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depend on和base on的用法 它们的用法是?还有它们的区别?

2023-07-07 20:59:50

depend on依赖,倚仗

base on基于,以 为依据

She depends on her father financially.

This novel is based on the author"s real life.


“base on”和“be based on”的区别是什么?

base A on B是主动,以……为根据”① Edison based his ideas on scientific experiment.爱迪生的想法是建立在科学实验的基础上的。② You should base your opinion on facts.你的意见都要以事实为根据。A be based on B是被动,“以……为根据”; “根据……”;“基于……”① What he said is based on fact.他所说的话是以事实为根据的。② The story is based on real life.那故事是根据现实生活而写的。
2023-07-07 12:38:393

base on中文是什么意思

base on中文是什么意思使建立在…基础上;
2023-07-07 12:38:552

“base on”有哪些用法?

base on/uponestablish on ; rest on把…建立在;以…为基础One should always base one"s opinion on facts.人们说话应以事实为根据。【base作为动词的用法】1、base用作动词是“把…建立在,以…为基础”的意思,指人们依据一定的客观规律或自己的亲身体验而得出的一定结论。base常用于非物质结构的基础,这个基础可以是物质的,也可以是非物质的。2、base是及物动词,常与on连用,作“使建立在…基础上”解。常用于被动结构。3、base为及物动词。因此表示“建立在…之上”或“以…为基础”时不能说base on sth,而只能用base sth on sth 的句型。
2023-07-07 12:39:011

base on be based on如何区别,怎么用

2023-07-07 12:39:254


base on “以……为根据”, 用法应是 base A on B.如: ① Edison based his ideas on scientific experiment. ② You should base your opinion on facts. 扩展资料   Development and Application of Collaborative Design System Base on Functional Module.   基于功能模块的.协同设计系统研究与应用。   The Research of Electric Power Measuring System Base on Various Communication Technology.   基于多种通信技术的电能量计量系统的研究。   The Research of FIRE Alarm System Base on Fuzzy Neural Network.   基于模糊神经网络火灾报警系统研究。
2023-07-07 12:39:391

base on 在英文题目中首字母大写吗

base的B要大写,而on由于是介词,所以首字母不用大写。重点词汇:base英[beu026as]释义:n.根基,底部;基础;基地;基础成分;(数字进位制中的)基数;(棒球)垒;碱,盐基;(晶体管的)基极;词根。v.以……为基础。adj.卑鄙的,下流的;低劣的。【名】(Base)(英、美、爱尔兰)马濑(人名)。[复数:bases;第三人称单数:bases;现在分词:basing;过去式:based;过去分词:based;比较级:baser或more base;最高级:basest或most base]短语:knowledge base知识基础;知识基;常识库。词语使用变化:n.(名词)。1、base的基本意思是“底座,基础”,一般指具体有形的事物的底部、基座等;也可用来比喻理论的基础或讨论的根据等。base还可作“基地”解,多指军事或工业基地。2、base是可数名词,其前可加a或the,在句中可作主语或宾语。
2023-07-07 12:39:541

