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ZOOM G1调The loner (Gary moore)的音色具体参数是什么?

2023-07-07 21:40:30

不存在现成的参数,人家用琴,音箱,效果器和你的都不一样,而且别人的设备是上万的. 一个RP50几百块,音色会一样吗? 所以有人说,XXXX是<The loner>的参数,只能说是他对这首歌音色的理解. 他如果说这是绝对正确的那他就是XX. 没有真正的正确答案,合成效果器只是"模拟"!


所以最好自己动手,锻炼下. 比如音箱模拟选MARSHALL的PIEIX或者JCM,调好失真度.再调下噪音门,噪音较小就可以了,别开多了,没触感.

然后均衡:高,中,低音! 这明白吧,去试试看,Gary moore的中频比较足.他是用GIBSON 59的琴,所以你也用双线圈的拾音器. 输出要大,但不是那重金属的感觉,是那种老摇滚的CRUNCH感! 延音要长,Gary moore的精髓很大一部分在于他的推弦.

周边效果:延时,混响什么的不懂就别开了,就像炒菜,不会的炒人十八味全乱放一气,不如只放油和盐好吃. 当然你也可以试下, 有7,8成像就可以了. 不可能完全一样.




至于你说的ZOOM G1调The loner (Gary moore)的音色


你就直接说你想个什么效果的音色吧, 描述一下就行了。

如果你是想模仿 哪首歌的音色, 你直接告诉歌名 我试着做下音色 ,然后我把参数给你。

基本G1 影响音色的参数 就在 drive 和 3段EQ 和gain 其它的影响不大。

有什么问题 百度消息给我!



long ranger
2023-07-07 14:18:405


lone means single, as in a person working on their own lonely is an emotion,something you feel
2023-07-07 14:19:416


loser 失败者
2023-07-07 14:19:552


问题一:孤独的英语单词是? lonely adj. 寂寞的; 孤独的,孤单的; 荒凉的,幽静的; 在孤单中度过的; [例句]She can use亥this word to a mother holding her baby, or to a lonely sale *** an fishing up pictures of his family. 她可以对一个怀抱婴儿的母亲或者对一个从身上掏出全家照以消除寂寞的推销员用上这个词。 [其他] 比较级:lonelier 最高级:loneliest 2. alone adj. 单独的; 独一无二的; 独自的; adv. 单独地; 独自地; 孤独地; 只,只有; [例句]You alone should determine what is right for you. 只有你自己才能决定什么适合你。 [其他] 比较级:aloneer 最高级:aloneest 形近词: acone atone irone 问题二:孤独的英语怎么写 lonely 问题三:孤独的英文怎么说 lonely; lonesome; single; reclusive; solitary: live in solitude;过着孤独的生活 I"m used to loneliness.我已习惯于孤独。 问题四:孤独者 英文怎么翻译 孤独者1.THE MISANTHROPE 2.The Solitary 3.Loner 问题五:‘孤独的王者"的英文怎么写 你好!可以翻译为Lonely King !希望你满意! 问题六:一个人的孤独 英文怎么说? A person"s loneliness 问题七:孤独者英文怎么写 孤独者 THE MISANTHROPE The SolitaryLonersKobe - Mr Lonely 问题八:孤独的英语 1.alone是“单独一人”,“没有同伴”的意思,强调客观上的一个人或没有外人。但有时也可表示主常上的“孤寂”。2.lonely可以有“独自一人的”和“寂寞的”两个意思。除表示“单独”外还带有感情上感到寂寞的情绪。 问题九:我很孤独,英文怎么讲? 50分 你好 翻译为: I"m lonely 希望可以帮到你
2023-07-07 14:20:031

孤独者 英文怎么翻译

2023-07-07 14:20:133


孤独患者的英文是 "lonely patient"."lonely patient" 的解析如下:一、发音:英式发音:[u02c8lou028anli u02c8peu026au0283u0259nt]美式发音:[u02c8lou028anli u02c8peu026au0283u0259nt]二、释义:孤独患者,指那些感到孤独或缺乏社交支持的病人。这种情况通常与身体健康问题、心理状况或生活环境有关。三、词性:名词短语四、含义拓展:"lonely patient" 用于描述那些在医疗或照护过程中感到孤独、疏离或需要额外关注的病人。这些病人可能因各种原因而感到孤单,如生活环境的变化、家庭支持的缺乏、疾病引起的社交隔离等。五、例句:1. The hospital has established a support group for lonely patients.(医院为孤独患者建立了一个支持小组。)2. The doctor recognized the need for additional emotional support for the lonely patient.(医生意识到孤独患者需要额外的情感支持。)3. Loneliness can have a negative impact on the well-being of patients.(孤独对患者的幸福感产生负面影响。)4. The healthcare team provides companionship and social interaction for lonely patients.(医疗团队为孤独患者提供陪伴和社交互动。)常用短语:- isolated patient: 孤立的病人- socially isolated patient: 社交孤立的病人- patient loneliness: 患者孤独感- support for lonely patients: 对孤独患者的支持以上就是关于 "孤独患者" 的英语表达。
2023-07-07 14:20:213

