barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 15:54:42



英 [ɡəʊ],美 [ɡoʊ]    

v. 去;离开;变得;进行

n. 去;尝试;精力;一举

例句:We" ll go for a walk if you feel like it.



1、go asleep 入睡

2、go bad (食物等)腐败变质

3、go blind 失明

4、go broke 破产

5、go dry 禁酒





英 [bɪ"kʌm],美 [bɪ"kʌm]    

v. 变成;成为;变得;适合(某人);使(人)显得漂亮

例句:Vast areas of land have become desert.



1、become abstracted 变得心不在焉

2、become accustomed to sth 习惯于某事

3、become acquainted 变得熟悉

4、become acute 变尖锐

5、become angry 发怒












英 [ɡəʊ],美 [ɡoʊ]    

v. 去;离开;变得;进行

n. 去;尝试;精力;一举

例句:We" ll go for a walk if you feel like it.



1、go asleep 入睡

2、go bad (食物等)腐败变质

3、go blind 失明

4、go broke 破产

5、go dry 禁酒





英 [bɪ"kʌm],美 [bɪ"kʌm]    

v. 变成;成为;变得;适合(某人);使(人)显得漂亮

例句:Vast areas of land have become desert.



1、become abstracted 变得心不在焉

2、become accustomed to sth 习惯于某事

3、become acquainted 变得熟悉

4、become acute 变尖锐

5、become angry 发怒



acquainted的意思是:[acquainted with sth]对某事物熟悉2.[acquainted (with sb)]对某人认识的英语解释:having fair knowledge of相似短语be acquainted with 开始认识;开始了解请点击输入图片描述acquainted with 1.与...相识 They are acquainted with each other. 他们互相认识。了解 He is already acquainted with the faget acquainted with v. 开始知道make acquainted with 通晓, 熟悉to get acquainted with... 开始认识(某人), 开始了解(某事)
2023-01-02 16:59:171


acquainted[英][əˈkweɪntɪd][美][əˈkwentɪd]adj.了解; 熟悉; 知晓(某事); 交游甚广的; v.使熟悉( acquaint的过去式和过去分词 ); 使了解; 通知; 告知;
2023-01-02 16:59:314


开始set outcome on开始从事 take up ; go into ; enter into ; take to从头开始 from scratch ; Start from scratch ; from square one ; ab initio比赛开始 play ; Begin playing ; kick off ; begining of the game认识acquaint oneself withbe familiar with短语认识论 epistemology ; theory of knowledge ; Epistemological ; Erkenntnistheorie开始认识 be acquainted with ; get to know ; Begin to recognize ; Come to know理解make out短语阅读理解 reading comprehension ; Part ; Part I Reading Comprehension ; Comprehension使理解 get through to ; get across满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-01-02 16:59:452

acquaint 搭配用法 1。用反身代词oneself做宾语;2用被动形式 给能帮我解释下哇?

acquaint 使了解(to make famliar)释义: 1.acquaint是正式用词,基本意思是“让某人获知”,指向某人介绍某事的经过或传递有关全过程的信息,使其知晓。 2 .acquaint是及物动词,以“告知”的对象为间接宾语(名词、人称代词或反身代词),而直接宾语即告知的内容则由with引起的介词短语或名词性从句充当。 3.acquaint的过去分词acquainted常用作形容词,用于系表结构中,强调熟悉或知晓的状态。回答你的问题: 1. acquaint onself with sth 使某人了解某事 You must acquaint yourself with your new job. 你必须熟悉你的新工作。 He acquaints himself with the training of the units.他经常了解部队的训练情况。2. 此词用于被动语态中, 过去分词acquainted已经失去动作意义, 相当于一个形容词。 例如: “我是去年认识他的。”不能译作: I acquainted him last year. 或 I was acquainted with him last year. 第一句是语态错误, 第二句混淆了“状态”和“动作”, 只能译成: I got [became] acquainted with him last year. 或 I made his acquaintance last year.
2023-01-02 17:00:071

