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医学名词 脑动脉硬化,左侧MCA。MCA什么意思?

2023-07-07 13:03:46
TAG: ca


MCA:Middle Cerebral Artery.大脑中动脉。 大脑中动脉是颈内动脉的直接延续,在颈内动脉的分支中最为粗大。大脑中动脉在视交叉外下方向外横过前穿质进入大脑外侧沟,再向后外,在岛阈附近分支。 分支前的一段称大脑中动脉主干,呈S形、弓形或平直形,长15mm,外径3mm。此动脉在岛阈附近呈双干(76 %)、单干(13%)及三干(11%),主要分支如下: (1).皮质支 1).眶额动脉:1~3支,行向前上,布于额叶眶面的外侧部、额下回及额中回的下部。 2).中央前沟动脉:多为2支,沿中央前沟或其前方上行,布于中央前回前部、额中后回部及额下回岛盖部的后部。 3).中央沟动脉:主要沿中央沟或其前、后缘行进,发小支布于中央前、后回的3/4。 4).中央后沟动脉:沿中央后沟走行,布于中央后沟下部及缘上回。 5).顶后动脉:越缘上回至顶间沟或其附近,布于缘上回及顶上小叶下部。 6).角回动脉:全为单支,发出后有一凸向下的弓形弯曲,布于角回及枕叶外面大部。 7).颞后动脉:自大脑外侧沟浅出下行,布于颞上回、颞中回后部。 8).颞中动脉:布于颞上回、颞中回中部。 9).颞前动脉:布于颞上回、颞中回前部。 10).颞极动脉:起源常有变异,可发自大脑中动脉主干、脉络丛前动脉,或与颞前动脉共干,分2~3支布于颞极。 (2).中央支:大脑中动脉的中央支称外侧豆纹动脉,可分内、外穿动脉两组。它们穿前穿质布于豆状核壳、尾状核头与体内内囊前肢、后肢的2/3。大脑中动脉的中央支是供应纹状体和内囊的主要动脉,易破裂出血,故又名“出血动脉”。

以上资料来自 百度----百科---MCA.





MCA:middle cerebral artery. 中脑动脉。


reindee lusion中文

REINDE LLUSION全称为The reindeer generate a illusion(驯鹿产生了错觉),品牌标语— 让生活不再简单。通过服装与设计的结合传递勇敢、梦想、坚毅的思想态度。设计忠于:创新、简约、时尚、休闲、舒适等元素。此外我们的产品不但在设计上别具心思之外,我们对产品的材料与工艺都实为追求,务求能与我们传递的勇敢、梦想、坚毅的思想态度与创新、简约、时尚、休闲、舒适等设计元素更能发挥极致惯于每一件产品。主要做休闲服饰,价格适中,可以进官网看看。网页链接
2023-07-07 06:21:111

AO(Ambient Occlusion)详细资料大全

AO,Ambient Olusion,“环境光散射”、“环境光吸收”之意,现今书籍和网路上一般称作“环境光遮蔽”。AO这项技术最早是在Siggraph 2002年会上由ILM(工业光魔)的技术主管Hayden Landis所展示,当时就被叫做Ambient Olusion。 基本介绍 中文名 :环境光遮蔽等 外文名 :Ambient Olusion 英文简称 :AO 所属学科 :物理学 定名,定义, 定名 Ambient Olusion,以下简称AO,中文译名不太好定,有叫“环境光散射”、“环境光吸收”的,如Maya中的Bake AO似乎就一直是译成“烘焙环境吸收贴图”。现今书籍和网路上一般称作“环境光遮蔽”。 定义 AO是来描绘物体和物体相交或靠近的时候遮挡周围漫反射光线的效果,可以解决或改善漏光、飘和阴影不实等问题,解决或改善场景中缝隙、褶皱与墙角、角线以及细小物体等的表现不清晰问题,综合改善细节尤其是暗部阴影,增强空间的层次感、真实感,同时加强和改善画面明暗对比,增强画面的艺术性。 AO这项技术最早是在Siggraph 2002年会上由ILM(工业光魔)的技术主管Hayden Landis所展示,当时就被叫做Ambient Olusion。
2023-07-07 06:21:171

郑伊健的《极速》 歌词

极速演唱:郑伊健繁星已睡夜景已睡狂风再共街灯畅聚黄灯有罪红灯有罪联党结队表演创举The Legand is backI shoot suckers like crackAnd attack with my tire trackAs big as pay back the redBlack and grey seize the dayHit the brakes just likeA revolution here to sayI break the lock bust my chopsAnd never wait the cops to say stopKiss your girl before you fadelike an iilusion i live a lifein an evolution头摇又尾摆漂移境界不想醒觉只想感觉被放大愤怒瓦解万人膜拜赞颂我的伟大头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来表态时速革命皇者界定长街印下青春记认燃烧性命谁都听命轮胎带着咆哮叫声The Legand is back I shoot suckers like crackAnd attack with my tire track As big as pay back the redBlack and grey seize the day Hit the brakes just likeA revolution here to say I break the lock bust my chopsAnd never wait the cops to say stop Kiss your girl before you fadelike an iilusion i live a life in an evolution头摇又尾摆漂移境界不想醒觉只想感觉被放大愤怒瓦解万人膜拜赞颂我的伟大头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来踩界头摇又尾摆头摇又尾摆头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来踩界
2023-07-07 06:21:241


2023-07-07 06:21:313

焊接专业英语 翻译

proportions of welded joints have been standardized. preferred sizes, dimensions ,and charts 焊缝的比例已经标准化。用于计算焊缝所需的焊接材料的强度及用量for calculating the strengths of and amounts of filler metal required for welded joints are given in reference texts and handbooks的最佳的大小,尺寸及外观已经在参考资料及手册中给出。4.the base metal母材5.polarity switch极性转换6.not shortness非短缺7.slag inlusion夹渣8.positional welding 定位焊9.the welding zone焊接区13.types of welds焊接类型15.the ground clamp cable地线夹16the weldability of metals材料的可焊接性
2023-07-07 06:21:411


