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pronunciation 是可数名词么求大神帮助

2023-05-19 15:58:37

This word has two _________(pronunciation)


pronunciation 是否可数取决于它的意思:




Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied.  你发音的错误可以补救。

She prided herself on her nicety of pronunciation. 她对自己准确的发音而得意。

2、 可数用法

There are two different pronunciations of this word.  这个词有两种读音。

Which of these three pronunciations is the most usual?  这三种读法中,哪一种最常用?




acquire pronunciation


correct pronunciation


improve pronunciation


learn pronunciation


practise pronunciation


bad pronunciation


excellent pronunciation


good pronunciation


native pronunciation


poor pronunciation


right pronunciation



在查询词典的时候,我们往往会看到有【C】【U】同时出现的情况,这就是说,这个名词有双重词性,既可数又不可数 这个单词属于这类,在问题中所需的空格处,可作为可数名词,译为“两种发音” 而作为发音这个动作的时候就是不可数名次了



要是指抽象的“发音”这个概念,不如I can"t get my pronunciation right就是不可数. 要是指单词的发音比如The word has two pronunciations 就是可数



acquire的名词是acquisition。读音:英[ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn]、美[ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn]。释义:n. 获得物,获得;收购。例句:It"s generally believed that language acquisition starts at infancy.人们一般认为语言习得从婴幼儿时期就开始了。变形:复数acquisitions。acquisition造句如下:1、We don"t have the liquidity to make that big of an acquisition.我们手上没有流动资金做那么大的收购。2、What is your acquisition from this company?你从这家公司获得了什么?3、If it were not for this acquisition, the small technology company would go bankrupt.如果不是这次收购,这家小型科技公司就要倒闭了。4、The acquisition of huge amounts of data has helped our research enormously.大量数据的获得极大地帮助了我们的研究
2023-01-02 18:22:421


2023-01-02 18:22:562

finish complete complish acquire区别

2023-01-02 18:23:081


derive:derive的基本意思是“起源”,强调事先就存在于另一种形式、另一人或一事物之中而承袭下来。承袭的方式多种多样,如遗传、转让、捐赠、继承、推理等。引申可表示“获得”“取得”,指主动的从某处得到某物,为正式用语。derive不论是用作不及物动词,还是用作及物动词,都与介词from搭配使用,表示“从…得到或派生”。derive作“取得”“获得”解时,可接乐趣、利益、知识等抽象名词作宾语。v.We shall derive much benefit from reading good novels.我们将从优秀小说中获得很大好处。One kind of vacation is camping, from which many Americans derive pleasure and benefit.露营是一种度假方式,许多美国人从中得到乐趣,受益匪浅。acquire:acquire的基本意思是“得到”,可指“购得”“习得; 学到(知识)”“获得(名声,地位或名望)”“患上(疾病); 受到(感染)”等,含有“逐渐具有; 不断积累; 开始学会”等意味。acquire也可指不正当的“获得”。acquire是及物动词,其宾语多为抽象名词,如用实物则显得做作, acquire也可接双宾语。可用于被动结构。acquire是瞬间动词,其现在完成时的肯定式不可与表示延续时间的状语搭配。vt.We should try to acquire good habits.我们应该努力养成良好的习惯。We hope to acquire the knowledge in the happiness.我们希望在快乐中获得知识。综上,一般不做代替。
2023-01-02 18:23:191


2023-01-02 18:23:253


人生是一条射线,以我们的出生为起点,可以无限延伸。理想有多高远,学习有多勤奋,坚持有多长久,这条射线就有多长,我们的人生轨迹就有多深,价值就有多大,意义就有多远。下面给大家分享一些关于高三 英语单词 必修五unit3,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、involve vt.牵涉、涉及、包括 involve sth./doing sth. 包括...... be involved in 参与、使牵涉到 be involved with 与(某人)有密切的关系 2、assist vt.帮助、协助、援助 assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事 assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事 辨析:assist/help/aid assist:只是表示辅助性的帮助,指帮助者处于次要或从属的地位 help:用法最广,可以指任何形式的帮助 aid:多指经济上或其他方面急需的援助 3、submit vt.递交,呈递 submit sth. to sb. 向......呈交/递交某物 submit to sb. 向......屈服 4、eager adj. 渴望的,热切的 be eager for sth. 渴望...... be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事 辨析:eager/anxious eager:表示渴望、热切的期盼 anxious:表示焦虑、着急地期盼 5、acquire vt.获得、取得、学到 acquire knowledge 获得知识 acquire customers 争取客户 6、assess vt. 评估、评定 assessment n.评价、评定、看法 7、inform vt.告知、通告 inform sb. of/about sth. 告诉某人某事 keep sb. informed 通知某人 information;通知(不可数名词) 8、meanwhile adv.其间、同时 in the meanwhile 在此期间 9、case n.情况、病例、案例 in case 以防、万一 in case of 假设......;万一...... in any case 无论如何;总之 in this/that case 如果这样/那样的话 in no case 绝不 10、accuse vt. 指责、控告 accuse sb. of sth. 因某事指控某人 blame sb. for sth. 因某事责备某人 charge sb. with sth. 因某事指控某人 11、demand n.需求、要求 || vt.强烈要求 demand sth. of/from sb. 要求某人某事 demand to do sth. 要求做某事 in (great) demand 非常需要的;受欢迎的 on demand 一经要求 12、publish vt.出版;发表;发行 publisher n.出版商;发行者 publishing house 出版公司;出版社 13、thorough adj. 彻底的,详尽的 thorough prep.&adv. 穿过;通过 though conj.虽然 14、accurate adj.精确的;正确的 accuracy n.准确;精确 accurately adv.精确到 15、senior adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的 be senior to 比......高;比......年长 senior 与介词to搭配,不用than。 用于亲属之间时指年长者 junior adj.地位较低的;年小的 inferior adj.低等的;次要的 16、polish vt.擦亮;磨光 polish off 吃完 polish up 擦亮、改善、提高 17、approve vt. 赞成;认可 approve of sb./sth. 赞成某人、某事 approve of sb. doing sth. 赞成某人做某事 approval n.同意;赞成 18、appointment n.约会;任命 make/have an appointment with 与......约会 keep/break an appointment 按时/没按时赴约 appointment多指聚会、谈生意等事先安排的约定; date一般指恋人之间的约会 19、concentrateon集中注意力于 concentrate one"s mind/attention on 把心思/注意力集中于...... 20、dependon依靠;依赖 depend on sb./sth. for sth. 依靠......获得...... depend on sb. to do sth. 依靠......做某事 21、soasto(dosth)为了(做)...... 其否定形式为 so as not to do sth. 辨析:in order to/so as to/ to in order to:后面接动词原形,引导目的状语,可以放在句首或句中 so as to:后面接动词原形,引导目的状语,只能放在句中 to:后面接动词原形,引导结果状语 22、aheadof在......前面 ahead of time/schedule 提前 look ahead 往前看 go ahead 说吧/用吧;继续;前进 高三英语 单词必修五unit3相关 文章 : ★ 高中英语必修五unit3知识点 ★ 高中英语必修五Unit3重点单词短语解析 ★ 高一英语单词表(unit3~4) ★ 高三英语单词必背整理归纳 ★ 英语必修五Unit 2 单词及短语详细解析 ★ 2020高三英语单词必背整理归纳 ★ 高中英语选修8Unit5知识点 ★ 高二英语必修五必背单词与记忆口诀 ★ 高三英语单词必背 ★ 人教版5年级英语unit3知识点
2023-01-02 18:23:441

I acquire many knowledge 这样写对吗 learn和acquire有啥区别

2023-01-02 18:24:064


2023-01-02 18:24:212


Culture既是可数名词,也是不可数名词,区分具体可不可数的时候要看实际要表达的含义。culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。 culture的短语 ancient culture:古代文化 artistic culture:艺术修养 Confucian culture:儒教 acquire culture:受到教育 develop a culture:发展文化 lack culture:缺乏修养 man of culture:有教养的人 culture的例句 The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture. 孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。 Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels. 我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。 They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture. 他们不再担心文化的同质化。 She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture. 她不会说日语,也不了解日本文化。 There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today. 当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。
2023-01-02 18:24:321


在英语中,require是一个常常会用到的单词,require有需要、有赖于和要求等等意思,那么你知道require的用法有哪些吗?下面是我给大家带来的require的用法 总结 _require的 短语 搭配,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ require的用法总结 ★ ★ require的短语搭配 ★ ★ require的单词辨析 ★ ★ require 同义词 比较 ★ ★ require的双语例句 ★ ▼ require的用法总结 1) 接名词作宾语。例如: Your presence is urgently required.你务必到场。 This job requires strength.这份工作需要体力。 2)接不定式作宾语补足语。例如: He was required to leave.他被要求离开。 They required us to help them. 他们要求我们帮助他们。 3) 接that从句(从句谓语动词should+动词原形,其中should可省略)。例如: The situation requires that immediate action(should)be taken.情势上需要立即采取行动 She required that I(should)go at once.她要求我立刻去。 4)接动名词主动式或不定式被动式。例如: These temples require repairing next month . = These temples require to be repaired next month. 这些庙宇下个月需要修缮。 <<< ▼ require的短语搭配 require information 需要信息 require consideration 要求考虑;要求思考 probably require 可能需要 require confirmation 需要确认;要求确认 require work 需要工作 require capital 资本要求 require effort 需要努力 employer require 雇主要求 <<< ▼ require的单词辨析 缺少;短少 need 语气较重,指需要必不可少的东西,强调急需。 require 使用广泛,语气较轻。强调急需时可与need换用,但有时暗示所需的人或物是完成某一任务必不可少的。 lack 指完全短缺或数量不足。 want 侧重缺少某种必需之物,或个人渴望得到的东西。 要求;请求 beg 指恳切地或再三地请求或要求,常含低三下四意味,也多用于应酬场合。 implore 书面用词,着重指迫切、焦急或痛苦地恳求或哀求,常含较强的感情色彩。 request 正式用词,指非常正式,有礼貌的请求或恳求,多含担心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味。 pray 语气庄重,指热情、诚恳和敬祈的要求,现不很常用。 require 强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求。 claim 指有权或宣称有权得到而公开提出的要求。 entreat 泛指一般“恳求或哀求”,含企图说服对方或用热烈的请求软化反对意见的意味。 ask 最普通用词,指向对方提出要求或请求,长、晚辈,上下级之间都可使用。 demand 一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,或坚持不让对方拒绝的要求。 <<< ▼ require同义词比较 demand与 require的用法辨析 1) 有时可互换。例如: They demand [require] my appearance. 他们要求我到场。 2) 两者的细微区别是:demand 通常指坚持其应该有或必要的东西,暗示要求者权这样做,常有命令之意;require 通常指按照法律、规章、规定、惯例、环境等提出要求,其客观性较强。例如: The policeman demanded his name and address. 警察要他说出他的名字和地址。 We require warm clothing for the winter. 我们需要过冬的暖和的衣服。 3).两者后都可接 that从句,但从句谓语通常用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气形式。例如: He demands [requires] that I (should) leave at once. 他要求我马上离开。 His wife demanded [required] that I should tell him everything. 他的妻子要求我把一切都告诉他。 The boss required [demanded] that everyone (should) attend the meeting. 老板要求人人参加会议。 3) demand 后可接不定式,但不接动名词;而require表示“要求”时,其后既不接不定式也不接动名词。例如: She demanded to see the manager. 她要求见经理。 He demanded to be told everything. 他要求把一切都告诉他。 【注意】:require 表示“需要”时,其后可接动名词(用主动表被动)或不定式(用被动形式表被动)。例如: The room requires cleaning [to be cleaned]. 房间需要打扫了。 4) demand 不接不定式的复合结构,但 require 后可接不定式的复合结构。例如:They required him to keep it a secret. 他们要求他对这事保密。 All the members are required to attend the meeting. 全部会员均要求出席会议。 【注意】:demand 后不接不定式的复合结构,但 demand of 后可接不定式的复合结构。例如: They demanded of her to go with them. 他们要求她同他们一起去。 <<< ▼ require的双语例句 The task demands skills which cannot be presumed and therefore require proper training. 这一任务要求的不是想当然的技术,因此需要足够训练。 The seeds require the catalytic action of water to release heat. 种子需要水的催化作用来散热。 The prisoner may require the Secretary of State to refer his case to the Parole Board. 囚犯可要求国务大臣将他的案子提交给假释委员会。 The kidneys require more water to flush out waste products. 肾脏需要更多的水排除废物。 Some degrees require a student to take a secondary subject. 一些学位要求学生选择一门辅修课。 Note down the sizes, colours, and quantities that you require. 记下你要求的尺寸、颜色和数量。 The misbelief that alcohol problems require a specialist response. 醉酒问题需要专家解决的错误见解。 The authorities require good sight lines at road junctions. 当局要求在交叉路口保持通畅的视线。 Chronic gastrointestinal symptoms which may require prolonged medication. 可能需要长期药物治疗的慢性胃肠病症。 Films which require actors rather than special FX. 注重演员水平而非特殊效果的影片。 <<< require的用法总结相关 文章 : ★ require的用法总结意思是什么 ★ require的用法 ★ require的用法和例句 ★ require的用法 ★ require的用法和短语例句是什么意思 ★ acquire的用法总结大全 ★ acquire的用法总结大全 ★ achieve的用法总结大全 ★ 介词的用法总结大全 ★ 代词的用法总结归纳 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-02 18:24:381


acquire的名词是acquisition。读音:英[ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn]、美[ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn]。释义:n. 获得物,获得;收购。例句:It"s generally believed that language acquisition starts at infancy.人们一般认为语言习得从婴幼儿时期就开始了。变形:复数acquisitions。acquisition造句如下:1、We don"t have the liquidity to make that big of an acquisition.我们手上没有流动资金做那么大的收购。2、What is your acquisition from this company?你从这家公司获得了什么?3、If it were not for this acquisition, the small technology company would go bankrupt.如果不是这次收购,这家小型科技公司就要倒闭了。4、The acquisition of huge amounts of data has helped our research enormously.大量数据的获得极大地帮助了我们的研究
2023-01-02 18:24:471