base on be based on 分别

(1) base on 与 be based on 的分别 知识长在意见栏已经讲的很清楚。其实,在意义和用法上,他们没多大的区别。 "base" is a verb. (常用被动态) phrase verb: 主动态: base [A] on [B] : 以 [A] 作为 [B] 的基础/根据 被动态: [A] is based (by the subject) on [B] Example: The producers base the film on a novel by Sinclair Lewis. The film is based on a novel by Sinclair Lewis. 该影片是根据辛克莱u2022刘易斯的小说改编的。 "based" is an adjective. (not before noun) From Oxford Dictionary: [A] is based on [B]. 基于,以…为根据 [A] uses [B] or [A] is developed from [B]. Example: The movie is based on a real-life incident. (2) adverb "even" 副词 但副词不是不能 "跟"名词的吗?? 你说得对,副词是不会直接"修饰"名词的。但副词有许多种,除了基本功能 (修饰 动词,形容词和副词) 外,有些会修饰整个句子,有些会修饰句子某些部分。所以,你要看清楚,必须确认你所说"跟"的意思! "even" a kind of Focusing Adverb* (e.g. also too just only simply ...) is mainly used to emphasize unexpected (强调意想不到的) or extraordinary details. * - "focusing adverbs" draw attention to particular information in a clause. (使读者知道哪些信息是重要) Your sentence is not pletely correct. 1. "put" something + adverb ==> "put" my flag "on" my dead body 2. You have to use "even + if" as a connective 连词 for the adverbial clause of concession (让步句). Even if you cover my dead body with my flag I"ll never quit. (even if 即使 尽管 纵然 — a situation that has no conditions.) = I"ll never quit "whether or not" you cover my dead body with my flag. 2014-08-14 00:56:42 补充: 不知道 "Godfrey 博士" 已经回答,否则我没必要回答哩! 2014-08-14 01:31:50 补充: Focusing adverbs can be replaced by other adverbs. Example: Even the dog refused to eat it. ("even" is used to emphasize "the dog") ~ Surprisingly the dog refused to eat it. 2014-08-14 01:46:51 补充: "even" can also be additive in function like also as well too. The sentence implies hum will certainly refuse to eat it. I refused to eat it. You refused to eat it. The dog will certainly refuse to eat it too. 2014-08-14 03:36:13 补充: I refused to eat it. You refused to eat it. He refused to eat it. Even the dog refused to eat it. ~ The dog refused to eat it too. ~ Surprisingly the dog also refused to eat it. 2014-08-14 08:55:22 补充: I think the logic for Oxford Learner"s Dictionary to consider "based" (on something) as adjective (verbal adjective) is: 1. its derived phrasal verb "base on" is often used in passive (without agent); 2014-08-14 09:11:43 补充: 2. since participle is considered as verbal adjective the past part. of "base on" can be formulated as adj. but limited to predicative only (i.e. not before noun) As the meaning and the use are exactly the same as phrasal verb (no agent) 其他字典 just don"t bother to mention it. 没有必要! 2014-08-14 10:32:05 补充: Written by Eugene R. Moutoux In particular cases it can be difficult to differentiate beeen participles and mere adjectives. One of the criteria is the consensus of dictionaries. If most dictionaries show hurt for example as an adjective then it is an adjective in a sentence like He is hurt. 2014-08-14 10:35:15 补充: Of course it is a participle when used as part of the passive voice e.g. Ten firemen were hurt when the roof collapsed. Another criterion is replaceability: If tired in a sentence like "We are tired" can be replaced by another adjective of the same meaning then it is an adjective. 2014-08-14 10:36:56 补充: Yes it can in fact be replaced by weary a pure adjective. So tired in "We are tired" is an adjective. 2014-08-14 10:47:43 补充: All true passive-voice forms have a functioning past participle as a ponent. A static (or false) passive on the other hand includes a past participle that functions as a simple adjective. Notice the use of the word closed in the following sentences: 2014-08-14 10:48:34 补充: 1) At the beginning of the period the classroom door is closed by the teacher; 2) The door is closed until the end of the period. The first closed is a true participle part of the present passive is closed. The second closed is a predicate adjective after the linking verb is. 2014-08-14 10:51:35 补充: It is important to keep in mind that in the passive voice something is happening. Nothing is happening in the sentence "The door is closed until the end of the period". Eugene R. Moutoux wrote on "Participles" in "GERMAN *** LATIN *** ENGLISH". BASE ON (verbal phrase) ~ usually passive ~ to form make or develop (something such as an