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2023-07-07 13:58:51



1、received pronunciation标准发音

2、English pronunciation英语发音



1、This pronunciation is not popular among the general public.


2、She prided herself on her nicety of pronunciation.


3、She would carefully mouth the right pronunciation.


4、The phonetic symbols indicate the pronunciation of each word.


5、He cannot distinguish between ‘l" and ‘n" in pronunciation.







pronunciation发音双语对照词典结果:pronunciation[英][pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n][美][pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu0283u0259n]n.发音; 读法; 发音方法; 发音方式; 复数:pronunciations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Then he thought the problem must be his pronunciation. 然后他觉得问题一定出在发音上。
2023-07-07 08:44:032


pronunciation:发音 n. 发音;读法 语音 读音pronunciation: 发音读法例句:How can I improve my pronunciation?我如何能改善我的发音呢?。He has difficulty in pronunciation.他的发音还有困难。He has much trouble with pronunciation.他在发音上有许多困难。Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied .你的发音缺点是可以纠正的。Their pronunciation and vocabulary also differ.还有它们的发音及字词也有差异。I have some difficulty in English pronunciation.我英语发音方面有些困难。
2023-07-07 08:44:212

pronunciation 怎么读

2023-07-07 08:44:292


2023-07-07 08:44:446


2023-07-07 08:45:052


2023-07-07 08:45:205


pronunciation 英[prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn] 美[prəˌnʌnsiˈeʃən] n. 发音;读法;发音方法;发音方式 名词复数:pronunciations [例句]Then he thought the problem must be his pronunciation.然后他觉得问题一定出在发音上。2.One of the major skills is mastery of pronunciation. 口译的主要技能之一就是要掌握好发音。3.The number "8," for example, is considered a lucky number as itspronunciation is similar to that of the chinese word for "wealth." 例如,“8”被认为是幸运数字,因为它的读音与中国汉字“发”相似。4.But how much does pronunciation guide our perceptions of people? 那么发音对我们认知的引导作用有多大呢?5.That is how weir acquired its modern pronunciation. 这是weir取得现代英语中发音的方式。
2023-07-07 08:45:481


2023-07-07 08:46:131


可数pronunciation[美] [pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu0283u0259n]u2003u2003[英] [pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n]u2003u2003n. 发音; 读法; 发音方法; 发音方式【网络释义】发音; 语音; 读音; 发音法复数:pronunciations请采纳
2023-07-07 08:46:291


Here you can learn about English Pronunciation.
2023-07-07 08:46:534

pronunciation 是可数名词么求大神帮助

要是指抽象的“发音”这个概念,不如I can"t get my pronunciation right就是不可数. 要是指单词的发音比如The word has two pronunciations 就是可数
2023-07-07 08:47:082


发音双语对照词典结果:pronunciation[英][pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n][美][pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu0283u0259n]n.发音; 读法; 发音方法; 发音方式; 复数:pronunciations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.See, serious business. Pronunciation very good. 看,我是认真的.你的发音很好.
2023-07-07 08:47:242


发音 [fā yīn]n. pronunciation ; articulationvi. articulatevt. pronouncepronounce英 [pru0259u02c8nau028ans] 美 [pru0259u02c8nau028ans] v. 发(音),读(音);正式宣布(或公布、授予等);发表意见,表态[ 第三人称单数 pronounces 现在分词 pronouncing 过去式 pronounced 过去分词 pronounced ]
2023-07-07 08:47:373

pronuncition 是什么意思?