2023-01-02 18:24:562


2023-01-02 18:25:052


2023-01-02 18:25:131


意思:① require    需要,要求,想要,命令② inquire    打听,询问,查究③ acquire   学到,获得,取得④ enquire  询问,打听,问问题,查问他们的区别是:一、用法不同1、require常用被动语态,正式用语,表示需要、要求、命令,可指人或事物的要求。2、inquire是美国英语中是询问,调查的写法。与of、about连用表示问、询问,与into连用表示调查。3、enquire为是询问,调查英国英语写法,是指人的询问、询价(关于产品),通常用于贸易中。enquire后面一般接 about。4、 acquire是及物动词,表示通过自己的努力获得。二、形式上不同1、require常用结构为It requires that... 有...的必要 require sth. of sb. 对某人有...的要求require sb. to do sth 要求某人做某事 2、inquire常用结构为inquire something of somebody 向某人询问某事3、 enquire常用结构为enquire  about    enquire to 打听, 查问4、 acquire常用结构为to acquire an education 受教育to acquire learning 学到知识(或:获得学问)三、意思不同1、require    需要,要求,想要,命令2、inquire    打听,询问,查究3、acquire   学到,获得,取得4、enquire  询问,打听,问问题,查问扩展资料:require,enquire,inquire,acquire等相近英语单词的记忆方法:1、分类法:用分类法记忆单词能充分发挥大脑系统、全面地记忆单词的潜力2 、分组记忆法:把你所要记忆的单词分组记在笔记本上,如果你要记住一个十位数的数字1127772235,只要我们把这个数字写成112-777-2235,就很容易记住。3 、对应法:外语中有些分别表示男性和女性或雄性和雌性的不同性属的同类名词,在记忆单词时,如果对一个表示人的男性或表示动物的雄性名词联想与其相对应的同一类女性或雌性名词,同样能挖掘我们大脑联想记忆的潜力。4、做题看报法:有什么方法快速背单词?对于许多学生朋友来说,背单词不只是为提高词汇量,而更多的是为了应对考试。检验英语水平的试金石还在于对词汇的运用与解读能力。作、口语联系起来。5、 故事串记单词法:看故事记单词是一种非常有趣,寓教于乐的方法,如果孩子基础差,可以先看中文故事,有了一定基础,再看英文故事,这样,在故事中就不知不觉巧妙记住了英语单词。6、创意联想法:联想的方法有很多,一般可以从意思上、读音上或者形象上联想。7、快速扫视法:把每天要背的单词写在纸上,左边写英文,右边写中文意思。
2023-01-02 18:25:191

Confuse Acquire 的名词形式

2023-01-02 18:25:361


pronunciation 是否可数取决于它的意思:若表示抽象意义的“发音”或侧重指发音的动作,则不可数;若表示发音的不同形式或种类,则为可数名词。1、不可数用法Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied.  你发音的错误可以补救。She prided herself on her nicety of pronunciation. 她对自己准确的发音而得意。2、 可数用法There are two different pronunciations of this word.  这个词有两种读音。Which of these three pronunciations is the most usual?  这三种读法中,哪一种最常用?扩展资料:常见词组:acquire pronunciation学习发音correct pronunciation纠正发音improve pronunciation改善发音learn pronunciation学习发音practise pronunciation练习发音 bad pronunciation发音不好excellent pronunciation很标准的发音good pronunciation发音好native pronunciation地方口音,乡音poor pronunciation发音不好right pronunciation正确的发音
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意思:① require    需要,要求,想要,命令② inquire    打听,询问,查究③ acquire   学到,获得,取得④ enquire  询问,打听,问问题,查问他们的区别是:一、用法不同1、require常用被动语态,正式用语,表示需要、要求、命令,可指人或事物的要求。2、inquire是美国英语中是询问,调查的写法。与of、about连用表示问、询问,与into连用表示调查。3、enquire为是询问,调查英国英语写法,是指人的询问、询价(关于产品),通常用于贸易中。enquire后面一般接 about。4、 acquire是及物动词,表示通过自己的努力获得。二、形式上不同1、require常用结构为It requires that... 有...的必要 require sth. of sb. 对某人有...的要求require sb. to do sth 要求某人做某事 2、inquire常用结构为inquire something of somebody 向某人询问某事3、 enquire常用结构为enquire  about    enquire to 打听, 查问4、 acquire常用结构为to acquire an education 受教育to acquire learning 学到知识(或:获得学问)三、意思不同1、require    需要,要求,想要,命令2、inquire    打听,询问,查究3、acquire   学到,获得,取得4、enquire  询问,打听,问问题,查问扩展资料:require,enquire,inquire,acquire等相近英语单词的记忆方法:1、分类法:用分类法记忆单词能充分发挥大脑系统、全面地记忆单词的潜力2 、分组记忆法:把你所要记忆的单词分组记在笔记本上,如果你要记住一个十位数的数字1127772235,只要我们把这个数字写成112-777-2235,就很容易记住。3 、对应法:外语中有些分别表示男性和女性或雄性和雌性的不同性属的同类名词,在记忆单词时,如果对一个表示人的男性或表示动物的雄性名词联想与其相对应的同一类女性或雌性名词,同样能挖掘我们大脑联想记忆的潜力。4、做题看报法:有什么方法快速背单词?对于许多学生朋友来说,背单词不只是为提高词汇量,而更多的是为了应对考试。检验英语水平的试金石还在于对词汇的运用与解读能力。作、口语联系起来。5、 故事串记单词法:看故事记单词是一种非常有趣,寓教于乐的方法,如果孩子基础差,可以先看中文故事,有了一定基础,再看英文故事,这样,在故事中就不知不觉巧妙记住了英语单词。6、创意联想法:联想的方法有很多,一般可以从意思上、读音上或者形象上联想。7、快速扫视法:把每天要背的单词写在纸上,左边写英文,右边写中文意思。
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意思:① require    需要,要求,想要,命令② inquire    打听,询问,查究③ acquire   学到,获得,取得④ enquire  询问,打听,问问题,查问他们的区别是:一、用法不同1、require常用被动语态,正式用语,表示需要、要求、命令,可指人或事物的要求。2、inquire是美国英语中是询问,调查的写法。与of、about连用表示问、询问,与into连用表示调查。3、enquire为是询问,调查英国英语写法,是指人的询问、询价(关于产品),通常用于贸易中。enquire后面一般接 about。4、 acquire是及物动词,表示通过自己的努力获得。二、形式上不同1、require常用结构为It requires that... 有...的必要 require sth. of sb. 对某人有...的要求require sb. to do sth 要求某人做某事 2、inquire常用结构为inquire something of somebody 向某人询问某事3、 enquire常用结构为enquire  about    enquire to 打听, 查问4、 acquire常用结构为to acquire an education 受教育to acquire learning 学到知识(或:获得学问)三、意思不同1、require    需要,要求,想要,命令2、inquire    打听,询问,查究3、acquire   学到,获得,取得4、enquire  询问,打听,问问题,查问扩展资料:require,enquire,inquire,acquire等相近英语单词的记忆方法:1、分类法:用分类法记忆单词能充分发挥大脑系统、全面地记忆单词的潜力2 、分组记忆法:把你所要记忆的单词分组记在笔记本上,如果你要记住一个十位数的数字1127772235,只要我们把这个数字写成112-777-2235,就很容易记住。3 、对应法:外语中有些分别表示男性和女性或雄性和雌性的不同性属的同类名词,在记忆单词时,如果对一个表示人的男性或表示动物的雄性名词联想与其相对应的同一类女性或雌性名词,同样能挖掘我们大脑联想记忆的潜力。4、做题看报法:有什么方法快速背单词?对于许多学生朋友来说,背单词不只是为提高词汇量,而更多的是为了应对考试。检验英语水平的试金石还在于对词汇的运用与解读能力。作、口语联系起来。5、 故事串记单词法:看故事记单词是一种非常有趣,寓教于乐的方法,如果孩子基础差,可以先看中文故事,有了一定基础,再看英文故事,这样,在故事中就不知不觉巧妙记住了英语单词。6、创意联想法:联想的方法有很多,一般可以从意思上、读音上或者形象上联想。7、快速扫视法:把每天要背的单词写在纸上,左边写英文,右边写中文意思。
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意思:① require    需要,要求,想要,命令② inquire    打听,询问,查究③ acquire   学到,获得,取得④ enquire  询问,打听,问问题,查问他们的区别是:一、用法不同1、require常用被动语态,正式用语,表示需要、要求、命令,可指人或事物的要求。2、inquire是美国英语中是询问,调查的写法。与of、about连用表示问、询问,与into连用表示调查。3、enquire为是询问,调查英国英语写法,是指人的询问、询价(关于产品),通常用于贸易中。enquire后面一般接 about。4、 acquire是及物动词,表示通过自己的努力获得。二、形式上不同1、require常用结构为It requires that... 有...的必要 require sth. of sb. 对某人有...的要求require sb. to do sth 要求某人做某事 2、inquire常用结构为inquire something of somebody 向某人询问某事3、 enquire常用结构为enquire  about    enquire to 打听, 查问4、 acquire常用结构为to acquire an education 受教育to acquire learning 学到知识(或:获得学问)三、意思不同1、require    需要,要求,想要,命令2、inquire    打听,询问,查究3、acquire   学到,获得,取得4、enquire  询问,打听,问问题,查问扩展资料:require,enquire,inquire,acquire等相近英语单词的记忆方法:1、分类法:用分类法记忆单词能充分发挥大脑系统、全面地记忆单词的潜力2 、分组记忆法:把你所要记忆的单词分组记在笔记本上,如果你要记住一个十位数的数字1127772235,只要我们把这个数字写成112-777-2235,就很容易记住。3 、对应法:外语中有些分别表示男性和女性或雄性和雌性的不同性属的同类名词,在记忆单词时,如果对一个表示人的男性或表示动物的雄性名词联想与其相对应的同一类女性或雌性名词,同样能挖掘我们大脑联想记忆的潜力。4、做题看报法:有什么方法快速背单词?对于许多学生朋友来说,背单词不只是为提高词汇量,而更多的是为了应对考试。检验英语水平的试金石还在于对词汇的运用与解读能力。作、口语联系起来。5、 故事串记单词法:看故事记单词是一种非常有趣,寓教于乐的方法,如果孩子基础差,可以先看中文故事,有了一定基础,再看英文故事,这样,在故事中就不知不觉巧妙记住了英语单词。6、创意联想法:联想的方法有很多,一般可以从意思上、读音上或者形象上联想。7、快速扫视法:把每天要背的单词写在纸上,左边写英文,右边写中文意思。
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perfect名词是perfection。perfect是形容词,也可以是及物动词。perfection是名词。1、perfect当形容词时,形容词通常修饰名词。例如:She is a perfect wife and mother.2、perfect当及物动词,及物动词后通常带宾语。例如:He went to Italy to perfect his singing voice.perfection相关:perfection:十全十美;完整无缺;十分精确;无比熟练;完美的人或物,典型,代表。例如:1、(花果的)盛开, 正熟:bring sth. to perfection。2、使某物十全十美:come to perfection。3、达到完美地步:reach [achieve, acquire, attain] perfection。4、臻于完善:strive for perfection in。5、力求...高度熟练:perfection of rudeness。6、粗鲁之极:be at perfection。双语例句:1、He imitates people to perfection.他模仿别人,惟妙惟肖。2、It was the very perfection of beauty.它是美的结晶。3、Beauty is the least of her perfections.美貌是她优点中最微不足道的。
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1.在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词)。 2. 一些抽象名词在词尾加-ful可以变为形容词。 3. 一些表示国家的名词可以在词尾加-ese, -ish或-n构成表示国籍、语言的形容词。 4.在名词后加-ous变为形容词。 5. 在名词后加-ly变为形容词。 6.在名词后加-less构成含有否定意义的形容词。 7. 一些以-ence结尾的名词,把ence改为ent变成形容词。 扩展资料 一、名词变为形容词的方法 1.在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词)。例如:rain—rainy, cloud—cloudy, wind—windy, snow—snowy, health—healthy, luck—lucky等。 注意:1)如果名词以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,这时应双写词尾的辅音字母再加-y。如:sun—sunny, fun—funny等。 2)少数以不发音的e结尾的名词变为形容词时,应去掉e再加-y。例如:noise—noisy, ice—icy 等。 2. 一些抽象名词在词尾加-ful可以变为形容词。例如:care—careful, thank—thankful, help—helpful, use—useful, beauty—beautiful等。 3. 一些表示国家的名词可以在词尾加-ese, -ish或-n构成表示国籍、语言的形容词。例如:China—Chinese, Japan—Japanese, England—English, America—American, India—Indian, Australia —Australian(注意Canada—Canadian)。 4.在名词后加-ous变为形容词。例如:danger—dangerous等。 5. 在名词后加-ly变为形容词。例如:friend—friendly, love—lovely等。 6.在名词后加-less构成含有否定意义的形容词。例如:care—careless(粗心的),use—useless(无用的),hope—hopeless(没希望的),home—homeless(无家可归的)等。 7. 一些以-ence结尾的名词,把ence改为ent变成形容词。例如:difference—different, silence—silent等。 二、动词变为名词的方法 词形不变,词性改变。例如:work, study, water, plant等可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。 2. 一些动词在词尾加上-er或-or之后就变成了表示“某一类人”的名词。例如:work—worker, teach—teacher, sing—singer, jump—jumper, play—player, learn—learner, visit—visitor, invent—inventor等。 注意:1)以不发音的e结尾的动词,在词尾加-r。例如:drive—driver, write—writer等。 2)以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-er。例如:run—runner, win—winner, begin—beginner等。 三、形容词变为副词的方法 一般在形容词的词尾加-ly可以变成副词。例如:quick—quickly, slow—slowly, loud—loudly, sudden—suddenly 等。