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2023-07-08 01:25:07
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!




阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KingAbdullahUniversityofScience&Technology),简称KAUST,建立于2009年,坐落于沙特吉达,是一所专攻理工领域的国际化私立研究型大学。学校拥有世界顶尖的科研设备和实验室,致力于通过跨学科的研究、教育和创新推进全球科学与技术进步。建校理念借鉴美国加州理工学院的“小而精”模式,只面向全球招收硕士、博士研究生,不招收本科生。大学官方语言为英语,是世界最为国际化的大学之一。截至2016年,在校研究生共940名,国际生人数占比69%;学校教职员工大部分来自西方及东亚教育发达地区,比例高达90%以上。专业老师在线权威答疑 zy.o*********.com


谁的英语比较好 我想问一下 Science technology 是什么意思 这两个词可以放到一起么

小强网络科技译:Xiao Qiang web Technology
2023-07-07 23:42:523


2023-07-07 23:43:016


2023-07-07 23:43:221

科技 的英文简称是什么呢?

science and technology
2023-07-07 23:43:325

what is the difference between science and technology? 用英文回答这个问题,15词左右.

Science is the study of things with branches like biology,chemistry,physics and psychology.The basis of Science is the conducting of experiments.Technology,on the other hand,is more of an applied science.It is where tools and knowledge are used for the study of a particular science.If the goal of science is the pursuit of knowledge for science"s sake,technology aims to create systems to meet the needs of people.Science has a quest of explaining something,while technology is leaning more towards developing a use for something.
2023-07-07 23:43:471


2023-07-07 23:44:009


science and technology
2023-07-07 23:44:178

science technology and society是什么?

2023-07-07 23:44:391

science and technology是单数还是复数

science and technology科学技术谓语动词用复数形式。science and technology是“科技”,专业名词,谓语应该用单数。 扩展资料 单数就是一个复数就是多个,但是后面不用加s而复数后面就要加s或者es。复数指语言中与单数相对,两个及两个以上的可数名词。
2023-07-07 23:44:451


  社会上习惯于把科学和技术联在一起,统称为“科技”。实际二者既有密切联络,又有重要区别。科学解决理论问题,技术解决实际问题。科学要解决的问题,是发现自然界中确凿的事实与现象之间的关系,并建立理论把事实与现象联络起来;技术的任务则是把科学的成果应用到实际问题中去。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    科技英语说法1:   technology    科技英语说法2:   science and technology    科技的相关短语:   创新科技 Creative Technology ;   联发科技 MediaTek ;MTK ; mediatek   科技树 Technology tree; Arbre des technologies ; technology tree   科技创业 Technology Review ; technology entreprencurship   朗讯科技 Lucent Technologies ; LUCENT ; LU ; Avaya Technologies   资讯科技 Information Technology ; IT ; Geotechnology ; Information Technologies    科技的英语例句:   1. Several of the delays were caused by the new high-tech baggage system.   几次延误都是由新的高科技行李传送系统造成的。   2. Scientific development meant the growth of numerous professions ancillary to medicine.   科技发展意味着许多医学衍生职业的增长。   3. Please enclose your remittance, making cheques payable to Thames Valley Technology.   请附上汇款,支票收款人为泰晤士河谷科技公司。   4. It is easy to feel trampled by the relentless march of technology.   随着科技发展的日新月异,人们容易感到无所适从。   5. Science and technology have made major changes to the way we live.   科技极大地改变了我们的生活方式。   6. There has been a shift from *** okestack industries into high-tech ones.   产业结构已由烟囱工业转向了高科技产业。   7. This engine uses all the most modern technology.   这个发动机汇集了现代最顶尖的科技。   8. puters have always represented the latest in technology.   计算机向来是最新科技的象征。   9. He"s ignorant about modern technology.   他对现代科技一无所知。   10. Such traditional methods seem incongruous in our technical age.   此类传统方法似乎同我们今天的科技时代格格不入。   11. She works as a translator of technical texts.   她的工作是科技翻译。   12. The government decided to encourage industries based on biotechnology.    *** 决定鼓励发展以生物科技为基础的产业.   13. Rapid industrial growth makes new demands on science and technology.   工业的发展对科技提出新要求.   14. Today, the pace of life is increasing with technological advancements.   当今, 随着科技进步,生活节奏不断增快.   15. There is a series of science and technology on the desk.   案头放著一套科技丛书.
2023-07-07 23:45:031


2023-07-07 23:45:121


2023-07-07 23:45:214

science and technology与technology都可以表示科技的意思吗?如果是,有什么区别?

