barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-07 12:24:55

  • 隆冬,积雪覆盖大地,一个贫苦的小男孩不得不出门,滑着雪橇去拾柴,金钥匙-童话故事。拣到柴,把它们捆起来后,小男孩多么希望他不必立刻回家,能就地升上一堆火暖暖身子啊,他快冻僵了,于是他把雪扒到一边,清理出一块地方来,这时他发现了一把小小的金钥匙。他想,既然钥匙在,锁也一定就在附近,便往地里挖,挖出了个铁盒子。“要是这钥匙能配这铁锁就好了!”他想,“那小盒子里一定有许多珍宝。”他找了找,却找不到锁眼。最后他发现了一个小孔,小得几乎看不见。他试了试,钥匙正好能插进。他转动了钥匙,现在我们要等一等,待他把铁盒子打开,揭开盖子,就会知道盒子里有什么好东西了。

  • The depth of winter, snow covered the earth, a poor little boy had to go out on a sled to firewood, Golden Key - a fairy tale. Picked up firewood, tied them up, a small boy how I wish he did not have to go home at once, can place up on a fire to warm up, ah, he was almost frozen, he scraped the snow to the side, cleaning out a place to come, when he found a tiny golden key. He thought that since the key in the lock must also be in the vicinity, immediately went to the ground and dug, dug up an iron box. "If it can be equipped with key locks like this!" He thought, "That little box must have a lot of treasure." He looked, but could not find the keyhole. Finally, he found a small hole too small almost invisible. He tried, just to insert the key. He turned the key, and now we have to wait until he opened the iron box, opened the lid, the box will know what good things.


求thekey是什么意思如题 谢谢了

the key----钥匙麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-07 04:27:351


2023-07-07 04:27:433


你好!The key关键
2023-07-07 04:27:572


the key is on the door.
2023-07-07 04:28:052


2023-07-07 04:28:343


  汉语解释:钥匙是人们生活中的一种常用的开锁工具,制作钥匙的材料主要以铜、锌、铝、铁和其它金属。你知道钥匙的英文怎么说吗?   钥匙[yào shi]   钥匙的英文释义:   key ; unlocking key ; [电影]Kelid   网 络key;Keys;The Key;master key   钥匙的英文例句:   我丢掉钥匙之后,真正遇到了麻烦。   I was really up the creek when I lost my keys.   他由于忘了带钥匙,便以简单的应急办法从窗户爬进屋里。   As he had forgot his keys, he got into the house by the simple expedient of climbing through the window.   我突然想起我没有带钥匙。   I suddenly remembered that I didn"t bring my key.   别忘了还我钥匙。   Don"t forget to return my keys.   别把钥匙弄得叮当乱响。   Stop jingling your keys like that.   两把钥匙能开同一具锁者乃是相同的钥匙。   Two keys fitting the same lock are duplicates.   他总是把钥匙拿到钥匙孔附近,就要把它塞进去。   He would move the key to the vicinity of the slot and then try to push it in.   钥匙圈是用于携带钥匙的。   A key ring is for carrying keys on.   比尔用钥匙将厚重的门锁锁上,把钥匙平静地放入自己的口袋。   Bill turned the key in the heavy lock and put it calmly in his pocket.   1. He unlocked her door and handed her back the key. 他给她开启门锁,并把钥匙交还给她。   2. When I got canned, I took these keys as souvenirs. 我被开除后,就拿了这些钥匙作为纪念。   3. Had he taken the keys and played around with her car? 他是不是拿过车钥匙,开着她的车子玩儿?   4. The keys are in the back left-hand corner of the drawer. 钥匙放在抽屉里面左边一角。   5. Frank took a large ring of keys from his pocket. 弗兰克从口袋里掏出一大串钥匙。   6. Give me the trunk key and I"ll get the spare. 把行李箱的钥匙给我,我去拿一下备胎.   7. Roberto handed Flynn the keys and let him take the wheel. 罗伯托把钥匙递给弗林,让他开车。   8. He dug into his coat pocket for his keys. 他把手伸进上衣口袋里摸钥匙。   9. That key will e in handy if you lock yourself out. 要是你把自己锁在了屋外,那把钥匙就派上用场了。   10. She unlocked the case and carefully lifted out the vase. 她用钥匙打开了箱子,小心翼翼地拿出那只花瓶。   11. He could have taken a spare key. 他本该带上一把备用钥匙的。   12. He let himself in with a duplicate key. 他用一把复制的钥匙开启门进去。   13. Shall I get the keys? 我去拿钥匙好吗?   14. She fitted her key in the lock. 她把钥匙 *** 锁孔。   15. Jane took out her keys and jangled them. 简掏出钥匙丁零当啷地晃着。   16. She reached for her coat and car keys. 她伸手拿外套和汽车钥匙。   17. He checked that he had his room key. 他确认自己带了房间钥匙。   18. The key was fractionally warped. 钥匙略微有些弯曲。   19. She managed to catch the keys as they fell. 她接住了落下的钥匙。   20. Turn the key clockwise. 顺时针方向转动钥匙。
2023-07-07 04:28:481