opinion decision or calculation) by using (something such as information) as a basis starting point e (1) Phrase Pattern: Someone base(s) something on something (active voice) You have based your opinion on faulty information. = Your opinion is based on faulty information. [= the information that you used to form your opinion is wrong] I base my designs on Roman mosaics. (2) Pattern: Something is/was on something (passive voice) Most of the time this phrase is used in passive form. The interest rate is based on credit history. [= credit history is used to determine the interest rate] The film is based on real-life events. [=the film was developed from real-life events] The island"s economy is based on touri *** . Even 副词 (adverb) 可跟名词 noun pronoun Even the dog refused to eat it. Yesterday he bought a new car. (Yesterday 是副词) Comment: 其实中文要点 意见者 知足常乐 ( 知识长 ) 解释很清晰 看见回答者 001错 我只不过补充 base (不是 based) 可作 adjective base (adj.) = 卑鄙的 低级的 based 不是 adjective What are you base this theory on ~ 错 "The report is based on police figures. (based 是 past participle 不是 adjective 句子是 in passive voice) 2014-08-14 06:10:52 补充: Based 被列为 adjective 只在 Oxford Advaned Learner"s Dictionary (8th edition) 与 Yahoo 字典 我想是近10-12 年的事 奇怪是: 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第7版)无将 based 列为形容词 其他的牛津字典仍然没有 1. Oxford Dictionary of English (2nd edition 2003) hard copy 2. Oxford Dictionary of Current English 3. Canadian Oxford Dictionary ( 2001) 2014-08-14 06:13:09 补充: 4. Oxford Student Dictionary (3rd edition 2012) 5. Oxford ESL Dictionary (2nd edition 2012) 6. Oxford Wordpower Dictionary (4th edition 2012) 其他出版者无列 based 是形容词 Cambrisge Advanced Learner"s Dictionary (3rd edition) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (5th edition) 2014-08-14 06:17:09 补充: 还有: Collins Cobuild MacMillan Chambers Merriam-Webster Random House Webster Encarta Reader Digest 如果 based 是形容词 为何这些字典无列 based 是形容词? based 是否形容词? ~ 有争议性. based 不同 "-based" Even 各牛津字典不一致 暂时不认同 2014-08-14 07:21:22 补充: 许多的字典列 base on/upon 是 phrasal verb phrasal verb 是 verb + preposition/or adverb 有另外 meaning 竟然是 phrasal verb based on 的 based 不会是 adjective 是 verb in passive Something is/was based on something 个 agent 必然是 someone (person or people) Someone base(s) something on something (active voice) 2014-08-14 07:28:51 补充: Even 作整句第一个字 用来修饰整个句子 功能只强调 这个副词在句中可有可无 Even young students were aware of how things had changed. ~ from Longman Dict. Even the children helped in the garden. ~ from Oxford Wordpower Dict. 无 Even 仍然是一完整句子 2014-08-14 08:25:32 补充: 就拿 frightened 这个字作一比较 frightened 在上述的任何一本字典 是分开地被列为 adjective 包括 牛剑 朗文 Collins Cobuiild Macmillan Meriam-Webster...等等 题外: Grammar 实际上 是 utterly boring! 学了基本文法 最好学习 collocations 与 usage 用简单字句 表达到自己思维与感受 . 2014-08-14 12:55:51 补充: 几乎所有的 past participle 可当形容词用 早期 O.A.L.D. 没有将 based 列为 adjective. 这是个别作者看法. 如果 Based 当形容词 不能做 attributive 形容词放在 noun 前面. 我想其他的字典作者不觉得有需要这么做和解释. 牛津出版”Modern English Usage” – by Fowler 始终讲 base on 是 verbal phrase 无提及是形容词 最重要是发问者分得出 active 和 passive 怎样使用. 2014-08-15 11:49:48 补充: 不觉得 based 是形容词理由: 不能作 attributive adjective 同时不能简单作 plement (predicative adjective) a based + subject/or object ~ wrong Subject + is/was + based (on). ~ wrong ~ a tired traveller The traveller was tired. ~ a closed window The window is closed. ~ a beautiful girl The girl is beautiful 2014-08-15 12:38:10 补充: tired closed frightened concerned satisfied surprised . e 各字典分别列为 adjective 其他字典不列 based 为 adj. 用 active 与 passive 分别 容易明白 Oxford 或 Longman Phrsal Verbs Dictionary Longman Dict. of Common Errors "based" is not treated as an adjective Webster Dict. of Usage 更详细 参考: Merriam-Webster Dictionary base on is a phrase verb:-eg:-to use an idea a fact a situation as the point from which something can be developed:-eg:-What are you base this theory on (to bee a policeman ?) based adj. If one thing is based on another it is developed from it:-eg:-The report is based on police figures Even you put my flag cover my dead body I"ll never quit. I"ll never even quit(=adv.).So I certainly do not quit. 2014-08-14 15:24:42 补充: base on(phrasal verb) often passive eg:-The film is based on a novel by (----). 某人 base on 某些原则去做事。 这个原则 is based on 某些理论。 其实很清晰。
2023-07-07 12:40:091