2023-07-07 08:47:562

pronunciation 翻译

pronunciation 基本解释pronunciation是什么意思名词发音; 读法; 发音方法; 发音方式pronunciation 相关例句名词1. He has a good pronunciation.他的发音很好。2. What is the pronunciation of this word?这个单词的发音是什么?3. pronunciation是什么意思3. His pronunciation has improved.他的发音已有所改进。4. The tongue is one of the organs for pronunciation.舌是发音器官之一。pronunciation 情景对话Hearing and Writing-(听和写)A:Tell me about your English class, Mary.玛丽,给我说说你们英语课。B:Well, yesterday the teacher wrote some sentences on the board.The first was if you cant produce the sounds of a language acceptable, then you cant really hear them when other people make them.Next he worte, if you cant hear the sounds of a language then you probably cant write the language well.Your inadequate pronunciation contributes to making your writing substandard.好吧,昨天老师在黑板上写了一些句子。第一句话是对于一种语言如果你不能正确地发音,那么当别人发这些音时你实际上不可能听懂。然后他又写道如果你听不懂一种语言的发音,你大概也不可能很好地书写这种语言。你的不合格的发音将导致你的书写也不能令人满意。A:Do you think thats right?你认为这对吗?B:I dont know, Bob. Ill tell you when the course is over.我不知道,鲍勃。等这门课结束时我会告诉你的。pronunciation 网络解释1. 读音:词的四要素:读音(pronunciation)、拼写(spelling)、词义(sense)和用法(usage). 学习单词,读音和拼写固然不能忽略,但词义和用法才是最重要的,而且相似词语之间,在词义和用法上的差别,才是最难把握的.2. 单词的发音:1) 英语的发音(Pronunciation)和口音(accent)单词的发音(pronunciation):很多中国学生都会考虑自己是学习英式发音还是美式发音呢?其实对中国的学生来说,英式和美式关系不大,因为最终我们都是中国式口音. 在这里,pronunciation 双语例句1.1. There are three elements: sound, rhyme, and intonation. IPA adopted Zhao, Yuan Ren"s melody in 1926 for Liu, Bian Nong"s lyrics, to analyse sounds hidden by the tip of the tongue vowels:〔〕, 〔〕:which means empty vowel〔(The symbol is abbreviated〕, so these vowels should be added in pronunciation practice.IPA的运用选自赵元任1926年谱曲刘半农词〈教我如何不想他〉,了解主要元音为何,特别是前舌单母音〔ㄗ〕、〔ㄘ〕、〔ㄙ〕、〔ㄓ〕、〔ㄔ〕、〔ㄕ〕、〔ㄖ〕:资、雌、私、之、池、施、日,这些音隐藏著舌尖元音〔〕、〔〕,即空韵符号〔〕因此发声练习时要特别加上这些元音。2. You have to work at your pronunciation if you want to improve your spoken English.如果你想提高你的英语口语水平,你得在发音上下功夫。3. pronunciation3. Don"t be shy. Your pronunciation is more or less correct.你别害羞。你的发音差不多接近标准了。4. pronunciation是什么意思4. As we all know 2008 is Olympic year, and then there will be so many international people rush into Beijing, have you thought about you should catch this chance to show the custom and culture of China to them, also have you thought about your pronunciation may makes you fell shame to talk with them?我们都知道今年是奥运年,或许我们都曾想过想利用这次千载难逢的机会向全世界展示我们中国的文化与风俗,但是可能语言却成了我们交流的阻碍,但是我们又不想让这个机会从我们身边溜走,我们该怎么做呢?5. pronunciation什么意思5. An in-depth introduction to Chinese pronunciation, pinyin and the related principles.以深入详实的角度,让学习者了解发音部位及相关原则。
2023-07-07 08:48:031


