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2023-07-07 21:51:04
TAG: 英文 包装

包装设计 用英语怎么说?

package design 包装设计

Package Designer 包装设计师



【modity Package Design】



High-end packaging design


包装设计package design

我们想了解一下关于产品包装设计的进程如何 用英语怎么说


I‘d like to know how the design for the product package is going on. /

I‘d like to know how the抚design is going on for the product package.



Product color box packaging design


[包装] package design;[包装] packaging design更多释义>>


包装设计 Package design;Packaging Design;Packing Design

电抗器包装设计 Coil packing design

助理包装设计师 Assistant Packaging Designer;Assistant Packing Engineer;Associate Packaging Designer



英文名字可以叫 simple packaging, fast pa互kaging, 或者有的也可以叫take away packaging。要根据具体的语境来判断到底使用哪一个更合适。





Container modeling, individuation, package design

日式风味 英文怎么说

Japanese Cuisine



flavor 和 style都是平常的词,不准确且不华丽


cuisine 的英文解释:

The cuisine of a country or district is the style of cooking that is characteristic of that place.





产品设计(Product Design) 产品设计是指从确定产品设计任务书起到确定产品结构为止的一系列 技术工作的准备和管理,是产品开发的重要环节, 是产品生产过程的开始. 由于产品设计阶段要全面确定整个产品的结构、规格, 从而确定整个生产系统的布局,因而,产品设计的意义重大,具有“ 牵一发而动全局”的重要意义。如果一个产品的设计缺乏生产观点, 那么生产时就将耗费大量费用来调整和更换设备、物料和劳动力。 相反,好的产品设计,不仅表现在功能上的优越性,而且便于制造, 生产成本低,从而使产品的综合竞争力得以增强。许多在 市场竞争 中 占优势的企业都十分注意产品设计的细节, 以便设计出造价低而又具有独特功能的产品。 许多发达国家的公司都把设计看作热门的战略工具, 认为好的设计是赢得顾客的关键。满意请采纳
2023-07-07 14:41:031


2023-07-07 14:41:133


产品设计是从制订出新产品设计任务书起到设计出产品样品为止的一系列技术工作。其工作内容是制订产品设计任务书及实施设计任务书中的项目要求(包括产品的性能、结构、规格、型式、材质、内在和外观质量、寿命、可靠性、使用条件、应达到的技术经济指标等)。产品设计应该做到: (1) 设计的产品应是先进的、高质量的,能满足用户使用需求。(2) 使产品的制造者和使用者都能取得较好的经济效益。(3) 从实际出发,充分注意资源条件及生产、生活水平,作最适宜的设计。(4) 注意提高产品的系列化、通用化、标准化水平。其主要种类有:新产品自行设计;外来样品实物测绘仿制;外来图纸设计;老产品的改进设计。[1]中文名产品设计外文名Product design类别设计属性反映着时代的经济、技术和文化内容制订产品设计任务书及实施设计任务书中的项目要求快速导航意义设计要求设计程序设计步骤设计方法基本原则感性因素服务范围产业背景设计流程原则一、亲密性所谓亲密性就是把所有相关的东西放在一起,如果把多个具有相关性的东西放在一起,便可以得到更加全面实用的一件产品,甚至产生意想不到的效果。
2023-07-07 14:41:402


1、视觉传达设计及原理 The Principle and Design of Visual Communication 2、图示思考与表达 Consideration and Description Graphic Representation3、色彩设计及原理 The Principle and Design of Colour4、产品设计 Production Design5、环境设施设计及原理 The Principle and Design of Environment Facilities6、展示设计及原理 The Principle and Design of Presentation7、产品结构选型 Option of Production Structure自己翻译的,参考一下吧,最好搞一本工业设计的英文词典,用得多的话
2023-07-07 14:41:496


red dot award 分为三个大类别:product designcommunication designdesign concept前两者的参赛品都必须是实际产品或者作品(商业上使用或者具有实际效用的设计)第三个design concept的参赛品是设计概念(就是说只需要设计概念图或者模型就可以参加了)那就好理解了,如果在市面上我们看到某个产品说是红点奖产品,那么它就是获得了product design或communication design类别的红点奖。一般商业公司投的类别也是此二类.我们经常在各大论坛,网上广为流传一般只有图片形式的(不能找到实物的)那就是design concept了。关于组织:红点奖组织方是一个商业机构而非一个公益机构,它的可持续运作有赖于赛事运作的相关收入(例如参赛费用,出版费用,展览费用等等)。关于价值:红点奖的可持续运作一方面有利于在社会体系(包括企业和非企业系统)中传播设计的价值和影响力,而另一方面反过来,借助它已经产生的影响力,企业也可以利用其进行提升品牌影响力。所以它的价值正是来自于非设计领域,让设计领域外的人能认识设计的价值,这反过来也能成为设计行业本身的一种助推剂。关于奖项:正如所有的其他类别荣誉一样,既然它是由一方授予另一方,就不存在所谓的得到全部人认同,奥斯卡如此,红点也如此,它的评审即使有再多的规则和限制也都会带有当时评审的种种因素在里面。所以不是我们每个人都能认同红点中的每一件作品。正因为product design 和communication design的竞赛品是成熟的上市产品(已经与消费者见面了),所以这些产品能获得青睐本身应该有很多成功的因素,因为好的想法靠执行,一个执行出来的产品能获奖,说明它的执行很不赖,因为这包括工艺,生成,制造,材料这些可量化的层面。关于concept design:概念奖就意味着它的目标是给想法,给点子,给创意层面的人,(当然设计表达也是一种执行)。我认为这个层面的评审会比前两个类别评审更加具备评审特色,就是评委的主观认知会发挥更大的作用,因为不是比拼更加可量化的执行层面,而是创意。因而它会引起讨论的空间就更大了。PS:另外一个与红点齐名的就是iF大奖了,同样也是诞生于德国的设计奖项评选,能将对一个奖的认知推广到全世界,这应该是这两个奖项很大的一个贡献。目前国内也诞生了N多大大小小若干的奖,正如中国电影的奖项一样,我觉得从红点和iF中关于赛事组织和品牌应该有很多值得我们学习的东西。顺便推荐 D&AD award 这个专业设计与广告领域的英国赛事会另有一番风味 D&AD
2023-07-07 14:42:061

production design是什么意思

production design是什么意思 production design [英][pru0259u02c8du028cku0283u0259n diu02c8zain][美][pru0259u02c8du028cku0283u0259n du026au02c8zau026an] 生产设计; 生产计划; 例句: 1. This text exactly from the adoption the variety of production design that new techniquebring is a point of departure, research *** ytical sofare that has to aim at sex test thetechnique thus resolves actual problem of the item. 本文正是从采用新技术带来的生产设计上的变化为出发点,研究分析出具有针对性的软件测试技术从而解决项目的实际问题。 product mould design production是什么意思 product mould design production 产品模具设计生产 image production是什么意思 image production 英 [u02c8imidu0292 pru0259u02c8du028cku0283u0259n] 美 [u02c8u026amu026adu0292 pru0259u02c8du028cku0283u0259n] 图像生成,图像形成 eg: A Study on the Quality Control in Digital Image Production Based on Mechani *** (基于机理的数字影像生产质量控制研究) The world today is in a period of image production, dissemination and information surplus. (今天,我们正处在一个图像生产、传播和信息过剩的时期。) 望采纳,谢谢! water production是什么意思 water production的中文翻译 water production 水生产 双语例句 1 Water Demand and Water Production Function for Muskmelon under Mulched Drip Irrigation in Greenhouse 温室膜下滴灌甜瓜需水量与水分生产函数研究 2 Application of reverse o *** osis technology in pure water production of color kinescope industry was introduced. 介绍了反渗透技术在彩管行业纯水制造中的应用。 production window 是什么意思 Production window 生产窗口 Be a contact window beeen production and engineering. 作为生产和工程部之间的接口。 industrial production是什么意思 工业生产 短语 industrial side production 工业副产品 industrial side production that 工业副产品 Industrial Silicon Production 工业硅生产 ; 工业硅生产 例句 Back in 2008, when the crisis broke, industrial production collapsed around the world. 跟读 早在2008年危机爆发时,全世界的工业生产轰然倒塌。 production footprint是什么意思 production footprint 生产足迹 ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮 production footprint 生产足迹 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问 production license是什么意思 production license 生产许可证 production license 生产许可证
2023-07-07 14:42:141

