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2023-05-19 15:56:31

deep connotation 中不中?

TAG: 英语 翻译

profound meanings/connotation

profound的意思是“深刻的, 意义深远的, 渊博的, 造诣深的”,所以用这个词是最地道的


profound/deep + meaning/signification/implicaiton(比较隐含的,要任挖掘哦)



真正地道的说法在这里: "deep-brained"

或者直接说"it"s deep"


书面用法profound signification


deep meaning



profound的意思:adj. (影响)深刻的,极大的;(感情)强烈的,深切的;(思想)深邃的,(见解)深刻的;<文>深的,深处的;完全的;艰深的,玄奥的;(疾病,残疾)严重的。短语profound condolence 深切哀悼both extensive and profound 博大精深 ; 博大高深 ; 广博高深extensive and profound 博大精深 ; 博大深远 ; 他们对博大精深 ; 博大的profound and lasting 深远 ; 深刻 ; 幽深 ; 深远的Profound feelings 深刻的见解 ; 深刻感受profound impact 深刻的影响 ; 深刻影响 ; 极大的冲击力或影响力 ; 深远影响同根词词根: profoundadv.profoundly 深刻地;深深地;极度地n.profoundness 深刻;深奥Colour has a profound, though often subliminal, influence on our senses and moods. 颜色对我们的感觉和情绪有一种很深远的影响,尽管常常是潜意识的。
2023-01-02 17:32:121


profound / prə"faʊnd ; prəˋfaund /英 / prə"faʊnd /1 having a strong influence or effect 〔影响〕深刻的,极大的profound effect/influence/impact/consequence Tolstoy"s experiences of war had a profound effect on his work.托尔斯泰的战争经历深刻影响了他的作品。The mother"s behaviour has a profound impact on the developing child.母亲的行为对于正在成长的孩子有极大的影响。profound changes in society社会的巨大变革2 showing strong serious feelings 〔感情〕强烈的,深切的,严肃的a profound sense of guilt强烈的内疚感3 showing great knowledge and understanding 知识渊博的;见解深刻的a profound question深刻的问题Jenner is a profound thinker.詹纳是个思想深刻的人。4 deep or far below the surface of something literary 深的;深处的 Her work touches something profound in the human psyche.她的作品触及了人类心灵深处的某些东西。5 complete 完全的profound deafness完全耳聋—profoundly advprofoundly disturbing news令人极其不安的消息
2023-01-02 17:32:231


profound和significant区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同significant:英 [sɪɡ"nɪfɪkənt]美 [sɪɡ"nɪfɪkənt]。    profound:英 [prə"faʊnd]美 [prə"faʊnd]。    2、意思不同significant:重要的;有意义的;意味深长的;显著的。profound:adj. 深奥的;渊博的;极度的;意义深远的。辨析:significant,important,momentous这些形容词均含“重要的,重大的”之意。significant指某事物由于特别优秀或特别有意义而显得重要与突出。important最普通用词,指有权威、有影响的人或值得注意的、有价值的事物。momentous指极其重要的。
2023-01-02 17:32:341

profound的比较级是profounder还是the more profound?

more profound
2023-01-02 17:32:458


profound 英[prəˈfaʊnd]美[prəˈfaʊnd, pro-]adj. 深厚的; 意义深远的; 严重的; 知识渊博的;n. 〈诗〉深海,大洋; 深渊; (灵魂) 深处;[网络] 深奥的; 深的; 极深的;[例句]The overwhelming feeling is just deep, profound shock and anger.最强烈的感觉就是深深的震惊和愤怒。[其他] 比较级:profounder 最高级:profoundest 形近词: unfound confoundtremendous 英[trəˈmendəs]美[trɪˈmɛndəs]adj. 极大的,巨大的; 可怕的,惊人的; 极好的;[网络] 惊人的; 巨大的,极大的; 了不起;[例句]I felt a tremendous pressure on my chest.我感到胸口堵得难受。[其他] 比较级:more tremendous 最高级:most tremendous
2023-01-02 17:33:132


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2023-01-02 17:33:534

英语the profound friendship怎么翻译?

