东部有许多姓克劳福特的人家,他们可能是威金(Viking,北欧海盗,公元10世纪及以前多次入不列颠,今英格兰及苏格兰人有其部分血统)入侵者的后代。打从十八世纪起,霍奇金父亲那一家族的长子,就差不多世代在贝克尔斯行医。这是一个繁荣的小镇,离英格兰海岸线最东端只有几英里。家族里的幼子们当牧师差不多也成为一个传统。霍奇金的祖父约翰·亨其曼·克劳福特(JohnHenchmanCrowfoot)生于1841年,在牛津学古典学,后来从事神职,作为传教士去了印度。他在那里得了病,回家来休养。在康复的过程中,他结识了玛丽·贝利(MaryBayly),同她结婚,痊愈后又回到他的职位上去。他是英国国教高教会派运动(高教会派是英国国教一个保守教派,虽不受教皇节制,但主张承袭天主教传统,推崇教会地位)的一员,1873年他们的第一个孩子约翰·温特·克劳福特(JohnWinterCrowfoot)出生时,他正做着牛津郡威金顿(Wigginton)乡村教区的教区长。此后不久,女儿玛格丽特(Magret)和梅(May)相继出生。后来他受林肯郡主教主教爱德华·金(EdwardKing)之邀,到林肯大教堂担任教士,负责教授神学。那里是国教高教会派的中心,全家因此搬到林肯。克劳福特教士后来升为教堂的副主教,并在这个位置上做到退休。 多萝西父亲和祖父一样,也在牛津学习古典学,是布雷齐诺斯(Brasenose)学院的高材生,在1896年毕业时得到高级休姆奖学金(HulmeScholarship)。这使他能花上几个月去游览希腊、赛普勒斯和小亚细亚(今土耳其),同艺术史家约瑟夫·斯特雷高斯基(JosefStrygowski)一道发掘早期的基督教堂。他在朴素庄严的英格兰哥德式教堂建筑艺术中长大,觉得那复杂明快的拜占庭式嵌花设计十分新鲜。地中海东部的景色、声音和人也教他着迷,沉浸在衰亡中的奥斯曼帝国的文化里。 多萝西父亲在伦敦的一次舞会上遇到了格蕾丝·玛丽·胡德“人称茉莉”(GraceMaryHood,Molly)。茉莉生于1877年,父亲辛克莱·胡德(Sinclair)是林肯郡的一位乡绅,有一处不大的庄园,称为内特罕姆霍尔(NettlehamHall)。茉莉是6个孩子中最大的。这是一个惹人注目的家庭:人人都身材高挑,擅长运动。茉莉自己就高5英尺9寸(约1.75米)。她有4个弟弟,个个都生得十分英俊,很有才干。最大的弟弟爱德华(Edward)做了正规军的军官,伊沃(Ivo)从事神职,奥尔本(Alban)像母亲一样有音乐天才,最小的马丁(Martin)则进了海军。茉莉和妹妹多萝西(多莉)在家里受教育,曾在巴黎的一间女子进修学校念了一年的法语、音乐和绘画。茉莉喜欢乡间活动,比如骑着马带着猎狗去打猎,也爱音乐和舞蹈。她的背景使她足以嫁给一位乡绅做个贤妻。 约翰和茉莉于1909年7月结婚,隆重的婚礼由林肯郡主教在内特罕姆主持,这年他36岁,她32岁。结婚之后,两人立刻出发,同赴开罗。 2.2吵闹的童年 多萝西出生后的头4年里,一家人享受着典型的在世界各地管理著帝国前哨的英国侨民的生活。他们舒适地住在开罗,“住的地方可以看到金字塔”。仆人很容易雇到,这意味着他们有足够多的空闲用于社交和娱乐。那是一个由公务员和军官及其眷属组成的小社区,晚餐或聚会的客人可能有基奇纳勋爵本人。 根据当时的惯例,茉莉(多萝西母)从内特罕姆带来一位英国保姆内莉(Nelly),赶上了多萝西的出生。但琼出生后不久,她接受了一户埃及人家的提议(回忆录原文此句只有shetookupanotherofferfromanEgyptianfamily,根据大家自己猜吧--呵呵语)。多萝西童年剩下的日子里,她和妹妹们与双亲同住的时间从未超过连续几个月,且总要在长久的分离后才相聚一次。多萝西后来认为,这种分离导致的自立,是“她的独立精神的根源”。这是值得怀念的,尽管对于整个帝国许许多多参与行政、军事或商业事务的家庭来说,这样的分离决不罕见。约翰和茉莉·克劳福特并不是疏忽大意的家长,义务与经济需求使克劳福特留在苏丹,爱与义务将妻子留在他身边,而他们认为,孩子们待在英国,会得到最好的照顾。 1914-1918年的第一次世界大战多萝西母亲茉莉的4个弟弟在战斗中阵亡或者随后因受伤而死。这次经历使茉莉更加坚信她的坚强意志。这成为她的人格特点。母亲的榜样使多萝西学习,做一个被动的观察者是不够的。她在这样一种强烈的感觉中长大:个人能够并且应该努力改善人类的状况。不存私心、为生民奉献的责任感,这种清教徒般的理想,激励多萝西取得了后来的成功。 多罗西·玛丽·克劳福特(多罗西·克劳福特·霍奇金)是在一间小小的私人课堂里开始了她的科学生涯,这课堂里的孩子们,有着收入中等而观念独特的父母亲。来自安布尔赛德(Ambleside)的夏洛特·梅森(CharlotteMason)小姐创立了全国父母教育联合会(PNEU,其格言是“我是,我能,我应当,我愿意”),作为地方政府建立的学校之外的一种选择。联合会培训年轻女子做家庭教师,她们在租来的房子或私人住宅里给12岁以下的孩子上课。这套课程包括一个学期的物理和化学,而那时候多数国小教师能教的科学课至多不过是“自然”。多萝西在十岁上进了这样一个小课堂,上课地点在萨福克郡(Suffolk)贝克尔斯(Beles)的雷克托里(Rectory),老师是PNEU培训出来的弗莱彻(Fletcher)小姐。重要的事实是,她把霍奇金的注意力转向了化学。 设计这门课的改革派教育家,很明白实际的操作演示对抓住孩子们的想像力是多么重要。多萝西和同学们制取明矾和硫酸铜溶液,用来生长晶体。在此后的几天里,她们瞧着溶液慢慢蒸发,晶体逐渐显现,像珠宝一样有许多切面,闪耀着光芒。“我这一生为化学和晶体所俘虏”。 房子里有四间阁楼。后面最小的一间,是她的私人实验室。倾斜的屋顶,一扇小窗,角落的一张木橱里,搁着她的藏品:父亲发掘出来的罐子碎片,苏塞克斯唐斯(SussexDowns)的打火石,鸟蛋,冷杉的球果。桌上有一架试管,和其它一些化学器皿。瓶子里装着各种晶体、粉末和溶液,是她做实验用的。她屏住呼吸,把小小的酒精灯火焰里的白金丝转了一下,它的一端渐渐出现了一个彩色的珠子。她十一岁,那是1920年。尽管多萝西认为是那些光芒点燃了她对晶体毕生的热爱,使导火线烧着的条件其实早就准备好了。在那样的年代,对她那样出身的女孩,科学研究并不是一种寻常的选择。她的父母来自传统的小康家庭,俩人都重视学习与智力探索的价值,而看轻社会地位或规矩习俗。父亲和母亲——尤其是后者——的榜样使多萝西充满了一种炽烈的渴望,想要通过有系统的调查研究来找到问题的答案。她与晶体的初相遇,只是一个路标,把她指向了一条道路,她本来还可能选择许多其它的道路。 十五岁时,多萝西在一个学生平均年龄比她大一岁半的班里上课。1925年的暑期报告中,她的圣经、英语文学、英语写作、地理和绘画都是全班第一,代数第二,几何第三,三角学第四。但她在算术考试中犯了糟糕的错误,只得到第八。