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2023-07-07 23:45:56




































  如何预防H1N1 - 来自医生的忠告

  How to Prevent H1N1 - Best Advice So Far

  N95口罩是用来阻隔95% 的0.3μ微粒,,而H1N1病毒的大小是0.1μ左右。所以,靠N95口罩防H1N1就像用蚊帐来挡雨。




  1. Frequent hand-washing (well highlighted in all official communications).


  2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach. Resist all temptations to touch any part of face (unless you want to eat or bathe).


  3. Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don"t trust salt). H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one.

  Don"t underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative method.


  4.. Similar to 3 above, clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. Not everybody may be good at Jala Neti or Sutra Neti (very good Yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities), but blowing the nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral population.


  5. Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C(Amlaand other citrus fruits). If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost absorption.


  6. Drink as much of warm liquids as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.


  7. All these are simple ways to prevent, within means of most households, and certainly much less painful than to wait in long queues outside public hospitals.





不一定~你最好去看医生 或自己吃点退烧药并多喝水 如果第2天还烧就一定要去医院了

















2023-07-07 19:31:433


鼻孔的英语是:nostril;naris;nares。双语例句1、所有南美洲的猴子都有平鼻子和宽大的鼻孔。All South American monkeys have flat noses with widely spaced nostril.2、用手指捏住鼻孔止血。Pinch the nostrils together between your thumb and finger to stop the bleeding.3、那只鸟呼吸困难,并且鼻孔里还在流血。The bird had trouble breathing and was discharging blood from the nostrils.4、都跟Murray一个鼻孔出气说无能为力。They echo Murray and say nothing can be done.5、他那轮廓分明的鼻孔在打颤。His finely chiselled nostrils quivered.
2023-07-07 19:31:581


2023-07-07 19:32:203

英译英 帮帮忙

disruptive, riotous, tumultuous, turbulent intelligibly, understandably, distinctly, jammed, dire, direful, dread, dreaded, fearful, fearsome, frightening, horrendous, horrific, awful, terrible, abominable, atrocious, awful, painful, terrible, unspeakabledetonating device, detonator, pileus, ceiling, crownwork, capital, chapiter, crest,anterior naris, confident, positive
2023-07-07 19:33:014


I can *** ell gas -- is the oven on ? 我 闻到 煤气味了烤箱开着呢吧? I thought i could *** ell something burning . 我好像 闻到 什么东西烧着了。 He *** elled food cooking in the kitchen . 他 闻到 厨房里飘来的烧菜的香味。 I *** elt the blood of a british man . 我 闻到 了英国人的血味儿。 I caught a faint odour of violet sachet . 我 闻到 一股紫罗兰香粉的淡淡的清香味儿。 You could *** ell the misery of it from the street . 从街上,你就可以 闻到 它的穷酸气。 I can *** ell something burning . 我 闻到 有东西烧焦了。 The deer have got our wind . 鹿已 闻到 我们的气味了。 The dog nosed out a rat . 那只狗 闻到 了老鼠的气味。 As i don my coveralls i can *** ell the factory on them . 在穿工作服时,我从工作服上 闻到 了厂里的气味。 I can *** ell gas . 我 闻到 有煤气味。 He breathes the sweet-laden night air and *** ells the earth . 他吸了一口芳香飘溢的夜晚的空气, 闻到 了泥土的气息。 Captain yolles wrinkled his nose at the overpowering odor of garbage . 闻到 一股垃圾的恶臭,约里斯处长皱了皱鼻子。 As dorian hurried up its three rickety steps, the heavy odour of opium met him . 道林快步走上那三级不住晃动的梯级时, 闻到 了浓重的鸦片烟味。 Possibly picking up the scent of her young, she let out a high-pitched, plaintive whine . 她可能 闻到 了幼崽的气味,发出一声尖锐,哀伤的悲嚎。 Before anyone could answer, the bloodhounds gave tongue again as they picked up the scent . 大家还来不及答腔,那两条猎狗就 闻到 了足迹,又叫起来了。 He helped pamela tud *** ury into her coat, scenting perfume that stirred his memory . 他帮助帕米拉塔茨伯里穿上大衣, 闻到 了一股勾起他的回忆的芬香气味。 He would not deny himself the pleasure of giving picturesque details of the odours which met his nostrils . 他不愿意放弃维妙维肖地形容他 闻到 的臭味的乐趣。 There was a *** ell thomas recognized, as he stumbled down the hill under the weight of his friend . 托马斯在他朋友重压下跌跌撞撞地奔下山去的时候, 闻到 一股他所熟悉的气味。 Reeking with an odor so rich that they were both outside retching violently against the landing gear . 他们 闻到 一股强烈的气味,以致两人不得不跑出外面,伏在起落架上呕吐不止。 If a bottle of ether is opened at one end of a room, we can soon *** ell the vapors at the other end . 假如在房间的一端打开一个乙醚瓶,在房间的另一端就可立刻 闻到 乙醚蒸气的味道。 He had the look of a man who could *** ell red meat, a ravenous, voracious manner as he collected his scalp . 他那样活象一个 闻到 牛肉味就要扑上去大嚼一顿的人,其贪得无厌的神态就象他搜集战利品一样。 Smoke of the first fires seeped out through the roofs of the bush houses, and the first *** ell of cooking corncakes was in the air . 早晨第一批炊烟正从茅屋顶上袅袅升起,到处都可以 闻到 烙玉米面薄饼的香味。 Depcious fragrance came to them, as if pttle invisible creatures were running and treading scent out of the blades of grass . 时而 闻到 一股幽香,就象有许多目不能见的小人在草地上奔跑,把青草的香气踩了出来似的。 I *** elled the popcorn and candied apples, i pstened to the music, the shouting of the carnival people and i tasted sugar candy . 我 闻到 爆米花以及糖煮苹果的味道,倾听音乐的演奏和游乐团团员的喧叫,我也试尝了冰糖。 You must be able to *** ell the shit from miles away 你几里外都能 闻到 他的臭味儿 You must be able to *** ell the shit from miles away 你几里外都能 闻到 他的臭味儿 . . . for your sniffing pleasure anytime you need them 我的手指随时都可以让你 闻到 I told you the *** ell of junk food would wake her up 我就说她 闻到 垃圾食物就会醒 I can almost *** ell your stinky " fenuter " from here 我甚至能 闻到 你身上的臭味! Do you *** ell what i *** ell ? what a stench of cheesy feet 你 闻到 了吗?像是臭脚丫 Sister , i can *** ell something about human 精灵1 :妹妹,我好象 闻到 人的气味了。 She screwed up her face at the nasty *** ell 她一 闻到 这令人作呕的气味就皱起面孔。 When you *** ell depcious food , thank your nose 闻到 美味的时候,感谢你的鼻子。 I think we " ll be hearing wedding bells pretty soon 我看我们很快就要 闻到 喜讯了。 I can *** ell the fragrance of the whales 鲸鱼的歌声响彻云霄我可以 闻到 鲸鱼的芳香 Have you seen seth oh , i " ve *** elled him -你看到seth了吗? -哦,我已经 闻到 他了 I can *** ell the fragrance of flowers after showers 我可以 闻到 雨后鲜花的清香。 And he almost always *** elt pke talcum powder 在他身上,你总能 闻到 滑石粉的味儿 Jackie drew a breath and the *** ell invaded her . 杰姬吸了口气, 闻到 了那股味道。 They could *** ell it , and it *** elled good 他们能够 闻到 汤的味道,闻起来好极了。 Do you *** ell an escape of gas from the pipe 你 闻到 从管子里漏出的煤气味了吗? I can *** ell salt off the lake in the wind 我能 闻到 从湖上吹来的风中的咸咸的味道。 Man 2 i can *** ell the fried dough over here 我在这里都可以 闻到 炸面包圈的味道了。 I can *** ell the bullshit ing out of your mouth 我能 闻到 从你嘴里出来的臭气 I *** ell gas and you " d better not strike a match 我 闻到 有煤气味,你最好别擦火柴。 And i must go to it , i must , i must 我刚刚 闻到 了它的气味,它就近在眼前,近极了。 Have you seen seth ? ? oh , i " ve *** elled him -你看到seth了吗? -哦,我已经 闻到 他了 Man 2 ) i can *** ell the fried dough over here 我在这里都可以 闻到 炸面包圈的味道了。 For your sniffing pleasure anytime you need them 我的手指随时都可以让你 闻到
2023-07-07 19:33:101


2023-07-07 19:33:203


Shave it off 刮得干干净净 She was taking him in ? the sopd eed overcoat , his face clean - shaven and flushed with cold , his trim fingernails 她上下打量著他:端整的斜纹软呢大衣,胡子 刮得干干净净 ,脸颊冻得通红,指甲修剪得整整齐齐。 He was clean - shaven ; he wore the wadded coat of the guards with a st . george medal on a ribbon , and a plain forage cap , put on straight on his head 他的脸 刮得干干净净 ,穿的是近卫军棉大衣,钮孔上别了一枚圣乔治勋章,头上端端正正地戴一顶普通军帽。 Col . grangerford was very tall and very spm , and had a darkish - paly plexion , not a sign of red in it anywheres ; he was clean shaved every morning all over his thin face , and he had the thinnest kind of pps , and the thinnest kind of nostrils , and a high nose , and heavy eyebrows , and the blackest kind of eyes , sunk so deep back that they seemed pke they was looking out of caverns at you , as you may say 每天早上,总把那瘦瘦的脸 刮得干干净净 。他是薄嘴唇,薄鼻翼,高鼻子,浓眉毛。眼睛漆黑,深深地陷在眼眶里,看著你时,不妨说如同从山洞里朝外望著你。 In the happiest frame of mind , nikolay reached the hotel at voronezh at night , ordered everything of which he had so long been deprived in the army , and next day , after shaving with special care and putting on the full - dress uniform he had not worn for so long past , he drove off to present himself to the authorities 心情极为愉快的尼古拉于晚间抵达沃罗涅日一家旅馆,要了一顿他在部队很久没有供应的东西,第二天脸 刮得干干净净 ,穿上久未穿著的检阅服装,去见各首长。
2023-07-07 19:34:221