2023-01-02 17:34:109

英语A profound transformation is taking place怎么翻译?

A profound transformation is taking place一场深刻的变革正在发生正在发生深刻的转变
2023-01-02 17:34:4313

deep profound有何区别?

2023-01-02 17:35:433

profound implications什么意思中文翻

profound implication [释义] 奥旨; [例句]For example, keran-li created a profound implication of “ the wrong knife-style ” lines;例如,李可染创造了深邃含蓄的“金错刀式”的线条;
2023-01-02 17:35:543

profound的比较级是profounder还是the more profound?

2023-01-02 17:36:051


2023-01-02 17:36:115

profound belief?

2023-01-02 17:36:403


manifold:廖n. 多种;复印本adj. 多方面的,有许多部分的;各式各样的vt. 复写,复印;增多;使……多样化companion:同伴n. 同伴;朋友;指南;手册vt. 陪伴n. (Companion)人名;(英)康帕宁profound:深刻的adj. 深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的option:选项n. [计] 选项;选择权;买卖的特权desperation:绝望n. 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命cover:封面n. 封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物vt. 包括;采访,报导;涉及vi. 覆盖;代替surrounding:周围n. 环境,周围的事物adj. 周围的,附近的
2023-01-02 17:36:511


奥义:有深刻意义【profound meaning】如果你说的“奥义”是发音的话,那就是“oil” ,是“油”的意思
2023-01-02 17:36:576


1. [deep]∶深的;幽深。(多指景色或环境)例子:深邃的山谷。深邃的夜空,星光灿烂。——《探索星空奥秘的年轻人》2. [profound]∶深奥的。寓意深邃。[1]3高深,不易理解。4.博大精深。
2023-01-02 17:37:233


2023-01-02 17:37:344

好深奥 英语怎么说

2023-01-02 17:37:481

profound knowledge是什么意思

  profound knowledge 意思是:深厚的知识
2023-01-02 17:37:561

汉译英 本科毕业论文中文题目,摘要,关键词英文翻译,急求!不胜感激不尽..

The western area talented person strategy mentality inquired into the western area talented person strategy faces the main question includes: The elementary education is weak, the brain drain and the talented person waste the phenomenon to be serious, the talented person short and the structure of talent serious unbalanced and lacks the enough talented person attraction.The long-term region non-balanced development and old system closeness, own existence congenital natural inferiority and the economical potential difference, own economical long-term non-sustainable development and own potential excavation insufficiency, is the primary cause which these many questions produce.The enhancement elementary education construction, coordinated and the perfect structure of talent, the system innovates and strengthens own talented person attraction, is the smooth implementation the western area talented person strategy effective countermeasure and the measure.First discovers the main question which the western area talented person strategy faces, again analyzes the background and the reason which these questions produce, thus summarizes and obtains solves these question related countermeasure and the measure, this is the inquisition the western area talented person strategy concrete mentality. Western area; Talented person strategy; Mentality inquisition Affects our country economy development the traditional culture factor to inquire into our country traditional culture is broad and profound, is extremely precious spiritual wealth.Its basic spirit includes “the beauty to gather one” and “take and as expensive”, “humanist” and “take Germany as first” and so on; Its main characteristic has people this ideal and the despotic reality, the function of the household and the loyal filial piety idea and so on.The traditional culture to our country economy development historical influence in, has the positive influence, also has the negative effect.The traditional culture to will instruct and promotes our country nowwith the future social economy development, will have the very strongpractical significance and the profound enlightenment. At present,treats our country the traditional culture, we most should do are,during reconsidering traditional culture negative effect, even morediligently excavates in the traditional culture the positiveingredient, the model experience, the reconsidering lesson, and theunion realistic national condition, will instruct and promotes ourcountry now with the future social economy development advancement.Traditional culture; Economical development; Historical influence;Practical significance; Profound enlightenment第二段Affects our country economy development the traditional culture factorto inquire into our country traditional culture is broad and profound,is extremely precious spiritual wealth. Its basic spirit includes "thebeauty to gather one" and "take and as is expensive", "humanist" and"take Germany as first" and so on; Its main characteristic has peoplethis ideal and the despotic reality, the function of the household andChunghsiao the idea and so on. The traditional culture to our countryeconomy development historical influence in, has the positiveinfluence, also has the negative effect. The traditional culture towill instruct and promotes our country now with the future socialeconomy development, will have the very strong practical significanceand the profound enlightenment. At present, treats our country thetraditional culture, we most should do are, during reconsideringtraditional culture negative effect, even more diligently excavates inthe traditional culture the positive ingredient, the model experience,the reconsidering lesson, and the union realistic national condition,will instruct and promotes our country now with the future socialeconomy development advancement. Traditional culture; Economicaldevelopment; Historical influence; Practical significance; Profoundenlightenment
2023-01-02 17:38:022

