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transportation& traffic区别

2023-07-07 23:00:48

traffic: 主要指交通:流动中的车辆或行人;


注意:traffic最常用法是指交通(塞车之类的)比如:traffic jam






比如:bus transportation 公共汽车运输



transportation: 运输,输送;转运,搬运;迁移;〔美国〕运输机关;运输工具;运输票;运费;【历史】流放。


The United States has the first class transportation system. 美国有一流的运输系统。

traffic: 交通,(人、车、船、飞机的)来往;交通量;运输;运输量;运输业;旅客,货物。


little traffic 交通[行人]稀少。 heavy traffic 交通[行人]拥挤。 the traffic department [section] 【铁路】运输科[局]。

We run into heavy traffic. 我们遇上堵车。





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运送,运输; 运输系统; 运输工具; 流放
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transport即是可数名词,也是不可数名词。作为可数名词时翻译成:运输机。作为不可数名词时翻译为:交通运输系统、交通工具、运输方式、运送等。transport作为可数名词时,其复数形式是transports。transport还可以作为动词,翻译为:运输、运送、流放。该词可造句为:Transport can take people from one place to another.
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transport本身可以表示名词,翻译为:交通运输系统;交通车辆;运输工具;旅行方式;运输;运送;输送;搬运。 扩展资料   transport和transportation都可以表示运输这个抽象概念。   但是transportation更多的表示运输,而transport同时能表示运输器材。例如:   I need some transport to deliver the goods.   我需要某样运输工具去发出这批货物
2023-07-07 17:53:321

transportation 是什么意思

2023-07-07 17:53:406

transport 和transit的区别

transit一般多用作通过、经过;中转的意思,当然也有运输的意思,但用做运输的时候用名字居多,如:air transit 空运;a means of transit 一种运输手段而transport大多是运输、输送、搬运的意思,多用动词形式如:transport passengers from Shanghai to Beijing 从上海运送旅客到北京transport goods by air 空运货物
2023-07-07 17:54:143


柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典:transportN-UNCOUNT 交通工具;运输工具Transport refers to any vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in.Have you got your own transport?... 你有自己的交通工具吗?Which type of transport do you prefer? 你更喜欢哪种类型的代步工具?N-UNCOUNT 交通运输系统;公共交通(网)Transport is a system for taking people or goods from one place to another, for example using buses or trains.The extra money could be spent on improving public transport... 多余的资金可以用于改善公共交通系统。The sudden onset of winter caused havoc with rail and air transport… 冬天的突然降临让铁路和航空运输系统陷入混乱。N-UNCOUNT 运输;运送Transport is the activity of taking goods or people from one place to another in a vehicle.Local production virtually eliminates transport costs. 本地生产实际上消除了运输成本。transportationN-UNCOUNT 交通工具;运输工具Transportation refers to any type of vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in.The company will provide transportation. 公司会提供交通工具。N-UNCOUNT 交通运输系统;公共交通(网)Transportation is a system for taking people or goods from one place to another, for example using buses or trains.Campuses are usually accessible by public transportation. 通常乘坐公共交通即可到达各个校区。…our national transportation policy. 我们国家的交通运输政策N-UNCOUNT 运输;运送Transportation is the activity of taking goods or people from one place to another in a vehicle.The baggage was being rapidly stowed away for transportation… 行李正在迅速装载等待运输。Oxfam may also help with the transportation of refugees. 乐施会也会帮助运送难民。
2023-07-07 17:54:535


2023-07-07 17:55:391

transform ,transport,transmit 有什么区别?

