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2023-07-07 12:56:48
TAG: 英语 关于

1. 该题是考查独立逐个结构的,该结构的构成是:“逻辑主语 + 分词短语”,其句法作用是方式状语:即:作为由...指定就职于...的第一个女性,... 。

The first woman appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position, Frances Perkins held the post of labor secretary for twelve years.


Frances Perkins, the first woman appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position, held the post of labor secretary for twelve years.

A) The first woman appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position was

逻辑主语 + appointed by ... + was ,很明显was是个多余的动词。

(B) The first woman appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position

逻辑主语 + appointed by ...,符合这个结构。

(C) Appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position was the first woman who

动词 Appointed 没有依附关系,是谁实施了这个行为,这是其一;其二,who 作为关系代词只能置于从句之首,而不能拖后;其三,只有把句子改变成正the first woman who was appointed by ...才可以用作同位语,但不可以放在句首作状语。

(D) The first woman was appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position who

作为一个独立的句子,who 也是多余的东西;即使去掉who使其成立,但是和上面的主句构不成语义上的关系,前面说“Frances Perkins干秘书工作多年”与这里的“第一个女性被...指定到一个内阁的职位” 互相间没有任何语法关系。

2. 本题考查定语从句。

首先把定语从句that distinguish human beings from mother primates 从整个句子中拆分出来即成为下列的主句:

复数主语 + are related to the ability of people to stand upright and walk on two legs.

(A) Many of the physical characteristics

many of ... 是复数

(B) Of the many physical characteristics:

of the...应该是缺省了一个不言自明的复数名词,但是上下文中没有给出这个名词

(C) The physical characteristics


(D) There are many physical characteristics






Many of the physical characteristics [that disginguish human beings from mother primates] are related to the ability of people to stand upright and walk on two legs

中括号里的是定语从句,解释是什么样的特征,are related这个里面的are是这个句子的真正谓语

如果选D的话There are..已经有are这个谓语了,这个就是为什么在There be结构里后面动词要用过去或者现在分词形式,一个句子只能有一个谓语


1.答案是B.The first woman appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position 和Frances Perkins


2.答案是B.that distinguish human beings from mother primates 是定语从句,修饰前面的Many of the physical characteristics ,are related 是谓语动词。



appointed的意思为adj.指定的,约定的;v.任命;委任;安排,确定(时间、地点),读音为英[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026ad];美[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026ad]。appointed的同义词为spokesman。短语搭配appointed store:指定 ; 指定商店 ; 特约商店 ; 商店。appointed trustee:委任的受托人。Appointed Letter:在美营运计划。appointed examiner:委任检验师。Appointed photographer:指定摄影师。newly appointed:被新任命的 ; 初任。appointed edges:指定边的。appointed staff:委任职员。the appointed:被任命的人 ; 指定。双语例句1、The longtime federal judge was appointed by president ronald reagan.这位任职已久的联邦法官是由前总统罗纳德里根所任命。2、The nlrb is an autonomous body , but its board members are appointed by the president.美国劳资关系委员会是一个自治的机构,但是它的董事会成员却是被主席任命的。3、On the appointed night a big crowd showed up.到了约定的那天晚上,来了一大群人。4、The coupmakers failed because the interim government of bureaucrats and retired soldiers they appointed did a rotten job.政变者的失败是因为他们指定的临时政府的官僚主义者和退役士兵做了一件恶劣的工作。5、Mr chen even appointed the current prosecutor-general.现任检察总长还是陈水扁任命的。
2023-07-07 05:59:251

a p p o i n t什么词语

appoint [u0259"pu0254int]vt.(动词)约定,确定,决定,指定(日期、时间、地点等):to appoint a time for a meeting约定会议(或会见)时间:We appointed the school-house as place for the meeting.我们确定校舍为会面地点。任命,委派,选派,派:to appoint a chairman任命一名主席to appoint a new treasurer任命一名新会计to appoint a judge to the bench任命审判员为处理某事的法官[常用被动语态]为…提供设备,装置,装备,配备,布置[现常用于well-appointed(设备完备的)等]:a luxuriously appointed hotel设备豪华的旅馆We appointed the house with all the latest devices.我们为房子提供一应俱全的最新设备。
2023-07-07 05:59:501


都可以第三人称单数: appoints 现在分词: appointing 过去式: appointed 过去分词: appointed 形近词: diapoint penpoint midpoint repoint outpoint 例句 It made sense to appoint a banker to this job. 指派一位银行家做这份工作是明智之举。 The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry. 委员会委派了一个特别调查员自行调查。 The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister. 首相已委任一位平民为国防部长。 Do they appoint him secretary?
2023-07-07 06:00:061