这是 陈奕迅的《THE KEY 》的封面.专辑名称:TheKey歌手名称:陈奕迅唱片公司:新艺宝发行日期:2013年7月22日专辑语言:粤语  专辑介绍:陈奕迅又发行全新广东话专辑《TheKey》。此次,陈奕迅没有参与专辑的音乐制作,独立第三方的演唱立场,恰如自由无束的乘客。在大师班底的创造下,唱片有一股分工明确、纯然有序的通透。而没有了国语专辑立足市场于先的偏见,以及包袱过多的唱片推广条框,《TheKey》虽然只有八首歌,却富含步步为营的谨慎与精悍。  从悦耳度而言,《Thekey》 是陈奕迅继2002年《Theline-up》之后最好的一次。并不是说这十一年来陈奕迅的歌都不悦耳,实际上他烂大街的金曲如2003年《黑白灰》里的《十年》、2005年《U87》里的《浮夸》、2007年《认了吧》里的《爱情转移》以及2011年的《孤独患者》等等都是在这十年里推出的。但是从整张专辑的悦耳角度,《Thekey》是做得最好的。十一年前的《Theline-up》诞生了至少三首百听不厌的好作品:《明年今日》、《人来人往》《1874》,以及《我有我爱你》《防不胜防》等,这些歌你可以看成K歌,因为比较好唱,同时歌词又非常出色。  从班底而言,《Thekey》里由CYKONG做总的策划,他也负责了大部分歌曲的监制。陈奕迅完全放弃制作人的身份,选歌、做歌、找什么人填词等等,全部由CYKONG一手包办。八首歌里,林夕四首,林夕的徒弟林若宁一首,黄伟文“填词人联盟”的主力干将小克三首。在作词人方面,既有老牌的品质保证,也给了新人发挥的机会。  作曲方面,写过《夕阳无限好》的EricKwok、写过《富士山下》的泽日生、写过《流年》的陈晓娟以及CYKONG亲自出马,这些人做一张“好听”的唱片完全不是问题;同时也有新人JimmyFung,仍然在作曲方面给了新人发挥机会(这一点很像《Theline-up》)。  综合来看,有着这样一群缔造过无数金曲的人来做班底,再加上陈奕迅定下的“Bighit”目标,对于常年听粤语歌的同学而言,你很难在这张专辑里找到一首都不爱听、觉得不好听的歌。比如《失忆蝴蝶》,陈晓娟用写《流年》这样的方式去制作,旋律流畅动人,林夕的词伤感婉转,key又不高,很容易跟着唱,具备着大热的潜力。  首批加送陈奕迅与张学友合唱的单曲《同舟之情》CD。
2023-07-07 04:28:551


2023-07-07 04:29:036

the key is on the sofa怎么变一般问句?

Is the key on the sofa?
2023-07-07 04:29:4111

it is the key to 后跟动词什么

to 表目的 用动词原型
2023-07-07 04:30:184


问题一:钥匙的英文怎么说 key 问题二:钥匙的英文怎么写 key 问题三:钥匙的英文? key 问题四:钥匙用英语怎么说? key 问题五:英语钥匙用英语怎么写 key 问题六:这用英语怎么说?它是一个钥匙 How do you say it in English / What"s the English for it? It is a key. 问题七:一套钥匙用英语怎么说 一套钥匙:A set of keys 问题八:钥匙用英语怎么说 强调句句型:It is a set of keys that is used for opening the door. 问题九:钥匙的英文怎么说 key 问题十:钥匙的英文怎么写 key
2023-07-07 04:31:022