但是,以下几点值得注意: 一些以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,要把y改为i再加-ly。例如:happy—happily, angry—angrily, lucky—luckily, heavy—heavily, noisy—noisily 等。 2. 有些以-ble或-le结尾的形容词,去掉e加-y。例如:possible—possibly, terrible—terribly等。 常用词性变换: 1.ability (n. )能力;才能---able (a.)---unable (a..) —disability (n. ) —disabled (a.) be able to do…= be capable of doing 2.absence (n. ) 缺席;不在 --- absent (a.) ---present (a..) – presence (n.) be absent from; be present at 3.absolute (a.) 绝对的;完全的---absolutely (adv.) 4.abundant (a.) 丰富的;充裕的 ---abundance (n.) be abundant in 5.academic (a.) 学院的,理论的 (n.) 大学教师 --- academy (n.) 学院 6.accept (v.) 接受---acceptable (a.)可接受的 - –refuse (opp.) 拒绝 7.access (n.) 通路,入门;(v.)接近;存取 ---accessible (a.) have access to(to为介词)可以使用;可以接触 8.accurate (a.) 正确的,精确的 --- accuracy (n.) –accurately (adv.)-- (opp.)inaccurate 不准确 9.achieve (v.) 取得,达到 --- achievement (n.) 10.acquire (v.) 获得,学到 --- acquisition (n.) 11.act (n. ) 法令,条例;(v.)表演;行动---action (n.) –active (a.) 主动的 —inactive (a.) —actively (adv.) —activity (n. ) 活动 --passive (a.) 被动的. ---actor (n.) –actress (n.) 12.actual (a.) 实际的;现实的–actually (adv.) = as a matter of fact 13.adapt (v.) 使适应;改编 ---adaptation (n.) 适应,顺应;改编,改编本 ---adaptable (a.) 有适应能力的adapt oneself to 适应于; adapt…(for sth.) from sth. 改编 14.add (v.) 添加,增加;补充说- --addition (n.) ---additional (a.) –additionally (adv.) add…to 将…(添)加到… add to 增加,加强 add up加起来 add up to共计达 in addition (to) 另外,除此之外 15.addict (n.) 成瘾的人 ---addicted (a.) –addition (n.) ---addictive (a.) 使成瘾的;上瘾的;易令人沉溺的 be addicted to (to为介词)对…上瘾 16.adjust (v.) 调整,使适应 ---adjustment (n.) --- adjustable (a.) 17.admire (v.) 钦佩,羡慕 ---admiration (n.) --- admirable (a.) 18.admit (v.) 承认,准许 ( admitted, admitted) --- admission (n.) 19.adopt (v.) 收养,采用 ---adoption (n.) --- adopted (a.) 20.advance (v.) 推进,促进;前进 (n.)前进,提升—advanced (a.) 先进的;高等的 21.advantage (n.) 有点;好处 ---disadvantage (n.) take advantage of利用;欺骗,占…的便宜 22.adventure (n.) 冒险,奇遇 --- adventurous (a.) 23.advertise (v.) 为…做广告---advertisement (n.) 24.advise (v.) 建议,劝告----adviser (n.) 顾问,忠告者 --- advice (n.) a piece of advice 25.affect (v.) 影响 --- affection (n.) 影响,感情 = have an effect on 26.Africa (n.) 非洲 --- African (a.) (n.) 27.age (n.) 年纪 --- aged (a.)老年的 —elderly (a.) 28.agree (v.) 同意--- agreement (n.) --- disagree (opp)—disagreement (n.) 29.agriculture (n.) 农业 – agricultural (a.) 30.allow (v.) 准许,允许---allowance (n.) 允许;紧贴,补助 31.amaze (v.) 惊奇, 震惊 --- amazement (n.) ---amazed (a.) –amazed (a.) to one"s amazement 32.ambition (n.) 抱负,雄心---ambitious (a.) 33.amuse (v.) 使…快乐 --- amusement (n.) – amused (a.) --- amusing (a.) to one"s amusement 34.analyze (v.) 分析 --- analysis (n.) 35.anger (n.) 愤怒 --- angry (a.) 36.announce (v.) 宣布, 宣告 --- announcement (n.) --- announcer (n.) 37.annoy (v.) 使烦恼 – annoyed (a.) --- annoying (a.) --- annoyance (n.) to one"s annoyance 38.annual (a. ) 一年一次的,每年的 (n.) 年刊 --- annually (a.) 39.anxious (a.) 忧虑的,焦急的 --- anxiety (n.) 40.apologize (v.) 道歉 --- apology (n.) apologize to sb. for sth.; make an apology to sb. for sth.因…事向某人道歉 41.appear (v.) 出现 ---appearance (n.)外貌,外观;出现,露面 42.apply (v.) 申请 , 应用--- application (n.) 申请表 --- applicant (n.) 申请人 --- applied (a.) 应用的 43.appoint (v.) 约定,任命 – appointment (n.) -----make an appointment 约会 44.appreciate (v.) 欣赏,感激 --- appreciation (n.) 45.approve (v.) 批准,同意 --- approval (n.) approve of…赞成 (opp.) disapprove (v.) 不赞成 disapprove of… 46.argue (v.) 争辩,辩论—argument (n.) 47.arrange (v.) 安排 --- arrangement (n.) 48.arrive (v.) 到达 – arrival (n.) 49.Asia (n.) 亚洲 ---Asian (a.) (n.) 50.assess (v.) 评价,估价 --- assessment (n.) 51.assist (v.) 帮助,协助--- assistance (n.) 帮助,援助 ---assistant (n.) 助手,助理 52.associate (v.) 联系,交往--- association (n.) --- associated (a.) 53.assume (v.) 假定,采取 --- assumption (n.) 54.astonish (v.) 使惊讶 --- astonished (a.) --- astonishing (a.) – astonishment (n.) 55.astronaut (n.) 宇航员 --- astronomy (n.) 天文学 --- astronomer (天文学家) 56.athlete (n.) 运动员 --- athletic (a.) 运动员的;运动的;体格健壮的;行动敏捷的 57.attend (v.)参加,照料 -- attendance (n.)出席,参加 - -attender (n.) 出席者;参加者 58.attention (n) 注意,专心--- attentive (a) –attentively (ad v.) 59.attract (v.) 吸引 – attraction (n.) --- attractive (a.) 60.aware (a.) 知道的,明白的 --- awareness (n.) be aware of 61.bacterium (n.) 细菌 ---(pl. ) bacteria 62.bad (a.) 坏的 --- badly (adv. ) (worse, worst) --- good (a.) – well (a.) (adv.) (better, best) 63.base (n.) 基地,根据地 (v.) 以…为基地 -- basic (a.) --- basically 大体上 64.basis (n.) 基础,要素 --- (pl.) bases 65.bath (n.) 洗澡,浴室—bathe (v.) – bathroom (n.) --- bathtub (n.) 澡盆 66.bear (v.) 忍受 (bore, borne)--- bearable (a.) 可忍受的 --- unbearable (opp.) 不可忍受的 67.beat (v.) 敲打,跳动,打赢 (beat, beaten) 68.beautiful (a.) 美丽的--- beauty (n. ) --- beautify (v.) 69.behave (v.) 行为,守规矩 --- behavior (n.) 70.belief (n) 信条,信念 ---(pl.) beliefs-- believe (v.) --- believable (a.) ---(opp.) unbelievable 71.begin (v.) 开始,着手 (began, begun)--- beginning (n.)
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1、n. 兴趣,爱好例句:Interest will not lie.兴趣不会说谎。2、趣味,感兴趣的事例句:Wild animals added interest to the video.野生动物增加了这段视频的趣味性。3、利息例句:Interest on agricultural loans is very low in our country.在我国农业贷款的利息很低。4、权益,股权,产权例句:To acquire an interest of $100 in the net assets of $1000, Taylor has invested $12.为了获得1000美元净资产中100美元的产权,泰勒投资12美元。5、利害关系,利益例句:I have to declare my interest today.今天我必须申明利害关系。6、利益相关者,利益集团例句:The leaders of the interest will help you.业内的领导们将帮助你。7、势力,影响力例句:My leader"s interest with me is considerable.我领导对我的影响相当大。8、v.使产生兴趣,引起?的意愿例句:Does fishing interest you?你对钓鱼感兴趣吗?9、劝诱,说服;使参与,使加入,使产生关系 例句:Can I interest you in a new bag?你可以购买一个新包吗?扩展资料1、advantage、benefit、interest、favour、profit、gain这些名词均有“利益、好处”之意。 advantage指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。 benefit普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。 interest作“利益”解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。 favour指在竞争中获得的advantage,也可指在狭隘的个人利益。 profit着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。 gain指获得的物质利益,也暗示不损坏他人利益而得的无形好处。2、amuse、entertain、interest、please这些动词均含有“使人娱乐,消遣”之意。 amuse指使人通过注意某些有趣或悦人的事物而消遣,着重使人愉快的效果。 entertain指通过给他人快乐感的消遣活动,使自己或他人从单调中解脱出来。 interest普通用词,指出于任何原因使人兴奋或对某事物保持好奇心或注意力,侧重引起兴趣或注意。 please多指愿望、兴趣得到满足后产生的强烈满意情绪。
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形容词变副词的规则: 1.一般情况下直接加“ly”,如quick---quickly 2.以“y”结尾的,先将“y”改成“i”,再加“ly”,如happy---happily 少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。例如:true-truly等。 但绝大多数以e结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly。例如:polite-politely, wide-widely等。 形容词变副词通常是加ly,其变化有规律可循,请记住以下口诀: 一般直接加,“元e”去e加,“辅y”改i加,“le”结尾e改y。 分别举例如下: quick—quickly, true—truly, happy—happily, possible—possibly. 另外: 一、在形容词词尾直接加-ly。如:real-really; helpful-helpfully; careful-carefully; hopeful-hopefully; slow-slowly; quick-quickly; quiet-quietly 二、以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词要变y为i,然后再加-ly。如:busy-busily; angry-angrily; easy-easily 三、某些以辅音字母加不发音的字母e结尾和以-ue结尾的形容词要先去掉e,然后再加-y或-ly。如: terrible-terribly; true-truly; gentle-gently 另外,副词还可以由形容词加前缀a-得来,如:loud (adj.)-aloud (adv.) 此外,部分名词加后缀也可变成副词,如:part-partly。 例句: It is partly her fault. 有部分是她的错。 需注意: friendly; motherly; lovely等词是形容词而非副词。 再看转化副词。在英语中,有些词既可以作形容词,又可以作副词,如early, much, fast, little, wide, loud等。 由于这类词词性虽不同,但词形却一样,这就需要大家学会在特定语境中判断它们各自的词性。例句:Thank you very much. (adv.) 多谢。There is much water in the river. (adj.) 河里有很多水。The music is too loud. Please turn it down. (adj.) 音乐声太大,请调低点。He speaks loud enough. So everyone in the room can hear what he said. (adv.) 他说话的声音很大,所以房间里每个人都能听到他的话。 另外,还有一类副词和形容词词义相同,但拼写却不同,如well和good。例句He speaks good English. 他讲一口流利的英语。He speaks English well. 他英语讲得不错。 多音节y结尾的词 将y改为i后加ly easy-easily happy-happily heavy-heavily 单音节y结尾的词 直接加ly gay-gayly (gaily) sly-slyly (slily) 以ve结尾的词 去e加ly true-truly 以le结尾的词 去e加y gentle-gently possible-possibly 其他以e结尾的词 一律加ly nice-nicely wise-wisely polite-politely 以ll结尾的词 只加y full-fully 以ic结尾的词 加ally automatic-automatically energetic-energetically 其他形容词 均加ly careful-carefully glad-gladly
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2023-01-02 18:30:103