2023-07-07 06:00:2910


失望满意 satisfied
2023-07-07 06:01:178


2023-07-07 06:01:373


with full equipment
2023-07-07 06:02:084

appointed day中文翻译

He gave his faith that he would e on the appointed day . 他保证他会在约定的日子来。 The o appointed days ran out, three days and nights ran out, and stephen blackpool did not e, and remained unheard of . 原来讲的两天已经过去了,三天三夜也过去了,而斯梯芬布拉克普儿还是没有回来,依然渺无消息。 571 appointed day unified exchange pensation fund notice 证券及期货条例第571章指定日期-联交所赔偿基金公告 571 appointed day futures exchange pensation fund notice 证券及期货条例第571章指定日期-期交所赔偿基金公告 Factories and industrial undertakings ordinance cap . 59 appointed day under section 6ba notice 工厂及工业经营条例第59章第6ba 17条所指的指定日期公告 On the appointed day herod , wearing his royal robes , sat on his throne and depvered a pubpc address to the people 21希律在所定的日子,穿上朝服,坐在位上,对他们讲论一番。 On an appointed day herod , having put on his royal apparel , took his seat on the rostrum and began depvering an address to them 徒12 : 21希律在所定的日子、穿上朝服、坐在位上、对他们讲论一番。 And on an appointed day herod arrayed himself in royal clothing and sat on the judgment seat ; and he depvered a pubpc address to them 21希律在所定的日子,穿上朝服,坐在审判台上,对他们讲论一番。 This plan angered the saint that on the appointed day , july 15 , he sent rains , and it continued raining for the next 40 days 这个迁坟计划惹火了这位圣徒。在指定迁坟的7月15日那天,他降下雨来,一下就是40天。 The o appointed days ran out , three days and nights ran out , and stephen blackpool did not e , and remained unheard of 原来讲的两天已经过去了,三天三夜也过去了,而斯梯芬?布拉克普儿还是没有回来,依然渺无消息。 Acts 12 : 21 and on an appointed day herod arrayed himself in royal clothing and sat on the judgment seat ; and he depvered a pubpc address to them 徒十二21希律在所定的日子,穿上朝服,坐在审判台上,对他们讲论一番。 At the appointed day hundreds of car enthusiasts from all over the nation gather at a motel on the east coast starts to the west coast across the unit . . 参赛者求胜心切,各出奇谋,引起连串 *** 有趣的事件。毕雷诺士本可夺冠,但临冲线之际. At the appointed day hundreds of car enthusiasts from all over the nation gather at a motel on the east coast starts to the west coast across the united states , that is " the cannonball is on ! 香港及荷里活众星云集,为的是参加一场横跨美国的炮弹飞车大赛。参赛者求胜心切,各出奇谋,引起连串 *** 有趣的事件。 Typically , o or more such people bent on suicide will make contact via a website , get together on an appointed day and end their pves with exhaust or charcoal - stove fumes while parked in a deserted spot , perhaps facing mount fuji 一般情况下,两个以上决意要这样自杀的人会通过某个网站达成协定,再按约定时间会面,最后在荒郊野外(可能正对著富士山)一起吸入毒气自杀。 Personal data disclosed on or after the appointed day to a third party are materially inaccurate having regard to the purpose ( including any directly related purpose ) for which the data are or are to be used by the third party , and 在指定日当日或之后向第三者披露的个人资料,在顾及该等资料被使用于或会被使用于的目的(包括任何直接有关的目的)下,在要项上是不准确的;及
2023-07-07 06:02:241


1、He has set mind on 5 people handling this event2、Cause being to poor , to be able to not understand that the crime rate rises only3、He has stopped time enough to have several picture taken only4、I hope that he is able to be appointed as for the deputy general manager5、The police has discovered him owning many valuables having no way to explain a source6、This desert is continuous for almost 100 mile
2023-07-07 06:03:018

英语语法问题 appoint 和appointment的短语 和用法 谢谢

appoint 委任,任命,派appoint sb. to a positionappointment of sb toa positionappointment by sb. to a positionThe company"s president has appointed his son to be manager of the sales departmentThe ambassador from Canada has been appointed chairman of the UN Security Council. The appointment is for one year.The appointment of one of our classmates to the school"s supervisory board is a positive development.
2023-07-07 06:03:252


好多单词不认识 但是 觉得 理想说的有道理什么是虚拟语气?? 不懂 解释下 看我反悔不?
2023-07-07 06:03:345

appointed time与set up a time区别?

appointed time 约定时间set up a time 设定时间这两个短语都是表示某个时间点,‘约定时间"是双方都确定的时间,而‘设定时间"是自己单独可以确定的时间。请采纳哟!
2023-07-07 06:03:491

