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some time是什么意思?

2023-07-07 22:44:32
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当some和time连在一起时,就是作为副词来使用的就表示某时的意思;当some和 time分开时,一般都作为名词短语。这两个可以区分了之后,在结合语境和用法来判断就可以很好的掌握关于some和time的短语的使用了。

1.sometimes,频度副词,意思是“有时”,常用时态:一般现在时,一般使用how often 对做某事的进行提问。eg:How often do you watch movies? 你多久看一次电影?

2.sometime,副词,意思为某时,表示过去或未来的不确定的某时。eg: I"ll tell you that secret sometime in the future. 我以后会告诉你那个秘密。

3.some time,名词短语,意思是一段时间。time在这里是名词时间的意思

4.some times,也是名词短语,此处time意思是次数,倍的意思。



1、sometime是副词,是“在某日,日后,有朝一日”用来指将来或过去的一个不确定的时间。l will go to beijing sometime next mouth2、some time指一段时间。l have been here for some time3、some times指几次,表示多次作谋事,多用于完成时,一般用于句尾4、sometimes指有时=at time/not very often常用于一般现在时,其位置在be动词之后,行为动词之前,有时也放在句尾或句首。l sometimes gets up at seven
2023-07-07 17:13:071

some time 英语

2023-07-07 17:13:142

sometime, some time, sometimes, some times, sometime的用法有什么区别

1、sometime是副词,是“在某日,日后,有朝一日”用来指将来或过去的一个不确定的时间。l will go to beijing sometime next mouth2、some time指一段时间。l have been here for some time3、some times指几次,表示多次作谋事,多用于完成时,一般用于句尾4、sometimes指有时=at time/not very often常用于一般现在时,其位置在be动词之后,行为动词之前,有时也放在句尾或句首。l sometimes gets up at seven
2023-07-07 17:13:331


"Sometimes" 和 "Sometime" 是两个完全不同的词汇。"Sometimes" 表示频率或者发生的次数,通常也可以翻译成 "有时候"。例句:I sometimes go to the gym on Sundays.(我有时候在周日去健身房。)"Sometime" 表示在某个不确定的时间或某个不确定的时刻。例句:I will go to the beach sometime next month.(我会在下个月的某个时候去海滩。)"Sometimes" 和 "Sometime" 的区别主要在于一个强调某个动作的频率,另一个则表达某件事在未来的某个时间会发生的意思。"Sometimes" 的示例:1、Sometimes I stay up late to watch movies. (有时我熬夜看电影。)2、He sometimes forgets to take his medication. (他有时会忘记服药。)3、I sometimes enjoy a luxurious bubble bath. (我有时喜欢泡一次奢华的泡澡。)"Sometimes" 的示例:1、We should plan a vacation sometime. (我们应该计划一次度假。)2、I will return your book sometime next week. (我会在下周某个时候归还你的书。)3、Can we meet sometime in the near future to discuss this further? (我们能否在不久的将来某个时候见面进一步讨论这件事?)总之,"sometimes" 强调的是事情发生的频率和程度,而"sometime" 强调的是某件事情将会在未来的某个时间发生。
2023-07-07 17:13:411


sometimes 和 sometime 是两个不同的单词。Sometimes 是副词,表示某个动作或事件发生的频率,意思是“有时、偶尔”。例如:Sometimes I go for a run in the morning.(有时候,我早上去跑步。)Sometime 是一个形容词,在句子中通常作为定语修饰名词,意思是“某个时间的、以前的、未来的”。它也可以作为副词,意思是“在某个时候、不久以后、尽快”。例如:I"d like to meet you sometime next week.(我想在下周某个时候见你。)或者:He was a sometime actor before he became a writer.(他过去是个偶尔演员,后来成为了作家。)因此,sometimes和sometime的区别在于,sometimes表示动作或事件发生的频率,而sometime表示某个时间点或期间。
2023-07-07 17:14:061


1)some time是名词短语,它的意思是“一段时间”. She"s been ailing for some time. 她身体不适已有一段时间了 It took me some time to digest what I had heard. 我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明白. 2)sometime是副词,意思是“在某个时候”.可用于一般过去时与将来时. Let"s get together sometime. 有时间我们聚一下吧. I want to look them up sometime. 我希望能去拜访他们. 3)sometimes的意思是“有时”,是副词. Love is sometimes put in range with a career. 人们往往认为爱情和事业是并驾齐驱的. Sometimes the patient cried for the pain. 有时这个病人疼得哭起来. 4)some times也是一个名词短语,time在这里用作可数名词,意思是“次数”. some times的意思是“几次”. I have been to the Great Wall some times. 我去过长城几次
2023-07-07 17:14:341

some time和some times的区别

some time some times和sometimes口诀是:分开是“一段”,相连为“某时”,分开s是“倍、次”,相连s是“有时”。这四个词语看起来极为相似,但其含义和用法完全不同:1、sometimes是个频度副词,意为“有时候”,多用于一般现在时,对它进行提问常用how often。如:Sometimes I watch TV with my parents.有时我和父母一起看电视。How often do you write to your father.你多久给你父亲写一次信?Sometimes.有时。2、sometime也是一个副词,意为“在某一时候(过去或将来)”,表示的是任何时候或某一不确定的时间,对它提问用when。如:New students will come to school sometime next week.下周某个时候新同学就要到校上学了。When can you finish the work?你何时能完成这项工作?Sometime next month.下个月某个时候。some times是名词短语,意为“几次(倍)”。time是可数名词,对它提问用how many times。如:How many times do you watch TV every week?你每周看几次电视?Some times .好几次。4、some time也是名词短语,意为“一段时间”。time是不可数名词,对它提问用how long。如:She will stay in Beijing for some time.她将在北京呆一段时间。How long can I be away?我能离开多久?Some time.一段时间。
2023-07-07 17:14:411

sometimes,sometime,some time和some times的意思,用法及区别

2023-07-07 17:14:563


sometime和sometimes的区别为:一、指代不同1、sometime:在某时。2、sometimes:有时,间或。二、侧重点不同1、sometime:特指某一个特定的时间节点。2、sometimes:泛指某一个时间段。三、用法不同1、sometime:sometime是个副词,意为“某时”,指时间上不确定的某一点,常用于过去时或将来时,如:Li Ming will go to work in Shanghai sometime next year.明年的某个时候李明将去上海工作。2、sometimes:sometimes是个频度副词,意为“羡裤雀有时”,表示动作兄早发生得不经纯培常性,常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用,如:Sometimes we write to each other.有时我们互相通信。双语例句1、I saw your brother sometime last spring.去年春天不知哪一天我曾见过你兄弟.2、You can become a famous doctor sometime if you work hard.只要你努力,总有一天会成为医的.3、Now students will come to our school sometime next week.新生将于下周某日来校.
2023-07-07 17:15:041