beacquaintedwith和befamiliarwith的区别 acquainted with something,be familiar with something,字典对这俩词的解释:acquainted,文,正式,用法.熟知(用的 familiar),读过,看到过,经历体验过.familiar,熟知注意,这俩词后面接的都是with something,这俩次,意义用法相似,但是,acquainted 比较正式,并且意义包涵familiar的意义.正式文体中,无论熟悉,读到过,看到过,经历过,略知一二,都可以用这个词 acquainted with somebody,与be familiar with somebody意义差异很大了acquainted,并非亲密朋友,但是见过几面familiar,指人在行为上,很不正式的,甚至令人不快的You seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor.你似乎和你的导师混的挺熟啊.
2023-01-02 17:00:171


familiar[英] [fəˈmiljə][美] [fəˈmɪljɚ]adj.熟悉的; 通晓的; 冒昧的; 随便的;n.常客,密友; 高级官吏的家属; [天主]教皇[主教]的仆人;Everyone must be familiar with the old favourite among roses, Crystal Palace. 大家一定都很熟悉玫瑰中的老牌名品“水晶宫殿”。
2023-01-02 17:00:232


爱情 不是一个回忆 一个过程 一个结果. 爱情 需要双方投入 互相包容 互相关心 爱情 说不出口 但却可以用言语形容 爱情 开不了口 但却能让你後悔一生 爱情 有笑有泪 有苦有甜 爱情 酸甜苦辣 百般滋味 爱情 开始容易 分手痛苦 爱情 过程美丽 结局不然 爱情 需要放慢脚步 爱情 跑太快会跌倒 爱情 像是两人三脚的游戏 爱情 需要一点点默契配合 爱情 建立在双方的心里 爱情 不是生命的唯一 却是生活的重心 爱情 超越时空年龄 没有距离 爱情 让两颗心靠近 紧紧相依 爱情 让你不顾一切 爱情 是个无厘头的笑话 爱情 抓也抓不住 爱情 无法感觉它的存在 爱情 却能清楚它的离开 爱情 只适合两个人一起 爱情 无法完美 但总是让人期待 爱情 是一种幸福 爱情 是一杯加牛奶的咖啡 甜甜蜜蜜 爱情 让人无力 爱情 是需要被祝福的 爱情 需要彼此互相信任 爱情 不是比赛 没有输赢 爱情 分分秒秒都要认真去面对 爱情 要诚实面对 不要逃避 爱情 要学的太多 懂的却太少 爱情 不能重来 不是游戏 爱情 需要很多很多的学习 爱情 说难不难说易不易 唯有恋爱 爱 主要是看你怎么去对待它了,平平淡淡的爱才是真,在爱上一个人的时候,就不要去计较爱情的浪漫和很多种的爱情方式,这个每个人的去爱的方式不同,不要不知足,太贪心了,会失去难得的真爱,有人说爱情是不会长久的,我认为是错误的,爱情有长久的时候,因为你没有做到保护真爱的时候,才会导致爱情是短暂的,会认为不会长久的 爱一个人要互相信任爱一个人要互相理解 爱一个人要多多用心去包容爱一个人要心胸宽阔爱一个人要尊重对方的思想和主见 一个人要背后多多支持他(她),而不是阻拦 爱一个人要面对他(她)不能陪伴你的时候,不要有埋怨,要用笑脸对他(她)说我很好,很开心 爱一个人要把自己内心的脆弱和委屈收藏起来,不要让他(她)知道 爱一个人~~~~太多 太多的爱,也许有些人是做不 到吧 重要的一点就是爱要无私 无悔,爱要清洁纯 净,没有一丝的 杂质 ,甘心的愿意为他(她)做任何事情,当你爱上的时候,就要让 他(她) 幸福,只要他(她)开心快乐,才是最重要
2023-01-02 17:00:321