D o L n e r不区分大小写可以拼成什么英文单词? 字母全用

2023-07-07 14:20:391


请仔细看:眰恦的另一个网名可以是睦珦。眰恦的意思是眼睛山洞烂所看到的地方就是心向往的地方,比喻爱一个人,用眼神就能代表一切。眰,单字意思是视;恦,单字意思是念。还有个意思就是,眰:目光所至(左边目右边至);恦:心之所向(左边心字旁右边向)。情侣网名就是情侣之间表达爱意的名字,一直可以相近或者是互补,当然也可以在字体上结构上相似。扩展资料:情侣网名:1、独一先生/*|无二小姐/*2、〆﹏低吟、|〆﹏浅笑、3、£仰望街角彡|£俯瞰街角彡4、Dear、老公|颤锋BaBy、老婆5、你是我的棉花糖|逗漏你是我的优乐美6、温情的老男人|幼稚的小女人7、╰独守曾经的誓言〆|╰安守存在的寂寞〆8、完不成的爱。| 跌不到的底。9、∝.消魂 | ∝.黯然10、前世的沧桑゜|后世的风光゜
2023-07-07 14:20:461


2023-07-07 14:21:0411


Vengabond---流浪者wanderer-----流浪者traveller------游者loner--------- 孤独者nowheretogo--没地方去
2023-07-07 14:21:472


2023-07-07 14:21:551

BigBang loser 整首歌要表达意思

希望采纳~~~LOSER BIGBANG 部分听译歌词中英对照Loser… Lonely man a coward that pretends to look strongloser… 孤独的人 一个假装着看上去强壮的懦夫 Now I go back to where I used to be. 现在我回到了原来的地方 It"s so hard to even breathe. Loser, loner, a coward full of hurts呼吸都如此困难 loser loner 一个遍体鳞伤的胆小鬼DS:From a certain point of time从某一个时间开始 I do nothing but fear people looking at me 我什么都不做,就是害怕人们看着我。Oh- I"m tired of cryingoh~我厌倦哭泣。 I try to smile, but nobody even knows. 我试着微笑但是无人知晓。I"m a loser, loner, a coward who urges我是个失败者,孤独者,一个冲动的懦夫I"m a loser loner a coward who pretends to look strong a mean guy我是一个失败者 孤独者 一个懦弱的人 一个假装坚强的卑鄙家伙In the mirror, I"m just a loser, a jerk full of hurts, dirty trash, in the mirror I am... 镜子中,我是个失败者,充满伤痛的蠢人,垃圾,镜子中,我是...I"m a loser loner a coward who pretends to look strong a mean guy我是一个失败者 孤独者 一个懦弱的人 一个假装坚强的卑鄙家伙太阳:I do nothing but just curse the heaven 我什么都做不了只能诅咒天堂。I sometimes want to put down everything.有时候我想放下所有事情。I want to say good bye.我想说再见。When~~~are over hope I can close my two eyes without regrets当~~~结束,我希望我能没有遗憾的闭上我的眼睛。just a loser loner a jerk full of hurts being more trash只是一个失败者孤独者 一个遍体鳞伤的废物 越来越愚蠢In the mirror you are... I am a loser I am a loser I am a loser 在镜子里你是...我是失败者 我是失败者 我是失败者TOP:my mistakes with girls. I do love that lasts only one night. 我与女孩的错误。我真的爱那仅存的一晚~~~~ I"m selfish now... I want to go back to where i used to be~如今我很自私~~我想回到曾经的那里来源:ShrimpLJY翻译:灰灰 四四 Ez转载请注明GD.TOP百度知道团队
2023-07-07 14:22:021


译文:introvert英['u026antru0259vu025c:t]释义:n.内向的人;内翻的东西v.成为内弯;使内弯,使内倾adj.内向的;内弯的短语:introvert type内向型;内倾型扩展资料:近义词:loner英['lu0259u028anu0259(r)]释义:n.孤独的人;不合群的动物[复数:loners]短语:The Loner亡命反击;孤独的谋杀者;孤独者;孤独的人
2023-07-07 14:22:113


2023-07-07 14:23:2013


单机小游戏排行榜:《Pop Star消灭星星》、《2048》、《远方Loner》、《赛尔号之宇宙之眼》、《森林冰火道人中文版》。1、《Pop Star消灭星星》《Pop Star消灭星星》作为一款休闲益智类游戏,在全新版本中,消灭星星全面升级,画面UI大大提高,更多新玩法全新加入,消除体验全面更新。在经典玩法已经取得了巨大成功的基础上,研发团队新增了多种消除模式。操作超级简单,包体小,不占手机内存,任何手机都可安装,玩法简单容易上手,一旦开始,停不下来。2、《2048》《2048》作为比较流行的一款数字游戏,游戏规则很简单,每次可以选择上下左右其中一个方向去滑动,每滑动一次,所有的数字方块都会往滑动的方向靠拢外。系统也会在空白的地方乱数出现一个数字方块,相同数字的方块在靠拢、相撞时会相加。系统给予的数字方块不是2就是4,玩家要想办法在这小小的16格范围中凑出“2048”这个数字方块。3、《远方Loner》一款好玩的治愈系游戏,游戏玩法新颖,游戏乐趣众多,一款非常简单的游戏,没有属性,没有升级,甚至都没有分数,这款游戏想要带给你的,就只有纯粹的宁静孤独。《Loner》讲述的是一个飞行员孤独的寻找之旅。4、《赛尔号之宇宙之眼》赛尔号之宇宙之眼画面精美清新,风格有趣可爱,是一款玩法轻松、操作简单、老少皆宜的单机射击手游。相比传统射击游戏,《赛尔号之宇宙之眼》操作更便捷,打击感更流畅。游戏中有大量的特色关卡和多样化捕捉器。5、《森林冰火道人中文版》这是一款有趣的脑力游戏,男生和女生,化身为水火不熔的火精灵跟水精灵。你要做的就是收集,代表各自元素的石头。巧妙解开各种机关,顺利到达出口。要注意的是,不能吃掉对方的宝石或是掉落对方元素的沼泽中哦,绿色的沼泽是不分水火全部杀掉的。
2023-07-07 14:26:311