1、友谊是朋友之间海枯石烂的约定。 The friendship between friends but agreed. 2、天若有情天亦老,动我闺蜜全干倒。 Heaven can be overturned, my bestie dry down. 3、世上友谊本罕见,平等友情更难求。 The world of this rare friendship, equality and friendship more difficult. 4、千千万万匹走马,换不来真正的友情。 Thousands on thousands of horse cursory, not for real friendship. 5、真正的友情,是一株成长缓慢的植物。 True friendship is a plant that grows slowly. 6、朋友是茶,帮我过滤浮躁,储存宁静。 Friends are tea, help me filter impetuous, save the quiet. 7、友谊如茶,在时间的沉淀中,愈加香甜。 Friendship is like tea, in the time of Pcipitation, more sweet. 8、朋友是一辈子的事而恋人只是一阵子的事。 A friend is a lifetime thing and lovers only for a while. 9、友谊的灯火燃烧的那一刻,就从未熄灭过。 The moment of the burning of friendship, it never goes out. 10、友谊最无敌,爱情存在太多的不确定因素了。 Friendship is the most invincible, love there are too many uncertainties. 11、真正的朋友,是一个灵魂孕育在两个躯体里。 A true friend is one who has a soul in two bodies. 12、没有人能说清楚,友情到底是一种什么东西。 No one can say clearly, friendship in the end is what kind of things. 13、真诚的友谊好像健康,失去时才知道它的可贵。 True friendship is like sound health, it is not valuable to know it when it is lost. 14、用不存成见的心情和人交往,才可以交到朋友。 You can make friends with people who are not in the mood to keep them in mind. 15、财富不是真正的朋友,而朋友却是真正的财富。 Wealth is not a true friend, but a friend is a true treasure. 16、一个懂你泪水的朋友胜过一群只懂你笑容的朋友。 A friend who knows your tears is better than a group of friends who only know you smile. 17、朋友是唯一,一面骂你,一面为你擦眼泪的角色。 Friends are the only, side scold you, one side for you wipe the tears of the role. 18、恋爱有建立信心的必要,友情有建立观察的必要。 Love is necessary to build up confidence, and friendship is necessary to establish observation. 19、友谊永远是一个甜美的责任,从来不是一种机会。 Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. 20、兄弟不分你我,手足不分对错,朋友不需一分承诺! Brother is not pided into you and me, brothers and brothers is right and wrong, the friend does not need a branch to promise! 21、友情,它到底是什么?他只是一种感情,一种收获。 Friendship, which in the end is what? He is just a kind of feeling, a kind of harvest. 22、世界上最普通的名词是朋友,但最难得的也是朋友。 The most common noun in the world is a friend, but the most difficult one is also a friend. 23、所谓友情,是平等的人们之间离开了利益关系的交易。 The so-called friendship, is equal to the people left the interests of the relationship between the transaction. 24、友谊像婚姻一样,其维持有赖于避免不可宽恕的事情。 Friendship is like marriage, and its maintenance depends on avoiding the things that can"t be forgiven. 25、友谊能使人同舟共济,友谊能使人生活充实,五彩缤纷。 Friendship can make people pull together in times of trouble, friendship can make people full of life, a riot of colours. 26、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。种下优惠的友情,得到仁惠的友情。 You reap. Kind of Pferential friendship, get the friendship of benevolence. 27、开诚布公与否和友情的深浅,不应该用时间的长短来衡量。 Frank and deep friendship, should not be used to measure the length of time. 28、世界上用的最普通的名词是朋友,但是最难得的也是朋友。 The most common noun in the world is a friend, but the most difficult one is a friend. 29、不管曾今、现在、未来会如何,请记住我永远是你的好朋友。 No matter what the Psent and the future will be, remember that I will always be your best friend. 30、在欢乐时,朋友们会认识我们;在患难时,我们会认识朋友。 When we are happy, our friends know us; we can know our friends when we are in trouble. 31、真正的朋友有三种:爱你的朋友,忘你的朋友,恨你的朋友。 A true friend is the one who has three: love your friends, forget your friends, and hate your friends. 32、朋友就像一把雨伞,无论晴天或雨天,都会永远陪伴在你身旁! A friend is like an umbrella, no matter whether it is sunny or rainy, it will always be with you! 33、在智慧提供给整个人生的一切幸福之中,以获得友谊为最重要。 Wisdom is the most important of all the happiness of the whole human life. 34、最好的朋友是那种不喜欢多说,能与你默默相对而又息息相通的人。 Best friends are those who don"t love to say, you can and the relative silence and close to people. 35、十年后,希望我们还是好朋友,见面了仍然可以毫无顾忌的开玩笑。 Ten years later, I hope we are good friends, meet still can not be a joke. 36、友情可以不要求什么,但是,它有一种温暖,是我们都能体会到的。 Friendship can not ask for anything, but, it has a kind of warmth, is that we can realize. 37、友情是天堂,没有它就像地狱;友情是生命,没有它就意味着死亡。 Friendship is heaven, no it is like hell; friendship is life, no it means death. 38、世间最美好的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心地都很正直的严正的朋友。 The most beautiful things in the world, than a few minds and the mind are very serious and honest friend. 39、友情是装在瓶里的佳酿,无色无味,多年后开启溢出的是那浓浓的情。 Friendship is installed in the bottle of wine, colorless and tasteless, after years of open the overflow is the deep love. 40、友谊到底是什么东西呢?你只有付出关爱,付出真诚才能得到的东西。 Friendship in the end what is it? You only pay for what you get. 41、友情,它是一种只有付出了同样一份这样的东西,才可以得到这种东西。 Friendship, it is a kind of only paid the same kind of thing, can get this kind of thing. 42、友谊地久天长,友谊万岁,朋友,有你,我的生活才活得这么多姿多彩! Friendship, friendship long live, friends, have you, my life will live so colorful! 43、是朋友让我学会了珍惜,也学会了很多,一定要珍惜自己身边的朋友哦。 Friends let me learn to treasure, but also learned a lot, we must cherish their friends oh. 44、为友谊付出何须回报。我会很累。当我只是单方面的付出时。我做不到。 To pay for the friendship must return. I will be very tired. When I was just a one-sided. I can"t do it. 45、谈到名声、荣誉、快乐、财富这些东西,如果同友情相比,它们都是尘土。 When it comes to fame, honor, happiness and wealth, they are all dust and dust. 46、朋友是身边那份充实;是忍不住时刻想拨的号码;是深夜长坐的那杯清茶。 A friend is a side that is full; can not help but always want to dial the number; it is a cup of tea at night long sit. 47、友谊是最圣洁的灵物,她既会在同性中生根发芽,也会在异性中开花结果。 Friendship is the most holy things, she will not only take root in the same sex, will bear fruit in the opposite sex. 48、不管你还相不相信我们的友谊,请你记住,只要你回头,我还会在那里等你。 Whether you still don"t believe our friendship, please remember, as long as you turn back, I will be there waiting for you. 49、在友谊面前,人与人之间,犹如星与星之间,不是彼此妨碍,而是互相照耀。 In the face of friendship, between people, like stars and stars, not one another, but mutual shine. 50、你的难过我来分担,你的快乐我来分享,好朋友永远在你身边友情的延续来自心灵。 Your sad I come to share, your happiness I to share, good friend forever in your side of the friendship from the heart. 51、人与人的友谊,把多数人的心灵结合在一起,由于这种可贵的联系,是温柔甜蜜的。 The friendship between people, the majority of people in the heart of the combination, because of this kind of valuable links, is gentle and sweet. 52、真挚的友谊,不会因时间的阻隔而冲淡。昔日的承诺,也不会因漫长的岁月而改变。 True friendship will not be diluted by time. The promise of the past, it will not change because of the long years. 53、友情是没有翅膀的爱情。由於某种目的而开始的友情,无法持续到目的达成的时刻。 Friendship is love without wings. A friendship that begins with a purpose, can not be sustained until the end of time. 54、不论是多情诗句,漂亮的文章,还是闲暇的欢乐,什么都不能代替无比亲密的友谊。 Whether it is sentimental verse, beautiful article, or the joy of leisure, nothing can replace the very close friendship. 55、不管未来有多长久,请珍惜相聚的每一刻;不管多少个春夏秋冬,我们是永远的朋友。 No matter how long the future, please cherish every moment, no matter how many seasons, we are forever friends. 56、或许是一阵风雨的洗礼,才使得心与心之间的碰撞更为清脆响亮,更为精彩晶莹绚丽。 May be a storm of wind and rain, it makes the heart and heart of the collision between the more clear and loud, more brilliant brilliant. 57、不论联系有多少,只要内心留有彼此的一片天空,那么偶尔一声问侯就会带来会心的一笑。 No matter how many links, as long as the heart to stay with each other"s piece of the sky, then occasionally a sound asked Hou will bring a knowing smile. 58、茫茫人海就像一片戈壁滩,我们就是滩中的沙砾,不过有你的做伴使我不再感到渺小和孤独。 The vast sea of humanity like a piece of the Gobi desert, we are the sand beach, but your companion so I no longer feel small and lonely. 59、幸在我最美好的年华里,遇见了一个愿意陪我疯的你。谢谢你一直陪伴在我身边,不离不弃。 Happiness in my most beautiful years, met a willing to accompany me crazy you. Thank you always accompany me, never abandon. 60、友情,是一叶扁舟的纤纤双桨;友情,是一袋沙漠中行走的水囊;友情,是一道黎明前的曙光! Friendship is a leaf boat slender sculls; friendship is walking in a bag of the desert with water bag; friendship is a P dawn dawn! 61、我们耕耘着这一块土地,甜果涩果分尝一半。为了共同享有那甜蜜的生活,我们需要奋斗和友谊。 We work with this piece of land, sweet taste astringent fruit half points. In order to enjoy the sweet life together, we need to struggle and friendship. 62、金色的太阳,辐射着友情;银色的月亮,传递着友情。友谊是沉甸甸的稻穗,友谊是郁葱葱的森林。 The golden sun, the radiation of friendship; silver moon, passing the friendship. Friendship is the heavy rice, friendship is Yu misty forest. 63、风起,是我绵绵的牵挂;云涌,是我的柔柔的思念;雨来,是我细细的倾诉;阳光,是我暖暖的微笑。 The wind, is our continuous care; blustery, is my gentle thoughts; rain, is my careful talk; the sun, is my warm smile. 64、朋友如花香。芬芳而淡雅;朋友是秋天的雨,细腻又满怀诗意;朋友是十二月的梅,纯洁又傲然挺立。 A friend is like a flower. Fragrant and elegant; friend is the autumn rain, delicate and full of poetry; December is a friend Mei, pure and stand proudly. 65、友情就像久酿的老酒,越久越香,友情就像鲜艳的玫瑰,香气扑鼻,友情就像经历风霜的古镇,越老越美! Friendship is like long brewed wine, the longer the more fragrant, friendship is like bright rose, aroma assail the nostrils, friendship is like experience wind and frost Town, the old Yuemei! 66、回忆那些在一起的时光,友情的岁月,是记忆里最美的画面。怜悯你的人不是朋友,帮助你的人才可能是朋友。 Memories of the time together, friendship years, is the most beautiful memories of the picture. Have mercy on your people, not friends, to help your people may be friends. 67、将心停泊在彩云升起的港湾,偷偷把幸福刻在你的心间,用一缕友谊的丝线,将你我紧紧绑在岁月变迁的终点。 Will heart anchor Bay in cloud rises, engrave happiness in your heart secretly, silk a wisp of friendship, you and I tied tightly at the end of the time change. 68、友情如水,淡而长远;友情如茶,香而清纯;友情如酒,烈而沁心;友情如雨,细而连绵;友情如雪,松而亮洁。 Friendship is like water, and the thin and long; friendship is like a cup of tea, fragrant and pure; friendship is like wine, intense and Qinxin; friendship is like rain, thin and continuous; friendship is like snow, pine and bright and clean. 69、美好的友情,就像那一缕芳香,会把你引向清新的世界;只要还有一点记忆,一点机缘,一个故事就会永远永远。 A good friendship, like the fragrance, will lead you to the fresh world; as long as there is a bit of memory, a bit of opportunity, a story will always be forever. 70、句句心语是我浓浓的思念与祝福,愿永远系着你温暖与喜悦,无论你在何方,但愿我们在同一片星空下纺织思念。 Every heart is my deep thoughts and wishes, willing to be forever with you the warmth and joy, regardless of where you are, I hope we are in the same piece of sky textile miss. 71、我不是天使,但我拥有天堂;我没有翅膀,但我俯视阳光;我没有三叶草,但我手捧希望,因为我有你,我的朋友! I am not the angel, but I have a paradise; I have no wings, but I am looking down the sun; I have not got the shamrock, but I"m holding the hope, because I have you, my friend! 72、友情是两心相交,友情是不求回报,友情是没有烦恼,友情是温暖拥抱,友情是相伴到老。友情是你我快乐的微笑! Friendship is the two heart, friendship is not in return, friendship is not trouble, friendship is a warm embrace, friendship is accompanied to the old. Friendship is the smile that you and I are happy!
2023-07-07 19:34:401

《旧约全书·创世纪·传道书》中对生命起源的描述 英文原文是什么?高分急求!

And God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth." And it was so.The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens." So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
2023-07-07 19:34:472


2023-07-07 19:34:562

Keeping your nose mindlessly to the grindstone will only get you abraded nostrils.中文是什么意思

2023-07-07 19:35:112

整段翻译 金丝猴

Golden Monkey is very beautiful: the sky-blue face on the mouth large and prominent, because of their extreme degradation of the nose, commonly known as "no child nose", making the nostrils were overturned, it has "Snub-nosed monkey," another name. 70 cm in length, tail length and body appearance, etc., or longer. Nostrils large, the Yang. Thick lips, no cheek pouch. Back a long shiny hair, color is green, head, neck, shoulder, upper arm, back and tail hair is gray and black, cephalic, sides of neck, trunk and limbs, ventral medial yellow hair is brown, very soft wool quality . Mountain forests in the golden monkey habitat group. Mainly in the tree of life, but also the ground looking for something to eat. With wild fruits, buds, shoots, moss plants for food. Staple foods are leaves, tender twigs, flowers, fruit, eat bark and roots, eat insects, birds, and eggs. Eat it da mouth always seemed so sweet! Snub-nosed monkey added to our great joy of nature, let us act to protect golden monkey, nature conservation. Let golden monkey loyal partners that we humans and our joy of sharing a common life! Between humans and animals to more closely!
2023-07-07 19:35:181

Living Well Is The Best Revenge [Live In London] 歌词

歌曲名:Living Well Is The Best Revenge [Live In London]歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Live From LondonREM - Living Well Is The Best RevengeBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulIt"s only when your poison spins into the life you"d hoped to liveand suddenly you wake up in a shaken panic nowYou had set me up like a lamb to slaughterGarbo as a farmer"s daughterUnbelievable, the gospel according to who?I lay right down.All your sad and lost apostleshum my name and flare their nostrilsChoking on the bones you tossed to themnow I"m not one to sit and spinbecause living well"s the best revengeBaby, I am calling you on thatDon"t turn your talking points on me.History will set me freeThe future is ours and you don"t even rate a footnote now!So who"s chasing you? Where did you go?You disappear mid-sentenceIn a judgement crisis I see my in and go for itYou weakened shill.All your sad and lost apostleshum my name and flare their nostrilsChoking on the bones you tossed to themnow I"m not one to sit and spinbecause living well is the best revengeand baby, I am calling you on thatYou savour your dying breathI forgive but I don"t forgetYou work it out, let"s hear that argument againCamera three... GO NOW!All your sad and lost apostleshum my name and flare their nostrilsChoking on the bones you tossed to themnow I"m not one to sit and spinbecause living well is the best revengeand baby, I am calling you on thatBaby, I am calling you on thatBaby, I am calling you on that
2023-07-07 19:35:241


  诺亚方舟是公元前2370年建造完成的。当方舟建造完成时,大洪水也开始了,这时诺亚与他的家人,以及动物们皆已进入了方舟。  圣经说:“诺亚活到六百岁那一年[公元前2370年],[民历]2月17日那一天,浩瀚深渊的泉源尽都裂开,天上的水闸都打开了。”  当方舟建造完成时,大洪水也开始了,这时诺亚与他的家人,以及动物们皆已进入了方舟。《创世纪》如此形容洪水刚开始的景况:“当诺亚六百岁,二月十七日那一天,大渊的泉源都裂开了,天上的窗户也敞开了。四十昼夜降大雨在地上”。 洪水淹没了最高的山,在陆地上的生物全部死亡,只有诺亚一家人与方舟中的生命得以存活。
2023-07-07 19:35:346


晕啊,大家怎么对这个问题老是问呢!再拷一遍:甲流与普流的区别:一、甲流:3-6小时内会急速发高烧(37.8℃以上),且会急速地全身性肌肉酸痛 普流:逐渐发烧及全身性肌肉酸痛二、甲流:无流鼻涕但有咳嗽及喉咙痛 普流:流鼻涕及咳嗽三、甲流:约80%以上会有严重的头痛 普流:轻微的头痛四、甲流:几乎不打喷嚏 普流:打喷嚏五、甲流:37.8℃以上的高烧会持续3-4天 普流:偶尔发高烧六、甲流:严重全身性肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛 普流:轻微全身性肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛七、甲流:大多数的人会有发烧恶寒 普流:偶会有恶寒八、甲流:持续会有严重的疲劳感与虚弱 普流:轻微的疲劳感九、甲流:扁桃腺不会肿 普流:扁桃腺会肿十、甲流:会有严重的胸部压迫感 普流:无胸部压迫感甲型H1N1流感预防中药药方---北京市中医药管理局公布注:4个预防流感的中药药方,是专门针对成人、儿童、孕妇和老年人不同人群的易感情况,在北京市原有中医药预防流感方案的基础上修订完善的。北京市中医管理局表示,中药预防方是针对特殊时期特殊人群预防流感而制定的,广大市民在流感流行期存在可能与流感病人密切接触的情况时,如护理流感病人或与流感病人共同生活等,可以根据自身情况选择使用,健康的人群无需服用。一、成人预防方: 药物组成:金银花6克、大青叶6克、薄荷3克、生甘草3克 用量:每日1剂,分早晚2次服,连用7天二、老年预防方: 药物组成:太子参10克、苏叶6克、黄芩10克、牛蒡子10克 用量:每日1剂,水煎分2次服,连服5天三、孕妇预防方: 药物组成:白术6克、黄芩6克、苏叶3克、金银花6克 用量:每日1剂,水煎分2次服,连服5天四、儿童预防方: 药物组成:芦根10克、桑叶5克、豆豉5克、金银花5克 用量:每日1剂,水煎分2次服,连服5天,学龄前儿童减半 如何预防H1N1 - 来自医生的忠告How to Prevent H1N1 - Best Advice So FarN95口罩是用来阻隔95% 的0.3μ微粒,,而H1N1病毒的大小是0.1μ左右。所以,靠N95口罩防H1N1就像用蚊帐来挡雨。流感疫苗不是用来杀死H1N1病毒,它只能抑制病毒在其1-2周的自然生存周期中繁衍,H1N1跟其他A型流感的病毒一样,感染部位只限于上呼吸道,并在那繁殖,它的唯一入侵途径是口鼻喉,这种全球性的流感,几乎无人能置身事外但接触到H1N1病毒,并不像H1N1传染的问题那么严重.当你身体健康,尚未出现H1N1感染症状时,更实用有效的办法(而不是只关注储备N95或流感疫苗),是用以下几种简单的方式来避免少量的H1N1病毒在你体内(如果有接触到的话)繁殖、出现病症、及恶化成二期感染:1. Frequent hand-washing (well highlighted in all official communications).常洗手(在所有的官方警示中,都有重点强调)2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach. Resist all temptations to touch any part of face (unless you want to eat or bathe).手绝不碰脸...除非是是吃东西和洗脸3. Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don"t trust salt). H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one.Don"t underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative method.每天用温盐水(或李斯德林漱口水,如果你不太相信盐水有效的话)漱口两次。H1N1在鼻喉腔内经过2-3天,才开始增生并出现症候,简单的盐水漱口可以抑制病毒繁衍,等于是健康人的流感疫苗,千万不要小看这看似简单、花费不多,但是很有效的办法。4.. Similar to 3 above, clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. Not everybody may be good at Jala Neti or Sutra Neti (very good Yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities), but blowing the nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral population.以上三点之外,每天用温盐水清洗鼻孔至少一次,不是每个人都会用专业的清洗鼻腔的办法,但吸口气用力将鼻内物质喷出,最后以棉花棒沾温盐水清洁鼻孔。这对降低鼻中的病毒量非常有效。5. Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C(Amlaand other citrus fruits). If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost absorption.更多的食用富含维他命C的食物(如柑橘类的水果),可增加自身免疫力。如果只能服务Vc片,尽管选用含锌的以提高Vc的吸收。6. Drink as much of warm liquids as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.多喝温开水或热汤,功效和漱口一样,只是方向相反。随着热水或汤水被喝到胃里的病毒是无法生存、传染或发作的。7. All these are simple ways to prevent, within means of most households, and certainly much less painful than to wait in long queues outside public hospitals.这些都是在家里就做得到的简便预防法,远比痛苦地排长队在医院候诊好得多。
2023-07-07 19:35:591

