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2023-07-07 12:45:34
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says[英][sez] [美][sez] 生词本简明释义v.说,讲(say的第三人称单数)以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典1.VERB说;讲When you say something, you speak words. "I"m sorry," he said... “对不起,”他说。She said they were very impressed...她说他们被深深打动了。Forty-one people are said to have been seriously hurt...据说 41 人身负重伤。
2023-07-07 05:23:582


1、says英[sez]美[sez]。2、v.说; 讲; 告诉; 念; 朗诵; 背诵; 表达,表述(见解);3、[词典]say的第三人称单数;4、[例句]Youre a great help, I must say!我得说,你可没少帮忙!5、[其他]原型:say。
2023-07-07 05:24:221


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2023-07-07 05:24:567

say 和says有什么区别

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例句与用法:1.There is no truth in what he says. 他说的没有一句实话。 2.He is a man who I think means what he says. 我认为他是个心口如一的人。 3.There is not a scrap of truth in what he says. 他说的话没有半点是真的。 4.The doctor says it"s just a touch of liver. 医生说肝脏稍有些毛病。 5.He cites as an example the teaching of the laws of motion in physics, which he says are accessible at an early age when a computer is used to assist in the instruction. 他援引教授物理学方面的一些运动定律为例,说明当计算机用于辅助教学时,学生在幼年就能够理解这些定律。 6.The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow. 天气预报说明天是晴天。 7.We can"t judge a person by what he says but by what he does. [谚]判断一个人,不听言语看行动。 8.Who says? 谁说的? 2天记4000单词的秘诀英语语法大全100句常用英语口语英英解释:名词 say:1.the chance to speak 同义词:say 动词 in words 同义词:state, say, tell or maintain 同义词:allege, aver, say a supposition 同义词:suppose, say 4.have or contain a certain wording or form 同义词:read, say 5.state as one"s opinion or judgement; declare 同义词:say 6.utter aloud 同义词:say 7.give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority 同义词:order, tell, enjoin, say 8.speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way 同义词:pronounce, articulate, enounce, sound out, enunciate, say 9.recite or repeat a fixed text 同义词:say 10.communicate or express nonverbally 同义词:say 11.indicate 同义词:say
2023-07-07 05:26:081

says是"说"的意思吗? need是近还是远的意思?

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say的y字前面的a读法是辅音 ,元音一边是三单变y为es
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said 是 say的过去式 says是say的单数第三人称形式
2023-07-07 05:27:013


means,可以是动词的三单,也可以是名词;a means of transportation,交通方式。says只能是动词的三单形式。He says he is right
2023-07-07 05:27:181