2023-07-07 17:15:236

some time,sometimes,some times,any times 有何不同

2023-07-07 17:15:373

Sometime”是个时间副词,意思是“在某时期”。这个字通常 和“日期”或“时间”连用,出现在句子后半部, 用来固定本来不肯定的时间或日期。例如:   ① The accident happened sometime last month ② Let us discuss the matter sometime next week.   ***“Sometimes”是个频率副词(adverb of frequency),意思和 “occasionally”,或“from time to time”甚接近,就是“有时候”或“偶尔”之意。 “Sometimes”和“sometime”不但意思不同, 所处的位置也不一样。   “Sometimes”可以在下列三处出现:   ⒈句首,如: Sometimes, I didn"t feel like working. ⒉接系动词“be”之后,如: The new manager was sometimes very hot-tempered.    ⒊动词前,如: They sometimes stayed up until 2 o"clock. 从这三个例子看,“sometime”和“sometimes”不但意思不同 , 所处的位置也大相径庭。   就用途来说, “sometime”的用途广些。除了表示“在某时期 ”这意思之外,它也含有“任何时候”的意义,如: * Come over and see me sometime. 这里的“sometime”,可以用“anytime”代替,即: * Come over and see me anytime.   此外,“sometime”可以当形容词用,意思是“以前的”,如:   * Dr Chen, a sometime lecturer of chemistry, is now a big company director.   这里的“sometime”不妨以另外一个形容词“former”或前缀“ ex-”来取代: *Dr Chen, a former lecturer of chemistry, is now a big company director. * Dr Chen, an ex-lecturer of chemistry, is now a big company director.   **另外,“sometime”和“some time"的意思不同。“Sometime”是“在某时期”;“some time” 是“一段时间”,如:   *All of us have studied English for some time. * Betty has been grumbling for some time. * Please give me some time to think over your proposal. 由于 sometimes, sometime和 some time 各有不同的意思,在同句里出现可以和平共处、相安无事: * Sometimes, I spent some time reading a sometime English lecturer"s novel written sometime in 1996. (有时,我花了些时间阅读前英语讲师在 1996 年某时期所撰写的一本小说) some time、sometime、sometimes的区别 这三个词在形式上颇有相似之处,但用法各异,往往容易出错。 一、some time是一个词组,可作名词或副词用,表示“一段时间”“若干时间”。例如: 1. I have been waiting some time. 我已等了一些时候。 2. The farmer left for home some time ago. 农夫若干时间前动身回家了。 二、sometime作副词用时,表示某个不确切的时间,有“于某时”“在某一时间”等意思。例如: 3. I saw him sometime in May. 我五月份见过他。 4. It was sometime last summer. 那是去年夏天某个时候。 另外,sometime还可以作形容词,有“以前”、“从前”的意思。例如: 5. Zhang Lei , a sometime student of my school , is now a wellknown expert. 张磊以前是我校的学生,如今是很有名气的专家。 三、sometimes只能作副词用,意思是“有时”、“不时”、“往往”、“间或”等,在句中的位置比较自由,可以更换位置,但意思不变。例如: 6. I sometimes have letters from him. 我有时会收到他的来信。 7. Sometimes we go to the cinema. 我们有时去看电影。 8. The bird sings sometimes. The bird sometimes sings. Sometimes the bird sings. 鸟儿不时地啼叫。 若用于对照的句子中,或重复使用时,可接在动词后。例如: 9. She likes sometimes this one and sometimes the other. 她有时喜欢这个,有时喜欢那个。参考资料:
2023-07-07 17:15:462

sometime,sometimes,some time, some times有什么区别?各有什么用法?

sometime,某时,作副词,可用于过去时或将来时sometimes,有时,作副词,多用于一般现在时some time,1.一些时间,作名词词组,各时态都可以使用;2.在未来的某时,作副词,用于将来时some times, time的复数形式通常的解释为:时代,次,倍数。所以,some times, 可解释为:几次,几个时代,几倍,作名词词组,可用于过去时、现在时等。例如:1.go to the park again sometime.改天再去那个公园。2.sometimes,I go to school by bike .有时,我会骑着单车上学。3.we need some time to calm down. 我们需要一些时间冷静一下。4. i have called you some times, but you still don"t want to talk to me.我给你打了好几次电话,但是你还是不愿意接我的电话。
2023-07-07 17:15:541

some time的英文

1. some time, sometime, some times, ?sometimes 1).some time表示“一段时间”.例如:? After some time,they moved to another city.?过了一段时间,他们就搬到了另一个城市.? 2).sometime表示“某个时候”.例如:? Li Ming will go to work in Shanghai sometime next year. 明年的某个时候李明将去上海工作.? 3).some times表示“一些次,一些倍”.例如:? My uncle has been to London some times. ?我叔叔已经去伦敦好几次了.? 4).sometimes表示“有时”.例如:? Sometimes we write to each other.?有时我们互相通信.? 巧记some time等的用法? 分开是“一段”, 相连为“某时”;?分开s是“倍、次”,相连s是“有时”.
2023-07-07 17:16:071

英语中sometime、sometimes、some time、some times有什么区别?