2023-07-07 17:55:541

Traffic,Transport 和 Transportation 这三个单词的区别

Traffic:主要指交通:流动中的车辆或行人; 还有别的意思是:运输,运输量,也可以用作贸易这词可以用作名词(比如贸易)也可以用作不及物动词(比如交易,买卖)注意:traffic最常用法是指交通(塞车之类的)比如:traffic jamTransport:主要指运输,也可以理解成交通(不过主要指车辆)别的意思包括:流放,驱逐出境,还有[常用被动态]万分激动;心旷神怡与traffic一样,可以用作为名词(运输)也可以用作为不及物动词(比如传送,流放)不过要注意的是transport最常用法是指交通或交通系统(比如公车,火车之类的)Transportation:也是主要指运输,不过只能用于名词.值得提一提的是英语里很多词用tion结尾地都是名词,而意思多数是那个词除掉tion(有时是ation,(e)tion) 比如:bus transportation 公共汽车运输希望以上能帮到你!
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transport运输,运送deliver投递,递送包裹等send 打发,派遣,寄信,送信,派人,一般与to 一起用。
2023-07-07 17:56:262

Traffic,Transport 和 Transportation 这三个单词的区别

Quiet time, mother deliberately took her a
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transportn.传送器, 运输, 运输机,运输[送], 输送[运], 迁[转]移; 转运, 传递交通系统,运输工具; 运输船[机]激动, 流放犯,心旷神怡; 狂喜transportationn.运输, 运送运输, 输送; 搬运; 迁移[美]运输机关[工具]交通业运费; 车[船]票
2023-07-07 17:56:592


transport即是可数名词,也是不可数名词。作为可数名词时翻译成:运输机。作为不可数名词时翻译为:交通运输系统、交通工具、运输方式、运送等。transport还可以作为动词,翻译为:运输、运送、流放。 transport例句 1.The goods were damaged during transport. 货物在运输期间受损。 2.The report is being heralded as a blueprint for the future of transport. 这份报告被宣称是未来运输的蓝图。 3.Most of us use public transport to get to work. 我们大多数人都乘公交车辆上班。 4.One major disadvantage of the area is the lack of public transport. 这个地区的一大不便之处就是缺少公共交通工具。 5.They live in an area ill served by public transport. 他们住在公共交通条件很差的地区。
2023-07-07 17:57:301


transport用作名词,及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。transportation只能用作名词,本义是“运输”。transport表示运输,同时能表示运输器材。transportation侧重于指运输,指距离较短的“交通”。 transport造句 1、sediment transverse transport 2、vertical transport coefficient 3、There"s more timber to transport now. 4、The benefits of this project include reduced travel time for passengers and freight transport, lower transport costs, and increased reliability and safety of the urban transport system. 5、Pod transport technology is even starting gain some stateside attention. 6、Increased sensitivity of trade flows to transport costs and reliability. 7、Recognition of the transport impact on climate change. 8、Freight transport could thus use some fresh ideas. 9、Incorporating the AR Airport Station, it will act as an integrated transport hub for all surface transport. 10、We have air transport department, sea transport department, operational department and transportation department. We possess a group of dedicated and experienced staff.
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2023-07-07 17:57:455

transport 和transit的区别

transit一般多用作通过、经过;中转的意思,当然也有运输的意思,但用做运输的时候用名字居多,如:air transit 空运;a means of transit 一种运输手段而transport大多是运输、输送、搬运的意思,多用动词形式如:transport passengers from Shanghai to Beijing 从上海运送旅客到北京transport goods by air 空运货物
2023-07-07 17:57:592


首先transfor是最不一样的,是变换的意思 transport的意思是运输,交通 transmission的意思是传送,播送 transport运输的是货物或者指交通 但是,transmission是传送无线电或播送新闻 希望对你有帮助。补充:用法区别:首先,transmission是名词,这是它和其他词的最大的不同之处如:transmission oil 传动用油transmission shaft 传动轴transmission of news 消息的传播而,transport是动词,如:transport mail by train 以火车运邮件be transported with grief 悲不自胜On hearing of the victory, the nation was transported with joy. 听到胜利的消息, 全国人民一片欢腾。习惯用语:be transported with 万分激动; 心荡神移in a transport [transports] of 在...的激动情绪之中, (喜)不自胜; (怒)不可遏transfor也是动词,但经常用于学术术语之中。希望对你有帮助。
2023-07-07 17:58:181