says 音标

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2023-07-07 05:27:431

say 和says有什么区别

say动词原形says动词的第三人称单数形式I say......She says.....
2023-07-07 05:28:044


sayvt.(said[sed]; 第三人称单数陈述语气现在时says [sez])说, 讲说明; 表达念; 背诵报道, 写道[常用于虚拟语气、祈使句] 比如说; 姑且说; 假定说; 大约Be polite and say "Please" and "Thank you ". 要有礼貌, 说"请", "谢谢你"。Say it again in English. 用英语再说一遍。Say what you think . 把你的想法说出来。My watch says twenty past eight. 我的表是八点二十分。The look on his face said that he was confident of success. 他脸上的表情显示他对成功具有信心。He said his lesson [part]. 他背课文[台词]。The book says nothing about the affair. 书上对这件事什么也没有谈。The radio says no rain today. 电台预报今日无雨。The number left was not great, say, only ten. 余下的数目不大, 姑且说, 只有十个罢。Say your plan fails; then what do we do ? 假定你的计划失败了, 那末我们怎么办呢?习惯用语so say l 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此so say all of us 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此and so say l 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此and so say all of us 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此as much as to say 等于说, 仿佛说as who should say [古]可谓, 可以这样说before one can say Jack Robinson [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上before one can say knife [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上before one could say Jack Robinson [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上before one could say knife [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上before you can say Jack Robinson [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上before you can say knife [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上before you could say Jack Robinson [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上before you could say knife [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上Easier said than done. [谚]说起来容易做起来难。have no say in sth. 对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权have a say in sth. 对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权have not much say in sth. 对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权have one"s say 说出要说的话, 畅所欲言say one"s say 说出要说的话, 畅所欲言say out one"s say 说出要说的话, 畅所欲言have sth. to say for oneself 有要辩白的话have the say [say-so] [美]有最后决定权He who says what he likes, shall hear what he does not like. 随意说话的人迟早会听到他不中意的话。give one his say 让人把话讲出来have one"s say 把话说完, 把想法说出来hear say 听说, 据说I can"t say! [口](一种表示否定的委婉说法)我不知道, 我说不上I couldn"t say! [口](一种表示否定的委婉说法)我不知道, 我说不上I cannot say much for 对...我认为不怎么好, 对...我不敢恭维I dare say 我想, 大概I"ll say 我确实认为I say! (= Say !)[口](引起对方注意)嘿, 喂, 听着, 瞧!(表示惊奇)嗨!I should say 我想, 大概, 也许I won"t say no. 我不反对; 乐意接受; 奉陪I wouldn"t say no. 我不反对; 乐意接受; 奉陪It is said that ... 据说, 听说It says in [口]在...上写道, 在...上说It says on [口]在...上写道, 在...上说Learn to say before you sing. 先学说再学唱; 凡事要按部就班。Least said, soonest mended. [谚]少说为妙, 多说坏事。let ussay (=say) 比方说, 例如; 假定; 姑且说needless to say 不用说, 不出意科No sooner said than done. 说到就做, 说到做到。not say much for 对...不作好评, 对...评价不高not to say 虽然不能说, 即使不能说So you say! 你那么说嘛!(意即事实不一定如此)that is to say 即, 就是, 换句话说, 就是说; 更确切地说that is即, 就是, 换句话说, 就是说; 更确切地说That"s what you say. (表示怀疑, 不相信等)这不过是你说的! 只听到你一个人这么说!There is much to be said on both sides. 两方面都可以讲出许多道理来; 公说公有理, 婆说婆有理。They say 人家说, 据说What do you say to sth. [口]你赞成不赞成做某事? 你喜欢不喜欢做某事?你对某事有什么意见?wold you say to sth. [口]你赞成不赞成做某事? 你喜欢不喜欢做某事?你对某事有什么意见?What do you say to doing sth. [口]你赞成不赞成做某事? 你喜欢不喜欢做某事?你对某事有什么意见?wold you say to doing sth. [口]你赞成不赞成做某事? 你喜欢不喜欢做某事?你对某事有什么意见?what I say 我的看法[意见]What sb. says goes. 某人说话是算数的[信得过、行得通的]; 照某人的话办。What will Mrs Grundy say? (=What will the worldsay?) 不知人家会怎么议论? 不知社会上的人会怎么批评?when all is said and done 说到底, 毕竟, 归根到底You can saythat again! [口]我完全同意! 你说对了!You don"t say (so)? 未必吧! 不会吧! 真的吗?You may well say [口]你完全有理由(这样)说; 你不妨(那么)说。You may well say so [口]你完全有理由(这样)说; 你不妨(那么)说。You said it. [美口]正是这样; 你说对了; 我同意。Say away! [口]说吧! 说出来吧!say for oneself 为自己辩护, 辩解; 为自己找借口say no 否定, 否认, 拒绝, 反对Say no more! [口]不用再说下去了! 你的意思我完全懂了!Say on! [口]说下去! 继续说!say out 直说, 坦率说出say over 背诵say to oneself 自言自语; 心里想say well 说得好, 说得对say when 酒斟够了请说一声 [喻]停止, 制止say yes 肯定, 承认, 同意, 赞成Says you! [美俚]我不信! 去你的! 胡说!Sez you! [美俚]我不信! 去你的! 胡说!收起更多词典
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2023-07-07 05:28:544

say 和says有什么区别

says是第三人称单数的形式,主语一般是she,he 而say是第一人称的形式,主语一般是I,或者是复数形式,如they
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2023-07-07 05:29:231


使用 时态不同
2023-07-07 05:29:336


says是一般现在时,第三人称单数形式。sayv.说;讲;告诉;念;朗诵;背诵;表达,表述(见解)n.决定权;发言权int.(表示惊讶或兴奋)嘿,啧啧;(提请别人注意、提出建议或作出评论)喂,我说变形动词第三人称单数:says 现在分词:saying 过去分词:said 过去式:said
2023-07-07 05:30:025

请问这是什么用法 为什么says在前?

