barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 15:51:27

She often acts like a spoiled child in front of her boyfriend.

还可以说act in a pettishly charming manner; behave in a spoiled manner

I"m concealing myself./I"m invisible on line.


She always behave like a spoiled child to her boyfriend

I am always to be offline


Send me a message when you are online/logged in, Im ~invisible~ at the moment.



spoiled [spɔild]损坏的
2023-01-02 15:54:022

spoiled做形容词时有“腐败的,变质的”的意思吗?It tasted spoiled怎么翻译?

2023-01-02 15:54:153


spoil,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“溺爱;糟蹋;破坏;掠夺”。作不及物动词时意为“掠夺;变坏;腐败”。作名词时意为“次品;奖品”。短语搭配Spoil Me宠爱我;宠着我;溺爱我pamper spoil娇纵spoil child放纵的孩子Spoil you溺爱你I am not to spoil him what!例句:可我不是溺爱他的人哪![第三人称单数:spoils,现在分词:spoiling,过去式:spoilt,过去分词:spoilt。spoil用法1、spoil的基本意思是“变坏,腐烂”或“破坏,损坏”,使物体在外形、用途、力量、精力、价值等方面损坏,含有彻底损坏而不能补救的意味。引申可作“溺爱”“惯坏”解,强调过分骄纵而对性格、性情的损害,也可作“把事情搞糟”或“使人扫兴”解。2、spoil还可作“抢劫;强夺”解,过去式、过去分词只用spoiled。3、spoil可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。4、spoil后接介词by表示“因…而毁坏;因…而宠坏”;be spoiling for的意思是“一心想,切望”。例句:We all know that fats spoil by becoming rancid.我们都知道油脂变质后会发臭。They could not afford to spoil those maps by careless colouring.若是上色的时候不小心弄坏了那些地图,他们可承担不起。
2023-01-02 15:54:391


spoil英 [spɔɪl]     美 [spɔɪl]     过去式: spoiled / spoilt过去分词: spoiled / spoilt现在分词: spoiling第三人称单数: spoils v.宠坏;溺爱;破坏;腐坏;使索然无味n.战利品;奖品用作动词 (v.)A fond mother may spoil her child. 溺爱的母亲可能会宠坏她的孩子。The children kept quarreling and spoiled our holiday. 孩子们不断吵架,破坏了我们的假期。He had spoiled the soup by putting in too much salt. 他往汤里放盐太多,把汤给糟蹋了。Meat will soon spoil in warm weather. 天热肉会很快地变得腐坏的。查看更多 用作名词 (n.)The invaders made spoil of all in their way. 侵略者所到之处无不洗劫一空。
2023-01-02 15:54:553


没有错别,有的动词过去式就是有两种形式,用哪种形式都对。类似的还有:learn, learnt, learned.
2023-01-02 15:55:182


2023-01-02 15:55:364


2023-01-02 15:56:072


spoil本意是“破坏”被冲了就是被搞砸了,被破坏了,所以说be spoiled
2023-01-02 15:56:221


spoil [ spɔil ] . . n. 战利品,奖品 v. 宠坏,溺爱,破坏,腐坏 [ 过去式spoiled/spoilt 过去分词spoiled/spoilt ] 它本身就是名词1. The child was spoilt by his grandfather.这个孩子被他的爷爷给惯坏了。2. Some kinds of food soon spoil.有些食物很容易变坏。3. They didn"t want to spoil him.他们不想娇惯儿子。
2023-01-02 15:56:322


2023-01-02 15:56:524


2023-01-02 15:57:231


spoilvt.损坏, 搞糟, 宠坏, 溺爱v.扰乱damagen.损害, 伤害v.招致损害
2023-01-02 15:57:336


spoil 糟蹋,毁坏如: His overwork has spoiled his health. The sudden rain spoiled our holiday.destroy毁灭,消灭,指通过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用,一般不能或很难修复,有时可用于比喻意义。如:The flood destroyed the bridge. The earthquake destroyed the whole area.欢迎提问,乐意解答;愿你满意, 望你采纳。
2023-01-02 15:58:291

英语can be spoiled怎么翻译?