Trport指交通工具 如public trport 但也可写public trportation (你想在一篇文章里混用trport或trportation也是可以的。不过人们的习惯多数是但用一个,不过混用都系冇乜影响既。如果想有趣d,可以两个都混用。如果想正式d,就最好剩系用一个。 英文仲有唔少类似例子,例如tape measure同measuring tape,colour同color,串法不同,但意思极为相似。 Trport亦可做动词 这时就不可用trportation代替了,因为trportation睇落去都知呢个系名词黎。 trport和trportation都不是运输公司, trport/trportation(n.)是交通系统那种运输,又或是交通工具的公司才会用trport/trportation这词作为公司名。不是把东西由一个地方运去另一个地方的运输,近代或叫物流logistics。 trport(v.)为动词才是把一件东西由一个地方送往另一个地方。The MTR trports large amount of peopole effectively in most mega cities. 如果你用xx trportation co.可能会被误会为运输车辆公司。如果正是一间租赁各类车辆(货车/七人车/巴士)或交通公具(包括车船)作运输用途的公司还是不错的。 可能我想多了,但一般「运输」货品的公司都以推崇为,xx logistics co.或xx delivery service co. 运输服务是一个范围很广的行业。在中国香港“trport service”和 “trportation service”都可以使用。不过,“delivery service”(=送货服务) 或“logistics service”(=物流服务) 都是常用的。 你选用哪一个名目,理应取决于你的市场营销策略。 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: 希望可以帮到你! 在美国. 加拿大 多数使用 ”trportation service”. 尤其是运输货物. Americ tend to use "trportation" while the British usually use "trport". They are both correct. It"s not an error if you use either one. People on both sides of Atlantic will understand what you mean. e.g. public trport (British) public trportation (American) Trportation is a noun. Trport can be a noun as well as a verb. As a noun trportation and trport are used interchangeably nowadays. The only exception is: penal trportation (not penal trport). It refers to the shipping of criminals from Britain to penal colonies in Australia. (in the old days) In British English "trportation" generally refers to the carriage of goods. 2011-03-05 02:57:40 补充: 我只集中 trport 与 trportation 之别. 使用什么字 要看运输什么 trportation (trport) service普遍地是规模大 尤其省过省 我亦见过一人operate校巴 或载轮椅病人称trportation service 运包裹 信之类 用delivery service 或者courier service. 搬屋 用Moving Co mover moving service. 如果是一队卡车 货车 trucking Co. freight shipping Co. 参考: Longman English Dictionary
2023-07-07 17:58:321


2023-07-07 17:58:391

请问transport 和transportation 的区别

transport1KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 运送,运输,搬运The goods will be transported to Tokyo by air.货物将空运到东京。2. 使心醉;使忘我;使激动[H]She was transported with joy by the good news.她听到这好消息欣喜万分。3. 放逐,流放British prisoners used to be transported to Australia.从前英国的囚犯常被流放到澳大利亚。transport2KK: []DJ: []n.1. 运输[U][(+of)]The machines are ready for transport.机器待运。2. 【英】交通工具[U]It is easier to travel if you have your own transport.如果你自己有交通工具,旅行起来就方便多了。3. 交通运输系统[U]The city must improve its public transport.该城必须改善其公共交通系统。4. (军用)运输机,运输船[C]5. 激情,狂喜[C]She was in a transport of delight at the good news.她听到这好消息欣喜若狂。transportationKK: []DJ: []n.[U]1. 运输;输送The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage.铁路免费运送一定数量的行李。2. 【美】运输工具;交通车辆public transportation公共交通车辆3. 运输业4. 【主美】运费;(旅客)交通费We paid our transportation to Taipei.我们付了去台北的旅费。5. 【史】流刑,流放以上结果来自:
2023-07-07 17:59:295