克里斯·迪利明白她在化学方面“总体上是优秀的”,但只把她排在全班14个人里的第9名。她的年级主任巴顿(Barton)小姐评价说:“多萝西愉快地把一年的学业完成得很好,每一方面都令人满意。但要用考试证明自己的能力,她还要努力做得更快些。” 只不过两年后,她就拿到了离校证书——进大学的通行证。据妹妹琼回忆,随着考期临近,多萝西越来越紧张。“她非常刻苦,如果作业做得不够完美,特别是数学,她就会哭起来。她做什么事都要先了解为什么做它,而大多数孩子学数学只是生搬硬套。”伊莉莎白记得有一次,多萝西坐在那里,脚泡在伦德尔盐(RendelSalt)里面——她生了严重的冻疮——因为数学而哭着。母亲说:“别哭了,我肯定这是对的。”多萝西立刻反驳说:“当然是对的,可我不明白为什么!” 1927年3月,多萝西得到了由牛津地区考试委员会签发的毕业证书,在圣经、艺术、英语和数学、化学科目上都通过了。(设计和装饰创作课的卷子要求她“以波斯风格为基础设计一个连续图案……连续部分是规则六边形,边长3英寸”)。有六门功课她得了优异(不过,没有化学),使她成为那年参加牛津地区考试的女孩子中总成绩最高的。这使她获得了一笔30镑的大奖。 拿到离校证书后,多萝西与母亲拜访了萨默维尔学院,想看看她迄今的教育是否足以参加明年的入学考试。结果让她们大吃一惊:所有投考牛津的学生必须要考拉丁文,而她从没学过这门课。萨默维尔学院还要求投考化学方向的考生参加一门以上的自然科学考试,对数学的要求也更高。 但多萝西还有时间,她还不足十七岁,而且父亲有不少学识丰富的朋友。将目标定在1928年入学,这样她就有一年的时间准备。勒曼学校的校长乔治·华生(GeorgeWaston),一个“什么课都能教”的家伙,答应教霍奇金学拉丁文。母亲教她植物学,拿这作为第二门科学课程;母亲在国外的时候,这方面就委托给邻居,退休前他曾是一所丹麦园艺学院的院长。洛斯托夫特(Lowestoft)的渔业研究所的隆比(Lumby)博士教她数学,勒曼学校一位上了伦敦大学的师兄从旁协助。 多萝西好友诺拉·珀西,上了一所家政学院。事实上她化学方面的成绩比多萝西还要好。 牛津入学考试临近时,她来了一封通情达理、略含妒意的信: 不要为3月份的考试担心,你一定会通过的,因为并没有多少女孩子能像你那样,在家里和在勒曼学校有那样的机会。一旦你开始用功,什么课目都会学得很好。也很少有女孩子能像你那样专注于什么事。不过你可不要骄傲自大,亲爱的,虽然你有自大的理由……你很幸运,可以真正地去读一个学位。我不认为我还会在这地方待两年以上,因为我有时感到无聊的要命。人们认为我非常刻苦,但我其实并不刻苦……我想学套用化学,而不是女红,但我不认为化学能像女红那样在经济方面对我有用,靠它来谋生,难道不是很奇怪吗? 诺拉的信表明了一个聪明女子被教著低估自己的能力与机会时,所感到的挫败(请不要小瞧女性)。悲哀的是,她在二十多岁时,因肺结核而去世,多萝西很是伤心。 多罗西在1928年3月参加入学考试,在索默维尔接受面试。面试官的记录是:“非常腼腆,看上去很虚弱。渴望做研究或社会工作。”随后多萝西被带去见马杰里·弗莱,她亲切的问到“有没有看见过长胡子的山雀”。多萝西困惑地回答说,格尔斯顿的花园里有长尾山雀。随后就一阵发窘,恐怕弗莱小姐会觉得她不知道两者的区别。(马杰里·弗莱晚年曾说,她平生有两大愿望,一样是看到长胡子的山雀,另一样是英国废止死刑。她没活到第二个愿望实现的时候,至于她是否见过长胡子的山雀,无据可查。) 多年的勤奋有了回报。霍奇金被索默维尔录取,1928年10月入学攻读化学专业。 2.3惊人的事件 浓硝酸滴在了一件新的绸裙的下摆上,弄出黄斑来。“我急坏了,用氨水去消,结果黄斑变成了褐色。我哭了起来,明白了在星期天穿着最好的衣服做这种实验是多么糟糕。”尽管茉莉有时也很严厉,但这次她只是安慰著女儿,答应给她用宽花边把斑点遮住。“明白自己是做了一个蛋白质的黄色试验(Xanthotest)”。另一次是“流了很多鼻血,想着这些血浪费了多么可惜,就用试管收集起来,用来做血卟啉”。 卓越成就 1928年霍奇金进入英国牛津大学萨默维尔学院学习化学,1932年到剑桥大学师从贝尔纳。贝尔纳善于使用X射线衍射分析技术来研究重要的复杂的有机分子。他团结了一批有朝气的科学家来研究特定的技术,在贝尔纳的小组里,霍奇金大概是最有天才的,她比贝尔纳更为专注(贝尔纳后来从事科学社会学和科学史学研究,写出了经典著作《科学的社会功能》)。当霍奇金开始她的研究时,晶体学是一门相对较新的科学。它是数学、物理和化学的交叉科学。就是在这个时期,霍奇金和贝尔纳记录了一个球型蛋白的第一个X射线衍射模型。1934年她回到牛津大学担任结晶化学助教。因为是个女性,她曾拒绝参加教员化学俱乐部的研究会议。后来,她的天才和坚韧赢得了学生和教师的信任。 1937年获得剑桥大学博士学位,并和托马斯·霍奇金先生结婚。霍奇金先生是一个非洲事务专家,他的父亲R.H.霍奇金后来担任牛津皇后学院教务长,他的堂兄A.L.霍奇金(A.L.Hodgkin)是1963年获得诺贝尔生理医学奖。1942年到1949年霍奇金夫人开始进行青霉素的结构分析。尽管有3个孩子和繁忙的生活,但她的恒心和天才产生了第一流的X射线分析结果。她的第一项主要成果是和查尔斯·布恩在1949年做出的,她发表了青霉素的三维结构。紧接着又发表了维生素B12(1956年)的结构和胰岛素的结构(1969年)。由于在维生素B12方面的工作,她获得了1964年诺贝尔化学奖。她是63年来化学领域第3位女性获奖者。1965年获得英国功绩勋章。她的研究促进了青霉素的大规模生产以及后来DNA结构的发现。 多彩人生 在生活中霍奇金夫人和蔼可亲,对每一个人都热情好客。这些人包括那些持不同政见的革命者、难民,以及她自己的学生、同事和朋友。多年来,霍奇金夫人和来自世界各国的几百位科学家一起工作过,创建了一个“国际联合家庭”。这个家庭成员包括英国25人,美国20人,澳大利亚10人,印度7人,加拿大6人,纽西兰6人,以及其他来自瑞典、瑞士、义大利、智利、纽几内亚、德国、荷兰、南斯拉夫、中国、日本、波兰、法国、奈及利亚和苏联的人。对这些学生和同事,她把多重角色(教师、母亲、朋友和指导者)完美地集于一身,努力帮助、指导和鼓励那些与她有联系的晶体学家和其他领域的科学家。 在政治上,她是世界和平和裁减军备的拥护者,是民族自由奋斗的强烈支持者,是第三世界发展的支持者,她热情帮助中国、加纳、印度等第三世界国家的科研。霍奇金夫人早在20世纪30年代就对中国有着深厚的感情。1959年她率英国科学家代表团赴北京参加中华人民共和国成立10周年庆典。至她去世前一年的1993年,她共8次访问中国。她在国际上首先宣布中国科学家破解了胰岛素结构。
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on rains best hardly month
2023-07-08 01:51:515