2023-07-07 14:27:173


Thereis something in the American character that is suspicious ofreading as anything more than a tool for advancement. America isalso a nation that prizes sociability and community, believes thatalone leads to loner, loner to loser. Any sort of turning awayhuman contact is suspect.美国人的个性使得他们怀疑阅读不仅仅是提升自己的工具。美国也是一个崇尚社交和社区意识的民族。他们相信闭锁导致孤独,孤独招致失败。任何自我闭锁的行文都是可疑的。We havea get-out-and-going ethos at the heart of our national character.The images of American Presidents that stick are those that portraythem as men of action: Theodore Roosevelt on safari, John Kennedythrowing a football around with his brothers. There may only beLincoln to give solace to theinveterate reader, a solitary figure sitting by the fire whobelieved that books held the knowledge he so eagerly sought. “Mybest friend"s the man who"ll get me one,” he once said.在我们的民族性中,有一种“出门走起”的精神。美国总统的形象通常都是哪种行动型男人: 西奥多 罗斯福在非洲狩猎;约翰 肯尼迪与兄弟们玩儿橄榄球。对于那些埋头读书、独坐壁炉畔认为书籍才是他热切搜索的知识的源泉的人来说,只有林肯可能会给他们一点儿安慰,因为这位总统曾经说过:我最好的朋友就是那个给我一个朋友的家伙。
2023-07-07 14:27:261

一个人的孤独 翻译英文

a loner
2023-07-07 14:27:424

跪求0910月1日的韩国劲歌传真Pops In Seoul所有歌曲的名字

2009.08.20 samsung digital 特约: 韩国劲歌传真播出的歌有:1.Mc Mong(Mc梦)《Indian Boy》2.Kim jong-Wook(金钟旭)《You are mine》(你是我的)3.Loveholic《Mirachel Blue》4.Insooni《Fantasia》5.8 Eight《Goodbye my Love》(走好我的爱)6.Flower Ko Yoo-Jin(高佑振)《Coz I"m a fool》(因为我很傻)7.Whee Sung (辉星)《It is not Possible》(不可以吗)8.F.t.Island《I hope》(奢望)9.R.Tripper《Far Away》上榜的歌曲有:(Top 10)1.2NE1《I don"t Care》2.Girls" Generation(少女时代) 《Tell me your wish》(告诉我你的愿望)3.4minute 《hot issue》4.Wax《It all comes down to you》(最终是你)5.F.t.Island《I hope》(奢望)6.2pm 《I hate you》(我讨厌你)7.Outsider 《Loner》(单身者)8.Bigbang《Gara Gara Go》(走吧)9.2NE1 《Fire》10.8 Eight《Goodbye my Love》(走好我的爱)
2023-07-07 14:27:502