2023-07-07 08:48:125


  发音,是指人通过控制咽喉部的气流强弱、声带振动所发出的声音多指语言和音乐。那么,你知道发音的英语单词怎么说吗?   发音的英文释义:   pronunciation   pronounce   flow of sounds   prenunciation   sonation   sonification   发音的英文例句:   在国内这一地区,这个单词的发音不同。   People pronounce the word differently in this part of the country.   她学习英语发音有困难。   She had difficulty learning English pronunciation.   他们的英语发音不够好,但正在改进。   Their English pronunciation is not good, but it is improving.   她发音有缺陷。   She has a defective utterance.   我不知道这个单词怎么发音。   I don"t know how to pronounce this word.   你的发音毛病是可以纠正的。   Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied.   按发音技巧的步骤教小朋友xyz的发音。   Teach the children the phonic sounds for xyz using the phonic technique.   你这个单词发音不对。   You pronounced this word wrong.   这个班的大部分学生发音有困难。   Most students in this class have difficulty with pronunciation.   他们嘲笑她的发音。   They mocked at her pronunciation.   他的发音简直坏透了。   His pronunciation is simply terrible.   有人反对播音员的发音过于规范,这样就显得很不自然。   Some persons objected that announcers" articulation was too meticulous to benatural.   她的英语发音还说得过去。   Her English pronunciation is passable.   这个单词怎么发音?   How do you pronounce this word?   你能就我的发音提一些建议吗?   Can you give me some advice on my pronunciation?   但是,对于识别器来说知道一个词的正确发音是非常重要的。   However, it is vital to have a correct pronunciation of the word for the recognizer.   你知道的,我的发音不是很好。   You know my pronunciation is not very good.   当你朗读的时候,把精力主要集中在你所读的每个单词的正确发音上,而不是理解每个单词上。   When you are reading, place more focus on the correct pronunciation of thewords you are reading rather than prehension of each word.   明天,我们就不会在乎开救护车的司机的肤色,不会在乎他的名字的发音。   Tomorrow we will not care about the color of the driver nor the pronunciation ofhis name.   在很多的情况下,通过发音,语调的微小模糊的不同都可以达到效果。   In many instances, this can only be achieved through the subtle differences ofintonations and pronunciation.   学习如何发音。   Learn how it sounds.   记住那些你想指出来的人的名字包括正确的发音,或者准备一张卡片读。   Memorize the names of the people you want to recognize including correctpronunciation or prepare a card to read from.   但在没有公认的标准的情况下,很多单词的拼写和它们的发音不相符合。   But in the absence of a recognized standard, many words were not spelled in accordance with their pronunciation.   对于每个音素,您都会看到该音素的字元表示以及一个显示该音素的发音的示例词。   For each one, you see the character representation for the phoneme along withan example of a word showing you what that phoneme sounds like.   一旦我的大脑在分辨发音方面变得更好,继续学习将更加容易。   That will be easier to work on once my brain gets better at distinguishing thesounds.   当你看到一个单词的时候你并不总是清楚它该如何发音。   It"s not always obvious how you pronounce a word when you see it.   如你们所知道的,很多英语单词并不像它们看起来那样的发音。   As you know, many English words do not sound the way you think they will!   与猴子的大脑相比,人脑的特殊之处在于这是一个复杂的系统,能够使孩子把看到和感受到的东西联络起来,比如说把一个玩具熊和"玩具熊"这个词的发音联络起来。   What is special about man"s brain, pared with that of the monkey, is theplex system which enables a child to connect the sight and feel of, say, a toy-bear with the sound pattern "toy-bear".   模仿是练习发音和说话方式的最好方法之一哟!   Imitation is one of the best ways to learn pronunciation and speech patterns.
2023-07-07 08:48:341


2023-07-07 08:48:411


2023-07-07 08:48:471


pronunciation是个名词 发音, 读法The act or manner of pronouncing words; utterance of speech.发音:发音的行为或方式;说话A way of speaking a word, especially a way that is accepted or generally understood.读法:说一个词的方式,尤指以被接受或普遍理解的方式A graphic representation of the way a word is spoken, using phonetic symbols.发音法:说明一个词该怎样读出的书面表达方法,常用音标表示
2023-07-07 08:48:551


pronouncev.(动词)pro.nounced,,及物动词)To use the organs of speech to make heard (a word or speech sound); utter.发音:使用发音器官使词或语音被听到;发出To say clearly, correctly, or in a given manner:正确地念:清晰地、正确地说或吐字,或以一种既定的方式说:learning to pronounce French; pronounced my name wrong.学会正确念法语;念错我的名字To represent (a word) in phonetic symbols.注音:以音标描述词
2023-07-07 08:49:046

pronunciation 是可数名词么

This word has two __pronunciation_____(pronunciation)pronunciation 为不可数名词n. 发音;读法
2023-07-07 08:49:264