  transport做动词有运输;传播;流放;激动等意思,那么你知道transport的第三人称单数是什么吗?下面我为大家带来transport的第三人称单数和用法例句,欢迎各位同学们学习!   transport的第三人称单数:   transports   transport的用法:   transport的用法1:translate的基本意思是“翻译”,常指把一种语言译成另一种语言。引申可作“转化”“解释”解。   transport的用法2:translate也可作“调动”解,通常指某人调到另一地方。   transport的用法3:translate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as 短语 充当补足语的复合宾语。translate用作不及物动词时,其主动形式可表示被动意义。   transport的用法4:translate后接介词into表示“把u2026翻译成u2026”“把u2026转化为u2026”; 后接介词短语from...into...表示“(把u2026)从u2026翻译成为u2026”; 后接介词to表示“调某人到u2026”。   transport第三人称单数例句:   1. He was thrown into transports of delight.   他感到一阵高兴.   2. This delightful musical comedy transports the audience to the innocent days of 1950s America.   这部令人开怀的音乐喜剧把观众带到了20世纪50年代美国的纯真时期。   3. They clasped us round the neck, and seemed to share out transports.   他们抱住我们的脖子, 好象同我们一样快活.   4. Hoban would unquestionably circle and make for the troop transports.   胡班必然会迂回航行,去袭击兵船.   5. Allied transports suffered greatly from German submarine attacks.   盟国的运输船受到德国潜艇攻击,损失惨重.   6. At the other end, an optical fibre transports a laser beam which illuminates the tissue.   在另一端, 光导纤维传导用来照亮细胞组织的激光束.   7. It could by a gesture have turned back Italian transports from the Suez Canal.   它只须摆开架势,就可以使意大利的运输船从苏伊士运河退回去.   8. One of the most significant properties of the electromagnetic wave is that it transports energy.   电磁波的最主要的性质之一是它能传输能量.   9. Air is the agent that transports water vapor from one region to another.   空气是把水汽从一地送到另一地的媒介.   10. He transports his boat by putting it on a trailer behind his car.   他将小艇放在汽车后面的拖车上运输.   11. But the draft went off on schedule in three transports, with no disturbance.   但是这次征工按照预定计划已经遣走了三批人, 并没什么骚动.   12. Grain is a better food , nutritionally; it is also easier to store and transports.   谷物是一种营养比较好的食物, 也比较容易贮藏和运输.   13. At the same time, you better not leave your transports unprotected.   同时, 你最好不要把运输艇独自扔在海域里.   14. Also, used for a couple World Tour Transports in some versions.   同时, 有一些版本把这里当作夫妇世界旅游运输系统.   15. Close contact with more heavily armed transports should be avoided.   所有应避免和全副武装的商队接近.
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2023-07-07 18:00:152


  英语transport是不可数名词。不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西,它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用不定冠词a或an。   英语(English)属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。
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2023-07-07 18:01:501


transport即是可数名词,也是不可数名词。作为可数名词时翻译成:运输机。作为不可数名词时翻译为:交通运输系统、交通工具、运输方式、运送等。transport作为可数名词时,其复数形式是transports。transport还可以作为动词,翻译为:运输、运送、流放。该词可造句为:Transport can take people from one place to another.
2023-07-07 18:02:141


2023-07-07 18:02:201

英语transport tcp compress怎么翻译?

transport tcp compress传输 tcp 压缩
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2023-07-07 18:03:401


transport和transportation的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.transport意思:n. 交通运输系统; 交通车辆; 运输工具; 旅行方式; 运输; 运送; 输送; 搬运; v. (用2.transportation意思:n. (旧时的)流放;二、用法不同1.transport用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:The goods have been cased up for transport.货物已装箱待运。2.transportation用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。三、侧重点不同1.transport侧重点:transport是英式英语,更多的表示运输。2.transportation侧重点:transportation是美式英语,更多的表示运输器材。
2023-07-07 18:04:001


transport和transportation的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.transport意思:n. 交通运输系统; 交通车辆; 运输工具; 旅行方式; 运输; 运送; 输送; 搬运; v. (用2.transportation意思:n. (旧时的)流放;二、用法不同1.transport用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:The goods have been cased up for transport.货物已装箱待运。2.transportation用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。三、侧重点不同1.transport侧重点:transport是英式英语,更多的表示运输。2.transportation侧重点:transportation是美式英语,更多的表示运输器材。
2023-07-07 18:05:161