单纯的technology更偏向于指“技术” 希望对你有帮助
2023-07-07 23:45:313


2023-07-07 23:45:392

高分求编一段关于 science technology 的情景对话

In our daily lives, we have many choices to make: what to eat for supper, what clothes to wear, what to do on weekends… At certain times in our lives, we need to make more critical choices, such as which school to attend, what job to take or who to choose as husband or wife. Yes, life is a matter of choice. Seemingly, it means a choice of tangible things. But in essence, it means choosing a way of life. Life is to be lived, savoured; enjoyed: not wasted or complained about. Hardly can we forget the time when our society faced a grave threat from the life-and-death disease--SARS. Yet, even during those dreadful times, some afflicted people remained optimistic. Instead of wearing neutral white masks, some people turned to colourful ones, and thus displayed a happy mood. Some creative people coined SARS as an acronym for "SMILE AND REMAIN SMILING." I was deeply touched by their optimism, nearly forgetting that we were still in a battle. People who survive these kinds of circumstances, at some point, decide to carry on: in spite of the overwhelming odds. Every morning when we get up, we have a choice of how we want to approach life that day.As for me, I choose to be cheerful.
2023-07-07 23:45:481

science and technology

有时两个名词虽由and连接,但习惯上被看作是一样东西,这时动词也用单数:Bread and butter is enough for me.Whisky and soda is his favourite.Duck and peas is delicious,but eggs and bacon is better.That cup and saucer is broken.The wheel and axle is out of repair.A needle and thread is all my grandmother needs.Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy.
2023-07-07 23:46:103

英语science and technology 作主语

用完成时表示已经发生,对现在产生影响并可能延续到将来.而一般进行时只表示现在的动作状态.The writer and singer likes fishing.那个作家兼歌手爱好钓鱼.(用单数,只有一个定冠词,为一个人)The writer and the singer like fishing.(用复数,有两个定冠词,表示形容的是独立的两个人)这里的science and technology均不加冠词,视为两项独立存在的事物
2023-07-07 23:46:192

请问:science and technology changes the way of production 里的science and technology是单数还是复数?

2023-07-07 23:46:274

science and technology和develop的关系是主动还是被动

2023-07-07 23:46:453

International Journal of Science, Technology and Society是什么期刊

如上图。“科学、技术与社会”杂志。使用语言为英语。英文简介:Science, Technology & Society is a peer-reviewed journal. It provides a forum for discussion on how the advances in science and technology influence society and vice versa. It is published three times a year by SAGE Publications.大致意思:“科学、技术与社会”是一份经同行评议的杂志。它提供了一个论坛,讨论科学技术的进步如何影响社会(或社会发展如何影响科学技术)的相关问题。它每年出版三次,由SAGE出版社出版。
2023-07-07 23:46:522


2023-07-07 23:47:143

Beijing Science &Technology University是哪个学校?

2023-07-07 23:50:085


2023-07-07 23:50:232

英语作文请你以“Science and technology is changing our li

you should depend on yourself
2023-07-07 23:50:332

Master of Science (Technology)和Master of Science的区别

Master of Science (Technology)是偏向工程方面的科学Master of Science主要指的是理论性,更普通的自然和试验科学看你之前的发展方向是那一个,工科还是理科吧,或者看自己未来发展的兴趣!希望满意!
2023-07-07 23:50:401


STEAM是一种教育理念,有别于传统的单学科、重书本知识的教育方式。STEAM是一种重实践的超学科教育概念。任何事情的成功都不仅仅依靠某一种能力的实现,而是需要借于多种能力之间,比如高科技电子产品的建造过程中,不但需要科学技术,运用高科技手段创新产品功能,还需要好看的外观,也就是艺术等方面的综合才能,所以单一技能的运用已经无法支撑未来人才的发展,未来,我们需要的是多方面的综合型人才。 从而探索出STEAM教育理念。STEAM教育理念最早是美国政府提出的教育倡议,为加强美国K12关于科学、技术、工程、艺术以及数学的教育。STEAM的原身是STEM理念,即科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、数学(Mathematics)的首字母。鼓励孩子在科学、技术、工程和数学领域的发展和提高,培养孩子的综合素养,从而提升其全球竞争力。近期加入了Arts,也就是艺术,变得更加全面。
2023-07-07 23:50:5013