  你最喜欢的月份是哪一月呢?大家不妨写一篇 英语 作文 分享一下吧。以下是我为大家整理的,有关我最喜欢的月份英语作文,希望大家喜欢。   最喜欢的月份英语作文篇一   Last week the teacher asked me which month is my favourite in the year...I think it"s july and auguest although they the hotest months in the year.   I dont need to wear too much. then i wil be not look like a bear as in winter. I also like them cos I can have my long long summer holidays during that time before. I can have the happy time with my sister.   But now the holidays will never been given.   Just working working...only have 15 days leave each year. But many of my friends think that i should cry content with it. 15 is so many for them. I often spend my anuual leave on march, coz it"s a low season for travel. ar...back to the topic...the third reason I like them, I can tuck in ice-cream, especially the red bean ice cool...that"s all what I can bethink.   最喜欢的月份英语作文篇二   y favourite food and I can swimming with my friend,swimming is my favourite sport.   I have holiday in July,I go hiking with my parents.I love July.   最喜欢的月份英语作文篇三   My favorite moths are January and early FebruaryAs we know,the celebration of Spring Festival may commonly last for 7 days,which is higlighted as one of the symbols of traditional chinese culture.   It"s usually a time between late January or early February.   Not only in china but in some other Asian countries like Singapore,Indonesia and Korea people also celebrate Spring Festival.   According to the usual,on the eve of the Spring Festival,a get together banquet is a must,and the most popular food is Dumpling,which is supposed to bring good fortune.   People tend to get up early the frist day and visit neibours and relatives.I like Spring Festival,so I like these moths.   最喜欢的月份英语作文篇四   My favourite month   My favourite month is February.Because I love winter.In winter,I can make a snowman with my   friend and I can watch TV at home with my family.So my favourite month is February.   最喜欢的月份英语作文篇五   My favourite month is August.   I like it because we are on summer holiday and I can go swimming with my parents.I can play basketball with my friends.   During holidays I can go to learn how to play the piano from the teacher.   I can go traveling with my mother to other cities and visit my grandparents.The weather is fine in August.我最喜欢的月份英语相关作文: 1. 我最喜欢的节日英语作文5篇 2. 我最喜欢的季节英语作文3篇 3. 英语作文最喜欢的季节范文3篇 4. 我最喜欢的节日英语作文4篇 5. 我最喜欢的季节英语作文及翻译60词
2023-07-08 01:52:071


