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2023-07-07 20:15:52
























constant的读法是["ku0252nst(u0259)nt]。constant是持续不断的、重复的、恒定的的意思。相关短语有acidity constant酸度常数,affinity constant曼常数,boltzmann constant波耳兹曼常数,aberration constant光行差常数。可造句子如下:1、There was constant jeering and interruption from the floor.议员席上不断有人在嘲讽和打岔。2、It"s a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par.要让他们达标,需要不断努力。3、Constant wheelchair use will scuff almost any floor surface.任何地板上经常有轮椅走动几乎都会有所磨损。4、The weather is a constant topic of conversation in Britain.在英国,天气是交谈中永恒的话题。
2023-07-07 10:41:441

constant 英语用谐音怎么读

英文原文:media constant英式音标:[u02c8miu02d0diu0259] [u02c8ku0252nst(u0259)nt] 美式音标:[u02c8miu02d0diu0259] [u02c8kɑnstu0259nt]
2023-07-07 10:42:033

constant是什么意思 常数的定义及应用场景?

"Constant" 是一个形容词,表示固定不变的、恒定的,或者一个名词,表示常数,即在某个特定情境下不变的数值。在数学中,常数指的是固定的数值,与变量相对。常数可以是整数、分数、小数等,但在某个特定情境下,它们都不会改变。例如,在一条直线方程中,x和y的系数是变量,而数字部分是常数。在科学和工程领域,常数也被广泛应用,如自然常数e、圆周率π、万有引力常数等。在计算机编程中,常数通常用于表示一些不需要变化的值,如程序中的固定参数、限定条件等。常数可以是数字、字符、布尔值等,它们在程序运行期间不会改变。总的来说,“constant”一词在不同领域中有不同的应用场景,但都与“不变”、“恒定”等概念有关。
2023-07-07 10:42:101

请教constant 和 consistent 的区别

consistent的意思是“一致的,始终如一的”,强调某个事物在时间或空间上的保持不变。例如:She is consistent in her efforts to improve her grades. (她在改善自己的成绩方面一直很有毅力。)The company has been consistent in its commitment to sustainability. (该公司一直致力于可持续发展。)constant的意思是“持续的,不断的”,强调某个事物始终存在或发生。例如:The constant noise from the construction site was driving me crazy. (来自建筑工地的持续噪音让我快疯了。)She has to deal with the constant demands of her job. (她不得不应对工作中的不断要求。)
2023-07-07 10:42:195


hello大家好,今天我们学习的单词是constant,constant是一个形容词,第一个意思是不变的、恒定的、经常的,第二个意思是连续不断的,也可以作名词,表示常数、恒量,constant这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为两个音节【con】和【tant】,第一个音节con的发音为【kans】,而第二个音节tant的发音为【t?nt】,合在一起的话这个单词的发音就是【"kanst?nt】,这是英式发音,美式发音读作【"ka:nst?nt】,接下来我们用构词法来解释一下这个单词,con(表示彻底地),加上st(表示站立的意思),再加上ant(形容词性的后缀),可以翻译为始终站立的,引申意思就为不变的,我们再来看一下用法,constant作名词时,通常作为恒量、常数的意思来使用;It"s very clear the way you patch it up is that you multiply it by this constant and now we"re all set,很明显,你修补它的方法是把它乘以这个常数,现在我们都准备好了,也可以作adj,第一个表示不变的经常的,例如在下面的句子里,This entrance is in constant use.此入口经常使用。这里的canstant作为形容词是经常的的意思,作为形容词第二个意思是不断的,例如在这个句子,Her constant nagging drove him away,她不断的唠叨把他给赶跑了,这里的constant是不断的意思,constant这个单词你学会了吗?
2023-07-07 10:42:551


Continuous(形容词):表达不被打断的动作,是没有间断的动作 (without interruption)。比如:The water flowed out of the pipe in one continuous stream. 水从水管源源不断地流出。Constant 的意思是不变的,固定的 (not changing)。副词是 constantly。The teacher"s constant encouragement helped me do well in the class. 老师自始至终的鼓励让我在课堂上表现得很好!Constant 是指老师不变的鼓励。
2023-07-07 10:43:032

constant是什么意思 常数的定义及应用场景?