问题一:其实 我喜欢的是你,用英语怎么说 事实我喜欢的是你; Actually you are the person who I love. 问题二:我想我喜欢上你了 英语怎么说? 我猜想你打算说这个程度,应还没达到“fall in love with you(爱上你)”是吧!? 按你的中文原意,可以这么说: I think I kind of like you. (我想我有点喜欢上你了) 这样的表达似乎带点含蓄但又有表白的意味,较符合你的中文原意。 问题三:英文翻译:我喜欢上的只是我想象中的你。 楼上翻译得根本不通顺,语法,措辞全错,以下为纯正人工准确翻译: I just like you who in my i叮lusion. 问题四:你的所有一切我都喜欢英语怎么翻译 意译I like you no matter what you do. 字面译,常用的说法是I like everything from yours. 问题五:《我喜欢你是寂静的》中英文,一句一句对照翻译。 I like for you to be still, it is as though you were absent, and you hear me from far away, and my voice does not touch you. It seems as though your eyes had flown away and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth. As all things are filled with my soul you emerge from the things, filled my soul. You are like my soul, a butterfly of dream, and you are like the word Melancholy. I like for you to be still, and you seem far away. It sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooinglike a dove. And you hear me from far away and my voice does not rouch you: Let me e to be still in your silence. And let me talk to you with your silence that is brightas a lamp,simple as a ring. You are like the night, with it"s stillness and constellations. Your silence is that of a star, as remore and candid. I like for you to be still, it is as though you were absent, distant anf fullof sorrow as though you had died. One word then,one *** ile,is enough. And I am happy, happy that it"s not true. 我喜欢你是寂静的,彷佛你消失了一样, 你从远处聆听我,我的声音却无法触及你. 好像你的双眼已经飞离去,如同一个吻,封缄了你的嘴. 如同所有的事物充满了我的灵魂, 你从所有的事物中浮现,充满了我的灵魂. 你像我的灵魂,一只梦的蝴蝶.你如同忧郁这个字. 我喜欢你是寂静的,好像你已远去. 你听起来向在悲叹,一只如歌悲鸣的蝴蝶. 你从远处听见我,我的声音无法企及你: 让我在你的沈默中安静无声. 并且让我藉你的沈默与你说话, 你的沈默明亮如灯,简单如指环, 你就像黑夜,拥有寂寞与群星. 你的沈默就是星星的沈默,遥远而明亮. 我喜欢你是寂静的,彷佛你消失了一样, 遥远而且哀伤,彷佛你已经死了. 彼时,一个字,一个微笑,已经足够. 而我会觉得幸福,因那不是真的而觉得幸福....>> 问题六:我喜欢苹果,你呢?用英语怎么说 I like apples, what about you 问题七:你就是我喜欢的风格英文怎么说 You are my style!
2023-07-07 06:21:471

求与iilusion(i社)公司齐名的日本游戏公司的类似电车系列的游戏 要大家玩过的好玩的啊!

往柳炼器输练结 b1 8、P W 即可在事实面前,进攻方变得有些气馁,但是一个聪明
2023-07-07 06:22:133

(2/2)lusion that… 3,good …as is 用以上三个请各造两个句子

2023-07-07 06:22:203


Now,I will repeat our views again and make a colusion finally.
2023-07-07 06:22:412


This and the above conclusion is consistent
2023-07-07 06:22:496

2023-07-07 06:23:055


2023-07-07 06:24:532


从空白试验到正辛酸三乙醇胺盐质量分数4/4 min 延长至 18 h。在质量分数为408%和a 10% 增加至015%,挂片腐蚀试验出现腐蚀点时间从 20 时,腐蚀以点蚀为主:质量分数为012%时挂片版忡让验腐忡明是减小。正辛酸三乙醇胺盐能够使 HT300 铸铁的自腐蚀电位正向偏移。通过对 HT300 铸铁腐蚀阳1908 -16-04 -02 0 02 04 06 极反应的抑制作用起到缓蚀效果。当正毫酸三乙醉 电位A 胺盐质量分数分别为01%、q2%、04%时. 灰铸铁在不同质量分数正辛酸三乙醇胺盐溶液中的 HT300灰铸铁的自腐蚀电位从空白实验的-6861 模化由线Fig3 Polarsation curves of gray cast inon in dilferent mass mV偏移至-2411.-1901mV和-1888mV. fmrica n salt of caprylicacid and 缓蚀率分别为 83. 7%、90.4%.90.6%;且当质量分 uriethanolamine solusion 数为0.2%和04%时,分别在电容为-180~十200 作用,属于阳极型缓蚀剂。正辛酸三乙醇胺盐质量 mV区间和-180~+550mV区间有明显的钝化 分数为01%时,白席地电付伯称至-241.1mV.幅 现象。 座达到+445 mv.腐蚀电流从&002x10-A/cm降到1.468x10~A/cm,缓蚀率为837%;当质量 参考文献 分数为q2%和a4%时,自腐蚀电位分别为-1901,-1888mV,自腐蚀电流分别为0865x [1]张漫路。赵景茂.缓蚀剂协同效应与协同机理的研究进 10-50849x10-sA/cm2,日分别在电位区间大 展[U].中国腐性与防护学报-2016.36(1):1-8. -180~+200mV和-180~+550mV有明显的 [2]李云营,张胜海,李伟华。等,几种缓蚀剂在35%NaC 钝化现象,在该区间体系的电流密度趋于平缓,基本 溶液中对 A3 钢的缓蚀性能5J7腐蚀与防护。2010.31 胺盐。(2)正辛酸三乙醇胺盐在质量分数为4 06%即149-154, shing House. All rights reserved.
2023-07-07 06:25:453


Souff0cthe solution of this problem is......
2023-07-07 06:25:547

英语首字母填空并翻译 thanks^o^

I got an answering machine for my birthday and I soon realized what a useful machine this is .I am not home most of the day ,so someone can leave a message and I can call them bACK.They have no way to say they can"t get in touch with me.S_O___when I am at home and have work to do ,the phone never stops.Now I put the machine on.I am not troubled; I can do a lot more work .There are some people I just do not want to talk to .So I put the machine on and I don"t have to speak to them .In con clusion (总之),I really do not know how I lived with this wonderful machine.
2023-07-07 06:26:095

帮忙翻译英文几个短句,很简单 送分50 但不要网络翻译器。

Plane is the fastest means of transport. Plane can save a lot of time. When things happen when there is an emergency. Plane is the best choice.If you do not fly, then, from my home to Korea. 5 hours must take the car, and then transfer by train. Then sub-ship. South Korea also needs to reach at least 30 hours. Long and difficult journey. The plane, I only need 2 and a half hoursAlthough the aircraft has many advantages, but it is very expensive fares. Almost double the take of other transport modes. If you have time, then if the other modes of transport is also a good choice.While expensive, but I still think is my favorite plane of transport
2023-07-07 06:26:324


