barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-07 22:44:58
TAG: 英语

问题一:但是我们这里有一些规矩用英语怎么翻译 But we have rules here.

问题二:没有规矩不成方圆 用英语怎么说 rules get things done

问题三:这些规矩让我更好的成长,用英语怎么说? this rules make me grow better.

问题四:在我家里有很多规矩用英语怎么说用两种方式 可用There‘re too many rules in my house和There are many rules in my house 希望能帮到你

问题五:没有规矩,不成方圆用英语怎么说 Nothing can be acplished without norms or standards

问题六:"无规矩不成方圆"用英语怎么说啊? Nothing can be储acplished without norms or standards.


问题七:不以规矩无以成方圆 英语怎么说 不以规矩无以成方圆,我接触到的几种翻译版本有

1.No one can draw a square and a circle without proper tools. cannot draw squares and circles without the pass and square

3.Nothing can be acplished without norms or standards.

4.No工scale, no rectangle.

5.No rules,no standards.


问题八:"去他妈的规矩"用英语怎么说?? F u c k the rules

*** ing rules



rule[英][ruu02d0l][美][ruu02d0l]n.规则,规定;统治,支配;章程vt.& vi.控制,支配;判定;裁定,裁决;价格稳定vt.统治;规定;管理;裁决vi.统治;管辖;裁定复数: rules 第三人称单数: rules 过去式: ruled 过去分词: ruled 现在分词: ruling双语例句1.Tunisia achieved independence from French colonial rule in 1956.突尼斯于1956年从法国的殖民统治下获得独立。2.The golden rule in tennis is to keep your eye on the ball.打好网球的重要原则是眼要紧盯着球。3.a morphosyntactic rule of adjective agreement有关形容词一致的形态句法规则4.Democracy is predicated upon the rule of law.民主是以法制为基础的。5.Infringement of this regulation would automatically rule you out of the championship.违背这一规则会被自动取消参加锦标赛的资格。
2023-07-07 17:04:181

rules怎么读音 英语rules怎么读

1、rules英[ruu02d0lz]美[ruu02d0lz],n.规则; 规章; 条例; 建议; 应做之事; 习惯; 常规; 惯常的做法;v.控制; 统治; 支配; 操纵; 决定; 裁定; 判决;rule的第三人称单数和复数。 2、[例句]First, Ill explain the rules of the game.首先我要说明一下游戏规则。
2023-07-07 17:04:251


rules 英["ruːlz] 美["ruːlz]n.规则;规章;制度名词rule的复数形式.用作名词(n.)Iamthoroughlyconversantwithalltherules.我对所有的规则了如指掌。Hisbehaviortransgressedthemoralrulesofthesocialconduct.他的行为违背了社会行为的道德准则。TheruleswillremainineffectuntilOctober.这些规章将实施到十月份为止。
2023-07-07 17:04:321


2023-07-07 17:04:402


问题一:规则一用英语怎么说 rule 1规则一 不要带书包Don"t bring your bag 希望采纳 问题二:违反规则用英语怎么说 break/violate the rule(s) breach of regulation/rule(s) departure from rule(s) 问题三:这是我的全部规则用英语怎么说 英文原文: These are my total rules 英式音标: [ei?z] [?] [mau026a] [?t??t(?)l] [ru?lz] 美式音标: [eiz] [r] [ma?] [?totl] [rulz] 问题四:也有一些规则英语怎么说也用什么意思 也有一些规则There are some rules 也有一些规则 There are some rules 也有一些规则 There are some rules 问题五:我们应该遵守规则用英语怎么说 We should obey the rules 问题六:遵守规则 英语怎么说 to follow the rules to obey the rules to ply with the rules to abide by the rules 有很多很多说法~~这里就不一一列举了~最上面上个是最常用的~~希望能帮助您~ 问题七:最好遵守规则用英语怎么说 It"s best to obey the rules. 满意请及时采纳,谢 我是加拿大人,前英语老师。
2023-07-07 17:04:591


There are many rules in my family.And most of them are about me.For example,on weekdays I have to get up early in the morning; I cant watch TV or go out on school nights; I have to go home quickly after school.There are too many!I feel my parents are too strict with me.And sometimes its too unfair.Why are there so many rules for me but so few for my parents?So,my dear parents,please understand me!I know both of you want me to study hard,but Im only a child. 在我的家庭里有许多规则,其中大部分是关于我,例如我每天必须早起,我看电视或去上学的晚上我回家后很快schoolthere太多,我觉得我的父母太严格要求我,有时太不公平,为什么有这么多的规则,但很少为我parentsso我亲爱的父母,请理解我,我知道你想让我努力学习,但我只是一个小孩
2023-07-07 17:05:071


2023-07-07 17:05:141


这两个词在法律上有很明显的区别. Regulations 是“法例”,是指国家(联邦)通过的、施行于全国的法例. Rules 是“规则”、“规章”,通常是地方政府(城、镇、县)颁布及施行的有约束力的规则和规章. 这两个词都是现代广泛应用的.
2023-07-07 17:05:211

rule ??

