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2023-07-07 13:12:09
TAG: 英语 谢谢

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习





1. outside reading

2. collateral readings.

He set me up with a lot of collateral readings.


He edits schoolbooks.


A book of instructions for daily services.


A science teacher, textbook, subject


An omissible passage in the text.


I give a glance at my textbook.


You need not take the textbook tomorrow.


A large percentage of school-books now have pictures.


She"s a walking textbook of medicine.


I"ve left my textbooks at home.


This textbook contain 16 lessons.




英[u02c8tu025bkstu02ccbu028ak] 美[u02c8tu025bkstu02ccbu028ak] n. 课本,教科书adj. 典型的词形变化:textbookish
2023-07-07 06:32:483


2023-07-07 06:32:584

课本英语怎么读 课本英语是什么

1、课本的英文翻译是textbook,读音:英[u02c8tekstbu028ak],美[u02c8tekstbu028ak]。 2、textbook,英语单词,主要用作为形容词、名词,作名词意为“教材,教科书, 课本”,作形容词意为“规范的,标准的”。 3、[例句]The new textbook is in course of preparation.新的教科书正在准备之中。 4、复数:textbooks
2023-07-07 06:33:261

textbook和story book怎么读

texdook贴克斯博客----------story book斯刀瑞布克
2023-07-07 06:33:343


textbook. n. 教科书; 课本; 教材。 adj. 规范的; 标准的。 例句:The two compilers agreed upon a division of the textbook into ten units. 两位编者一致同意把该教材分成10个单元。 复数:textbooks. 扩展资料   例句:   The house is a textbook example of medieval domestic architecture.   这所房子是典型的中世纪民居。   I gave the textbook back to him.   我将课本还给他了。   Long passages in this textbook have been lifted from other authors.   此教科书中有几大段是剽窃其他作者的.   He bought an up - to - date textbook.   他买了一本最新的教科书.   The boy forgot where he put his textbook.   那男孩忘记把课本放在什么地方了.
2023-07-07 06:33:411


textbook 英[u02c8tekstbu028ak] 美[u02c8tu025bkstu02ccbu028ak] n. 教材; 教科书; 课本; adj. 规范的; 标准的; [例句]She wrote a textbook on international law.她写了本国际法教材。[其他] 复数:textbooks
2023-07-07 06:33:542


电子书 文本
2023-07-07 06:34:023


课本的英文怎么说? book 课本 英语课本用英文怎么说 English books 给你们课本 的英文怎么说 1:The textbook(单数)/These textbooks(复数),for you !!! (地道点的说法) 2:Give you The textbook(单数)/these textbooks(复数). (标准点的的说法) 3:Here your textbook(s). (习惯点的说法) 给你的英语课本用英文怎么说 Here is your English textbook. 基本的 英文怎么说 基本的 基本翻译 essential elementary fundamental basic primary main 英语啃课本怎么说 啃书本在汉语上有贬义和中性两种理解:1.死板得、机械得读书;2.正专注得在看书。因此翻译要取决于你的语境。 例: 不提倡以死记硬背的学习方式。 Learning by rote is discouraged . rote:n. 生硬的方法;机械的方法;死记硬背 他正津津有味地看着课本。 He is falling in the textbook with interesting . 我猜你要的是后者吧,比较口语的说法。fall in sth 可表示专注于、陷入某种状态。如:The classroom suddenly fall in silence .教室里突然安静下来。 如果要强调调侃的语气来形容一个埋头读书的人或书呆子,那就直接用比喻的手法更改主语,如:The reading machine is in eating now .那读书机器正在啃书本。 专升本的英文怎么说 upgrade from junior college student to university student; students with the diploma of junior college try to obtain the undergraduate diplomat through self-taught study从大专学生对提升大学生;学生大专文凭试着获得本科外交官通过自学成才的研究 I am a student of Top-up我是一名专升本的学生 课本 用英语怎么说? textbook.. bood是书籍的意思,太泛指了。。。. 记事本的英文怎么说 Notepad。。。。。。。。。。 课本剧英语怎么说 textbooks play
2023-07-07 06:34:101