问题一:社会主义友善歌歌词 5分 友善歌 ――社会主义核心价值观组歌 友善是阳光给人温暖 友善是鲜花给人香甜 友善是甘泉给人滋润 友善是笑容给人春天 友善是雨中的伞 友善是雪中的炭 友善就是做好人 一代一代往下传 友善是阳光给人温暖 友善是鲜花给人香甜 友善是甘泉给人滋润 友善是笑容给人春天 友善是雨中的伞 友善是雪中的炭 友善就是做好人 一代一代往下传 友善是阳光给人温暖 友善是鲜花给人香甜 友善是甘泉给人滋润 友善是笑容给人春天 友善是雨中的伞 友善是雪中的炭 友善就是做好人 一代一代往下传 友善是雨中的伞 友善是雪中的炭 友善就是做好人 一代一代往下传 问题二:求《社会主义核心价值观》歌词!!!急啊! 我们手拉手,我们心相牵,践行社会主义核心价值观。二十四个大字牢牢记心间, 富强、民主、文明、和谐,国家价值的目标,鼓舞咱,嗨!鼓舞咱!嗨!从小立志全 面发展! 我们手拉手,我们心相牵,践行社会主义核心价值观。二十四个大字牢牢记心间, 自由、平等、公正、法制,社会价值的取向,指引咱,嗨!指引咱!嗨!从小立志全 面发展! 我们手拉手,我们心相牵,践行社会主义核心价值观。二十四个大字牢牢记心间, 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善,公民价值的准则,规范咱,嗨!规范咱!嗨!从小立志全 面发展! 是这个吗? 问题三:友善之歌,要歌词。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 那些友善的 歌手:Juzzy Orange 发行时间:2012-10-26 所属专辑:《Orange City城市橙事》 作词:赖重宏 作曲:赖重宏 歌词: 该从哪说起呢 不然先从台北 在这里我很骄傲(是的)我代表 Juzzy Orange无心插柳结果柳橙汁是 命中注定也是幸运感谢老天 I"m loving it 总可以看到许多人充满了动力 进步与竞争即便包含恶性良性 但有sense的意志让灵感变共识 举杯后笑闹间我动手写下词 再往下走我到了桃园中坜 这里是大本营都是自家兄弟 你懂得 十年的感情一向得来不易 即使长大之后多了 讨人厌的隔阂嫌隙 随便啦 至少我还拥有你们 血浓于水的表示 你是我的我是你的 我喜欢看到大家都有成就 所以我努力赶上 让你们都以我为荣 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely 再往下一点来到了台中 许多回忆来自年轻的那一段 不能说 走在逢甲的街道喜欢 摊贩的喧闹走在绿园道 假装文青看热闹 有些解不开的渊源 一直到现在还是牵连着 用友情记录着 (Azlusion) 但我是不会爆料当年 想假装神经病来退伍的 是某个音乐品牌主理人 接着我来到了台南 锅烧意面口味 我是大同古早味那一派 喜欢去海安路那点杯饮料坐下 来让悠哉时光感受步调明显慢下来 不然就跟着MC JOE烤肉 主要必备头号班底DJ POTATO 聊着音乐聊着八卦或许偶尔diss 牛肉拿来烤 端上来开心吃 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely 转眼我回到了故乡 这里是高雄 我一直深爱她 看到她得到赞美 感觉好骄傲 听到她得到掌声 感觉好光荣 跟着她经过二十几个年头 舍不得出走 到外地不管哪里口味始终都偏重 喜欢熟悉小巷穿梭找 找老同学说hello 阿婆面摊那边聊 海带先切20块 然后我想要chill 这是南部人的福利 垦丁就在隔壁 有度假派的有空 就会久久去一次 我行动派的睡醒 早上想想中午就到 我喜欢那些旅程 都有惊奇不断 (suprise!) 我喜欢那些风景 一再重温浏览 (不嫌烦!) 我喜欢那些人们 总是讨喜可爱 (so lovely!) 我喜欢 我喜欢 那些城市对我友善 (yeah...) 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely...>> 问题四:那些友善的 歌词 那些友善的 作词:赖重宏 作曲:赖重宏 演唱:Juzzy Orange 该从哪说起呢 不然先从台北 在这里我很骄傲(是的)我代表 Juzzy Orange 无心插柳结果柳橙汁是 命中注定也是幸运感谢老天 I"m loving it 总可以看到许多人充满了动力 进步与竞争即便包含恶性良性 但有sense的意志让灵感变共识 举杯后笑闹间我动手写下词 再往下走我到了桃园中坜 这里是大本营都是自家兄弟 你懂得 十年的感情一向得来不易 即使长大之后多了 讨人厌的隔阂嫌隙 随便啦 至少我还拥有你们 血浓于水的表示 你是我的我是你的 我喜欢看到大家都有成就 所以我努力赶上 让你们都以我为荣 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely 再往下一点来到了台中 许多回忆来自年轻的那一段 不能说 走在逢甲的街道喜欢 摊贩的喧闹走在绿园道 假装文青看热闹 有些解不开的渊源 一直到现在还是牵连着 用友情记录着 (Azlusion) 但我是不会爆料当年 想假装神经病来退伍的 是某个音乐品牌主理人 接着我来到了台南 锅烧意面口味 我是大同古早味那一派 喜欢去海安路那点杯饮料坐下 来让悠哉时光感受步调明显慢下来 不然就跟着MC JOE烤肉 主要必备头号班底DJ POTATO 聊着音乐聊着八卦或许偶尔diss 牛肉拿来烤 端上来开心吃 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely 转眼我回到了故乡 这里是高雄 我一直深爱她 看到她得到赞美 感觉好骄傲 听到她得到掌声 感觉好光荣 跟着她经过二十几个年头 舍不得出走 到外地不管哪里口味始终都偏重 喜欢熟悉小巷穿梭找 找老同学说hello 阿婆面摊那边聊 海带先切20块 然后我想要chill 这是南部人的福利 垦丁就在隔壁 有度假派的有空 就会久久去一次 我行动派的睡醒 早上想想中午就到 我喜欢那些旅程 都有惊奇不断 (suprise!) 我喜欢那些风景 一再重温浏览 (不嫌烦!) 我喜欢那些人们 总是讨喜可爱 (so lovely!) 我喜欢 我喜欢 那些城市对我友善 (yeah...) 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely 那些城市对我Friendly 那些人们对我Nicely>> 问题五:关于合作友善的歌曲 社会主义核心价值观之歌 团结就是力量 问题六:歌名 友善歌 作者 童声 革命 播放 歌手:范逸臣 语言:国语 所属专辑:福气又安康 电视原声带 发行时间 问题七:有一首歌里面是 富强、民主、文明、和谐,自由、平等、 公正、法治,爱国、敬业、诚信、友善 求歌名 《世纪的约定》(又名《二十四字歌》),是一首以社会主义核心价值观作为创作基础的新时代主旋律歌曲,是当代文化主旋律的重要补充,同时也是以弘扬社会主义核心价值观为主题的优秀代表歌曲之一. 问题八:社会主义价值观24个字公益广告歌词 世纪的约定 ――社会主义核心价值观“二十四字歌” 陈涛词 刘青曲 ...Music... 富强民主文明和谐 从中国到世界 自由平等公正法治 越长久越坚持 爱国敬业诚信友善 生长在我们心灵 生长在我们心灵 百年盛况 天下复兴 时代的面前 我们不惧前行 唯有风雨 才见豪情 平生的约定我们铭记在心 ...Music... 富强民主文明和谐 从中国到世界 自由平等公正法治 越长久越坚持 爱国敬业诚信友善 生长在我们心灵 生长在我们心灵 百年盛况 天下复兴 延续的文明 我们鼓舞前行 一字一句 呼喊聆听 举国的梦想傲立世界之林 傲立世界之林 ...The End ... 问题九:社会主义核心价值观之歌的歌词谁知道发过来! 中华儿女雄赳赳,(中华) 中国价值数一数。 富强就是富又强, 民主就是民做主。 文明花开遍城乡, 和谐团结幸福路。 我是祖国正能量, 努力学习不怕苦。 社会自由久奋争,(社会) 人民权利谋平等。 公正无私心比心, 依法治国是精神。 人人爱国我当先,(人人) 爱岗敬业做贡献。 诚信正派人格强, 友善有爱平凡愿。 (丹舟原创) 问题十:急急急!跪求社会主义核心价值观组歌中 "爱国歌"和"友善歌"的钢琴伴奏 中华儿女雄赳赳,(中华) 中国价值数一数。 富强就是富又强, 民主就是民做主。 文明花开遍城乡, 和谐团结幸福路。 我是祖国正能量, 努力学习不怕苦。 社会自由久奋争,(社会) 人民权利谋平等。 公正无私心比心, 依法治国是精神。 人人爱国我当先,(人人) 爱岗敬业做贡献。 诚信正派人格强, 友善有爱平凡愿。 (丹舟原创)
2023-07-07 06:27:011