应该是工具-- 尺子 的意思吧~记不清了~呵呵~
2023-07-07 17:05:425


2023-07-07 17:05:576


法则的英语是rule。rule的复数形式是rules,第三人称单数形式是rules,过去式形式是ruled,过去分词形式是ruled,现在分词形式是ruling。相关短语有acetate rule醋酸盐规则,unting rule会计规则,additivity rule加成定则,adjustable rule可调节规则。可造句如下:1、In this sense, rule by law rule by moral.在这个意义上,法治即德治。2、On the Rule by Law and the Rule by Morality.法治的道德底蕴。3、Dominion or rule, especially the British rule over India.主权统治管辖或统治, 尤指英国对印度的统治。4、Supplant the teachings of rule of love with the practice of the rule of fear.以实行恐怖统治来取代宣扬爱的统治。
2023-07-07 17:06:111


2023-07-07 17:06:422

rules and regulations是什么意思

2023-07-07 17:06:514

违反规则用英语怎么说?是break the rule还是break the rules?

break the rules
2023-07-07 17:07:087

rules 是不及物动词吗?

2023-07-07 17:07:273


rule英语的读法是英[ruu02d0l],美[ruu02d0l]。一、释义1、作名词时,意思是规则,规章,条例,建议,应做之事,习惯,常规,惯常的做法,定律,统治,尺。2、作动词时,意思是控制,统治,支配,操纵,决定,裁定,判决,用直尺等画(线)。二、短语搭配1、break a rule:违反规定。2、change a rule:改变规定。3、follow a rule:服从规定。三、例句1、The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it.这些新规则可能意味着我们熟悉的足球终结了。2、Rule a line at the end of every piece of work.在每一篇作品的末尾画一条直线。3、One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults一条规则明确规定,见习驾驶员必须有成人的监督。4、First,I"ll explain the rules of the game.首先我要说明一下游戏规则。
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2023-07-07 17:07:531


2023-07-07 17:07:591

family rules 英语作文10句

My Family RulesMy parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.For example,i can"t go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It"s strict, but i think it"s necessary.And i must finish my homework in time. I can"t play computer games. I have to wash clothes by myself.I have to get up at six o"clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o"clock.Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o"clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep!And i think play some computer games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.我的父母非常严格.因为我拥有如此多的家庭规则。举例来说,夜晚我不能去我的朋友在学校.在周末,我回家之前, 9时有严格的,但我认为这是必要的。我必须完成我的功课的时间。我不能玩电脑游戏。我要自己洗衣服。我不得不起床六点钟每早晨.和我必须在床上的十点钟。由于这些规则.I能够生活健康.但是我认为要在床上的十点钟是不公平的!学生需要9个小时的睡眠!我觉得玩一些电脑游戏不严重。瑞认为,家庭规则可以作出一些改变。
2023-07-07 17:08:091


