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2023-07-07 23:44:10
TAG: ghost st os host


] 功能一:磁盘复制到磁盘(不常用,是硬盘对硬盘之间的数据备份,也是分区+数据的克隆)

1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Disk" -> "To Disk"(位置记法是1,1,1)

2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,


3. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,


4. 在"Destination Drive Details"对话框中显示的是目标磁盘的分区布局,


6. 在"Question"对话框中,



1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Disk" -> "To Image".(位置记法是1,1,2)

2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中


3. 在"file name to copy image to"对话框中,

指定将要生成的镜像文件夹的路径和文件名。 选择"Save".

4. 在"Compress Image File?"对话框中,选择压缩类型:

"No": 不压缩(快速),

"Fast": 低度压缩(中速),

"High": 高度压缩(低速).

5. 在"Question"对话框中,



1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Disk" -> "From Image".(位置记法是1,1,3)

2. 在"file name to load image from"对话框中,


3. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,


4. 在"Destination Drive Details"对话框中显示的是目标磁盘的分区布局,


5. 在"Question"对话框中,



1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Partition" -> "To Partition"(位置记法是1,2,1)

2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,


3. 在"Selcet source partion from Basice drive"对话框中,


4. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,


5. 在"Selcet destination partion from Basice drive"对话框中,


6. 在"Quetion:"对话框中,



1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Partition" -> "To Image"(位置记法是1,2,2)

2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,


3. 在"Selcet source partion(s) from Basice drive"对话框中,


4. 在"file name to copy image to"对话框中,


5. 在"Compress Image File?"对话框中,选择压缩类型:

"No": 不压缩(快速),

"Fast": 低度压缩(中速),

"High": 高度压缩(低速).

6. 在"Question:"对话框中,



1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Partition" -> "From Image"(位置记法是1,2,3)

2. 在"file name to load image from"对话框中,


3. 在"Select source partion from image file"对话框中,


4. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,


5. 在"Selcet destination partion(s) from Basice drive"对话框中,


6. 在"Question:"对话框中,





一、什么是Ghost ?




按任意键进入ghost操作界面,出现ghost菜单,主菜单共有4项,从下至上分别为Quit(退出)、Options(选项)、Peer to Peer(点对对,主要用于网络中)、Local(本地)。一般情况下我们只用到Local菜单项,其下有三个子项:Disk(硬盘备份与还原)、Partition(磁盘分区备份与还原)、 Check(硬盘检测),前两项功能是我们用得最多的,下面的操作讲解就是围绕这两项展开的。


二、 分区备份







(一) Partition菜单简介


To Partion:将一个分区(称源分区)直接复制到另一个分区(目标分区),注意操作时,目标分区空间不能小于源分区;

To Image:将一个分区备份为一个镜像文件,注意存放镜像文件的分区不能比源分区小,最好是比源分区大;

From Image:从镜像文件中恢复分区(将备份的分区还原)。

(二) 分区镜像文件的制作

1、 运行ghost后,用光标方向键将光标从“Local”经“Disk”、“Partition”移动到“To Image”菜单项上,然后按回车。

2、 出现选择本地硬盘窗口,,再按回车键。

3、 出现选择源分区窗口(源分区就是你要把它制作成镜像文件的那个分区)


4、 进入镜像文件存储目录,默认存储目录是ghost文件所在的目录,在File name处输入镜像文件的文件名,也可带路径输入文件名(此时要保证输入的路径是存在的,否则会提示非法路径),如输入D:sysbakcwin98,表示将镜像文件cwin98.gho保存到D:sysbak目录下,输好文件名后,再回车。

5、 接着出现“是否要压缩镜像文件”窗口,有“No(不压缩)、Fast(快速压缩)、High(高压缩比压缩)”,压缩比越低,保存速度越快。一般选Fast即可,用向右光标方向键移动到Fast上,回车确定;

6、 接着又出现一个提示窗口,用光标方向键移动到“Yes”上,回车确定。

7、 Ghost开始制作镜像文件

8、 建立镜像文件成功后,会出现提示创建成功窗口


9、 再按Q键,回车后即可退出ghost。

至此,分区镜像文件制作完毕! 也蛮简单的嘛:)。

三、 从镜像文件还原分区



(二)出现Ghost主菜单后,用光标方向键移动到菜单“Local-Partition-From Image”,然后回车。

(三) 出现“镜像文件还原位置窗口”,在File name处输入镜像文件的完整路径及文件名(你也可以用光标方向键配合Tab键分别选择镜像文件所在路径、输入文件名,但比较麻烦),如d:sysbakcwin98.gho,再回车。

(四) 出现从镜像文件中选择源分区窗口,直接回车。

(五) 又出现选择本地硬盘窗口,再回车。

(六) 出现选择从硬盘选择目标分区窗口,我们用光标键选择目标分区(即要还原到哪个分区),回车。

(七) 出现提问窗口,选Yes回车确定,ghost开始还原分区信息。

(八) 很快就还原完毕,出现还原完毕窗口,选Reset Computer回车重启电脑。



四、 硬盘的备份及还原

Ghost的Disk菜单下的子菜单项可以实现硬盘到硬盘的直接对拷(Disk-To Disk)、硬盘到镜像文件(Disk-To Image)、从镜像文件还原硬盘内容(Disk-From Image)。



五、 Ghost使用方案






* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!



被驱使 的意思
2023-07-07 19:31:062


2023-07-07 19:31:131


2023-07-07 19:31:211


2023-07-07 19:31:271


2023-07-07 19:31:341


2023-07-07 19:31:421

W.A.S.P的《Drive By》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive By歌手:W.A.S.P专辑:HelldoradoAsked a girl what she wanted to be,she said baby, cant you see.I wanna be famous, a star on the screen,but you can do something in between.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl that my prospects were good,and she said baby, its understood.Working for peanuts is all very fine,but I can show you a better time.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl I can start right away,and she said listen babe I got something to say.I got no car and its breaking my heart,but Ive found a driver and thats a start.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!
2023-07-07 19:31:491


中文意思出不多, drive 是指司机,by 是使用交通工具。(可能)
2023-07-07 19:31:571


1、A 9:20去罗马的飞机是哪个?2、D 出租司机开车送我们7点半到了机场,然后开走了。
2023-07-07 19:32:197

drive by take这三个单词哪个不是同类?