《Scandal》中文歌词Y2J…YOO, young jin That"s the way~ We came straight game wit it, straight off the chain wit it, Look but can"t touch, we the illest true pimps of it. Collaboration locked with military fusion, Takin-ova- Da globe w/out any hesitation, Envision total domination. Taking circus out With, Sniper Scope precision. So just back up back up, yo way up way up, Or you"ll get yoself smacked up! Like 2 Pac, we hit"em up~! Too cold to hold, yo we too hot to handle, Ladies are you ready bout to hitcha wit dis scandal~ 太阳一旦失守,黑暗接管这宇宙 baggy指定的穿著,裤子掉在股沟 今夜的舞池之中,有什么风吹过(it"s you) 简单的动作对我也足够 girl I get you. stuck on me...眼神只准锁定我 旋律统治我的脉搏,节奏在我血液中 hot step show me! 身体的千变万化 不信地平线 框的住你的热yeah break that away 尬一个千变万化 just you and me pop let"s get it on tonight! (let"s go) 尬就尬跟著节奏吧 看不顺眼的话那就开始吧 不能呼吸不能安静太哈你 为你著迷为你推翻了临界 跟著这个脉动跟著音浪流动 看著我的舞步越来越猛 哈 这样似乎还是不够猖狂 不得不开始我的crunky pop now let"s see who can get down 眼神只准设定我 音乐就是我的心脏 管制我一举一动 show down let"s party 身体的千变万化 踏碎了地平线 这宇宙没界限 pump your body 尬一个千变万化 just you and me pop!we got to battle tonight! hu~oh~ 一看你我就懂 不需要浪费太多废话 去形容 那自由 在你的舞蹈中深呼吸 不断不断诱惑著我 Yo baby boo, you know what you do, Shakin that thang left and right, makin all dem boys drool. Sweat rollin like-hot wax on a candle, Getting me thinking bout how I"m about to handle it cus yo lips be so fresh n so clean But understand that I"m the man, I"ll give you whatcha need, sayin please Tickle you soo good, you"ll buckle up in yo knees Yeah---------(It"s you) Just ride tonite ! Just grind tonite ! Just ride me tonite ! show down let"s party 身体的千变万化 oh-oh-oh-oh pump your body 尬一个千变万化 燃烧这体温 let"s party all night long hot step show me 身体的千变万化 不信地平线 框的住你的热yeah break that away 尬一个千变万化 just you and me pop let"s get it on tonight! 《Scandal》韩语歌词碍鸥 & 官匙胶 - Scandal51 ≮ VANY2J Yoo young jin That"s the wayWe came straight game witit straight off the chain wit itLook but oan"t touch we the illest true pimp"s at itcollaboration locked with millitary flusionTakin ova da globe without any hesituationEnvision total dominationTaking circus out with sniper scupe prepisionSo just back up back up Yo way up way upOr you"ll get voself smacked uplike it pad we hit"em upToo cold to hold yo we too hot to handleLadies are you readybout to hitcha wit dis scandal怕剧捞 泪甸搁 绢狄狼 瘤龟 矫累蹬Baggy甫 郴妨涝绰巴 胶聪目令甫 脚绰巴坷疵广 郴 公措浚 货 官恩捞 阂鳖 (It"s you)郴 个窿 窍唱肺档 面盒秦Girl I got you stuck on me郴霸 传阑 都瘤付府惦篮 郴 僳何牢吧 郴 个救俊 乐绰吧Hot step show me 郴 僳何甫 吧绢毫磐龙巴鞍篮 郴 凯沥捞 蠢哺廉Break that away 皑寸且荐 绝绰吧Just you and me Pop let"s get it on tonightI know what I know what I know I showBy the time I finish you"ll be somming for more见捞杠绢滚副巴父 鞍篮 呈 弧妨甸绢啊绰 葛电 矫急甸Don"t try to step pistol whipped is how you"ll endFlippin the script I just aun dun it again弊巴父栏沸 酒流 葛磊扼捞力 矫累登绰 唱狼 Crunky PopNow let see who can get down郴霸 传阑 都瘤付 澜厩篮 郴 缴厘牢吧郴 啊娇救俊 乐绰巴 show down let"s party匙 葛电吧 焊咯拎泅鄂茄 唱狼 勉 茄拌绰 绝绰吧 Pump your body皑寸且 荐 绝绰 吧Just you and me Pop we got to battle tonight抄 呈甫 酒绰吧 勉救俊辑 磊蜡肺款 厕档 见 浆绰吧弊 焊促 钎泅窍绊 酵带 葛电巴 郴 个救俊 踌酒乐绢Yo baby boo you know what you doshakin that thang leftand right makin all the boys droolsweat rollin like-hot wax on a candleGetting me thinking bout howI"m about to handle it cus yo lipsbe so fresh n so cleanBut understand that in the manI"ll give you whatcha need sayin pleaseTickle you soo good you"ll puckle up in va kneesYeah~~ (It"s you)Just ride tonite just ride tonitejust ride be rightShow down let"s party郴 葛电吧 焊咯拎 Oh Oh Oh OhPump your body 皑寸且荐 绝绰吧茄绝捞 鸥棵扼 Let"s party all night longHot step show me 郴 僳何甫 吧绢毫芭窿苞 鞍篮 郴 凯沥捞 蠢哺廉Break that away 皑寸且 荐 绝绰吧Just you and me Pop let"s get it on tonight51 ≮ VANEND对不起 。。。我只能找到这个了。。。。
2023-07-07 06:27:082


2023-07-07 06:27:186

keyshot按步骤破解后出现 your license file is invalid please contact lusion for a new license file

2023-07-07 06:27:341


2023-07-07 06:27:422


你说的是克里普托斯密码板吧。第1段,Between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of iqlusion,意思是:在轻微遮光和无光之间,是羽化之别。第2段文字,以钥匙「ABSCISSA」来破解,大意是介绍 CIA 总部所处的经纬度。第3段文字,描述著名埃及学家霍华德.卡特打开埃及法老王陵墓时的经过。第 4 段文字尚未被破译出。这个密码板代表的含义连许多CIA总部的人都不太清楚。第四段目前无法破译,楼主要的话直接向作者桑伯恩联系吧。
2023-07-07 06:28:091


I"m very sorry, and another confused customer orders so you receive the wrong product. About the size too small: because products are made in different factories, each factory made products are not the same size, our products, only the dress size is pretty standard, the quality is the best. Solution: 1 We are a full refund, you returned it 6 or 8 pieces. 2, you accept the eight products, we give you a discount, because shipping is very expensive. I hope you can accept such a solution, and forgive my mistake.
2023-07-07 06:28:265

微分方程 解=通解+特解?