pick up是什么意思

pick upv.掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速pickpick 1AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]v.(动词)picked,,picks及物动词)To select from a group:挑选:从一组中挑选:The best swimmer was picked.See Synonyms at choose 最佳游泳选手被选出来了参见 chooseTo select or cull.选择,挑拣To gather in; harvest:在…中聚集;收获:They were picking cotton.他们在采棉花To gather the harvest from:从…中收获庄稼:We picked the whole field in one day.我们在一天之内把这一整块地收割完了To remove the outer covering of; pluck:拔去,扯去:去除…的外部覆盖物;拔:pick a chicken clean of feathers.拔除鸡毛To tear off bit by bit:撕下:一点一点地撕除:pick meat from the bones.把肉从骨头上撕下To remove extraneous matter from (the teeth).剔除:从(牙上)剔除外来物质To poke and pull at (something) with the fingers.戳:用手指捅并拉出某物To break up, separate, or detach by means of a sharp, pointed instrument.撬:用锋利尖锐的工具分裂、分离或分开To pierce or make (a hole) with a sharp, pointed instrument.刺洞:用锋利尖锐的工具刺入或打(洞)To take up (food) with the beak; peck:啄食:用喙啄起(食物);啄:The parrot picked its seed.鹦鹉啄食饲料To steal the contents of:扒窃:偷去…内的东西:My pocket was picked.我的口袋被扒了To open (a lock) without the use of a key.撬开锁:不用钥匙而打开(锁)To provoke:挑衅:pick a fight.挑起战争Music 【音乐】 To pluck (the strings) of an instrument:拨弄:弹拔乐器的(琴弦):picked the guitar while sitting alone on the deck.独自坐在甲板上弹吉他To play (a tune) by plucking strings:拨弦演奏:通过拨弦弹奏(一曲):picked a melody out on the guitar.用吉他弹奏一曲v.intr.(不及物动词)To decide with care or forethought.慎选:谨慎或考虑周到后决定To work with a pick.凿,挖:用镐挖To find fault or make petty criticisms; carp:挑毛病,寻衅,吹毛求疵:发现错误或制造微不足道的批评;吹毛求疵:He"s always picking about something.他总是对一些事吹毛求疵To be harvested or gathered:采收:被采摘或收集:The ripe apples picked easily.成熟的苹果易于采摘n.(名词)The act of picking, especially with a sharp, pointed instrument.采摘:采摘的行为,尤指用锋利尖锐的工具The act of selecting or choosing; choice:挑选:选择或挑选的行为;选择:got first pick of the desserts.第一个挑选甜点Something selected as the most desirable; the best or choicest part:最佳部分:挑选出的最好的东西;最好的或最上品的部分:the pick of the crop.收成中的上品The amount or quantity of a crop that is picked by hand.收获量,采摘量:用手采摘的庄稼的总数或数量pick apartTo refute or find flaws in by close examination:挑剔,找毛病:反驳或通过仔细的检查找出错误:The lawyer picked the testimony apart.律师挑证词的毛病pick atTo pluck or pull at, especially with the fingers.弹,拉:刺穿或拉出,尤指用手指To eat sparingly or without appetite:食不下咽:吃得很少或没胃口:The child just picked at her food.这孩子只吃她了一点食物Informal To nag:【非正式用语】 唠叨:Don"t pick at me day and night.别整天对我唠叨挑三拣四pick offTo shoot after singling out:逐一射击:经过逐个瞄准后发射:The hunter picked the ducks off one by one.猎人把鸭子一个个击中Baseball To catch (a base runner) off base and put out with a quick throw, as from the pitcher or catcher, often to a specified base.【棒球】 封杀出局:把不在垒上的(跑垒员)抓住,然后快速扔出球抛到一个特定的垒上,通常指投手或接手的突然传杀Sports To intercept, as a football pass.【体育运动】 中途截球:拦截,如拦截足球传球等pick onTo tease or bully.嘲笑,欺侮pick outTo choose or select:挑选,选出:picked out the best piece of silk.挑出最好的一匹丝绸To discern from the surroundings; distinguish:分辨:从环境中辩认出;分辨出:picked out their cousins from the crowd.从人群中认出他们的堂兄弟pick overTo sort out or examine item by item:一件一件地整理或检查:a shopper who picked over the grapes before purchasing them.一个买葡萄时精挑细选的顾客pick upTo take up (something) by hand:拿起:用手拿起(某物):pick up a book.捡起一本书To collect or gather:收集或聚集:picked up the broken pieces of glass.拾起玻璃碎片To tidy up:整理,收拾:Let"s pick up the living room.我们收拾一下卧室吧To take on (passengers or freight, for example):承载(客人,货物等):The bus picks up commuters at three stops.公共汽车在三个站载送通勤者Informal 【非正式用语】 To acquire casually or by accident:不经意得到:随便或偶然地获得:picked up a mink coat on sale.拍卖时随手买了一件貂皮大衣To acquire (knowledge) by learning or experience:学得:通过学习或经历获得(知识):picked up French very quickly.很快地学起法语来To claim:认领,索取:picked up her shoes at the repair shop.在修鞋铺领回鞋子To buy:购买:picked up some beverages on the way home.在回家的路上买些饮料To accept (a bill or charge) in order to pay it:付帐:为买某物而付(款或账):Let me pick up the tab.我来付计程车的钱To come down with (a disease):染上(病):picked up a virus in the office.在办公室染上病毒To gain:获得,赢得:picked up five yards on that play.在那次游戏中获得五码Informal To take into custody:【非正式用语】 监护,逮捕,拘捕:The coast guard picked up five smugglers.海岸检查官拘捕了五个走私犯Slang To make casual acquaintance with, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.【俚语】 勾搭:与…偶然结识,常指期望在性关系中结识To come upon and follow:追踪:偶然遇上并跟随:The dog picked up the scent.狗追着气味走To come upon and observe:发现:偶然遇到并观测:We picked up two submarines on sonar.我们用声波定位仪观察到两条潜水艇To continue after a break:恢复:休息后继续:Let"s pick up the discussion after lunch.我们吃过午饭再继续讨论吧Informal To improve in condition or activity:【非正式用语】 有起色,改善:在条件或活动上提高:Sales picked up last fall.去年的销售有起色Slang To pack one"s belongings:【俚语】 收拾行李:收拾某人的东西:She just picked up and left.她收拾了一下行李就走了pick and chooseTo select with great care.很细心地挑选pick holes inTo seek and discover flaws or a flaw in:挑剔:在…寻找或发现一个或几个错误:picked holes in the argument.在讨论中找错pick (one"s) wayTo find passage and make careful progress through it:寻找出路:找出路并通过此路谨慎前进:picked her way down the steep bank.沿着陡峭河岸慢慢前行pick (someone) to piecesTo criticize sharply.责骂:严厉批评pick up on【非正式用语】To take into the mind and understand, typically with speed:迅速理解:了解到或理解,尤指很快地理解:picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project.很快地了解了新方法并把它应用于这个项目中To notice:注意到:learned to pick up on his superior"s moods and act accordingly.学会注意上级的情绪并见机行事Middle English piken [to prick] 中古英语 piken [刺,扎] from Old English *pºn [to prick] 源自 古英语 *pºn [刺,扎] and from Old French piquer [to pierce] from Vulgar Latin *picc³e * see pique 并源自 古法语 piquer [刺穿] 源自 俗拉丁语 *picc³e *参见 piquepick“ern.(名词)pickpick 2AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]n.(名词)A tool for breaking hard surfaces, consisting of a curved bar sharpened at both ends and fitted to a long handle.镐,鹤嘴锄:破坏坚硬表面的工具,由两端有弯曲锋利的尖和用来固定尖的长把组成Something, such as an ice pick, a toothpick, or a picklock, that is used for picking.尖头挖掘工具:用来挖掘的工具,如碎冰器、牙签或撬锁工具A long-toothed comb, usually designed for use on curly hair.簪子:一种长齿梳子,常用于卷发Sports A pointed projection on the front of the blade of a figure skate.【体育运动】 冰刀尖:花样溜冰鞋刀刃前方的尖的突出部分Music A plectrum.【音乐】 拨子,拨弦Middle English pik 中古英语 pik variant of pike [sharp point] * see pike 5 pike的变体 [锋利的尖物] *参见 pike5pickpick 3AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]n.(名词)A weft thread in weaving.纬纱:纺织中用的纬纱线A passage or throw of the shuttle in a loom.投梭:织机上梭子的来回穿梭或一投及物动词)picked,,picks To throw (a shuttle) across a loom.把(梭子)投过织机Archaic To cast; pitch.【古语】 投掷;抛扔Dialectal 方言 from pick [to pitch, thrust] 源自 pick [掷,抛,扔] variant of pitch 2 pitch2的变体 pickpick 1AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]v.picked,,picks select from a group:The best swimmer was picked.See Synonyms at choose To select or cull.To gather in; harvest:They were picking cotton.To gather the harvest from:We picked the whole field in one day.To remove the outer covering of; pluck:pick a chicken clean of feathers.To tear off bit by bit:pick meat from the bones.To remove extraneous matter from (the teeth).To poke and pull at (something) with the fingers.To break up, separate, or detach by means of a sharp, pointed instrument.To pierce or make (a hole) with a sharp, pointed instrument.To take up (food) with the beak; peck:The parrot picked its seed.To steal the contents of:My pocket was picked.To open (a lock) without the use of a key.To provoke:pick a fight.Music To pluck (the strings) of an instrument:picked the guitar while sitting alone on the deck.To play (a tune) by plucking strings:picked a melody out on the guitar.v.intr.To decide with care or forethought.To work with a pick.To find fault or make petty criticisms; carp:He"s always picking about something.To be harvested or gathered:The ripe apples picked easily.n.The act of picking, especially with a sharp, pointed instrument.The act of selecting or choosing; choice:got first pick of the desserts.Something selected as the most desirable; the best or choicest part:the pick of the crop.The amount or quantity of a crop that is picked by hand.pick apartTo refute or find flaws in by close examination:The lawyer picked the testimony apart.pick atTo pluck or pull at, especially with the fingers.To eat sparingly or without appetite:The child just picked at her food.Informal To nag:Don"t pick at me day and night.pick offTo shoot after singling out:The hunter picked the ducks off one by one.Baseball To catch (a base runner) off base and put out with a quick throw, as from the pitcher or catcher, often to a specified base.Sports To intercept, as a football pass.pick onTo tease or bully.pick outTo choose or select:picked out the best piece of silk.To discern from the surroundings; distinguish:picked out their cousins from the crowd.pick overTo sort out or examine item by item:a shopper who picked over the grapes before purchasing them.pick upTo take up (something) by hand:pick up a book.To collect or gather:picked up the broken pieces of glass.To tidy up:Let"s pick up the living room.To take on (passengers or freight, for example):The bus picks up commuters at three stops.Informal To acquire casually or by accident:picked up a mink coat on sale.To acquire (knowledge) by learning or experience:picked up French very quickly.To claim:picked up her shoes at the repair shop.To buy:picked up some beverages on the way home.To accept (a bill or charge) in order to pay it:Let me pick up the tab.To come down with (a disease):picked up a virus in the office.To gain:picked up five yards on that play.Informal To take into custody:The coast guard picked up five smugglers.Slang To make casual acquaintance with, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.To come upon and follow:The dog picked up the scent.To come upon and observe:We picked up two submarines on sonar.To continue after a break:Let"s pick up the discussion after lunch.Informal To improve in condition or activity:Sales picked up last fall.Slang To pack one"s belongings:She just picked up and left.pick and chooseTo select with great care.pick holes inTo seek and discover flaws or a flaw in:picked holes in the argument.pick (one"s) wayTo find passage and make careful progress through it:picked her way down the steep bank.pick (someone) to piecesTo criticize sharply.pick up onInformalTo take into the mind and understand, typically with speed:picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project.To notice:learned to pick up on his superior"s moods and act accordingly.Middle English piken [to prick] from Old English *pºn [to prick] and from Old French piquer [to pierce] from Vulgar Latin *picc³e * see pique pick“ern.pickpick 2AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]n.A tool for breaking hard surfaces, consisting of a curved bar sharpened at both ends and fitted to a long handle.Something, such as an ice pick, a toothpick, or a picklock, that is used for picking.A long-toothed comb, usually designed for use on curly hair.Sports A pointed projection on the front of the blade of a figure skate.Music A plectrum.Middle English pik variant of pike [sharp point] * see pike 5pickpick 3AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]n.A weft thread in weaving.A passage or throw of the shuttle in a,,picks To throw (a shu
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curious的名词是:curiosity。curious作形容词,其中文意思有:求知欲强的;好奇的;稀奇古怪等含义;curiosity作名词,其中文意思有:好奇心;求知欲;罕见而有趣之物;奇物等含义。 扩展资料   一、 词性及释义   (adj.):求知欲强的;好奇的;稀奇古怪等含义;   二、 双语例句   例句 1. Curious pedestrians were ordered to move along   好奇的路人被责令离开。   例句 2. Both of them looked at him with that curious, slightly amused and even arch expression.   他们俩都看着他,带着一副好奇的、有点觉得好笑甚至是淘气的.表情。   例句 3. He collected a quantity of curious information.   他搜集了大量稀奇古怪的消息。   例句 4. They entered the shop, which was a curious ramshackle building.   他们进了商店,那是幢年久失修的奇特建筑。   例句 5. I"ve had a rather curious way of life for the last few.   最近几年我的生活方式颇为不寻常。   curiosity   一、 词性及释义   (n.):好奇心;求知欲;罕见而有趣之物;奇物等含义;   二、 双语例句   例句 1. His reluctance to answer her questions simply fanned her curiosity.   他不爽快地回答她的问题,这就激起了她的好奇心。   例句 2. She also stimulated his curiosity and opened his mind to other cultures.   她还激发了他的好奇心,使他愿意了解其他文化。   例句 3. Do you have a high level of intellectual curiosity?   你是否有极高的求知欲?   例句 4. A great curiosity to learn and a great capability to acquire rapidly;   较强的求知欲和快速学习能力;   例句 5. This old map is quite a curiosity.   这张旧地图的确是件珍品。
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take take AHD:[t3k] D.J.[te!k] K.K.[tek] v.(动词) took[tk] tak.en[t3“k…n],takes及物动词) To get into one"s possession by force, skill, or artifice, especially: 取得:通过武力、技巧或欺诈而占有,尤指: To capture physically; seize: 夺取:亲身获得;掌握: take an enemy fortress. 夺取敌人的一个要塞 To seize with authority; confiscate. 逮捕,没收:运用权力剥夺;没收 To kill, snare, or trap (fish or game, for example). 杀,设陷阱捕捉:杀,设陷井捕获或诱捕(如,鱼或猎物) Sports Games To acquire in a game or competition; win: 【体育运动】 【游戏】 获得,赢得:在一场游戏或竞赛中获得;赢得: took the crown in horseracing. 在赛马中获得冠军 Sports Games To defeat: 【体育运动】 【游戏】 击败: Our team took the visitors three to one. 我们队以三比一击败客队 Sports To catch (a ball in play), especially in baseball: 【体育运动】 接住球:接住(比赛中的一个球) ,尤指在棒球中: The player took it on the fly. 队员接住高飞的球 Baseball To refrain from swinging at (a pitched ball). 【棒球】 放过: 放过(一个投给击球员的球)不打 To grasp with the hands; grip: 用手抓住;握住: Take your partner"s hand. 握住你舞伴的手 To be affected with; come down with; contract: 受…的影响;得于;感染: The child has taken the flu. 这小孩得了流感 To encounter or catch in a particular situation; come upon; discover: 邂逅:在某一特殊情况下碰到或遇到(某人);突然遇到;发现: Your actions took me by surprise. 你的行动着实让我吃了一惊 To deal a blow to; strike or hit: 给…一记拳击;敲击,击打: The boxer took his opponent a sharp jab to the ribs. 这个拳击选手对准其对手的肋骨猛砸一拳 To affect favorably or winsomely; charm or captivate: 受吸引,迷惑:使人产生好感地或使人高兴地影响…;迷住或俘获…的心: She was taken by the puppy. 她被那只小狗迷住了 To put (food or drink, for example) into the body; eat or drink: 吃,喝:将(食物或饮料等)置于体内;吃或喝: took a little soup for dinner. 喝了点汤充作晚餐 To draw in; inhale: 吸入;吸纳: took a deep breath. 深吸了一口气 To expose one"s body to (healthful or pleasurable treatment, for example): 置身于:把自己的身体暴露给(如,健康的或愉悦的治疗):
2023-01-02 18:31:381

名词解释Sencond Language Acquisition

 What"s ‘Second Language Acquisition"?1) Introduction: describing and explaining L2 acquisitionL2 is fairly a recent phenomenon, belonging to the second half of the twentieth century. ‘L2 acquisition" can be defined as the way in which people learn a language   other than their mother tongue ,inside or outside of a classroom, and Second Language Acquisition (SLA) as the study of this.2) What are the goals of SLA?In general, SLA has not focused on the communicative aspects of language development but on the formal features of language that linguists have traditionally concentrated on. One of the goals of SLA description of L2 acquisition. Another is explanation : identifying the external and internal factors that account for why learners acquire an L2 in the way they to . One of the external factors is the social milieu in which learning takes place. Another external factor is the input that learners receive, that is , the samples of language to which a learner exposed.The internal factors are as follows: (1) Learners possess cognitive mechanisms which enable them to extract information about the L2 from the input ;(2)L2 learners bring an enormous amount of knowledge to task of learning an L2;(3)L2 learners possess general knowledge about the world which they can draw on to help them understand L2 input; (4) L2 learners possess communication strategies that can help them take effective use of their L2 knowledge.The goals of SLA , then , are to describe how L2 acquisition proceeds and to explain this process and why some learners seem to be better at is than others.你可以参考这个页面:这里对于“第二语言习得机制”有深入的描述。
2023-01-02 18:31:431

2018考研英语 长难句咋复习?