rule,遵守规则是follow the rules,和obey the rules
2023-07-07 17:08:282


  还记得么,上小学的时候最常用的就是rule(尺子)了。犯了错的话,老师还会用rule拍大家的手掌心呢。下面我为大家带来rule的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   rule的英语音标   英 [ru:l]   美 [ruu02d0l]   rule的时态   过去分词: ruled   过去式: ruled   现在分词: ruling   rule的意思   vi. 统治;管辖;裁定   n. (Rule)人名;(英)鲁尔   n. 统治;规则   vt. 统治;规定;管理;裁决;支配   rule的 近义词   define   rule的同根词   词根 rule   adj.   ruling 统治的;主要的;支配的;流行的,普遍的   ruled 有横隔线的;有直线行的;受统治的   n.   ruler 尺;统治者;[测] 划线板,划线的人   ruling 统治,支配;裁定   rulership 统治者的地位;职权或任期   v.   ruled 统治;裁决(rule的过去分词)   rule的词语辨析   law, rule, regulation, code, act, constitution这 组词 都有“法同,法规”的意思,其区别是   law 普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。   rule 通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、 方法 等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。   regulation 普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。   code 指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。   act 指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。   constitution 指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。   rule的词汇搭配   rules and regulations 规章制度   rule of law 法治;法律规则   general rule 通则;一般规则   rule out 排除;取消;划去   as a rule 通常,一般说来   by rule 墨守成规地;按照规则地   basic rule 基本规则,基本准则   rule over v. 统治;支配   make it a rule 惯于,作为常例;定为常规   colonial rule 殖民统治   rule of thumb 经验 法则   rule的英语例句   1. Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.   几位部长发言谴责暂停宪制的决定。   2. Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.   高官们可能会策划一场政变来复辟独裁统治。   3. The North has been under Communist rule since 1954.   北方自1954年起就一直处于共产党的统治之下。   4. One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults.   一条规则明确规定,见习驾驶员必须有成人的监督。   5. The rule applies where a person owns stock in a corporation.   该规定适用于持有公司股票的人。   6. In a word, this government isn"t fit to rule.   简言之,这届政府无法胜任治国之责。   7. They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them all—no talking.   他们都遵守着那条约束他们所有人的默认规则——要守口如瓶。   8. An important rule is to drink plenty of water during any flight.   一条重要的原则就是每次坐飞机都要多喝水。   9. I"m going to stop letting drugs and drink rule my life.   我决心不再让毒品和酒精控制我的生活。   10. Although exceptions could be made, the rule still stands.   虽然可能有例外,但该规定仍然有效。
2023-07-07 17:08:351


manner与manners的区别:1、复数形式manners “礼貌;礼节;规矩;风俗”。It"s good / bad manners to do sth.如:①His good manners were praised by his teachers. 他的彬彬有礼受到了老师的称赞。② He has no manners at all.他一点也不讲礼貌。2、manner的意思是“方式;方法;举止;态度”。如:She has a very easy manner. 她的举止落落大方。3、种类manner作“方式”, “方法”解时一般使用单数形式,相于与“way,方式”,(in a …… way)与介词in连用可表示“以……方式/方法”,此时的manner通常有形容词类的修饰语。如:in a friendly manner 以友好的方式/态度in a frank manner 以坦率的方式in an acceptable manner以(对方)可以接受的方式/做法习惯用法:after a manner 马马虎虎地,不大令人满意地after the manner of 仿效,学...的样;...式的 all manner of 各种, 形形色色的(人、东西等)have no manners 没有礼貌扩展资料mannern.方式,方法,做法;态度,样子,举止;礼貌,规矩;风俗,习惯,惯例,生活方式例句:1、She smiled again in a friendly manner她又友好地微笑了一下。2、It"s a satire somewhat in the manner of Dickens这部讽刺作品有点狄更斯的风格。3、His manner was self-assured and brusque他态度傲慢无礼。mannersn.礼貌;礼貌;态度;方式( manner的名词复数 );规范例句:1、This comedy of contemporary manners is told with compassion and acidhumour.这部当代风尚喜剧杂糅了悲悯的情怀和尖酸的幽默。2、Ladies and gentle
2023-07-07 17:08:431


2023-07-07 17:09:265


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2023-07-07 17:09:554


rule 34是规则三十四条的意思,rule是规则的意思,至于图看不起来,这个需要你自己网络加载好,图片才能显示观看。例句:他是制定规则的人,你是要遵守规则的人。He"s the one who makes the rules. You"re the one who abides by the rules.英语翻译技巧:第一、省略翻译法这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。第二、合并法合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂句,多出现在汉译英的题目里出现,比如最后会翻译成定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等等。
2023-07-07 17:10:011


rule[英][ruu02d0l] [美][ruu02d0l] 生词本简明释义n.规则,规定;统治,支配;章程vt.& vi.控制,支配;判定;裁定,裁决;价格稳定vt.统治;规定;管理;裁决vi.统治;管辖;裁定复数:rules第三人称单数:rules过去式:ruled过去分词:ruled现在分词:ruling易混淆的单词:Rule以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT规则;规定;章程;条例Rules are instructions that tell you what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do. ...a thirty-two-page pamphlet explaining the rules of basketball... 说明篮球规则的32页的小册子
2023-07-07 17:10:181

rules怎么读 rules如何读

1、rules读音:英 英音[ru:lz] 美音[ru:lz] 2、n. [数] 规则;条例(rule的复数形式) 3、v. 统治;支配;裁定(rule的第三人称单数形式) 4、business rules 业务规则 ; 业务章程 ; 业务规矩 5、Association Rules 关联规则挖掘 ; 关联 6、Design Rules 定义设计规则 ; 设计规格 ; 设计准则 7、traffic rules 交通法规 ; 交通规则 ; 交通法例 ; 交通规矩 8、general rules 通用规则 ; 一般规则 ; 总则 ; 一般性规则 9、conflict rules 冲突规范 ; 冲突法规
2023-07-07 17:11:071