1、同样是我的最后一年的初中和你是如此的削减eeeee OMG < 3 < 3你的脸不胖,你要imbrace你你很cuteee饿送我的一张照片,我不是最帅的世界,但在这里是好的不能等待您的回复,再见 2、xaxaxa!!!我很抱歉!我没有回答你早但我必须去我的家! 3、哦。!!好啊。是的我不是很高兴把我的学校开设了2个星期后!现在我正在打扫房间!是的…我不知道,但也许是我有时更轻松的把学校的戏剧开始时打开我的…
2023-07-08 01:52:155

Summer is hotter than any other seasons.

summer is the hottest season in a year.夏天是一年之中最热的一个季节,等于夏天比其他季节都热,希望对你有所帮助,谢谢
2023-07-08 01:52:282


1 The culture of fast food affected my life the most. Not only McDonnald, KFC, Pizza Hut, but actually the type of eating is changed, namely not just Chinese food, but sometimes western sytle. For example, white collars prefer having a cup of coffee in 2 The pace of life is different. In western culture, shops do not open so late, life speed is quite slow and the stress is less than in China. Since the population of China is pretty big, the competition is huge, thus everybody have to study and work hard so that to have enough competitive advantages to survive. 3 Backetball and soccer are quite popular among students as they do not cost much money and usually many people could play together. I like playing backetball with my classmates after class, becuase playing backetball can not only strengthen all the muscle of my body but also I could gain team work sprite through it. 4 My first enlgish lesson was quite impressed in my mind as it makes me quite interested in learing english.My english teacher was quite a nice person.She showed some lovely pictures about the english letters so that made it easier for us to memorize how to write the letters.Later on, she taught us to sing the Letter song. 5 I like watching my mum doing cooking, thus I thought cook was not a big deal for me.However, when I was doing cooking for the first time, I was seemed very stupid. I usually forgot to add slat or switch the fire. Luckily, my mum reminded me when I cooked. I learned from it that sometimes you have to pratice even you are quite familiar with the theory, like cooking and swimming.
2023-07-08 01:52:504


Mark: Would you like to listen to my album of American country music? It"s got John Denver singing "Country Roads".   Anne: Sure, I"d love to. John Denver is very popular in China. But can you tell me what the difference between country music and pop music is? Is it in the music? Or maybe in the lyrics or the way the song is sung?   Mark: In a way you can they"re all essential factors. In country music, many songs are about "home" and "family".   Anne: So, I suppose, the words are simple and express real and honest feelings?   Mark: Well, people who really like country music say so. But some people will also tell you that the words are sentimental, trite, shallow, and insincere. I guess both kinds exist, but the best country music has simple and honest feelings. Let"s leave it that way. Anne: What about the style of singing, and the music itself? It"s different from other American music, isn"t it?   Mark: In some ways, yes. The tradition was of singer with one instrument-originally a dulcimer, later a guitar. Then when radios and records become popular in the 1920"s, they began using country singers commercially. Now country music is performed by highly professional groups.   Anne: Oh, I see. Can we say that country music is a development of American folk music?   Mark: Well, let"s say it"s a development from folk music. Today, it is commercial, not folk. The center of country music is Nashville, Tennessee, where many people making a living producing records, tapes, radio shows and so on.   Anne: By the way, can you tell me more about John Denver?   Mark: Well, he"s a professional singer and songwriter. Sometimes he is more like modern folk, sometimes definitely country. Take his song "Country Roads" for example. The subject is traditional: Take me back to my home in the southern mountains...and actually country music started in the south. Let"s listen to John Denver"s music now.
2023-07-08 01:53:004