Electronic Science
2023-07-07 23:52:214

environmental science technology 投稿图表放在正文里吗

2023-07-07 23:52:281


2023-07-07 23:52:397

——science and technology help the society to make

2023-07-07 23:52:562


2023-07-07 23:53:042

如何理解和翻译“Science and Technology Studies”

Science and Technology Studies科学技术研究科学技术学美国康奈尔大学和斯坦福大学的用法,把“Science and Technology Studies”简写为S&TS。当前,国内学术界对S&TS的译名问题正处于热烈的讨论之中。对S&TS的翻译不是一件想当然的事情,更不是一件人云亦云的事情,而是建立在如何理解S&TS的基本内涵和主要研究范围的基础之上的。要搞清楚S&TS产生的历史背景,特别是弄明白S&TS学者在这一名称下面所展开的研究活动的范围和内容。1.历史背景:S&TS强调对科学与技术的人文社会学思考任何一个新的学术研究领域的突现和一门新的学科体系的诞生,都是时代与社会发展的产物。社会科学家不相信有什么智慧能够被垄断,也不相信有什么知识领域是专门保留给拥有特定学位的研究者的。科学知识社会学的产生、相关刊物与学会的相继诞生,以及STS研究项目的启动,对S&TS的产生与发展起到了关键的作用,使它作为一种学术运动开始引起学术界的关注。2.研究范围:S&TS突出多学科和跨学科之间的交叉研究在当前的美国大学里,既有S&TS(Science and Technology Studies)系,也有STS(Science, Technology, and Society)系。单纯从语义学的意义上来理解,S&TS应该比STS包括的内容更丰富。但是,在实践的意义上,从它们设置的课程和制定的学生培养计划来看,两者的目的与内涵是基本相同的。S&TS的研究者主要来自具有自然科学与工程技术基础的人文科学、社会科学和行为科学领域。近些年来,他们更加关注科学研究中,解释的灵活性、科学家的参与、兴趣、社会技术网络(sociotechnical networks)、边缘学科之间的交叉、与科学和技术相关的政治决策、科学与技术的传播、专家咨询与鉴定的合理性、基金的运作等问题。围绕这些研究基本形成了三种不同类型的研究群体:学者(scholars)群体;决策者(policy-makers)群体和实践者(activists)群体。3.内涵与翻译:S&TS可意译为“科学与技术的人文社会学研究”从S&TS产生的学术背景和研究范围来看,S&TS是在科学与技术的哲学、历史和社会学研究的基础上诞生的一种新型的学术研究领域。或者说,S&TS相当于到目前为止被视为是独立研究领域的科学技术哲学、科学技术史和科学技术社会学研究的一种交叉汇流(confluence)。这种已经出现的新的汇流或混合(hybrid)的目的在于,努力把科学与技术的“网络(network)”理解成是它对整个文化的全面渗透,以及同时被这种文化所铸造;强调把科学与技术置于复杂的西方社会建制的互语境化(intercontextualization)的过程中进行考察。综上所述,S&TS被视为是相互独立的传统学科交叉渗透之后出现的一个新的研究领域。就目前的发展状况而言。它的目的既不是讨论西方科学发展的历史进程,也不是草率地总结科学的发展与运行机制,而是强调把科学放在一个更加宽泛的智力与文化语境(intellectual and cultural context)中,进行跨学科的思考。应该承认,随着科学与技术的高度发展,学科间的交叉渗透会越来越明显。
2023-07-07 23:53:141


理工,是一个广大的领域包含物理、化学、生物、工程、天文、数学及前面六大类的各种运用与组合。理工事实上是自然、科学、和科技的容合。在西方世界里,理工这个字并不存在;理工在英文解释里,是自然(Science)与科技(Technology)的结合。理工二字最早是1880年代,由当时的中国留学生从国外的Science和Technology翻译合成的。时至今日,但凡有人提起世界理工大学之最,人人皆推麻省理工学院。麻省之名蜚声海外,成为世界各地莘莘学子心向神往,趋之若鹜的科学圣殿。 理工领域包含: 物理-研究大自然现象及规律的学问 化学-研究物质的性质、组成、结构和变化的科学 生物-研究有生命的个体 工程-应用科学和技术的原理来解决人类问题 天文-观察及解释天体的物质状况及事件为主的学科 数学-研究量、结构、变化以及空间模型的学科;被誉为“科学的语言。
2023-07-07 23:53:201


2023-07-07 23:53:316

为什么要用I am to have而不能用Have?