2023-07-07 19:32:454


2023-07-07 19:32:532

train的drive by歌词中文翻译

On the other side of a street I knew   Stood a girl that looked like you在街的另一边 我知道站着一个女孩看起来很像你   I guess that"s deja vu 我猜那只是幻觉   But I thought this can"t be true 我知道这不可能是真的   Cause you moved to west L.A or New York or Santa Fe 因为你已经搬去洛杉矶或者是纽约亦或是圣达菲   Or where ever to get away from me或者是任何你能远离我的地方   Oh but that one night Was more than just right 但是那个夜晚已经再好不过了    I didn"t leave you cause I was all through 我不曾离开你 因为我一直都在   Oh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell我感觉像在地狱般恐慌   Because I really fell for you我想是因为我是真的爱上了你   Oh I swear to ya 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过   Just a shy guy looking for a two ply Hefty bag to hold my love   只是一个害羞的男孩在寻找一个两层那么厚重的包来承受我的爱   When you move me everything is groovy 当你离开我一切都变得糟糕   They don"t like it sue me 他们不喜欢你对待我的方式而控告我   The way you do me   Oh I swear to ya我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过   On the other side of a downward spiral 在向下的漩涡的另一面   My love for you went viral 我对你的爱变成了病毒   And I loved you every mile you drove away 我曾爱你在你离开的每一英里   But now here you are again 但现在你又再次在我身边   So let"s skip the "how you been" 所以我们直接跳过“你好吗”的寒暄   And get down to the "more than friends" at last 最后直接告诉你我们不仅仅是朋友   Oh but that one night was still the highlight 但那仍是一个难忘的夜晚   I didn"t need you until I came to 在我来之前我不曾需要你   And I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell 但我像身处地狱般恐惧和害怕   Because I really fell for you 因为我是真的爱上了你  Oh I swear to ya 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过   Just a shy guy looking for a two ply   Hefty bag to hold my love 只是一个害羞的男孩在寻找一个两层那么厚重的包来承受我的爱   When you move me everything is groovy 当你离开我一切都变得糟糕   They don"t like it sue me 他们不喜欢你对待我的方式而控告我   The way you do me   Oh I swear to ya我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过   Please believe that when I leave 请相信当我离开的时候   There"s nothing up my sleeve but love for you 除了对你的爱没有什么在我的袖子之上   And a little time to get my head together too 和一点点让我清醒的时间   On the other side of a street I knew   Stood a girl that looked like you在街的另一边 我知道站着一个女孩看起来很像你   I guess that"s deja vu 我猜那只是幻觉   But I thought this can"t be true 我知道这不可能是真的   Oh I swear to ya 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过   Just a shy guy looking for a two ply   Hefty bag to hold my love 只是一个害羞的男孩在寻找一个两层那么厚重的包来承受我的爱   When you move me everything is groovy 当你离开我一切都变得糟糕  They don"t like it sue me 他们不喜欢你对待我的方式而控告我   The way you do me   Oh I swear to ya我向你发誓   I"ll be there for ya 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是一次路过
2023-07-07 19:33:001

drive by self

如果你想表达的是 我自己一个人骑车,就应该是第二个
2023-07-07 19:33:071

drive-by shooting是什么意思

drive-by shooting[英][draiv bai u02c8u0283u:tu026au014b][美][drau026av bau026a u02c8u0283utu026au014b]飞车射击,驾车枪击(=drive-by); 双语例句英英释义1In terms of impact, the financial crisis has behaved, roughly, like the economic equivalent of a drive-by shooting.就影响来看,金融危机的表现形式大体上仿佛是一场经济上的驾车枪击事件。2The Chinese men and their Pakistani driver were killed in a drive-by shooting Wednesday in a remote town in Baluchistan province.这三名中国工程师和司机星期三在俾路支省一个偏远小镇被驾车驶过的的枪手开枪打死。
2023-07-07 19:33:161

fly by歌词

Yo, uh huh Ooh, whoa whoa Yo, uh huh Yo All dressed up you"re Good to go 梳妆打扮完毕准备上路 Checkin" your style from Head to toe (that"s right) 从头到脚彻底检查(对啊) Hooked up and natural You"re feelin" beautiful 你喜欢这种美丽的感觉 Nine times out of ten You know 你也知道,十之八九。 Late night club like a video 深夜俱乐部象是个有料大放松的录影带 With the Hot stuff, top stuff, yo we Got stuff (whoa whoa) 热的东西 高耸东西 -我们得到了东西表示惊讶 What a night (night) So far (far) 好一个神奇的夜晚,感觉一直在。 Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗的遮棚准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 好一个神奇的景色,有了你。 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当深夜更黑之后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 Girl it"s time to let you know 女孩,该是让你明白的时候 I"m down if you wanna go 如果你想离开,我会伤心不已 We can take it nice and slow We got until tomorrow 让我们慢慢来,好好谈谈。 UK style UK flow 英式风格,英式滑行 We got you hot like (whoa) 挖,你越来越兴奋 With the hot stuff Top stuff, we got stuff (oh) 热的东西 高耸东西 -我们得到了东西表示惊讶(好康大放送,你我更兴奋) What a night (night) So far (far) 好个神奇的夜晚!感觉一直在! Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 拉个神奇的景色,有了你 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当夜更黑后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Fly by, fly by, fly by) Yo, yo, yo 飞行,飞,飞,飞行。 Throw your hands in the sky Wave "em from side to side 天空中举起你的双手,左右挥舞着 Let me see you shake your body All at the same time (uh uh) 让我看看你,一起摇摆的身姿 Throw your hands in the sky Wave "em from side to side 天空中举起你双手,左右挥舞着 Let me see you shake your body All at the same time 让我看看你一起摇摆的身姿 What a night (night) So far (far) 好个神奇的夜晚!感觉一直在! Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 拉个神奇的景色,有了你 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当夜更黑后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Hands high) System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Fly by, fly by, fly by) 飞行,飞,飞,飞行。
2023-07-07 19:33:231

Motorcycle Drive By (2006 Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Motorcycle Drive By (2006 Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Third Eye Blind专辑:A CollectionMOTORCYCLE DRIVE BYThird Eye BlindSummer time and the wind is blowingOutside in lower ChelseaAnd I don"t know what I"m doing in this cityThe sun is always in my eyesIt crashes through the windowsWhen I"m sleeping on the couchWhen I came to visit youThat"s when I knewThat I could never have youI knew that before you didStill I"m the one who"s stupidAnd there"s this burningJust like there"s always beenI"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve never been so aliveVisions of you on a motorcycle drive byThe ciggarette ash it flies in your eyesAnd you don"t mindAnd you smile and sayThe world it doesn"t fit with youI don"t believe youYou"re so sereneCareening through the universeYour axis on a tiltYou"re guiltless and freeI hope you take a piece of me with youAnd there are things I would like to doThat you don"t believe inI would like to build somethingBut you"ll never see it happenAnd there"s this burningLike there"s always beenI"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve, I"ve never been so aliveWhere"s the soul?I wanna knowNew York City"s evilThe surface is everythingBut I could never do thatSomeone would see through thatAnd this is the last timeWe"ll be friends againAnd I"ll get over youYou wonder who I amAnd there"s this burningJust like there"s always beenAnd I"ve never been so aloneI"ve never been so aliveI go home to the coastIt starts to rainI paddle out on the waterAloneI taste the saltI taste the painI"m not thinking of you againSummer dies and swells riseThe sun goes down in my eyesSee this rolling waveDarkly coming to take me homeAnd I"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve never been so alive
2023-07-07 19:33:421


select local source drive by clicking on the drive number单击驱动器上的号码,以选择本地源驱动器
2023-07-07 19:33:491