2023-07-07 06:28:472

usher twisted歌词大意

Let me put my shades on让我把我的阴影Everybody come around每个人都来You got it twisted你把它扭了Now tell me where you wanna do me, damn right现在告诉我你想做什么,该死的权利You got it twisted你把它扭了You introduced it, you know I don"t play你介绍的,你知道我不玩You had me looking stupid, but I let it cope away你让我看起来很笨,但我却让它消失了That booty substitued it, guess that made it okay赃物取代它,想让它好You had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope away你让我陷入了愚蠢的,但我让它处理掉I suffer from dilusion, I should put myself away我受到稀释,我应该把自己All the time and money I"ve spent我花了所有的时间和金钱Can"t believe what I"m in, it ain"t right不能相信我在什么,这是不正确的If I comeback, you promise it"s gon be you and me如果我回来,你保证这将是你和我And they say, whatever他们说,无论You got it twisted你把它扭了Now tell me where you wanna do me, damn right现在告诉我你想做什么,该死的权利You got it twisted你把它扭了You introduced it, you know I don"t play你介绍的,你知道我不玩You had me looking stupid, but I let it cope away你让我看起来很笨,但我却让它消失了That booty substitued it, guess that made it okay赃物取代它,想让它好You had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope away你让我陷入了愚蠢的,但我让它处理掉I suffer from dilusion, I should put myself away我受到稀释,我应该把自己How come I everytime I coo around为什么我每次我COO周围Just so happen you around, you got it showed out就这样发生在你身边,你得到了它表明It ain"t right, uh这不是正确的,嗯And all that thing in your head和你所有的东西在你的头Closing your lips, shaking your hips闭上你的嘴,摇晃你的臀部Everytime you go out每次你出去You got it twisted你把它扭了Now tell me where you wanna do me, damn right现在告诉我你想做什么,该死的权利You got it twisted你把它扭了You introduced it, you know I don"t play你介绍的,你知道我不玩You had me looking stupid, but I let it cope away你让我看起来很笨,但我却让它消失了That booty substitued it, guess that made it okay赃物取代它,想让它好You had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope away你让我陷入了愚蠢的,但我让它处理掉I suffer from dilusion, I should put myself away我受到稀释,我应该把自己Hey all the girls, all the girls嘿,所有的女孩,所有的女孩Make sure your skirt ain"t too tight确保你的裙子不太紧What we doing, is gon have a lot of fun我们所做的,是会有很多乐趣With me and you, tonight, come on今晚,我和你,来吧You gotta twist it till you love it你必须扭转它直到你喜欢它Then twist it to the right然后将它拧到右边Twist it like you love it像你爱它Go twist it day and night去扭转它的白天和黑夜Twist it till you love it扭转它直到你喜欢它Then twist it to the right然后将它拧到右边Twist it like you love it像你爱它Go twist it day and night去扭转它的白天和黑夜You got it twisted你把它扭了Now tell me where you wanna do me, damn right现在告诉我你想做什么,该死的权利You got it twisted你把它扭了You introduced it, you know I don"t play你介绍的,你知道我不玩You had me looking stupid, but I let it cope away你让我看起来很笨,但我却让它消失了That booty substitued it, guess that made it okay赃物取代它,想让它好You had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope away你让我陷入了愚蠢的,但我让它处理掉I suffer from dilusion, I should put myself away我受到稀释,我应该把自己
2023-07-07 06:28:551


梦 总不够漫长可是我们 总需要梦想爱 能让人受伤可是我们 还是念念不忘你的感情太无常 不管怎样我知道温柔的恋曲 该怎么唱你的感情太轻狂 不管怎么你曾停靠 我肩膀(music)雨 下得再漂亮可是我们 要面对阳光爱 会让人失望可是我们 仍充满向往你的感情太无常 不管怎样我知道温柔的恋曲 该怎么唱你的感情太轻狂 不管怎么你曾停靠 我肩膀(music)可能我还不够坚强至少我 我不怕哀伤可能不曾爱到天亮至今曾 分享过月光可能我还不够坚强至少我 我不怕哀伤可能不曾爱到天亮至今曾 分享过月光你的感情太无常 不管怎样我知道温柔的恋曲 该怎么唱你的感情太轻狂 不管怎么你曾停靠 我肩膀既然不能地老天荒我眼泪怎么流浪总有个停泊的地方
2023-07-07 06:29:142

郑伊健的《极速》 歌词

2023-07-07 06:29:213


问题一:最后,总而言之的英语短语 All in all, To conclude, At last but not the least, To sum up, At last, ... 想知道更多还可追问 问题二:英文中的几个“总而言之”怎么区别? 总而言之 in a word, in conlusion, in summary, all in all 简而言之 in brief, in short 问题三:用英语翻译 总而言之 in a word in conclusionall in all generally speaking on the whole 问题四:"总而言之"用英语怎么说啊?? anyway(在外企很常用,我们老板总是怎么说) 楼上几位说的不切合实际! 问题五:“总而言之”用英语怎么翻译??急``! In one word! All in all then! In short!In brief!
2023-07-07 06:29:301


In conclusion To concludeTo summarizeIn summary
2023-07-07 06:29:382

郑伊健的《极速》 歌词

极速演唱:郑伊健繁星已睡夜景已睡狂风再共街灯畅聚黄灯有罪红灯有罪联党结队表演创举The Legand is backI shoot suckers like crackAnd attack with my tire trackAs big as pay back the redBlack and grey seize the dayHit the brakes just likeA revolution here to sayI break the lock bust my chopsAnd never wait the cops to say stopKiss your girl before you fadelike an iilusion i live a lifein an evolution头摇又尾摆漂移境界不想醒觉只想感觉被放大愤怒瓦解万人膜拜赞颂我的伟大头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来表态时速革命皇者界定长街印下青春记认燃烧性命谁都听命轮胎带着咆哮叫声The Legand is back I shoot suckers like crackAnd attack with my tire track As big as pay back the redBlack and grey seize the day Hit the brakes just likeA revolution here to say I break the lock bust my chopsAnd never wait the cops to say stop Kiss your girl before you fadelike an iilusion i live a life in an evolution头摇又尾摆漂移境界不想醒觉只想感觉被放大愤怒瓦解万人膜拜赞颂我的伟大头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来踩界头摇又尾摆头摇又尾摆头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来踩界
2023-07-07 06:29:461