Why Textbooks Are Here to Stay

Textbooks represent an 11 billion dollar industry, up from $8 billion in 2014. Textbook publisher Pearson is the largest publisher — of any kind — in the world. 教科书是一个价值高达110亿美元的产业,2014年时其产业价值为80亿美元。教材出版商培生(Pearson)是世界各类出版商之首.It costs about $1 million to create a new textbook. 打造一本全新的教材需花费约100万美元。A freshman textbook will have dozens of contributors, from subject-matter experts through graphic and layout artists to expert reviewers and classroom testers. 一本新生教材将需要十几位撰稿人,从题材专家到插图排版设计师,从审查专家到课堂测试员。Textbook publishers connect professors, instructors and students in ways that alternatives, such as open e-textbooks and open educational resources, simply do not. 教材出版商将教授、老师和学生连接到一起,这是替代性选择——如开放式电子教科书和开放式教育资源——所做不到的。This connection happens not only by means of collaborative development, review and testing, but also at conferences where faculty regularly decide on their textbooks and curricula for the coming year. 这种连接不仅通过合作开发、审查和测试的方式实现,而且还形成于那些全体教师定期决定来年教科书和课程的会议上。It is true that textbook publishers have recently reported losses, largely due to students renting or buying used print textbooks. 的确,教材出版商近期公布了亏损状况,这很大程度上是由于学生租书或者购买二手纸质教材导致的。But this can be chalked up to the excessively high cost of their books — which has increased over 1,000 percent since 1977. 但这有可能是因为高昂的课本价格,从1977年以来,课本价格已经上涨了10倍以上。A restructuring of the textbook industry may well be in order. But this does not mean the end of the textbook itself. 教科书产业的重组很可能势在必行,但这并不意味着教科书的终结。While they may not be as dynamic as an iPad, textbooks are not passive or lifeless. For example, over the centuries, they have simulated dialogues in a number of ways. 教科书虽然不像平板电脑一样具有活力,但也并不是被动或毫无生气的。比如说,过去的几百年以来,教科书一直以多种方式模拟对话。From 1800 to the present day, textbooks have done this by posing questions for students to answer inductively. That means students are asked to use their individual experience to come up with answers to general questions. 从1800年至今,教科书都是通过提出问题,让学生做出归纳性回答的这种方式来实现这一点的。这意味着学生们被要求用自己的个人经验来回答一般性问题。Today"s psychology texts, for example, ask: "How much of your personality do you think you inherited?" while ones in physics say: "How can you predict where the ball you tossed will land?" 例如,当今的心理学课本会问:“你认为自己的个性有多少是遗传的?”而物理教材则会问:“你如何预测自己扔的球会落在哪里?”Experts observe that "textbooks come in layers, something like an onion." 专家指出,“教科书是一层一层的,就像洋葱一样。”For an active learner, engaging with a textbook can be an interactive experience: Readers proceed at their own pace. They "customize" their books by engaging with different layers and linkages. 对于主动学习者而言,阅读教科书是一种交互式体验,读者可以按照自己的节奏进行阅读,通过接触不同的层面和内在关联,他们使课本成为了“定制”的产物。Highlighting, Post-It notes, dog-ears and other techniques allow for further customization that students value in print books over digital forms of books. 荧光标记、便利贴、书页折角和其他小手段让进一步定制得以实现,而这正是学生更看重纸质书而不是电子书的原因。
2023-07-07 06:34:161