2023-07-07 19:33:571

高一英语 Drived by a greater demand for vegetables,farmers have built more green houses

2023-07-07 19:34:055


Just drive by. Don"t stop. 直接开过去。别停车。•He hurried by without speaking to me. 他没和我说话就匆匆过去了。 •Excuse me, I can"t get by. 劳驾,请让开点路。 •Time goes by so quickly. 时光飞逝。
2023-07-07 19:34:192

Select local source drive by clicking on the driv

2023-07-07 19:34:273

And choices___________ by attitudes. (drive)

2023-07-07 19:34:352


2023-07-07 19:34:421


2023-07-07 19:35:021


2023-07-07 19:35:091

机械英文 翻译

大型齿轮毛胚专用车床的研制——进给组件设计development of special lather for large scale gear blank -----feeding assembly design摘要 本设计是为加工大型盘类零件设计的专用车床,它的工艺范围较窄,只能用于加工直径1500mm大型盘类零件。我主要负责该专用车床进给变速部件的设计。 进给变速部件是该专用车床的变速部件,主要就是指进给变速箱。通过进给变速箱带动光杠,由光杠通过溜板箱将动力传动至溜板,并最终带动刀具完成进给运动。 abstract the design contributes to special lather for large scale disc-type parts ,but with small scope of process, only applied into 1500mm diameter of large scale disc-type parts. I am in charge of designing variable speed components i.e.gear box. feed rod is driven by gear box and transmits power to carrige by apron which lead to accomplish cutter feed.由于光杠转速较低,该系统采用了一级皮带轮和双联齿轮连续降速机构来大范围的降低转速,并通过六级齿轮副变速,达到光杠的转速要求,使主轴的每种转速下分别实现粗车和精车,以更好的完成车削任务。 the system adopts combintation of one-step pulley and double gears to reduce rotating speed substantially, and six-step gear pairs to reach a lower rotation speed as feed rod required. in such a case, either rough turning or finish turning can be realized with each revolution of spindle ,thereby good turning operations are available.key words: special lether feed variable speed design apron(溜板箱),feed rod光杆 gear box(变速箱)rough turning (粗车)
2023-07-07 19:35:173


不同,drive是动词,后面可以接各种交通工具,比如drive a car,drive a bus,drive a car是介词短语,表示方式,意思也只有唯一的坐小汽车的意思。
2023-07-07 19:35:261

2023-07-07 19:35:341

lets driving by yourself 这句话正确的语法应该是怎么说的

Let"s drive by ourselvesself..
2023-07-07 19:35:412


你可以利用深度的XP恢复光盘、手动恢复然后进入GHOST界面。进行备份、做完备份后用编译软件替换掉光盘内GHOSTXP恢复文件、用你做好的文件代替原有的文件。这样就一劳永逸了。编译软件用UltraISO,GHOST使用方法见:Ghost使用教程] 功能一:磁盘复制到磁盘1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" - "Disk" - "To Disk"2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,选择源磁盘驱动器。3. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,选择目标磁盘驱动器。4. 在"Destination Drive Details"对话框中显示的是目标磁盘的分区布局,选择"OK".6. 在"Question"对话框中,选择"YES",开始克隆,选择"NO",返回主菜单。功能二:给磁盘作镜像1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" - "Disk" - "To Image".2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中选择源磁盘驱动器。3. 在"file name to copy image to"对话框中,指定将要生成的镜像文件夹的路径和文件名。 选择"Save".4. 在"Compress Image File?"对话框中,选择压缩类型:"No": 不压缩,"Fast": 低度压缩,"High": 高度压缩.5. 在"Question"对话框中,选择"YES",开始创建镜像文件,选择"NO",返回主菜单。从镜像文件恢复磁盘:1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" - "Disk" - "From Image".2. 在"file name to load image from"对话框中,指定要用于恢复的镜像文件的文件名。3. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,选择目标磁盘驱动器。4. 在"Destination Drive Details"对话框中显示的是目标磁盘的分区布局,选择"OK".5. 在"Question"对话框中,选择"YES",开始恢复磁盘,选择"NO",返回主菜单。功能三:分区复制到分区进行备份,比较实用)1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" - "Partition" - "To Partition"2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,选择源磁盘驱动器,选择"OK".3. 在"Selcet source partion from Basice drive"对话框中,选择源分区,选择"OK".4. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,选择目标磁盘驱动器,选择"OK".5. 在"Selcet destination partion from Basice drive"对话框中,选择目标分区,选择"OK".6. 在"Quetion:"对话框中,选择"YES",开始克隆,选择"NO",返回主菜单。功能四:制做分区的镜像文件1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" - "Partition" - "To Image"2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,选择源磁盘驱动器,选择"OK".3. 在"Selcet source partion from Basice drive"对话框中,选择源分区,选择"OK".4. 在"file name to copy image to"对话框中,指定将要产生的镜像文件夹的路径和文件名,选择"Save".5. 在"Compress Image File?"对话框中,选择压缩类型:"No": 不压缩,"Fast": 低度压缩,"High": 高度压缩.6. 在"Question:"对话框中,选择"YES",开始创建镜像文件,选择"NO",返回主菜单。从镜像文件恢复分区1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" - "Partition" - "From Image"2. 在"file name to load image from"对话框中,选择用于恢复的镜像文件的文件名。3. 在"Select source partion from image file"对话框中,选择镜像文件中的源分区。4. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中,选择目标磁盘驱动器,选择"OK".5. 在"Selcet destination partion from Basice drive"对话框中,选择目标分区,选择"OK".6. 在"Question:"对话框中,选择"YES",开始创建镜像文件,选择"NO",返回主菜单。王者之心2点击试玩
2023-07-07 19:35:481