SAP有产品设计PD (Product Design)模块吗

2023-07-07 14:42:231


The need analysis and product design
2023-07-07 14:42:303


工业设计一般来说就是那几个学校比较好 如Bristol大学 巴斯大学 UCL
2023-07-07 14:42:402


The capability of the existing manufacturing technology is an extremely important consideration in product design and development.As technology develops new and better processes and materials,the designer naturally makes use of these to design and redesign products accordingly.现有的制造技术的能力是一个非常重要的考虑,在产品设计和开发,随着技术的发展新的,更好的工艺和材料,设计师自然地利用这些设计和重新设计的产品。Most products that are made for the general public are only successful if they can be mass produced and marketed at affordable prices.The best product design is only as good as its ability to be competitively produced.Therefore a designer must consider the following important questions when a product is being developed.大多数为大众制造的产品是成功的,如果他们能够以合理的价格生产和销售的产品,最好的产品设计是有竞争力的,因此设计师必须考虑以下几个重要问题。
2023-07-07 14:43:061


注: 2011年起,申请就读欧洲设计学院本科课程的学生,可获得意大利教育部认证的学士学位。英语授课,每年2月开学。注:一年制课程毕业后可申请本科二年级课程室内设计(Interior Design)服装设计(Fashion Design)学制3年,每年10月开学。注:本科课程可获得意大利教育部认证的学士学位  设计学院产品设计(Product Design):产品/包装/家具/灯饰设计方向意大利语、英语授课室内设计(Interior Design)意大利语(室内/布景/家具/灯光设计方向)、英语授课(室内/家具/灯光设计方向)视觉传播学院平面设计(Graphic Design)意大利语、英语授课广告传播(Advertising Communication):广告传播/广告文案/数字广告方向意大利语授课插画与动画(Illustration and animation)意大利语授课摄影(Photography):摄影/时尚摄影方向意大利语、英语授课媒体设计-网页、通讯、应用程序(Media Design-Web、Mobile、Apps)意大利语授课视频设计(Video Design):电影制作/交互视频设置方向意大利语授课音效设计(Sound Design)意大利语授课电脑动画(Computer Generated Animation):视觉效果/3D动画/游戏制作方向意大利语授课时尚学院珠宝设计(Jewellery Design)英语授课服装设计(Fashion Design):服装/鞋类与配饰/休闲服装/印染与纺织品设计方向意大利语、英语授课服装造型(Fashion Stylist):视觉营销方向意大利语、英语授课管理学院市场营销:客户与品牌管理(Marketing :Account and Brand management)意大利语授课活动管理(Event Management)意大利语授课时尚学院时尚营销与传播(Fashion Marketing and Communication):时尚传播/时尚营销方向意大利语、英语授课(英语授课课程可获英国威尔士大学荣誉学士学位)学制1年,部分课程学制2年,每年1月、4月或11月开学均有硕士课程开课设计学院产品设计(Product Design)英语授课,学制1年,每年1月开学室内设计(Interior Design)英语授课,学制1年,每年1月开学视觉传播学院品牌设计(Brand Design)英语授课,学制1年,每年11月开学广告-艺术指导与文案(Advertising - Art Direction and Copywriting)意大利语授课,学制1年,每年1月开学管理学院品牌管理与传播(Brand Management and Communication)意大利语(每年1月开学)、英语授课(每年4月开学),学制1年活动管理(Event Management)意大利语授课,学制1年,每年11月开学数字媒体管理(Digital Media Management)意大利语授课,学制1年,每年11月开学时尚学院服装设计:(Fashion Design)英语授课,学制1年,每年1月开学时尚传播-时尚造型与时尚公关(Fashion Communication-Stylist and PR)英语授课,学制1年,每年1月开学时尚营销-产品与零售管理(Fashion Marketing-Product and Retail Management)英语授课,学制1年,每年1月开学意大利语课程(Italian Language Course)学制6个月,每年3月开学注:申请本科课程(教育部认证),参加图兰朵计划的学生可申请本课程。学制4周,2012年7月2日-27日,英语授课。高级课程:室内和陈列设计(Interior and Showroom Design)意大利产品设计(Italian Product Design)入门课程:摄影与作品集(Photography and Portfolio)时尚营销(Fashion Marketing)珠宝设计(Jewelry Design)服装造型(Fashion Stylist)服装设计(Fashion Design) 注: 2011年起,申请就读欧洲设计学院本科课程的学生,可获得意大利教育部认证的学士学位。n 本科/三年制课程(2012学年)学制3年,每年10月开学。注:本科课程可获得意大利教育部认证的学士学位  设计学院产品设计(Product Design)意大利语授课室内设计(Interior Design)意大利语(室内/布景设计方向)、英语授课视觉传播学院平面设计(Graphic Design)意大利语授课广告传播(Advertising Communication):艺术指导/广告文案方向意大利语授课插画与动画(Illustration e animation)意大利语授课摄影(Photography)意大利语授课媒体设计-网页、通讯、应用程序(Media Design-Web、Mobile、Apps)意大利语授课视频设计(Video Design)意大利语(动态图像方向)、英语授课音效设计(Sound Design)意大利语授课电脑动画(Computer Generated Animation)意大利语授课时尚学院服装设计(Fashion Design):服装/鞋类与配饰设计方向意大利语授课服装造型(Fashion Stylist):时尚造型/时尚编辑方向意大利语授课珠宝设计(Jewellery Design)意大利语授课管理学院市场营销:客户与品牌管理(Marketing Account and Brand management)意大利语授课活动管理:(Event Management)意大利语授课时尚学院时尚营销与传播(Fashion Marketing and Communication):时尚传播/时尚营销方向英语授课(可获英国威尔士大学荣誉学士学位)时尚传播(Fashion Communication):数字传播方向意大利语授课n 硕士课程(2013年)学制1年,部分课程学制2年,每年2月或4月开学均有硕士课程开课设计学院食品设计(Food Design)英语授课,学制1年,每年4月开学手工艺品与自产商品设计(Handicraft and Self Production Design)英语授课,学制1年,每年4月开学管理学院艺术管理(Arts Management)英语授课,学制1年,每年2月开学时尚学院奢侈品营销管理(Luxury Marketing Management)英语授课,学制1年,每年4月开学n 语言课程意大利语课程(Italian Language Course)学制6个月,每年3月开学注:申请本科课程(教育部认证),参加图兰朵计划的学生可申请本课程。n 暑期课程(2012学年)学制4周,2012年7月2日-27日,入门课程。语言与设计体验(Language and Design Experience)意大利语授课罗马视频制作(Rome Video Production)英语授课 注: 2011年起,申请就读欧洲设计学院本科课程的学生,可获得意大利教育部认证的学士学位。n 三年制课程(2012学年)学制3年,每年10月开学设计学院产品设计(Product Design)意大利语授课室内设计(Interior Design)意大利语授课交通工具设计(Transportation Design):汽车设计/自行车、游艇、火车设计方向意大利语、英语授课视觉传播学院平面设计(Graphic Design)意大利语授课广告传播(Advertising Communication)意大利语授课插画(Illustration):儿童图书与图画故事方向意大利语授课摄影(Photography)意大利语授课媒体设计-网页、通讯、应用程序(Media Design-Web、Mobile、Apps)意大利语授课视频设计(Video Design)意大利语授课时尚学院服装设计(Fashion Design)意大利语授课珠宝设计(Jewellery Design):配饰设计方向意大利语授课管理学院市场营销:客户与品牌管理(Marketing :Accout and Brand management)意大利语授课n 硕士课程(2013年)学制1年,部分课程学制2年,每年2月、4月或11月开学均有硕士课程开课  设计学院交通工具设计 (Transportation Design)英语授课,学制2年,每年4月开学可持续建筑设计(Sustainable Architecture)英语授课,学制1年,每年4月开学未来移动工具设计(Advanced Design for Transportation)英语授课,学制1年,每年11月开学游艇设计(Yacht Design)英语授课,学制1年,每年2月开学管理学院编辑策划(Editorial Planning)意大利语授课,学制1年,每年11月开学 n 一年制课程:(2012学年)英语授课注:一年制课程毕业后可申请本科二年级课程时尚营销与传播(Fashion Marketing and Communication)每年2月开学时尚营销与活动(Fashion Marketing and Events)每年9月开学n 三年制课程(2012学年):学制3年,每年10月开学。设计学院室内设计(Interior Design)意大利语授课视觉传播学院广告传播(Advertising Communication)意大利语授课时尚学院时尚传播(Fashion Communication):数字媒体方向英语授课管理学院地区营销(Territorial Marketing)意大利语授课n 硕士课程(2013学年)学制1年,部分课程学制2年,每年1月或2月开课 ;英语授课视觉传播学院平面设计(Graphic Design)学制1年,每年2月开学管理学院艺术管理(Arts Management)学制1年,每年2月开学时尚学院时尚活动和公关(Fashion Events and Public Relations)学制1年,每年4月开学 n 三年制课程(2012学年):学制3年,每年10月开学;意大利语授课设计学院产品设计(Product Design)视觉传播学院媒体设计-网页、通讯、应用程序(Media Design-Web、Mobile、Apps) n 三年制课程(2012学年):学制3年,每年10月开学;意大利语授课设计学院产品设计(Product Design)室内设计(Interior Design) n 一年制课程(2013/2014学年):每年10月开学注:一年制课程毕业后可申请本科二年级课程时尚传播(Fashion Communication)英语授课多领域设计(Total Design)英语、西班牙语授课n 本科/三年制课程(2013/2014学年) :每年10月开学  设计学院室内设计(Interior Design)西班牙语授课产品设计(Product Design):产品设计/家居设计/城市设计方向西班牙语授课视觉传播学院平面设计(Graphic Design):平面设计/新媒体方向西班牙语授课时尚学院服装设计(Fashion Design):服装设计/高级订制女装与男装剪裁/纺织品设计与针织品/服装配饰设计/服装设计与创意指导方向西班牙语、英语授课视觉传播学院视频指导(Video Direction)电子游戏设计(Videogame Design):游戏开发/游戏平面设计方向时尚学院形象,造型设计与时尚传播(Course of Image, Style Design and Fashion Communication)n 硕士课程(2013学年)  设计学院:学制1年,每年1月开学;西班牙语,英语授课产品设计实验室(Product Design Labs)欧洲设计实验室(European Design Labs)策略设计实验室(Strategic Design Labs)传播设计实验室(Communication Design Labs)视觉传播学院欧洲美术摄影(European Fine Art Photography)英语授课,学制1年,每年4月开学交互研究与设计(Interaction Research and Design)西班牙语/英语授课,学制2年,每年1月开学电子游戏研究与设计(Videogames Research and Design)西班牙语/英语授课,学制2年,每年1月开学 n 一年制课程:每年10月开学;西班牙语、英语授课整体设计(Global Design)n 本科/三年制课程本科课程:学制4年设计学院室内设计(Interior Design)西班牙语、英语授课,每年9月开学产品设计(Product Design):产品设计/交通工具设计方向西班牙语、英语授课,每年9月开学视觉传播学院平面设计(Graphic Design):平面设计/动态图像和视频西班牙语,每年10月开学;英语授课,每年9月开学时尚学院服装设计(Fashion Design):服装设计/服装造型与时尚传播方向西班牙语授课,每年9月开学管理学院传播与活动设计(Communication and Event Design)西班牙语授课商业设计(Business Design)西班牙语授课时尚学院时尚营销与传播(Fashion Marketing and Communication)西班牙语授课,英语授课(可获英国威尔士大学荣誉学士学位)服装设计(Fashion Design)英语授课(可获英国威尔士大学荣誉学士学位)n 硕士课程(2013学年):英语授课设计学院设计管理(Design Management)学制18个月(1年课程+半年毕业设计),每年1月开学商业空间室内设计(Interior Design for Commercial Spaces)学制6个月,每年1月入学管理学院社会化商业设计(Design For Social Business)学制18个月(1年课程+半年毕业设计),每年1月开学 1. 威尼斯校区(2012年)每年6月开学,英语授课,入门课程。博物馆和画廊开发和设计(Museam and Gallery Development and Design)2. 佛罗伦萨校区(2012年)每年7月开学,英语授课,入门课程。时尚活动与公关(Fashion Events and PR)平面设计和作品集(Graphic Design and Protfolio)意大利皮革设计(Italian Leather Design)3. 马德里校区(2013年)每年7月开学多领域设计(Total Design):西班牙语,英语授课室内装饰与造型(Interior Decoration and Styling):西班牙语授课摄影入门(Introduction to Photography):西班牙语授课平面设计入门(Introduction to Graphic Design):西班牙语授课私人买手(Personal Shopper):西班牙语授课美食设计(Design in Gastronomy):西班牙语授课赞助与活动策略工具(Sponsorship and Events-Strategic Tools):西班牙语授课社区管理(Community Manager):西班牙语授课5.巴塞罗那校区(2012年)夏季每年7月,冬季每年1月开学时尚与视觉营销-夏季(Fashion and Visual Merchandising-Summer):西班牙语授课;7月开学服装设计(Fashion Design):西班牙语授课;1、7月开学形象顾问和私人买手(Image Consultant and Personal Shopper):西班牙语授课;1、7月开学生态设计(Eco Design):西班牙语授课;7月开学室内设计(Interior Design-Summer):西班牙语授课;1、7月开学社区管理和社会媒体(Community Management and Social Media):英语授课课程:7月开学猎酷和时尚趋势(Coolhunting and Fashion Trends):西班牙语授课;7月开学
2023-07-07 14:43:161