祈使句的用法,分how 和what开头两种,how开头的,后跟形容词,如题(lucky)再加宾语(it或者i she he等)加be动词(am等),这是个完整的祈使句了,但后面仍可加补足语,交代究竟发生了什么,to+怎么样怎么样,比如你题目里加的 to have this new sience 。。。。当然,补足语可以省略,只要前后文交代清楚了
2023-07-07 23:54:046

science and technology是什么意思

2023-07-07 23:54:291

science and technology是什么意思

2023-07-07 23:54:377

science and technology是什么意思

Science and Technology 科技,科学技术,科学与技术
2023-07-07 23:54:511

Science and technology的简称怎么写

2023-07-07 23:55:093


问题一:科技飞速发展 用英语怎么说 Science and technology is developing rapidly. 问题二:科学技术用英文怎么说呀? 科学技术: 1. technology 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 导弹学制造和使用导弹或弹道导弹的科学技术 The science and technology of making and using guided or ballistic missiles. 2. 相反,应用科学技术的成果在纯科学的发展中经常起到直接的促进作用。 Conversely, work in applied science and technology frequently acts as a direct stimulus to the development of pure science. 3. 科学技术的发展非常地迅速。 The development of technology has been very fast. 问题三:随著科技发展用英文怎么说 as the science and technology developed(improved)或 with the development(improvement) of the science and technology 问题四:随着社会的进步和科技的发展用英语怎么说 with the progress of society and the development of technology 问题五:最新的科技发展用英语咋写 手工翻译,保证准确! the newest/latest technological development 问题六:“随着科学技术的飞速发展”用英文怎么说 Along with science and technology swift development 问题七:“现在科技发展的非常的快”用英语怎么写 现在科技发展的非常的快 Nowadays,the science and technology develops very fast.
2023-07-07 23:55:151

Science and technology的简称怎么写

Science and technology译为科学技术一般用于类似科技学院的名称,如Hunan University of Science and Technology,简称HNUST也有用于期刊的:Water Science and Technology,简称:Water Sci Technol也有用于公司科技部门门牌:Sci Technol,更可简称S&T
2023-07-07 23:55:241

为什么science and technology 前不用冠词呢

2023-07-07 23:55:321

science and technology的谓语是单数还是复数?

2023-07-07 23:56:013

跪求science of technology英语作文,高中水平即可。

Science and TechnologyDirections: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Science and Technology. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the following instructions.1. Science and technology play an important role in modern.2. Science and technology are not always a positive force in modern life.Science and Technology Science and technology play an important role in people"s daily lives. If you compare the life of people today with that in the past, it is easy to see that science and technology have done a great deal to improve the quality of people"s lives. For example, computers have become our good friends: with the help of computers, people all over the world are able to share whatever information on the net, which shortens the distance between them. With the invention of radio and TV, people now can stay at home to get themselves informed about both domestic and international news. But as a coin has two sides, technology can aisc have an negative influence upon people"s lives. Now technology crimes are very common. What"s more, the nuclear bomb threatens our human existence. So I think we must pay enough attention to the misuse of technology. In spite of its disadvantages, we should admit that technology is very useful, Without science and technology, man"s life would not be as convenient as today.
2023-07-07 23:56:111

science and technology 谓语动词单数还是复数

2023-07-07 23:56:181

science and technology 谓语动词单数还是复数

2023-07-07 23:56:496

随着科学的进步as the development of science and technology,这样翻译对不对,这里as 能不能跟短语

不对,应该是by the developing of science and technology.
2023-07-07 23:57:063

beijing baidu netcom science technology每次开机都会显示

你好。beijing baidu netcom science technology:北京百度网通科技去任务管理器的启动里禁用。
2023-07-07 23:57:131

科技股份有限公司是到底应该怎么翻译 Science& Technology Corp.,Ltd 还是Technology Co.,Ltd

Science & Techinology Holdings Co., Ltd
2023-07-07 23:57:213

science and technology make our life easier

The development of scienceand technology have broughtabout many changes inpeople"s life. For example,the invention of televisionand space rocket haveopened a new era formankind. Through the use ofTV people can hear the soundand learn the eventshappening
2023-07-07 23:57:281