  教材是供教学用的资料,如课本、讲义等。凡是有利于学习者增长知识或发展技能的材料都可称之为教材。那么你知道教材用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    教材英语说法1:   textbook    教材英语说法2:   teaching material    教材的相关短语:   教材分析 Analysis of the Teaching Material ; Analysis of Teaching Materials ; Teaching Material Analysis ; Analysis of this lesson   英语教材 English textbooks ; SEFC ; Super Teddy ; The New Oxford Picture Dictionary   加州教材 Treasures ; California Treasures ; California   教材形态 the form of teaching materials   课程教材 Course Material ; TEXTBOOK ; curriculum materials ; Teaching Textbook   补充教材 auxiliary materials ; supplementary textbook ; Supplemental ; plementary material   阅读教材 reading textbooks ; reading the textbook ; reading kit ; reading materials   参考教材 III ; references ; Textbook ; supplement materials   教材订购 Book ordering ; Textbook ordering   教材的英语例句:   1. The govern-ment gave 30 million marks for new school books.    *** 拨款3000万马克用于购置学校的新教材。   2. English textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere.   英语教材和词典到处都有卖的。   3. I intend this article as teaching material.   我打算把这篇文章用作教材.   4. School inspectors visit regularly, finding everything satisfactory, books in plenty and five puter terminals.   督学定期进行检查,发现所有方面都令人满意,教材充足,还有5台计算机终端装置。   5. I hope the textbook will provide a foothold for students of the subject.   我希望这本教材能让本专业的学生打下基础.   6. She wrote a textbook on international law.   她写了本国际法教材。   7. He had to whistle up some new ideas for lessons.   他只好勉强给上课的教材添些新内容.   8. This publishing firm is planning a new series of school textbooks.   这家出版公司正打算出一套新的系列教材.   9. It is designed as a textbook for a one - term course.   它可用作一学期的教材.   10. We intend this news report as teaching material for freshmen.   我们打算把这篇新闻报道作为新生教材.   11. Isn"t this textbook beginning to date?   这本教材不是已渐渐陈旧了 吗 ?   12. We intend this article as teaching material.   我们打算把这篇文章作为教材.   13. The students queued up to buy the textbooks.   学生们排长队购买教材.   14. Moreover, most of the standard teaching materials in the field deal primarily with the federal system.   另外, 多数行政法领域的标准教材都主要涉及联邦制度.   15. Vocational teaching materials and various forms of reference material are provided free for the prisoners.   对罪犯无偿提供各种技术教育的教材和资料.
2023-07-07 06:34:231


2023-07-07 06:34:451


在教室里,常见物品的英文表达归纳如下:?clock 钟?window 窗户?door 门??desk 桌子?flag 旗子bookshelf 书架?pencil box 铅笔盒?pencil 铅笔?magnets 磁铁?white board 白板??notebook 笔记本??eraser 橡皮??ruler 尺??marker 马克笔computer 计算机?textbooks 教科书??blackboard 黑板??chalk 粉笔?blackboard eraser 黑板擦
2023-07-07 06:35:314

the first textbooks written for teaching

1.The 【first】 textbooks 【written for teaching English】 came out in the 16th century . 定语 定语 谓语 时间状语 此句中涉及到的语法知识,其中之一,就是过去分词作定语.过去分词做定语,涉及到的内容也比较多.这里简单说两个: * 单个的过去分词作定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前.如: My friend is a returned student. 我的朋友是个归国的留学生. * 过去分词短语作定语要放在被修饰的名词后面,作后置定语,其作用相当于一个定语从句.如: The student dressed in white is my sister. =The student who is dressed in white is my sister. 穿白色衣服的学生是我的姐姐. 题1中的 【written for teaching English】就起到了后置定语的作用,限定前面的名词textbook. 与前面的同样起到定语作用的first没有必然的联系. 2. the 【first】 mammal 【to be coned】 was Dolly the sheep 定语 定语 系动词 表语 此句中涉及到的语法知识,其中之一,就是不定式作定语.不定式做定语,涉及到的内容也比较多.这里简单说一个: * 当不定式与它所修饰的名词属于动宾关系时,不定式一般用被动形式.如: Are you going to attend the meeting to be held by the teaching office? 在此句中,动词不定式"to be held"与它所修饰的名词"meeting"是动宾关系,即:meeting是held的宾语.所以动词不定式采用被动的形式. 题1中的 【to be cloned】就起到了定语的作用,限定前面的名词mammal . 因为mammal是cloned的宾语,所以动词的不定式采用了被动的形式.那么,to be cloned与前面同样起到定语作用的first,是没有必然的联系的. 由此,我们也可以对上面的两个句子做些可行的调整. 如题1. 也可以写为: The first textbooks【 to be written for teaching English】 came out in the 16th century. 因为to be writen与textbooks是动宾关系,textbooks是writen的宾语. 如题2.也可以写为: the first 【cloned】 mammal was Dolly the sheep 第一只被克隆的哺乳动物是多利羊. 因为单个的过去分词cloned做定语,要放在被修饰的名词mammal的前面. 当然,题2也可以写为: the first mammal 【cloned in 1996】 was Dolly the sheep. 在96年被克隆的多利羊,是第一只被克隆的哺乳动物. 因为 过去分词短语cloned in 1996做定语,要放在被修饰的名词mammal的后面.
2023-07-07 06:35:471