产品形象设计(Product Image Design) 产品的形象设计是服务于企业的整体形象设计,是以 产品设计 为核心 ,围绕着人对产品的需求, 更大限度地适合人的个体与社会的需求而获得普遍的认同感, 改变人们的生活方式,提高生活质量和水平。 因此对产品形象的设计和评价系统的研究具有十分重要的意义, 评价系统复杂而变化多样,有许多不确定因素, 特别是涉及到人的感官因素等,包括人的生理和心理因素。
2023-07-07 14:43:341


Personal translation, negotiable.
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工业设计industrial design产品设计product design
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2023-07-07 14:44:571


需要一个霸气的英文团队名字,就是那种很强大 人人畏惧的那种组织的 英文名字,求帮忙想想一个???? 就叫Hell Angel(地狱天使)吧。 这是50年代初在美国加州崛起的一个帮派,但这不是一般像黑手党类的黑帮,这些人一眼就可以被认出来,因为他们都是以重型机车代步的一群人,穿皮衣挂金属可以说就是他们的制服。就到今天为止,这个帮派在许多方面都仍有影响,尤其是在服装方面,一些重金属类的穿著,就是从他们那延伸而来的。上网去查,会发现他们的相关资讯非常多。 Hell Angel(地狱天使)的名声如雷贯耳,绝对强大、人人称畏。 英语团队名称 Never give up 永不言败 望采纳哦呵呵 英文团队名称大全 WINBOYS,W I N 获胜的男孩 赢得胜利的男孩子(团体) 英语霸气的团队名称 WINBOYS,W I N 获胜的男孩 赢得胜利的男孩子(团体) 好听的英文女团队名称 FLY ,Fanny被描绘为黑发,丰润的女孩,快乐,风趣,非常活泼有时让人有鲁莽的感觉 Lea中文拼写: 利;莉名字含义: 奶牛名字来源: 希伯来语 Yuna....最终幻想 好听的团队英文名 Shaujo/ayoung-J 微商团队名称大全英语 blur 求简短的英文团队名称? 【LiuXue86. - 团队英文口号】 在这个商品经济时代,口号被广泛运用到各行各业中,成了营销战略中一个重要的考虑因素。但是口号也面临一个严重的问题,那就是存在被滥用、错用的倾向。下面是我教大家识别口号正确与否的方法,欢迎大家前来参考和学习。 Crset 公司是一家追求高品质服务的设计顾问团队,成立于 2001 年,一直以来持续为国内外 知名品牌以及发展 中企业提 *** 品设计、结构设计、UI 设计和品牌设计。目前主要服务范 围囊括数码电子、医疗器械、仪器设备、时 尚消费、公共设施等产业领域。 Crset is a design consultant team of pursue of high quality service , founded in 2010. Crset The crest has provided product design ,Structure design, UI design and brand design for famous domestic and international brands and developing enterprise continually. Service scope mainly include digital electronics, medical equipment, instruments and equipment,fashion consumption, public facilities etc 我们认为,好的设计来自生活的细节,我们更擅于思考; 我们认为,好的设计是为人而服务的,所以我们更懂得谦虚礼貌; 我们认为,好的设计是不矫揉造作,顺应自然,我们才思敏捷见解独到; 我们是用“心”做设计的人;我们具备,勤奋的 *** 、简单的智慧、温和的力量、分享的视 野。 我自己的部分: NAME:于蒙蒙 AGE :21 今天奇思妙想,明天硕果累累。 Fancy is today , productive achievements are tomorrow. 设计来源于生活,创意无处不在。 Design is from life, originality is on everywhere. 这款衣钩设计巧妙,一个简单的金属带通过弯曲再由螺母固定,就形成了一个优雅的衣钩了。它使用的材 料是 0.4 毫米的不锈钢弹簧钢,粉末涂层。 This clothes hooks are designed cleverly, a simplemetal bending again by nut fixed by, formed an elegant YiGou. It used materials is 0.4 millimeter stainless steel spring steel of powder coatings coatings. It is made by 0.4 millimeter stainless steel spring steel of powder coatings A simple bent metal is fixed by screw nuts. Then formed an elegant clothes hooks
2023-07-07 14:45:141