profound implication是什么意思

rofound implication 深奥的含义;奥旨;深刻含义例句筛选1.The most profound implication, however, is that it would abolish the ability tolie.然而,最深刻的意义是,它将消除说谎的能力。2.Huaer which produced in the unique natural and human environment ofNorthwest Plateau has a profound implication of the culture.花儿产生于西北高原独特的自然与人文环境中是具有深厚文化意蕴的。深奥的含义;奥旨;深刻含义
2023-01-02 17:38:101

you are the profoundest in my heart of hearts,dear什么意思啊

2023-01-02 17:38:162


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2023-01-02 17:39:206


深邃shēn suì中文解释 - 英文翻译 深邃的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释基本解释1. [deep]∶深的;幽深深邃的山谷深邃的夜空,星汉灿烂。——《探索星空奥密的年轻人》2. [profound]∶深奥的寓意深邃详细解释1. 从外到内或从上到下的距离大。《艺文类聚》卷六二引 三国 魏 卞兰 《许昌宫赋》:“同一宇之深邃,致寒暑于阴阳。” 唐 杜甫 《题衡山县文宣王庙新学堂》诗:“下可容百人,墻隅亦深邃。” 明 蒋一葵 《长安客话·晾鹰台》:“台东三冢相望,西北有岗隆起,古洞深邃。” 徐迟 《汉水桥头》:“ 汉水 宽阔而深邃。”2. 幽深。《旧五代史·晋书·张筠传》:“及罢归之后,第宅宏敞,花竹深邃,声乐饮饍,恣其所欲。” 宋 王明清 《玉照新志》卷二:“深邃之所,有水殿一,游幸之所不到。” 丁玲 《三日杂记》:“我猜想在那看不见底的,黑洞的,深邃的林子里,该不知藏有多少种会使我吃惊的野兽。”3. 精深;深奥。 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·草河录下》:“ 孙兰 , 江都 人,工书画,精於天文,诗学深邃。” 吴沃尧 《历史小说总序》:“文字深邃,不有笺注,苟非通才,遽难句读。” 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想》:“在深邃的数学领域里,既散魂而荡目,迷不知其所之。”4. 深沉。 秦牧 《长河浪花集·深情注视壁上人》:“ 朱老总 浓眉广额,脸上,特别是嘴角皱纹很深,目光冷静深邃,显得安详而又机智。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第十九章:“多么美丽的大眼睛呵!那里面荡漾着多么深邃的智慧和摄人灵魂的美呵!”
2023-01-02 17:39:476