学习考研英语长难句可以关注下图高斋考研英语和高斋外刊双语精读,以下给大家具体来分析一段话,破解长难句,包括句型,语法,单词和短语。取自18.8.18经济学人 火星上的生活马斯克长难句分析原文:Google made a profit in its first quarter as a listed firm, invested peanuts and, by 2010, controlled the search market.调整后的官方译文:谷歌上市后的第一个季度就实现了盈利,投资极少,到2010年已经称霸整个搜索市场。一、主句“s+v+o”主干部分解析s:Itv:made;invested;controlled(并列关系,但是时间上有先后)o:a profit;peanuts;the search market详解: (1)“It made a profit in its first quarter as a listed firm, invested peanuts and, by 2010, controlled the search market.”中,含有由“,”和“and”所连接的三个并列句,简化后为“It made a profit,invested peanuts and controlled the search market”。(2)“It made a profit in its first quarter as a listed firm”句子中,“in its first quarter”作时间状语,“as a listed firm”为“as”所引导的介词短语,表明地位。(3)翻译思维:中英文中名词和动词的转换问题。中文属于动态语言,喜欢用动词。而英文属于静态语言,喜用名词。在翻译的过程中,要注意两种思维的转换。原文中用了一个名词短语“as a listed firm”,在翻译成中文的时候,则采用了动词形式“上市”。二、make a profit 实现盈利三、first quarter 第一季度四、listed firm 上市公司五、peanut 花生;(非正式)很少的钱六、search market 搜索市场 同时,关于如何学习长难句,那最有效的提高方式就是就经常读外刊,比如经济学人,更多学习内容可以关注下图,以下是具体如何分析学习长难句,耐心看完哦!经济学人精读:在线教育!原文:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can"t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master"s, a professional degree or executive education. The wage premiums for a master"s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor"s are 19% and 57% respectively. Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. “I wanted to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my career, to remain relevant to my industry and my clients,” says Ann Cleland, a partner in Horne, an accountancy firm, who is taking the Harvard Business Analytics Programme. For her, as for many, an on-campus course was not an option.定稿译文(官方译文不少地方搭配不当):互联网为大学开辟了一个巨大的新型市场:有大批职业人士不便放弃工作和离开家庭,但又希望获得硕士学位、职业学位或高层管理教育来促进自己的职业发展。硕士学位和职业学位的工资水平相比学士学位分别高19%和57%。技术变革还意味着多年前获得的知识可能已经过时。会计师事务所霍恩(Horne)的合伙人安·克莱兰德( Ann Cleland)说:“我希望为职业生涯的下一阶段积累必要的技能,了解行业新动态并关注客户需求。”她正在参加哈佛商业分析课程(Harvard Business Analytics Programme)。对她和其他许多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。第一句原文:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can"t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master"s, a professional degree or executive education.定稿译文:互联网为大学开辟了一个巨大的新型市场:有大批职业人士不便放弃工作和离开家庭,但又希望获得硕士学位、职业学位或高层管理教育来促进自己的职业发展。主旨思想:联网为大学开辟巨大的新市场,在职人员可以不用辞职参加在线课程获得学位,提升自己,促进职业发展。单词和短语:1. open up: ①开放:As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods. 随着市场的开放,我想人们将能够花更多的钱购置消费品。②提供 (机会);(机会、可能性) 出现;(使)产生:Life studies opened up new possibilities for poetic subject matter. 生命研究为诗歌主题提供了新的可能性。2. boost:促进;增强 (信心、士气):Networking not only helps your business to grow but can boost your confidence and business knowledge. 交际不仅有利于壮大事业,而且能够提高自信并且增加商业知识。写作和翻译句型推荐:boost one"s career with表示“通过获得...来促进某人的职业发展”:这个句型特别适合在讲述学历时运用,现在很多人考MTI,其实就是“越来越多的人希望获得硕士学位/博士学位来促进自己的职业发展”“A growing number of people would like to boost their careers with a master"s/doctoral degree.”;boost还可以表示提升或增强:现在很多人参加各种线上线下课程,比如我们高斋翻译学堂现在每年也有3000多人跟着学翻译,一是备考CATTI或MTI,二是提升自己的翻译水平,这些不管是以后从事哪种语言类工作,都是有很大的帮助的。所以我们可以说“人们希望通过培训来提升自己的专业能力”可以翻译成People would like to boost their professional competence with a training.第二句原文:The wage premiums for a master"s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor"s are 19% and 57% respectively.官方译文:硕士学位和职业学位的工资水平相比学士学位分别高19%和57%。主旨思想:通过工资水平比较说明获得学位的重要性,也就是说职业人员需要参加继续教育。单词和短语:1. wage: 工资。同义词辨析:wage,salary和pay这三个词都可以表示“工资”,但含义不同。Salary主要指非体力劳动者所得到的“工资、薪水”,通常按月,有时按季或年计算(Salary is usually paid monthly, sometimes three months or a year, for a job, esp. as for workers of higher skill and rank);wage主要指简单劳动或体力劳动者所得的“工资、工钱”,通常按周、日等短期计算发(Wages are paid weekly for a job, esp. as for laborers or workers.),常用复数形式;pay指不论工作性质如何,针对劳动所支付的报酬,它包含salary和wage(s)(pay is paid for a job),为不可数名词。2. respectively:adv. 分别地;各自地,独自地。同根形容词:respective 分别的,各自的第三四句原文:Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. “I wanted to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my career, to remain relevant to my industry and my clients,” says Ann Cleland, a partner in Horne, an accountancy firm, who is taking the Harvard Business Analytics Programme.定稿译文:技术变革还意味着多年前获得的知识可能已经过时。会计师事务所霍恩(Horne)的合伙人安·克莱兰德( Ann Cleland)说,“我希望为我职业生涯的下一阶段积累必要的技能,了解行业新动态并关注客户需求。”她正在参加哈佛商业分析课程(Harvard Business Analytics Programme)。主旨思想:这段继续在说职业人员需要参加继续教育,因为技术变革会很快让知识过时。因此,要有危机意识,要为自己职业的下一个阶段积累技能,了解行业最新动态。单词和短语:1. acquire:美 [əˈkwaɪr] 获得(技能);养成(习惯);得到(某种名声); He has acquired a reputation as this country"s premier solo violinist. 他已经赢得了该国首席小提琴独奏家的名誉。近义词:obtain; gain; achieve; earn2. phase:n. 时期;阶段;(月亮的)盈亏3. relevant:adj. 相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的。remain relevant to等同于be relevant to,字面意思表示“与...有关的”,结合语境,这里表示“了解行业新动态并关注客户需求”,同时还要注意原文的“my industry and my clients”虽然是并列关系,但是翻译时要注意搭配,“了解行业新动态并关注客户需求”更合适。4. accountancy:n. 会计工作;会计学;会计师之职。accountancy firm:会计机构;会计公司写作和翻译句型推荐:build的用法很灵活:可以搭配不同类型(抽象/具体)的名词,翻译也不尽相同。比如build skills积累技能;build confidence:建立自信;build an idea:构建一个想法;build a culture创设一种文化;build a website创建一个网站。第四句中括号里的内容可以是我们在面试或制定规划时用到的很好的句型,如表达“我想为教学生涯的下一个阶段积累必要的技能,了解教育行业新动态。”就可以说I want to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my teaching career, (and)to remain relevant to my industry.第五句原文:For her, as for many, an on-campus course was not an option.定稿译文:对她和其他许多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。主旨思想:参加继续教育很重要,但是对很多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。这句刚好和这段的开头呼应,段首说在线教育的方便之处,段尾说学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。(注意:这种写作思路特别好,大家要学着使用)写作和翻译句型推荐:an option for:对...来说是一种选择,not an option for就是说“对...来说不现实/不是一个好办法/不是一个好选择”。比如《卫报》曾针对“德班气候变化峰会”发表过一篇报道,题目是Failure is not an option for global climate change talks,也就是说“失败对全球气候变化谈判来说不是一个好选择。”,言外之意就是说只准成功,不许失败。总结:这段话主要讲述了在线教育逐渐兴起的原因、现状及其优点,我们在谈论在线教育的好处的时候,完全可以使用这段的句型:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can"t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master"s, a professional degree or executive education. The wage premiums for a master"s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor"s are 19% and 57% respectively. Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. Many people want to build the skills necessary for the next phase of their careers, to remain relevant to their industry and clients. As for many of them, an on-campus course .is not an option.
2023-01-02 18:31:493


Critical Period Hypothesis The critical period for language acquisition语言获得的关键期 Eric Lenneberg was a major proponent. The critical period hypothesis关键期假设It refers to a period in one"s life extending from about age two to puberty, during which the human brain is most ready to acquire a particular language and language learning can proceed easily, swiftly, and without explicit instruction. It coincides with the process of brain lateralization. Prior to this period, both hemispheres are involved to some extent in language and one can take over if the other is damaged.「语言学习关键期」(the critical period)的争议。 认同「愈早开始学习外语,成效愈好」的人,在学理上常引用「语言学习关键期假说」(The Critical Period Hypothesis)来论证此项观点。1959年,神经生理学家Penfield和Roberts从大脑可塑性的角度,提出十岁以前,是学习语言的最佳年龄。哈佛大学心理学教授David Lenneberg(1967)则从医学临床经验,以「神经生理学的观点」有系统地解释「语言学习关键期」,他认为人的大脑从二岁开始边化(lateralization)[4],在边化完成前,人是用全脑来学习语言,约在青春期左右,大脑会完成边化,从此,语言学习主要由左边大脑负责。人脑「边化」后的语言学习不如全脑学习时期来得好。因此,语言学习最好在大脑完成边化之前,这也就是所谓的「语言学习关键期」。除了Lenneberg外,Bickerton(1981)和Coppieters(1987)的研究结果也倾向支持「语言学习关键期」的存在。Lenneberg提出「语言学习关键期假说」主要用来解释第一语(母语)的学习。而Thomas Scovel(1969)更将此假说的解释范围扩及第一语以外的语言学习。acculturation n.文化传入, 文化适应Acculturation is the obtainment of culture by an individual or a group of people. The term originally applied only to the process concerning a foreign culture, from the acculturing or accultured recipient point of view, having this foreign culture added and mixed with that of his or her already existing one acquired since birth.However, the term now has come to mean, in addition, the child-acquisition acculturation of native culture since infancy in the household. A child"s learning of its first culture is also called enculturation or merely socialization.The traditional definition sometimes differentiate between acculturation by an individual (transculturation) and that by a group, usually very large (acculturation).The old and the new additional definitions have a boundary that blurs in modern multicultural societies, where a child of an immigrant family might be encouraged to acculturate both the dominant also well as the ancestral culture, either of which may be considered "foreign", but in fact, they are both integral parts of the child"s development.
2023-01-02 18:32:181