rules怎么读 rules如何读

1、rules读音:英 英音[ru:lz] 美音[ru:lz] 2、n. [数] 规则;条例(rule的复数形式)3、v. 统治;支配;裁定(rule的第三人称单数形式)4、business rules 业务规则 ; 业务章程 ; 业务规矩5、Association Rules 关联规则挖掘 ; 关联6、Design Rules 定义设计规则 ; 设计规格 ; 设计准则7、traffic rules 交通法规 ; 交通规则 ; 交通法例 ; 交通规矩8、general rules 通用规则 ; 一般规则 ; 总则 ; 一般性规则9、conflict rules 冲突规范 ; 冲突法规
2023-07-07 17:12:011


2023-07-07 17:12:442


规则的英语是rule。rule的基本意思是“规则,规章,规定,条例”,可指指导、控制行为或行动的条规和惯例,也可指一组织强制其内部人员必须做什么或绝不能做什么的规定,是可数名词。rule也可表示“习惯或惯常的做法”,通常用作单数形式。rule用作不可数名词时可表示“统治,管理”。rule还可作“尺,折尺”解,是可数名词。rule可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,that从句里的谓语动词可用虚拟式。rule的相关例句1、Can you explain the thirty-second rule to me?可以给我解释一下30秒规则吗?2、It"s against the rules to pick up the ball.捡球是犯规的。3、Is this rule in operation yet?这一条例生效了吗?4、I make it a rule to take a short walk after lunch.我习惯在午饭后散散步。5、I am slowly but surely going to rule this land.我一定会慢慢地统一这片土地。
2023-07-07 17:13:021


2023-07-07 17:13:151

学校里的规则 要用英语

2023-07-07 17:13:241


问题一:规则一用英语怎么说 rule 1规则一 不要带书包Don"t bring your bag 希望采纳 问题二:这是我的全部规则用英语怎么说 英文原文: These are my total rules 英式音标: [ei?z] [?] [mau026a] [?t??t(?)l] [ru?lz] 美式音标: [eiz] [r] [ma?] [?totl] [rulz] 问题三:遵守规则 英语怎么说 to follow the rules to obey the rules to ply with the rules to abide by the rules 有很多很多说法~~这里就不一一列举了~最上面上个是最常用的~~希望能帮助您~ 问题四:游戏规则用英语怎么说 游戏规则 rules of the game game rule 问题五:也有一些规则英语怎么说也用什么意思 也有一些规则There are some rules 也有一些规则 There are some rules 也有一些规则 There are some rules 问题六:违反规则用英语怎么说 违反规则 break the rule;against a regulation;break a rule更多释义>> [网络短语] 违反规则 break the rule;Breach of rules;break a rule 不要违反规则。 Don"t act against the rules. 打破/违反规则 break the rules 问题七:符合规定 英文怎么说 翻译方式很多《要根据具体语境而定。例如: 设计符合规定。 The design 【conforms with the regulations】. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 但这些议员辩称,他们的所作所为符合规定。 These members argued that what they did 【was consistent with the rules】. 符合规定的软件鉴别材料。 Software identifying material 【is keeping with the rules】. . 不符合规定要求的,不得购进和使用。 Those pharmaceuticals that do not 【meet the requirements】 of relevant regulations shall not be purchased and used. 祝你开心如意! 问题八:符合规则 英语怎么说? it meets the req常irements of the rule it meets the rule
2023-07-07 17:13:421