2023-07-07 19:35:562


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 操作系统/系统故障 问题描述: 内容和一些数据 解析: 一、软件功能说明 GHOST 是用于计算机磁盘克隆和复制的工具。 它能帮助您备份和恢复整个磁盘或所选分区。镜像文件: 是指可以从文件中重建一个完整磁盘或分区所需的全部信息的特殊文件。 镜像文件非常有用,既可以用来保存原来系统配置也可以为磁盘或分区创建完整备份。 镜像文件的默认文件扩展名为;gho ,它们可以包含整个磁盘或分区的全部信息。 二、启动程序 GHOST是一个基于DOS的应用程序,因此需要在DOS的环境中运行它。 启动方法: 在DOS的命令提示符下输入GHOST程序的文件名, 在出现的关于程序对话框中按下空格或ENTER键,便可进入GHOST。 三、磁盘复制到磁盘 1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Disk" -> "To Disk" 2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中, 选择源磁盘驱动器。 3. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中, 选择目标磁盘驱动器。 4. 在"Destination Drive Details"对话框中显示的是将要产生的目标磁盘的分区布局, 选择"OK". 6. 在"Question"对话框中, 选择"YES",开始克隆,选择"NO",返回主菜单。 四、制做磁盘的镜像文件 1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Disk" -> "To Image". 2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中 选择源磁盘驱动器。 3. 在"file name to copy image to"对话框中, 指定将要产生的镜像文件夹的路径和文件名。 选择"Save". 4. 在"Compress Image File?"对话框中,选择压缩类型: "No": 不压缩(快速), "Fast": 低度压缩(中速), "High": 高度压缩(低速). 5. 在"Question"对话框中, 选择"YES",开始创建镜像文件,选择"NO",返回主菜单。 五、从镜像文件恢复磁盘 1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Disk" -> "From Image". 2. 在"file name to load image from"对话框中, 指定要用于恢复的镜像文件的文件名。 3. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中, 选择目标磁盘驱动器。 4. 在"Destination Drive Details"对话框中显示的是将要产生的目标磁盘的分区布局, 选择"OK". 5. 在"Question"对话框中, 选择"YES",开始恢复磁盘,选择"NO",返回主菜单。 六、分区复制到分区 1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Partition" -> "To Partition" 2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中, 选择源磁盘驱动器,选择"OK". 3. 在"Selcet source partion from Basice drive"对话框中, 选择源分区,选择"OK". 4. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中, 选择目标磁盘驱动器,选择"OK". 5. 在"Selcet destination partion from Basice drive"对话框中, 选择目标分区,选择"OK". 6. 在"Quetion:"对话框中, 选择"YES",开始克隆,选择"NO",返回主菜单。 七、制做分区的镜像文件 1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Partition" -> "To Partition" 2. 在"Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中, 选择源磁盘驱动器,选择"OK". 3. 在"Selcet source partion(s) from Basice drive"对话框中, 选择源分区,选择"OK". 4. 在"file name to copy image to"对话框中, 指定将要产生的镜像文件夹的路径和文件名,选择"Save". 5. 在"Compress Image File?"对话框中,选择压缩类型: "No": 不压缩(快速), "Fast": 低度压缩(中速), "High": 高度压缩(低速). 6. 在"Question:"对话框中, 选择"YES",开始创建镜像文件,选择"NO",返回主菜单。 八、从镜像文件恢复分区 1. 在GHOST的主菜单上选择"Local" -> "Partition" -> "To Partition" 2. 在"file name to load image from"对话框中, 选择用于恢复的镜像文件的文件名。 3. 在"Select source partion from image file"对话框中, 选择镜像文件中的源分区。 4. 在"Select local destination drive by clicking on the drive number"对话框中, 选择目标磁盘驱动器,选择"OK". 5. 在"Selcet destination partion(s) from Basice drive"对话框中, 选择目标分区,选择"OK". 6. 在"Question:"对话框中, 选择"YES",开始创建镜像文件,选择"NO",返回主菜单。
2023-07-07 19:36:041

Ghost备份是出现Symantec Ghost meeds to obeate a new image span是怎么回事

2023-07-07 19:36:132

driving by,怎么翻译

driving by 是从旁边经过(驶过)的 意思
2023-07-07 19:36:344


2023-07-07 19:36:411

Train的《Drive By》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive By歌手:Train专辑:California 37Drive ByTrainOn the other side of a street I knewStood a girl that looked like youI guess thats deja vuBut I thought this can"t be trueCause you moved to west L.A orNew York or Santa FeOr where or ever to get away from meOh but that one nightWas more than just rightI didn"t leave you cause I was all throughOh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hellBecause I really fell for youOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-iOn the other side of a downward spiralMy love for you went viralAnd I loved you every mile you drove awayBut now here you are againSo let"s skip the "how you been"Andget down to the "more than friends" at lastOh but that one nightIs still the highlightI didn"t leave you until I came toand I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hellBecause I really fell for youOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-iPlease believe that when I leaveThere"s nothing up my sleeve but love for youAnd a little time to get my head together tooOn the other side of a street I knewStood a girl that looked like youI guess thats deja vuBut I thought this can"t be trueCauseOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i
2023-07-07 19:36:491

Train的《Drive By》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive By歌手:Train专辑:I Love Music FMDrive ByTrainOn the other side of a street I knewStood a girl that looked like youI guess thats deja vuBut I thought this can"t be trueCause you moved to west L.A orNew York or Santa FeOr where or ever to get away from meOh but that one nightWas more than just rightI didn"t leave you cause I was all throughOh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hellBecause I really fell for youOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-iOn the other side of a downward spiralMy love for you went viralAnd I loved you every mile you drove awayBut now here you are againSo let"s skip the "how you been"Andget down to the "more than friends" at lastOh but that one nightIs still the highlightI didn"t leave you until I came toand I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hellBecause I really fell for youOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-iPlease believe that when I leaveThere"s nothing up my sleeve but love for youAnd a little time to get my head together tooOn the other side of a street I knewStood a girl that looked like youI guess thats deja vuBut I thought this can"t be trueCauseOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i-iJust a shy guy looking for a two plyHefty bag to hold my i-i-i-i- loveWhen you move me everything is groovyThey don"t like it sue meUmm way you do meOh I swear to youI"ll be there for youThis is not a drive by-i-i-i-i
2023-07-07 19:36:571