London has hosted the Olympic Games on two past occasions, in 1908 and 1948, with a third scheduled for 2012. The planned 2012 Olympics will make London the first city to have hosted the modern Games of three Olympiads. London is the only city in the United Kingdom to have ever hosted the Olympics; the United States is the only country to have hosted Summer Olympics on more occasions than the UK. No city in the UK has hosted the Winter Olympic Games.British participation in Olympic events, both as a competitor and as a host, is the responsibility of the British Olympic Association.
2023-07-08 01:53:084


2023-07-08 01:53:592


2023-07-08 01:54:082


我最喜欢的月份(my favourite month)Last week the teacher asked me which month is my favourite in the year...i think it"s july and auguest although they r the hotest months in the year. i dont need to wear too much.then i wil be not look like a bear as in winter. i also like them cos i can have my long long summer holidays during that time before. i can have the happy time with my sister. but now the holidays will never been given.just working working...only have 15 days leave each year. but many of my friends think that i should cry content with it. 15 is so many for them. i often spend my anuual leave on march, coz it"s a low season for to the topic...the third reason i like them, i can tuck in ice-cream, especially the red bean ice cooooooool...that"s all what i can bethink.
2023-07-08 01:54:172


the shortestthe bestthe most deliciousthe hottestthe shortestthe bestthe shortestthe thinnest
2023-07-08 01:54:276


The weather of shanghai is agree to me.Spring is warm and it is the most beautiful season in Shanghai.Summer is hot。Sometimes it rains.In July,the hotest month,the average temperature can be as high as 29 degree Celsius.Autumn is cool and the grass turn yellow.The winter is cold and sunny.In January,the coldest month,the average tempurature is zero.The annual rainfall is 100mm.翻译一下。。。上海的天气很适合我。春天很暖和,并且是上海最漂亮的季节。夏天天气炎热.有时下雨。七月最炎热的季节,平均气温高达29摄氏度。秋天凉爽,草地变黄。冬天寒冷但有阳光。一月是最冷的季节,平均气温是零摄氏度。年降水量是100mm
2023-07-08 01:54:421


我最喜欢的月份(my favourite month)Last week the teacher asked me which month is my favourite in the year...i think it"s july and auguest although they r the hotest months in the year. i dont need to wear too much. then i wil be not look like a bear as in winter. i also like them cos i can have my long long summer holidays during that time before. i can have the happy time with my sister. but now the holidays will never been given.just working working...only have 15 days leave each year. but many of my friends think that i should cry content with it. 15 is so many for them. i often spend my anuual leave on march, coz it"s a low season for to the topic...the third reason i like them, i can tuck in ice-cream, especially the red bean ice cooooooool...that"s all what i can bethink.
2023-07-08 01:54:491


1 tall ;taller; the tallest .2 more difficult .3 more interesting; the most interesting4 the healthest 5 hotter6 easier ; interesting 7 biggest;most important 8 interesting 9 terribly10 unlucky
2023-07-08 01:55:212


1.The (hot)( hotest )city in Europe is Seville in Spain.2.The (cold)( coldest ) town in the world is in Siberia,Russia.3.The Andes in South America are the (long)( longest )line of mountains in the world.4.The (windy)( windiest )place in the world is in Antarctica.5.I live in the (good)(best )country in the world!二。用所给的形容词副词的适当形式填空:1.This is the ( most interesting )(interesting)cartoon I have ever seen!2.My coffee is not so ( nice )(nice)as the coffee my mother makes.3.The little boy wants to know which cake is the( most delicious )(delicious).4.Two heads are( better )(good)than one.5.Shanghai is ( larger )(large)than Nanjing.6.David is the ( tallest )(tall)boy in his class.7.This grammar book is much( more useful )(useful)than that one.8.I think English is ( more interesting )(interesting)than any other subject.9.Li Lei speaks English ( best )(well)in his group.10.Lucy runs( more slowly )(slowly)than Lily.三。改正下列句子中的一处错误1.Tom comes to school late than Jim.( late--later )2.Which do you like better, cats,dogs,or chickens?( better---best )3.Who is old est in our class?( oldest ----the oldest )4.He thinks math is importanter than Chinese.( importanter---more important )5.This work is very harder than that one.( 去掉very )6.He lives farer than any other student in your class student---students
2023-07-08 01:55:313


2023-07-08 01:55:415


1.Today is (hotter ) than yesterday It"s (the hottest )day of the year.2.The Changjiang River is ( the longest )river in China.3.Chongqing is( the largest)city in China.4.The moon is (the smaller) of the three.5.My flat is( better) than yours.6.My pencil is (shortest).Your pencil is (longest)7.Tim is( older) than Peter .He is (the oldest) in our class8.The black dog is ( thinner) than the white dog.注意此处thinner,要多加个n9.This ballon is (biger) than yours.10.My bag is (heavier) than yours.此处变y为i11.John is(stronger) than Mike.12. I am (shorter) than Lucy
2023-07-08 01:55:583


Summer is the hotest season in the year
2023-07-08 01:56:053


shopping bigestcheapestfriendlyestto buyhotestmebest
2023-07-08 01:56:122

上海 天气 英语 作文

2023-07-08 01:56:211

英语作文 my halidays 怎么写??急!急!快!快!