1. 以My rules为题写一篇60字以上的作文 My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules. For example,i can"t go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It"s strict, but i think it"s necessary. And i must finish my homework in time. I can"t play puter games. I have to wash clothes by myself. I have to get up at six o"clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o"clock. Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o"clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! And i think play some puter games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change. 2. 以rules为题的英语作文 There are many rules in my family. And most of them are about me. For example, on weekdays I have to get up early in the morning; I cant watch TV or go out on school nights; I have to go home quickly after school.There are too many! I feel my parents are too strict with me. And sometimes its too unfair. Why are there so many rules for me but so few for my parents?So, my dear parents, please understand me! I know both of you want me to study hard, but Im only a child. 在我的家庭里有许多规则,其中大部分是关于我,例如我每天必须早起,我看电视或去上学的晚上我回家后很快schoolthere太多,我觉得我的父母太严格要求我,有时太不公平,为什么有这么多的规则,但很少为我parentsso我亲爱的父母,请理解我,我知道你想让我努力学习,但我只是一个小孩 3. 以My home Rules为题写一篇作文不少于80词 【1】 My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules. For example,i can"t go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It"s strict, but i think it"s necessary. And i must finish my homework in time. I can"t play puter games. I have to wash clothes by myself. I have to get up at six o"clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o"clock. Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o"clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! And i think play some puter games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change. 【2】 There are many rules in my family. And most of them are about me. For example, on weekdays I have to get up early in the morning; I can"t watch TV or go out on school nights; I have to gohome quickly after school. There are too many! I feel my parents are too strict with me. And sometimes it"s too unfair. Why are there so many rules for me but so few for my parents? So, my dear parents, please understand me! I know both of you want me to study hard, but I"m only a child. I need more happpy time to grow up healthily although I"ll work hard,too. 【3】 There are many rules in my family. And most of them are about me. For example, on weekdays I have to get up early in the morning; I cant watch TV or go out on school nights; I have to go home quickly after school.There are too many! I feel my parents are too strict with me. And sometimes its too unfair. Why are there so many rules for me but so few for my parents?So, my dear parents, please understand me! I know both of you want me to study hard, but Im only a child. 4. 请以The House Rules为题写一篇小作文 1.The House Rules I am not happy.Because I have too many rules in my house.I must obey them.I have to get up at 6:30.I have to go to school at 7:00.I have to do my homework after school.I can"t meet my friends after school.On weekends,I must help my mother clean my room and wash clothes.I have to play the piano.But I don"t like playing the piano.I have to learn English at Sundays.I never have any fun. 2.The House Rules My parents are very strict with me . I have so many family rules. For example,I can"t go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, I have to go home before nine p.m. And I must finish my homework in time. I can"t play puter games. I have to wash clothes by myself. I have to get up at six o"clock every morning.And I have to be in bed by ten o"clock. 5. 以“Sch00l Rules为题写一篇作文 School rules are very important. There are many rules in our school. For example, we should wear our school uniform at school and we should go to school on time. We are required to keep the classroom clean and tidy. We can"t eat, drink or sleep in class. We must do our homework too. I think these rules are good for our study and school life. Some students don"t like wearing school uniform all the time because it"s boring. It"s ok with me.。 6. 以 “Our School Rules”为题,写一篇作文,急 Our school rules Our school has many rules.We have to dress uniform everyday,we can"t eat at library and class,and we can"t talk in class,we must finish our homework after school,we should talk in a polite way,we should greet teacher when we meet them.And we must keep the class clean everytime. 这个可好,啊 7. 以librar rules为题写一篇小作文 My school library has many rules.We mustn"t make noise and speak aloud.Especially we mustn"t make the book broken.Before we e into the library,we must keep our shoes clean.When we read books,we mustn"t trouble others.And we must read at the library. 翻译(可供提问者参考):我的学校图书馆有许多规则.我们不能制造噪音,大声讲话.特别是我们不能让破碎的书.我们一进库之前,我们必须保持我们的鞋子清洁.当我们读的书时,我们千万不要麻烦别人.我们必须在图书馆阅读.
2023-07-07 17:13:481


问题一:规则一用英语怎么说 rule 1规则一 不要带书包Don"t bring your bag 希望采纳 问题二:遵守规则 英语怎么说 to follow the rules to obey the rules to ply with the rules to abide by the rules 有很多很多说法~~这里就不一一列举了~最上面上个是最常用的~~希望能帮助您~ 问题三:但是我们这里有一些规矩用英语怎么翻译 But we have rules here. 问题四:这是我的全部规则用英语怎么说 英文原文: These are my total rules 英式音标: [ei?z] [?] [mau026a] [?t??t(?)l] [ru?lz] 美式音标: [eiz] [r] [ma?] [?totl] [rulz] 问题五:也有一些规则英语怎么说也用什么意思 也有一些规则There are some rules 也有一些规则 There are some rules 也有一些规则 There are some rules 问题六:没有规矩不成方圆 用英语怎么说 rules get things done 问题七:符合规则 英语怎么说? it meets the req常irements of the rule it meets the rule 问题八:在我家里有很多规矩用英语怎么说用两种方式 可用There‘re too many rules in my house和There are many rules in my house 希望能帮到你 问题九:规则一用英语怎么说 rule 1规则一 不要带书包Don"t bring your bag 希望采纳 问题十:遵守规则 英语怎么说 to follow the rules to obey the rules to ply with the rules to abide by the rules 有很多很多说法~~这里就不一一列举了~最上面上个是最常用的~~希望能帮助您~
2023-07-07 17:14:141