2023-01-02 17:40:107


  汉字奥在五行中属金木水火土中的哪一个呢?它又有怎样的释义?下面我为你整理了奥字五行属性,希望对你有所帮助!   奥字的五行属性   五行属土   奥字的字典解释   奥   ào   含义深,不易理解:深奥。奥妙。奥秘。奥旨。   室内的西南角,泛指房屋及其他深处隐蔽的地方:堂奥。经堂入奥。   姓。   奥   yù   浊。   古同“燠”,暧。   笔画数:12;   部首:大;   笔顺编号:325431234134   奥字的详细解释   奥   ào   【名】   (形声。本义:古时指房屋的西南角。古时祭祀设神主或尊者居坐之处)   同本义〖southwestcornerofhouse〗   奥,宛也。室之西南隅。——《说文》   燔柴于奥。——《礼记·礼器》   西南隅谓之奥。——《尔雅》   司宫筵于奥。——《仪礼·少牢礼》   设于奥。——《仪礼·士丧礼》   经堂入奥。——《楚辞·招魂》   又如:奥阼(室之西南隅,为尊者、主人之位)   泛指室内深处〖thedepthsoftheroom〗   室无奥阼。——《仲尼燕居》   无能老蝙蝠,乘夜出堂奥。——张耒《夏日杂感》   又如:堂奥   宫廷内机密的地方〖hiddenrecesses〗   出入往来禁奥。——《三国志·董昭传》   又如:奥主(国内之主。比喻国君。奥有深居内室之意)   奥   ào   【形】   深〖deep〗   野无奥草。——《国语·周语》。注:“深也。”   结根坚且奥。——陆机《塘上行》   又如:奥处(深居);奥室(内室;深宅);奥祉(深厚的福祉)   深奥,精深不易理解〖profound;bedifficulttounderstand〗   雅诰奥义。——《书·序》。释文:“深也。”   遂与对榻讲论经奥义。——脱脱等《宋史》   抑之欲其奥。——柳宗元《答韦中立论师道书》   水亭陋室,曲有奥趣。——柳宗元《永州龙兴寺东丘记》   皆曲有奥思。——李格非《洛阳名园记》   又如:奥说(奥妙的学说);奥深(高深不易理解)   姓   奥   ào   【名】   奥地利的简称〖Austria〗   〖物〗奥斯特的简称〖oersted〗   奥林匹克的简称〖Olympic〗。如:奥运会   姓   奥博   àobó   〖profound〗∶多指文句深奥而广博   南阳有人,为生奥博,性殊俭吝。——《颜氏家训·治家》   〖learned;erudite〗∶形容一个人的知识渊博   奥秘   àomì   〖profoundmystery〗深奥莫测的秘密;奥妙;隐秘   探索人和动物眼睛奥秘的仿生学研究工作,称为视觉仿生。——《眼睛与仿生学》   奥妙   àomiào   〖marvellous;mysterious;wonderful〗∶深奥微微   这些技术经验,不靠实践是一辈子也不会知道其中的奥妙的。——吴伯箫《记一辆纺车》   〖secret;what"sbehindit〗∶指隐藏或还没有被认识的内容或道理   其中并无奥妙   不难明白其中的奥妙   奥援   àoyuán   〖ally;supportduringacrisis〗暗中支持、帮助的力量;有力的靠山   奥援有灵,朝廷无法。——《先拨志始》   奥义   àoyì   〖profoundargumentation〗内容深刻的道理   奥运,奥运会   àoyùn,A`oyùnhuì   〖theOlympicGames〗“奥林匹克运动会”的简称   奥旨   àozhǐ   〖profoundimplication〗深奥的含义   深得其中奥旨
2023-01-02 17:40:371


湛 crystal clear; deep; profound; 湛1 zhàn (1) (形声。从水,甚声。本义:清澈透明) (2) 同本义 [be crystal;clear] 水木湛清华。――谢混《游西池》 (3) 又如:湛明(清滢明亮);湛冽(清冽);湛波(清波);湛清(清澈);湛然(清澈的样子);湛湛(清明澄澈的样子) (4) 露厚重 [dewy] 石林湛雨气,山月连阳晖。――清·谢芳连《孟夏山中晚坐》 (5) 又如:湛露(重露) (6) 深;深沉 [deep] 眼睛暴湛,牙齿横生。――《封神演义》 (7) 又如:湛浮(沉浮);湛湛(水深的样子;深切的样子);湛恩(深恩);湛恩汪秽(恩泽深厚) (8) 饱满;盈满 [full] 湛湛江水兮上有枫,目极千里兮伤春心。――《楚辞》 湛 zhàn 姓 另见dān;jiān 湛蓝 zhànlán [azure blue] 晴天的蓝色;湖海等的深蓝色 湛清 zhànqīng [clear] 清澈 天空湛清如水 湛深 zhànshēn [profound] 深湛;精深 湛深的艺术功力 湛 zhàn ㄓㄢˋ (1) 深:精~。~恩(深恩)。~蓝。 (2) 清澈:清~。澄~。 (3) 姓。 郑码:VEZ,U:6E5B,GBK:D5BF 笔画数:12,部首:氵,笔顺编号:441122111345 crystal clear;deep;profound;
2023-01-02 17:40:431