2023-07-07 05:30:174

says 和 said 怎么区别?

因为你想保留这个动作的即时性。在这个地方,你用 says 这叫做 state-of-being tense, said 更像是 once-and-done tense. 感觉就是,我不论多少次去问这个医生,他都会这样说,这不是一个存在于过去里的事情。 时态带给人的是感觉,并不是机械表示时间线。这是比较难的,记住你遇到的这种特殊的情况,去体会情景里的感觉,试着自己这样去描述类似的场景,渐渐的你会自然的用这些时态。你可能还会觉得完成时态也可以,但是为什么不用,我只能说是地区的说话习惯问题,开始你只能一个案例一个案例去学和模仿,直到你觉得自然。
2023-07-07 05:30:251


say是一个英语单词,动词,作及物动词时意思是“讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明”,作不及物动词时意思是“讲;表示;念;假定;背诵”。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词、动词不定式、带疑问词的不定式作宾语。say的基本含义是指把自己的思想或观点通过言语表达出来,使人明白其意图,即“说,讲”,着重所说话的内容,引申还可指“预告”“说明”“表明”“宣称”“背诵”等。还可以做“比方说,假定说,假如说”解,是let"s say的省略说法,用作插入语。短语搭配I dare say (我想)可能,大概;想必have say 发表意见;阐述观点intend to say 打算说needless to say 不用说;不必说sad to say 可惜的是;很遗憾say goodbye to 向…说再见say goodnight (晚上分别或睡觉前)道晚安say it all 清楚说明事实;明确表达(…的)感觉say piece 说自己想说的话
2023-07-07 05:30:342

says 音标

says / sez /
2023-07-07 05:30:492


say to sb对---说say sth 说---(说的内容)
2023-07-07 05:30:562

says 用在人名前和人名后都一样吗

意思一样的,唯一的区别就是says somebody,一般是说话的内容在前面;而somebody says,后面才是说话的内容希望帮到你
2023-07-07 05:31:041