make 的用法

2023-01-02 18:32:236


为了帮助大家提高托福写作成绩,下面我给大家带来托福写作中的逻辑关系词,希望对大家有所帮助! 托福写作中的逻辑关系词 作文 中的逻辑联系词一直都是帮助考生提高自己成绩的至宝。我们在写英文复杂句的时候其实就是将两个或两个以上的 句子 用连接词连接起来的。前面没有连接词的主+谓+宾的结构叫做主句,而前面加了连接词的主+谓+宾叫做从句。而如果是多个句子的叠加,则结构如下。 主句+连词+从句+连词+从句 英文复杂句的本质其实就是这么简单,当然我们还能写出更加困难的复杂句,但从ets给出的满分 范文 可以看出,真正确保了核心结构才能写出满分的句子。相反的,我们在写托福作文的时候一定要避免为了写难句而写难句(being difficult just for difficulty"s sake).很多同学一相情愿的写出很多的“难句”,却忽视了ets对托福作文实用加准确的要求,从而拿了出乎本人意料的低分。 所以考生们在平时练习作文的时候提高自己的联系词实用的熟练度和准确度就是提高考试作文质量的最佳途径。 转折关系词 1, While; whereas; whilst:用在句首或是句中都是可以的,表示主句和从句的对比,也就是说这三个词均用来表示句中对比,是不能当成句首副词来用的。 Eg This is based on the belief that identical twins share all the same genes whereas all the fraternal twins share only half the same genes. While environmentalists are quick to blame the increased carbon dioxide emissions for the global warming, the truth is that nobody knows whether a similar warming-and the later cooling-occurred before the advent of temperature-related technology in the 1900s. 2, by/in contrast:用在句首,表示它之前的一个句子和它后面引导的句子之间的对比,也就是表示句间对比。 3, on the contrary:这个词考生们都很喜欢用,但是错误率很高。需要注意的是这个词和in contrast弄混了,但其实这个此更接近instead,…的意思。它后面的内容是否定前面的陈述的。 Eg: It should be noted that not all school kids love to study. On the contrary, they love to explore the world around them, paying little attention to their academic work. Contrary to all the experts" expectation, the American economy took a nosedive. 4, rather than/instead of: 而不是,这两词是高分范文中的常见词汇,虽然也很为我们所熟悉,但是我们可以在不产生审美疲劳的情况下多使用几次。 At work, we should try to be ourselves rather than to be someone who we think others expect us to be. Instead of making further requests, pessimistic customers tend to lodge complaints. 5, Conversely:这货十分难写,跟在它后面的内容一般是把它前面的一句话的意思完全镜像。虽然它在美式 议论文 还算比较常见的一个单词,但是因为其用法确实让人头痛。具体请看例句: Studies have shown, for example, that reading aloud to children helps them become better readers. Conversely, children who do not have others reading aloud to them generally find it difficult to learn how to read. 让步关系词 1. Despite; In spite of; Notwithstanding: 后面跟名词或者代词。 Eg: Despite considerable public popularity, many of JFK"s social and civil rights programs had made little progress in a Democrat-controlled but conservative Congress. 2. Nonetheless; Nevertheless: 后面直接跟完整的句子。 Eg: Nevertheless, people have been harmed, hurt or even killed by them. 3. Even though:很多时候可以代替although,后面跟从句,表示对已经存在的状况进行让步。 4. Even if:后面跟从句,表示对没有发生的情况进行让步。 5. Albeit:一般用在句子中间,后面跟形容词。 6. As long as:只要,用在句子中间,不仅写作很常用,口语也很常用,比如那句有名的歌词:I don"t care who you are, where you from , what you did as long as you love me. 7. ….,however +adj.+n.,…: 这个句型也可以表示让步,它的有趣的之处就是名词后面可以省略动词。 Eg: Most couples, however fossilized their relationship, they always share some interests in common. 8. Admittedly: 他后面的句子一般都会加个“however”“but”之类的转折词汇。 限定关系词 1. In terms of: 从。。。意义上来讲;后面跟名词或者名词 短语 ,用在句首或者句中都可以。 Eg: We all differ in terms of what we find funny, but we"re all the same in terms our interests to listen to amusing things. These children are often spoiled, not in terms of love and attention because working parents do not have time for this, but in more material ways. 2. As for:后面可跟名词或者名词短语都可以,用在句首 3. When it comes to:后面跟名词或者名词短语,用在句首,有时候根据上下意思不同还可以再前面加上一个but 4. Regarding; concerning; with regard to; with respect to:关于。。。后面跟名词或者名词短语,用在句首或者句中都可以 类比关系词 1. Similarly:“类似地”一般情况下用在句首 Eg: Similarly, students who have to cope with intense peer pressure may have a hard time concentrating on their academic subjects. 2. Likewise:同上 Eg Some people have little power to do good, and to have little strength to resist evil.-------Samuel Johnson. 3. By the same token::“同理” Eg: The pressure didn"t present any fresh ideas, bun y the same token(=similarly), we didn"t expect any from him. 4. The same is true of:“这对于。。。也适用”,句首,后面跟名词或者名词短语 因果关系词 原因: 1. As; Since:后面跟从句而不能只跟一个名词 Eg: Since we cannot experience everything all by ourselves, we also acquire knowledge by reading books, magazines and newspapers. 2. Due to :后面只能跟从句而不能跟从句。 3. Owing to:同上 4. For the sake of,相当于英文中的for the purpose of helping/improving Eg My father kept saving his money for the sake of building a house for me. 5. By virtue of:意识是“通过。。。来。。。” Eg: She succeed by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent. 6. Given that; In view of, in light of“考虑到,鉴于。。。” Eg: Given the mounting pressure at work, he would sacrifice his high-paying job in exchange for the leisure time. 所以: 1. Hence; Thus; Therefore:因此; 用在句中或者句首都可以,如果用在句中的话,则句中用分号,后面跟他们引导的从句。 2. As a consequence; Consequently;as a result: 作为结果,用在句首比较多,后面用逗号。 3. So that:因此,用在句中。 托福写作词语运用两大原则 一。“言简朴实原则” “言简朴实原则”意思是行文主张不写噜苏或绚丽的字眼(flowery or wordy),句子应该越短越好,一句能用两个字,绝不多加一个。例如: At this point in time, we should pull together for our goal. (现在我们应该为我们的目标团结一致)这句话中“At this point in time”表示“现在”,我们完全可以用now来代替。 Despite the fact that my English is not very good, I am not discouraged。(虽然我的英语不好,但我不灰心。) 这句话中despite the fact tha t= although = though,因此我们完全可以改成Although my English is not very good, I am not discouraged。 In the majority of cases, he likes to ride bike to the office. (他通常喜欢骑单车到办公室)。很简单的一句话,完全可以写成 He usually likes to ride bike to the office。 平时我们所说的用词多样化和地道并不是体现在这些时间副词或者是完全可以简化的啰嗦句型上,而是指实用性极强的词如动词和形容词,比如: Original: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will add your social experience and help you to understand other people"s feelings and learn to be kind。 Revised: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will enrich your social experience and help you to understand other people"s feelings and learn to be considerate。 add,kind表达的含义都比较宽泛。add可以指数量上的增加,也可以指程度的加强,对于“丰富 经验 、增加知识”这个意思,用enrich会使表达更准确。kind从字面意义上讲是“好的、善良的”,用kind来形容人无法具体地表现出一个人的性格特征到底怎样,原句中是想表达“考虑周到、体贴入微”的特点,要准确表达这个含义应选择considerate。 另外,我们常见的一些累赘用词表现在句意的理解上,比如: He has had many years of (actual) experience in business. (他有多年经商的经验) actual是多余的,因为experience已经有actual的意味了。 We assembled (together) all the parts for our radio. (我们装好收音机的零件)assemble本身就有together的意思,因此together是多余的。 此外还有,in reference to=about; draw to close=end; at an early date=soon等。 二。“平等相处原则” “平等相处原则”的意思是行文不出现明显的带歧视或偏见的字眼,包括男女性别,也要避免区别,以示“平等”。例如: Many businessmen(businesswomen) feel their jobs are very stressful. (许多商人觉得工作压力很大)这句话写businessmen或是businesswomen都是不妥当的,可以改为business people或business executives或business managers就可以包括男女了。 Policemen (policewomen) should treat citizens with courtesy。(警察对人民应该有礼貌)假如把 policemen 或 policewomen 改为 police officers 就可避免男女性别 Stewardesses for international regions may get jet lag sometimes。(国际航线的空中小姐有时会有时差疲惫的现象)如把 stewardess 改为 flight attendant,就能包括男女空中服务员。 其他的如把salesman或saleswoman改为salesperson;把mailman改为mail carrier或postal worker;把foreman改为supervisor等等。 当然,一些带有种族偏见的字眼,甚至有侮辱的味道(insulting words 或 slur),也要尽量避免使用,以免闹出麻烦。例如: 对黑人不要用 Negro,更不能用 Nigger(用 Black 还可以),礼貌的说法是Afro-American 或 African-American; 对白人不要用 Honky(这是黑人骂白人的用字),正确用法是 Caucasian,或 white people; 对犹太人不要用 Hymies,应该叫 Jewish 或 Jewish people; 对越南人不要用 Gook,要用 Vietnamese; 至于墨西哥人、西班牙人及中、南美洲人,包括 Puerto Rico,正确的用法多是 Hispanics 或 Latins,不过据说西班牙人为了维护自己的 文化 ,倒喜欢别人称为 Spaniard。 还有黑白结婚的孩子,也不可称为 Oreo(Oreo 饼干外面是巧克力,里面是白奶油)。 当然对于一些很不礼貌的老外叫我们中国人Chink 或 Chinaman,而不是Chinese的时候,话说“君子不与小人斗”,我们可以不理(ignore)或是走开(walk away),尽量避免冲突。 总之,新托福写作要地道,了解他国的文化也是必不可少的“功课”之一。当然,在考试复习时间不充裕的情况下,尽量避免提及非常敏感的话题及用词,清楚简要地表达意思即可。 托福写作范文:The Nobel Academy The Nobel Academy For the last 82years, Sweden"s Nobel Academy has decided who will receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, thereby determining who will be elevated from the great and the near great to the immortal. But today the Academy is coming under heavy criticism both from the without and from within. Critics contend that the selection of the winners often has less to do with true writing ability than with the peculiar internal politics of the Academy and of Sweden itself. According to Ingmar Bjorksten, the cultural editor for one of the country"s two major newspapers, the prize continues to represent "what people call a very Swedish exercise: reflecting Swedish tastes." The Academy has defended itself against such charges of provincialism in its selection by asserting that its physical distance from the great literary capitals of the world actually serves to protect the Academy from outside influences. This may well be true, but critics respond that this very distance may also be responsible for the Academy"s inability to perceive accurately authentic trends in the literary world. Regardless of concerns over the selection process, however, it seems that the prize will continue to survive both as an indicator of the literature that we most highly praise, and as an elusive goal that writers seek. If for no other reason, the prize will continue to be desirable for the financial rewards that accompany it; not only is the cash prize itself considerable, but it also dramatically increases sales of an author"s books. 托福写作范文:The war between Britain and France The war between Britain and France In the late eighteenth century, battles raged in almost every corner of Europe, as well as in the Middle East, South Africa, the West Indies, and Latin America. In reality, however, there was only one major war during this time, the war between Britain and France. All other battles were ancillary to this larger conflict, and were often at least partially related to its antagonist" goals and strategies. France sought total domination of Europe. This goal was obstructed by British independence and Britain"s efforts throughout the continent to thwart Napoleon; through treaties. Britain built coalitions (not dissimilar in concept to today"s NATO) guaranteeing British participation in all major European conflicts. These two antagonists were poorly matched, insofar as they had very unequal strengths; France was predominant on land, Britain at sea. The French knew that, short of defeating the British navy, their only hope of victory was to close all the ports of Europe to British ships. Accordingly, France set out to overcome Britain by extending its military domination from Moscow t Lisbon, from Jutland to Caldaria. All of this entailed tremendous risk, because France did not have the military resources to control this much territory and still protect itself and maintain order at home. French strategists calculated that a navy of 150 ships would provide the force necessary to defeat the British navy. Such a force would give France a three-to-two advantage over Britain. This advantage was deemed necessary because of Britain"s superior sea skills and technology because of Britain"s superior sea skills and technology, and also because Britain would be fighting a defensive war, allowing it to win with fewer forces. Napoleon never lost substantial impediment to his control of Europe. As his force neared that goal, Napoleon grew increasingly impatient and began planning an immediate attack.
2023-01-02 18:33:221