为什么英语句孑the key is的开头要用the

2023-07-07 04:31:323


The key(s) is / are on the table.
2023-07-07 04:31:574


It"s a key to do sth
2023-07-07 04:32:0614


2023-07-07 04:32:335

桌子上的钥匙,用the key to something,这句话怎么说

2023-07-07 04:33:071


不能用of.key to the door 是固定搭配,必须用to,类似的用法还有:the answer/solution/way/entrance to .如:Do you know the answer to the question We had a solution to the problem .This is the entrance to the park .
2023-07-07 04:33:142


2023-07-07 04:34:133


问题一:求翻译成英语。 〈退房时间是中午12点,可以寄存行李到晚上5点。退房时, 钥匙放在房间里,不要锁 The check out time is 12am but the luggage can be saved till the 5pm.when you check out, please put the key in the room and do not lock the door.we will put your luggages in the storeroom if you give us 问题二:我把钥匙寄放在朋友家,朋友的妈妈知道,她问我朋友说要是哪来的?我朋友说是我寄放在他家。第二天我妈问 10分 你就说你在弄丢前,怕弄丢钥匙叫朋友去帮忙复刻了一把做备用,先寄放于朋友家,后来原来的那把在玩的时候弄丢了,就剩下备用的那把还寄放在朋友家里。叫你朋友也这么对他妈说,不然一定穿帮。话说我这样回答你会不会觉得我是一个很会撒谎的孩子Q_Q?唉……实在不行的话还是坦白从宽,抗拒从严吧。 问题三:首都机场可以寄存汽车钥匙吗 可以的,有寄存处 问题四:首都机场T3航站楼小件寄存密码箱多少钱一小时? 50分 详情请拨打首都机场旅客服务热线010-96158咨询 问题五:英语翻译,急!!!万分感谢 20分 Dear honored guests:You are welle to Zhong Shan Tian He spring resort , We hope you will have a wonderful time with our top quality service here .We sincerely indicate you :the clothes chest is only used for clothes ,Please store the valuables (such as microphone 、wallet、jewels、certificates )in the Free Safe Room nearby the front desk .Besides,the clothes chest is protected by the electronic lock system . Please take care of the key .If you losed the key ,you would pay 50 yuan for it and we won"t be responsible for your losing things. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation . 问题六:火车站寄存钥匙朋友凭寄存单照片可以取吗? 可以的,只认单据不认人 问题七:他是对我有意思吗?寒假回家时候,我室友没钥匙,去火车站之前把钥匙寄存他那,让他在学校门口等我。这是 泡妞不都是这样得
2023-07-07 04:34:201


Can you put the key for me
2023-07-07 04:34:289

自行车钥匙 英语

the key to the bicycle 只能用to 不能用别的
2023-07-07 04:34:496


2023-07-07 04:35:051


2023-07-07 04:35:159


key,在我们最早接触英语 的时候,就是简单的“钥匙”。而你所的列出的the key of 和 the key to ,这两个词组都是“………的关键”通常,中学,乃至大学四六级等,用的一般都是the key to 。例如,the key to the question.翻译为,问题的关键
2023-07-07 04:35:355

the key to doing还是do?

the key to do sth
2023-07-07 04:35:534

the key to success是什么意思

2023-07-07 04:36:286

outside the key

选C 这里不在于是否同类,而是根据意思去选. 后半句主语是attitude,后面play用单数,排除BD except for 是补充说明,for后面的内容是实际包含在主句中,属于包含关系; apart from是并列说明,from后面的内容与主句中所阐述的内容,通常是并列关系; 句中外部援助 和 灾民乐观的态度,是并列的两个成分,所以选C
2023-07-07 04:36:421