  rules的意思是规则。下面是我整理的关于rules的 谚语 ,欢迎大家阅读。   关于rules的谚语   A nation has it"s rule and a family also has one!   国有国法,家有家规!   A bargain is a bargain.   达成的协议不可撕毁.   Dot the i"s and cross the t"s.   一点一划,循规蹈矩.   Every brave man is a man of his word.   勇敢的人都是信守诺言的人.   Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.   没有规矩不成方圆   everyone is expected to stick to the rules.   每个人都要遵守规则.   keep to the rules,and nothing can go wrong.   按规矩办事情就不会出差子.   rules are meant to be followed,not broken.   规则制订出来是让人遵守,而不是让人破坏.   拓展:常用的英语谚语   1. Time flies.时光易逝。   2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。   3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。   4. Time tries all.时间检验一切。   5. Time tries truth.时间检验真理。   6. Time past cannot be called back again.光阴一去不复返。   7. All time is no time when it is past.光阴一去不复返。   8. No one can call back yesterday; Yesterday will not be called again.昨日不复来。   9. Tomorrow comes never.切莫依赖明天。   10. One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。   11. The morning sun never lasts a day.好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。   12. Christmas comes but once a year.圣诞一年只一度。   13. Pleasant hours fly past.快乐时光去如飞。   14. Happiness takes no account of time.欢娱不惜时光逝。   15. Time tames the strongest grief.时间能缓和极度的悲痛。   16. The day is short but the work is much.工作多,光阴迫。   17. Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。   18. Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today.明天如有事,今天就去做。   19. To him that does everything in its proper time, one day is worth three.事事及时做,一日胜三日。   20. To save time is to lengthen life.节省时间就是延长生命。   21. Everything has its time and that time must be watched.万物皆有时,时来不可失。   22. Take time when time cometh, lest time steal away.时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息。   23. When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back toyou.机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来。   24. Make hay while the sun shines.晒草要趁太阳好。   25. Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。 关于rules的谚语相关 文章 : 1. 关于安全的谚语大全 2. 关于小满的谚语 3. 关于节气的谚语大全 4. 关于疾病防治类的谚语大全 5. 关于学习的经典谚语大全
2023-07-07 17:14:221


  rule有规则;条例;习惯;统治;直尺等意思,那么你知道rule的用法吗?下面我为大家带来有关rule的用法和 短语 例句,供大家参考学习!    rule的用法:   rule的用法1:rule的基本意思是“用尺子划,在u2026划平行线”。引申可作“统治”“控制”解,即运用权力或权威特别是制定法律、法令等来规范、控制或指导其他人或民族、国家等的行为。rule还可指“裁决”“拒绝考虑某事”“保持某一水平”等。   rule的用法2:rule可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或that从句作宾语, that从句里的谓语动词可用虚拟式。   rule的用法3:rule有时可作“受制于”“冲动”解,这时须用于被动结构。   rule的用法4:rule还可以接以“(to be+) adj./prep. -phrase”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。rule有时也可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。   rule的用法5:rule后接副词out表示“把u2026排除在外”。   rule的用法6:rule的过去分词ruled和现在分词ruling可用作形容词,在句中作定语。   rule的用法7:rule的基本意思是“规则,规章,规定,条例”,可指指导、控制行为或行动的条规和惯例,也可指一组织强制其内部人员必须做什么或绝不能做什么的规定,是可数名词。   rule的用法8:rule也可表示“习惯或惯常的做法”,通常用作单数形式。   rule的用法9:rule用作不可数名词时可表示“统治,管理”。   rule的用法10:rule还可作“尺,折尺”解,是可数名词。    rule的常用短语:   用作名词 (n.)   as a rule   bear rule over   bend the rules   by rule   by rule and line   ground rules   rule of sea〔road〕   rule of thumb   rules and regulations   under the rule of   work to rule   用作动词 (v.)   rule against (v.+prep.)   rule off (v.+adv.)   rule on (v.+prep.)   rule out (v.+adv.)   rule over (v.+prep.)   rule with (v.+prep.)   rule的用法例句:   1. Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutionalrule.   几位部长发言谴责暂停宪制的决定。   2. Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.   高官们可能会策划一场政变来复辟独裁统治。   3. The North has been under Communist rule since 1954.   北方自1954年起就一直处于共产党的统治之下。   4. One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults.   一条规则明确规定,见习驾驶员必须有成人的监督。   5. The rule applies where a person owns stock in a corporation.   该规定适用于持有公司股票的人。   6. In a word, this government isn"t fit to rule.   简言之,这届政府无法胜任治国之责。   7. They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them all—no talking.   他们都遵守着那条约束他们所有人的默认规则——要守口如瓶。   8. An important rule is to drink plenty of water during any flight.   一条重要的原则就是每次坐飞机都要多喝水。   9. I"m going to stop letting drugs and drink rule my life.   我决心不再让毒品和酒精控制我的生活。   10. Although exceptions could be made, the rule still stands.   虽然可能有例外,但该规定仍然有效。   11. He established one-man rule in his country seven months ago.   他7个月前在自己的国家建立了个人统治。   12. The higher orders of society must rule the lower.   上层社会必须统治下层社会。   13. Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule.   很多菲律宾人视这些基地为美国殖民统治的延续。   14. Many people have made it a rule to detoxify once a year.   许多人已经养成了每年进行一次身体排毒的习惯。   15. The economy of the times made it difficult to support centralized rule.   当时的经济状况不利于实行集权统治。
2023-07-07 17:14:291