What the remote areas need____education to children and what the children need____good textbook

2023-07-07 06:35:541

帮我写一篇英语作文 Textbooks Should be Recycled

Textbooks should be recycled, and the benefits of recycling textooks are mainly as follows: Firstly, the use of recycled textbooks can significantly conserve resources, consisting of forest resources, man power, and financial resouces. Secondly, the use of recycled textbooks can reduce waste and cut energy consumption, and meanwhile protect the environment. Finally, the manpower and financial resources saved from the use of recycled textbooks can enable us to do many other more meaningful things. The improved environment resulted from using recycled textbooks can benefit our life in the long term. Since there are so many strong points to recycle textbooks, why not carry it out now?
2023-07-07 06:36:042

高考题The first textbooks written for teaching English came out in the 16th century .

2023-07-07 06:36:132

“Textbooks Should be Recycled?”关于这个题目的英语作文

People"s views vary from person to person as to whether the textbooks should be recycled.I"m of the opinion that recycling textbooks is a good way . First of all,practiclly,it will be a resource economization for all of us.Books are made from woods which are rare for the earth,and it has been reported that forests covering the earth"s surface are declining day after day.What we can do for it is that saving paper.Second,the notes on the books are useful for the next grade students.In addition,there has been good examples abroad,such as the country of Australia. All in all,I strongly recommemd that the textbooks should be recycled.
2023-07-07 06:36:221


Teaching materials
2023-07-07 06:36:324


故事书:storybook[例句]有故事书,教科书,杂志,等等。There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others.
2023-07-07 06:37:052


作为高三学生,你班同学在讨论“毕业班学生可否把课本留给下一届同学循环使用”时提出了不同的看法。请根据下表所给的提示写一篇英语短文,并谈谈你的观点。 不同意见 一些同学赞成 另一些同学反对 理由1.可节省资源,节约开支 2.一些西方国家经常这样做 1.教材内容经常更新 2.很多同学在书上作了笔记 要求:1.词数150左右, 2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯, Some students agree to this suggestion. They point out that recycling textbooks can save a lot of natural resources used to make textbooks and save lots of expense. Besides, they mention that recycling textbooks is very common in some western countries. But other students express their opposite ideas. They emphasize that the contents of the textbooks are often renewed. What"s more, various kinds of notes have been made in their textbooks.
2023-07-07 06:37:241

use e-textbooks什么意思

2023-07-07 06:37:432

有没有关于Textbooks should be Recyded 的英文作文 不用太好50字 要翻译 快!!

2023-07-07 06:37:501


2023-07-07 06:38:007

高考题The first textbooks written for teaching English came out in the 16th century .

一:过去分词做后置定语,表示已经完成动作。二:to be done 是计划去完成的任务。这句翻译是:第一个将被克隆的哺乳动物是一只叫Dolly的羊。这是一个计划,还没实现(写教程的时刻)。如果要表达第一只克隆的哺乳动物是一只叫Dolly的羊,应该这样说:The first mammal coned was Dolly the sheep.和第一句一样。两句表达的时态不一样。
2023-07-07 06:38:193

What we need____ good textbooks.
2023-07-07 06:38:285

What we need ____ good textbooks.

2023-07-07 06:38:541


are一系列是复数is we need的是thing单数
2023-07-07 06:39:058

Textbooks should be Recycled?

优点1. 重复利用, 减少浪费2. 减少学生买新教材的费用3. 减少垃圾的产生缺点1. 不适合更新较快的技术科学2. 旧书有可能带有病菌, 不卫生
2023-07-07 06:39:212

The first set of textbooks__for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century