2023-07-07 17:16:156


   sometime是什么意思:   词义   adv.将来某个时候;过去某个时候;改天;来日   adj.(指某人曾经是u2026u2026)从前的,一度的;某一时间的   造句   It is sometime difficult to disentangle truth from falsehood.   分清真伪有时是困难的。   What do you think about me calling you sometime?   你觉得我改天打电话给你如何?   I"ll go to the park sometime tomorrow.   我明天某时去公园。   I"d love to visit norway sometime.   我想有朝一日能游览挪威。   I"d love to come sometime.   日后我愿意来的。
2023-07-07 17:16:401


1、sometime是副词,是“在某日,日后,有朝一日”用来指将来或过去的一个不确定的时间。l will go to beijing sometime next mouth2、some time指一段时间。l have been here for some time3、some times指几次,表示多次作谋事,多用于完成时,一般用于句尾4、sometimes指有时=at time/not very often常用于一般现在时,其位置在be动词之后,行为动词之前,有时也放在句尾或句首。l sometimes gets up at seven
2023-07-07 17:16:551


"Sometimes" 和 "Sometime" 是两个完全不同的词汇。"Sometimes" 表示频率或者发生的次数,通常也可以翻译成 "有时候"。例句:I sometimes go to the gym on Sundays.(我有时候在周日去健身房。)"Sometime" 表示在某个不确定的时间或某个不确定的时刻。例句:I will go to the beach sometime next month.(我会在下个月的某个时候去海滩。)"Sometimes" 和 "Sometime" 的区别主要在于一个强调某个动作的频率,另一个则表达某件事在未来的某个时间会发生的意思。"Sometimes" 的示例:1、Sometimes I stay up late to watch movies. (有时我熬夜看电影。)2、He sometimes forgets to take his medication. (他有时会忘记服药。)3、I sometimes enjoy a luxurious bubble bath. (我有时喜欢泡一次奢华的泡澡。)"Sometimes" 的示例:1、We should plan a vacation sometime. (我们应该计划一次度假。)2、I will return your book sometime next week. (我会在下周某个时候归还你的书。)3、Can we meet sometime in the near future to discuss this further? (我们能否在不久的将来某个时候见面进一步讨论这件事?)总之,"sometimes" 强调的是事情发生的频率和程度,而"sometime" 强调的是某件事情将会在未来的某个时间发生。
2023-07-07 17:17:021


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),sometimes是副词,只能用于修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,不能用于修饰名词。sometime则是形容词或副词,可以用于修饰名词或动词。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完sometimes与sometime的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、用法不同Sometimes通常用于表示频率,意为“有时候”,表示某个动作或情况在某些时候发生,但不是每次都发生。例如:- Sometimes I go to the gym after work. (有时候我下班后去健身房。)- Sometimes it rains in the afternoon. (有时候下午会下雨。)Sometime则通常用于表示时间,意为“某个时候”,表示某个动作或情况在未来的某个时间发生。例如:- Let"s have dinner sometime next week. (我们下周某个时候吃晚饭吧。)- I"ll call you sometime later. (我稍后某个时候给你打电话。)2、词性不同Sometimes是副词,只能用于修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,不能用于修饰名词。例如:- Sometimes I feel tired. (有时候我感到疲倦。)- The weather is sometimes unpredictable. (天气有时候是不可预测的。)Sometime则是形容词或副词,可以用于修饰名词或动词。例如:- I"ll call you sometime tomorrow. (我明天某个时候给你打电话。)- He was a sometime actor. (他曾经是个演员。)3、意义不同Sometimes强调的是动作或情况的频率,表示这个动作或情况并不是经常发生的。而Sometime强调的是时间,表示这个动作或情况将在未来的某个时间发生。例如:- Sometimes I eat fast food, but I try to avoid it. (我有时候吃快餐,但我尽量避免。)- I"ll visit my grandparents sometime next month. (我下个月某个时候去看望我的祖父母。)
2023-07-07 17:17:192


"Sometimes" 和 "Sometime" 是两个完全不同的词汇。"Sometimes" 表示频率或者发生的次数,通常也可以翻译成 "有时候"。例句:I sometimes go to the gym on Sundays.(我有时候在周日去健身房。)"Sometime" 表示在某个不确定的时间或某个不确定的时刻。例句:I will go to the beach sometime next month.(我会在下个月的某个时候去海滩。)"Sometimes" 和 "Sometime" 的区别主要在于一个强调某个动作的频率,另一个则表达某件事在未来的某个时间会发生的意思。"Sometimes" 的示例:1、Sometimes I stay up late to watch movies. (有时我熬夜看电影。)2、He sometimes forgets to take his medication. (他有时会忘记服药。)3、I sometimes enjoy a luxurious bubble bath. (我有时喜欢泡一次奢华的泡澡。)"Sometimes" 的示例:1、We should plan a vacation sometime. (我们应该计划一次度假。)2、I will return your book sometime next week. (我会在下周某个时候归还你的书。)3、Can we meet sometime in the near future to discuss this further? (我们能否在不久的将来某个时候见面进一步讨论这件事?)总之,"sometimes" 强调的是事情发生的频率和程度,而"sometime" 强调的是某件事情将会在未来的某个时间发生。
2023-07-07 17:18:531


sometime和sometimes的区别为:一、指代不同1、sometime:在某时。2、sometimes:有时,间或。二、侧重点不同1、sometime:特指某一个特定的时间节点。2、sometimes:泛指某一个时间段。三、用法不同1、sometime:sometime是个副词,意为“某时”,指时间上不确定的某一点,常用于过去时或将来时,如:Li Ming will go to work in Shanghai sometime next year.明年的某个时候李明将去上海工作。2、sometimes:sometimes是个频度副词,意为“羡裤雀有时”,表示动作兄早发生得不经纯培常性,常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用,如:Sometimes we write to each other.有时我们互相通信。双语例句1、I saw your brother sometime last spring.去年春天不知哪一天我曾见过你兄弟.2、You can become a famous doctor sometime if you work hard.只要你努力,总有一天会成为医的.3、Now students will come to our school sometime next week.新生将于下周某日来校.
2023-07-07 17:19:091


当some和time连在一起时,就是作为副词来使用的就表示某时的意思;当some和 time分开时,一般都作为名词短语。这两个可以区分了之后,在结合语境和用法来判断就可以很好的掌握关于some和time的短语的使用了。1.sometimes,频度副词,意思是“有时”,常用时态:一般现在时,一般使用how often 对做某事的进行提问。eg:How often do you watch movies? 你多久看一次电影?2.sometime,副词,意思为某时,表示过去或未来的不确定的某时。eg: I"ll tell you that secret sometime in the future. 我以后会告诉你那个秘密。3.some time,名词短语,意思是一段时间。time在这里是名词时间的意思4.some times,也是名词短语,此处time意思是次数,倍的意思。
2023-07-07 17:19:231

some time,sometimes,some times,any times 有何不同

2023-07-07 17:19:303

some time词性词义用法?

some time 有两个用法:用作副词词组,意为“任何时候”或“某个时候”(= sometime);用作名词词组,意为“一段时间”(不能写成 sometime)。
2023-07-07 17:19:502

sometime是什么意思 解析sometime的含义和用法?

She is a sometime model.(她曾经是个模特。)He was a sometime actor.(他曾经是个演员。)二、用法一、含义Sometime I will go to Paris.(有一天我会去巴黎。)
2023-07-07 17:20:152

sometime, some time, some times的区别是什么?