be acquainted with和be familiar with的区别 acquainted with something,be familiar with something,字典对这俩词的解释:acquainted,文,正式,用法.熟知(用的 familiar),读过,看到过,经历体验过.familiar,熟知注意,这俩词后面接的都是with something,这俩次,意义用法相似,但是,acquainted 比较正式,并且意义包涵familiar的意义.正式文体中,无论熟悉,读到过,看到过,经历过,略知一二,都可以用这个词 acquainted with somebody,与be familiar with somebody意义差异很大了acquainted,并非亲密朋友,但是见过几面familiar,指人在行为上,很不正式的,甚至令人不快的You seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor.你似乎和你的导师混的挺熟啊.
2023-01-02 17:00:381


2023-01-02 17:00:442


acquaint with 1. 告诉,告知,通知;使知道,使认识,使了解:to acquaint oneself with the facts 使自己了解实情2. 使熟悉;使相识,与…结识,介绍:例: Are you acquainted with my brother? 你跟我兄弟熟吗?I"ll acquaint you with my daughter when she arrives. 我女儿来后我将介绍你们认识。
2023-01-02 17:00:541

closely acquainted是什么意思

closely acquainted 亲密的旧识。。。。
2023-01-02 17:00:592

I first became acquainted with the Marry. 这句话为什么有

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题!后面acquainted 是用作形容词词性的
2023-01-02 17:01:082


2023-01-02 17:01:171

be acquainted with是什么意思

be acquainted with熟悉be acquainted with[英][bi: əˈkweɪntɪd wið][美][bi əˈkwentɪd wɪð]熟悉; 例句:1.These connoisseurs will also be acquainted with the relatively new kid on the block,leviev a legend in the trade for its mining, cutting, polishing and selling of magnificentdiamonds. 这些鉴赏家们也熟知这个街区中相对较新的一家珠宝店利维斯伟它以开采、切凿、打磨以及出售华贵钻石而声名显赫。
2023-01-02 17:01:261

acquaint作为及物动词后面为什么一定要加with?求解。be aquainted with.....

2023-01-02 17:01:321

get acquainted

被认识get acquainted with 熟悉
2023-01-02 17:01:383

become acquainted with什么意思

2023-01-02 17:01:502

翻译一句话 我已经了解了他们的风俗 书上答案是 i have acquainted myself with their customs。

2023-01-02 17:01:582


be acquainted with sth to know or be familiar with something, because you have studied it or have experienced it before:Police said the thieves were obviously well acquainted with the alarm system at the department store.第二个句子没看到选项是什么
2023-01-02 17:02:074

acquaint和introduce 区别

acquaint 有 使了解、熟悉 的意思 当然在介绍人或物的时候 和introduce是一样的 至于区别 Let me acquaint you with the facts. 让我把事实告诉你。 My mother acquainted her with my intention. 我母亲把我的意图告诉了她。 I am already acquainted with him. 我已经和他相熟。 You must acquaint yourself with your new duties. 你必须熟悉你的新任务。 看了这几个句子你应该懂了
2023-01-02 17:02:221

对⋯熟悉 (英语短语)除了 be familiar with还有别的吗?

get acquainted with积累一些词汇,在学一些语法!一定要攻克词汇和短语,要熟练,学一些你比较感兴趣的英语知识,上课认真听讲,下课及时做笔记,养成背单词的好习惯,经常复习以前学过的知识
2023-01-02 17:02:414


2023-01-02 17:03:172

和某人很熟悉 能用这个句型么?

一般不能 sb be familiar with sth sth be familiar to sb一般是是强调某人对什么事物很熟悉和某人很熟 可以用 we kown each other every well
2023-01-02 17:03:262


2023-01-02 17:03:353


Fate brings together people who are far apart, There is no meeting without predestination.
2023-01-02 17:03:473

make sb acquanted with的例句?