say1 [sei] vt.1. 说,讲:例句: What did you say?x0dx0a你刚才说什么?Say no more !x0dx0a别说,我全懂了!2. 表明,宣称,声明:例句: Please say it clearly and simply.x0dx0a请简明扼要地说清你的意思。3. 把?说确切,确定:例句: It"s hard to say what is wrong.x0dx0a很难说出了什么毛病。4. 断言,断定,主张:例句: I say her plan is the better one.x0dx0a我认为她的计划是个好主意。5. 估摸着说,约莫,估计:例句: I"d say he"ll come at 9 o"clock.x0dx0a我估计他将在九点钟回来。6. (以文学艺术手段)表达,传达(感情等):例句: There"s something to say in his drawing.x0dx0a在他的画中似乎要表达什么情感。an allegory that says muchx0dx0a寓意深刻的比喻7. 报道,声称;预告:例句: It is said he would resign.x0dx0a人们都传说他要辞职了。8. 表示,显示:例句: What does your watch say?x0dx0a你的表几点了?9. 假定,假设;比如说:例句: Let"s say that it"s true.x0dx0a咱们先假定这是真的。10. 念,背诵:例句: to say one"s prayersx0dx0a做祷告11. 即,就是(= that is to say):例句: Dadu says Beijing now.x0dx0a大都即今之北京。12. [口语]让,叫:例句: The teacher said to tell you not to go now.x0dx0a老师让我告诉你不用去了。vi.1. 说话;宣布:例句: He refused to say.x0dx0a他拒绝说出来。2. 表达观点:例句: I"ll not want to say in front of the reporters.x0dx0a我不愿在记者面前谈论我的观点。adv.1. 大约:例句: It"s, say, 45 inches.x0dx0a高约45英寸。2. 比如说,例如:例句: any books, say, magazinesx0dx0a什么书都行,比如说杂志n.1. 说话,讲话2. 要说的话;所说的话3. 说话(或发言)的次序4. 说话的机会5. 发言权6. [the say]决定权7. [古语]箴言,名言短语1. and so say I (或 all of us)我(们)的意见也是这样;我(们)也是这么说的2. as much as to say等于说,仿佛说3. before you (或one) can say knife (或Jack Robinson)说时迟,那时快;马上,一下子4. Easier said than done.[谚语]说着容易做着难。5. have a say in在?上有发言权6. have no say in在?上没有发言权7. have nothing to say for oneself见 nothing8. How say you?诸位高见如何?(法官询问陪审团时用语)9. I can"t say[口语]说不上,不知道: I can"t say that I care for the fashion of that dress. 说不上我是不是喜欢那种套服的式样。[表示委婉的否定]10. I dare say见 dare11. I"ll say[口语]当然12. I mean to say[口语]我的意思是说13. I say!x0dx0aa. [口语]b. 喂!听着!c. [表示惊奇等]噢,哎呀!14. I won"t say no.[口语]乐意奉陪, 遵命!15. It is said (that)据说,听说16. Learn to say before you sing.[谚语]先学说再学唱。17. Least said, soonest mended.见 least18. let us sayx0dx0aa. 比如,例如b. 假定,姑且说19. Never say die.x0dx0aa. 绝不气馁,绝不失望b. 别泄气,别灰心20. No sooner said than done.见 soon21. not say much for对?评价不高22. not to say虽不能说,近乎;甚至可以说23. say a mouthful见 mouthful24. Say away![口语]说吧!说出来!25. say for oneself为自己找借口,为自己辩护26. say much for对?评价高27. say nay见 nay28. say nox0dx0aa. 拒绝b. 否认,否定;反对29. Say on![口语]说下去!接着说!30. say one"s lessons见 lesson31. say (或 have) one"s say说出想说的话,畅所欲言32. says I我是这么说的33. Says you![美国俚语、粗俗语]胡扯,去你的。34. say the world见 world35. say to oneself心中暗想;自言自语36. say well说得对,说得好37. say when[俚语]停止;制止38. say yes同意,赞成39. so to say见 so40. So you say!是你这么说的!(意即事实并非如此)41. that is to sayx0dx0aa. 即,就是b. 至少42. There is much to be said on both sides.各有各的理。43. They say= It is said44. to say[后接宾语从句]就?而论,鉴于45. to say nothing of见 nothing46. to say the least (of it)见 least47. when all is said and done说到底,归根到底,毕竟48. You can say that (again)![口语]你说对了!我完全同意!49. You don"t say (so)?[口语]未必吧?不会吧?不见得吧?50. You said it![口语]正是这样!我同意
2023-07-07 05:31:121

Says (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Says (Album Version)歌手:Al Jarreau专辑:L Is For LoverPress Play - Say Say (feat. Irocc Williams)You turn me inside outYou turn my world aroundIts me you love you doYou know you do, You know you doWhen I think of all the times you held me upGoing the extra mile just to show your loveNot a moment you weren"t there beside meSo I"m proud to say you"re the one for meI wanna say sayAll I want is you, you, youShout it out, Hey! Yeah!You"re everything
2023-07-07 05:31:331


一般现在时态里头,如果主语是单数第三人称,动词就要加s。比如I like English. He likes English.单数第三人称主要有两类:第一类:他她它这那,也就是he she it this that。第二类:单数名词,比如my mother, Tom, our teacher, China等。
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2023-07-07 05:32:001