2023-07-07 06:39:294


书店用英语说是bookstore。一、发音英:[/ˈbʊkstɔːr/];美:[/ˈbʊkstɔːr/]二、中文翻译n. 书店;书局三、形式"bookstore" 的复数形式是 "bookstores"。四、短语搭配1. independent bookstore 独立书店2. online bookstore 在线书店3. secondhand bookstore 二手书店4. chain bookstore 连锁书店5. college bookstore 大学书店6. neighborhood bookstore 社区书店五、双语例句1. I bought this novel at an independent bookstore.我在一家独立书店买了这本小说。2. I often buy books from online bookstores.我经常从在线书店购买书籍。3. You can find some rare books in secondhand bookstores.你可以在二手书店找到一些稀有的书籍。4. This chain bookstore has branches all over the country.这家连锁书店在全国各地都有分店。5. The college bookstore sells textbooks and stationery.大学书店销售教科书和文具。6. The neighborhood bookstore is a popular gathering spot.社区书店是一个受欢迎的聚集地。六、用法1. "Bookstore" 是一个名词,主要用来指“书店”,是出售各种书籍的商店。例如:I often spend hours in the bookstore. (我经常在书店里待上好几个小时。)2. "Bookstore" 可以与其他词组合,形成新的词汇,如 "independent bookstore"(独立书店)、"online bookstore"(在线书店)等,表示不同类型的书店。例如:This independent bookstore has a great selection of books. (这家独立书店的书籍选择非常丰富。)3. "Bookstore" 还可以指特定地点的书店,如 "college bookstore"(大学书店)、"neighborhood bookstore"(社区书店)等。例如:The college bookstore is a good place to buy textbooks. (大学书店是购买教科书的好地方。)七、同义词n. [贸易]书店(等于bookshop)libraire
2023-07-07 06:39:491

read the textbook中book后面不能加s是为什么呢?请您回答吧,谢谢

2023-07-07 06:39:575


问题一:课外书 用英语怎么说,简短些 extracurricular books标准英语 问题二:课外书用英语怎么说 extra-curriculum book 问题三:看课外书 用英语怎么说? read extra-curricular books 问题四:"课外书”用英语怎么说? 急!急!急! extracurricular books 问题五:请问下教科书用英语怎么说啊?课外读物又怎么讲呢?谢谢 课外读物: 1. outside reading 2. collateral readings. He set me up with a lot of collateral readings. 他为我提供了许多课外读物。 He edits schoolbooks. 他编辑教科书。 A book of instructions憨for daily services. 日常礼拜的教科书 A science teacher, textbook, subject 理科教师、教科书、科目 An omissible passage in the text. 教科书中可以省略的章节 I give a glance at my textbook. 我匆匆看一下教科书。 You need not take the textbook tomorrow. 明天你们不必带教科书。 A large percentage of school-books now have pictures. 现在大部分教科书有插图。 She"s a walking textbook of medicine. 她是活的医学教科书。 I"ve left my textbooks at home. 我把教科书忘在家了。 This textbook contain 16 lessons. 这本教科书共有十六课。 问题六:我可以看课外书吗?用英语怎么说 Can I read the extracurricular books? 望采纳,谢谢! 问题七:“我准备多读些课外书”用英文翻译 我准备暑假多读些课外书,再帮家里做些家务 I"m going read more kinds of extra readings during the summer holiday, and do some housework.
2023-07-07 06:40:111

9.What we need ______good textbooks. A. is B. are C. have D. has

2023-07-07 06:40:212


Mr.Green gave the textbooks to all the pupils except those who had already taken them .it 改成them,代词,the textbooks,复数形式,用them .
2023-07-07 06:40:303