2023-01-02 15:58:4015

英语can be very spoiled怎么翻译?

can be very spoiled这句话翻译成中文的意思是:会被宠坏的
2023-01-02 15:59:3612

The Main Ingredient featuring Cuba Gooding的《Spoiled》 歌词

歌曲名:Spoiled歌手:The Main Ingredient featuring Cuba Gooding专辑:Ready For LoveI kinda thought that I"d be better off all by myselfI"ve never been so wrong beforeYou made it impossible for me to everLove somebody elseAnd now I don"t know what I left you forSee I thought that I could replace youHe can"t love me the way you do"Till now I never knewBabyI"m spoiledBy your love boyNo matter how I try to change my mindWhat"s the point it"s just a waste of timeI"m spoiled by your touch boyThe love you give is just too hard to fightDon"t want to live without you in my lifeI"m spoiledI tried to tell myself that I"d be over you in a week or twoBut baby that was "bout a year agoI"ve never seen the word love so personified as I do with youAnd that is why I just can"t let go, oh noI"m spoiledBy your love boyNo matter how I try to change my mindWhat"s the point it"s just a waste of timeI"m spoiled by your touch boyThe love you give is just too hard to fightDon"t want to live without you in my lifeI"m spoiledSpoil meAnd I would only be fooling myself if I tried toBelieve there"s room for someone else in my heartThere ain"t no way I"m getting over youI don"t know what I"ve been trying to proveI"m hopeless, helpless when it comes to youI"m spoiledBy your love boyNo matter how I try to change my mindWhat"s the point it"s just a waste of timeI"m spoiled by your touch boyThe love you give is just too hard to fightDon"t want to live without you in my lifeI"m spoiledI"ve been spoiled yeah yeah
2023-01-02 16:00:181

撒娇 英语怎么说?

撒娇sa act like a spoiled child; to play the woman
2023-01-02 16:00:248

spoiled child是什么意思

spoiled child 被宠坏的小孩 被宠坏的孩子 撒娇 宠坏的孩子短语Or Spoiled Spoiled Child 或溺爱宠爱孩子They Spoiled Their Child 他们宠坏孩子Like your spoiled child 喜欢你的撒娇
2023-01-02 16:00:524

中文 “撒娇” 英文怎么翻译?

1. play the woman 2. coquetry 3. fawn 4. throw a tantrum 5. act coquettishly
2023-01-02 16:01:076


后者对的, 被动语态往往要用--ed的形式
2023-01-02 16:01:414

Golf is a good walk spoiled是什么意思?

高尔夫运动一种绝佳的,另类的散步方式。spoiled 被宠坏的,变质的 ,在这里引申为另一种的,另类的,变相的。
2023-01-02 16:01:552

画横线的部分be spoiled是被动还是,情态动词需要be动词加进去的呢?

2023-01-02 16:02:041


spoiled virgins被宠坏的处女.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-01-02 16:02:101

“Spoiled for choice”是什么意思?

2023-01-02 16:02:164

“Spoiled for choice”是什么意思

2023-01-02 16:02:312


1,awoke to sth因什么而醒,ringing of an electric bell是动名词短语做名词作用,你如果用awoke to the ring of an electric bell也可以。2,spoiled被宠坏了的,spoil就是宠,溺爱。3,keep sth open 让某物保持打开的状态,是个固定用法,这里的open是形容词。
2023-01-02 16:02:406


2023-01-02 16:03:033

The cook spoiled the soup划分句子成分?