光速是一个物理学中的常数,通常用c来表示。它是光在真空中传播的速度,它在相对论中有着广泛的应用。常数在数学中有着广泛的应用,下面列举几个常见的应用场景。常数是一个数学中的基本概念,它是指在某个过程或者事件中始终不变的值。常数在数学中有着广泛的应用,包括代数、几何、微积分、物理学等领域。在计算机编程中,常数也是一个重要的概念。2. 自然对数的底数常数的定义
2023-07-07 10:43:151

constant continual continuous 的详细区别,谢谢,好的加分

constant指保持一种状态不变 continual指还没有完,有后续情况的;没完没了地continuous指中间不间断的这是它们作形容词表连续的,不断的时的区别。而constant作形容词时也可以表示忠诚的,忠贞不渝的(一般不用于口语),同时constant还可以作名词表常数,衡量和不变的事物。详情如下:constant 表示“稳定的”、“不断的”或“不变的”、“可靠的”。例如: We"ve had constant rain for three days.雨连续下了3天。 He is constant in his determination.他的决心不变。continuous 只用来表示不停止的动作。例如: There was continuous fighting on the frontier all day yesterday.昨天一整天,边境上战斗没有停止。 The aeroplane is capable of five days continuous flight.这种飞机可以连续飞行5天。 continual 经常用来指不时重复的动作(包括使人不快的动作)。常译为“不断的”、“连续的”,即认为没有止境。例如: I can"t work with these continual interruptions.这样不断地打搅,我无法工作。 The noise of hammering was continual.锤打的噪音连续不断consistent始终如一的,前后一致的[(+in)]He remained consistent in his opposition to anything new. 他始终反对一切新事物。 2.与...一致的;符合的[F][(+with)]His behavior is consistent with his teaching. 他的行为与其教诲相符。 如果还有不明白的就Hi我吧。
2023-07-07 10:43:251


continuous adj. 连续的, 持续的 constant是恒定的,在使用的时候用来表达一种永恒不变的意思。 而continuous则是连续的,虽然是连续的,但是同恒定不变是不一样的。 你可以说:这个方程式的基数是恒定不变的,就要用constant。 但是说:海浪的冲击是连续的,海浪并不是始终停留在岸上的,是有波次的,要用连续。 不过有的时候continuous可以代替constant,反过来是不能取代的。
2023-07-07 10:43:341

java 为什么使用constant类

constant 用来修饰变量,使变量的值一旦确定不能修改。 再细点说,就是基本类型的变量赋值后不能改变其值,对象变量赋值后不能更改对象引用值
2023-07-07 10:43:441

constant 和 frequent 和 persistent 的区别?

constant是持续的(有不间断的意思,始终存在,你想一下“常数”这个释义) frequent是频繁的(散点式地经常出现) persistent也是持续的(但是又有消失消散的可能) 我是这么理解的.
2023-07-07 10:43:511


2023-07-07 10:44:025


2023-07-07 10:46:263


  constant有不断的,持续的; 永恒的等意思,那么constant的 近义词 都有哪些呢?下面我为大家带来constant的近义词及辨析,欢迎大家学习!   constant近义词:   continual, continuous, successive, constant, persistent   constant近义词辨析:   这些形容词均有"连续的,不断的"之意。   continual 强调重复或持续发生,但连续之间允许有间断。   continuous 语意最强,强调在时间和空间上没有间断。   successive 强调事物一个接一个地发生,无间断。   constant 多指习惯性的重复和不变的持续。   persistent 普通用词,可指不懈的努力,也可指任何连续不断或重复出现的事物。   constant的英语例句:   1. There was constant jeering and interruption from the floor.   议员席上不断有人在嘲讽和打岔.   2. It"s a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par.   要让他们达标,需要不断努力。   3. Constant wheelchair use will scuff almost any floor surface.   任何地板上经常有轮椅走动几乎都会有所磨损。   4. The weather is a constant topic of conversation in Britain.   在英国,天气是交谈中永恒的话题。   5. An automatic voltage regulator ensured a constant output from the generator.   一个自动电压调节器保证了发电机电流输出的稳定。   6. He has been her constant companion for the last four months.   4个月来,他一直陪伴在她身边。   7. He would have a nurse in constant attendance day and night.   会有一位护士日夜不间断地陪护着他。   8. John received constant physical and psychological abuse from his father.   约翰不断遭到父亲身体和心理上的双重虐待。   9. The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.   市场要有活力,需要不断地改变和调整。   10. She suggests that women are under constant pressure to be abnormally thin.   她暗示说女性总是处在保持身材异常瘦削的压力之下。   11. A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers.   持续存在的失业威胁困扰着数千名大学科研人员。   12. Despite his constant protes-tations of devotion and love, her doubts persisted.   尽管他一直宣称对她的爱忠贞不渝,她仍然心存怀疑。   13. The streets are wedged solid with near-constant traffic gridlock.   交通堵塞丝毫不见缓解,街道被堵得水泄不通。   14. He was arrested after being kept under constant surveillance.   在被连续监视了一段时间后,他被逮捕了。   15. She has fought a constant battle with her weight.   她一直在竭力控制体重。 constant相关 文章 : 1. struggle的近义词辨析
2023-07-07 10:46:451


