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2023-07-08 00:49:13
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

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The Postfix program


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

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destination英[u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n]美[u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定复数:destinations形近词:pectination festination festinatingWe want to be the destination for Chinese investment.“我们希望英国能成为中国投资者的目的地。To restore the cloned partition image, the destination virtual disk has to be presented to Clonezilla as formatted.要恢复克隆后的分区映像,必须将格式化后的目标虚拟磁盘提供给Clonezilla。
2023-07-07 22:25:132


destinations翻译成中文是目的地。英 [destu026a"neu026au0283nz]美[destu026a"neu026au0283nz] 释义n. 目的地,终点;抵达站(destination 的复数形式)。例句如下:1、Today"s special offer gives you a choice of three destinations.今天的特惠为您提供3个可选目的地。2、Venice is one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world.威尼斯是世界上最热门的旅游目的地之一。3、Mount Asgard and Thor Peak are dream destinations for rock climbers.阿斯加德山和托尔峰是攀岩者的梦想目的地。4、There is no direct flight serving these two destinations now, while it takes around 5 hours to get there by car.现在没有直飞这两个目的地的航班,而开车到那里大约需要5个小时。5、When you were a child as you learned new things, your brain created more and more roads to different destinations.若你还是一个孩子,在学习新事物的时候,你的大脑会创造出越来越多通往不同目的地的道路。
2023-07-07 22:25:321


estination英[u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n]美[u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定网络目的地; 目标; 目的港The vanguard units have reached the destination.部队前锋已到达目的地。We want to be the destination for Chinese investment.“我们希望英国能成为中国投资者的目的地。www.fortunechina.comTo restore the cloned partition image, the destination virtual disk has to be presented to Clonezilla as formatted.要恢复克隆后的分区映像,必须将格式化后的目标虚拟磁盘提供给Clonezilla。 stopping places means those places, except the place of departure and the place of destination, set out in the ticket or shown in our timetables as scheduled stopping places on your route.“约定的经停地点”是指除出发地点和目的地点以外,在您的客票或者我们的班期时刻表中列明作为您的旅行路线中预定经停的地点。百度翻译例句库San Francisco is my final destination.旧金山是我的终点站。
2023-07-07 22:26:044


destination 英[u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n] 美[u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n] n. 目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语] 预定,指定; [网络] 目的地; 目标; 目的港; [例句]Spain is still our most popular holiday destination.西班牙仍是我们最喜爱的度假去处。[其他] 复数:destinations
2023-07-07 22:26:111


2023-07-07 22:26:183


2023-07-07 22:26:263


destination[英][u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定; 例:The stockmarket is a comparatively attractive savings destination.股市是一种相对有吸引力的储蓄目的地。
2023-07-07 22:26:563


2023-07-07 22:27:043


destination 的意思是目的地、终点,是可数名词,复数形式是destinations. 例句: Venice is one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world. 威尼斯是世界上最热门的旅游目的地之一。 扩展资料   Mount Asgard and Thor Peak are dream destinations for rock climbers.   阿斯加德山和托尔峰是攀岩者的梦想目的.地。   Ellis Island has become one of America"s most popular tourist destinations.   埃利斯岛已经成为美国最受欢迎的游览地之一。   The Chilkat remains one of Alaska"s best winter photographic destinations.   奇尔卡特仍然是阿拉斯加最好的冬季摄影目的地之一。   Make a list of your goal destinations.   写出一个你的人生目标的清单。
2023-07-07 22:27:111


destination[英][u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定; 复数:destinations
2023-07-07 22:27:312


2023-07-07 22:27:392


destination目的地双语对照词典结果:destination[英][u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定; 复数:destinations以上结果来自金山词霸柯林斯高阶英汉词典网络释义同反义词百科释义1.N-COUNT目的地;终点The destination of someone or something is the place to which they are going or being sent.Spain is still our most popular holiday destination...西班牙仍是我们最喜爱的度假去处。收起例句:1.. And that"s the best destination. 那里是最佳目的地。w2.A sustainable competitive advantage is not a destination, but a journey. 可持续的竞争优势不是目的,只是过程。3.Twitter is flirting with media-like products, like "destination pages" withcurated content. Twitter正在尝试类似于媒体的产品,比如其“目标网页”就包含了经策划过的内容。
2023-07-07 22:28:052