1、sometime是副词,是“在某日,日后,有朝一日”用来指将来或过去的一个不确定的时间。l will go to beijing sometime next mouth2、some time指一段时间。l have been here for some time3、some times指几次,表示多次作谋事,多用于完成时,一般用于句尾4、sometimes指有时=at time/not very often常用于一般现在时,其位置在be动词之后,行为动词之前,有时也放在句尾或句首。l sometimes gets up at seven
2023-07-07 17:20:221


"Sometimes" 和 "Sometime" 是两个完全不同的词汇。"Sometimes" 表示频率或者发生的次数,通常也可以翻译成 "有时候"。例句:I sometimes go to the gym on Sundays.(我有时候在周日去健身房。)"Sometime" 表示在某个不确定的时间或某个不确定的时刻。例句:I will go to the beach sometime next month.(我会在下个月的某个时候去海滩。)"Sometimes" 和 "Sometime" 的区别主要在于一个强调某个动作的频率,另一个则表达某件事在未来的某个时间会发生的意思。"Sometimes" 的示例:1、Sometimes I stay up late to watch movies. (有时我熬夜看电影。)2、He sometimes forgets to take his medication. (他有时会忘记服药。)3、I sometimes enjoy a luxurious bubble bath. (我有时喜欢泡一次奢华的泡澡。)"Sometimes" 的示例:1、We should plan a vacation sometime. (我们应该计划一次度假。)2、I will return your book sometime next week. (我会在下周某个时候归还你的书。)3、Can we meet sometime in the near future to discuss this further? (我们能否在不久的将来某个时候见面进一步讨论这件事?)总之,"sometimes" 强调的是事情发生的频率和程度,而"sometime" 强调的是某件事情将会在未来的某个时间发生。
2023-07-07 17:20:491

sometime和some time有什么区别?

区别一:sometimes和sometime都为为副词,但some times的time作为“次数”的意思时,是可数名词,some time没有s时作为不可数名词。关键点是time的意思,更进一步说是在s上。有了s意思就不同了。有s和次数有关,没s和时间有关。区别二:sometimes的意思是有时候,表示频率,“有时”强调的是not always,即:不是一直。也就是说,强调的是频率。而some times作为可数名词,意思是“次数/倍数”,可以加s变复数形式,即times。那么some times就是“一些次(几次),一些倍(几倍)。区别三:sometime的意思是「在过去或未来没特定的某一时刻」,常与过去简单式或未来简单式合用。some time作为不可数名词,意思是“时间”,不可以变复数,那么some time就是一段时间,没有特定的一段时间、通常指满长的一段时间,和好一阵子意思相似。扩展资料(1)sometimes的意思是“有时”,是副词。例如:Sometimes he comes by bike and sometimes by bus.他有时骑车来,有时乘公共汽车来。(2)sometime也是副词,意思是“在某个时候”。可用于一般过去时与将来时。例如:You can hand in your homework sometime before Friday.你可以在周五前某个时候交作业。(3)some time是名词短语,它的意思是“一段时间”。例如:I"ll be away for some time. 我将离开一段时间。(4)some times也是一个名词短语,time在这里用作可数名词,意思是“次数”。some times的意思是“几次”。例如:I have been to the Great Wall some times.我去过长城几次。
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sometime和sometimes的区别为:一、指代不同1、sometime:在某时。2、sometimes:有时,间或。二、侧重点不同1、sometime:特指某一个特定的时间节点。2、sometimes:泛指某一个时间段。三、用法不同1、sometime:sometime是个副词,意为“某时”,指时间上不确定的某一点,常用于过去时或将来时,如:Li Ming will go to work in Shanghai sometime next year.明年的某个时候李明将去上海工作。2、sometimes:sometimes是个频度副词,意为“羡裤雀有时”,表示动作兄早发生得不经纯培常性,常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用,如:Sometimes we write to each other.有时我们互相通信。双语例句1、I saw your brother sometime last spring.去年春天不知哪一天我曾见过你兄弟.2、You can become a famous doctor sometime if you work hard.只要你努力,总有一天会成为医的.3、Now students will come to our school sometime next week.新生将于下周某日来校.
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区别一:sometimes和sometime都为为副词,但some times的time作为“次数”的意思时,是可数名词,some time没有s时作为不可数名词。关键点是time的意思,更进一步说是在s上。有了s意思就不同了。有s和次数有关,没s和时间有关。区别二:sometimes的意思是有时候,表示频率,“有时”强调的是not always,即:不是一直。也就是说,强调的是频率。而some times作为可数名词,意思是“次数/倍数”,可以加s变复数形式,即times。那么some times就是“一些次(几次),一些倍(几倍)。区别三:sometime的意思是「在过去或未来没特定的某一时刻」,常与过去简单式或未来简单式合用。some time作为不可数名词,意思是“时间”,不可以变复数,那么some time就是一段时间,没有特定的一段时间、通常指满长的一段时间,和好一阵子意思相似。扩展资料(1)sometimes的意思是“有时”,是副词。例如:Sometimes he comes by bike and sometimes by bus.他有时骑车来,有时乘公共汽车来。(2)sometime也是副词,意思是“在某个时候”。可用于一般过去时与将来时。例如:You can hand in your homework sometime before Friday.你可以在周五前某个时候交作业。(3)some time是名词短语,它的意思是“一段时间”。例如:I"ll be away for some time. 我将离开一段时间。(4)some times也是一个名词短语,time在这里用作可数名词,意思是“次数”。some times的意思是“几次”。例如:I have been to the Great Wall some times.我去过长城几次。
2023-07-07 17:22:101

sometimes/sometime/some time和some times怎么区分

sometime用于将来或过去某个不确定时间some time表示段时间sometimes有时,一般用于一般现在时sometimes次数或段时间(几次)
2023-07-07 17:22:243

sometime, sometimes如何区别?