The cook 主语spoiled 谓语the soup宾语主谓宾结构
2023-01-02 16:03:152


2023-01-02 16:03:241

把你宠坏 英文怎么说?

spoil you
2023-01-02 16:03:337

To be a spoiled child, jim is rarely popular

2023-01-02 16:04:004


All our efforts went down the drain
2023-01-02 16:04:234

娇生惯养的英语翻译 娇生惯养用英语怎么说

spoiled 被宠坏的
2023-01-02 16:04:372

spoil 和destory

2023-01-02 16:04:452

关于英语的问题 希望高手来解答

2023-01-02 16:04:534


2023-01-02 16:05:123


撒村 1.[方]∶说粗鲁话speak vulgar language;act like a country bumpkin撒旦 1.基督教指魔鬼、恶魔satan;shaitan, sheitan撒刁 1.耍赖;以狡猾的手段使人为难act in a slick way撒花 1.酬金;小费;奖励。又作“扫花、撒和”fee撒欢儿 1.[方]∶因兴奋而连跑带跳,特别活跃gambol;frisk;romp about as a cat撒谎 1.[lie;tell a lie;prevaricate]说谎撒娇 1.仗着受宠而故意作态act like a spoiled child;act in pettishly charming manner;show pettishness as a spoiled child撒娇卖俏 1.撒:尽量施展。施展娇态,卖弄俏丽act spoiled撒脚 1.撒腿奔跑,奔逃scamper撒酒疯,撒酒疯儿 1.喝醉酒后任性胡闹be drunk and act crazy撒科打诨 1.科:古典戏曲中的表情动作。诨:诙谐逗趣的话。指穿插在戏曲表演中能使观众发笑的表演与道白。亦泛指引人发笑的动作与言谈introduce comic remarks in dialogue撒拉族 1.[the Salar(Sala) nationality]中国少数民族之一,主要分布在青海和甘肃撒赖 1.放肆胡闹,耍无赖raise hell;shamlessly;make a scene撒泼 1.放肆横行;无理取闹be unreasonable and make a scene撒气 1.借别人或别的事物发泄怒气vent one"s anger or ill temper2.球、轮胎等漏出或放出空气leak;get a flat撒然 1.[suddenly]猛然,忽地撒手 1.放开手let go2.放弃give up撒手锏 1.旧小说中搏斗时突然用锏投杀敌人的绝招,比喻在危急时拿出看家本领an unexpected thrust with the mace—one"s trump card撒腿 1.放开脚步scamper;start running撒网 1.一种圆形或圆锥形装有沉子的网,用手撒出去能使网口向下,并用与网缘相连的绳索收回来cast net;casting net撒丫子 1.[方]∶抬腿走开或奔跑,有时亦有“开溜”之意scamper2.亦称“撒鸭子”撒野 1.[对人] 粗野、放肆,不讲情理act wildly;behave atrociously撒呓挣 1.[方]∶在熟睡中说话或动作somniloquy
2023-01-02 16:05:231

Joss Stone的《Spoiled》 歌词

歌曲名:Spoiled歌手:Joss Stone专辑:The Best Of Joss Stone 2003 - 2009I kinda thought that I"d be better off all by myselfI"ve never been so wrong beforeYou made it impossible for me to everLove somebody elseAnd now I don"t know what I left you forSee I thought that I could replace youHe can"t love me the way you do"Till now I never knewBabyI"m spoiledBy your love boyNo matter how I try to change my mindWhat"s the point it"s just a waste of timeI"m spoiled by your touch boyThe love you give is just too hard to fightDon"t want to live without you in my lifeI"m spoiledI tried to tell myself that I"d be over you in a week or twoBut baby that was "bout a year agoI"ve never seen the word love so personified as I do with youAnd that is why I just can"t let go, oh noI"m spoiledBy your love boyNo matter how I try to change my mindWhat"s the point it"s just a waste of timeI"m spoiled by your touch boyThe love you give is just too hard to fightDon"t want to live without you in my lifeI"m spoiledSpoil meAnd I would only be fooling myself if I tried toBelieve there"s room for someone else in my heartThere ain"t no way I"m getting over youI don"t know what I"ve been trying to proveI"m hopeless, helpless when it comes to youI"m spoiledBy your love boyNo matter how I try to change my mindWhat"s the point it"s just a waste of timeI"m spoiled by your touch boyThe love you give is just too hard to fightDon"t want to live without you in my lifeI"m spoiledI"ve been spoiled yeah yeah
2023-01-02 16:05:351