Wildcard用来支持名字分层体系,它不是JMS规范的一部分,是ActiveMQ的扩展。 ActiveMQ支持以下三种wildcard: 示例,假设有两个Destination:PRICE.STOCK.NASDAQ.IBM 和 PRICE.STOCK.NYSE.SUNW。那么如下配置通配符: 路径符号替换,将“/"替换".",添加如下插件: 组合队列Composite Destinations 允许用一个虚拟的destination代表多个destinations,这样就可以通过composite destinations在一个操作中同时向多个queue/topic发送消息。 有两种实现方式: 在创建客户端连接的Destination时,多个destination之间采用","分隔。如下: 如果希望不同的Destination的话,需要加前缀“queue://”或者“topic://”。如下 客户端发送示例: 当客户端向“comQueue”发送消息时,消息就会同时发送到"queue.FOO"和“topic.FOO”中。 通过配置selecter来过滤掉不需要的消息,如下: 在启动ActiveMQ的时候如果需要创建Destination的话,可以在activemq.xml中配置: 在ActiveMQ的queue在不使用之后,可以通过web控制台或者JMX方式来删除掉,当然,也可以通过配置,使得broker可以自动探测到无用的队列并删除掉,回收相应资源。 参数说明: schedulePeriodForDestinationPurge :设置多长时间检查一次,单位是毫秒。 inactiveTimoutBeforeGC : 设置当Destination为空后,多长时间被删除,单位是毫秒。 gcInactiveDestinations :设置删除掉不活动的队列,默认为false。 Destination Options是一种无需扩展JMS API即可向JMS消费者提供扩展配置选项的方法。这些选项使用URL查询语法在创建消费者的目标名称中进行编码。 消费者选项如下: 虚拟destination用来创建逻辑destination,客户端可以通过它来生产和消费消息,它会把消息映射到物理destination。 ActiveMQ支持2种方式: ActiveMQ中,topic只有在持久订阅下才会持久化消息。JMS持久化订阅者 MessageConsumer 在创建时会生成一个 唯一的 JMS clientID 和一个持久化订阅者的name。 为了符合JMS,对于一个JMSclientID,同一时间,只能有一个活跃的JMS连接,并且,对于一个clientID和订阅者name而言,只有一个消费者可以是活跃的。也就是说,对于给定的topic订阅者来说,只能由一个活跃的进程进行消费。这意味着我们不能实现: 如今,JMS中的队列语义提供了通过多个消费者来实现可靠的负载均衡——允许多线程,进程和机器来处理消息。然后我们就有了成熟而复杂的负载均衡技术,就像Messge Groups一样在维护订单时进行负载均衡和并行化处理。如下图所示,全量的消息先发送到队列,然后再分发给消费者,通过队列来解决负载均衡和故障转移问题。 virtual topic背后的思想是生产者用正常的JMS方式把消息发送到一个topic。消费者可以继续使用JMS标准中的Topic语义。然而,如果 topic 是虚拟的, 订阅一个逻辑topic的消费者可以从一个真实队列中消费,允许多个消费者分布在多个机器上且多线程的进行负载均衡。 例如,假定我们现在有一个叫做 VirtualTopic.Orders 的topic。(前缀 VirtualTopic. 表明这是一个 virtual topic)。 我们希望将orders 发送到系统A 和 系统B。于是,用通常的 durable topics ,我们需要为 clientID_A 和 "A" 创建一个JMS消费者,同时为 clientID_B 和 "B"创建一个JMS消费者。 有了virtual topics 我们可以直接从队列 Consumer.A.VirtualTopic.Orders 中为系统A 消费,或者从队列 Consumer.B.VirtualTopic.Orders 中为系统B 消费。 默认前缀是: VirtualTopic.> 自定义消费虚拟地址默认格式: Consumer. .VirtualTopic.>* 下面的示例演示如何使所有主题成为虚拟主题。下面的示例使用名称“>“”表示“匹配所有主题”,“VirtualTopicConsumers”为消费队列的前缀。 其他的配置参数: 通常情况下,使用网络连接消费者队列。在这种情况下,不要在虚拟主题上桥接任何普通主题消费者,因为任何转发的消息都会再次分散到网络代理上的消费者队列,从而导致消息重复。下面示例展示了如何排除虚拟队列: ActiveMQ中每个queue中的消息只能被一个consumer消费。然而,有时候你可能希望能够监视生产者和消费者之间的消息流。你可以通过使用Virtual Destinations 来建立一个virtual queue 来把消息转发到多个queues中。但是 为系统中每个queue都进行如此的配置可能会很麻烦。 使用ActiveMQ支持Mirrored Queues。Broker会把发送到某个queue的所有消息转发到一个名称类似的topic,因此监控程序只需要订阅这个mirrored queue topic。为了启用Mirrored Queues,首先要将BrokerService的“useMirroredQueues“属性设置成true,然后可以通过destinationInterceptors设置其它属性,如mirror topic的前缀,缺省是“VirtualTopic.Mirror.”。如下订阅“*.qmirror”的主题就开启了mirrored queue。
2023-07-07 22:28:121