郑伊健的 《极速》
2023-07-07 06:29:542


歌名:极速歌手:郑伊健歌词:繁星已睡夜景已睡狂风再共街灯畅聚黄灯有罪红灯有罪联党结队表演创举The Legand is backI shoot suckers like crackAnd attack with my tire trackAs big as pay back the redBlack and grey seize the dayHit the brakes just likeA revolution here to sayI break the lock bust my chopsAnd never wait the cops to say stopKiss your girl before you fadelike an iilusion i live a lifein an evolution头摇又尾摆漂移境界不想醒觉只想感觉被放大愤怒瓦解万人膜拜赞颂我的伟大头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来表态时速革命皇者界定长街印下青春记认燃烧性命谁都听命轮胎带着咆哮叫声The Legand is back I shoot suckers like crackAnd attack with my tire track As big as pay back the redBlack and grey seize the day Hit the brakes just likeA revolution here to say I break the lock bust my chopsAnd never wait the cops to say stop Kiss your girl before you fadelike an iilusion i live a life in an evolution头摇又尾摆漂移境界不想醒觉只想感觉被放大愤怒瓦解万人膜拜赞颂我的伟大头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来踩界头摇又尾摆头摇又尾摆头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来踩界
2023-07-07 06:30:011


2023-07-07 06:30:099

跪求这首歌词的歌名,女声的。歌词有错误的但唱起来是这么发音的:Darings and lusion.Inmydreams,inmyh...

Dj Kajjin Feat. Mimi - Take My Hand记得点下面的“选为满意回答”,亲!
2023-07-07 06:30:242

歌曲开头为“呐呐呐呐 are my lusion,in my heart ,in my dream..."的歌

Take My Hand dj-DJ Kajjin Feat Mimi
2023-07-07 06:30:301

帮请我翻译做英文 ... 关于室内设计 ..

This is how I got the iration for the design of the chair. I once saw an advertising panel of Flower Paint a brand that uses chrysanthemum for its trademark when I was on a bus. It gave me an idea to design a chair for children aged 6-10 using this as the motif. Let"s first take a look at chrysanthemum the theme of the design. The flower has a refreshing *** ell and it feels so natural. So I put it in my design. Now let"s look at the different parts of the chair. The bottom is like the receptacle of the flower. It feels safe and solid. The back and the arms of the chair are like petals while the arms are built with little curvature to the outside to suit the arms of the sitter. The seat is made with a replacable cusion that es in different patterns to suit the taste of children who would love changes from time to time. I have used fabric cotton and metal wires in making the chair. 2007-04-23 15:05:57 补充: 不是 网上自动翻译.对问者来说 这篇文字应该是在功课或工作上用的. 用网上自动翻译做出来不通的英文是会害人的. A 櫈 already subject inspiration is es to some on first I sit am the bus to saw that has a chrysanthemum sign latex paint advertisement afterward knows may not be possible to make one 櫈 is for6-10 year old child then started to design Zhang 櫈. First speaks Zhang 櫈 the design subject---Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum pared to person one kind of feeling very big nature but the chrysanthemum sends out flavor also good fortable therefore I sort left chrysanthemum Li Zuo櫈. Moreover waits for me to speak Zhang 櫈 the part Zhang 櫈 low the contour does lowly by the receptacle makes the back pared to person one kind of very solid feeling ~ as for the seat back cushion position with the left flower"s flower petal but the arm rest position"s flower petal will have *** all ouard curved because may match gets along well together the shape but the seat will be one may already trade clusion momentarily may trade the dissimilar already pattern coordinates disposition which the child will like hundred changes. But Zhang 櫈 the material is mainly with the cloth the cotton the makes along with the iron wire. A already subject inspiration is es to some on first I sit amthe bus to saw has a chrysanthemum sign latex paint advertisement knows afterwards may not be allowed to make □is the for6-10 year oldchild then started to design □. First speaks Zhang? design subject--- chrysanthemum the chrysanthemum pared to the person one kindof feeling very big nature but the chrysanthemum sends out flavor also good is fortable therefore I sort left chrysanthemum LiTso?. Moreover waits for me to speak Zhang? part Zhang? low thecontour to the receptacle does lowly buys for use the left floweredpared to person one kind of very solid feeling ~ as for the seatback cushion position the flower petal to make the back but the armrest position flower petal can have slightly is slightly curved tooutside because may match 合手 the shape but the seat is may tradeclusion already may trade the dissimilar already pattern asnecessary coordinates disposition which the child likes hundredchanging. But Zhang? material mainly is with the cloth the cotton the makes along with the iron wire. The gang asks my trlator to make English. About indoor design. A 櫈 already subject inspiration is es to some on first I sit am the bus to saw that has a chrysanthemum sign latex paint advertisement afterward knows may not be possible to make one 櫈 is for6-10 year old child then started to design Zhang 櫈. First speaks Zhang 櫈 the design subject---Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum pared to person one kind of feeling very big nature but the chrysanthemum sends out flavour also good fortable therefore I sort left chrysanthemum Li Zuo櫈. Moreover waits for me to speak Zhang 櫈 the part Zhang 櫈 low the contour does lowly by the receptacle makes the back pared to person one kind of very solid feeling ~ as for the seat back cushion position with the left flower"s flower petal but the arm rest position"s flower petal will have *** all ouard curved because may match gets along well together the shape but the seat will be one may already trade clusion momentarily may trade the dissimilar already pattern coordinates disposition which the child will like hundred changes. But Zhang 櫈 the material is mainly with the cloth the cotton the makes along with the iron wire. * best helps me to trlate good d under along with helps me to decorate the d clause. Should not expose to the sun ~~  参考: me A □already subject inspiration is es to some on first I sit am the bus to saw has a chrysanthemum sign latex paint advertisement knows afterwards may not be allowed to make □is the for6-10 year old child then started to design □. First speaks Zhang? design subject --- chrysanthemum the chrysanthemum pared to the person one kind of feeling very big nature but the chrysanthemum sends out flavor also good is fortable therefore I sort left chrysanthemum Li Tso?. Moreover waits for me to speak Zhang? part Zhang? low the contour to the receptacle does lowly buys for use the left flowered pared to person one kind of very solid feeling ~ as for the seat back cushion position the flower petal to make the back but the arm rest position flower petal can have slightly is slightly curved to outside because may match 合手 the shape but the seat is may trade clusion already may trade the dissimilar already pattern as necessary coordinates disposition which the child likes hundred changing. But Zhang? material mainly is with the cloth the cotton the makes along with the iron wire. 参考: babelfish.altavista/tr
2023-07-07 06:30:481