what they need most (is)money while what we need most (are) textbooks 解释括号中单复数问题

2023-07-07 06:40:403


  我们提高英语的水平寝室有很多种,有一种就是可以看一些英语的新闻和阅读,还有英语的电视剧和电影,这样可以很快的提高我们的英语口语,接下来我给大家带来英语新闻,需要的同学们可以看一看。   课外阅读1   Apple has entered the textbook market. The tech giant introduced iBooks textbooks a couple ofweeks ago when it announced its iBooks 2 platform.   几周前,苹果公司在iBooks 2平台的发布会上正式推出iBooks,此举表明这一科技巨头正式进军教科书市场。   They are digital books in a variety of subjects from astronomy to zoology taking in science, maths, history and geography.   电子教科书涵盖了从天文学到动物学等多种主题,包括科学,数学,历史和地理等科目。   Apple developed its iPad-based textbooks in conjunction with major textbook publishers. Thecompany offers a collection of textbooks for high school students.   苹果同一些知名教科书出版商展开合作,研发基于iPad平台的教科书。目前苹果已经推出了一套高中电子教材。   Apple claims it offers a "new textbook experience" and suggests its interactive iBooks textbooksare "the next chapter in learning".   苹果表示将创造一场 “教科书新体验”,并暗示这种互动式的电子教科书将会“开启学习的新篇章”。   It sounds like good news for pupils and students. Think of it. No more carrying heavy backpacksfull of textbooks. Every textbook you require can be stored on your iPad.   这听上去对于中小学生来说是个好消息。想想看,不用再背着装满课本的,沉甸甸的书包,因为所有书都可以储存在你的iPad里。   No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and thensell or give away.   也不必再去买那些昂贵的课本,这些课本只能用一两年,之后不是卖掉,就是送人。   Of course there"s a catch. You need to own an iPad and as you know, it is not cheap. You alsoneed to buy digital textbooks, mostly priced each at $14.99 (94.74 yuan) or less.   当然凡事有利就有弊。你需要拥有一部iPad,众所周知其价格不菲。此外你还要买电子课本,大多数定价不高于14.99美元(合94.74元人民币)。   Textbook publishing was worth $8.7 billion in the US alone last year. Will digital books take overcompletely in education?   去年,单是美国的教科书出版业的市值就达到87亿美元。那么电子书将会彻底抢占整个教育市场吗?   Is learning going to evolve into something we do on an electronic tablet computer? You canappreciate the attractions.   我们正步入用平板电脑的学习时代吗?你可以感受到这其中的魅力所在。   Instead of boring old textbooks which are quickly out of date you can have an interactivelearning experience.   随着那些无聊又陈旧的课本被迅速淘汰,你便可以体验到互动学习的乐趣。   You can play videos, examine geometrical problems in 3D, listen to music and commentary, make notes and mark passages electronically. You can also share stuff on social networkingsites with fellow students.   你可以播放视频,利用3D来解析几何难题,收听音乐以及评论,在电子屏幕上记笔记,做文章注释,还可以与同学在社交网站上分享资料。   课外阅读2   There have always been people who have believed that lifelong learning is a worthwhileprocess. Increasingly, scientific research is proving them correct and technology is making iteasier u2013 adults can now take online college classes for the rest of their lives. Even better, thisprocess makes the neighboring areas of the brain more resilient as well. This means thatlearning can make what you already know stronger, too.   总是很多人都认为,要活到老学到老,终身学习是值得的。科学研究不断发现,这种想法是正确的。并且科学技术正使得这种想法实现起来更加简单——成年人现在就可以在网上学习大学的课程,想学多长时间都可以。更妙的是,学习的这个过程会让大脑的分周边区域也更加富有弹性,这意味着学习也会让你更深入地了解已经知道的内容。   So, without further ado, here are ten more reasons why you should always keep learning:   因此,事不宜迟,看看你应该持续学习的十个理由吧。   1.Fight Boredom. Most people feel bored when they aren"t challenged and boredom is thenumber one cause of bad decisions. If you"re constantly learning new things, you"ll be lessprone to disinterest. And, in today"s world, there are plenty of opportunities to enrichyourself.   1.打发无聊时光。当觉得所做的工作没有挑战性时,大部分人就会感到无聊。而无聊是做出糟糕决策的首要原因。如果你在不断地学习新的内容,一般是不会兴趣索然的。