destination[英][u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定; 复数:destinations有很多目标的时候,就可以使用复数了。
2023-07-07 22:28:201

preferred destinations什么意思

preferred destinations 首选目的地destinations 英[destu026a"neu026au0283nz]美[destu026a"neu026au0283nz]n. 目的地,终点( destination的名词复数 ); 目的,目标; [罕用语] 预定,指定; 注定;[例句]Dublin has rocketed up the charts to become one of Europe"s most popular tourist destinations for city breaks.都柏林的排名飞速攀升,成为了欧洲最受欢迎的旅游度假城市之一。
2023-07-07 22:28:271

destination base是什么意思

destination 英[u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n] 美[u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n] n. 目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语] 预定,指定; [网络] 目的地,终点; 目的地(港); 目的地; [例句]The vanguard units have reached the destination.部队前锋已到达目的地。[其他] 复数:destinations 形近词: pectination festination festinating base 英[beu026as] 美[bes] n. 基地; 基础; 根据; 基数(如十进制的10 和二进制的2) vt. 基于; 把…建立在; 把…放在或设在(基地) 把…置于底座(或基座)上; adj. 卑鄙的; 低级的; 贱的,劣的; 庶生的; [例句]A massive air base in eastern Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯东部的一个大型空军基地[其他] 比较级:baser 最高级:basest 第三人称单数:bases 复数:bases现在分词:basing 过去式:based 过去分词:based
2023-07-07 22:28:341


destination的含义是“目的地;终点”,可作为可数名词使用。如:popular holiday destinations like the Bahamas 像巴哈马那样深受大众喜爱的度假胜地。见于第六版牛津高阶英汉双解词典P462。其中本词并无“目标”之意。
2023-07-07 22:28:502

谁能帮忙翻译这段英语,要全的 谢谢

2023-07-07 22:29:081

final destination是什么意思

2023-07-07 22:29:165


子网掩码是32位二进制数,采用4个点分十进制数表示,/19就是钱19位都是1,后13位为0,二进制表示就是1111 1111,1111 1111,111 00000,0000 0000 =
2023-07-07 22:29:463


2023-07-07 22:29:565

port of destination是什么意思

port of destination 目的港; 目的口岸
2023-07-07 22:30:124


1.此处as quickly as用法正确.结构中第二个as为连词,引导比较状语从句,且从句经常为了避免重复而采用省略用法. 3.此题中:The vehicles drive people to their destinations as quickly as to their deaths. = The vehicles drive people to their destinations as quickly as (the vehicles drive people) to their deaths. 其中的the vehicles drive people和前句完全相同,所以省略.
2023-07-07 22:30:331