music box歌词翻译

Music Box音乐盒You hear the beat, as it makes u, not wanna go to sleep你听见我的节奏,我的鼓点,它让你彻夜无眠I knock on dakota"s door, its locked so i go to creep我敲了敲dakota的门,已经锁了,于是我偷偷round" the back, with binoculars, not cuz i wanna peep爬到后院,戴上我的望远镜,其实我不是一个偷窥狂but because im hungry, she smells like taco"s i wanna eat而是我饿了,正好她散发着墨西哥煎玉米卷的香味,我想吃她visions of hot chocolatey marshmallows, oh so sweet, with sugarplums我仿佛看见了覆盖着融化了的巧克力的棉花糖(这种棉花糖不是你们所熟悉的棉花糖,更像是糖做的馒头),真甜,还有糖果蜜饯oh look here comes marshall, he"s on your street你看,marshall来了,他就在你的门口he"s placing hot smoldering charcoals beneath your feet他把炙热火红的木炭放到你的脚底下now walk on em", he"s dancing with carcass"s cheek to cheek然后逼你走上去,他跟尸体亲密的跳舞,跟鲜肉亲密的接触like a thanksgiving turkey, a holiday ham像感恩节的火鸡,节日的火腿cinnamon sprinkled on toast, strawberry marmalade jam像烤好的面包散满桂皮,涂满草莓橘子果酱flavor my favorite graham craackers with jonbenet rams"把我最喜爱的甜饼干涂上拿JonBenét Ramsey做的酱(JonBenét Ramsey是一个著名的谋杀案受害者,六岁被绑架,可惜遇到了个赎金拿到立马撕票的哥们,有兴趣的同学们可以更深一部的研究)I guess a modern day jack the ripper is all that i am我就是现实生活中的开膛手杰克CHORUSCuz when the lights are off, I see the girl"s asleep天黑熄灯的时候,我看见她已经睡着了but i can hear u my love, you keep calling me但我听得见你在呼唤我I want the world to know, you mean the world to me(我觉得这句不对)我想让全世界知道,你是我的全部so when you call me to come, I will answer你呼唤我的时候,我会回应的cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl"s asleep天黑熄灯的时候,我看见她已经睡着了I hear my music box, playing a song for me我听见我的音乐盒,在为我演奏一首歌So wont you swirl around, and do a whirl for me你能不能转过来,在我面前舞动and won"t you be my private go dancer你能不能当我的私人性感的舞蹈女孩(这里指gogo dancing,吧台上跳舞的,但不一定脱的舞蹈者。)最后这几句我觉得不是在说他要杀的人,而是这个音乐盒,用拟人的修辞手法,至少我是这么理解的I almost look comatosed, who wants to be sober? gross大麻抽得我现在看上去就像个弱智一样,大家都高了,谁那么扫兴,想一直清醒?I foam like a doverman, mouth open, I over-dose我像个猎犬一样嘴里冒白沫,张着嘴巴,我已经超过了人体极限,医院我来了put coke up my nostrils, in both my holes, then I plug my nose把可卡因从两个鼻孔同时吸进去,然后堵住鼻子my pupils quadruple in size, eyes are so bugged I know我的瞳孔是之前的四倍,眼球严重突出I put on my mother"s make-up, get naked and run around我摸了一大堆我妈的化妆品,然后脱光了裸奔waving a gun around, I think I"m down to 100 pounds挥舞着一把枪,我猜我现在只有100磅,也就是90斤there"s thunder, I wonder how come it rains but the sun is out上天打雷又下雨,奇怪了,太阳这么烈怎么还会下雨?the devil"s upset with his wife, they must be slugging it out阎王爷肯定跟他老婆吵架了,估计是他们在上面打架呢I must be bugging the f!ck out, but what the f!ck about我感觉忐忑不安,但不知道为什么voices are leading me up to the attic, I love my house脑海里有个声音叫我上楼,到房顶的储蓄室they pull and they tug my blouse, the sound of a music box这些声音拽着我的衣服,带领我寻找这个音乐盒的声音comes from inside the toy chest but what do I do, it"s locked但它被锁到一个箱子里面,我怎么办呢?I pick it and open it, but its stuffed full of human parts我吧锁敲开,打开箱子,里面全是肢体I dig til" i find it, I wind it up and a tune just starts我翻了半天才翻出来,上了发条it"s playing a song, so beautiful, and the room is dark美妙的旋律开始旋绕我,房间里一片漆黑the moon is full, I smell a funeral, guess I"ll loom in the park 今晚是个满月,我感应到了一个葬礼,我想我就在这个公园里等待吧CHORUS
2023-07-07 19:36:171


不用给跪,多给点分就行~~翻起来就像动物世界的解说一样~生理特征:几维鸟并无攻击性,且只有一只鸡般大小。它是夜行动物,就是说它在白天睡觉,晚上出来活动。它有一对长喙,长度有它的身体1/3那么长。在喙的尾部还长着它的鼻孔,世界上只有几维鸟有这个特征。另外一个奇怪的特征是几维鸟没有尾巴,但它有棕色的,类似头发一样的羽毛。生理上它有世界上其它的鸟类有很多的不同。特殊的适应性:几维鸟被称作基因上的宝贵遗产,它们的基因看起来非常奇特,因为它们几乎没有太多的进化的缘故。有研究认为它们有800百万年历史,比人类的历史还要早700百万年。由于纽西兰的隔绝性,它们不用担心捕食者因此也没必要有太大的进化来适应环境。它们(在这里)无拘无束捕食/食物特征: 几维鸟用它的长喙啄食虫子。几维鸟的视力很差,白天只能看到2英尺远,晚上能看到6英尺开外,这对于它们的猎食来说帮助不大。它们用喙上的鼻子来寻找食物,找到虫子之后就用长喙叼起来吃掉。供参考。
2023-07-07 19:36:241


This is the story of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, the one blameless man of his time; he walked with God. He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Now God saw that the whole world was corrupt and full of violence. In his sight the world had become corrupted, for all men had lived corrupt lives on earth. God said to Noah, ‘The loathsomeness of all mankind has become plain to me, for through them the earth is full of violence. I intend to destroy them, and the earth with them. Make yourself an ark with ribs of cypress; cover it with reeds and coat it inside and out with pitch. I intend to bring the waters of the flood over the earth to destroy every human being under heaven that has the spirit of life; everything on earth shall perish. But with you I will make a covenant, and you shall go into the ark, you and your sons, your wife and your sons" wives with you. And you shall bring living creatures of every kind into the ark to keep them alive with you. Two of each kind, a male and a female; two of every kind of bird, beast, and reptile, shall come to you to be kept alive. See that you take and store every kind of food that can be eaten; this shall be food for you and for them. "Exactly as God had commanded him, so Noah did. And so, to escape the waters of the flood, Noah went into the ark with his sons, his wife, and his sons" wives. And into the ark with Noah went one pair, male and female, of all beasts, clean and unclean, of birds and of everything that crawls on the ground, two by two, as God had commanded. Towards the end of seven days the waters of the flood came upon the earth. In the year when Noah was six hundred years old, on the seventeenth day of the second month, on that very day, all the springs of the great abyss broke through, the windows of the sky were opened, and rain fell on the earth for forty days and forty nights…The flood continued upon the earth for forty days, and the waters swelled and lifted up the ark so that it rose high above the ground. More and more the waters increased over the earth until they covered all the high mountains everywhere under heaven. The waters increased and the mountains were covered to a depth of fifteen cubits. Everything died that had the breath of life in its nostrils, everything on dry land. God wiped out every living thing that existed on earth, man and beast, reptile and bird; they were all wiped out over the whole earth, and only Noah and his company in the ark survived.After forty days Noah opened the trap-door that he had made in the ark , and released a raven to see whether the water had subsided, but the bird continued flying to and fro until the water on the earth had dried up. Noah waited for seven days, and then he released a dove from the ark to see whether the water on the earth had subsided further. But the dove found no place where she could settle, and so she came back to him in the ark, because there was water over the whole surface of the earth. He waited another seven days and again released the dove from the ark. She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak. Then Noah knew for certain that the water on the earth had subsided still further. He waited yet another seven days and released the dove, but she never came back. And so it came about that, on the first day of the first month of his six hundred and first year, the water had dried up on the earth, and Noah removed the hatch and looked out of the ark. The surface of the ground was dry. By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the whole earth was dry. And God said to Noah, ‘Come out of the ark, you and your wife, your sons and their wives. Bring out every living creature that is with you, live things of every kind, bird and beast and every reptile that moves on the ground, and let them swarm over the earth and be fruitful and increase there. "So Noah came out with his sons, his wife, and his sons" wives. Every wild animal, all cattle, every bird, and every reptile that moves on the ground, came out of the ark by families. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord. He took ritually clean beasts and birds of every kind, and offered whole-offerings on the altar. When the Lord smelt the soothing odor, he said within himself, ‘Never again will I curse the ground because of man, however evil his inclinations may be from his youth upwards. I will never again kill every living creature, as I have just done
2023-07-07 19:36:322

money power respect黑棒的这首歌歌词是什么?

Intro: Lil" KimSee I believe in money, power and respectFirst you the moneyThen you get the motherf--kin" powerAnd after you get the f--kin" powerYou get the f--kin" ni--az to respect youchorus (Lil" Kim)It"s the key to lifeMoney power respectThat you need in lifeMoney power respectYou"ll be eatin" rightMoney power respectYou can sleep at nightYou"ll see the lightIt"s the key to lifeMoney power respectThat you need in lifeMoney power respectYou"ll be eatin" rightMoney power respectMoney power respectMoney power respectVerse One: SheekAye yo my whole click bout it bout itWe take yours while you pout about itTruck, step out the Horace wanna crowd around itYou can see me on Optimum TV, or in the bathroomTurn the light out, scream!Bloody Mary, one two threeSheek ain"t ya usual friend, but I can set you up like KaiserWalk straight up the end, I"m done with ice and charmsI"m tryin" to ice my whole caskit when I"m gonePull up with class on the Don, once I meet "em I greet "emKiss his feet for freedom, tell him thank you LordCause on Earth I was getttin" boredNow resurect me back to this cat called SheekSo I can make this album get back the cats that"s weak230, 6"2", need funds from you that"s like a cat versus a pitbullGun, no flip for, keep hungerAnd plan for the future cause you figure you gon" be olderWhen way longer then ya gon" be youngerchorus (Lil" Kim)It"s the key to lifeMoney power respectThat you need in lifeMoney power respectYou"ll be eatin" rightMoney power respectYou can sleep at nightYou"ll see the lightIt"s the key to lifeMoney power respectThat you need in lifeMoney power respectYou"ll be eatin" rightMoney power respectMoney power respectMoney power respectIt"s the key to lifeVerse Two: Styles(clock tickin") Only time can tell how the clock tickI really love here but I"m still a hostageTwo personallities, check the postureSmoke out the mouth, clear out the nostralsThinkin" death, the life seems scareyI"m passin" graveyards, seeing people Hail MaryI ain"t chillin", till I"m outParash you and race my man in mild climateCalled out ten diamonds, twenty five thousand a peiceF--k streets, tryin" to own the island forget about woulin"Tri ridin", in the car that be glidin"If I should you were I lived you would think I was hottestSling dick to the chicks who that don"t speak EnglishWake up to Trinidad, like f---in" I"m richCome back, probably jet, live on setIf you can sh-t go out and spit bragoitschorus (Lil" Kim overlaps last line)It"s the key to lifeMoney power respectThat you need in lifeMoney power respectYou"ll be eatin" rightMoney power respectYou can sleep at nightYou"ll see the lightIt"s the key to lifeMoney power respectThat you need in lifeMoney power respectYou"ll be eatin" rightMoney power respectMoney power respectMoney power respectVerse Three: JadakissYo yo yo yo yo nuttin" but the hotness, whenever we drop thisMonotnis, for ya"ll to keep hatin"Cause ya"ll never gon" stop us, I keep my rocks spotlessAnd my ho-s topless, take time try to figure out who The Lox is?Spare no one, keep rhymes like ShogunYou scared to blow one, get robbed with your own gunsIf I don"t respect you I"ma check youAnd if I don"t kiss you I"m gon" peck youRight before I wet you, I sneeze on tracks and bless youI"m special, and if you like workin" out then I"m gon" strech youHustilin" is dead but we still get red, turn the spots in the bakeryTo give back bread, and ya"ll said my money spentBut it"s in the bed, so when the feds come the dogs can"t get a scentAnd my story, self explainitoryThat I"m the hotess thing on the streetsAnd ya"ll ain"t got nothing for mechorus (Lil" Kim)It"s the key to lifeMoney power respectThat you need in lifeMoney power respectYou"ll be eatin" rightMoney power respectYou can sleep at nightYou"ll see the lightIt"s the key to lifeMoney power respectThat you need in lifeMoney power respectYou"ll be eatin" rightMoney power respectMoney power respectMoney power respectVerse Four: DMX(arff! arff!) This is the beat that I can freak itJust drop the reals, plus the ni--a with the illYa"ll ni--az know my skills, ask from the grillsGet "em up, spit "em upRed "em up, then watch them comeGet "em up, set "em upRather do dirt then get dirt, b--ch I make ya sh-t hurtThen step back, like I did workThis ain"t no fu--in" game, what"cha think I"m playin"Till you layin", so where the junkyard decayin"Moms at home prayin", till you comin" home but you notJust sittin" up in the trunk startin" to rotAnd Hell is hot, only cause I"m here now babyIt"s goin" down baby, peep the four pound babyAnd let off up in a n--a, specially if he think he biggaThen my motherfuckin" trigga, did I?Can I get mine, is it goneDMX representin" one time it"s onchorus (Lil" Kim overlaps last line)It"s the key to lifeMoney power respectThat you need in lifeMoney power respectYou"ll be eatin" rightMoney power respectYou can sleep at nightYou"ll see the lightIt"s the key to lifeMoney power respectThat you need in lifeMoney power respectYou"ll be eatin" rightMoney power respectMoney power respectMoney power respect
2023-07-07 19:36:422

塞伯坦陨落cities IN dust歌词

Siouxie And The Banshees <<Cities In Dust>>Water was running children were runningYou were running out of timeUnder the mountain a golden fountainWere you praying at the lares shrine?But oh your city lies in dust my friendWe found you hiding we found you lyingChoking on the dirt and sandYour former glories and all the storiesDragged and washed with eager handsBut oh your city lies in dust, my friendHot and burning in your nostrilsPouring down your gaping mouthYour molten bodies blanket of cindersCaught in the throes .......And your city lies in dust只有找到英文的~楼主要的是这个吗~给您参考
2023-07-07 19:36:561


The most pricious gift to me is this photo which was taken by my father before the park of People in my hometown.It was the time of my go to Beijing to study. That time I was seventeen.I like my family but I never take photo with my family before I went to Beijing and live myself in other city. I study in Beijng without my family it was lonely for me to live family such distance.Over four years I spent my study life with this photo. It give me help to go over the difficults.
2023-07-07 19:37:063


The LORD God made a man out of the dust of the earth in his own image。耶和华上帝按照自己的形象,用地上的尘土造出了一个人。And he breathed a breath into his nostrils,and when he had spirit,he lived。往他的鼻孔里吹了一口气,有了灵,人就活了。Can talk,can walk。God gave him a name,Adam。能说话,能行走。上帝给他起了一个名字,叫亚当。Adam lived in the garden of Eden according to God"s plan。亚当根据上帝的安排,住在伊甸园里。There is a river in the garden of Eden。It"s crystal clear。There are fish,shrimp,water and grass伊甸园里有一条河,清澈见底,有鱼有虾有水草It is winding and winding,moistening the creatures in the garden,and flowing out from the garden in four ways。蜿蜒曲折,滋润着园里的生物,又从园里分四道流出去。God thought Adam was too lonely and decided to make a mate for him。上帝觉得亚当一个人太寂寞,决定帮他造一个配偶。God took one of his ribs and closed the flesh。上帝取下他的一条肋骨,又把肉合起来。No scars,no pain。不留一点伤痕,也不疼痛。When Adam woke up,he saw the woman and said,“you are the bone in my bones,the flesh in my flesh”。亚当一觉醒来,看到女子,说:“你是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉”。Adam and Eve lived happily in the garden of Eden。When they were hungry,they ate the fruit and fell asleep。亚当和夏娃快乐地生活在伊甸园,饿了吃果实、困了就睡觉。扩展资料1、上帝在基督教等引入中国后,作为同义词,将其用作犹太教、基督教信仰的创造宇宙的神。被视为宗教信徒至高无上的信仰,在基督教中,上帝是永恒的存在,创造和治理世界。2、亚当“亚当”这个字,希伯来语意思是:红土,属土的。正因为神用尘土造了他,所以就以此为名。后来和夏娃(上帝为亚当造的配偶)住在伊甸园里,修理看守耶和华的园子,并且管理全地和各样的动物。
2023-07-07 19:37:251