says生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!英 [sez] 美 [sez] v. 说,讲(say的第三人称单数) 网 络 表示; 称; 如是说; 指出 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 1. VERB 动词说;讲 When you say something, you speak words. 【语法信息】:V with quote【语法信息】:V that【语法信息】:be V-ed to-inf【语法信息】:V n to n【语法信息】:V n【语法信息】:V wh【语法信息】:V so【语法信息】:Also V to-inf"I"m sorry," he said... “对不起,”他说。She said they were very impressed... 她说他们被深深打动了。Forty-one people are said to have been seriously hurt... 据说 41 人身负重伤。I packed and said goodbye to Charlie... 我收拾好行李然后和查利道别。I hope you didn"t say anything about Gretchen... 我希望你对格蕾琴的事只字未提。You didn"t say much when you telephoned... 你打电话时没说太多。Did he say where he was going?... 他说了要去哪里吗?It doesn"t sound exactly orthodox, if I may say so. 恕我直言,那听起来不太符合常规。2. VERB 动词(表达观点或陈述事实,否定用法表示婉转暗示某事并非事实)说,表示 You use say in expressions such as I would just like to say to introduce what you are actually saying, or to indicate that you are expressing an opinion or admitting a fact. If you state that you can"t say something or you wouldn"t say something, you are indicating in a polite or indirect way that it is not the case. 【语法信息】:V thatI would just like to say that this is the most hypocritical thing I have ever heard in my life... 我只想说这是我这辈子听说过的最虚伪的事情。I have to say I didn"t even know Fox Lane Police Station existed till about four or five years ago... 我必须承认直到四五年前我才知道有福克斯巷警察局 。I must say that rather shocked me, too... 我得说那也让我相当震惊。Dead? Well, I can"t say I"m sorry. 死了?嗯,我不觉得难过。3. VERB 动词告知;宣称;表明 You can mention the contents of a piece of writing by mentioning what it says or what someone says in it. 【语法信息】:V that【语法信息】:V with quote【语法信息】:it V with quote【语法信息】:V soThe report says there is widespread and routine torture of political prisoners in the country... 这份报告称该国一直普遍存在折磨政治犯的现象。Auntie Winnie wrote back saying Mam wasn"t well enough to write... 温妮姨妈回信说妈妈身体尚未康复,无法写信。You can"t have one without the other, as the song says... 就像歌里唱的那样,两者密不可分,不能只取其一。
2023-07-07 05:32:151


2023-07-07 05:32:3010


says的意思是:说,讲(say的第三人称单数) 。发音:英音[sez],美音[sez]。1、What Charles says makes sense to me.我觉得Charles说的很有道理。2、Everyone says he is a terrible person.大家都说他不是个好人。3、The weather forecast says there might be light showers today.天气预报说今天可能会下小雨。4、The other driver says the accident was my fault, but it was definitely hers.那个司机说出车祸都是我的错,但肯定是她的错。5、The new management team says there will be no staff changes in the immediate future.新的管理团队说近期不会有人员变动。6、Mary says that her pasta salad is a favorite at the annual potluck dinner.Mary说她的意面色拉在年度百乐餐会上最受欢迎。7、The weather forecast says it is going to snow tomorrow.天气预报说明天会下雪。
2023-07-07 05:33:271


says 英[sez] 美[sez] v. 说,讲(say的第三人称单数) [例句]Each of these areas says something broader about the industry.这些领域的发展都表明了产业规模的扩大。
2023-07-07 05:33:343


有区别。 1发音不同.say [ sei ] says [ sez ]2says是第三人称单数。say这个就不是了。
2023-07-07 05:33:422


英 [sez] 美 [sez]v. 说,讲(say的第三人称单数)网 络表示;称;如是说;指出1. My mum says I can"t go. 更多牛津我妈说我不能去。来自《权威词典》2. He says the media are ravening wolves.他说媒体就如同饿狼一般。来自《权威词典》3. There is not a scintilla of truth in what she says.她的话没有半句可信。来自《权威词典》4. She says that Americans are usually big tippers.她说美国人通常给小费很大方。来自《权威词典》5. Whoever says that is a liar.说那话的人都是骗子。来自《权威词典》
2023-07-07 05:34:182

says怎么读音 says的读音

1、says英[sez]美[sez]。 2、v.说; 讲; 告诉; 念; 朗诵; 背诵; 表达,表述(见解); 3、[词典]say的第三人称单数; 4、[例句]Youre a great help, I must say!我得说,你可没少帮忙! 5、[其他]原型: say。
2023-07-07 05:34:261


says的原型是saysay英:[seɪ]美:[seɪ]释义:vi. 说, 讲;表明,宣称;假设;约莫vt. 表明;念;说明;比方说n. 发言权;说话;要说的话;发言权变形:第三人称单数. says过去式. said过去分词. said现在分词. saying短语:French显然,不用说have something to say for oneself参与对话;参与讨论how say you?(律)法官询问陪审团裁决时问]诸位有何高见I (或 he, she 等) cannot (或 could not) say我(他、她等)说不上I"ll say(非正式)[用以强调同意]当然I must (或 have to) say我得说(用以强调看法)
2023-07-07 05:34:351