spoiled child是什么意思

spoiled child 被宠坏的小孩 被宠坏的孩子 撒娇 宠坏的孩子短语Or Spoiled Spoiled Child 或溺爱宠爱孩子They Spoiled Their Child 他们宠坏孩子Like your spoiled child 喜欢你的撒娇
2023-01-02 16:05:411

spoiled brat是什么意思

2023-01-02 16:05:463


Spoiled milk翻译:变了质的牛奶
2023-01-02 16:05:591

the bad news spoiled ourholiday中,our holiday是什么成分?

our holiday在句子中,充当宾语
2023-01-02 16:06:042

The cook spoiled the soup划分句子成分?

2023-01-02 16:06:131


2023-01-02 16:06:181


2023-01-02 16:06:2414


不定式 过去式 过去分词abide abode,abided abode,abidedarise arose arisenawake awoke awaked,awokenbe was beenbear bore borne,bornbeat beat beatenbecome became becomebefall befell befallenbeget begot begottenbegin began begunbehold beheld beheldbend bent bentbereave bereaved,bereft bereaved,bereftbeseech besought besoughtbeset beset besetbet bet,betted bet,bettedbetake betook betakenbethink bethought bethoughtbid bade,bid bidden,bidbind bound boundbite bit bitten,bitbleed bled bledblend blended,blent blended,blentbless blessed,blest blessed,blestblow blew blownbreak broke brokenbreed bred bredbring brought broughtbroadcast broadcast,broadcasted broadcast,broadcastedbuild built builtburn burnt,burned burnt,burnedburst burst burstbuy bought boughtcast cast castcatch caught caughtchide chided,chid chided,chiddenchoose chose chosencleave clove,cleft cloven,cleftcling clung clungclothe clothed,clad clothed,cladcome came comecost cost costcreep crept creptcrow crowed,crew crowedcut cut cutdare dared,durst dareddeal dealt dealtdig dug dugdive dived,(US)dove diveddo did donedraw drew drawndream dreamt,dreamed dreamt,dreameddrink drank drunkdrive drove drivendwell dwelt dwelteat ate eatenfall fell fallenfeed fed fedfeel felt feltfight fought foughtfind found foundflee fled fledfling flung flungfly flew flownforbear forbore forborneforbid forbade,forbad forbiddenforecast forecast,forecasted forecast,forecastedforeknow foreknew foreknownforesee foresaw foreseenforetell foretold foretoldforget forgot forgottenforgive forgave forgivenforsake forsook forsakenforswear forswore forswornfreeze froze frozengainsay gainsaid gainsaidget got got,(US)gottengild gilded,gilt gildedgird girded,girt girded,girtgive gave givengo went gonegrave graved graven,gravedgrind ground groundgrow grew grownhamstring hamstringed,hamstrung hamstringed,hamstrunghang hung,hanged hung,hangedhave had hadhear heard heardheave heaved,hove hesved,hovehew hewed hewed,hewnhide hid hiddenhit hit hithold held heldhurt hurt hurtinlay inlaid intaidkeep kept keptkneel knelt kneltknit knitted,knit knitted,knitknow knew knownlade laded ladenlay laid laidlead led ledlean leant,leaned leant,leanedleap leapt,leaped leapt,leapedlearn learnt,learned learnt,learnedleave left leftlend lent lentlet let letlie lay lainlight lit,lighted lit,lightedlose lost lostmake made mademean meant meantmeet met metmelt melted melted,moltenmiscast miscast miscastmisdeal misdealt misdealtmisgive misgave misgivenmislay mislaid mislaidmislead misled misledmisspell misspelt misspeltmisspend misspent misspentmistake mistook mistakenmisunderstand misunderstood misunderstoodmow mowed mown,(US) mowedoutbid outbid outbidoutdo outdid outdoneoutgo outwent outgoneoutgrow outgrew outgrownoutride outrode outriddenoutrun outran outrunoutshine outshone outshoneoverbear overbore overborneovercast overcast overcastovercome overcame overcomeoverdo overdid overdoneoverhang overhung overhungoverhear overheard overheardoverlay overlai doverlaidoverleap overleapt,overleaped overleapt,overleapedoverlie overlay overlainoverride overrode overriddenoverrun overran overunoversee oversaw overseenovershoot overshot overshotoversleep overslept oversleptovertake overtook overtakenoverthrow overthrew overthrownpartake partook partakenpay paid paidprove proved proved,provenput put putquit quitted,quit quitted,quitread read[red] read[red]rebind rebound reboundrebuild rebuilt rebuiltrecast recast recastredo redid redonerelay relaid relaidremake remade remaderend rent rentrepay repaid repaidrerun reran rerunreset reset resetretell retold retoldrewrite rewrote rewrittenrid red,redded rid,riddedride rode riddenring rang rungrise rose risenrive rived riven,rivedrun ran runsaw sawed sawn,sawedsay said saidsee saw seenseek sought soughtsell sold soldsend sent sentset set setsew sewed sewn,sewedshake shook shakenshave shaved shaved,shavenshear sheared sheared,shornshed shed shedshine shone shoneshoe shod shodshoot shot shotshow showed shown,showedshrink shrank,shrunk shrunk,shrunkenshrive shrove,shrived shriven,shrivedshut shut shutsing sang,sung sungsink sank,sunk sunk,sunkensit sat satslay slew slainsleep slept sleptslide slid slidsling slung slungslink slunk slunkslit slit slitsmell smelt,smelled smelt,smelledsmite smote smittensow sowed sown,sowedspeak spoke spokenspeed sped,speeded sped,speededspell spelt,spelled spelt,spelledspend spent spentspill spilt,spilled spilt,spilledspin spun,span spunspit spat,spit spat,spitspoil spoilt,spoiled spoilt,spoiledspread spread spreadspring sprang,sprung sprungstand stood stoodstave staved,stove staved,stovesteal stole stolenstick stuck stucksting stung stungstink stank,stunk stunkstrew strewed strewn,strewedstride strode stridden,stridstrike struck struck,strickenstring strung strungstrive strove strivenswear swore swornsweep swept sweptswell swelled swollen,swelledswim swam swumswing swung swungtake took takenteach taught taughttear tore torntell told toldthink thought t
2023-01-02 16:07:107