  小学英语教学与故事相结合,能创设出轻松愉快的学习气氛、生动直观的语言情景;能把枯燥的语言知识变成简单有趣的英语故事,从而吸引小学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,促进学生英语思维能力的发展。本文是关于五年级英语故事短文,希望对大家有帮助!   关于五年级英语故事短文:沉默的狗   One nightfall, a sheep was playing alone on the mountainside, when suddenly a wolf emerged from among the trees, wanting to eat the sheep, so the sheep jumped up, using his horns to defend himself with all his might, and loudly called out for his friends to save his life.   The bull looked over from among a cluster of trees, saw there was a wolf, and ran away.   The horse lowered its head and looked, discovered there was a wolf, and slipped away in a puff of *** oke.   The mule stopped walking for a moment, discovered there was a wolf, and quietly slipped down the mountain.   The pig passed through there, found out there was a wolf, and rushed down the mountainside.   The rabbit listened a moment, then took off like a shot.   From the bottom of the mountain, the dog heard the sheep"s cry, and ran quickly up the mountainside, came out of the grass in a flash, and in a moment had grabbed the wolf"s neck in his teeth, the wolf cried out in pain, and taking advantage of the dog"s intake of breath, ran away full of sorrow and fear.   [When the sheep] returned home, his friends all came over.   The bull said: Why didn"t you tell me? My horns could have gouged out the wolf"s intestines.   The horse said: Why didn"t you tell me? My hooves could have kicked the wolf"s skull apart.   Donkey said: Why didn"t you tell me? I could have brayed and startled the wolf so as to break his courage.   Pig said: Why didn"t you tell me? I could nuzzle him with my snout, and make him fall down the mountain.   Rabbit said: Why didn"t you tell me? I run fast, I could have spread the word.   In this noisy group, the only one who wasn"t present was the dog.   傍晚,一只羊独自在山坡上玩,突然从树木中窜出一只狼来,要吃羊,羊跳起来,拼命用角抵抗,并大声向朋友们救命。   牛在树丛中向这个地方望了一眼,发现是狼,跑走了。   马低头一看,发现是狼,一溜烟跑了。   驴停下脚步,发现是狼,悄悄溜下山坡。   猪经过这里,发现是狼,冲下山坡。   兔子一听,更是一箭一般离去。   山下的狗听见羊的呼喊,急忙奔上坡来,从草丛中闪出,一下咬住了狼的脖子,狼疼得直叫唤, 趁够换气时,怆惶挑走了。   回到家,朋友都来了,   牛说:你怎么不告诉我?我的角可以剜出狼的肠子。   马说:你怎么不告诉我?我的蹄子能踢碎狼的脑袋。   驴说:你怎么不告诉我?我一声吼叫,吓破狼的胆。   猪说:你怎么不告诉我? 我用嘴一拱,就让它摔下山去。   兔子说:你怎么不告诉我? 我跑得快,可以传信呀。   在这闹嚷嚷的一群中,唯独没有狗。   关于五年级英语故事短文:两个懒汉   Long ago, among the Uighur people there were two lazybones, one called Hashandaiwulaike, the other called Shawutikabake. They were both extremely lazy, depending on their parents for food and clothing, unwilling to do even a little work, from morning to night they sat at the base of a wall and sunned themselves. As time passed this way, their parents [began to] loathe them, and had no choice but to kick them out. The two of them lived a drifter"s life, and went hungry for days at a time, with not even a piece of bread to eat.   One day, they were squatting next to a bread pit discussing what to do. Hashandaiwulaike said: “The best thing would be to go to a place where there"s food and clothes, but you don"t have to work – I don"t know if there is such a place?”   Shawutikabake said: “There"s no such place on this earth, only in heaven! I heard that the immortals in heaven are the happiest.”   Hashandaiwulaike said: “In that case, we should go to heaven. Why on earth would we stay in this place where we have to work and suffer other people"s disdain?”   Shawutikabake said: “That"s all very well and good, but how will we get up there? Can we find a ladder that long?”   Hashandaiwulaike said: “We could never find a ladder that long, but you can still get up there without a ladder.”   Shawutikabake said: “How?”   Hashandaiwulaike said: “In the valley there"s a Roc bird, when I was little I saw it when I went up there with my father. All we have to do is grab onto the Roc, and he will take us up to heaven.”   Shawutikabake said: “That"s a great idea, we"ll do it that way.”   So the two friends decided thus. On the morning of the next day, they got us and walked to the mountain. When they got to the mountain valley, they found the Roc"s nest, and they hid themselves next to it. They waited until the sun fell behind the mountain and the Roc flew back and had just landed in its nest, when Hashandaiwulaike grabbed it and held it tightly. He promptly called to Shawutikabake to grab his feet, and the Roc was frightened and flew into the sky.   So Shawutikabake was holding on to Hashandaiwulaike"s feet, and Hashandaiwulaike was holding on to the Roc"s claws, and they floated towards the seventh level of clouds [heaven].   Shawutikabake asked,” Hey! Are we there yet? I can"t hold on much longer!”   Hashandaiwulaike looked into a gap between the clouds and said, “Almost! I can already see the opening!”   Shawutikabake asked, “How big is the opening? Can we fit into it?”   Hashandaiwulaike answered, “It"s this big.” As Hashandaiwulaike answered, he used his hands to demonstrate how big the opening [to heaven] was.   But to his surprise, as soon as Hashandaiwulaike let go, the two lazy friends parted ways with the Roc, tumbled down, and were *** ashed into mincemeat.   从前, *** 尔族有这么两个懒汉,一个叫哈山代吾来克,一个叫沙吾提卡巴克。他们都懒得要命,吃穿全靠父母,一点活儿也不干,一天到晚靠著墙根晒太阳。 这样,久而久之,弄得他们父母也讨厌他们了,不得不把他们从家里赶了出来。他们俩过著流浪的生活,饿了几天肚子,一块馕也没有吃到。   这天,他俩蹲在馕坑上商量著今后该怎么办。哈山代吾来克说: “最好到一个有吃有穿,又不需要劳动的地方去,不知道有没有这么个地方?”   沙吾提卡巴克说: “世界上是没有这么个地方的,只天上有吧!听说天上的神仙最快活。”   哈山代吾来克说: “那末,我们就上天去吧,干嘛要呆在这个必须劳动的地方受人鄙视呢?”   沙吾提卡巴克说: “好倒好,不过怎么上去呢?能找到这么个长梯子吗?”   哈山代吾来克肯定地说: “这么长的梯子是找不到的。但是,没有梯子也可以上去。”   沙吾提卡巴克惊奇地问道: “怎么上去?”   哈山代吾来克说: “山谷里有一只大鹏鸟,小时候我跟父亲上去看见过。我们只要把这只大鹏抓住,它就会带我们上天去的。”   沙吾提卡巴克说: “好办法,我们就这样办好了。”   两个朋友就这么决定了。第二天一早,他们就起身往山上走去,走到一个山谷里,找到了大鹏的窝,他们在附近躲藏起来,等到太阳落山的时候,大鹏飞回来刚落在窝里,就被哈山代吾来克紧紧地抓住了。他连忙招呼沙吾提卡巴克抓住自己的脚,大鹏受了惊,直往天空飞去。   就这样,沙吾提卡巴克抓住哈山代吾来克的脚,哈山代吾来克抓住大鹏的爪子,飘飘荡荡地一直飞向七层云端里去了。   沙吾提卡巴克问道: “嘿!到了吗?我的手吃不消啦!”   哈山代吾来克望着云层的空隙说: “快啦!连窟窿都已经看见了。”   沙吾提卡巴克问道: “窟窿有多大?我们能不能钻进去呀?”   哈山代吾来克回答: “有这么大。”哈山代吾来克一面答应着,一面用手来比划窟窿的大小。   不料哈山代吾来克两手一松,这两个懒汉朋友都离开了大鹏鸟,摇摇晃晃地掉下来,摔成肉酱了。   关于五年级英语故事短文:神农尝百草   All his life, Shen Nong had a crystal abdomen, and one could clearly see all of his internal organs. At that time, humans were often getting sick and even dying because they ate things indiscriminately [not knowing if they were good or bad]. Shen Nong determinedly tasted everything everywhere; the good-tasting things he put in a bag on his left side, those were for people to eat; the bad-tasting things he put in a bag on his right side, and those were used for medicine.   The first time, Shen Nong tasted a *** all fresh leaf. As this leaf fell into his stomach, it cleaned every inch of his insides so that every organ top and bottom was fresh and cool, as if [the leaf] was somehow on patrol [making the rounds], so Shen Nong called it “chá” [to investigate / check], and later generations of men called it “chá” [tea]. Shen Nong put it in the bag on the right. The second time, Shen Nong tasted a little light red flower that looked like a butterfly, which was sweet and delicious, with an exotic *** ell that filled his nostrils, so he called it “licorice”. He put it in the bag on the left. In this way, Shen Nong diligently tasted all manner of flora, and every time he was poisoned, he used tea to rescue himself. Before long, the bag on his left contained 47,000 kinds of flowers, grasses, roots and leaves, and the right side had 398,000 kinds.   But one day, Shen Nong tasted “heartbreak grass”, and this poison was too terrible, so there wasn"t enough time to eat the tea leaves to detoxify and he died. He sacrificed himself to save humanity, so people call him the “Bodhisattva of Medicine”, and people forever memorate him through this story.   神农一生下来就是个水晶肚子,五脏六腑全都能看得一清二楚。那时侯,人们经常因为乱吃东西而生病,甚至丧命。神农决心尝遍所有的东西,好吃的放在身边左边的袋子里,给人吃;不好吃的就放在身子右边的袋子里,作药用。   第一次,神农尝了一片小嫩叶。这叶片一落进肚里,就上上下下地把里面各器官擦洗得清清爽爽,象巡查似的,神农把它叫做“查”,就是后人所称的“茶”。神农将它放进右边袋子里。第二次,神农尝了朵蝴蝶样的淡红小花,甜津津的,香味扑鼻,这是“甘草”。他把它放进了左边袋子里。就这样,神农辛苦地尝遍百草,每次中毒,都靠茶来解救。后来,他左边的袋子里花草根叶有四万七千种,右边有三十九万八千种。   但有一天,神农尝到了“断肠草”,这种毒草太厉害了,他还来不及吃茶解毒就死了。他是为了拯救人们而牺牲的,人们称他为“药王菩萨”,人间以这个神话故事永远地纪念他。   
2023-07-07 19:37:421


鼻子用英语noseHe has a red nose.他有一个红鼻子。
2023-07-07 19:37:515


  Lizards蜥蜴   Lizards are members of the reptile family. Other members are snakes, turtles, crocodiles and alligators. Lizards have several things in common with other reptiles. All reptiles are cold-blooded. They cannot control their own body temperature. It is controlled by their surroundings. Lizards must work to maintain their temperature. Another characteristic which lizards have in common with all reptiles is that their skin is made of scales.   蜥蜴是爬行动物的一员。爬行动物还包括蛇,龟,鳄鱼和短吻鳄。蜥蜴与其他爬行动物有几个共同点。所有的爬行动物是冷血的。他们无法控制自己的体温。他们的体温由他们所处的环境决定。蜥蜴必须努力保持其温度。而蜥蜴与所有爬行动物的另一个共同点是他们的皮肤是由鳞片组成。   Lizards shed their skin frequently because the skin doesn"t grow with them. They have lungs and breathe like humans. They breathe through nostrils above their mouths. They have a special organ on the roof of their mouth. It is a Jacobson"s organ. Lizards smell with this. They pick up the smells with their tongues. The smells travel to the Jacobson"s organ. Lizards can sense prey this way. Their eyes and ears are located on either side of their heads.   蜥蜴常常蜕皮是因为他们的皮肤不跟随他们自生成长。他们有肺,像人类一样呼吸。他们通过其嘴巴上面鼻孔呼吸。他们口腔上部有一个特殊的器官,被称为雅各布逊氏器。蜥蜴通过这个器官闻到气味。他们用舌头感知气味,随后气味传递到雅各布逊氏器。蜥蜴也能通过这种方式感知猎物。他们的眼睛和耳朵位于头的两侧。   Lizards have a simple body shape. They have a head, a pair of legs, a long body, another pair of legs and a tail. Their tails can help them balance, swim, or grab tree branches. Some lizards use their tails as a weapon. They can also wiggle away from a predator which grabs their tail. Certain muscles will cause it to fall off, but the tail still moves. The predator watches the tail, and the lizards can escape. Then lizards can grow a new tail. Lizards range in size from one and one-half inches long to seven and one-half feet. The Komodo dragon is the biggest lizard. The Komodo dragons live in Indonesia. The smallest lizards live in the British Virgin Islands.   蜥蜴的体型十分简单。他们有一个头,一双腿,一个修长的身体,另一对腿和一根尾巴。它们的尾巴能帮助他们平衡,游泳,或抓住树枝。有些蜥蜴用它们的尾巴作为武器。当捕食者抓住他们尾巴的时候,他们可以通过扭动尾巴进而逃跑。而某些肌肉会使尾巴脱落,但脱落的尾巴却仍然是活动的。使捕食者盯着蜥蜴的尾巴,蜥蜴便得以逃脱。不久后蜥蜴就长出新的尾巴。蜥蜴的体型从七又二分之一英尺到一又二分英寸不等。科莫多巨蜥是最大的蜥蜴。科莫多巨蜥生活在印度尼西亚。最小的蜥蜴生活在英属维尔京群岛。   Lizards can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Many live in tropical rain forests. Food is plentiful for them there. The hot damp climate allows them to maintain their body temperatures. They can be found also in deserts and other hot, dry areas. Many of the desert lizards are nocturnal. They come out in the cooler evening. Very hot weather is not good for them. Lizards that live in cold climates hibernate through the winter. Their bodies can"t tolerate the cold temperatures. Also, food is not as readily available in the winter.   除南极洲以外,各大洲都有蜥蜴的踪迹。许多生活在热带雨林。那里有丰盛的食物。炎热潮湿的气候使他们能够保持自己的体温。在沙漠等炎热干燥的地方也有它们的身影。许多沙漠蜥蜴是夜间活动。他们在凉爽的傍晚出来。他们无法适应炎热的天气。生活在寒冷的气候下的蜥蜴通过冬眠越冬。他们的.身体不能耐受寒冷的气温。另外,在冬天食物并不容易获得。   Some lizards are carnivores and some are herbivores. Large carnivores like the Komodo dragon will eat anything they can find. They need a lot of food so will hunt bigger prey, like deer and cattle. Gila monsters are also rather large lizards. They usually look for baby birds and mice. They bite their prey. Poison flows from their mouths into the wound. Gila monsters are the only venomous lizards in the United States. Smaller carnivores eat insects, other lizards and small animals. Herbivores eat leaves, fruit, flowers and other plants. They can more easily obtain food. They don"t have to hunt or wait in hiding like the carnivores.   有些蜥蜴是食肉动物,有些是食草动物。像科莫多巨蜥大型食肉动物会吃任何可以找到的东西。他们需要大量的食物,所以会寻找更大的猎物,如鹿和牛。毒蜥也是相当大的蜥蜴。他们通常寻找雏鸟和老鼠。他们咬住猎物。毒液从他们口中流入猎物的伤口。毒蜥是美国境内唯一有毒的蜥蜴。小型食肉蜥蜴吃昆虫,其它蜥蜴等小动物。食草动物吃树叶,水果,花卉等植物。他们更容易地获取食物。他们不需要像食肉动物那样去打猎或隐藏等待猎物。   Lizards are prey to birds, snakes, bears, raccoons, and coyotes. They try to avoid the predators by hiding underground or behind rocks during the day. At night they stay in a nice warm burrow under the ground.   蜥蜴是鸟,蛇,熊,浣熊和狼的猎物。他们试图通过白天躲在地下或岩石后面来避免天敌。到了晚上,他们便会把自己埋在温暖的地下洞穴。   In summary, lizards are members of the reptile family. Like reptiles, they are cold-blooded. Their temperature is controlled by their environment. They have to work at keeping their bodies at a comfortable temperature. Also, like reptiles, their skin is composed of scales.   蜥蜴是爬行族的成员。如同其他爬行动物,它们是冷血动物。它们的温度是由他们的环境的控制。他们需要保持自己的身体合适的温度。此外,如同其他爬行动物,它们的皮肤是由鳞片组成。
2023-07-07 19:38:391


异香扑鼻。异香扑鼻拼音: yì xiāng pū bí解释:不同寻常的香味扑鼻而来。英文:exotic odors assail the nostrils (idiom).出处:清·刘璋《飞花艳想》第六回:"柳友梅接在手,便觉异香扑鼻,珍味沁心,与寻常世上的酒味大不相同,才饮下喉,便陶然欲醉起来。"造句:1.以前,尤氏梦见一个道人投入怀中,醒来时,整个房间异香扑鼻,李玄就呱呱落地了。2.恩,真是一个美丽的地方,脚下芳草如茵,桂花的异香扑鼻而来,天空一碧如洗,湖水清澈见底,好像整个地方都没有受到过污染什么的,像一个世外桃源。3.贾母忙命拢岸,顺着云步石梯上去,一同进了蘅芜苑,只觉异香扑鼻。4.见整个紫霄宫祥云万道,紫气千条,空中天花飘落,瑞气缭绕,地面金莲涌动,异香扑鼻。
2023-07-07 19:38:471