  transport做动词有运输;传播;流放;激动等意思,那么你知道transport的过去式是什么吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   transport的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: transported   过去分词: transported   现在分词: transporting   transport的用法:   transport的用法1:transport的基本意思是指运送某人〔物〕或运送某人〔物〕到某处,也可指将某人流放到某地。用于比喻,可指超出一般限度的强烈情感(如高兴、狂喜、发怒、惊奇、恐惧、疑惑、悲痛、不安)而引起头脑失控。   transport的用法2:transport是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。   transport的过去式例句:   1. In a dream you can be transported back in time.   在梦里你可以回到过去。   2. Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.   香蕉在运到码头发往海外之前已经装箱。   3. A bus transported us from the airport to the city.   一辆公共汽车把我们从飞机场送到城里.   4. On hearing of the victory, the nation was transported with joy.   听到胜利的消息, 全国人民一片欢腾.   5. The beautiful music transported the audience.   优美的音乐使听众心旷神怡.   6. The Czar government transported him to Siberia.   沙皇政府把他流放到西伯利亚.   7. Commodities are transported to border areas by truck.   卡车把货物输往边疆地区.   8. Wheat is transported from the farms to mills.   小麦从农场运至面粉厂.   9. Dr Drummond felt that he had been transported into a world that rivalled the Arabian Nights.   德拉蒙德博士觉得自己仿佛被带入了一个可与《天方夜谭》相媲美的世界。   10. Ripe fruit does not travel well, but unripe fruit can be transported worldwide.   熟透的水果不宜长途运输,但未成熟的水果却可以运往全世界。   11. The helicopter lifted up the steel pylon, transported it to the site, and dropped it gently into place.   直升飞机把高压电缆铁塔吊起, 运至工地, 然后轻轻放下使之就位.   12. The troops were transported to Moscow.   部队被运往莫斯科。   13. Deposition is the laying down of sediment that has been transported.   沉积是已搬运的物质再沉积下来.   14. However, pollen insect - pollinated ( entomophilous ) species is also often transported by wind.   然而, 虫媒传粉 ( 虫媒植物 ) 种的花粉也常常由风来输送.   15. Listening to her recent performance I felt totally transported.   我听着她最近演出的作品,喜不自胜.
2023-07-07 18:05:281


2023-07-07 18:05:411


transport和transportation的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.transport意思:n. 交通运输系统; 交通车辆; 运输工具; 旅行方式; 运输; 运送; 输送; 搬运; v. (用2.transportation意思:n. (旧时的)流放;二、用法不同1.transport用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:The goods have been cased up for transport.货物已装箱待运。2.transportation用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。三、侧重点不同1.transport侧重点:transport是英式英语,更多的表示运输。2.transportation侧重点:transportation是美式英语,更多的表示运输器材。
2023-07-07 18:05:481

transform ,transport,transmit 有什么区别?

trans-这个前缀是穿过,通过的意思transform 是指完全改变某人某物的外观或特性transport运输transmit 是指传播信号,节目,无线电波传输等。引申出来有:把信号,知识,传染病等无形的东西传递,传染给别人,别的事物等
2023-07-07 18:06:033


  运输是实现人和物空间位置变化的活动,与人类的生产生活息息相关。因此,可以说运输的历史和人类的历史同样悠久。那么你知道运输用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   运输的英语说法1:   transport   运输的英语说法2:   carriage   运输的英语说法3:   conveyance   运输相关英语表达:   transport by road;   公路运输   marine transport;   海上运输   mechanical transport;   机械运输   land transport;   陆上运输   water and land transportation;   水陆运输   运输的英语例句:   1. There"s no petrol, so it"s very difficult to transport goods.   没有汽油,因此很难运输货物。   2. The sudden onset of winter caused havoc with rail and air transport.   冬天的突然降临让铁路和航空运输系统陷入混乱。   3. Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems.   外交部官员帮助解决运输和经费问题。   4. Deliveries are made by mon carrier or van line.   货物运输采用普通货车或厢式货车。   5. There is, he said, a lack of an integrated national transport policy.   他指出,目前缺乏一个统一的全国交通运输政策。   6. Privatisation and gimmickry are not the answer to improving Britain"s rail service.   私有化和那些哗众取宠的做法并不能改进英国铁路运输。   7. The baggage was being rapidly stowed away for transportation.   行李正在迅速装载等待运输。   8. Bands of gunmen have hijacked food shipments and terrorized relief workers.   几伙持枪歹徒劫持了运输的食品,还恐吓了救援人员。   9. The superpowers pledged to maintain symmetry in their arms shipments.   超级大国承诺在武器运输方面要保持数量均衡。   10. Environmental pressures are strengthening the case for waterborne freight.   环境的压力使人们更加认可水上运输。   11. The pany provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping.   该公司用泡沫塑料包住牌匾,以防止其在运输过程中受损。   12. Goods are generally shipped by airmail.   货物一般通过航空运输。   13. Mahoney had never seen such a conveyance before.   马奥尼以前从来没有见过这样的运输工具。   14. The goods went by a rather indirect route.   这些货物运输时走了一条非常迂回的路线。   15. Local production virtually eliminates transport costs.   本地生产实际上消除了运输成本。
2023-07-07 18:06:511