高分求背单词方法,最好有英文句子,能记单词的那种。 先谢了…

希望对你有帮助 开始背单词了,要注意什么呢?一下这几点从现在起,请牢记在心,并彻底贯彻。 第一条:狂听!可以精听,也可以泛听。精听是指专门拿出一段时间,每个词都要听见,每个词都要听懂。泛听就是指把录音机(最好是随身听)开着,听到哪个是哪个,听见哪个是哪个。不知不觉当中,朦朦胧胧之间就学会了不少单词。泛听一定要见缝插针,有机会就听,有时间就听,时时输入,日积月累,耳朵不离耳机,你的英语突破指日可待。狂听不止,这是第一法则。 第二条:猛背!每天、每次一定要大量的背。因为自己不比别人聪明,所以背完单词,别人忘掉1/5,别指望自己比别人忘得少。然而,别人每天背10单词。自己却可以背100个,忘掉2/5,还剩60个,最后得到的结果是别人的10倍。用这本书,每天按计划做,是最低限。热情高涨的你还可以背下一天。其实背到最后您会发现这个要求并不高,关键一开始要坚持住。猛背不止,这是第二法则。 第三条:构词!很多单词是由“前缀”,“后缀”以及“词根”组成的。尤其是大词、不大好记的词。如果掌握了常见前、后缀以及词根,猜一个生词是什么意思就是a piece of cake。如果每天记100个单词,一个月就只能背3000单词。但研究表明,掌握了构词规律后,会有两万多较常用单词不用背就会了。请同学们参照本书常见前缀、后缀及词根各节。但请记住:有很多词,尤其是最常用单词,并无构词规律可言,你要做的还是狂背不止。 第四条:联想!背单词首先要看看它长什么样。然后就去看看它的意思和发音(别忘了发音,要不然你永远在学哑巴英语),再下来看看例句。接着就该联想了,怎么想?想它有没有和其他背过的单词有没有长相相似的、读音相似的、意思相似的、意思相反的?如果有,回忆一下,或者把它记在旁边。这样,易混淆的单词放在一起,你会记得更牢。碰到有的单词,你的脑子不出现任何联想的话,别理它,继续狂背不止。 第五条:复习!不断的背,不断的忘,有些同学感觉自己的大脑简直就是漏斗。其实,这太正常了,所有同学在英语学习的过程中,都有同样的经历。在背单词的过程中,复习显得非常重要。10个单词一组复习一遍,然后20个单词一组,然后是以前所有没背下来的单词一起复习。复习的时候,不必细抠,粗略地有一个较为迅速的反应就可以了,但一定要想一想它的读音。听觉形象必不可少,尤其是现在!别忘了现在还考听力,别忘了学习英语的最终目的。 背单词究竟应该怎么背?最常见的情况就是我们的同学拿着一本词汇书,满心疲惫,满脸痛苦,为了高考而上刀山下火海,在所不惜。不断地背,不断地忘,然后放弃,然后重新燃起希望,再背,再忘,再放弃,直至绝望。最要命的是,我们的考生这么多年学英语还真养成了一个习惯,那就是只用眼睛,不用嘴巴和耳朵。 这种做法大错而特错。科学已经发现,人类在学习语言的过程中,用耳朵接收信息的能力和人类用眼睛接收信息的能力是同样强的。只有视觉形象的单词,不仅在司机学习及运用中不可能运用起来,而且在不远的将来,一定会忘得干干净净。因此,我们很多同学背单词的过程,实际就是浪费生命的过程。 怎么才能背单词变得容易一点呢?怎么才能将单词背得再牢一点?答案很简单,既要有单词的视觉形象,还要有单词的听觉形象,这两种形象的叠加一定会给你留下更深刻的印象。同时具备听力和听觉形象的单词,才记得更快,才记得更牢,才是你背单词的最终极目标。才是你终身受益的宝贵财富。 词汇记忆方法 词汇太重要了,有道是:No bricks,No mansions。万丈高楼砖砌成。词汇就是砖,没有词汇,就什么也没有。 背单词可以尝试一下办法: 1.狂轰滥炸法:先不要管自己能记住多少,首先要做的就是大量接触,比如说,我一次听磁带两盒。毫无疑问,你会忘掉90%,但因为基数大,所以实际上你记住了很多。事实上,听觉和视觉并用,记忆效果大增,记住的可能性极大。另外,永远坚信,“接触过”和“完全陌生”是两种截然不同的感觉。接触过一次,下一次碰到的时候,也许会产生似曾相识的感觉。种感觉极有利于记住单词。 2.反复记忆法:俗话说:“一回生,二回熟”,反复多次强化对词汇的记忆,才能把单词真正记住。它的科学道理在于,根据人类的遗忘规律,人类记忆的衰退是由快变慢到更慢。在由快到慢的转变过程中,如反复强化,不仅可以加深记忆,而且不容易忘记。实际操作中,同学第一次复习前面背过的单词不应超过三天,第二次复习不应超过五天,第三次不应超过10天,第四次、第五次可逐渐延长,直至不忘。 3.例句记忆法:学习语言最直接的目的是运用,孤零零记忆一个单词的确痛苦,且事倍功半,因此,将它们放入一定的语言环境――例句中,结合句意来记忆,会记得更好、更牢。实际上,有时候,你会发现例句比释义更加重要,因为如果掌握了例句,你会发现你不仅知道了这个单词的意思,而且更重要的是你掌握了它的用法,而很多时候,同学们会发现记住一个八个词的句子,比记住一个八个字母的单词要容易得多。 4.归类记忆法:将同类,尤其是同主题词汇放在一起,同时背记,这样记忆的效果显著,且印象深刻。如将bachelor(学士)、master(硕士),doctor(博士)三词放在一起记忆,其效果一定好于将它们一个一个单独记忆。以后如遇到其中一个词时,头脑中出现的就是一组词,效率必然大大提高。再比如:ambassador(大使)、counselor(参赞)、consul(领事)也可以放在一起背。 5. 比较记忆法:把同义词或形似词放在一起,加以区别,这种背词的方法我们称之为比较记忆法。记忆的过程是一组组、一队队单词同时记忆。这种记忆方法可以帮助考生掌握意与词之间的细微差别以及各自特殊的用法,将易混淆的单词清楚的区别开来。doubt和suspect译成中文都是怀疑的意思,但却是完全不一样的怀疑。如:I doubt the bus has already left.意为我觉得汽车还没走;而I suspect the bus has already left.意为我觉得汽车已经走了。完全不一样的意思,只有放在一起比较、体会,才能很好地掌握。再如:acquire、inquire、requires是三个形似词,拼写酷似,但意思却完全不同:acquire(获得)、inquire(查询)、require(需要,命令)。这三个词要放在一起记的理由,不再赘叙。 6.构词记忆法:通过掌握构词法来记忆单词,这种记忆方法可以迅速增加词汇量。英语主要有三种构词法: 1) 转化,即由一个词类转化为另外一个词类。例如:videotape(n.)录像带――videotape(v.)拍录像。 2)派生,即通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词,例如:patho-是前缀,表示“痛苦”、“疾病”、“感情”。由此构成如:pathogen(病原体),pathology(病理学),pathobiology(病理学)。 3)合成,即由两个或更多的词合成一个词。例如:watchproof(防水),fireproof(防火),soundproof(隔音)等。再如:newsstand(报摊)。 背单词方法种种 1.阅读背单词法:英语专业的同学频繁采用的背词方法。也就是把背单词融入阅读之中,在看一篇文章的时候,遇到不认识的单词先做记号,并猜测它们的含义,等到全文看完之后再去查词典。这种方法不枯燥,记得比较牢,但缺点是记忆的词汇量较少,而且time consuming,不适合想求速成的同学,但是准备高考的过程中,不妨偶尔一用,以做调剂。 2.折叠背词法:把词汇书折叠,单词和释义及例句分开,将所有的词汇背三遍,先英汉对照背一遍,然后分别只看英文或只看汉语解释背一遍(把页面折叠,是自己看不到英文或中文部分,以免受干扰)。这种方法记忆的量大而且比较牢固。 3.撕书背词法:将一本词汇书一页一页撕下来,然后一页一页地背,这样方便携带,可是自己背词在时间上和空间上得以无限拓展,而且这样背词无形当中让自己感到责任重大,非背不可,有背水一战的感觉。实际取得的效果远远超出本书的价钱。 4.间隔反复背词法:有这样一个例子,如果你盯着一个人连续看两个小时,但以后再也看不见他了,那么也许一两个月后你就把他的长相给忘了,但是如果你把这两个小时分配到许多天中,每天只看他一分钟或者两分钟,这样下去,你就一辈子不会忘记他的长相。这是绝对的真理。建议考生先规定自己每天背词的数量,本书读者可以按天天的计划进行,然后在一天中每隔一段时间把这些词汇通背一遍,相隔时间不宜太短,以3~4小时为宜,早上背一遍,中午背一遍,晚上再背一遍或两遍。隔几天后再把这些词背一遍。如此循环,效果惊人。短期内可记住大量单词。 5.分组循环背词法:在背词的时候,通常里面有不少词你已经掌握了,可以掠过去不看;对于那些生词,可以采取以下策略:以五个为一组,对于连续的五个生词反复多词的记忆,直到你在遮住右半边只看英文的情况下能够立即说出去对应的中文含义。或者遮住左半边只看中文的时候就能够立即说出其对应的英文。然后再背下面五个生词。当背了六组(30个词)后,再从头把这30个词检查一遍,对于那些记不住的词,再在纸上抄几遍,以加强记忆。第二天,在开始背下一部分之前,同样应该把前一天背的部分快速的检查一遍,生疏的单词要抓紧处理,不要拖过长时间。 6.重点突破背词法:这适用于词汇复习到了一定阶段,差不多从头到尾梳理了一遍,但是还不够熟悉,还不能达到看见每个单词都能迅速反应意思时。这时候你就可以把记忆中的“钉子户”挑出来,写在笔记本或者词汇书上作好记号,在睡前、饭前、饭后等相对零乱的时间来解决它们。 英语背单词三投入 一、投入时间:当我们意识到单词不得不背时,我们就要投入时间。每人每天睡24小时,谁也不多,谁也不少。我们上班8个小时(其中浪费5个小时),睡觉8小时(很多人不需要这么长时间),三餐2小时,莫名其妙的kill3小时(好像什么也没做,时间就没有了)。因此,无论你多么忙,你都会有至少两个小时学英语,现在的关键是,什么是你的priority。如果你以为学英语是你的priority,那你就可以每天至少学2小时英语,至少背1小时单词。 二、投入感情:要培养对英语的感情。怎么培养,天天接触。有人说,天天接触的结果是让我感到恶心。关键还是一个态度问题。要把英语当成你的梦中情人,值得你去苦苦追求。如果这样的话,投入感情,投入时间都是值得的。在学英语的过程中,只要付出,就有回报,决不会出现“付出的爱收不回”的情况。另外要培养对英语的感情,还要不断的去体会自己的收获感和成就感。在背单词方面,回忆自己昨天记住的单词,回忆自己以前背下来的单词,你得到的就是成就感。不要总想前面还有多少没背,有时候去想想已经背了多少天,就会信心倍增。 三、投入恒心:我们很多人都知道不要浪费金钱,但却在挥霍时间,要知道时间比金钱更加宝贵,因为时间可以创造金钱,而金钱却不能买来时间。在学英语的过程,又是同学们花费时间最多的时候,单词不断地背,但却不及时复习,然后不断地忘,又是同学们花费时间复始。就像想烧开一壶开水一样,我们烧到80度的时候,就会放弃,(其实这是里收获的时节已经不远了,可是我们坚持不住了)。然后重烧,再烧到80度,再放弃,再重烧。学英语也一样,要坚持,要持之以恒。要不然,我们永远都在辛辛苦苦地烧开水,而永远喝不上开水,永远也尝不到收获的甘甜。 积极词汇和消极词汇 没人会怀疑背单词的重要性。现在的问题不是为什么要背单词,现在的问题是为什么不背单词。但是单词要背到什么程度,又该如何背却是很多人意见不一致的地方。很多人动辄要被一万、两万单词,其雄心勃勃固然可嘉,但是否真有必要。还是疑问。在考研的问题上,词汇要解决六千足矣! 此外,考生还要所谓的词汇分两类:第一类,积极词汇;第二类:消极词汇。所谓的积极词汇就是在英语实际使用过程中能够运用的词汇,这类词汇听见就明白(在正常语速时),想说就能说出来,想写就能写出来,而消极词汇一般是指在阅读中碰到,经过短时间思考,或者根据上下文能够能够有把握比推断出它的含义的词汇。现在考生所指的词汇量通常是消极词汇。消极词汇在一般的标准化考试当中是具有相当作用的,这就是为什么考试之前一定要背单词的原因所在。而真正能够运用到的词汇是积极词汇。 积极词汇和消极词汇之间是在不断转化。当一个消极词汇接触遍数多了,就会转变成为积极词汇,相反,如果一个积极词汇长期不接触,慢慢可能会退化成消极词汇,但这种情况在英语学习过程中,一般不太容易出现。因为一般来讲,要想是消极词汇转化成积极词汇往往需要接触30遍以上,这么多次的接触之后,一般就会在脑子里留下极为深刻的印象。而再想把它忘记,也并非易事,实际上可能是想忘也忘不掉了。 现在很多考生的问题是,有很多词汇是介于积极词汇与消极词汇之间的,另外很多背到的消极词汇如果较长时间不去接触就会完全变成陌生词汇。因此在考试之前,我们要做的事情就是:迅速扩大消极词汇量并且保持接触的频度,力争使其变成积极词汇,即使在考试之前不能使之变成积极词汇,也要力保在考试之前不让它变为完全陌生的词汇。这是一个总的原则,再运用本书的过程中,也要贯彻这一原则,你的英文从此将有一个飞跃。 高考究竟要背好多少单词呢?如果同学们能够掌握3000积极词汇,3000消极词汇,英语词汇你已经解决得很好了。这个目标,你可以实现吗?No problem! ■ 背单词小知识: 背单词的过程中要注意:英语词汇中动词和形容词比较重要,尤其是大纲中列出的那些经常和介词或副词一起用的词,他们是重中之重。抽象类的名词和副词大多是可以和同根的形容词和动词联系起来,具体类的名词相对比较简单,也容易搞定。 背单词的时候不要以背单词的释义本身为主,而是背例句为主,如果背不了例句,看例句也是不错的选择。力争做到看到单词能够想到例句和惯用法,如果能够知道几个同根词和同义词或者反义词更好。如果不知道,也不要强求,学习英语的过程就是不断积累的过程,以后总能知道的。另外,一次的信息输入量,总是有限度的,适可而止永远是最好的选择。 背单词的眼熟和耳熟 根据考试大纲,词汇总量是4300,这其中包括词组和常见搭配。背词的目的很明确,它是考试的基础。没有它,考试就是无本之木,无源之水。以前背词的主要目的就是混个眼熟,因为背词的目的在于解决20道词汇题,以及更重要的阅读理解和翻译题。而现在光混个眼熟是不够的,还要混个耳熟,因为现在加入了听力理解而词汇题不见了。当然,在学习英语的过程中,耳熟和眼熟都是必不可少的,只是以前我们忽视了听力的重要性罢了, 对中国学生来讲,背单词中眼睛的作用很大。为什么?这是我们长期学习英语的过程中所养成的一个习惯。在接收信息的过程中,我们特别依赖眼睛。事实上,对于阅读要求的词汇,达到“眼熟”就可以了。怎么做到“眼熟”呢?如果我们在记忆时,把单词中辅音字母的组合轮廓作为视觉中心,对于单词的速记会有很大的帮助。就像认汉字,我们从来不停留在一笔一划上,而是把整个字的轮廓记住。如果说记单词有什么“捷径”,这种“轮廓”记忆应该算是一种了。因为考研英语中不考你的拼写,所以单词的拼写事实上并不是那么的重要。这种看就能能认识的感觉在真正的考试中是一种非常好的感觉。 但是听觉形象的树立有利于同学们记忆和巩固所学单词。科学研究发现,人类用耳朵接受信息的能力和眼睛接收信息的能力一样强的,尤其在语言学习过程中。因此我们还要充分发挥耳朵的潜力,使之在学习英语的过程中发挥更大的作用。有些同学想,我的听力是无可救药可。混个耳熟太浪费时间,且于事无补。真的吗?即使你想放弃听力20分,你也不妨去混个耳熟。因为视觉形象和听觉形象的强大组合,会让你单词记得很牢。同学们不是总在抱怨自己单词记得快,忘得也快吗?可是,你的单词是怎么背的呢?是不是抱着一本词汇书,或者一本字典在那儿废寝忘食呢?有时候还嘴里ABCD的将字母一并念出,事实上,你得到的不是一个单词的听觉形象,你得到的是一串串字母的听觉形象,这也就是为什么我们对26个字母的记忆总是那么鲜活和生动。我们要得到的是一个单词完整、正确的听觉形象,只有这样的听觉形象才对记忆单词起到积极的促进作用。 ■ 背单词成功指南: 你的态度会影响你成功与否。要培养正确态度,要记住下面的句子,当你沮丧甚至绝望的时候,不断用他们来激励自己: I know more today than I did yesterday/ I am preparing. I will succeed. 记住:Always have positive thoughts.有些压力是正常并且是有好处的。但不要panic or worry.Avoid people who panic and worry.不要接触他们,不要听他们胡说,他们能起的唯一作用就是:They encourage negative thoughts。 背单词的经验和教训总结 1)不要用太厚的单词书,这样会从精神上将你击垮。很厚的词汇书出发点往往是书商的经济利益。 2)要及时复习。切不可有记住一次就大功告成的想法。 3)带着你要背的单词书或者今天要背的那几页,随时随地背单词。 4)带着录音磁带和随身听,利用很多本来无法利用的时间。 5)多一点投入,就多一份收获。 6)背的时候,不要光记单词的释义,有时要看一看例句,你会发现记得会更容易一点儿。 7)要有紧迫感,要求自己今天的事今天昨晚。实在做不完,还有明天,但不能总是依赖明天。 8)永远记住这句话:每向前走一步,就超越了很多人,每记住一个单词,考研出线的希望就大了一分。 9)坚持、坚持、再坚持。坚持背下去,胜利就在前方
2023-01-02 18:33:321

帮忙翻译一下 生物类名词 英语牛人也来(汗--英)

Elementary knowledge on virus1.To get knowledge on virus, comprehensive its composition and acquire relationship between virus and origin of life.2.To realize frontline advancements on virology.Viruses in daily life1.To see pathogens, circumstance of the harms besides epidemical dissemination as for viral diseases.2.To master primary prevention knowledge on humanity viral diseases.Virus & biotechnology 1.Operations of transgenosis as well as effect of virus on transgenosis research are introduced in brief.2.Other information such as safety of transgenic organisms.Interesting virus1.To inform of advantages and disadvantages of virus, prevention & treatment for smallpox, producing colors and patterns for flowers with virus and, key cases of spraying for weak plants to prevent/treat diseases.2.Impact of virus on breedingVirus and life 1.To state structures of simple life style as virus and viroid and the dissemination, movement as well as infecting of virus.
2023-01-02 18:33:382