问题一:用英语翻译 总而言之 in a word in conclusionall in all generally speaking on the whole 问题二:"总而言之"用英语怎么说啊?? anyway(在外企很常用,我们老板总是怎么说) 楼上几位说的不切合实际! 问题三:总而言之用英语怎么说 in a word 英 [in ? w?:d] 美 [?n e w?d] 总之; 一句话; 总而言之; 简言之; [例句]In a word, he tires of everything. 简言之,他对一切都感到厌倦了。 问题四:总而言之用英语怎么说 in a word 也可以说 in short 问题五:英文中的几个“总而言之”怎么区别? 总而言之 in a word, in conlusion, in summary, all in all 简而言之 in brief, in short 问题六:总而言之的英文怎么说 你好! 总而言之 To summarise altogether; to make a long story short; all in all; generally speaking; in a few words; 问题七:用英语翻译 总而言之 in a word in conclusionall in all generally speaking on the whole 问题八:"总而言之"用英语怎么说啊?? anyway(在外企很常用,我们老板总是怎么说) 楼上几位说的不切合实际! 问题九:总而言之用英语怎么说 in a word 英 [in ? w?:d] 美 [?n e w?d] 总之; 一句话; 总而言之; 简言之; [例句]In a word, he tires of everything. 简言之,他对一切都感到厌倦了。 问题十:总而言之用英语怎么说 in a word 也可以说 in short
2023-07-07 06:30:551

求极速传说(郑伊健)最后的背景音乐 不知道叫什么名字 我想你说的应该是这
2023-07-07 06:31:033


2023-07-07 06:31:112

郑伊健的《极速》 歌词

极速演唱:郑伊健繁星已睡夜景已睡狂风再共街灯畅聚黄灯有罪红灯有罪联党结队表演创举The Legand is backI shoot suckers like crackAnd attack with my tire trackAs big as pay back the redBlack and grey seize the dayHit the brakes just likeA revolution here to sayI break the lock bust my chopsAnd never wait the cops to say stopKiss your girl before you fadelike an iilusion i live a lifein an evolution头摇又尾摆漂移境界不想醒觉只想感觉被放大愤怒瓦解万人膜拜赞颂我的伟大头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来表态时速革命皇者界定长街印下青春记认燃烧性命谁都听命轮胎带着咆哮叫声The Legand is back I shoot suckers like crackAnd attack with my tire track As big as pay back the redBlack and grey seize the day Hit the brakes just likeA revolution here to say I break the lock bust my chopsAnd never wait the cops to say stop Kiss your girl before you fadelike an iilusion i live a life in an evolution头摇又尾摆漂移境界不想醒觉只想感觉被放大愤怒瓦解万人膜拜赞颂我的伟大头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来踩界头摇又尾摆头摇又尾摆头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来踩界
2023-07-07 06:31:171


急速演唱:郑伊健繁星已睡夜景已睡狂风再共街灯畅聚黄灯有罪红灯有罪联党结队表演创举The Legand is backI shoot suckers like crackAnd attack with my tire trackAs big as pay back the redBlack and grey seize the dayHit the brakes just likeA revolution here to sayI break the lock bust my chopsAnd never wait the cops to say stopKiss your girl before you fadelike an iilusion i live a lifein an evolution头摇又尾摆漂移境界不想醒觉只想感觉被放大愤怒瓦解万人膜拜赞颂我的伟大头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来表态时速革命皇者界定长街印下青春记认燃烧性命谁都听命轮胎带着咆哮叫声The Legand is back I shoot suckers like crackAnd attack with my tire track As big as pay back the redBlack and grey seize the day Hit the brakes just likeA revolution here to say I break the lock bust my chopsAnd never wait the cops to say stop Kiss your girl before you fadelike an iilusion i live a life in an evolution头摇又尾摆漂移境界不想醒觉只想感觉被放大愤怒瓦解万人膜拜赞颂我的伟大头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来踩界头摇又尾摆头摇又尾摆头摇又尾摆飞翔境界不想一世只想一秒被放大看后镜中便能愉快你渐变小我强大谁敢来踩界 求采纳
2023-07-07 06:31:241


极速电影《极速传说》主题曲歌手: 郑伊健
2023-07-07 06:31:333


是不是这个主题曲: 情深的一句 冷风吹心里空虚 车飞向远方 在无力伤心的人是谁 人渐累情也渐累 停住了的心偏却是醉 咀边湿透是泪 没有勇气说再会又伴随 推不开心中的罪 留住你我放弃了负累 再拚命追 渡过的从前今天过去 明了原来曾令你真的太心碎 明白到心死不可再追 喔...喔... 面对当年情真心说句 祈求完全原谅我当初的不对 在你离开的一刻说出 情深的一句 唯一的一句
2023-07-07 06:32:053


y2j yoo young jin that"s the waywe came straight game witit straight off the chain wit itlook but oan"t touch we the illest true pimp"s at itcollaboration locked with millitary flusiontakin ova da globe without any hesituationenvision total dominationtaking circus out with sniper scupe prepisionso just back up back up yo way up way upor you"ll get voself smacked uplike it pad we hit"em uptoo cold to hold yo we too hot to handleladies are you readybout to hitcha wit dis scandal怕剧捞泪甸搁绢狄狼瘤龟矫累蹬baggy甫郴妨涝绰巴胶聪目令甫脚绰巴坷疵广郴公措浚货官恩捞阂鳖(it"s you)郴个窿窍唱肺档面盒秦girl i got you stuck on me郴霸传阑都瘤付府惦篮郴僳何牢吧郴个救俊乐绰吧hot step show me 郴僳何甫吧绢毫磐龙巴鞍篮郴凯沥捞蠢哺廉break that away 皑寸且荐绝绰吧just you and me pop let"s get it on tonighti know what i know what i know i showby the time i finish you"ll be somming for more见捞杠绢滚副巴父鞍篮呈涣甸绢啊绰葛电矫急甸don"t try to step pistol whipped is how you"ll endflippin the script i just aun dun it again弊巴父栏沸酒流葛磊扼捞力矫累登绰唱狼 crunky popnow let see who can get down郴霸传阑都瘤付澜厩篮郴缴厘牢吧郴啊娇救俊乐绰巴 show down let"s party匙葛电吧焊咯拎泅鄂茄唱狼勉茄拌绰绝绰吧 pump your body皑寸且荐绝绰吧just you and me pop we got to battle tonight抄呈甫酒绰吧勉救俊辑磊蜡肺款厕档见浆绰吧弊焊促钎泅窍绊酵带葛电巴郴个救俊踌酒乐绢yo baby boo you know what you doshakin that thang leftand right makin all the boys droolsweat rollin like-hot wax on a candlegetting me thinking bout howi"m about to handle it cus yo lipsbe so fresh n so cleanbut understand that in the mani"ll give you whatcha need sayin pleasetickle you soo good you"ll puckle up in va kneesyeah~~(it"s you)just ride tonite just ride tonitejust ride be rightshow down let"s party郴葛电吧焊咯拎 oh oh oh ohpump your body 皑寸且荐绝绰吧茄绝捞鸥棵扼 let"s party all night longhot step show me 郴僳何甫吧绢毫芭窿苞鞍篮郴凯沥捞蠢哺廉break that away 皑寸且荐绝绰吧just you and me pop let"s get it on tonight
2023-07-07 06:32:191

请问高手:本章小结 英语怎么翻译?用summar好还是conlusion好?