是holidays 吧!作文如下:I like holidays very much . I always engoy a full day on my holidays .On my holidays I often go and visit some famous places.Last summer holiday ,I went to a beach.I liked the beach very much ,and I had a good time there.
2023-07-08 01:56:293

Queen Of Spade 歌词

歌曲名:Queen Of Spade歌手:霍经伦专辑:HelloBaby does not know where she"s got meShe"s got the hotest baby eyes I"ve ever seenIf she looks at you,you"ll know what I truly meanJet black silky hair down to her kneesThis queen of spade she keeps on teasing meShe"s such a tease if you know what I meanHer hips hop more than hop take it to the topPerfume scent from her head to her feetThis queen of spade you know will leave meBaby does not know where she"s got meShe"s got the sexiest legs I"ve ever seenBut there"s just one thing I can guarenteeYou got no money, you get no teaseIn different circles,she keeps on coming aroundIn different circles,she keeps on bring me downIn different circles,she keeps on coming aroundIn different circles,she turns me up and downBaby does not know where she"s got me
2023-07-08 01:56:471

white big最高级

good,better,best bad,worse,worst many,more,most old,older,oldest much,more,most large,larger,largest fat,fatter,fattest wet,wetter,wettest hot,hoter,hotest sunny,sonnier,sonniest healthy,healthier,healthiest white,whiter,whitest fit,fitter,fittest big,bigger,biggest nice,nicer,nicest small,smaller,smallest beautiful,more beautiful,the most beautiful good-looking,more good-looking,the mostgood-looking important,more important,the most important bright,brighter,brightest. 一般比较级+er 最好级+est 音节较多的就用more,the most... 注意有些要双写
2023-07-08 01:56:551

上海 天气 英语 作文

The weather of shanghai is agree to me.Spring is warm and it is the most beautiful season in Shanghai.Summer is hot。Sometimes it rains.In July,the hotest month,the average temperature can be as high as 29 degree Celsius.Autumn is cool and the grass turn yellow.The winter is cold and sunny.In January,the coldest month,the average tempurature is zero.The annual rainfall is 100mm.翻译一下。。。上海的天气很适合我。春天很暖和,并且是上海最漂亮的季节。夏天天气炎热.有时下雨。七月最炎热的季节,平均气温高达29摄氏度。秋天凉爽,草地变黄。冬天寒冷但有阳光。一月是最冷的季节,平均气温是零摄氏度。年降水量是100mm
2023-07-08 01:57:041

summer is中文翻译

The heat of this summer is really insupportable . 今年夏天的酷暑实在令人无法忍受。 A great wind rises, and the summer is gone in a moment . 大风刮起来,夏天一下就过去了。 Summer is backward this year . 今年夏天来得晚。 Our beloved summer is gone. the autumn winds have begun . 我们大家喜欢的夏天已经过去,秋风起了。 Summer is past the full . 盛夏已过。 Summer is gone . 夏季已过。 For summer being done, all things stand upon them with a weather-beaten face . 夏天过去了,面临的是风雨凄凉的一片荒芜。 Because summer is the time for outdoor music festivals 因为夏季是露天的音乐节。 The days in summer are longer than those in winter 夏季的白天时间比在冬季的长。 This summer is not just about learning your craft 今年夏天不只是要学一门艺术 This summer is not just about learning your craft 今年夏天不只是要学一门艺术 It feels pke the summer is just around the corner 感觉夏天马上就要来临了。 Summer is here again . it " s time to put on my shorts 夏天又来了,穿短裤的时候到了。 Of all the four seasons , summer is the hottest 在所有四季当中,夏天最热。 Than such a thing , summer is ing soon ! ! ! 接著还有一样东西,便是夏来很快便会来临 Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air 夏天是户外运动最好的季节。 Than such a thing , summer is ing soon ! ! ! 接著还有一样东西,便是夏来很快便会来临! ! A : summer is here again . it " s time to put on my shorts 夏天又来了,穿短裤的时候到了。 Summer is a nice season for o swimmers , him and her 夏天是他和她两位游泳者的好季节。 Summer is good , but fall is my favourite season 夏天很好,但是秋天才使我最喜欢的季节。 Seth and summer are there . it " ll be fun Seth和summer在那里,很好玩的 Teacher : very good . then , summer is the second season 老师:很好。那么夏季是第二个季节。 Summer is good , but fall is my favourite season 11夏天是好的,但是秋天是我最喜欢的季节。 Summer is the best season for trees 译文:夏天对树木来说是最佳季节。 Summer is not what it was in madrid 马德里的夏季如今已是今非昔比了。 As far as i know , the summer is hot and humid in nanjing 就我所知,南京夏天是又热又闷的。 Okay . uh , do you happen to know where summer is right now 好吧你知道summer现在在那里吗? Watermelons in beijing in the summer are a dime a dozen 北京的夏天,西瓜多得根本不值钱了。 Spring is green . summer is bright 春天是绿色的。夏天是五彩斑斓的。 Here , summer is in full swing 在这里,正处于夏季旅游最活跃的状态。 Summer is the best season of far behind 夏天是一年中最美好的季节。 Summer is the hottest season of the year 夏天是一年里最热的季节。 Jenna : it " s spring . that means summer is almost here 简娜:春天来了。那意味著夏天也快到了。 Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air 夏天是进行所有户外运动的黄金季节。 I pve in this dream world where i think that summer is my friend , 我一直幻想summer是我的朋友 Summer is sultry . that " s the reason why i don " t pke it 夏天很闷热,这就是我不喜欢它的原因。 Now , marissa and summer are heading over to the mall 现在marissa和summer正在去购物中心的路上 Summer is a rainy season in china 在中国,夏天是一个多雨的季节。 Summer is a bit hotter than here , but winter isn " t so cold 夏天比这热点,不过冬天没有这么冷。 Summer is sultry . that is the reason why i don " t pke it 夏天很燠热。那就是我不喜欢它的原因。 Mary : this summer is too rainy for me 玛丽:今年夏天雨太多了。 Summer is over . school is starting 夏天已经结束了学校要开学了 A : shenzhen " s summer is humid and hot 深圳的夏天真是又潮又热。 The summer solstice : it means the scorching summer is ing up 夏至:表示炎热的夏天快要到来。 Last summer is the hotest on record 去年夏季是有记载的最热的 " talk of him leaving in the summer is just mischief - making “说他夏天离开的传闻只是无稽之谈。 ” Summer is the worst . the worst 到了夏天最麻烦了,真是麻烦透了 In children " s minds , summers are associated with piics 在孩子们看来,夏天总是和郊游连在一起的。 In the children " s minds summer is associated with piics 在孩子们的心里,想到夏天就联想到野餐。 Summer is very hot . that is the reason why i don " t pke it 夏天很炎热。那就是我不喜欢它的原因。
2023-07-08 01:57:101