求binbang的loser 的中文歌词

LOSERBIGBANG | M作词 TEDDY , T.O.P , G-DRAGON 作曲 TEDDY , 太阳编曲 TEDDY LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774LOSER 孤独一人uc13c ucc99ud558ub294 uac81uc7c1uc774装作强悍的胆小鬼ubabbub41c uc591uc544uce58没用的小混混uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub10c镜子里的你JUST A LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774 JUST A LOSER 孤独一人uc0c1ucc98ubfd0uc778 uba38uc800ub9ac只有伤口的大笨蛋ub354ub7ecuc6b4 uc4f0ub808uae30肮脏的垃圾uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub09c I"M A镜子里的我 I"M Auc194uc9c1ud788 uc138uc0c1uacfc ub09c uc5b4uc6b8ub9b0 uc801 uc5c6uc5b4说真的 我和这个世界从来就不曾融洽ud640ub85cuc600ub358 ub0b4uac90 uc0acub791 ub530uc708 ubc8cuc368 uc78aud600 uc9c4uc9c0 uc624ub798对孤独的我来说 爱情这种东西 我早就已经遗忘很久了uc800 uc2dcuac04 uc18duc5d0在这段时间里ub354 uc774uc0c1uc740 ubabb ub4e3uaca0uc5b4 ud76cub9dducc2c uc0acub791 ub178ub798再也无法听那些充满希望的情歌ub108ub098 ub098ub098不管是你 还是我uadf8uc800 uae38ub4e4uc5ecuc9c4 ub300ub85c uac01ubcf8 uc18duc5d0 ub180uc544ub098ub294 uc2acud508 uc090uc5d0ub85c就只是顺从地照著剧本嬉闹的悲伤小丑ub09c uba40ub9ac uc640ubc84ub838uc5b4我已经走得太远I"M COMING HOMEuc774uc81c ub2e4uc2dc ub3ccuc544uac08ub798 uc5b4ub9b4 uc801 uc81cuc790ub9acub85c现在我想再一次回到 年幼时的那个原点uc5b8uc81cubd80ud134uac00 ub09c从什麼时候开始 我ud558ub298 ubcf4ub2e4 ub545uc744 ub354 ubc14ub77cubcf4uac8c ub3fc比起天空更常望向地面uc228uc26cuae30uc870ucc28 ud798uaca8uc6cc就连呼吸都觉得吃力uc190uc744 ubed7uc9c0ub9cc uadf8 ub204uad6cub3c4 ub0a0 uc7a1uc544 uc8fcuc9c8 uc54aub124虽然伸出了手 却没有任何人愿意抓住我 I"M ALOSER uc678ud1a8uc774LOSER 孤独一人uc13c ucc99ud558ub294 uac81uc7c1uc774装作强悍的胆小鬼ubabbub41c uc591uc544uce58没用的小混混uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub10c镜子里的你JUST A LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774 JUST A LOSER 孤独一人uc0c1ucc98ubfd0uc778 uba38uc800ub9ac只有伤口的大笨蛋ub354ub7ecuc6b4 uc4f0ub808uae30肮脏的垃圾uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub09c I"M A镜子里的我 I"M Aubc18ubcf5ub418ub294 uc5ecuc790ub4e4uacfcuc758 ub0b4 uc2e4uc218一而再再而三的和女人们重演我的失误ud558ub8fbubc24uc744 uc0acub791ud558uace0 ud574 ub728uba74 uc2ebuc99d一整夜相爱著 一旦太阳升起就感到厌烦ucc45uc784uc9c0uc9c0 ubabb ud560 ub098uc758 uc774uae30uc801uc778 uae30uc068不负责任的 我那自私自利的愉悦ud558ub098 ub55cuc5d0 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc774 ub9dduac00uc838ubc84ub9b0 uc9c0uae08为了一个人而让一切毁灭的现在uba48ucd9c uc904 ubaa8ub974ub358 ub098uc758 uc704ud5d8ud55c uc9c8uc8fc曾经不懂得停下脚步的我那危险的极速奔驰uc774uc820 uc544ubb34ub7f0 uac10ud765ub3c4 uc7acubbf8ub3c4 uc5c6ub294 uae30ubd84现在无论是什麼都觉得无趣的心情ub098 ubcbcub791 ub05duc5d0 ud63cuc790 uc788ub124我独自一人待在悬崖的尽头I"M GOING HOMEub098 ub2e4uc2dc ub3ccuc544uac08ub798 uc608uc804uc758 uc81cuc790ub9acub85c我想再一次回到从前的那个原点uc5b8uc81cubd80ud134uac00 ub09c从什麼时候开始 我uc0acub78cub4e4uc758 uc2dcuc120uc744 ub450ub824uc6ccub9cc ud574害怕起人们的视线uc6b0ub294 uac83uc870ucc28 uc9c0uaca8uc6cc就连哭泣都觉得烦uc6c3uc5b4ubcf4uc9c0ub9cc uadf8 uc544ubb34ub3c4 ub0a0 uc54cuc544uc8fcuc9c8 uc54aub124虽然笑著 却没有任何人愿意理解我 I"M ALOSER uc678ud1a8uc774LOSER 孤独一人uc13c ucc99ud558ub294 uac81uc7c1uc774装作强悍的胆小鬼ubabbub41c uc591uc544uce58没用的小混混uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub10c镜子里的你JUST A LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774 JUST A LOSER 孤独一人uc0c1ucc98ubfd0uc778 uba38uc800ub9ac只有伤口的大笨蛋ub354ub7ecuc6b4 uc4f0ub808uae30肮脏的垃圾uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub09c镜子里的我ud30cub780 uc800 ud558ub298uc744 uc6d0ub9ddud558uc9c0 ub09c埋怨著那湛蓝天空的我uac00ub054 ub0b4ub824ub193uace0 uc2f6uc5b4uc838时常想要就那样抛下一切I WANT TO SAY GOOD BYEuc774 uae38uc758 ub05duc5d0 ubc29ud669uc774 ub05dub098uba74在这条路的尽头结束徬徨的话ubd80ub514 ud6c4ud68c uc5c6ub294 ucc44ub85c希望能够没有後悔ub450 ub208 uac10uc744 uc218 uc788uae38能安然地阖上双眼LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774LOSER 孤独一人uc13c ucc99ud558ub294 uac81uc7c1uc774装作强悍的胆小鬼ubabbub41c uc591uc544uce58没用的小混混uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub10c镜子里的你JUST A LOSER uc678ud1a8uc774 JUST A LOSER 孤独一人uc0c1ucc98ubfd0uc778 uba38uc800ub9ac只有伤口的大笨蛋ub354ub7ecuc6b4 uc4f0ub808uae30肮脏的垃圾uac70uc6b8 uc18duc5d0 ub09c I"M A镜子里的我 I"M ALOSERI"M A LOSERI"M A LOSERI"M A LOSER
2023-07-07 14:28:104


Loner isn"t afraid.
2023-07-07 14:28:393

solo dolo是什么意思?