Sugar Ray的《Drive By》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive By歌手:Sugar Ray专辑:Lemonade And Brownies-AtlanticAsked a girl what she wanted to be,she said baby, cant you see.I wanna be famous, a star on the screen,but you can do something in between.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl that my prospects were good,and she said baby, its understood.Working for peanuts is all very fine,but I can show you a better time.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl I can start right away,and she said listen babe I got something to say.I got no car and its breaking my heart,but Ive found a driver and thats a start.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!
2023-07-07 19:37:051

drive by 中英文歌词

On the other side of a street I knew 在我熟悉的那条街的另一边   Stood a girl that looked like you 站着一个看起来很像你的女孩   I guess that"s deja vu 那似曾相识   But I thought this can"t be true 而我却感到难以置信   Cause you moved to west L.A or New York or Santa Fe 因为你已经搬去洛杉矶或者是纽约亦或是圣达菲   Or where ever to get away from me 又或者是任何你能远离我的地方   Oh but that one night 但是那个夜晚   Was more than just right 已经再好不过了   I didn"t leave you cause I was all through 我不曾离开你因为我一直都在   Oh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell 我感觉像在地狱般恐慌   Because I really fell for you 因为我是真的爱上了你   Oh I swear to you 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for you 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是开玩笑   Just a shy guy looking for a 2-ply 只是一个害羞的男孩在寻找一段真爱[1]   Hefty bag to hold my love 那么厚重的包来承受我的爱   When you move me everything is groovy 当你离开我一切都变得糟糕   They don"t like it sue me 他们不喜欢你对待我的方式而控告我   In the way you do me   Oh I swear to you 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for you 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是开玩笑   On the other side of a downward spiral (在向下的漩涡的另一面?)   My love for you went viral 我对你爱得更深   And I loved you every mile you drove away 你离我越远我爱你越深   But now here you are again 但现在你又再次在我身边   So let"s skip the "how you been" 那就让我们直接跳过“你好吗”的寒暄   And get down to the "more than friends" at last 最后直接告诉你我们不仅仅是朋友   Oh but that one night was still the highlight 但那仍是一个难忘的夜晚   I didn"t need you until I came to 在我来之前我不曾需要你   And I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell 但我感到像身处地狱般恐惧和害怕   Because I really fell for you 因为我是真的爱上了你   Oh I swear to you 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for you 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是开玩笑   Just a shy guy looking for a 2-ply 只是一个害羞的男孩在寻找一段真爱[1]   Hefty bag to hold my love 那么厚重的包来承受我的爱   When you move me everything is groovy 当你离开我一切都变得糟糕   They don"t like it sue me 他们不喜欢你对待我的方式而控告我   In the way you do me   Oh I swear to you 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for you 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是开玩笑   Please believe that when I leave 请相信当我离开的时候   There"s nothing up my sleeve but love for you 在我的袖子之上除了对你的爱再也没有什么   And a little time to get my head together too 和一点点让我清醒的时间   On the other side of a street I knew 在我熟悉的那条街的另一边   Stood a girl that looked like you 站着一个看起来很像你的女孩   I guess that"s deja vu 那似曾相识   But I thought this can"t be true 而我却感到难以置信   Cause 因为   Oh I swear to you 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for you 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by 这不是开玩笑   Just a shy guy looking for a 2-ply 只是一个害羞的男孩在寻找一段真爱[1]   Hefty bag to hold my love 那么厚重的包来承受我的爱   When you move me everything is groovy 当你离开我一切都变得糟糕   They don"t like it sue me 他们不喜欢你对待我的方式而控告我   In the way you do me   Oh I swear to you 我向你发誓   I"ll be there for you 我将一直陪在你身边   This is not a drive by这不是开玩笑
2023-07-07 19:37:121


2023-07-07 19:37:201


《GTA圣安地列斯》分类作弊码操作类 AJLOJYQY = Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf Club 行人互相攻击,得到高尔夫球杆 BAGOWPG = Have a bounty on your head 得到一大笔奖励 FOOOXFT = Everyone is armed 行人全副武装 BLUESUEDESHOES = Elvis is Everywhere 行人变成猫王 BGLUAWML = Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket Launcher 行人用武器攻击你,得到火箭发射器 GOODBYECRUELWORLD = Suicide 自杀 LIFESABEACH = Beach Party 海滩聚会 NINJATOWN = Ninja Theme 忍者模式 BEKKNQV = Slut Magnet 吸引女性 STATEOFEMERGENCY = Riot Mode 暴动模式 CRAZYTOWN = Funhouse Theme 乐趣屋模式 SJMAHPE = Recruit Anyone (9mm) 给任何人9mm冲锋枪 ROCKETMAYHEM = Recruit Anyone (Rockets) 给任何人火箭发射器 BMTPWHR = Country Vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck Outfit 乡村车辆,得到卡车装备 ------------------------------------------------------------- 主角状态类 AEDUWNV = Never Get Hungry 主角没有进食要求 CVWKXAM = Infinite Oxygen 无限氧气 ANOSEONGLASS = Adrenaline Mode 刺激模式 KANGAROO = Mega Jump 超级跳跃 IAVENJQ = Mega Punch 超级攻击 BTCDBCB = Fat 主角变胖 KVGYZQK = Skinny 主角变得皮包骨 HELLOLADIES = Max Sex Appeal 最大性感度 BUFFMEUP = Max Muscle 主角肌肉值最大 LXGIWYL = Weapon Set 1, Thug"s Tools 暴徒武器 PROFESSIONALSKIT = Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools 专业武器 UZUMYMW = Weapon Set 3, Nutter Tools 疯狂武器 BAGUVIX = Infinite Health 无限生命 HESOYAM = Health, Armor, $250k 生命、护甲满,加25万美圆 OUIQDMW = Full Weapon Aiming While Driving 驾驶时瞄准度全满 PROFESSIONALKILLER = Hitman In All Weapon Stats 全部武器等级达到Hitman FULLCLIP = Infinite Ammo, No Reload 无限弹药,不用换弹夹 AIYPWZQP = Have Parachute 得到降落伞 ROCKETMAN = Have Jetpack 得到火箭助行器 ------------------------------------------------------------- 警察和黑帮类 TURNUPTHEHEAT = Increase Wanted Level Two Stars 增加两星通缉度 TURNDOWNTHEHEAT = Clear Wanted Level 清除通缉程度 BRINGITON = Six Star Wanted Level 六星通缉(最高等级) AEZAKMI = Never Wanted 永远不会被通缉 WORSHIPME = Max Respect 威望值最高 ONLYHOMIESALLOWED = Gang Members Everywhere 到处都是黑帮 BIFBUZZ = Gangs Control the Streets 黑帮控制街道 ------------------------------------------------------------- 刷新车辆类 AIWPRTON = Spawn Rhino 刷新一辆坦克 CQZIJMB = Spawn Bloodring Banger 刷新一辆Bloodring Banger JQNTDMH = Spawn Rancher 刷新一辆Rancher VROCKPOKEY = Spawn Racecar 刷新一辆Racecar VPJTQWV = Spawn Racecar 刷新一辆Racecar#2 WHERESTHEFUNERAL = Spawn Romero 刷新一辆Romero CELEBRITYSTATUS = Spawn Stretch 刷新一辆Stretch TRUEGRIME = Spawn Trashmaster 刷新一辆Trashmaster RZHSUEW = Spawn Caddy 刷新一辆Caddy JUMPJET = Spawn Hydra 刷新一架Hydra KGGGDKP = Spawn Vortex Hovercraft 刷新一辆Vortex Hovercraft OHDUDE = Spawn Hunter 刷新一架Hunter FOURWHEELFUN = Spawn Quad 刷新一辆Quad AMOMHRER = Spawn Tanker Truck 刷新一辆Tanker Truck ITSALLBULL = Spawn Dozer 刷新一辆Dozer FLYINGTOSTUNT = Spawn Stunt Plane 刷新一架Stunt Plane MONSTERMASH = Spawn Monster 刷新一辆Monster ------------------------------------------------------------- 车辆操控类 CPKTNWT = Blow Up All Cars 所有车辆爆炸 WHEELSONLYPLEASE = Invisible car 隐行车辆 STICKLIKEGLUE = Perfect Handling 完美操控 ZEIIVG = All green lights 交通信号灯变绿 YLTEICZ = Aggressive Drivers 司机有攻击性 LLQPFBN = Pink traffic 所有车辆变粉色 IOWDLAC = Black traffic 所有车辆变黑色 FLYINGFISH = Boats fly 船只可以飞行 EVERYONEISPOOR = Traffic is Cheap Cars 交通工具慢速 EVERYONEISRICH = Traffic is Fast Cars 交通工具快速 RIPAZHA = Cars Fly 汽车飞行 CJPHONEHOME = Huge Bunny Hop 超级兔子跳 JCNRUAD = Smash n" Boom 汽车一击必炸 SPEEDFREAK = All Cars Have Nitro 所有车辆得到一氧化二氮加速剂 BUBBLECARS = Cars Float Away When Hit 车辆被撞击时会漂移 GHOSTTOWN = Reduced Traffic 减少路上的车辆 FVTMNBZ = Traffic is Country Vehicles 交通工具变为乡村车辆 VKYPQCF = Taxis Have Nitrous, L3 Bunny Hop 出租车得到一氧化二 氮加速剂,超级兔子跳 NATURALTALENT = Max All Vehicle Skill Stats 驾驶技术全满 ------------------------------------------------------------- 气候类 PLEASANTLYWARM = Sunny Weather 万里无云 TOODAMNHOT = Very Sunny Weather 阳光明媚 ALNSFMZO = Overcast Weather 阴云密布 AUIFRVQS = Rainy Weather 阴雨绵绵 CFVFGMJ = Foggy Weather 大雾弥漫 SCOTTISHSUMMER = Thunderstorm 雷暴天气 CWJXUOC = Sandstorm 沙尘暴天气 OFVIAC = Orange Sky 21:00 永远是晚上9点 ------------------------------------------------------------- 时间类 YSOHNUL = Faster Clock 时钟加快 SPEEDITUP = Faster Gameplay 操控加快 SLOWITDOWN = Slower Gameplay 操控减慢 NIGHTPROWLER = Always Midnight 永远是午夜
2023-07-07 19:37:304