sometime和sometimes的区别为:一、指代不同1、sometime:在某时。2、sometimes:有时,间或。二、侧重点不同1、sometime:特指某一个特定的时间节点。2、sometimes:泛指某一个时间段。三、用法不同1、sometime:sometime是个副词,意为“某时”,指时间上不确定的某一点,常用于过去时或将来时,如:Li Ming will go to work in Shanghai sometime next year.明年的某个时候李明将去上海工作。2、sometimes:sometimes是个频度副词,意为“羡裤雀有时”,表示动作兄早发生得不经纯培常性,常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用,如:Sometimes we write to each other.有时我们互相通信。双语例句1、I saw your brother sometime last spring.去年春天不知哪一天我曾见过你兄弟.2、You can become a famous doctor sometime if you work hard.只要你努力,总有一天会成为医的.3、Now students will come to our school sometime next week.新生将于下周某日来校.
2023-07-07 17:22:471

sometimesome timesometimessome times的区别

sometime,some time,sometimes,some times1 sometime,some time与sometimes三个都可以表示时间。它们看起来没多大区别,但用法却各不相同。 sometimes用作副词,表示“有的时候”,与from time to time 意思相同,可以把它放在句首,句尾或句中。sometimes是频率副词,它暗指某动作(在过去、现在或将来)有时候重复。如: Last year she went to the park sometimes. Sometimes I get up at six. I sometimes think you are wrong. 2 sometime 用作副词。表示某个不确切或不具体的时间,表示“某个时候”,它后面应该接一个过去或将来的时间。例如: Tom went back home sometime last month. We will have a meeting sometime next week.(sometime last year,sometime next month等常修饰非延续性的谓语) 另外,sometime还可以用作形容词,表示“以前的”,如: A sometime student of yours is waiting for you at the gate. 3 some time 表示"一些时间"或“一段时间”,可以用作名词或副词短语。例如: She always spends some time on her English. It took us some time to water the flowers. some time表"某一段时间"时,常常修饰延续性的谓语。如: She stayed in bed for some time. I will work in Japan for some time. 4. some times 是名词词组,意为“几次,几倍”,如: I met him some times in the street last month. The factory is some times larger than that one.
2023-07-07 17:23:021

sometimes,sometime,some time和some times的意思,用法及区别

2023-07-07 17:23:131

command和request有什么区别? 在用法上?

都可接从句也都是及物动词 command 常用command doing 意为被要求做什么(被动) request 常用 request Sb to do sth 要求某人干什么
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遵守规则的英语作文,帮忙写一篇 With the development of economy, almost every family has a private car. So the road is crowded with buses and cars. How to respect the traffic rules bees a serious problem for us. First, we should observe the traffic light before we cross the road. Second, we should low down the speed of our cars. Third, we should advise the children not to play on the road. Last but not the least, we should publicize the knowledge of traffic. 请大神帮我写份英语作文180词左右,题目是规则,详细是为什么要制定规则,怎样遵守规则,谢谢 50分 Rules Rules are important as guidelines for people"s behaviour. Sometimes decisions are very difficult to make. For example, should I cross the street even though the red light is on? In the moment, it might appear that crossing the street is easier for me and wouldn"t really hurt other people. But I might be hit by a car, or cause a serious accident. Sometimes it is difficult to see how my actions would affect others. So it is important to have rules to simplify my decision making. Rules e from the experiences of many people. Rules consider how the society as a whole would be affected by certain actions. Who else would be affected? Would anyone get hurt? How about even strangers I have not met? How would a decision like this make a difference to them? In order to follow rules, it is important to learn about the rules and to know what they are. It is important to practice following the rules. Once following the rules bees a habit, it is much easier to make the right decisions consistently.以规则为话题的英语作文 In order to keep the road orderly and people safe, everyone should follow traffic rules. 为了保持交通秩序和人们的安全,人人都应该遵守交通规则。 The walkers should look carefully both left and right when they are crossing the roads.When people are driving, they should wear a seat belt. Drivers are not allowed to drive after drinking. They must stop when the lights are red.Many people take buses. They should wait in line, and follow the rule "First get off, then get on". 行人在穿马路时,应该人真的看看左右。当人们开车时要系上安全带,酒后不能开车,见到红灯必须停下来。许多人乘公共汽车,他们应该排队,并遵守“先下后上”的原则。 It was already 2:15 when I got up this afternoon.Classes would begin in a quarter. I quickly ran out and got on my bike. 下午当我起床时,时间已经是2:15了。再过15分钟就上课了,我快速地跑出去登上了车。 On my way to school, I rode fast.When I reached the crossing, the traffic lights were red, but I didn"t stop my bike.A policeman stopped me, and asked me whey I didn"t stop when the lights were red.I told him classes would begin in no time.He told me with a *** ile to obey the traffic rules next time and let me go. 上学的路上我骑得很快。当我到路口时,正好是红灯,可是我没有停车。警察拦住了我,并问我为什么闯红灯。我告诉他马上就要上课了。他笑着告诉我下一次摇遵守交通规则,然后让我走了。 If everyone follows the traffic rules, there will be fewer traffic accidents. 如果人人都能遵守交通规则,交通事故就会少多了。 怎么才能保持良好的身材 20分 这个问题真的很难回答!! 有些人怎么吃也不胖,有的人即使吃一点儿东西也会变胖!我看是遗传问题!! 我建议你先称一下自己多么重,然后狂吃一个星期,在称称!! 看看你是哪一种!!
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  电影名字是《致命罗密欧》。《致命罗密欧》是由华纳兄弟影片公司于2000年3月22日出品的一部动作类影片。该片由安德列·巴柯维亚执导,李连杰、艾莉雅、艾赛亚·华盛顿、王盛德、DMX和戴尔里·林多等主演。该片讲述了香港警察韩星,为了替身为美国犯罪集团的首领父亲顶罪而身陷囹圄。得知兄弟波死于父亲的亚洲犯罪家族与同样有势力的非裔美国人团伙之间一次残忍的战争后,越狱前往奥克兰复仇的故事。   香港犯人韩星(李连杰饰)和Trish O"Day 来自不同的国家,但是他们的人生道路在加利福尼亚的奥克兰相交了,这是因为他们有太多的共同之处。韩星刚刚从香港来到美国,在香港,他对作为美国犯罪集团头目的父亲楚的忠诚使他丢掉了在香港警察局的饭碗,并使他因此而入狱。现在,Han的兄弟波死于楚的亚洲犯罪家族与同样有势力的非裔美国人团伙之间一次残忍的战争。为了复仇,韩星被迫走进了一个只能用精神力量与武功来扞卫的新世界。   但当他来到破败的奥克兰码头的时候,他发现犯罪头目Isaac O"Day是一个很难对付的敌人。然而Han却意外地得到了O"Day美丽又富于反抗精神的女儿Trish 的帮助与理解。与韩星一样,Trish也是在犯罪集团的战争中失去她亲爱的兄弟的。对于Trish,她经受的痛苦与挣扎不是复仇,而是在她所爱的人全部死光之前让一切恐怖结束。在韩星和Trish试图停止遍布奥克兰的暴力和恐怖的时候,他们面临的是来自黑社会执法杀手的一系列威胁。Trish用她的智慧逃避着父亲派来的凶手,韩星的战役更多的是体力上的较量, Isaac O"Day的党徒在迫使他远离Trish,远离真相。
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2023-07-07 17:17:072