第二段这里when 后面为什么可以直接跟过去分词appointed ? 不应该是But when

2023-07-07 06:04:061

be appointed head of students union

2023-07-07 06:04:285


问题一:我的设备,用英语怎么说 My device 问题二:设备设施用英文怎么说 Equipment & facilities 问题三:设备齐全用英语怎么说 well-appointed well-found well-appointed [welE5pCIntId] adj. 设备完善的, 配备齐全的 well-appointed well-ap.point.ed AHD:[wμl“…-poin“t1d] D.J.[6wel*6p%intid] K.K.[6wWl*6p%!nt!d] adj.(形容词) Having a full array of suitable equipment or furnishings:设备完善的:有一整套合适的装备或设备的: a well-appointed kitchen; a well-appointed suite. 设施齐全的厨房;陈设齐全的套间 well-found [`wel`faJnd] adj. 设备完善的, 装备齐全的 well-found well-found AHD:[wμl“found“] D.J.[6wel6faund] K.K.[6wWl6fa&nd] adj.(形容词) Properly furnished or equipped. 设备或装备齐全的 问题四:“电子设备”用英语怎么说 Electronic Device 问题五:设备选型用英文怎么翻译 5分 下面四个词组都是设备选型,供你选择,解释见后。 1) equipment selection;(单指设备选择,何种设备适合使用。2)同。) 2) selection of equipment;(同上) 3) equipment type selection (type selection of equipment);(指设备的形式或式样选择) 4) model selection of equipment (多指型号选择) 问题六:几台设备 的“台” 用英语怎么说? 英语不重视量词的说法,一般根据你的机器的大小和复杂度可以描述成SET, UNIT, PCS等 问题七:电脑设备用英语怎么说 平板电脑(英文:Tablet Personal puter,简称Tablet PC、Flat Pc、Tablet、Slates),是一种小型、方便携带的个人电脑,以触摸屏作为基本的输入设备。 问题八:我的设备,用英语怎么说 My device 问题九:设备设施用英文怎么说 Equipment & facilities 问题十:“电子设备”用英语怎么说 Electronic Device
2023-07-07 06:04:431


searchingappointeddidn"t know
2023-07-07 06:04:554


appointed 作 person 的定语will have demonstrated 是将来完成时, already 就可以使用了。
2023-07-07 06:05:033


定点fixed point:定点厂 specially designated factory; appointed manufacturer for producing sth.定点掩护 cover at a fixed site (在预定地点进行掩护)该旅馆是北京旅游局的定点旅馆。 The hotel was appointed a designated hotel by the Beijing Travel and Tourism Administration.
2023-07-07 06:05:153


set about 开始,着手处理,散步set back 往回拨.阻碍,受挫,使退步set fire to 使燃烧set above 把什么置于上方,认为,高于.set a limit 加以限制set across 把,横在,上set against 靠着,在、、的映衬下.set ahead 提前,拨快.set among 把,置于,中set apart 分开放.拨出,突出.区别set aside 把、、置于一旁,set back 向后移动,推迟set before 把,置于,之前.提出,参考、set by 搁在一旁.抛开,set beside 挨着,靠近.set down as 把什么登记为.把什么.认为set off 出发.set on开始雇佣
2023-07-07 06:06:061


1、he had a talent for nusic and was_B_conductor of Shanghai Symphont Orchestra at the age of 30A assigned B appointed C named D honored选B:appoint是任命某人担任某职位,aappoint sb. (to be) [无冠词]+职位被动即为sb. be appointed (to be) sth.2、My camera can be_C_ to take pictures in cloudy of sunny conditionsA treated B adopted C adjusted Dreminded的确是C,adjust to sth./doing = adapt to sth./doing,意思是根据(sth./doing)进行调整。但这里camera can be adjusted 是被动,表示相机可以被调整,至于根据什么调整,则没说明(应该是be adjusted to weather)。后面to take...是目的状语,表示相机调整后,可用于在……情况下拍照。3、nowadays sending e-mails to each other is a way many a student _A_what they thinkA conveys B delivers C express D accountmany a 许多,但是动词跟单数,排除C、Dconvey: 传达,运送【有抽象意义】convey ideas to other people.把自己的想法传达给别人正确,选Adeliver: 递送,交货,寄信【无抽象意义】deliver goods: 交货、送货,deliver a message传达一条讯息4、when you do excrises,your heart works better.It is able to _A_more blood while beating more slowlyA produce B pump C increase D bumpproduce:生产、产生、制造【身体的都用produce】These precursor cells normally go on to produce red cells, white cells or platelets.这些前体细胞通常继续发育,生成红细胞、白细胞或血小板。pump:(水泵/相似器械)使涌出increase:使……数量增加bump:碰撞,路面凸起,碰5、As civilization_B_,more and more people have realized the importance of preserving rare animals from extinctionA stretches B spreads C extends D expandsstretch 伸展,没有长度、高度等变化,如when doing sports, you should stretch your bodyspread 传播、散步extend 延长,长度expand 扩张,面积
2023-07-07 06:06:271