base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解

base ... on... 把某物建立在。。。之上 (主语是人) 如》We should base theories on based on 某物建立在。。。之上(主语是物) 如:Theories should be based on practice.祝学习进步,天天快乐!
2023-07-07 12:40:443

关于base on的用法

2023-07-07 12:41:512

base on和basis的区别

"base on" 和 "basis" 这两个词汇在英语中有不同的含义和用法,下面为您详细解释它们的区别:1. base on(基于):"base on" 是一个短语动词,表示某事物是基于另一事物而建立的。换句话说,它表示一个观点、决策或者行动是依据某种依据、事实或者原则来进行的。例如:Her novel is based on a true story.(她的小说是基于一个真实故事的。)Our decision was based on the information we had at the time.(我们的决策是基于当时我们掌握的信息。)2. basis(基础、依据):"basis" 是一个名词,表示某事物发展、成长或建立的基础、原则或者依据。它可以用来描述一个观点、决策或行动所依赖的根本原因或事实。例如:We need to establish a solid basis for our friendship.(我们需要为我们的友谊建立一个坚实的基础。)On what basis did you make that decision?(你是根据什么依据做出那个决定的?)总结: "base on" 是一个短语动词,表示某事物建立在另一事物的基础上;"basis" 是一个名词,表示事物发展、成长或建立的基础、原则或依据。在实际语境中,它们可以互相搭配使用,例如:The theory is based on a solid scientific basis.(这个理论是建立在坚实的科学基础上的。)
2023-07-07 12:41:581


Ⅰ. base on “以……为根据”,用法应是 base A on B如:① Edison based his ideas on scientific experiment. 爱迪生的想法是建立在科学实验的基础上的。② You should base your opinion on facts. 你的意见都要以事实为根据。Ⅱ. be based on “以……为根据”; “根据……”;“基于……”用法是A be based on B① What he said is based on fact. 他所说的话是以事实为根据的。② The story is based on real life. 那故事是根据现实生活而写的。③ Some modern languages are based on Latin. 在些现代语言是以拉丁文为基础的。
2023-07-07 12:42:201

base on 和be based on的区别是什么?

简单:主动和被动的区别罢了关键点就在于be动词+动词过去时base on是“基于...”be based on是“...被基于”
2023-07-07 12:42:427

“base on”和“be based on”的区别是什么?

2023-07-07 12:43:262

base 和base on的区别

base 英[beu026as] 美[bes] n. 基地; 基础; 根据; 基数(如十进制的10 和二进制的2); vt. 基于; 把…建立在; 把…放在或设在(基地); 把…置于底座(或基座)上; adj. 卑鄙的; 低级的; 贱的,劣的; 庶生的; [例句]There was a cycle path running along this side of the wall, right at its base在墙的这边,沿着墙根有一条自行车道。base on 英 [beis u0254n] 美 [bes ɑn] 使建立在…基础上;本Our flight controls are base on this panel. 我们的飞行操纵都是基于操纵板的。
2023-07-07 12:43:341

base on/be based on

base on 是主动,加be,base用ed形式,be based on,过去时态没有be动词。
2023-07-07 12:43:423

请问“立足于”用英语怎么说啊?另外,"base on"和“base to"这两个短语分别应该怎样用呢?谢谢了

立足于-have a position in...Based on是基于... Based on the rules, you should not go there.基于一些规则,你不应该去那里。Base to,我从来没有见过啊。
2023-07-07 12:43:503

base on需要大写吗

2023-07-07 12:43:571

关于base on ,be based on,based on?