用summary。 summary作名词讲时是摘要,概要的意思。 柯林斯词典里对summary的解释是: 1). A summary of something is a short account of it, which gives the main points but not the details. 2). You use "in summary" to indicate that what you are about to say is a summary of what has just been said. 而conclusion一般指“结论,推论,结尾”,表示“结尾”时同“end”。 柯林斯辞典里对conclusion的解释是:When you come to a conclusion, you decide that something is true after you have thought about it carefully and have considered all the relevant facts.
2023-07-07 06:32:371

英译汉 英译汉 英译汉

2023-07-07 06:32:462


Can money be traded for happiness?I would say no to such a question,for which at least I can find two reason.Firstly,money can never be omnipotent.Of course ,we cannot surive without money however with only which we can neither live .As we know ,money is nothing else but the represence of materials you have .So the more money you have means nothing but that there are more goods you may afford.However ,happiness is not a pieece of commodity.In fact ,happiness is just a status of life,which is the second reason.So,it can neither never be quantunlized nor pricable.And it can be simple and everywhere as long as you notice it .But when you misunderstand the true means of happiness ,you may find it nowhere.In conlusion ,money can buy ,but happiness can never be bought.Only Those who understand own happiness Can money buy happiness?Various people have various answers.Some people think that money is the source of happiness.With money,one can buy whatever he enjoys.With money,one can do whatever he likes.So,in their minds,money can bring comfort,security,and so on.Money,as they think,is the source of happiness.But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil.Money drives people to steal,to rob,and to break the law.A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money.And in the Western countries,there is nothing that can"t be bought by money.Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money.But even though money is necessary to life,it can"t buy happiness.Happiness is not something that can be measured by money.It is a state of mind.One can have plenty of money,with which he can buy whatever he wants,and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems.Therefore,although money is necessary for a happy life,it can"t buy happiness.
2023-07-07 06:32:551


in clusion of 意思是:在结论inclusion n. 包含;内含物in collision 相撞;在冲突中inclusion英 [u026an"kluu02d0u0292(u0259)n] 美 [u026an"kluu0292n] n. 包含;内含物
2023-07-07 06:33:051


Let me put my shades onEverybody come aroundYou got it twistedNow tell me where you wanna do me, damn rightYou got it twistedYou introduced it, you know I don"t playYou had me looking stupid, but I let it cope awayThat booty substitued it, guess that made it okayYou had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope awayI suffer from dilusion, I should put myself awayAll the time and money I"ve spentCan"t believe what I"m in, it ain"t rightIf I comeback, you promise it"s gon be you and meAnd they say, whateverYou got it twistedNow tell me where you wanna do me, damn rightYou got it twistedYou introduced it, you know I don"t playYou had me looking stupid, but I let it cope awayThat booty substitued it, guess that made it okayYou had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope awayI suffer from dilusion, I should put myself awayHow come I everytime I coo aroundJust so happen you around, you got it showed outIt ain"t right, uhAnd all that thing in your headClosing your lips, shaking your hipsEverytime you go outYou got it twistedNow tell me where you wanna do me, damn rightYou got it twistedYou introduced it, you know I don"t playYou had me looking stupid, but I let it cope awayThat booty substitued it, guess that made it okayYou had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope awayI suffer from dilusion, I should put myself awayHey all the girls, all the girlsMake sure your skirt ain"t too tightWhat we doing, is gon have a lot of funWith me and you, tonight, come onYou gotta twist it till you love itThen twist it to the rightTwist it like you love itGo twist it day and nightTwist it till you love itThen twist it to the rightTwist it like you love itGo twist it day and nightYou got it twistedNow tell me where you wanna do me, damn rightYou got it twistedYou introduced it, you know I don"t playYou had me looking stupid, but I let it cope awayThat booty substitued it, guess that made it okayYou had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope awayI suffer from dilusion, I should put myself away
2023-07-07 06:33:121


那些友善的歌手:Juzzy Orange发行时间:2012-10-26所属专辑:《Orange City城市橙事》作词:赖重宏作曲:赖重宏歌词:该从哪说起呢 不然先从台北在这里我很骄傲(是的)我代表Juzzy Orange无心插柳结果柳橙汁是命中注定也是幸运感谢老天I"m loving it总可以看到许多人充满了动力进步与竞争即便包含恶性良性但有sense的意志让灵感变共识举杯后笑闹间我动手写下词再往下走我到了桃园中坜这里是大本营都是自家兄弟你懂得十年的感情一向得来不易即使长大之后多了讨人厌的隔阂嫌隙随便啦 至少我还拥有你们血浓于水的表示你是我的我是你的我喜欢看到大家都有成就所以我努力赶上让你们都以我为荣那些城市对我Friendly那些人们对我Nicely那些城市对我Friendly那些人们对我Nicely再往下一点来到了台中许多回忆来自年轻的那一段不能说走在逢甲的街道喜欢摊贩的喧闹走在绿园道假装文青看热闹有些解不开的渊源一直到现在还是牵连着用友情记录着 (Azlusion)但我是不会爆料当年想假装神经病来退伍的是某个音乐品牌主理人接着我来到了台南锅烧意面口味我是大同古早味那一派喜欢去海安路那点杯饮料坐下来让悠哉时光感受步调明显慢下来不然就跟着MC JOE烤肉主要必备头号班底DJ POTATO聊着音乐聊着八卦或许偶尔diss牛肉拿来烤 端上来开心吃那些城市对我Friendly那些人们对我Nicely那些城市对我Friendly那些人们对我Nicely转眼我回到了故乡这里是高雄 我一直深爱她看到她得到赞美 感觉好骄傲听到她得到掌声 感觉好光荣跟着她经过二十几个年头舍不得出走到外地不管哪里口味始终都偏重喜欢熟悉小巷穿梭找找老同学说hello阿婆面摊那边聊海带先切20块然后我想要chill这是南部人的福利垦丁就在隔壁有度假派的有空就会久久去一次我行动派的睡醒早上想想中午就到我喜欢那些旅程都有惊奇不断 (suprise!)我喜欢那些风景一再重温浏览 (不嫌烦!)我喜欢那些人们总是讨喜可爱 (so lovely!)我喜欢 我喜欢那些城市对我友善 (yeah...)那些城市对我Friendly那些人们对我Nicely那些城市对我Friendly那些人们对我Nicely
2023-07-07 06:33:251