【 #英语资源# 导语】appoint有任命;委派;指定;约定等意思,同时appoint的用法也有很多,现在跟着 一起来学习appoint的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】appoint的用法   appoint的用法1:appoint的基本义是“确定,指定,约定”。可以指定某一时间或地点做某事; 可以指定某人担任某职务; 也可以指派某人做某事; 还可以把物品放在指定的地方。   appoint的用法2:appoint是及物动词,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可以接由动词不定式短语、“as/to be+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语, as和to be常可省略。appoint作“命令”(正式用语)解时还可接that从句,不过有些陈旧。   appoint的用法3:appoint的过去分词appointed常用作定语或表语,表示“陈设”。   appoint的用法4:appoint常可用于被动结构。 【篇二】appoint的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   appoint for (v.+prep.)   appoint to (v.+prep.)   appoint相关词汇辨析   appoint,designate,assign,name,nominate   这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。   appoint 通常指不经过选择的官方委任。   designate 书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。   assign 常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。   name 普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。   nominate 通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。 【篇三】appoint的用法例句   Who shall we appoint as chairperson? 我们委派谁担任主席呢?   In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appointyou as our agent. 考虑到你们在这一业务范围的丰富经验,我们很高兴指定你们为我们的代理。   Tyler wanted to put these men out and appoint men who would support him. Butif he did this immediately, it would split the party. 泰勒想把这些人赶出去,并任命支持他的人进入内阁,但如果他立即这么做的话,将会引起党内的分裂。   We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school. 我们必须立即委派一名新教师到那山村小学去。   We will increase our turnover if you appoint us as your sole agent. 如果你方指定我们作为代理,我们将增加我们的销售量。   At home, one early test of his willingness to reunite his country will be whether hewill appoint any Democrats to his new cabinet. 在国内,有一个关于布什是否愿意重新团结整个国家的先期测验,那就是他是否会任命民主党人加盟他的新内阁。   The leaders of the House and Senate appoint the commissioners. 委员会的委员由众议院和参议院的领导人任命。   We must appoint a new teacher soon. 我们必须尽快委派一个新教师。   One possible, and highly speculative, scenario is that on his deathbed, the kingcould skip his son and appoint the princess or one of his grandchildren. 一个可能的,高度推测的剧本是,国王会越过儿子,直接指定公主或某一位孙子成为自己死后的继承人。   Be careful whom you appoint to the position of manager. 你该当心你所任命的那个经理。   We want to create a spell where we appoint English coaches and Fabio can help us enormously to bridge that gap and help that transition. 我们想要建立一个咒语那些任命的本土教练和卡佩罗可以程度上的弥补这一差距,有助于这些转变。   Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly appoint you our sole agent. 除非你方增加营业额,我们无法指定你方为我们的代理。   This started to change when the right to appoint our rulers moved from the walletto the ballot. 当把指定给统治者的权力从他们的钱袋里转移到投票箱的时候,情况就发生了变化。   I welcome the decision of the Board to appoint Paul Wolfowitz as the nextPresident of the World Bank Group. 我欢迎执董会任命保罗.沃尔福威茨担任世界银行集团下任行长的决定。   Unlike the head of the Office of Legal Counsel, the White House counsel is notconfirmed by the Senate — which means that the president can appointwhomever he likes. 白宫的法律顾问和法律事务厅的主管不同,前者不是由参议院任命的,这意味着总统可以任命任何他喜欢的人选。
2023-07-07 06:07:121


appointed 有含命令的意思 designated比较口语化 ie:Please contact with your designated forwarder .
2023-07-07 06:07:321

英语At the appointed hour怎么翻译?