以下是 少儿英语频道为大家整理的《100字简单英语小故事带翻译:神秘的小屋》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 少儿英语 频道。 Fatima took the key; she went to the door of the little room, and opened it. In the room she saw all Blue Beard"s other wives. They were dead! 法蒂玛拿了钥匙,她来到小屋门前,把门打开了。在屋里,她发现了蓝胡子的所有妻子,她们都是死的! The key fell from her hand. When she took it up there was a red mark on it. 钥匙从她的手里掉了下去,当她捡起钥匙时,发现钥匙上有一个红记号。 She shut the door. Then she took the key to her room. She said, "Blue Beard will see the mark on the key; he will know that I have opened the door of the little room, and he will kill me, as he killed all the other wives." She rubbed the key with a cloth, but the mark did not go away. She washed the key in hot water, but the mark was not washed away. She rubbed the key on a stone, but she could not rub the mark away. 她把门关上,然后,拿着钥匙回到她的房间。她说:“蓝胡子会发现钥匙上的记号,还会知道小屋的门已经打开过,他一定会象杀害其他妻子一样,杀了我。”她就用布去擦钥匙上的记号,但是擦不掉,她用热水洗钥匙,记号还是洗不掉,她又在石头上磨钥匙,可是记号仍旧去不了。 Blue Beard came back. He called Fatima, and said, "Give me my keys." Fatima gave him the other keys; but she did not give him the key of the little room. He said, "Where is the key of the little room?" She said, "I will bring it." She went and brought it; and he saw the red mark. He said, "You have opened the door of the little room. Now you shall die." 蓝胡子回来了,他叫来法蒂玛,说:“把钥匙给我。”法蒂玛把其它的钥匙给了他,但是,小屋的钥匙没给,他问道:“小屋的钥匙哪儿去了?”她说:“我去拿。她就去把钥匙拿来,他发现了红记号,说:“你已经开过小屋的门,现在你得死。”
2023-07-07 04:36:491

where is the key改错

2023-07-07 04:36:573


2023-07-07 04:37:044

the key to our room和the key of our room的区别?

the key to our room代表这把钥匙就是开这个房间的the key of our room代表这把钥匙在这个房间里,或者属于这个房间(比如装饰什么的),但不一定是开这个房间的钥匙
2023-07-07 04:37:121


Do you help him find the key?
2023-07-07 04:37:202


I must find that key
2023-07-07 04:37:286


2023-07-07 04:37:422

the key to do sth .the key to doing.哪个结构是正确的?

两种结构都是正确的 the key to doing sth做.的关键,是介词,to词性不会发生变化的, 如果是表目的话就应该是不定式“to do sth"
2023-07-07 04:38:061


KEY是钥匙,密码的意思。一般软件的KEY就是它的一串验证码,一般由数字和字母组成。用来验证你软件的使用权。还有就是重点,重要的意思,如key school 就是重点学校。key 用法和例句:1.Housing is the key driver .住宅才是关键所在。2.Purpose is key to productivity .目标是效率的关键。3.The key issue is price .问题的关键在于价格。4.The other key foundation was desperation .另一个重要论据令人绝望。5.Giving a key seems to represent death .给那把钥匙似乎代表着死亡。6.I"ll give you a key so that you can let yourself in.我把钥匙给你,你可以自己开门进去。[其他]:第三人称单数:keys; 复数:keys ;现在分词:keying; 过去式:keyed ;过去分词:keyed。
2023-07-07 04:39:091


Kai 一声,yi,轻声
2023-07-07 04:39:293

说钥匙在门上写the keys in the door 对吗?

如果是在锁眼里就是用 the key in the door.如果是挂在门上是 the keys on the door.
2023-07-07 04:39:441


2023-07-07 04:40:484


key[英] [ki:][美] [ki]n.钥匙; (打字机等的)键; 关键,线索,秘诀; (音乐的)调;vt.键入; 锁上; 调节…的音调; 提供线索;[例句]They put the key in the door and entered他们用钥匙打开门进去了。[复数]keys
2023-07-07 04:40:572

the key of the box

The key of my bike the key to the door the key of the box the key of the shelf 希望您能满意
2023-07-07 04:41:191

the key of the door对吗

介词用错了,应该是 the key to the door,这是特殊用法,相似的还有,the answer to the question. the entrance to the shopping mall.
2023-07-07 04:41:452