《思想者》 英文介绍 答完后30+分

换一个加上动作描写的: Auguste Rodin"s sculpture "The Thinker" is known around the world. Head in hand, the nude figure sits in intense contemplation, twisting awkwardly to rest his right arm on his left knee. Rodin said of his work, "What makes my Thinker think is that he thinks not only with his brain, with his knitted brow, his distended nostrils and compressed lips, but with every muscle of his arms, back and legs, with his clenched fist and gripping toes." The Thinker was originally conceived as the central figure for the monumental "Gates of Hell," a commission Rodin never completed. The piece gained its current title when it was exhibited in Paris in 1899.等等,楼主的意思是翻译过来吗?
2023-07-07 19:40:241


The wind and the sun were disputing who was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road. The sun said, "Whoever can make the traveler take off his coat will be the stronger." So the sun hid behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow as hard as it could. As the wind blew harder, the traveler wrapped his coat more closely around himself. Then the sun came out. He shone on the traveler. The traveler soon felt quite hot, and took off his coat. ==================================================================== 风和太阳 ●风和太阳两方为谁的能量大相互争论不休。 ●突然,他们看到一个行人走在路上,太阳说:“谁能使行人脱下衣服,谁就更强大。” ●太阳藏在乌云后面,风开始拼命地吹,风刮得越猛烈,行人越是裹紧自己的衣服。 ●太阳出来了,暖暖地晒着行人,行人感到很热,很快就把外套脱了下来。
2023-07-07 19:40:332


《创世纪》记载:“诺亚是个义人,在当时的世代是个完全人”。 耶和华神指示诺亚建造一艘方舟,并带着他的妻子、儿子与媳妇。同时神也指示诺亚将牲畜与鸟类等动物带上方舟,且必须包括雌性与雄性。当方舟建造完成时,大洪水也开始了,这时诺亚与他的家人,以及动物们皆已进入了方舟。《创世纪》如此形容洪水刚开始的景况:“当诺亚六百岁,二月十七日那一天,大渊的泉源都裂开了,天上的窗户也敞开了。四十昼夜降大雨在地上”。 洪水淹没了最高的山,在陆地上的生物全部死亡,只有诺亚一家人与方舟中的生命得以存活。
2023-07-07 19:40:433

___the cap, the officer put the bottle to his nostrils.

1 having unscrewed 现在分词引导表示主动现在完成时表示已经完成的条件
2023-07-07 19:41:533


  金属是一种具有光泽(即对可见光强烈反射)、富有延展性、容易导电、导热等性质的物质。金属的上述特质都跟金属晶体内含有自由电子有关。在自然界中,绝大多数金属以化合态存在,少数金属例如金、铂、银、铋以游离态存在。那么你知道金属的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。   金属英语单词1:   metal    金属英语单词2:   coherer   金属的英语例句:   铜和金都是金属。   Copper and gold are both metals.   有些金属容易焊,有的不容易焊。   Some metals weld better than others.   车子成了一堆扭曲的金属。   The car was left a mess of twisted metal.   他们用冲床在金属板上打孔。   They cut holes on the sheet of metal with a punch press.   金属内电流是由电子运动引起的。   An electric current in metal is caused by the movement of electrons.   铝是一种轻薄并呈银色的金属。   Aluminum is a kind of light silvery metal.   金属盆子沿着石阶滚了下去,发出咣啷声。   The metal basin clattered down the stone stairs.   金属铸模金属锭在其中被铸的模子   A mold in which such metal is cast.   只听他咣当一声,摔在了金属台阶上。   He hit the metal steps with a ringing crash.   每面墙边都一溜摆着相同的绿色金属档案柜。   Along each wall stretched uniform green metal filing cabinets.   这个国家丰富的锂金属矿藏   The country"s rich deposits of the metal, lithium   发黄的收据被穿在一根金属扦上。   Yellowing receipts had been impaled on a metal spike.   锌被用来保护其他金属不受腐蚀。   Zinc is used to protect other metals from corrosion.   用木料、金属和玻璃制成的一件件家具   Pieces of furniture in wood, metal and glass   燃烧的金属的味道刺激着他的嗅觉。   The scent of burning metal assailed his nostrils.   把熔化的金属倒入铸模。   The molten metal is poured into the mould.   将鲑鱼放在不粘底的金属盘内。   Place the salmon in a nonstick metallic dish.   用柔软的干布擦拭金属。   Clean the metal with a soft dry cloth.   绿色金属文件柜靠着各面墙依次排开。   Along each wall stretched green metal filing cabinets.   她把一根塑料管放进嘴里,开始从一个巨大的金属桶里吸气。   She puts a piece of plastic tubing in her mouth and starts siphoning gas from a huge metal drum.   所有的金属都会熔化,虽然有的金属熔化时比其它金属需要更高的温度。   All metals will melt though some require greater heat than others.   金属粉末涂料是指含有金属或金属效果的粉末涂料。   Metallic powder coatings are powder coatings with a metallic or metallized effect.
2023-07-07 19:42:001


He was flying facedown on the grond again. The smell of the forest filled his nostrils. He could feel the cold hard ground beneath his cheek, and the hinge of his glasses which have been knocked sideways by the fall cutting into his temple. Every inch of him ached, and the place where Killing Curse had hit him felt like the bruise of an iron-clad punch. He did not stir, but he remained exactly where he had fallen, with his left arm bent out at an akward angle and his mouth gaping. He had expected to hear cheer of triumph and jubilation at his death, but instead hurried footsteps, whispers, and solicitous murmurs filled the air. "My Lord..."It was Bellatrix"s voice, and she spoke as if to a lover. Harry did not dare open his eyes, but allowed his other senses to explore his predicament. He knew that his wand was still stowed beneath his robes because he could feel it pressed between his chest and the ground. A slight cushioning effect in the area of his stomach told him that the Invisibility Cloak was also there, stuffed out of sight. "My Lord..." "That will do," said Voldemort"s voice. More footsteps. Several people were backing away from the same spot. Desperate to see what was happening and why, Harry opened his eyes by a milimeter. Voldemort seemed to be getting to his feet. Various Death Eaters were hurrying away from him, returning to the crowd lining the clearing. Bellatrix alone remained behind, kneeling beside Voldemort. Harry closed his eyes again and considered what he had seen. The Death Eaters have been buddled around Voldemort, who seem to have fallen to the ground. Something had happened when he had hit Harry with he Killing Curse. Had Voldemort too collapsed? It seemed like it. And both of them had briefly fallen unconcious and both of them had now returned. . . "My Lord, let me --""I do not require assitance," said Voldemort coldly, and though he could not see it, Harry pictured Bellatrix withdrawing a helpful hand. "The boy . . . Is he dead?"There was a complete silence in the clearing. Nobody approached Harry, but he felt their concentraded gaze; it seemed to press him harder into the ground, and he was terrified a finger or an eyelid might twitch. "You," said Voldemort, and there was a bang and a small shrick of pain. "Examine him. Tell me whether he is dead."Harry did not know who had been sent to verify. He could only lie there, with his heart thumping traitorously, and wait to be examined, but at the same time nothing, small comfort through it was, that Voldemort was wary of approaching him, that Voldemort suspected that all had not gone to plan . . . .Hands, softer than he had been expecting, touched Harry"s face, and felt his heart. He could hear the woman"s fast breathing, her pounding of life against his ribs. "Is Draco alive? Is he in the castle?"The whisper was barely audible, her lips were an inch from his car, her head bent so low that her long hair shielded his face from the onlookers."Yes," he breathed back.He felt the hand on his chest contract: her nails pierced him. Then it was withdrawn. She had sat up."He is dead!" Narcissa Malfoy called to the watchers.And now they shouted, now they yelled in triumph and stamped their feet, and through his eyelids, Harry saw bursts of red and silver light shoot into the air in celebration. Still feigning death on the ground, he understood. Narcissa knew that the only way she would be permitted to enter Hogwarts,and find her son, was as part of the conquering army. She no longer cared whether Voldemort won."You see?" screeched Voldemort over the tumult. "Harry Potter is dead by my hand, and no man alive can threaten me now! Watch! Crucio!" Harry had been expecting it, knew his body would not be allowed to remain unsullied upon the forest floor; it must be subjected to humiliation to prove Voldemort"s victory. He was lifted into the air, and it took all his determination to remain limp, yet the pain he expected did not come. He was thrown once, twice, three times into the air. His glasses flew off and he felt his wand slide a little beneath his robes, but he kept himself floppy and lifeless, and when he fell no ground for the last time, the clearing echoed with jeers and shrieks of laughter."Now," said Voldemort, "we go to the castle, and show them what has become of their hero. Who shall drag the body? No - Wait - " There was a fresh outbreak of laughter, and after a few moments Harry felt the ground trembling beneath him."You carry him," Voldemort said. "He will be nice and visible in your arms, will he not? Pick up your little friend, Hagrid. And the glasses - put on the glasses - he must be recognizable - "Someone slammed Harry"s glasses back onto his face with deliberate force, but the enormous hands that lifted him into the air were exceedingly gentle. Harry could feel Hagrid"s arms trembling with the force of his heaving sobs; great tears splashed down upon him as Hagrid cradled Harry in his arms, and Harry did not dare, by movement or word, to intimate to Hagrid that all was not, yet, lost. "Move," said Voldemort, and Hagrid stumbled forward, forcing his way through the close-growing trees, back through the forest.Branches caught at Harry"s hair and robes, but he lay quiescent, his mouth lolling open, his eyes shut, and in the darkness, while the Death Eaters croed all around them, and while Hagrid sobbed blindly, nobody looked to see whether a pulse beat in the exposed neck of Harry Potter. . . .The two giants crashed along behind the Death Eaters; Harry could hear trees creaking and falling as they passed; they made so much din that birds toes shrieking into the sky, and even the jeers of the Death Eaters were drowned. The victorious procession marched on toward the open ground, and after a while Harry could tell, by the lightening of the darkness through his closed eyelids, that the trees were beginning to thin.
2023-07-07 19:42:271


Famipar scenes were imaged on the screen . 熟悉 的情景映现在银幕上。 He gave his famipar, isted grin . 他露出了 熟悉 的撇嘴露齿的笑容。 Thomas was skilled in handpng the ship . 现在,托马斯已 熟悉 驾船技术。 He found the famipar place threatening . 他感到这 熟悉 的地方危机四伏。 I knew this section of the wreck well . 我对失事舰的这个部位非常 熟悉 。 I have not really got into my new job yet . 我还未真正 熟悉 新工作。 Ordinary mags are famipar to everybody . 通常的磁体是人人都 熟悉 的。 But everything looked oddly famipar to me . 但眼前的一切我都十分 熟悉 。 He knows every house in his patch . 他 熟悉 自己管辖区中每所房子。 He recognized famipar points at once . 他顿时记起了 熟悉 的地方。 I know paris better than rome . 我对巴黎比对罗马 熟悉 。 I was famipar with the history of the auto industry . 我对汽车业的历史还是 熟悉 的。 The name was distinctly famipar . 这个名字肯定 熟悉 。 I falsely assumed that he was famipar with the subject . 我错认为他对那题目很 熟悉 。 I knew his letters of old . 我很早就 熟悉 他写的信了。 You have not got the feel of the gears in this car yet . 你对这辆汽车的排挡还不 熟悉 。 He was famipar with the process . 这种情况他 熟悉 。 The expression in the square brackets looks famipar . 中括号内的表达式看起来很 熟悉 。 Its presence in allergic asthma is well known . 它在过敏性气喘中的存在是大家很 熟悉 的。 You"re a new arrival, not too famipar with bern . 你新来乍到,对伯尔尼情况也不太 熟悉 。 I should recognize it as famipar territory . 我会认识这个地方,就象认识 熟悉 的地区一样。 Today we are on famipar term with the atomic particles . 今天,我们已经 熟悉 原子微粒了。 The famipar perfumes of wild flower filled his nostrils . 熟悉 的野花芳香鉆进了他的鼻孔。 You are new to the middle east . 你不 熟悉 中东。 It was obvious that david knew the terrain very well . 很明显,大卫对这里的地形十分 熟悉 。 Famiparity breeds contempt . 熟悉 会滋生轻视。 I know london as the place where i spent my childhood . 我 熟悉 伦敦,那是我度过童年的地方。 She does not know london very well , and she lost her way . 她不太 熟悉 伦敦,所以她迷了路。 Now you know all the details of the business here . 你现在对这里业务的一切细节已经 熟悉 了。 The otter, as knowing all the paths, took charge of the party . 水獭 熟悉 路径,担任了向导。
2023-07-07 19:42:341

Eminem的《Music Box》 歌词

歌曲名:Music Box歌手:Eminem专辑:Relapse: RefillEminem - Music BoxYo, yeah girl,Can you hear that? It"s playing our song..Are you sleepy? Take a nap..You"re not afraid of the dark? Are you.?You hear the beat as it makes ya not wanna go to sleepI knock on Dakota"s door, its locked so I go to creepround the back, with binoculars, not cause I wanna peepBut because I"m hungry she smells like tacos I wanna eatVisions of hot chocolatey marshmallows all so sweetWith sugar plums, oh look here comes Marshall he"s on your streetHe"s placing hot smoldering charcoals beneath your feetNow walk on "em, he"s dancing with carcasses cheek to cheekLike a Thanksgiving turkey, or holiday hamCinnamon sprinkled on toast, strawberry marmalade jamFlavor my favorite graham crackers with John Bennet RamsI guess a modern day Jack the Ripper is all that I amCos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)? I will answer (My music box)Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)I hear my music box, playing a song for me (My music box)So when she twirls around do a whirl for me (My music box)? (My music box)I almost look comatose, who wants to be sober grossI foam like a Doberman, mouth open I overdosePut coke up my nostrils, in both my holes and I plug my noseMy pupils quadruple in size, eyes are so bugged I knowI put on my mother"s make up, get naked and run aroundWavin" the gun around, I think I"m down to a hundred poundsThere"s thunder, I wonder how come it rains but the sun is outThe devils upset with his wife, they must be sluggin" it outI must be buggin" the f-ck out, but what the f-ck about?Voices are leading me up to the attic, I love my houseThey pull and they tug my blouse, the sound of a music boxComes from inside a toy chest, but what do I do, it"s lockedI pick it and open it but it"s stuffed full of human partsI dig till I find it, I wind it up and the tune just startsIts playing a song, so beautiful and the room is darkThe moon is full, I smell a funeral, guess I"ll loom in the parkCos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)? I will answer (My music box)Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)? I will answer (My music box)I"m fixated on asphyxiating and breakin" this little chick"sNeck like a pixie stickThe sick Satan worshippin", bitches get horse-whippins,I"m in the back, through the back door, slip inThrough the crack leavin" the corpse drippin"The mortician of love, sent from above,forced and treat em allstingy I"ve becomeBeen doin" this for more than a quarter century, I"m just numbAm I dreamin", is it real Someone pinch me on the bunsThe time has come to tie her up, gotta roll me the ladderI"d had enough of the chatter, climb up to the window, look at herthen climb in and slowly shatter her brain matter and batter herwith the bat, a matter of fact that will splatter herBut before I do that, I"ll have a chat to flatter herGive her two compliments, back-to-back, like TabathaI"m your secret admirer, I"m back to ravish yaSo strong is your fight, but your no match for DraculaProlonging her plight, as I go back to stabbin" herDismember her limbs, simple as that, cadaver herZoom in with the lens, then pan back, the cameraStand back, cuz here comes your man Jack, so PamelaCos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)? I will answer (My music box)Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)? I will answer (My music box)
2023-07-07 19:42:421