   广告 在人们的生活中越来越常见,成功的广告可以让我们一提想起该广告,并且对此有熟悉感。下面是我带来led灯英文广告语,欢迎阅读!  led灯英文广告文案   LEDLENSER flashlight, palm still pearl.   Description:   Palm: palm, indicating a flashlight, meaning is to master life, to master their own. Practical and durable, can be seen everywhere. Car, the countryside, the search for things or climbing fishing, at any time for you to bring light.   Shang: fashion, that LEDLENSER flashlight design art. Design simple, nice, from the famous German master of the hand, extraordinary, known as the "aluminum and stainless steel art."   Ming: Lighting   Beads: light and portable, is a traditional heavy bulb of a revolutionary transformation, to carry, personal care.   Palm is still pearl: body as "the apple of the pearl" homonym. Easy to understand, catchy. There is a strong general, I fully reflect the Secretary for the excellent product design and its fashion, practicality, high taste, life and so on.   led灯英文版的广告语   LEDLENSER lamp, life, eye-dotting.   Description:   The final touch of life: the finishing touch in the home environment. Elegant and elegant, without a trace of vulgar contrived, graceful, with the sense of the times, just right to meet the needs of the fashion home. . Easy to understand, catchy.   Point: that can have a multi-energy systems, will not give you the trouble of power outages.   Eye: meaning LEDLENSE has a human kind of soul, soft design, both to ensure that you comfortable in its light range of reading and writing, without disturbing others rest, take care of your family.   Large flow, covering a wide range of transport time is long. So the taxi as the carrier of advertising will weave out the city"s largest outdoor network.Advertising media bright and eye-catching shape, a good communication effect, not only allows enterprises, products in the market long-term maintenance of brand image and enhance visibility, and can cooperate with strategic promotions or seasonal product promotion activities, so as to achieve rapid customer brand image, Affecting consumer purchasing decisions. The formation of non-stop information tips advertising purposes.   1, the new media   New media, new ideas, new attraction, new attention, advertising in the new media will often play an unexpected effect, if combined with newspapers, television, outdoor and other media to "speculation" will bring more News effect.   2, flexible mobility   According to the survey data show: bus body 38%, 23% waiting room, subway light rail 11%, 14% outdoor, 9%   From this, the bus body is the most able to grasp the eye, then, we analyze the bus body, it is easy to see that its main advantage is the "mobility", taxi LED media is all outdoor unparalleled a strong liquidity Media, it is not subject to line restrictions, no geographical restrictions, streets, everywhere.   3, strong visual impact   Forced to watch the crowd, because he is mobile, content-rich, because the taxi LED media to seize the people have this feature of curiosity.   4, thousands of cost-effective low cost   According to quark market research company data show that: the mainstream media in the country, the highest cost of thousands of people magazine is 20.8 yuan, followed by television advertising 20.64 yuan, newspaper advertising 10.28 yuan, 4.43 yuan radio ads, 1.19 yuan body advertising taxi LED advertising Less than 1 yuan. Taxi LED advertising can be described as a truly "one point investment, the percentage of revenue"   5, quick response   Taxi LED advertising, advertising can be replaced within a day, one day can spread throughout the urban areas, spread like a plague, the reaction is like a nuclear explosion.   led灯经典的广告语   1, unique extraordinary, to create extraordinary   2, Moonlight to create a warm and charming world   3, for the world Tim glory   4, expanding high-definition vision, the pursuit of a wider realm   5, science and technology to light life, saving cast wealth   6, after dusk, true color still   7, a new era of green lighting   8, illuminate the light of the world   9, let us light up the world   10, rational lighting the world, LED dedication bright   11, professional is the winner   12, the beautiful stars of the composition of the sky market, let our dreams fly together   13, wonderful world, colorful presentation   14, as one dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in science and technology, his hands presented in good faith to create brilliant   15, to win the professional quality of the market, at a reasonable price rate firstled灯英文广告语相关 文章 : 1. 关于灯饰的广告词 2. 灯饰促销语广告词 3. 关于台灯的广告词 4. 宾馆led创意广告词
2023-07-07 14:45:301


港大没有。港大只有Urban Environment Design。香港地区最好的设计类院校是理大设计学院。有五个大方向:Design Practices,Design Education, Interaction Design, Design Strategy和Urban Environment Design。其中内地应届生可以申请的是Design Practices和Interaction Design。Urban Environment Design是今年刚开的专业,我申请的时候还是没有出现在网申系统里面,估计还是准备不足。至于读这个专业,要明白的一点是研究生阶段,尤其是国外,是根本没有“Industrial Design”这一条目的,设计类细分非常明显,最接近的是Industrial Product Design,除此之外还可以选择Graphic Design、Automotive Design、Furniture Design等等,就看你的发展方向。有很多设计类院校非常强悍的。比如美国的UC、CMU,当然Art Center和SCD是两家最为强悍的,尤其以汽车设计见长。英国的RCA,这是英国第一艺术院校,还有就是CSM,仅次于RCA,UAL也是相当不错的。CU学校很矬,产品设计也不咋地,但是汽车设计极其强悍。德国就不用说了,汽车设计第一牛校Pforzheim,还有传奇级的高校Ulm、Weimar Bauhaus之流。还有芬兰的Aalto,虽然这个名字陌生,但是其设计院校就是鼎鼎大名的University of Art and Design Helsinki。意大利方面,米兰有两家,一家是Politecnico di Milano,学校名气相当够本,产品设计也颇为不错,另外一家名气小得多,但是设计教育水准要远高于米兰理工——DA。这所高校只有研究生部,设计综合水平全意大利第一。当然如果转行做建筑的话那个选择更多,而且会出现一系列NB得一塌糊涂的院校,比如Harvard、Stanford都有建筑学院。
2023-07-07 14:45:401

下午考试用!求一篇关于 学习“工业设计专业英语“感想的英文作文120-150字左右就行!