Drive By Love 歌词

歌曲名:Drive By Love歌手:A.J. McLean专辑:Have It AllAsked a girl what she wanted to be,she said baby, cant you see.I wanna be famous, a star on the screen,but you can do something in between.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl that my prospects were good,and she said baby, its understood.Working for peanuts is all very fine,but I can show you a better time.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl I can start right away,and she said listen babe I got something to say.I got no car and its breaking my heart,but Ive found a driver and thats a start.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!
2023-07-07 19:37:391

by car和drive的区别

by car 和drive都是与"乘车"或"驾驶"相关的表达,但在具体用法上有一定区别:1. by car 意为"乘车;开车旅行"。表示以汽车作为旅行或运输的方式或工具。例如:u2022 We went there by car. 我们开车去了那里。u2022 The goods were delivered by car. 货物是通过汽车运送的。 u2022 He prefers travelling by car rather than by train. 他更喜欢开车旅行而不是坐火车。2. drive 意为"驾驶;开车"。表示驾驶汽车或控制汽车行驶。例如: u2022 Do you know how to drive? 你会开车吗? u2022 I"ll drive you to the airport. 我送你去机场。 u2022 The long drive made us very tired.长时间的驾驶让我们非常疲倦。 总结来说: u2022 by car 侧重以乘坐汽车作为一种方式或手段。是一个较为被动的表述。 u2022 drive 则强调驾驶汽车或主导汽车的运行。是一个较为主动的词。u2022 在某些语境下,两者可以互换使用。但by car可能会比drive更加正式或文书。 u2022 drive还可以作为名词,意为"驱动力;驾驶"。by car没有这个名词用法。
2023-07-07 19:37:482

Motorcycle Drive By (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Motorcycle Drive By (Lp Version)歌手:Third Eye Blind专辑:Third Eye BlindMOTORCYCLE DRIVE BYThird Eye BlindSummer time and the wind is blowingOutside in lower ChelseaAnd I don"t know what I"m doing in this cityThe sun is always in my eyesIt crashes through the windowsWhen I"m sleeping on the couchWhen I came to visit youThat"s when I knewThat I could never have youI knew that before you didStill I"m the one who"s stupidAnd there"s this burningJust like there"s always beenI"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve never been so aliveVisions of you on a motorcycle drive byThe ciggarette ash it flies in your eyesAnd you don"t mindAnd you smile and sayThe world it doesn"t fit with youI don"t believe youYou"re so sereneCareening through the universeYour axis on a tiltYou"re guiltless and freeI hope you take a piece of me with youAnd there are things I would like to doThat you don"t believe inI would like to build somethingBut you"ll never see it happenAnd there"s this burningLike there"s always beenI"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve, I"ve never been so aliveWhere"s the soul?I wanna knowNew York City"s evilThe surface is everythingBut I could never do thatSomeone would see through thatAnd this is the last timeWe"ll be friends againAnd I"ll get over youYou wonder who I amAnd there"s this burningJust like there"s always beenAnd I"ve never been so aloneI"ve never been so aliveI go home to the coastIt starts to rainI paddle out on the waterAloneI taste the saltI taste the painI"m not thinking of you againSummer dies and swells riseThe sun goes down in my eyesSee this rolling waveDarkly coming to take me homeAnd I"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve never been so alive
2023-07-07 19:38:131