traffic rules
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2023-07-07 17:16:512


遵守规则的英语作文,帮忙写一篇 With the development of economy, almost every family has a private car. So the road is crowded with buses and cars. How to respect the traffic rules bees a serious problem for us. First, we should observe the traffic light before we cross the road. Second, we should low down the speed of our cars. Third, we should advise the children not to play on the road. Last but not the least, we should publicize the knowledge of traffic. 请大神帮我写份英语作文180词左右,题目是规则,详细是为什么要制定规则,怎样遵守规则,谢谢 50分 Rules Rules are important as guidelines for people"s behaviour. Sometimes decisions are very difficult to make. For example, should I cross the street even though the red light is on? In the moment, it might appear that crossing the street is easier for me and wouldn"t really hurt other people. But I might be hit by a car, or cause a serious accident. Sometimes it is difficult to see how my actions would affect others. So it is important to have rules to simplify my decision making. Rules e from the experiences of many people. Rules consider how the society as a whole would be affected by certain actions. Who else would be affected? Would anyone get hurt? How about even strangers I have not met? How would a decision like this make a difference to them? In order to follow rules, it is important to learn about the rules and to know what they are. It is important to practice following the rules. Once following the rules bees a habit, it is much easier to make the right decisions consistently.以规则为话题的英语作文 In order to keep the road orderly and people safe, everyone should follow traffic rules. 为了保持交通秩序和人们的安全,人人都应该遵守交通规则。 The walkers should look carefully both left and right when they are crossing the roads.When people are driving, they should wear a seat belt. Drivers are not allowed to drive after drinking. They must stop when the lights are red.Many people take buses. They should wait in line, and follow the rule "First get off, then get on". 行人在穿马路时,应该人真的看看左右。当人们开车时要系上安全带,酒后不能开车,见到红灯必须停下来。许多人乘公共汽车,他们应该排队,并遵守“先下后上”的原则。 It was already 2:15 when I got up this afternoon.Classes would begin in a quarter. I quickly ran out and got on my bike. 下午当我起床时,时间已经是2:15了。再过15分钟就上课了,我快速地跑出去登上了车。 On my way to school, I rode fast.When I reached the crossing, the traffic lights were red, but I didn"t stop my bike.A policeman stopped me, and asked me whey I didn"t stop when the lights were red.I told him classes would begin in no time.He told me with a *** ile to obey the traffic rules next time and let me go. 上学的路上我骑得很快。当我到路口时,正好是红灯,可是我没有停车。警察拦住了我,并问我为什么闯红灯。我告诉他马上就要上课了。他笑着告诉我下一次摇遵守交通规则,然后让我走了。 If everyone follows the traffic rules, there will be fewer traffic accidents. 如果人人都能遵守交通规则,交通事故就会少多了。 怎么才能保持良好的身材 20分 这个问题真的很难回答!! 有些人怎么吃也不胖,有的人即使吃一点儿东西也会变胖!我看是遗传问题!! 我建议你先称一下自己多么重,然后狂吃一个星期,在称称!! 看看你是哪一种!!
2023-07-07 17:17:001