2023-07-07 14:45:492


50分太少了吧 呵呵
2023-07-07 14:45:574


国际性的设计大奖 1.日本G-MARK设计奖 Good Design Award 日本G-Mark设计奖1957年设立,获奖作品被授予G-Mark标志,这是其高品质和易用的象征。调查表明,65%的日本民众认可这一标志。G-Mark奖是目前世界上最著名的设计奖之一。 The Good Design Award was inaugurated in 1957. Products that are recipients of the Good Design Award are authorized to display the “G-Mark”, a symbol of high-quality, convenient, well balanced products. It has been shown that approximately 65% of the Japanese public recognize the symbol. The Good Design Award is one of the most famous design awards in the world. 2. 韩国好设计奖 Good Design Products Selection 韩国好设计奖1985年由政府组织设立,授予那些在国内或国外上市,整体设计优良,在造型、功能和竞争力等方面都十分突出的产品。他通过给优秀工业设计授奖,促进设计的发展,鼓励创造和创新,为工业设计发展作出贡献。 The Good Design (GD)Products Selection was inaugurated in 1985 as a system through which the government officially endorses products that are sold or will be sold nationally or internationally as superior products in terms of overall design taking into consideration factors such as form, functionality, and economic competitiveness. The GD system, by recognition and rewarding excellent industrial design products, promotes the advancement of design and encourages innovation and creativity. 3. 美国优秀工业设计奖 Industrial Design Excellence Awards 美国优秀工业设计奖致力于提升企业和大众对优秀工业设计对生活和经济发展重要性的认识。获得IDEA设计奖是一个品牌在世界范围内商业方面、同行中、消费者中都十分出色的标志。 The Industrial Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) are dedicated to fostering business and public understanding of the importance of industrial design excellence to the quality of life and the economy. Winning the IDEA is a distinction like no other that brands companies" design as the very best in the business, among their peers, clients and consumers all over the world. 4. 德国红点设计奖 Reddot Design Award 德国红点设计奖设立几十年来已经成为国际工业设计奖中影响最大的奖项之一。红点奖有十分严格的评选标准,只有上市不到两年的产品才可以入选,并且必须有区别于其他同类产品的创新特点,得到红点标志是这个产品被国际评委认可的证明。 Already firmly established in the international design scene for decades, the red dot award has heightened its international significance even more in recent years. Red dot award has reputation of strictest competition rules. Only products that have been on the market for no longer than two years may be submitted. The product must also possess innovative characteristics that set them apart from others in their particular branch of industry. Receiving the red dot quality label is a sign of special appreciation by an international jury. 5. 德国IF设计奖 IF Award 自1953年设立以来,IF已经成为一个持久而信誉卓著的标志。企业和设计公司都将IF标志作为显示其产品和服务出色质量的保证,同时也是消费者选购产品时所考虑的重要方面。荣获IF大奖是企业重视创新和在竞争中保证竞争优势的重要标志。 Since its introduction in 1953, the IF design award has developed into an enduring, prestigious trademark. Companies and design studios use IF label as a highly visible trademark indicating their product and service quality in their communications – and the IF award serves consumers of design-oriented product as a valuable decision-making tool in the marketplace. An IF award is a reliable indication of a company"s willingness to embrace innovation and its courage to be compared to the competition. 6.奥地利ADOLF LOOS国家设计奖 Austrian Adolf Loos Design Prize 奥地利ADOLF LOOS国家设计奖是由奥地利经济劳动部主办的两年一届的设计奖项,这个以伞形为标志的设计奖范围广泛,从消费类产品到工业品,从建筑设计到实验性设计。 The Austrian Federal Ministry for Economy and Labour and the Federal Chancellery donates on a biennial basis the Adolf Loos National Design Prize. This umbrella unites as a broad spectrum of areas ranging from product design in the fields of consumer and capital goods to architectural design, as well as to experimental design. 7. 澳大利亚设计奖 Australian Design Awards 澳大利亚设计奖是澳大利亚唯一一个国家设计奖,它发现和奖励澳大利亚产品设计创新中的优秀作品,并通过与世界各地的协会合作,向世界展示了澳大利亚设计中最优秀的代表及其在澳大利亚工业发展中的作用。 The Australia Design Award(DAD),a division of Standards Australia, is Australia"s only national design awards program, recognizing and rewarding excellence in Australian product design and innovation. The Australian Design Award presents to the world the best examples of Australian design and further promotes the value of design investment to Australian industry. 8. 意大利——Compasso d`Oro 设计奖 Italian Compasso d`Oro Award 意大利Compasso d`Oro 设计奖设立于1954年,现在已成为欧洲最重要的工业设计奖之一。由国际著名设计师组成的评委对汽车内饰、工具、机器设备、运动产品、电子产品设计以及平面设计、网页设计等门类进行评比,每届评比都有超过1800件产品获奖。获奖作品在意大利设计及内部装饰画廊进行永久展出,也进行国外巡展。 The Compasso d`Oro ADI award, set-up in 1954 by Gio PONTI, has become in time the most important award in this field in Europe. Awards are granted by qualified international juries to design projects ranging from the car interiors, tools, machines, sports items, electronic appliance down to editorial graphic and web design. During each edition of the award, over 1,800 prizes are awarded. Some awarded products are shown in the permanent exhibition held in the Gallery of Design and interior Decor of Cantu, which manages and organizes reviews and theme exhibitions both in Italy and abroad. 9. 英国设计奖 Design Effectiveness Awards 英国Design Effectiveness 设计奖主要奖励取得了巨大商业成功的设计作品,他的评委由资深企业界、商业界和设计界专家组成。能够获此奖项是设计能够带给产品巨大商业价值的证明,是企业走向成功的战略工具,也显示了企业家和设计师能够取得巨大回报的能力。 The Design Effectiveness Awards reward outstanding examples of commercially successful design. They are judged by senior figures in industry and commerce from all sectors in which design operates. Winning an award can help raise the profile of design both internally and externally, reinforce a company"s commitment to design as a strategic tool for success,as well as identify managers and designers capable of the greatest returns. 10. 比利时Henry van de Velde设计奖 Belgium Henry van de Velde Awards 比利时Henry van de Velde奖在2004年迎来了他的第15个年头,是比利时的国家设计奖 The Henry van de Velde Awards celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2004, and it"s the national design awards of Belgium. 11. 法国Observeur设计奖 French Observeur du Design 法国Observeur设计奖由一个技术委员会负责评选,入围作品被授予Observeur 标志,而更加优秀的作品则由一个独立的评审小组授予Observeur 的星形标志,这个星形标志是专家对作品创新的一个认可。 The Observeur du Design"s selection process is led by a technical committee. Selected designs receive the Observeur label. The more remarkable achievements receive an Observeur star conferred by an independent panel of judges. 12. 西班牙国家设计奖 Spanish National Design Prize 西班牙国家设计奖由西班牙科技部和巴塞罗那设计中心联合组织,授予那些在学术层面上优秀且可资借鉴的产品。它共分为两个奖项:针对企业的和针对设计公司的。参加者可以是各行各业的生产或服务部门,也可以是被国家设计奖提名的西班牙设计公司或设计师。 The National Design Prizes are organized together by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and the Barcelona Design Centre (BCD). The prizes seek to recognize, at an institutional level, excellent and exemplary business or professional careers in the field of design. Two prizes are awarded: one to a company and the other to a designer or team of designers. Companies from the industrial and service sectors are eligible to enter, regardless of their size or sphere of economic activity, as are designers and design team based in Spain who have been nominated by the National Design Prize advisory council. 13. 新加坡设计奖 Singapore Design Award 新加坡设计奖是一个授予优秀创新产品和包装的国家设计奖,1988年由新加坡贸发局分支机构——设计中心设立。两年一次的SDA是新加坡提升优良设计的努力之一。 The Singapore Design Award (SDA) is a prestigious national award given to well-designed and innovative products and packaging. Launched since 1988 by the Design Centre, a division of Singapore Trade Development Board (TDB), the national SDA is part of the national effort to promote good design in Singapore. 14. 丹麦设计奖 Danish Design Prize 丹麦设计奖1965年由丹麦设计协会设立,以提高丹麦开发和生产的产品的设计水平为己任。参赛者提交相片或产品以及设计目的、作用、与环境的关系等,然后交由设计师和建筑师组成的评审小组评议。 The Danish Design Prize, established in 1965 by the Denmark Industrial Design Association (Svenska Industritjnstemannafrbundet:SIF) that has a mission of promoting good designs. With photos and product outlines submitted from the applicants, which include purpose of development, functions, relation with the environment, a judging panel consisting of designers and architects, make selections. 15. 荷兰设计奖 Dutch Design Awards 荷兰设计奖鼓励发展优秀设计,强调设计对社会经济发展的增值。 The Dutch Design Awards encourage the development of sound design and underscore the added value of design for society and industry. 16. 芬兰优秀设计奖 Fennia Prize 芬兰优秀设计奖每两年评选一次,授予生产一个或一系列产品的公司。获奖作品展不仅在赫尔辛基举办,也会在芬兰各地和国外举办以获得最大的影响力。 Fennia Prize is awarded every two years to a firm or company for a product or series of products. The award exhibition is not only held in the Helsinki region, but also in other parts of Finland and abroad to achieve the best possible coverage.
2023-07-07 14:46:321