Its attractions are the keys which unlock my thoughts and make me acquainted with myself.它的吸引力在于它是打开思想的钥匙,使我熟知了我自己。
2023-01-02 17:03:592


,composed of 由。。。组成18 dealers throughout the world 遍布全球的生意人19 got oneself acquainted with 使自己了解。。。20 as a result of :结果。。。。21 物流经理负责原料的切实流动22 involve 包括、涉及。。。分销管理包括。。。。。23 The supply chain 供应链24 material flows 原料流动25 to be laid 将被安放在。。。。26 bulk carrier 散物运输27 which引导的非限制性定语从句28 定语从句中that同时指代人和物29 in case of 万一、以防、、、、30 have sth done 让某事被做31 promise sb to sth或者promise (that)+从句32 adopt 采纳33 Every means 为单数,means单复数同形 all means为复数34 be running properly 运作合理35 responsible for 对。。。负责36 be known as :作为。。。。而出名
2023-01-02 17:04:114

acquained 什么意思

acquainted[英][əˈkweɪntɪd][美][əˈkwentɪd]adj.了解; 熟悉; 知晓(某事); 交游甚广的; v.使熟悉( acquaint的过去式和过去分词 ); 使了解; 通知; 告知; 双语例句 1An opportunity for the leaders to become better acquainted增进领导人之间相互了解的机会
2023-01-02 17:04:292

get acquainted是什么意思

get acquainted得以了解1. 为建立友谊的2. 为了解情况的例句:1.How did you guys get acquainted? 你们怎么认识的?2.Perhaps a good way would be to meet up before the shoot to get acquainted. 或许在拍摄之前两方提前熟悉一下是个好办法。
2023-01-02 17:04:381

be acquainted with和be familiar with的区别 acquainted with something, be familiar with something, 字典对这俩词的解释:acquainted, 文,正式,用法。熟知(用的 familiar),读过,看到过,经历体验过。familiar, 熟知注意,这俩词后面接的都是with something, 这俩次,意义用法相似,但是,acquainted 比较正式,并且意义包涵familiar的意义。正式文体中,无论熟悉,读到过,看到过,经历过,略知一二,都可以用这个词。 acquainted with somebody, 与be familiar with somebody意义差异很大了acquainted, 并非亲密朋友,但是见过几面familiar, 指人在行为上,很不正式的,甚至令人不快的You seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor.你似乎和你的导师混的挺熟啊。
2023-01-02 17:04:431

be acquainted with是什么意思

与。。。相识; 与。。。熟悉, 也可用作:开始认识或了解
2023-01-02 17:04:492

become acquainted with是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:become acquainted with开始熟悉;开始了解When did you first become acquainted with the Feldenstein case? 你什么时候知道费尔德斯特的案子 呢 ?祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-01-02 17:04:581

be acquainted with 是什么意思

be acquainted with[英]bi: əˈkweɪntɪd wið[美]bi əˈkwentɪd wɪð熟悉[例句]Be acquainted with the local values and social customers.熟悉本土市场的价值观念和社会习俗。
2023-01-02 17:05:032


跟某人很熟Well acquainted with someone 形容“跟某人很熟”英文意思是:Well acquainted with someone英文也可以读作:be familiar with+某人;be familiar with sb;Be familiar with someoneacquainted英 [əˈkweɪntɪd] 美 [əˈkwentɪd] adj.了解;熟悉;知晓(某事);交游甚广的v.使熟悉( acquaint的过去式和过去分词 );使了解;通知;告知someone英 [ˈsʌmwʌn] 美 [ˈsʌmˌwʌn, -wən] pron.某人,有人n.某个人
2023-01-02 17:05:121

英语翻译 :我了解了你的情况。句子里用上这个词组get acquainted with( 了解)

I got acquainted with you.
2023-01-02 17:05:173


Get to know
2023-01-02 17:05:293


be acquainted with sb. 和……认识 很熟悉 开始认识;开始了解 I wish you would tell me her story. i feel a particular interest in being acquainted with it .你把她的身世讲给我听好不好?我想了解了解她的身世。We were acquainted with each year several years ago我们几年前就相互认识了。
2023-01-02 17:05:451