在当今的世界中,你有很无数的机会来充实自己。   2.Keep Your Brain Healthy. A 2010 study out of the University of California at Irvine revealedthat learning keeps your brain functioning at a high level. Just like you need to exercise yourbody"s muscles and cardiovascular system, you need to exercise your brain to keep it in tip-topshape.   2.让大脑保持健康。2010年在加州大学欧文分校的一项研究表明,学习会让你的大脑以较高的水平进行运转。就像你需要锻炼身体肌肉和心血管系统一样,你也需要锻炼大脑,让它处于最佳状态。   3.Grow Your Career. If you learn new work-related skills, you"ll be more likely to get apromotion or raise. And, with the rise of online education, you can even enroll in certifiedprograms that allow you to learn and improve your career during your off-hours.   3.发展事业。 如果你学习和工作相关的新技能,你更有可能加薪升职。并且,随着在线教育的崛起,你甚至可以参加认证课程,在下班时间里学习和改善自己的职业生涯。   4. Model Positive Behavior for Your Kids. If you expect your children to focus in school and takethe time to learn their lessons, you should exhibit the same commitment to self-improvement in your daily life.   4.为你的孩子树立积极的行为榜样。如果你希望孩子在学校里能专心学习并花时间去学习课程,在日常生活里,你也应该致力于自我改善。   5. Fight Alzheimer"s Disease. According to Science Daily, continued learning can slow thephysical process of Alzheimer"s Disease. You"ll be healthier longer.   5.对抗老年痴呆症。据《每日科学》报道,持续学习会减慢老年痴呆症的物理变化过程。 这样你身体健康的时间会更长一些。   6. Keep in Touch With The World. If you don"t know the latest fashion, comedy and newstrends, you"ll sound outdated and out-of-touch. By trying new things and learning new ideas, you"ll better be able to relate to those around you.   6.与世界同步。如果你不知道最新的流行趋势、喜剧和新闻,人们就会觉得你落伍了。尝试一些新的事物,学习一些新的想法,你能更好地处理身边的关系。   7. Find and Increase Your Pleasure. Learning isn"t necessarily a chore. If you"re interested in ahobby such as cooking, learning new recipes and cooking processes can be enjoyable. It canmake you appreciate your hobby even more.   7.发现并增加自己的乐趣。学习并不一定是枯燥的。如果你有某种爱好比如厨艺,学学新的菜谱和做菜的流程,会让你感觉很愉快。这样你会更加喜欢自己的爱好。   8. Look at the World with Fresh Eyes. Scientists believe that much of what is called creativity issimply the ability to apply skills learned in one setting to problems in another setting. If you"realways learning, this means that when you face a familiar problem, you may be able to come atit with an unorthodox solution, based on your new knowledge.   8.用崭新的视角来观察世界。 科学家们相信,所谓创造性,绝大程度上是把一种环境中学到的技能应用到了另外一种环境中。如果你总在学习,那么当你遇到一个熟悉的问题时,你很可能利用所学的新知识,使用一种非传统的解决方案来解决问题。   9. Keep Abreast of Technology. Computers become obsolete within a few years. If you"re notconstantly learning new things about technology, you"re falling behind. Which means you"llmiss out on social, business and technological opportunities, simply because you didn"t keepup.   9.紧跟科技潮流。计算机在几年内就可能过时。如果你不经常学习和科技相关的新事物,那你就落伍了。你会错过社交、商业和科技上的机遇,而这一切仅仅是因为你没有跟上科技的潮流而已。   10.All the Greats are Doing It. Think of anyone, in any field, who is truly brilliant at what theydo. They got where they are through constant self-improvement. Truly talented people areconstantly learning and implementing new skills. It"s worth joining them in this passion.   10.所有的成功人士都在学。随便想想,在任何领域非常突出的人士,他们都是通过不断的自我提高才成功的。真正有才华的人们都在不断地学习并应用新的技能。和他们一样保持学习的激情,是非常值得的。   There are plenty of fabulous reasons to keep learning new things, regardless of what they are. Forming new connections in your brain doesn"t have to be difficult, though it would certainly bea good idea to make sure it was some of the time. Now, itu2019s time to go out there and just do it.
2023-07-07 06:40:491