Regarding enterprise"s development, founder Philip which bore a gramcompany"s bears especially has said this kind of section of speeches:"The enterprise succeeds the secret all contains inside threequestions: How can win from customer there compared to competitor moreattention and the love? How can forever achieve this point? How caneffective achieve this point?" To these three questions, bore the gram truly to produce a perfectanswer paper. In 1976, bore the gram declared a position for the firsttime Olympic Games" time, year sales volume also insufficient 30million US dollars. But after 15 years, its sales scale had achieved 3billion US dollars, reach Si with Ardee to become the athletic shoesclass market together the leadership brand. The very many marketsexpert believed that, bears a gram success mainly to benefit fromthree factors: Unceasingly innovates product design, formidable salesnetwork and guidance movement fashion tidal current advertisement. Butthe author believed, outside these three factors, but also somesimilarly important successful factor: Bears a gram achievement brand,from the birth first day, has filled one kind of unique benefitconcern and the humanities concern to average person"s health sports. Brand charm fountainhead Said from the market marketing study principle that, the brandis uses for to manifest the enterprise customer value the mark. Regardless of is in overseas or in domestic, the outstanding brand allhas some kind to let the goal customer be unforgettable theindividuality value which, also the competitor imitates withdifficulty. In the product homogeneity degree more and more highcompetition environment, this kind of individuality value not only maycreate the bright difference superiority, moreover may win moreattention and the love from customer there. Then, how this kind of individuality value is does create? First, this kind of individuality brand value originates from theenterprise to the customer benefit unique discovery and theunderstanding. Relies on this kind of unique discovery and theunderstanding, the enterprise can have the unique position to thecustomer value, can have the unique innovation design to the product,causes to worry about to the unique benefit satisfies. But the brandconnotation is this kind of unique customer value position. Phillips is the global domestic electric appliances market famousbrand. Its customer value position is "the technical person bookmelts". In under this value idea commanding, Phillips"s electricalappliances product although reaches over a thousand kinds, but alldisplays the identical characteristic: The technology content high,the quality good, uses is extremely convenient. Next, this kind of customer value advocates not only needs to showloving care for customer"s concrete benefit, but also must give themthe in-depth humanities concern. In this aspect, bears the gram brandoperation to be allowed to provide the profound inspiration to us. Bears a gram inspiration On century in the late 70"s, US is being in "the age whichonly I alone reveres". Compares the previous generation person, thecainozoic era the education level high, the life is wealthier, alsoeven more pursues take self- as the central value idea. In US, eachsports stars are all regarded as a success to realize the self-miracle. Bore the gram keen to discover the cainozoic era ideologicaltrend trend, has promoted the massive sports star advertisement. Inthe advertisement, has not let the sports stars put on is bearinggram shoes to run runs, but mostly is really reappears them to strivefor success splendidly instantaneous. This kind of unique self- valueconcern profoundly infected the cainozoic era. Thereupon, from theball park to the city street, everywhere appeared has put on isbearing gram shoes the healthy body race. To the 90"s, the American society has had the new change: The self-worship enthusiasm gradually retreats, the people change even more payattention to the reality oneself. Bore the gram keen to discover thiskind of change once again. Although majority of advertisements lead orsports star, but already did not have that kind of superhuman"smakings, they liked average person such to feel the pressure puzzled,are even being defeated. "Justdoit" has become one kind of faith, hasbecome the people pursues a goal with determination the creed inpressure and the puzzled center. But this has given the people onceagain one kind of sincere self- value concern. Counter- view domestic product movement product advertisement.Diligently is displaying one kind of customer besides the Li ratherbrand to show loving care for, other brands nearly all are drawingsupport from the star to praise own product. A brand if has filled to customer"s unique concern, may obtain moreattention and the love from customer there. Otherwise, a brand iffilled has oneself shown off to the product, the customer could likeavoids from loves crazily equally turns around gets out of the way.Movement product so, IT product so, any product all so.
2023-07-07 14:46:391


  现在许多公司都有自己的中英文简介,以供外商看。下面由我为你提供的公司简介英文翻译,希望能帮到你。   公司简介英文翻译(一)   XXXX co., LTD is a professional design and production of sanitary products manufacturers, the main shower room, simple shower room, bath screen, shower screen, and other products, is a collection of product research and development design, production and sales in the integration of industry and trade enterprises.Norway"s wholly owned foreign enterprise, Norway"s parent company in the field of wei yu product development design and sales have more than 25 years, has the very high popularity in the industry at home and abroad. Norway and Europe"s product design ideas into the XX bath concept of designers and engineers, we in the research and design of shower room set off a revolution. Norway, meanwhile, the management and quality control system is deeply rooted in the domestic production and operation activities, make our products can satisfy any customer requirements for product quality.Quality is the life of the enterprise, this sentence has a XXX deeply rooted in everyone"s heart. Standard of international and domestic clients fully understand and grasp the "is one of our advantages in the market, we according to the market requirements, in accordance with the access standards in different countries, chosen to meet the requirements of the market materials, to produce quality products to meet the requirements of the guests. Direct contact with the client and the consummation post-sale service enable us to better understand customer needs, producing products that meet the needs of the market.Production center covers an area of 60000 ㎡, have an independent office area, production workshop and warehouse logistics workshop. Within the enterprise based on the 6 s management, and gradually expand to the 7 s, 8 s. Clean and tidy work environment, equipment division and put orderly, open and orderly circulation of materials, planning and warehousing. Enable us to work in an attractive working environment and production.Why did you choose us? Perfect quality control syste   公司简介英文翻译(二)   Nike, Inc. (pronounced /u02c8nau026akiu02d0/; NYSE: NKE) is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, which is part of the Portland metropolitan area. It is the world"s leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel[3] and a major manufacturer of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of US$18.6 billion in its fiscal year 2008 (ending May 31, 2008). As of 2008, it employed more than 30,000 people worldwide. Nike and Precision Castparts are the only Fortune 500 companies headquartered in the state of Oregon, according to The Oregonian.The company was founded on January 25, 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight,[1] and officially became Nike, Inc. on May 30, 1978. The company takes its name from Nike (Greek u039du03afu03bau03b7, pronounced [nǐu02d0ku025bu02d0]), the Greek goddess of victory. Nike markets its products under its own brand, as well as Nike Golf, Nike Pro, Nike+, Air Jordan, Nike Skateboarding, and subsidiaries including Cole Haan, Hurley International, Umbro and Converse. Nike also owned Bauer Hockey (later renamed Nike Bauer) between 1995 and 2008.[4] In addition to manufacturing sportswear and equipment, the company operates retail stores under the Niketown name. Nike sponsors many high profile athletes and sports teams around the world, with the highly recognized trademarks of "Just do it" and the Swoosh logo.   公司简介英文翻译(三)   Adidas is one of the worldu2019s top sporting brands. It is based in Germany and includes other brands like Reebok in its group. The three parallel bars that form its logo is known worldwide. The company bought these “Three Stripes” from a Finnish sports company in the 1950s. Adidas has provided quality sporting goods for decades. They create a very strong brand loyalty among consumers. Many people wear Adidas clothes and shoes as a fashion statement. The company also manufactures other products such as bags, glasses and watches. Adidas is heavily into sponsoring sports stars and teams. It is involved in sponsorship deals with the top soccer, rugby and cricket teams all over the world. Its current marketing slogan perhaps sums up the companyu2019s success - “Impossible is Nothing”.
2023-07-07 14:46:571


= =JIT的····有偿的你需要么
2023-07-07 14:47:072

什么是product offering

  product offering 供应品  就是字面含义,看你是什么行业的了  product line 产品线  product availability 产品的可获得性  product category 产品类别  product class 产品类别  product decisions 产品决策  product design 产品设计  product development 产品开发  product dimension or attributes 产品维度/属性  product evolution 产品演变  product features 产品特征  product intent share 产品倾向份额  product leadership 产品领导能力  product life cycle (PLC) 产品生命周期  product life cycle curve 产品生命周期曲线  product line 产品线  product manager audit 产品经理审计  product offering 供应品  product organizaiton of salesforce 按产品组织销售队伍  product policies 产品策略  product positioning 产品定位  product quality 产品质量  product scope 产品范围  product space 产品位置  product specifications 产品规格  product systems 产品体系  product type 产品类型  product usage 产品用途  product 产品  product(ion)-oriented organization 产品/生产导向型组织  production 生产  product-line pricing adjustments 产品线定价调整  product-management organizational structure 产品管理组织结构  product-market entry control 产品-市场进入控制  product-related behavioral descriptors 与产品相关的行为变量  product"s market characteristics 产品的市场特征  product-use testing 产品使用测试
2023-07-07 14:47:151

国际型室内设计大奖 有哪些

顶好奖项 小程序,这是目前资讯最全的!!!室内设计和建筑设计国际大奖有哪些以及如何参赛都有,不要太感激我!
2023-07-07 14:47:264

system structure是什么意思

system structure[英][u02c8sistu0259m u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259][美][u02c8su026astu0259m u02c8stru028cktu0283u025a][经] 体制结构; 例句:1.The design and implementation of its system structure,digitalization scheme and each function module areemphatically introduced. 重点介绍了感应测井仪的系统结构、数字化方案设计及各功能模块的设计与实现。2.System structure of virtual product design in collaborativeenvironment is put forward. 提出了协同环境下虚拟产品设计系统的体系结构。
2023-07-07 14:47:401