求that song is best esteemed with which our ears are most acquainted这句话的中文翻译,谢谢

2023-01-02 17:05:501


1. The label stuck on the envelope says “By Air”. B. label2. Their products are frequently overpriced and superior in quality. C. superior3. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable futureB. future 4. All flights were canceled because of the terrible weather, they had to go there by train. D. were canceled5. By the time you get to New York, I am leaving for London. B. am leaving6. You would be omitting a risk to let your child go to school by himself. A. omitting7. Many people like white color as it is a symbol of purity. A. symbol8. During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the delicate silk from damage. C. delicate9. Many a delegate was in favor of his proposal that a special committee was set up to investigate the incident. B. was set up10. The mother didn"t know who to blame for the broken glass. C. to blame11. Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication barrier . D. barrier12. Investigators agreed that passengers on the airliner should have died at the very moment of the crash. A. should have died13. Although a teenager, Fred could resist being told what to do and what not to do. A. being told 14. The author of the report is well acquainted with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years. B. acquainted 15. The owner and editor of the newspaper were attending the conference. A. were attending16. There was such a long line at the exhibition that we had to wait for about half an hour. B. that 17. The football game comes to you live from New York. C. live18. There was a big hole in the road which held up the traffic. C. held up19. The lawyer advised him to drop the case , since he stands little chance to win. C. case20. The statistical figures in that report are not accurate . You should not refer to them. A. accurate
2023-01-02 17:05:561


1.Decade"s hardships in the world could be exchanged for an occasion while they travel on ship. Century"s tribulations on earth could be in return for the marriage of the two. 2.In the sky we will be two love birds flying together, On the earth we will be twin branches on a tree. 3.As destined by providence you have acquainted the person,otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a thousand li.
2023-01-02 17:06:021

认识你是我的荣幸 英语翻译 倒装句 强调句怎么说。越华丽越好

It"s my honour to know you.
2023-01-02 17:06:073


由皮肤科医师改良的冲洗配方、七天擦洗霜。 轻轻除去粗糙感,净化皮肤。帮助减少细纹。 清除污垢,让皮肤得到滋润。轻微在化妆的脸上按摩。避免涂到眼睛周围皮肤。用纸巾或水冲洗。接着使用你的三步骤方法。警告:保存全部。清理眼睛周围。如果产品接触眼睛,用清水清晰。 如果你用后感到刺激、敏感,请向眼科医师请教。引人注目的不同的滋润护肤液步骤3 门诊部的皮肤科改良三步骤皮肤呵护方式。滋润“水”渗入皮肤以保持对特干或干性混合肤质皮肤最大限度的平衡滋润。软化、柔和化和改善。一天两次涂在脸、整个喉部或有需要的部位。向有关专家查询适合你肤质的三步骤产品。超级防御三重功效滋润液 附含:OXYBENZONE 我们的专利证书滋润液,含有SPF25,帮助皮肤重建,自然防御,及中和UVA/UVB光线的伤害。通过新等级的皮肤防御成份,帮助减少环境压力。让这世界成为一个对皮肤安全的地方。警告:避免接触眼睛。如果感到刺激或敏感,请停止使用。远离孩子所能及的范围。*美国及国际专利证书等待
2023-01-02 17:06:193