2023-01-02 16:07:382

为什么he is a be spoiled boy不对?

he is a be spoiled boy他是个被宠坏的孩子因为你已经有了be动词is,就不需要再重复写一个Be,直接这样就行:He is a spoiled boy.
2023-01-02 16:07:461


Brat:臭崽子固定词组:Spoiled little brat句型:little brat cried for a good 4 hours none stop for a transformer set.熊孩子为了一个变形金刚哭了四个小时。Spoiled brat其他语义:年龄偏小的富二代。句型:that spoiled brat spent what equals three months of my paycheck on a Birkin handbag. Smh.小富二代花了我三个月工资在一个birkin包上。摇头。wild kids也可以翻译为“熊孩子”,“熊孩子”是指惹人讨厌的、没家教的孩子。wild kid也有昵称的意思,表示对调皮孩子的爱称。
2023-01-02 16:07:511

the bad news spoiled our holiday之中的谓语是

原句应该是这是吧: Now the bad news _____ (worry)the old man very much. 正确答案:worries now是现在时,现在时包括现在进行时、现在完成时和一般现在时,本句中主语为the bad news,谓语必须用单数.worry 本身具有 使……担忧 的意思,而且是情绪动词.所以用第三人称的一般现在时,不用进行时.
2023-01-02 16:07:571