2023-07-07 14:48:046


如果想知道以自己目前的成绩是否达到哪些院校的录取要求,或者以目前的成绩水平能申请到国外什么层次的院校? 可以通过留学志愿参考系统,输入你的GPA,专业,语言成绩等,系统会自动从数据库中匹配出与你情况相似的同学案例,看看他们成功申请了哪些院校和专业,这样子就可以看到你目前的水平能申请到什么层次的院校和专业了,对自己进行精准的定位。 通过留学志愿参考系统,提交你的留学目标,你就可以查询到,都有谁和你的想法一样,他们的申请是否成功了。留学志愿参考系统地址:
2023-07-07 14:48:324

Design A Product

When I first started in design, I thought design was to make things easier to use, and make them look cool.As I got more experience designing products, and jumping between teams, I realized that there"s so much more: designing for a product should not only care about how to design cool things, but also aim to build something that"s truly useful and valuable for users, as well as considering what works well for the business. Managing the balance between the users, the business and the market (and possibly more factors) is key to the success when building a product.Years ago, designers were generally considered people who made things look pretty. Then, designers are broken into different categories, such as user experience designers (who design usable and delightful experiences), user interface/visual designers (who make things look comfortable, or cool) and communication designers (who build a design style for the brand).Now, there"s this newer trend that people start looking for "product designers", who are expected to contribute to product strategy, designing user experience design as well as the look and feel.I value this trend because it gives designers more "say" in building a product. However, designing products is usually not just one designer"s job, because designs get better when there"s a team she can bump ideas with. Therefore, I doubt if having only one product designer would work well long term for a company, although this is in reality a practical issue for companies with limited resources and budget.
2023-07-07 14:48:541

Does Culture Matter for Product Design? Don Norman这篇文章翻译

2023-07-07 14:49:081

journal ofintelligent manufaeturing是什么杂志

你的期刊名写错了,应该是如下:期刊名 journal of intelligent manufacturing 出版周期: Bimonthly 中科院杂志分区 工程:制造分类下的 3 区期刊 近四年影响因子:2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 1.142 1.278 0.859 1.081 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 SPRINGER 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0956-5515 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Issued bimonthly Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing provides a unique international forum for developers of intelligent manufacturing systems. By publishing quality refereed papers on the applications of artificial intelligence in manufacturing the Journal acts as a vital link between the research community and practitioners in industry. In addition to research papers Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing presents: * Articles on new methodologies and developments * Case studies * Surveys * Tutorials on topics related to product design and manufacturing * Special issues.
2023-07-07 14:49:171


以AbrahamLincoln的生平为例:An Act of KindnessPresident Abraham Lincoln often visitedhospitals to talk with wounded soldiersduring the Civil War.Once, doctors pointedout a young soldier who was near death and Lincoln went overto his bedside."Is there anything I can do for you?" asked the President.The soldier obviouslydidn"t recognize Lincoln, and with some effort he was able to whisper,"Would you please write a letter to my mother?"A pen and paper were provided and the President carefully began writing down what the young man was able to say:"My dearest mother, Iwas badly hurt while doing my duty. I"m afraid I"m not going to recover. Don"t grieve too much for me, please. Kiss Maryand John for me. May God bless you and father."The soldier was too weak to continue, so Lincoln signed the letter for him and added, "Written for your son by Abraham Lincoln."The young man asked to see the note and was astonished when he discovered who hadwritten it. "Are you really the President?" he asked."Yes I am," Lincoln replied quietly. Thenhe asked if there wasanything else he could do."Would you please hold my hand?" the soldier asked. "It will help to see me through to the end."In the hushed room, the tall gaunt President took the boy"s hand in his andspoke warm words of encouragement until death came.
2023-07-07 14:49:302

求英语作文:my view on science and technology

This specialized raise has electronic information science and technology of the basic theory and basic knowledge, by strict scientific experimental training and scientific research training, preliminary in electronic information science and technology, computer science and technology and related fields and administrative departments engaged in scientific research, teaching, science and technology development, product design, production technology management of the electronic information science and technology senior specialized talents. 本专业培养具备电子信息科学与技术的基本理论和基本知识,受到严格的科学实验训练和科学研究初步训练,能在电子信息科学与技术、计算机科学与技术及相关领域和行政部门从事科学研究、教学、科技开发、产品设计、生产技术管理工作的电子信息科学与技术高级专门人才。
2023-07-07 14:49:411

direct labor cost中文翻译

Direct labor cost 直接劳动成本 The average direct labor cost occupies less than 10 % of the total cost while logistical expenses occupies 30 - 40 % of the total cost 产品平均直接劳动成本所占比例不到总成本的10 % ,而物流费用占总成本的比重约为30 % - 40 % 。 Analyze the direct labor cost , including measure the work hours , stipulate the standard work hours , maintain and readjust the standard work hours 生产人力成本分析,包括测量作业工时,制定标准作业工时,并定期维护变更标准工时 We are addressing the issues pro - actively and aggressively with the pursuit of value engineering throughout our new product design and development process to keep material and direct labor cost down by maximizing material consumption and utipzation . 集团已透过积极主动革新新产品设计和开发流程,尽量降低物料和劳工成本,为生产工程增值。
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国外和国内平面设计的现状并作下比较。 有哪个好人能帮我找下