运输 Transportation 常用词

Transport 运输   to be in transit 正在运输   move 运输   transportation business 运输业   transportation company (corporation) 运输公司   transportation cost 运输成本   mode of transportation 运输方式   way of transportation 运输方式   means of transportation 运输方式   to do charter 租船   cargo space 货舱   to transport by sea 海运   to transport by railway 陆运   transportation by sea, land, air, and mail 海、陆、空、邮运输   to arrange transport 安排运输   to have some difficulties in 在…有困难   Train-Air-Truck (TAT;TA) “陆-空-陆”联运;或“陆空联运”   combined transportation 联运   Combined Transport Documents (CTD) 联合运输单据   multimodal combined 联运,多式联运   through B/L 联运提单   through transport 联运   direct vessel 直达船只   entire voyage 整个运输过程中   formality 手续   transport charge 运输费   cargo freight 运费   carriage 运费   carload rate 整车运费   carriage expense 运费   carriage free 免收运费   carriage paid 运费已付   carriage forward 运费待付   cartage 搬运费   cartage note 搬运费率   Liner"s freight tariff 班轮运价表   Basic Rate 基本运费率   Heavy Lift Additional 超重附加费   Over Length Additional 超长附加费   transportation expenses 运输费用   A.V. (Ad. Val) 从价运费   cash and carry 现付自运   Freight ton 运费吨   Weight ton 重量吨   Measurement ton 尺码吨   a full set of 一整套   non-negotiabel 未议付的   immediately 立即地,迅速地   master 船长   two (several) sets of 两(多)套   transport document 运输单据   shipping documents 装船单据   Bill of lading (B/L) 提单   On board B/L 已装船提单   Shipped B/L 已装船提单   received for Shipment B/L 备运提单   Direct B/L 直达提单   Transhipment B/L 转船提单   Through B/L 联运提单   Clean B/L 清洁提单   Unclean B/L 或 Foul B/L 不清洁提单   Straight B/L 记名提单   Open B/L 不记名提单   Bearer B/L 不记名提单   Order B/L 指示提单   Long Form B/L 全式提单   Short Form B/L 简式提单   On Deck B/L 舱面提单   Stale B/L 过期提单   Ante Dated B/L 倒签提单   Advanced B/L 预借提单   Freight at Destination B/L 运费到付提单   Freight prepaid B/L 运费预付提单   to order to 凭某人指定   Additional Words and Phrases   transportation facilities 运输设备   transportation insurance 运输保险   transportation permit 运输许可证   transportation system 运输系统   transportation tax 运输税   transport by container 集装箱运输   transport chain 运输体系   cargo worthy 适宜货运   cargo by rail 铁路运输   cargo by road 公路运输   cargo mark (shipping mark) 货物装运标志   cargo receipt 货运收据   time charter 定期租船   time charter trip 航次期租   single voyage charter 单程租船   return voyage charter 回航次租船   voyage charter 定程租船
2023-07-07 18:07:101


transport 是具体的运输,transportation 是概念上的运输;前者是可数名词,后者是不可数名词.
2023-07-07 18:07:183


transport和transportation区别是词性与意思的不同。transport和transportation都可以表示运输这个抽象概念,但是transportation更多的表示运输,而transport同时能表示运输器材。 扩展资料 例句: A special bus transported the tourists from the airport to a hotel.一辆专车把游客们由机场送到一家旅馆。例句: The workers were transported with joy.工人们喜不自胜。In the past, English criminals were transported to Australia.过去,英国犯人被流放到澳大利亚。
2023-07-07 18:07:251

transit, transmit, transform, transfer, transplant, transport, transact的意思和区别是什么谢谢