  斯特灵大学是英国一所重要的大学,在融合艺术与科学上享有名声。斯特灵大学的地理位置如何呢?斯特灵这座城市又有怎样的历史?欢迎和一起了解!   Location   At Stirling you will study on our award-winning campus but also have the stunning Scottish highlands and buzz of city life right on your doorstep.   Where is Stirling?   Stirling has superb links to the rest of Scotland and beyond. Edinburgh and Glasgow are only 50 minutes away by road or rail. Students can choose from either Edinburgh or Glasgow airports to take flights direct to London (approx. one hour), Europe (around two hours to most destinations) and a large selection of international destinations.    地址   在斯特灵,你除了在获奖校园里学习之外,还可以在附近接触到极好的苏格兰高地和气氛活跃的城市生活。    1.斯特灵在哪?   斯特灵有一流的交通通达苏格兰其余地区和更远的地区。去爱丁堡和格拉斯哥坐汽车或火车只需要50分钟。学生可以选择从爱丁堡机场或格拉斯哥机场坐飞机直达伦敦(需要一个小时左右)、欧洲(大部分地方需要两个小时左右)和许多国外地方。   How big is Stirling today?   The population is around 41,000 u2013 and the student population is a visible part of that, giving the city a warm, friendly community feel. It covers an area of about 2,187 square kilometres. A thriving social and culture scene Stirling has excellent shops, bars, restaurants and entertainment. Stirling Castle is an established concert and arts venue, and the Tolbooth venue has a programme of performing arts and other cultural events, and offers student tickets at a discounted price.    2.斯特灵如今有多大?   斯特灵的有约41000人口——其中学生人口占相当一部分,为斯特灵增添了温暖、友善的社区氛围。斯特灵面积约为2187平方千米。斯特灵是日渐繁荣的社会文化场所,有优质的商店、酒吧、餐馆和娱乐活动。斯特灵城堡是著名的音乐和艺术会场,Tolbooth 会场有表演艺术和其他文化活动,提供打折的学生票。   History of Stirling   Stirling was the ancient capital of Scotland, where Robert the Bruce held a parliament in 1326. Originally a Stone Age settlement, Stirling has been strategically significant since at least the Roman occupation of Britain, due to its naturally defensible crag and tall hill, where Stirling Castle is located. Stirlingu2019s location at the geographical heart of Scotland and with the lowest crossing point of the River Forth, had strategic importance. Having a royal castle strengthened Stirling and led to economic growth, but it also made it a target of English invasions. Willim Wallace defeated the English at Stirling Bridge in 1297 and in 1314 Robert the Bruceu2019s battle with the English gave Scotland victory over King Edward II at Bannockburn, on the outskirts of the city of Stirling. In recent years Stirlingu2019s historical importance, together with its innovative development, has been recognised by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II who marked her Golden Jubilee the throne by officially declaring Stirling to be Scotlandu2019s newest city on 24 May 2002.    3.斯特灵的历史   斯特灵是古苏格兰的首府,罗伯特布鲁斯曾于1326年在斯特灵举行议会。斯特灵最初是石器时代遗址,由于其天然的防御性峭壁和高山(斯特灵城堡位于高山上),至少从罗马入侵英国以来就具有重要的战略意义。斯特灵位于苏格兰中心地带和Forth河的最低交叉点,有其战略重要性。皇家城堡强化了斯特灵,促进了斯特灵的经济增长,但也让斯特灵成为英国入侵的目标。威廉华莱士于1297年在斯特灵大桥抵御英国人,而罗伯特布鲁斯于1314年在斯特灵郊区Bannockburn和英国人的战斗,则促成了苏格兰对爱德华二世的胜利。近年来,斯特灵的历史重要性,连同它的创新发展,已经得到了女王伊丽莎白二世的认可。伊丽莎白女王在2002年5月24日的50周年纪念会上正式宣布斯特灵为苏格兰最新的城市。
2023-07-07 22:30:461


69, regularly 用副词修饰动词arranges 。 70, living 现在分词作后置定语,修饰people。
2023-07-07 22:31:062