B 过去分词作状语. 考虑到句子主语也是devote的逻辑主语,存在被动关系,故选过去分词,而不是现在分词. 但是可以说:If devoting yourself to your study,you can make constant progress in it. 请注意对比两句的不同之处.
2023-07-07 10:46:541


constantn.[数、物]常数, 恒量adj.不变的, 持续的, 坚决的continuousadj.连续的, 持续的
2023-07-07 10:47:054

MrSimon的《Constant 》 歌词

歌曲名:Constant 歌手:MrSimon专辑:DisruptorEven through the darkest phaseBe it thick or thinAlways someone marches braveHere beneath my skinConstant cravingHas always beenMaybe a great magnet pullsAll souls towards truthOr maybe it is life itselfFeeds wisdomTo its youthConstant cravingHas always beenCravingAh haConstant cravingHas always beenHas always beenConstant cravingHas always beenConstant cravingHas always beenCravingAh haConstant cravingHas always beenHas always beenHas always been
2023-07-07 10:47:241

constant 和 frequent 和 persistent 的区别?

2023-07-07 10:47:321


2023-07-07 10:47:391

请教~~constant 和 consistent 有什么区别?

constant不变的 consistent一致的
2023-07-07 10:47:486

谁知道constant 和 consistant 有什么区别阿?多谢了~

constant [简明英汉词典]n.[数、物]常数, 恒量adj.不变的, 持续的, 坚决的consist [简明英汉词典]vi.由...组成, 在于, 一致consistant 没有这个词吧有这个词:consistentadj.一致的, 调和的, 坚固的, [数、统]相容的
2023-07-07 10:48:022


import tensorflow as tf# 创建一个常量op, 产生一个1x2矩阵,这个op被作为一个节点# 加到默认视图中# 构造器的返回值代表该常量op的返回值matrix1 = tr.constant([[3., 3.]])# 创建另一个常量op, 产生一个2x1的矩阵matrix2 = tr.constant([[2.], [2.]])# 创建一个矩阵乘法matmul op,把matrix1和matrix2作为输入:product = tf.matmul(matrix1, matrix2)
2023-07-07 10:48:112

constant 和 instant 高中程度,有区别吗 做连词是不都可以表示立刻immediately 可以互换?

2023-07-07 10:48:283


constant的读法是["ku0252nst(u0259)nt]。constant是持续不断的、重复的、恒定的的意思。相关短语有acidity constant酸度常数,affinity constant曼常数,boltzmann constant波耳兹曼常数,aberration constant光行差常数。可造句子如下:1、There was constant jeering and interruption from the floor.议员席上不断有人在嘲讽和打岔。2、It"s a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par.要让他们达标,需要不断努力。3、Constant wheelchair use will scuff almost any floor surface.任何地板上经常有轮椅走动几乎都会有所磨损。4、The weather is a constant topic of conversation in Britain.在英国,天气是交谈中永恒的话题。
2023-07-07 10:48:531


Constant:[not stopping / frequent]happening a lot or all the time经常发生的;连续发生的;连续不断的I"ll come with you. We"ll have constant contact with my team.Machines that are in constant useIn constant dangerConstant fearThe advance of the seasons brings constant change.Consistent:[unchanging]always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way一贯的;坚持的;始终如一的There has been a consistent improvement in her attitude.Her work is sometimes good, but the problem is she"s not consistent.
2023-07-07 10:49:121


Constant:[not stopping / frequent]happening a lot or all the time经常发生的;连续发生的;连续不断的I"ll come with you. We"ll have constant contact with my team.Machines that are in constant useIn constant dangerConstant fearThe advance of the seasons brings constant change.Consistent:[unchanging]always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way一贯的;坚持的;始终如一的There has been a consistent improvement in her attitude.Her work is sometimes good, but the problem is she"s not consistent.
2023-07-07 10:49:191