2023-07-07 14:29:055

打印机出现故障时提示出来的loner low是什么意思

2023-07-07 14:29:332


永远之后,the loner,月光石(介个不算纯音乐,但是很好听,《乌鸦》的片尾曲),红色激情,
2023-07-07 14:29:416

有首歌里面有一段 "her hair her hair……” 想不起来是谁的了,感觉有点想coldplay的风格

歌名:Five Colours In Her Hair歌手:McFlyMcFDo do do do do doo She"s got a lip ring and 5 colours in her hair" Not into fashion but I love the clothes she wears" Her tattoo"s always hidden by her underwear. She don"t care. Everybody wants to know her name" I threw a house party and she came Everyone asked me Who the hell is she? That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair. She"s just a loner with a sexy attitude" I"d like to phone her if she puts me in the mood. The rumours spreading now that she cooks in the nude. But she don"t care" but she don"t care. Everybody wants to know her name" How does she cope with her new found fame? Everyone asks me" Who the hell is she? That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair. She was all I thought about" The girl I couldn"t live without. But then she went insane" She couldn"t take the fame She said I was to blame She"d had enough And shaved five colours off And now she"s just a weirdo with no name. Everybody wants to know her name. How does she cope with her new found fame? Everyone asks me" Who the hell is she" That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair. 1 2 3 4 Do do do do do doo应该是这个~不是的话我就不知道了~
2023-07-07 14:30:102


2023-07-07 14:30:261


独行大侠英文翻译Lone warrior
2023-07-07 14:31:142


2023-07-07 14:31:233

孤寡老人的 英文是什么?

empty-nester 厮守 "空巢者" 孤寡老人 (因子女长大后离家感到寂寞而改变住宅要求的父母) 参考: YAHOO DICTIONARY EMPTY-NESTER is right. to LEAVE THE NEST me : to leave ( move away from ) your parents` home. * Don`t choose my wer. `utg12345` is the 1st correct wer. 孤寡老人的 英文是什么? 1. Lonesome & innocent old man. 2. Lonely aged person. 参考: SELF Lonely and Widow Elderly 孤独和守寡的老人 参考: myself lonely senior widowed senior loner (any age) hermit Widowed senior citizen
2023-07-07 14:31:291

求写一篇以loner为题的definition essay英文作文

constructing an essay which narrates an event in your life regarding a scenario where you had to intervene in a conflict, you must be sure to define the issues one may have with an intervention. As stated, one may choose not to intervene based upon how others will see him or her, fear of a physical attack or retaliation, or if it would even be right.Given that the essay is to be read by "educated adults," it needs to be academic in nature. The language of the essay needs to be elevated and free of slang, contractions, or grammatical errors. Since a typical narrative essay illustrates an actual event in the life of the writer, a first person point of view is appropriate.As with any essay, one must be careful to show the importance behind the subject matter. A writer does not need to simply tell what happened. A good rule of thumb is to ask the following question: What is the point? Show. Don"t tell.You could break the essay down into three different sections defining three different situations where you address each of the situations above (one where you were worried about how others would see you; one where you were worried about your safety; one where you were not quite sure if you should intervene or not). Within each body paragraph explaining each situation, you would include what your decision was and the thought process behind it.Another way to look at the essay could be defining one specific situation. The body paragraphs would be broken down into different "phases" of the situation: the conflict, your thoughts on the conflict, your actions regarding the conflict, and what happened based upon your decision to act or not.
2023-07-07 14:31:401


london 伦敦lone 孤独(包括lone的各种词性的变形,如lonely, loner, lonesome 等)long 长
2023-07-07 14:31:591


关键绘画词汇角色概念艺术Hero — 英雄Villain — 反派Anti-hero — 反英雄Sidekick — 助手Mentor — 导师Love Interest — 爱情对象Comic Relief — 喜剧解压角色Femme Fatale — 妖艳女郎Wise Old Man/Woman — 老智者Trickster — 捣蛋鬼Princess/Prince — 公主/王子Rebel — 叛逆者Femme Rebelle — 反叛女性Jester — 小丑Fairy Godmother — 仙女教母Orphan — 孤儿Warrior — 战士Magician/Wizard — 魔术师/巫师Detective — 侦探Scientist — 科学家Explorer — 探险家Musician — 音乐家Artist — 艺术家Athlete — 运动员Damsel in Distress — 被困的女子Outcast — 被流放者Scapegoat — 替罪羊Queen/King — 女王/国王Servant — 仆人Robot/Cyborg — 机器人/半机械人Alien — 外星人Superhero — 超级英雄Supervillain — 超级反派Monster — 怪物Animal Companion — 动物伴侣Ghost — 幽灵Time Traveler — 时空旅行者Immortal — 不朽者Outlaw — 逃犯Chosen One — 被选中的人Sibling Rivalry — 兄弟姐妹之间的竞争Prodigy — 神童Loner — 孤独者Seducer/Seductress — 引诱者/诱惑者Soldier — 士兵Magician"s Apprentice — 魔术师的学徒Nomad — 游牧民Wise Fool — 聪明的傻瓜Warlord — 军阀Guardian — 守护者Cyborg — 半机械人Super Spy — 超级间谍Adventurer — 冒险家Rebel — 反叛者
2023-07-07 14:32:061