2023-07-07 22:31:273


Serial0/1/1:0 is up代表端口物理上没有问题line protocol is down检查二层问题 进一步观察 Encapsulation PPP 端口配置了PPP的封装47065 input errors, 4143 CRC, 38552 frame, 2054 overrun, 0 ignored, 2084 abort存在大量的输入错误以及丢弃的包判断下来应该是对端的是否同样配置了PPP封装,以及PPP封装的加密方式是否配置一致等等。也可以通过观察debug信息来进行TroubleShooting。
2023-07-07 22:31:341


2023-07-07 22:31:481

be destined for是什么意思

2023-07-07 22:31:561

为什么我的策略路由配置不成功 华为AR3260

2023-07-07 22:32:041

英语的问题 语法?

一、 由"what"引导的感叹句:"what"意为"多么"用作定语,修饰名词(被强调部分),名词前可有其它定语成份(即:形容词或冠词)。单数可数名词前要加不定冠词a/an,复数可数名词或不可数名词前不用冠词。这类句子的结构形式是:what+(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语+其它成份。如:① What a clever girl she is!多么聪明的姑娘呀!② What an interesting story it is!多么有趣的故事呀!③ What good children they are!他们是多么好的孩子呀!④ What beautiful flowers they are!多么漂亮的花呀!⑤ What delicious food it is!多么有味的食物呀!⑥ What heavy snow it is!多么大的雪呀!二、由"how"引导的感叹句:"how"意为"多么",用作状语,修饰形容词或副词(被强调部分)。如果修饰形容词,则句中的谓语动词用系动词;如果how修饰副词,则句中的谓语动词用行为动词,这类句子的结构形式是:How+形容词(或副词)+主语+谓语+其它成份如:① How cold it is today!今天多么冷呀!② How nice the pictures are!多么漂亮的图画呀!③ How happy they look!他们显得多么高兴呀!④ How well she sings!她唱得多好呀!⑤ How hard they are working now!他们干得多么起劲呀!三、在表示同一意义时,英语感叹既可用"what"引导,也可用"how"引导。如:① What a hot day it is!How hot the day is !多么热的天气呀!② What tall buildings they are!How tall the buildings are!多么高的楼房呀!③ What bad weather it is!How bad the weather is!多么糟糕的天气呀!④ What bright sunshine it is!How bright the sunshine is!多么明亮的阳光呀!四、感叹句在表示激动强烈的感情时,口语中常常采用省略句,其后面的主语和谓语往往略去不讲。如:① What a fine day!多么晴朗的天呀!② What an honest boy!多么诚实的孩子呀!③ What red apples!多么红的苹果呀!④ How cool!好凉快呀!⑤ How wonderful!
2023-07-07 22:32:233


智课网为您回答: destination:目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定。例句:The vanguard units have reached the destination.部队前锋已到达目的地。
2023-07-07 22:32:443


destination - 英文单词 英音:[,desti"neiu0283u0259n]美音:[,du025bstu0259"neu0283u0259n],名词n. [C]1. 目的地,终点 2. 目标,目的,1. Life can be likened to a journey with an unknowndestination.生活可以被比作一次不知目的的旅行。Life can be likened to a journey with an unknowndestination.生活可以被比作一次不知目的的旅行。
2023-07-07 22:32:523


2023-07-07 22:32:592


2023-07-07 22:33:075


destination英 [u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n] n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定网络: 目的地; 目标; 目的港复数: destinations Spain is still our most popular holiday destination. 西班牙仍是我们最喜爱的度假去处。2Only half of the emergency supplies have reached their destination. 仅有一半的紧急救援物资运抵了目的地。
2023-07-07 22:33:201


  destination英 [u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]  n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语] 预定,指定;  [网络]目的地,终点; 目的地(港); 目的地;  [例句]The vanguard units have reached the destination.  部队前锋已到达目的地。  [其他]复数:destinations 形近词: pectination festination festinating
2023-07-07 22:33:291