2023-07-07 18:07:331


031 transport Words Bus train bicycle car boat ship motorcycle van truck tram ferry barge speedboat yacht Coach airplane helicopter balloon minibus cruise ship scooter airport shuttle bus light railway Subway muter train platform terminal bus/railway station carriage,Phrases Use public transport Take a trip in/on a … Take to the air Drive a car Ride a bus Pedal a bicycle Driver"s license Traffic rules,Beginner A: do you think we should travel by bus or by train? B; it"s a difficult choice. The train is a litter faster, but much more expensive. A; we could face delays if we travel by bus, thanks to traffic jams. B; buses are more cramped and you can"t walk around. A; that"s true, but I feel that I see more when I travel by bus. B; really? I think you see more traveling by train. a; so, which form of transport do you prefer to use? b; I prefer going by train, ever though it costs more. a: ok them. We"ll go by train. I"m sure we"ll have a good journey. Shall we go to the station and buy the tickets? B: the train aren"t usually full. We can get them on the day we travel. We should buy return ticket because they are much cheaper than getting o singles. A; we should take a packed lunch on the journey. The food they sell on the trains is always expensive., Intermediate A; how do you think the transport system in our city could be improved. B; I think that the public transport system could be made simpler. I never know where the bus routes actually go. The routes seem to ist and turn rather than going roughly in a straight line. A; I think we just need to build more roads. Then there would be more space for cars to drive and we"d have fewer traffic jams. B: if we built more roads, people would just fill them with cars again. I think we should discourage people from using their cars. A; how would you do that? B; I think we should do a few things at once. Improving public transport would encourage people to use that. If we also charge people to use their cars in the city centre, they won"t use their cars as much. A; I don"t know. I think it"s unfair to make drivers pay more money. They already pay a lot of tax-petrol tax, for example. B; I think that they should pay more tax. Look at the damage they cause to the environment and people"s health by discharging all those exhaust fumes. A; the air would certainly be cleaner if there were fewer cars being used in the city. The problem is that people will see it as reducing their freedom. It well be unpopular. B; that"s a good point. Car owners will probably be against it, but people who use public transport will be in favor of it.
2023-07-07 18:07:401


2023-07-07 18:07:482

the traffic is very convenient还是the transport is very convenient

transport更好Traffic: 主要指交通:流动中的车辆或行人; 还有别的意思是:运输,运输量,也可以用作贸易这词可以用作名词(比如贸易)也可以用作不及物动词(比如交易, 买卖)注意:traffic最常用法是指交通(塞车之类的)比如:traffic jamTransport: 主要指运输,也可以理解成交通(不过主要指车辆)别的意思包括:流放,驱逐出境, 还有[常用被动态]万分激动;心旷神怡与traffic一样,可以用作为名词(运输)也可以用作为不及物动词(比如传送,流放)不过要注意的是transport最常用法是指交通或交通系统(比如公车,火车之类的) 用
2023-07-07 18:08:141


交通运输的英文是:communications and transportation。communications:名词表达、交流、交际、传递、通信、交通联系、信息、书信、电话;transportation:名词运输、(旧时的)流放。双语例句1、An undergraduate course in transport studies。交通运输研究方面的本科课程。2、Of all transport policies, road pricing seems most likely to cause apoplexy。各项交通运输政策中,大概最气人的莫过于公路收费定价。3、Safety is eternal theme of marine traffic transport industry。安全是水上交通运输的永恒主题。4、Comprehensive transport management system has been preliminarily established。综合交通运输管理体制初步建立。
2023-07-07 18:08:211