中国文化博大精深The Chinese culture is characterized by its broadness and profundity.
2023-01-02 17:40:493

extensive and profound是什么意思

extensive and profound博大精深; 双语例句1The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long, long course.中华民族的传统文化、博大精深,源远流长。2China"s traditional legal culture is of long standing and well established, extensive and profound, intension is extremely abundant.中国传统法律文化源远流长,博大精深,内涵极其丰富。
2023-01-02 17:41:041


一、Paradise1、含义:n. 天堂。2、用法paradise的基本意思是“天堂,天国”,即某些宗教指正直者死后的灵魂居住的美好的地方,也可指亚当和夏娃偷吃禁果的地方,即“伊甸园”。作此二解时首字母一般大写。paradise引申可指“乐园,乐土”,即理想完美的地方、人间天堂,是可数名词,常与不定冠词连用。paradise还可指“至福,极乐”,即完美快乐的境界,是不可数名词。Hawaii is called an island paradise.夏威夷被称为海岛乐园。I see no sign of the actual approach of this hundred per cent French paradise.我看不出有什么迹象表明这种十全十美的法国天堂真正会到来。二、fantastic1、含义:adj. 极好的;巨大的;奇异的;难以置信的;幻想的。2、用法fantastic的意思是“荒诞的,奇异的,古怪的”,指凭空想象出来的,使人感到奇怪而不能相信,强调妄想,失去理智,在口语里也可作“极大的,异乎寻常的”“极好的,极出色的,了不起的”解。fantastic无比较级和最高级形式。We watched a fantastic play yesterday evening.昨天晚上我们看了一场非常精彩的演出。I have a fantastic amount of work to do.我有大量的工作要做。三、blossom1、含义:n. 花;开花;全盛期。vi. 开花;成长。2、用法blossom的基本意思是“开花”,指植物达到了开花的状态特别指开始要结果的状态。blossom是不及物动词,其后常接副词out或介词into,表示“成熟,成长”。The sunshine will bring out the blossom.阳光将使花朵开放。The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom.这树开满了美丽的粉红色的花。四、destiny1、含义:n. 命运。2、用法destiny的基本意思是“命运;天命;天数”,多用于单数形式。Destiny is sometimes cruel.命运有时是残酷的。Your destiny is interwoven with mine.你的命运已和我的命运结合在一起了。五、freedom1、含义:n. 自由;直率;特许,特权。2、用法freedom作“自由,自主”解时,可指国家、民族争取或获得自由,也可指人或人的思想等不受控制,是不可数名词。freedom作“自由权”解时,强调无拘束,可以充分按自己的意志办事,一般是指人的行动、言论、思想、写作等方面的自由,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词,常与介词of连用。freedom有时还可接动词不定式作其定语。Democracy is a bulwark of freedom.民主是自由的保障。They bought peace with their freedom.他们牺牲自由换取和平。
2023-01-02 17:41:106


2023-01-02 17:41:476


2023-01-02 17:42:116

People all believe that the new economic policy will have a profound _____ on the environment