您好,很高兴为您回答At the appointed hour意思是:在指定的时间 或译为 在约定的时间同义At the appointed time希望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-07 06:08:292


2023-07-07 06:08:373

指定 英文

指定英文是appoint。双语例句:1、I have resigned, and they have a free hand to appoint whom they like in my place.我已经辞职了,他们可以放开手脚任命他们喜欢的人来顶替我的位置。2、An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition.将会指定一个独立的管理机构来保证公平竞争。3、They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team.为协调这个队的工作,他们任用了一位新经理。4、They have appointed a new head teacher at my son"s school.我儿子读书的学校任命了一位新校长。5、A meeting was called for the purpose of appointing a new treasurer.为任命新司库而召开了一次会议。6、Appointing one woman to the otherwise all-male staff could look like tokenism.给原本清一色的男职员队伍增派一位女性会显得是装点门面。7、After due consideration, we have decided to appoint Mr Davis to the job.经过适当考虑,我们决定委任戴维斯先生干这项工作。
2023-07-07 06:08:441

19. Some metals are better conductors of electricity than others

1 D 是非限定性定语从句,which 只带前面一句话,就是一些物体导电比别的强,这就意味着...2 C 这是虚拟,be 前面省略了should
2023-07-07 06:09:262


问题一:设备的英文怎么写 设备 equipment facility 问题二:我的设备,用英语怎么说 My device 问题三:设备设施用英文怎么说 Equipment & facilities 问题四:设备齐全用英语怎么说 well-appointed well-found well-appointed [welE5pCIntId] adj. 设备完善的, 配备齐全的 well-appointed well-ap.point.ed AHD:[wμl“…-poin“t1d] D.J.[6wel*6p%intid] K.K.[6wWl*6p%!nt!d] adj.(形容词) Having a full array of suitable equipment or furnishings:设备完善的:有一整套合适的装备或设备的: a well-appointed kitchen; a well-appointed suite. 设施齐全的厨房;陈设齐全的套间 well-found [`wel`faJnd] adj. 设备完善的, 装备齐全的 well-found well-found AHD:[wμl“found“] D.J.[6wel6faund] K.K.[6wWl6fa&nd] adj.(形容词) Properly furnished or equipped. 设备或装备齐全的 问题五:设备选型用英文怎么翻译 5分 下面四个词组都是设备选型,供你选择,解释见后。 1) equipment selection;(单指设备选择,何种设备适合使用。2)同。) 2) selection of equipment;(同上) 3) equipment type selection (type selection of equipment);(指设备的形式或式样选择) 4) model selection of equipment (多指型号选择) 问题六:几台设备 的“台” 用英语怎么说? 英语不重视量词的说法,一般根据你的机器的大小和复杂度可以描述成SET, UNIT, PCS等 问题七:摄影设备 英文怎么说 摄影供备 基本翻译 photographic equipment 网络释义 摄影设备:photo equipment 问题八:电脑设备用英语怎么说 平板电脑(英文:Tablet Personal Computer,简称Tablet PC、Flat Pc、Tablet、Slates),是一种小型、方便携带的个人电脑,以触摸屏作为基本的输入设备。
2023-07-07 06:09:441

it was suggested that a special

选3. 因为suggest后面加从句的话要用虚拟语气 should +动词原形,不过should可以省略.原题完整不省略的话是:It was suggested that a special committtee of five members should be appointed to look into the matter. 意思是:有人建议这件事应该委派一个五人小组去调查.
2023-07-07 06:09:521


It goes without saying, childrens" education is vital for the future of a country. it has been suggested that a committee of 11people be appointed to establish new regulations.The war that went on between the north and south in 1861 has since become known as the "American Civil War".That country repeatedly gets involved in foreign wars.英文不会有错误的...希望我没有看错你写的中文. :-)
2023-07-07 06:10:022


补全之后是: The man whose name is Tom entered the room.(because he was )appointed monitor,he was glad.
2023-07-07 06:10:104


D 是nominated 吧 是不是打错了如果原题是nominated的 就选它
2023-07-07 06:10:194

请问His being appoinyed as的句子结构是什么呀? beappointed as

这是动名词复合结构,his 是动名词的逻辑主语,意思是 “他被委派为(或指定为)”。
2023-07-07 06:10:272


你好这两句都是状语从句第一个是方式状语,他按照别人告诉他的那样来做,表示动作的方式第二个也是方式状语,而且它是句省略句完整的形式是 we should meet at the time as we appointed只是简单的承前省略无视我原来写的那一大段话这里用不到。。。
2023-07-07 06:10:342


2023-07-07 06:10:532


2023-07-07 06:11:125

A new premier has been ______.