lzdestination means 目的地
2023-07-07 22:33:394

A destination 是什么意思

一个目标 destination:目标
2023-07-07 22:33:484


2023-07-07 22:33:562


They dismissed When they got to the destination.
2023-07-07 22:34:1010


origin-destination原产地目的地destination[英][u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定; 复数:destinations例句:1.The stockmarket is a comparatively attractive savings destination. 股市是一种相对有吸引力的储蓄目的地。
2023-07-07 22:34:431

destination offered是什么

目标提议/目标出价参考:destination 英[u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n] 美[u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n] n. 目的,目标;目的地,终点;[罕用语]预定,指定;名词复数:destinations offer 英["u0252fu0259(r)] 美[u02c8u0254fu025a, u02c8ɑfu025a] vt. 提供,给予;提出,提议;出价,开价;表示愿意 vi. 提议;企图,想要;供奉 n. 提议;出价,开价;试图;求婚 供参考!
2023-07-07 22:34:501


origin-destination原产地目的地destination[英][u02ccdestu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][u02ccdu025bstu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语]预定,指定; 复数:destinations例句:1.The stockmarket is a comparatively attractive savings destination. 股市是一种相对有吸引力的储蓄目的地。
2023-07-07 22:34:571

英语考试在线等高手 选词填空

6、climate,14、abandoned,11、.revenues,13、.attendance,10、expect,7、destinations,15、miserable,1、furnace,4、packing ,5、fare.求采纳!!
2023-07-07 22:35:061


交通运输 Transportation 情景常用词汇 1.arrival 到达 Flight status,arrival,and departure times are available on the airline website. 2.boarding pass 登机牌 Passengers will be issued a boarding pass at the check-in counter. 3.captain 机长 The captain and flight crew are responsible for your comfort and safety. 4.check-in counter 登机柜台 Please arrive at the check-in counter one hour prior to departure. 5.customs 海关 After passing through customs,please proceed directly to the Arrivals Hall. 6.departure 离开,出发 All departures have been postponed due to the approaching typhoon. 7.destination 目的地 Star Travel offers package tours to over 100 international destinations. 8.fare 票价 The fare of $350 does not include the airport taxes or travel insurance. 9.flight attendant 空服人员 Flight attendants are required to provide service in English on international flights. 10.itinerary 行程 Your travel itinerary includes day tours to serveral well-known tourist atttractions. 11.mechanic 技工 All tour buses are inspected once a month by a certified mechanic. 12.package tour 报价旅游,套餐 Discounted package tours are offered to all members of the Travel Club. 13.passenger 乘客 The number of passenger commuting to work by subway is increasing. 14.reservation 预定 Reservation can be made online or by calling our customer service hotline. agent 旅行社专员 Information on European Railway passes can be obtained from your travel agent. 动词 1.approach 接近 We are approaching our final destination.Please prepare for landing. 2.assist 帮助 Flight attendants will assist you if you wish to purchase duty-free items. 3.board 登机 Passengers in seats 50 to 80 are requested to board the aircraft first. 4.cancel 取消 All inbound and outbound flight have been canceled due to thick fog. 5.commute 通勤 Carpooling is an environmentally-friendly way to commute to work. 6.confirm 确认 An e-mail will be sent confirming your reservation and travel itinerary. 7.continue 继续 Local public transportation continues to offer excellent service at low cost. 8.cooperate 合作 Sky Airlines cooperates with car rental agencies in all of its destination cities. 9.dicide 决定 We have yet to decide the destination for our annual company outing. 10.encourage 鼓励 Passengers are encouraged to check their belongs before exiting the train. 11.expand 扩大 The cruise company has expanded their fleet to include five luxury ships. 12.forward 专寄;转交 Your baggage will be forwarded through to your final destiantion. 13.include 包含 The tour package includes bus tickets,accommodation,meals and entertainment. 14.locate 位于 Lavatories are located at the front and rear of the plane cabin. 15.prepare 准备 Janet is preparing the schedule for our trip to Korea next month. 短语 accessible by 可借由...容易达到 The marketing convention will be held in a small seaside resort, which is about one hour from the airport and easily accessible by car or scenic train. included in 包含于 The cost of a round-trip airline tickets is included in the seven-day cruise package. round-trip来回旅程的 3.for the duration of 在...期间 When we looked into it in detail, it was cheaper for us to get rental car for the duration of the trip. the event of 由于 In the event of severe winter weather,bus routes may be temporarily suspended until the roads are cleared and safe for travel. 5.reach one"s destination 抵达目的地 As the flight was delayed,We didn"t reach our destination until just after midnight. 商务英语常用被动语态,会使得描述的更加客观。 尽量不用cheap用low cost
2023-07-07 22:35:191