2015-2016英语周报高二新课程48期 假期训练营 专项技能突破二的答案解析

2015-2016英语周报高二新课程48期高二新课程第48期参考答案及部分解析[参考答案]专项技能突破(二)1-5 DCBBC 6-10 AABCD 11-15 CDABC 16-20BADAD21. weighing 22. that 23. lowest 24.however25. has increased 26. effects 27. related 28. it29. whom 30. improvement31. ... explain that ... that → what32. ... on the way ... way后加to33. ... knock down ... knock → knocked34. ... bad hurt ... bad→ badly 35. ... immediate treat. treat → treatment36. While I stay ... stay→ stayed37. ... or told him ... or→ and38. ... ring about ... 去掉about39. ... apologize of ... of→ for40. Unfortunately ... Unfortunately→ FortunatelyOne possible version:Dear Wang Ping,I"m very glad to hear from you. It"s nearlya month since you left for America. I"m sorry to hear that you"re having sometrouble there.You told me in your e-mail you"re feelinglonely and homesick in America. Don"t worry about that. It"s natural that wefeel homesick in a foreign country. Why not try to make some new friends andtake part in some social activities? As for the food, maybe you can learn tocook some Chinese food for yourself. Finally, you"re such a good languagelearner that you can overcome the language barrier. I"m sure you can makeit. Looking forward to hearing from you.Yours, Li Hua阅读理解突破(二)1-4 BCDC 5-8 CABC 9-12 BCAA 13-16 CDDB[部分解析]专项技能突破(二)完形填空:我在大学游泳队的教练是我的父亲,他不仅提高了我的游泳技能而且还教给了我做人的道理。1. D。根据上句中的father可知,我在大学游泳队的教练是我父亲,我是他女儿(daughter)。2. C。根据本空后的treated any differently可知,父亲并没有对我特殊照顾(treatment)。3. B。由上文提到的我与教练的父女关系推断,正是由于这种特殊的(unique)关系,我们父女才变得这么亲密。4. B。根据第1空后的swim team可知,我努力想成为一个优秀的游泳选手(swimmer)。5. C。由本空前的better和motivation可知,我努力想成为一个优秀的游泳选手,但我更想让父亲铭记(impress)我的表现。6. A。根据本空后的too much work得出,其他女孩子可以因为作业太多而不去(skip)训练。7. A。根据语境可知,此处表转折,故选but。8. B。根据下一句可知,因为我父亲是教练,所以我学会了统筹安排自己的时间(time)。9. C。根据本空前一句可知,我每天的活动安排(schedules)都排得满满的,这让我不得不学会统筹安排。10. D。11. C。教练鼓励我们努力(work)训练以发挥潜能,他想让我们在课堂上和游泳池(pool)里都表现优秀。12. D。本空后就是他们选我当队长的原因,故选because。13. A。根据本空前的captain和文章末句的helpingothers判断,队友们觉得我值得信任并且有责任心(responsible)。14. B。15. C。根据本空前后的ability和beyond可知,父亲有能力让队员们自我激励着(push)前行,突破他们自认为的能力(capable)极限。16. B。根据本空后的hard work and determination可知,只要刻苦训练,充满毅力,那么一切皆有可能(possible)。17. A。根据文章最后一句可知,选help符合语境。18. D。在父亲的指导下,游泳让我培养(acquire)了价值观,掌握了技能。19. A。20. D。父亲教给我如何去实现(achieve)自己的目标,更重要的是(importantly),他让我懂得了帮助别人实现梦想的重要性。语法填空:21. weighing。考查非谓语动词。动词-ing形式短语weighing too much作后置定语修饰people, 逻辑主语people与分词动作weigh之间是主动关系。22. that。考查名词性从句的引导词。主语是reason, 表语从句要用that引导。23. lowest。考查形容词最高级。该句意思是“日本体重超重人数比率在发达国家最低”。句中有比较范围in the developed world, 需用low的最高级形式。24. however。考查副词。前后句之间意义上是转折关系,故用however。25. has increased。考查时态与主谓一致。“in the past + 一段时间”作状语,谓语动词常用现在完成时;主语是“the number of + 复数名词”,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。26. effects。考查词形变化。从谓语动词are可知,主语effect应该用复数形式。27. related。考查非谓语动词。be related to是固定短语,意思是“与……有关”,设空处过去分词短语作后置定语修饰illnesses。28. it。考查代词。it作形式主语,真正主语是后面的that从句。29. whom。考查定语从句的引导词。many of whom are schoolchildren是“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句,修饰先行词overweightpeople。30. improvement。考查词性转换。设空处所填单词在句中作谓语requires的宾语,需用improve的名词形式。阅读理解突破(二)A篇德罗巴染上疟疾后,致力于帮助科特迪瓦人战胜这种疾病。1. B。推理判断题。第三段是对疟疾这种疾病的介绍,与上下文承接关系不大,属于背景方面的介绍。2. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的the wilds of West Africa, where he has built a hospital以及倒数第二段的内容可知,德罗巴在自己的家乡建造了一所医院。3. D。细节理解题。由第六段中德罗巴所说的话But I kept playing. I wanted to help my team可知,德罗巴因为想帮助球队,所以没有及时治疗。4. C。细节理解题。从倒数第二段的内容可知,The situation指的是科特迪瓦国内的冲突。B篇研究表明,一个人要记住某一个单词,在14分钟只需要重复160遍,这暗示着有些大脑受到损伤的人也有可能恢复语言能力。5. C。细节理解题。根据第二段可知,研究者是通过比较志愿者分别听熟词和生词时的脉动获得实验结果的,由此可知,听熟词和生词的时候脉动必定不一样。6. A。细节理解题。根据第四段可知,Dr Shtyrov和他的研究团队做这项研究的目的是帮助中风病人重新学会说话。7. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,Dr Shtyrov的做法和Paul Noble的想法是不谋而合的。8. C。标题归纳题。本文介绍了一项研究,即通过重复,语言学习者可以被动学会一门语言。故C项作标题既符合文章主旨,又能引发读者的阅读兴趣。C篇本文介绍了一个以词汇游戏为特色的语言学习网站。9. B。细节理解题。本段第一句列出了很多学习英语的方法,目的在于引出另外一种方法,即词汇游戏。10. C。段落大意题。第四段提到了很多考试,其目的在于指出这些考试都需要丰富的词汇量,而有助于扩大词汇量,该网站对这些考试有帮助。11. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的By making connections between words and ideas, and between words andpictures, we build vocabulary skills可知,该网站把单词与概念、单词与图片联系起来。12. A。写作目的题。文章第二段引出了一种学习英语的方法——借助一个词汇学习网站,接下来介绍了该网站的特色,目的在于推广一个词汇网站。D篇本文向我们介绍了芬兰一项有趣的比赛——背妻世锦赛。13. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的And if you"re single, just grab any woman. As long as she"s over 17可知,单身男性可以跟一个年满十七岁的陌生女子参加比赛。14. D。细节理解题。根据第五段中的the “Estonian-style” carry ... The second method is the easiest for returning the wifeto her feet可知应选D项。15. D。细节理解题。根据末段中的each follows the original Finnish rule: “All participants must have fun”可知应选D项。16. B。写作意图题。根据文章内容可知,作者主要向我们介绍了一项有趣的比赛——背妻世锦赛。
2023-01-02 18:33:481


推荐你去看 超级学习法, 超级记忆法。 对学习帮助很大。
2023-01-02 18:33:557


学习考研英语长难句可以关注下图高斋考研英语和高斋外刊双语精读,以下给大家具体来分析一段话,破解长难句,包括句型,语法,单词和短语。取自18.8.18经济学人 火星上的生活马斯克长难句分析原文:Google made a profit in its first quarter as a listed firm, invested peanuts and, by 2010, controlled the search market.调整后的官方译文:谷歌上市后的第一个季度就实现了盈利,投资极少,到2010年已经称霸整个搜索市场。一、主句“s+v+o”主干部分解析s:Itv:made;invested;controlled(并列关系,但是时间上有先后)o:a profit;peanuts;the search market详解: (1)“It made a profit in its first quarter as a listed firm, invested peanuts and, by 2010, controlled the search market.”中,含有由“,”和“and”所连接的三个并列句,简化后为“It made a profit,invested peanuts and controlled the search market”。(2)“It made a profit in its first quarter as a listed firm”句子中,“in its first quarter”作时间状语,“as a listed firm”为“as”所引导的介词短语,表明地位。(3)翻译思维:中英文中名词和动词的转换问题。中文属于动态语言,喜欢用动词。而英文属于静态语言,喜用名词。在翻译的过程中,要注意两种思维的转换。原文中用了一个名词短语“as a listed firm”,在翻译成中文的时候,则采用了动词形式“上市”。二、make a profit 实现盈利三、first quarter 第一季度四、listed firm 上市公司五、peanut 花生;(非正式)很少的钱六、search market 搜索市场 同时,关于如何学习长难句,那最有效的提高方式就是就经常读外刊,比如经济学人,更多学习内容可以关注下图,以下是具体如何分析学习长难句,耐心看完哦!经济学人精读:在线教育!原文:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can"t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master"s, a professional degree or executive education. The wage premiums for a master"s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor"s are 19% and 57% respectively. Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. “I wanted to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my career, to remain relevant to my industry and my clients,” says Ann Cleland, a partner in Horne, an accountancy firm, who is taking the Harvard Business Analytics Programme. For her, as for many, an on-campus course was not an option.定稿译文(官方译文不少地方搭配不当):互联网为大学开辟了一个巨大的新型市场:有大批职业人士不便放弃工作和离开家庭,但又希望获得硕士学位、职业学位或高层管理教育来促进自己的职业发展。硕士学位和职业学位的工资水平相比学士学位分别高19%和57%。技术变革还意味着多年前获得的知识可能已经过时。会计师事务所霍恩(Horne)的合伙人安·克莱兰德( Ann Cleland)说:“我希望为职业生涯的下一阶段积累必要的技能,了解行业新动态并关注客户需求。”她正在参加哈佛商业分析课程(Harvard Business Analytics Programme)。对她和其他许多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。第一句原文:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can"t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master"s, a professional degree or executive education.定稿译文:互联网为大学开辟了一个巨大的新型市场:有大批职业人士不便放弃工作和离开家庭,但又希望获得硕士学位、职业学位或高层管理教育来促进自己的职业发展。主旨思想:联网为大学开辟巨大的新市场,在职人员可以不用辞职参加在线课程获得学位,提升自己,促进职业发展。单词和短语:1. open up: ①开放:As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods. 随着市场的开放,我想人们将能够花更多的钱购置消费品。②提供 (机会);(机会、可能性) 出现;(使)产生:Life studies opened up new possibilities for poetic subject matter. 生命研究为诗歌主题提供了新的可能性。2. boost:促进;增强 (信心、士气):Networking not only helps your business to grow but can boost your confidence and business knowledge. 交际不仅有利于壮大事业,而且能够提高自信并且增加商业知识。写作和翻译句型推荐:boost one"s career with表示“通过获得...来促进某人的职业发展”:这个句型特别适合在讲述学历时运用,现在很多人考MTI,其实就是“越来越多的人希望获得硕士学位/博士学位来促进自己的职业发展”“A growing number of people would like to boost their careers with a master"s/doctoral degree.”;boost还可以表示提升或增强:现在很多人参加各种线上线下课程,比如我们高斋翻译学堂现在每年也有3000多人跟着学翻译,一是备考CATTI或MTI,二是提升自己的翻译水平,这些不管是以后从事哪种语言类工作,都是有很大的帮助的。所以我们可以说“人们希望通过培训来提升自己的专业能力”可以翻译成People would like to boost their professional competence with a training.第二句原文:The wage premiums for a master"s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor"s are 19% and 57% respectively.官方译文:硕士学位和职业学位的工资水平相比学士学位分别高19%和57%。主旨思想:通过工资水平比较说明获得学位的重要性,也就是说职业人员需要参加继续教育。单词和短语:1. wage: 工资。同义词辨析:wage,salary和pay这三个词都可以表示“工资”,但含义不同。Salary主要指非体力劳动者所得到的“工资、薪水”,通常按月,有时按季或年计算(Salary is usually paid monthly, sometimes three months or a year, for a job, esp. as for workers of higher skill and rank);wage主要指简单劳动或体力劳动者所得的“工资、工钱”,通常按周、日等短期计算发(Wages are paid weekly for a job, esp. as for laborers or workers.),常用复数形式;pay指不论工作性质如何,针对劳动所支付的报酬,它包含salary和wage(s)(pay is paid for a job),为不可数名词。2. respectively:adv. 分别地;各自地,独自地。同根形容词:respective 分别的,各自的第三四句原文:Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. “I wanted to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my career, to remain relevant to my industry and my clients,” says Ann Cleland, a partner in Horne, an accountancy firm, who is taking the Harvard Business Analytics Programme.定稿译文:技术变革还意味着多年前获得的知识可能已经过时。会计师事务所霍恩(Horne)的合伙人安·克莱兰德( Ann Cleland)说,“我希望为我职业生涯的下一阶段积累必要的技能,了解行业新动态并关注客户需求。”她正在参加哈佛商业分析课程(Harvard Business Analytics Programme)。主旨思想:这段继续在说职业人员需要参加继续教育,因为技术变革会很快让知识过时。因此,要有危机意识,要为自己职业的下一个阶段积累技能,了解行业最新动态。单词和短语:1. acquire:美 [əˈkwaɪr] 获得(技能);养成(习惯);得到(某种名声); He has acquired a reputation as this country"s premier solo violinist. 他已经赢得了该国首席小提琴独奏家的名誉。近义词:obtain; gain; achieve; earn2. phase:n. 时期;阶段;(月亮的)盈亏3. relevant:adj. 相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的。remain relevant to等同于be relevant to,字面意思表示“与...有关的”,结合语境,这里表示“了解行业新动态并关注客户需求”,同时还要注意原文的“my industry and my clients”虽然是并列关系,但是翻译时要注意搭配,“了解行业新动态并关注客户需求”更合适。4. accountancy:n. 会计工作;会计学;会计师之职。accountancy firm:会计机构;会计公司写作和翻译句型推荐:build的用法很灵活:可以搭配不同类型(抽象/具体)的名词,翻译也不尽相同。比如build skills积累技能;build confidence:建立自信;build an idea:构建一个想法;build a culture创设一种文化;build a website创建一个网站。第四句中括号里的内容可以是我们在面试或制定规划时用到的很好的句型,如表达“我想为教学生涯的下一个阶段积累必要的技能,了解教育行业新动态。”就可以说I want to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my teaching career, (and)to remain relevant to my industry.第五句原文:For her, as for many, an on-campus course was not an option.定稿译文:对她和其他许多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。主旨思想:参加继续教育很重要,但是对很多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。这句刚好和这段的开头呼应,段首说在线教育的方便之处,段尾说学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。(注意:这种写作思路特别好,大家要学着使用)写作和翻译句型推荐:an option for:对...来说是一种选择,not an option for就是说“对...来说不现实/不是一个好办法/不是一个好选择”。比如《卫报》曾针对“德班气候变化峰会”发表过一篇报道,题目是Failure is not an option for global climate change talks,也就是说“失败对全球气候变化谈判来说不是一个好选择。”,言外之意就是说只准成功,不许失败。总结:这段话主要讲述了在线教育逐渐兴起的原因、现状及其优点,我们在谈论在线教育的好处的时候,完全可以使用这段的句型:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can"t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master"s, a professional degree or executive education. The wage premiums for a master"s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor"s are 19% and 57% respectively. Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. Many people want to build the skills necessary for the next phase of their careers, to remain relevant to their industry and clients. As for many of them, an on-campus course .is not an option.
2023-01-02 18:34:273


美丽的心灵 漂亮的衣服 宽广的马路拥挤的人群 庞大的队伍 坚韧的性格敏锐的目光 滑稽地动作 坚定地步伐
2023-01-02 18:34:524


2023-01-02 18:35:056


定义:动名词是指兼有动词和名词特征的非谓语动词。它仍一方面保留着动词的某些特征,具有动词的某些变化形式,用以表达名词所不能表达的较为复杂的意念;另一方面它在句子的用法及功能与名词类同用法:动名词可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语、定语。 1)作主语动名词作主语时谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。如:Playing basketball is my hobby. 打篮球是我的爱好。当表语是 no good, no use 等时,常用 it 代替动名词作主语。如:It is no good waiting here.在这儿等没用。2) 作宾语某些动词后只能接动名词作宾语,这类动词常见的有:admit,advise,risk,envy,appreciate,forgive,escape,finish等。例如:I haven"t finished doing my homework. 我的作业还没做完。动名词也可以作介词的宾语。如:You should get some training to acquire the ability of use a computer. 你需要接受一些培训才能获得操作电脑的能力。3) 作表语当动名词作表语的时候,可以和主语调换位置。如:My hobby is swimming.= Swimming is my hobby. 我爱好游泳。4) 作定语。动名词作定语,一般表示用途。如:a waiting room, 意为“候车室”; a reading room, 意为“阅览室”;a dining room, 意为餐厅。关注我,获得更多实用有趣的英语知识~
2023-01-02 18:35:251


照人肝胆、 照天蜡烛、 照功行赏、照本宣科、 照章办事、 照单全收、照萤映雪、 照猫画虎
2023-01-02 18:27:252