关键绘画词汇角色概念艺术Hero — 英雄Villain — 反派Anti-hero — 反英雄Sidekick — 助手Mentor — 导师Love Interest — 爱情对象Comic Relief — 喜剧解压角色Femme Fatale — 妖艳女郎Wise Old Man/Woman — 老智者Trickster — 捣蛋鬼Princess/Prince — 公主/王子Rebel — 叛逆者Femme Rebelle — 反叛女性Jester — 小丑Fairy Godmother — 仙女教母Orphan — 孤儿Warrior — 战士Magician/Wizard — 魔术师/巫师Detective — 侦探Scientist — 科学家Explorer — 探险家Musician — 音乐家Artist — 艺术家Athlete — 运动员Damsel in Distress — 被困的女子Outcast — 被流放者Scapegoat — 替罪羊Queen/King — 女王/国王Servant — 仆人Robot/Cyborg — 机器人/半机械人Alien — 外星人Superhero — 超级英雄Supervillain — 超级反派Monster — 怪物Animal Companion — 动物伴侣Ghost — 幽灵Time Traveler — 时空旅行者Immortal — 不朽者Outlaw — 逃犯Chosen One — 被选中的人Sibling Rivalry — 兄弟姐妹之间的竞争Prodigy — 神童Loner — 孤独者Seducer/Seductress — 引诱者/诱惑者Soldier — 士兵Magician"s Apprentice — 魔术师的学徒Nomad — 游牧民Wise Fool — 聪明的傻瓜Warlord — 军阀Guardian — 守护者Cyborg — 半机械人Super Spy — 超级间谍Adventurer — 冒险家Rebel — 反叛者
2023-07-07 14:32:431


I want to say good bye.. I want to go back to where i used to be~如今我很自私~~我想回到曾经的那里来源, but nobody even knows,孤独者, dirty trash, I"。I sometimes want to put down everything,我是个失败者。just a loser loner a jerk full of hurts being more trash只是一个失败者孤独者 一个遍体鳞伤的废物 越来越愚蠢In the mirror you are.;m just a loser.。When~~~are over hope I can close my two eyes without regrets当~~~结束. 我试着微笑但是无人知晓, a coward who urges我是个失败者:From a certain point of time从某一个时间开始 I do nothing but fear people looking at me 我什么都不做LOSER BIGBANG 部分听译歌词中英对照Loser… Lonely man a coward that pretends to look strongloser… 孤独的人 一个假装着看上去强壮的懦夫 Now I go back to where I used to be. 我与女孩的错误:灰灰 四四 Ez转载请注明GD.。我真的爱那仅存的一晚~~~~ I"m a loser loner a coward who pretends to look strong a mean guy我是一个失败者 孤独者 一个懦弱的人 一个假装坚强的卑鄙家伙In the mirror,垃圾. I am a loser I am a loser I am a loser 在镜子里你是. 镜子中.我想说再见.我是失败者 我是失败者 我是失败者TOP.I"。I"m a loser, loner,一个冲动的懦夫I".,我希望我能没有遗憾的闭上我的眼睛.有时候我想放下所有事情。Oh- I"m tired of cryingoh~我厌倦哭泣, a coward full of hurts呼吸都如此困难 loser loner 一个遍体鳞伤的胆小鬼DS:I do nothing but just curse the heaven 我什么都做不了只能诅咒天堂;m selfish now,我是.., loner,就是害怕人们看着我. I do love that lasts only one night,充满伤痛的蠢人。I try to smile:my mistakes with girls, a jerk full of hurts;m a loser loner a coward who pretends to look strong a mean guy我是一个失败者 孤独者 一个懦弱的人 一个假装坚强的卑鄙家伙太阳., in the mirror I am,镜子中. Loser. 现在我回到了原来的地方 It"s so hard to even breathe:ShrimpLJY
2023-07-07 14:34:061


2023-07-07 14:34:152


2023-07-07 14:34:221

I’m a loner 歌词

(I"m a loner. I"m a loner.I"m a loner. I"m a loner.)Look, look at me, me. Look at me straight in the eyes.Look, you are already look at elsewhere.Check it one two three, you only keep looking at the clock.You don"t have to tell me. I know you got someone else.(Rap)You"ve been meeting someone else often lately.You don"t even call me first anymore.When you are with me, you would only look at the sky even if a day is a second long.Oh~ I know your mind. The distance between you and I.Getting farther and wider. We are no better than strangers.# oh baby I"m a loner, I"m a loner. daridiridara du~ I"m a loner. I"m a loner. daridiridara du~I"m a loner, I"m a loner. I"m a loner being sad at love, shedding tear at love. sad sad sad sad sad sad sad tonight. My hurt hurts.Oh no no no no no body knows, how I two three four five six seven night, I"m cheering up myself passing many nights awake.(Rap) If you had just told me honestlythat you got someone else. That you hate me.Then I wouldn"t have hated you to death.check it one two three. Remembering your words, they are all silly lies.# RepeatLove is going. Love is leaving.(One person and one love. Everything that I"ve been used to)I should erase you after tonight.(Yes, I should force myself to erase you. I should do so since you abandoned me)(Gone Gone my love is gone)I"m a loner, I"m a loner. daridiridara du~ I"m a loner, I"m a loner. daridiridara du~I"m a loner, I"m a loner. I"m a loner hurt by love and waiting for love.sad sad sad sad sad sad sad tonight, I want this to be a dream.Oh no no no no no body knows, no body knows two three four five six seven night, I"m crying passing many nights awake.
2023-07-07 14:34:302