Weaving silver and goldDestinations crossing overGentle music touching beautyRising in harmonyTeach us to listen, calling for wisdomGracing a tapestryWeaving silver and goldDestinations crossing overSpinning a web of ribbons and colorColors of historyStories together, laughing and dancingGracing a tapestryWeaving silver and goldDestinations crossing overTreasure secrets, stealing momentsPhrases of poetrySetting in motion, loving foreverGracing a tapestryWeaving silver and goldWeaving silver and gold
2023-07-07 22:35:261


2023-07-07 22:36:041


在香港,你一定有住所的权利; 你一定与英语 (摘要 B) 的途径一起教育到 HKCEE 标准或同等物; 精通在读而且说官吏、英语而且广东话语方面是必要的; 你也一定能够通过一个医学的评估而且遇见一只最小的手臂-208cm 到达。你一定与英语和数学的途径一起教育到 GCSE 标准或同等物; 你一定有权在英国住而且工作; 你一定是 18 或者在上面而且有最小的手臂 208cm 的延伸; 你一定身体上适宜而能够通过一个医生评估;工作将会和许多不说英语而且谁只说我们的主要目的地的语言之一的人包括连续的连络。 因此, 在说一方面,你一定是流利的那下列的: 广东话语、官吏、日本语、他加禄人或韩语, 连同能够流利地说而且读英语。 流畅在其他的中国方言中也将会被考虑; 在服务业的早先的经验是较好的;控制的给予立法存取在所有的英国飞机场限制地域, 你将会成功地被需要到在基本的揭发水平完成犯罪的记录检查在雇用能得到之前。 除了叁考之外,这是我们也将会需要从早先的雇主获得。
2023-07-07 22:36:132


White Cloud Airport: What International Flights are Available?White Cloud Airport, located in Guangzhou, China, is a hub for both domestic and international travel. With a reputation for efficiency and modern facilities, it is no wonder that so many airlines choose to operate out of this airport. In this article, we will take a look at some of the international flights available at White Cloud Airport.East AsiaEast Asia is a popular destination for travelers from around the world, and White Cloud Airport offers a wide range of flights to this region. Whether you want to visit Tokyo, Seoul, or Taipei, you will find a number of flights available from White Cloud Airport. China Southern Airlines, which is based in Guangzhou, offers flights to many destinations in East Asia, as well as a number of other international destinations.Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways also offer flights to Tokyo from White Cloud Airport. These flights are popular with both business and leisure travelers, and offer a high level of comfort and service.Southeast AsiaSoutheast Asia is another popular destination for travelers from around the world, and White Cloud Airport offers a number of flights to this region as well. Bangkok, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur are just a few of the destinations that you can reach from White Cloud Airport.Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways both have a strong presence at White Cloud Airport, offering flights to many destinations in Southeast Asia and beyond. These airlines are known for their exceptional service and comfortable accommodations, making them a popular choice for travelers of all kinds.Middle EastThe Middle East is a region that is rich in history and culture, and White Cloud Airport offers a number of flights to this part of the world. Dubai, Kuwait City, and Doha are just a few of the destinations that you can reach from White Cloud Airport.Emirates and Qatar Airways both have a significant presence at White Cloud Airport, offering flights to many destinations in the Middle East and beyond. These airlines are known for their luxurious amenities and high level of service, making them a popular choice for travelers who want a premium experience.In conclusion, White Cloud Airport offers a wide range of international flights to destinations around the world. Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, you are sure to find a flight that meets your needs and budget. So why not book your next international trip from White Cloud Airport today?
2023-07-07 22:36:321