says发音? 是(seiz) 还是 (sez) 讲越清楚越好

当然是后面的一种了,say 的音标是/sei/,但是它的三单和过去式的发音却 有小小变化,这个在初中阶段的考试中经常被用来出单词辨音的考题,因为三单 says的发音发成带有短元音/e/的 /sez/ ;过去式 said 的发音也发成带有短 元音/e/的/sed/. 这个没有什么道理和规律可循,就是英语学习中需要记忆的不规则的发音之一.
2023-07-07 05:34:421


1、say英[se?]美[se?]。2、v.说; 讲; 告诉; 念; 朗诵; 背诵; 表达,表述(见解);3、n.决定权; 发言权;4、int.(表示惊讶或兴奋)嘿,啧啧; (提请别人注意、提出建议或作出评论)喂,我说;5、[例句]She lost it, just as I said she would.我就说了吧,她把它丢了。6、[其他]第三人称单数:says 现在分词:saying 过去式:said 过去分词:said。
2023-07-07 05:34:511


因为Says sb,算是英语里的一个习惯用法,可以看作倒装句谓语前置的一种,所以say可以在前面。倒装句是英语中常见的用法,意在说明被倒转部分的重要性,某些时候也起到强调作用或起到惊叹作用。英语倒装句可分为部分倒转和完全倒转,两种倒装句的用法大庭相径。say基本要点:1、say的基本含义是指把自己的思想或观点通过言语表达出来,使人明白其意图,即“说,讲”,着重所说话的内容,引申还可指“预告”“说明”“表明”“宣称”“背诵”等。2、say还可以作“比方说,假定说,假如说”解,是let"s say的省略说法,用作插入语。3、say既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词、动词不定式、带疑问词的不定式或that/wh-从句作宾语。也可引出直接引语。可用于被动结构。有时还可用一般现在时表过去。4、say引出直接引语时,如果主句是放在引语之前,主句中的主语不管是名词或是代词,主谓均不倒装; 如果主句是放在引语之后或是插在引语之中,主语是代词时,主谓也不倒装,主语是名词时,主谓常可倒装。
2023-07-07 05:34:581


said是say的过去式says是动词的第三人称单数例如:Hesaidhewenttotheparkyesterday.He says helikesthebook.
2023-07-07 05:35:121


say 的音标是/sei/,但是它的三单和过去式的发音却有小小变化,这个在初中阶段的考试中经常被用来出单词辨音的考题,因为三单says的发音发成带有短元音/e/的 /sez/ ;过去式 said 的发音也发成带有短元音/e/的/sed/. 扩展资料   Say和Says 有关的.【短语】   1、Say   you say你说 ; 你讲 ; 你说过 ; 不错的男声   say hello打招呼 ; 问好 ; 说你好 ; 生命不可承受之轻   2、Says   Simon Says 我说你做,西蒙说,片   Teacher Says老师说,教师说,老师怎麽说
2023-07-07 05:35:301


2023-07-07 05:35:373


通常say+内容,tell sb. sth. tell sth. to sbspeak +语言(如English)
2023-07-07 05:35:452


always英音:["u0254:lweiz]美音:["u0254lwez]says说常用释义英 [sez] 美 [sez] 副词ad.1.总是,经常They always make fun of Mr.Smith.他们总是嘲弄史密斯先生。⒉永远,一直Children"s Day is always the first of June.儿童节一直是六月一日。⒊(动词用进行时)老是,一再I"m always misplacing my glasses.我老是将眼镜乱放而找不到。⒋(与can/could连用)随时You can always resign if you feel unhappy.如果你不满意,随时可以辞职。Say Yes次求婚 ; 同意I say我讲 ; 我都会说 ; 我要说 ; 我说say no拜托我的女朋友; 将我的女朋友交付给你 ; 拜托我的女友 ; 我的女朋友
2023-07-07 05:35:591

请问下图课文的标题为什么用says, 而不是said 或者saying?

它是谓语动词,整首诗用的都是一般现在时,而the clock是第三人称单数,所以得用says
2023-07-07 05:36:094