国外的 Product Design、User Experience Design 与国内公司的差别比较多。国内的设计师有视觉设计师、交互设计师、用户研究、界面设计师等职位,而外企的只分为产品设计和用户体验设计,都会围绕“客户(用户)为中心,更加具备全思维”。很多的设计师职位也要求会写代码、脚本等,他们的做法和思想你可以理解为“我们是要一起完成一个项目,我会用我的全技能去实现”。细化的分工是有专业性的垂直细致点,但是在真正的执行和自主创意产品的时候很多时候需要一个人“全链路的思考”,也许他不是最细致的产品,但他是一个全闭环“产品设计”。我们作为设计师应该清晰自己的上下左右环节的思路,甚至需要明白战略层面的打法。只有这样才可以让我们做有价值的设计,成为有价值的设计师。
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【LiuXue86.Com - 团队英文口号】  在这个商品经济时代,口号被广泛运用到各行各业中,成了营销战略中一个重要的考虑因素。但是口号也面临一个严重的问题,那就是存在被滥用、错用的倾向。下面是小编教大家识别口号正确与否的方法,欢迎大家前来参考和学习。  Crset 公司是一家追求高品质服务的设计顾问团队,成立于 2001 年,一直以来持续为国内外 知名品牌以及发展 中企业提供产品设计、结构设计、UI 设计和品牌设计。目前主要服务范 围囊括数码电子、医疗器械、仪器设备、时 尚消费、公共设施等产业领域。 Crset is a design consultant team of pursue of high quality service , founded in 2010. Crset The crest has provided product design ,Structure design, UI design and brand design for famous domestic and international brands and developing enterprise continually. Service scope mainly include digital electronics, medical equipment, instruments and equipment,fashion consumption, public facilities etc 我们认为,好的设计来自生活的细节,我们更擅于思考; 我们认为,好的设计是为人而服务的,所以我们更懂得谦虚礼貌; 我们认为,好的设计是不矫揉造作,顺应自然,我们才思敏捷见解独到; 我们是用“心”做设计的人;我们具备,勤奋的激情、简单的智慧、温和的力量、分享的视 野。 我自己的部分: NAME:于蒙蒙 AGE :21 今天奇思妙想,明天硕果累累。 Fancy is today , productive achievements are tomorrow. 设计来源于生活,创意无处不在。 Design is from life, originality is on everywhere. 这款衣钩设计巧妙,一个简单的金属带通过弯曲再由螺母固定,就形成了一个优雅的衣钩了。它使用的材 料是 0.4 毫米的不锈钢弹簧钢,粉末涂层。 This clothes hooks are designed cleverly, a simplemetal bending again by nut fixed by, formed an elegant YiGou. It used materials is 0.4 millimeter stainless steel spring steel of powder coatings coatings. It is made by 0.4 millimeter stainless steel spring steel of powder coatings A simple bent metal is fixed by screw nuts. Then formed an elegant clothes hooks
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产品设计是一个将人的某种目的或需要转换为一个具体的物理形式或工具的过程,是把一种计划、规划设想、问题解决的方法,通过具体的载体,以美好的形式表达出来的一种创造性活动过程。产品设计反映着一个时代的经济、技术和文化。对行业产品进行创造,改良等 从外观,内在,质量各方面下手 从而迎合市场需求必须严格遵循“三段设计”程序。 1.技术任务书:技术任务书是产品在初步设计阶段内,由设计部门向上级对计划任务书提出体现产品合理设计方案的改进性和推荐性意见的文件。经上级批准后,作为产品技术设计的依据。其目的在于正确地确定产品最佳总体设计方案、主要技术性能参数、工作原理、系统和主体结构,并由设计员负责编写; 2.技术设计。技术设计的目的,是在已批准的技术任务书的基础上,完成产品的主要计算和主要零部件的设计; 3.工作图设计。工作图设计的目的,是在技术设计的基础上完成供试制(生产)及随机出厂用的全部工作图样和设计文件。设计者必须严格遵守有关标准规程和指导性文件的规定,设计绘制各项产品工作图。
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University College for the Creative ArtsUniversity of SouthamptonNottingham Trent UniversityUniversity of Central Lancashire
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u3000u3000Employee confidentiality agreementu3000u3000Party:u3000u3000B: ***u3000u3000A, B both sides follow equality, voluntariness and reaching unanimity through consultation, under the principle of good faith on matters of confidentiality of trade secrets Party reached the following agreement:u3000u3000(A) Confidentiality contentu3000u30001. Party"s trade secrets, including commodity production, supply, sales channels, customer lists, trade intentions, traded or negotiate prices, product performance, quality, quantity, delivery date;u3000u30002. Party"s business secrets, including the operating principles, investment decision-making intention, products, services, pricing, market analysis, advertising strategy;u3000u30003. Party A"s management secrets, including financial data, personnel data, wage data, logistics data;u3000u30004. Party A"s technical secrets, including product design and development.u3000u3000(B) the scope of confidentialityu3000u30001. B Party in the labor contract before the existing trade secrets;u3000u30002. B Party in the labor contract during the period owned by the commercial secrets.u3000u3000(C) The rights and obligations of both partiesu3000u30001. Party to provide normal working conditions, and reward based on performance, contract period, the first two months of salary for 2000 yuan, respectively, followed by four months to adjust Party B according to performance pay;u3000u30002. The requirements of Party A Party B must be engaged in the design and development, weekly working hours to 40 hours, and the design and development of information delivery Party A, Party A has the right of ownership and disposal;u3000u30003. The two sides before the dissolution or termination of labor contracts, without the written consent of Party A, Party B shall not use the commercial secrets of the design of new products released to a third party;u3000u3000(D) confidentiality periodu3000u3000The labor contract period, specifically for the November 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010u3000u3000(E) liability for breachu3000u30001. In the labor contract period, Party B breach of this agreement, Party A minor economic losses caused by Party A to Party B to lift the labor contract, and requested compensation for the three-month salary B;u3000u30002. In the labor contract period, Party B breach of this agreement, resulting in significant economic losses Party A, Party B shall be removed from the administrative penalties, and additional economic damages, constitutes a crime, the appeal court, Party B shall be held criminal responsibility;u3000u30003. A, square both sides due to implementation of this Agreement and breach of contract dispute over the implementation of laws and regulations, giving competence of both parties may apply to the Labor Party seat of the arbitration bodies for arbitration or to the people"s court of appeal;u3000u3000(6) Otheru3000u3000This Agreement in duplicate, A and B both sides armed with a through A, B and signed by both parties the date stamped.u3000u3000Party A (seal)u3000u3000Party B (Signed)u3000u3000Legal Representative Signatureu3000u3000November 1, 2009
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  随着世界经济全球化的加剧,人们的职业发展道路越来越国际化,对于求职者来说,一份好的 英文 简历 是非常重要的。以下是我整理的英语个人简历3篇,以供大家参考。   英语个人简历一:   Name: Miss Liu Nationality: China   Current residence: Maoming China: Han   Domicile: Maoming stature: 155 cm 40 kg   Marital status: Single Age: 23   Job search intention and work experience   Personnel types: ordinary job   Position: Foreign Trade / Specialist / Assistant, writer / writer:   Work Experience: 2 Job Title: No Title   Job Type: All Date Available: Anytime   Salary requirements :3500 - 5000 hope that the working area: Maoming   Educational Background   Graduated: EG University   Highest Level of Education: College   Graduation date :2011 -07-01   By Major: International Economy and Trade   Language skills   Foreign Languages: Fluent in English   Other foreign languages: Spanish   Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Excel lent   Work Experience   Company Name: Garment Co., beginning and ending date :2011-02 ~ 2013-04   Company Type: Private Industry: Apparel / Textile / Leather / Footwear   Positions: foreign trade business   Job Description: Responsible for product promotion and sales, maintenance and old customers, use ali international platform, the development of new e-mail customers, orders, production follow-up. Familiar fabric market, fabric production processes, garment production processes.   Self introduction   I am familiar with the basics of foreign trade. On the ability to control a good text had regular youth literature novels published books, written several screenplays micro. Treat serious and responsible work, good team spirit, have a certain ability to communicate. I hope you could give a chance to the development and effectiveness.   英语个人简历二:   Name: Mr.   Nationality: China   The current residence: Shenzhen Nationality: Han   Household registration: Shenzhen body material: 160 cm 60 kg   Marital status: married age: 25   Work experience   Company name: Shenzhen photoelectric Co., Ltd. start-stop date: 2010-10 ~ 2013-05   Company type: private enterprise industry: Electronics / semiconductor and integrated circuit   Position: Electronic Engineer   Job search intention and work experience   The type of talent: ordinary job   Job: Electronic Engineer / technician,   Work experience: 2 job: no title   Job type: full-time date available: at any time   Salary requirements: 5000--8000 hope that the working area: Shenzhen   Education background   University one is graduated from: Shenzhen University   Degree: college graduation date: 2011-07-01   Specialty: automation of electric power systems   Self introduction   Ability to work and other specialty   I am engaged in electrical and electronic product design for many years, have rich experience in analog and digital electronics, master switching power supply, especially its excitation flyback, half-bridge and full-bridge switching power supply. Hands-on ability, can the independent design, skilled use of PROTEL DXP 2004 software to design the PCB product example of success.   英语个人简历三:   Name: Mr.   Nationality: China   The current residence: Huadu District, nationality: Han   Household registration: Jieyang body material: 170 cm 60 kg   Marital status: married age: 24   Job search intention and work experience   Job: Engineering / mechanical, mechanic, car:   Work experience: 3 level: Intermediate   Job type: full-time date available: at any time   Salary requirements: 2000--3500 hope that the working area: in Huadu District of Zengcheng Guangzhou   Work experience   Company name: Mei Xing Wholesale Department start-stop date: 2012-10 ~ 2013-03   Company type: private enterprise industry: wholesale / retail   Position: sales promotion, the driver   Job description: responsible for the drive to place an order, delivery   Education background   University one is graduated from South Shaoguan senior technical school:   Degree: technical secondary school degree: senior technical graduation date: 2006-07-01   Major: advanced NC second major: computer office software   Language ability   Language: General   Other foreign language ability: Chaozhou   Chinese: good Cantonese level: General   Self introduction
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产品生态设计(Product Ecological Design)是指将环境因素纳入产品设计之中,在设计阶段就考虑产品生命周期全过程的环境影响,从而帮助确定设计的决策方向,通过改进设计把产品的环境影响降低到最小程度的设计理念。
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  TOC幷不复杂,很多业界的专家誉之为「简单而有效的常识管理」,认为TOC比MRP(物料需求计划)及JIT(及时生产系统)还优胜,TOC 亦为TQM(全面品质管理)及BPR (企业流程改造)提供了一套有效的工具,幷超越了它们。   世界各国数以千计的先进企业正成功运用TOC,小至不足五十人的小厂,大至跨国企业如通用汽车、AT&T、3M、National Semiconductor、Intel等,幷视TOC 为令企业恒久保持活力,击败竞争对手的重要武器。   TOC包含一系列逻辑工具,称为TOC思维方法(Thinking Processes),以及由之而引申出来的、针对企业各种问题的应用专题系统。 1. 操作管理,包括生产管理(Operations: Production)   2. 项目管理,例如应用于工程及产品设计  (Project Management – Engineering and Product Design etc)   3. 配销管理(Distribution)   4. 财务及业绩衡量(Finance and Measurements)   5. 行销(Marketing)   6. 销售(Sales)  
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