做某事的关键 是特别的 坚持 符合 遵守, 遵守 承诺, 从属, 激荡与 与联想在一起… 弥补 把…, 对属性… 奉献, 它们做某事 避免去做某事 首先 熟悉 对巨大的优势 与aligh… 反 一边设置… 提及到… 达做… 任何超过 没有比 至少它 在最好的 在最坏的情况下, 提升, 一个世界 一群 一所学校 一群 从事某事 等同于 是闻名于世 被服从 被 反弹 打破 决不 一边扔… 让人怀疑 在不同的光线投 在不同的光流 贴, 29 偏好, 在详细 , 趋势, 同意 召唤 打电话到问题… 迎合 与一致。 下来 休息 居住在 位于 提交一个邪恶的 是兼容的 consigh…… 切死 依赖 缺乏, 与 鄙视, 作为辞退… 与diapatch 从距离… 从区分… 来自 支取 纠缠与 exonerate的… 落入 倒, 绕过 给人的感觉得到 从总体上得到的 防范 每隔一段时间 免除… 把……对待某人 是充满了 放弃 掩盖 踌躇不前 不符合 在串联, 在条款 interwine与 在路上 它是远打赌 大厅里, 看不起 搞 向某人发生 除了 易 对一个人的警卫 单程票吧 左右, 恰恰相反 恰恰相反 在对比 致敬 贬低 与调和… 承认 为获得取… 随意地使用 与 争辩说, 食谱无政府状态 渲染……+… 度假村, 上诉, 单从 啪, 周围的摆动 篡改 把……当儿戏玩具 跟踪和错误 到不行 风在做 战胜
2023-01-02 17:06:304

钓鱼,熟悉的,熟练的,资格,仅仅,被命名,长寿,不清楚的,显著的 这些词语的英语翻译

angleknow wellskilledqualificationonlynamelong lifevaguenotable
2023-01-02 17:06:444

The author of the report is well _____ with the problems in the hospital because he has been wo...

A 考查动词的意思辨析。 be acquainted with熟悉,be well informed of(about)对......消息灵通。可见,此题中应用acquainted,因为后面地介词是with.
2023-01-02 17:07:071

familiar to 和 familiar with 的区别是什么

2023-01-02 17:07:172

快 快 来 翻 译 !

我还没翻译好呢,已经有两位捷足先登了。呵呵,我的特别简单,在此献上吧。第二段还没翻译完呢,如果有兴趣我再接着翻译。Heart loses the fleet of incumbent againWalk at the edge of the world aloneSee the nice time in the pastWant to hold it but nothing leftI know myself from the footfallCrying by my all heartThis nearly let each cell of bloodBegins to ----splitWind blows all memory of you awayBut brings the parting ache to meFoolish I only wait for your backBut hardhearted you wave your hand just say goodbye to the clouds of yesterdayThe whole shoot of past events all swing because of youWith wind bit by bit deposit and fly togetherNo weight and no directionFormerly only because my infatuated waitForget the longinquity in the lapse of yearsHowever once I lose you todayI"ll never to bring back againPlan of destiny is always predeterminedSuffusion of sweet flower is always bewitchedIn this life we can"t know each other wellWon"t recognize each other in the future life, tooIn this life we can"t encounterWon"t along with each other in the future life, tooYou continue to finish your nice lifeI"ll go to carry my life dream outEach holds a pleasure in heartWait for the coming of the end of the world----set it flyYou can go! Go from here!Only leave me here to suffer the pain is enoughMaybe I can"t compensate everything what I have got from youUntil someday I"ll give your love backThen is the end of our reinsUniverse has my beatitudeMeteor after has my prayer(Second)The whole shoot is whose fault?All because you are the one who God arranges to meet meWait for one dayDeep love hazy affectionThen take you away from my worldI know you have no memoryBecause you lose
2023-01-02 17:07:263


become /bɪ"kʌm/ v. 变得,成为
2023-01-02 17:07:383

Since last summer, I have written to my pen pal, Seda, who lives in Turkey. I became acquainted wit

2023-01-02 17:07:554


|The shop assisant was dismissed as she was accused of changing customers. 这个售货员因为各位顾客多次指责而被解雇。2The author of the report is well acquainted with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.报告的作者对这些问题十分清楚,因为他在这个医院工作了好多年。 3She saw a want ad on the wall.他看见了墙壁上的一则招聘广告。(want ad 招聘广告)如果你感觉我的答复好,请加分!
2023-01-02 17:08:101