欢乐合唱团的《TEENAGE DREAM 》和Dritney spears的《HOLD IT AGAINST ME 》的中文翻译

TEENAGE DREAM You think I"m pretty without any makeup on你觉得我不用化妆也很美You think I"m funny when I tell the punchline wrong你认为我把俗语说错的时候很有趣I know you get me我知道你爱上我了So I let my walls come down, down所以我也准备好了Before you met me遇见你之前I was a alright but things were kinda heavy我一直过得很好,但有些事总是很烦You brought me to life你把我带进了新的生活Now every February现在每个二月You"ll be my Valentine你就是我的情人节Let"s go all the way tonight今夜就一同开始走向未来No regrets, just love不后悔,只要彼此相爱We can dance, until we die让我们共舞,直到永远You and I, will be young forever你和我,将永远年轻You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中The way you turn me on 这就是对我爱的体现I can"t sleep让我无法入眠Let"s run away and让我们一起离开Don"t ever look back永不回头Don"t ever look back永不回头My heart stops when you look at me当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳Just one touch只要一个小小的触摸Now baby I believe this is real我就能相信这是如此真实So take a chance and所以就这样碰碰运气Don"t ever look back永不回头Don"t ever look back永不回头We drove to Cali我们开车到CaliAnd got drunk on the beach在沙滩上痛快畅饮Got a motel and找一个汽车旅馆Built a fort out of sheets在床上建一个城堡I finally found you my missing puzzle piece最终我找到了我迷失的那一块拼图I"m complete这才是我完整的人生Let"s go all the way tonight今夜就一同开始走向未来No regrets, just love不后悔,只要彼此相爱We can dance, until we die让我们共舞,直到永远You and I, will be young forever你和我,将永远年轻You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中The way you turn me on 这就是对我爱的体现I can"t sleep让我无法入眠Let"s run away and让我们一起离开Don"t ever look back永不回头Don"t ever look back永不回头My heart stops when you look at me当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳Just one touch只要一个小小的触摸Now baby I believe this is real我就能相信这是如此真实So take a chance and所以就这样碰碰运气Don"t ever look back永不回头Don"t ever look back永不回头I"mma get your heart racing in my skin tights jeans我从我的紧身牛仔裤中感受到了你的心跳Be your teenage dream tonight今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans把你的手放入我的紧身牛仔裤Be your teenage dream tonight今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦Yoooouuu你......You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中The way you turn me on 这就是对我爱的体现I can"t sleep让我无法入眠Let"s run away and让我们一起离开Don"t ever look back永不回头Don"t ever look back永不回头No别My heart stops when you look at me当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳Just one touch只要一个小小的触摸Now baby I believe this is real我就能相信这是如此真实So take a chance and所以就这样碰碰运气Don"t ever look back永不回头Don"t ever look back永不回头I"mma get your heart racing in my skin tights jeans我从我的紧身牛仔裤中感受到了你的心跳Be your teenage dream tonight今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans把你的手放入我的紧身牛仔裤Be your teenage dream tonight今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦(Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)今夜...今夜...今夜...今夜...今夜...Britney Spears----Hold It Against Me 抱紧我(意译版)嗨,那边的帅哥,不好意思,我来得有点直接。本不想盯着你看,但是你实在太帅!而且我最喜欢的歌正飘荡。所以,靠近一点点,想在你耳边低诉。直白点,就一个小问题,我想知道你是怎么想的。如果我觉得小鹿乱撞,如果我们可以独处一室,如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?因为你就像天堂般美妙,而我今晚正好需要放个假,那么,如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?嗨,你也许会以为,我有点疯颠。但是你知道的,我就是你的菜。我也许有点疯狂,但是你却无法拒绝我。在跳舞的时候,我们之间擦出了火花。而我想要更多,想要看到你身体。(布布…咱不带这么直白的)所以今晚我要问你:如果我觉得小鹿乱撞,如果我们可以独处一室,如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?因为你就像天堂般美妙,而我今晚正好需要放个假,那么,如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?如果我说我想要你的身体,你能将身体靠紧我吗?给我点猛料,不想再等了,现在就要!(布布,咱不带这么饥渴的)快点脱掉你的衣服,让我看看你锻炼得怎么样?如果我觉得小鹿乱撞,如果我们可以独处一室,如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?如果我觉得小鹿乱撞,如果我们可以独处一室,如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?因为你就像天堂般美妙,而我今晚正好需要放个假,那么,如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?
2023-07-07 17:16:452


command是提高驾驶舒适性和安全性的车内操作系统! 具体如下: 1、由客户进行的测试表明COMMAND是距今为止最好的选择 使用过COMMAND的客户表示:根据COMMAND的表现(与“I-DRIVE”比较)感觉它一开始与宝马的I-DRIVE很相似。一旦客户熟练使用了COMMAND系统,他们认为这是距今为止,与宝马I-DRIVE和奥迪的MMI相比较的最佳选择。COMMAND的重要优势在于其更加便于操作。2、可以迅速的寻找信息COMMAND的聪明之处在于其可以区分该功能是每日使用的(举例来说如电台的选择和交通信息的播放)还仅仅是单次的设置(举例来说如系统的设置和低音的设置)。这样做的结果是,会根据功能使用的频繁性来决定操作的先后顺序。菜单是根据项目的相互关联性和使用的频率来进行安排的。当菜单上进行项选择时,系统会表明需要执行的操作路径。下一次当你再次选择这个菜单时,系统会直接显示该备选项目。这会减少操作的步骤。而在竞争者的同类系统中,日常使用的功能通常位于子菜单中的,这就会增加所需操作的步骤。3、在COMMAND和多功能方向盘之间的相互作用通过使用多功能方向盘可以操控COMMAND上的主要功能。这样做可以比使用中央控制旋钮的操作更为快速和直接。优点:驾驶员可以少分心,提高行驶安全性。宝马的相似系统在操作时需要更多的操作步骤,而奥迪则对操作的功能有限制范围。4、通过使用功能按钮,无须察看就可以操作主要功能COMMAND双向功能的直接按钮,即个性化按钮是按照人体工程学的原理排列在COMMAND控制器的周围的,这样在操作它们的时候就无须低下头看了。5、返回按钮COMMAND控制单位上的返回按钮有双重功能:短促地按下此按钮可以返回上级菜单;按住按钮,保持较长的一点时间可以返回到最上级菜单。
2023-07-07 17:16:401