您好:我最喜欢的月份(my favourite month)Last week the teacher asked me which month is my favourite in the year...i think it"s july and auguest although they r the hotest months in the year. i dont nee...
2023-07-08 01:57:191

帮我写一篇关于talk about the weather 两分钟左右的演讲

When you talk about weather, you are really talking about the air. Weather is what the air is like in any one place at anyone time. How hot or cold is the air? How much dampness, or moisture, is in it? How fast is the air moving? How heavily does it press on the earth? In short, weather is the way water changes in the air. Without water, there would be no clouds, rain, snow, thunder, or fog. In fact, weather plays a big part in our lives and affects many of the things that we do and also affects all things on Earth.Weather is different at different parts of the world. For example, in deserts, it very rarely rains. In tropical jungles, it is hot and steamy. Weather keeps changing all day. On the other hand, climate stays much the same one year after another. Climate tells what the weather is like in general, all year round. For instance, tropical countries have hot climates and the Arctic has a cold climate. English speakers love to talk about the weather. It is a way of starting a conversation. People talk about the weather on the phone and in person. Friends and family talk about the weather before they discuss what"s new. Co-workers talk about the weather before starting a hard day of work. Even strangers discuss the weather. Learn the proper vocabulary and expressions, and you will find it easy to start a conversation anytime and anywhere with anyone you meet!
2023-07-08 01:57:261


1.I watched television late last night so I woke up late. My mother asked me to go to the market to buy some eggs for her. When I played with a little dog on the street, I dropped the eggs on the ground. They were all broken. My mother was very angry with me when I went home. I am very unhappy to-day. 2. I woke up early this morning. I went out to play with my neighbor. We watched cartoon at his home. After I went home about 4 O"clock in the afternoon, I helped my mother to do some house work. She is very happy so I am happy too. 3.I am sick to-day. When I woke up in the morning, I didn"t feel well. My mother took me to the doctor and the doctor gave me a shot. It was very painful. Since I didn"t feel well, I went to bed real early. 4.I felt better to-day. Since I was sick yesterday, my mother didn"t let me go out to play. I had to stay home and watch television. There was a good movie on the television in the afternoon. It"s about a dog. It was so much fun and I enjoyed it very much. 5. I am much better this morning. I am very happy. My cousin came to see me. We played computer games together for a long time. My parents took us to have dinner in the restaurant. I like the food very much. 6.My mother told me that I have to do some home work at home. I did two hours of home work and getting tired. I went to bed to take a nap. When I woke up, it was in the evening. My father and I watched television to-gether for an hour. Then I went to bed. 7.Today it was raining. It was raining so hard that I could"t go out. It was very boring. I took out the English story book that me uncle gave me for my birthday last year. I read it and found there were many words that I don"t know. But I found it very intereating. 8. I picked up my story book that I didn"t finish yesterday. When I found some words that I didn"t understand, I looked it up in the dictionary. It is about a little girl who lost her mother on the street and could not find her way home. I finished the book and I like it very much.
2023-07-08 01:57:361