我对楼上表示无语 。。。。。。。。。红警也算小游戏?
2023-07-07 14:34:404


LOSER BIGBANG 部分听译歌词中英对照Loser… Lonely man a coward that pretends to look strongloser… 孤独的人 一个假装着看上去强壮的懦夫 Now I go back to where I used to be. 现在我回到了原来的地方 It"s so hard to even breathe. Loser, loner, a coward full of hurts呼吸都如此困难 loser loner 一个遍体鳞伤的胆小鬼DS:From a certain point of time从某一个时间开始 I do nothing but fear people looking at me 我什么都不做,就是害怕人们看着我。Oh- I"m tired of cryingoh~我厌倦哭泣。 I try to smile, but nobody even knows. 我试着微笑但是无人知晓。I"m a loser, loner, a coward who urges我是个失败者,孤独者,一个冲动的懦夫I"m a loser loner a coward who pretends to look strong a mean guy我是一个失败者 孤独者 一个懦弱的人 一个假装坚强的卑鄙家伙In the mirror, I"m just a loser, a jerk full of hurts, dirty trash, in the mirror I am... 镜子中,我是个失败者,充满伤痛的蠢人,垃圾,镜子中,我是...I"m a loser loner a coward who pretends to look strong a mean guy我是一个失败者 孤独者 一个懦弱的人 一个假装坚强的卑鄙家伙太阳:I do nothing but just curse the heaven 我什么都做不了只能诅咒天堂。I sometimes want to put down everything.有时候我想放下所有事情。I want to say good bye.我想说再见。When~~~are over hope I can close my two eyes without regrets当~~~结束,我希望我能没有遗憾的闭上我的眼睛。just a loser loner a jerk full of hurts being more trash只是一个失败者孤独者 一个遍体鳞伤的废物 越来越愚蠢In the mirror you are... I am a loser I am a loser I am a loser 在镜子里你是...我是失败者 我是失败者 我是失败者TOP:my mistakes with girls. I do love that lasts only one night. 我与女孩的错误。我真的爱那仅存的一晚~~~~ I"m selfish now... I want to go back to where i used to be~如今我很自私~~我想回到曾经的那里来源:ShrimpLJY翻译:灰灰 四四 Ez转载请注明GD.TOP百度知道团队
2023-07-07 14:36:122

Loner In Love 歌词

歌曲名:Loner In Love歌手:Busted&Charlie Simpson&James Bourne&Mattie Jay专辑:A Present For EveryoneBusted - Loner In Love鹰飞雁武 编辑It was an amazing end to the perfect daySun sinking low in the skyWe sat and watched all the dolphins swimming the bayThat crazy look in your eyeWe ran in slow motion over the sandInto the ocean holding your handBut then it gets hazyAnd I lose you and then that"s whenI wake up scared to phone herRealise I"m a loner in love (yeah yeah)It"s still the same old storyTears of morning glory no luckThat"s the reason why my life sucks, very muchBeing a loner in loveThe next day I ran into your current boyfriendTold him what we did last nightBefore my story had even got to the endHe challenged me to a fightI ran in slow motion away from himBut he caught up with me, kicked my teeth inNow I"ve got no chance cos"I can"t even grinNo nothing"s changed andI"m way too scared to phone herRealise I"m a loner in love (yeah yeah)It"s still the same old storyTears of morning glory no luckThat"s the reason why my life sucks, very muchBeing a loner in loveWe ran in slow motion over the sandInto the ocean holding your handBut then it gets hazyAnd I lose you and then that"s whenI wake up scared to phone herRealise I"m a loner in love (yeah yeah)It"s still the same old storyTears of morning glory no luckThat"s the reason why my life sucks, very muchBeing a loner in loveI wake up scared to phone herRealise I"m a loner in love (yeah yeah)It"s still the same old storyTears of morning glory no luckThat"s the reason why my life sucks, very muchBeing a loner in loveBeing a loner in love, you know that it sucks
2023-07-07 14:36:551