自己觉的舒服 能进就行了
2023-07-07 17:16:403


合肥新生代油业有限公司 和一个浏览器 网址大全 方便上网 和360 等等类似
2023-07-07 17:16:3614


1、元旦(新年New Year"s Day)——1月1日,在圣诞节以前1周开始放假,一直放到元旦之后的周一。2、马丁·路德·金日(Birthday of Martin Luther King)——1月第三个星期一,放假1天。3、总统日(Presidents" Day)——2月第三个星期一,放假1天。4、美国阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)——5月最后一个星期一,放假1天。5、美国独立日(Independence Day)——7月4日,放假
2023-07-07 17:16:3412


打招呼用语英语有:1、hello词义:名词:“喂”的招呼声;打招呼,问候。感叹词:喂;哈罗,你好,您好(表示问候, 惊奇或唤起注意时的用语)。动词:说(或大声说)“喂”;打招呼。固定搭配:Hello Kitty 凯蒂猫。用法:打招呼。Hello, Trish. I won"t shake hands, because I"m filthy.你好,特里斯。我就不握手了,我的手好脏。2、hi词义:感叹词:嗨!(表示问候或用以唤起注意)。固定搭配:Hi My Sweetheart 海派甜心。用法:打招呼。"Hi, Liz," she said shyly.“嗨,利兹,”她羞涩地说。3、good afternoon词义:感叹词:下午好。固定搭配:good afternoon everyone 大家下午好。用法:打招呼。Good afternoon, Miss Maria. 玛丽亚小姐,下午好。4、good morning词义:感叹词:早安,早上好。固定搭配:Good Morning Sunshine 日出早安。用法:打招呼。Good morning, sir. Can I help you? 早上好,先生。您要点什么?5、good evening词义:感叹词:晚上好。固定搭配:Good evening song 晚安曲。用法:打招呼。Good evening and welcome. 晚上好,欢迎光临。
2023-07-07 17:16:321

command not found怎么办

通常,command not found是系统不能找到执行命令的路径引起的,是怎么回事儿呢?拿命令ifconfig来说,如果没有把:/sbin追加到环境变量,直接输入ifconfig命令是不能执行的,输入/sbin/ifconfig才能执行。通过whereis ifconfig可得知ifconfig所在路径是/sbin/ifconfig,即在sbin目录下。如果环境变量中没有设置/sbin,则会显示command not found,如果不设置环境变量并企图先进入/sbin目录再执行ifconfig命令是不会成功的,因为系统不会主动搜索当前目录下的文件,它不关心你的当前目录在哪儿,只会搜索环境变量。不设置环境变量是否就意味不能使用ifconfig命令了呢?显然不是,如果不设置环境变量/sbin,你仍然可通过如下方法执行ifconfig命令:cd /sbin; ./ifconfig 。“./ ”告诉系统不用搜索环境变量,直接就在当前目录下执行命令,作用等同于/sbin/ifconfig。总结起来,可通过两种方法解决command not found问题。第一种,设置环境变量,如果不知某个命令所属目录,whereis [command]可查看。第二种,不用设置环境变量,进入命令所属目录,./[command]亦可实现。
2023-07-07 17:16:311