the key to our house的意思

你好!the key to our house我们房子的钥匙
2023-07-07 04:42:011

music is the key歌词翻译。

Music Is The Key   People have always been singing   人们总是在歌唱   To wipe away tears   来拭去泪水   To ease all their pain   来抚平忧伤   Music has always been healing   音乐总是用来疗伤   Some people just sometimes   有些人偶然   And others again and again and again   而另一些却一次又一次   So we hope that today you are ready   所以我们希望今天你已准备好了   To understand   去理解   Whenever you"re falling down   无论何时你遭遇失败   Hopeless and pushed around   毫无希望或者是面对侮辱   Find your own melody   只需找到你自己的旋律   Trust me that music is the key   相信我音乐就是答案   It makes you feel proud and strong   它让你感到骄傲和坚强   Helps you to carry on   帮助你继续前进   If you are down on your knees   如果你跌倒,向生活低头   You should sing it with me   你应该和我一起唱   Music is the key sets you free   音乐是你通向自由与快乐的钥匙   Stories we"ve always been telling it"s part of our nature   我们总是说着音乐是我们生命的一部分   to speak with a friend   就像是一个朋友在与我们交谈   So we hope that today you are ready   所以我们希望今天你已准备好了   To understand   去理解   Whenever you"re falling down   无论何时你遭遇失败   Hopeless and pushed around   毫无希望或者是面对侮辱   Find your own melody   只需找到你自己的旋律   Trust me that music is the key   相信我音乐就是答案   It makes you feel proud and strong   它让你感到骄傲和坚强   Helps you to carry on   帮助你继续前进   If you are down on your knees   如果你跌倒,向生活低头   You should sing it with me   你应该和我一起唱   Music is the key   音乐就是答案   It"s the key to the heart of all people   它是人类心中的答案   It can open the door to your soul   她可以打开你灵魂的大门   It"s the key to a world   它是世界的答案   Where the flower of love always grows   在那里爱的花朵常开   don"t you know   你难道不知道吗   Whenever you"re losing faith   无论何时你丧失了信念   Just wanna leave your place   只要离开你的孤独角落   Come sing along with me   来和我一起唱   Trust me that music is the key   相信我音乐就是答案   Just sing with me loud and strong   就和我一起大声的骄傲的唱   Help us to carry on   帮助我们继续前进   If you are down on your knees   如果你跌倒,向生活低头   You should sing it with me   你应该和我一起唱   Music is the key sets you free   音乐是你通向自由与快乐的钥匙   Music is the key   音乐就是答案
2023-07-07 04:42:151

the key to your health什么意思

2023-07-07 04:42:232


The Key to Success   Everyone gets the itch to succeed,but only part of them can make their dreams come true.You maybe wonder:what is the key to success?The answer is “To keep the desire to learn”.   Keep the desire to learn,and you will never be satisfied with what you have known.Always keep a curious mind to all the mysterious parts of the world.Keep the desire to learn,and whatever difficulties you face,the strong belief will support you in solving the problems.Keep the desire to learn,just as Ms Curie puts it:“Nothing in the world is to be feared,it is only to be understand.” So everything is possible if we try our best and never give up.   One who does not have the desire to learn will never reach their goals.They are always shortsighted and are easily be satisfied with the very little thing they have known.In fact,knowledge,just like the ocean,never has a rim.Whenever and wherever you are,you should remember:what you are learning is only the surface.   In a word,always keep the desire to learn,and the door of success will open to you one day.
2023-07-07 04:42:421


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: @_@ 解析: key有答案的意思 key KK: []DJ: [] n.[C] 1. 钥匙 2. 图例;题解 3. (解决问题的)线索;秘诀;答案 The detective believes the missing gun is the key to the mystery. 那侦探认为那把丢失的枪是侦破这宗疑案的线索。 4. (钢琴,打字机等的)键 5. 【音】调 The song is written in the key of D. 这首歌是用D调谱写的。 6. 关键,要害;关键人物 The quarterback was the key of their team. 那四分后卫是他们队的灵魂人物。 This is the key to world peace. 这是世界和平的关键。 vt. 1. 锁上;插上 2. 【音】为...调音 The musicians keyed their instruments just before the concert began. 乐师们在音乐会快开始前为乐器调了音。 3. 用键盘输入(信息等)[(+in/into)] a. 1. 重要的,基本的,关键的[B] Self-confidence is the key factor in any successful career. 自信是任何成功之道的关键因素
2023-07-07 04:42:491


key英 [kiː]美 [ki:]n. (打字机等的)键;关键;钥匙adj. 关键的vt. 键入;锁上;调节…的音调;提供线索vi. 使用钥匙n. (Key)人名;(英)基;(德、荷、瑞典)凯
2023-07-07 04:43:442

the key to friendship中为什么要用 to?

the key to 表示什么什么的答案或者什么什么门锁的钥匙,这是一个固定搭配,不能换成其他的介词。
2023-07-07 04:43:581


2023-07-07 04:44:054