2023-07-07 19:42:572


2023-07-07 19:43:062

Eminem-Music box这首歌的中英对照歌词 谢谢了

2023-07-07 19:43:142

2 Chainz的《No Lie》 歌词

歌曲名:No Lie歌手:2 Chainz专辑:Based On A T.R.U. StoryNo Lie (Feat. Drake)-2 ChainzI am smoking on that gas, life should be on CinemaxMovie, Bought my boo bigger tits and a bigger assWho he""s, not I, I smoke strong, that PopeyeLouie V""s in my archives, black diamonds, apartheidBread up and my top downOn the block with a block outHit ya ass with that block outDope enough to go in yo nostrilsI take ya girl and kidnap herBeat her to my mattressA skeleton in my closetIt""s probably dead ass rappersIt""s probably pussy ass niggasDon""t try me I pull that triggaGot ya car note in my cupAnd your rent in my swishaThat pussy so good I miss yaHead game""s so viciousAnd all I get is cheeseLike I""m taking picturesI say fuck you, ""less I""m with"" yaIf I take you out of the pictureI know real niggas won""t miss yaNo lie, no lie, no lie-ee-I-ee-INo lie, no lie, no lie-ee-I-ee-IReal niggas, say word,Ye ain""t never told no lieYe ain""t never told no lieReal niggas, say word,Ye ain""t never told no lieYe ain""t never told no lieReal niggas, stay trueYe ain""t never told no lieYe ain""t never told no lieThat""s a thing I don""t doNah I just do it for the niggasThat are trying to see a million ""fore they dieWattup2 Chainz and champagneYou want true, that""s true enoughForbes list like every yearMy office is my tour busShe came through, she brought foodShe got fucked, she knew wassupShe think I""m the realest outAnd I say "damn, that makes two of us"Aww that look like what""s her nameChances are it""s what""s her nameChances are, if she was acting upThen I fucked her once and never fucked againShe could have a Grammy, I still treat her ass like a nomineeJust need to know what that pussy like so one time it""s fine with meYoung ass an intern, with money like I built the shitStreets talking that confirmGo ask them who just catch shitStay keeping my cup full so I""m extra charged like a state taxMe an"" Chainz go way backWe don""t talk shit, we just say facts (Yes Lord)I say fuck you, ""less I""m with"" yaIf I take you out of the pictureI know real niggas won""t miss yaNo lie, no lie, no lie-ee-I-ee-INo lie, no lie, no lie-ee-I-ee-IReal niggas, say word,Ye ain""t never told no lieYe ain""t never told no lieReal niggas, say word,Ye ain""t never told no lieYe ain""t never told no lieReal niggas, stay trueYe ain""t never told no lieYe ain""t never told no lieThat""s a thing I don""t doNah I just do it for the niggasThat are trying to see a million ""fore they dieWattupName a nigga that want someI""ll out rap his assI""ll trap his assPut his ass in a plastic bag with his trash assTake ""em out, bring ""em inThem whole things, 2Pac without a nose ringThug Life, one wife, a mistress and a girlfriendI did what they say I wouldn""tWent where they say I couldn""t (true)YSL belt buckleYa""ll niggas sure is lookingYa""ll niggas sure is lucky2 Chainz on my rugbyLeft hand on that steering wheelRight hand on that pussyI say fuck you, ""less I""m with"" yaIf I take you out of the pictureI know real niggas won""t miss yaNo lie, no lie, no lie-ee-I-ee-INo lie, no lie, no lie-ee-I-ee-IReal niggas, say word,Ye ain""t never told no lieYe ain""t never told no lieReal niggas, say word,Ye ain""t never told no lieYe ain""t never told no lieReal niggas, stay trueYe ain""t never told no lieYe ain""t never told no lieThat""s a thing I don""t doNah I just do it for the niggasThat are trying to see a million ""fore they dieWattup
2023-07-07 19:43:211


甲流与普流的区别:一、甲流:3-6小时内会急速发高烧(37.8℃以上),且会急速地全身性肌肉酸痛 普流:逐渐发烧及全身性肌肉酸痛二、甲流:无流鼻涕但有咳嗽及喉咙痛 普流:流鼻涕及咳嗽三、甲流:约80%以上会有严重的头痛 普流:轻微的头痛四、甲流:几乎不打喷嚏 普流:打喷嚏五、甲流:37.8℃以上的高烧会持续3-4天 普流:偶尔发高烧六、甲流:严重全身性肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛 普流:轻微全身性肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛七、甲流:大多数的人会有发烧恶寒 普流:偶会有恶寒八、甲流:持续会有严重的疲劳感与虚弱 普流:轻微的疲劳感九、甲流:扁桃腺不会肿 普流:扁桃腺会肿十、甲流:会有严重的胸部压迫感 普流:无胸部压迫感甲型H1N1流感预防中药药方---北京市中医药管理局公布注:4个预防流感的中药药方,是专门针对成人、儿童、孕妇和老年人不同人群的易感情况,在北京市原有中医药预防流感方案的基础上修订完善的。北京市中医管理局表示,中药预防方是针对特殊时期特殊人群预防流感而制定的,广大市民在流感流行期存在可能与流感病人密切接触的情况时,如护理流感病人或与流感病人共同生活等,可以根据自身情况选择使用,健康的人群无需服用。一、成人预防方: 药物组成:金银花6克、大青叶6克、薄荷3克、生甘草3克 用量:每日1剂,分早晚2次服,连用7天二、老年预防方: 药物组成:太子参10克、苏叶6克、黄芩10克、牛蒡子10克 用量:每日1剂,水煎分2次服,连服5天三、孕妇预防方: 药物组成:白术6克、黄芩6克、苏叶3克、金银花6克 用量:每日1剂,水煎分2次服,连服5天四、儿童预防方: 药物组成:芦根10克、桑叶5克、豆豉5克、金银花5克 用量:每日1剂,水煎分2次服,连服5天,学龄前儿童减半 如何预防H1N1 - 来自医生的忠告How to Prevent H1N1 - Best Advice So FarN95口罩是用来阻隔95% 的0.3μ微粒,,而H1N1病毒的大小是0.1μ左右。所以,靠N95口罩防H1N1就像用蚊帐来挡雨。流感疫苗不是用来杀死H1N1病毒,它只能抑制病毒在其1-2周的自然生存周期中繁衍,H1N1跟其他A型流感的病毒一样,感染部位只限于上呼吸道,并在那繁殖,它的唯一入侵途径是口鼻喉,这种全球性的流感,几乎无人能置身事外但接触到H1N1病毒,并不像H1N1传染的问题那么严重.当你身体健康,尚未出现H1N1感染症状时,更实用有效的办法(而不是只关注储备N95或流感疫苗),是用以下几种简单的方式来避免少量的H1N1病毒在你体内(如果有接触到的话)繁殖、出现病症、及恶化成二期感染:1. Frequent hand-washing (well highlighted in all official communications).常洗手(在所有的官方警示中,都有重点强调)2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach. Resist all temptations to touch any part of face (unless you want to eat or bathe).手绝不碰脸...除非是是吃东西和洗脸3. Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don"t trust salt). H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one.Don"t underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative method.每天用温盐水(或李斯德林漱口水,如果你不太相信盐水有效的话)漱口两次。H1N1在鼻喉腔内经过2-3天,才开始增生并出现症候,简单的盐水漱口可以抑制病毒繁衍,等于是健康人的流感疫苗,千万不要小看这看似简单、花费不多,但是很有效的办法。4.. Similar to 3 above, clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. Not everybody may be good at Jala Neti or Sutra Neti (very good Yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities), but blowing the nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral population.以上三点之外,每天用温盐水清洗鼻孔至少一次,不是每个人都会用专业的清洗鼻腔的办法,但吸口气用力将鼻内物质喷出,最后以棉花棒沾温盐水清洁鼻孔。这对降低鼻中的病毒量非常有效。5. Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C(Amlaand other citrus fruits). If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost absorption.更多的食用富含维他命C的食物(如柑橘类的水果),可增加自身免疫力。如果只能服务Vc片,尽管选用含锌的以提高Vc的吸收。6. Drink as much of warm liquids as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.多喝温开水或热汤,功效和漱口一样,只是方向相反。随着热水或汤水被喝到胃里的病毒是无法生存、传染或发作的。7. All these are simple ways to prevent, within means of most households, and certainly much less painful than to wait in long queues outside public hospitals.这些都是在家里就做得到的简便预防法,远比痛苦地排长队在医院候诊好得多。
2023-07-07 19:43:423


甲流与普流的区别:一、甲流:3-6小时内会急速发高烧(37.8℃以上),且会急速地全身性肌肉酸痛 普流:逐渐发烧及全身性肌肉酸痛二、甲流:无流鼻涕但有咳嗽及喉咙痛 普流:流鼻涕及咳嗽三、甲流:约80%以上会有严重的头痛 普流:轻微的头痛四、甲流:几乎不打喷嚏 普流:打喷嚏五、甲流:37.8℃以上的高烧会持续3-4天 普流:偶尔发高烧六、甲流:严重全身性肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛 普流:轻微全身性肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛七、甲流:大多数的人会有发烧恶寒 普流:偶会有恶寒八、甲流:持续会有严重的疲劳感与虚弱 普流:轻微的疲劳感九、甲流:扁桃腺不会肿 普流:扁桃腺会肿十、甲流:会有严重的胸部压迫感 普流:无胸部压迫感甲型H1N1流感预防中药药方---北京市中医药管理局公布注:4个预防流感的中药药方,是专门针对成人、儿童、孕妇和老年人不同人群的易感情况,在北京市原有中医药预防流感方案的基础上修订完善的。北京市中医管理局表示,中药预防方是针对特殊时期特殊人群预防流感而制定的,广大市民在流感流行期存在可能与流感病人密切接触的情况时,如护理流感病人或与流感病人共同生活等,可以根据自身情况选择使用,健康的人群无需服用。一、成人预防方: 药物组成:金银花6克、大青叶6克、薄荷3克、生甘草3克 用量:每日1剂,分早晚2次服,连用7天二、老年预防方: 药物组成:太子参10克、苏叶6克、黄芩10克、牛蒡子10克 用量:每日1剂,水煎分2次服,连服5天三、孕妇预防方: 药物组成:白术6克、黄芩6克、苏叶3克、金银花6克 用量:每日1剂,水煎分2次服,连服5天四、儿童预防方: 药物组成:芦根10克、桑叶5克、豆豉5克、金银花5克 用量:每日1剂,水煎分2次服,连服5天,学龄前儿童减半 如何预防H1N1 - 来自医生的忠告How to Prevent H1N1 - Best Advice So FarN95口罩是用来阻隔95% 的0.3μ微粒,,而H1N1病毒的大小是0.1μ左右。所以,靠N95口罩防H1N1就像用蚊帐来挡雨。流感疫苗不是用来杀死H1N1病毒,它只能抑制病毒在其1-2周的自然生存周期中繁衍,H1N1跟其他A型流感的病毒一样,感染部位只限于上呼吸道,并在那繁殖,它的唯一入侵途径是口鼻喉,这种全球性的流感,几乎无人能置身事外但接触到H1N1病毒,并不像H1N1传染的问题那么严重.当你身体健康,尚未出现H1N1感染症状时,更实用有效的办法(而不是只关注储备N95或流感疫苗),是用以下几种简单的方式来避免少量的H1N1病毒在你体内(如果有接触到的话)繁殖、出现病症、及恶化成二期感染:1. Frequent hand-washing (well highlighted in all official communications).常洗手(在所有的官方警示中,都有重点强调)2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach. Resist all temptations to touch any part of face (unless you want to eat or bathe).手绝不碰脸...除非是是吃东西和洗脸3. Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don"t trust salt). H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one.Don"t underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative method.每天用温盐水(或李斯德林漱口水,如果你不太相信盐水有效的话)漱口两次。H1N1在鼻喉腔内经过2-3天,才开始增生并出现症候,简单的盐水漱口可以抑制病毒繁衍,等于是健康人的流感疫苗,千万不要小看这看似简单、花费不多,但是很有效的办法。4.. Similar to 3 above, clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. Not everybody may be good at Jala Neti or Sutra Neti (very good Yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities), but blowing the nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral population.以上三点之外,每天用温盐水清洗鼻孔至少一次,不是每个人都会用专业的清洗鼻腔的办法,但吸口气用力将鼻内物质喷出,最后以棉花棒沾温盐水清洁鼻孔。这对降低鼻中的病毒量非常有效。5. Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C(Amlaand other citrus fruits). If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost absorption.更多的食用富含维他命C的食物(如柑橘类的水果),可增加自身免疫力。如果只能服务Vc片,尽管选用含锌的以提高Vc的吸收。6. Drink as much of warm liquids as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.多喝温开水或热汤,功效和漱口一样,只是方向相反。随着热水或汤水被喝到胃里的病毒是无法生存、传染或发作的。7. All these are simple ways to prevent, within means of most households, and certainly much less painful than to wait in long queues outside public hospitals.这些都是在家里就做得到的简便预防法,远比痛苦地排长队在医院候诊好得多。
2023-07-07 19:43:501


新华网哈尔滨11月19日电 (记者熊琳)进入季节性流感的高发期,不少感冒患者疑心自己得了甲型H1N1流感。对此,有关专家表示,可从6个方面区分甲型H1N1流感与普通季节性流感。据黑龙江省卫生厅有关专家介绍,甲型H1N1流感是由甲型H1N1流感病毒引起的一种急性呼吸道传染病。甲型H1N1流感病毒是一种既含有人流感病毒基因片段也含有猪流感病毒、禽流感病毒基因片段的新型H1N1流感病毒。这种新型病毒是美国于2009年4月在人体中首次检出的。此病毒可通过人与人传播,传染方式与季节性流感病毒非常相似。专家表示,甲型H1N1流感是流感的一种,临床症状与季节性流感有相似的地方,但可以从以下6个方面进行区分:其一,季节性流感多以低热为主,偶有高烧,甲型H1N1流感往往在短时间内急速发高烧并持续3天-4天;其二,季节性流感多数头痛症状轻微,而甲型H1N1流感多数会出现较严重头痛;其三,季节性流感有明显的咳嗽、流涕、打喷嚏等症状,甲型H1N1流感流涕、打喷嚏较少见,多表现为咳嗽及咽痛;其四,季节性流感全身肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛症状较轻,甲型H1N1流感症状较重时出现明显的全身肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛症状;其五,季节性流感偶有恶寒及轻微的疲劳感,甲型H1N1流感大多会有发热恶寒、严重疲劳感与虚弱症状;其六,季节性流感多数会发生扁桃腺肿大,无胸部压迫感,甲型H1N1流感扁桃腺肿大较少,但有较严重的胸部压迫感。
2023-07-07 19:44:003