求一篇:My weekend(我的周末)、My holiday(我的假期)英语作文60个字以内

求一篇:My weekend(我的周末)、My holiday(我的假期)英语作文60个字以内 My weekend I think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend. Now, let me introduce my busy weekend to you. On Saturday morning, I am going to the bookstore. I"m going to buy some story-books and a Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary. I like reading story-books. I find them very interesting. Then I am going home. My home is near the bookstore. So I am going by bike. I like riding my bike. In the evening, I am going to play piano. Playing piano is my hobby. MY WEEKEND On Sunday morning, I am going to do my homework. Now I am in Grade Six. I want to enter a good middle school next year. So I must study hard. In the afternoon, I am going shopping with my parents and my little brother. My mom says she is going to buy a pair of sneakers for me. I love going shopping. I think all of the girls like going shopping. Am I right. On Sunday evening, I am going back to school by school bus. I love my weekend, how about you? Tell me something about your weekend. 求一篇英语作文《my vacation 》(我的假期) It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 英语作文:my holiday (我的假期) I really had a busy and meaningful holiday. I finished doing my homework on time and prepared for the new lessons. I also helped my parents do some housework every day, such as,cleaning the house, washing the dishes,going shopping and so on. It"s very important to do sports because it is good for our health. So I went fo a walk after supper every day and played table tennis with my friends. I went to Hainan with my parents and stayed there for about a week . I really enjoyed my holiday. 或 I went to visit my grandparents with my father and mother. They live in the country.I pent a week with them. I alos went to a park with my friends. We rowed a boat and sang and danced. 只要写写活动就可以了。 自己的习作,看对你是否有帮助哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 以My holiday joumday写一篇英语作文60词以内 My summer holiday I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things. I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food. Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too. I had a wonderful summer holiday this year.What about you? Can you tell me somthing about it? 求一篇英语作文,my holiday I visited Beijing to spend my holiday last week.Beijing is a beautiful city with a long history.I visited many famous places of interest in Beijing,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.The Great Wall gave me a deep impression on this trip.It is looked like a huge dragon and I am deeply attracted by the Great Wall.I also went to Tian"anmen Square,which was what I was eager to see many years ago.Our red national flag was fluterring in the wind.Seeing these,I felt pround of our country.The weather is fine here.There are many beautifu sights everywhere,so I took many photos there and bought some special products for my parents.I enjoyed myself here and had a great experience. PS 不知道你的字数要求,给你写了个简单的,要中文翻译可以追问我。 求一篇my holiday英语作文 my holiday Most of the children like winter holiday very much. Because the Spring Festival is in it. They can eat many delicious food and get red packets. During the winter holiday, children don"t have school. They stay at home and do many things as they like, but I didn"t. I always got up late every day during the Winter Holiday. I had breakfast at nine o"clock. After that, I did my homework. The homework was too much, and it almost cost me the whole day. I didn"t have much time to play with my good friends.What a pity! I hope I had less homework next winter holiday. 翻译:大多数孩子都喜欢寒假。因为有春节,他们可以吃好吃的食物,还能拿红包。 在寒假中,孩子们不上课,他们呆在家做自己想做的事情。但是我没有。在寒假里,我每天都起得很晚。我9点钟吃早饭,然后就开始做家庭作业。家庭作业太多了,它几乎花了我整天的时间,我没有许多时间和好朋友玩,真遗憾,我希望下个寒假我的作业会少些。 望采纳! 求一篇my best holiday的英语作文 给你两篇范文 1.I had a wonderful National Holiday. Firstly, I finished doing my homework as quickly as I could. Then I reviewed what I learnt and prepared for my new lessons. I also read some interesting books and saw some wonderful movies. Secondly, I helped my parents do some housework every day. Such as, cleaning the room, making the bed, washing the clothes and so on. Thirdly, I visited my friends and played table tennis with them, I aslo visited Beijing with my parents and stayed there for three days. We went to the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and so on. I really had a good time for my holiday。 我有一个很棒的国定假日。首先,我做完作业我能尽快的。然后我审议了我学习和准备我的新课程。我也读了一些有趣的书,看到了一些精彩的电影。其次,我帮助我的父母做些家务,每一天。例如,打扫房间,铺床的时候,洗衣服等等。第三,我拜访了我的朋友,打乒乓球和他们在一起的时候,我和我的父母也访问了北京,在那里住了三天。我们去天坛,颐和园等。我真的玩得很开心因为我的假期。 2.I had a wonderful National Holiday. Firstly, I finished doing my homework as quickly as I could. Then I reviewed what I learnt and prepared for my new lessons. I also read some interesting books and saw some wonderful movies. Secondly, I helped my parents do some housework every day. Such as, cleaning the room, making the bed, washing the clothes and so on. Thirdly, I visited my friends and played table tennis with them, I aslo visited Beijing with my parents and stayed there for three days. We went to the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and so on. I really had a good time for my holiday。 以My family,My teacher,My holiday,A busy weekend,I want to be为英语作文各60词一篇,要求每篇都有 My family There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I"m really happy. My brother is shy and funny. He is good at sports and does well in volleyball.But he hates studying and his grades are bad. He like telling jokes. He always plays jokes on his friends and my family, and always makes us laugh. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital of Sanya. He doesn"t like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night. My mother is a waitress. She works in a restaurant. She has good habits. She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day. But I don"t like milk. It is awful. She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time. She says it"s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed. My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side. I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home. My teacher My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin. His English is very good. And he always wears a pair of glasses. He likes wearing blue trousers. My teacher is handsome. He often plays with us after class. He often reads books and English. His hobby is reading books. Mr Xu likes drinking Coke and eating chips. Sometimes he is angry, because we are naughty. Sometimes he is happy, because we are good. Mr. Xu is very good and handsome. We all like him. My holiday I had a wonderful National Holiday. Firstly, I finished doing my homework as quickly as I could. Then I reviewed what I learnt and prepared for my new lessons. I also read some interesting books and saw some wonderful movies. Secondly, I helped my parents do some housework every day. Such as, cleaning the room, making the bed, washing the clothes and so on. Thirdly, I visited my friends and played table tennis with them, I aslo visited Beijing with my parents and stayed there for three days. We went to the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and so on. I really had a good time for my holiday A busy weekend Last weekend I was really busy.I got up early and ate my breakfast quickly.Then my mother and I went to climb a hill to see the sunrise,after that we came back.I read some English texts and kept some words in my mind. After lunch,one of my friend came and invited me to another friend"s Birthday party.Then we went to the shops to bought some gifts.And we went to the party together.I sang a song at the party,and we had our supper siplely but also happily. It"s 9:30 when I got home,so I did some homework and soon went to bed. I want to be a teacher I want to be a teacher because I love to bring others knowledge and happiness. When I am in school, I always listen to my teacher carefully. By this way, I feel that being a teacher must be very great. Aording to my experience, I find most teachers are attractive not because of their physical beauty but because of their heart beauty. In a word, a teacher can be always helpful to other people. And that is what I want to do in the future: a helpful and kind man. 求一篇My favorite holiday英语作文 My favorite holiday is Christmas and it always on December 25th. I enjoy the idea of giving and receiving presents and going to church to watch the Christmas plays and I enjoy the Christmas parades that different towns have during this holiday season. Because gift-giving and several other aspects of the holiday involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, Christmas has bee a major event for many retailers. I enjoy letting the children help me put up the Christmas tree. It"s a pleasure to see them excited by the Christmas lights on the tree and on the house. I ride around to different towns so they can see other people decorations. Christmas is based on the story of Jesus" birth. December 25 is not thought to be Jesus" actual date of birth and the date may have been chosen to correspond with a Roman Festival. Most of all this is a national holiday which businesses are closed and gives families time to spend together. My favorite holiday is Christmas and it always on December 25th. I enjoy the idea of giving and receiving presents and going to church to watch the Christmas plays and I enjoy the Christmas parades that different towns have during this holiday season. Because gift-giving and several other aspects of the holiday involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, Christmas has bee a major event for many retailers. I enjoy letting the children help me put up the Christmas tree. It"s a pleasure to see them excited by the Christmas lights on the tree and on the house. I ride around to different towns so they can see other people decorations. Christmas is based on the story of Jesus" birth. December 25 is not thought to be Jesus" actual date of birth and the date may have been chosen to correspond with a Roman Festival. Most of all this is a national holiday which businesses are closed and gives families time to spend together. 求一篇an unfettable thing in my summer holiday的英语作文 My Summer Vacation Last summer I spent a o-week vacation at my aunt"s place. My aunt lived alone in a mountain village, with a *** all river winding its course everyday. One morning I went fishing in the river, where o women washed clothes. I fimnd a most favorable point. Casting out my line I waited anxiously for a bite. Suddenly there came a cry: "Help! Help!" I looked in the direction of the call and saw a boy falling into the river. Throwing the fishing pole, I dashed over like an arrow, jumped into the river and swam very quickly towards the boy. Then together with his mother I carried the boy on my back to a nearby hospital. That boy was saved. The mother gave me a thousand thanks. Back to my fishing place, I fimnd my fishing pole floating on the water. I managed to get it. But to my great surprise, there was a big fish on the hook.
2023-07-07 17:16:251