Constant:[not stopping / frequent]happening a lot or all the time经常发生的;连续发生的;连续不断的I"ll come with you. We"ll have constant contact with my team.Machines that are in constant useIn constant dangerConstant fearThe advance of the seasons brings constant change.Consistent:[unchanging]always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way一贯的;坚持的;始终如一的There has been a consistent improvement in her attitude.Her work is sometimes good, but the problem is she"s not consistent.
2023-07-07 10:50:001

constant continual continuous 的详细区别,

constant指保持一种状态不变 continual指还没有完,有后续情况的;没完没了地 continuous指中间不间断的 这是它们作形容词表连续的,不断的时的区别. 而constant作形容词时也可以表示忠诚的,忠贞不渝的(一般不用于口语),同时constant还可以作名词表常数,衡量和不变的事物. 详情如下: constant 表示“稳定的”、“不断的”或“不变的”、“可靠的”.例如: We"ve had constant rain for three days.雨连续下了3天. He is constant in his determination.他的决心不变. continuous 只用来表示不停止的动作.例如: There was continuous fighting on the frontier all day yesterday.昨天一整天,边境上战斗没有停止. The aeroplane is capable of five days continuous flight.这种飞机可以连续飞行5天. continual 经常用来指不时重复的动作(包括使人不快的动作).常译为“不断的”、“连续的”,即认为没有止境.例如: I can"t work with these continual interruptions.这样不断地打搅,我无法工作. The noise of hammering was continual.锤打的噪音连续不断 consistent 始终如一的,前后一致的[(+in)] He remained consistent in his opposition to anything new. 他始终反对一切新事物. 2.与...一致的;符合的[F][(+with)] His behavior is consistent with his teaching. 他的行为与其教诲相符. 如果还有不明白的就Hi我吧.
2023-07-07 10:50:371

constant是什么意思 常数的定义及应用场景?

2023-07-07 10:50:451


constant 表示“稳定的”、“不断的”或“不变的”、“可靠的”。例如: We"ve had constant rain for three days.雨连续下了3天。 He is constant in his determination.他的决心不变。continuous 只用来表示不停止的动作。例如: There was continuous fighting on the frontier all day yesterday.昨天一整天,边境上战斗没有停止。 The aeroplane is capable of five days continuous flight.这种飞机可以连续飞行5天。 continual 经常用来指不时重复的动作(包括使人不快的动作)。常译为“不断的”、“连续的”,即认为没有止境。例如: I can"t work with these continual interruptions.这样不断地打搅,我无法工作。 The noise of hammering was continual.锤打的噪音连续不断consistent始终如一的,前后一致的[(+in)]He remained consistent in his opposition to anything new. 他始终反对一切新事物。 2.与...一致的;符合的[F][(+with)]His behavior is consistent with his teaching. 他的行为与其教诲相符。
2023-07-07 10:51:241


2023-07-07 10:51:321


consistent的意思是“一致的,始终如一的”,强调某个事物在时间或空间上的保持不变。例如:She is consistent in her efforts to improve her grades. (她在改善自己的成绩方面一直很有毅力。)The company has been consistent in its commitment to sustainability. (该公司一直致力于可持续发展。)constant的意思是“持续的,不断的”,强调某个事物始终存在或发生。例如:The constant noise from the construction site was driving me crazy. (来自建筑工地的持续噪音让我快疯了。)She has to deal with the constant demands of her job. (她不得不应对工作中的不断要求。)
2023-07-07 10:52:251


consistent的意思是“一致的,始终如一的”,强调某个事物在时间或空间上的保持不变。例如:She is consistent in her efforts to improve her grades. (她在改善自己的成绩方面一直很有毅力。)The company has been consistent in its commitment to sustainability. (该公司一直致力于可持续发展。)constant的意思是“持续的,不断的”,强调某个事物始终存在或发生。例如:The constant noise from the construction site was driving me crazy. (来自建筑工地的持续噪音让我快疯了。)She has to deal with the constant demands of her job. (她不得不应对工作中的不断要求。)
2023-07-07 10:52:321


2023-07-07 10:52:471

Charlie Hall的《Constant》 歌词

歌曲名:Constant歌手:Charlie Hall专辑:The RisingHouse of Heroes - ConstantI"ve worked for so longWith the weakest of handsOn the coldest of shoresThe wind and the rainFill me with doubtBut you"ve never been wrong beforeI prayed for the sunSome guidance some truthSome glimpse of the things to comeWith only your songYour love made me strongWhen all hope was goneAll thru the night I was fallin"Straining to hear your voice callin"You never gave outYou never gave inYou never quite gave up on meYou are my constantWe always want timeTo hoard up our treasuresAnd bury our deadIt"s true what he saidFoxes have holesBut the king has no place for his headI pray for reliefBut relief doesn"t comeJust the will to press onWith only your songYour love makes me strongWhen all hope is goneAll thru the night I was fallin"Straining to hear your voice callin"You never gave outYou never gave inYou never quite gave up on meYou are my constantAll thru the nightYour love is faithful to meAll thru the nightYour love is right here with meAll thru the nightYour love is holding meAll thru the night I was fallin"Straining to see your light shinin"You never gave outYou never gave inYou never quite gave up on meYou are my constantAll thru the night I was fallin"Straining to see your light shinin"You never gave outYou never gave inYou never quite gave up on meYou are my constantYou are my constantYou are my constantYou are my constant
2023-07-07 10:52:541