fly by歌词

Yo, uh huh Ooh, whoa whoa Yo, uh huh Yo All dressed up you"re Good to go 梳妆打扮完毕准备上路 Checkin" your style from Head to toe (that"s right) 从头到脚彻底检查(对啊) Hooked up and natural You"re feelin" beautiful 你喜欢这种美丽的感觉 Nine times out of ten You know 你也知道,十之八九。 Late night club like a video 深夜俱乐部象是个有料大放松的录影带 With the Hot stuff, top stuff, yo we Got stuff (whoa whoa) 热的东西 高耸东西 -我们得到了东西表示惊讶 What a night (night) So far (far) 好一个神奇的夜晚,感觉一直在。 Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗的遮棚准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 好一个神奇的景色,有了你。 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当深夜更黑之后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 Girl it"s time to let you know 女孩,该是让你明白的时候 I"m down if you wanna go 如果你想离开,我会伤心不已 We can take it nice and slow We got until tomorrow 让我们慢慢来,好好谈谈。 UK style UK flow 英式风格,英式滑行 We got you hot like (whoa) 挖,你越来越兴奋 With the hot stuff Top stuff, we got stuff (oh) 热的东西 高耸东西 -我们得到了东西表示惊讶(好康大放送,你我更兴奋) What a night (night) So far (far) 好个神奇的夜晚!感觉一直在! Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 拉个神奇的景色,有了你 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当夜更黑后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Fly by, fly by, fly by) Yo, yo, yo 飞行,飞,飞,飞行。 Throw your hands in the sky Wave "em from side to side 天空中举起你的双手,左右挥舞着 Let me see you shake your body All at the same time (uh uh) 让我看看你,一起摇摆的身姿 Throw your hands in the sky Wave "em from side to side 天空中举起你双手,左右挥舞着 Let me see you shake your body All at the same time 让我看看你一起摇摆的身姿 What a night (night) So far (far) 好个神奇的夜晚!感觉一直在! Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 拉个神奇的景色,有了你 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当夜更黑后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Hands high) System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Fly by, fly by, fly by) 飞行,飞,飞,飞行。
2023-07-07 19:38:231


fly by 是飞行 有人翻译夜空飞行 歌词意思: Yo, uh huh Ooh, whoa whoa Yo, uh huh Yo All dressed up you"re Good to go 梳妆打扮完毕准备上路 Checkin" your style from Head to toe (that"s right) 从头到脚彻底检查(对啊) Hooked up and natural You"re feelin" beautiful 你喜欢这种美丽的感觉 Nine times out of ten You know 你也知道,十之八九。 Late night club like a video 深夜俱乐部象是个有料大放松的录影带 With the Hot stuff, top stuff, yo we Got stuff (whoa whoa) 热的东西 高耸东西 -我们得到了东西表示惊讶 What a night (night) So far (far) 好一个神奇的夜晚,感觉一直在。 Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗的遮棚准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 好一个神奇的景色,有了你。 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当深夜更黑之后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 Girl it"s time to let you know 女孩,该是让你明白的时候 I"m down if you wanna go 如果你想离开,我会伤心不已 We can take it nice and slow We got until tomorrow 让我们慢慢来,好好谈谈。 UK style UK flow 英式风格,英式滑行 We got you hot like (whoa) 挖,你越来越兴奋 With the hot stuff Top stuff, we got stuff (oh) 热的东西 高耸东西 -我们得到了东西表示惊讶(好康大放送,你我更兴奋) What a night (night) So far (far) 好个神奇的夜晚!感觉一直在! Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 拉个神奇的景色,有了你 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当夜更黑后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Fly by, fly by, fly by) Yo, yo, yo 飞行,飞,飞,飞行。 Throw your hands in the sky Wave "em from side to side 天空中举起你的双手,左右挥舞着 Let me see you shake your body All at the same time (uh uh) 让我看看你,一起摇摆的身姿 Throw your hands in the sky Wave "em from side to side 天空中举起你双手,左右挥舞着 Let me see you shake your body All at the same time 让我看看你一起摇摆的身姿 What a night (night) So far (far) 好个神奇的夜晚!感觉一直在! Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 拉个神奇的景色,有了你 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当夜更黑后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Hands high) System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Fly by, fly by, fly by) 飞行,飞,飞,飞行。
2023-07-07 19:38:531

fly by ii 歌词翻译

Fly By II 歌手:Blue Yo, uh huhOoh, whoa whoaYo, uh huhYoAll dressed up you"reGood to goCheckin" your style fromHead to toe (that"s right)Hooked up and naturalYou"re feelin" beautifulNine times out of tenYou knowLate night club like a videoWith theHot stuff, top stuff, yo weGot stuff (whoa whoa)What a night (night)So far (far)Pullin" up curb sideIn your car (your car)What a sight (sight)You are (are)Think I know somewhereWe can parkAfter darkSystem up with the top downGot the city on lockdownDrive by in the low rideHands high when we fly bySystem up with the top downGot the city on lockdownDrive by in the low rideHands high when we fly byGirl it"s time to let you knowI"m down if you wanna goWe can take it nice and slowWe got until tomorrowUK style UK flowWe got you hot like (whoa)With the hot stuffTop stuff, we got stuff (oh)What a night (night)So far (far)Pullin" up curb sideIn your car (your car)What a sight (sight)You are (are)Think I know somewhereWe can parkAfter darkSystem up with the top downGot the city on lockdownDrive by in the low ride(Low ride)Hands high when we fly by(Hands high)System up with the top down(Top down)Got the city on lockdown(Lockdown)Drive by in the low rideHands high when we fly by(Fly by, fly by, fly by)Yo, yo, yoThrow your hands in the skyWave "em from side to sideLet me see you shake your bodyAll at the same time (uh uh)Throw your hands in the skyWave "em from side to sideLet me see you shake your bodyAll at the same timeWhat a night so farPullin" up curb side in your carWhat a sight you areThink I know somewhereWe can park after darkSystem up with the top downGot the city on lockdownDrive by in the low rideHands high when we fly by(Hands high)System up with the top down(Top down)Got the city on lockdown(Lockdown)Drive by in the low ride(Yeah)Hands high when we fly by(After dark)System up with the top downGot the city on lockdownDrive by in the low rideHands high when we fly by(We fly by)System up with the top downGot the city on lockdownDrive by in the low rideHands high when we fly by(Fly by, fly by, fly by)
2023-07-07 19:39:011