2023-07-07 08:49:461


pronunciation --> pronouncing (根字 pronounce -e +ing) 过去式 pronounce +d = pronounced
2023-07-07 08:50:181


standard pronunciation, speak fluently in English
2023-07-07 08:50:252


2023-07-07 08:50:461


articulation(清楚的)发音; 发出的(子)音; 发音动作pronunciation发音; 发音法; 读法
2023-07-07 08:50:562


pronunciation 英[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n] 美[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu0283u0259n] pǒ rōu nāng sī ēi shēn
2023-07-07 08:51:151


pronunciation英[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n]美[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu0283u0259n]n. 发音; 读法; 发音方法; 发音方式;
2023-07-07 08:51:303


pronunciation[英][pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n][美][pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu0283u0259n]n.发音; 读法; 发音方法; 发音方式; 复数:pronunciations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.See, serious business. Pronunciation very good. 看,我是认真的.你的发音很好.2.Can l get the pronunciation again? 能再读一遍吗
2023-07-07 08:51:372


pronunciation 英[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n] 美[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu0283u0259n] n. 发音;读法;发音方法;发音方式 名词复数:pronunciations [例句]Then he thought the problem must be his pronunciation.然后他觉得问题一定出在发音上。2.One of the major skills is mastery of pronunciation. 口译的主要技能之一就是要掌握好发音。3.The number "8," for example, is considered a lucky number as itspronunciation is similar to that of the chinese word for "wealth." 例如,“8”被认为是幸运数字,因为它的读音与中国汉字“发”相似。4.But how much does pronunciation guide our perceptions of people? 那么发音对我们认知的引导作用有多大呢?5.That is how weir acquired its modern pronunciation. 这是weir取得现代英语中发音的方式。
2023-07-07 08:51:471

Pronunciation 怎么读

分五个部分首先是pro 然后是 nun再ci再为a最后tion。
2023-07-07 08:51:542


2023-07-07 08:52:0311


pronunciation指一种语言的“发音(法)”,也指一个人的“发音”或“发音方式”,是不可数名词。指一个词的“读法”时,是可数名词。She gave the word its French pronunciation她读出了该词的法语发音。I thought a phonetic spelling might aid in pronunciation. 我想语音拼写可能有助于发音。You"re going to have to forgive my pronunciation. 你得原谅我的发音。
2023-07-07 08:53:041


pronunciation的音标是[prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn]或[prəˌnʌnsiˈeʃ读作p若囊c A深我只能这样教你了百度知道不能发语音希望你能理解
2023-07-07 08:53:132


【pronunciation】pronunciation指一种语言的“发音(法)”,也指一个人的“发音”或“发音方式”,是不可数名词。指一个词的“读法”时,是可数名词。动词+~pronunciationacquire pronunciation 学习发音correct pronunciation 纠正发音improve pronunciation 改善发音learn pronunciation 学习发音practise pronunciation 练习发音
2023-07-07 08:53:212


2023-07-07 08:53:382


2023-07-07 08:53:561


2023-07-07 08:54:051

pronunciation 是可数名词么

2023-07-07 08:54:321


2023-07-07 08:55:093


pronunciation 英[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n] 美[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu0283u0259n] n. 发音;读法;发音方法;发音方式 名词复数:pronunciations [例句]Then he thought the problem must be his pronunciation.然后他觉得问题一定出在发音上。2.One of the major skills is mastery of pronunciation. 口译的主要技能之一就是要掌握好发音。3.The number "8," for example, is considered a lucky number as itspronunciation is similar to that of the chinese word for "wealth." 例如,“8”被认为是幸运数字,因为它的读音与中国汉字“发”相似。4.But how much does pronunciation guide our perceptions of people? 那么发音对我们认知的引导作用有多大呢?5.That is how weir acquired its modern pronunciation. 这是weir取得现代英语中发音的方式。
2023-07-07 08:55:251