be based on是base on的被动语态形式,在句子中充当谓语;based on则可看做是base on的过去分词,可用与名词后作后置定语,表示一种被动关系。如你给出的第一个句子,其相当于一个定语从句的省略:With our knowledge based on practice,we can make contributions to our society.相当于:With our knowledge which is based on practice,we can make contributions to our society.(our knowledge与practice是被动关系)当然,based on亦可以用作状语,同样表示被动关系。二三句中的based on只是base on的过去式,表示一种主动关系。
2023-07-07 12:44:061

base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解

一个是正常语态 一个是被动语态 A base on B 意为 A建立在B的基础上 (该句就是正常描述A以B为基础)A be based on B 意为 A被建立在B的基础之上 (该句说明A被建立 而B是基础)后者里面的 based 是 base 的过去式和过去分词形式被动语态的结构是 be + 动词过去分词
2023-07-07 12:44:131

base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解

base on 是主动语态,主语是人be based on 是被动语态,主语是物
2023-07-07 12:44:331

base on怎么用?给个句子

how 2 make a sentence with "based on " is based on whether u konw how 2 use it.
2023-07-07 12:44:413

base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解

主动和被动More questions!———精锐南方商城
2023-07-07 12:45:002

due to,base on,result in的区别

result in
2023-07-07 12:45:103

focus on 与 base on

1 聚焦于2 基于···意思不一样的!
2023-07-07 12:45:183

base on与depend on的用法区别

base on 是表示在什么的基础上,基于什么。或者是建立在什么的基础之上。而depend on 是表示主要取决于或者是依赖什么,当表示依赖的意思时和relay on 可互换
2023-07-07 12:45:261

depend on和base on的用法

depend on sth 依靠什么base on sth 建立在什么的基础上
2023-07-07 12:45:343

base on和 based on和be based on

谓语(从句)表达:which is based...。非谓语表达:把谓语is based变成being based,然后去掉being。
2023-07-07 12:45:432

base on固定短语在从句中能分开吗

2023-07-07 12:45:501

according to 与base on 的区别?请赐教~谢谢~~

according to根据,按照;取决于;据…所说base on基于,以……为根据;在……基础上
2023-07-07 12:45:572

according to 与base on 的区别?请个位赐教~

补充:没错.according to 是介词短语,base on是动词短语.我们没有必要学习这种区别.最重要的是:我们懂得用这短语来写句子.研究下面的例子,你就会明白它们的区别.欲理解以上的区别,我们必须使用英语来理解...来学习英语:(1) according to 按照= 定义(a)as stated or indicated by (someone)=例句:according to historians...定义(b) in keeping with = 例句:according to instructions定义(c) as determined by = 例句:according to the alphabet(2) base on [base something upon someone or something] ...做为基础/理由= 定义(a)to ground something, such as one"s opinion, decision, or thinking, on someone or something; to found one"s ideas or attitude on something. 例句:(i)I base my opinion on many, many facts.(ii)You must not base your opinion on one bad experience.
2023-07-07 12:46:051

base on还是based on

Based 是过去分词,在句子中做状语部分,而base 是动词,必须要有相对的名词主语引导,不然句子就缺少成分了。get to sleep 是去睡觉,get asleep 是睡着了,两者程度不同
2023-07-07 12:46:131

base on放句首是不是一定要固定用based on?

1.base on放在句首时,一般是要用based on的. 如:Based on a true story,the novel is popular soon. 2.原因:因为base on放句首一般做状语,而句子的主语是做base的宾语的. 即构成固定短语:base + 句子主语 + on...,意思是“把...(句子的主语)建立在...(on后的宾语)上”. 所以句子主语和base之间一般是被动关系,所以此时必须使用其过去分词based. 3.例句中即:base the novel on a true story.
2023-07-07 12:46:451

be based on 与 be based in 有什么区别

be based on是基于什么什么事情,在什么什么的基础上be based in后面跟地点
2023-07-07 12:46:543

“base on”有哪些用法?