by by[重读)baI; bai; (轻读)bu0259; bi, bu0259]介系词1 在…近旁,在…之旁边,在…身边,靠近…a house by the seaside海滨的房屋I haven"t got it ~ me.我身边没有这样东西【同义字】beside 和 by 都有“旁边”的意思,而 beside 比 by 更明确2a. 由…的旁边,经过…go by me [the church]从我 [教堂] 旁边走过b. 通过<路>,沿著…,顺著…drive by the highway沿著公路驾车pass by the river经过河边c. 经由…,取道… (via)travel by (way of) Italy取道意大利旅游3a. 用…,藉…,乘…,搭…by letter [wire]用书信 [电报]send by post邮寄go [travel] by bus [boat, bicycle, plane, rail(road), train, etc.]搭乘巴士 [船,自行车,飞机,火车 (等) ] 去[旅行]go by water [air]由水路 [搭飞机] 去by land [sea]由陆路 [水路]go by the 9:00 p.m. train搭下午九点的火车去b. 用…,藉…,以…by hand [machine]用手[机器] (制的)sell by auction以拍卖出售learn by heart默记,背c. 藉<做…>,以Let"s begin by reviewing the last lesson.我们开始 (上课) ,先温习上一课We learn by listening.我们以听力训练法学习d. 因…die by poison中毒而死by reason of由于…,因为…4 由…,被…America was discovered by Columbus.美洲是由哥伦布发现的Those locomotives are driven by electricity.那些火车头是电动的be made [written] by John Smith由约翰.史密斯制作 [执笔]a novel by Scott司各脱 (写) 的小说5a. 到…时已经,不晚于…,到…时为止 (not laterthan)by the end of this month (最迟) 到这个月底finish by the evening到傍晚完成By the time we reached home, it was quite dark.我们回到家时,天已经很黑了b. 在…时间内,在…期间 (during)I work by day and study by night.我在日间工作,夜间读书He went home by daylight.他在天还没黑时回家了6 a. 按…,依照…,依据…It"s five o"clock by my watch.依照我的表,时间是五点judge a person by appearances以貌取人,根据外表判断一个人b. [by the; 表示单位] 以…为单位,以…计,按…计算board by the month按月包饭 [搭伙]sell by the yard [gallon]以码 [加仑] 计价卖pay a worker by the piece按件计酬by the hundred =by (the) hundreds好几百地,数以百计He used to read by the hour.他从前常常一看书就是好几个小时7 a. 至于…程度; 至 (…之多)by degrees逐渐,渐次miss by a minute迟一分钟,只差一点而错过win by a boat"s length以一船身之领先获胜He is taller than she (is) by five centimeters.他比她高五公分little by little = bit by bit一点一点地,逐渐day by day日复一日地drop by drop一滴一滴地one by one逐一step by step一步一步地,逐步room by room逐室,一个房间一个房b. 以…multiply 8 by 2以 2 乘 8divide 8 by 2八除以二by[baI; bai]名词= bye
2023-07-07 19:39:081

Fly By翻译

all dressed up you"re good to go 精心打扮好去参加聚会check in your style from head to toe 确保你走在潮流的最前端hooked up and natural 很华丽也很自然you"re feeling beautiful 你感觉十分美丽9 times out of 10 you know 你知道有90%的可能late night club like a video with the 夜晚的舞会就像唱片hot stuff - top stuff - we got stuff oh 有着冲动-高潮-我们随着节奏摇摆 ohwhat a night (night) 多么令人兴奋的一个夜晚so far (far) 那么漫长pulling up curb side in your car (your car) 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车what a sight (sight) 多么迷人的景象you are (are) 就和你一样think i know somewhere we can park 我想我知道哪里可以停车after dark 黑暗过后 黎明来到system up with the top down 进程在高潮消退中继续got the city on lock down 让城市消逝在黑暗之中drive by in the low ride 开车在路上飞驰hands high when we fly by 高举双手就像飞了起来system up with the top down 进程在高潮消退中继续got the city on lock down 让城市消逝在黑暗之中drive by in the low ride 开车在路上飞驰hands high when we fly by 高举双手就像飞了起来fly by, fly by, fly by, fly by..... .飞呀,飞呀,飞呀飞girl it"s time to let you know 女孩们是时候让你们知道i"m down if you wanna go 你们的离开会使我心痛we can take it nice and slow 我们可以共度美好和漫长的时光we got until tomorrow 直到明早uk style uk flow 英国的潮流英国人追求we got you hot like whoa 你的热情让我们窒息with the hot stuff - top stuff - we got stuff 伴随着冲动-高潮-我们一起摇摆what a night (night) 多么令人难忘的夜晚so far (far) 那么漫长pulling up curb side in your car (your car) 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车what a sight (sight) 多美妙的景色you are (are) 你正是如此think i know somewhere we can park 我想我知道我们可以相互依偎after dark 黎明来到system up with the top down 进程在高潮消退中继续got the city on lockdown 让城市消逝在黑暗之中drive by in the low ride 开车在路上飞驰(low ride) 飞驰hands high when we fly by 高举双手就像飞了起来(hands high)system up with the top down 进程在高潮消退中继续(top down)got the city on lockdown 让城市消逝在黑暗之中(lockdown)drive by in the low ride 开车在路上飞驰hands high when we fly by 高举双手就像飞了起来(fly by, fly by, fly by) yo, yo, yothrow your hands in the sky 在空中挥舞你的双手wave "em from side to side 像波浪一样挥舞他们let me see you shake your body 让我看你摇摆你的身体all at the same time (uh uh) 此时此刻throw your hands in the sky 在空中挥舞你的双手wave "em from side to side 像波浪一样挥舞他们let me see you shake your body 让我看你摇摆你的身体all at the same time 此时此刻what a night so far 今夜迷人有漫长pullin" up curb side in your car 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车what a sight you are 你正如这美景一般think i know somewhere we can park 我想我知道我们可以相互依偎after dark 黎明来到system up with the top down 进程在高潮消退中继续got the city on lockdown 让城市消逝在黑暗之中drive by in the low ride 开车在路上飞驰hands high when we fly by 高举双手就像飞了起来(hands high)system up with the top down 进程在高潮消退中继续(top down)got the city on lockdown 让城市消逝在黑暗之中(lockdown)drive by in the low ride 开车在路上飞驰(yeah)hands high when we fly by 高举双手就像飞了起来(after dark)system up with the top down 进程在高潮消退中继续got the city on lockdown 让城市消逝在黑暗之中drive by in the low ride 开车在路上飞驰hands high when we fly by 高举双手就像飞了起来(we fly by)system up with the top down 进程在高潮消退中继续got the city on lockdown 让城市消逝在黑暗之中drive by in the low ride 开车在路上飞驰hands high when we fly by 高举双手就像飞了起来(fly by, fly by, fly by) 我们驰骋夜空
2023-07-07 19:39:172

select local destination drive by clicking on the drive mumber啥意思?

2023-07-07 19:39:292