Learn the knowledge outside the textbooks
2023-07-07 06:41:074


你的书包太重,难携带吗?e-schoolbag会帮助你的。    据说e-schoolbags将要很快用于中国的中学。     事实上,e-schoolbag或许应该被称为一个电子课本。这是一个学生型小型电脑。对学生来说,重重的电子书包曾经是一个严重的问题。但e-schoolbag会改变这一切。它比往常的书包轻了许多。它也是一个平常一样小的书,但它还能继续保留学习的所有的东西,例如一本教科书、一个练习的书等等。他们可被制成同一张邮票一样大小的芯片。学生能从屏幕上一页页地朗读课文,记笔记,甚至寄电子邮件给他们的老师。他们所要做的就是把正确的e-schoolbag芯片并按动按钮。 有些人说e-textbooks容易破碎,有人说它对学生的眼睛不好,但是时间会说明一切。
2023-07-07 06:41:162


2023-07-07 06:41:381


这是一个英语单词:extbook 英[u02c8tekstbu028ak]美[u02c8tekstbu028ak]n. 教科书; 课本; 教材;adj. 规范的; 标准的;[例句]She wrote a textbook on international law.她写了本国际法教材。[其他] 复数:textbooks
2023-07-07 06:41:531


冀教的英语是:Textbooks published by Hebei Education Press。意思是:河北教育出版社出版的课本。重点词汇:Textbooks。['tekstbu028ak]释义:n.教科书;课本(textbook的复数)。短语:Our Textbooks我们的教材。例句:用作名词(n)Each student was issued with a textbook.每个学生发了一本课本。This textbook has twenty lessons.这课本有二十课。
2023-07-07 06:42:071

求一篇关于Advantages of reusing textbooks的英语作文

First and foremost,it can save a lot of natural resource.Fewer trees will be cut.Besides,many families are so poor that they can"t afford the textbooks for their children.If we reuse some textbooks,those families" burdens will reduce.Last but not least,it can also train students" good reading habits.Let them learn how to take good care of books.Greatly improve their cooperation consciousness. Reusing textbooks can make our environment and life become much better.So let"s share our books together! ---------------------------------------------------------- Some textbooks should be reused in our country now.Because textbooks are expensive for poor families.It will reduce their economical lords of reusing textbooks.And plenty of paper will be saved which comes from trees.So it is very enviromental friendly.Students will benefit from it too.Since they will pick up the good habit of taking care of books while reading them by reusing books.What"s more,they will learn to coporate and share with others which are important for their whole lifes.
2023-07-07 06:42:251


2023-07-07 06:42:321


on the table 是短语,place phrasetextbooks 是名词,noungreen 是形容词,adjective
2023-07-07 06:42:392

Which of the following features is not involved in good textbooks?

2023-07-07 06:42:461

求英语作文—how to make full use of your textbooks (150字)答案我有,要不同的。紧急,今晚就要

Some students think that learning outside school at the night schools are important but they don"t know the in-school learning is more important, especially, the textbooks are more important. They just dont know how to make full use of the textbooks. In fact, textbooks include everything we need both for tests and for life. Textbooks are seriously organized by the experts in education. Texts are carefully chosen from the grate cultural literature treasury, representing the typical history of different ages, then they are resonably edited according to teaching rules. Furthermore, the exercises followed the texts are reliably selected to help and check the understanding of the texts. All the work has been skillfully combined into one textbook, guiding the learners to go step to step to become completely advanced in thinking, judging and making a decision. They"re not only the guidebook of our learning about knowledge, but a great teacher in life, leading us to become matured and progressed.
2023-07-07 06:42:562

use e-textbooks什么意思

很高兴为您解答~use e-textbooks 意思为使用电子书~如仍有疑问,还请追问;保证正确率,望采纳,谢谢~
2023-07-07 06:43:031


作为高三学生,你班同学在讨论“毕业班学生可否把课本留给下一届同学循环使用”时提出了不同的看法。请根据下表所给的提示写一篇英语短文,并谈谈你的观点。 不同意见 一些同学赞成 另一些同学反对 理由1.可节省资源,节约开支 2.一些西方国家经常这样做 1.教材内容经常更新 2.很多同学在书上作了笔记 要求:1.词数150左右, 2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯, Some students agree to this suggestion. They point out that recycling textbooks can save a lot of natural resources used to make textbooks and save lots of expense. Besides, they mention that recycling textbooks is very common in some western countries. But other students express their opposite ideas. They emphasize that the contents of the textbooks are often renewed. What"s more, various kinds of notes have been made in their textbooks.
2023-07-07 06:43:241


回收利用教科书(Recycle textbooks)As we know, when senior students graduate from school, most of their textbooks, which are still in good condition are thrown away. What a great waste it is! Thus, here comes a heated debate on whether we should recycle textbooks.Some people are the opponents because they think there is a danger for students when using the recycling textbooks with many bacteria on them, which are bad for children"s health. Furthermore, notes on the pages made by the students may disturb the next users. As for Printing Industry, Publishing Industry and other related ones, it is a big loss in making profits.On the other hand, however, many more people think recycling textbooks is a good suggestion, which I quite agree to. For one thing, recycling textbooks can save a lot of natural resources and reduce waste. Besides, a cut in the expenses means less stress for the parents, especially for those relatively less rich ones. And for students, it is also a useful way to develop a good habit of reading and taking care of books, to cultivate the sense of social responsibility of valuing common property and promote the awareness of treasuring natural resources. As a matter of fact, recycling textbooks is very popular with some foreign countries such as Australia, which has set a good example to us.Therefore, recycling textbooks is not only necessary but also helpful.
2023-07-07 06:43:331


2023-07-07 06:43:421