base on/uponestablish on ; rest on把…建立在;以…为基础One should always base one"s opinion on facts.人们说话应以事实为根据。【base作为动词的用法】1、base用作动词是“把…建立在,以…为基础”的意思,指人们依据一定的客观规律或自己的亲身体验而得出的一定结论。base常用于非物质结构的基础,这个基础可以是物质的,也可以是非物质的。2、base是及物动词,常与on连用,作“使建立在…基础上”解。常用于被动结构。3、base为及物动词。因此表示“建立在…之上”或“以…为基础”时不能说base on sth,而只能用base sth on sth 的句型。
2023-07-07 12:47:081

based on 和 basing on区别

也可以这么说 based on 被动, basing on 主动
2023-07-07 12:47:164

“base on”有哪些用法

base A on B
2023-07-07 12:48:042

base on ,be based on如何区别,怎么用?

Ⅰ.base on “以……为根据”,用法应是 base A on B如: ① Edison based his ideas on scientific experiment.爱迪生的想法是建立在科学实验的基础上的. ② You should base your opinion on facts.你的意见都要以事实为根据. Ⅱ.be based on “以……为根据”; “根据……”;“基于……”用法是A be based on B ① What he said is based on fact.他所说的话是以事实为根据的. ② The story is based on real life.那故事是根据现实生活而写的.
2023-07-07 12:48:451

请教based on 与 be based upon 用法区别

based on 的前面有个be 动词或系动词啊,那样的话就和后面的be based upon 一样了。此外,based on 还可以用作状语。upon和on的区别只在某些词里才体现得出,主要是空间方位的差别。
2023-07-07 12:49:124

base on 和be based on的区别

2023-07-07 12:49:283


build on基本解释在原有的建筑物上增建;以…为基础;依赖;一心指望网络释义1. 建立于2. 继续发base on 意思是 “立足于”、“基于”、“建立在 ... 基础上
2023-07-07 12:50:111

“base on” 和“ be based on” 的区别是什么?

base A on B是主动,以??为根据”x0dx0a① Edison based his ideas on scientific experiment.x0dx0a爱迪生的想法是建立在科学实验的基础上的。x0dx0a② You should base your opinion on facts.x0dx0a你的意见都要以事实为根据。x0dx0a x0dx0aA be based on B是被动,“以??为根据”; “根据??”;“基于??”x0dx0a① What he said is based on fact.x0dx0a他所说的话是以事实为根据的。x0dx0a② The story is based on real life.x0dx0a那故事是根据现实生活而写的。
2023-07-07 12:50:321

base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解

两者是主被动的差别,sth be base on sth 可直接成句base on sth 一般在句中担任定语成分
2023-07-07 12:50:543

on the basis of 和based on的区别是什么?

楼主您好,以下是我在牛津高阶英汉双解词典中查到的资料,希望对你有所帮助!首先on the basis of 和 be based on 的意思不完全相同:前者表示的意思是“出于某种原因”而后者表示“以某某为基础”。例句:She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications. 她因资历适合而获选担任这项工作。例句:The movie is based on a real-life incident.这部电影以现实生活中的一件事为基础。如有不详尽,欢迎追问;如满意,望采纳~谢谢!
2023-07-07 12:51:404


Be based on后面一般接 statistics, research, regulation等有明确标准的东西eg. pay raises are based on employmee"s performance“Depend on” implies uncertaintyeg. my mood depends on the weather
2023-07-07 12:52:132

base on ,be based on如何区别,怎么用?

2023-07-07 12:52:223

be based on 与based on 的区别

2023-07-07 12:52:303

base on与depend on的用法区别

base on 是表示在什么的基础上,基于什么.或者是建立在什么的基础之上.而depend on 是表示主要取决于或者是依赖什么,当表示依赖的意思时和relay on 可互换
2023-07-07 12:52:591

关于base on 的用法

加名词如base on the plan 或动名词短语如 base on getting money
2023-07-07 12:53:061

请问:base on是被动用法还是主动用法.

base...on ...主动 be based on 被动
2023-07-07 12:53:521

一道英语题,关于base on的用法

2023-07-07 12:54:151