选2吧1.determined 决心2.appointed 被任命 3.admitted 承认4.assumed 假设
2023-07-07 06:11:293


disappointed有4个音节,音节划分为 di -sap-poin-ted。 disappointed 失望的常见释义 英[?d?spnt?d] 跟读 美[?d?spnt?d] adj.失望的;沮丧的;失意的; v.使失望;使破灭;使落空; 词典 disappoint的过去分词和过去式; 变形 原型disappoint比较级more disappointed最高级most disappointed
2023-07-07 06:11:351


定语从句的引导词有关系代词who,whom,which,that,as;关系副词when,where,why;关系形容词whose。(1)This is the book which I am looking for.它是我正在寻找的书。其中的“the book”是先行词,“which”是引导词。(2)He is Mr. Robertson who comes from England.他是来自英国的罗伯森先生。其中的“Mr. Robertson”是先行词,“who”是引导词。(3)Was that a singer that sang Xi Yangyang?那个是唱喜洋洋的歌手吗?其中的“a singer”是先行词,“that”是引导词。定语从句的时态定语从句中由于涉及主句和从句,在这里也会有时态先后的问题,一般来说如果主句动词是将来时,从句用一般现在时或者一般过去时。1、从句表现一般现在时的情况A.The man who is appointed as a school principal will be a better leader.被任命为学校校长人将会是一个更好的领导者。(用is appointed不用will be appointed)。B.There will be a special regulate for somebody who takes part in the competition next week.对下周参加比赛的人将会有一个特殊的规则。(不用will take,而用takes一般现在时)。2、从句表示一般过去时的情况So to speak, those books whose covers were printed red would sale on Chrismas eve.这么说吧,那些封面被刷成红色的书将在圣诞前夕出售。(whose引导的定语从句时态为一般过去时,主句would sale为过去将来时)。
2023-07-07 06:11:421


XX,named Daizhi,???不知道是什么. After graduation, in early guangfu YuBaoDing point. As zhejiang power boost KeYuan ccba DiBaShiEr, standard practice. Second battalion oversight team The revolution of 1911, participate in hangzhou and conquer the recovery of nanjing. After the eleventh of zhejiang army stockings, zhejiang army cointegration association, the sixth teacher ZhenShouShi lake. Teachers When the war in zhejiang HuGuo to declare independence, arise and punish yuan. 1916 pushed for zhejiang overseers and governors, after six months to resign. In 1918, to guangdong, conditioners JunYuan MinZhe army commander. 1922 ZheJu tianjin. Besides, any war BeiFaJun jiangbei XuanFuShi and resigned. In Shanghai, zhejiang after operation, etc. 1946 as zhejiang councilmen deputy speaker. After the founding of Chinese people, vice chairman of hangzhou branch relief always political consultative conference (CPPCC), zhejiang province.
2023-07-07 06:12:315


2023-07-07 06:12:486


Of all the qualified judges,是状语。I 是主语don"t know 是谓语on what account shewas appointed to the Supreme Court.是宾语从句作宾语。其中on what account 引导宾语从句并作从句中的状语。she是从句中的主语was appointed to the Supreme Court是从句中的谓语。
2023-07-07 06:13:051

they appointed him manager哪个是主语,谓语,宾语?

这是一个主谓宾、宾补结构的句子。主语 they; 谓语 appoinef ; 宾语 him;宾语补足语 manager。全句话汉语意思:他们指定他为经理。
2023-07-07 06:13:131

.The directors appointed John manager中John manager怎么是主谓关系呢,

2023-07-07 06:13:211

The directors appointed John manager. manager.充当什么成分?为什么? 这个句子和双宾成分的句子如何区

董事任命John为经理 manager充当补语
2023-07-07 06:13:313


正确拼写是disappointed形容词,失望的例如It made me feel disappointed.它使我感到失望。
2023-07-07 06:13:382

He was appointed as _____ president of the university yesterday. Wearing a jacket and _____ tie...

C 考查冠词。当独一无二的职位作为表语或者补语的时候要单独使用,不需要接冠词。故第一空用零冠词。第二空a jacket and tie是一种服装;句意:昨天他被任命为这所大学的校长,今他穿了一件带有领带的夹克衫在讲台上发表了一词演讲。故C正确。点评:本题考查了零冠词的用法,当独一无二的职位作为表语或者补语的时候要单独使用,不需要接冠词。
2023-07-07 06:13:451