Eminem Music Box 歌词

[ti:Music Box][ar:Eminem][al:Relapse: Refill][by:白猪贵族] [00:00.52]Eminem - Music Box[00:01.52](Lyrics by 白猪贵族@MaxRNB)[00:02.52]QQ:188503521[00:03.52]Maximal r&b - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music![00:04.52][00:24.13]Yo, yeah girl,[00:30.39]Can you hear that? It"s playing our song..[00:36.46]Are you sleepy? Take a nap..[00:42.47]You"re not afraid of the dark? Are you.?[00:45.73][00:46.23]You hear the beat as it makes ya not wanna go to sleep[00:49.18]I knock on Dakota"s door, its locked so I go to creep[00:52.31]round the back, with binoculars, not cause I wanna peep[00:55.34]But because I"m hungry she smells like tacos I wanna eat[00:58.65]Visions of hot chocolatey marshmallows all so sweet[01:01.54]With sugar plums, oh look here comes Marshall he"s on your street[01:04.72]He"s placing hot smoldering charcoals beneath your feet[01:07.61]Now walk on "em, he"s dancing with carcasses cheek to cheek[01:10.75]Like a Thanksgiving turkey, or holiday ham[01:13.63]Cinnamon sprinkled on toast, strawberry marmalade jam[01:16.65]Flavor my favorite graham crackers with John Bennet Rams[01:19.59]I guess a modern day Jack the Ripper is all that I am[01:23.00][01:23.40]Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)[01:25.86]But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)[01:28.86]When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)[01:32.05]? I will answer (My music box)[01:34.59][01:35.09]Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)[01:37.99]I hear my music box, playing a song for me (My music box)[01:41.07]So when she twirls around do a whirl for me (My music box)[01:44.27]? (My music box)[01:47.11][01:47.61]I almost look comatose, who wants to be sober gross[01:50.53]I foam like a Doberman, mouth open I overdose[01:53.67]Put coke up my nostrils, in both my holes and I plug my nose[01:56.61]My pupils quadruple in size, eyes are so bugged I know[01:59.82]I put on my mother"s make up, get naked and run around[02:02.88]Wavin" the gun around, I think I"m down to a hundred pounds[02:05.91]There"s thunder, I wonder how come it rains but the sun is out[02:08.90]The devils upset with his wife, they must be sluggin" it out[02:12.24]I must be buggin" the f-ck out, but what the f-ck about?[02:15.03]Voices are leading me up to the attic, I love my house[02:18.10]They pull and they tug my blouse, the sound of a music box[02:21.15]Comes from inside a toy chest, but what do I do, it"s locked[02:24.30]I pick it and open it but it"s stuffed full of human parts[02:27.38]I dig till I find it, I wind it up and the tune just starts[02:30.26]Its playing a song, so beautiful and the room is dark[02:33.40]The moon is full, I smell a funeral, guess I"ll loom in the park[02:35.79][02:36.29]Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)[02:39.37]But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)[02:42.27]When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)[02:45.70]? I will answer (My music box)[02:48.00][02:48.43]Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)[02:51.30]But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)[02:54.43]When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)[02:57.72]? I will answer (My music box)[03:00.08][03:00.58]I"m fixated on asphyxiating and breakin" this little chick"s[03:03.96]Neck like a pixie stick[03:05.29]The sick Satan worshippin", bitches get horse-whippins,[03:08.51]I"m in the back, through the back door, slip in[03:11.26]Through the crack leavin" the corpse drippin"[03:13.12]The mortician of love, sent from above,[03:15.61]forced and treat em all[03:17.00]stingy I"ve become[03:19.19]Been doin" this for more than a quarter century, I"m just numb[03:22.10]Am I dreamin", is it real Someone pinch me on the buns[03:25.15]The time has come to tie her up, gotta roll me the ladder[03:28.04]I"d had enough of the chatter, climb up to the window, look at her[03:31.79]then climb in and slowly shatter her brain matter and batter her[03:34.40]with the bat, a matter of fact that will splatter her[03:37.32]But before I do that, I"ll have a chat to flatter her[03:40.50]Give her two compliments, back-to-back, like Tabatha[03:43.81]I"m your secret admirer, I"m back to ravish ya[03:46.76]So strong is your fight, but your no match for Dracula[03:49.76]Prolonging her plight, as I go back to stabbin" her[03:52.77]Dismember her limbs, simple as that, cadaver her[03:55.89]Zoom in with the lens, then pan back, the camera[03:58.79]Stand back, cuz here comes your man Jack, so Pamela[04:01.39][04:01.89]Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)[04:04.79]But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)[04:07.84]When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)[04:10.92]? I will answer (My music box)[04:13.55][04:14.05]Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)[04:16.88]But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)[04:19.98]When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)[04:23.33]? I will answer (My music box)[04:28.33][05:02.33](Lyrics by 白猪贵族@MaxRNB)[05:03.33]QQ:188503521[05:04.33]Maximal r&b - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music![05:05.33]
2023-07-07 19:44:072


nosebleed造句如下:1.If you have a nosebleed, try packing the nostrils with cotton wool.你要是流鼻血了,试着用棉花把鼻孔塞住。2.Objective To evaluate the effect of nose endoscope in treating the pertinacious nosebleed.目的:对顽固性鼻出血的鼻内镜诊治进行分析。3.We couldn"t see the game very well sitting in the nosebleed section.坐在最高层的座位上,我看不清比赛的情况。4.Sometime during the night he suffered a nosebleed, but was too drunk to notice.到了夜间某个时候,他开始流鼻血,但是他酩酊大醉,毫无防备。5.A guy gets a ticket to the Super Bowl but finds he"s in the nosebleed section.一个家伙买了一张超级碗比赛的票,但是他的座位位于会流鼻血的区域。
2023-07-07 19:44:361


Noah"s Ark诺亚方舟Genesis创世记This is the story of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, the one blameless man of his time; he walked with God. He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Now God saw that the whole world was corrupt and full of violence. In his sight the world had become corrupted, for all men had lived corrupt lives on earth. God said to Noah, ‘The loathsomeness of all mankind has become plain to me, for through them the earth is full of violence. I intend to destroy them, and the earth with them. Make yourself an ark with ribs of cypress; cover it with reeds and coat it inside and out with pitch. I intend to bring the waters of the flood over the earth to destroy every human being under heaven that has the spirit of life; everything on earth shall perish. But with you I will make a covenant, and you shall go into the ark, you and your sons, your wife and your sons" wives with you. And you shall bring living creatures of every kind into the ark to keep them alive with you. Two of each kind, a male and a female; two of every kind of bird, beast, and reptile, shall come to you to be kept alive. See that you take and store every kind of food that can be eaten; this shall be food for you and for them. "Exactly as God had commanded him, so Noah did.下面是诺亚的故事。诺亚是一个正直的人,在当时是一个完人。他追随上帝行事。他有三个儿子:闪、含、和雅弗。上帝看见整个世界腐朽了,到处都是暴力。他认为世界充斥着罪恶,因为所有世上的人都过着邪恶的生活。上帝对诺亚说:“人类的可憎我再清楚不过了,他们使这世界充满了仇杀。我有意要毁灭他们,也毁灭掉同他们一起的这个世界。你要为自己造一艘方舟,用丝柏木做船架,覆盖上芦苇,再在里外两面涂上树脂。我要使洪水泛滥全世界,消灭天下所有活着的人,地上万物也要消灭光。但我要与你立约。你到时就带着你的妻子、儿子、儿媳们一起进入方舟。你还要把各种飞禽、走兽、爬虫,每样两只,雌雄各一带上,和你一道登舟,在船上喂养好。此外还要带上各种吃的东西,储存在船上,作为你们和动物的食粮。”诺亚遵照上帝的话,一一办到了。And so, to escape the waters of the flood, Noah went into the ark with his sons, his wife, and his sons" wives. And into the ark with Noah went one pair, male and female, of all beasts, clean and unclean, of birds and of everything that crawls on the ground, two by two, as God had commanded. Towards the end of seven days the waters of the flood came upon the earth. In the year when Noah was six hundred years old, on the seventeenth day of the second month, on that very day, all the springs of the great abyss broke through, the windows of the sky were opened, and rain fell on the earth for forty days and forty nights…The flood continued upon the earth for forty days, and the waters swelled and lifted up the ark so that it rose high above the ground. More and more the waters increased over the earth until they covered all the high mountains everywhere under heaven. The waters increased and the mountains were covered to a depth of fifteen cubits. Everything died that had the breath of life in its nostrils, everything on dry land. God wiped out every living thing that existed on earth, man and beast, reptile and bird; they were all wiped out over the whole earth, and only Noah and his company in the ark survived.这样,为了躲避洪水,诺亚和他的妻、子及儿媳们都上了方舟。和他一起上船的还有那些动物:洁净的和不洁净的牲畜,每种都是雌雄一对;所有的鸟类和地上的爬虫,也是一对一对的,按上帝的吩咐那样都上了船。第七天结束的时候,洪水降临到大地。那年诺亚是六百岁,二月十七日那天,大深渊的所有泉源一齐喷发起来,天穹洞开,大雨倾盆,不停地下了四十个昼夜。……洪水泛滥了四十天,大水涨起来把方舟托起,高高地升离地面之上。落在地面的水越来越多,淹没了天下所有的高山。水一直涨到浸没高山十五腕尺之深。一切有气息的生物,所有生活在陆地上的东西,全都没有了。上帝清除了世上的生物,人也好,兽也好,爬虫也好,飞鸟也好,全部从地面上消灭干净,惟独诺亚和在方舟上的他一起的妻子儿媳、鸟兽爬虫活了下来。After forty days Noah opened the trap-door that he had made in the ark , and released a raven to see whether the water had subsided, but the bird continued flying to and fro until the water on the earth had dried up. Noah waited for seven days, and then he released a dove from the ark to see whether the water on the earth had subsided further. But the dove found no place where she could settle, and so she came back to him in the ark, because there was water over the whole surface of the earth. He waited another seven days and again released the dove from the ark. She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak. Then Noah knew for certain that the water on the earth had subsided still further. He waited yet another seven days and released the dove, but she never came back. And so it came about that, on the first day of the first month of his six hundred and first year, the water had dried up on the earth, and Noah removed the hatch and looked out of the ark. The surface of the ground was dry.四十天后,诺亚打开了他方舟上的天窗,放出一只乌鸦去看看水退了没有,但乌鸦飞来飞去,到地面上的水都快干涸也没回来。诺亚等了七天,再从舟上放出一只鸽子去看看地上的水是否再退了些。但因为地面全部都是水,鸽子没落脚的地方,就飞回诺亚的方舟那里。诺亚又等了七天,再次从舟上放出那鸽子去。傍晚时分,鸽子回来了,嘴里衔着一片刚啄下的橄榄叶。诺亚就知道地面上的水退得差不多了。但他又多等了七天,然后放那鸽子出去。这回它再也没有回来了。这样,在诺亚六百零一岁那年的正月初一,地上的水终于退了,诺亚打开舱口盖,从方舟上向外探望,地面已经完全干了。By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the whole earth was dry. And God said to Noah, ‘Come out of the ark, you and your wife, your sons and their wives. Bring out every living creature that is with you, live things of every kind, bird and beast and every reptile that moves on the ground, and let them swarm over the earth and be fruitful and increase there. "So Noah came out with his sons, his wife, and his sons" wives. Every wild animal, all cattle, every bird, and every reptile that moves on the ground, came out of the ark by families. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord. He took ritually clean beasts and birds of every kind, and offered whole-offerings on the altar. When the Lord smelt the soothing odor, he said within himself, ‘Never again will I curse the ground because of man, however evil his inclinations may be from his youth upwards. I will never again kill every living creature, as I have just done. " 二月二十七日,大地全都干了。上帝对诺亚说:“你和你的妻子,你儿子儿媳们都从方舟上出来吧。把你带上方舟去的各种地上生物,鸟兽爬虫都放出来吧,让它们滋生繁衍,遍布全世界吧。”诺亚就同他的妻子、儿子儿媳们从方舟上走出来。各种地上生物:野兽、牲畜、鸟类和爬虫都是雌雄配对的,也都下了船。接着,诺亚为天主修了一座祭坛。他选了各种各样洁净的鸟兽作为供品,放在祭坛上奉献给天主。天主闻到了供品的香味,心里想道:“我再也不会因人类而使大地遭到灾祸了。不论人从小就有多少邪念,我都不会像这次那样杀死一切生灵了。”
2023-07-07 19:45:021

谁能将 EMINEM的 music box 的歌词大意给我讲下 谢谢

Music Box音乐盒You hear the beat, as it makes u, not wanna go to sleep你听见我的节奏,我的鼓点,它让你彻夜无眠I knock on dakota"s door, its locked so i go to creep我敲了敲dakota的门,已经锁了,于是我偷偷round" the back, with binoculars, not cuz i wanna peep爬到后院,戴上我的望远镜,其实我不是一个偷窥狂but because im hungry, she smells like taco"s i wanna eat而是我饿了,正好她散发着墨西哥煎玉米卷的香味,我想吃她visions of hot chocolatey marshmallows, oh so sweet, with sugarplums我仿佛看见了覆盖着融化了的巧克力的棉花糖(这种棉花糖不是你们所熟悉的棉花糖,更像是糖做的馒头),真甜,还有糖果蜜饯oh look here comes marshall, he"s on your street你看,marshall来了,他就在你的门口he"s placing hot smoldering charcoals beneath your feet他把炙热火红的木炭放到你的脚底下now walk on em", he"s dancing with carcass"s cheek to cheek然后逼你走上去,他跟尸体亲密的跳舞,跟鲜肉亲密的接触like a thanksgiving turkey, a holiday ham像感恩节的火鸡,节日的火腿cinnamon sprinkled on toast, strawberry marmalade jam像烤好的面包散满桂皮,涂满草莓橘子果酱flavor my favorite graham craackers with jonbenet rams"把我最喜爱的甜饼干涂上拿JonBenét Ramsey做的酱(JonBenét Ramsey是一个著名的谋杀案受害者,六岁被绑架,可惜遇到了个赎金拿到立马撕票的哥们,有兴趣的同学们可以更深一部的研究)I guess a modern day jack the ripper is all that i am我就是现实生活中的开膛手杰克CHORUSCuz when the lights are off, I see the girl"s asleep天黑熄灯的时候,我看见她已经睡着了but i can hear u my love, you keep calling me但我听得见你在呼唤我I want the world to know, you mean the world to me(我觉得这句不对)我想让全世界知道,你是我的全部so when you call me to come, I will answer你呼唤我的时候,我会回应的cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl"s asleep天黑熄灯的时候,我看见她已经睡着了I hear my music box, playing a song for me我听见我的音乐盒,在为我演奏一首歌So wont you swirl around, and do a whirl for me你能不能转过来,在我面前舞动and won"t you be my private go dancer你能不能当我的私人性感的舞蹈女孩(这里指gogo dancing,吧台上跳舞的,但不一定脱的舞蹈者。)最后这几句我觉得不是在说他要杀的人,而是这个音乐盒,用拟人的修辞手法,至少我是这么理解的I almost look comatosed, who wants to be sober? gross大麻抽得我现在看上去就像个弱智一样,大家都高了,谁那么扫兴,想一直清醒?I foam like a doverman, mouth open, I over-dose我像个猎犬一样嘴里冒白沫,张着嘴巴,我已经超过了人体极限,医院我来了put coke up my nostrils, in both my holes, then I plug my nose把可卡因从两个鼻孔同时吸进去,然后堵住鼻子my pupils quadruple in size, eyes are so bugged I know我的瞳孔是之前的四倍,眼球严重突出I put on my mother"s make-up, get naked and run around我摸了一大堆我妈的化妆品,然后脱光了裸奔waving a gun around, I think I"m down to 100 pounds挥舞着一把枪,我猜我现在只有100磅,也就是90斤there"s thunder, I wonder how come it rains but the sun is out上天打雷又下雨,奇怪了,太阳这么烈怎么还会下雨?the devil"s upset with his wife, they must be slugging it out阎王爷肯定跟他老婆吵架了,估计是他们在上面打架呢I must be bugging the f!ck out, but what the f!ck about我感觉忐忑不安,但不知道为什么voices are leading me up to the attic, I love my house脑海里有个声音叫我上楼,到房顶的储蓄室they pull and they tug my blouse, the sound of a music box这些声音拽着我的衣服,带领我寻找这个音乐盒的声音comes from inside the toy chest but what do I do, it"s locked但它被锁到一个箱子里面,我怎么办呢?I pick it and open it, but its stuffed full of human parts我吧锁敲开,打开箱子,里面全是肢体I dig til" i find it, I wind it up and a tune just starts我翻了半天才翻出来,上了发条it"s playing a song, so beautiful, and the room is dark美妙的旋律开始旋绕我,房间里一片漆黑the moon is full, I smell a funeral, guess I"ll loom in the park今晚是个满月,我感应到了一个葬礼,我想我就在这个公园里等待吧EMINEM将自己作为变态杀人狂
2023-07-07 19:45:091