2023-07-07 17:17:072


按文件 查找 直接搜索rulesmd.ini或rules.ini 这样速度更快再右键释放
2023-07-07 17:17:177


2023-07-07 17:17:333


1 定义模板校验规则(这个可以放进自己的core.js,不用每个页面都写一次):[html] view plain copy$.extend($.fn.validatebox.defaults.rules, { /** * 调用自定义的方法校验模板 * 使用方式: validType=call[fn] * @type */ call: { validator: function(value, param){ // value是被校验的控件的值 // 取出页面传入用来校验的方法 var callback = param[0]; if(callback){ // 回调 return callback(value); } return false; }, // 显示校验错误信息 message: "{1}" } }); 2 自定义校验方法 以下是我的编码唯一性校验:[html] view plain copy/** * 编码唯一性校验 * * 返回true表示校验通过,返回false表示校验失败 */ function codeValidate(code){ var result = true; // 这里做业务逻辑判断, 比如判断是否需要验证等等,我的这里是oldvalue不需要校验 // 以下是我的远程唯一校验,ajax一定要同步执行 $.ajax({ async: false, url : "myurl", data : { code : code }, success : function(res) { result = res; } }); // 这里的result只有2个值:true / false return result; } 3 页面设置调用我的input文本框设置: <input class="easyui-textbox" name="code" data-options="required:true" validType="call[codeValidate]" invalidMessage="编码重复,请重新输入" ></input>4 提交之前,把这个input所在的form校验一下就行了,这样对于比较复杂的校验,只需要写一个校验的方法,然后在页面配置validType即可,是不是很省心呢
2023-07-07 17:17:401


第三人称单数:rules  过去分词:ruled  复数:rules是可以的。经常有说rules的。
2023-07-07 17:17:472


本文主要对webpack配置module的rules是条件匹配详解 一个loader的配置,一般一个test就够了,多的话也就一个test加上include或者exclude,如果exclude 、 include 、 test万一出现了三个在同一个loader的配置中时,优先级: exclude > include > test module.rules 的value是数组,允许你在 webpack 配置中指定多个 loader。 loader 从右到左 (或 从下到上 )地取值(evaluate)/执行(execute)。在下面的示例中,从 sass-loader 开始执行,然后继续执行 css-loader,最后以 style-loader 为结束。查看 loader 功能 章节,了解有关 loader 顺序的更多信息。 1、如何使css模块化?需要在我们的webpack.config.js中对css-loader进行一些额外设置,上面示例中有,详细参考 css-loader 2、如何开启单个样式文件的全局模式呢? 可以在webpack.config.js中配置两次处理css的loader,配置如下: js中引入css const styles = require("./popup.css"); 打印 styles 对象,是这样的3、如何让css模块化后生成的class具有可读性? 配置webpack.config.js中css-loader的 localIdentName : 打印 styles 对象,是这样的
2023-07-07 17:18:001


交通规则英文是Traffic rules
2023-07-07 17:18:103


;以你的要求目前没有办法;但ares平台能让你建造某个建筑时造出来的单位3星[GATECH] ;建筑注册名Academy.InfantryVeterancy= ;拥有这样的建筑后步兵以及带有Organic=yes的车辆得到多少经验Academy.AircraftVeterancy= ;拥有这样的建筑后空军以及带有ConsideredAircraft=yes的车辆得到多少经验Academy.VehicleVeterancy= ;拥有这样的建筑后载具得到多少经验Academy.BuildingVeterancy= ;拥有这样的建筑后建筑得到多少经验Academy.Types= ;这些单位会受到这样的建筑的影响Academy.Ignore= ;这些单位不会受到这样的建筑的影响;注意:指定单位必须有Trainable=yes,以上的值填写1.0为1星,填写2.0为3星,0.0无效果。
2023-07-07 17:18:502


其实修改rules.md并不难,但你要注意以下几点:1.修改内容时,内容一定要详细。比如,你想修改一个发核弹的天启坦克,必须把他的武器设定为NUKE(核弹),其他的内容有些也需要写。生命、建造国、建造前提这些也需要写。2.修改后的内容,必须把修改的对象归纳到特定的类别。就修改后的核弹天启坦克来说吧,修改完成后,你知道它属于战车类,你就把它写上战车类,还要写单位注册名。上面的条件一个都不能少,不然没效果,还可能会使这种物品在游戏中消失,无法建造。这些有一点复杂,我自己修改时,就是在网上看别人修改的步骤的,具体你可以上网查一下。3.这也是重要的一步。修改后的,要把修改文件放到红警的安装目录里。比如,你的红警安装在C:/Program Files,你就把这个文件发在文件夹里。要是找不到安装目录,那就不好办了。这就是修改rules.md的三个步骤。以上完全是手工打字,绝无抄袭。!
2023-07-07 17:19:001