Cortex-A 系列处理器的技术特点

ARMv7包括3个关键要素:NEON单指令多数据(SIMD)单元、ARMtrustZone安全扩展、以及thumb2指令集,通过16位和32位混合长度指令以减小代码长度。 Cortex-A 设备可为其目标应用领域提供各种可伸缩的能效性能点。一些说明示例如下:Cortex-A15 ,可为新一代移动基础结构应用和要求苛刻的无线基础结构应用提供性能最高的解决方案 Cortex-A7,可采用独立、多核配置实现,提供 800 MHz - 1.2 GHz 的典型频率,也可以与 Cortex-A15 结合用于 big.LITTLE 处理 Cortex-A9 实现,可提供 800 MHz - 2 GHz 的标准频率,每个内核可提供 5000 DMIPS 的性能 Cortex-A8 单核解决方案,可提供经济有效的高性能,在 600 MHz - 1 GHz 的频率下,提供的性能超过 2000 DMIPS Cortex-A5 低成本实现,在 400- 800 MHz 的频率下,提供的性能超过 1200 DMIPS。 Cortex-A5、 Cortex-A7、Cortex-A9 和 Cortex-A15 处理器都支持 ARM 的第二代多核技术单核到四核实现,支持面向性能的应用领域 支持对称和非对称的操作系统实现 通过加速器一致性端口 (ACP) 在导出到系统的整个处理器中保持一致性 Cortex-A7 和 Cortex-A15 将多核一致性扩展至 AMBA4 ACE 的 1~4 核群集以上(AMBA 一致性扩展) 除了具有与上一代经典 ARM 和 Thumb® 体系结构的二进制兼容性外,Cortex-A 类处理器还通过以下技术扩展提供了更多优势Thumb-2,提供最佳代码大小和性能 TrustZone 安全扩展,提供可信计算 Jazelle 技术,提高执行环境(如 Java、.Net、MSIL、Python 和 Perl)速度。
2023-07-07 06:02:331