constant 和continous的区别

constant [5kRnstEnt] 1. 固定的,不变的 The birth rate in this city is almost constant. 这城市的出生率几乎是不变的。 2. 不停的,接连不断的,持续的 He hates his wife"s constant nagging. 他讨厌他妻子唠叨不休。 3. 【书】忠诚的,忠贞不渝的 He remained constant till death. 他至死忠贞不渝。 n.[C] 1. 【数】【物】常数,衡量 The speed of light is an important constant. 光速是一个重要的常数。 2. 不变的事物而continous有继续的意思,但是他不是连续不断的,中间是可以中断的
2023-07-07 10:53:031

Dark Tranquillity的《Constant》 歌词

歌曲名:Constant歌手:Dark Tranquillity专辑:The Mind"s I (Deluxe Edition)Even through the darkest phaseBe it thick or thinAlways someone marches braveHere beneath my skinConstant cravingHas always beenMaybe a great magnet pullsAll souls towards truthOr maybe it is life itselfFeeds wisdomTo its youthConstant cravingHas always beenCravingAh haConstant cravingHas always beenHas always beenConstant cravingHas always beenConstant cravingHas always beenCravingAh haConstant cravingHas always beenHas always beenHas always been
2023-07-07 10:53:221


这些词其实严格来说,并不都是固定的意思,只不过字典上笼统这么解释了。每个词都有自己固定的用法和意思。fixed和settled有一层相近的意思,表示某某事情办妥了,某某问题解决了。当然fixed还表示某东西被固定好了 settled还表示人的生活或工作稳定下来了。constant有一层意思是持续的。stationary是表示静止的意思,就是物理学上那种。stable有一层意思是稳定的,比如某某趋势比较稳定,或者某某家具放在地上很稳,自身不会歪倒或摇晃,但并不像fixed是用螺丝或什么完全固定住的。
2023-07-07 10:53:302

constant 、continuous与continual三者的区别?

constant指保持一种状态不变 continuous指中间不间断的与continual指还没有完,有后续情况的;没完没了地
2023-07-07 10:53:383


constant 经常的He is a constant user of the library.consistent 持续的He is consistent in reading books. 第一个偏重状态不变,constant相当于continual,有间歇停顿第二个偏重两者间的关系. consistent相当于continuous,连续不断
2023-07-07 10:53:471

船舶Q88中Constant 指什么

2023-07-07 10:54:091


static表示“全局”或者“静态”的意思,用来修饰成员变量和成员方法,也可以形成静态static代码块,但是Java语言中没有全局变量的概念。当你不知道常量名,却需要获取常量的值时,constant() 就很有用了。也就是常量名储存在一个变量里,或者由函数返回常量名。readonly 就是只读,不能编写,只能看。
2023-07-07 10:54:501


2023-07-07 10:54:571


雇员与雇主; 平常一般与大方的; 立即与坚决
2023-07-07 10:55:074


2023-07-07 10:55:161


2023-07-07 10:55:264


The constant后面加名词,因为constant是形容词,形容词后面可以接名词,the是限定词
2023-07-07 10:55:391

consistent, constant, permanent的区别在哪里?

consistent的意思是“一致的,始终如一的”,强调某个事物在时间或空间上的保持不变。例如:She is consistent in her efforts to improve her grades. (她在改善自己的成绩方面一直很有毅力。)The company has been consistent in its commitment to sustainability. (该公司一直致力于可持续发展。)constant的意思是“持续的,不断的”,强调某个事物始终存在或发生。例如:The constant noise from the construction site was driving me crazy. (来自建筑工地的持续噪音让我快疯了。)She has to deal with the constant demands of her job. (她不得不应对工作中的不断要求。)
2023-07-07 10:55:461


2023-07-07 10:55:541


"Salley" 不是一个常见的英文单词,可能是一些人误拼的 "Sally"。"Sally" 是一个常见的女性名字,也可以作为一个动词,意思是 "开始进行(尤指工作)"。例如:"She sallied forth to start her new job" (她出发开始新工作)。请注意,在某些情况下, "Sally" 可以被拼作 "Salley"。但这是不常见的,可能是因为个人喜好或口音等原因。
2023-07-07 10:52:441