Thereis something in the American character that is suspicious ofreading as anything more than a tool for advancement. America isalso a nation that prizes sociability and community, believes thatalone leads to loner, loner to loser. Any sort of turning awayhuman contact is suspect.美国人的个性使得他们怀疑阅读不仅仅是提升自己的工具。美国也是一个崇尚社交和社区意识的民族。他们相信闭锁导致孤独,孤独招致失败。任何自我闭锁的行文都是可疑的。We havea get-out-and-going ethos at the heart of our national character.The images of American Presidents that stick are those that portraythem as men of action: Theodore Roosevelt on safari, John Kennedythrowing a football around with his brothers. There may only beLincoln to give solace to theinveterate reader, a solitary figure sitting by the fire whobelieved that books held the knowledge he so eagerly sought. “Mybest friend"s the man who"ll get me one,” he once said.在我们的民族性中,有一种“出门走起”的精神。美国总统的形象通常都是哪种行动型男人: 西奥多 罗斯福在非洲狩猎;约翰 肯尼迪与兄弟们玩儿橄榄球。对于那些埋头读书、独坐壁炉畔认为书籍才是他热切搜索的知识的源泉的人来说,只有林肯可能会给他们一点儿安慰,因为这位总统曾经说过:我最好的朋友就是那个给我一个朋友的家伙。
2023-07-07 14:37:051


1uc9d1 - In The SeaRelease Date: 1999/5Record Label: ROCK ub808ucf54ub4dcGenre: ub304uc2a4(uad6dub0b4)Distribution : ROCK RECORDS01 ) Come To Me02 ) MY BABY03 ) Prism04 ) Audition05 ) Heaven06 ) Smile Again07 ) It"s Me08 ) A Plus09 ) Loving10 ) Loner11 ) My Baby(English Version) Story I Wanna Be...Release Date: 2000/6/15Record Label: ud3ecub2c8uce90ub17cGenre: ub304uc2a4(uad6dub0b4)Distribution : PONY CANYON01 ) MAGIC02 ) WANNA BE LOVED03 ) DON"T YOU MAKE ME CRY04 ) GOING CRAZY05 ) ub36b06 ) SPECIAL07 ) uac00uc2dd08 ) DELIGHT09 ) KARMA10 ) VACATION11 ) uc9c0uc6ccubc84ub82412 ) STATURDAY NIGHT13 ) HIS SMILE14 ) LOVE CASTLEhttp://
2023-07-07 14:37:121

求大神翻译 急!!!!!!!!!!!

2023-07-07 14:37:213


  陌生人指不认识、不了解的人,个人主观性较强。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   陌生人的英语说法1:   stranger   陌生人的英语说法2:   immigrant   陌生人的英语说法3:   foreigner   陌生人的词语辨析:   immigrant, foreigner, alien, stranger这组词都有“陌生人,外人”的意思,其区别是:   immigrant 指在别国定居并取得所在国国籍的外国人。   foreigner 指在异国作短期访问或长期居住的外国人。   alien 指没有成为侨居国正式公民的移民。   stranger 指对当地的生活习惯、语言等不熟悉,或为某团体不熟的人,也指不认识的人。   陌生人的英语例句:   1. If a stranger stops you, just wind the window down a fraction.   如果有陌生人拦你的车,把车窗摇下一点点就行。   2. We don"t like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs.   我们不喜欢陌生人干预我们的事务。   3. To her annoyance the stranger did not go away.   让她恼火的是,那个陌生人并没有走。   4. Social phobics quake at the thought of meeting strangers.   患有社交恐惧症的人一想到要见陌生人就发抖。   5. Bernard was once collared by an aggressive stranger in Soho.   有一次,伯纳德在索霍区被一个气势汹汹的陌生人拦住,硬要与他说话。   6. People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers.   过去人们不会教育孩子提防陌生人。   7. They are now realising just how much they owe to kind-hearted strangers.   他们现在开始意识到那些心地善良的陌生人帮了他们多大的忙。   8. I don"t like strangers who ask impertinent questions.   我不喜欢冒昧提问的陌生人。   9. He was a paradox—a loner who loved to chat to strangers.   他真是个矛盾人物,生性孤僻却又喜欢和陌生人闲聊。   10. There was a plete stranger sitting at my desk.   我书桌前坐着一个从未见过的陌生人。   11. Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.   提防那些主动让你搭车的陌生人。   12. The stranger asked me to direct him to the station.   这位陌生人要我指示他去火车站的方向.   13. Don"t open the door to strangers; it"s not safe.   不要给陌生人开门, 那很危险.   14. The soldiers had orders to permit no stranger through.   士兵们接到命令不许任何陌生人通过.   15. The stranger"s question surprised me so that I temporarily lost my tongue.   那陌生人的询问使我大吃一惊,一时之间连话都说不出来了.
2023-07-07 14:37:531


I don"t want to eat bread any loner
2023-07-07 14:38:291


1.taking 这里做名词,选择ING形式.2.目的壮语,listen to 是一整体3.不带要打啦
2023-07-07 14:38:396


2023-07-07 14:38:531


是不是冯曦妤的a little love 啊?
2023-07-07 14:39:074

电影《龙虾》(The Lobster)的经典台词?英文版

Loner Leader: We dance alone. That"s why we only play electronic music.Hotel Manager: If you encounter any problems you cannot resolve yourselves, you will be assigned children, that usually helps.Short Sighted Woman: He didn"t burst into tears and he didn"t think that the first thing most people do when they realize someone doesn"t love them anymore is cry.Trainer Waiter - Shooting Range: It"s no coincidence that the targets are shaped like single people and not couples.
2023-07-07 14:39:151


2023-07-07 14:39:232