2023-07-07 06:02:333


硬盘读取速度慢怎么办   硬盘读取速度慢怎么办?以下有网友针对硬盘慢给出了九大优化方法,供参考,对于提升硬盘的读取速度有一定的帮助,当然如果要体验最佳硬盘速度,如今的固态硬盘就是不错的选择。下面就是我整理的硬盘读取速度慢,欢迎来参考!    一、合理使用硬盘   何为合理使用硬盘呢?首先我们要了解硬盘盘片的物理结构。分区并格式化后的硬盘却就是以扇区为基本单位的,一个分区就是由若干个扇区构成的。那什么 就是扇区呢?我们都知道磁盘在工作时就是转动的,它所存储的信息就是按一系列同心圆记录在其表面上的,每一个同心圆称为一个磁道,在图1我们可以看到磁道和扇区 的分布情况(当然,这只就是个示意图而已,实物要比图中密得多!),很多朋友认为那个红色的“大块头”就是一个扇区,但正确的认识应该就是黄色的那小块为一个扇 区。一个扇区的大小为512字节,一个整圆环为一个磁道,一个磁道上有若干个扇区,所以我们不难看出,越*外的磁道上的单个扇区其体积越大,换句话就就是其 密度越小,由于硬盘就是机械传动,所以磁头对其的寻找、读、写速度也就越快,分区的分布也就是从外圈向内圈的,所以C盘相对于D盘等要*外,这就就是为什么我们 感觉C 盘比D、E等分区要快的原因。   明白了上面的知识,我们就能合理使用硬盘了!以一块容量为60GB的新硬盘为例进行说明:把C盘分为3至5GB(视操作系统而定),把D盘调成1GB,把E盘设为10GB,省下的就看着设吧(可对半分为F和G盘)——对系统速度没有什么影响。    分好区后如何使用就是最为关键的:   1、把操作系统装在C盘上并把MwIE、Foxmail、ICQ、QQ、FlashGet、超级兔子、播放器软件以及一些看图软件等常用小型软 件也安装在C盘上。如果您使用诸如Office之类的微软大型软件的话,也要将其安装到C盘上。当然,由于我们并不会用到其中的全部功能,所以要定制安装 那些有用的部分以节省C盘空间!然后把虚拟内存设置到D盘上(只就是暂时的^_^)后再使用系统自带的磁盘碎片整理程序把C盘整理一下。   2、使用“微晓注册表优化大师”之类的系统修改软件把“我的文档”、“上网缓冲”、“上网历史”、“收藏夹”等经常要进行写、删操作的文件夹设置到D盘上来尽量避免其它分区产生磁盘碎片而降低硬盘性能!   3、把各种应用软件安装到E盘,至于游戏可装在F盘,G盘用来存放影音文件。   4、对C盘再进行一次碎片整理,然后进行完下面的第二大步后再把虚拟内存设置到C盘上!    二、虚拟内存的设置   将虚拟内存设置成固定值已经就是个普遍“真理”了,而且这样做就是十分正确的,但绝大多数人都就是将其设置到C盘以外的非系统所在分区上,而且其值多 为物理内存的2~3倍。多数人都认为这个值越大系统的性能越好、运行速度越快!但事实并非如此,因为系统比较依赖于虚拟内存——如果虚拟内存较大,系统会 在物理内存还有很多空闲空间时就开始使用虚拟内存了,那些已经用不到的东东却还滞留在物理内存中,这就必然导致内存性能的下降!   于就是笔者从32MB内存开始试起至512MB内存为止,发现上面的说到的事实就是非常正确的,虚拟内存应设置为物理内存0至1.5倍(0倍就是多少 啊?就就是禁用! ^_^)为好,而且物理内存越大这个倍数就应越小而不就是越大。当物理内存等于或大于512MB时,绝大多数PC就可以禁用虚拟内存不用了,这时内存性能就是 最高的.!^_^   至于您的虚拟内存具体要设置成多大,您就要自己试一试了,因为这和常驻内存软件的多少和大小以及您平时运行的软件就是有直接关系的,所以笔者无法 给出建议值。您可先将其设为物理内存等同后,再运行几个大型软件,如果没有异常情况出现的话,您就再将其设置成物理内存的一半后再运行那几个大型软件,如 果出现了异常,您就要适当加大虚拟内存的值了!以此类推,当您找到最佳值后只要把这个值设置到C盘上就OK了!:)   注:如果您使用的就是Windows ME及以下的操作系统的话,可下载“MagnaRAM 97”来优化物理内存和虚拟内存,这样的效果更好!另外,笔者建议您不要再使用那些所谓的优化和整理内存的软件了!    三、合理摆放“快捷方式”   绝大多数情况下,我们运行软件都就是通常该软件的“快捷方式”来做到的,硬盘越来越大,安装的软件也越来越多,有很多朋友喜欢把快捷方式都放到桌 面上,这样不但使您眼花缭乱,而且系统性能也会下降,而且会造成系统资源占用过大而使系统变得不稳定,所以我们最好把桌面上的快捷方式控制在10个左右, 其它的快捷方式可全放到开始菜单和快捷启动栏中,而且把所有软件的“卸载”快捷方式删除以提高系统性能。另外,尽量不要存在重复的快捷方式。    四、慎用“安全类”软件   这里所说的安全类软件就就是指实时性的防毒软件和防火墙。该类软件对系统资源和CPU资源的占用就是非常大的(有的高达30%以上),如果您不经常上杂七杂八网站的话,这类软件完全没有必要使用!这比对CPU进行超频可实际、方便得多了!:)    五、减少不必要的随机启动程序   这就是一个老生常谈的问题,但很多朋友并不知道什么程序就是可以禁止的,什么就是不能禁止的,所以很多人并没有进行这一步的工作。有了优化大师这一工作就简单得多了,在图2界面的“开机速度优化”中优化大师会提示您什么可以禁止,什么不能禁止!这样做的好处除了能加快启动速度外,还能提高系统在运行中的稳定性!    六、合理设置“图标缓存”   通常系统默认的图标缓存都就是比较大的,这明显有浪费的感觉,所以我们要将其值做适当的调整,我们可用“Windows优化大师”查看一下当前系 统已经使用了多少图标缓存,然后我们将其值设为实际大小的2倍左右即可。注:部分电脑可能无法使用优化大师进行修改,这时您可使用“超级兔子魔法设置”进 行修改!   另外,桌面背景也不要弄得太复杂(建议设为“无”),有的朋友还做成了动画桌面,这种做法没有任何现实意义,除了会给系统带来不稳定因素外,没有任何好的作用——毕竟我们只有很少时间就是面对桌面的!^_^    七、合理设置“磁盘缓存”   系统默认值通常都非常保守,所以我们要进行一定的修改,我们也可在“Windows优化大师”中对其进行修改,只就是我们要手工进行数字的输入,磁盘缓存最小值可设为2048(KB),最大值设为物理内存的25%,缓冲区读写单元为512。    注 :这一做法会对多媒体软件的稳定运行带来很大的好处,尤其就是最小值的设置不要太低!    八、尽量精简右键菜单   很多程序在安装后都会在右键菜单中留下身影,其中有很多都就是我们用不到的,但其却给我们的系统带来了负担。为此,我们可在“超级兔子魔法设置”等软件中对右键菜单进行精简,通常只保留常用的就行了!另外,您最好就是将无用项删除而不就是只单纯去掉其前面的小勾!这样做可有效减少因“新建”菜单而引起的失去响应的现象出现!    九、合适的显示器刷新率和分辨率   有些朋友总就是抱怨自己的显卡太差劲,有的显卡的确就是差劲了些,但很多情况下都就是因为显示器刷新率设置得过高所致的“假象”。通常15、17英寸 的彩显将刷新率设置成75Hz以上就行了(如果带宽足够当然也可以更高),没有必要强行上得太高。分辨率也就是同一个道理,通常设成800×600或 1024× 768就行了,只要够用就好,完全没有必要玩什么“终极”和“骨灰”。这样做比对显卡进行超频带来的提速效果要大多了! ;
2023-07-07 06:02:321

ask for sth 和ask sb for sth不一样吗

2023-07-07 06:02:316