pronunciation。pronunciation指一种语言的“发音(法)”,也指一个人的“发音”或“发音方式”,是不可数名词。指一个词的“读法”时,是可数名词。pronounce的基本意思是用习惯的、公认的发音方式、重音、语调来“发音”,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。pronounce作“宣布,宣称”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词、that从句作宾语,还可接以“to be+ n./adj. / v -ed/ prep. -phrase”充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。相关词组:acquire pronunciation 学习发音。correct pronunciation 纠正发音。improve pronunciation 改善发音。learn pronunciation 学习发音。practise pronunciation 练习发音。
2023-07-07 08:55:551


2023-07-07 08:56:162


  你知道发音的英文怎么说吗?一起来学习一下吧!   发音的英文:   pronunciation英 [pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n]美 [pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu0283u0259n]   发音的英文例句:   1. I thought a phonetic spelling might aid in pronunciation.   我想语音拼写可能有助于发音。   2. You"re going to have to forgive my pronunciation.   你得原谅我的发音。   3. She gave the word its French pronunciation.   她读出了该词的法语发音。   4. a guide to English pronunciation   英语发音指南   5. regional variations in pronunciation   发音的地区差异   6. The wrong pronunciation of the word is sanctioned by public usage.   人们接受了这个字的错误读法,因为大家都这样念.   7. His English is not bad, but his pronunciation isn"t too good.   他的英语学得不错, 只是发音还不太好.   8. Bad pronunciation is a liability in being a narrator.   不良的发音是做解说员的不利条件.   9. The tongue is one of the organs for pronunciation.   舌是发音器官之一.   10. His pronunciation is quite distinct.   他的发音非常清楚.   11. My brother"s English pronunciation is simply terrible.   我兄弟的英语发音实在糟透了.   12. The teacher checks for pronunciation and intonation.   老师在检查发音和语调.   13. Please correct my pronunciation.   请纠正我的发音.   14. You must amend your pronunciation.   你必须改正你的发音.   15. His pronunciation is simply terrible.   他的发音简直坏透了.
2023-07-07 08:57:311


可数pronunciation 英[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n] 美[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu0283u0259n] n. 发音; 读法; 发音方法; 发音方式; [例句]She gave the word its French pronunciation她读出了该词的法语发音。[其他] 复数:pronunciations
2023-07-07 08:57:461


问题一:发音正确用英语怎么说 Correct pronunciation [网络释义] 发音正确get the pronunciation right 让发音正确For the pronunciation to correctly 发音正确的orthoepicorthoepical 问题二:英语准确读音205用英语怎么说 英语准确读音205_有道翻译 翻译结果: Accurate English pronunciation_有道词典 pronunciation 英 [pr?,n?ns?"e??(?)n] 美 [pr?,n?ns?"e??n] n. 发音;读法 更多释义>> [网络短语] pronunciation 发音,读音,语音 relaxed pronunciation 松弛发音,懒音,松弛发音 practice pronunciation 练习语音,练习发音 问题三:我总是会担心自己的发音不够准确的英语怎么说 I always worry about my pronunciation is not accurate enough.
2023-07-07 08:58:061


2023-07-07 08:58:181


发音,动词v. ,pronounce 英 [prəˈnaʊns] 美 [prəˈnaʊns]How do you pronounce this word?这个单词怎么发音?名词 n. ,pronunciation 英[prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn]美[prə,nʌnsɪ"eʃən]You should work on your pronunciation.你要多在你的发音上下功夫。Do you have any trouble with pronunciation?你在发音上面有什么困难吗?But my pronunciation seemed to have betrayed me.但是我的发音似乎暴露了我啊。
2023-07-07 08:58:322


前者动词,后者名词。You pronounce it right. Please pay attention to its pronunciation.
2023-07-07 08:58:401