regina spektor 是一个人名,music box是一个歌单,哪来的歌词。。。麻烦采纳!
2023-07-07 19:45:192

Music Box eminem中文歌词

Music Box音乐盒You hear the beat, as it makes u, not wanna go to sleep你听见我的节奏,我的鼓点,它让你彻夜无眠I knock on dakota"s door, its locked so i go to creep我敲了敲dakota的门,已经锁了,于是我偷偷round" the back, with binoculars, not cuz i wanna peep爬到后院,戴上我的望远镜,其实我不是一个偷窥狂but because im hungry, she smells like taco"s i wanna eat而是我饿了,正好她散发着墨西哥煎玉米卷的香味,我想吃她visions of hot chocolatey marshmallows, oh so sweet, with sugarplums我仿佛看见了覆盖着融化了的巧克力的棉花糖(这种棉花糖不是你们所熟悉的棉花糖,更像是糖做的馒头),真甜,还有糖果蜜饯oh look here comes marshall, he"s on your street你看,marshall来了,他就在你的门口he"s placing hot smoldering charcoals beneath your feet他把炙热火红的木炭放到你的脚底下now walk on em", he"s dancing with carcass"s cheek to cheek然后逼你走上去,他跟尸体亲密的跳舞,跟鲜肉亲密的接触like a thanksgiving turkey, a holiday ham像感恩节的火鸡,节日的火腿cinnamon sprinkled on toast, strawberry marmalade jam像烤好的面包散满桂皮,涂满草莓橘子果酱flavor my favorite graham craackers with jonbenet rams"把我最喜爱的甜饼干涂上拿JonBenét Ramsey做的酱(JonBenét Ramsey是一个著名的谋杀案受害者,六岁被绑架,可惜遇到了个赎金拿到立马撕票的哥们,有兴趣的同学们可以更深一部的研究)I guess a modern day jack the ripper is all that i am我就是现实生活中的开膛手杰克CHORUSCuz when the lights are off, I see the girl"s asleep天黑熄灯的时候,我看见她已经睡着了but i can hear u my love, you keep calling me但我听得见你在呼唤我I want the world to know, you mean the world to me(我觉得这句不对)我想让全世界知道,你是我的全部so when you call me to come, I will answer你呼唤我的时候,我会回应的cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl"s asleep天黑熄灯的时候,我看见她已经睡着了I hear my music box, playing a song for me我听见我的音乐盒,在为我演奏一首歌So wont you swirl around, and do a whirl for me你能不能转过来,在我面前舞动and won"t you be my private go dancer你能不能当我的私人性感的舞蹈女孩(这里指gogo dancing,吧台上跳舞的,但不一定脱的舞蹈者。)最后这几句我觉得不是在说他要杀的人,而是这个音乐盒,用拟人的修辞手法,至少我是这么理解的I almost look comatosed, who wants to be sober? gross大麻抽得我现在看上去就像个弱智一样,大家都高了,谁那么扫兴,想一直清醒?I foam like a doverman, mouth open, I over-dose我像个猎犬一样嘴里冒白沫,张着嘴巴,我已经超过了人体极限,医院我来了put coke up my nostrils, in both my holes, then I plug my nose把可卡因从两个鼻孔同时吸进去,然后堵住鼻子my pupils quadruple in size, eyes are so bugged I know我的瞳孔是之前的四倍,眼球严重突出I put on my mother"s make-up, get naked and run around我摸了一大堆我妈的化妆品,然后脱光了裸奔waving a gun around, I think I"m down to 100 pounds挥舞着一把枪,我猜我现在只有100磅,也就是90斤there"s thunder, I wonder how come it rains but the sun is out上天打雷又下雨,奇怪了,太阳这么烈怎么还会下雨?the devil"s upset with his wife, they must be slugging it out阎王爷肯定跟他老婆吵架了,估计是他们在上面打架呢I must be bugging the f!ck out, but what the f!ck about我感觉忐忑不安,但不知道为什么voices are leading me up to the attic, I love my house脑海里有个声音叫我上楼,到房顶的储蓄室they pull and they tug my blouse, the sound of a music box这些声音拽着我的衣服,带领我寻找这个音乐盒的声音comes from inside the toy chest but what do I do, it"s locked但它被锁到一个箱子里面,我怎么办呢?I pick it and open it, but its stuffed full of human parts我吧锁敲开,打开箱子,里面全是肢体I dig til" i find it, I wind it up and a tune just starts我翻了半天才翻出来,上了发条it"s playing a song, so beautiful, and the room is dark美妙的旋律开始旋绕我,房间里一片漆黑the moon is full, I smell a funeral, guess I"ll loom in the park 今晚是个满月,我感应到了一个葬礼,我想我就在这个公园里等待吧CHORUS转自"m fixated on asphyxiating and breaking this little chicks neck like a Pixy Stix我期盼窒息这个女孩,就像个Pixy Stix一样(Pixy Stix是一种粉状的糖,装在一个像吸管一样的包装里有兴趣的可以研究,这句话就是狗屁不通的句子,但非常押韵)the sick satan worshiping, bitches get whore"s whippings变态的撒旦崇拜者,婊子被我抽I"m in the back, through the back door,我在后院,打开后门slipping through the crack, leavin" the corpse drippin"从缝隙中钻进来,让尸体继续滴血the mortician of love, sent from above,爱的送葬者,被上天派来的forced entry, the more ? the more stingy I"ve become破门而入,……越……,我越贪婪been doin this for more then a quarter century I"m just numb我已经持续了四分之一个世纪,我已经麻木了Am I dreamin? is it real? someone pinch me on the buns难道我在做梦?是真的么?谁掐我一下the time has come, to tie her up, gotta roll me the ladder时间到了,该把她绑起来,搭个梯子I"ve hadda enough of the chatter, climb up to the window, look at her我闲了半天了,怕到窗户看着她then climb in slow to shatter her brain matter, and batter her然后爬进去,把她的脑袋打碎,用棒球棍打她with the bat, a matter of fact, that will splatter her让她溅的到处乱飞but before I do that, I"ll have a chat to flatter her但这样之前,我得先跟她聊聊天吹捧她give her 2 compliments back to back like tabitha赞美她两句,像Tabitha(tabitha我查了一下是一个电视连续剧,又是一个驴唇不对马嘴的句子)Im your secret admirer, I"m back to ravage ya我是你的暗恋者,我来蹂躏你了so strong is your fight, but you"re no match for dracula你挣扎半天,但面对吸血鬼你怎么能抵抗呢prolongin" her pipe, as I go back to stabbing her拽着 她的喉咙,我一边拿刀桶dismember her limbs, simple as that, Kadabara把她截肢了,就这么简单,跟魔术一样(Abra Kadabara是一个常用的“魔术术语”)zoom in with the lens, then pan back the camera在相机上放大,然后?这句真不知道丫说什么呢stand back, cuz here comes your man jack, so pamela bring the music box准备好了,是你熟悉的杰克,pamela
2023-07-07 19:45:381


Noah"s Ark诺亚方舟Genesis创世记This is the story of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, the one blameless man of his time; he walked with God. He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Now God saw that the whole world was corrupt and full of violence. In his sight the world had become corrupted, for all men had lived corrupt lives on earth. God said to Noah, ‘The loathsomeness of all mankind has become plain to me, for through them the earth is full of violence. I intend to destroy them, and the earth with them. Make yourself an ark with ribs of cypress; cover it with reeds and coat it inside and out with pitch. I intend to bring the waters of the flood over the earth to destroy every human being under heaven that has the spirit of life; everything on earth shall perish. But with you I will make a covenant, and you shall go into the ark, you and your sons, your wife and your sons" wives with you. And you shall bring living creatures of every kind into the ark to keep them alive with you. Two of each kind, a male and a female; two of every kind of bird, beast, and reptile, shall come to you to be kept alive. See that you take and store every kind of food that can be eaten; this shall be food for you and for them. "Exactly as God had commanded him, so Noah did.下面是诺亚的故事。诺亚是一个正直的人,在当时是一个完人。他追随上帝行事。他有三个儿子:闪、含、和雅弗。上帝看见整个世界腐朽了,到处都是暴力。他认为世界充斥着罪恶,因为所有世上的人都过着邪恶的生活。上帝对诺亚说:“人类的可憎我再清楚不过了,他们使这世界充满了仇杀。我有意要毁灭他们,也毁灭掉同他们一起的这个世界。你要为自己造一艘方舟,用丝柏木做船架,覆盖上芦苇,再在里外两面涂上树脂。我要使洪水泛滥全世界,消灭天下所有活着的人,地上万物也要消灭光。但我要与你立约。你到时就带着你的妻子、儿子、儿媳们一起进入方舟。你还要把各种飞禽、走兽、爬虫,每样两只,雌雄各一带上,和你一道登舟,在船上喂养好。此外还要带上各种吃的东西,储存在船上,作为你们和动物的食粮。”诺亚遵照上帝的话,一一办到了。And so, to escape the waters of the flood, Noah went into the ark with his sons, his wife, and his sons" wives. And into the ark with Noah went one pair, male and female, of all beasts, clean and unclean, of birds and of everything that crawls on the ground, two by two, as God had commanded. Towards the end of seven days the waters of the flood came upon the earth. In the year when Noah was six hundred years old, on the seventeenth day of the second month, on that very day, all the springs of the great abyss broke through, the windows of the sky were opened, and rain fell on the earth for forty days and forty nights…The flood continued upon the earth for forty days, and the waters swelled and lifted up the ark so that it rose high above the ground. More and more the waters increased over the earth until they covered all the high mountains everywhere under heaven. The waters increased and the mountains were covered to a depth of fifteen cubits. Everything died that had the breath of life in its nostrils, everything on dry land. God wiped out every living thing that existed on earth, man and beast, reptile and bird; they were all wiped out over the whole earth, and only Noah and his company in the ark survived.这样,为了躲避洪水,诺亚和他的妻、子及儿媳们都上了方舟。和他一起上船的还有那些动物:洁净的和不洁净的牲畜,每种都是雌雄一对;所有的鸟类和地上的爬虫,也是一对一对的,按上帝的吩咐那样都上了船。第七天结束的时候,洪水降临到大地。那年诺亚是六百岁,二月十七日那天,大深渊的所有泉源一齐喷发起来,天穹洞开,大雨倾盆,不停地下了四十个昼夜。……洪水泛滥了四十天,大水涨起来把方舟托起,高高地升离地面之上。落在地面的水越来越多,淹没了天下所有的高山。水一直涨到浸没高山十五腕尺之深。一切有气息的生物,所有生活在陆地上的东西,全都没有了。上帝清除了世上的生物,人也好,兽也好,爬虫也好,飞鸟也好,全部从地面上消灭干净,惟独诺亚和在方舟上的他一起的妻子儿媳、鸟兽爬虫活了下来。After forty days Noah opened the trap-door that he had made in the ark , and released a raven to see whether the water had subsided, but the bird continued flying to and fro until the water on the earth had dried up. Noah waited for seven days, and then he released a dove from the ark to see whether the water on the earth had subsided further. But the dove found no place where she could settle, and so she came back to him in the ark, because there was water over the whole surface of the earth. He waited another seven days and again released the dove from the ark. She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak. Then Noah knew for certain that the water on the earth had subsided still further. He waited yet another seven days and released the dove, but she never came back. And so it came about that, on the first day of the first month of his six hundred and first year, the water had dried up on the earth, and Noah removed the hatch and looked out of the ark. The surface of the ground was dry.四十天后,诺亚打开了他方舟上的天窗,放出一只乌鸦去看看水退了没有,但乌鸦飞来飞去,到地面上的水都快干涸也没回来。诺亚等了七天,再从舟上放出一只鸽子去看看地上的水是否再退了些。但因为地面全部都是水,鸽子没落脚的地方,就飞回诺亚的方舟那里。诺亚又等了七天,再次从舟上放出那鸽子去。傍晚时分,鸽子回来了,嘴里衔着一片刚啄下的橄榄叶。诺亚就知道地面上的水退得差不多了。但他又多等了七天,然后放那鸽子出去。这回它再也没有回来了。这样,在诺亚六百零一岁那年的正月初一,地上的水终于退了,诺亚打开舱口盖,从方舟上向外探望,地面已经完全干了。By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the whole earth was dry. And God said to Noah, ‘Come out of the ark, you and your wife, your sons and their wives. Bring out every living creature that is with you, live things of every kind, bird and beast and every reptile that moves on the ground, and let them swarm over the earth and be fruitful and increase there. "So Noah came out with his sons, his wife, and his sons" wives. Every wild animal, all cattle, every bird, and every reptile that moves on the ground, came out of the ark by families. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord. He took ritually clean beasts and birds of every kind, and offered whole-offerings on the altar. When the Lord smelt the soothing odor, he said within himself, ‘Never again will I curse the ground because of man, however evil his inclinations may be from his youth upwards. I will never again kill every living creature, as I have just done. " 二月二十七日,大地全都干了。上帝对诺亚说:“你和你的妻子,你儿子儿媳们都从方舟上出来吧。把你带上方舟去的各种地上生物,鸟兽爬虫都放出来吧,让它们滋生繁衍,遍布全世界吧。”诺亚就同他的妻子、儿子儿媳们从方舟上走出来。各种地上生物:野兽、牲畜、鸟类和爬虫都是雌雄配对的,也都下了船。接着,诺亚为天主修了一座祭坛。他选了各种各样洁净的鸟兽作为供品,放在祭坛上奉献给天主。天主闻到了供品的香味,心里想道:“我再也不会因人类而使大地遭到灾祸了。不论人从小就有多少邪念,我都不会像这次那样杀死一切生灵了。”
2023-07-07 19:45:461

Music Box I 歌词

歌曲名:Music Box I歌手:杨千嬅专辑:Miriam"S Music BoxEminem - Music BoxYo, yeah girl,Can you hear that? It"s playing our song..Are you sleepy? Take a nap..You"re not afraid of the dark? Are you.?You hear the beat as it makes ya not wanna go to sleepI knock on Dakota"s door, its locked so I go to creepround the back, with binoculars, not cause I wanna peepBut because I"m hungry she smells like tacos I wanna eatVisions of hot chocolatey marshmallows all so sweetWith sugar plums, oh look here comes Marshall he"s on your streetHe"s placing hot smoldering charcoals beneath your feetNow walk on "em, he"s dancing with carcasses cheek to cheekLike a Thanksgiving turkey, or holiday hamCinnamon sprinkled on toast, strawberry marmalade jamFlavor my favorite graham crackers with John Bennet RamsI guess a modern day Jack the Ripper is all that I amCos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)? I will answer (My music box)Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)I hear my music box, playing a song for me (My music box)So when she twirls around do a whirl for me (My music box)? (My music box)I almost look comatose, who wants to be sober grossI foam like a Doberman, mouth open I overdosePut coke up my nostrils, in both my holes and I plug my noseMy pupils quadruple in size, eyes are so bugged I knowI put on my mother"s make up, get naked and run aroundWavin" the gun around, I think I"m down to a hundred poundsThere"s thunder, I wonder how come it rains but the sun is outThe devils upset with his wife, they must be sluggin" it outI must be buggin" the f-ck out, but what the f-ck about?Voices are leading me up to the attic, I love my houseThey pull and they tug my blouse, the sound of a music boxComes from inside a toy chest, but what do I do, it"s lockedI pick it and open it but it"s stuffed full of human partsI dig till I find it, I wind it up and the tune just startsIts playing a song, so beautiful and the room is darkThe moon is full, I smell a funeral, guess I"ll loom in the parkCos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)? I will answer (My music box)Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)? I will answer (My music box)I"m fixated on asphyxiating and breakin" this little chick"sNeck like a pixie stickThe sick Satan worshippin", bitches get horse-whippins,I"m in the back, through the back door, slip inThrough the crack leavin" the corpse drippin"The mortician of love, sent from above,forced and treat em allstingy I"ve becomeBeen doin" this for more than a quarter century, I"m just numbAm I dreamin", is it real Someone pinch me on the bunsThe time has come to tie her up, gotta roll me the ladderI"d had enough of the chatter, climb up to the window, look at herthen climb in and slowly shatter her brain matter and batter herwith the bat, a matter of fact that will splatter herBut before I do that, I"ll have a chat to flatter herGive her two compliments, back-to-back, like TabathaI"m your secret admirer, I"m back to ravish yaSo strong is your fight, but your no match for DraculaProlonging her plight, as I go back to stabbin" herDismember her limbs, simple as that, cadaver herZoom in with the lens, then pan back, the cameraStand back, cuz here comes your man Jack, so PamelaCos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)? I will answer (My music box)Cos when the lights are off, I see the girls asleep (My music box)But I can hear my luck keep calling me (My music box)When were worlds apart, you mean the world to me (My music box)? I will answer (My music box)
2023-07-07 19:45:531

rust in peace polaris 歌词

歌曲名:rust in peace polaris歌手:Megadeth专辑:Rust In PeaceTremble you weaklings,cower in fearI am your ruler,land,sea and airImmense in my girth,erect I stand tallI am a nuclear murderer I am PolarisReady to pounce at the touch of a buttonMy system locked in on military gluttonsI rule on land,air and seaPass judgement on humanityMegadethWinds blow from the bowels of hellWill we give warning,only time will tellSatan rears his ugly head,to spit into the windI spread disease like a dogDischarge my payload a mile highRotten egg air of death wrestles your nostrilsLaunch the Polaris,the end doesn"t scare usWhen will this ceaseThe warheads will all rust in peaceBomb shelters filled to the brimSurvival such a silly whimWorld leaders sell missiles cheapHigh priest of holocaust,fire from the seaNuclear winter spreading diseaseThe day of final conflictAll pay the priceThe third world warRapes peace,takes lifeBack to the start,talk of the partWhen the earth was cold as iceTotal dismay as the sun passed awayAnd the days where black as nightEradication of earth"sPopulation loves Polaris
2023-07-07 19:46:001