  剑桥少儿英语二级试题    一、 Fill in the blanks填空完成单词  T_u_esday星期二 w_i_ndy刮风的 _e_nglish英语面包 s_o_me一些 br_e_ad  M_o_nday星期一 cl_o_udy多云的 Ch__inese汉语 wa__ter水 _a_ny任的  二、 Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在下面相应的横线上  hotter,easier,hottest,easiest,buses,working,tries,came,women,running, has, took,boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got   (1)名词复数  bus_buses___ box_boxes_____ man____men____ woman_____women_____ (2) -ing形式  work_____working__ have___having____ fly__flying___ run_runing______   (3)第三人称单数  try __tries____ wash _____washes___ go__goes_________ have___has_______ (4)比较级最高级  easy___ ___ hot_hotest_______ 三.、Read and match  在相应的词语之间连线  (1) see films (A) cinema电影院   (2) play (B) TV  (3) read books (C) library  (4) watch (D) football   (5) swim (E) hospital  (6) climb (F) bikes  (7) see a doctor (G) swimming pool  (8) ride (H) mountains  (9) learn English (I) school    (10) draw (J) pictures  四、Multiple choices选择填空  ( B ) 1. Where are you going? I"m ______ to the supermarket.   A. go B. going C. went  ( A ) 2. _________ the weather like today? It"s cloudy.   A. What"s B. Whose C. Where"s  ( C ) 3. Whose pet is this? I think it"s __________.   A. my B. me C. mine  ( A ) 4. Do you often play tennis? __________   A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am.  ( B ) 5. Is she happy? No, she _______. She is sad.  A. is B. isn"t C. can"t  ( C ) 6. How many days ______ in a week? There are seven.   A. there are B. there is C. are there  ( B )7. The panda is strong强壮. But the tiger is ______ than the panda.  A. strong B. stronger C. strongest  ( C ) 8. The sheep is big. The elephant is bigger. The hippo河马 is the _______ of the three.  A. big B. bigger C. biggest   ( B ) 9. ______ is today? It"s Tuesday. A. What B. What day C. Where  ( B ) 10. Can you swim in a pool? No, I _______. A. can B. can"t C. don"t  ( C ) 11. Where are my books? They"re _______ your bag. A. not B. between C. in  ( B ) 12. What does your father often do? He often ________ some English classes.  A. have B. has C. had  五、 Read and fill in the blanks.读句子,选词填空  1. The blue whale蓝晶 is the _biggest___________( big, bigger, biggest) animal in the world.  2. The whale shark鲨鱼 is the biggest _____animal______ (animal, fish) in the world.   3. The Giraffe长颈鹿 is the _____tellest_______ (tall, taller, tallest) land animal in the world.  4. The tiger is _________stronger___ (stronger, strongest, taller) than the giraffe.
2023-07-08 01:57:441


  剑桥少儿英语二级试题    一、 Fill in the blanks填空完成单词  T_u_esday星期二 w_i_ndy刮风的 _e_nglish英语面包 s_o_me一些 br_e_ad  M_o_nday星期一 cl_o_udy多云的 Ch__inese汉语 wa__ter水 _a_ny任的  二、 Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在下面相应的横线上  hotter,easier,hottest,easiest,buses,working,tries,came,women,running, has, took,boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got   (1)名词复数  bus_buses___ box_boxes_____ man____men____ woman_____women_____ (2) -ing形式  work_____working__ have___having____ fly__flying___ run_runing______   (3)第三人称单数  try __tries____ wash _____washes___ go__goes_________ have___has_______ (4)比较级最高级  easy___ ___ hot_hotest_______ 三.、Read and match  在相应的词语之间连线  (1) see films (A) cinema电影院   (2) play (B) TV  (3) read books (C) library  (4) watch (D) football   (5) swim (E) hospital  (6) climb (F) bikes  (7) see a doctor (G) swimming pool  (8) ride (H) mountains  (9) learn English (I) school    (10) draw (J) pictures  四、Multiple choices选择填空  ( B ) 1. Where are you going? I"m ______ to the supermarket.   A. go B. going C. went  ( A ) 2. _________ the weather like today? It"s cloudy.   A. What"s B. Whose C. Where"s  ( C ) 3. Whose pet is this? I think it"s __________.   A. my B. me C. mine  ( A ) 4. Do you often play tennis? __________   A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am.  ( B ) 5. Is she happy? No, she _______. She is sad.  A. is B. isn"t C. can"t  ( C ) 6. How many days ______ in a week? There are seven.   A. there are B. there is C. are there  ( B )7. The panda is strong强壮. But the tiger is ______ than the panda.  A. strong B. stronger C. strongest  ( C ) 8. The sheep is big. The elephant is bigger. The hippo河马 is the _______ of the three.  A. big B. bigger C. biggest   ( B ) 9. ______ is today? It"s Tuesday. A. What B. What day C. Where  ( B ) 10. Can you swim in a pool? No, I _______. A. can B. can"t C. don"t  ( C ) 11. Where are my books? They"re _______ your bag. A. not B. between C. in  ( B ) 12. What does your father often do? He often ________ some English classes.  A. have B. has C. had  五、 Read and fill in the blanks.读句子,选词填空  1. The blue whale蓝晶 is the _biggest___________( big, bigger, biggest) animal in the world.  2. The whale shark鲨鱼 is the biggest _____animal______ (animal, fish) in the world.   3. The Giraffe长颈鹿 is the _____tellest_______ (tall, taller, tallest) land animal in the world.  4. The tiger is _________stronger___ (stronger, strongest, taller) than the giraffe.
2023-07-08 01:57:511


您好:我最喜欢的月份(my favourite month)Last week the teacher asked me which month is my favourite in the year...i think it"s july and auguest although they r the hotest months in the year. i dont need to wear too much. then i wil be not look like a bear as in winter. i also like them cos i can have my long long summer holidays during that time before. i can have the happy time with my sister. but now the holidays will never been given.just working working...only have 15 days leave each year. but many of my friends think that i should cry content with it. 15 is so many for them. i often spend my anuual leave on march, coz it"s a low season for to the topic...the third reason i like them, i can tuck in ice-cream, especially the red bean ice cooooooool...that"s all what i can bethink.希望对您的学习有帮助满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-08 01:58:001


the hotestself-confidenter thanthe tallest
2023-07-08 01:58:212


1 older 2 fat 3 hotest 4 thinner 5 bigger 6 long7 jumps higher 8 Is better is9 tall 10 bigger her11 heavier12more early13 Does more early14 slow solwer15 run fast
2023-07-08 01:58:281


2023-07-08 01:58:352

昨天是这一周最热的一天 翻译为英语

Yesterday was the hotest day of the week.
2023-07-08 01:58:513


Wonder if the hotest how come back to help think of change promise to be
2023-07-08 01:59:002