Ahave an effect on sth.对什么有影响
2023-01-02 17:42:402


profound的意思:adj. (影响)深刻的,极大的;(感情)强烈的,深切的;(思想)深邃的,(见解)深刻的;<文>深的,深处的;完全的;艰深的,玄奥的;(疾病,残疾)严重的。短语profound condolence 深切哀悼both extensive and profound 博大精深 ; 博大高深 ; 广博高深extensive and profound 博大精深 ; 博大深远 ; 他们对博大精深 ; 博大的profound and lasting 深远 ; 深刻 ; 幽深 ; 深远的Profound feelings 深刻的见解 ; 深刻感受profound impact 深刻的影响 ; 深刻影响 ; 极大的冲击力或影响力 ; 深远影响同根词词根: profoundadv.profoundly 深刻地;深深地;极度地n.profoundness 深刻;深奥Colour has a profound, though often subliminal, influence on our senses and moods. 颜色对我们的感觉和情绪有一种很深远的影响,尽管常常是潜意识的。
2023-01-02 17:42:541


高深的英文是profound。词典:profound; advanced; recondite。例句如下:1.I get the joke. Sophisticated as it was.我听得懂这个笑话,真是高深啊。2.It"s very, very simple. It"s not rocket science.那其实很简单,一点也不高深。3.It makes me so mysterious, so enigmatic.它让我变得如此神秘,如此高深莫测。4.Are you sure about this, Harry? This is very advanced magic...你确定要学吗 这可是很高深的魔法。5.I know you"re a little young for this, goober.我知道这对你来说太过高深 小家伙。6.It is a place also for profound mathematical meditation.这也是一个可以思考高深的数学问题的地方。
2023-01-02 17:43:261


profound可以形容人:通常指形容人的思想,话语,知识等意义深远的;渊博的,学识渊博的,造诣深的;深谋远虑的例:This remark has profound implications.这句话含义深刻.Our professor is a man of profound learning...
2023-01-02 17:43:481


深远的英语是profound and lasting;far-reaching.深远:profound and lasting; far-re ...4次方是:The fourth power of 2 i ...广阔的;深远的:extensive深远的意义:profound significance深远的影响:far-reaching influence意义深远的:of far reaching importance; profound影响深远的:far reaching对…具有深远的影响:have a far-reaching impact on具有深远的影响:h***e a far-reaching impact on; have a far-reaching impact on意义深远的后果:far reaching consequence; far-reaching consequence意义深远的建议:farreaching proposalss
2023-01-02 17:43:531


profound [prəu"faund] adj. 很深的;深深的 (兴趣等)深厚的;深切的;深刻的 深奥的;渊博的;造诣深的 意味深长的;意义深远的 (注意等)充分的;来自心底的;彻底的 完全的,十分的 谦恭的,低下的 n. [诗歌用语](时间、空间等的)深邃;(灵魂等的)深处 [古语]海,深海;海洋 [古语]深奥的事物 短语: make a profound curtesy (或reverence) 恭恭敬敬地打招呼(或行礼)take a profound interest 感到很大兴趣;十分关切以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》
2023-01-02 17:44:061


profundity n.深度, 深处深奥; 深刻; 奥妙[常用复]深邃的事物; 深奥的思想
2023-01-02 17:44:116


2023-01-02 17:44:331


prodound 是深刻的,强调内涵,影响深远;extensive是广泛的,全面的; great只是大的,侧重一种抽象概念的大和广。
2023-01-02 17:44:382


profoundly 英 [prə"faʊndlɪ] 美 [prə"faʊndli]adv. 深刻地;深深地;极度地This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly. 该片使每个中国人作深刻的反思。
2023-01-02 17:44:501

英语Profound experience怎么翻译?

2023-01-02 17:44:553


渊, 拼音:yuān汉字,可以解释为深渊之意。渊博 :精深而广博 ,学识渊 博 渊海 :深渊和大海,比喻幽深而又广阔 渊默 :深沉、不说话 渊深 :知识、计谋渊博,广泛而又精深
2023-01-02 17:45:073

profound implication是什么意思

profound implication [释义] 奥旨; [例句]For example, keran-li created a profound implication of “ the wrong knife-style ” lines;例如,李可染创造了深邃含蓄的“金错刀式”的线条;
2023-01-02 17:45:171

profound meaning是什么意思

2023-01-02 17:45:222